The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 05, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 TO EXAMINE 28-FOOT PROJECT. |I(MRII III' I VI.IMT M IM I H F.H* MEET* IN VWtNNtH rO.|M\. Thr Report of Ihr Hoard Expected to hr H rail % lor *alunlloa fon grr*> Enrlx in llrrrmhrr—C.rßrral Wilson's annual llr|orl Mernm Thill SUII.-..1.M.-7 of Former AfifiroiiriHflon. Held I |i Do account of larlrr t nse hr Xlade Avnllablr and That hr N |i|irofirlaird for Maintenance of hnanrl—Ex tracts lahrn Trmi ‘ hirf T.nul nrrr'a Hrjiorl Hclatlns <•> Hlor anil Hnrhor Imprnsrmenl* In Till* !rr • li. Thf* I' ir If *ncJr#**r offWr* appoint* 1 p-im* lilt - >. ■ *• n*.ik* i r* pximinatlon nf fl * in )• t |>i •jh 'J ty < *n Gliimor* In !"' f r * . innp., tw**nty-*lgh! f‘*t In 6*pth from i~\.inruh in lh* •*- will in U>*<liy Th •• !>* th* Inform ilnn in I • *or from G*n John M • hl*f ■ ? th# Knfln*rr *f ih* I*nlt**<! S Army, to ronirtiimm L*?t* r. r*p|yin* to a l*ti#T of Inquiry by tho latter ** to th# cau## of th# <!#•>’ In th* of th© boar<l Qw Wtlaon *• t#ln hi? letter than On Hair.##. who \* rhalrmat of th# board, had Inf rmH him that ho h*4 mad*' an tar * * t off rt to call th ■ |x>ard i©*#th# but that I ? *1 b* on p* v#nt#<l by th* a K * t *of %pt Gill#tt# in New York, whr .• h* hot ' •' recently j h-en i umrrv !> I I th. t ;•! •"M 'o | tMllfV in ihr Or ■' . • i.ivnor cae* IT- n hr siat.d. Ii- 'l I" hax* mr , report res.tx to |>r. -'l l In ttm* for ll* submission m Congress early In De, *m- Hr 0i Wilson av* that on rrrript of Col i Lester's |rii*r hr telegraphed On Hainan and ihr lailrr replied that ihr board nould tnrrl. Monlax. Nov \ on ■vhloh day 1 ap< Gllle te h*i reported th*' hr would hr on hand It I* Co' Lester * I r.drrmndlt ft that the board l* required to mrrt in Savannah Cept 0111*0** r*- blenc* telephon'd loet night, however anil It was stated ihi hr was not In ihr • n. mid that It was not known when n. would return Iti vifvt of th#* p*n#ral ur*i#rM andin* b*tw*#n th# D*p*rtm-nt n1 ('on- K r#r* that there *to b* ft'r anl hiu b r Mil r?*#<J during the early ut- 1 f th# . nmlng short it m\ be n -o know of the te Dinm-'r danone of the chief of engineer* lelath* t rner *i> b .rhnr Impiov*irunts In ?a \annih hrb *r and contiguous w iterwny* The chief r.t ertaiueers* doe* not tneiude In bl* Annual r j>* rt many epecift*- re om mendattor tor the new pioject tor th* improvement cf Savannah harbor now un der consideration. He alludes to It. h-w ever, in hl general but l*r* vene i from g*>ing Into detail*, pen ling ipnUl report on tno subject from th** board of officers of which I’eter ' Hatneh. division engineer is chairman This bond consisting of Col H*ln< . Cap? lillh tte ct |td\.innah and *a| t Ab boif. Matkxel at Charleston, ie *uppo#e*; to b*‘ at work on the subject now. al though they were delay'd In their delib erations 4> Col Maine* u o fiotuin ♦d in Haltimore by other official business At the \S ir Dei-artment the chief of *-n- Itirecrs e*>s the Maine* board will un doubted v have th* trfo t ready leior*i Congress .onvene*, so that the romroittee on Htver* and Harbor- It. ttv Hou>e an t the Cocnmerct i’ommHt* *f th* S*iii * wi.l i iropls tupplb l with ini' rmm 0.1 ii- 10 the of continuing the im prow mnt* ir. Savamah ha’b-r * rding o in* . ici i. i>'4M- m who her cuang s are necissary to - arty the proj* t t a aucceasfui con luflon. Th** rhlrt of ♦ nglii*-**! j* it ina lh’ unfxpemJ> <1 l>.ln *' ol $1H5.1.’4 .7 on har-1 Appropriated for Bv.nnah .ir *i ivnl h wjjn heli up twcau*!* of *h* # oni|li* calon* *urtotiiuttr>ir the Carter a-e. Ih> tna-1* available, and It 'lU!loti h* ret- in m nde ?>• '•* f>r m.ilntenan* * 1 )f Improv**- m* n? to be expended during the >ear and. In* June 2* iiXC Of courae it Ip exj**ot<Nl t • made during the coroli.K Coour*?* bnard on the report of the Halits* board tk>me atru is are given In from h report of the chief of engineer? upon mat ters relating to riser atal harbor Improve ment in this aertion. “Dredging it states, “has been con tinued throughout i re year. 880,000 cubic yarda of mitenal having been removed tinea July. IK** Tin* removal of this large amount of material has Jus: about kept up with the shoaling, and at the ioae of the year there Is reported 19' : feel at mean low water on the worst ahoal which Is at Tybee Knoll Above the Ocean Steamships wharvea there Is 17 fe to the upper end of tne harbor. The .nslde route to Beaufort, through Mud river, was opened to a depth of about •lx feet • • • 'At the end of the fiscal >ear D99 ih** channel from Savannah to Augtista -was In fair condition somo snags requiring removal The proje. r depth of Use few however, could not he carried above Brig ham # bar, fifty milt* below Augusta. The work done iuriiicr ihe fiscal year jut closed resulted la remnv im; from the channel the moral of the snag#. Three training dike# were built which have ap parently tarried ihe |>roJ.