The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 04, 1900, Page 20, Image 20

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20 A SENTENCE DAY. JBy Jo.-tah Flyi i ir< I Fn. \Y Copyrlirht. lkx, I'v M " i?e r Bom* had wait**! iwnirly . y r a for vrml month-, oth* r.- f* r I t f* w weekr The jbii m. *. 1 nr - - *l* t i cunedf looked ** m i . l* i-j i Wtirn It wai bu!|* i It • 'court of tf r r wh< ’ th* ' were p—nru’• and to i <<r ,'r i :.ytmi*. u:A b#ou i* .* pr f I th* ir oir food T * n* n * mw' wer.' p* ' I ’ * • ' • * * through • little w i ■ *w : • • i >n r itnd th< irifn Cook turf :n * ku k The r* lit* were pla< * 2 V* th* rorrt lor and at rnjht t •* jdurtfr am* and locked ua In till m *r t W* numbered all told 19 men 1 >. of w -m were • irt j • i ’■ it i ■ ‘ hn.l m ■->! t'l.Jr * tl 1 - • v r w ifltn#r for ttH-tr rentm' •* Th** reft** i.toy *f. * • . Including It i*t a M K.'owd ml mye* If. tiad rtcd [• nn rt n? trial 1 •■'M t' them I*. *•* wl*-. rn **f Jo at moglktrato and war* **rvlr *. it out tr**a iuid ther#*. Kudrik and I had h*-**n unfort in *• • :,' <*!■ to fall aaleep i) t I. u • • l>>wl railway yard*, and th* m-u *ra' *r•* wh *n we w*re > ■ <fi* • 1 Ir eplrel to make an ix.imi you men to learn t * i wn rlvtSl*d people aleep.” h • in i m *d t I* that you n*rd n It *i/ ir tl to *et Vito the h*hit Hunlt tnl I ■ : .'! eend you ov* r to tb* -t- riff • ' ♦* If you belavt ■ wi.l 1 him an arr-' Mc I***! W h*hw 1 ©ureelvoa and fourl th* ’-.••lff n t r. • *Me hoet hie* he t* k M* mo t ir i•♦ * In what he <r .***l th- if at .• r tie* rren xhom Ju m • a' u*iK'h tn h* r • ; Y r y • “ BLOuEJ.WHAT balane* uud found wanting—to a degree which she had not taken off her bandage aocurafciy to oh certain They pr* •-ut*l m aubj*t **f i*jMTulat.on and mys'ery Which w** did rot. and in return for th Interest they g \* him b* off* red them gruff little courtesies uni h we hop- 1 woflitd h lp ‘-up* what b> k*-ep their minds off their coming ordeal. H<m* of them wre culprit* of long Mndlni men who had tak*n D r ' Mr* * b* r i th* y railed their t* rm- n prison. r-gularly * I without fllni hi k :*ut none of them kn-w what their n* %’ r • her wni to I * Home of them were l i-* -are to go to the re form school, n4 all of them, men and land? wan to ri tlra from tin • o #l rertain perl* * I but how long The limit that each of them could get was well known. b*Jt no one believed that he de served or wou U get the limit Prlw>ners the world over feel that the fart that they have been caught at all |j a punishment and Jastlflf* tb-m tr n per me i compromk with th- Jud wtu> is to aantenre them If and ' ***'tl** it* relf is a run **hment. any further disci pline ought to t** measure i • **r ding '* the disappoint mam and chagrin whb h the detection ban a used This 1* Irrational, but all men ore irrational a < *rditig *° thair opportunities. It was t>e ugliert*i ity a* to bow far Juetice In the person of the owl man wont I I*e willing to compromise on this basis that kepi the men on a mrain Morning, noon and night the con atant word was, what will * th* old do**'* The flrat thing we t* ir.l even be fore the aharlff bad let us out for tin day. was the tall from cell 10 cell of the men to be aenteneed tha* they were twelve hours nearer the appointed tutu* Even during the night muttering* re* n e.l Rud** |ck hm! me fr*m the m* W>* had been waiting longeat "i- night wo heard an old man of 7“ who might hav* be n the grandfather of nearly all of . cry out In his sleep. M K- It a \* ar. Judge. Just an a van year imd he threw into the word* all pie ling and pfh shat he could have commanded had h been awake. At last tha morning cwme when Justice ass to take off the bandage and the shei • Iff told his wards that th* y m iM hold themselves ready to go to th** • -urt room at any moment He was not sure him self of *he <IH t time when h > honir would call f r them, but he cauth nad th-m to be quick In responding to the call when It came Kvery one rushed to hi cell to gel hi* clothes In order "What the okl man to see me m my le**on* said and the other* followed him up to the rcU gallery and began to overhaul their want supply >f ’ tog* Tt • v dis cussed the m* rii* of a patched waistcoat or a frayed n* ktie mh w men b* toe mo** dal I cat* finery. 'How- and * v* * think th** old min 111 hke this •• man called • Bony aald. holding up a oat Get It atarllnted lion>. It - full o gr.iv backs; th' ok) man 'll give > do limit II they gat to parad r.g around th* court room." another remarked untruthfully ••flow do yott’ae think this white tag *ll take?" queried still another, dubtnd • Jet Eyes." exhibiting a •'boll***!