The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 04, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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I tit %T 9 U l\Tfr.ll. Tn S A LARYORTOMm ihe graateai •lnU > seller ever pro -lU'Ut to I*:'*' H*r cent, profit. n* • , -, amounted! to s**2o In six days, i.‘r I— In two hour* Monroe Mntiu .rma I'omiany X 45. I~ Crosse. Wla. IIK i;<>h'K \V.\ It. LATEST AND hi* or; giving .ill In* cause* lead , up to the present conflict; <iy to everybody warns It. liberal terms 4 ,#no. experience not necesaary. In , u* our plan. Dept A. Southern \ Company. Dept. B, Atlanta. NTS TO REPRESENT THE HAll- Debenture Company; easiest con , , i sold. W. 1* Ames. Screven House \NTEl* AGENTS ~IN KVKItY r. ’v to sell “Family Memorial*." good jv •*. > anJ ateady work. Address Camp- A iV. 333 Plum street, Elgin, 111. ' A '.TNTS. WHEATON A CO . NEW f.. iford. Maps., furnish reliable, practical tr i ■ pe'rets. formulae, etc . for making and profitable goods; sample free. ’ MAPLE AGENTS WANTED; NEW It ,enti* n. to> for street nun. gi at a*ller, I* and term-. 10c. Ni w Noveltv Com !>.. \ ¥*> W nrren avenue, Detroit, Mich. E DO NOT WANT HOYS OR LOAF rr- u write to us, men of ability, only; S. • t* l-kio pet ni<mh Salesman mi l g**n rr tl amenta. Salary or commUalon, spe riu Inducements. Karine Eire Engine and M t r C., Kaclne. Wl “pIG PROFITS !I A N DLI NO LATEST in , :ove*l gasoline lamp; sells at sight; tost* electricity; cheaper than keroaene. waJ 14 up. twelve different styles, ex . oi\ territory* Htandaid Lanp Cos munufacturere. Chicago. '\v\NTKD AO ENTS ENERC.ETICTno *.|e ■it lon, something new. great le n,v 1 large Income. Gardner-Kublr Cos.. Ma* nD T duple. C’hi'aig<x EMPLOY HEAT W %At TED. *•1 |e; manufactory and select ptl vti*. trade experl* n . to e-tiblleh trade hr day, one-flfty; no meals. Louifia YueJlvn. i:X PEHI ENG I >Y~STEN<>ORA pne- and bookkeeper de-irep position. Ad dress Stenographer, News oftt -e. ~vr.NG lady won.D hike posi t! n In aurgeon'fc or spec 1 ah.-!’* office; can give the- highest of refeten*a a* to abil- Itv and character Address \V. T. ,• ar Morning N*w*. It BEIN'ED LADA' WANTS I*oß IT! nr* In phyai lans office as att* mlani mus- Address D.. Morning New ’TRAINED NERSES SUPPLIED? ONE dollar u iky, up. 4v Montgomery street Dr* Mr Kane “SEAMSTRESS WANTS WORK GO out dally or work at horn* Addres* Seamstress. Morning New* office. YOU NO MAN PROM THE NORTH educated, white, would Ilk- posir.o*t n cok In private family; L t of references; salary. $5 per week and home White C\ok. New* offi> POSITION WANTED BY RBGISTF.iI ed pharmacist. Pot'of!)', e Box No 3. Savannah. G.i. ~BTeno(jrai’HEh. Situ em’Kiu ,r.c (1 I,• -s nfTrr:wvn willing tn m,,1.i In oftl ; *•* acvraiwn Ail- Anxiou,. N<“W.. offlie "iubbpeictabTTe coLored woman ntint, n .liuutlnn i> conk. Apply t 9.' Üb-rty lan<\ ca.l A RKSf E‘'TAIII.K CO| ORKIi MAN wants u posliion an porter; tan tvt rfcoj refcrent'cs. No. QsioDt-it Minot, wet. VVANTKU I'l tyrrioN AS hook keopor or oftloo work, .tin at preient t-h* Irr of a Pank that will llqukinti hen of references. Address Lock Hox t*. Rut|edit<. tja ■ Kit *K Vt \ NTKt. WANTKIi, NICE IS-ROOM ItKSl between cinrdon and State. Rar nard and Abercorn; mate prl'e. Address H„ tare Newa ofTloe WANTED TO HENT HOI'SK. fo~()R U rooms, with stable on premise*. Ad dress H . Hox SOS. ROOMS \\ IMI D. oTTvnTrMAN ivnnT) LIKE fOMHORTAIUsH ROOM, PRI VATE FAMILY. OCCASIONAL I'BK OF PIANO lIEBT OF RKFEKENCKB. SI NEWS OFFICE WANTED. A PARLOR FLAT OR A .mall house In southern part of city, H. H., care News. till AII It VV VMMI. WANTED, LARUE INFrHNIHHKD room, with connertlitß hill room, and board for aentbinan end wife, between Holton and Harris, east of Hull; private fumlly preferred; state terms, reference!. • xchanaed. 0., eare News. WANTED TO HENT. ROOM. WITH itoard. In u rlre, quiet family, near city lirk: terms must be reasonable. Address H Wtlby, City Orsenhouse, Barnard streid. W ANTED— MI*rKM. % Al-SOt *. "tHEKBKN INMM'W'-KNT ISAS BUHNER. THE ADVANTAGES oy THIS lIt'HNEK AUK. 1. A I.ITMINOSITY THREE TIMES CHEATER THAN IN OTHER HUKNHRB; 2. No CHIMNEY IS Hi: Ni l RED. CHEAT ECONOMY IS MAI>I. IN THE MAINTKNVN E UY AVoII INO THE BREAK ACE OF (SEA 88. THE OASES AHE PERFECTLY C"N SI MED. THE MANTLES l><> NOT BLACKEN. THEREFORE THEY ARE NOT 80 EASILY BROKEN AND IRA* - TICALI.Y Wil l. LAST H; >.M TWo To THREE TIMER AS I.ONC AS UNDER ANY OTHER CONDITION OF BITIN KRS.t, THE LIGHT ISA cool. LIGHT 5 NO. 0 UL'RNER CONSUMES c FOOT I'KII llol’lt AND GIVES 3‘l-can DLE POWER LIGHT; NO 1, ONE Foot WITH 40-CANDLK POWER No 2. TWO FEET. WITH KM'ANDI.i: POWER. NO THREE FEET, WITH IW-CANDLK power, c. the small globes ■ VIIOFT THE SIZE OK THE K-CA.V I>LE ELECTRIC BULB) ARE MADE IN Al.l. COLORB. SIZES AND SHAPES AND CAN UK DROPPED BY OIK ! ALL-FITTING, IF DESIRED. 7. BET TI7R and CHEAPER THAN ELEC Till TTY; CALL AND SEE THE DIS PLAY AND SEE HOW CHEAP GOOD LIGHTING IS. IV H KIEKNAN SOLE A CENTUM WEST STATE STREET wanted*to rent (will hey if heap und on nui' (■ rmst, u form of 25 '.'O acrct within 15 miles city; prefer n 'Ocr on toll rrwlo Aelelre.