The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 04, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 fEljc /Homing ftcws. Ifnillßg h®WS HmldUlC MllaßßNh W\ Sunday, am i. much e. tsto. Registered at th® Pv lofflce to Th MORNING NEWS i* publi*hd • very day to lb® J®®-. and t* served to subscribers In the city, or sent by meu, *1 70c a month, b ue lor mix BwbtOl, WJ le.ou (or ace year The MuitM.SU NEWS, by Bill. six limci e week iwimout Sunday tasuej, three months. *1.40, eta moss'-ns **. one > eat I* 0. lorn WEEKLY NEW'S. 2 issues • week. Mortusy end Tt.u;ru*>. by cm.l. one year. E-OO r ptiore yeyabie Ih sdvsn e R® roil b) post*! order, check tor registered letter Currency ec! by mail at rlak oi •end era. Tranrient advertisements, other than •pec:•! column, local or reading no!,-. •rauHmtr.u and cheap or want column 10 cent* a line Four;*en Ucee of SS® 1 ® type-equal to one Inch square In deptb te the etandard of measurement Contra I rave* and dlarount made koon on sppb cation at buatneea of&cs Order* for delivery of the MORNING News to either reatdrrce or piu • ot business may he made by pa®'sl card ot through telephone No ISO Any irregular tty in delivery ahou.d be immediately re ported to the ofT.-e of pubbcalloto. Letter* er.d ts.egrwrrs ehoukl be ed dreaeed MORNING NEWS." Savannah. Ca EASTERN OFFICE, 23 Tark Row, New York city, H C. Faulkner, Manager. 24 PACES. KDti 1U m ADVLKTISEIESTS. Sfun-lal Notk-ss— A Card from M J Sol- ’ oenona * to .turt# w>r. Notice. J K M®txg'r. Win T Leopold House and Star. P.r.:h*. Etc.. Soil llor aid Counrelor. J C Dsvanr. Brooksville, 1 Fla Ship Not. •• Bernard A Cos, Cor- j alsneer State anil County Taret. I*oo Sir-non Re .ra® a* Roente*h A Cos * Or Henry S. Coldir.g, Savannah Dancing A-a*l--my, V Hohenstrin A*torn®: .t-latvr Maaonle Tempi* Phar- j Ma' y. leant v Drug I’omiany, TTtlrine | Pt-yc'e. Beal in the World. R V Con ner*, Not e to Superior Court Juror*. Ship Not we. J F. Mtnlr A Cos, flon e.irr ee- Hi ycle Sundries, Repairing, Etc . I>anle| A Hof,and, Special Sal* of Wheel*, at Thom*.-' Bicycle Emporium; Greene A Cos Jas J Joy**: M S Gard- | her Former Plumbing Inspector f'na- j irev- The Savannah Preparatory School, 1 Military: Savannah Steam I>ye Work*. Ti. My Friends and Voters of the Second Die- j met G M . Frank S Van Ge*en. Bus no* No ! European Novelties Th*us Pro*. I‘lns an 1 l!d*e* Hunter A Van Keiren. Bee Our Display—tCohen-Kulman Car ri >e arid Waeon Cfmpany. financial-Jacob It*rry A Cos. New York. F Ellsworth VaH, New York; F. A Roger® A Cos.. New York Visitor* t irdiiilly Invited I,*o Frank The Women's Store- Walsh * Meyer. A Commercial Revolution In Carpets and furniture luvpiM Adi*r. The Largest Supply Houae—Electric j Supply Company. •'liehul of Sty!®”—lt. H. Levy A Rro. Elks' Carnival Visitors Wefcome—Al Hogan's. Price List—At Mcrrl*on'a. Drops of Printers' Ink —At Gutman's The Coal Goes Cp— Mutual Gas Light Ortfnpany. Greater Savannah's Oteatset Stora- j foys A Eckstein. A Primely Ovation Adl'r Nol Mow Cheap, but How Good —Und- j •MV A Morgan. Hava You lleird About It?—Shuptrtns'► j New Ph.irmary, Glove Ft'Unit Shoes—At the Globe Bhor ( Blot*. Amusements—''lnnes and Hl* Band;" Royal Music Hall Auction Solon—Consignment of Crock ery, by Savannah Auction and Commlasion Company, Corgi last Furniture, Etc. by C. H Dorset t. Auctioneer We Offer an Attraction In Electric Goods—Thos West A Cos. Give u Guess on the Jar of Peas and ] Get a Pair of Shoes—Gell A Quint. Cleveland Ul yclea—\\m II It. Latll mcre. You Can'# Overt** Us—The Metropoli tan nothin* Comivtny. Shoes—Ch.ts Marks lustlica' Corsets-At the Re* Hive. Winter Suite M Dryfua Postum Food Coffee— Posture Cereal Company. Beef-Liebig's Extract of Reef. Paste—Stearns' IfUrrlrt* I'ante Males! Ij .id |t*lm, Lydia Pmkhsm V* *>s it . 5 ... PrpamikHi; Cut! ora. Hood* S*ra paiula, S S S ; 11 R It ; Mother's friend; Btuart s Dyepeiwla Tablets; Stuart's Catarrh Tablets; Pyramid Ilia Cure. "77" for Grip. Smith* Chill and Fever Tonic. Cheap Column Adverlleemeniw— Help Wanted; Employment W.tnted, For Rem, for Sal®, law;, Personal, MtacclMneons. The Weather. The Indications for Georgia to-day are for fair weather, r> ept roln on the roast, fresh to brink northerly winds, amt lor Eastern Florida, shower*. exerpt in ex. Demo aouthern portion, variable wind*. It l now all over but the voting Ami that, by the way, is lha most Important part of the campaign. Prlr.'