-rt depth f five ten about twenty-five mile# nearer Au gusta Furth# r snagging is need'd There la an unexpended balance of ITI - ®w. nd HOI,fIDD In addition la recommend a.l lor t:ia next fiscal year At tha close of tha fiscal yaar im th channel abova Augusta was in fair con dition. Pom- nif required removal and ehnis needed attention Work during the yaar tonalal-A In blasting out channel* through thoai* ar.A mg over bans In* trera Avery drided improvament In tha channel was maAa Only IJ *W la raconmami-i fur th- next ii „ ~ •AAltlon to th unexpended balance of MM Dredging under contract on Dohoy Bar begon April !>. 1900. At the clone of the flacal year 47.000 cubic yard- of material had twrn removed The amount expanded to June Jo. 1X99. wae ISHDTO The fund# appropriated will complete -he channel and maintain tt until June So. lsui T'> maim tin It (he following vear I! ta eall toMted that JJO.OOO u 11! be r;r et The available balance l# SlT.tSOd. in ad dition JSO.rtrt i# recommended Darien lUrt>or-At the end of the fir. ! year the dredging had maintained fitrty well The aptirdatn# .-onatructed had ap parently tieen of little effe-t and were practically gone During the past year there wae removed by dredgm* under central! t 09.790,3 cubic yard# of material at u coat of *9.5*1 M The , uanne; net I further dredging. e#peri|]y jn 3 portion leading to the Lower Ridge Mill An ap proprlatlor. of tixoro recommended Bntnswirlt Harbor—At the end of the flacal year 1‘99 i-am I of the projera war completed and the lower part of Eaat river had been dredged to fifteen feet Item# : end 3 and the dredging In Turtle river had not been done. The channel we# not #e No work wa, Uot.c during the pa# !t#ctl ytar The ch.inn.l ha# <3* i, riota'*d and a contract wa# made for dredging The ui nla'. li 112#. recommend ed 510.000 for maintenance The d.a'ance from Savannah to Fernau dm a by th> lh*i:le route 1* de#crihd a About ld> mi># Touching aa Darien * n route incteaee# the dietance hy abou twenty mile# ar.d vt Brimewrtck bv about twelve mile# In i ■ nrlgi-al condition th ehannel depth wa# le # than flic feet at mean low water In eomr place* The or iginal project of Improvement adopted tn 3 V 92. provide* for the e# abllehmcnt of a charnel *ever. feet deep *t mean low water between Savannah. fJa , an*l Fcrnarxltn • Fla This i* to be accompllehel by th* improvement of lt >tii*'riy mareh. M i*l liver, Lltil* Mu I river and Jekvl cm * • I y mean* .f dr*sigtng and the i -tu tion of cloaure ilam* ar.d training wa of brus.’i mattrrue, loaded with rii-r ji. Mtonw The estimated cost of the tmpr>>v *• runt l* liu* •*'*• provid**l that t * entire *um if made ai m e available. If fur. t - are made avatiatde in sma ier an unis i*■ umi *f ttie improvement will b* *r. i • * I tevlouft to th* adoption f th*~ l ,r,| Je vork ha<l b* en done >ai what l* imw part of the Inatte rout* ,n njw*nlMK I*-arm • ? cut through Rontarly mar*tes The total amount xp i b*l on the In.- d* !OUe prop t up t*. .lull* *• lA'*?* w I IP fc*.4 11; prevtou to this”, making a t tal of S)K *7 5 P At the •nd of i • ti a. year P'* tft* dpth f cut througn Itommiv rmiist.* .'* l iM rior i'* I •* about three ~t 1 -.ns alf fe** but ha Ib> .-fra **i In width The channel in J*k>l creek hud detenmt# I to five f**-t 11- nit through Mud river had <•* been *om pU tcd The value nf the commer< * par> mg hr*ug this rout** "a- estimated In KH* iit b. tween I *“•** and per an nun. For USf* if l eatimM “and t about vti tons of me rchan*li*e va’u*d i‘ S nd 17* ► r *' fr**t. r*"a i measure of timber valued at sl.N"n- >f tills ,'ommff" f over the whole ex tent nf me route The preliminary examination and * ir vey of the inn**r barhor F* *n"vvj \ require*! by |h* rivr har.or n r Q ( Mm, n S l'e*. were rr>*l* by the to. al engineer *'‘apt Cae*iu* K #. letf* *’*r; • ..f Kn*in*ai.. .nil rapori* ih'-r'-.-n Mar'll JT .wl Oct 11. 1* r**Paiiv#ljf *ijlxnHl.l A plan fi it an no*l of 11. T-*. t - pr' anl*-l -i[.t .Jll.rf. w.• <ilm> . har"l win tlm duly f.f rrakUiu a nrv*y nf Bruns wick Outer for, * recjulred M f u** r * v * r and* r a • *f Mar h P*'* ni and if p. •dt ~ rep rt on ( h* r*- >*r will t>o - io*r..tied in for imnsmlfinn to (’on*r**s.- t its exf session The *o< l oftl er • also • urged with th* djty of making preliminary • \ tmln i tlonw of the following I*V I Itles. t* quire*! hy the emergency river nnd hgrhor * of fun.' iso* and if possible repor thereon will be euhmlfte*! in time for tf-risrnlfpnm to <'*-ss af it* l next se el- ■. 1 Savannah bar'•*•. * *“rg w! a \je to a re-examinotlon of th** plan for bopening slid harbor, a *ibm*tte*l in s report of the chief of engineers for iv nnd report as to what change* •>. m.idifl Mtk . • If any. are ne-.> ’ carrv out said plan • Bklddawav N*r roH* Bout I Carollr ♦ cnttnectlng th** I*lo of Hope river with Burns:de river f • i channel 7*. fe# t an*! k feet le#p Of meon low water There l* an unexpended b.tlan e of I • I?