The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 04, 1900, Page 24, Image 24

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24 THE DECIDING DAY NEAR BY. voral.* wii.l. ©oon %© i ro* tmi IHPONTANT l©M r> Flrat th r • ui y ntt r I P 1 •! rlr• In l*r • •©* In %\ hlrh ’Dirr> U orlnna Uppotllloß-4 l ] flir a I*l UK nn4 Honor• Me Hre onl-l n till*** Him * nttil '| hi* Ulll Mr Irwirdfd Him Hl* Voanii nml A|rrMlH °P |Ma**nt Miikinv • AMD© I nut palgn-'l.Mikru look! fnr iM-frr lion A iuvmm I>•• •*rmtn. Inn Thi> Will He- Mom Ik mu offset by Hr* ptililirn n Ir fr** 11 l - Two .’ • r •* and th* voters of th* w * J** whether tbry pref*' Impe-ia m, ru iturlsm and trust* to th* g>* ii* - m f If i' i lt* * t.d t -hi ef r\rrv uz*t • tho full fruit- <*f I * ©wn i©> r, wither M'KJibylsm ar ff*r-riarn are to 1© f-referr* I t ■ * • r c/ mor. who have only th* mtrrrMi • f h p©op> to itrvr, or <4 who Jisve i p r * tv * with those who pr ' t I v *%*•:• tTicnt favoritism and manor- y. aiwl w; •ri r>ot infer©**, and m ©xt*ufllng th* : * f tht Htarn srwl Sinpri that * few lrn;*©r t MUe may prof: at on ■ tn .• ripen** of t i tt. 1t • * i* r t i> • l fwiopl* a? large If tho ©e*t!lr is f ‘ * ou**'t n w*'* l*ft to O© r .r a n..l *h* S*i* t‘ arv*w* vouk) t* M*y I: *• fn fh© I * !, the North •nd tho W>‘t t* w * v*r j’ w m ■ th* *f w Lshl© of th* I**.. *• w: 1* fought and th* i * *f f da ** tton '-ir. d<> ISttio rv>r* than v h a. a* I await tt a Is**© It happen* that th* First na i whrh a *r .< or. taut ton of tu**s© l**u** I* present© 1 to iho vote-* Ail the other are sa/eje Derm* rati' In the Flrat •lon* I* tha .preroa y of r**m.ieracy t ■-*at #• ei *n th** n* har.i .* th* ©and; let* ano rapreear,'* al’ t* * *lm* >n r ed prlu r plan f it** Ifm v-iMc party, arsl wno ha* faith! r r©; e**r.t©d hla 1U -I t In the national r©ngr©n* for fan year*. with c-odlt to r m'/ and with n.u h ant uk- to the district, and ©©peviaily to I** rhlif ‘ V -iavanr a . In ti* i k oe *ar**r Cc . Xaaiw ha* w : r*wa •> aral e*f**m o' fci* wl’ • a r*rarl f \ a r *y - them ouch . Mir. r i > dial? * * any w * r* a r *• to *eeur* ‘as i "*iar** Co\ I++- t*r r. e >-y* tne h r..v#*l !■'*• -r f ranktrr i v, *r ft* ''omr -e >r Hn* - fcora and Wharvea • < ! * * mo*i tm p.rr' nr ' *r -• wr I- -a* In rare of a ret* r?.a;orlt> r tn* r*a* H • .* o' tvf th*re i* a very fatr i r *>,► hi* p*. rr.oti. r *r t * ■ *r tnjtr of this • miaUte* # re*rd*d at * - r r* •* . <■* r.f • * fa a th!t h* r* ; te ft.*- dif • w ’ tain* th* * ;tra seaport of ’he w- .ah*a*’ The Inf *r * wT | w< .wi he able f w‘* 1 if of j**vanr ih In lh.* Im* j —■ • p -if; >r. . <to* not r * ’ '•* he •x --plaSr.e I fkppoe* 1 fo f'ol Tweeter la ,x y unir. ao* tire and acirre**tve Ropobib'.ir, thor.ejyli ly In svmtathy wit* M* jnr% - ilea:, but without the **xp* rt* r, * n yt a r ■ r no*.- ar**lor>al eervt''* whirh hi- mad* r I l-*ai*r s l’>flu*ntlal imonir hi* .ol leaguea Mr ha* be. n en emirayM to make th* ri •• by th* U*- publi* n leader* a* iVashli k:ton. that e j ihetr active aymiaithy and aupport and 1* probably In r* • Ipt of iselstaiv - from party source* do** i t .dmlt of a doubt He ha* aray. dan -live s amp i <r end h i* ••xerlel * ry • ftrt to bring t hi* a**!*!*!., e whatever ll .1 • - men is there nr.- in tne <h> and th* •!.* tn ' f b •- within and without th* l*rn rratio party. A* suoh I* th* ra** It e Iwov. ■ h T>eni** rats to n ih- nl rt tn e * • :i* tf>atnv. over onfl.ien. |Mit> fiusm.irtar. tn. iit. *: In. k of ittf. ro-t of f-re ir.v m;*>rtunity f>r It.- i.idhwin -u - *** or rather f.r *u<*h i st.i- of HfYiir 4i* would furnish th* l< ,-üb.l j*o eaisdl tlet** lent grounds for n rent • whi h a (artisan mujorliy, anxious t roake a bre.ik In the solid lemoer. i rn k- In tl*-.rg|a woull not hesitate i-> take advantaice of. The f l. -wliiK .* the llcmorrttle Ib'ket which will b* f i I at Hi*- |*olis Tues v' and several thou-Ht.d duplUti tea of ahl h have air**idy t>*en t- the vot*ia thrCKJfho it the dial l lri. 111 . HIM It %I II Til KKT. (flection i > . November •tb. 190 H ) For President. WILLIAM J IUIYAN. For Vl* e President. Alii.Al I! TK\ LNB* *N For Presidential ICU tors At Large APOPSTI IM I't -NT rri-TON *olvilli: rirrt District-WAL.TIIH \V. FHKP- J'AIJD hk ond Distrl -t—C. W. FI LWOOD Third District W <* NOTTIXdIIAM Fourth Dl*tr • It F. Nl LAFUHLIN. h ift i Di trl t F.DU AH LATHAM Sixth Di-trrl .1 M STHP ‘K LAND. District -J. p. JA‘KO\V.VY. i;uhth lilstrb t A. i Mc<T’RKY Ninth District J. .1 KIMSIvY Tenth District T. K MASSBNGA!.K Kieventh District - A. K. t?0<TlllA N For It* i ' s.*ntatlvc In the Fifty * ! -\• r t! Cos runes'* of the lotted Ktaica for the First c.’onuress.onal District *>f <;* rgl nun s i: i.kstfu It aw 111 b* w. ;i f..- .v.r> Democrat to exAir tr til* t. k*- trefully and -•* that the name of Hnf i I L**ter appear* at ft I ar. •• "'il imh -f t k t . t tilrvl! t.i* .• ** of liry.iti, Stevenson • t I th* l -rti - ♦ * •.► • but with *he name of M l.- ik- nat itie hounm. ThP fa At. • Cl*lv* th* if w at > The Campaign Ccunmlttee • nslstmg of w numlet if Mr I.* -t. t * friends, ha* not he* n It It I pared by t i to th© Demo tail v- -*h i- . h .oitttv lu the distn or to all who** nanus cCHil*! he eriait - *i To th*- Voter* •( t'hatf im Cmin|y Th* under*‘ffi Idp-atra t - all t i -titlon *>f the voter* of Cha ham **un!