The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 05, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 THE ELKS* REIGN OF FUN. 4 AH.MI 11, GATF* HIM* I*l <*ri:>l * IT I o*4 MM K Till'* Thrrf Hill l* Brief I>rrmonte* ni Ihr Nctli'mliiu Hlnnd on Hull Mrret. *ufb of the Honnurnt, *" Thrn (he I un H ill ll* ifln-How thr (.round* %rr I <l '** r, linnu ni*|| M > l.lnr* l*th *llo* *f (Im* >nirn I •><* I %liil tioiia * h** I4l*hf i lrmii , i'. Ferris H lm-1, l*e 4nnllns imul Miniature lloUnai on thr l.efi. Hnrr I'rnrU *urr*unl* Thru 111. KhorFv before * 1 o'clock to-duy the g of lh VAk OirttivuJ froun h will h*- thrrtw :*n ** the public. and *-x ■ G> at t * h!' n rw . lifted by a dainty in dr frm the top of *• bouquet of flower* will ♦ ahltsh eb-ctr. • rorttivtunif a lion with ail parts of the grown 1* ><l Mtait la uv* operation ave-ry f*atur* ; the fair. The oTetnonkt attending th** opemm will le held oti reviewing #t * i. n\\ iMtid on Hull street, wuth of • niMi. Them will Inn overt bv i band and, it * x{>* "'d * .i* bin by Mayor Herman Myers T • n treign of the fim will bo Inaugurated The- main entraw 1 to the ground b a' the intersection of Hull sml Hall Ht,f " r " where- on at*.rarilve ;r b.*t w I to day t** deooratwl with flog* ~f* i banting mid omstneniPil with animal figure-- tm* hour, er- ted Passing the arch. the vb i •r to the imlvil ground enters *? i lion dev. ted t(* tin * \ lbitb*n of Ihr in* rantlie hi i manufacturing .t teraat** of bn varninh. The*** tooths td on totb aid*** of an avenue fifty fee* in width i-e youd the monument and to th** i*utb* rn j e xtremity of th ground**. a e th* bn i nod revinniiH; >t .u:i Is lo*uei To the right *f Hie* monument - th* vial:or enters the gnxiixb. t* joreiid the' "country MOfe. where everything unax in# be will be dltpowd of lo the visitor* A Hal price for every ;t. ie ail '• * •U) uim) the* 'u. K of the purchaser w til drtsr mlne the value of hi par* bar* S:ill further n tne r.ght and extending | th* entire length *f me fan ground*, w.i h il * vatriou.- show# that make up ti* 1 pr in ipai urn im-im-fu features of the a nival. There, will be ituat* i the uvo .< shows. th* - Btreeia oi < air**, *-*• of (’titqulta, “The IJvmg I toll," filpoedy, th*'* high diver, K, tr * * i Wild Giri and a num er *f othei ~i*** hit features. To th* left of the central avenue, as th< visitor enter* is the apace* *iev*>ted to the Venetian gotw.k.a> the* F*rria \Vhe**j, tin tniniuoit* r <lhv iv. I *< <• • , ■ .eir attia- v tkme of this kind Hurt*an and o. the groundj*. Just inside* the *m**r f*m • is tne .‘lrcukir tr k upon wnicn th** • h.n lot nl running t * wi.l Im* aitest*l Th. */,.> that are* to i* exhibited th*- Kround . iw*nt> -two in mini* tier, arc all said to I*** of the very best teeing th** pick of the* attraction* from five* midway s ret ently In progress. The mitnix r cm. i h.iv** be * n ineleflnltely In ereas.el ts| f litre >tvM #s* I-• * f| W l I* t * mined •* k * p ir lown anei not permit the introduction of anything not strictly tlrst * For a I . it two of I *• aij*w* t,• will he- a charge of 10 cents .'or i iinbiion. Th. ex eptka.s are* the two animal shows, which will exhibit at 16 and '£>, and 10 and SO cents, respectively. The* floral •ar *.J • will start from li** fair grounds at noon on Wctlneadav Ti; sue*,- ~f this feature* cf the carulv 1 Is now assured, then i in, atrexidv thirtv or mcie eus rie S* in* of the trap* in lira* will Im* exc.-esj ugly hand-omc, mu i taste ut.d skdl in d*. orati it having r***n ' already utilised m this !*ehiif in c>nti tlon with the tl raj farad, of #h|U -age*, there* will la a floral blcy *le r * ad* , hi which ill owt : <f wh.l ar.* in,u# i t enter th ir mounts aid ia*sought to \ p nd upon rh* r floral d* oraikar .ill th** Ingenuity aiid flowers they can contmahd To-right fh quitH w.ll Im? cnwinel .|u* i. of the* ■ irnival. The re* will Im* c aborat* cor-wa* e*:t remonies. i:?* r* being u full flttendatn ** *f th*- queen’s courtiers <nd th** court >1 Kidtarle# Th. ground- will la* briilMintly illuminated, every f.-aur %A the fair will be In full operation and Fmrrnan s baini will furnish the corona tion must Following the cr.-mo? y there will Is* a .series of Olympian games, dar ing whh h th crowned que*n will hold a formal re **pti**n. surroundeel by the mem b**r* of her court. Few Savannah people have any appre ciation of the scale ui>on which tin* cur ulval b iw-ing conducted, nor *f the* vara i attim'tlo; that nn* offered it th* grounds Th** grounds are extensive and th* re <*an Im* ipen a lmo*t * veryt hlng of real merit that is touring the country and being exhibited at tin-*- entertainment*-. Lturn.k toaiay ami on .after day** lh**re wiu Im* fr<-* chariot arnl running i < - * in I concert* by Falrmaii's Hand. The band dwlayed by inclement w.-wther, r**t<'hed tie city on the Aug iKta yesterday aft.ern*Mn and rendered a number of selections •<* the stefnh!p Hulld up th*- river to her dock These fully J died, t*y Ihc.r ex calletnthe reputatiot vvdii h has pre coded the ham! to tfavnimtih Many .f th*- attra tions r*i> nd : • citv late lata ntght. and other* ir. #xp t I 4fie early morning. The dlftt* ulttes of Itimdav uans(>ortatioti in <le*vrit have Interfered to some extetit with th* prompt npi*ej*r * of tlie shown m Havannad, im It i* i otic tpa ted that they will nil h* readv to t*gin by the tlm* ?ix*d for th formal opening, l o'clock this afternoon VMS* MFFTTVMi 4IF DOIIH MATS. t liitlrnuin th'ldrim line 4 all.-.l Our to Kl.