The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 04, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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WOMAN'S WORLD. -re w something grotesquely pa t min' Dorothy lux. in tin New ur- IVwyni.*, in the* accounts given In x * .r* last wek of a young man in •h. rn rity who committed suicide . tie colli*) nut get into fashionable HU w i i!•' rot un* ommon . .if ih- champ une ti 'c, and the >tn* . of one ton J to w ur the -me-dowi. of the ready-nmde cloth lr r when hut soul hank* id for tine i, i ril from London tailor*, of on* 1. ied to partake of the humble apple pie m me quick-lunch counter, while he yearned for banquet* at swell restaurant*, of *ne condemned to forever hang on to \ *1 ;> in the plebeian street car*, while h> f.ttn would hive ha 1 hi* liveried f ■ * v* announce "me lud, the k* rri ige W " We are accustomed to eneer at the so cial tuft hunters, who spend the be*t ef- U' of their lives trying to get to know the people who don't want to know them, ard who wear them * Ives to skin nn I pr e at empting to keep up with the pro <*. on of the rich. In which they can r . lope to mar il With the leaders, but ci to t ig along in ihe rear so f.r be ll y un only catch an o< aslonal Mfc. -N. ‘jg.-- Bri.iul I >rr* of Whll- Chiffon With l>rl mwl Silv.-r l*a*rmfnirto ni“l *<tln. t’imp§'- of the i! iimlr loni trd an e ho W the bund But the tmgedy and the ••om edy of exl-ter • walk always hand In hand, and If the koi‘|.il Mr uglier o ridic ulous figure, It is a pitiful one as well. Its sacrifice a i*i<• -<• crtiol, lt v striving* so hopeless is ri|s I'pointm* nti so blt t< r. Its so ft-w In one of Mrs ltur*on Harrison's Heyer a tor l*** of Amr.-an lif* 1 * she tlfwrllM* n woman who deliberat'd}* sacrifice* her beautiful young daughter to a foreign titles! r<ue in or ler n gratify her ow n am bit lon to w ilk under the awning* before the door of the smart set, and n a lesser way wr see the same thlttK happen about us every day, \W till know younic men who live on their |oor, old. I ti working, boarding-houx*- keeping mother, and who spend the money they ought to bu helping her with in pending American Beauty ios* and Huyler's and <•anther's randy to Miss t pp rten.and in p iy*ng their dues In the -well - Subs t *t it l v nm* for them to belong t* We know women who strave in the kitchen to give pink teas In the parlor, who never have a comfort able flannel petti, oat. in order that they may buy a dkoolitti gown wheat a lives nr one'c . exhaust line, nerve wrecking struggle to hang on to every rl. h and influential per>.*n who 1- unfor tunate snough to m’t them \ et these men and women < n l r themselves am ply rewarded for their s:u rifleea If they ran get uii <■ aslonal fill*l n Invitation to dinner, sent to them at the last moment, u i one might t>>a a bone to a dog, or are permitted !o t*xh bit theinselvc-* In th® \ rk of .Mrs. Swelldom - opera box on an off night. There is apparently nothing else in heaven or on earth that has such i*wer to dazzb |H*op|e‘s eyes an I rob them of • nr r last V* Stige of common sense, n the aooiwty, that spclla Itself with a big H It !• the Moloch lefora whose altar many a young |erk off* rs up his honesty, many a man his aelf-respcct. many a young girl her heart. an*l where n immolated the pea re and happhtes- a I prosperity of ten thousand home- If h‘s s;. i*.