The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 04, 1900, Page 23, Image 23

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financial and commercial. imß cotton fl tires market * an %uvamt:. , jti , mir started no Roy Inc of • horf* ' Coaer no fur of tejneeir ~<>( Market**—' dplrll* Torpen „„ firm "f 4 f ont*— Hoilna Firm n( l I ncliauaed—Ntoeka Quint anil oral a lid Telegraphic *fr. k<*. The Morning Nrws Office, . Saturday, Nov 3 . itprinkllnip of local amt foreign r* >r lw 'h< cotton futures market j up to-day. an<l made further to want .• lua© on p<ri*tnt rum vf a vt* In th ppot marker# .. m rum>rs raud large short* to cov ,r m. and bu ng of th© active months con , i for soma tlm\ giving th© mark'd fUi#4n <jl support. The rioting wu with price! net & uik! 10 |*>ir.t . r Th naval ©tor©! market clor-I te * lo l,otn turpentine and ro*w 7u:*“ '-ie loaed l 40 cent? with . fit ,in.* i for tne offering*. though tr idles a lt -.j-anu* l urn ' on i narrow „ , I; -uie remained ui> mged. with m U leii Hid and round transaction© r. pv m The New York stock market ~, and easy, with buwlii. * on h nanow st , To** tendency townnl the clone > advance owing to the light alto* j g ni-'ida by the gold paradere The local w;.-.4aia markets closed *t-ady aid a*’- tlv- Tne following resume ot th© mar- X#ai will show Itie tone nnd quotations • i tne liosiiif to-day: tOllO3 i n cotton market closed qu>* and fii. u-J unchanged to-day. Sale- on th* •po vere 42 bales. Tne and n.ji.d was *p (ir. i light from every sour ♦ . and tne litil- inquiry for • uton cau*<* l an lndtf* fern e which lasted throughout the day. For t u b cotton buy* re were ltd /. g'i helow what the Interior wae ask jr* at no great desire for their bids to be M **p|ed There are still tin* t 1 <1 opn n* among the tra Jas lo the future courv. of the market, with a sprink .ng tk| even among factors The day's r pts were against 6.618 list year, a .id .L.sav year before last Th following v.t*- tit© ..m> lal *qof quo. tatk>ii at the closu of the market at th© otton Fxcnange to-day This l^ast I day. year Oood middling Mtdd.Ui H U*li 6 I^-W Low nuduitng • 9*16 6 7 16 Mark* t quiet and #*ay. n U , 42 9*v Rtceiiiu, Export mid Sl^k* Ktc.p*o 4i)' 3.646 Heoeipls tbH day l.iet year 6. H T7ia day year before !at 10.(00 Heceipta since H< pt 1 1900 4>>.l3*i Same day l*f year *4.MO Htock on liaud tMa day ****** oaii< day last >esr ... 104.196 Rerelptj* aiwi Bto<kß at the Porta- Rerelpta th day Receip'.s this ki|r last year 4**.<rr Reoeipta this day year before Hat 7.901 Total racoipta lnc fciopt 1. 1900 2 263 790 Same time last year Fun* lime before 1 *?*t 2,7>.'09 Stock a* I1 ports to-day *21.<70 Htock lama day last year 612 178 Dally Movements at Other Ports— QNi lares ton- Dull, mtddltrs. 9. receipts, KUO; gross, 22,210; stock, I‘. t ! *> Now Or lea Steady, nittdling. 9 1-I*. rel receipts. 11,884; an>*. 12,34*; sales, ITS. ptook, VnjWj Mobtla-Nomltval; middling. K 13-18. ret t*rtlpte 409; groi'. 4*9. eto- k, ClulMto 84 ■ receipts, 1.100, I.lok “lock. ,9.3*. Wilmington—Firm, middling, 9. net re ireta. 1,486, gross. 1.488. Slock. 113.19 Norfolk—Finn middling 9 net r* <tpt*. ’ 743, gross. 1,743. n.i!**!*, 167. stock. 31.171 RaPlmorv Nominal. middling 9%; Block. 2.291. New York—Quiet; middling. r * 9-16. net r* elpta 125. gro-.*. 141*. Stock. 4 * Boston—Quiet; mi Idling. 9 9-16. net rc i .i.pte ‘■Ot grO'* 4"92 Phllaileii Jua quiet. mWfdl ng '• 13-16; net receipt 149 gTo.-s. 149 n>. k, -'•* Psnsncols—Net receipt.-. 4 *ro>*. 1.000. _ Daily Movements ? Interior town August* Firm, m Ul ! ng 9 1 * net vre <dpt> 1,644 gross. 1.844. ales, 373; sto k, 48.911 . .. Memphis—Steady; middling 8 1-l f net reoelpu. 3.621, grvse. 4.861; sal*-*, hloc * 98.108. tft Louie* Bte ly mM II g. 3 199, groes, 6.797; “to* k *3l. Cincinnati—Quiet. middling. . n* i re ceipts. 866; gro s. 696. sal* s. >O. stock. middling * "-* receipt*. 22.7. grof*. 22.748; sale*. 138; ,'oek 50.13D. 1-outsvllla— Firm: middling !>U Hvpnrf, of Cotton This Day. I yalveeton—To Britain. 18.638; con l.nent. 15.272 New, Orleans--To Great Brlialn. 5,190. -■nUnifit 44*n, coatowia*, 1,9*5. Mobtle~G o aiawl*o. 311. < •harleeton--To Great Britain, 2.323; oaelwt**. 1 4*5 Norfolk—Coaatwtse. 1.3*0. flowtnn To Great Britain. 33. I’ettsacol.-i To Great Brlttkl 4.990 Total foreign ex|*ort# from nil port* thin **v To Great Britain. 37.00*. to *h" con *if nt. 13 722 Toeei foreign export- -elltce B*pt 1. lnrv To Great Britain. W 2S>. to France, 147. U:; the continent. MB.s#9. SF.A KI.AMI t'OTTOV The bottom has apparently dropped from tna demand for s.-a Island cotton Con • 'imers are waltloff.\nd doubtless hope ! T the market It- out the influences deprosa it. There i Just now consid rrat e Interest as to the alie of the rrop, t pending more dertnlte Information toe * uatlon promisee to remain ftaturelesa Prices ahotit as follows 1 lira eholca Kaat Florida, I atra rholce an.l fancy Florida* * latra choice anti fancy Qeor*taa.nV<|23’ * hone c,eo re his I.atre flne Oeorftas * R. elpls and Stocks— 1900-m IS3J-0O lp's past week I * *** „ . , on r i7 : * c.\|Orl L>fiPt WtfK It.-up., I ,Me s.eeon I !. Pel.. r„t week W ffork on hand 1 i** l * l 11 ■**' COTTON FI Tl RW- dope Itr4r t • HUe* °* n-Q* Point*. New York. Nov. * -The cotton mork*t opened flrm at an advawca of 3*07 PO*l on lo .1 nml light foreign buying chiefly # °r rote.