-rl Kirmllve 4 miilftee. Col. I* W Maklrlm. chairman of ilie Idemocratic fJxecutive Committee of Chat ham county, ha* i*ued a call to nil Dem ocrat* of the county, inviting them o meet in the City Court room, at S * o'clock to-night. Col. MeUlritn * call Is at follows: •’By virtue of the power vest*.l in m ws chairman of the I>emori4l' party .* tba county of Chatham, a nui - me. fru of tne party is hereby called for v o'clock, p. m . Ht the City Court room in ftfivannah. Monday. Nov. 6. 1900, for the purpose of selecting anew Hx.cutiv.* Committee she adoption of rub * govert lug sakl 4'ommittee and for such other matters a* may properly come before th * tn acting. ’* It 1* umlerstood lh t at the m*. Mnc 4|** action already taken by the Id. rs if the two factlona will be confirm***!, and those Democrats, already selected a- 4h mprasomatlvea of the faction* on th* Kx* ©cullvo Committee, selected again as th** rwprnMintattvi-s of the parly In Chatham county. Mr. T. Mayhew Cunningham. Jr will i* mad# chairman of the n v committe# it h M probable that the meet ing will be snort and. *#ro*n the eixe of the m**:ing place, i4 cannot be largely attended >♦ I Fare, Selected Material** only trs u* td In the pr para tlon o' MALT NCTBI.VF the greatts t-nl? and food-drink The name o' t e An heuier-Bue* n Brewing Aas’n, its makers, guarantees Ua merit. Isold by all drjg |UU, MIV IT HIM. m: MrKIM.KV. ( 01. (isnrgr %. fiercer Telia *f Ilia • **l 111* h I lllisrrvntlnn*. Col George A .V* rAr return* i \*- *T day bv th** steamship City of Augu-ta f'utn New York city, where he spent s an. s*vcn weeks. His visit, i* are all Humtrkr var.iti n-, wgr at<y *ni *v*d and liix friend* are, congratulating him Ui*Mn the evident l>*i;**ftt he wrlved from j the trip. A r. pr. . i t itive of fiie Morning N* w *.‘ailed u|gm *’<d. M< r* -t with t vi* w to mp rej Ing tiu p * •)• iitial * -i >t Fitfu l his re n.itk * . • rn*’' t h*- * lo* .H no? | . i.■ ♦r\< iy - r*fu., v it,to th- • uiiMidet ition | of afr. irs J* IM. . Cl. Mercer said: I m<!) ** : goii-g t vo:e for Hry in, nor mi I g. Ing •* v i*t♦* for M* Kinl* v Ido r;*r f ii h *i i-igh of th* principbv* repie. • rt*- 1 b> i-it‘:er of the r.tmlWiHrs to give i li.ri) in\ vote .tn*l • 'CM equenliy It will I * . I be cast M Kin *m , Jrr mv pinlon. will t*e elect *' ; I ;o t .( ♦.* ne-, .• flrvlift hx> arn *• It is m\ oji(iW>n that he will be .r#n w* r • than li os. lor NVw Y*rk, the stale, 1 belie.*, wili go igainsi |;rvn bv a *igt rnajorttl The J emo- i * tr <1 >d .i may wu* <r New York but the?* nr** dimi ih*-<* who are *;t*riiig to i** t that he will le t Ir- -' iik ot bje- !i.a * Bryan ar* the prim • ones I met Hknit i* rn Iwm r,. w iio t:*v* tone i N* w York, olid it nil uf tio rn .** i ir***! to n- th. w>'i*d vote against Bryan. They - v<* n- their !* >•* the belief that im Hi' in .v offer the *d*<*ion tdflhe I * ino ‘ tali. indi hit. . shout*! that be the r** j oh th* i* won.<| f*. ow f)nai> ial p in* and i i*a. ih : b i*.n*-se l*o-t n ■ or, they m\ would ?** needed far the < <o trial .a< * It ion to return, even if it should return in tha: time I do not sv • > t I agree With t i* in |n this < onrepllOft • it •ms v.-ry firm v tlxfsl with (hem Co* .M* r•* r wa- greatly impresei-d h> ito- j -I, i| enthusia*m shown in New Y> k by t ie siifgiortera *<• bath fartlm *: *t demonstrations hav* been made t>y •-• h. th** rn* -t tnxgnihcent living been to iast for Bryan, when grand pyrnteeh* . . -I -p.o.vs .*i v. and to Im*reuse the en- ! iis lMustn • f th*- thousand* Just tfor* el*-- .viri that was t* l.- id * the me** • -•ween * ’ evtdatul and Hi tin*-. C.>t M*r **r wa- ti York, and h* b* aat rh at th* * vetn-fn* rut d< • not equal tt.a: how nmt tf.iit time The hr* works hav* j o *-n mor. br.Jd int during this xrn- j ialign hut * :ri. ha,*, ned bean tne sam* I inter* si as •*. wt> bv monster i -#r.*et pa j rad*** and similar demonstrations. During hi*- May at tne Fifth Avenue 110 I t* 1. where he copied wh.i * In New Y'ork, * 'ol M' i' f r wos imp *t* • and w ish the •m* j • irnlnj: 1* a ihat * rn- grafted uinar* the ( a.erag'* NVw Yorker, or. rather, tne *nn- j vi -tkm that the average N* w Yorker h t .ilwavs oils Id- ring money ab* v. every* i thin.* Is* and chasing th - elusive dollar. w for* and up n him. Col. Mercer had •ng * tit* r?sn* i thi oj of tn** . itl* xus of N w York but it w • gr--*ly stretigtliened on this trip. Ivveryvvh*t f* in ai I noihtng but talk of finances. Hi** ai ,* rv *<di g subject iMdigg invest m**t ■ ii .• ill it |or is, figuring** upon w i* made on rto- last id I what might I** * xp* i* and upon th • next. Di>*'u* ions ol ainu * mems, music, rh <*rt o other Mltd* Ct that are and scus-ei in other iJa.-*e, to ugh rwi: to ttv* lota! e\ iii -*ii of tnoii.v, in New Y'ork. Col. M* r rt r -iid. r* ■ ive no con-ml* ration. Hr w - assured by a friend prof.-ssor in Columbia Col * g , who has ta e*d wide ly and visited all the great cities <af til* world, that N>tv Y* rk the most linens* \ -*dich. merc*-nury and uneping citv j *‘ #l h ' * v * r known ( OMMI I l i;i.s |<i MIT T THilNy \ilrriN* and vim *f Vctrrani Hill %alnl (Im* lleuuhtera. The committees from the Confederate Veteriti>’ Association and Francis F Bartow Camp of *f *’onf* derate \**'t - erans, w hbdi have le< n apjvoititeil to meet ** |* l**gat.-a to tin* convention of the Georgia Divi-dcm of Daughter* of the Con federacy at the trains and escort them, w ->e ll desired, to the home* to which they hav.- been a.-Higtod, will begin their j i<>- mor row. The follow- ng will report at the Central Ilnhw ly de)*ot on Tu—iiiy and Wednes i day moriungs it 7 o’cßn-k. city tirn* \*t erans Dillon. Jovus. J F. lvoHock, Blood i w rH . F rier and Morgan. Aon of \el 'rati!