The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 04, 1900, Page 22, Image 22

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22 A TEXAS WONDER. Unit's tirral Diiipiivrrjr. Dnr smsl. lttl.- of I >ll <. iit P ■ tovgry cum all ktdury ur.u . • i- r Iron- Mar. removes gravel run • * wn j>al emission*. weak and .ante *'■* h rhauin*u*ni ami all i' t■ - ■Ur..) i ana bin t-ler s. i o-t. i•• •*• * •ten.’ rcfia.ltl I.a.lid tr it .i >' ' till- Iren If nm *. Id b >-n 1 ***>' i MMI by mail n ' 1 1 bottle Is ta mot i ■*> —l * * cure any .a-* at •'* I>r *• W. Hall. t. !<• i.. • 1 1 ' ii it. gold by all l u>, jii l Sulom n* Cos . kaiannah i It i nil I'll la i a- t rt i la.. April 5. ltO Till* I- t<■ that 1 *ll affccl. i iih gr.n- ml ' . 1 t-ok sixty dr I" of Hi. tacit Id rovry and It ,-om piairiy * irca me 1 1 north I! Kkt |n i bottle to any o e r.edlig I' J T STEVENS ;N GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. IhEMt AM) \l \\* >I Till: DAV 1% TWO ** 1 %T :*. Oflllrr (nnnl) Want* n DliprnMrv llnmiitond III* Hrotler-ln- Inn- I’apera In I kins for l.eatrr. 'll. \rruon • • I>• *•* ** 4•- •llilntr* fur Jndu*‘ In %% n*M*ln ( ouu(s-Hrlilai N' -rmi ■> urln'tl u >i-|iro—Ollii-r I loriiln Arm TM grand Jury r Mil r county ! t week r* -• nnim* i .•)• • .) .1 '‘sin* * t •> i dif) 11 niArv In it 1 • ifit>. thn pro #**<! fo b- • 'ju.iih <i*v*€!e 1 null th town of Colquitt uik! ’■ • urt> Will Alnvr t < hurleoton No\ 1 v*; < :h* tune *t for Huperin- Itmiwny to .*.■ M * **n off)-*■ riD'l %ak ' i ' • *-f S ' 111 *■ r 1. 1" •’ lulls,lit •*• el - l|* M ’ II I* fern. S 4 * n,. of!' U • r*> will not li do*'d at or -. . hut In )*usin*i*i ufftir* will be wound up krudually. li’l • W -tllliiK n H#*crrt, 1. J Mllholiin. tee crapher nt the Tlont ttystem. and M.-c M.ittte Sweat of gult man visited ihe fun it ViU'b,-'! a YY ednes bay and whit, then were n. ure i TV matter w.. - k*; : i|tilet -it i It was not known until they r* o h. 1 gultniun, hu. Ii dri\ •*■ thro.iul> •lo ■ utur>. fair % tt*|t 4 l %in4intl4n. Marcelli Siy, rs was irn 'd Wednes day at Chaun.-ey f. rHi attempted t *lr;iton of J D Blown. Sawyer* made a full confession of the tniycdy IR nil that he and Baunder* w.,-laid Mi Brown to kill him for his money Hamel outran the reputy -h.-riff, w tin shot at him four timer Thu pari nt* of the young me* are respeetnbla eitlxcii* in the comnninliy The town was she ked to hear of It. The young man are about '.•! years meh. Satin !, r- .iv. I In the hit. war In Ihe Third G,->rgia Regiment. t ore Mltlii|ic,l lunt Jenny. Gainesville Kay!. Aunt Ji tny Mfrary colored, had a thrilling expellee. <• With a cow Friday rn tier.. 1 re-alt!- id which may prove fatal Tta- <- • wa til to a i*>x Aunt lent she wa*. and the la ist mi I . lanre a her After runnlns . . t tie old n.'t the cow got on top **r her *■ I piampt i her nearly 1 bark wa* at t rst thought to lie hrok, i hut later It w* found to l> only ba llx hrulaeil A ... star- t, iI" • -n In that h.aiiiicr i. sonic lull *llll Talklua toe I.ester. The country p.p - In I>n 1: ' In iri i are all niging 1' mocta'- t> turn out and give Col Rufus : la t.'i it i"ll C m*res Ti-. follow .- tr m the S-. Iv itlit >i'. . , ■ a,, alk • . 1 ftereveti county wid-e .:tati 1 It* t a visit on yestd .. ft m ' >1 R'du- 1 lister. Ihe honoi ■ I ti pi • -> t itlw f- i 1 this diet ri lln t 'otlgri whol- Ihe Pern erratic notion, e f.-r t*-• -ctloti at tilt ta tionul election next Tut - lay Ihr < '“I "t-• It on H quiet Visit to Hl* conatltueney throughout Ihi Ust Pet t eta I qualntain e. tnuklt g friends and *t -ibiK chats Will! hl mid 'diets who are by.on Everywhere he receives a co 1 . and ta given id •.•life a uratu-i f in auceess against hi: Republtcim opi .neni tanaidalea for JniUf. Tcnnllle News: Judge F R Taliaferro. th- 1 r : It | Hct of tht ' dared Illegal county < curt, and Mr Ma rital Turner ate Kind.ill * for the Judge ehip of the new 1 i tied the chalices of apt* Intnient n mdi in favor of the form. r. Soil, 'or 11-vtn. n md Mr 1, \\ j l.m ire aftet unit ih< friends of bo-It vour.t; men d at woik .n ih. Ir !■ alf It l utuler't>l that neither of the repr. -■ -t itli.-s from this county will piv< th.-:r in.l.-rscmeni 10 Mr Jordan, but tire .ommlii. I not n of.pose him In any other way 11.- has belt very strong in I foment and if Hie Governor fails to appoint t.m 1 requee' (and. hU frlcn ie will he do pftoliited Mount Vrrsas to Have n Rank. A bank has been organised at Mount demon, and will stain be In operation The capital sbx k In K 5,00. with SIS.W paid in. The question of organizing a bank baa been tiweu-eed lor sorn- time, and the sentlmeiil in favor of . abllshlng one has been growing stronger and strong.:' every day until a* Hie result of a meet Ing th. Thursday >f tht moat prom Inenl hush css men and wealthy clllxens, the nock was subscribed. Hie hoik or ganised and its oft: -.t el* t,.l The id fleers ore as follow: President, Hr. J II McArthur: vl■■■ pr- i n'. Allrx M Ar thur. cashier. 