> to tn* portaace of th* appi- l.r c * tin F>r repreaeMarlve in Cu r ■<•* ft in t i • tHs trtet. Tho Hon. Rufus i: L*'*-r tn* T>*mt>er.itlc nominee for Conur** is t- well-known to >ou to require at v ih men*t* lon nt our hands Hl* hu ■ • *r o.’ter, nia ability and untiring *n. rgv qualify him In an eminent degree to r*p reaert hla district In th* t* <V n greas. and his experien * and his valua ble cannot h** dlsp*tread with at this time W would, therefore, reque : you to vote at tlie npproachlng election on Tuesday, Nov. €. likn, ns Col l/*i should i . t only be returned *> cougre but he should le r*turie*l by a large m* jorlty; arul. In order to do this, it i* nc • asaary for th* voters f this county to to nt i caat htlf ballots ih• no: fall to vole c.uryr.iign Committee Tieketa wer* er. loh| with each circu lar In order that th* party addressed plight not only he iKjulpptil In this re apr< • but that he might no able to sup ply others Cos Lester also went out a circular letter to hundred* of his friends through > :t the district, simply calling at tention to hi* record and requesting thslr tvpport a’ th* approu< lung election. That Mr Leakcn expects to he elected It to ba doubted, but that he counts upon rr.4k.rg a vary good showing is evident. Ha and hla frier.ds claim that there will ba contiderable dissatisfaction In the Demo cratic ranks, that there la much luke warmness and dissatisfaction, due to both general and local cause*, and that the fUbhkbUe*& candidate irlU get lha baotiU . of this st *of affairs Tha# h* will gain w*ma vote* from tfi.a fource It i* not worth while to d*nv but that the io* will i* anyw!e aertHis I* very much t* * ■ t)t*.| Thai *>m* few ,rMlr*il r h •--- rm n W 4.. expr* H.e.r di-approval of Mr Bryan’i frwm* %*w bv votirif f* r M Ktr|e>- r : ItorwAre;! ** well undaratod a*''! It -q • wwi 1 ur..j' rl o! that I<-it oit or ttVf .f th*s* will lave M* 1.-elar* t ame upon th'-‘.r II ke*e T*** •> *r*- as a number of *or*hef4d I>em* who m ngire fhvt they ‘.ave go f-n h t* r-f of >t In lo* at polith * and who •• **m to Ifilnk * 1 * -•#*>• ar. g f some m *f** *:or. bv Knifing th* I *em< rn*l r * for Congres- l* . -o true but their numbers *re rot * iSTg- •* hn* l*r *lmi and tfc v ar* - •g *i "tied .. f *1 marked for fu t ire Hlaug' t* r ( ij# of rh* gentlemen named a* a Lib era! member * f tHe fjf* Democratic Kx ,r j’|v<* f’otiimlYte fr *h* our.ty is re (Mrted ft* | e r . tt% * s*ip|crter of Mr I.*.iken ar l an<*’i*r i' tinier eusplcloer T*:••*■# e ! ihe no D'-nocratio Kx* rive cjtrim!?few f * c. 1 long as their names K very .*.lr *h * Is being mad* by the Kqi ,t i .n 1 late and hla *o*work er* to # .*•* h th* labor vote and the [>©mo r v ma r. urers w<aild do w*.l to IwiVt *r *ya In t *.i* dir* n ■ n * te- tr.e rlvr and t.arb-r w k ar) tr • pjy .ft* laborers er. gaged -n v - w -k r*i being bro .rn* up and - r t tr. !• ;* to pi a * upoti *' • la--**r , r . • ■r •. j.l f.-.r • I.w wage* r* • el\ed by the r egr labi*rer- * mpioved on ’ i \* wr r i* if i 004 ri*m*n h.**i any * t' *b with rg attng the psv or i* t 11r * of la 'n**n *:upk>y*d by i: a ♦.. ry .lig gnv rn*m work W - r*v r lltaff* t o- * .ere mar i* from e Mimes ram* *1 w|j '. a mr-r* ihvr. *-ff ** by the defectt4. to <*ol l,ef*r of * iarr* negro Rfpabit*an vote Tti* trou* ( . t*etw**n the two fa ••.'•ms tn this coun ha m* r he-n hwal*-1 t v e a.■r*r,e. •x'*** and Mk he • :*rs of th* ■Df* a led faction have giver, ar*p- ir#r> ' a q ilesf-anc* to the srat* of affair* the|*- f ’ <iS4>r<4 ar* by ro r e rva *a*lfled and , . free t d* arlng them** \e* for Fol K< ter It 1 easy to **- that Col win lav* (Un*: a* many negro worker" around th* |* U** Tuceday a# white work er* ar.d tb* In* *i ns ar* tha he w! 1 g*r at leaet on--tr rd of th* rv gro vote In Liberty. Mrlntosh and Burke coun '*• •r* 4’ul lawtar l* very strong • * i :ro voters, and tie leaders there vr* d*- -itrirtf for him freely a and opnly. . T* v j -j -** to vi><* t> r M Kitil-y aid It -*wvtlt ar>l for lister for Congr*e. Ait- gather tha Indl a (lon* are for . very ire- 1 majority or -lay. pro vide* I the ra' do their dun Hit 1.C4K8.1 o> tis i iNIMKiT. !!• ll* en Fairly Treated and F.a |i*cfa Jtiatlc** at Ihr Folia. Mr W R Inken, i?e Repubit an cat>- nit for * i ureas, w.* last n>ghl w't h* hvl to mv regarding his earn f % in ,r I me iiiiJr*k 1 r the laction ve Just < *.d mv • .imp.vigr after three we*k" • f hard work.” mi) Mr ia-sken and arn tntnkfu) to b* able to g*! * rest lam very thankful for lha rt . • n m* in the rounttea r.f the dittrkt as mat ur.i .ivis. a white |{ pab -4 im . andi'late. vt my appi- ntmenta at t> oourf houses, where I addressed audl • •* composed of lioth whit* ar. l colored citizens, I w;* given a r*s|iectfnl h*ar- Ir g th> only *i pi* <war.tries# f th* ram paigr* t** ii g at W ivr ( * *ie*ro, and t * con trovarsy with Kdiror Ml i*r at rtiaiest*>ro. I *xi • • t • . ! • •iv © h g***l vote I have r*eAt\#-| © n>iml*T *d aeaurance© from d.ff*r*nt sections and fa -tlona that I w II re **iv* support m those quarters I hav#* iesn promised representailnn at th* poll© i ail of to*- cminne" except Murk* but have been assure*) by prominent l>m re rata that laey will *** to it that tn*re *h fatr play there I m entirely satisfied with th** -election of managers made by tie omm!a.