*, <’ W San \V. K. Coney, ! c>* per K**nt and Coburn. Til** following will r.*|Krt nt the Central j Hallway depot it 7 y rn., city time, on Tue-d.iv and Wednesday i Veterans Itar ! row Young. M Int ire. Bcreve n. Metggwr i .nd C It Wowl . Hons of Veterans | ilywl . Harden, Woods, Kenson and Bar ! row . The fol owing will rejgwrt nt the Flam ■iyiern and jm.i on Tues lay and VV* b '**lay | Ula a m cjo p. m. and * p. m . city | time: \*t r.ns l.*giard Mdnllre and . ft. i- Mi Uvv- Coburn, i lt\ is. Harden aid Kent. Addition*- t** th*- omm.ttees will be ma.i** during the *la> that Intervene be iw. * n now and the caning of , the last f th- i-. gat. • md at rang*n*nts "111 !*• nade for the i <|>ilon of 11 of them The ! Veterans aAd Slows cf Veterans * ’ommlt- I i* -s will rejsnt at t o- m-v* ral trains to j he triemi** is f the commit!••** fr*m the | Savannah chapter of Daughters *>f the j ‘unfed* nny, who an- present, for Inst rue | iis ic ( !pt. John It Dillon, chairman | of the Veterans’ Committee, ntxl Mr. K ltyals, hairman of the commit te*# from tlie c imp of Skis of Veterans, re • iu*!*t that th* m* mis*rs of the committees wear the budge* of tadr rspectlve or gankua (lons. \ me. dug of the officer* of Francis S, Harlow *’ imp of S *ns of V**t* ran*, witli i ’he other in* ir • i of th* < imp who hu\* | he.*n made members of the Commdire oo Ar? ing. ni.-iiiwill la* he;*J at nocm to* 1 day In the off! of th* commandan , i -*upt t’. 11. M> laws At this m.-eiing ? he form of the entertainment to he given >y (he t amp to t i delegates to the con v. niion of Daughters of th- state will he < ieid r. .l and *l* ermined upai. and Jliial and definit* arrangements will be mini*- \- result of the m**-ting a for mil Invito:ion wfd *** sent to the Kxecu : ttv** FommUtee of tlie S.*vnnsh chapter I of Daughters. There is a good deal of speculation ttn*f.g tiii- Son- a* t* the time at which ! their entertainment shall be given. The rognimnic alr.-udy arranged s-en)M to dls|Hie* *vf all of the time Of the leiegtites i t the greatest problem with which the • mini?tee of the Hon* has to contend <r *1 w hlt will have to solve, j*v to find in cippor*unity for the camp's entertain ing of the delegates and other visiting I Daugh4* r> —, IIKI.II IT- (INI tl. Ml.imxj. I imurrKntinn of ihr Klr.i I’rr.bftrr ion I linrrh 11. iinl .MHrrra 1.-|,orlft. The annual congregational meeting of the Kirn I’re.byterlnn Church wa* hel l , y-xtorday vuornthg, af'er the morning *er vtc-e Report, were made hjr Rev Arthur I Smith, thr |i*tor, and hy Mr. Walter c’oney, chairman of the hoard of doa.*>n. Rev. Mr Kmith'a report a bowed that th* bcgtittlng of hi* poalorat* th.* 1 meml erahip of th* chitrch has been stead . groeli k, and that thouyh It,a then .u -whin he took charge *f affairs. Is now Zli The report slta showed the number of at: ac , dest * a. and christenings st which the paetor had officiated. The report of Mr Coney Is one of the I best that has been made by the board In j several years, the finance# of the rhurrh. iui particular, in exccUenl copdUlwn THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1900. FOR CUBAN REVENUE DUTY. % Min i. I.ITTIsK H.BKT OF VF4. *| |> l> I*O KT. ||%*. Sum 11 ( ntlcrs llrstlnrd f*r tlr ( ulian IIr%*••• f* scr%l*t * I’li**ir Wa. fti M**|*r( la Urn. \\ mml st IIN% SUM—( M|. I rill llunlrkr in ( amitimid ol (••- Flrrt. Willi (|l Hurry >ru rniuk. I’nrwirrl) *f **s %miiuhli, ( o m uul lon >. f(i—Tin l.nltcr Han I.oM From Ihe Fleet at (•rnrgrtuuii, V I'., but Turned I | In (good Mluqir at ( hwrlestou Mu-ail of I lie (Mil*- r*. A fleet of five If tie revenue cutters ir rivei in Rivunr-in yesterday* and .1* k i ii the oi l lui.'lmorr wharf, where th vi:i be !>r ii *wut two weeks coiling, * - pairing in-i muk f*g |f -panittons f-*r **• tinning their vc. ag** to Huv.ina. wh*i> they r** •>*utid, t* b* >me 4 part Of the Cuban revenue cutter ssrvl e Th* - li ter?* *r bran new from th# Nixon ship yards * FTIm • N J aid irgei\ -in . xperlmcnt In |olni ol n struct ion Th*- l*sts w era Isshed together in a way m*le them spf" -*r to -r by ilk* hi- er >f (in k’ in tn* wafer rS rhr.Murt .1# tiie Ui> taey w-re • t of attention from pc-Mng strum - dp*, tug-* and other riv* mfi Th*> ir* deignute| r.umericahv. iwdng known I*• Son 7 s. l* ,u and 11 The first .n 1 la -st >f there 1, mi *r - form 1 -mt i mi which is rather suggestive of the "color. •*.l genirnari'e ganie." tin*l m iq* iking of 4he ikuots th officers readily umi* rstwnd w hat provokes smii* r when they talk about "seven ami eleven." Tie hosts have thirty-five men aboard them, m v. t, :* each boat. sitting of th* iptuin, ••iiglneer, stew mi, two firemen and two Cgpt Felts 11. Hunlcke is m ommund of 4he fl*c Fr *m (he standpoint of construction t o i**-rtis are marine novelties. The> w* re built s%pe’Jalljr for the (*uban s- rvi **, so that the warm -Imnte of the tr.q. *. th* • liMiiow waters they wiil h#ve t* inv.ui*-, and the tutture of the service the are to perform, were Die chief ixmsider.itlons the designer had to follow Four of th* cut ter-. me sixty fee? long, and the fkf• -evonty feet long The', have 76-hor*-* power <mp*>und f< r* -and-.ift marine *1 glnes, and each b*at carries in her bunk. m cigitt tocira of coal whi h lan.* eight days, the convumpikn being .1 ton a *iay. They mak*- on tin average if twelve mile< an hour. An Interesting feature **f the construc tion is the fact that the . utters are th-r- j oughly seaworthy, and yet only *l;ew thirty-one Inches of water. They mi- pro* jm S.r 1 by wheels three feet In drttii* • r The wheels clear the hot tern of the by ext**ruiirg out f the water it n .