'V \ peters m. Ilr. to-: W II M Qut ■ n 1 1 M - 1 > ' Mcßar. Win II M- Arthur aid Jos U Sharpe. Men Ills Brother-lti-l.(lv. Thursday afternoon Jim Hammond shot end killed Thomas J Wall, a few- mil,-* below Klherton. The shooting occurred near Wall's home ll seems that Wall was beating n negro fenunl. Mrs Wall his wife. Hied lo stop him end filled Bhe sent for her broth.-r. Jim llammond who name, and remonstrat' and with Wall This seems lo have angered Wall, oi.-l lit made a rush at him Hammond ran and was followed part of Ihe way by Wall. Hammond went to a nelghlwar's. where In aec(j r nt a shotgun He then returned an I met Wall. Who shot at him. hut missed him. Hammond then shot Wall, the entire lead the left ye, killing him In stantly Both men la’long to good faint lies, ar.d were brothers-in-law. Wall leaves a w f“ and several children II im mond has not been arrested. Wnll was ooniiabb of hie district. FLORIDA^ Orlando Ftar Thai staunch old South ern Democratic paper, the Savannah Newt. Is n welcome vi "or to this ofll-’C every day. and Its levei-headedness In all public quratlom at'rsct out aitenllon It treat* largely on i'.orlda matter* and ■eoms to have Florida's interest* at heart neaiiy as much as Georgia li was no surprise to us when It took issue sgalnet Jacksonville having me state capital. Will Ballast His Road. Mr. Ftogier has erected a rock crusher pi Mi “t- : eith a vapacMjr U 1 cat hi t-.nir, H will b! l Ihe entire roadbed •if ihe Florida Gael Coast Hallway, com men. Ing at Jacksonville. The work cf moving (h , rushed on the road will require three special trait s. working a!mt iw,, years,, to eom pi. tt the work. . Here Henry M Flagler ~1 i. at least HI la :>or, is m. i.nly for two years I'rnsneula's ttxporls. Ksp.iris from I’enxaeota to foreign por’s j last month wire va,us*l *t Il.yk.tvt9, and w. r.t dlslilbuted nt full..we Uverfiool. i Genoa, |33).t7't. Bremen. 1.11.0*7; H im,. HTl.TIt*. Havana P- ■'*.> Monte ililu. J: w. 1 V’. rt - 177 7IS’. la.n ■be. 117 '. . , \ . ni< ■ lll.pst. Malaga. Ill' ll*. I ■ Rotterdam. I• M Roan s:>.■■ II I,'b ut |. ■ Axim and other Vfr (,i |oti- Pv-e, J-.ikar. |3,IM. ' 'arde n.i . J.' i-l, li. .I*. II I*l, Nassau. II,MO. 011 I nil Tlmt*. Pvnw) t.A A f*w Rwk!' m m <* imv i*f falltr . *ff of work in th* j Itf> • ir.*l N.i hvlile *hopJ* In Hil; u • Rif .ri< 11 in t;..4t bnan< h of rr* ! ' ;lr*-4tl w *u ? from ten io nine* si x- ii;- *int "V th-*?**. or . n 1 ft I 1 • • • • iff- *• *l if" siliiro- to a Hir** 1 igrte 1 *\ *> is I.* no'.im t li4*lr nil • 1 Within ih* two fhc I I ■ ii rsiorfl, hut work h.i* *o p>n tlful in*ft ih.t if* j h ovf-rtiin* h.i- Im *'ti j m i fn.l *1 informed y*** j i- '•> a mill* 1 ! inwft .Sinl**> - .1 *l■ • • ♦rn jl* •\* *1 i. Hn:h fiU h nwxh i noik now in harttJ XllkkliiK Juror l oiinil. Thr> n , ;t . ,1 ij jurym*in In irt** Sm .J.i 'olr- | i )', ni tifi** ten fouti'l r tnf)l lo •• irf Ii •• hi E *. >t j r from ti ff .* 1 iv. ii HOUav 1 ■ il. t'-i 1 .* *mjH*rartiV xxh*-ii h* w.v k \ 1 . ■ < aVf-nk. l ot ! * on.ii • (hi k lo M<nt fittin*' Winn . ni t# rt Kri Li) mori.mfi th* •L' 1* in ,n .oil' if :#• Rh#rlf? 1* u S\ 1 '.i mornim, nmew In- • onl • <• " I it.el Miffls ,(t f*fl• I of |.'V f t hi< i(|t if it*t Ii uppfum th** vr*i 1. t <tf (he .**'llo J. <• * jury xv 1' murtler m (h* flrM (ieurt-t-, hut tin* Jury iroom to- ii.liel him to in* it > of t ie court \*U-il I 'ulni lon* I'rlcr*. Kv W t Inter * *• < n; Wr r** tohJ on I "t| nuthorlry that the I nlt***! ft; i.ih who .ir** In re to urramc** for lh* j .if- !t,i of ir .I for 11 *rmy nre l -r • <ll*u lIMt i| w ill Mu ir ?.i"K l Rf V • i*tl Hi'-? iii' * x fahttloiiN prlcee fiav** lc***i .'k**| for th* l(mA r**9|ulr*d; In aorn** ln -1 . ■-lx ilin- Mr* v.ilu** hit i \\ • uti'l**rMahd tht th* rnth m* i i\* iirt ialy r* • I.* nutM flaltcrine; •la tint it- ft .in Tmp; in fact, all th* lanl they will r*qulr** hat offer o| them by parties In that city It is th* !• Mro of th* government to local#* the imp here, but If satisfactory wrranK* I I *fiff* cannot bo made they will go to r mpa *r Miami #n iook over the fl#*|J ft* re We will dollars to doiißh nuts thoi nmp •<iirpr|sing Tlorida city Ri.l get this post *kot Him nml l.eft Him for Until. N* u .f the horrible n't of n Rang of hifuf lit 1* i n* Rr** s , ( m from t’arvvlile u W a ilngton county. Mom* \iietin. a • ••t** 13.