The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 04, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 MANY WERE KILLED FATAL ICS 1*1.0*10% IS AH IM l- Him % ro i. TWELVE KNOWN TO BE DEAD. ICVBIUI. OTHI'RA *%H> TO HE FV TAIXI IN*H Hi t* KTplotlun Umm m lerrf Thm *nm+ of thr Vlrllm \\ rre lllussn lo Fleer•— Horrible *tftcli<" Wimoiff Ilf Ihr Mint- Shaft—Haag MarrMnn fiir Hr la ft ip*—lnquni \\ 111 fir lrll nnd rnnwolittn* 'ln> Fol lon I* d|ppl W Va , Kov. 3—One of *h ITmoM rnlamitlfn in the hist>r> fPi boor county occurred t#i p morning at 1 o'clock at (he mlnei of the Southern • '•* and Transportation Company at Brr>t burf Mx irUles from this pia* A t resuil these ore dr .id: ille Marks. pit bos* Andrew Vi *■• well. Allwrt Brown. lot wren • Dun* r r k Adams, and seven others, w i are not obtainable The injured *r* U ill Murk* and Jam Jaekami both wnntn w il die. The eipioiinn w • -*# g • a’ tl. it mule were k lied at the m >uth of the mint ind cars were blown forty fret from ’hr track One mar. was blown in two at thr loins and h'.g I sly thrown against a pile of lumber at the mouth of ihe mine. Tne night rhi ft went on duty at 7 o oJock Everythin* w* nt on smoothly un (U about midnight, when the explosion cccurrwl The dead wore mutilat* 1 to*\**nd detCflptlon. and the scene w t aPulat cd to n*ake the strongest heart ffisnl The rf|i'eice was probably the result of an aceldental dlscharg* of dynamtt* caused, perhaps, by the c nrusiion of a tiast. Thepro|eMy loss Is light. No Maine can be attached to the o (TV la It of the company. A coroner's Inquest will he held to-mor row at which tune a* facts as to the cause of the explosion mnv l*e ob tained < p*Ta’.ione will be resumed at the nines a.-* usual Moivliy. Un a Horrible Mitht. The report of the exp! * Jon WHS o gr**’ that two men were found slxtv f* • t from the mouth of the mine An bo ir after the explosion hundred- hid visit*! Ihc mine. The call for relief brought everv physician In Phtlii pi to the s< ••n The night was a most horrible ore Ptrewed alone the main channel and about the opening were th** arm.v be . hand* and other portions of th* bodies or ihe dead miner.' Pafher . and mothers were frantically hunting for sons, and • fist as a holy was recovered they W'ould k nice at tl and mounting It would give hysterical •creams The hotel has ben turned Into a h**f*u and aid th**-e still aliv* when brought out were taken there. Then** ia a gr* t deal f comment about the caU'- of the explosion Tne minor ities refuse to diarusa the matter further than to .- y It was caused ly an rx*e*§tve chartt* of powder tw in* used. The fn.ners insist that it was caused by fir. lamp The mine was rroenily Insp* ted ar.d pronounced to l*e in good condition. John W Green, who was in the mine at the time of the explosion and *■■ npel Injury, gives the follow ing nc rount of It •*I w* nt Into the mine at 7D o’clock and went to Boom No 1 I had bo nat work an hour or er when I smelled bln* k damp. J noticed my lamp would flicker. I went ; lo the mine toss ami told him about It He laughed, and said it wn uk right l went back to work and about midnight beard a terrific noise, which knocked nm down and pus out my lamp I wax stun ned for a moment and then readied what had i • t trance and crawled over the bodies of tw. men.** Hadlee Madly Mutilated. As the work of removing the and n I go> on things look woree Four m*n have be* n brought out during the last hour and the searchers report that a doibn are \et In the mine. Moat of those brought out ire mutilated beyond description. The mine of Bwrrysburg have only hern operated 41 short time. They have had n great deal of trouble. First, the mines were (looted and then Ihe men -truck. Last week the eta-toes were eet on fire and twenty-six horses burned. Now ccenes the explosion Col. B. F. Berry, the millionaire mine owner, arrived here this morning, but re ftlMd to dls mire the affair. Most of the miners have leen here but a few week and as they were almost unknown to each other it It hard o recognise a m in when he H found Most of the men came from North Carolina and the District of Colum bia. Fgly rumor* have been afloat all day long about the cause of the disaster. The most chnrltablr con.