-tlon of oversold account*, the r- ■ <he n* frost rtparu from ths North • All things the nrly advap. • was rather a reamrkable one, a r# ■-'iw% overtopped efttmate#. a* the •- were decidedly unfriendly and a* • aMaiirilii bull aun*ort wa lacking- • u.r haked out that prominent foreign •bore* were apprehensive of a "aQUeeao * pot nurk l* South and of cold weath *r In the belt over Sunday. Following - jil the aole feature of trading wn “ buying of November and January by **• ad. 1.4 l-stiahah houae The room trad** fairly wd evened up and a Ira *+* had quite generally anticipated a r ■ f r©w unwet!fctor> market The gov- chart reported froat In the Nortb **atarn Itejt, but ghowed reaeonab.y high ~T ;•* r T* ire eif*u'here. Southern, mat* " ■ reported ttteady <0 firm and • n c<*d Pnc market fee’ future* lo*ed •'••o with prlc< net Bto 10 points b*gn •r rucrviTioxf is rrnsES. ‘ STarku Nkn 3.4Qottoi| futurea MURPHY ft CO., INC.. Hoard of Trad. Building, Savannah Prlvafa leased wire* direct to Saw York, Chicago aud New Orleans COTTON. ITOIKa AND GRAIN. New York office, No. II Broadway. Office* In principal clile* throughout th* Nouil* V\ rUe for our Market Manual and l ook containing tintmctlon* for IraJ.r* *>P*n r d rtim and closed idj Pfl r , follows: ! Open Hljth, la.* rioaa. January 9.02 9# ,uo Sou February ...,| Vo} h.i sid !• tV, March ..... y *h y.y oj no; April y,ii6 , i,| ot yor May j cC y.ict uj ■< or June 9 Od 9 i<s 9 08 9 0! July 9 08 9.03 9 UU 9 Hi Augual 9k I N j 9.9* 999 September . ... ontuber , .... .... j . , .... Nuvntler ... 9.91 I.H | '*i 90! Uacember 99. 9 0 197 | 9.03 Report* Kerry Fl*e ttkaole*. Tire quotation* of ih<- New York cotton futiiri* market will be furnished ttw Sa vannah Colton Ksclianna herraflei every live minute, lii.tead Of every mln ut*, as formerly. Owing to the Urye i ' ot comm tra.Una .lone In Savan nah the movement of sh. lutur. > matket la of great to the trade, and tne improved service is sure to be appiai cla ted l it KRPUOI. I tll'lov M tftKK.T. Liverpool. Nov 3 -Cotton. Siot. limit© 1 dnrn.iiui a i pri •* coal* i. American mid dling H-;i2d t g-kHI m.ddllitg. h* 4 d; mid dling, 6-32d, low middling. 4 31-23d. good ordinary. 4 23-3. M. ordinary 4 15-3 M The s wu of th© day wre ♦ *m b iles, of which ?**) were for speculation and export and included 5.3 W bales Amarlcan Receipts, hales, including ... American. Futures opened quie: and clo*d quiet, hut avsady. American middling low mid dling clause November. s*d sellers. No v mb*r-D* i ember. 4 I i seller.-, De ember-January, 6id seller*. Jan uary-February. 4 '9l sellers. Febrtiary- Mnrch, 4 s?s<4.&ftd sellers Nfarch-April * Sad sellers, April-May. 4 >'A sellers. May- June. 4 M 44 :4 1 hiryers. June-July. 4 a3d tellera Juty-AugiMi, 4.U4 aellf; August p***nl>er. 4 4*. 1 buyer m.w onßt:%\© nrn'osi hihkiti . New Orleans. Nov 3 —Cotton futures steady. November **. ov March .. IV43HM recemh©r *.a.hpfji.S3 April ... >4 Januar y . A.SlovNlMav S February .. 8 $3428A4 June H.tTi/v** on o\ i.i: ri Kf. N*w York. Nov. 3 —Murphy Ar Cos my: L!vi*ri><i>| t qul‘*t with /uiurrs 2 to ups, 52x'.-3. i This was .t little bettor thn f?xpr<*twl uni rmultH in our opening bo in* 3 to 5 points htjchrr thnn lost • i tar fit i loso Weather news also was of nn un favorable character, ami irave o*ir market a very firm undertone, although the ses • lon was for only on* hour, on account of sound money parade. We opened at 9.02 for J nuary. advanced to 9.oft. and closed .*t 9.95, with tone quiet but steady. Mem j. 1* reports heavy fro*t In Mississippi Delta last night. lso further frost Abilene ard I>allas, Tex Fort Worth reports heavy frost here, however, do not think any serious dam ago will result, in fact that il© recent storm throunhout Texas and heavy ran * lias resulted in mor© Uim than by frost. Present indications point to continued unfavorable weather, during: next forty-eight hours thnnush'ait the cotton states, and we are inclined to antiripdife higher market Monday. Kstl mat*d i*ort receipt© to-day ift.fftw against 4u,H27 last year New York. Nov. 3 Hubbard Rrt© A o. sav: Our market rallicMl sharply *n the fn < of the decline In Liverpool ii re ports of frost at Ahlline and Memphis. Th© lowest temperatures reported were ar Ahlline 3ft. and Memphis 4G. Continen tal covering orders and local covering on these advices from th** Mississippi valley Urougai atrergeh to the market in tho short sessions, dispoßirion to be without .any engagements pending the election was shown on wil s©bs. LJver -18001 I© expected to rally sharidy n Mon day on the lighter movement tn th© A hintic states. lilt \ t.lHlllk. N* w York, Nov. 3.— The market to-day ii\ turn. F.A. Rogers & Cos. INCOHPOHATGD Bankers. Broken and Dealers in STOCKS, COTTON Grain and Provisions Hljh Grade Investment Securities CASH OR ON MARGIN Highest References and Credit. Write for Booklet, "Safety and Certainty In Speculation." If will pay you to get our terms and special quotation service. 38 WALL ST.. NEW YORK HAIGHT & FUEESE COMPANY. r,7 Broadway. New York Rranches-ko Stale sireet. Boston; 407 Wain'll -'reel Pillladelphll CONNECTED BY PRIVATE WIRES BONDS. HTOCKB. GRAIN. COTTON Bought and aold for Caeli or on Moderate Margins 10 share lot? and upward Commission. 