The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 05, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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11%411*E ISTELII6F.XCE. Matter, of IntrrrM to Shipping Mm (irarrllt. m City of AuiuM.l approached the , jtcT'liy an Innovation *a, furnteh , i r front iwople hy Falrman’a. Band, w Mt Mtl"ned In the hnw. and play t vrril relectlona before the eteumer i.i r>l her do. k The band romti to Ba , Jfl to take joart In the Elks carnival ■ )r \ n Merrill of the M> mll-Steven;. j firjt Company of Jaokaonv Ilia la ln \ nn burlnee,. He la sopping at tin I’tilaakl t al .onirj'ior haa undertaken to t ii i.. steamer W 8 Cook The con- re. k the Cook was made hy y . iim \ I. Karle, the underwriter*’ i \ lame fort, of hand* so up to user this with divine an t o'ftrr X-ar. Th 1 lector of rutlemt, Btone. ha* re e. v rd the following Information tre-m the I .it- I Stat- a (liars* t| affaire* at Cara , Venezuela. regarding tonnage aid c.t-ier fee* exuded on vessel* nt the port , ■ Maracaibo: Itv in executive decree the irnvernment h„ annulled the contract which ha* hern to force for a number of year* for the t * buoy at’d llfihthouae eervlce for the |. rt of Maracaibo The fee* ware \.rt . xorhltani. and have now been e*. tabll tied a* follow* Mu v Fae—One b. litar for each ton. ac rard tar to whip * tonnage, for *hlp* that • lar at Maracaibo without a tow Towage Fee*—Two bolivar* per ton for thlpt thot enter or l -av., rrnjj ng the bar with a tow, the tow I* not obligatory. Lighthouse fee* are oh li.-h.d. a* a)*o the duty formerly paid on native products found n it crossing the bar outward bound ai 1 that were not on the *hlt * manlt- t from ih* Custom House Foreign and i alive men-of-wur, ships en government service and vessels in th eoaftwlse trade, of not more than ion lona Hie exempt from towage and buoy fee* The *•■ amer Harry G Day arrived la*i night !■ m Augusta with cargo and large passenger list. Knvunnali Almanac. Sun rise* at 4.23 a. m arid set* at 505 p m High water at Tvhe* to-day t A '0 a m ar.d *. p m High water at Savan nah one hour later Phase* of the Moon for November. D. H >1 Full moon 5 6 n eve. I.o*l quarter 13 * 37 eve. New- moon 22 1 17 morn Kir*t quarter . 23 11 33 morn Moon perigee. 3th. Moor, apogee. 17th. 4HHI4 \I.A AM* DEPART IRE*. Vessel* Arrived Vesterday. Steamship City of Augusta. Daggett. New York—Ocean S'eamshlp Company Steamship Merk*hlre, Ryan. Philadel phia—.!. J Caroian. agent Revenue cutte:* 7. 33 10 and 11. Charleston. In command of Capt Felix Hunlcke Vessel* Went to Sea. Steamship Miramar (Br), White Santi arc Shipping Memoranda. Baltimore. Nov 3—Arrived, tt'uner Florida, Savannah. Jacksonville. Fla Nov. 3—Entered, schr 1 endleton. Ferxuson. New York. Cleate.l, scl.r Jessie Lena. Devereaux. N. w Yor k Entered and cleared, fteamshlp Coman :ie, Penninfiton. New Y’ork. Carlh, In- B< ston. charleston. 8 C. Nov. 3—Arrived, st amer Iroeiuoi*. Kemble, New York .Sailid. *chr* Edgar C Ross. Qutlltan. N. w York. Sue.a M Datldson. Doughty, i altlmore. P> ssle Whiting. Betgland, New York r’ernandtnn. F‘a . Nov I- Palled, schr . *rrb A Lane. Fietcher, Frovldenee. R I Key West. Fla . Nov. -Arrived, earner* Mangrove Seymour. Pena ola las.-otie. White. Fort Tampa, and pro . -eded to H ivana Sail'd, steamer Miami. Delano. Mtam steamer Newcaatle ißri. repotted ye*- • kit ashore on Tennessee reef, floated nd arrived in port Fort Tampa Fla . Nov t -Sailed, hark valonla (Ger>. Vo*s Melbourne. Australia Arrived. *t*om'-r Olivette. Smith. Ma ma. via K Wes Pensacola Fla. Nov 3—Arrived. steam hil * Douglas tNori, Krlcksen. Havana, lenrietta (Hri. Merit. Hamhurg. via Ber muda: Fagaseurrl (Span), Blueco, Galvee tor. for coal 8 illivl. vte.imshlp Oracia (Spani. Clrar la. Liverpool. Cleared steamship* Llngfleld <Rri Hartlelt. Havre and Dover; Gracia (Spar). I lrarda. Liverpool Native In Mariners. Pilot rhart* and all hydrographic Infor mation will be furnished master* of ves ts!* free of charge In Foiled State* hy ri ograpblc office in Custom Houne. Cofi ,,ns are requested to call at the offi- *■ It-port* of wreck# and derelict* received for trails mission to the Navy Depart mart. Washington. Nov 2 —Notice I* given by th. I.lghthouvc Hoard that on or about Dec 1. 