*' Hurt which he had kept under his pill w for four week# for fear It would I** wip'd "Keep It to swing In. Hammy." advised his cellmate. "It's too good jus' to get two years In But ll in a safety vault til) csoaktn* time com*** In an hbur they had all ptit on their beet, and a dr**sg rehear*al In the corril**r was In order Ona of the oldest r: • • net was appointed Judge, and the men lined up in front of him This was pl*t> and lo a m anure comedy, but not wholly -♦. the culprits exjiected to catch from th* judge and the m* k aent<n‘* *om** umwt of what their fate would b*.* 1 tis judge carried his part with Impressive dignity and sever# y#brow; he had bor row'd a > .fan collar and a sky-blue neck tie fcr/ the occasion. He hd absolutely refused to offlctgu *-xc pt in rortume. The men prajtl ed attitudes and gesture* which they expected to use with effect later In the day. "Hungry." !>♦- *aid in a voice which was proper to the majesty f the law. to the man at the bead *f the line, "you wm • ought In de act, w,srt*( you * Now. that fDsani bunglin'. Blokes that know* their business doi* t g*t pinched it. the n t Hut you se gettln’ Hungry We all knows that You must In mat .*. !>• law eaya that for what v>o and • I .nigh’ to give you fifteen isnn. but I don't b'lleve vou'.l last that long You'n got so many -tsss. You at- gvdu to cnk kalors a trre*’ a ie* Non it ain't ritfht to *tve j a man lif- f*r hunrlln’. an th,H‘ • what it im! f*e If I k i\e you what *i law - 2 m KOlti* to b*- aquare with you. I m r*>ir V if* K*l f.JT **Jt WO J • •t. f you tuk> are* o' your ** If. to I *• n' ■ • > H - io *i. r •i t • t •‘' I- itenttary * Thank > . \*r h n'<r *,:i Hut a*ry awkwardly. A faitit murmur of aK arid at*- fdauae arom* in the a Mllehc* ‘ Hiien* * In le >rf r * I Hh*idamin • • • with *• . I*rt n i th’- nest jrri - . i H vu* u 1- f called fv*id ' who had b*"* k n f * *•*!, n of n old er companion, of hor- -oi Ki: ta# in > k • *• \\* tor "you're 51 Ir* I J • do dim id If I t<rr >*i to t* feu t*n tJ* r y V , and l * • iv' • and f . i Iff• t • •:• r ) * *r* fa w * v i '• oi >•*./.! I. k: u, 1 r your year* at t aaair, If * irir. f , te u A No. 1 Ifur K i. . w f - c * i > ir ppr - l e f. ; VMU wan * be;fi t the i . an * i a • <do t at i- In fie It * f ,! fly crook* ha*- te-en in 'e I: * ! you re 21 Ha? 11l b ** >r wlh yo too I won t ■ i* r i* * leflekshtn i.n my ♦*i with *l* • i- <l** old man .1 ray. if you run w y 'for- your turn up I **<r e* r*l me tot;*- It* f yrh ?f o f ? nto the Kef \r" 1* t bin Mi* hk, Joint. I an t if rr. not hit tr* r* • •••••••• Hi wen? thr i,:h th* l.nes **f m* n I? 1 t*-*k ome*mi* 4 ?h e en* t>* <om - • I • • ri* t;• i. pith* The r* hen •<1 i;f j*h i the rmtii broke up Into li tl ir i|- Hfimc *f t * m kt r I iroitd ■ • table i ih* r t-*ok th** r ?udr* tr th® Iron door impatient for the eh* riff t** call them Itudtrirk and I took e,t>i on a boi j In on* of th*- orners and the boy "Rddle" ami hlf f*i! strolled up and iowu th* corridor lit pal nn f ' \ i ior to t%k . K* of h - ;■/;. I*- ar.d ■ • hm i tu nni it*l, m' tiif# you'sc free— *e?" "Ihimt th* lief " th* kd replied *T*m goln t th** p**n." "Know that klnd -f kid?" Hud* 1 1 k a*k. ed. nobllng In i .lir* t n f the is when they bad p < ■**’*• I out of earshot. '! r tell you Ta ut the Mi hlgun Kil I f h*- gin way l**i k in '?? wh*n I wn- doin' a bit for the .t* havin' done an* b mu’.* I a bit for mvN If TANARUS; Jail wa over In I'fiu -ylvitiia, an* <n*- d.y me sheriff brought in a young f* ll*w wh l l*-en bound over for bttin' off more than le coilUl chew which I grin and lr* .ny They caught film r* '.-hand-d ll* wi>* h nice, plu* k>okln* little chap, an l w right J.,' . O- . vnP ? kVA i yy . fwfc-c I w W o •iSi • l sav; Tt> HM . TWicr tv-sdct* away 'i he was new to the business. He dldn t have mu* ‘ of i atory i* n*ll t th*- linn . p'raps that was win h wouUln't leli tt l four at out •* * a,\.i that hl> fat tor wh* n -w.JI |aw>et over In Mi hlgun. mi In'* p* p! .i l • t him to a tMcirdiiig school, in' he'd n*k> he!. Ills money gave out. an* be don* the touch >i trletl t d* it ! gd *• m* !