**tuners r f rhl" county, and feel M"-ur*"l that I will bu fairly deal* with her* ” Mr Da ken ha*) r copy of a circular which h* 1 ad prtjartd In onaw* r to Cos.. le-eier a reply in yesterday’s Morning News r* Ida first circular letter to th* \oer if the dlstrl.-t In this circular he rer•■•rate* his charges as t C*>l !>•"- t* r * position upon several matters lef*re < ’ongres*. .tod * lie.* the ctmgr' re* - rl to prove tho oorreetn*'*;-- of his ass* r tions He *ia;d that th* circulars wer* b*ug prtM*d. aiml thnf K.tWi wouhl be "Mr otit to th© voters of th© district this morning Tin, i;m:< tio> mm n%*. Tfcr Mornlnu Nmm Will I'nrnlah thr Itiillrttna I •••-<ln % Ml|||it. There will he nra lack of Information In Tti* siny night as to th# pro an I result* of the day*# election. The M rnlne New# will re.elv# the re t■ *re s 1 y direct Wcjtern I'nlon telegraph w .re. supplemented ly the service of tha Ass-*• late 1 B.*-s and will anrv-uti*# th*n In front of the o on Whitaker •tr***i so that tha Information will be conveyed to the crowd* with tha la aat iosslble da lav Tha ref*ru w ill I*# full an I complete Return* will also la recalval and pub* ll'h'd by niprwpticon and other mam* at tha Klk* Carnival, tha Georgia Hu * *r, Tomochlchl, Ilnrnt ni® and Ogl*. thorpa club*, at the V. M. C. A. and Y M II A room*, and probably half a >'oxen other place* Ivt tha city. The peo pie of Savannah will be kept about a* w I Informed of the result# of election a.** those of any city. large or small, in the country. ((H N( 11. til* JKWIHM W tIMFA. w 111 Hold It* tnaanl I'litille Meetlna 'I hi* Utrrniion The Council of Jewish Woman will hold Its annual publl* nirHlnu this afternoon it ♦ *' io< k in the Sunday S* 1001 r>otn of the Temjde Mi kvn Israel. Tha meeting will la* public and the ktdie# of tha circle vs 1 1 la* glad to I IV. pre -nt nil parioilf t*. it are int* r*t' and in the |lt*rary and phtlaMhrop work of tha organization. While the principal obj*H t of the meet ing i to innk* known the plnn* yf Ooun .tl '.r |r winter w *tk. !her* will be in a- at it| pi him ta'lor * t and nd Ire***. atre t'K the #j>, ik .r v 1 .• Mr S I, Ltzuron aid a num ber of *l.* member* of the <.>unctl 'iha r itatbci %v!li l*t by Mi- Birdie Muhi \* :• ia meeting nl*n w .11 be read a re t> * giving a resume of nil of tha work that .as *en d**ne by this council since .t organisation in 105. Mr 1 I’ Mendes. preUtent of the cour i l i recently received a num>er of for mrii er* of ihe orgsnlz.i --t• i, m.i la i or dime to a modal adopted lv the r, ii meeting of the council eld a* < 1 vecind 111 The badge I* a vary pretty nne. It ia of diver hi dh i it tha lop a half open* l * roll of t . I took of the while half around the upj * id# 1* lh* motm of the or g a tils* i lon “Faith and llumvnlty," In silver letters on i background of blue enamel. A pen jam Sm !ath lamp ad'tn* the renter and on the left eld* of this are ibe letter< “i' J W * and on th right. the year in which the o n cll was organised Joiner liUtir Miinlln. It was discovered yesterday that W. A Jo.ner. tha missing Central Hallrosd po licemer., had enlisted in the United Btat*s Army and had left Thursday /or San Frarclaco en route to Manila. He did not resign his poaition nor did he notify any one of his Intention of leaving tne city, except on# or tvro acquaintances that he happened to meat At tha train* * 4 THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 4, 1900. SQUARE QUESTION SETTLED. MUOH Hir.ltx IID PIT III* ITTfI ON Tin: lltxok HUiOM THiN Filed a Hrataif to f inaeil ta Which He Latrr* Into a Fall tllaeiiMHin of the (tncillna—Better Hewolts t an He Obtained by I'arlng Lin coln, Price. Last llroad and West llroail street* Than Those Through the bqnnrea. He 'Think*—Will It* Nt* Attempt to Renee* the Vtnrter tn oanrll— A Itflermnn IMsou ways He la Natlafted If the People Are. Mayor Myara v**#erday filed h. veto w:?h the c!*rk of <*ou 11 to th© rasolu tion a.Joptad b> th© City T*ouncil at itf meetlr.g Wednesday night. tm-morlailzir4g tha in favor of a o4U !•* * otv fer upon Council it* r.ecaaaary authority 1 to open Barnard and Absrcorn srreeta or 4 a dire t north ar 1 *outh itn© through the square# owing to Mayor My era’ daclded opposi tion to tha r*"ol jtlon in Council and hi* •xpresrtora on the subl©- t air'* it wa" practically assured that ha would veto tn# maasur*. the only aurprlsa Is that h* dkl net 4m •* at onra In discussing his action Mayor My*r* •aid that h# had racetvad requests from a I quarters ar.d had t>#en urge*) by citi zen* of ail rlit'a to veto the reaolutkN), and tha reasons urg*d by th* opt*i>*rts of tha movement wer* for rh* m at part entirely In Itn# with hla own view -of the question Ms ta also convinced that hU • •an view* ara thosa ar. ter tali.ei by a rrut )oci , y of Connell. The pwnuil'w only received flv© vote*. ' he ©aid. ’ there being three against It of th* four absent** aid*rm*n. three Aldermrw Tlademan. Weils mi A <4raham are o;.p* "M to tn© measure I hav© tot *i how Alderman Schwarz * a rail *>n the q ••lion. At any rae with i full met'lr k of the t*oerl. there would b* *lt vole* agefnat the measure, era) w th . tie vota tny vote would b* can agalnt it. So you **ee that wrdla overruling a majority vote. I am not overruling the action or the wtshea of a rnajorby of Cos indl A* to pubic w*nMm**nt In I * matter. I am *atl ;♦<) that fully i*r <s*nt. of the peopl- are oppo** i to Th* movement contemi* ate*l In t?