-*-. tiivlnrr i ...rough description. location and price. Lirmer, car* Mornlns News*. I’oSTAOE STAMPS WANTKJ-; ■ Afedarats or Unltatl Stale* stump- used i olous lu |V7O. w# pay list). or ex • *n stump* for Ihctn Atlelres* Sav in '"!• Stamp Company. I2w West Brough'on •r.-n. Savannah, Go. OWNERS OF REAL ESTATE*”?<> ortr ilt us If your pro|erty I* not paying r ‘t vou think It should Youmans \ mmond. Provident building ANTED. SOME ONE TO TEACH l' iltsr les-nne. Apply Guitar. News. "'ANTED. EVERYBODY TO KNOW Jo llro co-il has nd auperlor. A S. ' ulun. telephone St. 'ANTED. To MORROW ONE HEN "and dolLrs. Koo.l seeurltv; p*.reentai: i < ohj-et J J , this olßc* EVERY HOllV To KNOW WE ARK I * <lquarter f r estate Bargains: we ■>' money at lowest rates, manage <s ' -* ot.d toiKct luit*. Youurau* * IRin !..vta4 W KTED— *ll(El,|,tXßois. WANTED. TO BF.LL CHEAP. HlOH arm Htrtt*r Machine; baby a crib. LS3 Marx.tret street. wanted; FOUR BOUND TOI'NO mules for htavy work P. O. Box P* riCSINKSS FIRMS IN NEED OF practical txxikkeepers, lenoTai>hers. etc., and all persons iltsirtnic such tm.-itione should write the Draughon Business Ex chance, Nashville, 'lent) No charges to employers We pay |5 for each vacancy re|K>rted to us, provided w fill same. Buslnt aa coml letttiol IF TOP WANT OOOP MILK C.ETIT from Springfield Dairy; It's rich, purs and wholesome. 'l ttJR PROPERTY Ti> Sri.,. ,\ Nf t rents to col|e,'t; we are having m my calls und t an proltahiy sell your property. You mans a Demmond. Provident building. ALL PARTIES INTKREBTKD IN THE purchase of timber for lumber or turpen tine pur|saies. will Und It to their inter est to write T E. Higgs A Cos.. Ocala. Fla. CASH PAID FOR GOOD BP.COND hnnd oat sacks Si: West Ray street. IF YOU WANT A PLACE TO DUMP earth, dlrl. sand, manure, etc., free of ' haute. Just si city limits, hauling over hard road, write or telephone Rrown Rros.. corner Anderson and East Hroad street*. ADVERTISEMENTS BBT IN CAP ITALS WILL HE PRINTED IN CI.AB SIFIF.D ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 300 FOR RENT—ROOMS. 'ToiiPTTent! one large south room, neatly furnished and convenient to bath; suitable for one or two gentlemen 109 Liberty, west. TWO COMFORTABLE FURNISHED room* for rent; very reasonable; rented singly If preferred Apply 512 Congress street, east. FOR RENT. FURNISHED ROOM suitable for one or two gentlemen. 10 Oglethorpe avenue, east. BIRABLB ROOM! FURNISHED facing park, ins Gaston, east. TWO NICE ROOMS. FURNISHED OR unfurnished. 107 Huber.-ham street, near Broughton. FOR RENT. SOUTHERN ROOMS IN private family; furnished or unfurnished. 21t) West Wayne. ll* It RENT NICELY FURNISHED ■ orn* r room for gentleman. 101 Charlton corner Whitaker TWO* SOUTH ROOMS FOR RENT. very de-lrable pbice. Apply 122 Park ave nue. West. T<>~ RENT' THREE BEAUTIFUL room*, furnished or unfurnlshe.l, to party wuhnut children; references exchanged. 11l Waldburg, west. Park Extension. THREE OR FOUR GENTLEMEN in get nicely furnished rooms, hath ami all i omforts, in private family. R., care News. '■"lt RENT. TWO LARUE HAND some communicating rooms near business section, suitable for medical or other so cieties Address Vox. Morning News office. ’furnished front’ room, pri rate family, with hot water, for one or two gentlemen 2US Jones, west, near Rar n.ird F>H R ENT. ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping, with all conveniences, at 320 Habersham street. A HANDSOMELY FURNISHED south front room to one or two gentlemen 122 Taylor street, west. TWO OR THREE ROOMS WITH faith, corner house, facing square Address <J R . care Morning News. ROOMS FOR RENT, RATH SAME floor. Apply lU> Jones, east. FOR RENT. A LARGE RASEMNET room, suitable for storing furniture Ad dress M., this ofh. e. FOR RENT. ONE OR MORE ROOMS furnished or unfurnished, nut rally lot at rd Apply l*t> Barnard atreet, mllllnefy store. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT AT the southwest corner Jor-s and Bull streets, opposite Christian Association. "poll RENT. NEATLY FURNISHED room, private family. 118 East Jones street. THREE CONNECTING ROOMS, basement floor; all conveniences; terms r. lonablo to desirable party. Basement. News office. ONE NICELY FURNISHED - ROOM convenient to business portion of city; r*nt reasonable. No. 6 Jones, east ROOMS FOB RENT.’ FURNISHED Apply at 105 Perry street, west. LARGE ROOMS FOR HOUBEKEEP ing; IS ami llh per month; stable FI West Slate. FFRNISHFD ROOM. ALL rONVF.N icp. es to one or two single gentlemen; famll". I*7 Perry, east Font CONNECTING ROOMS AND pith, nicely situated. 111. 715 Habersham FOR RENT. NICELY Ft’RNISHED room, suitable for two. At AS Oglethorpe avenue, west. TWO NICE LARGE FURNISHED OR unfurnished rooms bath and toilet con venlent; cheap 110 Stale, east. FOR RENT. TWO LARGE ROOMS. -Inal*- or ‘onnertlna furnished or unfur nished 115 Oglethorpe avenue, west TWO LARGE FEHNISHKD ROOMP for rent til Harris street, east. FOR RENT TWO OH THREE rooms. 22: East Gordon street PARLOR flat, all modern con leniences lo young m< n or couple with out children Apply 21* Jones, west FOR RENT. NICELY FURNISHED room, with privilege of bath; private fam ily. 110 State street, west COUPEE OR SEVERAL GENTLE nvr 2 nicely furnished moms with or without board. In private family; oeniril loontlon; all conveniences, use of tele, phone, etc. Address Room*, care cf Morning News. " FLATS FOR 11l RENT. FLAT FIVE ROOMS. Ft It m-hrd or unfurnished, for housekeeping, hot and ■•old water lit East Liberty FLAT FOR RENT LARGE ROOMS, three large closets. 