* Tuan, the notorious antl-frrln led*r In Chips, ilie murderer of ml-slon •rles. women and children, has been bon ded In Stafford county, Virginia, by the amlng v,t i postoffice niter him Just whst the Virginian® could eee In the bloody Tuan to Melinite passes the aver age und* islanding Bo far as (he Informa tion *<>• f no pod off!, e In this country has yet in i,am I after Agulnnldo or Gen. WeySer The board of >ttm officer* that has been investlgallr g Ih* situation at Galveston he* de- si, i to report In favor of a breakwater seven ndle. long and ten feet abovr mean lid* level In front of the city, as a protect lon against possible stotm® end tidal waver. The breakwater I® to b® forty l*t aid® at tie base and ten feet •t ih® top. capped with stones weighing flva too* each. It Is estimated mat the own ot lb* tdtnkwater will be H.W.WO. THE SI LOT VOTE. Although tha betting 1* In favor of Mr McKinley the manager* of h> • amajjgn a c mor apprehensive of defe at t n w* r hi* managers In It 1s true o* oursc that they are saying that he wiS, b*- an easy winn<w. hut the man zrr* o Mr Bt)an • campaign are ay.i g th. same thing and to a! ar *■ the> are Just a# of vi. f.*i a * are the McKinley managers. The truth Fee ms u> he that the msna gr *■* of neither candidate are well in formed as to the Intention of the #l>nt voters-the independent vo*er- It is a-1- mitteii by the s’.rewdest t political oh ser vaff- that t i l ■ rr *r • r lays of voter* tr y♦ ir unu-ua \ large t-*rnm pretty nearly all f ..*• stnt there have * party man:tg*rs t‘.a? it H Impossible to find out the In* ’.in4ti*>n of the lnd paivl ent voters In the West as well as the East th rr ar.* many in . very rmrtmfiry who ref . • to o whether they will vote for Mr B v,n or Mr M Klnley Avery •r | •-rerr.ige if them *S found among wage-arner>. T l mar ogers of Mr M Klnle*. * cam tn N w York were greatly alarmed i hurt iy by • repor’ that Mr John f'* a. . .e of the InrirM employ *■ of Lilln f* it ty. bad aitd thst the iah‘r vote of New Yo*k would h for Mr Ilryan It seem* that Mr < *r 'tt fTi!* - dl l nor vy exact'y that. What he did say wa that many of the w*nge earners *hat voted for Mr McKinley in intendei to vote for Mr. Bryan this year. ! !■ ?a and th* Mr Croker thinks that tn> lar>*w vote In New York dry is go ing to Mr Bryan and that that is wnat makes him .*- confident that the electoral vote of New York will is given to him T' ere ! no doubt that te Is putting forth every effort to give Mr Bryan an immense plurality In New York city. He alms to r ike the plurality so la-ge that it wit. ** imp “Mb|e f.r the R- pub l an* to over* ome it in tho stata outside of that city Htf *rganiration is compiett. and every vote s t at* be ot* lined for Mr Bryan will be bro ;ght out Mr Croker. how ever Is fighting for imethirg mcr* than the election of Mr Bryan The opinion is expreesM that if he does not ltt< *ed In gettieg a Mg | ralitv for Mr Bryan In N* w York t ,e w I. use to be tho power th t be in that city. Already there are for * at work for hlv overthrow. Ha s> therefore fighting for his own political j existence . well .**• for the success of the Ikmo' ratio rational ticket It la admitted that the s;lent vota will decide the election That being *he case, t'. it* !lona as to the final result frill is no more reliable between now and toe .way of the He* non than they are now. Those who arc giving such heavy odds on Mr M Klnley stand a very good chan t •if Ist Inf their m* m*\ THE HF.%l* **%Elel.OW lKStll*. M The r**ii * yeWow peril' trill be present wb n t c <’hine#e are awakened to th * full know of the resource# of their empire and have their a#ntlon strongly directed to manufacturing Hlr Robert Hart, who has been a rewidert of ‘hin% for more than forty year- and la on on* noriiy ©n all luhjr ta pertaining to that empire, said re • ri;|y, that If the Powers •ntlnued to pursue in r*hln. the course if • y were then ptirsumg. the result would >e the destruction of the M.imhu dy • sty. and that then there would be n -nr hy there tha* A)0.090.0t* of people, cus’omed to a ccrtali* extent to the use j of r'l< rn gur anl with amir hi*ti ten dencies. would be let loose upon the world He predicted that In the event of such • hapi*i)tng Europe w< uld have reason to r> tnbis b* ,um> it would be face to face wth a real "yellow peril." What the civilised world has most to fear i- the arousing of China from present lethargic condition to • re/ilixa- | tbm of the ikws within her reach. The Chinese are lndUMriooe and thrifty They willing to work, and * work for small wages They an he taught to do limost anything. They quick- I ly feMN'ocne expert operative* in cotton factories, aid .t would not he difff uh to t< a* h thm to be skilful tvotkmen in all kinds of manufacturing The preaches of the powers In China will have the effe * of giving n* w life to the Chinese people What le to hinder ih*tn from b<. omUtg the r.vale of this country’ lr. manufacturing'* The Fntted fttAtea tie now sut|xa<lng FTuropean countries in most kind of inanufatMurlng. They are doing it by superior machinery' and the mtelltgen ** of their workmen They are not <kung It by cheap labor But to what extent ran ma hlnery and intciligen* lahr.* offsei cheap labor- labor a cheap s that of China'* If China should on er Into < ompetltion w ith other nations tn mnitijf i luring bow long would It h* f-for** site could command thern.trkHs of the world'* The yellow peri!" there fore i§ the vast quantity of cheap labor there is in Chinn With mllltnnn of thrifty ind energetic workers—workers taught In tue nrts of the Western world—could .