|•'• *t i criminn! •* itlit on a itHtiiaii, v\:f* o’ I>iii lruin Ooo*llet l Th*- w.fnm f>t him off and Austin ' 10 Ilonlfav. l i t lie- Wi|s follow* i to I !;• iuf.iv bv two brother of the* woman, iipsur*‘l .nd brought back to Cnryvllle A Miai was h* id before Juati. e Kubinux i*l th* frlwoner was hekl In $2.4)40 ball whh'h h* could not give, oral deputte* - urt*l with him to the county jab a# Ve-inon. When about four fiilleji from ' '.*f: v Hie l !• ntii.t r - w 're met by a crowd f n* rn< who demand**! tho cut* Th *:h *-t t a .1 titi ipating this <*4 k. Wife' (R# A*(• -l (Ifni h'l> liWtl Au'f.ii Th* n.*>! epirltc.i hitu to a i*af* •I'- in** hot Mm tmifv lino- nnd left hi;a to • • H< w*i Ei#* found *d car* i*l to \.i hi when* an amputation of •rn arm w • 1. • 7Hr> from nhota re -1 lv*'*l from •• mob, who evident.y be I■v* i him I*l ll- ..i hardly recover IVrMitiNl \r%%m From \\ myrmmm. Mre .1 I* Strl* kland and Mfwe Azalia Sin kiat and are xleitlriK Mr- J ll Knight H W Ite.-d left Thurwday night ! f>r M* *i* o Mi- \\ A t•v>n and dnughtere. A*lr- ' db* and ah w**:i. have returne#! home from an extend.d Visit a 1 Anhevllle, N C. ! Mi and Mr? Ihrbert Murphy and .laughter Mi J h*.- *r.whv have re uinetl Inmie fter tn New J* reey their old home. A plea Hint thirty w.i given Friday it 1 i** r#*9klenee *f >fr.< j o jy in \\. ■ 4 Wiivi'rovs. Quite a crowd of *,<. 1 enjoyed the evening with Mr and Mr* Joy. hr J • IVnuclas and Mhw Ida Vineyard will married Rundav. Nov. 4. at the ‘ °ne of Ih. bn|e, tn .Millie, on the Offer, nail and W* #rri Hallroad. M> Mary and Virginia layoti have 1 r- lurnei! h >tn. after a visit with Mm. I la Ford In Tlfton Mrb j \ Strwkland of R!ark*h*ar via* md her mother. Mrs C Parker, thla week. AA KH'I I IMi MO 111 NT. Negro Itef limed Fire of ||| a p nr . • uer noil t:eperf. Wageross, Go Nov J -Pherifr Ttisms, .). McClellan and Deputy John IV Cason, allh a posse of men fn>m ilolen and llearh had a lively chase after a negro 1 ia-f night and y* -lerday afternoon. The negro's name Is Will Smith, alias Will N" . ley. and he Is warned In Florida lor murder ye is thoughl to he the otic who killed Mr. Moore, a turpentine oper ator n.-ir Pensacola some lime last I ring There Is a strong suspicion that he Is ihe negro that shot policeman John \V. I/s in ih<- city about Hires- months He lx sail to be a very bad negro, fl ing well armed wherever seen. Tin offleera got within a short distance ■if Smith at J. F Taylor's still, near 1 1 1 h. hui ,11-1 not come up with him un > -II mar Kl XXbelli Chapel In a dense , ippilng Ihii-ket they had an encounter with him I nfortuiwtely, the sheriffs Iwas not thoroughly organised, oth • rw 1-1 rh*-y would probably have captured 'lie man aral a good reward Han Bwe.i 1 and Is-..nurd Taylor came uj, on the man, they being on horsebnek, iliil 1 t ling to him to surrender, and he refusing lo do so. they opened lire on him ,i.,l k.-pt advan Ing. Hr returned Ihe Are with .1 pistol, for a wonder being without Ms rifle One of the men had a revolver nn.l the oilier a shotgun load ed with turdshot, and, of course, could do hill IIH.i Tn- -riff happened robe a lltt'e In the rear In a Imggy and got In sight of ihe negro In line to *• t one shot ai lilm wdth his rill-' lie hit Hie bark on a suppling within two or Hiree Inches of the negro* head. The negro esvups-d Into a nearby swamp. A;*uui dark the officers succeed, i ed in getting some dogs on the trail, but i as a rain had ta. *n. ihev could do noth ing. This tame negro wa* at Gluts' still In Coffee county, near McDonald two weeks ago and the Me*srs. Oillls and othera attempted to arrest him. but he drew hi* Wlncherter and defying the 1 crowd, walked sway He l conelderad a dangerous nsgro. and swears he will never submit to arrest It Is fearad he will kill tome one before he te Anally taken. He It described as being about ala fast high, weighs about ICi. almost coal blark. heavy, dark mustacha aud deep scar SKiesk I*ll tbMka THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 4, I!KK>. THE KICKER. A Theory of Hi Rise and Progress. The word ••kicker” it no more slang, hut an honorable term admitted bv the lexicographer to Ihe round table of Kngli*lt -speech. Tliix acceptance of the word proves that there wax a real need for it ; that a certain claw of people had no word in the Knglish language to fillv designate them. Ax a claxx these kickers muxt Is- ax modern ax the word which deacrilx s them They are in ef fect a new product of our latest civiliza tion The wool which describes the kicker is picturesque. It 'UggexU the mule whose kicking is usually done out Ww Qa) i ■ **pi j •./ - - 7- f pure wantonnrxs . which kick* in sex ion and out of