The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 04, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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WASHINGTON SOCIAL CHAT. urirtLATio* a possible „ a M.K 1> THE WHITE HOUL. Urran Kuown a# a Wom u„ al ,d a Horr a . UnuW* *># *<>> >l| H alr *Hoi> M'unlil (he Aral * ablitrt. v ,hintrum. Nov. 3—Social Washington j ugun to .peculate upon the rcvolu nt would follow ■ clMiige in Ihe .strstlon. It Is a. subject agitated ~ , r l s - every four years, and lt never fa if interest Is duo to the extremely ~ onol nature of tho toph'. The familiar , of the present ofltrlals und their . , sound as an old tune, and as the at cry is for novelty, the p.weiblll of Bryan regime forma a fruitful in*, e for gossip. J an at the holm! A shrug of the tjl j.-r* from the women. Mrs Itryan rnh'-essof the While House! Anew o#b -In,, And a high-light of speculative In ei -t Is focussed upon Washington j M idison. I*uey Webb liayea. Frir. is Cleveland These are the name* 1., end for success among the many m l* of the executive mansion The ntt < hive been acceptable always, be ** Kiev have been guided by pre-ednnl. ,*1 .1 dls reetly. and protected by the . f the country Only posa.ble r , s of the White House may be * r , . md publicly discussed The wo m,, v.ho aetua ly holds the petition Is hedged about bv an unwritten code of Iry thill forbids ths elreulatlon of „ -itielsm and unfavorable c >mment. present gsntll ladj of the mansion IS r i understood Mrs Itryan Is the n're" antithesis of Mrs McKml y nral It I. , A t. to Judge from her predominant In ,sr* i in th end the Intelle i. u.. .(Unity tha> forbids ihe separation of If. ISC. even doling the slump-speaking 0.1. thiy her Influenoa would he appar en f nd decided In case of Bryan's elec tion >fr Hrinii m "N>n" \Vomnn. Mm Hrar> la n college gra.luat# and newest rort of new n#*m#tn trr. -Mi-lrffi fnv* r evrr Intfftftd With he# smb.tlon. and *hr 1* a dl-- tingulshtd parliamentarian a Inxxvrr and i u' or *•? n Blue -* fr. g-od S . h recommendation* are • lory to on# feminine cbm''Ttf, but not *> to nn ~-f .#- , VcneM he strictly fashionable .ml ur • :i-quoted or** li 1* born* tit mint! that throughout her hi*htui T* farm !n fongre-s Mr. Hr. in whs unknown to soclttx ev*n to offttiflvd iho law !* rlfftur" a*, to live on Captlol Hill, In a small ntwl het rogemou* l>oar#>b f house. Ilu l *h# im'vu Ut**Uht<‘l Mr# Bryan would have rtrgU- ted her babies, lit J add** her Blark.-ton**, tucked northwestern section of the thy ant n tlduously hold visits *# that at fh|a |>erlod th<*re woi>d have been a few fashionable m.itnor.s In Waihlncton to publish ad vance rotl 'e nnd thua reromrm ml Mrs. Bryan t- favorable aortal r*c*#gntt!©n At prMHKit *h# li a*mktated in tho fem- Inire mind with wonwin a club. . (Htimpnce* mnl r**er Ihe* ar.d * •pell-blading.*' Kluurlna <t the 4 ahtnet. Already the* aelf-appo!n4ed twrdnef mak er** are buev etimlling the m.-mber* of Bryan'a oth* iai h<*u***hold. T his li tn tntereitlng field for *j**,ulation. prln# i<'i- ( |y beo.iua*- a cabin* t ie m ule up Invaria ble of rich men It li the aim tiaually of the wives of aurh to e v iipae oil other women a anfertainera Only thln#t of the poaaihi* coti**quence* of Bryan a election! There Is Croker to bejrln with: Croker th*> aspirant for favor, who r i vs hie horse? in Eng. m l. has outlived .* f •ted!.**'* for •ftf'ri n tea?, basked ui , tne senile* of lovelV women, and hoM* the | *V is of the Democratic p.irty Msven his I # uhby Angers flow would Orok**r fig ure at the Court * f fit .lame? * high #imbas*iiiitr from th*r t'nhcd States? It is to New York state one look* for the. social posslb.ltlea of all administra tion* The Htte hi furnish#'*! 1 them before -js win proihi *e th* tn .lirain. Isev, I* Morton. Ilanitltv>n FI i, Will iam c Whitney. <v..\in S Hri •*. Chaun * **> liepew. these r* nnmt ' that *tnnd f*r neatth an#l *xiruoriinary so ial suc cess. If Hhnuld !* n New York**r in nil probability tv >uli become u momber of his * ablnet, and iimonir lh several names surtr - l id. Is that of for* m*r Units*! States Senator K'ltvnrd Mur phy, Jr The aoclMl ••Istnsnt. without r**- a .ml to pari y, would wel <ttie th Mur phy* l a k to \v j hiiutfor,. and the lat er's expat en e during this six vsgra* resi dence, would enable t rn to m;ik- a uc • sful start and a brilliant finish as m**m * ■ r* of ti •' cabinet r b .\4 entertainer . i • Murphys avoided -'entation. notoriety id display, uni die fh. Ir social functbn* were nmort fine-.!. ,tnl no dltii.uj p om in town t * •• scene *1 Ilr.ners mor** artistically Mnl and better roakcd. thelr's was hos l altty known only to t! recipient?, and lever advertised m print. Mrs Murphy end her daughters were r ’remely popular In the smart set, and * .mild the form l r return to Washington a cabinet lady, aocioty would be cer t ~ri of one chanttiltc and liberal hot lf the Republicans remain !n power. Ihe radical change in administration dr* to Im' felt K*. iliy. would he that •- * - onel by the instalhition of Theodore 1 iseve’t a< Vice Pr - dent Mr Roos#- characteristics are so w I. known \V ohington lull the wild* t specula te ns regarding his filling of offices cannot