“he ni drag down to people of oth*r laatlons by mrin* of her Inexhaustible amount of cheap labor? Tin; I lit AT HI STRICT. Col Lester hua served the First Con gresxional District so long and a.v ends- If torlly that there i* a very great desire to give him the compliment of a big majority at the eh• lon on Tuesday. The Bemoyill votes to ,to thl rr* eg letarcd The filing being that there Is v* ry little oppcolfton to Col Ia ?. r nn| [untixtats may nt tike the tr>ibe to i;> to the polla They hav a duty to per i f **rm In this nan ter. however, and Hi.uld not permit minor business engagement jto Interfere with thrlr votli.t Inlcod. they shoiihl not remain oway from the iIN on any account, unless it is imjvr i ; lively nneoary that they should do -o. f’ol has done hU duty to the di*. frlct faithfully in the pist ami will con tinue to do It, but h wi.| do It *1! tie more cheerfully If he have r. ir*n to fe*| that hU services are appreciated. W’att better w.y Is th* re to mnkr him understand that Ins service* are a;>pre flated than by givlrfg him m rmip.r iy that will compare favorably with the not tor I* ties that will given to other Confrass men 1n Georgia? Col. haw been over the district and the pony leaders in all of the coun ties ftp making efforts t< g* t out the vote It I- In this county, however. tta< he expects hla biggest majority. Demo. ; * rats of Chatham must #ev to It Uiai he [ is not disappointed. w THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4. 1900. n % is ji ih.emftt of debs* rniFW* Thoeo iwroe friends of cariidate I rvht could not have made l greater mi*- ♦ uke iron th* > have* In alvising him to withdraw and urging hi# followers to vote for Mr Bryan on the grtund that, as Mr r>ebs cannot be elected a step towards t.e recognkion of the principles ad voce ■ fd by him will he taken in the election of Mr Bryan It own h safely stated that Mr Bryan is not a party so this move He ha* rt been <tor.4lted If the followers of Mr Deb* vote for him they will lo w> w:* out any promise from him that he will r- ognite. In the slightest degree fhe;r pohtKgl principles. He doe* not seek H eir vote*, but at the same time there Is r.o reason why he should do or ray anything ewi Jlafing t j ant.agomxe them But will not the mre suggestion tha* the*** adherents of socialism Intend to support him or> the ground than he Is much more istlve f ihelr princi ples than Mr McKinley, tend to drive voter* a wav from him 1 The chance# ore ?': )• w The Ho t* list* are not pop ular and th' vuimher that teiieve in their prtr- ifdep i* not large Therefore they cannot give Mr Bryan much help. But the fact that they favor support ir.g I;m mav do tm a vast amount of harm The Republi in* will be rjuick to take advantage of the fee tnr against the j ; a list* Tney will point to tne rotw ing of the red flag over the Amerk an flag acd the contempt with wrikh the Ameri'an flag w* tr* al*d in Chicago by th* 8© Uihat* on iast Friday r.tght. and will fry to make he country' believe that Mr. Brian Is In sympathy with auch un patriotic demonstrations Mr. Bryan has not of coarse any sym pathy with the Ho* iallst*. but. unfortun nately. that fa* i is not well known by voter* In li part# of the country By fal*e statements, connecting Mr Bryan with the Socialists a gr*“at deal of harm rpight be don# to Mr Bryans *ause be fore election day. The movement thero fore to turn the Debs vole over to Mr Bryan wiM. In all prohabJlMy, do the lat ter eonjKwierabla harm. Mr Bryan s managers should ohe k the movement at or*-# If they can It would be the worst kind of management to per mit the Deb* crowd to attach Itself to the Demo rat* party on an understand ing that would lessen Mr. Bryans chances for victory. Let Mr Deb* re main in the ro* e and if bis followers want to cast their ballots for Mr Bryan they ran do wo without trying to make it appear that he Is in sympathy with them But fur Mr Debb to withdraw with th? view of agisting Mr Bryan would like tying a weight to the tit k of a swimmer In race. THE WOt TH’t M EPR RtfAT \TIOY. The small fr \ R-pn *lican pollticlwna accorditftg to our Wnshington dbpatrhea, are insisting that the South * ngnedu tiow In <Vngr'* sha'.l be reduced, when the apportionment is made under the new census', tn proportion as her voting ?