| circle we < al| th*- smart set were m id* up of the • t. \ if It wi-ui ■ ompo-ed of people who daisied by their wi who charmed by the gra-e and sympathy *>f their m toners. Who fascinated by lim Intense Interest of the|r conversation and enthrall**! by their beauty, one could understand the tnad de sire nd ambition of so many people to get into l! by ho k Ot 'rook, invited or un invited. Nololy pr**?ends that this Is the • as* On the’contrary, we know per f ..y well that f.ishlongbf* society is n I!) < of bor* sand Hie bored. • f people wuh more • nt* than sen**. who s'*- eo much money they fe**| they don? M to have anv manners, and who*e • or, vernation wearies each other so much t • when they wan? to enjoy themsflves y send out and hire somebody ?o come • ♦ r it them Any human being w .* greater? ambition is to break Into * aggregation of seif-satisfied and over f 1 mediocrity, and whose highest aspira tion ts to rea l Ids name In the so kety imn of the dally pipers, is spectacle for dertmon and for tears . \ Washington woman w.v- heroine n mi estimation for several T? * day. but she was sadly dethroned when hr r husband remri *d home. Her ' ►< fa. * toward the •si.-t. an l no mat -Ik>w hot the da' may b** it is her •Mornh.g . u*tom to >n and air her own •oom thoroughly befte alia • Ik--s the b .nrls and darkens it for the day. One rrdng It happened that there stood on M • window sill an okl-fashlone I. DlTn*s*t !ohi|],*r gift i pitcher, filled with watet. - h had been he water Ihe.fiigbt - 1 The owner of the room onrru-d tie Pfers wide and went down to break- When she re-entered the room later the * * at thing she saw was tiny red spot ' th** ft . •. whereon the rays of the sun en- concentrated. bumlng-glasa fashion. the |oiih|*> convex len *• of th* pitcher e danger of ofi>ethlhw ckli king “ nnh |nt* 1 - liou-ew ifely • ind rfhc matched th* daitgproti.- pu h* r u of the window end set it wher* ebe s in could not anine ><i it Then sie la>k d at th* rarpei. nd lo! Just above wh**re M iktnvxAWtitd i ht of vivid light to havo .ln i a UttU hoi* burned In her new carpet. All that day sh* so aln*>i ion full of pride to live, line told ill the worn-1. she met in trie market about It Why. ! the house would have been <<ll fir* in n , 1 minuter longer* Hhe could hard*) wa.t till her husband cam* home in tl • v*n- i mg iin\i>w • *th she to tell him t';* 1 wonderful thing l‘roud v *n. i ht:n J •o the room un i chowel f r t -1- * lli* luce'took Of a guilt) down at *1 scra;*ed u;> un**thu . i\ n*-r i somewhat r* tr-.-igii; * and *>< -* bad 1 n u ;•> \ catch sight of Mv dear.’ -‘aid h*\ contrltcjv. "f • . I I dropped it when v <mi . tiled nt- ■. • -.?.•- •f.'t>, but I didn't k < w 1 * i<i luiH h I lire in 1 Here** what hurt d> r .1 - ! p t." Aml ’ here ' wn* merely a good -s at* J pinch of e.gar ash. Mv Wife- Trusty, dusky. vivid, true. With e>* of gold and bramble and w, Steel true u t blade straight, The great ariltl r M ide m> mate Honor, anger. valor fire, A kv* that life could naver t:re. Deal i quench, or evil stir. The mighty master Gave to her. Teacher, tender comrade, wife. A fallow-(arer true througn life. Heat 1 whole and eoul-frev, The august father <isve to me. —Robert Lewla Stevenson. i*he entered the room with the auv a suraiv..e of a woman who was always late and wap all her life had been it u m 1 to keep peup.r watting. the New York Tribune "I’m awfully sorry to be tardy " she began. usual. nn*l then stopped Hbe miaeed the |tOd*llltUr#d IndlifSll N w 1 h usuabv * on*l ‘Ped her d#)tH|ueii ies. There was an unac* ustomed coldness in the t -mosphere and ; met ess o.irdlv smlle.l "We have waited for you over half in hour. Molly.” ex<la!m*d one of her inti mate friends, repnw' iifully. T think now that Mrs Tardv his ftrallv' arrived, there la no tis*> In wast ing further time in rep.n he*.'' remark ed another one of the group. matron wh.i give *h* Impression elmuitureottslv of fashion and embonpoint "We at* now able to .irrange the toldes *’ Whereupon the eight women seatel .: ' v v •*•••;. .. r • • ' -* Vhf- .J. , . .