The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 06, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 •t NV *■' ' be the last if you want it so; you needn't keep your gray liairawtck longer than you wi*b There'a no jpitsawork about this; it's sure 3=~ Avprt bair use r HMP k/IQAP i younger you 9? -d* '**> H appear, ten I- - rear* younger at least. Ayer's Hair vi-or alto cures aandrutf, prevents falling of the hair, makes hair grow, and is a splendid hair dressing. It makes the scalp healthy and this cures the disease that causes dan druff. tl.aa a batik. All <rat|M§. ■ Mr ball ws fuming nut twdty, but Ayer • Hair Vigor atopped th#* fulling *t#i ban iu.vd icy L-r m m Ihi* k ami mu#*h darker th*n buforf f think there !• nothing like it for the half Cos ft a M Ira. April 25,1 M. Varrow, I. T WHtm thm Doe!** • If VOO Ov #* obuti* all the ht-orflu ?m dwim fMaitr im of th* Vigor, wni* th# DMtorvspik Ao4roa Avrw, ifowoii, m>m DELEGATES ARRIVE TO-DAY. tmom who vm.wi ni\iT.oi;H* ATK DAI I.irmiiv nm KATKW Thff %% 111 ll* Mrl wf Ihc Trnln* •% I'wm mil trr Irom (hr hninnnnh l liu|ii<r tf l>*nrhit*r and \n\lll mry i ommftffeea l rm Ihr I anipa of VHrran* and of Vrlrran*. Ivncorifd to the MtHtH-b nt U hlrli They Will ll* (tnrals-irmnrr Hall. W hart* ll > p*|tl<n la In ll* tt#-l#l, la Sow a bcene of ll*aul jt —l)e hwfo Ornaing Mnom Will \l< lit* It a nl -•onirlt Dtrornlftl. Aloe.* of the delegate# 10 the ntate con v ant l* hi of Ikughters of th* <*onfedar*cy will reach iho city to-day mi l I nl ht They will b# mi at the (ralmt b> c #m mtttee* from the Rivannah chapter #f daughter* and auxiliary committees from the camp* of Ve!rm and Eon* of Vet eran*?. an*l ♦-*-< ortd m li < h in ! In whl< h they will Ik- entertain**#! during tluir •lay. Moe* of Ar* expected on flip trains reaching th *ll5 on th* >Mrnl .it 7 o'clock ami the Hunt H -nm at * o'clock this evening Many. however will tonv* early in the day. anutH? the I Iter being Mrs. H.tllio Al*miwW Rounwivl l**. tlx- president of the iliviiluti Mis. Kdwin CJ. Word, the presklent cf the 1 oil* <1 , 1 aubtcts of the t*oofeKTJC>, will r sell | the cliy early to-morrow morning. Yesterday the members of the various [ committee* were kept bury. Armory Hall, in which the reception to the dele gates and oth*r veiling Daughters, t n <9sred by the Havannah chapter, will be given, has been elaborately decorated and 1 b* bald and h ire a p* 11 ••ntlr !y trail -- , formed Pictures of Oonfed* ru e generals ' and hero* Intcrwpersed with battle flac ami war relies of v iriou kinds, twined with vines and crowned with wreaths of | laurel and magnolia, decorate tn* walls. ; Klrtis and bunting in the Conte derate colors, and greenery *f ever> kind have be* n used lountlfudy ard taMefully, while festoons of bamboo ww iy t* twe* n the chandeliers. The decorath’ii* f r thl 4 * h*ll have not been entirely com pie t* I, but even In their preM 1 1 -t *tc the tesult is a reve lation and 11 delight. To-day the efforts >f the t’ommttfee on I>ecorailon. of whu h Me Klixaleth M Lnwh Is chairman, util Ik* devoted largely to the drawing room of the be H*to. where the business sessions of th •'•in vention util U held. The decorations of 1 the r**m will b* on a *-ml* less ala borate than that of Armory Hall, hit they will be equally tasteful and equally beautiful. In the scheme of decoration there, palmt- will play an lmp<*rtant part. To the very regret of B irtow f'srop of Sons of th Daughters have been comixdled to dec!ln* the camp's Invitation to entertain the delegates and other visitors to the convention. It was found that < very hour of the three days of the convention was already taken up. cither by business sessions or by entertainments for which arrung. m**nf> bad alr*w*ly been made, and ther* was no time at which th* reception the Bon • de sired to give could be held The reception to b* gtv*n at the resi dence of Mis J. H. Wo*d. on Whitaker and Gwinnett streets, on Thursday after noon. Is tendered the of the Hsvann.ih chapter, as wall a the visiting J laughter* nnil delegates. Ther* M-fnn to have been some misapprehension on this point and Mrs Wood and the other t tost *•**-•** of th* o a- ion and ire to have lc very thor* Highly understood Th** mem %*ers of the Savannah chapter are expact d and urg. and to be present eti that dav The **onvention is going to le very largely attend**) Kven yesterday ther.