*4lerg'h Is reduced by the disfranchise ment of the negro. As there are but two Southern state* which have dlsfran < hlsed the n*rr> —namely Igtulsittnn nd North ' '.ftr- llna—only a part of he Hbath would be off* ted if the <on tension ■ of * j re*fu|, but. . it matter of fact the real leaders of the Republican fmrty have no intention of following she lead of the little fellows of their organization They have learned something In the last thirty y* ar* reape-.ting the Houth. They now know tha’ they ran n*vcr i>uikl up a Houthern Republican party w>t;i the 1 of the negr>. A* long as their party dependn upon the negro there will Ik* no Republican porty in the South worth men tioning The floiAh will remain tobdly I>emocratl If. on th other hind, the negro is prae- Urally disfranchised, the while pe*|iic will. In all probability dlvlda on political B mie*. There %\ ill be tw> patties, a* there itt* in other sections of the country, though |i Is certw.n that thn Democratic party wll bo the dominant one for a goad many years to come That Is the view that th* real leaders of the Republican party mi a taking, and it is a pretty -aT** statement that they would be glad to ee* tha negroes disfranchised. They have Im en annoyed by them beyond measure since the suffrage has been conferred U|*on them, nvuf, unb ss ail signs fail, they would not moke a very strong tight to cut down the Houth a representation In Fongresw if t franchis** law. similar to that of North Carolina, should be adopted in every other douttiern state. They car ! tainly wouldn't object to a franchise law inllnr to that of Mi -ixslpp; The talk jof cutting .iwrn the SotiLh #r* pre-. ntatt *n . amounts practically to nothing. Dr Joseph 1-e Conic, of Berkeley, Cal , j has arrived at the home of his daugn* I ter. Mrs I'urrnan. In Hcottsboro, near Mil j iedge\ille. where h* will xpeni some time ! in rest and rocreailon. Dr f'onte l* a I native Geoiglan, and I* one of the mo>i i.ldely known of living scientists. From ; IK*! to IV7 he was a piofessor In the I’nlversity of Georgia, after which time he till* >1 a chair In the University of j South Carolina until when he went 1 to the University of California at lterk**- I ley where he has since remained I>r Be Conte has published n number of felon | tide works wnich are regarded as au thoritative the world over He was lorn n Liberty county, Georgia, in 182.1. and < anie of a scientific family Ills father. Lewis L* Conte, was a naturalist of re nown; hls uncle. John Hatton la* Conte, was also a nuturallst uni engineer; his brother John was a physicist, and for several year# ir. Used the profession of ’nedtolne In this city until ho was called to the chair of philosophy ami chemistry <t the University of Georgia; hls cousin. I John Lawrence Lo Conte, wms a natur alist of note ami the author of a cumber iof taluahle works B* Ing surrounded l> ! such influences* and l*etng of such Mood ' It Is not strange that Joseph la* Font' 1 laved aclentlflc investigation; and being ■ n :•>%■! with t powerful mind, he his advanced to the very head of hls profes sion. Georgians take pride in hls achlev r.rnt*. and heartily welcome him back to i the state. number of new spindles for cotton ; rntllw 1n the Bouth announ< #l during the month of October was which is i* I than the amount announced In any moitth * for several years Mill building has troh -1 ihly been chc. ked by the campaign With . |oli4Us out of the way. it is likely that ’ activity in thi# matter will be resumed j There are not yet nearly enough cotton fa torles In the Houth The end of th* mid movement u atill long way in the J future# Tne civic pride *nl p iMlc spirit of the carpenter* of Galveston are to ta com manded The other day a labor un.on or- | der*d % strike by the u .oo carpenters at wrk on tne wharves ar.l elevatora, tijr-on : a deman 1 for double jay for all time over an eight-hour day The refused ; to obey the strike or W for the rsaaon j that they deemed It their duty to 'h* pub -11 • to gxt tho sharv“ ar.d elevators in condition for business at the earliest pos sible moment They place*] the good of the city and the people above their own wishes ar.d continued to work upon the old scale Java sparrows are prohibited x entrance hi to this country by tha custom# laws Tne other day a mine brought a lot of the sparrows Into the port of Philadelphia md wisned to enter them "What are t. < *e' *k*-d the custom offf* *1 "Why. those are love birds.' said the importer The official looked over his law book f*> 1 if love-hiria were prohibited Falling J to find them specificlelly set down be per m!n*vl them o pas; which incident goes to show tnat while the custom house officers arc generally a very wise aet. they do rot all knew love-birds when they ae* them. PRYtBHAL. —The Rev Henry L Ualkins of Evsna ton. 11l . has sailed for India, where he L to he- erne i*a-.toe of the Grand Road Chur h of ly. the principal English el * king Methodist Church In that city. # It is reported that Count c#sin! I* to relire from the Russian ambas liorshlp at Washington atai M. Gl>*is. t “ present mlr i-ter of the <Ytar‘s Koverr.mcnt to China will auccee 1 him lr off! . Both men rank as able an l ex perlen ed diplomats. Bav* r**l fo;.ow* r of Count Tolstoi, hea led by Paul Blroukoff, have settled at Geneva. Bwl**erland lo propagate the teacnlnga of the great Russian, which are forbidden In his own country The colony 1* Iss ilng a periodical and Severn! of Tol stoi* writings whl h ere under tha ban f the Ruv-iah government. —A journalist who has often been called upon to make a stenographic report of a speech by Emperor William declares that the Kaiser speaks slowly at first but gradually g* B faster and faster, until