The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 05, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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AGhINST election frauds. Tll 1 W ILL Hi: IHOSEi'I TK!I *l\ ri m i \ \\i \. \v ittitmt'ker Iltt* !>?• |iOllrtl ,i f|- I rl in Hi*l•*•tuu nut! I'ruar* utlit* Ihuir I'nuuil \ lolniliig (lir 'miM'lil**’ -All l.lii* uf Thuti* VollUM W 111 Hr 'ulljecl 111 I'lllili|* JiMml fo !•*- i ,11 I'd | lr Kll II l*:i lln H 1* Nov. 4 —Following r-*- ct . ,j i*.m by Ju-lgi Beltier tht ai. th voting m non# must I in j rot honour y > - iiiji-••? lo i* ai li in*pe tion at *n> i utJ ut iH'Uv !:.*■ <*l within ti* • Jot - S IV hen ♦* pods •: i JVitm.asi;or G* neral John Wan,- ir,. o-doy forward’ J to a number *f or- it.‘a.." intt rutlng ihotnM ;n tfv **ivr .Old count.\ ronl#llh of Ti *' oommtm: anon hearing on th#? Mi ? Mr. \\ anamaker IndU-iUr* in hi# inrimunh atlon that ihe court’* decision *l i•ii* iv * fir the prompt detection M c uf* of fraudulent vot . g and Mxift P v. i for all rng ig i in election fr eels " 1 u noun- # ► he ha* deposited In a t mpu \ in rnarkeLibl* rail r’i i nd> to acctire the payment of am ;nt in rash to a committee r**pr*#en?- 1 Viir *ut organisation* to he und a f inu for fraying the necessary x -; • '• f - r tre Investigation of fraud* av • tn* ballot in ?h* eomfng election an . i ’ .sc municipal ejection next F.*brt -•i H* then in detail, th v* ' t*nif .yf • •*mmtttir.g frtul> at :im n. Mr Wanamaker *a\# he ha ur*d the consent of John O Jo!in for • x Judge lam*** (lay (Jordon and x- Pi- At.ornev George S Graham to a • in counsel to such a committee for th* pr j o*e of prosecuting a I then* whi <ommJi uny of the. various frauds men tion* i T organisations to which the com* in .i • i*i si Is addressed ir# (he BuMne*-* Met Republican Longue. (’ommin*- of On Hundred, Municipal League, Trade* Lea*, i* md th# Law and Order Society u si* the pending political campaign in thif- and e?n##* ha* shown no division 1n • Re pi i blew n ranks in th*!r devotion to • : n.itionai ticked, vet Mr. Wana nvticer and the organisations above men* ttoned have oppo#*d th* Phila*.i Republican county ti-ket and the*, legislative candidates favoring the Qua\ f i fun of the Repuhl! an party. hoonea i:i. r> <n ikt day. lie NAIII spend Tuesday u Hi* lfm#* nt Oysler Hit > . New York. Nov l— Gov. Roosevelt spent i quiet day t his Oyster Bov home In the morning he attended services at the Episcopal Cburcn After dinner he took a .eng * ilk through the woorj reaching home i,; .n about * o'clock There were no caller# during the day. The Governor said he had received n> message of any kind He sax* he fee hi no ill effects of his long (impugn trip He was no# even hour.-e. To-morrow night he will speak at the Repuhiican d*montration a Oyster Bay and . .os** the campaign. Special trains will he run from ail the principal point* of the island On Tuesday Mr Roosevelt will vote earlv aid will prohoh.y devote the rest of ti e day t•* his family until the returns begin to arrive in me evening He has made ti arrangements to receive detailed return* *t his house and will depend up on ihe report - that are received in the vil lage II %P TO |l KLL THIHAL U AM. German i orvelte funk llnnd In ii rnrlile Island Flglit. Victoria. H. C., N*v. 4 —The German Corvette Moewe, according to advices Just receive,!. h. re.i n*.l Sy.lney and reports tfta* she was - aid i *n to quell n war on one of the Admiralty Island* Word w i*> received by her commander that i • fion >f fL iters armed ivitn iifles from a pirate, had btHchered If*) no liver- and the M**ew# wen? to the scene. Arriving off tlu vidagr • landing partv onsistlng of Germ n-. put off under ■ iir off! * rs and opened fire on the rcboi • ous natives Tnc latter made a stuh iorn stansi find returned t. fire of th** landing party. Fortunately their aim was bad and only three casualties rcsult • 1 r-lx of the natives being shot down. Hventiiali> the exjHdition returned to tne warship, which steamed close into the beach and shelled the village with de- Mru< live results AIANA i ALI.KI) ON tlhlM.:\. lie Will l.fflvr t anton on Wednes day lor W asliina f on. '*anton. O , Nov 4—President Mr Kin* 1- v * last Sun Iny in Canton for some time to come wa* verv similar to other Sun diys of the summer vacation spent here, if--* tork Mrs M Kinley for her usual morning drive and then went t #hn First Methodist Church, where he usually wor ships During the afternoon they to,*k (mother drive. There was number of callers during the day A party of traveling men stap ing at Massillon hotels, came over to • bike hand* and another party of u dozen stopping m? o#ie of the lo*'al hotels, a!o ailed ra pay their respect* u>n* for receiving election C’-w at the house are completed Tel egraph and telephone wire* have