*, ' < S' A lVirUlnn Toque of 'ireen V-ivet r. ! I hv-inet. themwelvea for the eerloua buatneaa of the afternoon--• nm of bridge w d*t At flrrt there wa* • llttl* attempt it light convert* t ion w ule the * iriif wee being ahufflrd aikl dalt. but th* enrnet payer** KH ao pointed!' f>*r the frivt* iou member* of the tomiuny to attend to tne imiioritnt boat nee* in hand that in* latter meekly accepted tne lmp.4*d r* *uk . and like children tried to concentrate their Nttefitioti on tne gam*. feeiu. that a long ,# Jar* or a too rah rr-atlon °f p a- -i rt and I of a aerloua mld■•meaner. To 1 **•* • bridge with frivolity i.- gat id •- n leu majesty among |t devote***, ***•’ have taken the game up thh summer wit.i a netlouantea n*l wena* of it* Mnporta. - that \n really funny to ouUklera who h ve rot been Infected with the prevatdnq fever • To be an expert *hrldae* flayer J non |* better than b* ;n* mti'ni ■ * ty.- remarked an up-to-date dam# r* ,„nti\ and there reaiiy *• m* ■* f - M iii fm th* a* trtion Reputation* i*r < .cvcrneiw hnvd been mah or .ore ttu* ea*on led oi no other quadli** t in tae capgbUlUti of the retpectlva icdivki THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4. 1000. usls tn otnprehending the Intricacies of I ■ h*‘ game 1 u- Ito ;htnk Mr- X— so bright remarked one of her friend* not long ago. j but she a* really a stupid p'ayer. it Just ! *now how seldom one can Judge super j b :.ihy And in another instance a slm | liar loronniit Irdi atrs row tittle It takes |t> make or mar repute In society "Mrs ;s seems to hav rome out In anew k it." sull newiy arrived acquaintance, >v*tv .*1 *|H*ak* of her with bated | b *llll 4- being so quirk wilted 1 m tuvn th'M.ght her n very nice wwrn. • butt. •*ll the truth Just a trifle dull.' Dull • t ntme| her hostess in amass- - I x 1 ''ii i' \ i>e\ t’ beat, bridge whist player I In thi- part of the country!" 4 Hrhlge nas a very cl*a-tenlng inttuef. e. to, added one of |?s atlve .i >, you might put that in, and you remember how conceited and positive filth Mr- l'pplsh used to be? b is re.-ihy quite vhang**l. she p.gys bridge 'er> bad!\, and she knows it, and It ha* mu ie ht r eo humbb that it it quite touch ing !" Wopemrnti are i.erer beard of in Oer many, and vet rhete la no such tiling a* getting married there without the consent Of the parent v Certain prescribed form* must I" gone through, or the marriage J* null at and void When a girl ha* arrived .1 what, is considered a marriageable age, her parents make a point of Inviting youti#; 110*1 to the houe* . and usually two or three are inviteni at the same time. -► shat the atten:u>n may not iorm ia in inted. No \ *ung man. however, is ever Invited to the house until after ha has ralod at least on* * #n and thus *lgnlftcd Id* wish to have social intercourse with the family If ne takes to ailing on eeveral octfu- M*a .* In tsther * lose succession It *• ken for grantrsl that he ims *‘lnten tUn aral he may b questioned con •■fin ing them In tiermsny the man must be at |ca-t eighteen years ok! before he . ,n make * pro|ieal. but w hen it is made and accept ed 1 tie pt'(M*wi is speedily followed by the betrothal This generally tikes p.a *e privately, shortly after which the father Of the bride, a- she is then • ailed, gives a dinner or supper to th* most Intimate friends on loth sides*, w hen Ihe fact is declared, and. naturally, afterward be comes a nutter of public knot*.edge What are ral.ed broad and butler let ter* in society’s ar* *t that Is. the con ventional notes or thanks, which Mrs <lr>itsl> properly Insists should lx* written by the guest* after a visit 10 express thnnks for the hospitality received, are b\ no nt* an* to