It Is Impossible to follow him verbatim The re|orter*. he says, generally write down whot they can. and. by comparing notes oei ( i report of shat he said. Two years ago Mrm* Alva, a singer famous In Australia, volunteer*! to sing one evsntng at Bendigo before some nun* i who were nhotr to g> Into retreat. Bhe Is now Informed that a wealthy Austral ian, In r* *Htrd f u4i of her klndne#*, •** well a- her magnlflcsnt endowment as a vocalist.” has left her llTVOnn. which Is it t ie rate f |’.ono for each sof the seven aonga she rendered. Mtnef Alva la a Protestant. Fraud# Burton Harrison, who Is now post gra*luate student of Ya> In the English course, announces that he will write h history of the Civil War from the Confederate standpoint Hls fathw was private secretary lo Jefferson Da via. The young man h* In her Red literary ns. plratbu s from hi* talented mother. Mrs. Frances Burton Harrison, and these are encouraged by hls bride, who was Miss Mary Crocker, daughter of the California millionaire. HHIt.HT HIT 9. —He I always u.e*l to overestimate my abilities. Hhe (consolingly): Well, never mind. Your friends never did.- TU-Blts. A Nelg iNjrho and Cali strop he —"Dicky. | did Mr#. Dlbbs ask you why we weren't coming over to spend the evening'* 'Y- m.i an’ I told her y* had a nother Invitation 'at y’ llke| better. "—lndianap olis Journal A Bex Difference -Mrs. Cobwleger: When men turn around In the street to look after n woman it chow# that she ; has n pretty face. Cohwlgger: That * *o my dear’ And when women turn to look after her it shows that she has a pretty dress —Puck. A Good Htart —"Klallna. If we re go ing to elope, don’t you think we would better he off tefore yoifr father uwakens and foidtw# ua** "Oh. fit*. Algernon; there’s no great hurry Pa #.l| ho dbe sure to give us a good two hours’ etnrt '—Philadelphia Ev ening Bulletin. —Should Not be Downhearted.—"fie says that I Inspire him to poetl al outbursts" "You do**" "That’s what he says.” "Oh. well. I wouldn't reproach mvaelf too much If I w.*re you. By striving to do *-o*xi In other ways you may amne for | your evil Influence in this Une.”—Chi ugo Evening Post I I It HUNT COMMENT. The Baltimore Sun (Dem i rays: “It 1? true, and It |* a# deplorable as It Is true, that th* re 1* n rising spirit of dis content among the body of the plain peo ple manifested In this rampiUgn. The tiwiNS- - do feel, uxl they are right In feel ing. that the Republican party Is fa>t converting their ig*\• rnment Into a hyge machine fur grinding out special leg|ia tloti for th- clashes. And that this feeling Is • broad in the bind is n warning to all truly patiiotii and conservative voters that the time has come to put the gov- rnmen' back on its old basis—equal rights equal burdens, equal opiorfunities for all and special privilege# for none. The defeat of William McKinley and hls 'hynliaic<i administration' and the end of the scandalous carnival of commercialism which has turmd the house of our fathers of 17*£ Into *a den of merchandise’ Is, for that reason, most desirable.” The Springfield (Mass) Republican I (Ind.) says Mr. Hry.ut struck a line of thought in hls Madison Square speech Saturday evening that he should have ln ttoduced much carlb r Into his campaign, ar.d that 1* the essentially revolutionary chara ter <*f the Republican position on some leading Issues. Imp* rtalism, or colonialism, is revolutionary in that it Is complete departure from our past; in the same sense, a large standing army Is revolutionary; in the same sense, the trust 1 I*. j# revolutionary. Mr. Bryan's ( tlon on olontallsm. on ml)ttarim. on mo- 4 nopoilsth* industrialism, on government by injunction also. Is old-fashioned to the core.” The Phlliidftdphia !>*dger (Ind) say*: “If we could succeed In quieting the Fil ipino#. the use of their Islands for civil service experiments on a large scale might be of service to the United States The Commission, It seems. Is trying to put that principle in practice, even to the ex tent of establishing civil service co-opern alive stores, presumably on the plan of the famous army and navy store* ~f Eng land. ami if so Hi bora to a scheme can le mad*- to work to advantage In the Plulip pines, there will bent least ground for thinking that It might also be found available for the United State*." The W tshlngton Post (Ind > says: “jXim Jones'# Intemperate talk is seriously Inter , faring with the temperance legi#latlon of the Georgia Lcgisiatuift. li was #vt U iu **" . to* Th- Patrolman'. Prrdtranirnt. There to a. a peralatetit pop. pop. pop In the allay bark o t the bouaa. amt Sir. K*ynn put her bead out of the kitchen (toor to .re arhat ttto* the mNr. write# Elliott Flower In the Cantury ■What ara ye doin' out there. Barney?" ehe ••k-d ' Ptactlrlr. w!d tne *un.'' ton.werwi Bar ney. "Oho'" exclaimed Mr. Flynn "Prar ttrln wul yer pun, la It? Te're anew man on the foorre. an' ye think ye've m to ne bUxtn' away nt Ivery bam door tn the ww ard Tell me now. wit Glare an orjmance ahoottn' In