* - * for removing the water hyacinths from the river- of Florida, but no recommend ■- tion is m *le for n additional appropr:*- fion tniOM.CU WI\TEB <• 111-I*l LFA. North and koutli < uaseellni Una. X\ 111 In.aguratr Them Nov. lit. The Plant Rvatani official*. who att-rt I- I iha wlntar schedule meeting In Wh ir.gton on Nov 1 and Nov. Z hava reiurn ,d to tha cWv B*pre#entin* tha evitem at tna meeting. ware Frasidant R. *1 Erwin On Ptipt W P Dennam. Tae rnger Traffic Manager ft W Wrenn and Superintendent of Transportjtloti W -1 Hulow Mr Erwin iaft % ester da v aft- - i„an for Tamp# having bean in tha city hue n short whlla Tha Plant Pys am. tha Atlantic Cnasi l.ina, the Poutharn Hallway and tha Penn ylvanla Railroad war- wall r-praaan 1 ;,i tha meeting Th- official* da. upon I pta tl.illy th- tam- plan for tlta opera lain ol tha Winter tra n- a* the win t ptavallad last season Tha through train will ha run u- before u.d. at 4hla -i i uf tha run. thera will h- pra-u ally no hnnga* In tha train* # they are f pr-*- ml oiwrat-d Tha tu-h-dulee of all will b* .ibout the ?Hm’. Tne change th* schedules will be omw effective >it Nov On Jan II the win ter vestibule trains t\.l he piit on magnificent trains arc alwava freely pi:- ron is e#l by the tourists least season they were put in service few daya later timti they will be next January. Trains Hun TANARUS Past. Residents of the southern section whose horn*? are In the neighborhood of the Plant System's tracks air wondering what has I-.--'me of the ordlfunce requiring trains to slow up on entering the corpo rate limits and to keep down their M* * I until they get out of them The killing of the negro man by n train at Thirt%- Hfth street i day or two hko .iroueed comment upon the hpeei , win h they run. and residents say it should be mod erated. The earnings of the Central of Georgia Hallway for the third week of October were $158.33*. against 1148 sno last year and from Jan 1 to the end of the thir I week. $5,078,818. agatnst 14.444..TW for the corresponding persiil in ISW The Inoreae** tor the week was $11,520. AT TMK THEATVN. Ili ait nig Dramatic Company Open* Its ICngaicement To-night. The Pratinlg Dramatic Company will open a five-nights' and four matinees en gagement to-night The opening play iw l4vren e Mnrston's drama ' Credit lx>r nine * The Braunlg Company, in which Miss Diuiee Mitchell Is t. e |e4ling ad\ is |nd<*rse<l as one of the bept repertoire com (sanies of the do> It is made up of com pete.* actors, and with repertoire of pcpular plays. l?s- engagement will hardly l!l f.. l ■ H : i • f . OP.* Wagenha’.s and Kemper will present Mr Lsmta James an I Mbs Kvhryn K.-l ,jor. in a production of A Midsummer Night's Preom." at the Theater Mondav. Nov 12 Tii- x ilef and sp tal mic. s of the production is said to he the lealixn tfon of the fairy s* enes which is dine hy the employment of w il traiie<i rhorua and ballet arched by thousand* of tiny elec'rlc lights of vanegated colors Most of th< M**ndels*ohn music is used and th* seefierv Is especially magnificent, show ing a panorama Stt feet long The dr eas ing sand all appointments are m thorough keeping with the scenery The mpany surrounding th sf.irs is a notnbb one. nnd jc .tides Norman Hackeit. Robert Hytin Jane Oakes Kthel Browning. Mis* Brooke. Ashley Miller, etc. The cofopany lnc!u*lfw seventy-five IVI I.TEI* X UNITE WOM XV Xigra f baaed Into n hwamp hy n l'n##r and Killed. Fort Meade. Fla.. Nov t —New# ha# jut reached here of the killing by a porae. of an unknown negro at Tiger Buy. a phoaphate mining camp in till* county The Information !* meagre and none of the name# can be a-certatn'd to-night The negro offered an Intuit to a young married woman but wa# frightened away He wa# followed by .evrrol men who had u#embled during the alarm and it 1* *d he wa# rhaeed into a awamp and ehot at eeveral time# by member# of the poe Your Liver Will be rou#ed to It# natural dut!# and your blllouaueti. b. ada hi- at ! toustlpatlou be cured If you Uk< Hood’s Pills bold by *ll druggists. 22 cents. THF. MOKNIKG NEWS: MONDAY. NOVEMBER 5. 1900. NEED BE NO ALARM. (f'oMln iel from First I’age ) in*, eortob.e t .in i me titled !. ilty 10 , ountlv t> the to • e -f Hi* **• dng * 1 . xini|ii* *1 •* and -ctrtre *f ChfLt cm this . Jr I J% iid’Tii ;.tiny C. d**r.s. i In th a nut '-.•nten * I:* and. r to <‘.i* a; h- I:.: g-N that am *■*• .f‘s. nd t. Ocsl the , h I , i— I 'he > •piesuone*! Ji i whether it w.*h lawful <:' i*. >tt H;;• P * • •* a* ?at H> q * -'i n. i t „.* to ensnare Him In HI- v. r.l . • l: • udni It- i t.e ot* it gat Imi t. V- • . V' ar< . *1 I .* In- iiioi of i • Je* . who *J* . med It un lawful to i* iv trllmt* to * a* mil* • and Ii *.atru is nier If He d-ni- 1 tfi* ol ii gallon, he wouVl hiv* Incurred ih* v*n g. . r.. * i.■ |;. , ||* t> i * t . rrc m* , reply Wh.-u .“Ibn.'l hi- advetMin** Render ** C;* sr • and t> (**.! the thing* that at* Hod s' It. it. - bort *t< • me. our B *v- J f *|< .1 .J, • i 1.. iUti* we owe to Hil l t. * f *untrv. and point* ot th*- r* p it.* iiima of church an*l -tit, on our nbediet. e in (in iv r i-.on I’etet t asked b\ the mx , ■wne’.-icr hi? mar ter would i.v i..•• iribuu ma vor not I>- i a * nd ou Lord * *>i firmed Hi *li* i|.e> *tatem*n* by p.aylt;g t;v tx tnouKu Hi* poverty oMig*d ilun *• w -rk miracle to pr - - urc th** ne t.* And yet He might hav* j •x* mp * • Hitne* f from th** payment f the nx oi t • ground of Hi. poverty and of lit* royal origin, for as He. Him*e|f remaiked on that ciccarum, taxe* ai* ievie*! not on th* son*, but on the iubjeef* of th* Ktiv and He was the fc*n of thr King **f* Wha i |e -on <t|f Lor*! give? to us minis ers of the gospel tn if - ito . i'll It remind* us that w who nr** ippointed t pr* an to men their lutp toward .sl that w** should t • luvalty M1..1 fid* d> v to our * vmwry T • Apo-übfs n'ho th** yoba of their Ma-ter Tvt evety -. i. -ay* Bt Paul. f'* subp •* the higher power*, for th*te> is no jower hut from God There to it* l.e wn* res.stetn the power, re*i*f *h the ordinal • of 0 -1. ti I they wao r*M- pu/.i i f.r themseivrs -hmiui tion Herub r therefore, to ail their dues, tribute whom trloute i* do*, custotn to whom cug tom f*wr to whom f*‘ r honor t w nom honor.