19flri. the Intensity of the light at tin- -union known a* the Choctaw Fa** hanncl range rear light. No 3. Ala will Va .nereased hy changing from a post lan tern to a lens lantern light, without other change The light I* locai.d on the east erly prolongation of the axl* of Choctaw- Piss channel, northerly part of Mobil* bay Notice |* also gl'n that on or about Nov 13, Him the color of the *lxth ordar Sight at the Sassafras Tolnt light will be changed from while to red. Th* • atlon is located off Sassafras Point, R. 1 . westerly aide of the channel of Provl d*nre river. 1 E99EL9 DOl Nil FOR SAVANN AH. Steamship*. Avlaby fßr). 1.73* ton*. Hoag; kl Shield*. Oct 23 H 'lton Hall ißr). :.3J7 ton*. Lewd*, du# Nov 10 for rnronra (Br. 2.OA> mrr. Hn##n; #4*l. Miiu*h##t#r. Ort 1* Fd* nbridge (Rr). 1.357 ton*. Notman. *ld Tenenffe, Oct. 13 Ho*newood .—r). 1.021 tons. Hwdand. aid Villa Real, rtri 23. It!* tßeigi. 1 s tons. Sylor: *ld An:- w*rp. Oct. 21. 1 kttnU (Bri. 1.132 tons. I’hrlettan*en. St Harry. Oct. 12 "I gust M Fmtllo* (Span). MR tons. •mpo*. due Oct. 15 for Barcelona v nnie (Mr). 1.333 tonr. Erlcksen. *ld Rio 'aneiro. Oct 1# Quentin (Mr). 2.170 tons. S(abb. at Philadelphia Get 30; du* Nov IS. Ship,. harvest Queen (Br) IMS lons. Forsyth. *i quarantine. Oct. 21. iiarke. * (Da!), 711 tons. Martanl; aid Goole. ‘' t 21. more (Nor). 1.043 ton*. Sorentgn Sid i -fjord, Oct. I. 1 1 dlna p (Aust ). 791 ton*. Ro*man|eh; " ' Murrell:**. Oct. 10. na (Oer). 1,377 lons, Dress, sld ’emeu. Or- 3. ,r ■> (Sort. 3 tons. Andr'***er.. sld. ndon. Sept, g) ’ „ ’!'* (Ger). 1.243 tons. Heilberg. sld '* tmbur*. Oct 29 r ‘*mo (Br. 33i ton*, Mallyrafl; at Per r 'nihuco. Sept. 12. MURPHY & CO., INC., Hoard Of Trad* Building Savannah Private leased wire* direct to New York, j Chicago and New Orleans COTTON. STOCKb AND GRAIN. Nsw York office. No 41 R road way Offices in principal cities throughout th* South Wriea for our Market Manusl and look containing Instructions for traders .Frlrlad (Nor ). 1.913 ton*. Jn ohren. pd L-uidei lland. Ort 12 Free •*-,-* (Dan. l.ngj ton*. Rancolarl; ld, *!• Mi rdam, Bep( 29 Jane* t; Pendleton (Nor.). *7o tone. Nlch- I Olalxen. *ld London On )? , KampfJord (Nor). 743 ton*. A renren; *ld Harrow Oct. 19 Monte Allegro M (Hall. UK ton*. Fldele, *bt Marecllle*. Oct 13 Marla Adelaide tltal), b'.) ton* Oliver •Id Genoa June •- I'd Tr 'i Marla T (Hal). 7.71 ton*. Trapani. *ld Porto Empedocle. Oct 2S Monar h tgwe.ii s.. ;.i >, Andi-ri- n. e.-l l agiWUy, t’Jct . 1 New Zealand (Nor). 323 ton*. Thlesen. *ld Hamburg, O, i 4 Fadao (Nor). 379 ton.*, Federren. *ld. Huil. SejM 2k Faola Madre (lull 1.039 ton* Schnfflno; *ld. Genoa. Oct 2 - Paragon (Nor), 759 ton*. Rusch. ld Deal Nov 2 Royal (Nor). *3a tcpi, Krogh. *ld Havre, Oet 3 ■ Stella del Mare (Hal ) 1.133 ion*. Lavagl i nus. sld Genoa Oct. 2 - Tlkomo tNor). 7v; ton*, Bjorg*. eld Las- Palma*. Oct 15 Veronica (Bn. l.naa ton*. JlcLeod at Wa terford. Befit 21 i Vtetor (Nor) 314 ton*. Ojtvtk, >td Rar- I row Oes. 19 kehnnarre. t3'oo.)ward Abraham*. 373 ton*. Mar*bai). rid Baltimore. Oct 24. via Iteaufort Stella R Kaplan. 1024 !•>*. Merrill, at Rar.gor. Ort. 27 D D Haekall. 274 ton*. ld Ro- kland. Oct. 21 Haven A Sfnnl’e Review. Haven A Stout, banker* and broker* of New York, eav in trieir weekly review of the cotton mark** Speculative activity In the cotton mar ket ha* been Interfered with by the ap proach of th* *l* 'ton. which naturally reHrlcSr th operation* of miifld* Inter **!►. The volume of bu*lner* ha* ayn*e quentlv been reduced and the trading I* eerentially profeseional Sentiment ha* beer, mote or |er* mixed allhough the tendency- of th* market reemed In the earlier day* of lb* week to point *o a rally from the recent depreseion The large rhort inter**! formed on the decline exhibited ign of nervouene** and their covering waa mainly responsible for the rather *harp rl*e wnlch actually occur rr-d The advance, however, ottraeted no * upper* from Liverpool and brought In only a morierat* amount of fre*h outride buying her* Re eipt* have continued large and the principal bullish argument was the f#yar of frost, which grow- mote scute every week In view of the lateness of the reason and the probability that ivhaaever growth l* still fn progress may h* suddenly cut off It was generally believed on Wednesday and Thursday that the expected frost was at hand and a renewed covering movement set In on tnl* Idea although It proved to he un founded fhe low- temperature* only ex tending lo extreme Northern point* in the cotton belt The market at