-t ruction to place on •he matter Is that it was due to the ln experlen #■ of the mine boas, Ollle Marks, who wrns killed. Froftkviitirg Attorney C M Murphy and Justice W. U Keys left to-night for QJarrysburg to hold an inquest. A messenger returned from the rnii*, states that the bodies of twelve men have been brought out, right of whom were recognised. Four men are in rne hospital no* ex. pected to live until morning Twenty men are unaccounted for The men were mostly negroes am! Slavs. ATTAC K oh niMIHCI) MOMtV Hi rood Attempt %\ Made > llhiu I p 'lnr> llrldc. Columbia, H. C., Nov. 3—The attempt mad* a month ago to blow up Mar\ Bridges, a colored woman living li laiu rans. was repented .it night. Tin first time the woman was out and her hou was wre ked. Last night the woman smwlled the bur nine lute and rushed from her house Jimt before th* explosion. The shock was t**rrlfi . the floor, timbers and furniture b ing torn up. No arrests have bet 11 made. TO TUB RTPKMOH OF Jll'iV 4 oairrntalatluna hi i Thrnnarh Min. later Much. Washington. Nov. 3.—The state depart ment to-day sent to trie Emperor of Ja pan tbrouob irnitetl Btat Minister Buck • Tokio. h tnsf. ag* of mgratulatlon up on the o* iwion t>t that r*ibr\* forty-ninth btrtoday annlversay. The event %vas o - served with appropriate ctremomi ai the Japanese Itgatioo hers. < MIiHK i IIHFAK HLU HIUA. Minister Mn i arrietl Old Nrs !• ihr stair ‘llr parlinr 11 # Washington, Nov. I.—Msr!-ter Wu turn*! to Washington from Fit ••‘burg t<> day and made an rly * all upon Secre tary Ha> at the et te d* r.rt H brought with him copies of * verl 1* orcc* which he had rcceiv. I tcrough ot*e of lh South* rn vl *r. \ rd he left with Secretary II t> t'omli y in * round-wtojut way from th ••%?■. these r* H w r.* not of % cry r *nt date, and their • m nf> *w 1 1! <!% lr. m* *? 1 art, anti t? •<* 1 ■ 1* • •• - - I Hitches The edict? r* lit* ■* * t h* appidnl rrent I’rii * <* r I. j K 111 ih. 'hang rt:ih Tunp and Jung I. 1-| -a * • mimis-i. n* r .!*,?> Ln‘.*> appointment bile t. ( • ft • ile'e.l U IHM tit.Hl WITH ( IIIMAI Itc 11 urn I ( nvnlrt II wllr tirrmiM in a Tig, lit Flarr. fnd*>n N*v T • I’at' Mil. Gar-ft* Ills afnrro M pun. • and -jut t, from Irfiow dated Oct > w til* ‘i v heavy f cni.r g tins urred lr • rn uiii ilns on ' H' in Si front.* r Ai Aeg 10-German I *o • of 1 *<* m*i nmitiir c.l |v f’o| %*>. Norman, stormed Tz ‘ 1 c Kuta pass Th* 1 • ,• j • 1 rlroiig |I ion on if** *• ‘t and dnhlkorr ly 1 *hiol T mred 1 hot enfilading !r **t the ad vance party of eighty Germans, under Mij von Forrest* r. but the f!ntlh Ibi gi t*a\ irv and s ippers, *li - rnour.t ior, s. il* 1 i t* heigh'*, turned ihe enemy * flanks m i i* h* v#d me <* rma.v LOOK FOII \ I INK'I 1111 officers of Popnllsf f nmmlttf** >lnl*c n Stairni'nt. Lincoln. Neb . Nov A The officer* .f r pnpul:-*! Nsh i il • •mmlltee to r mht gave out a forecast of ele 1 ion which Sava In |*rt ‘ The reform for -s of this country have non if. election. nf;*i we maintain our ground ml ♦ that the mi! of th* people Is regis'*-r* ( l The time h * • ome for nine.h■** 1 to ,v (il r self and t rub this country ucr-.i 1 *f m*<tiey. intimidation ar.d fraud W* hive everv oixfldence |n tie result W* have made great cm all over ih* countv •*- [• fftbv In ! r.t l-'arf. where there will 1* • ian*tslii. thm will |gn • Mr Bryan In th< White Hour* LOOKS roll VI ( ( tt**. SffvpnMtii Preillcfs i:ie*tlcin of tom llemtM-ratic Ticket. Buff I on. Ind , Nov Ada! F. fftavon s. n. T'* mocratio an*b late f.r \ 1 • l*r-?l dent, after a spy-- h made l• re t >—lay. said. In ar Interview ‘lt Is my firm b* lief that William .1 Bryan sill be elected President Tre* p*o. p. ;re deeply lon ihe quest lon of, I*ll.l a i !.:•- in.i)- rl v ire op posed t* th** war in th- rhlllppint This oprosltlon will. 1 ti.fnk manifest 1• ?• ♦•! f unu ihtakabiy next Tucmia' * Mr Htrvenson i" spok* at Decatur in \*l tin ro.mty. lb will I *s* his campiig and Montpcdicr MM I*l %\ % * M A.IOHI IA . Ilemoern l Ic Fstlmnte* \re From r.n: t rth.iHMi. New Orleans, Nov 3 Th camr atgn in lioutslana virtually closed t-night There Is no reason #0 change th* former esti mates of a Democratic majority of from to 2K,<W with a sol and D*mocratle del egation. although the lt*i)llbl:ctn vote will be I rgcr than in many year?, despite new suffrage laws Th** only congressional dlstri* f In which the Hepubllcans have .1 han. *• 1 th** Third, where the sugar planters *re strongest The Hepuhli* ins have been gathering evidenc*' for n • -onte-t in case the next House Is Republican. QITRT DH'imC l\ t.1.0Hf.1%. brvrgln'a lirmiwiHr* l , r'*rnt flic t *un I *||| Front. Atlanta. Nov 3 The only outward evi dence of the presidential tumpalsn In Georgia w a the n. il amount *f -pa *• devoted by th* newspapers to “education al” work N* speakers of national refni tatlon cam* Into ih state t* discuss the issues, aid they wet* touched upon only bv local orators In the campaign for Gov ernor The fact that Georgia's demo* r * y t nr,lie I pr.