f wld* *f the mark. There I- humor in < thought of the erratic Teddy occupy -111• * * ialr so ah y Idled b> Garret A. I Adlai Rt even non. A Wti..ifr, Chester A. Arthur. William 1‘ r\ p Morton, fleor**' F Edmunds. ’* >ms A. flertdi. k* and other grave 1 in itured men who h ive presid *d over t Rebate with dignity and Judgment If lirvan loses the presUl :cy. h* wl' •'i pi *> .1 • r* it ent Nev ada In In* •and 0 .i*- 8t i> *- Roott wlt •• pres of ihat body. nd Rryan is an am •i n>* mler, wotial flrnl opp r unity to sword* and play spit n*lid nKJg**- * is to the g tileries \ot n SnerrM e present rtdmlnietratlon l rot fa- for Its social reeord. The ||o! art Mshment wa- th*- one hou- dlstfn * h*d for its brilliant erf rtilnmen h h ive *“s rted that t * H t *1 to the social i*itce they kept up in itngton stiffereil chronl* a’)' from a of “head swefllng " They even o ho length of attrlbut itg the Vice i b nfs death to over in lulgcn e of t<-* table. A a matter of fact Mr. Hobart w*i abstetnecMis. though dinner giving the f>rm of entertainment b-t tr 'd by him and his popular wife. house of the Secretary of State Is ' ‘t the most commodious In the town i •* * wtalth of she family I s * wßclttit •r talc the Hays to make* a note - hy soeini plunge, hut after her pm i residence abroad and participation • highest functions of royalty. Mrs i • not find It agreeable t i iMrtfl.’ • in. .• ind • njovment of the otfi-ial public. • fcf *>f the present cabinet ladle* prr ?h tluties Incumbent upon th*lr p** and leave to the "plunger*" an*l ‘KMinders/’ of whom there ore al- P’.nty resident in Washington, the tu.aucc of the social vaudeville River Steamer Goes I)owb. >mphli. Tenn . Nov. I.—The *ttim r , City, plying between fit Louis an i f w Orleans, struck an obstruct on in ‘*nnese Chute. Just below t.ds city f, ‘ to-day. The vessel immediately ' k to the lower deck Thirty pttgtn *’■ and a crew of forty were taken aafe ■y ashore in yawls, but U*e cargo prob 4*‘J wui bt rulnedb v/ "I *m tbe mother of four childreu,’ write. Mrs Bupbereia Fslcouer, of Trent, Muskegon Cos. Mich 'Mr first tw.i babies were still botn. and 1 suffered every thing but and sth My friends oil thought I could never recover I was reduced to 109 pounds When I wss three months along for mv third child I was taken with hemorrhage or flooding and came near having a miscarriage from female weaknesa Por two months I wat under the care of out doctor, but was getting weaker all the time until otv- day I happened to come across one of rour httle nooks aud I read it througk. and the next day I sent and got throe bottles of ‘ Favorite Prescription and one bottle of Pellets 1 improved so fast 1 continued to take your medicine until baby was born, and he it healthy and all right My health has been good ever since I now weigh 165 pounds - " Favorite Proscrip tion " makes Week Women Strong, and Sfvk Women Well. TIMER FAVORtTK* FIRST. I( ti ns n list ns Bay la Atlanta and tlie Track Was SSnddy. Atlanta. Nov B—Three favorites ran first In ths events at Piedmont Park to • ay on a truck fetlock deep m mud The last race was m ids In a heavy rain 111 this event Lsirerjuolse led from the Jump by almost two lengths When In the stret, h to the wire Jessie Jarboe pulled ahead and won by a neck Ruin, track heavy Summaries: First Race S.x furlongs. Golden Rattle, 11 to 5, won. with < la es, 5 to 2. second, and Quaver. 2 to 1. third. Time 1 2JH Fecond Race-Five furlongs Dr. Car rlck, 2tol. .> with Antithesis. to 1. sec ind. and iMUlpus, 4 to 1. third. Time : , Third Race—Ore mlie Dutch Comedian. 7 to 2 w.*n. Wih Brother Fred. even, sec ond. and IJliUn Re.d, 3 to 1. thtr.l Time 1:53. Fourth—Four and a half furlongs ll.inno, even. won. with Annie Coma, v to 1. second, and Gladys 8., 2 to 1, third. Time 1 !*,. Flfih Race—Seven furlongs. Jessie Jar boe. 7 to 10. won with lotrequolse, 6 to S. second, and I.lttlo Reggie, 1 to I, third. 1 SS>*. On the Empire City Track. New York. Nov. 3—Scratches playad havoc wlih the card at the Empire City race track 10-day. Summary: First Hue—Selling, about six furlong* Trumpet, 1 10 2. woo. wlih Prestidigitator. 13 10 r> and Ito se-onJ. end Rlnakio. 7 10 1 third Time l Illy. Second Race Selling one mile ar.d sev enty yards Dan <*upid. to 1. won. with Brisk, 6 to 1 and 8 to .1. second, and Bel grede. 11 to 5. third. Tlnao l:*! 1 -! Third Race—l’hoppaqua handicap, shout -:x lurlongs Gold Heel*. 2to 1. won. with i'hueianiinds. 2*> to 1 en.l 7 to 10, second, md ithymer, 3 to 1. third. Time 1 ll',. Fourth Race —Wakefield handicap, one and . ne eighth miles. James, 11 to 6. wnm, with King Barlejcorn, 7 to 1. ami 5 to 2. e ond. and Pink Coat, 5 to 1. third. Time 1 53. Flfih Race—Five end a half furlong* I.ndy Dayman. 5 to 1, won, with Alsora. 3 to 1 and 2 to 1. second, and Minor Daly. 5 to 1. third. Tim- I <*V Sixth ita'-e—Une mil* and seventy yards Trlllo, s to 5. and King Bramble. 