* r*"vl r i lot#’ • Th* veto m"©sag* goes fultv the question of th* propowd change of th* "qoere© and presents th* swvrral srg i meets against the ' hang* in an able man ner The rnann *r lo which the subject i* handled will ©i.eet with h* f i l approval of tn*- many • ’•SkJ - w •> ar* o|>poaed fo any choi.g* n tha present fonn of th* sq’iare* Th* rm-iafS addreased to Coun cil read* a* fo!hw* *T return herewith th© resolution by Al derman Dixon, udop’ed in *oun'll. <vt XI. 19WX with my *H*wp|.roval under the ; rovistons of an act of h© Oeneral A"- aegfthly of Oeorgln \ asa*d I©c 4, !# . and amerdw) by of 7. IB* The veto power has h**n vested In the Mayor to enable h.m. In hie die ration as a representstiv© of ;h* communltv at larg* ro check precipitate *gl*lat|on by Council and to prevent what in his ju-L: men*, may apj* .r nr wlie legislation, or legislation that Is opposed to he wishes of th* people or • alculated to prove *le. trlmenta) to tt)* present or furura inter ests of th* public In returning to the members of th* Board of Aldermen si h my \*to th* reso lution In question. I 4r|c*jre to express my conviction that the author of the reeo ’utlon Is actuated entirely by a desire to promote tha public goo) But I. In com mon with a r.uml**r of the Aldermen an 1 probably F per cent of the citizens of Savannah, must differ with hla views as to th© merits of tne prr.posad measure His conclusions. I am convinced, nr** not well based ©nd ar* In opposition to the d*'dr*s of the perp.e and tha highest In terest* of the etty The arguments al -vancsd for anti against the prtpos-*l .it leratUiti *>f ihe square* have all r* ...ved my areful cotisl leratlon 1 cannot find in thoN* favoring the propo- 1 < .u g stifflclent grounds to Justify me In with holding mv veto. <n tin* contrary. I am convinced that my duty to the rtrl t • re quires that, so far •* lt*# in mv power under the law. I shall prevent what, ( > my mind, would )eatroy the l*eatitv of Savannah, by r**m<*vlng the feature that al*ove all others, tliitlngulahea it am on-* American cities ••The small public nrjuare." of Sav inn th •vere provided f<r In the original plan o r the city Th* y have been for ove cen tury and a half the pride ..f Its 1* o r >l# and the admiration of visitors. Triv* n from all quarters of the glob** have re ferred in glowing terms of prals** to them. They have been universally r^ , wfnli* , d as unique ornament*, the value of whl- h wa< not to lie In it p uniary n • In the minds of many an error was c m -inltt.d in not extending t ie *\>t*m into the new' southern sect loti of the city. It 1* ton l.ite row to oonotder such a prop-. 1 lon, but It Is not t.m late to pre-erve t . old parks tinmarre.l Thpy have in re'oir years l>ren beatillfi* . they are nicible o" Iw ing made more be tiitifu) They re t*ecuiiarly the property and charge of the publlt and the public s wishes in r. s, e t to them should Iw herde l •’The business Interests of Savannah do not require and have not demanded such n sacrifice os this resolution proposes. The principal argument of those in favor of the change ts that more rllre. t commu nication north and south Is needed, that traffic on Prayton and Jefferson streets is too heavy and more avenues must be pro vided. Admitting that such Is true, th* ndditlonal thoroughfare* r* at hand In Hast Broad Brice. Lincoln. Montgomery, and Went Broad streets on three of tlv m street* Hast llroad, Brice. and \\ e*t Broad there are no square*. The heav iest traffic of the city I* t* and from the iailr**xd depot* and freight stations lt>- atHj on Kasl and West Broad streets. The paving of these two thoroughfares would provide a means of reachbig the entire eastern, western, ands -uthern • Hons of the city that could not possibly le congealed by Intflle in half a century to come If they are considered too broad, and therefore expensive t * pve, Brice. Lincoln, and Montgomery streets are at hand. Brice street passes through no squares. I* narrower, in 1 le*j 1 ostly to improve It ** four block* from Pray ton street, th nearest paved street. find would furnish n decidedly more v iluable avenue to the puMl- In reaching Hie east ern and amithesstern fortlon of tfie . Ity than would A*rcorn street. which directly parallel# Drayton •♦rest, being hut **• feet to the *0 f of It I#ln-*oln t • t ii pr*#*nt* it* If It h-i* l*ut ‘iif tarrier ('oloniil Bark. It could be paved from Bay *treet. a pave*l thoroughfare to Ogletborpw avenue, also paved, and ther- would then be the choice of using Aberwn or Habersham street i*oth of wbi-d sre paved from Ogle thorp** avenue t,> Liberty street, where Lincoln afreet would be rea lied again and furnlh a di rect paved communication ftom Bav *Tr>et . the clt> frnlts The ilta: from !#!