*ably accounts for the entire b***n e of all mir-hlng clubs nnd meetings Th** Kepubllcar and Populists ts>k no port in the • urnpalgn. utHiHi to iinim hoi.m. Will Arnil IlncU n Full flrntocrn tic llflt-ua I lull. Montgomery. Ala . Nm 3.— The <vim -1 u*n In Alabama virtually closed to -11 ■ I In but one district, tn* Seventh. In the state. There the Kcpuhltcans nni I*np tibsfs fueral nnd have made a strong invits* There is no doubt -•> the re sult |n the state, and the prospects ar-* that than will be a solid D nm.-tiiti.- dd '|on In Congr .*.* There has been tin ex itement and the lnii .ittons at* shat there will he a light vote IMF.I* 111 T W >| i ll \OTT\LK. Him Refused In lleveal the Names of lII* Persecutor*. Charleston. S C , Nov 3 .- Finley Brown, the 12-year-old son of \V. K Brown of tlhs city, died here this morning under distressing circumstance**. Tnr- b< v was* a and .y pupil at thr Porter Military A idemy Ah a practical joke some of his • hool fellows drop|w**l him the swimming pool of the Academ from which the wa ter had been drained *fT i I left him to get out of the ho!.* .is b* !i. .vniid. During hi struggle- to regain hi?* lib erty. little Finley injured himself inter nally and died in gnat agony it f> oelo k this morning. He refused to 1 Iso last to reveal the nanu s of dle lo>s who placet! him in the pool, and he declared that tbey w r* acting n>-rely in a spirp *>f fun. nd that no blame shoubl attach* and to th-m 0% THI lit W II TO %l lIP %. \ure* to Teach I niton (•riminu In l•erlllH•l < olonie*. N* w York. Nov. 3 - Four young ri ored men. thre of them graduab r- of aiw! one an Instruc tor In B*k* r Washington’s .-chool at T k*:> Al . who are on their way to Afrb .1 under the 1 1 j | s of the ikriDun g v*rniitnt. to t* i* h agriculture n*l more particularly t ottou-raising, c the native* In the colony, on the \V s t'oas! .f Atri- • sol . | t* - i> on the Hatnioirg-Am* t u an lane Mt-amer Wskk rse*- 41 in* 4 liwtenl In Ml*t*|pp|. Vicksburg MD*. Nov Wltn the ex- ! caption of a • .ail ■( in t • Mixtb Congres alofMit DIMH t. wbera H • Turley, 11 publican oath nil c rnrnn<•mm is mak ing a fight for ine bi Congre- * of K A Mc4*.eat . there bus t n lltt!< or t > interest taker. Hi th- i?n. Ign Mr- S1 aip pi Not II and /e|i s|' * h*■ l\*' I**ll made, and all Indi. atai* |sln: to .in exceedingly light vote, pu tkally solid tor Bryan. -^J THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4. 1000. HOW A PRETTY SOCIETY GIRL ESCAPED DREAD CONSUMPTION. Peruna Used lo Time Saved Her Life. All’s Well That Ends Well. It i** th* •ma old story of exposure f. •Id T' ■ *ld parsing down ih**. bron hlal nW •* tic lung**, th* *l* v 10, in,' fa ►< 1 tied c*ld on Hi* lungs, coughing. •*xi>ecoratk>n This l a ehort toad o onsumptfot Thousands of people hav** traveled H Thousands more will travel li md t-e i .mini winter will develop * n untold multitude of new' ea*r*> In itH* eg*#- of !J!en Murphy, the end ing wa* a happy one. Khe siarte) on the t.* • 1 impflon after caichirg ,M it • r*. pricn. Ivunea*l of wa.*ltt< until she b. *f)* inruraMe. I’cruna was r* -orted aid r life waa save*). It j . pity t n’ every one H*e in thla w, !e lard could rot know of this very #fr*. Mve rm*ly In s i h * ase- Tha r,.-w pr* ading fast ut 1 gr*-*M manv peop • r.av * ro' y* t h ,- ir<l that |Vr .na a sure ir* In these cases. Peru.a * art * ac-m* catarrh and chronic • t irrh. arrh *f the head and catarrh of th*- img catarrh of th** throat and .a* rrh *f the e*oma h. Wiy*rever a tanh may have |<sated itself, whe'her r th* lu* ‘live organs, kidneys **r i*el \ or cans I'eruna Is sure to eradicate ifjc disease promptly. Another ise where consumption .1 . <I of im prey occurro*! In the state f fowa The rej>ort of the as. crated id* ra 11* attention at th* tlm** and v\ a** furnished us unsolicited by Mr IP ~rs k-.n In * letter t.. Dr Harman h. s* • forth * me Interesting *W tails of ids re -* le from consumption He mde use of th- following language: •*I have been for years a constant suf ferer from chronic catarrh of n* ha 1 ,ud throa• which finally worked down ■i • the air 1 n-sages In the spring of • I to*k a severe cold and cough***! immer I thought 1 bo! consumption. Then 1 had bad attack nf la grippe After taking a course of Peruna I Del cured of all these, trouble- Whenever ar.v of our children get sick we give th* m Peruna and It never falls *. euro ihejn I m -st heartily teuifv to rhe value of Peruna In case of retarrh md la grins. I hoirf* this may bj tho means of other* suffering h* I did to take peruna and 1- '' •red We would not he without 1 In the house’ Honrlrkfoo. acn-rultv th- flrt rol'l of th- --on .1 • ikh 1 in Novemh-r With iwm" t—- ihH l*M- nil Wlnt*r an! *>• fmm.ution nf rhrerl- ramrrh In h -h-irlnnlnc f- ~f I ‘"'‘ na , ‘ uf ' :i .nt to mk*- |.rrt><n-ni cure. S*i .1 'or I*r - l< —I he" l * chromr .