7 to 2 and ~ to I>. mn a dead heal; Al.slke, S to TANARUS, third. l:t>. Itnce Hemilta nv l.stonln. Cincinnati. Nov S— Results at Latonla Race —Seven furlongs, selling Trouballne won. with Little Oolite second, and Suave third Time 1 R. .nd Race-One mile, selling fiogue i> won. with Sir Oatlan second, and ("hanton third. Time 1:41 Iw- Thlrd R *—Six furlongs Unrbari M v-n. with Ttiscrosa second, and Imp Al fuki third Time I:K>. Fourth Race—On*- mile and seventy virds handicap, rhappaqua won. with i.ovcs Ltibor. second, and Kberhart third. Time 1 n* . Fifth Race -One and a half miles. In dia n w on. Midi Jack Telling second, and Kodak third Tme 2.34 H. Sixth !<• * S*‘ven furlong*, selling Hr.dare w*n. with Kentucky second, and I ik* Kongo third Time I:l4*^ l*E\ >HVLVAXI A IHOLY BKITKI* Harvard \lon Ihe Osins by Speed* unit llrllllnnt Playing. Cambridge. Mass . Nov. I—Harvard de fy ited the I’nlverslty of Pennsylvati a ••leven 10-dV hv a scare of 17 to 4. A marvelous defense, which conpetely v- an ! broke up the famous guards Park formation, a speedy end brilliant olUll „. together with some bal errors by I per opion<*nt*. gavo Harvard the victory That l’ennsylvanla should have I t*f it* v> was something consldf rmbly he i vm and the expectation* of the most sail .,lm rim-• -i> lont.ilv surpriilnc to the follower* of the resl and blue. I*ln> ed a rioaa Tie. Islington. V.. . NOV. 1.-FootboU: Vlr gml* Military Inrlltute. 0. Bt. Alhan*. o Ar.napolt* Cadet . !*■ WMlntti nl | Jefferson. 0. I.ifayetle. 34; Yule. 1.. We.t Holnt. 0. 10 or a* towi •. 1*; ft wii ri h more. 14. Cornell. IS; ITlnceton. 0. CORDON niF.II f HO3l LOCKJAW. 111,,.*. Ileatilted From Ihe Gorlnit el nn Keregrd flull. Itrunewiek. C, . Nov. J.-E* rolleemr rnoma. Gordon died in thl* elry this morning of lockj.w. Mr Gordon won ...I by a bull about two we. k *o. I ,vhrh caused lockjaw to eel In. He w; ! on hie way hem" on< day w|ih a | ,he animal Iwcame infuriated, and mdc i..., f o r Mr. Goidon. Inflicting ' .‘..t wound. It wa. hou*ht at lire, that I would live only a few day*, but he I w* fast recovering until lockjaw *et In Mr Cord U b*en a res dent of Brun* Wick for many /tar*. He leave, a *lf‘ j jr .d ai cld’.dree. foiMilnllou of Aermont. Wa.htngton. Nov J-The population of j h e ..< of Vermont a. announced to ! nv by the cenrua bureau. Ia 143.441. agalnai t" Tb ‘* 11 * n laf of 3l * F* r eent - / THE MOKNING NEWS: SEN DAY", NOY’EMBEK 4, 1000. T. M. C. A*fl. WEEK nr PIUJER. Will R.gia Te-dar Week and Will He Obeerved Willi kpcelal Serrlees. Tbs International Commlttse ot the Toung Men's Chrtetlen Association In sending out Ms circulars to the assorts tlons regarding ths week of prnyer which la annually observed by the associations of the world, commencing Ihe second Run day of November, eays "Eel ua be thankful for th* material prosperity granted us. th* new building* erected, the debts cancelled, the generous gifts toward current and permanent funds "For the encouraging extension In many deportment*, and for tha privilege of entering new doors of opportunMy. "For hopefu. progress In the organised religious work, for the growth in Bible study, and for tho many young men won to Christ. "Let us pray for a deeper spiritual life and a more thorough consecration to Christ's service on the part of the active members "For the winning to Christ of greater numbers of young men. especially In the associate membership "For the wise and wide extension work In all departments of lla varied useful ness. "For the coming Jubilee of the North American ns nor tat Inn*, that those respon sible lor Its managements may be grant *d needed wisdom, and that the Jubllhe In all Its featurea may reault In the ma terial and spiritual uplift of the associa tion movement In this continent " The circular Is signed by Messrs Lu cian C. Warner, chairman: Alfred E Marling, vice chairman; Frederick R th henck. treasurer; Richard C. Morse, general secretary. Th* Savannah assoSatlon will obsarve the week In the following manner Next Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock Rev Arthur J Amtth will deliver an nddresa on th* "World Wide Y M C A Work " Special mush, will be provided and the la dle* will also he Invited to attend Commanding with the following Mondav nlght Mr W B Stubbs will deliver spe cial addressee to voting men *a. h night. beginning t * o'clock RniULl’ll LOST MIS CARR. Convictions In Camden Conrt—Col ored Collector Indicted. Rf. Mary's. On., Nov. 3 The most Im portant civil case In th Ruperlor Court here this week was that of Julius Rudolph of Brunswick agalrst ihe Florda Central and Peninsular Railwuy. In which he claimed 32.000 damages for Irjurb s alleged lo have been sustained by his wife In an accident on the Florida Central and Pen Ir.eular The cas* was decided In favor of the company. At the last term of court, Mrs Rudolph had won a cult against the Florida Central and Peninsular Railway for Injuries sustained In this same acci dent. The convictions st th* term were the following: Floyd Harden, colored, s-sauti with intent to rape (on a rolorsd woman), ten years in th* penitentiary Wash Hous ton. colored, larceny, twelve months In chain-gang or 373 and coats th,vto Qlbson. colored assault, twelve months In chain gang or 375 and costs. I'leero Gibson, col ored. carrying conceacd weapons, twelve months In chain-gang or 373 and costs Frank Dorsey, colored, adultery, twelve mentis on chair,-gang or 325 and cos's Wilber I*ar,g. colored, assault with intent to kill, twelve nicnihs on chain-gang or 375 and