been •'rung in numbers sufficient to quickiv andle h I the returns Monday will be Istgaly devoted to ia*'ktng up and pr i-oring for the return to Washington on Wednesday AA A* f %| HEP 111 in > AMITK. Fourteen Hilled in Weal Airginla Mini- Kiplonlon, rhlllppl W Va Nov 4 —The work of • (ring up the mine ;t Berrysburg pro -1 •* and *#, well m-diy thai op, rati* n* • i be resumed to-morrow •t bis been ascertained now that the f lon was caused by dynamite and t*u by gas. The fourteen mn In the re -4 •*r King were a’l white, and they were u Tklr.g during the night. The list of victims as given last night '>* corre t Mine Ross Marks l alfO t'd and his brother. Wi liam Mark* v * i 1 not recover. Jams* Jackson I* rot * 1 • * t*l to survive the night. The miner* • a.] negroes, and If th- explosion had *rre j during the day ihere would have •*i many lives lost Three mules and •m weje blown oui of the entry tun* r with the fourteen men. Some cf the • were torn to pieces ''Aft AM AW I oil GfciORCiETOAA 1 * r * f 'rw Fleet of i oat Hranirri • e >r(( York. N-'W York. Nov. 4 —The new ateamer "’accamaw. In command of rapt. Miller. ••I from this port to-day tor Oeorge ’• wn. 8 c. This Is the first sailing from port of a steamer for the new At* • nti 'oast Si*amh’p Company, which •I">j* and lit >|M-rate a fleet of six stea:n *r* >* tween Georgetown, 8 *.. and north *’n coast cities as far ns Boston The ' >p ela. two of which are completed, the building, are designed especially for the purpcsM of carrying lumber. TltllNG nil lli.l \( \ RATIONS. Government Honrd llx pr rini*-iii n Tw*nt>-Hve Soldirrs. Fv*rt Reno. Oklo . Nov, 4 -Tm B.urd of officers (ietatied by th< \V r lVpart* men! to discover, if p* i*b an <m*r,''i y ra ' ,> *i :h;? w.ll meet i,l th** requirements |of troop* 'tifititid in active warfare while away from their bus*- of suppli* * *t)d In h hostile country, w h* re provisions I a r* -circe. left hers yesterday wi?h a <ie ! taclimcnt of J* men from troop A. Eighth ( av.Jry. f*xr • xiMTimental purp - TV ii will obaerve the *,m* routine i it they were engaged .n an ac.v* , imjMign ug unt in in* my. Th. t tiJM-r* of the board jre rpt. W S l'*u.ta;ti Rightn Cavalry, and (’apt. S \\ Foster. Fifth Cavalry. Capt. and AsM.- Hurgeoti. J 1 l'otnd* xter. *d it F*rt Rer.o, ac< om|-.,tJt and *h' expedition A single ration 1* supposed to con'mn enough fX’d to surtuin a man a •lay. und. ,i :?> pjfkig- weighs alight.y m*tr. thin a p aini The t'*rd tiu ’wo JWfeient emergency rations with which I* will *\i*erlmont The fir.-1 i> a ration jr*j>t?*‘ j by the hoard ifi r an r-xamdiu tioi, and analysis of the frvwl pr* pi rut ions ti? -1 in rnrlv ad the Kuropean rmt*s Th* board’s observations and o-nJuiicni ace embodied in the ration which was manufactured under Its supervision The second is i ration produced bx a com pany in New Jersey The New’ Jersey nttion consists of tea in place of choo* <v lrtt • md a ombinit-on of meat and stuff* compactly arranged Th* hoard’s own ration consists of two cakes of pure sw-et choeohite. thre*- cakes of a e,wn htnation of meat and breadstuff in com press.',! f,.rni ond a smal! quantity of salt and peppar for re ironing AVhllo th* trooper* re suh-isttng on the en>erg ncy rations C.ipi Pofndex.’er will hive each man strip und tak* his weight morning and evening Th temjxeratu.e of •.h man wiii >•* taken it Interval? during the day Th;* record will show whether he lose* or gains in weight, whether hi- strength diminishes or in crease*. and the condition of his health INDIANA NEED PROTECTION. M*nv fneroneli MHng Made I pn Their Allotment*. \A'a*hlrigt<xn. Nov I —United States In dian Agent SchofnMt. in charge of the Inion agency, whose Jurisdiction com pri*e> the Five CivlllXed Tribe*, protest* in Ns rencri against unlawful oc cupation of the Indian lands, and urges rigid congressional legislation to prote.-t the Indian cituen against the/encroa h nirr* and Aggressive and grasping white** Of 2, oy* <*m •'.* t * fibd against nor.-* :t --ixens by In i .ms .n the past year, a large ntajoritv was against white men who in th” past had intruded themselves upon the Indians and had gained their confidence to sufficient derr'e to secure pofsesslon of their prospective allotments nd after having secured possession, re fused either io pay rent or to vacate, tnu* preventing th* Indians from receiv ing any rents or profits tnerefrom Many of the Indians are no poor to in stitute suit for posm ssion. nd. therefore, ir*- 1* ft helpless Tne total populailnn of the Five ('ivilixed Tribes is estimated of ki.7s*. comprising Choct.iw- and fr * dn* n, I'* V* ('he k isaw sand m #n. ignnn Creeks and fr-edman. Y*.'*n Cheroke*s and freedmen and ffenii noles. and their lands compn-e a total of K\7TA2.