--t irrh A-Mr.-s Th- T-rinn ,M. !!• In 1 •> fftluml.or, Ohio many prizes were awarded. * T %TK. F AIH AT VAtOOWA *-' A THl\i OF THE I* A AT. . r „.-rm ..p. rln..lrt lrrcH <•->. TUm II Ha* Hern Financial rr.i-Artl I’lncc for lnllln* Alalc Fair Will Hr HrrlUrd horly. ; frrmlnina AxxnrdcU and Ihr F.s blbllora \A hn <*"* Thmn There Waa Mur U roinprlUlon Anion* Them. V*Mo. < • *-■"- f * lr c, °** rt hem to-day. Orti Blip*.; Barrel! Mil th. I had bran n financial auc-raa The Kac.'Utlvr FommUlee will meet during the next few week* and determine phut . Ity will be aelecaed aa the next meetma plaea. , ! The award of prize* waa the feature of the day. TANARUS! • Judges a* irded the ln *P of the .Upartmenta jreaterday. except the fancy work department and the floral dr panment Both of there are full, anJ there are many competitor* Some of the prlaea awarded were a.- fol low*: V.-t UK tr rone. flrt prlae award*! J. |; Wellington of Blanton Beeor.d beat awarded J U. Bchrlapa of llahtra. lion of potato**, tir^t prize awnrdrd H I* Utmeden of Hlbtv It, -t buahel of ear corn. H F Barfield of Hahlra. largest ernp of s*va lei u and cotton, per .n r-- prise awarded H F Barfield Hahlra Heron>l best, William Arnold of Clpinivlll* , . It. i billon syrup. t\ rat prise award'd \\ A Davis A Cos. Brook# county. Bec on l W 8 Mr Oreo of Lowndes. It. hu.-hel of rice. W. 8. Mcße* of Lowndes. It, t lfile of pea-vine hay first prize, iwarded B I* Lumsden of Rlbb ft. K ifflr orn. fire I prize awardad B. I Lumsden of Bibb. |t.-.i ruel-proof oat* flrot prize awarded ft D Lumsden of Rlbb. ltd t•<*! %vtieai. hra: prize, awarded B. I lAimsden rtf Rlbb. ft. st tb :• p* •*. hr* prise awarded R !* fatim*d‘ n of Rlbb. rwt peck of chtifas. first prize awarded \\ 1> I.uiTiMlen of Rlbb county. H. on 1 **si around pea*. R. rf Lums •fen of Rlbb. ft, t He lrtt rtf Bermuda mm. first prise nworded R 1* Lumsden of Rlbb l ••• • ' r b b- I • dr**? j * !/# I A i'.l. -i f ! • 1 um-.• n t f f’"'l ft. around pea*. first prize awarded S I> R.-lael f Ksperlmenj Station ft. # fui -1 *1 of sweet potatoes. flrl r ri*F arded P M Smith of Valdosta first staple seo Bland cotton, fret prize awarded I* M Stanfield of Hahlra S <’rtnd best. W J. Lunberger of Val ■ •!"*(. f. ‘t bob' of shorr stip'.e cotton. first l*riz<‘ awanbHl J 1* Berry of Henry . our* y <• ond best. J M Henry of Morgan. Ci In the live stock dejvirtment the fol lowing prises were awarded: itmt Morlno bock ond ewe. prises awarded K Campbell of Pittsfield O. R#*t South donn ram and ewe. E. ’ O.implwll *'f Pitt ‘♦field. O. ft CotwrtMl ram and ewe. E Cnmp- Im 11. >f Patsflesl, < Hrt Dorset! ram and ewe. F3 Campbell . Pittsfield O ft- t Inliit'* ram and ewe, K. Camj*- .11 if Pittsfield. O ft. *t HonkshiP* r im ond ewe. K. Camp bell of Pittsflekl. O. lt*.t snr. , <hlre ram an.f ewe. E Camp* be'.l of Pittsfield. O. It.* Berkshire bur and sow R, Cnmp f bell of Pitasfield, ir Best Jersev r#*.! boar and sow. K. Camp- Mi of Pttfsfbsd. . Best J r# > re*l sow and plg. K. cmp , bell of Pittsfield. < > Rest Berkshire ard sow. Befmont Form. Smvrn i (J.i . best pair of p flr*u prize a worded II Campbell of p:tt-- ti. ld.. Bi“t herd of short-horni and Devon. ?1 rt prise awanled A. H. Warden of I I’lyses, Pa. Best three-year-old bull. A. 8 War fen of t’lyees. Pa Best two \ r-old bull, A 8 Warden, I of rivet - Pa P. t bull under ! A 8 Warden of ! I*lyses. Pa. lb-i heifer under three years. A. 8 Warden. I’lyses Pa Ri M heifer under one >ear, A. 8 W ?r- I den of t*lyses. Pa. , | licet held of llcl*te:na and ;ndr iUual fa ; " u :vfc.k/<**rr/.y'r') \ * 1 -|| :'tr,*S3 >1 1 £jS" ~ / ''H ~£s,tr"<ii i D- f MISS IIKI.KV MIKPHY. ) | r ! \sM' wis. 1 k ’ I j \ i I ,u Ml,, n-Vn Murphy. ■ pop.Tlir roci-tv woman of r>-k * Wl I, nr artfiti frl-n.l to P-runu Th* folio— InK l- i l*r -r wlti-n l> Ml l *- Mui|li. nn.l n-r <a|lmnn of In-run.i . i |*r-v-nil\ i- w<*H an a .uirr for , uarrhil allni'-nt- Th- r-runa M-dl!no I'ompiny. Columbu < hlo: f.rntlrmrn— *'Xltouc Ihr— nianlh- uo I -ontrnrt-il n•-. ••r- rnll nt nn r.rnlnu r—-pllon. whirl, n-lllrcl on mv lunu, nml llir-nlrn-,1 to !•- vrr, ,-rloiiM. Ant, ninlhrr hn n.r* I'rrunn lili i>i>d rrnll*. h- rn for n Imtil— for ni- nml I fouoil Ilin• II .vr mr hlrnrii r-llrf. Hrforr Ihr r -rontt liottlr wn, -ftn.nm-4 I wn, wrll. *.