the and Of the week war nervous, with renewed *> altered selling of long holdings, under which price* receded again to some ex tnt. wnlle It Is noted that a considerable *c Hon of the trade |* anticipating a sharp rally th* moment there u> any decided change in weather condition* a> the South Advice* from various Southern points Indicate that the cotton movement duilng No\ ember la liable to full off m i terlatly from th* October figures, a* th*r< is very little cotton lef# In the Eastern cotton growing stale*. The government crop report due next week i awaited with .merest, and will prohahtv have considerable effect. Rpn** have been rath er heavy, but there I* no material change and the election may result in a con sld erabie alteration In the position of the cot ton g.d* trade which. If favorable, w-ould have an effect on cotton price*. The A’ielblr knpply f 4 niton. From the New York Commercial and Financial Chronicle. Nov 2 The visible supply of cotton to Nov 1, es made up by cable and telegraph I* as fo.lnws Continental stocks, as well a* those for Great Britain and the afloat, are thl* Week * returns, and consequently all European figure* are brought down to Thursday evening Hu4 to make Ihe total ihe complete figure* for Nov. 2. We add the item of exports from the Unit ■ l State*, including in It the exports of Friday only. 1900. 1999 Stork at Liverpool, hale*.. SOu.iniO 733.01)11 Slock at London 15.000 2.000 Total Gt PrPaln stock . 33),0n0 735.001 Stock at Hamburg 15.A*> 24.1*11 Stock ai Br-men 92.000 153.U)j Stork at Amsterdam |,009 Stock at Rotterdam 2>*> am Stock at Antwerp 3.00) 4.non Stork at Havre 42.000 15*,fl0u Stork at Marsedlea 2.000 4.c*)i Stock at Barcelona 17.000 33. m. Stock at Genoa EOun 10.<*i. Stock at Trieste 2.000 12.0 t Total continental stock*. 179.20a 432.2>>> Total European stock*. . 499.200 1.137.200 India cotton afloat for Europe 43.0 ft) 3,000 American cotton afloat for Europe 902.000 uo.orn Egypt. Brazil, etc . afloat for Europe J 7.000 67.000 Stock In F S port* 331.332 Aog.SM Stock In V 8. interior town* 513.959 343.125 U. S export* to-day 33.3*4 25.794 Total visible supply 2,540.43.', 3.JW.992 Of the above, total* of American and other description* are as follow a: American— Liverpool stock, bale* .... 253 im 339.0- Contlnental stock* 157.00) 343.(19) American afloat for Eu rope 902.000 550,(1)1 U 9 Stock 351.332 553.3*: F 8 intenor stock* *13.939 313.12., U. 8 export* to-day 53.334 25.734 Total American ....2.411.255 3.134.792 ri< >( 1 ai HALGITf AT^FITtESE . CGJIPANY, 53 Broadway. New York Branch**—*s S(at* rireer. Morion; 402 (Yalnut street Philadelphia CONNECTED BY TRIVATE WIRES BONDS. BTO ’kß GRAIN COTTON Bought t*l *old for Can or on slod*rate Margin* 10 share lot* end upward Commiralon. 1-13 Colton our specialty Binall margin* and large savin* on com mission Write for term* We can inter est you Send for our aivpage ’Guide to Investor*.” giving detailed Information fo investor* and operator* in Stock*. Grain and Cotton l*ued grtiir and mailed free Statistics on Railroad. Industrial and Mis cellaneous Securities Highest end l.)we*t prices ol flocks from 1493 Excellent ser vice. Correapondenca solicited Out-of town orders given special attention JOHN W. DICKEY, Stock and Bond Broker, Al'GttITA, OA. Write for Llul. THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1900. Total Eat IrxlU. ate 1 >■> ITS y*' Total vlfflhlf i*pf>h 2.580.4&& 8JP7.903 The import* into continental port* tha fM p r weak hava Iwen baler The above figur** Imlioai# a I#cr#W‘* in • he cotton in eight to of 727.537 bale* ? comrartHi wish the ome date of 109. * lot* of M 3.374 bales* from the com spon.i in <late f u&* an Ia <lecllna of IOM baits from 1197 lIVNKIII rmtir \IKH^. The Financial Outlootk • •cm From W all Hirer*. New York. Nov ?