1-16 Colton our ype laity Bnuill margin* and large saving on com mlsston Write l-r t,rm- We cm Imer e,4 you. Bend lor our tdspage "Guide lo Incesior*." giving detailed Information lo Investor* and oi>erators In Brocks. Grain and Cotror. Issued gratis ar.d mailed free B'atisll-'s on Railroad. Industrial aiel Mis cellaneous fleourlllee. Highest ar.d lowest prices of slock* from l**i Ex- silent ser vice. Corrc|)ondenco solicited. Out-of town orders given special attention JACOB BERRY & CO. MEMHERB OFTHE CONSOLIDATED STOCK EXCHANGE. ESTABLISHESD IW 41 and 4*> Broadway. New York STOCKS. BONDS GRAIN. COTTON. Strictly a commissi n huuae. working In the Interests of our cl.'tit* and executing ali ordsis up n the exchange' 8- nd for uur new bo-k dar- rlblng market move iner.'.-. al o flucuatlon sheets and Market Reports. Commission 1-1'- ___ TWO SYSTEMS That beat the Block Market-both fully explained In my new Circular 'which will le mailed free ro any addre-.i Itare fr*qu*ntiy O'-’ur to maKe money bv those who scl quickie. Ac count* direct*,! through your own broker (or small perremage of th# net Proflts mo • otnpeniallon unlecs uccei-rful). Write to day F ELLBWORTH 5 AIL. lords Court New York , JOHN W. DICKEY, Block and Hoad Broker, UUIJT4, GA. Writs *o* List. THE MORNING NEWS: ST’NDAY. NOVEMBER 4. 1900. bas been brought to a complete atandetiii | b\ the sound money parade manv house* opening only to re etv© their mad. while ( In all there was o suspension of operation# until Monday which, however. Is not ex pe".**| 10 show improvement over to-day. j A radical change in market conditions Is kx>k*v| for after election, when many d* is are expe red to he completed, and new spring buinee lnaugut%ted RAVAL9TOPKI Saturday Nov 1 dT’lKlT.k TVHPENTINE—The furfjrn | tine rnatket ujmmwil fkrm to-day at 4tX’. with sale.- of ftftft. and liofcd firm and un changed. with no further *ale reported The ilemnnd w is ii* rted to be (air dur- j Ing th** early hours, but there was little doing after th© noon hour The day s re ceipth w re 991, and the exporia LiaJ ROBINS The rosin market dosed Arm and unchanged to-day with Hading on h goo-1 - There were rejavite*! sales ot 1 *.* oarrela at the owning at th© Hoard of Trade, and at the closing call fuither -lies of 197 bariel The demand was re ported fair, though It wa tight after the opening hours The day’s re.elpts were 3.942, and the expor:s 4.319. Trkea as fol lows A. B. C ,|1 S 1 *: I) 1 3S K I7" 814 M 1 ' K 1 46 N i 15 0 1 ill W O 2 M h ii, iv iv :k> Ueorlpti Saturday— Spirit. Ro.ln Central R 11 74 14& S.K. & W 4-Td l.lti SAL 4*l L*7 Sfe.ina r Ethel 247 Export. Saturday— C R R . week, varlou. *7 S F A TV., week, varlou. ... •' M* Bark Non.kenei (Swed.l. Rolterdaiu 2.78a 3 240 Natal Store. Statement— Spirit. Roeln Sto> k April 1. 1 3147 117 7.* Reoetpi. to-day y 3 042 Receipt* 2*2.7W ftX.SM Total ilnee April 1 3*5 9*4 772.4 m Export* to-day 2*2 4 2*l Export, 38.7*8 *4'.BS" Export* *lnc* April t .... .23 646.101 Stock on hand to-day 36.84. 127.300 Stork la.l year 3*.*88 148 .14 Charle.ton, S C. Nov. * -Spirit, tur pentine mirket firm 39T,: sale, none Ro,ln ateady. unchanged; .ale* none Wilmington, N C., Nov 7 - flplrll* tur pemlne fltm P'.He. re. dpi*. & Roea. gleady. 41 207i I 25. r elpte. 229 Crude iur|a*nlire II 4*l and 13 4**. receipt., 64 Tar firm. IMS. receipt*. H 2 local skoi hitik*. Th* Centnl pf Geortla Income bond, have been heavily traded ki the pert week, order, comtnp In from the North. The October earning, are expected to be the largest In Ihe history of the road. Tho Savannah. SVrlda nd TV.e.rn Railway twmda 81 Johns Division. I*, due 1934). are regarded favorably Tl>* road Is doing well It* earning. re ex ceeding the fixed charges FINANCIAL. MONEY—The keep, fairly up with the supply FOREIGN EXCHANGE - Market weak Commcr ial d-mnd It *2S. .lxt,v ikivr. It 79', ninety date. It 77S franc., rrt* and Havre, aixty days. 8 2S\; S*t'. txty day.. 5 26. Belgian, .T 2t 4 . mark*, sixty day.. 93 9-16. nlrielv da\ 93', I tOMESTI* EXCHANGE Steady; hanks are buying at 1-16 discount and sell ing a. follows 125 and under, lOe pre mium. 125 to l*n, 15c premium; IS* '0 ll'). 2th' premium. IK4) to 1200 26c premium: |>n to 11.000. H premlitn, 110(0 nd over. 75c per M premium. SECITRITIES— But very llt’le activity In .rcurilles Central Income, are firm wllh Northern taiyrr. In tho market. Stock*. Bid A*. Augusta and Savannah R It ..I(J* 110 Allama and West Point 128 VI do 6 per cent, certificate* 108 Augusta Factory *2 85 Citl.en* Fank 7*l ,a Chatham Bank 11,1 1,1 Chatham R. K &I.Co , A *7 58 do do B M 67 Eagle and Phoenix Mfg Cos. ..108 W 7 Edison Electric Ilium ..IOC 108 Enterprise Mfg Cos Germania Bank *-30 131 Georgia A Alabama 2* 26 Georgia Railroad Common 214 214 Oranllevill* Mfg Cos I*s I* 7 J T Kina Mfg Cos I 0 " 1W Mngley Mfg Oo H 7 13 Merchants' National Bank 111'i 112'i National Hank of Savannah 150 Oglethorpe Saving, and Trust IS> People's Savings and Loan HO Southwestern Railroad Cos W 8 h 0 Savannah G* Light Cos 2414 7i'a Southern Bank T3 156 Savannah Rank and Trust 114 Sibley Mfg Cos.. Augusta 88 88 Savannah Brewing 102 Road, Bid Aak. Char.. Col A Aug Ist l*® !