season, at everything or it nothing as the case may he. The erm kicker scarcely needs definition \Ve know exactly what it means, aa veil as we know the chronic fault-finder t designates. THE RISE OF THH KICEKR. Any one who cares to trace the rise of he kicker will find that he keens pace vith the prevalent American disease, Ivspepxia All kickers may not be lyspeptics, hut all dyspeptics are surely ickers. They are everlasting fauli inders Nothing goes right for them n the family or in business. There is dwayn a dead fly in their ointment. It x a miserable condition for the dvapeje tie and his friends. He reallv can t help himself His nerves are strained to the limit of endurance. His ears are like megaphones magnifying every little ,oun<f to the shock of thunder. His eves lose sense of T’eripective and he •res mole hills as mountains. lie is -iispirioua, p-almis, unreasonable and ihstinate ; and all these things are only lymptoms of the disease which is starv ng and weakening the entire nervous ivstem and reaching out toward heart, over, lungs, kidueys and other organs. what can be done for him? What can he done for the victim of Ivspepxia ? He can 1-e cured He can Vie given a -,,-w start in life He can be made the amiable, companionable man he was of old. He can once more cat with ap jieiite and enjoyment, work with energy, and sleep the night through iu sound, dreamless slumber This is not a mere empty claim un supported by facts The statement that the dyspeptic can he cureil is made on the authority of thousands of men and women, who havr been entirely cureil MANUK EMKI I U.KM E. Mattfri of Interest tn <4|il|iflns Men Itrnrmll >. There | a rail (or an International Sr* men'a rnloa 4‘onvrnilon In Kotton. Nov. 2o convention heretofore have l en prac:i l faiiurra, tally ih* la t on The renson f>r thle has been that one or more of thojn* romlu- sing the were fore Ignore or foreign .-ynißa# hiz< i t rtil the glt of their argument* in favor of organisation and work in the mteren' of the fell lor u * largely in antcigonlem to their • mploy r 5, thf ehlponnere There U*en not ecm to he an> reason why s* men should not organize for mutual h*a ♦ fit as well e all other < Uwee do. md ! when prop**rl> *ml inte.ilgently organlsetl. their drnwißh will, tloubtlez.**. receive h res*peelful hearing from th# zhl|owner Hut a long ad a!loro re h i by offtei-re 4MM Ii k biidlned. intelHgenee. a geetn> t- have iwen a complaint bt retofore. thov m> not )e ah.e to tlrrlve much from organizing Con -nferabie interest Id evpr "*e*l tn the * omtng meeting. an*l me h*>|H* !•% expreual tliat a step forwai I will be token. 0 Xantini at Ihe 41m xtitsta. Th* an.-letil mariner s *ugg***lbn that Ihe m*l* of a slx-ni**',l e--hooner be namnl for the ilays of the week hn* tiot yet beeti .1 ■ ept,,l by the captain sinl crew of the George \V Wells. "How would ll soun.l lo shout uch or ib-r* as these." sai.l the mite of ihe new six-master when asked til* opinion of the new slx-in.isler "Furl 'Wclnes'iay.' T/iwer away Ihe Tuesday peak, 'll —f Monday.' 'Kan' your Friday sheei,' nr.l a M of stuff like fh.itll wa< kii. '.lr I that tt would be queer-ooimdlng sailor 1 g and y• i tkit t iveuM bt imi to remem.wr At ihe present time ihe question of nam ing Hie snllx of live and six masted schooners l n puxxie that the skipper* lhen,*el\ew cannot solve, ('apt Crowley of the Wells axys 1h.,1 he undertakes t.x mil hi* six niaat* the fore. main, miaxeti No 4. No an.l spanker rtom-tlnn 11 work* all right but at other time* tnen will go aloft and |>rreit tn getting them selves all mix,si up. (.tiling No 4 the spanker, and all that sort of thing. The -aplain thinks that, according to tha tsxyks. the masia should be fore. main, rnizzeii Sioinker. Jigger ar.d driver. Itut. on ihe other hand, he thoroughly believe* that ilia spanker should always be he after or lasi mssl carrying a Mg mtl He says that people can call them Mon day. Tuesday, and all that sort of thing, hut he is going lo give his present schem j fair trial before he nuk any change. Contracts have been awarded for Iwen ly-flve now lake ved#. whl-'h will rep resent an expend!mro of nearly fto.oun nOO Ten of Ihe lake carrier* are lo run from 1/ttke Erie per'* through the Wel land rnnol and the Gulf of lit l_iwren. . a -roa the Allanllc. with cargoea of ale, | la-oduct* for Kogllah marke:s All the , ami acts hava been awarded lo American shipbuilding companies and at various shipbuilding yards, principally In Uor raln*. O; Cleveisnd. O and Detroit Mich. The work of building these ves sels has begun. The Norwegian eteamahlp Juno arrived from Hamburg yesterday fhe Is posted to load for Reval. Tat five voverameiti cutlers bound (or of dyspepsia and other diseases of the stomach and organs of digestion and nutnlicn by the use of I)r. Pierce’s Golden Medical litwovery. It always helps It almost always cures. O. S Copenhaver H.