■ Affaire in Wail Mreet are m a MnguUrly unettle*l con dition. anrj for r* aeone which certainly fi> no- he com pic uou* on the aurfa*e. For the |nt two week . the Mock mirki*‘ h ir been n enigma It oae acted . few have expe<ied and as- mil fewer have fti'he.l It h.j* paid little regard to influ ences which might hive been ond w*i> expected to Pave . ri'd* rabie effect, and i here I* no hod v i* t- v w. toid you ev. he 'ause evervNulv's expectations are found to nave lM**n based on vni*tak*u tt ke-ntng- A''out two weeks i|o, there was a great rush of buying Large and mfiiifntiii iurchasers crowded Into in* market and ourtkfar* dal no* lose day in following tne lend of the prof cm ion a 1* Purchase* were largo enough to suagest the arrival of n lively boom and prices advanced with a v gnr thar few wore prepared for Suddenly a chill came over the builisi Deling that seemed o hsiv • sprung up so e^sont anootitly and. for no manifest reason. *h bu>ing has been change*! for selling and prices have d* lin ed eh it ply but wish n e*r t of hesltancv which suggest* that operator* have no: lost their hopes but ate clinging to tin expectation *hat the reaction will prove to be onlv temporary I* is possible-, however, to attach un due importance *o the elections as an ele ment affixing Will ttreet In** rest Af ter ad. the political shake-up is little more than a transient excitement, and Its chief permanent lies in its rev elation of the national eentlm**nt upon ths larger measures of public policy A week after th- verdict we shall have forgotten the excitements of politics for another four years and • *.' for tun*.- of the na tion’s regular business wli| ahnorb the at tention of the Stock Exchange Fortun ately we find there little to suggest mis givings as to ihe national prosperity. hook \orit i:v “Elements of Latin.’* By Wm n Harper. Ph. D . D D . LL l* . President of the I’nlveralty of Phi* go ;*ni Isaac B Burges*. A M Academy of the Uni versity of Chicago. Cloth. l2fno JJO page*, with illustrations and colored map Price. $lOO. American Book Company, New York The arrangement, grading, scope, and typography of thi. volume are all ex cellent In the introductory lessons there are given carefully selected forms and rules, so that when the text of Caesar Is taken up rw large number of new forms or syntactical rules will meet the pupil The pupil is early Introduced to the con nected text of Caesar which accords with the practice of the best Latin Instructors of the present day. The text covers the in vasions of Britain and other historical parts of Caesar and has been selected especially for Its simplicity and Interest. Special attention Is given to the vocabu lary and new words are compared with those previously learned, and frequent re views arc mode by means of abundant easy exercises. “Elements of Physics.*' bv Henry A Row.and. Ph D.. L Lb, professor of physics and director of the physical lab oratory In Johns Hopkins Unlverglty. and Joseph 5 Ames. Th.D.. professor of phys ics and sub-director of the physical lab oratory }n Johns Hopkins t'nlversify Cloth. ].’mo. XIII 28ft pages Price, ft! American Hook Company New* York. A teg*.hook by two such eminent scientists as rhe authors of the present volume can not fail to meet with a wile and cordial appreciation. High schools and schools preparatory to college* will receive tip announcement of thlc new publication with much treasure in this hook the text is considered of the first importance, while the laboratory instruction is rele gated to a secondary' position, inasmuch a the experiments can be made only after the gcnerAi principle* ttnd fundamental laws have been learned ' Elements of t*r*ken French.' 1 hv Mau rice N Kuhn H es L . tutor of French in Harvard Pnlverslty. Cloth. )2mo. h* pages. Price SO < ent. American Hook Company. New York It Is a won known fact that most grammars and readers now in use do not teach a correct French pro nunciation. and It is surprising that until now ;h*e su‘njee nas never bean given due consideration The present hook Is the first of a series of handbooks on pro nunciation based on phonetic principles h Y C. V Cusachs. B A. (University of Barcelona>. profe.-eor of Spanish In the United States Naval Academy, and Mau ri e N Kuhn B es L (University of Paris*, tutor of French In Harvard Uni versity. It aims to supplement the or dinary grammars and readers now in use. and is ?o short and simple that It cm !>e used by students of any age “Chatterbox.** edited by J Ersklne t’lurke. M a Dana Estes A t'ompany. 712 Summer street. 80. ton. publishers ' t'hatteriiox“ this year Is. If possible, an Improvement upon issue* of previous years The arti<Te* are timely and Inter esting and of a high standard of merit The i Hum ration? are Just the sort to phase in#, fittle folki* It is book that would make a fine Christmas present “Selections from tho Idylls of the King, by Alfred Tennyson Edited by Mary F Willard. John Marshall High School. Chi cago. Cloth. 