<* •• Atlanta elty 4*. I*3l 104 70* Augusta city 4s. 1*27 It* 107 do 4V,S. 1*23 ..11l ..... do 7s. I*o3 107 do *. I*l3 >32 Ala Mid s*. Ind'd. 123 M A N A# 100 Augusta Factory. * p-c cent .I*l *ll2 I run*wick end Western 4* '*33 .42 *4 CRH A Banking ollateral 5s *4 M C of O lat mortg i. 1*45 r. * a rof O con sa. 1*45. MAN *2 *3 C of O lt In'-eim**, 1*43 *4\ 4*4 do 2nd Income* !• 1* do 3d incomes. 1*45 <H *H C of G (M O. A A I>tv) sa, 1947 J AJ * * C of G (Eaton Branch). ss. I*2o. j an • *7 City A Suburban it B lat 7a .10*4 Columbus city 6e I*o* I*7 Charleston city 4* 11* 101 102 Eagle A Pho-nlx Mllle .. 199*...10* 10* Edler-i Electric Illuminating *s lnft Enterprise 31 fg ** I*o3 k* Georgia Railroad •* I*lo H* ll'4 G ! A 5‘ . 1*45. J A J Ul4 1124 Oeorgla A Alabama 1* *• I*4* 104 10* Georgia state 34*. 19*'. J A J I'^ do 34*. I*ls. M AN 1* 10 do 44a. I*ls 1* Macon city *s. I*lo, J it J ....It* 11* do 44*. I*2*. Jan Pr lfl * tl2 Ocean Steamship s*. I*2* 104 10* Savannah city ss. quar. January. I*l* 11 111 do s*. quar. November. 1900 10*4 1104 South Carolina elate 445, IM3 ,11* 11* Bibloy Mr* t o s. 190* 103 South Bound 5s *4 *0 ft F. A W ger, ml ge *s, 19*4 124 12* do dr. Ist 5* gold 1934 112 114 do Bt John Dlv. Ist s 1934.... *4 96 WEEKLY It INK STATEMENT. New York. Nov S —The weekly state ment of averages of the Associated Bonk* show* Loans *79: 33 an), decrease 1t.054.- 3i*r ticpoiHts, tail 77i.. decreased. 11,414 - ClrcuMllon, *30.717 50* Increased 157.- srli. lais.rl tenders. $55 351.100, Increased *4.10n Specie, J155.tH3.100, decreased *590. • ,If, Total reserve. E!1*.59*.300. deerswsed HA'. 95) Reserve* required. *2lO 413 *0 de creased *404.015. Surplus reserve U.9JO.SS). decreased 1*7.425. New York Nov. 3.—Money on cl! nom ln:. Prime mercantile paper. 45,054 P'r cent Sterlln* ' exchange, nusnlra with actual business In bankers' bl! . at *4 534 fl 4 53 J for demand and at W* for sixty days; posted rates. $4.1104 HVk end S4.E; commercial bills. *74|4*> Silver car- Hfloates, 4454 c. bar sliver *4>tc; Mexl can dollars. *osc. State hond* Insetlv*; railroad bonds steady, government bond* strong. STOt K* AND BONOS. Trndlna on Sin* 11 'on le With the Tone Bess. I KVT York, Now. 1,-Tk* attiDUoo of the Stock Exchange brokers was largelt divert'd to the political psrada to-d*> and tiad n* was almost entirely cOnAnad to the closing uo of contract, over Sun day, or until after election. The hear, were disposed to cover evidently, a. price, moved upward, for the most tari. Inspired statement, r. ga .ling Hie heavy earning, shown from operation, of same of Hie giro! Steel corporal lon. and a re lrt that a large contract In South Africa baj been secured by the pressed steel car company helped thr latter stock to the ex tent of 3 point*, and other member, of the group 1 to IT*. Ttiore was an urgent d* inand from a short Interest In Sugar, an.l . me of the New York public utilllle- hnl upward quite buoyantly lit the r.lltoa I list the gain, were .mailer, but general Louisville arid In small quantity at IS over last night's level and only a few other railroad stock* gained a. much as a imlnt Just befoie th. close pilc* ran oft sharply on profit• taking, which was ■ onrpl uoua In Sugni* and Brooklyn Tran sit The ton* wo* ea*v at ihe end Sentiment wa* noi mu. It discomposed by yesterday rturry in the alt loan mar ket, a It was attributed in part to man ipulation The conditions which made ihe manipulation ifti-clvr are fell to be lent porary. and the quick weakening of Bl* r ling Exchange yesterday In re.portae to the ilea In money gave .onftden e that ant ■ equli.ment hu money woukl draw addi llonai gold fmm Europe The Stock Exchange seemed to expert * gain In cash to be shown m the bank statement a* thera was a failure lo lake account of last Saturday s statement hav ing already anticipated tha efTei t of large payment* for gold which are ma le to tig ure again In ihla week s of sub treasury operations. Had It not been Hat tha gain on Ihe IntaMor motemrnt ran up considerably over yesterday’s prelim inary rstNnates. th* decline In the reserve* would hate been considerable The reduc tion in tha loan .ind d.-poH Hems made ihe decrease In the surplus merely nom Inal A feature In the outside nt.irket was buying of Standard Oil up to 6>W and <lO bid The previous nigh record for ihe stock was o> Business In bonds <sa- been on a dc dining scale, and largely com cnlraled In a few mortgages of speculative value. Prices have receded. V 8 new an t old s. advanced V and all other Issue* * lrr cant over the call price a week ago Total sale* of stocks to-day w-era 175,- 600, Including the following Atchison. 5.630; Pennsylvania. 8,150, Southern Paclrtc, *.4uo l nloTi Pacific. *.- 788, Tobacco, 5.010. Brooklyn 9.110. bugs’, 22.385 New York Block List. Atchison 33 | Union Pac *l4 do prof 74 | do pr*f 7*4 Balt. A Ohio .. 75 iWabash 7 tan Mac *7 | do pref 19 t'an Sou 534 Wheel. At, E *4 Ch< A Ohio asuj do 3d pref 244 Chi at W !l,Wl*r Ceci I*4 Chi BAQ 12*4 Third Avenu* in* Chi. I A It to Adams Ex .. .I*o do pref 54 ! American 153 Chi E I .... 