22* West Suite streei. FLATS OF FOFIt CONNECTING rooms, with hath on same floor. Address IM v i gart t FOR RENT FLAT, ~TH RKB ROOMB. fa- Ing Colonial Park. 235 Ahercorn street DESIRABLE FLAT AND SINGLE room- 277 President aiteei, east. FOR RENT - FLAT THREE ItOoMP Call Sunday No. 212 Taylor street, weal FOR RENT A DESIRABLE FLAT corner OKlethewpc avenue and Jeffer-ou street, with ten rooms, wlih all conv'ti lencea Apply to Nicholas Ling. Xt Bar nard aireet. *r<s“rent, flat foer rooms.' pn furnished or furnlsh.d. with all eonve- I tetters, an East Duffy street, city. FOR RENT. FLAT. rNFI RNIBHED. also furnished south room. York rilt. FOR rent: FLAT OF Font ROOMB. will! private bath; also large furnished room. Apply lit Habersham j(OR RENT FLAT WITH PRIVATE Ini. l’-f. Liberty ills"', west. Premier & Gan.thl. Brian street, east. DEBIRABLE FLAT. FOI’R ROOMB buth and plagaa. MS Waldburg, second n eat ot Barnard. *y THE MORNING NEWS; SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 4. 1000. mT4 Foil It RUT. D>R RENT. DESIRABLE FLAT. US Mrc**:. oast, bath ami all oonven b noea. J. E. Fulton /ft Son. I'OII HI NT—IIOI M>. FOR RENT. COMFORTABLE HOUSE No 217 Waiilbutg si i ret east, bitwrrn Abercorn m l Uncoln, ftrst-olami ordrr and condition every rorvmloncc RUfit rent to right tenant Estate Bslotnim Cohen. West Broad and Broughton streets. FOR RENT. A TWO-BTORY RES! dence on Waters Road and Sixth street, nlth about an acre of land, would sell or rent C. H. ixu^ett. “SEVEN-ROtCM DWELLING. Nick yard. sls a month. I. D Laß*vhe. “FOR RENT. DESIRABLE DWELLING with all modern Improvement*, in go*d repair 308 Jones, east Kolloch A Screv en. FOR RENT. 17 DUFFY STREET, eaat. pn-rai*k>n at o*.<e Apply Georg* L German) agent. It? B r vun street, east T<> RENT. 221 AND 22S Rol.T-'N street. e*st. these are good house* and loi'atlon excellent. Apply to c A Mcln tlre Board of Trade Building FOR RENT. 5-ROOM HOUSE. BIS mr. k. near Burrouuh*. $7 5o per month. C’ Me rule I. £SB East Utert\ “for RENT. SIX-room HOUSE. <vn Hay. west; $lO. Apply 337 Tattnall FOR RENT. 10-ROOM HOUSE 401 Waldburg street, west. Apply on prim isc FOR RENT. 310 H\LK E A ST, S rooms, hot ami cold water, immediate possession Apply \V. W. dwinton, Eighth street, east FOR RENT THAT PEBIRABLE RES ktenre LS irglothorp* avenue, %ve it. Ap ply 8 Hull, ivesi FOR RENT SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE 311 <*h irlion ssreet. west. Apply 34; Mont gomery street. ~FO!~ RENT 332 STATE STREET, east, a!] modern Improvements Apply to Mrs M M Byrnes. .VO East Huntingdon street FOrTrENT 118 HENRYT WEST.” $ rooms. Apply 1012 Jefferson. FOR RENT. DWELLING. W JEF ferson. near York. G II R mshart. 18 Bryan, east. FOR RENT HOUSE FURNISHED OR unfurnished for the winter or year House, •'are Morning Net* ““FOR RENT the WHOLE or TART of 302 Henry street. Apply within. FOR RENT 1.1 HARRIS STREET east; large three-storv hou*v on** of the best Jo etlons in the city an i In thorough order Prendergast A* Ganahl, t Bryan street, east. FOR RENT. ** TATTNALL STREET, single house on large . rent cheap. Prendcrga*t & Ganahl. 6 Bryan street. east. Ft >R RENT THAT NICE SEVEN room houi*\ ins J**fT*r*on •ro# i t <S*rcA9t Ac Gar.ahl. <? Bryan str***t. <*ail. *POli HKNT, BEVKN-HOOM COTTAGE, 1012 Montgomery Atrest !’r* n<l* rgi*t & Oanahl. 6 Bryan *tr*a. ea*f. EXCELLENT." NEW. Fot’ifllOOM cottage*. Twelfth * r*ir W>*4 Bros*!, only f€ 00; 21A Anderson, fti*-!, |s. 52! Pnrk avenue, e**f. sl7. 1211 Bart>nr*i S3O; W 6 Henry, eiat. $-V>; 22 Eighth. east. S4O Youman* and Dfiumond, Provident build ing. "dksiuahlk two-story hoitse seven room* 524 Duffy, west; sls monthly Apply next door ~rOTt RENT HOUSE. 71* WEST Broml street, sls p*r month. J. E. Kulton A Son. “FOR* RENT rOTTAOK ItOI SE. ~ 7or, Montßomerv etr***e*. r.o.r Hall, $;• per month. J. K. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT TWO-STORY HOrSF! 1214 Montgomery efreet. $lO per month. J. E. Fulton A* Son. FOR RENT, RESIDENCE. 1 ANDER pon ptreet. ••.**. near Bull; all eonven !ence, s*o per month .1. E. Fulton & Son. ~FOR RENT. RESIDENCE. 7 SECOND avenue, eaat. ne-ir Bull; ha und cold wa ter and every ronveoietx-e, $22 per month. J. B FuMon & Son. FOB RENT SITeENDfR - RESIDENTF, 111 Gwinnett atrert. ruht. ne.r Park Ex •enelon; low r to deslr.ihk* letiar,!. J. E Fulton & Son. FOR RENT. “DETACHED RESl der -e. 320 Harria aireet. eaat; lirpre yard. $M per month. J E Fulton Ar Son. "FOR RENT.~BPEENDI D R ESI DENG E. 200 Hall Atrerf wejst.near Barnard, in per feet condition; poreelaln tub. and nil mod ern Improvement.“. s3l per month. J E. Fulton & Son "FOR RENT. DWELLING. NORTH meet corner Puffy and Jefrv-reon street#; bath and all modern Improvement*; mod erate rental. J E. Fulton Ar Son. ■“for rent. NO --W DUFFY STREET east, near Aberrorn. atre*t. Apply to W.d thour 4b Rivers. Drayton .and St. Julian streets "for RENT F7 park avenue west; !