12vno. 121 pages, with map Price X cents American Book C>m pany. New York. Cincinnati and Chicago This is a most Interesting aidlnon to ihe Electic English Classics now so wide ly used in serondory and preparatory schools as the Idylls stand easi.y first among Tennyson's pdtm* In grace and elaboration of language and In human in terest In addition to the technical per fection of the poetry and the rturm of the interesting story, there is found fen them a moral significance and insight Historic Towns of the Southern States.“ edited by Lyman P. Powell O P. Putnam's Hons. New York. S! V Thl? Is a handsomely bound and a superbly illustrated book All of the Southern towns which have a historical ‘merest have a place In It. There are Illustrations showing the principal buildings and thr chief point* of Interests of each of the cities About as much spare is devoted to Savannah as to any other city. The tax* contains much that Is of historical Interest. The hook Is one that la well calculated to loterett pretty nearly every body. The House Behind the Cedars.” by Cnarles W Chesnqt Houghton. Mifflin £ Cos . New York Cloth. II SO In this story. In which the Interest Is well sustained throughout, a phase of the race problem is presented The scenes are laid In the South, and the characters are drawn with a skillful hand. ••Visiting the Sin.'* a tale of mountain life in Kentucky and Tennessee by Emma Rayner Small. Maynard and "*nmpany Cloth. $1 30. In this story there are some excellent description* of the people of tha mountain section* of Kentucky and Ten nessee. together with tlwtr hsblts and cus tom* a* they exlsti-d quarter of a cen tury hg. The story is in parts, thrill ing. #rd is doae enough to truth to mke it deeply tntereHtng *V a4aa lii . The Century for November is full of ffovf articles, good fiction and good lllus trationf A g nce through t* png -re veal# the reason why it r**i tin# its hold on th** publlr “The Kdu non if S.m." b\ - Dudley Warner, i# ceri.nn to aftthi't * good <ieal of ten lon The Peru nf Pan-■'R ay-Chin** b% Oenrge s Have will r**a-l with inu b more than p ’*'*).g mer#>Ft '*Poion an*l tell a Btor> In In Frank F rkron* be#t vein Thf*e ure only n few of the g*x*l things of ’he numb* r Tbe Century Com pany. Union Bquare. N York The InternaHonal Monthl> for NmwW present** most attractive ll#* of c.v •# >1 Marlllier. the grV.xi Krei * writ*; r*. Ihe origin of religion, concludes hi# ese.i\. begun m the October issue. "Toe j Primitive Ooje< t# *( Worship This v* i*er j- replete with suggestions an-l 4 in no read wun mu r pr>l‘ The M% Mtllan Company. New York There are five uriKle# of unusual inter est in the November Home Mag4Stne of N* w York First comes Chauncey Mon*- om*ry M Oovert # T<'\inq With Death a* Randv Hook.** in wnUn Mr M Govern dcscribs*# th** rather start ling experiment# made t*\ ih” United b *• •* armv at Bandy H*>ok proving ground' in perfecting I heir h guns, armor piercing iwoJectNe an.i high egpliYNives !i is • field never before touched by nr,v mveaxine. awl both h - siorv and h*' picture# will surely at trn* t a good deal of attni<>n Another is Will M CJemcn* arti |. on Richard Cro ker anl slid another 1# th* “Chinese Mother <lw>#e by Prof J T Headlan 1 of th* Pek:n Universilv The ||om*‘ Mag •sine. i#m Bennett huikhiig. New York Tie North American Review for No vember furnishes* s rtkmg evidence of she cosmopolitan character of this magizme Including, a# it does, among it# i-ontribu five Americans two 11w! 1• i• tw>> Fing*l!*hmen. a Frenchman, an Austrian a Oermwn im) a Japanese The number open# with a masterly article by Capt A T Mahan U st N. on Asiatic Con dlMons and In emotional PollrW," in w'tnch he endeavor# to #how what the I nited gtaiey must do to miintain their Influence in the ••ouncii# of the nations under the nsw condition# created hy ih* hassern crisis Oahriee D'Annunzio, the fnmoim Italian novelist and poet. in a paf*er entitled The Third Life of Italy." deplore# the Incapacity of modern Ital ian statesmen and expresses the belief (Kit the salvation of his country require?