• * oln to At** rcorn or Hater'l.jitn street I# less than aid feet. s* It . innoi. be urged that fhr re la any mfferlal ,f time >r inconvenience caused by this route “Montgomery street, south of Liberty stp*a. Is entirely free from squares. Is a wW*‘ avenue, and would afford adequate relief to the Jefferson street trad “With these streets awaltln? improve ment. any one of which 1* r* ftrable A here ora or Barnard streets for purpves o? trafl"c. I can see no regent to de t oy the symmetry of the plan of t~e old 1 or tion of thg city To my mb <t ihg pa ing of Hast and West Broad streets w ul 1 answer the requirements of b isinet* gen erally far better than the ptvl g of anv thre# or four lr.terme*tlate streets and oa Twenty -flrH I*ug#. A I Ti.H THK Kl.k< Hl. Gaealp as t© sf a #•’**•• Iftetor>. In anti tpatir.g e!e< non day, with Its *xcjt*ir *••• ‘ * ar.l gtirpriw the town has beer, worked up to a vh pitch Th*v ©ay • "now#i or - In A r .st and that ev er el, miat aim* ex." t sur yr n.- 1. it what wj.l i- >w tha ele-'tlon >* 'h' i Hrv.xn or M Ka .**y* a com mon rr**"**ke la that Hr van a election means a in f of ail property v. • and M. Kinie " *i* tion a oer*- *i***r ding increase No odds which oan d Ir* is e.acted Savannah will move **iot g a* of old. and among the boy© In the pr-*Mu>n will be Logan, ready to •upplv u- multitude wit tne ligccssariea of life.—ad. # Oiffrreni nt Adler's. Tr* new fall nat i *of sp;cuously dlf f* rent fram o4h*r y*ar at least, th a© are which are being sown at Adlers a*i. inf kale. To-morrow Krouskoff © off*r gpedat v©l ue© in fur collars ar.d rolls ret tea popular prDe© no irnMatiors. Krouskofl’s, ih-t mliitn*r©. al I© Msrrtnsr m Waning Instlrutlcnf A city stated a few day© ago w© think, that thar* was a deficiency in tl * marriage record* for October, as vow a by the ordinary s books Whether this showing is due to any sparlml cause or 1" merely a hymeneal vagary, we can r t ssy but lnl Htionf- are that Novem* 1- w i omv recover >'tb*r'a fall u-e but ever, b*st Its own racorl. Wed dings requlra ws|dlng pre**n?s aid tha iidpful fachltlaa so fr-*©i> offered by rvterr.berg A 'o. In making appropriate s© Section© from their ful and apiarvlidly \ trw-d sf> k ar© greatly appreriip-d by tr* orllnartly ptrplex*%l soul hurder*d with auch a mls-lm Th* fa vert te gift artl r i© now D ”cut*gl ss ” though some war t one thing, s m** nother, different l leas you know, and we .are h*r© to me-t all Ideis *nd faneUu*. PlffTKcdi In varied setting* are freely cultivate*!, an-1 these, of course Involve •!*) rd jvermsnert va ie Watches, Jew* -v novelties hr|c. h bra ai*rll* g sIH .rw ira ac. Where several parti*- I**ir* to present a Joint testimonial a ~c h", f ■? sll- ©r‘ would ***m to All th** requirement fully s*t*rnb*rg A- ’o many exhß ; s '<wnp'eher.*l the ? *©*i developments ..f fin* and valuable ~f j ,* # of urt *rd v. 41’ L.*>west pn m equal value In th* city. Adlrr’a it Vl*>rra for fluya and Girls. All ktrds of school auppllw* mak* Ad- S*r " a M aof and lig t f**r ©very achool- I>oy in Savannah - ad $4 00 Trinnrii 1 **hr| lint* $4.00. * th*r* ask b for such hats a Kroua koff a offer tht© w*k for $4; the*© ar© positlv© v th© gr*atr*t value© offers# In rnminwl hat©, r*mcn. **r Krouikoff’i wtl. d'*' • * f - any *• ; ■* |iy *i.-whar© for J*ir*i half whwt others "k -ad. ••rrlf> Flir©. Wod Moaai • <’ ©iiar.v'i parquetry floor* ar* proving popular throughout ©c flona w r *r* they have b*©n laid. 'Phcy hav* ■ f - *r • ar and a nurr. :*r of flo*r© ar* i* . * laid In Siv mr it. They nr© more r * r.l and economical than carpet*. They arc laid and |>o tshed ov*r oid flo ri and make a eolld sod beautiful improve men! A specimen of this floor 1* shown In Ihe window* of Theus Bros Catalogues {roe > -tlmate© on r* ♦ .j>t of measure of flotrtr* L* tiers sho*;ld X© addreas *o J. M Adam* 227 North I'harias aireet. Balti more. M !. Moya al Killer'©. Dooks. a* w. llasmue. * make Mg m*n. Boy* fl k to Adler’ - (or Dq*ka—to th© gvmnatlum for mu' le.- .id Nale of lllrd*, K\ title* and llreaaf©. lire* •. bird* nr 1 win*:* at ©pe*'Dl price* thl* w-.-k ar Kr.uvkcfT*. such value* hav© net r U**rore 1 *•* r. offered, all • ‘•■st quality French breasts and fancy tiovwlfl*©, from :♦ to fei , other* ask lk*c to $3 u) fiw th earn© goo-1* Remember when you buy mill nety at KrouskofT* you buy at th* aame price thwt would-l*e • ompetltor© pay Go to KrouskofT s for millinery.—ad. Tle It'll |*ri *l(|fii! at Killer's. Possibly the next President <f thl* great country may )♦© four! 1 among th© crowd •>f hoys who throrg Ad • r's. buying books ad. My Flit Id mi'* Nhea. I have r©*elve<l *h* h ! and prettle*: line of children's shoe? to he found In H vnnttMli. They are open for inspection r. 'W You can’t l t them Glad for you to call. A H Nl- hoi*. * Hr••ugnion, west —ad. I.aille*’ Tailor 'liule I ostnmea. High cla** ladies’ tailor-made costumes mal© to order from latest pattern# and moat aele 1 ©cock, by G Fantinl, uvrclrant tailor—ad. Ilraln* Msnafaetarril at Killer'a. \l least. I e wherewith that nrnke* for brain* In lha child school hooks and school aopplb*. ore cheap at Adler *.—ad. Watch llrpairing. t'arry your watches tp J. \ c. N. Thomas. Jew der*. 124 Whitake r. Repairing don© well and cheap Kyea touted irec. -ad. Illnmonds %re sfr. You ran convert diamonds boigl.t of Sternberg A Cos. Into cash at any time at cost, le#s 10 per cent.