<•;.:! ll* w.i - n*t quite 17 then i tn*brt <• f*t a* you cou and-• him ll* I t* n w in fi* hobo*# . little before • go* pin I. an' knew some of iheir lingo, but Jur' the way h* *h ijy.l up nn n-k* I u- *!l when he firnt *■* no In what be wn- -nut up for. was enough to put ic n-\. "VS* I!. I |lk*l him Jim * i.o* • wa** r t* nderfoot. Wlm* kids ;s inter* ftn* an' all Dial hui you ilon't alauvs Ilk* wl-- bUke- It tik alt kb and <>’ | c ph to noik* lb* rooks' work). Him* i* to make the gOCMI p,;u W • and SO tin t* i* < n tr ndvrfe* t 'r I've ltk**l b**tt-r‘n son . *4ly else. J w -int the kid fold u*- bis name w> pri l\ didn't r*m**nibr *o el% no* th** tigtir one. m\how but I jo alled irn the k l I all him that still, but I go* I in tb* til> * he *hat d* • s It. Hr'- a pretM t • iff i* i body can't -up dm i>n ;ie k. | sort o' brought dm up, you know in' h** uu one *>' them that fr.; ts ihm* • x tpt li name "I‘ourse Irn proud t h* * turnol cut i fly bloke, but thing- wa* different whr* I first got to chew hr th ray with him n that Jail. I ltd* I to pe*?*ua*V* him to go home I told b rn t< write his gov n r an' get the thin* ftsed up. I an t t*’l you exactly why I l* tie tt. 1 t it t' truth that nn, vow I ui t o 1 it. forty-eight t n. 1 1 * < month- yes. *1 .*v n now I *‘e t* *. a kid who* tH-rn brought up and *nt hit th*- ivad. With me ’I was diffctviu. iioih my THE MORNING NEWS. ST'XDAY. NOVEMBER 4.1900. ran b mad* t-m ordlnarj ‘*tock~ 4 b) is- ol a littw L LIEBIG J W COttPANYS EXTRACT of ii f., k. wa* • rrokx. an' I naver had a ..W .S'r <lln' . mi- > a*url l* rn. i’ t iin w irrr Ii !>>rn. n\.i 1* nr . know I aa *•# a N. York ii r t : I mi rl. nrlth. r 'm r .. i * • .’.' li * < • *n * ri-it o I M loai; lull if , ki i 1“ lookin' for i p.a< *> . r . n| u ,l lilm rallroo 1 for il--ir . | • I l it. 'I- j.; i f. i".l know., hui II i -I-.k* I ri.'k*.l or a flan lirrok 'A • I. ttii kid i ti ll.n v.m about, hr -i r -i I tight bui hr wmitfn't w-lir - I hi- .rov nor Hr a* alurk Oh hit: ■ an' right, 100 I aoul-lni . i. in. \ n r tiral m- hrr*,’ hr ray f I a.| in Mkr 10 >• r In ihe |rn ' Wrll, i ltdn't knma anythl bettaCn i Ii I mi -<i o k ihr ju-lgr to a*-n-t him In thr r. f 1 kt. alia' Ihr rrf la a* *rll n< ih. r xt I know that It' whrrr .< lot k I git win- Old Kr.ny, hn hr wo rn.ikii i < t-'M rr 'i m in' IMilr f.' mlnoira aso. hr told thr truth Thr rrfr . i I • Wh. rr a thtrf <-- thro-igh hl lirrnti hip Jiif' ih- rami. I'd ta'h-g ,i ki t o' mini- takr hia chanrra in th. r-f than in the pen. an* 1 gave it to th.xt kid Mr,tight I ml I him what bed find nt the ref. an* then i explained to him ‘tow he could get i m<>och on an' give th* hop the * ij* lf w i a very nervy k! an' there's mighty i* w refs 't a nervy kl*i t.eed stop in If h* got a hankerin' f th- open. \V y. th* y bad me in a ref when 1 was Jj years old. an' I didn't stay th. re a week. They got me ba*-k after a untie, but I mooched again, an' they're lookin’ for me yet. "Well, the judge he gave the kb! what I t lhm to a.-k for I'd explained to th kid how he wanted to put his plea when tb*- July* asked him If he had anything u> *.i> why the court shouldn't pronounce s**riter ** on him, an' f*- got **ff his a*sig <ii;<| dan e ail right. 1 n hear th** kid now when he * am** km* k to Jail He cam* t. to me an aald, 'Ruderb k. If I can lm*i* that r* drool I m g ing homo to the gov'nor. Y*>u've done me .i goof turn, do >ou know It " Course I Jollied him along a little an* tol l him not to get too Hun • i,iv atdionly all of a sudden when he got horn*, an* th** next day the sheriff took him away An t-r the next three years. Rurterlck M* Klowd tn***l to iat himself on th*- ha< k v'ry now an' then when he thought o' the kid 1 pictured him at tome, you know, livin' with his gov*nor. , .In' to e* bool, foilin' In love with nice -ir,- Hit' gettln to be one o' th* town promisin' young men 1 had to do a bn In th* pen about eighteen months after the ki*l was sent to the ref. an when \. rld git real down in the mouth l|k*. about the latter end o' things, an' what * what, 1 used to say to myself. 'Well, Ro derick. you did that kid a good turn. sny. n v . an' Id brace up I remember once wakin' up in the mi-ldie o' th- night out of dream Id been up in heaven, an ivter he wouldn't let me pass the *rat*. You're a bad lot. Huderlck.' he nays. 1 couldn’t !•♦ von iasa 'f you ws me own I remember t' I eaul to him as well if Id said the words out loud. 