-q", of Mount t’nion, Huntingdon Cos, I’a Box i?J), wntes . "About twelve years ago I was suddenly taken with a pun in the pit of thr stomach which was so violent f could not walk straight. It would grow more severe until it caused waterhrash aud vomiting of a slimy, vellow water. I consulted a physician ami he told me I bail a form of dyspepsia and treated me for about six months with hut little fienefit. I still kept getting so weak I could scarcely walk. I then tried an other physician and he told me my liver was out of order and that 1 had indiges tion. He gave me a treatment and I got some lietter, but only for a short time. 1 then tried another one who sxi 1 I ha-1 chronic indigestion, ulcera tion of tile lining of the atomacb, torpid liver and kidney affection. He treated me for more than a year and I felt much lietter but it did not last I then took to using reveral widely advertised patcut medicines, hut received no more than temporary relief while using I then tried Dr Pierce s medicines, using his -Golden Medical Discovery.’ ' )-'a vorite Prescription ’ and the ' Pleasant Pellets’ and in two months' tune I was feeling better than I had for years he fore. I can truthfully say Dr Pierce's medicines did me more good than any 1 had ever taken.” , Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discov ery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition It restores bodily strength by enabling the assimilation of food which is the source of all physical strength. It acts directly on the blood-making glands, in creasing their activity and so increasing the supply of Mood which is enriched and puntied hy the " Discovery " "Golden Medical Discovery ” contains no alcohol and is entirely free from opium, cocaine and all other narcotics and injurious drugs. Do not accept any substitute for the "Discovery ” though claimed to be "just as got* 1.” "Golden Medical Discovery” has cured when all other medicines have failed. There is nothing else "just as good.” Jj.5,000.00 GIVEN AWAY. The cost of the copies of Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser (ex clusive of expense of mailing:, given away last year was over This great work, containing itch large pages and over 700 illustrations, will be Kent you free on feccipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only Send H one-ernt stamps for the book in durable cloth-binding, or only 21 stamps for it in paper covers Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Havana. put In nl Tybe* lasi night, pre um-bl\ t**r harbor. Th*y also Koppol m( C'horl< .*!on on th* w.> down. V -• !#■ r!a* and anl riml by th* Am*r i 'an liurrati of Shipping In the "Rr< ord of American and Foreign Shipping’’ wine-’ last report: A uni* n ivw Santiago. Amerl *wn hij> Wll.lam II (Vni cr. AmrrU.m thn* *nu looner llorrn •• P. Hliaret, American Uiri t miPt .‘■' hoom-r Hrb* > a J Mou!- lon. British thr(“ tnasi rrhooner \\>nt w rtn tin.l British thr*f -maat achoufivr IJeasle Parker. I'RKPriiurrH •> Mnnnlii|.. P. jM-ngm* by ini ship *nllah.visee for N>w York -If. S O'Brien T. 6 roven. Mrs J T. D* nt, Jacob Hail* era, Mrs. lawl* Haskell, T A Bryaoci Mrs T A Bryson. F A (ktrdlner, Mr l**r hrpitr. \Y. H Lurnod. K II O'Con nor. Miss A F Hiocrs, Mr> M P Moore. H Hnmm<?rmm. Chan Blebert A O I>u>trr. Mr Ini. kworth. Mls Sul- IHon. Mrs Jinnee If.* Rogcn, I. I* Thomas, J. L. Covney Michael Bergen Pi*‘ncer nrri\.*l l:ii( nigin on jitram ehlp iH r-hieier from I oltlmore Mis L. Hpb er. K. M Holden, Mrs. Holden, F H cox. A Cox. J A Alexander, Wiliinm Burn* Mre F Sinter. Miss G. Adams. W S Cox, M Smith. Passenger* by steamship City of An gu-ta, New Yoik for Savonuah, Nov. 1 .Mr* C I. Book Mra. M. A. Connolly. Mrs J B lielaney. Mips Cutler. It F Ciex m. Mr L Sykes. W It Mcßride, lr. folding, wife and children. J. L. Cutler. W H Alien umt wife. Miss <1 lb-miner ton, Mr* D. P. Upson. II Fraier. Miss M J Lindsey. J Dub, F W M- n •l'ttu W A Hiintee, Miss K L. Martin. W Hutchinsoti. J Ford. M. Ro? -I, C MCart\ Mr Northrup. Mr. Morse, T Ulhson. <2 Fm rv. F. On*tl, O IwifTer nler, D Powers. Mr Nelson, W. Chri*- Hwn. • Wooi A Haggard. Mr. Peter**. Mr. Keefe. W Maas. Mr Joe. F W Bat roft. H II Burmin. W. C Beane. II Preufer. II Fournier J Hlethel. B FllfT*>rd Max J White. O. Flerant. C o Ne||. ,q Bancroft. c Kpink. O I>*lslr. i\ Tracey. Mrs Pretity. Master <2 *r**n tv. II T Maynard. J. Malliiscon. T <l. Ituftly. B <\irl*on. B. L.iim'D, J Gal tnsky, l>ter Goldman. ftnxMiiiinli Almanac. #un r!tea at 122 a. m and acts at s:<* p m High water at Tvbee to-day at 1:00 a m and f2* p m High water at Savan nah orse hour later. ■ 'liases of the Moon for November. D. H. A Full moon 6 5 0 eve Last quarter 13 * 57 eve. New moon .22 1 17 morn. First quarter 29 11 35 morn M* on perigee sth. Moon apogee. 