“ B* ye suhje r.“ B* P*ter. to *very human treitur** for God’s sake, whether to the King a ex< elling. or to Governor* us sent by Him for th*- pum*nment of e\ti-*Ki*rs. nd for th* pri.*- of them t.aar do well This •bort *e*itenre ‘“There i- no authority bi* from God ' has contributed more ef t* • tuallv tr* the stability of government and to the p. ace and order of society than mai ling armies nnd all tho vo.umcs ever written on the pr.r. ip|c of government It ennoble* obedience o constitut**d au thor, tv by representing tt not as an a't of servility to man. bu of homage to G<i P sh***l * hi-* around rulers an*! magi trates. b> bolding t aem up to us minle i t*-r * of Go j, i: Invests all I* gitimate law* with divine sanction by an appeal to our < •*!*< I*U.C** We know with what scrupulous fidelity flic early Chri! carried out the ,r>- Junctlons of th> Apostles b\‘ their observ ance of iio law* of the Itoman empire Now. If the primitive Christians had so nm- h reverence tor the civil magistrate*. In whose election ills)' certainly had no vok e and if thev weie so *•> lenttous In observing the laws of tne Roman empire, which often Inflicted on them rums and disabilities, how much more re-pect should I th*- American cltiaen entertain for our c|\U rulers, In whose election he actively participate*. .<i l who are the creatures of his choice, and with w-aat alacrity he should fulfil the laws which *r framed solely for hb peace and protection, and for the. welfare of the . tnmonw.alth i uunlri \r%t to <•*(. Next to God. our countrv should hold the strongest place In ur affections. Wuen w retlei-t on the Inestimable Me >. mgs we t njoy under our system of gov. eminent, when we consider the civil free dom w .hl- h Is shared by e\ ery clUaen and the liberty w* p<se? -of worshiping the fod of our fathers without let or hin drance when wo consider the protection without c.-pionige which surrounds our ; person n i property, w hen wo reflect on ; our unpaiaib lod miterial prosperity and i the f.i- i'.ities which are accorded to every ludtistttons man to earn • competence and that no citizen I* debarred by the con gtßutton from competing for position* of I the highest ink. w hen we reflect on alf this. It should be our delight, as well as our duty, to all In our power to |er petuate our political Ins tit tit lon* and to avert n\ dung* r that may threaten to assail 4 hgm. 1 In contemplating thee bk*sing*. we an no* surprise.l to find that every American citizen le proud of his countn her his tory and the r**v<>rd of her Illustrious men His bo uliy is .-s vetwmei t and demon | strative than it used to be. blit after all that. It Is none th** .*'*>‘ deep and earnest IVrhnps it is only when an American travels abroad that he fully realise* how deep-rooted is his love for hi* native |*nd The sentiment of patriotism watch may f*e dormant at home, t* aroused and quickened on foreign shores The sight of the American flag flying from the mast i of a ship In mid or- an or In some foreign port, awakes an unwonted emotion and | enthusiasm Det . It lien from Maine meet a citizen 1 from California on th** bank* of the Tiber | or on the shores of the Bosphorus, they will at once forge* that a* vim** they live ml * apart all state lines .ire oblit erated. party differences are laid aside, religious animosities (If an\ had existed) •re extinguished Thev will warm v clasp hands aid will remember only that thev are American citizens and children of the same mother The interest whi h an American feels in a presidential eltction or any other Im portant domestic event 1* intensified when he is abroad ' Distance bni* enchant ment to the w ene While traveling through the Tyrol m I** I had a nature. deMre to ascertain who was nominated f*K the president y. but In that country news travels very slowly reaching Innspruck 1 learned Hint Mr Garfield had received the Republican nomination and I got my information from on Auwl . in student burled in the cloisters of u seminary, and to hnn the outside world wa* apparently dead How he got his information 1 never discovered, and 1 dare say his profeweors were equally in the dark Hut 1 do know that the news was correct I'artiea \r- Kane filial. On next Tuesdai an election will be heUl throughout the t’nlied States for the . ■ • There are two * arwHdatea tor the presl den>. Mr McKinley and Mt Bryan Of • ourse. only one candidate will le sue l) U 1 th*- effort •• Mrwi 1 have been expended In vain. Immense outlays of money will have been squan der *l. and the *iator\ of manv distin 4iitshed sf*eak*-rs will have wa*t*d its >w*ctnss> on the desert air. I earn**; i ho;e i r the result of th* elect ion will be so de. .