costs A R Baker, colored, stab, blng. twelve month* on rhain-giing or 3*> and costs. Ram Trapp color~l, ahootlng at another, twelve montht-on gang nr 377, and costs C. I. Theklns. colored, selllnx whisky without license, twelve months on gang or I'S and coals Fddl* Clark, color ed, steading watermelons, twelve months on gang nr ffifi and costs Jessie Tysons, colored, stealing watermelons. twelve month* on gang nr 3'A ami coats The grand Jury found about twenty true bills Among the bills found wa on ogalnet Rudd Coffee, colored, collector of cus'om* at this port, accusing him of us ing "vulgar, obscene and profane lan guage In the presence of females." Coffee ! ope of McKinley's appointee- Col. Cc.ckran. presidential elector of tills, the Eleventh District, made a very tine address at this place Mon lay evening rOl.niHlS' 4THKBT FAIR. I.egUlarure ua> There—llona way Male i anil'll a Faille. Columbu., Ga.. Nov. 3.—The elreet fair . loeed hi a blase of glory to-night. The Georgia arrived In a body on a .pedal train thl. morning, and were loyally entertained at an old fashioned Georgia harhaoue, given In their honor, and rhey were ehown th- night, of Ihe city a. well as of the fair. The member, returned to Atlanta on their .pedal train to-night. The fair ha. been a uoee. In every wav. Heveral member, of the f.egtM ture were among tho.e relieved of their purer# by pickpocket.. An exciting and .hrllllng Incident oc curred thl. afternoon A mule .machel to a dray ran up Broad .ireel, acatterlng crowd, right and left. Ten pc:win. wen knocked down or run over. Koriunotelv non" of Ihem were eeverely hurt. It seem* a miracle that .everal people were not kllh-d a. the .tree! waa packed with men. women and children. WF.UDM) JF.Wmi NIIIKM. t;or. Traveled US title, to Perform Orpsiony, Columbia. H C.. Nov. 3-Gov. fe- Itweonej made o Journey of mile* to Klngetree to-day to |K-rform the mar riage ceremony uniting Jewish maiden, to Gentile friend, of the (Jovernor. I>r William -3. I-yrtch and U.ytr H. O. Ar kln. were married to K.ihcr Benjamin ami Rowe Lillian Benjamin, reapectlvely. The Ckivemor wa* a.ked lo perform the ceremony a. a compromise, the brides declining lo be married hy Christian nin- IWer. nul the groom. olJe ting to the Jewish ceremony. The- servl t* and prayer used by Ihe Governor contained ahotit h.i word*, and were made up from the ser vice. of several denominations At Ihe cohcluslon of the service u goblet of wine was a. Mentally knocked from a table by the Governor and broken on the floor, as In concluding Jewish marriage Many guest, from different pari, of the stale wete present. 4K111.1.A Ah A (OTTO* MAKHJET. i . i • Town Is I'liall Inn Ahrsd-Orand Jnr> Hrrsslonol lllalrlcls. Ocllls. Os.. Nov. S.-OcIlU. only four ymrs old. has rscslvsd and xhlpjcd, up to tlAt**. on* thousand b*l of rott n. long and short st.pls. Hsr merchants anl cotton buyers are doing all In pow er to put the town ahead of the iim as a cotton buying center. Oellla b.s pild as high as twenty-two and a hlf rents for long staple, and eleven and a half It"' A# J. I. Harper A Cos. am completing their laff* sales stables on Irwin avenue, which puts Ocllls to the front as a stock market. Thera sra four atock asllns fthma now In town Node# of local tsglstoUon to establish s dlsner.*ary for Irwin, wts publlsrad last week, but the last grand )u-y rscom mended strongly adversely. Irwin county's public roads built by eonvlci labor. wse highly InAorssd bv thoss who traveled ovsr them, lo and from court Ibis waek. y ~ H PALATABLE, PURCHASABLE illY 11 H HI. Jos. A. Magnus Cincinnati, O. CHINESE JEWS. IN THE HEART 03' PHIS 4 FOR MORE THAI I .800 VE-AMS. Only Seven Families Row LefS— Ori- Klnnlly The, Were 11.000 Mrong and a Power In Iks LsS—Their Katahllahment In C hina a Mystary That Nsr Never be Vo 1 vest—Are They Dveevuilanta of ilismeeslt Their Strssse Religion# RMea Splendor of ihe Temple, Vow In Rnlna, siirlt of It o* llna Ist Been Void fill b, lilt to Vuatnln the Vlnrvlng Vnrs Ivora of fh* Raw. Jewish Facto I Chnroeferlafleo Rrlll Apparent. \V.i*Mn* >n, Nov. I—ln tha h*arr of t'hina. 7u> malo* from 9hanifht. tm th# hank* of th# Hoang-ho ** V*lUw rlror. livo seven fumlhea of ChintM Jew? -the vole remnant of ?evenly clan*. 5.000 vtrong. who Into ihe ("Viewwl King ikim at the llm* of M!ng*(e 11. who reign ih! a 1 #.*uf .113 A. I>. Thep.' *. veil forum** repr#*en! what *t ono a power 1u I’hina—a Hy of Jewk. wealthy nn*l #afeemoi an emperor built n magnificent ayrrafocue for them an<l made i*ne of them ti>e tr*n?