* were new notifications as to the attend cinee of delegate* from s*me of the chap ters that had not report*.) before, and it is expected chat still other-, will drop |n to-day. Th**r*- r< important matter* for the convent ion to on*lder and u pro gramme of great interest ir.d attractive, ties* has been arrungsd The trip to T>be© <>n Friday afternoon will be quite eh- rt. the train 1* iving the city at about 2.30 o*r|o k and r* turning in ample ftfu* for th* d1 . •*. wr . *b sire to do *-o leaving on th* ev* ring tfain* for their homes. The oyster roast at th Jnlet Club House, which 1- to form |*nrt of the Veterans’ entertainment, will b ready and watting when th* visitors r* 1 a the Island. If the day be fair, as every one hopes It will be. this concluding feci ture of the convention will be one of the pleasantest. roxioi ms An rirliiriK Chase Yesterday st € lit tle I'ark, It Is reported that foxes arc becoming so plentiful nut about Cattle Dirk t t they are seen drinking from a wine troughs In Of>cn day and that they ar*- making good inroads upon poultry and birds in that s*dlk nxnt A party • f gentlemen from the city went out yesterday morning with a pack of bounds tn 1 t.Hd m* dlffl* ulty g?tin,' up m large f Th* < hH-r wji* an exciting one and after running Reynard two hour*- th** dc*f* . aught l.lm on the ground. He was n perfect type of grey fox. Savannah fux clot an getting consider able of a reputation for fist running and InyiiMtuc hav< <• - vad fl n hunt clubs in differ*r.t 1 ub of <j>orgift and Rouih Carolina to visit them and hunt foxes A hunt r lub will be* organised here so**n composed of gentlemen who love the chase. They will * .re n* a dog* to run with those now making records and er pscUil cat#- will t taken of the puck. Trie fox doge owi* 1 in Bavannah are Henry and Birdsong They ore welb coming fr rn the best kennel* io the and bate yet tu Lc outrun. 1 jolt \> Olilfin IIOIIIM MEMOHIUr. Mr. Shatter's Offer Ar<mlng lnlrrri In th* llotmiritl. A good d**ni of interest wm aroused in ih#* movi'fmni for a monument to Ogl# thorp* by th*’ publication in yeterday> Morning New* of a letter from Mr 8 I* (Blotter, In which h* offfri to oniriou’.*- $1 ,**•* to a monument fund. tnimi* five year* ago if.' Hon of th#* Revolution s-tatted m movement for *h pur|ose of suitably rovnirn moi a ting th* founder of G**ofiil mo I r -o.utLm authorising th# board of manager- o set and# f#r that purp* •' v- nl*. * >i y*rt of the fund- #*f th ■#-- *’> o couki Le > pa red u j id**; ! l. ('*#i John S r#*v#rn, ah* w.f- H • n prc*l .lent of the *• i* ”.. Induced Judge Em* Bp* r t# |w*ml*#- a•* rn ' f !•• ?*ir* on i Ilf- <rd < tiara- *r of Ogi.* thorp*. th# r*-*li*! to be d**- ! \oi*j to the fund for a mon | until*nt Ini# In • matt* r flagged, how*\r, m I n* nirig f rther vih* I I*n' although the *i Miv U now in * r* • *||ion i I Mr Wtiliam ll*rd*n U>t night, t" * rftf ri <uif p#*v#ral hunlr** l *!ol* blip to Mn ti -i fmt i. Though i*gh-thor|ie f r*j*r| . f*i ng*- t • th* olonlal ;*rk*l nt <i#o;i hUi*ry the of th** devolution u*l that th# r organizatloti should t.*M? an .• tv# jm:i In ontr ating to hi' memory fr*-m th* fa t that he rcfup i a rommlwlon In the Hrlt army mnl to g •*• ih* •■•donltM Hnpv.*nng wlun ;pprwirh*d with not for <>t the position, "th t h# would n♦ *r fight main t the odouy Ihnt h- hftd founded ‘ When the matter of er* *lng th monu m*nt wan t r-ii mken up by • t tn* Hv#>luti n they w#re authorised *o •tMl'dld <I. in n I r . mh*l n* r orgunts-itlotip. or Indlvldu *!• the -n l- i#”- |tint prom * Ito a- fc l?