—nd. larey the Ksvnrlls m %dler's. Whether It Is ticaus# they give more wear, or because It is th# South’s fa vorite color, the f**q remains, thai light grey t<tlor-mde suits have th* call a: Adler’s.—ad. t i trimmed lint **nle nt K ronl*ol!'s Kelt turbans *t9c, others ask 75c. Felt ttais kk*. others ask 75c. Felt shnp* 4?. . others risk 75c. Ffet h f-It aha •> '.*.• . other# ask 115*' French fef* flats fl lf. others sk $1 7.* French felt (urlms B*c, * them ak Si 75 Ids* k velvet tints irHo, others ask $2.00. Black velvet hut# fl 73. othsrs ask $2 in). !<• member Kr uskoffs offer you only n w stoi k a t My Men’# shot*#. My fall t ck of men # and boy’# shoes are Just n. They are beauties Well made •vlth the broad t#e They wit; delight you Glad to rliow them to you A 8 Nichols 8 Broughton, west.—*d. huperti i ut 'el*w*. I-argest and most beautiful designs In this lovely ware In Savannah, nt Htern berg A Cos *#.-d Wmiit*tli i Mii Nee nt Adler**. The new flare ckltl so m irh the Udtet toil or-mad# aulia at that they load.—aU. G. 1 nntlnl. Mrrrhsnt Tailor. High class iadles 1 tailor-made costume* made to order from tha latest pattern* and moac aaltct stock.—ad* | MAYOR STRONGLY SUSTAINED. OfAIRHAN OF TMIC PARK AM) TBRC 4XJM>tIN©|ON W ITH 111 H. C hairman Dallkn faademaed Ik* Ef fort te fpe Ihe hqoare© In Ns Msasursd /Tersis—The Square* Are the Inspiration of Visitor* tn Ihr f'lty Comment of a From \ Irana-Xitnanirsl to 4j(ir thorpe a|>oulfl fir *!rrrtril Kstbrr Than That Ills Nqnarra Mmiild lie I>rstroyrd—\% rk f the I'ark and Tree ( ommlaaUin In Ihr Planting Arsaiis. | Judging from hie conversation with a represents!jve of th© Morning News vet ferday. no on© In Savannah f*ela m r* rdated over the Ma>or a veto of the or*l - nanca for opaning th© aquarea than *‘h ir man I* D Def Tin of the Dark ar *1 T c (V>rr.rcaflon. Daffln ©xpre- * i himself m urmeasrortd farms against th* project and d*oJar*d that* nothing too harwh couid b sa.d of a heme t a: would rea ill In :h* ©ffa ern-nt cf* that hat been the subject of comment of thousands of visitors to the city and a menu.a that h*a served as greatly as any thing *•• for tha advertisement of Ha va nnah. ’ A few day* ago,” %.•) Cha.rmam Daf fin. ”a gentleman from Vienna. Austria w©a in the city Now Vianna t* fumed a* on© of the neat beautiful cities In the wjrld. ©r,d It la a matter f r.o ©mail pride to m© that ©uch a compliment a? he paid Hava nr. &h should have been mer.ted The gentleman hs made a world-tour, i it hr iatd This little ch* of a City you hw\c bars at h it© aquaria and park©, la tna moat beautiful of its *.z© I have ever knoarr. You should certainly f-r. pride tn and cherish your squares Do you kfi'jw u ppaitiveiy mike© tn* ill to h©ar th* f talk about opening ih* squares 1 eprak for th* Patk and Tree Comtnifrtrtoti too tor other© of th* mem b©rs fse-1 the sam* wm\ abou: It We think It is tut ©rant for tD thought and 1 uth-r w** hav*- exper t ded upon our pians for the further a<k>rnii4 i nt mi 1 bsautlfyUtg of the ©qu r**s to have ni<l- * rn*r. n©*k lu w Ip* them out of existen' prai ;!y. by cutting streets through thtm They want to ruin the tree© of oi’r * Ity for the ©aka <>f no pm*tl l advan tage. If there were any utility In their ich*-me It would not seeni quite so bad. out there # not the slightest. The lose of th© tre©", of the beauty anil attra tlgn •! tha Miusres and of the lovely vista* that ara- •* the of the count O’ her* and there to a busy buatlli.c city, would be Irg. parable. anl the m*r© fact thAt paving Would *'o-t le. if it did not have to l>e done around the square*, w* fut at* argument that counter balances other kMtees. Why, let them is sue bonds, tak* n public subscription, do anything to ruiso money for paving pur posss. but let spar# the squares Why. do you know what they should ba doing Instead of seeking to destroy the beauty of th* city and menace it* health by their sc home of opening the squares’ They s.’iould be endeavoring i* r • a fund for th*- establishment of a mnr.uvti *nt lc Gen. Jwm*s Oglethorpe, the man wni drew the plan of th© city, placing th* col timn In or * of the square* that stand now ah a grand monument, tn themselves, to the wisdom and sagacity and love of rhe beautiful tn him who made Ahem a part >f Ms town *T have had nothing to say before uron this subject. I was waiting, for a time would hav* com© when X would have Men backed up in strong protest by the b*- people of tbe city against such a mutila tion a* th© ordinance ©ought." Mr Daffln era* *k*d about th© fall tr**e piHf.t.r <of :h* I*nrk at ! Tr- Got mission. Ho said the avork ha* b*gut. thas th© teims and men ©mpi*>v-d by the commission have airaadv stnr'**l the.r trips to th* for*t© voung tr* ** *o tak* th* places of thoe© thnt hav© t-d T * l©a*i crunk* ar© being remov 1 ©nd th* oommlssioci will go a* far u> it© me in • will w-lnut In th© effort to pi, in* tr•• , wherever they may ha needed in the cltv They are ikw being er out on Bay e'r**\ and th© **r**t* In thetr order wi;l *ak©n up when th* vacant on th* liny hav© b©*n filled "It 1* no small expense to fl*t © tr*f nd trarußplam It now.