- that tne control of it# affairs he intrust ed again t4> men who ore miniated bv the historic ideal# of the Everyone of the article# m well worth reading making the number an exception ally good one North American Review Franklin Square. New York A timely arrlc)# |# • yj it aulay's Centen ary." by Prof Jam## Main Dixon, which ha# hrst place in the American Illustrat ed Methodist Maxazlt e for November The article is commemorative 0 f the . entsnmai of the famous English historian who was horn Oct 25. ISW. in LelreMerrhlre. Eng land An exquisite portrait of Macaulay appears as the frontispiece of the num ber 233 North Second street. Rt Lsvuis. Anew short story hy Robert Parr, en titled. "The Wizard of Wall Street.“ tn Everybody's M*igzine for November ha# never been exceeded in its quality of in trie t hy anything from the | M >n of tha* popular writer ln its conception of c#r tiin Wall street types, it i* pe. uliarlv true to life Everyb>xiy‘f Magasine, New York city. The International Rtudlo for November ha# a number of superb illustrations The irtlcle- descriptive of th# Illustration# ar* of a high order of merit The interna tional Studio. .‘.M Fifth avenue. New York city. riTDIOtIT PIAfTIRKI) IID TIRE. Ilcnlaeit of the Fnreat Calve# Daring \\ heel ninn a Header. From the Philadelphia Ledger. Williamsport. Oct 2*.—A bicyclist and • 4-atamount collided in the woods near Jersey Shore Buturday night, and for 1 short time there w# an exciting fight R.*y Clark of Rauchtown w.i> returning home l.ite at night, and w lile passing over .1 road in the wood# he heard 4 catamount utter 11 cry ahead of hJm Then the an imal plumped tfitn the middle of the road The lamp on hi# bicycle showed the blcy cll#t th it he was too 1 lose to avoid a collision and pushing with all hi# might into the anima. the bicycle pa##d over the ratumount and tne rider wa* thrown manv feet ahewd of i*- wheel A# th bicycle struck the animal It 1 Jawed and fought rhe wheel, and when the micnln. fell over the animal pounced on it and ripped the front tire into idei e# dark had regained hfo feet by thl# time, ami with ssone# he drove the cat nwgy and recovered his damaged machine Lt 11 Of HOPt RTMO USO at ulv ilk. For Id* of Hop*. 51 xi4g..m,ry, Thundor 4H. C’gdla Lurk and Wm! 4slb4 lutly xr-pi Bui)dt)t. Bubjtct to ctiung, without not leu IBI.h <>K ROTE o v lor 1 ul *4 I.v Isle of llruie * At arn from temn |4uo am for Holton 7to am from Tenth ; OO am for Tenth I am from Tenth 700 m for Tenth •16 am from Bolton 400 urn for Tenth 10 to am from Tenth 10 00 am for Tenth UV) n n from Tenth 1! OD am for Bolton 1 16 pm from BoMon ll K am for Tanth 1M pm from Tenth 200 pm for Tenth >SO pm from Tenth ■ 240 pm for Boltoo 4to pm from Tooth Jin pm for Tenth >to pm from Tenth 4to pm for Tenth to pa from Tenth (u> pm for Tenth 7to pm from Tenth 700 pm for Tenth tto pm from Tenth 100 pm for Tenth U pm from Tenth OO pm for Tenth 10 to pro from Tenth 10 on p m for Tenth II Pm for Tenth MONTOOMSKT. ritv for M ne *\ I.v ifon*gom-' *to am from Tenth 1 716 am for Tenth 2to pm from Tenth 116 pm for Tenth *° Pm from Tenth ' OO pm for Tenth CATTUK BARK. '" r ' Eire ~Lv r*f|* p. r* ' •M am from Bolton 700 am for Bolton 7 10 am from Bolton j I 00 am for Boltow 1 00 pm from Bolton I Ito pm for Bolton 1 S pm from Bolton 1 I IS) pm for Holton 7 00 pm from Bolton I Tl 6 rm for Bolton OOP pm from Bolton 1 *36 pm for Bolton i iluNut-rtnuiisi Car leave* Bolton street junction 6SO A m and avory thirty minula* thereafter unlit 11 to p. m. Car leave* Thunderbolt at 000 a m. and •very thirty minute* thacaftar until 11:00 midnight, for Boiton street junc tion rittoltjll . AND I'ARCEL CAM. Thla ear carries trailer for passongera on all trips and leave* weal aid* of city market for I*l* ot Hop*. Thunderbolt and ail Intermedia:* point* at t oo a. m.. 100 P m . tOO p. m Eeavea Ul* of Hop* for Thundarbolt City Market and all Intermedia!* point* al 000 a. m 11 ® a. m 246 p ir„ WJChT END CAR. Oar laaves wvat aide of oly market for Weal End 10 L m and avery minute* thereafter durtng tha day until 11: p. m. Leave* West Fnd al l a m and #*- ary 40 minutee thereafter durtng the day until UiOO o'clock mtdnlirttt H M l/JFTGN. Geo Mr, "SR- Southern Railway. Train*- Arrive and Depart Savannah on Vth Meridian Time—One Hour Slower Than City Time S-hedulea In Effect Hunday June 10, lfeOO. ftfiXt' tVYYt V ' - -111 Till; EAST ' ~ ' ll I'i’ n..i* s. > -. (Cm raf nww.) 12 .‘flpni 1 j Lv S*\ mi ,h Ar a 10*111. 4 .4pm (Eastern Time.) < 21pm .Ram Ar Btackvlilo |.\ a rtn.iu l ■'7pm J 1 P u \r ... c lumbta i.v 1 11 .... '1 * “I’m ! nil Ar Charlotte I.v * ki.piii v Uim 11 *ipn! 2 t 1 a,?. . I.v i 10pm ifcMß Ar ... No. f. lit I.v "pm 12 ..Uni £ '|.n> Ai ... Doji.tlln .. . I.v i 40|Mti I * Oftini . pni At HK-hnv.iii.l I.v 12 01 pm 11 •••pan - **•"’ 1 Spin Ar . . l.yn. M.uri: I.v a ...'pm -* 4 '.mm l. ( m: Ar Cllnrloi Inrvlllp I.V J (Hlpm 12 * .v.