'Peter. I ,%**. nin t you forgettln* that good fuatk t l g t for bein' square with that K i an' then I woke up I'm Just teliln' v.u this, you know, so s you can undcr si.u and h'*w things w is." There w s n pause in Ruderick> rr rat ivy aiM the of the iron door of , p, . * quite other than heaven were shot I . k to remind us how far from heaven v%, wire Kvery or* thought thut th* , i.lgf bad s**ft for t oe men to be senten • I but it wo* n foHe alarm The iurn k* > had letter to deliver to one of the , ,urt prisoners, an.l we separated into group* again, and Huderlck knotted the broken thr* id of h'*-* remind . nces. • Are you listening'* he said *4,ire." 1 replied, o man cooped up 1* interested In everything. If he wasn't he and go off his head. lie continued \pout thr*-** years after meetm' th** kid 1 got settled in the pen across the river fi*m thi> t**wu where w* are now The same Judge ha*l hold o' me once be 'Of* jtii he was horstl'.e rn give me live vrars; I gu* l*l earned It. The $> ae )h gnn to g. t .row*led after I’d been tb* t altout a year, an* w.- had to double u| in who do you think they gave me lor a cell companion” That kid' There was with his hair crop pa* I an* he , ilpss on *lm; I knew him the minute they shoved him into the cell *” Kid I *ys. ’this Min t r*g lar bow'd tliis bapp'n? Dkl the (iovnor cut up tough'" * ‘Huderlck ’ he sav, T never went back io the 4<v'ror. 1 done •- you told rn< an m *vK hed from the r**f moo he*l lh* ssc* • •ut iv* * k Ic*>a they g*>t in* again. A farmer 't I went to for breakfast in the morn in' after, he sent for the t-opfn*r at th** r**f. hd* they txk m* ba- k The sup per gave m** *i lickin' for fair, an' told m f I give him th* slip again he'd - k me in the dungeon Well, I seen k. is tugg-r'n me <* m *ti o' h< lun c* n. 1 ain't a bn’ ' but I ctuildfi't stand for it. 1 ain't got to lie about it I stayed tl . rr a year, an' got to be one o’ the boss kt*ls o' the shop An' you know wnat .at means Hu.bri k.' h- *s\. 'the ki*ts fliat ain't Ixosaes look up to you m think \t> i're a dead fly ldoke They keep crack n/ you up as a perfeaslonal. an' after a while you begin to think yourself that y* i'rr tof stuff That s th* wav it went m- anyhow nd at tn end of tim *.. l didn't shlnk any mu* Twnit got a* ba. to tne sov'nor I I tnad*- up mv niii t I would be tiot stuff an a perfe*- siouul, an' one bight another bogs kid •n' me we jumped * it ore o’ th*- w n- V>wh ar' ict ww> H* kr* w* >f p • • wf*ff tier** w. 4 •■'•'i* l ;• • ti we w-nt nn u .• m *n’ I :-*e h - t.i it up t • way here, too We x-r ii • l f r K ‘in' *m the *lp. ®n* the jul*:- gave ue bx>tit thr• yearv I thought t *• 1 put ua together, li- the didn't He.- It. h'- *'£ it Ii - tory. an' I m over It. * •• foundry <Toe:i. it h hard work in thnt f mdry. Kudertrk The x mrd • got j( in f-r me. He doe* me every tim** he g# i • i it I v. n.i in tne dungeon tw: V *iy‘ Well. I fkm't r* • 1 t" t* 1 > oil how I felt—that kid tldle * n kin' >n' 1 *up po‘ I ought to .i I * •'! n?m ui .-*i n an' laik't) to the t* • i* n at> ut m. •' got hi." go\ nor on - tra< k Mtt . f* 1 low Ike me ain't v *1 I- ’wo *tib ®t reformin', an ! dor • jiirt th** ofpolt ; m*n * ek111 ht ir rut; h* git' I? > . Ju* like ihe right vs f for a ?dng. <n I train* 1 him to • a |> o * tn! I didn't do ft right ,i*vi i r far eix month.*- I kept *q* • / mv h* ■*!;- t*> Tig ure out what 1 * *m to * but i a temptation to a fellow lilt* tn* to have i emi■ e to mak- i g ihi*f out f • mart kid Id m ■ll • • • been m the earn** fix voire* f but o rn* e*meime* the tempt* 1 *n j- gr*at ?0 . fid rn what you know> wor>* whtek> Yoi -e*. | V aiw .ivv u. n • * <*k l • ' t help figurin' out wf t I • mik* of m nrvy kid If I m - ? rn ?link*t* on ’ * yt ir* befor* in the * -*ut goin' la k to bf gov'nor an t-m n up. i tem*d f ifin' my w.*rd- to mv* b.m i *• •> *r I did k •• I wsa with hi night i told him w) • i would or wou s t b jux? a- ho war.t*d 'K i 1 hi> i him 'I *an put v* j i-* xt. i! u ilk*. ar make you * want to make up r tr t*.-* f r k* ep .s i • • * ! n’t play with the bi • You got to ter. you got to su k t• it if you r c u to gucefod.' - lluderfck. my *o\ nor i: n i c • me a*;ain. I'm a thief in*4 h* II fw et ler thinkin* I’ve rro.kd.' lie meant I* h> t t* * ’ ext twev** month®—h. celled w t rn >* r-I don** my be-t to make him . wi- * • 1 d**u know if you ever tralr.**l k.