- urer *f i grif province, onoth# r n gen *ra! In the irti*iial army an.l honored them In various other way*. Then In fhe gokVn age of JudtlflO In China, thee#* 4'hlneet Jew- prospered to wo great an e* lent that hey grew # areleea Itt their wor •h'p mul neglected th** <K*l of ihHr fath er* To-tbn their nynagogu** 1* a maw of rulne. moat of It w)M to furnleh fool for ihr n vtu kurvlving famllie*. anct t>- ject poverty reign* orn<aiK them Tbetr m. Mi lx**** have been aold, their reh gloue mvi f>rgotten. th#4r language, h:u r#A;j*ne a nier# memory ai*l their origin one of the myaterlea of tho inpateroua Orient. The existence of <'hlne#e Jew* ha long been a mystery, for aMlejugh their pre*- nce arl ex*ien.’e have t>**en eatabllkhed t>eyond doubt, yet e* much of their hlttory i* epecuUtlve. that the mom profound fctioUr* and itudent* of Jewlah ar,d 4>rl - history have t variance a* to Ihelr origin The survivor* and Lhoee *eeti and spoken to during the iaet 2 >er*. ail bora the unmiMakahle r.rctai imprint of tha Jew There could le I** fkui>t oi that a*'ore. Not only that, but they oPaerved moet of the cuatonta of ihelr a no** tor* ar.d worshipped in th# ortio#i3g manner The fa#*; of their origin and l '*rnt ha* not t*n In dispute, twit the why find the wherefore of their pre*. *r in t'hlnu h* tailed conakWaW# r<ntrover*y jmof.g thoaa lntere*td In Buch mutters Some h.iva held that they were the lo* trlhea of Ixrael. hut thl* l* wnd *j>eciiln tion. expet tally a--' China waa to only oil •• in the Bi *e when lamnh <l3 l2i ha\ s: **Behold- ar.d J Jiene from the land of .Minim (China)." At the time of lsatoii, 710 B 4*., Idglath Pileaer 111. a contem porary of Jeroboam 11. ruled Kgypi and the Jew.a were ev# n tnen reuownet) trul er#. who** voyage-# extended info the f:r fhext eaat. If the (*hln*ae Jew* hod been he lot trl!e*. i'hlneaa htatory would in .ill prolaibisliy nave rf# rred to them and their own htatory would have done Ilk**- wife. Neither |H the . .*e Chine## history ee-ert* thot the Jew* oitnc to Chln.i duilng me rHgn of Ming le II of the lien or Tain dynnwty. about 113 The (n*tor> of the Jew* themelve* declare# that they ime into f'hlna 22* A D. from Th** n-C‘huh fCabuh. Tnelr lender# were the head# of the Yen. I*. One. Kaou, Ohaou. Kin, t'how. Bhih. Hwang. Nee arnl T#o famllie#. They brought with th m tribute of 1 *• yang pu‘■--••Jofh from fh# weotern ejeean This might serve as n clue n to th*lr origin, but It 1* doubtful ux to which oeean I* meant. It nly he the Imlton o-**an, the Red ea. the Mediterranean or even one of the Inland aea# A*l/. A lrral Initulsrsllfin. In thr days of Mlng-tr If. Chirm was th* most highly rivblxrd nation tn thr world, and all thr worM frinli.l with hrr. Half a dozrn rgravnn roads In! arrosn Asia (o th* marts of China orwl Jrws, following th* *r acupsUon of (radrra. trgv#lr<| ovrr them rr|M;i:ssU]r. It to<*k day* to travri from Hyrls to China It la probable that Ihe J* wt*h traders ftnd •ng Hi** country frrill** nn*l th** p**ofie friendly, atlvty-d their trethren to rml <rat** 8o a hug** caravan was made up ntwl seventy cliin!t 4i t.unilten sMrit.l for their K w* In Chiiiti. I'hey left Yew-tar <Jt*!-a) tn 22t A. I* . and trave|e| by rosy stage* across Asia. With them went rabbi'* and learned men. who carried holy lMXks and ih* sayings of th** proph ets. Finally, after n ywr of wandering, the caravan arrived t Peen on thr Hoang-ho, thr Kal-fung-fu of to-day. alt tinted to the south of Pekin No sooner had the caravan arrived, than the Chi nese bestowed n name upon them—tne followers of th** religion which enjoins (he extraction of the sinew Tiau-kln kLiii This referred to the Hebrew cus tom of extra* -Ut-K thr ein*w or nerva of fl* ah use*l for food. For mnny years nearly the settle ment at K il-fung-fu prospered and grsil ually Jewish traders penetrated to all parts rf the empire They established an Important trading riaton In Nlngpo. which they used -a port of entry. H*> well dbl they do that in the year •), an other Influx of Jews took place and the power ar.d Influence of the settlement In creased greatly. Chinese history first mentions the Jews In the eleventh centu ry. when the annals of one of the dynas ties refers lo them as hnv ng served In the imperial army with distinction and brav ery The next mention is found on a tab le! erected In their temple, discover'd by n Jesuit In 111. This tablet declares that th* religion wns founded by A-woo-10-han (Abraham), who hand'd down the pre cept* to Mayshe (Moses) The synagogue or temple was built In the first year of Lunghtng of the Hung dynasty In the twon'leth year of *x*y-flfih cycle f1144i. and Woo-sae-ta, two rabbis, superintended the construction of the tempfe. while Yen-too-la furnished th* funds The structura burned down snd was rebuilt In 1271 on Thoc-sha-tsae street, on the southeast side. ftplrndor of the Jewlah Temple. This temple was seen In the seventeenth century by one of the Jesuit fathers and according to his deaeration, was a su perb affair. This authority asserted that tho temple waa 230 feet long and 160 wide. Refora or rather around the tvnagogue proper war a *erle of oourtn. extending from eaat to we*t In the renter of the drat court w## a large and beautiful arch of white alabatder ln#rribe#l with golden letter* dodW'atlng the place to the Crea tor and Preserver of all thing# In the MoA> of Hollee bwrotpl which on ly the motiah could enter at t*m of prayer. #tfK>d twelve table*, each leartng a roll of tha Uw one for each tribe in {rae| In th* center Btood another ta Kle for Moaea Each table whs eoelo* ed in *Hken draper!#* On th* *xtren>e western will wera two tablet* containing the Tan Commandent* In golden !et‘*r* On the other *ide of them wax cloeet for hook* and before each, a table urn • n#l cundelbru At ervk*e. the men and women •*! apart and al! look off th#lr #h*-e* The men wore blue hat* When reading from th*lr Hlhllca) acrollo. the .abbt* wore .