*t w that ■ f th# **ok>ni| Iniirof who i*ntly lnv I,#*, n di- iP>lng I* ** ndvlsahl It v of pu up. ur i -l*P 1 it ne *Mry, o an* mark f r j>*< t lo th* memory of tfiorp* TANARUS *•(**♦ dl upped for pip h h monument 1- th# op*a rpa**** Just w* *t *f the <it> K\< -hang*, w i*r* h Mory uvere t gif-thorp* landing p *l> be VA'if* th* Imp- ii>i ihot will undoubted |y r*pult from Mr Suoifer'g gift. * ! ,f * more than lik \ thai t)i* unit ter will lx* (•ken up ugoln by th** Son* of ih* Rev> luiton. and that the |mmW*l old of the other ‘orlftlr* will b* niea* fr :hwunlng The annual m* • u.g *f th* Son of the lb volution will not take place ttefor* Feb hut ih* Iv.hol of nmv>K* n* tiat tli* right to call n gp# tal meet-.tig. i l may *W* o to conpUler the miller AT TIIF. 1 MbAWH. Ilrntinlg (nmpanr* Kniuurmriu iMpldoatlr Opened. Tne flraunlg Dramatic Company opened its engagement very auspiciously last night to h large audbn* * “Credit lx>r rain©,“ LitlUn lewis’ great play, was the bill, and ii was strongly put on. Mi** Louise Mitchell b especially suited to pan* requiring feeling and '-motion. ( atwl abe played the ode of the Countess j capably. Ml** Mitchell Is u versatile act ress. and I* far a ove the average of lead- * Ing women with repertoire shows She is j handsome. n* well, and haa a style and manner that Is very phasing. There are a numb* r of od friends in the Braunlg company. Burt Wesner. Charles I .eekins. Harry Coffin— who |arts his name in th** middle now- and W. F. Dow .I Ail of them have be. n here b* - fore. and they were a l warmly greeted lit night Young Samcnv Brown, the B.Tvannnh ! 1 who is with the company, was a -or* 1-1 a hearty reception, and one that s*em**d to make the little fellow's heart gladden with Joy. He was seen Irt several up* dallies an I wis extremely Haver. Ills song** w*re finely sung nl his ikewaik j w ~tUy with MBs ZctwilUn ive better than any rugtlni** work that h is been here thla season. Young Brown receive*! • i.irg** bouquet of roses, hut w*a* gullan* enough to b ind it to Miss Zenobla, who woe with him. Mr We*n**r gave a very clever mono logue sp< -kilty and .ng rt**- or two Mings In regular Burt Wesner style. *T’nd*r t:i* City Lomp- will be pre sente.l i* th. rniMnee this afternoon, and to-night “The Hecret Enemy.** Manager Fred Weis wishes It nn nounced the ni ttn. <- jw rform incen her* after will commence .it 230 o’do k and nigh# performances .ii h 3T> o< lo k. The ctytHin will rB promptly and fids ocnedule f Urn** will prevail during th<* entire *• toon, and ot all ■ of it tractlons. ao that th**r.* will be no con fusion. IWK.T VOI H TKKKTH. '"•v.rnl ntlrrlm Rr.iilra .hr II mu Inr I'nr.y Tlrkr.l, In hv-.l(iy * r!c< (lon will .Ir, wrll In rx.imlne Ihdr tlck. lx rur. fully. 11.. rlilr. the rrßulr party ll k.-i* thrrr rr othrr Dtylnr In (he flrkt Hth rlrl.-r h vr rworlfd to .hr -1'.1k. 1 of placing thr namr of th.'lr rontrn lonal rnndldale m thr hottoni of thr opi!<ltkii (i■'k. Thrrr lirr "Dfm... rati Tl keis" with Ir .ikm s nimi- ut thr hottom atul "It ini’.ll.-an Tl krtr" with Ir'stiT'r nimr nii.chrd. Itoth Hlilrr hnvr thr rxrurr that thrrr arc many who w||| want to voir mlxr.l tUk •tr Many huxlnrra non will %.a.- .hr llrptibll hn national tlckrl, hut with 00l lr-.rr nann- attach..l Any way, II will l. well for rvrry voter lo twlcr al hlw lick*-, to makr Mirr that hr |n,-| vot- InK for ronrhotly lhat hr rtorrii't Intrntl to vote lor. MACHINE TYPESETTERS **nld to lie Iflii rl m Operators. Thr wotk of u typraettrr In a modern i ofli.r i> very rxactlnft. parllcu latly If hr run* a llnolyp.. or typCKrt.lng irachine It rt.iulrta tho cloxrrt attrn llm ami rapi.l rymiMth. il.- action of l>th hmln and hat..l Thin machine work* tntic.i Ilk.* n typewriter. Such workrrr , f* <1 on ordinary fo .1 klv<* up brraure of ii' ivaus prostration, some tti a hbort time, and * ni< re abb to stand It longer One of these workers **| hv. I **• ut the liuotvp. pirce >, irs it has made *4 g** hi change in my oiu* robus* Jhialtb A tout three month* ago. after I r g exp*- t ng it, I * mpletefy eollui>e<l i D m Indg.tlon and * xtt* me rienoiiH iiKis Tti. and illy physic I hat! not dared |to omit for >'.irs, n*>w- .in.l then, refused j relief and a phy ici?