*l or : ot. but let me tell you t *i *. ' • a >* thin' nicer in tM.s w iti * t *•• -hi a youngfter with brauw I J• da* traintn* a kid o' your own \ u w ichb g him gettin’ next, day fer •i i> on >“ * keep fayin' to >o :r ~'i ‘I and *in Pit. . They got to gl%* m* * i t r r hm. It < dla* ouraging t* the Wii wh*n ■* kM ain t Hmart hut that kid *t I bj*l w.t mi *r* a- tht make ’em He'd it : m * I wa® describin’ t. him d*u# 1 I *vet. i - what I wa- a -in' ! I e* he'd fay, an' 1 could go or* to e mtthing eke "What aurp r^e d 'im most w,w the privileges a blocke cao gca In the jen if he knows how. I hid 'mi out o the fouivdry an' in the feather pt kit d*- partment—the softest sr.up in the place— a week after I took hod of him. Th**re was a detective ’t hid the run o' the ptare. an' he an' the wc ten graft** 1 to gether The fly cop *ud Tin*! out which prison* rw could rtlee the fluff t* m ike it interestin' for him to go to the ward* * an' ask favor* for *m. an’ then h* • the w'arden 'tel divvy I knew the fly cop from way hvk. an' I worked him without nK*n**y He knew t I was pretty wl.-e. an' he came to me one dav an give OM gtmlgt l ftcr Bi • - ■ . MK i K. If you'll put me next to anythin' that you kdow* 's goin’ on ou* ide. 1 11 rtan-1 for omethln’ soft here in the per*. ' He knew *t ! knew the blokes outside an’ was like ly to be able to tell him what they was doin', and he wanted to get w .**• off me. I pretend* and to ’fik** the ftp. an’ he b< v in ehowln* me favor®. 1 ain’t done such ? ill Ivin in a tonner as I did to that copper, but he never got on to me I'd V lO him: ‘There** goin’ to b** a safe blown open out In Chicago n- xt month, an' you want to get next.* He'd thank me an' tell the warden to do aome'hln' for m 't I wanted, and then go gallivant!'*' *1! over the * hop. course the safe was never bl®wn but nil 1 had to say w is thnt the crook- had proh'ly got scared off. and he took It all In. I even think thnt T eon Id 'a jmt the kid out o the pen through that *t r I might • had to put Up a little cash to K rr.i‘*- things, but the fellow ha*l an * - fired big pull. He knew 'Mil the wr -d**n bein' crook ! an' the warden knew 'levy! him. un hoth *ad to square * a h other stee? Hut I dldn r trv *o spring the kul. Jus kept **n trainin' him V**u know what h* is to-day We old uns ' ills him th** Michigan Kid. but the ah know him ns 'the fly HstroH ' rook * He ain't been In pri n for the last ten y.ara. n' >et he’s loin’ stunts right along. Mrs got a block o' houses out in ‘Frisco, an* owns a big gamblin' Joint in Chb an I gu.sf he grafts ev'ry year besides lie sso sll k they rir t touch him He shows up in petroit every now and then, in thev .** k him up a ‘ • plrlous chart ter if it's circus dav >r there's some big convention <n. but th* y hove io let him g in .* f* w 'lays. There v blokes that t all-him a freak, they say t he had luck Tha rot If all the .•>. k< in. this country had that kid s brains I bf Just f tell you brain* count far as much in this buslm - as they do In bankin' If you ain't g*d 'em you can't he Al. "I ntr the kid 'bout a year ago over In York an* he told me *t his gov'nor *HI h*l n reward out f*>r any one • 'ud give him news of his son. He read about It. he said, in a Western pip r lie n.-kd rne if I thought he ought to write to the old man. I told m no. 'Kid.* ! says, •you decided bout that way back w uen you an* me was in the pen together. You , ouldn't stay horn* if you went th* r*\ so why make a bull nn' showr up at all"* " I hat* to make the gov'nor feel had.* he says. •' That may he. kid ' I says, 'but you ought to 'a‘ thought that out years back H a too late, now He agre.'d with tn*' " Once again the bolt* of the door not of heaven were shot hack, and this time there was no letter to h* delivered All ready, bov " the sheriff called; "his honor's waiting on you." The men and the boy* were handcuffed together In couple®. '•(Jood luck, fellow*," we cried after them. At.i In solemn procession, with the sheriff it the head, they went to their fat*- i*eme of them are still "king t:m others are again waiting for sentence day. n*l * few have |sis-ed Into the fin.*! court from w hich ther** Is no appeal, and which they dreaded least of all "Will you marry me. Mi-a Toenmey?'* asked Mr. t'oiling w* *1 "No, ln*lee*l ' repll*d she "I wouldn't marry th** b. -t man on earth." ••of course, you won't. You'll never hav* an opportunity. But that Is no rea son why you shouldn't tnarrw me."—be* ttoit Free I'r. v--. "I'll have to quit sending Dolphti* I>nubo my i wmx" U>. > h*- crlti ix< them'*" •'VVeI. he hasn't said Anything but every time I sen*! him a piem I*- * nds rn*- 'n** >f h - atr-xious painting- - I>- trolt Free Press. i A Blessing lo all women • Great joy and comfort com' ; into ev.