*'*■*'*?lon gtven at once Apply to Walthour Ar Itiver*. Drayton and St Ju lian at?" I "FOR RENT? A SMALL COTTAGE with shop attached, aouthern part of city; u Fatal I FOR RENT TH BEE-STORY RES? dence; n:ne rooms; with two-story out* but kiln a In reir. 316 Hrouahton, east ivr,. r Itaiilj FOR RENT. TWO VERY DESIRABLE reeldences; nine room a ea< h. every con venience; rholro netghtiorh<Md; mode rute refit. Peter Reilly. * FOl* R -Sl'tHt Y HOUSE? EIGHT ror>m. for rent, reasonable. Apply 221 M'*Donouh. corner Jefferaon FOR It BA T—STIIII E*. or office, se uiheaet corner Minlge>mery and Ferry street lane lOtt WEST RROAD STRKi:T. CORNER WnMhura Irne. Youman* & Reinmoml, Provident hinMinr _ F<IR RENT. STORE 112 DRAYTON street neir llrouflliton. formerly r uplee! hy Electric Supply Cos,; mejelcra-e- rental. J K. Fullnn A Hon “FOR RENT. DESIRARI.E STORK .•me! dwelllnit northwe.i corner Jefferson and Duffy street*; low rent to the rlsht party* J. K Fulton & Son. “for RENT. STORK NEAR MARKET an exe;e!tent stand feir a!mosl any kind of business. I2> Peter Reply FOR RENT. ONE OF THOSE NEW stores on Drayton street, fei.—n Ferry street anet lone. Prondergast & Oanahl, * Itryan street, east, - FOR RENT. A DESIRAIIEE STORE, suitable for xrorery or any other Itu-lne-sa, lieatlon Kood. Flatshek Cos.. 110 east |-OI! RENT. STORE. CORNER CON greee. and Houston streets. Apply to IM East llunth.Kdon street. Eolt RENT STORB AND pWMi, |n; all modern improvements; southeast corner Hurrouah* on 1 Waldhurg; 125 o month C. Mendei. *M East I.lleerly, FOl* HEAT—OFFIt IN ' - ErsT. ness center, nsear Court House; low rent Peter Reilly. Eon meat—tllsr 1:1.1 lAiati a. 'ToIP’TtENT FROM PTltTi' JANC ary next, bul'dlnx 120 Broughton sireet. west; at present occupied as blai ksmllh and wheelwright shop Prcudcrgaxt A Black, * Bryan atreet, east, , FOR RtAT-'lht I I.UH OI X. LARGE WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE FOR KENT. CORNER BROUGHTON AND WEST BROAD STREETS. FOR MERLY OCCUPIED 14Y THE SAVAN NAH CARRIAGE AND WAGON CO. 11 P SMART “FOR RENT. ON THE << 2 KECU BE road, tu t ween three and four-mile p>st* (trolley tars nearly to two-mile poet), lam! In lot* from one acre to one hundred, same can be bought In large or small lor* on ipv term*. C. II iHusctt. FOR RENT. AN U P To-DATE BTA ble on Howard street, stalls for four hors*** Address P. O Box 3VB. LARGE STABLE FOR RENT cheap, corner Barnard and Liberty lane. Apply Harris, kr-i. FOR RENT. FARM "VANCLCSE" 1 miles from Savannah, and two miles from Exley station on the K. C and P. R. R (1 1! ILm>hart, 16 Bryan, cast. “w\ El; nsEMiMs SET IN CAP ITALS WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAd SI I 1:I * AD\ KUTIBEM KN’T COLI MN FOR TWO ('ENTS A W Rl> NO AD V EKTISE MENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN mC Foil a %M-:—ME %L KSTkTK. ADYERTISEMEN i S SET IN CAP tl UJ WILL BE PRINT9D IN UIkAS 81 El ED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN Foil TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VEKTISKMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN iOC. ~FOR SALE. ON THE (KIEEa'IIEE romd. between three an.l four-mile po*t* (trolley cars nearly to ino mile land in lot* from one acre to one hundred same can b - bought in laip>> or small lots on easy term*. II Dm nett. FOR BALE. AT A GREAT BARGAIN, i lot on Park avenue, near the Park Ex tension. This lot must be sold, and can l*e secured at a very low price. C. H Doras tt FOR SALE. THOSE LOTS ON NINTH street, near East Broad, have only been sold <o drat -class parties. V'ho will make good neighbors, and none other ran buy The terms are very eaay. and they ere cheaper than any other In the vicinity. C 14 Doreett. ’ FOR SALE. A LOT FOR TWO HUN dred dollars, easy terms, on Ninth street, near East Brued. no city taxation. C. H. Doreett I R SAI L. LOTS ON NINTH. NEAR East Broad. a SJ each; will aoon be advanced to $225; when a lot haa been paid for I can arrange to get a home bulk. C H. Doraett for sai.i. Lots on ninth street near Eaat Broad; no city taxes, at S3OO each; twenty-five dollars cash, and easy monthly payments C H Doreett. “FOR BALE?. PARK AVENUE, west, lot 4dxloK; elegant house. look t It and give ub bid. Platehck A Cos., 110 Bryan, east. for" SALE, 101 HULL. WEST. l etory brisk residence; large lot. in fine !o i t lon, $4,750 and easy terms PkH -hek 6s Cos. FOR SALE. it<! To PRESIDENT, east, lot #ox9o; rent* s4* month, $1,750. gr.*nt bargain! Platshek A Cos. “for SALE 337 T<> 341 WHITAKER eSreet, 3 splendid 3-eiory brick tenement*, always rented. prU■•* fine Inv>t nvnt Platshek A c> “FOR BALE. 419 TO 421 YORK. EAST ar.d 139 Price, iot OmSO; room to build more bouse* on lane, rent* month, prb'f $3.7i00, gran*l opportunity! Platshek A Cos. “for bale 7 TW< ;lstory"’"brick tenement* on Jon*-e street. t*e#ween Hab ersham and Prl'e. rent* sn*j year, S6.(iUO for the ilr Platshek A Cos. FOR SALK. * ONE STORY FRAME tenement*, southeast corner Duffy and Cuyler on large lot; bousef In fine con dition only S3.SM>, grand chance! Plat shek A Cos ~FuR SALE" THOSE"TWO FINE 3- atory brick tenement* 22 and 24 East State, rentw s6*o year. $5 000 f*<r the pair Platshek 6t Cos. FOR SALE. BIS-MARUK STREET lof 25x150; 4-rom home. %X!U on trmif* ISO aah. $lO month. P.Mtah‘k A Uo 316 HARRIS EAST WELL BUILT two-story brick dwelling. lot 30x100; i*om to build more Improvements; nly $2.2u0. great ivap! A Uo "SiTroLTON W FeST I: L i:g ANT “3- g(i>rv brick residence, all com forte, large lot. prt.