-on- a\* space In the stern, w nich proha.iy gives them si*out liaif their proj * power In older to ie-sen the iraught I-* II minimum the bottoms ar* alnursi flat The reason for th efforts to ni.k. a s.t ifactory light draught boat wa ttiat *•>' at*- t* b*- Use*l i a great extent in (he shailk'W wat.-rs* nboui Havana and other Cuban i*-n. . wile:* tb**> ms> i •I(**d to pursue smugglers and other vio lators of th* law In th** bow uf *a h -**u is a ti *- | . mder Ho chkbe gun. w hich may be us and to advnu.age in subdU ng ie.lig* r tit**. The it?, fly the p a nant of the FniM • Siate revenue cutter service, and the of ficers wear the Navy uniform, thougo the fleet has no connection with the rev entie cutter service and her officers ar* not naval officer?.. Considering the warm climate in which the boats r' to serve the arrangement for the comfort of the tnen Is apparently all (hat could be desired. Th*- designer# lav. <ndct)voted to a<■<-omplish fid* t providing arm*}** de-k room, which is ,ii*c*ut as larg** as th** six** of th** w ill allow Below deck th re ,*r*- (lire* main •omirirtments, lie* forward l> ng the officer's quarters. amil>hips th* • iigtn*-. aid the after compartment th* 1 • Miking and dining room There are deck entrances, which mak*- it convenient to go above. Awning?* cover the .1 ek-. s. tha on hot summer days the men may find it comfortable there. The . |evat* and and * k room olso affords excellent ml vantages for observation. ('apt 11 irr> H. <’. NVw.omh. form- riv of Havannah. * in command of Imat No. 10. He will he pleasanrly rem* mbered by many old friends, who congratulate him on the good reputation lj*‘ his succeeded in making for himself during hi*, j connection with the revenue cutter service. C\*pt. N. v\ •oml.'s ln>.i wa'whred fS m the fleet som*where !>*•- tween Beaufort. N. C. and Southport *nd caust-d consklerable coin ern to t’apt llunlcke anl the c#her officers of th*- ft* • The weather was very rough and rapt Hunkfce. with fo?r of the little cutters, put in at Southport <’ipt Newcomb, with No. lh was some distance out to th* wimlward and as the move was mod’* in the early hours of the morning failed 10 Iwrreive. Missing the other vessels when daylight arrived, he conchid*-d • ..1 1 th* > had put in at S-uthport. but having no • hart of lb* coast -vas unwilling to ?- teni|H to make that in*ri in the rough weather then prevailing. So h*- witnp.v . outlnued his cotire* straight to <‘hr! ?- ion. arriving there in g**od change. Capt. Hun.-’ke i* ‘tiling alarm- i at tht disj*pataiue of No. !<• endeavored 40 k* - cure 1 tug I*. mak*' sat*h for her. mi *1 failing in this, obtained the services of the revenue sitter Algv*nquin at YYiiming t.hi, The Algonquin put in two da># • ruislng for the No. 10. (’tipi Hun *k- . with the other four vess-!s, cam'- <|own to Charleston when the weather tiusierat .d. Their first Inquiry on arriving at that |srt w.- ma-lc of the rev. niie utter Iteoph* there If tliey I i*i heard anything of the missing No in. Tne reply was that the No i- w a** safely docked Insl Ic. havir ; trrived (he day i*efore. The trip down %vas made by the Inside route to Georgetown. N <’ . from whi 1 IH>rt the run w 1* made to Charleston out* •side. The cutters re.u a.-*l Savannah by (he Insida r.ute and. after remain 1 g licr. 1 day or iw*. %vllFproceed h>wn 4h* Flor ida coast, also by th*- triable rout*- From Key Went they will make the run across to Havana, where they will report to (let). Wood, and will he pUio-d In service along the Cuban coa*! The tl lft 1 hpirt 11 month (go, hut bad t<> put in at Baltimore for r ;, and at Newport News for changes in machinery. Both (’apt. Hunicke in*l Capt. Newr tnb ate gradii itcM of the Fnii-I S4u*e•• Nnval Aca*lemy at Annajsilis. but w*-r mentb.-ns of : b unfortunate class which v as . nt out bv the navy deportment >m \ars MR-.), when the navy had m.r* offi cers than it coukl use The rev* rs*- 1- anlarstood (m he the .as* n>w FA 111 IM) I’I.KIMYT WbITIIKR. ' The Prediction of the Heather Un real* for To-day an<l To-morrow. Yesterday, for the first time ihD month. Havant ah’s temi**rature did not go ui*ov. the normal. The maximum for the day. which occurred at 1!;70 o’chs-k, was k 4 de grees and the minimum, at #> 30 a m . 6t degrees, thus making the exact normal * the weather so far has )>eer, much warm • r varying as much as 14 degrees in a s.tigle day. The Washington fereea?? for te-4ay ir. i j to-morrow Is fair weather and nleasiot temperature, with light north winds. The best protection against fevers, pneumonia, diphtheria, etc., is In building up the system with ilood Sarsaparilla. - ad. thi.iii vnm %i. niarmo. Il*-I*l \ t-<m*rdn • \fi.rno* hy the t oanell *f Jewlb W omen, Ti<*- t uncj of J* w h Women held Its tmuai public meeting yesterday after n*xm at o o’clock In th** Sunday schiol room at Temple .Mi kva |#ia**l. Af * * f**w preltm!' ary announcements i* i% kiress of w* ii w.** rr* Iby Mrs 1 I* M* nl* h. and t i- wo- followed by ttc- r* ori of t * irer. Mrs liutman This rc*e>rt showed that the council has n balaic - *.n hats! 1112 74. which, with to*- aMtt <n of which had b*‘m re *4v*q from Mr Frink <Vhm f Atlanta, giv* t. e v*ry hat. I- me sum of 1342 74 In i*s letter In wti ti Mr I’cheu “ent his • k h* notify ? • . •it il that h* hou: i gi\.- -n other i • Tuc- lay, when he will b in B.ivannah , ,-V |.e rn w,H ?