‘*; acres. The agent savs that there is now every reason to believe that the Indian deprtdations and disturbances in the Five Tribes’ region are at an end HALF IIHtiTHKHI IN A FIGHT. They Shot Each Other—A Town* llunler'a llnnd Blots* Off Dothan Ala . Nov 4-Quite a Mr km* shooting scrape occurred yesterday after noon ate>ut five miles south of this place, between Wesley Cooley and Tom Pit#*, ha.f brothers. Th trouble originated from a falling out between their children while it schook Cooley shot Pitt* first with n pistol and Pitts returned the shot with n shotgun Cooley fired the e r ond lime, but missed. Itoih were hit Just un der ond back of the left knee Pitta w -is Able to walk home, but Cooley ay on the ground until medical ai l arrive,!. His wound h* serious. James Harris, a young man who Uses about five miles north of hen. while out hunting vesterday atopped f*r t few mo n.mts and placed the butt of his gun on ii stump nr and leaned on the gun w ith his bft wrist over the musxl*. In some tin accountable way the gun slipped off the snimp and was discharged, blowing the entire left hand *-ff Just above me wrUt. ANOTHER BODY TAKEN OI T. Search cf the Tarraut Ruins RtAll In Progress. N>- Yrk Nov 4 -Anothr hlv '* (■km from h. ruin, of lir- Tirnnl Inc 10-rfsv. Th, prove! lo h, lhal of a man. Th. rih !- and !h* l.ft arm w,r, mining, ih, friur.,*- ntzattl, •ml th.r, w.r, no mirk, on ih ...ihir.K nhi.-.i would identify tho liulldlnK empn>,n pule I down a imrtkMi of ih. we.l-hapl bulid ,iiK ii 273 Washington .tre.r thin ,v.n ii t Th.v aii.mpied to l.ring down th emir, building, hut pull* I off only in. upper floor Ih. third Th, ,ume gang. ~ro working a, have h.en employed here tofore nnd Warren e'ree. is entirely elear, ihoiiKh no thorouchrare Is allow, I yet The ruin, were viewed hv more pe.vp.e to-day than at any Urn. slnrw the ex plosion. —* t HIM AltHK*T* t*K f AHUST*. Chief of 111. Main llnnd line Mmle Raenpe to Fr.nrr. Madrid, Nov. 4 —An omr|al dlspairh an nounce* thit the chief of the Carlist hand which had been operating In the Berge district has taken refuge In France, and that the band In the province of Allcun’e has been dispersed Arrest* of Carl.rts. particularly priests, eonilnu. throughout the country. The arrest of a vicar of a church In Madrid has led to the dltcovery of additional com promising documents. An en’ire baud of Carllsts has been oip tured In the neighborhood of J.n, cap ital of the province of the same name, north of Granada ar.WI 4VTLK OFF TIIK HBBT. British ateamer Hw- Proceeded nu Her Vorage. Key West. FI i Nov. 4 —Th* unknown vessel, before r tor eil tic ore on Tenn essee reef, was the British t^- r New*, asile C.ipt l’p>n. whl'h sal.ed from Baltimore Oct 27 with n cargo of coal for Tampico. Mexico. The wre kers succeed ed In floating the vessel after Jettison ng a small tori lon of her cargo, and she pro ceedwrl for her destination hseapetl I'rom Jail. Kissimmee. Fla . Nov 4 -Henry C rurhers. in Jail a.vjulng trial f-T bur glary, **:u(e and to-day whlla the Jailer was at church, by culling out under a side window ond has not heen caught. Others In the Jail failed to get out. Th* heriflf and a pone are after him. , Kliki.lNMi Fire In Mealeo. c ity of M-xico. Nov 4—A large tannery at .honcho del t'hopo. near this city. w-a burned, a loss estimated at P"n,o ft was owned by a stock company in which were American, Mexican and Ger man shareholders. THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1000. EVEN CLAIMING MISSOURI. (Continued from First Pagr.) for tlw R-publ. ius to talk of carrying M (Miuri J M Hr I her t. Chairman Democratic Biate Commit toe ' ( II AIH.ES OF I |< AI l> IN 4)1110. t lainia Alinlr ~( ) nlM' Iteu Ist r* I ion and o|nia nion. Cincinnati, Nov 4 —On the eve of e4ec- Uon charge* are m ide of faiso rcgt*tra tion in Cincinnati an<l other Ohl cities While *h* las? census give Cincinnati a population of 33n*i. i: registration is SI v- an,! u Cttise* 1 Commltice his been organised u*-dn> for systematic work with det* ‘ivf f v >r arr*-as on Tuesday It s t U med also olonlr.atlons have been made in som* of tlw* cioee Con- Kr*-.onal Dlstricta. Ohio has no* fifteen Republican ou*l six Democratic Congrem men. Tb are trying hard tn gain a Coi.gre. sin in in th** Third Dis trict. * here N F Ra'kley. Deinocnat. and R M Nevin. R publican, are the candi d it*and this ts on** of th% districts in wiil Ji charges of friud are made on both side? Congressman Van Yoorhis. Republican, who is running for the flf?h term, is op por Ibv 1 W Ei.on wood. Democrat. and •he Republi *ans have some factional trouble, but the re-election of Van Voor hl* is generally con v*dd While t*o#h s:a** ••mmitte* will re ceive return* in Columbus on Tuesday nlht. Cm ion also will u* a point of to • erest. sin. .