% don't s*t w slip! Plat.-*hek A Cos. 61< BROUGHTON i :\sr OOMMODi ous 3*a”Morv frame and t*rl k house, on kirg.* lot. Juat the thing for a Uurdlm: hou-e; only s2.tif. see us anon! Platshek A Cos. “tjft 1f ’ F v v? EAST? COM F*“> UTAH IK tmo-story frame dmelling In the bent v>n ditlon; has • wo-mtorv outhous#-. on a large M; rent* $25 month; bargain! Flatshek A Cos. 11$ AND 121 FARM STREET. WITH large kit. eon build f more houses ovi it; price s2,<jfO; open to bid! Plotshek A Cos. &ni AND Wk ST JULIAN. EAST. TWO l‘*-tory frame tenements on a eorner lot, under ip - **! rental, prim Platshek A ('o li7w> FOR THAT INVESTMENT IXT 63x10ft. on Roberts and Huntingdon streets, right by the Union de(ot site, come quick’ I’latshek A Cos. $4. FOR lo4AT 30*12$ ON ELEVENTH a$ feet west of Harnard has sMiuth tm nt. get on to thla mnap' I'latahek A Cos. f * FOR LOT 13x105 ON PARK AVB nue, -.! *r brdween Drayton and Aber corn. Platshek A Cos. $l,lOO WILL BUY ONE OF THE ElN est Fts on Whitaker street, next to the orn* r of Sixth. M*e 30x110; other* there, but rone no ihap. **••• U quick. Plat shek A Cos. “$:-•• FOR EIsEGANT I>T >xl2o ON R r *dV street, between* r and Bar nard. south front l’aitshek A Cos. “sK>r FOR THAT BEAUTIFUL “TER mm" lot southweot corner Lin* oln and Ninth, X)x9s; buy here and mko your immey grow* Platshek A Cos FOR THAT CHOICE 1/>T NORTH nrfl corner Ninth *uul Price, slxe 52x93. * ■ • lt4l • ■■ drainage; buy this und treble >*air m>m y! Flat shall a Cos lrn r ' ANY •*1 THOSE <II >B I building lots on Ninth sir. #*t. between Price and East Broad; get in n*w before prices are advanced, go uiwl eee th* pr#■ - ty houeea *e|ng bulk there now. mill build you olio fur (.mail cash payment. Plat shek A Co s. IK* Bry an, east. "CORNWALL PROPERTY? CORNER Lil>erty an 1 Bernard streei*, for two* thirds its actual value. Youmans A Dem mond. NINTH STREJST. BAST !• e|iy attractive horn* f<*r party in moder at clrcumstanc. a, if you mean t.usir c--. •an give barxuh . Youmani A Detn mond. LOTS ON EIGHTH STREET BE tween Abenorn and Lincoln, on basis s7*** —for 3) feet front. Youmana A Iu mmonl |.. ,TS ‘ N n It ST ST !; I ‘ ' Ul tween Bull and Lincoln, the largaat and cheajHst on th* market; thl* lo aieai ia a*u*uret| ly parties mh<> hav* bought and built Yotimin* A Demmond \% wo-*tory house. sl.o*t. If sold thl* meek, groat latigaln. Youman* A Inmmond CORNING HARDEN AND Twelfth streets, basis Of slW> for 3U feet, must be sold I hi* week Youm ms A Dem rvtond. VERY CHOICE DOTS IN COLLINS viIIa, tkib-and up; lota In th Mia lows, sJfcO. Youmans A iKxnrn >nd. FOR * tl.E—lit: %l. MTITR, ~sTx M W TmtEE fTn|IY ThMCK houftc*. nlwa\ r* nte*t to gvd tenants, will pav*'. |M-r gro*!*, a safe ItiVent mei t Yuumtin* .v 10-tnmon l SIX Nt \V t\l BTt>ltY HOI BES. renting for It m>n(tilv. ft .NO#. If sold this week*. a D* rmnoinl KLIM. PROPERTY WIST HROAD ami Fifth w . at grr it Imigaln about two i j nul improvements. Youtuain A I> mntoml. Xoi on second Street hr tween 1 (m l Dra)ton onl> svo*$ v o* B taken at on • Voutnnna A Detnnn*nl TWO OF THE ( IBBCISST L< *TS ON Bull street, eotllh; If Interested, see ua. Yoilmans A Ib inmnl LTStN TWELFTH STREET. NEAR Montg>meo .u' \ s3o. lot- a blo-*k uwav hav te it veld f -r twice the nn> ill! Ym intii.N a Demmond. w WILL hell" AT~ \fVTIoN ni;\t Tuej*d.a> two valuable hu-lm ** core r*. on** on Twelfth an t Btrr*niglo. the ther on Twulfth ami l'l>r*tu .* tre(-. ;rt tn w lion- have |ii*.t b* * n built In this n ih loi hood, niutx t* follow . re mem bar date. mli' at Court House, 11 o'clca k You tii.tiij* v Dontm i 1. WE WILL SELL AT COURT HOUSE next Tn-lt>. o'ie in ige two iiorv bnk butkllng. routhwi corner of lllver Mret and Coffi* l 11 \ . n!- * on* mill otn* brick butkilng, with hV feet front; sab* it 11 o\ UmW. Younmns a Dom moii.l LOANS NEGOTIATED tN IMPROV ed |riM**'rlv. five |*er cent and upwanl. aieordlng to r* • urltv . win re our custom- i'iinnitt riv nil i ash. w** irrange Ul anc* without charge. Youtuans A lb m nnuul ,m \ ATK ON SE\ I NT IfST B I:I '~\ ~A ST $ISO; easy payment-. th \ at*- * he.*p, *iik) will U worth iltMibb* In h>rt time You mans A D* nitnonj FOR SALE. A DESIRABLE FARM obtaining one hundred anl live i acre* land, about fortv <kn a r* ** under fem e; inl* rn frane* dwelling. 7 rum . with **r\ infs’ house, stable*., barm anl oth* r outhouges convenient. excellent wat* r, and a g*M bearing or hard of |>**h* he** pears, plums, grape*, nr.*l other fruit*. bHuulihl In Bulloch county, about jU roll* from Savannah, In a fine farming section and to Savannah and Statesboro Railroad; will sell or *\ hange f*r city property. Apply to Dr A K Royd, 10# Liberty *tr*vt. w* i. Savannah, Ga. L FOR SALE THAT NICE 7 Im>M DE tah*l r<‘>lt|ttiM* at 6** Tattnall atreet; will sell at r* i **mbJe term* If sold la fore th** 15th of November. Apt*!-, with in. “for sale’"on East TERMS. MOD ertii ten-rM*n> house, il roono ronna’l and a.I aep.itale. three large halls, bath room, etc. lit llenry str*t east Apply at Laurie) Studio. 