*ive as to leave no rcs-m lor doubt, or cavil, or contention such as nappened when Thden and Have: were candidates in 1874 *L t us hope also for she honor of our elective that in no single (tolling district of the land will the ver dict of the majority be defeated by fraud t r •. - tv. or tniuniM.i n and that she haltot i*x whi* a Is the p.i.iadium of on liberties nnd the expression of the p*p u*ar will, may be. everywhere heid sacral and inviolable As there ate two candidates In the flekl j so inert* are two great parties in the coun ; <rv—the Republican and the Demo rati i party. The existence of pwrtle*. ,s not j only useful but even essential in a popu lar and enlightened government like ourr j Where there are n* p-.rtle*. or where caie ! par tv is too weak and insignificant to pre en* a formula Me oirrier to the oher the dominant party will revel m pow r. and Is ;iabe to run to exces# But where both parties are almost equally divided, as u the cate wiU) uf. oae £sut> will wa!< h the otiur It will hold up to *n and (of d* ms Itiok I>• •mitig- and em* Ml misdemeanor* of fr.e ruling piwsr It whi compel the dom* ijiant party io mend it- wav* e*r it will * * retire** v driving it* Indtri frotn . * ft: #* pi a mining election No cltiten snou.d be a drone |n the *o ii i. hive No man- iovi dbe an Ind'ffer • i *p. ii nr bf the j* Ultra! and civic • vet '<* tv.ui h ate © mring • round him A we are u protected in our pcrsn !• t property t • •< r<a> g arm of the government. w* s voutd tak*- a per ;■-01,41.. I* 'ai and vita) interest in the na toil * w.uftire The m>r* Intel.lgent and influent la i vou are. the gr* ater should b* vour **t. •rn in pub affair* For if • titivated and virtuous m**n wbhdrnw ( in ill part I upations m national, or <• .r mu i ipal ~< .on*, the govern m**n? of the c*>mm r.w* #th will he |efr in .* u.ti.d f In- nrnp* *;* ai*l dema- Vote then on Tuesla' for the can-Llw e f >u! hoire Ai -J **■ vou are gnideo your < oner lent |ou* Judgment in the ■ ’.f of your candidate, you shorn*! - ve t< your nelgnbor who differs from \<* .. due cre!it for ueing actuated by the ik* honorable motive* r>o not Imagine \i* vie ountry will go to perdition, tf V- favorite ts defeated And let nor voir oppaien* indulge jn the peMlmlfu’h* tJ*ui. n t*. i w shall w.tne*s a revolution **r a s ta! upheaval if hie candidate t* not eie-'trd I’nitli Itt Our Future. For my part whatever may be the te nt of President 1 election. I have ■u abiding fni?h in the perpetuity of our r< public I iimv* an unbounded conAdene# m the good s# nse and patriotism of the American people They love the constitu tion. they chensh our political nnd civic u 4 ■if it un. tr.ey re\ ti>* f.ithers of th* country the illustrious founder* of • i • t!•-*! th *ugh th* y be still live h their w riting? tr and example. Their • ‘ * -fill 1..-, upon u.*. their voice 1* hi heard in the land By th* hurt which they have left us. id by the aid of Divine providence, the hip state will be safely guide*! through all time tmil lowering cloud* and troubled •*'<**. between the S Vila of abralutism und despotism and the Ghar>bdi* of an urchy and socialism And thanks to God from the foundation cf the republic, our chief rulers whatever ! may hive been their occasional error* oj I Judgment, have .always been actuated by ] p*tr!oi< motives and a solemn tense of duty in the government of the nation And even had they been disposed to lead the country from the path of political rec titude, thev would be debarred from so doing by the constitutional checks and sa feguat d* which confronted them on every side The nation has pissed through many trying ordeals during the renturv which is drawing *o a cloe. nnd has survived them all. The AmsrF*n people are as fruitful in rsfourt•* now. and will be a* resourceful in the future, a* they were in past generatkin*, an*! with the blessing of Providence they will he equal to every emergenev that may arise in the lan guage of Tull', and with more confidence than inspir- I him. we can say. “Tne Re public is not to be despaired of God gran* that my fondest iwxp** may be realized, that our beloved republic miv lif- forever May *ba continue to be a light io the world, the champion nf civil and pollt* l freedom and a refuge to the oppressed for all time to come For this and. I cannot offer up a more appropri.ita prayer than ihat which was composed a hundred >e<u> ago by mv vem*iabb* predecessor. John Carroll, tne Arst Archbishop of Baltimore “We pray Thee O God of might, w iwlom and Justice, through whom authority is rightly administered, laws are enacted and Judgment decreed, assist with Thy Holy Bp!