93 United State# ..47 C A Nw I*2' Well* Fargo ...127 C , R I, A P. .10914 Am Cot. 011 354 C. C. C A St | do pref 914 Taiuls .. *24 Am Malting 5 Col, Sou. 54 do pref 71 do Ist pref 37'. Am 8 Aft 414 do 2.J pref 13 | do pref 994 Pel A Hud 112 !Am Spirit* I*4 P 1. A W m 1 do pref .17 D A K G 20 lAm Hteel Hoop 23 do pref 70 do pref 74 Erie ... 11**4 Am S A W 34), do Ist pref 3P, do prf 754 Gt. N pref 1*34 Am Tin Tlale 33 Hocking Coal I*', do pref *7 Hocking V 3*4 Am Tohscco .. *74 Illinois Cm . ll* | do pref IF* lews Cen 151, Ana Min Cos. 45*5 do pref 41 Brook R T *1 I, E 4 )V 34<4 Col F A 1 334 do pref .103 [Con* Tob. ... 75)4 lrke Shorn 7*114 do pref *1)1 It AN 75 Prdersl Steel 295$ Minhattsn 1,. s*4 ,1o pref *l - St ny. . 1544 Gen Bl,< ' >•** Mi* Cen !24 Glucoee Sugar 73 M A St Li. . 55’,1 do pref 100 •to pref .. v ... 97'ilnern Taper 30 Missouri Roc. .. 551,! do pref *9*4 Mobile A Ohio . 33* a Uaclede Gas 5 l - M. K. AT. .. 104 Natl Bkscuit .. 354 do pref 314 do pref *94 N J C 1344! Ntl N Y C 1*24 do pref *3 N. A W 3*4 Natl. Steel 2*4 do pref 774 do pri-f *' North. Tac. . 7>7*, N. Y A 11. ..121 do pref 73 North Am .. IW$ om AW ... 224 Rarlflc Cows! Ore. Ity AN. 42 do Ist pref *4 do pref 75 do 2d pref 55 Pennsylvania 1774 Paris.- Mall 424 Heading ... 174'People's Oaa 93*. dr Ist pref 574 Prc-msl 8 C.rr,. 47 do 2d |>rcf 274 do pref **4 Hto G W .... 50 ! Pull I'al. Car . IIS •in pref Ssi 0 R A T 5 St I, I 1 F ll'. s,i*ar !2 do Ist pref 177 I do pref 115 ,|n 2d pref .... 354'Trnn. C. AI. M St I- . Sw .. 144 C 8 leather 114 •In pref 32 | do pref T 1 Bt Raul 11*4 U. 8 Kuhirer .. 314 dr pref 1714' dr pref ... 9*4 A- P A G. .. .112 Western Union . *<>4 Bou Pac 35 iR 1 A 8 1* 8011 Rv 124 do pr*f s*>j do pref ..*..... W,r C. C. A S*. Tex A Pac. ... 17 Uouia Bond*. U. S. 2a ref. M . K. A Tax. re* 1044 2nd* **4 do couiron . .104'il 4* 934 do 3s. reg ... 10*4| N. Y c >*• un do 3s. coup. J* C. gen. 5a 111 do new 4s, regUD, N Pacific 3s S.V, do new 4S | 4s ti)*4 coup 1344 W- T.. C. A Bt do old is. reg 1155*1 I.oul 4a 107 do old 4a coup. 115 " A W con is 97% do sa. rex II ** Orcgim Nav. do 5s coup ~1I2\! 10 * D. of C 3 ns- 1:44 do s ...,m \ | M* f ' 1 1 F I. *r 1274 4n I,o', do con 5s .. 1144 do adit 4s Reading Gen 4s W c of Ga con 1 Rio G W lain ff'-i 5s *7 8' *e A I M do Ist Inc ... 45 MOW do 2nd tnc 8* In A Ban P (bid) 1* General S ITS Can Bou 3rd* W* .*1 Paul con# 1794 C. A O 44s . 190 Bt P-. C. A P. do 5e 114 lit* 11*4 C. A N con 7a 1*74! *■ * 19 4 do ft F. I* 5* 1174 80,1 PabHW Chl< Term 4s 934 Southern Ry 5 110*4 Col Bou 4s *l4 R •"* T ** ** P A Rio <l. 4* * T* * Pa*- UNI 1144 Erl*- General 4* 71 I do 2nd #0 w A D C. 'Union Pac, 4a ios' j, t 73 1 Wabash lat* —1154 Gen Blectric fa ’2> 2nd. ..... .... 10: lowa Cert 1atg.1144 Hh '' r * 4 " '**.* u A N uni 4 *4 WU. Cent 1-t* ASH & O. 4a ... $5 | Va. Centur a* .. *O4 New York. Nov. 3 —Btandard Oil. 9M>O 904 Morphy * ta.'* Btock letter. New York. Nov s.—Murphy * Cos say Th# market opened qulat and Irregular but after the Initial dealings Increasing strength and animation developed The trading was Influenced to some extent by the common expectation that th# hank Statement would show a largo Increase in eurplus reserves but there was also evi dent confident sentiment regarding 4he upshot of the election, based on the most recent return* from every quarter Lon don furnished a higher range of price* and foreign houses bought moderatsiy In thl* market Interest was excitingly well dlversUlsd. and there werqjpracttcally no ex-eptJbh to th* ganarbl tendency of prices All Stse, stock# were consplcuou* Rahway list *• n®t*hb among also, an encouraging Influence there being the exceeding!)' heavy gain reported by he Bt. Paul for h* fourth week of October, the Increase In earning* being sufficient to wipe out all the gross decrease mad* since the beginning of the fl* al year Manhattan was the feature of local trac tion group, with Brook-yn Rapid Transit also active at advancing price*. Sugar and A. 61. T. both strong. Nolwlthaland 4kg Lhd mi (LsappotnUSg stoaiwcltr vf Southern Railway. Trains Arm• and JVpart Savsunkb on 90tli Msrldlan Tim*—Ons Hour Blower Thun City Tim*. Schedules In Bundy. June 10, I*o - IkjWN ro Til V: KAifT ~ RKAU ' I* N.. t N. . (Centra 1 flnr.l ; No. 11 No 11 Uiym u .v,.. teiiinnal Ar litem Jpm (K-terii Time.) |{ 4 flptn .-'am 1r BU kvlllo ... I 4 (Wptn * lean. Ar Columbia I* 1 a’mn !l 9 10j.ii, 9 Ar t hatUMIM l-v, 9 rj.fin S lOatii II 04pm,U Ppoi.Af Ureoi boro 1,1 7 Wt*m ► 4kvm Item At Noi Ea * ‘v ' 1J (.uni Rpm Ar Dan\lll. Kv 140 pm lam aymsfii .. .., n. Ai Richmond l.v i: Ptpin l • I town ii j.m \r TT Lyn n ira .. Ct 3 Ipm ...I. 4 Mam I Spot Ar . ......... Chi Mil Li 1 Mpmjtl dpm 7 team 9 oojim Ar UaMuiutiun 10am 9 te|.m • Ham 11 tepm Ar Baltimore l.v | 9 Item i J.pni U team :■ Mam Ar PhllaJ. iplna l.v 1 J team * (tti'm 103 pm < Tim Ar New Y.u k l.v 18 main 3 SP' 1 flOptn Ar Ho Lo 0 OOpm lh Mam N TO Till: NOUt II v\ l. WKBT. I N ofi II (i etiir.,l Time.) ll ll Stem ,Uv ........7. ... fl.Vann .h Aril 310 m (Kastarn Time.) I * team l.v Columbia I v i 139 am 930.ui i.v ■aartanburg l.v • “P* 13 It)fan |l.v A -he vllle l.v ■* itpm 4 08).in Ar 110 l Bprlnu l.v ll AVain T Mpta .vr Kami villa ...... |.\ 0 10am Ar La-y|ii(loii I.' 1" H>ni 7 43am Ar . Cm Inn .n ... !