write, and ure 01* to he amusingly ttire A fashionable w>- j tnsn, say* the New Y:k Tribune, who i • terrain* a great deal and Is gifted with a keen sense of humor, lias kept ail her • nk letter* for the ia*t six months, and I has thereby a rather antes I set of auto* giaph* from the \arious members of hdr set. a l of whom have paid her more or lev- visits during the seaton Hung It s!l n*w 1 wish that there was a printed form fof such letter*!" exclaimed a murhdnvltcd youth, who nad he#-n imin fully Indict g on** of the atiove-mentioned bread and butter epistles * Thin Is the twentieth letter of the kind ! have had to write this summer, ami the third to Mr*. X Why can’t I just send. ’Thank you. Mr*. X I had tt bully time*.' and have done with It’ Ftu to fill a couple or pages with neatly turised sentence* every time I* trough to give a fellow nervous pros tration. 1 have a certain set of phrase* that I always begin with, and that I tree jin rotation. ‘ln the hurry of leaving I did not half thank you. etc.,’ I* one ’I mi Joyed every mlnuta of mv delightful ! visit to you/ 1* another How can I • :t.tnk you sufficiently for your kind ho*- | pita lit) is a third, and so im If I dt*- •rlhiilr them pr i ily. 1 g* t on very wed. out 1 haw nn awful suspicion that the •n. 1 have Just went off to Mrs X. I* at: • * act dtlphate at my lu.-t!" At a targe houst i*arty not long ago i hoetvs- wh- nppre iat*-l thh* liffl Mltj -*nt 11 groom to the station with type written notes of thank- written ami ad dre*a*M| to herself. "The mlstres* *o\ that if you will trad and sign this, it will 1 *avo vou trout* • -aid the serv ant to t guests, as he delivered to each one j nf the unsealed io>te* and n stylograph!*: lii mi i while the former laughel at the ’ Joke, they thankfully took advantage of it • labor-saving device, which, after all. was not such a bad klea More than ever the trail of the *er|ent ! 1* over woman s Jewelry. Extremely pnp ! idtti are C:enpatra rigs In chased gold or 1‘ 11 with -rones, which form the gieam tug eye* of the seri*€-nt. Rracarlets, nack- are nought agerly by fa’r women, who eem to have .net al. squeamish nee* that tl*> ever ha 1 whom oming In contact wit;. th <*inhiaiee of u npt^t. There I. a | .resent fad for rough-cul Jewels ’I he matrix luiquolse, showing the ven Just n It 1* found In natur* . la mu h In demand. Thla la frequently In the row gold collect artisti cally ateui the atone, serpent fashion. Hough opals ret In the ram# way are iilm* among the moat popular ornament* of the hour. U'< ailing the !n*lr - ln< Idem cluater trig liout H uih t'.irolina'a executive mansion, Mr* Thaddeu* Horton writer, in ilia Ludir m* llom* Journal, of the •hocking tragedy that occurred there to ward lh* *’lo*o of the war. Thl a the d*>ath of the daughter of (lov. Pickens lm m* and ately after her marriage to Lieut Ia Ito diell* "On the afternoon preceding the evening of b* mniriig*- the Northern nr*t> lx van g ‘ *dumb.a. but prep, for the wedding continued. Fi nally the gues • were ail assembled and the ' Uigyman w u proceeding with th# . riemn ceremony, and n**i Just Joined the r.ght hauls of fcp* happy pair, when, aud- "I'm Simply all Worn Out. " ■■ * . * • - - mm, w SM * Overworked Women. Fatipiir is tbo natural rosult of hard work, but ex hauMtion results from weakness. Hard work for a weak woman is traffic in flesh ami blood. It makes little difference what tho field of work is, whether at home or elsewhere, if there is weakness, work brings exhaustion. Ability to stand the strain of hard work is the privi lege of the healthy and robust. How our hearts ache for tho sickly women that work for daily bread at some ill paid factory employment! How distressing also to see a