21 Broughton, wed RESIDENCES AND BUILDING IA3TS for sale all over tha city. Robert 11. Tatem. real eatate dewier. No. 1 York •treat, weat. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITALS Will BE PRINTED IN ('LAS SH IED IDVERTIBKMI N • I >LUMN FOR TWo CENTS A WORD No AD V KRTISEMKNT TAKEN bA>lt LESS THAN Jof* FOR a % I F—*ll *t Hid. \H3Ot 4. BOV REM. THE COUGH KING! TRY It when your favorite remedy fail*, at 25c botth- (i i• I# ift to n gill of hon# v makes a aplendid mixture for Infanta and children BENZOIN BALM MAKES THE SKIN like velvet, for sale by drnggl -t or at 14m r\ and A!** r< o*ti I*. rs* Drug Stores, Whitaker and Taylor Ktr<t l*H SALE. ONE SECOND HAND W>- HORBK P(WEIt ENGINE AND BOIL ER IN A No 1 ORDER. JOHN HOUKKK A HONS "why IS IT THAT PEOPLE WITH broken Jewelry mill take tr to Incompetent workmen to be repaired when they run get tlielr wntk d'n* by a flrst-cl*a Jem *ler Wllrnsky, corner Barnanl and Broughton. He b**s the work himself. ItARBEK CHAIRS AND SHAVING outfits for sale cheap Hair, Jewelry and Shaving Supply House "LARGE PEARL CLUSTER IIHOOCH, hand-carved rimto confer, with earrings Address K. H If . care Morning News FOR SALE. ONE SMALL OMHINA” Con horse barren und light *frlug wagon Montgomery und Willi minon stt ••!. "FOR SALE, A SUITE OF FURNITURE very reasonable. No. 212 Taylor atreet. West. REM I NOTON TV PEWRITER IN first-hiss condition; s>* cash or on easy term* to responsible party. Address Ilex, News office. £OO WIRE AND CANVASS COTS WILL be cleared out for song Slaughtering pri< from 1 cent up M Nathans. No. 224 and 22* Congress afreet west. FOR HALE. OAK pfSfK AND LlGllT w<km! W T Lynch, Lumbar and Bryan. Georgia 'phone 123* "cheap, for sale, cheap, ba loon ronrected with luirher shop, mttat he sold on account proprb tor accepted permanent iK-.tion outskle of town Cor ner Houston at and Broughton street, east; barlsrr shop could tl-o l* Imught • pa raie|\ H J Wolter*, Houston and Broughton. for SAI ?e7~ HORSE CANOPY “top phaeton. hurfU'v* 4<t7 Gorson, ,<t. nine room house, sixteen a res land nl St te boro. G Apply ¥fl Gorson. east. \ lalTge. fine blooded ""new found land dog for mule reasonable. Ad drer* E C. D. care Morning News offi e. "TOR sale FINE SAW MILL. l/ - atei on railroad. 10fs acres fine tim ber, mot* adjoining, four mile* iron tri k. built out In timber, road engine, mill with 25,000 cnpa< ity per day and n I modern Improvements; Jutt built; \*n ciwlng ui month, freight arwi term .*y Apply W J. Ellis. Kirkland. Ga MA9QI7ERADK COSTUMES OF ALL characters, suitable for balls. i*frtle, car nivals and all theatri a purpo-e* at Mr -31 Ifetterlch. 110 State street, west. "for hale, a htudebakkr single truck. -13 Broughton atreet. cast. FOR HALE. FULLdII/tODED BULL i.-rtler ptippy. two months old. AdTiea Lannox. care of New* "for KALE. TWO GOOD CHEAP mules Apply in rear of Broughton m si. PI AN* iS FOR SALE ONE grand. firt-ciaes make, sllghtl. u*eti, gcr an w. also sev* il Uprights In g'-*l < xtdlilon. is a• rlfl. e John Wl< gand, :4 Harrl Sfut. ti I "w'EKKLY NEWHI’ % PEII IN BIG. prosperous town; goal investment; spe I-• I reasons for -elllriK. and will -ell cheap. If *uM iuht ima> Addte **# C. H, .ir% Mt rnlng News, Havann.ih. G. FOR KALE ONE CRJOD kll/'II COW Apply F. H. Quanu, Montgomery and Best streets. ™ FOR SALK TYPEWRITERS AND supplies; ribbons !>>• up. Iyjs*writers s*h oo to s3s.#m. Terry Ac Brinson, Augusta. Oa FIRE PROOF SAFES WB CARRY A fine line of Ore proof safes In stock at til The fHirtUM v. A# as manufacturers aell |t, wMh fr*ight ••bl ed parties Interested, who wish n good flr prHif safe, mi.l di well to inspect reir str> k Id ppm an lire* IJi' block, agents for manufacturers. FOR SALE. ONE TEN-TON \HSoßp tion i cia.-s condition, c omplete, ex *pt statn bailer and tank; lUS lee * am* 14x14x36 Ad dress JhLvifcy Coal and Ku Cos.. Allan la. tfg* A L a ** for a%i #:—>t it i l. %\not a. FOR sTTe CHI-■ \P. AT HAUMoNS stable ik* McDonough, east, fine able bodied mubv “"Ft ill SA Li TV PE.WRITEItS AND •Upplbv rlblmna -k* up; tvjiewrltera S2B to SBS T*rrv k Bisn *n Amkiom. Ga “TURPENTINE I/MATION FOR eal* . H cro|*s tlr-t y or t*ov*a; I'o , re** round ttmlwr at $1 *- i** r <ie $ ter thouminl bin f r le **■-t tni•• i pb IT of timber to b* *;.t. in fl\- in Is **f t dt road; will give n* w or at end of fOH-on Addrea* Round Timlsr. <it Morning News SPRINGFIELD DAIRY IS NOTED for hiving rich, pure milk, try it, you will be pb a-'d advertisements set in cap I tut WILL HI PRIN n i* in CIoAS MIMED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWo CENTS A WORD NO AD VEKTISKMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN .IDC. Ml* I Oil Fill Ml ~7 \ M of K<>ld. Ktndly r< turn to 115 Hast (Bar tlon lost, one yellow! TAN AND white hound bllcli. imaM i * t* name of R. uit) IMe ih* i turn t William J. Pot - ter, Wll on and St* watt •tre* , t* LOST. OCI* I*. RHINESTONE PIN. Suit ib.• reword lor return b 703 Kat tw Imieti. * I II % A I 11. h en wiirri-; and red Gutnew cow. tag m ati niatke*! "A It Raw* Lib* ral reward if returned lo Eighth aari*l l.!m*4n sti*-t * TWO COWS STRAYED FROM LOT #23 Indian street lime. Larger cow light red, white spot.