*n was insulted *'Chong* ft occupation at and diet' rend prescription, ndvbe < it ng Grape N .t* fo 1 twice daily.' I had often set up the advertisements of the Dostum it’ereal i' . but Mgnrhow printers ir i apt to think adv* riisenu-nt*•- ate not in t i .and for th*m tk m.ik* iis. of. I could not well change my occupation, but did change the diet, •'Hlnoo then have iim-<I Grape-Nuts |g>th at brrakfasl and supper, daily. The ! results arc truly remarkable Tin* first j f*rc<pttt|e change was in the matter of | dig* atkffl. It ha* been six weet : hid o swallow an ap*rl*nt f nv j kind At the b u'it.ning of my < xt***rim< ni j with Grape-Nuts 1 weighed 124 pounds, last evening I tlpfe-d the team at 1Y7 1 •My nerves, which were completely shuttered three month* .**;•>. are vw strong ami steady, *md 1 do i.oi tire easily, though I go to bed nn hour later on an average than formerly, and have increas ed my chparity at th* m < hln* fully two • olumns of f\t*r a day I mi convinced that Grape-Nm* fo • I l- th* food ? ■>. per sen* of oedeniary orcupatlon, eopedally for those who work with brain in lieu of brawn.'* Chas. H. Eckhatd, 177 N. Chain* Uic 9t. Galesburg, ill. • i THE MORNING NEWvS: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER f>, IHOO. irte^reotheTjacce3orTe^!n3 ■ Mi&iyELLow Label WrtlsKEY yfiffc'Yfjrj tf&frifir \ On wet days a nip of Yellow wi -' : v.) Label will often forestall a Cf { 'sWj ser i° us c °ld. A helpful tonic ■ in case of illness or indiges- Ii J on — a P ure Rye for those who If want a pleasing stimulant, dt’s the hr Wf average drinker's favorite.) I h ft'fii Call for U trhfr*r~r good liquors nr* noltl. "*Jt 'L Hfjhi '' l/Va'l/TMsT TS** diffTM., "!> i' it t laiillL r*l* 4 bwtt If ■ • na o)ior wlit-k\ to iin tli ■ . difference will o-nd >'•• Minple bottle frea, on receipt of lieu. to defray pack!ay, etc Address I fHAS K ICO <7 Inn S* rPfCTIfSATI 0 ro* r*irxx.ii.f LESTER'S AND LEAKEN'S FIGHT Contlnugil fr rn Tnth Pag** with bra- Umd. v nl* h afterward fur i, | ut .r ih* • ntir* .'ukp g a Hon furnlpbed i- (hi north# nder-. *r <1 over an hour wan nptrtt u *pe. h•making ftfid In prepara. *i * f.-r tod.ny*P ♦|#> , lon Pren -I*l# nl Jom-** M i Jutre pre*#led and railed <d*o:i alt pi. urn to put in a good day'p w**rk for Ic*wler and th* Notional ticket were made by Shelby Mr 4 * k ml !, <*>• M Norwood, in whirh ti ♦ umpaign t- i waa die uaae 1 *nd the pi*ittnn of the T>*mocrutlr ndt*iat*p tiph# 1 Moth speakers railed attention t* Col r-ror*l and hit gr#** wrk in behalf of th*- rtty and th* port. Av vannah’p handftome n*tv poakofpre. the gr*Mt lrr\pr**vru*n! of the hirU*r nl *h* l*rir** .nrr* a.H* in Savannah p commerce In ro#w*quence were dw*H uj>#n hp porn* of th* lieneftta whk-h Huvannib had re ceived through CV>I. I^epter - # laltors I.*•#■ olutlone were a*i?jt#d. Col Leetef and the National Mrk*t. ?*nd urg ing tipon all th* member* to go to th* po|N ranly. to g*a in Ihetr v*gep m*i e* thnt tb*ur frtendg did Jugflre Wb khum predicted that ih* F:rt w*m:d prove the banner dlPtrlct to-day In pw*H lr>g Col m ijorlty Col Li*t' r i#ent the lav In h#* country and returned to Ihe city kipt right t*> late to h# .seen for in inervlew In ie •tor.#* to u meppage. however, he pent w<>rd that th* outlook w.m entirely patlP fctory and that h* had no d-mbtP a to the repult. Ap to the national election Col lister did not care to haaard a pre diction He thlnkp th** chan ep ar* g*xal. however, for the Democrat * to cotitrcd th*> n**xt Cenar* • The Rpuhltcana have only a pmall m.iJortty In the ire*enl Con gr*ea and c irrvatlve r*po-t< ahow that Hit pnmori • have vory good groopacio of picking up * oongreeam in here and there 111 ieveral of the Mala'* The total regiatpred vote for to-day’P election Ip f,.M, of which **re white ani *M *oh red votetft The rngiefrarA have renwed about fifty names fr*m to* Hat. leaving about fI.KO **l|rt , *D voter* At th* outald* It Ip not estimated that over 4.300 votes will be rag* an*l unleoe th*- Democratic manager* exert themanlve* Ihempelveft the vote will not be mu h over i-Ax* Aa the vote PMHt that figure Col. majority will begin to pi|<* UP . niIMIMIA WRHF. pi lI9HRD. jit d|* Norwood ken ten red Mlsde mrnntr Offender* to the •" The weekly criminal aeoalon of the City court woa hekl yeat#r*lay afternoon, in stead of last Friday morning There w. re a number of alleged misdemeanor crtia- Inals before Judga Norwood and a large per -entage