woman struggling with her daily round of household duties, when her baric and head are aching, and every new movement brings out a new pain ! If tho more looking on at these suffering women touches our hearts, how hopeless must life be to the wo men themselves ? Their devotion to duty is a heroism which a well person cannot understand. Can these ailing, weak women, who are called upon to do work which would tire a strong man, bo made to see that they can easily and surely hotter their condition I Will not the volumes of letters from women made strong bv Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, convince them of the virtues of ibis medicine i How shall the FACT that it WILL HELP THEM bo mod*- plain ? When a medicine has boon successful in more than a million cases, is it justice to yourself to say, without trying it, “ I do not believe it would help Tno Surely you cannot wish to remain weak and sick and discouraged, exhausted with each day’s work. You have gome derangement of the feminine organism, and Lydia E. Pinkham’ft Vegetable Compound will help you just as surely as it has others. Read tho letters from women in the opposite column of this paper, and when you go to your drug store to buy this sterling medicine, do not let yourself be persuaded to accept the druggist's own valueless preparation because it is a lew ccuts cheaper than Lydia Em Pinkham’s Vegetable Compoundl -wr-fw. ■■■ lain 1““% Owing to the fart that some akerdioaJ people have from limn to time qomUonnl tfa JTs /jr JT Tk M f" Iflf if a bar I J the genuinemwa of the teatunontnl letter* wo are constant! v publishing, wo have 'f/ M ■ I ■ !■■ ■"“n rtrj.aircl with the National City Hank of Lynn. Max . which will bo jet.l _ * II JII D to any person who ran ahow that thr alarve fawrimonial* an not genuine. or wore pubUahnl before obtaining the writer* aj. ial jertwamon —Ltuia E. linuta Mbdioub Cos., Lynn, Maaa denly, lh w wu* an .wfui * rn-l ni Imll from fhe ef>*my e cannon ienetri*U*i the inanaloo and lur<M in the of the mirrizß" I'lizmbtr, e*>ttttrUiK Ha death-dealing mlezilee in every dire* lion. There m-ere tore-MRia and .1 heart rend In if groan; mirror* irajheri. the houee a hook; women fnlnte 1. and aalie rot k* J to an<l fro. "When the Are c<**.fusion w out *t dHrovere i the! .11 ali Ihr . road only one pern >n injured. *je*l that *i tha bride heraelf. tfh* ly partly on the floor ami party in t*tr lovci a armsg crushed and bietdinir. pale m*i vejy beaitifiil, her hrsdftl gonn dren*in.*d with warn* blood, and a gnat rut in her Hay mg her on a lounge, the frantic bridegroom I** nought her hy every ierm of tenderneea la*-* Hronrh*a—ail llil' f*eri>* nt. .ih! ar.d f tide irm*- t to diio Hi* reremony tn|.rw<i 'l. to which h* w ikiy gave ron ment, anil i>‘ng like .1 rushed flower, no |o< wh te ’han t? * nelitn- of her bridal bouqurt. her hr ith rmlng in short goepp. h,ivl the M<k>l flowing from this inn, angry wound, etn- murmured ‘yea’ in Iho cKt> g**nm, and rcctuvU to has Evidence of Mrs. Pinkham's Cures. Dkar Mr*. Vinkham : —One yrr B(fo I read a letter in a paper tell ing how iniieh good MM woman hail ileriveit fnnii l.ydi* U. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I hail Ini n ai,k all winter fjd waa nearly diaeoaraged, a* the medicine tha loetor gave me dirt me no g,KI. I had kidney com plaint, leurorrhipii, itching, licaring down feeling, and painful menstruation. I wrote to you describ ing my trouble and Boon received an uiiswer telling me wbnt to do. I followed your instruction*, and have t„ii,-I, nine bottle* of Vegetable Compound and used one package of Sanative Wash and one lam of Liver {’ill*. 