•' ’ <V>pni Ar 81 L.olll* ■ *•' * "* am 7 ouam Ar laOlSftSvllla l. v ■' *“■' [l * All frauis arrlva and depart from tha I’lant Svsiem Siallon. TIIKOKUII CA It 81 It Vic K, KTC TRAINS 33 AND te HAllaY, NEW YORK AND KKOHIDA BXPRRBB Vell buleii llmltwl train*, with i’ullman Drawing lUu.m Bleeping t *i* between Havan null an,l New York Conn, cl* at W adilnKinii with Colonial Kspraaa I " Sal'V. I’ullman 84>e|>liiK Cats lo.twe*n Charlott* and Rn hin iml and Chariotl olid Nor fo.k Dining Cars serve all meals betwean Savannah and VVashlngion TRAINS X. AND te DAIDY THK I.'NITKD STATES FAST MAH. V.allhulel limited train*, carrying rullman Diawmg Room Sleeping Car* hoiw.en B\i n*h and New York Dining Car* aerve all meal* li-tween Savannah and VVhingt'*n. Alao Pullman Drawing IGsim Steeping Cars bat wren Savannah and Cincinnati, through A*bevllle and 'The Kind of the Sky." Kor eotnpl. le Information to r.itea, schedule* el apply lo G OROrtVER TVket Agent, Plant By*"m Station JAM ITS FREEMAN. C P and T. A.. 141 Bull alreet. Telephone*-Ball, 990, Oeorgla. *V 8 H Hardwick Al*tant Oeneral ri**ng*r Agent. All.inla. Oa. the bank statement the stock market was but littla affected. MIWCKI.LANEOf * MARKET*. Noß#.—Theae quotation* are revised daily, and are k pt as naur a- possible In accord with lb* prevailing wholesale pH os Official quotation* are not u**d when thay dlagr# w|ih tba pile** whoia ealers a*k (.oaatrr axil Northern Produce. POULTRY—The market is sieady. Quo tationa: Broiler*. N)i3sc. p. r pair; half grown, *:4/!i0 •; three lour hs grown. so<| 80c hena. 65<f15c: rooctera, iopkoc. duck A 50078 c geese. 75cfi11.00 EGGS Steady at 19c. BUTTER—The tone of th# market la ffrm yuotatlons; Western creamery, 19a ;|Lp New York Male dairy, 19(; ratr.i Klalna. 2602<c. CHEESE—Market Aim. faney full creuin . heese, 1814 c for t> to 22-pound average, 29030- pound average. 18c. Early * rgelablrs. IRISH POTATOES- Northern. 82 08 aack CABRAGB—64rBo fa r haid. ONIONB-Yellow, in barrel*. 82 00. crates. 90c; red. SI 8002 00 Hreadxlsflx. II.) and Grata. FLOUR Market steady; (talent. 81 Bu. straight |J>u. faney, 83 15; family, 8150 MEAL Pearl. |tei barrel, 83.70. | r eack. 8125, cliv m.sil per sack, bolted. J! 15<f 1 17V: antler ground |l 20; illy grlia. sacks, 81 20. pearl grits, lluilniH*. |r Istr let, 12 75 per ea< k, $125, sundry brande. 8; 22'Tul 25 suck COHN Market Arm. white. Job lota, *6c. carload lot*. 62c; mixed corn. Job lota <c. rarload lota, (to RICE- Markee ateady, demand good; fancy heaU. 8c; fancy. BHc. Prime 5 Good 4540484 Fair 4 4‘4 Coranmn 3(4 OATS No. 2 mixed, carload 83'V; Job lots. 35036 c, white clipped, ai*. J7c; Job, 40' BRAN- Job lot*, 96c; rarload lota, 90c HAY Market ateidy: No l timothy, 9344 c Job. S7>4 car*; No 1. 85.- Job; 83(4 car*. Sugar anil t oltre. SUGAR— Cat loaf *94 Diamond A 6.91 Crushed ®*4 Confectlonem* a 579 Powdered *O9 White Extra C. 549 X.VXX. pow and *l4 (Extra C 5 4.N Granulated .... 5.99 (Golden C 514 Cubes *l4 Yellow* 591 Mould A 431 | COFFEE— * Mocha 2*c | Prime No. 3 ...Jl r Java 29c j Good No 4 ...19 \ r Pen berry .- ....14 Cj Fair. No 5 ....1054, Fancy No. t ..12 eiCriflnsry. No. 9.10 c Cholcs No 2 ll'i’l Common No 7, 91qc llarussan ana Siaiaiug Suppttee UIIS. CALCIUM. pI.ASTEH AND CEMENT—Alabama and Georgia Itma In fair dsmsiKe and a-l> at E cent* a iwrrel. •pacist calclnad ixeaiar. $lO9 per Irarral. hair. 405 c Rosedsl* oamaat. |1 Seal 39; carload lota, special. Portrand cement, re tail. $2 25 carload lots 12'ej*39. LUMBER t- O. B VEHSEUS BAVAN NAH- Minimum yard sixes. $lO iotfi: 90; ear sills. sl2 50813 09. 'll til nil sixes. sl4 Or) 01100. ship slock. Jl* 090 IS 00. sawn tt#s, Bt) '<U* 5). hewn Bee. IMW. OlL—Market alaadv; demand fair; sig nal. 954941 C. Weal V:r*lsta black lard. 95c; neat-fool, euqjlts . machinery, 19 1) 25i . linseed oil, raw. 79'x< . uoiled, 74 . kerosene, prana whirs, lie; water whits lie; Pratts astral. >4; deodorised eiovs gasoline drums, UVkc, empty on barrels, delivered. 4c ■HOT—Drop. $1 80, B. B. and larga, sl.^ ; ebllied $175 IRON-- Market very steady; Bweds, 5140. NAILS—Cut. $2 63 base; wire. J 2 S5 baa*. BARBED WIRE- $3 50 per 130 pounds straight goods. Xltl*o<-. sugar houaa mo lasses IMJJS - POWDER—P-r keg. Austin crack shot. $4 90: half kega. $2 25. quarter kegs, $1 25; champion ducking, quartar keg*. $215. Duponi and Hasara smokeless, half kegs. 91135. quarter keg*. J 5 75. 1-pound canisters, $199. lea* 25 oar cent.; Trotedorf amok*lee* powder. 1-pound can*. $1 90. 10- pound can*. JOo pound. Balt, Hides and Wool. SALT-Demand is fair md the market steady, canoad lota, 100-pound bur Iso grkl. 44c. IW-pound cotton sack. 45c. UO-pound burlap tuacke, ts'r . UV-pound cotton sacks. 4W:. 225 isuind burlap sacks. 14, Üb-pound 1 niton sack. Me; koj pound buriav sacks. 56c. HlDES—Markea firm; dry flint. UVke; dry salt. lHic. *rei ealtad. 9c. WOOL—Nominal; pom# Gsotgla. free of sand hurra and black wool. 19- black, I*o, burry. 10c. Wax, 25c. tallow. $Hc. Dear akin*. 19c. Frails ssl hats. APPLES—Northern variety, $2 2502.50. UHUNEB—I9* to 50* 10. . 69.- to oe. 9%Ci 60s to ;>, 7c. 70s to us, 4%c. 90s 10 #9s, o, Pl* to IW>*. 6%c BANANAS—II 2582.00 hunch LEMONB—Market steady al $: 7503.00 COCOA NUTS $3 750 109 I* r 109 PEANUTS—AmpIe stock, fair demand; market firm fancy hand-tdeked. Virginia, per pound. Sc: hand-picked. Virginia, ex tras. 4%c; N. C. seed peanuts. 