* President McKinley ha* de td*s| t, remain there to receive returns and will not start back to Washington until Wednesday The President has keen a Canton during much of this cam paign but hit* refuseii to do any cam paigning even in receiving visiting dele gations Ir i> understood chat there will be 1 distinguished irt\ with him on Tuesday night, and If h- is re-elected the lour on his return to Washington will be an eventful one LI V ELI DAN IN >EHKASKA. Me 'puhlirnua mid Deittw'rats Will Ifl >Il Mum )leet|nK<* Omaha. Ne . Nov 4 —To-morrow will be a hve.v dav in Nebraska, and for .in •nre-electlon dov. will privbubiv eclipse anything of the kind in the state * histo. rv Doth Re|xihib*ati* and Dem rats ire preparing for great demonstrations in Omaha in the evening Mr Bryan will speak n? a ilojen place* if'er n da\ * tour In the state, and th* Democrats p.n to make t: an eye opanei for this Rep ib.j .district The Repub. Ii n> wid nave a monster parade and bar* becua with lots of red fire .\* far t* cn*' situation is concerned, if w n . changed but llnw by this nighi’s ••Vint* a4though this Is the Second Con gre*s,on*l disliict, where a fight Is on I r ween the Domocratic and Republican candidates Mercer. Republican, who has served three terms, has a strong •nt. but is confident of success Both *kle* are c|.timing the state, the Repub licans by &/■> for McKinley nd the fus ionlsts by 15.(W0 for Bryan. As registra tion ha* been exceptionally heavy and the campaign has been thorough, ibe vote in city and country is likely to be . reo ord-breaker The Rej üb’.icens claim gains among the farmers while the Dem **'raih expect an increase in the cities and among the for eign born. lEMO< H AT* ARB IIOPEFI'I,. *afifl-d Reptil*li*a ti* AAont Get E%er>lilnift In i o(i*eele*. New Haven. <’onn., Nov. 4—Connecti cut's day of rest was one of great ac tivity nmong the political workers of the Mare The fact that the campaign vir tually dosed last night did rot deter the leaders from occupying this day with al most Incessant wrk. and the political fences In ever) ity. totvn. borough, vil lage and hairnet were examined with the gr*ti#esf cart' and repairs effected where necewmry. Serenity permeated the atmosphere of tie Republican headquarters, while the clntm* of tn‘ Democrats indicated grow ng confidence The I(emoentic Ht.ate (’cntral Committee to-nigh* hi? up their figure* , bit Th.t i* they claim to havo narrowed the probable margin of a Mc- Kinley victory in the atute to F/m a s against K.ritfi th* outside figure pro lalni **d 1)1*4 night. (?n the state ticket the kalm of a min imum majority’ of I..V#) for Bronson for Governor is raised ti> .(#■ The Demo crat* also claim the defeat of Sperry. Re publican. in the Sft'oiitl ('on*r*’ssiona 1 District by a < lose von . arai in tb* lan guage of the chairman of the committee. "Hill (Republican) for Congre**. | n the Fourth District, ha* no walkover ’’ The Democrats also claim that they will oh'. fifteen out of tho twenty-four stata senators. The Republican lenders claim nothing, and with mist) calmness claim a sweep. Inc victory throughout the state on pres ident. state officer*. Congress and th* (f-nerl A**embly. THBRE Ik 4P4THV l> low,. Kriiul.llrane < Inin. MrKinlej', Pin mill, WIII 11.. 73.000. r>. Molnra. Ja., Nrn- 4—No new 4e velopmente hoe o>rurrr<J to-day to rhmrfe the pollti-il Mtuatlnn In Ihle mala If the full Heiuhltoan vota I, raet th, Plate Committee elalme (he etate will give piutallty for McKinley elector,. Bui there I* .1 probability that the full vote illl not tie rat, heeauee of apathy on ac count of party ror.fld nee The Republican. Ulm they will return a aolld delegation to Congress The Dem ora'n claim they alii materially r*du the Repuhllcs". plurality of four y>ar igo. txit give no figures CLAIM, IX (ALIFOHMA. Both Mile, Figure on Maiorlty of 12.1HH1 to I.A.IHMI, B%n Franctaco, Nov. 4 —lt la exnerted that the full regiatered vote will be eaet In Cailf-rnla. notwlihatandtng the cam paign haa heen an unusually qul-t one. Both the Kepuhlican and Democratic Central Committee claim the state by the same plurality—l2ti to IX,IX*> A ronrv atlve estimate Is that the state will only go 5,000 or FOOn either way. The Republican committee claims uK seven rongres*tn< n. but gives no figures The r. mac rats claim 'hey nil! elect four congr* semen Roth sides claim ice Legis lature. >OW PL A 1,41*0 TGWEMEI. But Ibe state Will. \e, erlhelesa. tie PraArrs tie. Nashville. Tenr, Nov 4—Headquarters of hath the Dem -Title and S ate Commit tee to-nlgh: gave ostt stgtementa relative to Tuesday's election In Tennessee Chairman Fltipatrl< k. Ltemocra'. dcclatsw that Democratic victory Is assured He gives no figures L ff Kennedy. In charge of the Re publican headquarters, claims a gaits of thre- cor.gres-men and the elee'lo® of otic Oold Democrat. H ext>e<'ts material gains In the legislature Tennessee, he aeserts. will p:aee hers-lf In the Repub lican column by the election of John E. McCall for Governor and giving Me Kin lay a majority. A CAMPAIGN OF MORALID. *#T ATE RENT I**l ED IIN I’ROIIIRI- I ION 4 II AIR M AN W ihilli *il in Hw%* Found IH>idlrrtioii ANlfli !4 % fiHrd •> •l * Two 4)ld I'ardfA-l'rohiitilinn 4 nm pfiliiii AA 111 (in Mliilit on \f(rr ili* r.krllnn—K la 4 lilni*d (lr I'rohl liltlnia \*r Will Hr From In r.4HM*4NI. 1 •r. • IH Non 4—N rtai I’bairman Oliver Pi* wart bn? !