-rv usehAld _ | when the virtue of •• Mother’s Friend” is Tj, YJj | known. No more gloomy forebodings or nervousness T ' dwp jS ' • external use of "Mother's Friend/' the marvelous I liniment. There is nothing like li. /XT, 7' \ i , r wtoww, a*a)*,n. -m... h.. •*'. VV T titw - ”** ' i i ptu U/w|a ff I |U vtSrl witXoot X**tnf U. .1 it tf- *r UKU.‘* \ Sby nrmi (“i<i • m',(* ( Sl.OOprr Bnttlr. *, “ 1 ‘ ne ' ~l;/•'*-* 9 **M -..tAcrh/wMl,’ wrimsiatMKtailjr wvyou? g-■ :mi *ut’4 l*e S Sold by all Davoonrx. mi UkiOntTP nKilLAton C(K Atlanta, fit. MERRIAM ON CENSUS WORK. IMKItIX IM* I ntIMIAT* MX THE 111 It I! I It or THE HAMA. liMirmiiu* I lib or if t |leetln nml t mnpllatlon—l'ki® wrtire if th** Pre seal ln*i*4ry Population. Xgrl eulfare. UnnuiMciitrinu. and \ Hal Mafiatlra lh* I'ri net |it I Point*—lte anlta Will wkn% That This Notion tnn t ompete ally With the Entire World in Mnnufaclurra nnl J rn*le— I lie Negro and the I'arnt*. By a f Wi lam Tt M rrltm. Dire tor of the Onu* of V**\ • • ny* ..* t ■ W Ft Hear*!. W !*f • r N . The ! *1 work f th* Tw n * •* i- drawirg t*v . r lof ind wi f are to Ta 1* ui ed re all the data reces s iry for cor:* t ‘ i!a?i>n the returns will f*e out ut and The w rk of gathering e l t -sary to . irrv |n:o * ff* t th* C*nsus Law Cl.. - Plrprlor of thf nt Hit) P—>k of hts been of orM 1* rab • m isriiu !e # if money. The preliminary woik involved an enormous amount of printing, th- Mic - tion of fifty* Id thousand enumerators and thre*? hui.*lrc>l sup*rvl*ors and th** organixafion of a regular examination board to provide a clerical force of up ward* of ihiny-flve hundred people, all preparatory to th- btginning <*f the * reus wmrk proper on the first of Jure of this year Th** details requisite t * th* proper preparation of th* n* • a y bla ks nl the self t. n of ii- profer pc -:*l* to *1 • the work ir.< id-ntai t* tee *'arrylng our of the f’ensus Act, were not lnc* >iltr ahle. and required in**s-ant lfor upjn the part of those In charge of the Bureau t> see to it that \er>thit g w a ready when the time cam- for moving the eflormous army which had bten gath erefi from th- van >ie ► *t-.- n*i t r ritori* s. to c *U* t tne Information re quire*! All of the plans had to e pre -I*4red in a*lvan • ar,l it In gritif'ing t * be able to state that thus far the scheme ontemplated l Ik* iy t result satisfactorily. There are v-ry few* people who have any orsidcral l- id* a -*f t < vi-t am uni of information that j gxtiherfsi through Hi* > *'[iuh plan of and enumeration. By enumeration I mean <>f < our— tii- dive , ri *>t th*' . int v Irl> small districts :*l the selection of p r* -or *• t* g* from bouse to hn'jfi* or ir. rn farm to farm, and either tne 1* -i it upon which the entire e . -. e-s of the c n- Fus •I ♦*•* -1 - We i>t only barn l. u* nt the Individual, fit *••. hi.- rationality. hl >* < npation an*l hi-- . olor, but also nu merous other data -on ernlt c the various imlustries of th* c* intry . and .*l-o fa a that enable the statist!, ian t leirn how much of the w*m th the country a invested in agri ultural line', how many are able to own their own farms, how many rent, and the other inter* di g fa <s which in du time are* tibuJated p. *. * and Ik*fore t:© public. Ihe t ountn the %lot Advanced in t i-iimii* U ork. There Is no country In the world that spends us much money cm its omsus as does the t’fitted States, other nations ob tain but a very r-rnall number fa- rs in comparison with those of the I'nlted Htotes*. soin* -imply t ike the population ami often at n> sta’ed time; others gather certain data concerning the agricultural r< s*>urces of tne land. v*ry f**w. If any, go mo tha manufacturing inquiry. Th** constitutional requirement, whi. h necessi tates a real i*erti nnient of Congress every decade, h s obliged us to take a thorough enumeration of the p* pie From time to tim* there has been aided to this work if t *rmatton concerning other interests of importance to De country. Gradually, decade by decade, the numb r of inquire - ha - I•• n tner. .'#•! until in I*6“ rh* r* w re some twenty-three or twenty-four sun ject.s w :;ch were made the subject of e atlstlca) Inquiry In the present le-.•*• the purpose of the net t> to confine the census proper to four Important lmpulrics. that Is—Population. Agriculture. Minu fa* turlng, and \ ;tal Htatisiics Only two years ar* given, from July Ist. lf*o>, to finish these four branch*:, of the work Bat* r on it Is p sgtbie that special work of various kind- wid be taken up un i re ports mad- That It*, the Bureau will un dertake to ‘nquire Into various subjects, mora frti< ularly t;.• s-ctal statistics of cities w• ilth. *l*dt *ml taxatior. religious led !