** sawl Mr Daffir. "Do you *♦• that on*”'' he risked, point ing toon* in fr nt of th-' Potion Ex *t r* that had many old branches that had b *—; saw n away and wit* covered with a d* r *■ grow th of on© * -in. **iow that ?r* * \s 4*) year* old It was a delicate Job to dig that up by th© ro *t* ar. l cart 1: a,to to* city, plant It again and have p grow you eee it. We can't he* those trees richt In the cty or near It any lo • r That or * nme from eighteen mil©* away, and v\ hav© to send our learns that distance for the hap) wood trees that we want for transplanting. ”\V© are row busy with oak trees. Af ter we have ©* out ail of t ;rj w w . handle during tho season we will turn to magnolia*. This rain will help ihe n*w lr**e we ore putting out. # a* well a* ihe old one*, for Ih* dry weather ha not b* • ? a* gtxod on them " we could hav* desired The rainfall ha* r,*i been heavy enough to make th© irec* flour*a. hut w have v counteract Fils by iriifl, l wa tering. ’ in* you find. Mr Daffln. that tenant" and owners of private Pfop©riv ir© #*••. k - Ing ?he cocnmi**.on t • . iVe I: pUr-t tr** a)h> it th*lr private place* in th* • ity anl charge Ihe expense to them? ' "Yes. there have b* n n num er of ©uch apidb'anir'. aril we are re ,#ly and anxi>U'* to oblige them Tr © M irn r.g New* diti4 months ag * adv<wvi©<l ihß In property owners, ard w* are ttlid *o * •• the paper’ll advice followed. The <<<ammt slon Is willing lo !• all the tabor an 1 have property owner" bear the cxper.i* They should assist in the beautifying of Ihe city, w hen their own pla • . | urtt i l.trly or© to be benefited. At th* <ftl e • f ihe Bark and Tree Com ml* slon may )< four.d a list of tlse tr#* that will • fu:- nlshed and lire coat of their Iran-pi n:i ITop* rty owner© or© wolconi© to this in formation." M>*** My fall etock of Indt s’ rtvll-h shoes ha Just arrived. They are the pink of per faction. If you are stylish, you s-vir (h.-rti •Had for you to w litem. A r Nichols >t Broughton, ! a 1 Have Vou lay tllil ISolilf Defaced or antt'tue ornaments ’ Srernber.' A Cos will pay their value In rush or Irads.-'Od. Thonneaen'a tu store. W* have now reretve.| n lane assort ment of new framis latest f„1 in eater colors an.l photographic views from ull parts of the world ad. keliool Vup|,l|e|. Just received a large atfl assorted sup ply of school bars nr; l . h>; supplies, all at rut rates; from 10 cent* up. also, usual large stock of nil th- school books, now used in Chatham count), at Kstllla News I’spot, li Hall ftreet. Huvaunah. Oa.—ad •*ll Cured Me." "Oraybeard broke up rheumatism on me." aaya Mr. Chaa Thomaa. 'ha Jew eler on Whitaker street. "And put me In teller health mar. 1 have enjoys* In a Q- g time " Take Oraybeard Pills for that duty feeltng—Lost appetite, and follow tt up with a bolt la of Qraybaard. It la all you need. Respess It rug to., aela prvjis, b ivannat, tia.—a a . Lore tbe World. B* conwiderate. matter© not wh©t the o c©slor whether at your own f)re©!da. or in the world. A ktnd word, a warm pre*• ur© of the hand a kind soft glar**© of th* eve, bring glad feeling© of Joy to th* r ;pt#nt. but be honest with It Don’t stint your kindness, don’t be miserly m: v<>ur car*x*es. let your heart shine In your eyes, and >xur a tions caat ©utt "hir* in th© pa’ - way Bo you will banish Mom and ©adne©s Help a.l you can to lift up and yc j will b*- of soms worth to > our fellow beings- Remember, that d*ntf, comes to all sorrow and gloom, the certain lot of all of us You can soften th- Mow. comfort tho widow and soften tn* hard pla* *s for the orphan, by an adequate amount of go*d. sound Hie In ;ran * Such 1a th* policy rontrwet of the Maixn hus*rts Mutual, that while tt vm© i* m |*ro!ectton and a provider for th* widowed and father)**© It ha© proven a frier.*! in need to many a man when the pinch of hard timet <wua© nights Th'-** policies have *ash value©. an value# ©nd paid-up 'partk”putmgi values for every year twgtnnlng with the s© >rvl Th© dividends mke th© coat le*© every y*ar, and when one* you succeed in getting h policy In the Massochusetla Mutuail im la not every man who applies that g*t acc’>pt*d) you will. Ilk© others, value it as on© of your beat Investment© KVe would Ilk© to ©how you a ©peclmen policy. Held ua >**our age ©nd addrea© Hnrti A Appla. riionagcrs for *’*<rgia. i* Masuckusisti Mutual Life Insurance ompany. No IX7 Boy ©treat, east. Savan nah, Ga W* want a few a*tlve. reliable agents, end offer good 'xmtraet© to those who como well r*commend*d —ad. C|ue-r 111 tiiif • ©t Adler*© The favorite millinery ornament of th© season Is the burk.e. and th© new buckle is of astonishing length It Books Ilka new-fangled architect©* Instrument Gut has th*m —©d fMS.tMi liitpurted I‘nttern Hot koie gIH.UO. I wenty-ftv© nrw lmp*ir*d halo, th#' 1 andsomavt pattern© brought out tht* s*a •* n,. on a*lo to-morrow at Krouakoff’s. others could not sell them for lea* Un FJhOO KrouskofT© Import their goods dire i ad. F.oksteln’s. We dcslr© ta notify our potror© ©n<3 th* pub.’c In general that th* old estabUshed ,rv s 4>ls firm of Gustav© Eckstein A Cos. continue* butlnoas ai the o) atai and 13 ©nd 1." Broughton street, west and haa n conre ?lon with any other firm In the city.—ad. lour I hoiee at Adler’a. Argus feathers, which com© from th* Last f-heosant. nr© In demand, anl <x>ck's feather* ar© quit© potnilar. at Ad ler’*.