*(?(*’! *?4 *nv ni a* to th* work of th* Rrohil ;<n r*rtv lb Myi; ■ Th*' Prohibition camp.i -n hi? th most thorough and i*t*tlvr in ?h* hiatory . ; th, |mr? . Mr \V,oH*y bn? t *< nln Vit ,]x ( . from iv#an to ■ it) l fr m Mmm * t i to T*x** Thf* burden of our Nj’i'i d> to the pwopl* ha* l*rn th- 4i**‘d of rightrouin*** by th* atat* in I nation W* hiivr in* * id tnat tti- a o*rnm*n? hbould tf- om of partnership with ?ti* liquor traffl' nnd wltdraw at one* th* p* taction of law* from th* saloon "> l*v* nd*avor*l to teach tli* people that |i<*ne of th* ’douor traffic s wrong, be <#4Ui* the aaloon wrong “Wa have urged the voter* to leave ?h* Repubd'in aid Demo. ratic p.irrie* !*• cau*o of their *ib*ervlen#*v to th* liquor inter*** "‘*x hnx* ottax’ked tho** parties iieiMu** of their utter Inability to *ett * either th* queetlonw win reference t* which they ha\x mad* promise* and *•( m**l fo t k' 1 i>oel*ion* " • *.iev* and have declared tha? the tlm** are ihe overthrow of both oM partie*. aid • ha? no new party con or should win trial make? sippeai to in>4hii.g lower than the highest In men Hen *. the Popullit or •nv other party that mwk** it* appeal to the prßketbook or to m*r* *eli-ini*re#i cannot win h dieting victorx The de* mand now i for -• parly tha itandf 4 * r .1 moral principle, and such is the Pro hibition party Whether It ever elect* its <ardiiat* t- immaterial I? wn;l ele* i#fx issue to th* first pin* * on th* politic ii do-’k** In American poll ns W herever Mr. Woolly and our other P**k*t have gone there has r**en plain evidence of g* n‘r*l dletrus? of the old pa: ties Thousands of m* n will vote for) Mc- Kinley. nor her a os* they believe in him. but hccau** they feat Brvan. other* will vote for Bryan, not he* a us* they believ* him a statesman, bu? because they fear McKinley There wi.i olner thousand.? who will d*eeri th* old parties an I vote for Woolly because th*v believe that will hasten .< new alignment oi pollti al for,:* —a thing mos? deslrahe ’ The prohibition vote i? rot easy to e tlmate for muc h of ti is slb-nt \ot* tmt Indications point to r t than with frtir prospect* >f .'/!.*ifiO r m**r Whatever It Is. our next cam.xiign will begin next Wednesday and will continue without interruption until election day in 19n4 Oliver " Htewart. •’Chairman NaUowal Prohibition Com mit tee * THE *R4H llt ITI4IN I AMIVAIGN. Woolly to Mali* *nmr Kind of Sprri'bri After lti* Election. Peoria. 111.. Nov 4 —John O. Woolly. Prohibition nomine* for President, spent th* day quietly resting aboard hi? ?p* • tal train in preparation for hla lust day's work of #h* campaign. Th* spe l will I leave Peoria to-mrrow* at 7 .V? o'clo. k for a run through Northern Illinois, flntshlng ,! Rockford with the evening rally Stops ; wt.l ie made throughout Ihe day at Tr*- moftt. Mackinaw*, Bloomington. El Piso, i Mendota Dixon. Polo and Free i port. Mr Woolly this evening issued the fol htwlng wa?*ment "We Prohibit ion i sts do not divide otir work Inro amiMigns It goe* right on I go East Immedl.itely to New York and Baltimore •> m.ik* the som* kind of speeches I have b**n delivering for tnlr teen years With our share In ihl* pres ent canvas# I nm well satisfied ” NORTH CAROLINA’* MAJORITY. state NA 111 4.4(* llrian 4n)wherr From .‘Hi.iMMi i |> Raleigh. N (*.. Nov. 4 Norih Carolina’s nwijorltv for Brvan will hr any w her* from m.ftfVi to F'.odn. Its sii* l*pen*llng oi whether or not a full vote is polled. Re publican# claim onlv two out of the nil e congressman. Though the naiiontl campaign in this state has been remarkably quiet. gr*t in terest has l*ef-r mnifc-?"d in the Demo cratic primary to !*♦ held on election day to choose a successor to I’nlted State# Senator Marion Butler (Populist) Th* candidates at* F M Hlmmonr. present Democratic State Chairman, at'.d JulLan 8 Carr, a wealfhv tobacco manufacturer. Though both aid*-* are claiming i victory, all Indications point to Simmons’ ejection by a good majority. BALLOT* AVt.HE RINSING. Election Frond* Already 4 h*ri*d nt llav 4 Ity. Mich. Detroit. Mich , Nov 4 —A special from Bav City. Mich . to the Fre* Pres# savs I*v*al politicians were terribly excited over a statement which appealed In n West Bay City piper to-day. signed by th* D*mo*rat|c Commit!