*, electric light ami power, telephone and telegraph business, transportation by water. min* sand mining Tn* < sp* lal subjects will !<• considered as of tb* *lite when the work Is commenced, anil will Is* finished as rapidly as possible flow long it will tak* to finish th*- sp* • al subject* I- riot a matter that has thus far been considered It look* n*w as though the work on the four subject* r.ot-d would be finished wit hire th* time required by the act. y|Hnnfn* a ttirr<i anil rtetiltnre. Naturally enough, the inquiry in con n* !on with the manufacturing branch of th** census tvqrk t** full *f interest to all Arn-r tns. s well is to th* whole civjllx • •*1 world. There Is no na: * n that takes mi thorough a manufacturing ensu* a* ours; and, in this age of irxlt ty u* ,i quit. , om rncrcial power, th* nsmutitirlng in dustries of our country r Jo k* *i upon with ttie keenest intere-t. Tb* who * tre* l atnoiig the trading nations of tbe earth is to u< *|Ulre a liirg* r tr.ii* at and. if ne-* - vary, t * gain It *v. u by for • *f arms. The whole contest of mod* rt. times is one of ni th Pnlt—l (*t*t l -o f.r In <!vanr of all tho othfr ctvll- U.t r—tona of tho wort<l. In point of manu f.i turtna Ir luatnoa, that h*r Inquiry m .H t.Kanl wrlil t>o rtf tha utmost lni t> im.. r.ot ontv to her o—n prO[la. hut to othtr c untrta* Tha pra—nt indication* an tiadula* that hava airaadr . otnc t*> haml, tha .unount of capital IntaraMa.i and .normotu product* attain ed will avoke tha ar.thu,aam of all patrl o. ■ cltuar.r In tha la*t faw yaar* tha crowth of our Induairlaa h.-i* tan lmpiy l The manufacturltw Inquiry will demonstrate, beyond any doub*. there i- prti in ally no limit to tha Industrial rawiur ca of tha I'nitad Btataa and tha r- alt In t.*urw will be evidence of our ability not only to ompete with the an tire :.t for It* trade, but. tn adtition thereto, t. eleva-e our lndu|rlal army to plant m tt* mode of iiv>n* ard It* m* til'd of thought, A lancet com than ever before —III ha .pent In the a' -jutrement of thorough Inform men aa to the condition and num* t.rra of the *r. It landed ln:erer* of tha country, ant theie .Mil b >omw new Inquire. In conn.' (ton with th acrtrul tura! w-rk. that will be of reat value, ehowin* not only thore who rent, the wi*a of the firm*, their product*. It I* tntetaal- irig t*i know. In conn®‘'tkm with thin In quiry, that w* flhall. for th* fir®: tim®. hv** n .bar M<\ of how many of th* •l<>rcai |>* *>p!o of th® I’nlted Stale# for [ meriv in la vary, have b®'om* (Urn of ih** #oll Ov* r forty p#r r®nt. of th® nat ional wealth if Invek®! in agrlrultur®. rtO*l it is only proper that thta ®norm >us source of national wraith #noul*l h#v** th® full®At opportunity to q. monsirat® xht tm|*or!am In th® growth of th® Republic, slight laias In the Hntio cf (romh of City Population. Thu# far th® C®n#u# Office ha# glv®n out tn** population of th® cltl* of twenty* flv® thou#ani and over. Involving prr hap® nln®t*®n million® of people. It H very Interesting to l®arn that the numerl* al gain in ihe two last d® *V# ha> b**-n practical y th® -am® That H to f*av between IX.W) and the gun ovrr the previou# d®cade wi#. tn round number?* 4*o xM) teopl® and In the between INStO and 1?00 ih** numerl al growth ha# been about 4.E75.0C0; thus Itowing practically little dlfferen ® b— j tween the two te< ad®w in utbaii popula j non. t It t s further noticeable that the percent in the different clile# ha# \aried th** amount of their Increase. #ome In* •reading a larger percentage, like We#t Sii|Hiior, \'i-<oii!*ln, other# losing. Ilk® rn® of the Nebraska cltlee; but th** •vt rag.- growth ha been pratlcally th® inn gtatlrtician* vary a* to th® cauee f thin remarkable coincidence in th® growth I**-tween the two decade#, but tp® test r* ai*oi,able explanation 1# th® fact ’hat th* t®opb. * sp* ■■dally in th® building , trade#, mu#*, pa-e from one city to an ther as bus In®## in res*®# or fall# off There will l® many interesting sociolo gical <ivi®st lon# to I*® gathered from th® vri m> la i. which will result from the I ( • n.Mis of ls#. and much Chat will t>® tn t<r* .-ting to student# cf statistic# It 1# ' t tidentl> believed that th® nation whl i . only show a very handsome increase j in its population, but thnt it will show a splendid growth in an industrial way. that • unnot h®lp but be sat.sfactory to the cltt* z*n# "f the l‘nl?