17th %Ml AM) OF PA It TIR C 4. Veaacls Arrived Yesterday. Staamshlp Dorchester. James. Balti more —J J Carolan. oger.t Steamship Juno (Nor). Trerert. Ham burg—Barnard A Cos. Vessels Cleared Yesterday. Bark Norrskenet (Bwedj, Nordxjulst. itouerdam.-li. Juchitr, % r***la W ent to Sr*. •Steamship Tahahamtee, A-k.n, New York. Steamehlp lta*-a. Blllup* Baltimore Schooner Mu liwrenct. Thorp,, Balti more. Schooner Mangle M. Keough, Tilton New York. N hoooer C. C Wehrum, Caviller. New York Schooner Percy and IJllle, Anderson. New York. Schooner J/ongfellow, Hannah. Fall River, Steamship City of Birmingham, Berg, New York kiilpplniz Memoranda. Fernandlnu. F,a.. Nov. 3 —Cleared schooner Caine A Bane, Fletcher. Prov ident e. Clurte "on, 8 C., Nov. 3 —Ch-or'-d schooner John C. Gregory. II itchinson, New York Bailed, steamer Giudextry (Bn laiwson. Manchester. Philadelphia. Nov 3 Arrived, steamer Alleghany. Savannah, Wextover, Jack sonville, Cleared, at<*imer Josephine. Jacksonville; William T Donnell. Jacksonville Baltimore, Nov 3 Balled, et.amer Slate of Texas. Savannah. Havre. N, . \tu...i at* tmer Spen nymoor, I’ensuti-.n via Norfolk for 1/on ikm. Madeira. Oct. 25 Sailed. steamer Homewood, (from Vilh Heal), Savannah Hhleldi Gel ;>* Sal.,si. steamer llud dendieM, p, nxaeola. Note—'Tin- r> |-irl-d Filling. .'.'*h, of atenmt r lieu on: Held for P, nsacolu wu.- .'ili error Apal.i- hi-o’.a F. 1 . Nov. 3 —Cleared, schooner II Y.indalia. Formerly, t'ar.le na* Key West. Fla., Nov 2—Arrived, eb.imers Miami. Delano. Miami: Nueces, -it . i.- itt -i 1 ,| ■ N(V Vick i >ll velte. Havana, dial sal.,-I f.-r Poie Tampa: schooner Orient, Bretly, Nassau, English ate.uner New. i-*:l-- Philadelphia 10 Tampico, coal, ,1 - lore Term,-.,, (• reef, wreckers jelllaonlng cargo, and expect to dost the ship *oo#>. \oHee to Slariners. Pilot chart* and all hydrographic Infor mation will he furntahe.l masters of vs -el- fre- of 'haruc in Fniled Br iles hy drographic office in Custom House rep esina art- requested to cal he of! ft,-|iort* of wro k* and derelicts re* eivcd for tranxnilss.on to (ho Navy I>, pjrt mc-nt. Foreign Kvnnrii. Ter Swedish bark Norr*kene( f.,r Rol t r.Lirn 3.2Stt harrele ro*,n. 31,174 at. 2.7-1. ask* s|iirlts. M.70l 71. !* barrel- rosin oil. fi.:,(3.t1. barrel - pitch. *1.71, ?:■ -a--* pitch. Wtl.lo Cargo by rt p. rt hol ier Company. *",i*(tlvi*r llsaart*. per steamship city of Birmingham to New York —4.1*., b.-.;.** upland cotton. 127 bah-* domeeeli . 511 horre.s cotton se,-l ■>ll. 3<o barrel* rosin, 12* 117 feet lumher case# cotton sc.d oil. k. case* cigars UO ton* pig Iron. IC9 packages mdse. I'- r st. imr/ilp Tali.ihasstto New York t 111 bale* uplic.l cotton, 2t*> bales sea P end cotton. (!; txirtel* cotton *• e.| of. hali-a tobacco. 573 bales domes!:--*. 77 barret* rl , v barrels neln. *7/1 barrets I*r 1, ntlne S!.i7.'i (*x lumber , biindi-- lilile*. | turtle. 7 barrels n*h. K .a . tgars 1.017 sixes fruit. 37 birr.-t- vegeta bles 119 rate* vege 11 hire 7"l lobs pig Iron Hit bale* sweeping a.. * .. ;.7 |*, k- SL-e mdse. Per *1 ini tip It ira for Baltimore 1,- !.!'-■ : arr.-i* r* sin 777, !e -urpentlnc. it"- 7*7 feet lumber, tt'. |> 1 kage- (run. so birrels (iKch, * barrel* ro at oil. ,-ts boxes oranges. .177 sack.- - In'. 75 lons pig Iron. 143 pv-kage m-l*e. v.-, pa ksgew de niestlc* dial y arn- 3*7 r-e* canne*l goods Per s-booner leuigfel.ow- f.r Fall Hive —22A.4s3 f.. i ye,low inne lumber —Cargo hy E. H Hunting Ar <v> An (ippt. tr. • :n "is or -iard of John Brooks of Mount Hnlev Maitland cunt-. 5i thi elm Iner |ja: wlnlei. Ocean Si-eaiiisdin Gn. —FOR- New York, Boston —AND THE EAST, l*nsurpase<j cabin accommodations. All the comforts of a inoJsrn hotel. lulactric lights Unexcelled table. Tckois Include meals and bertha aboard bhip. Passeoser tares irom bavaan.ii TO NEW YORK—FIRST CABIN. ISO. FIRST CABIN ROUND TRIP, J-3. IN TERMEDIATE CABIN. 1,.. INTERME DIATE CABIN HOUND TRIP. L*- STEERAGE, JlO. TO BOSTON FIRST CABIN. IT. FIRST CABIN ROUND TRIP. *3 IN TERMEDIATE CABIN, *l7; INTERME DIATE CABIN ROUND TRIP. *.<. STEERAGE. *ll 75 Th express atearnrhlp* of tht. link are appointed to fall from Sawinnnh. Central <9o*h) meridian time . olli>w: SAVANNAH TO NKVV TURK. I CITY OF BIRMINGHAM Cap*. Boi* SUNDAY". Nov 4. 