** on right hind leg Smaller cow* dark red Llb.-ml re ward if retimed to Win. McCormick, 623 Indian atreet. STRAYED FROM MY FARM. ABOUT Min w ekn ago. one Jcrsev amt Guinea heifer. rel and whit*, butt h* t l A r wan! f*r any Information. G. M KyaD. -"- w ~ IMI %M 111 M. FI ItNISIII D SOUTH ROOM with board, and oil convenience*, at .'.l Perr> eti* %v* -l ARE YOU GOING To THE CARNI vh! ’ You will fli l u nl e bed for J cent*, a g*H<d no ai for 1 • lit *. at .’_■* # Weat Ri ought on atr*-et. “several young men to ib'iard In private family l* sir abb lo all n and all *.nv* rdetic* of liocn*. Apply 307 Wald hurg, w*-x. two hr t>nti:r(;i:nti.emun ’"can g' l lit st • !.t; tiibl* board at 315 Eaat Lib erty. REFINED COUPLE CAN SECURE mom and lioard Iti atfldly private family near business ccntei Private, caie N* w G< Kd> BOARD. NICE ROOMS. <*EN tnt 1l- ition, i* “finable tale* at ::22 Hat tb ati•**{, eaat. NICI.EV FURNISHED R< K)M WITH board suitable for two voting in* n Refer eners rej(|ri<l PR* fiolton atreet, west PAItTII.S WlTlltrU'T ('IIILINtEN DE slroiiH of obtautiiig ehob e f***ar*l run l* nillol at H ogl*tti*r is- avenue, w<*at. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS. REST tnble loai<l 311 Jones street. **ast. I 111 %‘l M\ %l MRK RUBY It nTcoLL IN ILL RFN open her ch■* in Deb trim and dan* Ing nt foltow Children’s class**, b*ginntn Monday fternm>n, Nov 5. Gu.ikU Hall fit 3:3t>. adult*' . lii* with an Informal dance nt Armor* Hall. Tuesday venlng, Nov. 6. at h io, music by Hosenfmld's *r •he ii i adtii c*n f-r the latter. Go cents, ln< luiiiig genii* man ami lo ll "JOHN WIKGAND. JR PIANO IN strmta; l*eg|nners and advanced pupils receive*! A(J<lr 24 Harris street, west. PRIVATE LESSONS GIVEN IN ART ne*diework and embroidery. Mrs. 11. J tleyman, 313 Prl* e *t***l. iii i ii %\* lit. ULATB N • TH ROUGH security Investment by my "method*’ is not for fpeciilalors win* are looking ft exorbitant profits, but for those who r <**eking r*u on.iL;**. regular und *w • ure , • i urn a on their money, investments by thla * m wheat an*) wto> k.-* lu*** .-ati * llwl in customer-. •-• •*! for free |>.irtic . 4ttstomer. banking and ex c liar no house refercn **; corresfioiclsfice eolic lt*‘*l Rich.ird Jonfr, investment brok* r. 40 Exchange Pin* • . Neff Y*rk. ADHITRiNAI. FAPITAI. BITII,IKf>. Kto* k coinpan * < organtxed, business soi l privately; too< k and bonds iindcrUrrltteu, guarant*l and <• don < • rnml-lon; meri torious Inventions tinan e-i Danbds a Company, ♦ Wall street. New York, also London, Philadelphia, Atlanta, arid Han Francis' o $62 PAID" ALL~ MY cIiENTS ON every sl< Invested lasi month, at least • fiat amount will be |Mld on every like sum inv*st**l now, |Mmitlvly gmrrantee*! against lo- . t*-vf referen* es. John D Liufru*. 17** lltoadway, N. Y. $25 WILL EARN $lO. $o WILL EARN $ Be* will •arn $• nuaithly, anew nri| sif plan of sp< ulatlon. Send fr imr tl ul.iix Equitable Inv* r tm* fit Company, HWr lir**alsay. N. Y. ADVERTIBEM KNTB SET IN CAP !TALK WILL HE PRINTED IN H.AH HI FI ED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN • MR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTIKEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN IOC. I*l.l Will M 2. E R KNIGHT A* c* . THE UP TO •late phirnlH rs unl dealers In high-grade fixtures; see them before giving your plumbing work out. 125 Jefferson, corner I'r* sklent street. MODERN PLUMBING IT Wild, BE to your nil* rest lo let me give you an es timate on your plumtdng, new or old work; repair work a specialty, as I am n practical pbimber No gues work to endanger your life. Wiggins, phono fst. Georgia or Hell him i;i i iM oi a. THIS IK NOVEMBER; HOLIDAY tlou* coming Want to b* In the swim for presents 7 See Wilensky, corner Rrough lon-Rartiard. h has tine gold anl sliver watchea that'll suit the kids, go make *e. lection*, pay pari down, easy payments till *IV 1m for* f brbtma-. It won’t take w your stuff for one pr- **nt. ~WK GIVE YOt EITHER DOMESTIC or gloss flnlxh. |erfect work. Forest City Isiundry. Park avenue. GET YOPII WEDDING PRESENTS at Koch it Sylvan'*, 46 Whitaker. They r* L-autiful aii*l cheap. AVOID TIE RUSH LET ME HAVE your :gn work for Elks' fair at on*e Am. Taylor, 140 Barnard. WE CLEAN CLOTJIEH BY THE ItE sorclne antbeptto process Try us New Yrk Steam Dye Works, Whitaker and State NEW DOMESTIC WITH BALL iK iringa. on easy terms; try one; buy one; deal with your people Ponton A Hon. FOR FISHING TACKLE, NETS. ETC., go to Cornwell tk Chlpman. Norwood's "Satire" lor sale at all Sews Stands in Savannah. tUM'EU.AincOli. Big for l*aa than first coat at 12 Brmightatt •tieet, eaat. known aa (in a Ba xaar. Oil. IIEATERB JI-ST RBTEIVBD IS oil h ater*. large site. $2 50. worth $4 60. at S. Itarnateta’a, Brught*m ard Jeffaraon. A BOTTLK OK FINE OLD CROW will be the thing these days; none so pure .•* at Wlllaim I Hera, Wrg Broad and Llb irty. SEE E H KNIGHT A CO. ABOUT ivm-k y.jtir H-svr *-inn*. fiona made to the Miua> drainage system. D* *N T TICO! RLE YOURSELF ABOUT niovM i* >* ur furniture, reluving your car jm*i'♦ *r matting Perry* & Benton will re lieve you of all that trouble. ENAMELED BATHTUBS IS VVIIAT wo nt* n* to offer thia week; let tie put b *u yuur and you will hlaea the l\ >*>u h iu Itorn In; an up-to-date tot ft tub bt only $!