the city limltC At tht Flynn thouirtHfully wratchni hi, bead "Rikht ve are he aald at la.t: "but ’ll. for tr traaoboo wldout the nbtar that th* ortlnaiict —a. made " TV>et yer book tell ye that?" demanded Mr. Flynn Patrolman Flynn pulled a nummary of the principal ordinary re an.i the rule, and ref jlattone of the dopartment from hi* po-icee and looked throuh It alowly and . arefu.iy, 'T>or* tt tell y " demnndad Mr. Flynn aeatn, that an offl-er of the la-aw kin muk* a .hootin’ nailery of the allay ha ck una hi* hone* an' the one next behind It*" ''lt doe. not." admitted the patrolman. r,rr< fully. "Doean't It tell y# to plnrh the man that ahoote In the city limits?" Mary. I .1 not lie to vn" answered Pa trolman Flynn, after e moment of reflec tion; "(t say# that .ante." Then tie for ye Barney Flynn," as serted hi# hatter hatf decisively, "to take yeraelf to the station an' (ha-arfa yerse'.f aid dlaorderiy conduct ” Flynn winced The reason tnit was clear, hut he objected to tha con clusion I ray fuse •• he said at length, "to re wtd meseif." Oho"' cried Mr*. Flynn 'Ravfue* to K" <* H’ Here y# ere oatikht by yertelf vi lf:n an ordinance, an' ve rxyfuse to (* arrested Harney, ye'll be after hav tn' the rha-arre of rayslMtn' an officer put ferninst yer name, too 'T Is for ye to Sit yer self on the head wld e club an lerk yarself of? to th* atatlon whether >'e will or no " T would b* a sha-me Mary." pretest ed Patrolman Flynn, "for me. bein' the fr:'nd to me.|f that I am. to be that rourh wld meself Y’e'd not have me be too he ard on a frl nd. would y*T' "Oho" exclaimed Mrs Flynn, aratn. by atay of answer "Derryllrkshun ay Juty it Is' I kin ae ye. Harney, walkin' the ra-ar-pet In' the rapt'ln'a office, an' he telllc' ye somethin*; av Juty an' frl'ndshlp an that ye're laid off foor .lay# wldout pay " "Anyhow," persisted the patrolman "! m not ehfroflr enourh to arrlat mead' Tis too tourh n Job I'm a desp’rate man Whrn I m rouae.l, Mary, an' it Is not th, likes of me nor anny one else that kin lay th- hand v the la-aw on meeelf wldotit havin' to *o to a doctor." "1 ace ye now. oh. I see y# now. Far ney." went on Mr* Flynn—"l see ye read In u notice on the boord at the station, an' It aya that Barney Flynn Is di.rharn **■l from the foorre for cowenrllce Theta what It say*. Harney, an' It sav. more It says that Barney Flynn Is charged wld disorderly conduct, an' shootln' In tha city limit,, an’ ravslstln' an officer, an' cor ruptin' the force bv wo-orkln' the frl'nd shlp racket on' that army officer meettn' him will call the wagon an’ run him In ” Patrolman Fiynn heaved a deep e'srh "Mary." he said, "ye wanted me to do a little wo-ork In the house the while I'm of? Juty." “I did. Barney,” she answered "TH do tt." asserted Patrolman Flynn, with another slirh '"TIs a tlht hole I ant meself In. Mary, an' me head # swim | min wld ill the troubles an' th* rule* Tt* likely a little wo-ork ‘ll make thinks , easier for me.” " Tis likely It will." retorted Mary (trimly, and Patrolman Flvnn put hla of flrlal dlnnlty ar.d hls revolver in hla pock et and tackled the plebeian task of m*nd- In* a washtub, meanwhile mutterln* to himself somethin# -ihout a woman who had "a rep lar la-awyer's head on her." The Hearse uf Clwrawea. "Hlf>! Help!” Bwlftly and euddenly the ory ran* out on the atill nlah, air. betokenlna soma aoul In dire dlatreas, says the Kansas City Independent. Younir Harried Horsey. Ju.t emerklna from her club, stopped a moment and murmured, "That sounded like a man's voice." "Help! Help!" Aqatn the cry was heard. "By Juno. It la a man's voice," ejacu lated Horaev. "and In trouble, too." Without n moment's he.ttillon ahe dashed off into the darkness, aukled hy the ■cruitis Turnln* th# corner ehruffily she enw a eight which tired her chivalrous blood to bollluk point. A young man. scarcely more than a youth, was s:ru*- Kllnc In the arm. of a burly, half-drunk en woman. "Come along peaceable or I'll bat your head off.” growled the ruffianess. "You eurely would not he brute enough to strike n man?" moaned the captive In uppeallng eccenls Then M was that young Horsey rushed lo the rescue "Take that, you hound!" .he cried, felling the cowardly creature with a Vasear blow and catching the half filming youth In her arm. "Devlllah awkward this." ehe muttered, a. aha chafed hla hand* and loosened hi. collar at the throat. But all thought of awk wanines, was forgotten when a pair of lovely blue eyek looked up at her and the sweete.t voice she had ever heard murmured. "How can I ever (hunk you?" "By not trying." gallantly replied Hor eey "1 would do the same for any man In distress " "I left my carriage," he explained, "to take a basket of delicacies to our old w nshman, and T must hava lost myself " It was not long before the carriage bowling up. the coachwomnn In a stale of mad perturbation, and Horsey accompa nied the young man to hla home. He proved to be- none other but th* rich young heir. Clarence De Vers, and ex travagant wera Mrs. De Vere'a protesta tions