(d States k 1.11 if iit hd mirr •INDAV MHRDILC. For Isle of Hope. Thunderbolt. Mont*om ery. Cattle 1-ark and West End. Subject to chan*, without notice. IBLE <*F HOPE AND TENTH TT I- City for lof H Lv Isle of Hope? 944 am from TaiitS •> lira for TcnTh -10 15 am from Tenth 1015 am for Tenth 11 n, am from Tenth llU'tm for Tenth 1 <*' pm from Tenth 100 rm for Tenth 200 pm from Tenth 2 <•> pm for Tenth 200 pm from Tenth 2So imi for Tenth Bft rn Tnt h :t .pm for Tenth 3JO pm from Tenth 3 3<> pm for Tenth !<w pm from Teneh tOu pm for Tenth *3o pm from Tenth , i rm for Tenth shi pm from Tenth 500 pm for Tenth 530 pm from Tenth , 530 pm for Tenth '*> pm from Tenth jkfPpm for Tenth 63“ pm from Tenth i SSo pm far Tenth 7 o-pm from Tenth 7 <<o pm for Tenth 7 pm fr-.m Tenth 5 flu p m for Tenth 530 pm fr,.rn Tenth opm for Teneh (E pm from Tenth l h-pm for Tenth 10 30 pm from Tenth Hitt pm for Tenth IBUE OF HOPE AND BOLTON 8T VIA THUNDERBOLT. I.v rlty for 1 of II I.v | of II for B al via Thun A C Park via Thun * C. Park *"• ***** fr, ' ni Ho ’ • •■ -m for Bolton" 230 pm from Holton 3 3ft ,mt for Bolton 3 3-pm from Holton 4so p m for Bolton 4 Sft pm from Holeon r. -pm for Bolton 5 Sft pm from Holton I k Sft pm for Holton *> pm from Bolton 7W pm for Bolton 710 pm from Holton *Vi pm for Holton MONTGOMERY^ I.v clly for Monlr ryT.v.’ Montgomery. 10 If. am from Tenth | 935 am for Tenth" 1 fto pm from Tenth 12 15 pm for Tenth 300 pm from Tenth 230 pm for Teneh 6- pm from Tenth 545 pm for Tenth Tin'NlM'HHt>l.T and ISLE OF HOPE (’ommcncinir at 3on p m car leave* Thun Icrholt fvery hour for Isle of Hope until on p m C omm. r imr nt ISO p m car leaves Jsli. of Hope every hour for Thunder bolt until 1" p m THt'NDERBOI.T SCHEDULE, romm. ti liir af 7no „ n , r , r leaves Holton ec.i t Jun elon every SO minutes until 2no m after which time car leaves every 10 minutes Fomn ins at 7:i a. m car Uavea Thunderbolt for Bolton street Junction every >' minutes tin'll !:B p m. after which time car leaves every 10 minuses The I'.-mlnute e hnlule is maintained as lone as travel warrants It. WEST END The first -nr leaves for West End a 7 7" a ni and every 40 minutes thereafter until 11 un a m . after which a car runs In each direction every jo minutes until mldnlyhe, H M LOFTON. Gen Mcr J. D. WEED ft CO uVADisa, aa. Lcalbfr Belting. Steam Packing 4 Hoss Agsnls (or NEW VOKJ& KUBBEh MIoTWO AND i'ACJUNQ COAUMNXo The Quakers Are Honest People, § Tbe Quaker h.m Tonic la not <*■.!, fckxd purr,,, by, 4 Paia, Weak r 4 bbltated peo; * wh nor blood dlceetlon. cure. <j y 2 atrenath and tree tha narvoua .y.t,^ It la a medicine for weak woman. It t. , purely vagatabla medicine ar.d can tw taken by tha most delicate. Kllnty Di eaeea. Rheumatism and all disease* of ■■ Ulood. Stomach ird norvea aoor. succumb to Its wonderful affects upon tha human slam Thousands of people la Georyta ■ (command It. Price C M QUAKER PAIN BALM la tha medlrtr, that tha Quaker Doctor made all ot tut wonderful quick cures with. It's a n and wonderful mrdtdne for Nturt Toothache. Backache. Rheunatisn sj reins. Pain In Bowels, tn fact, all pa n can be relieved by It Price SSc and ax. QUAKER WHITE WONDER BOAT a medl.ated soap for tha skla. scalp sad compiasien. Price 10c a cake. QUAKER HEALING HALVE * table ointments for the cure of tatter, *- terns and eruptions of the skin Pri* U> a box FOR fkLE FT AM. DRUOOIirTk tea This is the Trade Marl* of the Best Builders Hard ware : that made by the Yale&Towne Mfg. Cos. Those who contemplate building should send for our artistic brochure "Artist and Artisan:" free H.H. PEEPLES &. SONS, 125 CONGRESS ST., WEST Florida Reports. iii Ofßca R. A Osllow-ay. Oen'l Merchandts*k Maitland, Fla . Oct K IW. To Whom It May Concern: I hava been aellinir Smith'* Chill and Fever Tonic for the past year, and hsvs also used It In my own family, and hi\e found It to do all that I* claimed (■- t Yours truly. li. A GALLOWAY a b Ni*r. r r nuuh a®v Vl** HretMisl Benbt*. Jr Sec end Tr* NEAL-SIILLARD CO. Builders' Material, Sash, Doors and BliaK Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass and Broshes, EUILDERS' HARDWARE. Lime. Cement and Plaster. u WklMkOT aueeie. utAiua, •&, r ABBOTT’S l EAST INDIAN [Corn Paint P Cure* Corn*, Bunions and Want K Speedily and Without Palo L FOR SUE BT AU CRU66ISTS P LIPPMAN BROTHERS, W Whalaanla Drnfflata. W Llppmin's Block, lavannab. 0a BRRNNAN BROS. WMOLESALB Fruit, Produce, Grain, Etc. *JBAV STREET, wass. Telephone **-*- CU*E YOUISEIF! fee BIS • let liwhsreee. >f muroo. => Painless, sod *' l , *' a * .... Hold by irmssdoso* or sent in |delc CUcelar seal