*** of Bay county, alleging fraud nd robbery of official bal.o(# The statement is ar-onfipom* I by an affidavit of Judge of Probate Wright, a member of tn* Election Com mission. which allege* tha* lo counting the ballots as they rme from the printer, they found 1% ballot# missing in the Pint District, also that ther* were shortages in ballots for the Second and Third Dis trict#. CAMPAIGN IN MAV JERSEY. Wald the Stale I* Practically Con. reded to Mepiibllrii u*. New- York. Nov 4 —Th* campaign in New Jersey was practically closed last night, with meetings In even* town and city of any sit* In the state The Re. ; puhißans claim tht McKinley will carrv th* state by a go'.d majority Though the state Is practically conceded to th* Republicans, both tartle# will make a hard fight for their legislative md con gressional candui*!*# The Republican are counting on electing six of the eight congressmen and th* Democrats claim four congressmen ROTH (LAIRING DLLAAA ARE. Nothing to Throw Ltiiht on (he Out come lu Tlifll Male. Wilmington. I * Nov 4 —Nothing de veloped In the state to-day that wouil throw an ylight on the outcome of the presidential election. Bth #!d**§ #?T claim that ’he victory wll br rhe.r? ni no move * f an imp* rt r.t nature was m d# during the day ■> ihe I 1* r.- o! **l?h*r party BOTH ARE CHANGING FH AI D. Claimed Voters Are Being Colonised In West Virginia. Wheeling. W Va . Nov. 4 —To-night there are Calm# from each partv that th# other t* cek>nllng voter* in doubtful dl*. trlets. and i? Is feared tha? there will be trouble on election day. The leaders of both parties, however, profess to be am- i ioua to flgbt ihe battia hooesily N laiTEI) THE HEPI BLIt ANN. J wes mill Went to Hanna** ll ntlfihiirtera. t’hl )g N*v 4 L\ ulsnr s that the na tional ian i- a* odes cio*cd were teen at the Auditorium Hotel to night, when a? lft o’ I k SeiUllor Jones, the n.i loj il Demo rati.* chairman, un i J U .’*► ri!*- ! uiirn an of the IVmorraiii 17x- utlie 4\-mmitt* I* ipiMVired a? Senator 1 1 it *i i 4 s a. . ttn*i t * n the fifth flo*'r, I -hi * II tin ton and wcie invited nv •.* R* * ul'h an na’loi ala rnian to e in ” 4 In' ?,v.i imp.t gn managers exchang e.i inquired affrr • ch others 4il h I lid t ally drifted Into u liscu** kotit Otttll .. -lu- l tt that vs a used ouM not b* is i <t 111 I l\ Mil 111 44401.1 X \ X> I In Hon Xitllnllon or ITi'llrmcnl lii I tint dial#. Cm, ,-.*nn 8 C . Nov 4 Tnere is ab solutelv no agitation or ex 'itement in tbi? Hu <* about tn< coming election Binc* tn* primary election f-T nominating • tat * • ft\. *re turn :.uvu not .een half a doirn iimjuun **!*•. "). • *ldivered .n ths scj’c Senator Tillman and i f.-w others have mini*' r;cf refer*n "* to expansion, licit a tor Mi'Lcirin has said nothing Bryan n i th* iVtno* rail' nominee? for i*. iiuroi* ii and t a*- state offl****# frm Gov ernor d**wn will • urrv th* stair •? ?her. l* no opjv.isjti.u exceiv? by <'olored Repul* in ~n-li*l ti*'# wlh have no *|c ban -of • tlon PFTTIC.I4I W WILL 'Pi AK. 4ii iti|intun i 'lowa I alls W ill Encf lli l • Even! ug Sioux rail?. F P Nov 4—The cam paign for United State* senator from Bx>uth Dakot) will b* clos ol to-morrow evening with spee.'h bv Heriator Pettigrew in this hi# home city Inter##? in the out* c- me i? keen Registration lists in Bloux Fills fhnw 1 lots registration of .1241 \ one lb* heaviest in the history of the cits VIRGINIA*!) MAJOR II A 'JII.OO . Democrats Will Probably (ef Every 4 11111 reiii(n Richmond. N’a Nov 4 *~Ther is no change in th* election situa?b>n in Vir ginia sin* * the |*ra* tl*al e.osing of th* tmiMign Saturday nigh? The electoral vote i# *.4f * - for Hr van by *un* J** wild the Demo- rati* claim n full delegation in f’ongresr Tne Republicans. however, have a flgh'tng chance in three dlitric?# FOR MIA 4)11 UF AMEHI4 Lg. l.>eMl l*(ilitles Wnriiiiiia Ip—Other Ney%* Note*. Amtrl u? Ga Nov 4 —The formal in nounrcm#nt thi.* morning of Mr W I' Wold* for Mayor of Amcrlcus. give* d -ditional inter**? o an alreadv spirited c;imj-aigii There are now four randi dates in the race for ihe mayoralty Messrs J B Fe.der. W F Ularke. H I Watts and W P Waills Prohibition i# going to • ut som* figure in the ram j*uign thre* of the candidate* being at d* M prohibit tiiough the more con servative * irnmt. well knf>wUig that th* city administration cannot c - mtrol th** whisky question. nn*l that th* town and county 1* already drv for two years more, wid vote regardless of a candidate - position, on that question Tii* primary *l* tlon for Mayor and Aldermen wli t k* plu.V about Nov. j*, and from this Gnu* forward until th* vote# ar* * >unted the campaign will b* epirUtnl Hon W 11. Beck, grand sachem. Im proved Order of Hod Men of the state will py an nffl* ml visit to I*annah**?c Tnbt* h*r* <4l \V m-slav night, deliver ing an addrees The R*l Men are preparing n royal entertainment for th* grand * • h-m. which Includes a bar been. oyat*r tusd and u scalp dance ae a fin ishing ton h to #h* ceremonies. Burnt# r's rural mail service will be put it* working order by the 15th Inst. Five lines leading out of Am* rb us w ill le es tablished. nnd the furmers are pbas-d wi*h ti* pros; -art #-f having a daily mall delivered a? their d*#or# There D a greater demand fr farming lands In Humter this full than ever before known, nnd price# have stiff. n *1 consider ing Many soles have been effected r# • ently. I* th 1-irg* and small plantations, on* of 1.3f tt‘ r*s selling for Ilft.OOt) Grain, as w*ll as cotton. Is going to l* planted, and already forme?