-it of course! and fortitude, the Pres 1* nr of these I'rJtcd Bt ites iha? hl ad m!ni*t ration may be con Juried in right eousnes. n<l be eminently useful to Thy prop s over whom be prc*4Vs. he rn • •uriging due resp* t for virtue an*l ft* igion by a faithful exe utlon of the law? of Justice and mercy and by restraining vice an 1 Immorality the light of Thy divine wi.d-m di re* t the deliberation* of Congress, and shine forth In all proceedings and laws framed for our iule and government, so t: f they may tend to the preservation >f peace, ih promotion of natl-mal happi. ness, the increase of industry, sobriety, and useful knowledge, and may perpetu ate to us the blessings of equal liberty. We recommend likewise to Thy un- U>utided mercy, all our brethren and fel low . itizens. throughout the % t ilted Stale . that they may he blessed In the knowledge, and sanctiAeJ In the observ ance of Thy most holy law. that they may be preserved In union, and In th it jn ice which the world cannot give; and after enjoying the blessings of this life. Ik* admitted io h* se whi *h are eternal ’ •TOPS THE rot .II %>D Unit Kg OPP the rm.D. Laxative Promo Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No cure, no pay. Prtja 25 xents —ad I’HKB HKD ON THE ELECTION. rarktiuret Talked of Disaffection ml Dislmneat Dollars. New- York Nov. 4 Rev Dr. Charles H. Parkerhurst a* the Madison avenue Presbyterian Church to-day. took next Tuesday's el*K*tlon as the baw of nts sermon. It was Dr. Parkursf* church which Mr. and Mrs William J Bryan attended last Sunday when In New York As Dr Parkhurst's topic for to-day was announced i wek ago the church could ardly hold the |*eople who came to listen The doctor said in part that pt riot ism meant the devoting of ourselves to our country, rather than our country to our selves No patriotic could fail to recognize as one of the perils corfront nc America the strained relations which exist between the two competing classes of our population He added After the pr* identlal candidate, who. to a considerable extent Mands as the representative of the ImJuvtria* disaffec tion has been defeated—as it is said he will be—ahe situation so far wii: not be altered at a I Trie candidate has not made the disaffection. It Is the disaffec tion that has made the candidate And there is such an inundation of is and In some of its Ingredients so rabid and ir redeemable a* to have succeeded in tem porarily water-logging a great political party that when we.l afloat and Its com in go*d working order, exist* for ben. * . r.t and divine purpores. It is undoubtedly the fact, with re gard to this part of the country, at any nre. that no cor side rat 100 i* Just nowr I urlng with such tremendous effe t as the consider •lon of the dollar 1 want n mv pa rent helically, though, that I nm not speaking now of the technical economic iMroparilcs of th* dollar—l am not a banker or a poll.leal economist, and ' et without being el*her. and being simply a pres- aer of righteousne*#. it is axiomatic so say that a dishonest dollar is a national fre id and that to Indulge in a dollar that mike- believe it 1* a whole dollar, when It is only a half-dollar, would be to transform our entire neonle Into a great American Ananias That may not be the phraseology of the econo mists. but that Is the Mount ffinal of It ' The o earner next warned his hearers tha: righteousness was the only thing *o be sought by a nation, and that, in fact, prosperity has some perili all Its own CASTOR IA For Infant* and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Poor Lp plirni Cotton CTop. <’%lo. Nov t —The October reports re gardir.g the Kgvp'ian cotton crop are un* satisfactory, both a* o yield and quality FINER IL I> % IT%TIOA*. POLLART*— relative* and frtends of Mr and Mrs E Y Pollard ire invited to attend the funeral of the latter this afternoon at i > o'clock from rciklence, fWond *tr*f. west Mi l I ISO* GBOftGIA HIkTOHICAL ROCIKTT. The regular m* ung of this society will be held this t Monday > evening at * o clock at Hodgson Hall T P RAVENEL. !{►/•,xr.l.ns S.'.'r-iary IIBROrn ATl*’ '1 N HRBTtW. By vlrlu of ih f*fr v*iol tn m*- 1 Chairman ol th Dfmunitlf party of th* oouniy of Chatham . naor>. o* th- party Ip h-rahy for aOn & r o.*tt p m at tha City Court rom in S.van nh Mon,lav Nov .V '.•> for th of a tit* Exeruttv,' Omm It- 1 th adopilon of |to\rntn* **ll com mittee. and for u*'h othar minor a> m*' pronotly mm* h-'for* th* tnootii'.* p \v mbldrim. i-httrman ttamorraito Ea*‘utiv® Ccmmi*- i**. Chatham county PBciaL taoTitm. MtTl* i: TO WATER TAKER*. of Pxvannah XVstar XX'ork-. ftavantuili. Oa Nov Z. Th* wt*r will h* oetilt off (Mon day). Nov &. *r,fl r*main off (or *n*ril hour*. In that **ctlon of th* r|ty ay fol low. On Thlrtv-ntrhth *tr#*. Bon \Vhltak*r to Kant Broa 1 ir*-i. n L.lnooln nrtti. from Tblrty-flxth atrett <> Thtrty-ei*hih tr*M. I V. KINSEY S.pi XUTICE, t IILI>HE>. The Court of Qur*n Chlqull* *1 1 m *t to-nlfht at oVlook at tha D* Solo Hot*l for r*harl Conx*>*nc* provU*<J to th-mlv** atwt parnt* to ground to yo*n* of .-oronatlon BE PROMPT. HXi.EH PIANO*. first Ton*. R*>t In Durability. Brat In atxl* and Finish. tELF-BRATED THE XXOBLD OX ER NONE BETTER. NONE (B> GOOD. ton of Thra* Miinllrtal Plano* to Br ■old at AICTION NOXEXIBER S, at C. H. DOHNBTT'S. 23 Conr*aa atrret. Treat. TO BE SOLD TO TUE HIGHEST BIDDER. PBEAEHXE VOIR SIGHT By w*arir,f *la** that not alon* *n abl* you to **. but correct every defect that may axial. There it r.o *uwork tn our methods. We have th# lateat and mot approved aclentlflc apparatu* for accural* ex* t*t- Inx We mail* no chnrr* for constipa tion or examlnetlor.. end should you need the eervlcee of a physician we brill frank ly tell you eo. Our crystal lenses are perfect In every respect, brine frround under our own ro per vision They cannot be compared In valua to the kind offered as cheap by the •o-caUw) optician* or jeweler* who han dle inferior classes as a eid* line. DR M SCHWAB * BON. Eacluelve Opticians. 