to her son's deliverer That was not Harriet Horsey's last visit, and-rumor has It that she will shortly lead the lovely Clarence to the bridal altar. A Tnl to the l.oaliu Man. Josh Wink In Baltimore American. Here's to the man that lone*—the patient. luckiest* wight. Who hatlr-rs ever manfully, though In a losina tlitht. Who works awnv hy night and day, and ever (He’ll defeat. Yet knows that, dim, ahead of him. suc cess-success is swet Drink to his health—the I*l rig man—com moner, prince, or priest— Wlio has no hale for hi* hard fate—for he tried, at least I Health to (he mnn who loses—the one who works 111 vntn. The one who struggles esllantly. and gar ners nauirht but twin. Down to the grave his heart Is brave, his hope Is ever high. For he has learned what we have spurn eil—that It Is good In try. Drtnk to his luck -the loser s luck—skele ton a< the feast— Sorrow and rue may be his due. but he has tried, st least. Health to the man who lose.*—loses and pays the price— rats the price l the loser-unfavored of Fortune’s dice Courage to dare a fate unfair—that Is hla goodly matk. Mettle and might lo scareh fer light though groping in the dark Drink to his health-thc losing man-sol dier. or slave, or priest. What though he fall? He's belter than alt—for be has tried, at least. Millions of Women Use Cuticura Soap Exclusively. Tl MILLIONS of Women Uk CUTICURA SOAP, exclusively, IVI for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, for cleans ing the scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening, and soothing red, rough, xnd sore hands, in the form of baths for annoying irritations, inflammations, and chafings, or too free or offensive perspiration, in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and many sanative antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women and mothers, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. No amount of persuasion can induce those who have once used it to use any other, especially for preserving andpuri fying the skin, scalp, and hair of infants and children. CUTI CURA SOAP combines delicate emollient properties derived from CUTICURA, the great skin cure, with the purest of cleansing ingredients and the most refreshing of flower odors. No other medicated soap ever compounded is to be compared with it for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands. No other foreign or domestic toilet soap, however expen sive, is to be compared with it for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nurst cry. Thus it combines in ONE SOAP at ONE PRICE, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, the BEST skin and com plexion soap, the BEST toilet and BEST baby soap in the world. C uticu ra Complete External and Internal Treatment for Eiery Hnmor, fclwMl %• eoaaUtin# of Cm< nu Boa# '2&r. ,to cl**a** th kin era** mad Tu . n k #e*le* and soften the tfaicfci!M*t cuticle, Cptkpka < / 40r i f I H© 901, aII.ZO to !:.#UV.Iy allay llchtoft, inflammation, and irritation n-t ootb> nd heel, and CrrinmA Ut*n.test flOc.) # to cool and < ItaoM* th blood. A Hizet* Hit U ofuta traffic lot to cure tb* a?%rret humor h># *ll #U* (aIU. k'oTTRA Dftu.o *XX> CUXM. low., ttgtft Prop#-, bt*u*o, Mom. •' All atoat lb# bfcia, bcalp, and Hair,” irec. ITEMS OF ISTBHISST. —Dairymen In lowa are turnlr* more to cheesa and lesa to butter than In former years Th* number of cows from which milk la furnished to creameries greatly Increased la.t season. —ln many of tho census returns from •ho Southern states men of means and leisure are entered In the occupation col umns a* "gentlemen.' and In one In otance as "rich.' An Invalid In Illinois la given ocoupatlon na "laid up" and a para lytic figures la tho same column a* "has fit." —The passion for foot 11l saved an en tire class at Wsat Point from doing pen ance for five months The seoond class had been punished by being ordered tn do constant guard duty Then th# officers discovered that the football team would be a failure without three big member, of that clas* So the whole class was par doned that theae three might piay on the team —A society Is being organtxsd hy Dr. A J. Austen Kelly of Brooklyn for tho pur pose of establthmas; colonies for consump tives In Northern New York Someth! <g like 5/nt) acres of land have been bought In the foothills of the Adlrondacks The purpose la to establish a number of small farms, each with !