of th*m were sent, for \ iry ing terms, to the county chaingang. there to expiate the offenses of wnkh they were proven guilty. John H Htephenaon. more thon onli norlly shrewd darky, was charged by Mr James W MclfHlre with the offense if chanting and swindling. It appeared that Stephenson bad represented himself to Mr M< Intire a* the agent of u loan and benevolent a asocial ton. known to fame ns th* United Mutual Aswielation. ani on the faith of th* entirely fictitious cred it thus obtained, had Induced Mr. M*- Intire :o permit bis rent to g) uncollcct • and and to let him have good* of th** value of fttsr, The total profit t> Stephenson from hie and dings with Mr M Intire imounted to pearly Judge Norwmel a*Vied a lecture upon ih* hopelessness of continuing to carrying on -u* h a *K-heme to defraud without detec tion to the sentence of n line of sfo. ind the costs of the prosecution or. in lieu thereof, a term of twelve months on the hr. in gang of the county. Unit be indicted John King was found guilty of larceny fr.-m the person. His victim, James Bai ley, told a rather amusing story. It ap peared tjia; he had started ti*ime from work a little the wore** for wear, and had encounter*-*! King As Ball*y wo.* In tit <! *f u g lide, and friend iMirtlcularly a guide—just at that time, he i. epted King *- offer to show him tlie way to his place of residence. His <oht and vest wen* both unbut ton* and atd lying loose upon his shoulders King Invited him to enter h restaurant and eat something, and. as he at ut**l In the alley that led to the restaurant, coat and vest were slipped from him. the gate h< hud passrsl slammed and he was left tn his shirt-sleeves. King afi-rw.ird pawned the garments, ai 1 this I* 1 to detection. Wh*n h’ w s pi -d on the -fund yesterday to tell hls story, h© denied having seen Halley on the night th** bitter lost hi.* coat fin 1 ve-t. and '-ill ti# had b<en iske 1 t> pawn the stolen articles by “a good-sized to., about my whose name, unfortunate ly. lie was totally unable t.a rememUr Tbe story Is eonaldrrahly worse than “a thili** tol l tab ” In the City Court, ami was na destined to imprrs- Julg< Nor woil with Its truth Evidently King did rot expect It to be believed, for w hen Juilg ■ Norwo- and #>n ln*d him to year n the gang hr greeted the ser.ten . with a smile 1b had received Just what he reg l\ expected it au you w h hii in. Held In llenl> Hull Last Night li> th* First Olstrlet Nortli End < Inh. The First District North End Club hekl i large and enthuttb* meeting 1 1-' night In Hendy Hall at West Broad and Bryan streets The meeting was u rally of the supporters of Magi** r ite Wickham The club, which up to lost night numbered only 105 members, was increased nt t. meeting to more than twice that number \ . i as- hand %*- in atterxlance and m rved to liven things up. Bpee.-bee wer* made b\ Mr Norwood and by Mr Shelby Mvrick. both of whom spoke |n favor of th* • indldn y of the nuigi-trati. arul Dub of whom were applauded. HETtRN* AT THE \ K. C. I*l enn it t I .nt* i tain in ent for tlie Meni lM*r> nnd I’rlemls of the The Y. M C. A. will spare no pains lo make their enterialnmi nt to-night a i!* as mt cm In ncVßtlon to the returns of ti, election, which will be received by dl r* • t wire and displayed by the aid of n s’ereopllron. there will be st#Teopt|co* pi<- turrs. music by mi orchestra and r* fienhments. The enterinlnm n* Is giver to the memlu-s of th* associatton arul their friend*, but no hoys under 16 yeur old w’l ll b© allowed, unless In the compan> ot their psrenu. _ CARNIVAL QUEEN CROWNL’J. fContlnued from Tenth I'age.) moanand l# tror, guern Elixnl# ih I IrM Cairuian'M Lteellrnt Hand. Have for th#* ceremony the coronation th* feature <.f th <#f#entng *l*v rf the car nival wap the music of 1 ilrtnan p Con* ■ rt Bund of |t>pton. Th* first am* 4 nranc* of tli* bind before Sh\.*n ahian- w at !•* o cl" k in th# afternoc r. when a short con •rt wqp rendered on the veranda <l th- De floto Thlr w.*p *nJoyed by a gr it rowd, many husin* .-‘a men on their w> hon e after their day p work Joining tt.