1 am well now. do not hava those aiek a|M-ila at the monthly period, but can work all day, ami Unit 1 never could do until I begun taking the Compound. I cannot praise the Compound too highly. Ido hope every Buffering woman wifi learn of your remedies nnd be cured aa I have been. I wish all aucceaa to the Compound; it has done wonders for ine and I am no thankful.”—MßS. ULNIK KELLOGG, Ber lin Height*, Ohio. "Dkar Mr* Pi-irham:—l wish to let yon know that Lydia E. Pinkham's V egetable Compound has cured me of painful menatruation from which I suffered terribly. 1 really believe that 1 would be iusana to day if it hod not hern for your medicine. I cannot praise your Com pound enough, anil feel that if all who suffer from female troubles would put themselves under your care and follow your advice they will find relief —MISH K E. BCHOLTKS, Mt Oliver, PitUburg, Pa. " Dkar Mr* PiygiiAß : —For eight years I have suffered with inflam mation of the womhand bladder, profuse and painful menstruation, and at times it seemed as though I should die. I doctored most of the time, hut seemed to fail every year. A short time ago I Iwgan to take Lydia E. Pinkham'* Vegetable Compound, and. thanks to your wonderful medicine, I am to-day a well woman. Your medicine is woman s best friend."—MßS. L. L. TOWNE, Littleton, N. 11. 4 Dkar Mr* Pivkram:— I write this letter for you to mihlish for the ticneflt of p<s>r, suffering women Lydia E. Pinkham'* Vegetable Compound has done me a great deal of gool 1 have taken three bottles and feel like anew woman When I tiegan the use of your medicine I was hardly able to la- up. could not do half a day's work, I ached from head to foot, waa almost crazy, had those is-aring-down pains, and stomach was nut of order. Now all of thyse troubles have left me and I can work every day in the week and not feel tired.”— MRb. JENNIE FREEMAN, 402 Pennsylvania Ave., Lima. Ohio. _ - “Dkar Mr*. PrxKnAM:—l was aick-for *even years without any rel'cf, although treat ed by two of the Very last doctor- i.i t a . oily. Re-# . A few years ago 1 waa nothing hut a l.ving TijwJP p-ie. skeleton The doctor said my heart waa the JUVi* causa of all ni.v sickness snd that I rould only <T y? be relieved, but never get Well. Sometimes I fj)l wi y” WOO Id get so exhausted and short of breath i l. If that I would not know what to do. Mv nerves w f were very weak, blood impure. Was troubled 44 -£T* J with hands and feet swelling; also had ieueor rhira. I have taken six bottlrs of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and feel well -ifyv" once more 1 have gained twenty-seven pounds n' * n< l am aide to work all day in the store and |r < .I ■ a do not feel tired when I get. home at night. ( vi o nivA Words cannot express my gratitude to Mrs. Pinkham for what her medicine has done for me ” PKTRA M. IX)YA, care of L. Wolfson. San Antonio, Texas. band’s flret kire. A moment more and ail mi over. ’ •he wj laid to rent under the magno ba . and the heartbroken bridegroom, reckleta with deapatr, returned to his reg iment. ** Gov Rooaevelt's animping tour, eaye the Chicago Chronicle. ha been pro*liif’- tlve of benefit to ii le4i on** f*erfoi. When tie Hough Hlder wan in Indianap oll-, Mr* Hamuci K. Rul* k of that itjr recovered a fur coat that had been stolen Xroni her Ourmg U w lU’jt ogglurtoj coo* tc.-l li-f w nfiT. Thai night Mr are! Slit Itulrk. who arr graduate* of Dr I’auw. were on Ihr lobby balcony of thr Denisoh House mixing with thrlr college frtenda. M rr Itulrk took off her fur coat and laid It on the rail while ahw turned Info the crowd to greet some friend*. When the went bock for the coat It was gone Tha coat war valuable and u.u t prt ril to Mr*. Itulrk from an aunt, and 'he lo*a Of it nfiihetl iwf*v'tly on her mind. It b%- A ConUauwl on Tcntii I 9