\% r krrp n hnttlr of II on hnnil nil Ihr llmr nml w hrn I hnvr lirrn onl In Inrlrtnrnl w-nlhrr I Inkr ■ ilo,r nr two of IVrnnn and II prr rrnl. my Inklna an, rnld nnd krr,i inr prrlrrlly wrll." Ynnra i -ry truly. Mill.F\ Ml HI'IIY*. s(ot*k. first prlxe was awards l W. M Bennlnger of Bennlnger. Pi Best herd of short-horns, prize awarded Hols rt Wats n of Min- ra. Ridge. O. Best herd of Hereford? first p *•' awarded Dr P. Phillips of T*“ n Beat stallion, any age, flr-t prl*e hw mi ni William II Matiox. • Best harness mar*- :lr*t prl*e award'd Roberta, Cranford. Dasher Cos of \ a - Best |*air mules, Roberta, Crunfor I Dasher .Sr Cos. of Valdosta Best pair geldings tn harness. Roberta. Cranford, Dasher tit Cos. of Valdosta. B-t saddle gelding Roberta. Cranford Dasher A- Cos. of Valdosta. Best saddle mare Roberta. Cranford Dasher A Cos. of Valdosta. Best harm -s gelding. Roberts Cranford. Dasher & Cos Valdoata. In the Art Department th* f U w n awanls were made Best collection of picture* firt prbe • wardeil Mrs J. t* Varnedoe Be t j*o rwlt. Mrs. J. Varnedoe lte*’ mini • ture portrait, first prixe a warded M a-s Mclntosh of Thonxisvllle BeM (si in ted china, tirst |*rlte awnrde*! Mrs J. M Barret of Augusta. Among those who will ge first pr z s In the Drawn Work Depirtm*-nt to-mor row ar*-. Mrs Th* D Klin** of Huv n ivab. Mrs J L Cranford of Valdosta, at>l Miss 4 *atn of Quitman. Among those who will g*t first prize in Ihe Embroidery Department to-morrow •ire Mrs. C. C. Brantley of Vald*ta. Mrs. Spencer of Valdosta; Miss Bhepard o Warrenion. Va.. and Miss Woodruff o Way cross A FICiHT IN WAY 4 HOM. Skeleton Found 'rir the Satllla. Other \rv%m Notes. Waycroot. Qa . Nov 3 A tight between p B Ihiglish and M J Solomon • cur red near the Hotel Vtrdie this mornkic Mr English ran Solomon around th** block- through B lacks h**ar Hardware Company’s store and ln*. the Vlrdto H > tel. While some of the drummers w*er.* holding Mr English in the hdiel. Solomon ran out of a back door down Jane street He loter rHumeti with revolver B*rl nus trouble would have probably o Hi red if some of the cltlxens had not h* 1 1 the combatani. The trouble occurred over the settle ment of un i *count. An odjoume 1 oonvociilon of HI iekh**ar Chapter No 1. It A M was held last evening The officers of the chn r* r as thus far Installed are: J. T Brantley. H P . D. A McGee. K Georg•• F*;t ham. H . Dr. A. P English. C. II Dr .1 H. Latilmer, P. t* . Dr H V U *r. R A C . E. L Ibndrlcks. (*• *retary. J A Yoilmans, treasurer, W J ll<xlg>on. M T \ A skeleton was found the other day * n the sist skle of Big S.itilla river. iu *r the resldetw'e of Riley ll*-rrln, it Avant The skeleton as mpp**-* I to be that of an ln*llon. as Mr. Raul* reon. who foun I h. pro*'ured several of the t****th and a number of lx-&<ls and other ornne nt> T A Jennings, former pi shlent l tie Tampa Naval Hior-s Companv. pa -el through Wavenose this morning en route lo m- ' Mi a art I•• i sume the presidency of th* Union Ni il Bcoret Company, of Mobile and New Oi b ans, one of the largest concerns of •h* kiiul in the Fnlted St t**s. Before g . g to TamjM Mr. Jennings " :•* trav* ! w representative of the J P. Williams Na val Stores Company of Savannah. Georg* How* I kllle.l a v* ry I rge at t mount In '*w swamp, near th* r- l*b*p of Ohadtah Barto r. ls*l>w town. \ r da\ U *xhlbped the animal In town to day. Ntailenta Were IMml**l. Chi- ago, Nov. 3.—Sixty students who have b* * n expelled from Culver Military Academy, located n th** short* of Lake Mnxllikuke*. pas-*-d through Ch.cago last night on their w y to their homes iu th* West and Northwest. Two students w re arrested yestenlay for Infraction of the rules of the Institution on Hallow* * n aid after i court-martial were dls<*harg< 1 in disgrace, and 113 of their fellow* students j artu !p.i*e*| in ,-ympathetlc dmon*tr tion In their favor ns they were departing for their horn*** The entire 113 st i l-n - were .-ommarily dismissed. 4 ollimi •tiiriicd nt Lit ertn|. Liverpool. Nov, 3. —Fire hrok* out in . Otiou which had been lan*le<| n ti e and k from the BrPlt* steamer Kur*-p* m i:l ■*>• .*•! s have I wen damaged b> 111 c un*J u Lhouauud buU by water* DEFICIT HKt FIPTW 4MI I AI'I ASI.S OF Ol It IMMITII. HKIIVH K. Total lloveniies for the Fiscal Year Here fM<rJ2ls4.r7o-llow th** Postal Frauds In tuba Were Mail** Poe • Ihle—Mistake Was Made f l.eav iiiii the l.ntlre t ontrol f Finance* In thr Hands of the Director of Posts. Washington. Nov. 3 -The report of the auditor for the post .ffl - <lepartment, cov ering the fiscal v* ir cnled June 30. 