# veil over their fan** for Moae* roverwl ht face when ‘ending the mountain after receiving the Ten Commandment* A red #llken acarf wa* auapendwl from the right aroulder of the rabN anl tle*l In a knot under the left arm AM p* * ent faced the weet iow*art Jerualem Ttte name of Jehovah wa# l exer pronounced Wtunal (Alonaß being aub#t|tuta*l. or the Chine** word Tb**n (heaxen! Thrflr fltar nd Cell. A# at#tod. the Chine*# Jew* gr*du*!|y me* In power. uiMt) iJfW be;an rhelr goklen era In that rear # committee wa# ap pointed to look after the* temple and th* rmr*x>r .-onferred marv favor* upon the •eot gW forty nfn* veara pro#perlty wa* thelrp In HIT Choxi-Foo Thing a Jew w** made chief Taotcl or magiafrnte of Che-Keang province -and then tw*gn the downward career of the *hlnee few* The younger generation Intermartled with the Chinee* the precept* ( their re.iglon wera forgotten end gradually the Chine*# Jew* wandered a wav fr*m the teaching* of thatr prophet* Gradually foo. pm*|i*r!ty left them *n*l 111-luck be gan Their temp> waa deetrovod *g*tn and when fuad# were ne*ded to rebuild, none w*r*a forthcoming many year* At )**t etxrwigh waa obtained, hut the g #rv of their Holy of Holllra had de|#ared never to return. Matter* W'eivt from I#a#l to wor**. unUI In l#cn. .#rn# of the xouug J#w* went into the world in an effort to better their condition One of the** •might * in* n# Ur In> degree tn Pekin. nd while there mot Matthew Rtccl the f Jeeult mtlonorv According to Father Ktccl, the *franger called upon him one day and eatd that xn both were of one religion, he. the xtranger #l**lr*d to |nv hla rexpgcta. FYlther Rlc*l a* to the atmuger'a religion and learned that he waa a Jew Thinking • con vert him to Chriatlanlty. he took him Into the mleai#>n chapel, where the *tr*i k er lowed before a iike.nea# of the Virgin ami 4'h!M "Why <tlil you bow’" asked Father Ricci In nHtenlshment. "Herause that Isa picture of the prophet In childhood" (morning \loscx protwthly). replied the •rrnngcr Then Father Rlcc| t*V<t htm of the coming of thw long-prom ised King of thn Jews, but the stranger laughed and declared that He wax not due for 10.000 years Three years later Father Rl cl ftlspalrhed three ruiMvc Christiana to Knl-Junc fu, but coull ge| nothing definite atmut the Jewish saitlement In 1412. Julius Alenl. who. !•■ a use of hts great learning, was duldiad the Kuropenn FonfWlus. by tte Chines**, \ i Itod Kal-fung-fu. but wan not permitted to aor (he !*entateuch. the feme of which had reached his Thin Pentateuch, so report had It. was handed down from father to *tn. from the earliest day* of Jude*, of course, the devout Jesuit fathers were most anxious to obtain po -essten of this religious tre ure slid nearly every year, an()•* *• dor* went to K il-fung-fu with offers of money and Influen e. hut in vain It was not un til I*>73 that Father Hasanl sue. ceded Ry that time, the Jews had t>een decimated In number, their wealth was a nwstfer of history and their spirit was broken. Fa ther Oasanl wax peivnltted to see the Pan tateuch and soon discovered that tt was only fragmentary. 1 (ion his return to Eu rope, he published n pamphlet detailing hie cxperlenos and g.ving a translation of *he tablets n<l scrolls he had seen. This pamphlet causel no end f discussion and Innumerable tracts ami tome* were writ ten to prove that the Chinese Jwa were descended from the lost trll*e* and more especially from Ahasuerus. tha \\ .uelaring Jew Ttie Mor|* grtw and grew, until they assumed fantastic proportions and the wildest (vnjecturwe pravailed All sorlß of trot*o*tlions wera mode to solve the mystery, but nothing of Impor tance was done until IAAm. when a JoHUt exiMNlitton siarted *rom Kong Kong a i.otnpanled hy two i'hrlsttan natlxea Af ter being absent for some month*, they returned with the taw a that the se ts nieiu at Kai-fung fu waa In a daploraole stale The few remaining Jews lived in the ruliu* of the synagogue, half-starved and broken In spirit. They hal no rabhi. had forgotten their language almost en tirely arul had sold the synagogue bit by bit. In order to sustain Ilf* Now. the ‘hine*e Jews number )*** than One hundred Jews only In name, wretch ed. |<oor, despised, Pariahs, mcro echoes of the forgotten race. I'ernnnillna \exa Mote*. Femandina. Fla., Nov. 2 —The Lyceum liall was crowded to Its utmost capacity last evening Ihe on .ision being a polit ical meeting. Hon. H. W Havls. Judge Jennings. W. 11. Lamar. 4n*l Congressman lirantly of Georgia all noted spellbind ers—a*ld reaed the vast audience MaJ W. It C Puryee entertained the dlsttngulah e/| guests after the meeting at Ins beauti ful horn - on Center street. An Informal little luncheon was spread. liryan money flow* freely. There are any number of < loss beta on Tuesday's rexult In the football game between Fernan dtna and Jack*onvllie yesterday afternoor( ut Jacksonville. Fernandlrm was beaten by a score of 42 to 0. The Rev M P F<*ley, who has hal a se vere attack of dengue fevar. Is again at tenllng to his duties. ARE VERY FEW Thr t.a*r* Thai l*>raiuid I'llr Farr 44 111 Mat Itra.