—ad. * © i Dratnntere. II W Tlppln© has ©pored ht© hof©l ©t .Manat*"as, Ga. IBs Intention la to cater 11**-;ai vto commercial traveler© Bill of far* to be unexcelled by any. rie©n beds and polls* a*tar.*locu Give your baggage (© "Pr- mmen’ Hotel” porter, good teams furnish" "I and Oslrlrli Ptxnp4in at Idler'*. ron pons of Upped ostrich feathers were M'tn or many of th© nl**r hats turned out last week, nt Adl©r’s —ad. $20.00 Values In I'uttern Hats $12.00. To-morrow KrouekofTa will ©how to en tirely n*w design© In pat f ern hat© worth fX'j l . sal* pric© SI2OD; 60 swell bats wt I*, others a-k sloon Grand carnival mil linery sal* this week at Krouskoff's —d Fifty Cents KVIII atop Your Aerafeb. tug. Whether It Is from tetter, eczema, ling wo’in, salt rheum, or any o’her akin fr uM*\ use Tctterlne.and accept no sub- Mltute claimed by the dstefer to b© "Juat a- g'-od.” Nothing else Is Jus as good If y. ur druggist shan't supHy you. ©end GO i *i -© in stampn to J. T. Hfiupirlne, Savao nah. i#a., for u hog pcNßtpaJd -a.l. Feathers I#■<• r#nln u at Kdler's A a th* season advances th© rage for feather© Increases, and th* Mg pile of b# auties o! Ad!*r's 1" diminishing —ad. The (nrntvnl 1 hla Ueek. This will be a week of sightseeing for the ladies, Mrt they should not think that the only attraction will be In the Park Ext -on The greatest attraction will be at .vr *u-koffs. where. *t mll times there -i great millinery carnival At Krouw k*ff - 'ou will timi every nation’s pro u ; *" represented In millinery. I’Arl© r*p r***nt#*d In pattern hats. England In th© Krgllsh w.i.ktng hat Germany In velvets. Switzerland In ribbons. Italy In • t Al good# lmrsrte.) dire t to Kro.-koff© from foreign eounin©s Kr< tiskoff" ©re the only millinery Im lurt* r© In the Houth —ad. wme Brett > Felt# nt Idler's. Kx ept for outtrg hats, hut few hats this ofw*n r- entirely of felt, but thos# ire beau Hes at Adler's—ad. use. Rearty-to-IYesr lint# fWe. To-morrow Krouskoffg offer you a full 1r •• of ready-to-wear hats at 9*c; #n •i> iH and Htyie* others consider them opir V and II Jo to KrouakofTg for mlliirrry. Brices the lowest —ad. Worn# (•alnaburongha at Adler's. Th * h ats are along tha Ga!nMlotw ugh p<;. at *1 are to be seen at Al -j ler*#.—ad. Bi:%l THRtK BOOKS! Beep In the Inn of Knoixledge. “The Voire of the People" Glageowr; “I'nleavenad Broad, ’* Robert Grant; “Th# Gentleman From Indiana.“ Harrington; “A Burn 1 e of Karih,” Rive#; ‘The nol : Snuff Box." lfarland; 'Tommy and Grixei,** j j| Barrie; “Senator Worth," Gertnnle Ath*n f A Frlead of Cieair.** I avi*-. •|i..\ .\ Hk ?- h ■ Mari# Corelli. !/*• |**M Adler, book dc|a,irtm#nt.—-ad. 1 a • - - m *nmrthl| Sm ■n.l Onn4, you <**• 11 l .i' K<rn Incandrioral -*' lturn*r' It U th,,,t ll*ht "* r . <" '1 Rl'*"! for l„s mon,y mor, ll*ht that! ,l,ctrl lty or any oth,r burnrr. At I’ II t .State ,tr,n. burn. ,r, may lw ,„n on-1 ,\,ry v*r|,ty of H'aah, u„ I nit! thf-m will la> fottn.l In .to'k Th, K• rn make mor, llyht ihen in • ~-rr 1 iißht. It mv„ In p* r rent of . .i, an.l th-r, I. no chimney to hr,nk or si 1 krnot mantel, to rontena with S„ for your,,lf tvhar a H*>oa Ihlnß It 1. —aa, *t Hlrke’ >m, h*r, today and m„t yrair frietd. They hav, eaten at my table, nt.l they will ,t her, eyaln. You will know- where to R.a for ttrol eteeke If you tr . min. The name I, true of roaet* end ami. In era,on. Hicks’ rweiaumnt te . l’.hß It has Aiwa}, lead It will a|- way lead.—ad. The Ynuue at tdler'e. U*i!l rey and oxford lull,. The ladle, end*.re* .hem They are tailored pto dt and lined throuchout. A epe;|a| utt le priced Monday tt K. —ad. A Hlfh-Orado Inatl'utlon lor Hadlee —i Shorter Cohere. Home, ii*. Write for | celalo*ue—au. - . “The Elks,” Displayed in our window in Vici Kid. Box Calf and Pat ent Leather, in lace and button, are the admiration of all Eyes. Such work manship and style have nev er been placed before the public at the popular price $3.00 A PAIR. MR lli FOR ELKS VISITORS Are cordially invited to inspect OUR Manufacturing Department of Harness and Saddlery. longress and Whitaker Sis. LEO FRANK. !lt matters not what V others say— V It matters not what ' £ others pay—The < / E V CLEVELAND L A N IThe Cleveland is the only wheel on V BURWELL BEARINGS 6 are used. O WM. & H. H. LATTIMORE.V West Congrfss Street. Y ATTRACTIVE PRICES -AT- Headquarters THIS WEEK. A NEW OPEN STOCK ■ Dll! SI worth $25; this sale $17.85, Heavy Japanned Bread Boxes, worth 35c, this sale 19c. Heavy Wire Potato Mash ers, worth 10c, while they last 3c each. G. W. ALLEN & CO, slnle nnl llarnnril Streets. !*IIOPOSAL9 KKANTI U. KoKT FHfeJMiINT. t’.. Nov. 1. Sealed proposal** m triplicate will b* t celVf©*l h**re until 12 m No\ 2 , . Is** constructing three fnsm4> buildings B formation furnlshM on sptt.lcailon T’ H reserves right to accept <*r rejecc ar or all bids Envelope* centalnisig pr>- poaalt ahoukl b© mark**) "IToposal© for Construction.’* a#klr©"sed Stanley D Emblck, Q M STOPPED THE COUGH. Prather’* Tar and Cherry Cough Cure 25c. DONNELLY DRUG CO. Auiibtimn. mv*aoA t Tn^.^rig, I Nights, commencing Monday, Nov. and Usual Matinees. BRAUNINO DRAMATIC CO. At Populat rrtcea. Presenting Lawrence Mara on's great pIT ••C*KDIT LORRAINE" Change of bill each performance. All the latest specialties. Sam* mis Browt* the bo}- soprano.