1900. > lows that the total revenues for the ,ie ;• irtmer f*r that p* riod were *4.573. and the exp"nditures $107,21:* leaving i deficit of $4,991,719. Concerning the postal frauds in Cuba the auditor says: “Whet, anew |sstal service an* estab lished In th* island of Cuba. Jan. 1, under the. a i-|: -of th- Dili:- l St i government, the same mistake was raid* Hgain-t whi i sue.) rmphats. warning wu raised In thle country sixty-five years* ago. The entire control of fir in* < * nnd ac counting was left in t v hands of ‘he dire-tor of Htatem*'rits were made that tin* nuv Cuban >vst* m was <!Kan- Ised on th* 1 nlttd St is plan, but |ti this viral particular t er< ws the wildest |Hssible departure from the principle of tin Independent audit, which has prevailed h**re ttot •• lv*. “The consequences could have been easi ly fores* •if They were • xuctly what o<*- 'urred In connection with our own .er \ Ice In It** **firller days, which, after ne- scandals, brought atomt the pre*ent methotisof i ‘iintlng In Chiba, aft*— six or ight months of tr.D Incorrect proce dure. th* chief of the bur* au of r*c ounts was made ludltor rl removed from un tler the Jurisdiction of the heid of the petal system. But the same Individual retained his |*o*ltlen ar.d had evl lenlly be <vme a -t usf*me<) to accept the erders nnd approvals of his superior as conclusive that pr.i tb ally the -me condition* con tinued; there was no ren!|v Indei-endent scrutiny and audit ‘f acv*>unts, and the irregularith- which ensue*) were t. e nut result." IHIICM KI) POM Ml UI>P.R. Tlinninn l I linrued With I'oUnnlnu lII* U Or. WayrroM. <! . Non .1 Mr Jackson Orfmes return'd from Schlattervll!* thin roorr.lm;, where lit* hell nn liaju#-r ove* • bit** Iwmln of Mm*. T. in Thomas. who li l suddenp ami t;n lor v# ry susph louii -fr nimst m. 09 Thursday night. ns m# n*ion -| in the-r dispatches v*ster#iny. Mr Thomas was fc-i:njr slightly in welt Thursday. lat#* in the afternoon sh#* was Riven ; ando s/* #*f nil.<in* by her husband. ami 1 few mlmitei 1 it r she h< - camp violently Id. She 1- wild 10 have fxrlulnir i that hr* u*s poison##! lefore h r death oarl> Thurs#!a\ niirht. Th* r# art* siiM to other su-phMou* elrcum* *.inces, which bad 10 the I* lb f that ho w.■* poison'd. i<l fhit her husband Is rt*- sp >1 ,'lblr for her death. A post mortem examination was held, and the contents of the worn in'* stomach will l>*‘ son* to th Mate thorn hit for nnil yet*. At 2 o'clock this afternoon the Jury re turat'd ft.** verdict. • . irKini? Thoman with murtier, nd u w irram wa- I-Mied for hk arrest. Mr Thomas is a >rother of Mon. Calvin Thomas, the newly elected representative from Pier ' county. Mon W. <i. Brantley w.s in town to day. He will speak her#* Monday at noon recess of court Hen. A. K. Cochran will speak Jut Ih fore court opens Monday. ( Imrued With Bribery. Paducah. K> . .V \ Kills H-sidi# v ? Louisville. was arrested her#- tonicht on a warrant < barging i•# r\ To* warrant was sworn out ly Wi Mum Maker, a ! *#' live employed >y th* l>emnrrati * Com mittee. Headley hi- he# n her#* preshmit hiy In the inter# #>f the Hon# -t i:.# tion of laoulmrllb ll# wiv# •#.. and lihneNlm llrvnn. Columbus. Kan , Nov. M V I! lb r , tt Prohibit lotus! . 1 . date for if' genet ni of K sas. made a -r*. . t , f . to-dav adv.wntlru: Bryan’* ele# tk>c Mr. Itennrtt has u notlotiai reputation a d'rohluUion orator. BRYAN CONCLUDES CAMPAIGN. (r*ont!nuasi from Flrat Page.) vey. where he addressed a big meeting of foundrvroen and mil hand* Thr final meeting of the day. and the l- of Mr. Bryan’s remarkable campaign late wai gt the <*at limet Theater in f*njfh Chicago From tiire Mr. Bryan went at one* lo the re viewing Gand on Jackson boulevard where, for over an hour, he stood and bowed as the hosts of Democracy march ed by and cheered their leader. brent fu> Before Him. At the Iroquois Hub Mr. Bryan ankl In part: 1 have hod imposed upon me |n thla campaign a great duty, and I have per form**.l It to the extent of my ability and t. th** extent of my strength My respon sl tilt>’ cease*, so fir as thla campaign is con ••rued, on next Tuesday. If I have niiv further r* spmslhllity It will be the fault ad the people, it will be for them t • eav whether I -nail remain a private c.tiz* n or become public servant “I am glad In this campaign that w* have ih< upt>rt of many who ware again-i us before Ido not criticise them hurdilv and I did til when they left us. • *u*e | hellev* that the great majority of them left because they conscientiously heJleyrd that the country waa In dang-r I did not agree with them In that—l did riot believe that the people or the coun try would be m danger because of mye ec tlon. and I make the statement to you now that If I had been elected we wo il) not now be confronted by the crisis thit I- before us. 1 believe that those who vote*) against me were, at least In nearly all < isee. tin n who voted against me b • au.