4* Bail eirret. N. B —Oculist prescription* filled same day received Repairing done at ehon notice LETT** DISCOI?KT ROTICB. TOD WILL lAI'B TEN PER CEJVT. Bw paslsf yaar btlle aa o# be* far* tbs IBtb lost. Be H. LEVY a MHO #M HXX XH7 f XFE t* the place where you can satiety your appetite with all the delica cies of the *eaon Oy*ter# from the OI'LF and NORTHERN waters Also Game tn ;ea*on -GEM CAFE OEO C BCHWARZ. Proprietor Open dty and ntgnl. Dining room upalatr*. ESTABLIMIEn IMS. 90L0M059 COMPAffY, Wholesale and Retail Dragitlate. XX holreale Department. IZ7 (oa area* #tre-t, writ. Georgia Pboae 144. Retail itores. I!UX Coagreas atreet. went. Hell Phone 144. Bail and Charlton streets, under Guards' Ar senal. Bell and Georgia Phones ILI NOTICE. Neither the master nor consignee* of the Norwegian fteamahlp Juno. Hummel m#l-r Will be renponelhle lor any debt* contracted by the crew of *m v*ml 3 F MINIS A CO. Contlgn ee LOOK t The fine*! line of Mantel*. Tiling end Gra'e* in tan city. Price* rock bottom Save money by seeing our good* before purchasing elsewhere SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO.. Corner Congreve and Drayton. 'Phone Uf MANTELS. GRATES AND TILING. We have the laigeft stock, prettiest de sign*. lowest price* Call and examine our* brfore buying Beauilfy your new house with pretty mantel* ANDREW HANLEY COMPANY. bisinem onrw. HARVARD ' BEER —at Hick’s Restaurant. UNEQUALLED Office yr Bull street. Telephone TOO SPECIAL NUTICI>. The o*rman .Xmerl ,in Bank, Broad wav ne ir Myrtle ave. Jtmes C Brower. President Thtwiias L Jones. Cashier. , Mr Andrew Hanley My I>*ar Sir—l have returned horn* from Savannah ’ where w- elopp *1 or three weeks and from St Aur 1 the three weeks, sfvr betnK at th' Sf tn '■ Springs Hotel, and xxhir in th S'- M‘ '* ,nd now at home drink end am new continuing 10 drink the Buwanee Spi in.w water, haxlng It sent 10 me ihtoißh yotir esteemed #R*nts. the Kabeh Ph.-trma'y” In New York, ird as a rsuß 1 want so say that I h\e b< en Rreit >• benefit* 1 and believe xx 111 be enllrelv cured rf tha I llnful bladder trouble rorit wbl'h I have suffer'd since last August 1 n -graiulaie vet upon the curative value of the fiuw.tnee bprtngs weier and h p tt will he a Ood-aend 10 others as It has been to me Respectfully yours JAMES BROWER Treeident of the Oerma Amerl a Bank Brooklyn. N. Y . -w Quincy #l. All you cen drink for h- ai Lb.lngaion s Pharmacy. BIX 11XL) THE BEST QIMOBE ALE. The best Is the Wheeler Brand of Bel fast Olii*' r Ale. made bv Wheeler A Cos., of Belfast. Iteland. fr.m the re rbrat'd Cromar Fprlnßs of that Mix These springs are the property of XX a < 0. hen* e no other (linger A> manufacturer in Ireland h 1 - thost water bill I selves Ths Wheeler (linger Ale Is made frotn pure Jamaica Ginger Root and not from Red Pepper, as others er'. one Is del*l*rlou—the other Is a ionic For Healthfuln'ss and Purity the cele. bra'ed XVheeler brand of Belfast Ginger Ale |a the best LIPPMAN BROTHERS. Sole Southern Agents, Savannah. Ga RENOVATING—MATTREMBB HEX. OV ATING. Hair, moss licking. fiber, feathers. Our stock of new material aid manufac tured product* are up 10 date Our reno xatlns and remaking has delighted many residents Ask your acquaint ances. Materials sent us is pi k I, steam ed. cleaned and ni*-dl-aied h>- modern ma chinery. Making dune b> mechanics. We cor.tine cur xxurk (o mattreese* and bed ding generally, xvo se.l ticking of 1 1 kinds, mo.-s. hair, cotton, liber, fcaihers. or any aril le nee.lfd ,n maitrise line. NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RENO- X ATI.NO CO.. Bell Phone 113d 131 Drayton aireet. NOTH E. Office Fire Department. Savannah. Oa . Nov 2. llsm Bids for furntehing this departmen' with stove coal t”. quantities of one ion or more at each a- livery and In qu.anilue* of six ton* per month, more or less, and for fur nishing steam • oal a* desired, the order* for the latter being regulat'd hy the amount consumed • fires, will he receiv ed at the offi e of the undersigned until Monday*. Nox at 12 o'clock noon The committee reserx.s ihe right to re ject ar.y or all bids. JOHN E MAOPIRE. Supt. ELK 4 TION NOTH E. City of Sav innah. Office Clerk of Coun ell. Nov. 2. 1900.—A vacancy having oc curred among the himne> contractors. In accordance with resolution of Council adopted Oct. 31. 1900 notice is hereby given that an election will b* held at the next regular meeting of Council, to be held on Wednesday, tha i4th Inst .at 8 p m to fill th* unexfdred term All applications to b* flle*l with the clerk of Council at or befoia 1J m of the 14th Inst Bond of s>* required Names of tw bondsmen must accompany the application WILLIAM T BAILEY. Clerk of Council. ELEC TION NOTICE. City of Savannah. Office Clerk of Coun cil. Nov. 2. l!bs• —A vacancy having oc curred In the office of keeper ol tne Lau rel Grove Ocnetery. notice is hereby given and in accordance with resolution of Council adopted Oct 31. an eiecnon will be held at the neat regular meeting of Council, to be he and on Wednesday, the 14th Inst .at 8 p m to rill the unex plrel term Ali applications to be hied with th* ejerk of Council at r befoie 12 m of the lirn inst. Lord of }i UuO