7"! „ m i ITY (IF APCFSTA. ‘.lit DanseH Tl B!SDAV N. \ '• 4 ■*> f. m. ■ NA('Oi*>CIIKP. i ‘a[it Smuh, TIIURS* DAT No* n i •' p fn KANSAS CITY. < ant. Fl her. BATVU- I'AY Nov 10 7”0 p ni TAI.I.AH AHSKi: A.ktn*. TFF.P PAY". Nov. lit. 0 Nt a. m. UITY ni" AUGUSTA. Capt. Pagot, THURSDAY. N o tr. 11 M a. in CITY OK PHIMI NOIIA M. 4"apt. Bor* FRIDAY Nov. IS, 1 • i. m NACOOI lIBE. r.tpi. Smith, SATURDAY, Nav 17, I 70 p m KANSAS CITY <"apf. Ft.hor, DAY". Nov 70 3 30 p m. TAUI.AH A SSI". Ii I "apt. A-kltv*. THURS DAY. Nov. 77 4 SCi p. in i CITY OK AUGUSTA. Capt. D.i.-lt, SATURDAY. Nov 71. f, 0 p. m NACOOCHKK. Capt Smith. TUESDAY, Nov. 17, • 30 p m CITY" OF BIRMINGHAM. Capl. Bor* THURSDAY Nov. . 10:'O a m KANSAS CITY. Capl Klahor, THURS DAY Nov. , to no a m NOTICE Stoam.tilp ettv of Birr—trig ham will not rnrrv pa**ti*ora. NEW YORK TO UOSTUX. CITY OK MACON. <*ipt Sava**. MON DAY’. Nov. J. 17 00 noon. CITY OF MACON Copt Sava**. FRI DAY’. Nov. 3 17 "0 noon CITY OF MACON. Capl S\a*,. WED NESDAY Nov 14. lint) iron. CITY OK MACON, C-p- Sava**, MON DAY’. N -nr CITY OK MACON Capt Siva**. FRI DAY. Nov S3, at IS.OO nom. CITY" OF MACON, 'apt Sava**, WED NESDAY". Nov 7*. l!i' Boon. Tula comi*nr r*-rv. th ri*m to chan*. It* anllln** *D unit notnx nnj without liability or accountability Iheie for. Hailing* N.w York for Savannah Tii"*- dava, Thurwlav* anal Saturrlaj-a 1:00 p m W, G BREWER. City T!i-Kt and YYi-a *ngcr Agnt, lv7 Bull afreet. Savannah. Oa E YV SMITH. Contrite lng rrawnt Agent. Savarnan. G* R O. THEZEVANT, Af.nt, Savannah Oa WALTER HAWKINS. O.n.ral Agent Tram* P*p't. 734 W Bay street, Jack sonville, Fla E H HINTON. Traffic Manag-r Sa vannah. Oa • r E LE FEY’RF. Managar, Naw rir S5. Notlli Klvar, New York, N. T. 1 SISTER: READ MY FREE OFFER Wise Words fo Sufferers From a Woman of Halr Damt. lift. / \ I wUI mail, tree el any charm, this lloni* ... / : ■ jA; e?R A" Mat eitb tali lostractwais od but r f Jn{ M ' \ ta*a to any lady suffering from female | •ft* a JI II v- 5; a*! ,-' I • 1 can cure yourself at home without the *lj , TANARUS: I \ \ ph> *a.lan. It UI eart you nothing • V ! r. ' 'Jf C.V "*! treatment a trUI. and It you dr,fn cuu „ I '- IrT v. lonlylonly coat you about twetv* cent. . „.,|1 f • . —t * Zj, iiLo*4 v’-f It will nct Intertere with your wixk or urr„ 4 „ tk ,i V J'l ifk I 1 K, ’ ,c “" lo,n • *"• Tell other * i-Terers # ;tZ wA | ■*. -if* -w fxnae /J* # that Is all I ask. It curea all, taxing or old. I LmL wMw #9* R yoo M a tear tag . V - ff > / , y / ■ ,-gy./-e CTf hjr ap tßa aplne. a desire lo cry Irepu. n-, * lex \ ,4- e felt W faxhee. wi-aiiueae. treuuent de-.u* toonnatr, „ . „ V *SP f bae : . \ j •- i< tha W(Bb, Prctuaa Sea J Tuiwsx-/r Growtba, a Idreaa MRS. M SL’M * NOTRE PA ME, INI> , U. S A., ke the F* a Ten ar asam and Fell hn-, (inns Tbouaanda besWaa mvvelf haw cured tteru-eivax with It. 1 aend It bi plain srapfara. TO MOTMIiKS or pAtTIHTKRS I illeaplain a simple ll.sne Treatment which and •fleetualt# curca ’.run Si.i—n a id / **/•/ or /rr/gass/ Afrmurntnem In yan g Udiea It i,,]# wen ar.d ufe*u H#v*i •' > tmr d>a*gkttr tht km mi. ezplaiomg hrr trvuU** to I tlrers. P.uaipewt* ahe health alwaya reault Its* It* uaa. Wherever rau lira I can trier yaa to wail kuown isdlea 4 your own atate or oountv wh-, know aad wUI gladly tali say *uff*r tht Uita linwe really cure* all diseased condition. „• our delicate fuaaio eegaoWtr thonsigblv -Trengthrns rcta.ed muscle* *nd ligswowu which canoe dla r -odi**’’ e. " .. thUdAer will not he made again A.l<lrea MRS.H.SUMMERS,Box 435, Notre I)ame,lnd.,U.s.A Not How Cheap! BUT How Good! Llndsau & Moraan’s AT OTTO. OUR SUCCESS COMES FROM CAREFULNESS. 11l th* Ht:i.K Ti' N of our goo1(i to luy dii v th -H im)l PLKASK. tM>th in si>le and quality Wo have trlfi # ImiH#*#)!* on your mind.n that no tikCONl H ever enter our atore. OUR SUCCESS WILL BE ADVANCED hy your buying your gool9 from u* W# mini ill your trade, a** you will he ihf k.ier i> giving it h* u* by ihiik ( th*- RiMih the same jr! • you pay for Inferior gooh> tdaewhere. COME AND SEE US at leas* and let ii* prove lo you that oiir tt- e.’tion ,* ihe t-est In Ihe city, and that our prices are right. COLD WEATHER In bound trt come, and you will be Mr* rv that you have put off gening your ■. -me fixed Uft before the rush. tVe help you <to h. anl DO IT RIGHT OUR FURNITURE STOCK Is iiow timplelc—l*ar!or and Dining It.iom. lailir.iry ff.tllng Room and Km i*i. • in he flit#'l out with ii my d;i -ii ■ • I.* it her Ooucn • rtHk.rj* and K“>* Chare. China i |4_ 4' 4’.i'.ait*>.-•, D i.iiig Tat*;* 5. M u it n kf. 11.i.l <*ha!rs II : Hell**” I *:.lii, -r S’ r. n Hx < >u n ~ Foi ling Bfh. H* I | iny< (’omMnatlon Hxk ra^en., I tin > halre anl ll *♦ k* r? of nil de aorlptlong, ittrdeeye and Mahogany hr- '-M rj, TN'as.l Stands. Chiffon.era and Tables PLEASE CIVE US A CALL IN OUR NEW STORE. LINDSAY & MORGAN ppfnjpnpMffß v uu arc es P ecial *y iiLkp; -U-J. - . : I ed to examine our Slat • t ’.