-* they thought that they were dobig their duty to their country. "When I b rd. th* night of the elec tion. that an ok! grayhaJred man fell upon his km* -and thanked fk>d that the coun try h:**t been saved, 1 knew that he was expre-dng the sentiments of his heart But, many who thanked God that I was deft it*d then, are now praying that 1 stoill not be defeated again. It iloes not mean that they have change*) their sentl m#*r ts sin* • then. I does not necessarily in* in that they have changed In their opinions upon the questions which were paramount then, but It does mean that four years of Republh an rule have brought us face to face with a greater question than any which has ever been before this country’ I believe the issue to. day is even greater than was the issue of IMO. for then the question was whether we should have one republic or two re publti but now*, the Hsued In this caon pilgn is. whether we shall have one re public. \ mien I to romclrnrr. “Our appeal has i*ee.n to the conscience ar i the Judgment of the American people I um glad that this Is the only kind of an appeal that we could make If It Is rm <i* tin % t- be the President of the I’ntt •l Plates 1 !o not want to feel that I am President because somebody waa bought to vote for me or compelled to do it hi will. I believe with those who believe in the principles that we stand for. that if 1 am elected there Is a grew! work before me, and if I am called upon t* perform that work I want to feel that 1 ha%e behirl me the hearts of the Amer i n jH-opJe as w* 11 as their votes, and tf I httve their hearts lehlnd me and If I am • ted as I mus? be elected if elected at t 11. because they want me elected, there after. my one purpose In life, will be to disappoint no honest man who voted for me l cannot hope that mv administration, if ele, t. l. will be free from mistakes, for ! contend that perfection Is not to be found I : this world, and that all that we .an do is to approach it a* noarly aa we .an with the light before us and with i sincere purpose to do what is right. 1 linnet hop. rot ?o mak* mistakes, but I p-arise you that if I am elected there will t*e four years in this country when no citizen here or foreigner abroad will have any doubt that the Declaration of Independence 1- the law of the land." Mini; IJIPOHTWT ANHK9T. Orth 1 set! tlie Mail* in Pushing a liiiest tonnlile Scheme. Baltimore, Nov. 3 Kdward A. Orth, an Englishman, was arrested here yesterday ai 1 the i>ol <• consider they have made an lni|*ortunt capture A communication v. a* received from b>iwrd Jones, fn>m (intarlo -n< losing a letter received from Orth in which h* stated that deceased relatives had left him certain securities whi 't he tOrth) would forward upon re t ,.|pt of $4 • to cover costs, etc. In Orth’s offi e were found more than a thousand letters ready for mailing to all parts of the Dnhed States and Canada The securities consisted of certificates °f stock of th*- “New Kmmdland Pulp and Land Company, with offices in London and mills at H.verhead. N- F. HOGAN’S Welcome visitors to the Elks’ Carnival, sight-seers who wish to combine business with pleasure, will consult Uietr own interest by reading carefully the extraordi n irv bargains quoted below. They are but few in num ber and but a starter. The want of time and space bids us giving more at this time. SILKS. nirk Trr-" '■ wor,h * v ’ ynrA Fnncy Silk. In W -**“ **' y,nl Full Unr rf T*ff<•*. I" " ,h * I '* l ' ing shades pratty line of W.l.t Ptt-m*. 4 yM. # 12.75 in each, tor BLACK GOODS. Hrnrlottof. .Vtnch wlrt-. -nrth WV-. n-tech *■ worth x '- llrnrlrttK*. M-lnch 3R-. worth AV. Itlirk Storm S-rr-. AVlnrh. .ph-ndlrt •••■•soc value, only Cheviot Serge already sponged, now s?c COLORED DRESS GOODS. All-wool Cloth. lnch. 4&c; worth fi9c. Ml color* 11-nrFtiv M-lnch. IV: worth XV- At* 1... 1 i>k .-hade* Henrietta, 45-tnoh, S9c; worth sfic. Fancy Plan ’ aultahle for children’* ,lrc-.-ii and chin walt. from Me to S9c Cheviot, all-wool. 4*-tnch, 55c; Vorth T'c. llom- rpun BnltlnK-. M-lnch wide, all wool. only *—• The season being late, we are offering our entire hnc of elegant Wraps, consisting of Capes. JacKci_ Furs, at prices unheard of in Savannah. hottom specialty of Carpets, Mattings and Rugs figures. ( DANIEL HOGAN. The corner Broughton and Barnard Sts. CA *1 ALT IKS Ig PltlLiriMNE,* Those Killed and Uanndrit i a lleeent Bniage uienta. Washington. Nov. 1-Adjt Gen. Cow bln to-day received m cable m*w f r k Gen McArthur at Manila giving * lowing list of casualties during th. ni engagements with the Filipino. Killed. Oct. 13. Battery F. F r n v tlllery, Fred L. Beit*. Sept. go. y D. Forty-third Infantry. WilDar* \| Suggs. Company C, Forty-third I rant- Coipl. J 1* Noble ■, Conpu | third Infantry, A 3A, Company E. Thirty-fifth Infir- J G. Brewer; Oct. 34. Troop L, ; 0 . Cavalry. Ssmual Davis, prevlouth rep r? e*l missing: Oct. 24. Company 1. Thi thinl Infantry. B-rgt V Burgs*.!