* her#* ore putting In large crops of wheat, oats and rye Farms here at#* better cultivated and In .1 g*ner •ll A* better condition than In many years prist. There are no sales of cotton here at prevailing prices, a# farmers are more de termined than ever to hold for an ad \ mce. which they f#*l suie will com* shortly Btock* in the six warehouses h#re are light, being considerably less than 4 Ofth bales, while much of this be long? to buyers nnd export#?#. TO ATOP INTIMIDATION. Met ulliagh *>■ He lln* Heard It \A 111 lie Practiced. New* York. Nov 4 3up*nnt#mdent of Elections McCullagh to-night sent to th* Board of Police rommifsioner*. th* chief of police, and other nffl’lsi# a communi cation In whl* h he sovs he has received information to #he effect tha? concerted and 4)rgani*# , #l attempt? will be mad* in many of th* *. ion districts of this city by th* lawless element of h#* community to Interfere with and intimidate voters on eJe-’tlon day. Hup? McCullagh says ■ I do not hesitate to state that the ele ment engaged in this contemplated viola tion of law has been greatly encouraged and fortified bv the open advocacy of vio lence a? the polls reported in the dady prints by persons prominent In Mctlvlt y. The interference wl*h ihe vot ers indicated in my information will bv the blocking of polls by organised gangs Immediately after the opening thereof by forming In lino ostensibly as voters, an I applying for billot s under fictitious names and after being rejected, to ra form again ir> th* rir of #l* lin* ” Mr M*Cullagh thn says tnat op n threat# have been mad** tha? his deput es will !*#• assaulted if they attempt o do ih*ir duly Chief Deverv to-day sent th* following Instructions 10 l* us* I on election day to all th* commanders of police precinct* In Greater New York "Tactics and me?h#vl# of Intimidation practiced upon respe.-t this rltigens on# y*ar In th* *tme tour months In any of trie four count!#•> of N#w York city, who have resided thi y days In an *>ci|on dis trict snd who nr legal voters wl I not ho to eraied or permitted by the police de partment '* Weak Digestion. Inrtl#-atlon n<l Dyapapata hav* wieckrtl 'many llv-a l -opl. who *r k -tn I nri:i**r4>. .hould know ihai hMlfh w u q return If tha dl*allon wra nu la normal. Thla la Juai tho <-on<>ltion Hoatallrr’, promaoh Bliiara hr4n* nbout H ru t>% Conallpatlon. Bltlouan-aa. K>rvouanaa Mvrr an*l KiUnay TroiiM-s. ar q prl row, tun<l •!<— p I< will mak* you wall San lhal our i'rlvaio l(<vanu* Bump u> era Ih- nark of tha ho'de A He to HOSTtTTER’S Stomach STOMACH Troubles. SITTERS 1 rvjQkn The dictionary says _Si -- r success means prosperity; k o( x! fortune; - ;l wished-for result. The success of —x Pearlinc means more. It means that Pearlinc lias proved itself the easiest, quickest, safest, most —=— ■ - economical tlun" to use in washing and cleaning. It means that women have found this true, and haven't been slow to tell others the truth about it. There’s nothing odd about the success of Pearline. It does so much and saves so much. Cleanliness is next akin to Godliness. Don’t Forget! Election # Returns AT THE FAIRGROUNDS Full returns, direct wire, free to all, thrown on screen, with (jrand vsttreopticon exhibition com bined. ELKS GREAT FAIR, TUESDAY EVENING, NOV. 6. LINDSAY & MORGAN’S SPECIALTIES: Buck’s Stoves and Ranges. Read’s Odorless Refrigerators. Perfection Mattresses. Imperial Furniture Polish. Carpet Size Ruffs. Wide Portieres. Vestibule Lace. F*. S.— Read our large- act. McDonough a ballantync, w’ Iron Founders, Machinists * 1 a.1i,1UX.,., >n .. la , r. of MI. „ , ’-4.' —* ’ ** J I'.rutkU ... lop Ui.ouloo ~ *yj t#r* **IU., ..... Mill --, . ftlo. t-.11.f., -t- TELEPHONE NO. 123. FLORIDA 4 H4l9* REPORT'. 'npreitae 4 onrl l'ror##llti#-(Hh#r Tnllnhn**** A#*w*. Tallahassee. Fla , Nov, 4 —Tn* last rr*>p hulielln f>r the s* a son, Juf# i-?**#! by (he Sta?* Dspaftmsnt nf Agti<ul(ur*. shows th* following r*iatlv* o the eondltkm and prospertive yield rf Florida field #*ro;# snd rlirus fruits. romimrsd with an average Conditkm—Upland cotton, fe. se island cotton. 71; sugat can*. iC. field |**as. 87. rl'e. st). velvet beans. 88. sweet *#• t>es, DJ; |*-anuts. 81; cassava. 