■ ! y Mrs I^iwrence Lipppi .m. .irxi w - f* iOW*d by a repog: • f i ♦ work of the v incil. ir**** its or ii.u iz ition. hy Mr*. F. M Minis Hie jOK" of the two branches of the work, •he literary a I :h* ph . tn'btopic, giving a list of the hok* that had been studied by th. sjudy * i-cle. and **f the results a * <ofiiplislu**! by th* Mission H* hfwil, which tti* prin ipiii, hut n ’ the only !ene * ,*r> f n.ef.air, Ms* lUniie Muhl b-tg gx •* an Interesting recitation, and H-en wit deliver* 1 ’’ principal nd *ir* .*- **f the aft* nasai, by Mr H L. Lixa ron. wno sp.-k* *>n \V **m.n After n humorous m r**lu tlnn in which •' told h > hearers that tt was with fear .ilid uepidatloti t!‘ h* addressed them, nr*-tng from the want of a true and *or i* t knowledge of th*- -entiments and opti <m.' r *i: might I*. fMii!*i among the dtstingu sh* 1 gathering, he said that he wuiild speak of w *ttn In the abstract, , of woman in th*- aggregate. .*;. 1 as mem- i t*er- t/f the roum l! of Jew sit Women. After .* glowing tribute to womanhood; it g. r>* rul, he said Th* Jew ish w*man is ad thi* and vi • ; more, -he hath a grander mission to i * rf>rm • nobler and a-'icr nim It J- unto her keeping that h i:h th-* n entrust**! t{*• preservation of the hist.xr , ir ..i ,m*l faith of her , f*. •• -i ’ la w -i •ouiiiunwlments *>f I .'•.I in her heart must burn, with -*i:idy and patpetoa. light, the fires of religious fervor an*i devotion, which the , on-, nights of infklellty and oppreslon | *’ for age* sought t* extinguish and ♦le st roy. lr ti.** sacred jr. it ts of the home let ther** burn in f*'r\;.i warmth the noble : pr* apt- of Judaism, which has given to a* world the knowledge and existence of one ir*nl, who-*- iittribut* - ire omnipotent, omniw* ent and omnipresent "If you would a* k me what duty th* coun il should assume above nil others, i would answer**. H. .- up, oh. daughters of Isra*d, and def*ud with your might the holy Sabbath of your fathers from desecration and destruction, though the rigor of law* restrlcss us observance avid l*en*lH l-y its severity the unwilling *f forts of your tot.lng brother and help mate. Be thou the lamp that light* r.H pathway, and guide- his footateia* hark j to the altar of his fathers, and the shrine j of hi- Oral ‘Lei not agnostk um and unbelief efitc*- the home Let the tires f |kitriotiam still ) • urn wi ll a -* *!> glow, and though a ,i ID*ant dream, I* the renatlonallxation of th* J* w - dll la a h<* s ih* and *nd sa red hi> of Israel, that shall serve to lift him to a nobl* 1 standard of exc*l ictu * and u tain him In the hours of ht* lark* ?* sslon.* This i.- the mission of t‘i* JcwD.i woman md her council, the i,r;ino -t a 1 purest tvj**- of nold**st wo manhourl, the quettlv '!escen*lants of th* royal house of David " TollF, im\\ N lIS FKM'EI. Mr. Roher Open# I |* aiilexralUs on WtiitaLer Wtreef. Mr Theodore Bober has s**t an example 1 > his liothsr jiroperty owners in th** on oern ti*n bt removing the fence# whi h nave obstructed t ie sidewalks in !r*tit of his property on Whitaker Href, I b.*iw**n Thirty-first and Thirty-second I streets. Mr, !{*• r rcsld* s it 1515 Bull street, and * on a of the largest property owners in -outhern section. He Is a member ! **f the Houths l** Administration (Tub, and | recently attended a no-eting of that club, iv which * resolution wan adopted pro* vidlng for th** appointment of it committee ~f is nt) fiv**. consisting of five mtn 'H-rs fi in • it* h militia district, to t ike n !utnl th** matter of Improvements In th* -outhern section, such sidewalk-*, open iug tr ** pi in'ing and other im provement t• ruling to beautify the flouth* dde ru -l in r*■-%*■ is attractiveness t *••'- d*ut Mr Bober was ap|M>lnte*l a nieni ** r of tti. •mimittef* from the Th rd ir-tr. t. and evidently took the matter t* heart Anyway Mr Robr d*’ dde*l th<M Its Impfovetnetu like charity should • mkin at home, l-'idday right Mr. Rober pro-'e*s|e*l to where hi- pi *;*• ■r t \ in locate J *n Whitaker i tr* * t m l ift• r some A* minutes or mr. ■if go**) exercise with an ax succeeded In j laying low the fences a'oi.g his prop-rty r • for the entire bio* k on the w#*.*t side -if W. (taker, lx*tween Thlr y-flrst and j Thirly-et .uwl -tree'-, and for one-half ♦hat distune** or the east side *d the block Wh. fi asked almut the matt, r by his friends Mr Kobe: said that he thought the mod practical wa\ of beginning irr provem<*nts In sotithsl.le was to start wl hhD .wn juoperty Th* fences which had projected into Whitaker street f, r alxvut two block south of Anderson tr * t have been one of the eyesores of I bfsat -• ctlon of the city for yearn, and their | pre-. n* e has undoubtedly tend**! to depre. t tic v due *.f property in t neigh borhrstd The tdher half of the block thus •I **!:• and t*\ Mr B>b**r is owlletl by Dr ! L. A. Fifllgunt, anl the Bouthstders nre n*w wlining to see If Dr. Falllgant will •lo likewise. Th* s othslde Improvement Committee r< gnfli* Mr. B.dxr's move with approval, *o*l the tr mU*rs very much in hot*”- hat th* example *♦ I by Mr. Hoher will **• folk*wed by other property owners In ! that section. I o I- mot hut thei wi iir. igigT. Ilianp|enranee of Uarrrn White ••) \ ltert Atoddard t iium-iI Much \n>- lety. T. ** failure of Messrs. Warren White ml Albert flt.vldard to return flaturday night from an excursion on which they had g?*:.e lo Beaulieu, on Mr. fl:o*ldard’s boat, the Doris, eaused considerable un * astness to their ir*nts. The young men left the city Saturday morning, ex|>H-t --iisi: to ijo to Beuutieu an*! return that nigh?. The r failure to return expected caused some tin*asim-ss to the members of th*!r fnmldes. but It was thought they might have spent the night at Beaulieu Wh< moniing arrived ami they had not returned ami nothing had been hear.! f them by noon, apprehension was aroused lest some* mb hap might have ©c ctirred to them. Mr. White began a •ar h, teb phonlng to Th#iderbolt Isle of Hop.