{if • l erss Dress Trunks, made of •v -il( veneer Iu ni her,leather bound —iinen lined. ladies or • - 'OH gents. Kcjjular price SIS. J sl2. ‘r'iiV JtrvrJ ■> jiOT Made at our own factory. 420 to 426 Bay street, ea*t. Retail Show and Salesroom 314 and 316 Broit(hton, Weal. Southern Trunk Cos., M. D. LUBIN, Propriet r McDoz\olGH & BALLANTYiNE, V Iron Founders, Machinists g V ““rviuiKta, aatlsiwtlisvs, asaaafa ctarrrs ot atatlua. f* •r* wad Kspim, Ytttlaal aa* Yap, l,#rm MGIa, Sugar Mill !'•., Ska fllag, Fallrys, .to. TELEPHONE NO. 123. nun win*.mi riioTSXF*. W lillr-lliilrril l.ndy'a llnnquet Kvery Uornlnjt for l*hlliiili*l|it> In'# Birds. I tom the I'Mind I|.)i a Bulletin. Few p<l<nrliini who .tolly croas the shallow of n great * alt ir e ihit wand* In Hlttenhouse HqußK' km.w of the secret that II li if shared for more than ton year* with Mr* Kate Covert and the I of Philadelphia. Every morning between Sand * o'elo k the story repeat* Itself The tree suddenly darkens In a hower of bird* that * em to descend from every chimney top and ehtirrh *rlre In the city The leave* rus tle noisily In the commotion, and the branches sway ltfhtly under the weight of l elr hundreds of tenants The bird* world. a fin note* to the opening day. salute tit li oth.r u.I then all la silence Covert mil breakfa.-i* She hit* never disappoint'd them, "f . way* go to the same two trees.” said their d l ia!i I I en. factor, n* she talked wisely hi her protege a "For 1 wouldn't want one of them to fly away thinking that 1 had- not realty been to see them And they never l.ok for me under any other tree. Hut o: e day they dlsappcln-ed me ” Mrs Covrrt became grave, but there waa a twinkle In her eye. "It was tne first lime that I had occasion to go through the square In th latter pert of the day. I *•* duittsaed at flxat, for 1 felt autg that 111 t k'l STtrVF.S *M> RANGES, 111. YIPS OIMHtI.HXs HIIPHIURHATOM Flit Tlt> Yl YTTHUSSIvS. IVI'l ltlYI. I t KMT* 111 l ■•OLIfS. are four BFECIALTIES that car, t b, beat. CARPET DEPARTMENT. YV* need not aay much about our alo it of Carpeta. Everybody aavs It ta lit beat In town Peopla come and loo* go away. but. LIKE THE CAT. i v come back A few of our ep. laltle. thi* department are Wide Bontere, ' ■! Folding Is*'i*. Narrow I’orliere, ttlngle lied*. Vestibule I and Pi lain !r,im It-inch up to .*; Inehea 4'omh Cover*. *>i Inche* wide. c H;xe Rug-, tn Wltton and Smyrna -to a* follow*: tix>i ta*. la*. OaU." sx - I<s6xl4 feel Noamere In town •tn you get tnem. We are acilm* o hr. oxl7 Smyrna ltug *l3 00. W. purehawed at a bargain a lot of sample, from a drummer of Dagueoar Wilton Ruga, 3x*> feet The r. price of them le M 0 YVe are selling th .< lot at very much less. The go,xl* are PERFECT. The price for the asking. UPHOLSTERY GOODS and i fin#* uphold I <*r**r to do your work H|>* t t.l |rU given on material t> fit.>* in th trod* W’t kf<*n t'.int ani lots of things that w- :n't #nutn> - ate. OUR LACE CURTAIN STOCK mupt nt o%*<*rlooked, nx it lx in ful. I*. ?*. Our Nt<x k of M inud L.m. r* - i|i)i(i!< and it ivt.rthy of r>*',• #> If you h.i ii RUaell >t*u wo iM nrvrr r* prrt the price , u l for It. They ar# labor-* 1 tver*. | the birds would re-ogntxe pte. and I *n i sr.dng that I had no crumb*, would it rr.k ■ hat I was betraying them and ivouM ’ away with their faith In woman s tered. "But I hod no lime to pause o •* change my nowii. So I quietly e l through the square. Not a bird chl .nl Hood morning,‘ or made any sign of r* ognlilon. Then f reads.d lhat It was t * basket they knew, not the clllacn ' ’ carried It." The tree awakens a* soon ** Jeasle dog. puts her shaggy Utile feet arour.d t * corner. She run* In advance of h*r m tress and the crumbs. The foliage s i.olsy agnln. and lh birds awing fr> Ihelr high pedes’nl* to pose on Mr*. r ' err * tonnet or ahoulder or basket har I .before Joining the banquet on tile ground at her feet. It was ten year* ago this strat • little woman, wltn hair while a sf> • first tarried her big crumb bn kef to the square The work was tvegun by it wealthy woman, who died In I hi a lelphla a f" w ’ w. .k* ago. She saw lhat Ihe scavenger* of the sirees left little food for th b rl* many of whom starved or flew aw y to perish elsewhere. She made Mrs. Covert her intermediary, and ha* bq.aathed * legacy to ti e birds that will snab • these to be happy and toll for many genera tions. —Justice: What were you doing In Col. Pullers chicken coopt Uncle Mose: Fo’ da U*J Judge I was Jes’ takln' de census.-Harlem Ul*.