# audi* nee that had gath#T*<l to listen to the delightful music Musical exto rt** pr*- n unc • 1 the 1# n.l egcollent, an*l w ho kr.ew little of tne technique of th*- art pave that they ur* pleased when pw*#u symphonies appall th* *r. Joined with those of greater knowb-lg*- In declaring that the baml was ' out f sight ” F#*l lowing i* th* programme that wap r*n dered: March, "Col. Abbot” Falrman Overture. ' William T*ll.‘ Hopkknl Trombone polo. "Faniie." American Fantasle Ben*ilx Ton* iMcture of the North and Houth Concert wait* ...(Sung. Rormmxa Tolunnj Grand March. ”Trium|>naL”. Falrmun Falrman * Itarxl has b* en • rig g-i f-*r the entire carnUai It will giv# •-oncerth dally daring the two weeks of its contin uance. On next Sunday there will be a s<i< rcl concert w hi*h will be vocal as well as Instrumental, a* Baron*-** von Zebra lae of the Grand Inne-rta! Opera Com pony aa ptitnn dontm poprwno atmolut** wl| arrive In the Interim and Join th# band. Tbo*#* who |rv#* good muelc would kubt lewi f#H>i obliged to chc management of the arnlval If the babal #f noiMs of ihe various attractions In ih* cncloaure. the harangues of th*- spielers, the blare of th* haxf>i!**n. the cries# of vender# and th** hunlr*sl of other nolnei, c#>nverting th# wene Into a |>)#*aiiing pnn>rnonhci when the ability # h**ar gxd muni" Is not In question, warn suppreaaed during th** ren dition of the programme# of the concern The i'.in'l'im n thcmselvea woukl nppr- - dale such . step Mr J M. Wiener of Philadelphia is manager of h- land If#- leave*# UMlay for J*i# ksonvllle. where he gx*s rn arrange for the .ippt-irttnce of the band during Gala W*k. Ae the fame of I*4* organ Ur tlon U wbleapread. he wUI doubtless have no dlfliruliy in <k>lng so. It Is also the purpose of the band to play In Thomas vllle during the carnival that Is to be given there s how Ware !►• In >*•!. The ceremony of opening the carnival that had been arranged for yesterday af ternoon at 1 cm'Kx k wos not . arrle I out rn th* n ajorttv of the shows expected from Columbus had not arrived. They did noi gvt in until th* early evening, arul it will not l>e until midday to-day that the> will be established and In r* udlnes* f.>r the entertainment of visitors. Buoy scenes at th** railroad were view ed by onlooktng lioy* until l it** last night as the isiraphermlia of th* show* wms unload'd, ard al th** Carnival grounds • here was work going on nil night It l< believed tht the unfinished onditiofi that was apparent on every hand y**sterda\ will have dtsa|ipeared by to-night and that everything will th-n <e working smoothly and In order. Ev* n the •!• phants of the Itosto* k shows were w :k ing. TliHr glganti<* strength was -lled into ploy when th** havy w igons c n uiinlng lions or other wild twists sank d*ep into th** soft earth of the Dark Ex tension and th** horses wore unable to budge th*m. With mighty heaves, the elephants pushed th* wagons from th • tenn* loua ruts, the übiquitous email la looking on in high glee. The *b*lay In the arrival of the show was flue to the law against freight train being run In the etafe on Sunday. Th* shows could not leave Columbus until midnight night l*efor* las* The road w In no way to blam*-, a.- It had to observ* the law Effort was made to have i t road seek to evade the law. bus the offl dais wotild not consent tltractloa* That Were Hern. No admission f* • wua chargel for it • ncioauro last night The* tv a thrown wide open, and all wjo desire*l Were free to enter The treat was th* E.ks*. It was a graceful way of startln off the carnival. nnl a great crowd gather e*l on the grounds Datronage of th four or five shows that were prepared for bus - ness was heavy and continuous, and a ■ good thing" was enjoyed the first night The Ferris Whe* I was turning, ari l I was a source of perennial delight to many Baby Bliss, whose proportion* are as Brobdlngnagian as Chatulta s ar* IJIIIpu Man. was to be viewel In nil his obesity startling spectator* by the Imminent dan x**r In wrhlch one might judge him to be of fatly deg nerallon of the heart or som* such far trouble. The baby was par run lung the street car* yesterday, r**p.rt being on on** that hoardefl Da singer very carefully drew ;n the r c*.rns and placed them as far under the seats a possible ns th*- hug** o•.!