- a I other f*oin;s but obtain***) t o news of th**m. He left the city in the afternoon accompanied by his daughter, MB- Whit* th- litter go.tig lo Beaulieu ami Mr. White to Montgomery. The y* hit men put sn at the latter point Hte yesterday afternoon. They h id struck rough weatheron their way to Beaulb u Ht urday and put n nt a quiet nook where they ipent the night, continuing their voyage to Bau!ieu yesterday Their safe arrival was a great relief *o tne suroense of the parents as wall as their fr*#n^ s 1 news of their disappearance having been dreul*ed throughout the city. Young Mr White returned to the city last night with his father. Rev. Robb White, Mr gUhidant'a -*au Uva at A MONUMENT TO OGLETHORPE. MR. s|KV i*H F. *IT I li st itihi■.* ai.ono to or %iit % Ft m>. Thr Founder of Minnnnh nl •icor tftn flemantls i Nohlr M- in **rln I In One of the t'rewlsrnt *|unr-s, \% hit'll In Tlen*elv•“•, Ire nn lab ilfMM* of lib \% |al *ni lu Plaitttllttf the < tty—Mr. I>alttvi*i Intrr* l**n *OMj|esfel lo Mr. ahotfer tlie Hr- Hanliution if a Monument Fiiiiil. Bavannah may at last hav- a monument to Oglethorpe. Ha founder, Mr Spencer P. Shorter, after reading the interview with chMirmun Daftin of th*’ Dark and Tree Fommiaaton in yeaterday* Morning N--w sent the Morning New** the following l*-’* •er tender tig h*s subscription of il b** to start the monument fund Nov. 4. 150). Editor M<niing New- Sir- 1 w much pleas**! t* raid in th??* morning s News the interview win t’hairman Duffln of the Dark and Tree Commission. I have often wondered why ti suitable monument to (Jen. h.i- i*> been ere,•(*-.! in Savant an l arn willing to suhacrtt*a one t(loussntl dol ars (lI.'JWM t*w ird> such an ohje t. md do not *1 -ibt i at ther*. ire other g* n* eaten, w ? < would *io .is much or cn*Jte to s'aft a movement which must apfM al to every ettixt n of ! Havtiniuih. I um, f*lr, yours truly. Spencer p. flhotter. A monument to the gi**at founder of Savannah as w* II as of Georgia, In one of the squares of the city, which he found ed with auch wisdom, and to whom is due much, if not a.I of the beatify of its plan of streets mid squares, has been talk ed of for years. A number of *-fTort>‘ have h**vn made to secur** an organixa tion for the erection of a suitable in*- mortal to the man to whom Georgia owes its existence, but none of them • ver su> ceeded. There a/* a mimler of luatituilons and orgatvixatiotis in flsvannah bt-aring Oglethorpe’s name, the Oglethorpe Club Oglethorpe Light Infantry, Oglethorpe of Od*l Fellows, Og .*thorpe ings and Trust Company. ogJehorpe laind t’.>m|Miy and one or two others, which would no doubt aid the movement sub stantially. Tne Colonial Dames have for some tim* been at work in an effort to provide in *n for an Oglethorpe monument, and M: flhotter’a contribution may give it un im Pet us. UOIMHIH Will. VXD F%||%Mtlil. Tw o Xeg roes tiliot l> a Jealous II s -haml unit B>tli Mux Die. Norman Jackson, colored, shot ar. 1 probably- fatally wounded flam Ferre!** and fiarah Williams, also io!ored. ye ter day afternoon The sho*> ing t**ok place In Henry sire* lane, between Barnard and JefVersot streets, aisl was the result of jealausy ot. ! tiw* |rt of Jackson, Roth cf the woundei p* i-m n?c were taken to the ;*rgi;t In firmary. where early th.s rrwjrning th % were resting quietly, though the ultinmi* outcome of their wounds, could not b* toll. Jackron was arrested by Mr Hunt who was In the vicinity of the shoo In a. and w iio saw him * *me from the ics r of tne house and fear ••I that he would * - ’tp<? Jackson was seen at the barracks last night oy a reporter of the M.>rning New? The prisoner s version of the affair is that the w*>tnan he shot is his wife and that *be has been married to him for n!*jt three years, though she insist.*• on being known by her former name Yesterday when he went home, he rikl. his wilt was not there, but wa- -aid e be next door. He went In the house for aw nil*-, but hearing the continual crying of hit baby. a child 0 months old. he ealled to his wife to go to the child. He call'd -everwl times, but r*.wiving no answer went into the house and into n room, where he heard sounds that Induced him to believe that his wife was ther** with ompany When he entered, he said, he found that she was Irde.d in #he room and In a very compromising attitude with Ferret**** Jackson continuing hi* story, said tha* he told her to g> to the child, which v*hj on an upt>er floor and still crying Ferre be#* resented thin interference ■ n tJ *. part of Ja. kon and toM him h* l better get ntvay from there. r words to thi purport. Jackson walked a wav but be ing cursed by Ferrebee, sturt* ! award htn again, atwl seeing him make n move as thougii h** were about to secure • weapon, he shot him. and afterwards it woman, e.ieh being wounded m ’n* ,* -i.. men by one hull, though four shots wei bred u* was iltfteovere*) by an examination of Ji kson> pistol after It wa taken o 'he Ixirra- k? Jackson was aske.| if he had intended to kill the p* rsns. 11. said that he ha I not intended to kill them. lu had tha more for th*? purpose of eenring th*tn than for anything eise. hut .*n Iderin. dm position in w llch th* \ . >1 been found he didn’t kn*>w that b- was *rv 4.>„• they had been hit. T W t THK ‘KniMi KK.TI ii„ ;"* **• Jol'ii'. * Imiroll riioir (~ •"■oii'it 1.n,1 Mjifi Ttin oho!r nf 8:. John'* f’mir h uv, |u oeooml frotlvnl ni iho rhnn-h )*t nlithl n<l |>ri.*rntml vi>r>' Int.ri-, lug i,n.l w.*ll • ling prugrnmmo of which tho numtnr. w.