4c NUTR—Almond*. Tarragona. l#e; tvlcas. Me; walnuts, French, 12c Naples. 13e; pa eans. 12c; Braslls. 13c; Alberta, 13c; assort ed outs. h>-pound and 26-pound boxes, lie. Cot ton Hagglag Ml Tire. BAGGING—Market Arm; Juts. 2%- pound. (%c; large lota 9%c! email lots {-pound. 9%o#c; 1%-pound, 1’.03%c; eaa Island bagging. 12%< TlES—6aniiarxJ. 46-pound, arrow, large lota $1.40, small h>4*. $1.19 Hacno, Ham* and l.ard. BACON—Market firm; D. 8. C. R. aldaa, V*r, D. 8 bellies, %<• (Lantern). #c cordlng to average al*e, D 8 )>* ilea. %e (Weiern). smoked C. H side*. s%c. IIA MB—Stisar cured, 120l:%e LARD—Pure, In tlercas, 3%c; In M pound tlna and (9-pound tubs, l%c. compound in tierces. *%c, M-oOltOi SUM. ■od to-poufcU tuba. 6?c- Dried axxd ICxaporatad Fruits. APPLES—Evaporated, <ui(*c. auu-drlcd, B(*4)6c. A Pit 11 Tmt -Evapo rated, 100 i>ound. Itectarlnet. 10c RAISINS L. I, , 12 10; Imperial cabinet*. 22 75, loose, fay-pound boxes. 88,1 pound PKACIIKS Kvj|K>raled. ptalcd, 17‘xc, unpeab'd. 88,919''. PEARS Evap.rated S'.e Mint ELL 4 BKOI a. FISH Xlackeial, ball laurels. No I, 8 it’. No. 2. 87.0 U. No 3, bic k)ls. No 1. 41 No. 2. 31 10. No. 3, luc c.sHioh. liui"l brlcke. *(*<'. 3-pouxl bricks. 8c Sintke.l herrings, per box. 17019 c Dutcn heirings in kegs, II 10, new mulles. bail laurels. (3 75 SYRI'P Market qillet: Georgia ami J'loHd't syrup, buving al 2*08Oc; aelllug *1 i7p.v. sugar house al lot!15< HONEY Fair demand, strained. In bar rel# Sstt6oe gallon High wine basis, tl 27 OCEAN FREIGHT*. COTTON —Savannah lo Ihwtnn. per ewl 25.-, to Nik York, iter rwt . 20c. to Philadelphia per bale 81: Ralllmore, 31 FOREIGN DIRECT-Bremen. 40. . Llv erpnol, 40c; Hamburg. 48c; Genoa, 611 c Barcelona. **c; Martchcsler, 45 *. tfavre. 47 Antwerp FOREIGN INDIRECT—Weak and nom Inal Liverpool. si. Mem heater, 6' Hamburg, 68e; Havre. 72c, tie noa, dor, llaval amt Si Petersburg, 70r. Antwerp, 55c. LCMMHK Ity BaH - Freights dull; 10 Ralllmore axel esgwunt, $4.50 to $6.00 per M . Including Portland. LUMBER By Steam Savannah to Ba tlmore, 35 00, to P It R, or M A O ilneka. (5 50. to Philadelphia. t*B4c, per cwt . 14 pounds lo fool); to New York. 16 50 per M 17 25 lo dock; lightered to Boston to dock, >8 30 NAVAL STORES Th# market Is firm mrdtum else vessels—Cork for order*. 3* fl per barrel of 310 poiimla. and 5 per cent, primage Spit it • 4* 9d per in gallons gr.te, and 5 per rent primage latrge vessels, rosin, 3a, eplrli* 4* 3d B'ewrn He |ter 100 pounds on rosin. 31*4e on spirit*. Savannah to Boston, and *V4c on rosin and 18< on *itlrlle to New York GRAIN. I’HOVINIONe. ETC. New York. Nov .1 Flour market dull and nominal In at>mce of traders Win ler, $3 7'llnn. Minnesota pal-lit J 4 f5Hi 4. .75 Hye flour quiet. Corn meal quiet Itye dull Hatley qatet Harley malt dull Whi-a' Bp,d Ann No I r<sl, 79',, op tion- opened steady on expectation* of I oliisli stall- th Monday, and after a slight eetlan-k under realising, recovarsd on demand Inspired by (ears that Argeti tine new* might beconio itnfavoralile |,y the ofienlng of the new week Closed firm at t,. net advance; March closed '.<% May Closed K2'c, November, 775,c; De. em her 733' corn Bpot firm. No 2. 991*0; options Were steady nil morning on light offering*, a well sustained caah position and small -ccelide Weil eloped firm, and v net higher; May closed, 4215 c, December closed 43',c. oats -Spot steady; No 2. 25t4c; options dull and unchanged Beef dull; family. sl9 Vitfll 75; mee*. 19 00 r> . lieaf hams. Saejic; 4mt meats Steady; pi kled bellies, 9t011r; pickled shoulders, *'*t||V l pleklcd hams. ',t, 3 3 aC. Lard quiet; Western steamed. 7 4.V, oc totw-r eloeed, 7 45e, nominal; roflned quiet; continent. 7 55. floulh American, * 25c, compound. 6)*4i*:i,o. Pork dull, family. sl4 (<>ol9 59; short dear. J) 1 25017 *O. mesa. sl2 254F1S Vi lltitter hrm, creamery, 19022 V. etat* dairy, 15021 c. fheeee Irregular; large white. !9*,0; small while, 1114 c. y.ggs steady; state and Pennsylvania. 4123 c, Western regular iMiklrig at rn.irk 170 39t Potatoes quiet. Jerseys. Jl 0001 27V4; New York. J 1.2501 92V Long Island, SI3OO 1.75. Jersey swede. Jl V*U2 00 Tallow quiet. Peanuts llrni, fancy handpicked. 45,06 c; other domestic. 4c. fahhagas steady. Long Island per 1< II 5902 '25 Cotton hy steam to Liverpool 25c, Petroleum dull, refined New York, 19 J PhliadelpriMi and Baltimore, $? 40, do in Lulk. J 4 95. Rosin quiet; strained common to good II I7l(,tl 1 59 TurpaMtne dull, 43<4044c Rice steady, domestic fair lo extra. 4',ft V. •'offee. spot Rio quiet; No. 7 Invoice. IV; mild quiet. Cordova, 9140MV The market for coffee, futures opened quiet at otic hanged prices lo 6 points de cline, and ruled dull and heavy In ab ac nee of Brasilian cables and unsatisfac tory European cables, exceptionally slack trading without further change In prices. dodng inactive at net unchanged prices to 5 |olnts decline Total sales were 3.759 hag* Including December at 7 149 c. January al 7.20 c. April at 7.49 c, May at 7.45 c, and July at 7.65 c. ttugai- Steady; fair refining, 3V; centri fugal. 99-test, 4V M--losses sugar. 2V. refined nutat Btandard A. 5 55c; confeo tloners' A. 6 56c. mould A. 6c; rut loaf 9 154-; cruahed. *.lsc; powdered, 6.