•* own house, and the patient, will be given light work nut of door, when the weather I* favorable —David Drlggs of Hlgganum. Conn., a devout Christian and member of the Meth odist Church was selaad with what he believed to be a fatal Illness and begged that hi. four .on. agree to be bap tised be.lde hls bier Tha younger men gave their word and the old gentleman died In an hour Next day tha pledge to their father w* fulfilled. Bev. Mr Hag grttx performing the catemony beside the coffin —Ships can new go to sea with froxen ammunition. A methcsl of utilising lique fied air cm wur.hlp. has been discovered which will render the explosion of a mag asltw' even when the ship Is In action, al most Impossible. The method Is to so place th* liquid air that It will frees* th# ammunition lo several hundred degree, below xero In that condition It could not explode, even If a shell should burst In the magazine. —"lt ol Chinamen," say* a Phlladel phla wtgmaker, "com* to u for wig*. They want to look like Lee Toy. the May or of Chinatown. so they wear wigs, and M>mt pay a* much a* SJS for them I,e* Toy brings* a lot of thrm to u* Bui. al -1 though they want to look like American*, | They won't *tortflee their queues. From | our third slory w can :<<ok Into one of I the Chinese barber shops. and there see i our ouxtomrrs come In. lake off their j wigs* and have their heads shaved. Just ] the same as the other Chinamen who don't wear wigs It Is very funny " —The authorities whose duty It Is to enforce the game laws of Kansas recent ; ly had reason to suspect that tome mar ket hunters were Illegally shipping quail from Wellington, but the gathering of ev idence was found to he an almost Im ! possible task Finally the officers bor j rowed a pointer dog and took It to the freight depot, and the animal promptly i centered Its attention upon a large egg , cast'. The case was opene I, and under Its two top layers of eggs were found rev. oral do*n quail. The lawbreakers were j locals,| without difficulty upon reference to the railroad company'* hook*, and ar j rests promptly followed. —Th* Jury which made the awards In j the wine departments of she Paris Kxpo * * 11lor had Se.nflo brands of wine to taste. It would seem that such a task mould be j enough to paralyse the nerve* of every man's palate, and that moreover, the wlne-tawterw would have some difficulty In getting home after their day's work These useful members of a reputable pro fession. however, know their business far too well to he led into nny mistakes of that kind It Is estimated that not ■ quart of wine was swallowed by the entire com mittee while engaged In the testing If they drank much they would soon lose their sense of taste When testing mints* these men lake hut n small mouthful of | the sample, let It slip back to where the I taste nerve Is. and then spit It out. After I trying three or four sample** the taster will chew mouthful of dry cheese, eject It. and wash out his mouth. This fresh ens up th# poaer of taste and the Juror qoes at his work again The pi-ores* ~f nine-lasting recall* another method of de termining tin quality of liquors which Is used In the West Indies In Jamaica par llulirlv many of the uvar esiates rely for their Income mainly on the aupartor quality of the rum made in their distil leries It Is highly essential that the man ager of the estate should be n good Judge of spirit flavor The way In which this Is determined Is not by the palate, but by th. nose. A ''rum-smeller" of supcrlor "nose" may command salary of many thousand dollars. In order lo keep himself ' " *l'h the distillery and preserve the discriminating power of his "nose" Ihe manager ~f the estate will have a eerie* of email vials containing the run ning of various stllta ranged on his wide. Itoard These he will "run over" as n pianoforte placer would praclh-e his scale* Whenever he has a spare moment The be*: time !- in the early morning, waen the olfactory organ* are fresh A table spoonful of the spirit is pnu r *d into a glass Ti e gas, Is twisted around fAr i a second and applied to the nose. In this. I ? my . I'** lll * of the spirit la aeeurata ly told. , n is non ib IF IT DON’T CURE Will sell you Smith's Chill and Fever Tonic, and if it does not cure they will gladly refund the amount you paid for it. Look for the Red Triangle on each pack age. Offire B A OeMeway. Hereral Mer-hamlla*. Midland, Fla . Orl. IS, !*of> Ti Whom It Mav Cor.r-rn I have h'pn (."me FtrtHh', e-hifl ard Fever Tonlr for the past year 4itid have also uw-d It In my own family, and have found ll to do all that la claimed for It. Your, truly. B A. GAL.BOWAY. LIVINGSTON'S Did SINK BULL and CONCRESS and 309 BULL 8T , PHONGS 11 and 12. ■a— ■ ■ . I ■* HI c*i Parquetry Floor*. I have been laid In many of |ihc comfortable homos In | New Vork. Hoston and j | other cities. More cleanly and economical than car | pets. Plain and fancy floors laid and polished I complete over old floors, making a solid and beau tiful Improvement. Cat alogue on request. Es-j tlmates sent on receipt of measures of room* Haying a number of floors to lay In Savannah this month we can quote close j figures. J M ADAMS. S7 N Charles Street. Baltimore, Ml. Albemarle Madison Square. West, N. Y.. 0. B. LIBBEY. Prop. r rmtrli/ 0' tkt II tv**i lf*w< The l ore t'on of thin hou*e !* <*#• •Irablr. twin* central o all plf ol amueement, and to the ahopplnp dlutflcu Sppclal attertlon paid lo th culeln* A number of very daalrabla wlP< *° rent for fhp winter. I r TOU WANT OOOD MATERIAL and arork. ordar your HUioyraphrd aad printed atatlonery and blank book* tram Morn In* Nm kavanuk. do- 'lff**