-rn Now,. Th, choir w.i, a„l,trl hy Mr. J M murk art.) w.i* unitor Ho .tirivllon of Mr. Kitwyn K Woodham., oi'K mtn unit cMhnaatrr. Tho fo*lowing .irr mi mhi roof iho choir. Sofiranoa.—Hvrbort I’ ermin, Frank Waller Murry. Willi,. Knight, riinion Onann. Marlon Harr.non. John liur i Anton Snow. Beverly lie, <h-orgi \ m .tervre, Calon Kttgg. raht. Frnnk Fit*, gerald, I ‘on I’ro-er, Kll.oll lianl, i- I Srthur Water,, ffotierl Ure< n. Th.un.i. Iteeee. Tlioma, Oeti.lnger. la-onaril I >.in ein, l.ewu, FaSltgnnt, WlIHe Thee. Johny Thee, Runael Hythew.v-.t, Kverett Slot hart. Rlion l.nmott iioorge Tlh'.imli Tenor, Mr. Curler Gordon. Mr Vernon C. l-age. Mr flalforil Falltgani Base. Mr Wm. F. Btole, Mr Witter He.Mirk, Mr W. J. Demputer, Mr. Hurry Hobert*. tt IM. €il\ F. F tIIKM KLL ll\mj| , :Ti • one. Men', ttelromr Aaenelatlon In IllHe llrv. J. nillb. Rev. Arthur J Smi'h of the Flrot I’re,. I yterlan Church and the Young Men's Welcome Asaoelatton will have n fare well banquet to-morrow ntyht 111 the hreakfn,t room of the le goto. This Ivin • met I* termed a fareweli one on account ..f the recent action rf Rev Bmlth In no tifying the church of hi* r< gnlna fr.nn the preehylery. preperutory to entering the evtr.gcllellc fleld of work —lt rured Me.” '•Orayheard broke up rhcumattum on me." fay, M- Chaa Thoma*. he Jew eltr on Whitaker ,irel. And put me In hewer health than 1 hava rsjoy.J Ir. * lons ttraa." Take orayoeard FUle for that dlaay feettn,— Boat appetiie. and follow it up with a bottle of Greybeard. It |, ,u you need. Reepeee Drug Cos., cole prop,.. •UYMUW*. Uk-Hf WHY I RELIEVE THE HlllirE. Rev. Da ft com %ntl*y tiava Ht Rra soiim l.nftt Mghf at Trloity. Why I Relieve th* Bible’ was the ftub je q ot the sertnovt at Trinity Church Ust l ight b> *he pastor, Rev. Baecom Att thony. Mr Anthony gave the reasons for his acceptance of the took and of it* teachings. Advancing arguments to aua* tain the Christian |e>sition. and In refu tation of t:i'sc that are made by the epv* m* s of th*- religion a hen they vek to impeach the flvrtptures. Mr Anthony sai l *hc authenticity of the fl* riptt; r **s .nnot las reasonably quest ion* • 1 a* ther*- ie conformity in the three versions that have corns down throug.i th** H *r *w unl the Samaritan and Greek translations This identity is so thor oughly sustained that, sai l Mr Anthony, there .hi !>*■ no question of au?henttdtl f Di4*.>v*rlee of recent times have serv. and t show beyond all p#yadx*enture, the ir ••u -ner de* !arHl. * hat the ancient* cities, **f whrh mention i* found In n> other work save the Bible, really existed, ex ivatlons proving rrint the descriptions of th** fleriptu!**:* tallied with the facts as d.scioaed h> research. Another reason for hls belief the pos* t r found in th** ind>rsement t'hrist gv** tho Od Testament, from whb'h he quoted freely, declaring the knowledge had ont* from <***•! This testimony to tfi*- divine Insph at lon of the Bible. n<~- *piin*r the belief that Christ was him **df dtvb e. Christians And to be conclu sive The unity of the flortpture*. point ing always to one thing, the coming of tt. Christ, -low the tnepiretlon of the prophes to have been alike and from on high, whb h was ancepted by the preach er ?* a*.other reason for nis credence. The content* itf tn* Book showing the love of the Father for men, and the fact that It n# ver grows old. never gets out of dntr, i" ing tin ik* ail other hooka, wera a*Ml tionai r fl'oni. Mr Anthony closed hls sermon hy read t<* the proi’ie’v in Isaiah of tne coming •>f the ChrLt n*l of the treatment He was destined to receive on earth nt the bond* of those he had come to save. The i . **!>r .-aid the chapter reads far more .ike history than a prophecy. ITS KldA I XTH %X MVI RSVH V. < cl‘lrntinn of Pandas' ♦'ehiuil of St. PauTa l.utliernn < hnrrh. The eleventh annlversar> of the founda tion of flt. I’suls Lutheran Surskiv - h-**d. In c.uijunction with the Heforma ■ -’*i F**.-f4lv.i| usual in Lutheran Churches at thi season of the year, was held last i.ignt, m Ih* church bui’idlng tt Bull an*l Thirty-first streets. The pastor. Bey. Monroe J Eptlng who also the superintend* nt of the flunday fl-’hool, presided at the celebration of the • venir.g Tha programme consisted of .M< ions, songs and responsive excr t s, the last named breathing the aplrlt •*f the reformation and descriptive of th* ieirt it ha*l plave#l in the religious hU ry of t tie world. One of these. “The Reformation lUurtmted." re'ite*l hy Mis- H**ria H< .ini.iti and eight others. w*s par- I ulariy interesting. Th* superintendent delivered his re •>rt for the year whb h closed last night, showing shat the school rif*l steadily h*l -d in numbers mtd increaaed in pros perity. an*) i not it had played during the year an i-'tlve and lmi>ortnnt part in the work of the church. The exercises w**re attended bv a hirg* concourse of the p*r • r.-* of the pupils, and other members •ml frh-nds of <he church, and were great ly enjoyed. if.* meeting of the church was held Immediately after ni<*rning sendee. and officers for the r - wing year were rlect'd, ns follows KMers. \V It. M* txger. H Roberts, F VVe-HeU**. flr H F Lule*. Gaorge Suhr and ti J. \ *orthelm**ss. deacons. IV K fleh* rff, F. W narks. <' A Munster. 8 op**nhelmer, George Derst and <*. C. ! ’ecbee. The**- officers will he Installed after the ••turn of H* v. Mr Eptlng fr.