*tn . j-pnv Ar Muiilnxion I.v 11 l..*m i' MH*'n : !k * m !! 'PW Ar Bailimorn I.v | • 22. in J7pm , n ' * Ar I.v 1 idom, 1. lUcm * ~P m •* 3,m> Ar Nw I.irk I.v 13 I>*m 1 2>i“" 1 "P" "Pn Ar |.. . • rjS~ TI Vb~ NORTH AMt wm. ! NO.JS - If (Central Time i ***** l* v tavnnnnTT At Mma . (Rastarn Tnv- i * *‘* n ' Vv Columbia I.v ! .. *' v bpailanbijra I.v 6 lMm ** ***" Lv Aak-vtllo I.v .1 *P I*?"* Ar ... . tint Sprint* IA U *• Know ill.. I ■ i ***•"’ Ar I,f*ln*ion I.' 10 M>" . 4i*m Ar Cinclnn*il I.' I *pm * J*s* Ar Si i.v >Wm ■ Sr L Hit* , (Do I.V • ' All darn* airiva and d.part from lt>* I'lani Hyxtrm Bialton. THROUGH ( AH BKKVICE. ETC TRAIN* *2 AMD H UAII.I NEW YORK ANIt KEOKIUA EX TRESS V-atl ulnl liml'.d train- with Tullman I"a.v|i., Huom Blrap n*t I'■ 1- 1 n n*h mi n,.. Y'ork I'ontwrlt *1 \Yaihtntun wilh Colonial Kxprraa I ll.~ton. * ullnMt. No|.m Cara (wiwnrn Chariot I- and lllehainixl .in. I > h.trlt>ii> un*l Nor Cara arrvn *ll meal* hntwrnn Sax inn-.h and Wa.vhlrKlnn TRAINS * AND * n.AIEY THE I NITKIt STATES EAST M All. A "H iilr l llmurd tralna. c.irry ln( Pullman Piawlna Room Slmpii.g Car** n s ■ and Nr-W York L>lniri( Car* *rrvr all mral* Savanna 1 and W.- hinxt-n Alan Tullman Drawing R.m S4<-pm* Cara Savannah and Cm nnail, through A*h*v|||* and Thn Ean.l of lha Skv lor <-ompl*la Information a* 40 ratra. trhnliilrt. -tv . apply to C! OHOOVRR Tirkrt Agant. I’lanl Hiaitnn .TAMER FREEMAN C T and T. A. HI Bull rlrra-t T> Uphonr *- Bril, *.V); Gaorgla. S H HARDWICK A*l*iant O-naral Ta*-ang*r Ac-nr Atlanta C.a Learn a Profession Without Going Away lo College or Leaving Home or Quitting Work. WHAT YOU NEED for complsi# success In Ilf# 1# on# of ih# T#n Frs# Scholarship# In Th# International Corrsspnndenc* School# of Scranton, f’s which th# M'ItN INO NEWS will present to th# ten person# having th* most volt-* by Nov. 3D. IWO Osther all th# Voting Coupon# you can. snj win on# nf th# T#n Fr## R holsr ihlp? ntmrd b#|ow Through on# of t!#m you < .in qualify for it fit Op #al* •ried poililon, and not lota g day from work or leave your home while study ing 1 MECHANICAL engineering 2 ELECTRICAL engineering (Including Complete Electrical Outfit.) 1 AH'TIITEt’Tt RE 4 CIVIL ENGINEERING. 6 BANITARY FLLMBING. HEAT ING AND VENTILATION. HOW TO VOTE. Cut ouf ih# attach*! Voting Cou pon. sn<) mail or bring if to th# business office of the Morning Nsws, Savannah, Go. Each Coupon must bear Ih# nam# of fh# person for whom you wish to vole. TORTURE! BESIDES the dangers and dis figurement* nf Blood Dis t4l, tbe Burning and Itch ing Skin Eruptions are among tbe most acute tortores. The strongest systems soon collapse aader aneb agonies. P D p (Wppman's Greet # Z . i a *ni*dy) lea eafe end certain care for •very Bkin Dleeeee, whether tor taring, dlstgnring, humiliating. Itching, burning, bleeding, ecaly, pimply or tetchy—la fact, from pimp lee to the moat dlatreeaing ecsemoe—end ewery humor of the Mood, whether almple, scrofulous or hereditary. P D D Parlfiee the blood, # g # build* np the weak . fcl and debilitated, give a strength to weakened aerree, expels diseases, and in •aree health and happineas where •ickneee end despair once shot •nt the light of life. Sold by oil Draggleta. fi a bottle ; six bottles. $3. LIPPMAN BROTHERS. • Aala PnprKUo brrMAJi DidO, #A VANN AM. OA. ORANGES. Headquarter* for FINE FLORIDA ORANGES FRCITR AND VBOETABLCR of all kind* SEED RYE SEED OATS hay. orain. feed. flgfr CHEESE BEANS. Pea*. Plea Sira", ate \V. D. Smikins &Cos J. D. WEED * CO savaroam, a*. Leather Btlilat Steam Packing 4 Host Agaota for NEW YOKE RFBBI.It BELTING AND RACKING COMPANY. JOHN (3. BUTLER, -DEALER IN— Faint,. Oil, and Glo. 44a*h. Door,.Blind,, and Builder, Buppllc. Flam an 1 Decora ttv* Wall Paper. Foreign and Dumastlo C*m*nta. Lame. Plaatar and Hair. Sola Agent for Abeatlna Cold Water Faitn X Congrew ,tr*e. waai. and 19 Bt. Julian airctF weg* 3 CHEMISTRY 7. COMMERCIAL BRANCHES. 9 MECHANICAL DRAWING (Including Complete Drafting Outfit.) 9 ARCHITECTCRAI. DRAWING (Including Complete RraMiig Outfit.) 