*5e. granulated, 8.75 c; cnl>ea, 6.99>' COTTOh SEED OIL. New York, Nov 2 —nation ***<l oil was neglected and nominal: prime crude, bar rets. 29c, nominal; prlmessutnmer yellow, 22>x0S4<'; off summer yellow 12c: prime winter yellow. 3M140c: prime white. 370 Sic; pilme meal. $.3)99029.50. 4'H 14 AGO MARKET*. Chicago, Nov. I—Wheat advanced 94a so*dAK *9 feuiUsii fkrgaaUA* advaacuac Plant System of Railways. Train** operat'd by **• morldUn tun©-* ou< hour alow-r than dry t.m© In rffovt I. IMO. All tr.ilno l Bivanmih luiljt Ar Havannah B#t wrgn m , Sn v inn,tit t u>* ora * a iii v• i. © 10 l ■ aru * aru, J.i’k**orivlilr ii 10 n it ** pm und Flor ii 1 iJO pm Hft worn 1 am Havannah 3 4’. jm • 4 * Ch rl* ton 7 J) am ’ 11 n hdl lia: *. Pi pm ''“* *• i ui r**rt Tarniia with I*©n ln ar l( lit! timer? leaving fur h v V\ . r llavina Mtn*layp, Tiiur-days and Sitqiday* 11 j*. m * n it Ti k.i t! fur furiiier mfur mat ion J. II !• t*l| I:mt S T I* A U MIL i I.AIiK v Ti k t Agent, S..J . llOfrl Rhone 73 II \\ \\ l< I;\ % |., -rt Traffic Min- Ha\ trmab da 0$ WGEORGIA Bcheifules Kffee'lv* Fept. 19 14*0 Train* arrive at and depart frosn Central, Wet llroad. foot of l.i Port) at root w’lh Meridian Time On* hour *kswar Ihaa elty time Arm* ' sa\ annah: Ravannah. „ .Augu*!,i Macon. ATianta.i * 4l*iti (, MHledgavtll#!** Syra (and all lnt*rme<|laia potnlaj I Aug u -la Mt. mi, Atlanta.l t Athena, Montgoinafy. Co-| • oopm lumt.u*. liirm nghem. Am N OOaa Jorlou*. EufuuU urn! Troy | t''l>ni| Dover y, Tt *• '- oian Uuyton Darner Trait: tTwpra *l>ally. th;*. epi Bunday lIBTWEKN SAVANNAH AND TYBKB. TSth mrrldi m nr Savannah elfy time I.EAVE SAVANNAH Monday-only l>at|y , IC *p( Monday 9Jo a in Dally 300 p m. I.EAVE TYBEK Monday only 7U n m Dolly except Monday 10 84 a. m. Dally 410 p m Conner Ilona mode at terminal parnfa wllh all tralna Notthwaat. Meat and Boulhaveaf. y Bleeping ear* on night tralna between savannah and Augusta. Mann. Atlanta •nd Hirmingham Parlor ears on day tralna betwaen Ba vanneh. Maron H n,l Atlanta 9or rotnplele Intormailon. *<-vhedule*. rates n-1 cenn,<'itnnii apply to W O BREWER. City Ticket and rnea anger Agent. 107 Hull atreat or rc R ,.A 1 , .W 8 n 'P“* T|r *"* Agent. K M HINTON. Trafflo Manager lIEO D. KLINE. Oen Siipertniendent, 2*vmth n. Biffl limited '^P^AINS Double Daily Service The abort Una to Norfolk. Washington. Bel 11 more. PbUedelpldo, N. w y urk tb© lUuh. I No 44 No If l- v Hv. n n.h. H A L hy 12 JSpmJl '4pm At Colunbia B A L. Hy; 4 ftpm 4 Kara Ar Raleigh. H A L. Ry 111 tfpmjll Mara Ar Durham. s a L Ry j 7 a,m; 4 Kpra J. r L‘' ri,U 'L r * HA >• K> Ham 4 Kpra Ar Richmond ft A 1. Kxi 4 liam I 4U|m> Ar W ashlngton. I‘amia a 46emj * Kpra Ar Baltimore Henna 10 cium ll Kpra Ar rtitliKlrlphla. I’entia 12 Jfpmj a Mam Ar New York Prone ...... j ] lairni, I llara j No 44 No M~ f-v Savannah H A I, Ry ll ftSpmjll Mpm Ar Portsmouth, g.A.URrI 7 ftOamj ft Mpm Hi> un.-rs lava Norfolk dally, esrept Sunday. for Ilalllmora, Philadelphia and New York, and dally for Waehlngton. Tha abort Una to Montgomery, Mobllo and Now Orleans, leaving Bavannah at I il> am, arriving al Montgomery 7:40 P m.. at which point close connection Is road# with tha U A N It R. arriving at Mobile J. 06 a. m. and New Orleans 740 a m Tha short Una to Fernandlna, Jackson ville, Tampa and other Florida poll.(s. " | No r No IT Lv 8 4 a L hy 6 ot*m J 6fpo Ar Fernandlna, P A I,.Ry * 2Jam • 06pm Ar Jacksonville, B A Lefty| ft 10am 7 40pm Ar Tampa, B. A L Ry | 6 30pm 6 tOara Magnified* Pullman buffet sleeping oar service to Washington, Baltimore, Phila delphia and New York; also to Jackson ville and Tam|>a. Dining ears from Bavannah ta Hamlet, and Richmond to New York. Huffet parlor cars Bavannah to Mont* granary. For additional Information apply ra TVket office. Bull and Uryao street* Phone 2ft. . -i jse Corn closed '• higher and oats unchang ed. Provisions at the close were 21*4 lower. Tho leading futures ranged as follows: Opening Highest. Lowest. Closing. Wheat No ft— Nov 72*t073H 72% TJ'sOfriS Dec 73%1|73% 73* 73% 73% Jan 74* 74V* 7ft%74 74Vs Corn No *.— Nov 17% MVs t7t H Pag %*.% *JV* 33*.K* *•■2 May *% Oats No. X Nov .. 21*021* 21* 21*021% H Deo 22 23 21% 22 May 23*4023% X>%34 21% 2T534 Mesa pork per barrel— Nov .... .... 110 W Jan sil 17 111 22 111 17 111 SM Laird, per 100 pounds.— Nov .7 00 707 7 00 708 Dec .. 677 • 677 0 Jan .. 7U 673 6*7 •(7 Bhort Hths. per IOU iba— Nov .. .. / 6*7% Jan . 697 il7 S9l 191 Cash quotations were a* follows- Flour, quid ; winter patents, $3-70713.90; straights,©3*o; clears. |2 W."U3 ¥>, spring spe cials. | min 40. patents M 40tf* HO. straights. 13 'W3 *3; bakers. *2 2002 7l;No. 3. 73% ■ No 2 red. 71%0T5%r: No 2 corn, 37%- No 2 yellow, XS*e; No. 3 osts. 22%c; No white. 2c; No. 3 white, 24*026%>'; fair to choirs malting. JOftrAc. No 1 flag e.d. tl 7ftVstll.W. No. I Northwestern, II kOfi 1.(1; prime Timothy seed. $4 23. mess pork per barrel, $lO 40*110.M; lard, per 10$ lbs.. $7 07*07.10; short rltgi skies (loose!. |6 3204.7 V dry salted shoulders tbossdi, 404%0; short clesr sides ihoxedt. $4 0 6 70; whisky, bssls of high wines. $1.27; clover, contract grade, $10010.26 —dayboy. What have you been doing at day? Blghead: Increasing my lgnoranco. I have just read Um la last historical no vat, pLU* y . V* 23