*m the syno-1 f Haralson, on Sunday. Nov. Ik. Next Sum la\ tn* pnstor will still be in atten*i ance on the synod. The Lm’i Ideas. The successful bidder wins * bargain. Two beautiful new Singer pianos. latest. *♦>! -. mahogany cases, upright, will be 1 at Do,sett’s at 11 o’clock, Novem ber the Bth, to th** highest bidder. Tbesf* l lanos are sold regular in music stores at $350.90. fling* r pianos are guaranteed by the manufa-curers for the same length of Um** that ail flrst-class pianos are. Cal! and examine these beautiful pianos and bring vour **xi*ert Judge with you. and • *m will be delighted with their tone.guar ante.*, and flieir style. Th**y w.’d be sold at Congress -*re t, ii* .tr Whitaker, to the highest bid der, at 11 o'clock. November the gih, an*l you will not have a chance In miny a day to get ns good bargains as you will at that auction. The celebrated Knnbe, makers of the first grade of pianos extant, buy and ell the fl ng- r pianos, and so with the leading manufacturer* of the Cnit*) flt at es—ad study Hltllr Inn Work. Through m of the ten free ncholaruhlp* In The International forrespondanc ■ School* of S' ranton. Pa., which the Mo n- Ing New* will present to you If yon aecu.e M . <f the ten large#! numbeia of vc.tei l.v Nov lnn, JOU can keep on earning a living at your preaenl work and at the mittn time by atudy at home In tiny usually devot'd to recreation or re#t. flt yourself for a professional position at a good salary You can eaally become one of the win ner* of till* content, by devoting your at lentlon to collecting Voting Coni* na and keeping at li- No one ha* a better chanc. than you <iet every vote >ou can, atu | hove all your friend* save their* for you. tire the window display of teat hook* and drawing outfits to tie given away bv lie Morning New* in It* educational con teal, nf Than Mark*' shoe store. 17 Itrougliton street. w,*t. P. P P a wonderful medicine; It give* an a|>|ie||tc. It Invigorate* ond strength en*. P P P- cure* rheumatism and a I pain* In Ihe std' . ba. k ut and shoulders, knee*, hip* wtlsts and Joints P. p. p. cure* syphilis In all It* various stages, old tilcet* sore* and kidney rvimpialnt. p p. 1* cure* catarrah. e nmi erysipelas nil skin diseases and mercurial polnsonlng, p. P P. curiw dyspepsia chronic female complaints and broken-down constitute i and loss of manhood, p. p, p.. the be* t blood purifier Of tne age. ha* mad m re permanent cures thin all other h'ood em etic* lJppman pros , role proprietors. Savannah, tla —ad. Pauldlnu's Pippin t liter. Tills ■ • lebrated pure, apple Juice elder, made in Long Island, can be had In pint or quart bottle* tlrre t from the manuf k -. turcr*. with Ihelr own stamp, at Uppmuit Bros., I'rugglst*. Savannah (la-el. Seliool Supplies. Just recelveij a large and assorted sup ply of school bags and school supplies, all at cut rates, from 10 cents up; also, usual large stock of all the school book*. nt)w used in Chatham county, at Estlll a Nawa Depot U Ball straet, Ssvarnah Qa.—ad. A Hlgh-Orcde Institution for faidtea Shorter College. Rome, Ua. Writ# for catalog u,- ad. C BURWELL C L BEARINGS. L E E V V E E L L A A NN - D ÜBioycles C LL E E V V E E L L A A N ALWAYS ft D AHEAD Q WJI. Sk H. ri. LAI IIMORt, West Congress. Hogans Welcome visitor-s to the K!k •’ Cos sight-seers who wish 10 c m ine im , with pleasure wili consult their ow t**re( by reading carefu l> Ih* * \ r. dinary bar go iris <ju i.*i :eiow T. • r but few In mimtx r and but .1 s* irt want of and space forbi s u | more at this time. SILKS. Black Taffeta 4!*.-. worth yard. Fancy Silk. In waist design* 4f* y i Full line of Taffetas, in ail the l* < ing shades ~ 3 Pretty line of Waist Patterns. 4 yar .# in each, for f.Y BLACK GOODS. Henriettas, 4A-inch wid . 89:*; worth ffeniiwitas, Sd- nch wi*i. %■; w ? Henriettas. 3d-inch wid*-. 3.'. . worti. • Black Storm Serge. 46-Inch. >pl a value, only Cheviot Serge, nlteady spong* and, r.v COLORED DRESS GOODS. All-wool Ladi* V Cloth, 3x-ln 1. J \ F*9c. All coiors flerrietia 2.V-. w . Six lead ng shades 11* rietta, 4-st worth !*>’ Fancy Plaids, suitable for child?• dress.-* and t*h rt waists, from 1- to ?v Scotch Cheviot, all-wool, 4s-;n worth V*-\ Homespun Suit ngs. M inch wide, wcol. only R'** SPECIAL SALE OF TABLE DAVASK. Good Half Bleached I>.imask 2'- wor Y 35c. Good Half Bleached Damask w rth 45c. 73*1 neb Good German Tam *k 7 w th $1 <o ftFinrh Good Bleached Linen 45- worth •Or. 'k-iiich T'nlon Dama-k 27V: w- ’’ 73- nch extra heavy Bbru hcd 7. worth li n> worth sl.2’. EXTRAORDINARY VALUES IN TABLE NAPKINS. Fancy Dnmntdc and If lick H in 1 hed Towel# at exceedingly low prt Full Un** of Hems tec he! Tall- Set Gool Linen Towel, nice six.. Good yard-wide Bhach Sli.r • *‘ ; 4 -j worth ‘(‘•.c. The best Ihr Shirting for S’ . MEN'S FURNISHINGS. S ngle and double-brea*trd Blue F r-1 Shlra SDW; worth $: .Vi Tide b • Men's H*d Fl’-nn* ! Fnderw* ir *) a *uß ; cheap at $3.(0. A FOr Cotton Flannel Drawer- ti w- k Just received, a fine assortment *(* wear ? 36c and 49c. They are b* ."*es YVe carry t'nlon Bubs for I 1 children. A'so a large line of !’n*Frw--r at prices that plense. The season being l.*e we ar -FT • f our entire line of elegant \Yr ie ing of Capes Jackets and Furs r* • unheard of In Savannah, We n.k a specialty of 4'*gri>#is. Mat ins# an 1 Kufs 4t rock bottom figure.*. Daniel Hogan, The corner Broughton and Bnri .ir* FISHING TACKLE, JOINTED RODS, REELS, ETC., SEINES, GILL NETS, CAST NETS. A FINE Assortment of Hooks. [DWtRD lours SUNS. 113 Broughton St., West. STOPPHD Tht COKiH. I Prather s Tar and Cherry Cough | Cure 25c. DONNELLY DRUG CO. SMISBIUIkTI. SAVAiIHAH THEATER, TO-NTOHT g;JD O'CLOCK, the fsmwtg 13RAt'NIG Dr.AMATIC CO Presenting Lawrence Mu retort's g eat pl'T "CREDIT LORH AINU. ' Matinees dally, commencing Tuesday* 2'.3D p. m. Prlcee, Matinee, adults 20c, cb e dren 10c, Night, 10c, 20c and 20u,