•>; ••* far plumbing, and (. * * i mir w*ak P uneg tdlad amft >!•* pri< -wtlimah* )** f*•l aaay; In fact, you wlh b.trdl\ -.i i? at and v C. Prlc*t \ C. ■ * rner Slat ins Jiffaracui; <;*ot glA ait l B* il t* •a * * -■ HAVE YOU It IB*USE PAINTED with German rrady mxe*l paint, entire satisfaction guarant<*d Alama Paint Company. WANTED ONE Til ‘.'HAND Hl’N grv |w*|>i** at the Suutherii Gtax ‘-ry Com* pany, 114 Barnard street THE SIIOYI v • \ NI fixture In the - tot* . 12 Br**ugMim street, • ast. Kimivvii a t Eirlixr m Ilasraar, fat aale; they m i t go. SPEt'IAL TO BARS RESTAI*RANTS: 1 have fug Ptm *f Iwr ghi**-crockery, 4l - wan Everything n**rdcd in a kit* h • n at vry low pri* • fall up and sew m* Bernstein's, corner Broughton and Jefferson aired*. •PHONE 1575 FOR FOREST CITY laundry They will call for your Ilium Ilium dialely WATCH AND JEWELRY ItKPAIK- Ing given i *nna! attvnttan. at Koch Ac Sylvan's. 46 W blinker MKRCHANTH ATTI:NTK' ADVKR tlslng and slgtm of *il! d*** ri|itl*g. elassl • .il work at modern prlcea. Sec Taylor, ;4o liarnard street NEW DOMESTIC SEWING MACfIINW wilti ball •* arlng ' Ih k and •halo at Itch; two machine* in on**. Penloii A S*tv LADIES IIAVU. YoUlt FINE CRB l*>ti and tailor n*b* die*->s dv**l l>v new oxadv** pr*‘-** guaiant**d iot to slit ink or get out >( siiiiiN 1 New Y‘#k Dvo Work.*, Whitaker and State *Pturc<> Ml. r*lt HARDWARE AND TOOLS. GO (0 Cornwell A ('hlpman's THE STOCK til Cool** IN Till? -tore. 12 Brotlghbui sir*** I en t. km*wti h* (hir<tier'a llaaanr must b* *•>!). iwrties wi-iilng can pur. ha-* m lot* and price* lo SUM. "we HAVE HOUGIiT GARDNERS’ BA ir entire jrto* k of *solD, dollh*- da, t*V' tea set-i, nil sixes; drum*. Sold nt half prices. Iternstcin. corner Broughton ami Jefferson atirevi* STEP INTO MY STORE AND GET A bottle of fine old Lewis 66; remember It is *ta;. and not some other brand. Old Crow m gr* t; try It. William filers. West Broad mid Lll**rty. G 4 T*> irKTTKRICII S. 110 STATE street, west, for putc *atidy, oiuh-su* old LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. I'M r* *ly with wlnler *t*- k >f umbrella*.par aeols rcpalr**l and re* .ven-*l, ie ks and k*v*. M. Domlnltx, corner Oglethorpe llamard. Georgia ’phone lflf*s. WE KELL HEWER PIPE. FLUB pip*, fire clay, fire brick at lowest priesa. Adam* Paint Company. 104 Congrats, west. PERRY A BENTON. ISi STATE! Ktreel. west, will fieve. pa k. ship or #tm your furniture it short notice; al*o ren ovate your oUI mattrensea ut It4tle cost. Hell '|4mk' 1124. HUSH FOR THE GAS LAMPS AND mantles; th** saving on your gm t*lll will pay for in a little while, not saying shout the comfort they produee At A c. Prtco \ Cos. •oiner State and Jefferson; c<*m plots outfit for 75c. Georgia artd Bell ’ ph**n*'H •*.’*, MORE THAN ONB IH’NHRED CENTS In ,v*ry 'lollur of your hard*rarned hnnl n.h M iha Boulhrn Groc>ry Fompuny, lit irt. H \KOAINB. KAHHAINH IN TO VS. It.imri, ■tilonf*ry. liook*. pllver novn'flnr., walkliiK fine*, plrtiir.' frumn*. mirror-, Jr<llnlr‘ rutl*ry. Imrkol* ami lot of othnr ,0.-1- At 12 llrouglilon *trr>i. ca(. atom known n- (larrlner-a Itaxanr, (•OINTnV MKBfHANTB IT WII.L pay U> vl-M Rfnwtrln'i whrn In the- rlty mol kcl prlwn on toy, firework*, cut lory. KluH.trr‘ No <h*rr>‘ f.r i-oklne for nor llromrhton oml J.‘lTer4>n citrrm-t*. TIIK M<f*T ITTO-DATK WORK IS brine lurried out by Forest (Tty Euui.JTy. 'Phone 1575. OOl,|> WAT*7HKB AND DIAMONDS • t nil price* Koch A Bylvjn. tti Whitaker *(r*et. PICTOKIAI. SIGNS. ADVERTISING ■lnn*. Min'* of every fleerrlptlon Spectnl decoration* for Elks' Carnival. Wm. Tay- K r FENTON A W>N. WII.I. RENOVATE your m 4 lilne .vrut aiurautea It. 84.1 l net v or okl riu.‘ !i 1r.4-4. FOR MANGES AND STOVES. GO TO Cornwell fi Chlpmnn _ TIIE <1 AltDNi:lt RAZOR KHDrcF.D to SI. 19. th - arlem.ra re41ur444l to I7e. Ac 12 ItruuKhion street, cast, known a* Oard nr> llusciar. (IVFBINE 18 THE ttEBT WALL ElN teh mrule A'lam* Faint Cos.. Havannah ■ cent*. lot r'onpreae, we*t. BEE A C rnii'K A CO. AROTT your stove*, he ater* iintl oil *tove; tha arh oil heater Is ofie of our l-M heat, er* *1 a low price; they re prai In*. *, h*V4t several it •* rmite.v sllahllv uaert, #l -new. nl heirerieln price*. 'Fhotiu 65*. corne r Hiate mi l Jefferaon. HEDFCB TOUR T.IVINO EXFENBES hy InvestlnK your harel-earrie.l hanl ca*h with thn Heart hern Grocery Company, U* Rarnriril street. PAPKTEKIEft WORTH 35C FOR jn- : worth 25*' for l#c; worth 15e for 7.-. Testa me-nra worth 35e- feu* 15e*; eurth lev fe>r fee; nine-volume Chaoilvrs* Ktie y .<uee*.lUi fur It M; box pen* 2Ue*. other iffieels In sum* proportion. At 12 Ilroutthtan streot, oast; store known a* Gardner** liaxerar. riAHoEINE TORCHES FOR BAI.B cheap nt Berneteln'e, eorner Itrouahton and Jefferson rrtreel*. ADVI.It'PIBEMENTH SI !' IN CAP ITALS WIEI. HE I'KINTED IN CKAB - ADVERTISEMENT COLI’MN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR ÜBM THAN 3UC SiTIONS 1 BgECURED j B/Actii'e Wide Attalf Young Men: s* 1 Women t*Kf ourpraclitsl U business I n|CH" u NOW I * ••Vw'oa ’ COLLEGCS.I j .■*jk>rC4iaJ.vM: J| 5