10 ORNAMENTAL DESIGN 'lncluding Complete Dongulng Outfit ) VOTING COUPON. Nam* St. and No Town ' t )Jt pV 1 11 J o Md i F BRENNAN BROS., anOLLSALB Pruit, Produce, Grain, Etc. 433 BAY STREET. WaaL lalcrboß# ita. LEUAL lIUTtCEI. .NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDIT ORS OEOROIA. CHATHAM POINTY Nolle# 1 hereby Riven to al. peraon* bav in* demaflda agalnat Maraaret Cifin. late of ld county. dereaeed. to prevent thm to me. properly marie out. within the time preacrlhed by liar, a* lo *hnw their character and amount amt all per eon a Indebted to raid de.-eaeed are re quired to make Immediate payment to me JOHN T ' IOUUIMf Executor. eiavannoh, Q*., Oct. X. i960. Plant System of Railways. Train* operated bv Ohfh meridi in titnw-* One hour slower than city tima. in effect tK*t. I, tsuu. All lrains Lv. Hav mnah Daily. Ar Havannab list w een b’ im , Savannah | 1 AO am ■ 'am 1 Way. -rue* 10 15 am * I'* am .... Jacksonville f |l3 H> n n ’•' i' m ond Florida.. ... j 7 <*> pm Between ] ‘ m Savannah ]] it am I 1 hrb Mon [7 fin am ! ’"on ind East., 10 pm * i,ri * • " • l*oife Tampa with VBn <f ,! " * ‘ and rual -framer* (caving ’ * v ' o sml ll tvsns Mondays, T' r! iiv -’ I S li'ird iv* II 00 p m <*n it Ti< K- t nip.,, for further infor mal ion J. 11 I’! \|! S T V A VVAtil. . I.AHK ('Ey Tlrkat Amil. tb- H.. 1 . I I 1.1 lon.' II V Will N N Tr.fllr Man. a*r Savannah. (J B Y Cft J Brhwldlaa Fffmlva Pnpt IA. lA< Tram* atrlva at and d>ta>ri fr<an central Stad m Wm Ilroad. foot of l.ltiarty atrwt >lh M-rldUn Tim* On- hour alowar than rl*y tlma. J**'" Arriva s "- ,n ’‘* h; Savannah: |AU*U*I.|, Macon, Arlanta., * 44am t ovinKtim. Millr.l,.vlH,Wl onpnt land ail IntsrmsdUla potmsj (AuguMtt M on. Atlanta.l “ Alhena. M<m’gornsry. ro-J . OOpmjlutnliiia. Itlrmlnghain Atn • ram larlcua, Ettfanla and Troy ( '• '*'pm Ituvar ■■ ■ omm. on '.rTISSm Guv ion I’dinar Train 7*4 avpa 'I ••>•. ‘Evi. pi Sut .lav I,E ^ KKN s "an MAH AND TTBm .nth m*—id!..n or S ivannah rity time. UEAVE SAX ANN All Mraiday only (uM Mtnday s jo „ r>auy ago p I.EAVE TYIIEK Monday only 714 a m Dolly „ Mund.iy in 24 m. Imily 430 p ,, w!.'2*"*M ,IOn * '"• d " finia • Ith nil train* Norlhwaai. Wrat and Bo'ifhweat. J ftlaepln* r ara on nl*tu train# be I warn "’i' 1 Macon. Atlanta and lilrminirhani varmlh' l.“ r ' A * y * r,,n " *>een 14a vonnah, M.i „ n .| Atlanta. r4l ° f *'^ , i*ies mformation, schedules, W O BREWER. ci,v Tb-U ,nd r. •iiKir Agent, icr Hull atrrat r'. R „T I , , N ; Tv : ,K a *. U H IIINTr.V A ** n ' THEO D Kl Il ? Manager • KUffR. Om BiiperlntMwlsfK, Favsrnnh On TlßUlte BH [imited '^^^,4lNS Double Dailv Service ° Norfoig Wa.hlngdan. tha Kmm I’tlU-<u 1 ’ tlU - <ul T New York and I No. 44 | No M' I.V Savannah. S A L. Hy U 16pmj 11 pm At H 1 A L U> ‘ *" aJ n7t U A U ,tr I" r i" n “ Bwm Ar Durtuim. s a U Hy | 7 .m, 4 16pm Ar J,.'.," ' 1 V' ,(> ; * >*M; 4 Mp™ Ar RJclimond S. A. E Uyj 4 l.vamj 4 4Uptn Ar Washington Banna ; * 44.1 m Sopm at MTrr:. 1 r n * >o>m;ii *p m Ar I hlladrlphlfc. IVnna 12 r7pml 2 66am Ar New York Teeina .... | I Olpm; g 12*,,, I Nn 44 . JvJo Sf I.v Savannah. AI.Ry ll 15pm II :d pm Ar Tortamoiilh. S A I, Ry; 7 (Jmrn 6 fnpm Steamer* lean- Norfolk dally, excefil Sunday, for lialtlmore. I'htladelphla and New York, and dully for Washington. I he Abort line fo Montgomery. Mobil# and New Orleans, leaving Savannah at 716 a in . arriving at Montgomery 740 P- m . at Which point clone connection la mad* with the L. & N R R. arriving at Mobile Id 1. m and New Orleana 7 :40 a m Tha short Una to K-rnandtna, farkaoa villa. Tamil* and other Florida point* ~ I No Zt No ST Lv MavannaK. k. A. L. - Hyj I Mam 2 OipS Ar Firnandlna. S A URy! 9 Siam ( 06pm Ar Jacksonville. B A URy loam 7 4opm Ar Tampa. 8. A. L Ry. j 5 SOpm: Mam Magnlltc. ni Tullman buffet sleeping car service to Wa v I ling ton. Baltimore, Thlla delphla and New York; alao to JackaoA vilie and Tamim. Dining car* from Savannah to 11aalet. And Richmond to New York. Buffet parlor car* Savannah to Mont gomery. For additional Information apply •• Ticket OMe*. Bull and Bryan atreatav Phone 2*. ABBOTT’S 1 EAST INDIAN Corn Paint Cura, Corna, Bunion, aed Warn | Spaadlly and Without Pain. ton Silt IT Ul DfiaGGISIS. LIPPMAN BIOTHERS, • , Wholaaala Oraprffittt. Lippmao't Block, Savannah Ga ( Ki.HOO fr#. Awarded f I'arl# / Quina \ [LAROCHE] I WINE CORDIAL V H'lheit recomme®J,rlon, for cure of Pooraaao I \ ■. •ch trouble, and Gemr, I / \ Incre.u. (he arpetlta. •irvogtlwa, M \ nerve, and build, up tbeeatire ayata m.U \ •, r*e Orowo, y \ PARIS / >u X. roageen A Cos. \. Agent., x.y. 4/r OI.D NTSWSrAPERS. 4m for B canlg a* /Cuvineaa Ofßca Morning New* 7