-li. Thr ca*r* that Pyramid Pile Cure do not icm. n are no few Hut |>iiy*tcl*ti* air iiomg anay with opereti. nr for pl.n* ond ilipMU tuoru and more u|mjii thl* rlminr but rat" ui.d - tfri-Uv* r nirdy to uicotiipllsh a com |drta cure ar.d It m-ver ditupiiOini* In any l&rm of pllr*. n hrtner pro tudlng, Itchinx oi tilrrdiruf. Mr. 7ho*. K. Wood ot 114 17th rlrest. Hairam-iMo. Cal., write* "It nffurda me much id(-Miru to rtate that aftrr unit.* only one it-erm box of Pyiamld I'I4" Cure i mi cured of the paiiilul olid armoyli g dlrratu-, uftrr having xuffrrrd from plicr for thirty yrnr* and trlid evrryihliig and could only grt trmp.rgty relief 1 aa ad vised by two of thr bet |ihylcianr In Callforida to have an t|M-ralicn atvl 1 did. end suffered almosil death, but the pil ictuined and my rufferlng *t time* *>■ *o givat I wa* not able to walk until I raw in advritiaement of thr pyramid Pii<- Cur* 1 got It at once and wa* relieved from the tlrst application I am no grate ful that 1 feel like recommending It to any and every one afflicted with pilee." The prompt relief and rapid cure which follow the u*e of thl* remedy gave th* itnpre*lon that po*lbly It might contain opium, cocaine or c*iie almllar drug, bui a careful and fre<)u*ot antlyil, of the remedy ha* proven It to contain no Inju rlou, drug* whatever, but It cures by ytrln*ent properties an] neallng oil*. Tb Pyramid Pli* Cure l sold by dru gltt* everywhere at 60 cenu for full stoed package. Each conialn* a llttla book on caue* and cur* of pd*s. together with tee tlmonlal* from thou*and* of cured pa tients from every part of the United Stale* and Canada, - ; Have You Heard About It? :Sliuptrincs New Pharmacy? It is now open for business, and is pronounced ’ by nil who see it, to be the NEATEST, BRIGHTEST \ AND HANDSOMEST PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE IN • THE CITY. Every item of our stock of drugs and [ Chemicals is brand new and fresh, and of the [ very best quality obtainable. , The Prescription Department is in charge of , (Mr. W. M. Miller, a registered pharmacist with , eleven years continuous experience as a pre , scriptionist. > You are cordially invited to call and inspect • our new place. We think it will interest you, and if careful, courteous and prompt service . will secure it, we ask your patronage. • A full line of DRU(KIIST’S SUNDRIES, SUR • (iICAL DRESSINGS, TOILET ARTICLES. • CONFECTIONERY, CIGARS.TOBACCO, ETC. We have a Georgia ’Phone, No, 817, an in • telligent porter with a Columbia bicycle, and • we are all at your service. : SHUPTRINR’S PHARMACY, I • Bolton and Hontgomery Sts. fit # FKI.MJM * ('OIVHTCT. 4 ••rat lent of Ml** Hood Will He Hanged on Yot. 21. Jeffer#on. (I* . Nov. 3 -Quf Fel low*. a negro wen found guilty of rrlm inni 4*>t*inil her# to-night ll* w#* aen fences) lo hang Nov. 24 The two com pan Ire of mLitm onlcred here to protect hint from mob violence will return with him to Atlnntw to-nlfltl. Will Intrsflxalr the 4 hnrge* Waahlngton Nov 3 The Navy Iwpe t menl ne* dlrened Alndrwl Bemey at <’a vile to convene a court of inquiry to In quire into the 'harire of cowardice eg#nnat C*p4 Hell. \ 8 Marine*, preferred by Mlnlater 'onger at I’ekln. HTTiuN pfrniic day*. AUCTION SALE Tandar, Jar. (I. 10210 a. ... Miarii. Bl rnl*nmnt *# riva-kary. rot)#lMln of 'O4 (lixpo rupo ir l auili’ra. Hi lamia. 38 .Hmwii |i!laa. 10 l#r* |> # - Irra of #ll aixaa, 12 (liapii Lao* y* hra<l l;#trp. '• <kxaii tMillar fllahr#. 24 .loxan m-i p|#(< a, 34 cl.ixmii v*M4#Lla rtlahra. 13 ■loxri) bullar 3* ruai’iJora. 0 <Vi##n Jarrtlnlaraa. .Kl .loaan auml.lara. * doM) winr nl#aaa 'J4 .l.x,an Mil# #nl 12 ttogat) farcy alad howl* lit gl#> #rd china. 3 dnxen celery J#te. <> <l*>*en avrup and vlneiar crueta, 2 dri'n milk plchra. 21 line Rmvrna nd Biuaael# Rua. 5 bam boo e.ifelp, 5 ok .enter laijee, on*. eJßhl fooi oak CX#*nln labia, one leather ay chair, one willow rocker. 3 oak ro-kwiß r.balrß. allverwar*. inp:lln* of apoona. forka. 0h knlvee. I.inter knlrea. chil dren# pel# of knife, fork and *('<’'. fo" r doul.i* lied |>rtngp, tine blpqtie ornamenla and thr* e hluh blcjfelea, one plat form acale tdai pound*). All the K-eela lo b.. .old abaoltitely without reserve Gooda on tnrp.*. lion Monday HAVANNAII AI7CTION ANI CDMMIB Hl* IN < OMI’ANY. A WINKIIIGIIT, Auc#tone,r. 121 Whitaker Hinet LARGE LOT FURNITURE. CAHPRT9, M %TTfIDMM. B2TC AT 41 (TIO\. r. if. nonir.rr. A*ctin*cr, Will *#n m*niay. 6th. #i x rngr###. wt. a! 11 O’cli- k Th# 'oriief>4* of a re*idcnce, p#ry go- Ing lo hoard no ttirkntM Fme oak and Walnut H*4*. f'arpel* and Bugs. 4’herry china C'lo*et. Bo* k**r*. Dining Table* and Chair#, Wll low lURge. Marling. I*arkr Organ. He#l Pprtng*. Bed#teala and Durttu, TMa#a* ware and Cooking fttAVCB. Easy rhalrt Hook nnl Mualc and aundry other article# of u# and orna ment. SIM t HI. AIOTICEfi. *%\ %\n%h nil %m inr. wimm. James W.klns, Proprietor, Dyeing of every lexcrlptlon Fines! l.a'-es and 1 nr talrv* handled without Injury. Dresses. Gloves and Faathara Dyed afwt cleaned as n* w Genlleinen a Hulls Dyed. Hicam Cleaned and Pressed. 21 York *t . w#*st. opposite new |rsiofTlce. H-ivannah, On Georgia Phona 1254. rnorKRTV outers. ft you want your plumbing work done reasonable and up-to-date, call on the former plumbing Inspector, OOfiOROVK. 