88. hi). 87. ba nanas. 112. orange frees. 87. jlm* tree". lt2; lemon tr*#*s. 107. grapefruit tree*. I*** prospective yield—Upland cotton ft* sea .slanl cotton. 7ft; sugari ane. 97. Held peas. lice, 9#. velvet 131. sweet po tatoes, J'. peanuts, 88, i-assavn. 13?. hav. 114, banana*. 138. orange trees, ID. lemon tr**t\ lift. Urn* tr#v s. 137. grape fruit tree* IK3. The Platonic Debating Bodety me? at th* Seminary yesterday evening, when the regular ord**r of bus.ness was suspend ed and resolutions upon the death #>f Are? Ix>nk. a member of the society, who died during the past vacation, were r#ad und adopted ar.d euiog.e# pronounced by Paul Carter. A#a B Clark and W. R Crawford, after which the society sd journed. Mrs. R. M Ferrell, a iady 71 years old, has opened a tailor shop in the old Flori dian building She Is very Intelligent and ?ay* that forty-eight year* ntro she was a guest In the same building which was then a hotel Bh* states that her father. Holomon Ms thews, snd Dr John L Craw ford, now Secretary of State, were then members of tho Florida Legislature Mr F X flirt dl*d on Friday The f?i. neral took plaee from th* rsldence fa urday afernoin E M Mabry, formerly f Daw#ep. g# now a farmer on Lake Ji* kson, has this year made on one-fourth of an acre, ferti lised. a hale of rotlon weighing over Vm pounds. On Saturday h* brought tn vari ous sample* of this notion In bolls and otherwise, which he forward#*! o the Val dosta fair. The variety was the Improved fhnmplon King r^fton W J Clark r>f Vlvans has been appoint ed n tary public for th* sta'e at larg* Absent Ta lihassear.a are ffo'king home ?o vote for Bryan. Jennings and Tallahas see. Supreme 4 ourt I'roeeeiliog?. Btrlckland. plaintiff In error, vs IkOuTsvllle an*! Naehvllie Rallrosl Com pany. defendant in error; Walton countv ' Writ of error dismissed for f-illur#* to file abstract of record, as required hy rule 3i Minnie- Halle et al ai peiiants. v# Ja ob R. Einrtcln, appellee. Duval county Appeal •llsmlssed (or failure to (11* ab stract of record, as required by rule J E. Robeson, plaintiff In error, vs. the First National Bank of Orlando, defend ant In error. Orange county. Judgment r*v*r#*d Opinion by J list ice Carter. William ft*. Middleton er •! . appellants, vs th* ('|y of Hi Augustine et al . ap- P#)lee#. Bt Johns county. Deer** rever* I ard cause for further pro j 4 ceding? <*>pinton per curiam i The court stands adjourned until Tua*- 1 •**. -\'*w u. SfKW HK\ KM £ < I TTKR. Th*>ar> llrtlunnl for 4 u>>••• NfM’lri* Urea at Ilea uftrl. Beaufort, 8. C . Nov 4 —Four pw'ullar looking rrfn, uhi-h proved upon fnvao* Ugniion* to he l*nit*d Hfnto* revenue rut ter* d**atln*d for Cub*. rruttel •bout In the river dlrertly in front of •own for upward of an hour yeaterday. The atranjr* looking veeaela were exaetly alike and are < ona:ru<'ted <-xpr*aaly for ■ ruialns in ahallow water Ttiey were not formidable looking.being scarcely ae large a* on ordinary tow boat, but they aur reeded In arnualng the Interest of the Heaufort aborigine*. who freely Indulge.! In all aorta of ap*“ , ui*f ion na to the mean ing of th*dr a’rang# maneuvera The veaaela formed i* ration of a fleet of aim liar eraft ifitlnel for aervlre in the Weat Irxilep and became aepar *! from their companion* in a atorm. which they put Into Port Royal to avoid They left for *•** in the afternoon and will endeavor to th*- remainder of the fleet aome where down the cr.%t. THE wIATHER. Fortrtti for Monday and Tuesday: rjeorgla. Bourn Carolina. Eastern Flor ida ond Western Florida—Fair weather and pleasant temperature Monday and Tuesday: light northerly winds. Yesterday's \V<ther at Savannah- Maximum temperature Hft a m 41 degrees Minimum temperature a3O a m K degrees Mr an 40 degrees Normal temperature tin degrees Accumulated excess alnrr No' i r. degrees A•" jmu.aird ogee,* since Jan. 1 224 degrees Rainfall .in lor<h Normal • Inch E*<e* aincr Nov 1 X*l inchra Deficiency since Jan 1 tSI Inches Rlvrr Rrporl-Tho hlght of the Savan nah rlvrr a* Augusta, at g a. m. (7sth me ridian time, yesterday, was 12 3 feel, a rise of 3,1 feet during the preceding twen ty-four hour*. Ohrervut one taken at the earn- moment of time at all flatlonf, Nov. 4. ISOO. 1:00 p. m.. 75th meridian time. Name ot Station. .T. | V. Rain Boalon. ptly cldy. ..... ..; go" j“L | New York city. ptly. cldy.l M| L (h Philadelphia, cloudy | JJ | .00 Washington city, clear M I 4 j ,rx Norfolk, raining j m 23 24 Hutteraa, raining j x | 42 .53 Wilmington, cloudy | 50 i u .04 Charlotte, clear |no t, | .1* Raleigh, clear j sx j g j .04 Charleston, clear j M g! T Atlanta, clear | m 14 jno Augusta clear I u ir> Savannah, clear jgo I, 00 Jacksonville, elenr I 4K 4 on Jupiter, clear i 72 14 00 Key West, clear 1 74 | 12 m Tampa, clear j 4 ■ 4 00 H P Boyer. - " CeacAi Fartuuii oi&uaJ, 5 S'