*; rr Sept. 22. Company K. Thirty-third In .. H..' TV \*■V .a • Sixth Cavalry*. K W. Cowon, Oct. Thirty eighth Infantry. Comisany B j. : n Lanter. Wounded—<Vt 13. Company E. For thin) Infantry. James Watson, kne. nous; Oct 3r, Company 1 Thirtydt \ Infantry. T. C. shoulder mo ate. Thomas C. Davis, thigh, moder* Sept 22. Company K. Forty-third In' a try. E J Hill. foot, slight, John 8m •* thigh, serious; Oct 30. Troop D. Kiev. *j Cavalry. John Brittle*, thigh, *frWv 4 Company G. Seventaact Infa*try. Har* V. !*wrker. arm serious; Oct 25 Conger , L. Seventeenth Infantry. William Hs slight. Oct %. Company D. Thirty-sef \ Infantry. F G. Schmidt, leg above kr -v slight; Oct. 24. Company H. Thlrty-fm.r* x Infantry, Karl Hale. arm. slight, Nm j. Troop Ia Fourth Cavalry, John H. 1 ers, arm, serious PR. VIM K\T RETIRN4 Jackaonxille Phyalclnn Talks Alntat C ape home. Jacksonville Fla.. Nov 3—Dr W T S Vincent, n wail-known physician of th* city, who has been spending the suir-' -r In the wtids of Alaska, arrived hon to. day. looking rugged and hearty. H* here last may. sailing from Seattle m, for Alaska and was twenty-four *•• leaching Nome The vessel was surn* ?4- ed by enormous Ice flo*s for six and making progress In any direction rr l>osstblc. besides * ndnrig**ring the si p I>r Vincent says the stampede to •* goid fields Is the great eat ever kr- *- The beach for miles and miles was a raw of machinery, freight and baggage Mtar had to wait weeks before they couki se. cure teams, the price paid In som* *.i standee was llh per hour for ha g Fully 30.000 people lan*ied In Notn* la July. About one-fifth returned hom* next month, tired out and disgust*-: was too hard work for them Dr. Vincent says It Is a great co ;nr nevertheless, and will prove the riche* t. (be w orld Three new dtstrlcst* !•: # Stone. Topknot and Konranick *tr oi*ened up nnd creeks showing rich .*<- Ings found in each. Asa result of six months’ hardship. Dr Vincent • quirts) Interests In over 30b claims H* thlnkt some uf them will pan out rich He travele*] I4.ior* miles by rai i*i water and over miles on foot thr*- tha un xplored wil ls between Port ■’l ence at;d Kotzebue sound. l.ethsrgi In Vermont. Whits River Junction. Vt., Nov There sterna to tie an absolute lethanr In the political life of thi# #tate A.. *r ergv was lent to the cam;*ilgn for • state election two months ago when Republican majority wax mihstarfin'.. what the Republican State Comm.’tw sought to secure. Fully 3.d*> Gold Derr crats are ezpected to return to their eld party and tho pemocrats are confider that McKinley will not have the plumlt > of 42.79 of fmir year# ago. ZteKlnley to liet Wyoming. Chevenne. Wyo . Nov 3— The cam pa igr In Wyoming practically close! to-n!gftt. with the Republican State Committee con fident of victory on Tuesday next It* es timate place* the probable majenti 1* * McKinley at not less than 2.8 W. The peir ocratlc State Committed 1# very Mve. claiming nothing, except that the vote will he close. McGovern to Fight SalllTan Ponlsville. Ky . Nov 3.-Terry McGov ern and Pave Sullivan hav** .gr *1 ti fight twenty-five rounds Dec. 11 before t * club offering the largest purse -Eastern milliner# who operate in * Urge way complain that, though wil'm* to pay good wages, they are unable to secure bright an 1 capable women to work for them The girls prefer employment n ofTW, or large dry goods stores at money. SPECIAL SALE OF TABLE DAMASK. Good Half Bl<-chr<l Damnak IF: wflrt ” Half Blarh<vl nam*ak 18c: * 72-inch Ooort German Pama#k 7V “' ir ' * fA-lnch iVwJ Bienchefl I.lnen 4V ’c®" •*c. . A>-lnch Vninn n*mak WHc; *nr 72-tnch extra heavy Bleached 75<\ SI hh. . & 72-Inch extra heavy Bleached worth $1 2&. EXTRAORDINARY VALUES IN TABLE NAPKINS. Fancy Hamnek nnrt Huck Heme' Towel, at exceedingly , ' >w Full line of Hamatltched Table . Go 1 Unen Towel, nice t*e. iv Good yard-wide Bleach Hhlrltn* worth *>*e . ... The heat 10e Bhlrlln* for * ,■ MEN’S FURNISHINGS. t . Stnxle and douhle-bre#it*d B “*/J'e’.de’ Phlrla *1.00; worth 'Thl* V 1 ~ „ Men-* Bed Flannel 1 nderwear a nult; cheap at *3.< A SOc Colton Flannel Irrawere . Jot received, a fine aortmnt ** * wear at iV and 4V They are beaul We carry Union children Alao a larKe line of Ino at price* that pleaae.