re quire 1 Name* of two bondsmen mu#t ac .ompsny the application WILLIAM I\ BAILEY. Clerk of Council. THE TV AT TO CLEAN CAR PETS. The only way to get your Carpets prop erly taken up. * leaned und token care of for fhe summer is to turn the Jo > over to the District Messenger an*l Delivery CV>.. te.ephone 2. or call at 32 Montgomery street, and they will nuke you an estl mi; on the • ost of the work Prices reasonable They also pack, move and store furnpur* and p.ino* C. II MEDLOCK. Supt and Mgr. BECKMANN’S CAFE, 112 and 114 Whitaker street We are now pr*i>arfd to serve the finest meats, oysters and game Caterers for weddin? pjrttes. germans. banquets and rodat.on* Agents f>r imported Wuerxburgre Hof Brau Phone 710. ASH AND 4 \ PRESS LI HREK FOB TALE. IV'.oi'O feet of osn. suitable lor whee - * rights, carriage maker*, car works and Intetlor house finish. Also cypress lumber of ail sizes We have r*'s imei cutting our famous brands of cypres* shingles and wJ. scon have a full line of them for • ale. VALE ROYAL MFQ. CO UONUS EXKCtTED. By the Amer. in Bonding and Tru*t Company of Baltimore. We are autbor- to execute locally (immediately uputt application), all bonds In Judicial pro reeding* in either the state or United State* Courts. an 4 of admmiitratorw and guardians DBA RING A HULL. Agent*. Telephone 321 Provident Building Ol R CLIENT* Loan money at six per cent on real estate security BECKETT A BECKETT. Attorneys at Law and Convygaqgjm LEOPOLD ADLER. JND. R DlLloxw president. Ceal , *• C 8 ELLIS. BARRON CARTE* Vie* President. Asst Caa*,,, The Chatham Bank SAVANNAH XVlil te pleased to l*ceiv* th * ecooum. of Merchants. Firms. Individuals, Lisnk*. and Corporation* Liberal favors extended. Uhsurpaesed collection faclllu,, , r _.- trig, prompt reluma. StM 'AfE sAVIHGS OEPARTMEHT enter eat toki-oixDio aKricH. I.V ON DEPOKITa. Bafely Deposit Boxes and Vaulta f rent Corresponden-* .ollelted. The Citizens "Bank F SAVANNAH. CAPITAL $500,000. Transacts n General Hsakto, IliitinfM. bollelts Areonnts of lnillido*u Xlerehants, llaak. and „,he, . ration*. Collections handled with .f M> economy and dispatch Interest, compounded qnarterl. allowed on deposits in our l>r purl mt- it t. .safety Deposit Maxes and Ntorac. Vaults. nn.tXTLEV K. DENMARK. Pre.lden, XIII.ES 11. LANE, Nice I'rrsldeat. GLOItt.M C. FMKEMXN. Cashier. GORDON L. t.HOOVER. Aaat. Cashier SOUTHERN BANK of the Etatu of Georgia. Capital ...o *a tiurp.un and undivided profits rg; ui DEPOSITORY Ol (HE STATE uf GEORGIA. B 1 parlor facUUlae 1 .. t uumggg a ,eueia. usiism. kiiilnoa - QiieelK-ns on a,, points q.ver.-itd. through lonka and A, counia ot, Usugais, U.nli.Mi and other* soiicUad. Safe Depaaß Boxw lor rent Department of Saving*, Interest payekl* Quarterly Beds Blerlm* Exchange on Londoo a and upward*. JOHN FLANNERY. President. HORACE A CRANE. Vice President JAMES St I.T.tVAN Ca.bler DIRECTORS J No. FLANNERY. XX’.XI XV. GORDON E. A WEIL W W GORDON Jr H A CRANE JOHN M EGAN I-EE ROV MYERS. JOSEPH FERBT H P SMART CHARLES KLLIB. VOXVARD KELLY- rnitv J KIRBY SiiiJiil CAPITAL, g. 100.000. Account* of bank*, merchant*, corport ! ons and Individuals solicited Savings Department. Intereet paid quarterly. Safely Boxes and Storage Vaults tot ‘ rent. Collect lona mad* 00 all point* at re*. sonabi* rales. Drafts sold on oil tbs chief cities of ft# I world Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH D WEED. President. JOHN C. ROWLAND. XTcs Pr**k)e t w f, McCauley, cashier THE GERMANIA BAht\ SAVANNAH, GA. CAp.lal . *• L'ndmdid profit* lo.iu* T hl. bank off. rs It* servl e* to ccrpora t:o:.s* and inllvlduals lies authority to act us executor, ad mlnlatrator, guardian etc I.aui* drafis on (he prln. Ipal ep.le* tn Great Britain and Ireland and on th* Continent Inter * rwld or eompounded querterly o- dep.sli* In th* Savings Department Oaf <v Boxe for rent lIiINBY BEEN, r -#1 lent. o*o. XV TIRDEMAN Vie* Pre# dont ji .RN M lb GAN. Oaahler WALTER F. HOGAN. Aas't Cashier. NO 164a Charters 1, IK* —THE — Hals liiii ii OK SAVANNAH. CAPITAL. L 0 ..0 . SURPLUS. IKMu* UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. J A. O. CARSON. I ra-I4 t. DEIRNE OOKDON. VI e Pr.aldnt W M DAVANT. Dahl-r of Ipnlu and har.k-r. art eham# and corpora Mona rrerlved upon the moat favorable terms eor.tstont with anfe and*# honk!n THE GEORGIA STATE B l ILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 15 YORK STREET, WEPT. I’ER CENT, per annum allowed on v d> |elta, withdrawable on demand. Interval credlled quarterly. . KEU CENT per annum ailow-i O depoalia of even hundred#, withdraw able at annual period# GE<>. v. Tl El 'EM AN. Prealdent. B. H. LEVY. Vice I’reatdent. E W BELL. Pecretary. C. 0 ANDERPON. JR . Treaaurer The Chatham Beal Estate and Improvement Cos. ARE PREPARED To Make Loans On Reasonable Terms -10 Newspaper Piste For eaie. a Foraaitb Nawapaper Folder, will fold ahaet txL It to In *>#>d ordar Prlca HOD It coat origlrwlly R.IOO. but '• have Du uea for It and want tha rwa t <ccuplaa. 11 will bear :nva.uabla adjunct to ■ newapape* Addraaa MORNING NEWS, ■aeawwab. Oa IF TOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, ordar your lithographed and printed stationery and blank book# fro * MwnJi)fcJ*tW, Bavapoab, On