123 Drayton street, tn rear Lutheran Church rill MBD MfliAflKT. Cincinnati Ileer Is the popular beer now It seems to Is* made just right Ask for It wherever you go. J l NO RUE WING COMPANY, \VM RKICKEN. Manager. Phone WL IF IT'b All E, WK MAVB IT. I#arge assortment Whitman’s Candle* just received. Mayofinalaa Dressing Chile Sauce, To mato Chutney, Anchovy Paste. New Gorgta Syrup and new Mackerel, phone Wu HARDEE A MARSHALL. UPfXilb ROTICKk Furniture upholtt red and made good as new Maurease* made of the best moss and hair DAVID CLARK. 11l Jefferson street p £_f have received the finest line of curtain g ejds and upnoiaiery material brought to this oily. ___ ~ IAL BALE F WNIBLI. I will have a special sals of second hand wheels this weak. Wheels from 43 to S2S THOMAS* BICYCLE EMPORIUM. 11l Jefferson street. Seed Oats! Seed live! Txa Run Broof Oat*. Coa.l-raH-l Ry*. Cow F*fl. Hay. Groin, Brn anil r.cfls of til k’nfl* for *lok *nl yfeu'.iry. T. J. DAVIS, Tl*phoo* m. . Ulßif Ilrttt, W*. V4I. WTHW. BUMTIOk ttUTK B. riiy of Havam ah. Office t'lark of ‘Coun cil. Nov 2. 190 A vacancy having nc curreil In lh* oITW of keeper of ih* lau rel drove *'#tn ery. nofl-'e la h#r*') glvao and in ii •cnJart#'* with i* re*olullun of #’onn il a<lo|>irl lA t 31 I§oo. an e *<*tlon wilt be held at the next regular meeting *# Council, to he he #1 on Wednesday, the 141 b ln* . at H p in t* fill ihe unei pi red *e in All applh Allotia lo l* fllet wlih the rlark of C#rffhrl| at er ! afore t 2 m of ihe 141 h Inal Bond of JI.6W) re qulrel Name* of two lM>ndsmrn niuit ac company tha a;ipll#atlon W11.1.1A kl I* BAILEY. Clerk of Council m'Y orli i nm ami qirom xi Th* I>e*i t* lh# YYne*ler Brand of Hal* fast dinger Ale, made by Wheeler * Cos. of Belfast, Ireland. fr*m lie re tbnltd Cnomac Hprlng* of that city Th## spring* are the property of Whaeler is <‘o. hence no other tlinger Ate manufacturer In Ireland ha* lho*e wafers but them selves The Wheeler Hlnger Aa la made fiotn pure J.irrsalea dinger Biot at*) not from Bed Bcpper. as cMher# are. one t* deleterloue- Ihe other Is a tool#' For lloalthfuliiesa and Purity the csle. braiM Wheeler brand ot Belfast litngar Ai* t* Ihe beet LIPI'rtAN BROTHERS, dole Southern Agents, Savannah, da. |IESIVATIM-M4TTRr.MB HE* - OV iTINO. Ilalr, mo*e. licking fiber, faathara. Our stock of new material aid manufac tured are up io date Our retio. % a (lug and remaking baa de||ght*l many prominent residents Ask your a'qalnl ancet. Materials sent us I* picked, stcjim ed. clean#*! and mediated by modern ma chinery Making done by mechanu s. We confine our w>rk t# maflre*###* and bed dins g# neral.y. We re.l is# king of tLI klnda. moss hair, cotton, Dier. feather*, or any artl le needed in mattresa due NATIONAL* MATTHEBH AND lIKNO- V ATI .NO CO . B*il Phone 1115 331 Drayton #tre#t. THE HEAT It KEF. If you want thr flnsi roa.ta, or .l.aks, or laml, phono 1373. Roll * Davla, tlail. 7oi<l f. markrl. Th*y wilt aupply you ri.,l pork roaal*. f’oullry. Brain.. Irlpa. **. M the WA* TO ( I.EA\ ( 4IIPETS. The only way to get your rarpats prop srly i.kai up. (-l-anril ni><4 tak-n rar* at for thr summer Is to turn thr Job o*r to th District Mir-r aiwl D-llvory Cos., ("tophon" X. or rail at XI Monixomrry strsat, atal thry alii muk" you an rstl maio on Ih* • ott of tho work l*rtroa rmsonablr They also pork, movt and alora furntlur" and piano*. C H MEDIaOCK. Supl *n<l M*r. BKCKMAkVa CAFE, 113 and 111 Whitaker atraat. W* rr now prepared lo srrvo Iho flncsl meats, oyalr and rim* Calerer. for Kidding part tea. german., harujucta and coital lona. Agenta for Imported Wueraburgro Hof llrau. I’hon* TlO. AMI 430 OTHKM 1.1 FOH MALE. !M 0(0 feel of aati. .ullalito for wheal wrlahia. larrlage maker*, car works and tmeilor hou e flnlah. Alro cypress lumbar of all elx Wo hava resumed culling our famous brands of rypivas shingle* and wit; soon h ivo a full line of thorn for M l. VALE ROYAL MW. CO. IIOMIS 4 AF.I I I :t. * By tho American Bonding and Trust Company of Baltimore. We are author l.od lo execute lorjilly Ommcdlaloly uprai iipptl-a(lon), all bond* In Judicial pr>. rosjlng. In either the .tale or Unued Stales Court*, and of administrator# and guardian* UK A RING A HULL Agent*. Telephone 321. Provident Building. m i uiii " i in Liberty and Whitaker. The faehtonnblo cafe of Savannah. Within a bio*-k of Ihe fe Solo Every thing in *e*on. Fat game. Fraah oys ters. Private parllea—dinner*. Phone (44. FASCY AMI IIK-PRESMEO IHIfrK. We manufacture and tell all kinds of fan. y ami t—preased brick, paving and b-it;rila.- Irrl ks Our > ommon brick ar the t-atl for bull in* purpose-, b Ing larger than other kiln- make, and cheap er. Sc* arnpi* and price* SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO., Congre** nd Drayton *:r*ta. AW TIME OF MIGHT. Ton can get your proscription* filled any lime of day or night *t Park Avenue pharmacy. Phone 1344. PARK AVENUE PHARMACY. J L BBANAN. Proprietor. Corner Park av* and Barnard at. PALACE CAPE. HKMTAI HAST AMD OTMI EH HOUSE, 43 Bui: Straat. Blu* Point*. Lltila Neck Clam*, received by every steamer. Native Oyster* In all „ylee Chop# end .Irak* and gam* In season Everythin* the beet Just received, fresh lot live iobstem. M. D ABRAMS Prop p. B.—Hot lunch from U to 1 every day. 3