•• pissel. r-arlnc little to have him iit a gondola on th* I p*t grlevarut s Klrctia. t * dying I.a*l\ Lorec, who hold a forth in * la* ic !*•*•* In the “Cole*-cum * of Art; “A Trip to th* Moon” and the irena of train'd anlniiD ill being In at; n. as well •* a number . f other attractirrs This after: * u 1 o’clock thr- f ile of t k* rs for th** -n iosure w I' b**g n Dv time the show# will b* r**n iy Jr fhclr patrons. an*l iho.-c who visit the ar *>i\ 1 may expect to see Utile to indicate inreadlncss Bv mr. ihiAus now know w conb t l * Many of them had It pretty w l*l f ■ilbut *1 un**u • m list right. The bits **f varl-colored papi r are thrown by pret v gl. . ro: i--king in fun and juo! hu i or. iiiml th*- young nu n who accompany •h*'m Not oi.’y their acquaintance* is) r.lerds. but sirangers. ns well, frequent ly ercountere the confetti. Arrest" disease by the timely use ol Tutt’s Liver Pills, an old and favorite remedy of increasing popularity. Always cures SICK HEADACHE, sour stomach, malaria, indiges tion, torpid liver, constipation and all bilious diseases. Turrs Liver PILLS 1 TO i O> TIM C THE 111 AIMiW. Mr. O'Ryrae (* irt • Trtialrr la (■# Jnnrtloti With Mr. Wimpy. A me* ting cf th* reditors of Mr W F Wimpy wuv h* Id at th* of fice of Mr Wimpy’s nttomey, Mr Emile Newman, yesterday af ternoon. • ?i I an nmliable understanding was reached, by which the business will Ik- continuol m Its pte-ent Ihali. The m-eting w#p well atUr.'l'd, nil of the creditor* le g represent* and with the ex ccption of about ll.fkiu. lir M A O'Byrru was .**lectc ins trus tee t*j u|crvlfe the conduct #*f ih* bus* i r . sln the .it# rest of the cr** i;i r Mr Wimpy remalrlifg #n charge as at pres ent I? I' liellev-d that arrangement will prove to th* a-lvant g> cf both <Ted- Itofs an*l debtors. *1 *t the result wiil h* that tie *-reJlu>rp will *?i*ir money :n full w r le th*- buslrieys w ill lx* con tinued- It |“ bop* and to P ur* the consent of all th#* creditor* to this arrnngement by the era I of ♦he u* k ISM. .It IM. MI NT W W TiKFA. In lle Cac nf Southern Supply < #n -l;n> igitintl Hallrortd. The Judgmerkf of the Supreme Court #if the state, tae c- of th# Southern Sip ply Company. ogaln*t the Plort ti North ern R diroad Company. wa made the Judgment of th* Superior Court on yeste**- day Bv virtue of he order parsed by Judge P/ftil’.tfrint. the piamtllT obiglia Judgment ua.ir9t th# d*fendtit for L'7. W. 32. prin tp* I*?? * '. .merest to Nov. 1 1900 and Intere-t oi th principal sum fr<m Nov. 1. umH • diy it Ip paid. Li:(.ll# ROTIf El. IT a(*ia aring to th * * urt by the peti tion of C. B Younglove and .1 D too*l - copartner* under the firm name of Younglovt in# I Goodman A i’. Greene, on the ftßh .|i\ of Novemhe-. IK*I executed anil delivered t#> the unld Younglove nd Gootlman. , mortgaK* upon Ik* following lo -f laiul lying in id county. io-wlf All thoix- certain two (2 lots of laid situate lying nn#l being in !he county of Chat harti tind elate of Geor gl. and known on h mop or plan of sub divisions ' A" and "H” of the McNlsh tract, made hv K. J Thomas. C K . May 23. IW9. op lots numbers seventy eight G**). and right <B7. In I>l* k- I!” nnl "I" of sad sub-dlvision, each having a frontage of thirty (TO) fceet on Fifth s!re*-t. arvl u rectangular depth alng Washington street of on* hundred (100) f#e. Paul M* Nish tr.r t :*eit:g kK'at -d near the Intersection of Montgomery street, exten*led with the Savannah, E'ior ida n*i Western R ultv.iy dll of whl h will fully ippenr. reference l>eing hn*l to a map of said sub-dlvkiiui re orded in th# office of the clerk of th#- Sup- rior Court of Chatham county. Georgia. I<*k of ilefsds, 7 E’s. rtK*' for th* purjHW*#' #>f securing the payment of a certain promlp ory note for the mm of two hundred und sixty d#>dar (s2*y mid#* by the paid A F. Greene on the llfth day of Novem ber. 1*94. and payable to th# said Young love ar.d Goodman, due thirty (30) days after rlate. with interest from the first day of August. at the rale of eight (fb |>er cent per annum, which said noe -aid A V Greene refuses to pay: It l therefore ordered that the mid A V Greene pay into thf <*ourt. on or l**f*>re the first day of the next t#-rm ther#H>f the principal arul Int* rwr du# on sasl n>te. n#l the cost of thp pro# *-adtng. or in default thereof tin* rotir: will proceed as to Justice shall appertain And It in further ordered thnt this rule Ih- |*ub 11shed |n the “Savannah Morning News.” i newspaper puMlrhel in sold county of <’hotham. once a month for four month*, or be s* rved upon the said A ?' Greene, or his spec in I K*nt or attorney, three months previous to the next term of this court. In open court, thin July 24. !90>. R FA DUG A NT. Judge E .1 C. of Ga. A true extract fr#>m the minutes JAMES K V CARR. Clerk H C . \ C . Oa NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.— Notice Is hereby glv**n to ail having drmandt* nxnlrst Georg** A Kel ler. late of sat*! county, deH-.iae*!, to pre s*tit them to me. proporly rnah* out. with in the time pr- ribed by lu e , *o an .to show- iheir character and .amount; aval all person# indebted to shM *le--u!*ed, nr** required to make Imrmdiute payment to u#. MARY E KELLER. LAMAR KELLER. Ex tors. M ;nhard, Ga. Savannah. Ga.. October Ikno.— NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDIT ORS. GEORGIA CHATHAM COUNTY Noil.*** L hereby given to all persons hav ing demands ag.4 nst Mnrrarei Ya'ent ne late of said county de *i'**l t * pre ent them to me properly made out, within the time prescribed by law. a* to show their character and mount, aid all per sons Indebted to ciM d**i?a I ar* re quired to make lomu- lli'c payment to me. Sa\annah. Ga.. Or 29 lf*oh. GEORGE Morno. Exe utor. Numr, i’O DEBTORS AND CREDIT ORB GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY-' Notice D hereby given to nil person** hiv ing demands against Indian i Will Him*, late of said rountv, de ea*ed. to pres nt them to the undersign* *1 properly made out. within the time pres* rl n*d by law <i is to t*how chart "er nn*l amount, aid all persons Indebted to aid <h -* • and m* required to make Immediate payment to the undersigmd Till: GERMANIA DANK. Administrator Bivannah, Ga.. Oct. 27. ii*o \ TK’rJ T*> DEBTORS AND CREDIT ORB. i EORG| A Cl V HAM COU NT Y Notice |s hereby given i* all persons hav ng demand* .ir ;lni( Chat a* N \V< !’t* of said < unty. .! •**• •-•#<!. to i*t*-*ait > m to me. properly mule out. wiihin th time prescrlbeil bv law. so as to show their character and amount; un*l nil per or * Jr. b *l to eael d* ea- l ir<- i jttinxl to rnak* Imni .llut- piym**nt to me LA NG DON i WEST. Administrator. Bavannah. Ga . Sept. S. 1900. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY Whereas Abraham RundLikrn has appliei t. Court of Ordinary for letters dismßi*- ory us administrator up *n the (State of G Helen© Hundtaken. a *d. These are. therefore, to . f. and admon ish all whom it may * o-*-n t. 1- pp*or before .iM court to make ohje •- ti fi (if any they hav. on r before ih* first Monday In January n*xt. otherwise ‘old letter# will l. granted Witness, th** llota i a ’* Hampton L Fo trill, ordinary for Char ham county, this the sth day of B*qtenu r FRANK K KEILBACII. Clerk i* 0.. c. C. GEORGIA. CHATHAM CoUNTY Where;.-. David 8 Waters has appl.*d to Court of Ordinary for letters of adminis tration on the (-state cf David Waters, de ceased. These are. therefore, to *-it. and admon ish nil whom .• may loteern to l and appear before said court to m -k** (If any they Havel, on or hefon* the first Monday in Decernh-r i. xt. otherwise and letters will be grantcu Witness, the Hon H unpton L. Ferrdl, ! Ordinary for Chatham *ount> , tin - the sth day ot November, iwn FRANK K KEILBACH. Clerk Ci. urd jY C\ Cot I Don’t Forget! Election Returns AT THE FAIR GROUNDS Full returns, direct wire, free to all, thrown on screen, with fjrand stcreopticon exhibition com bined. ELKS GREAT FAIR, TUESDAY EVENING, NOV. 6. PRINTING I THE Lithograph and Printing Department of the Morning News Is one of the largest in the south. It is equipped to do the best work in all branches of printing. Its plant is modern and Is operated by skilled people . . . BANK BOOKS- Rank Rooks of ali kfc-da Is our specialty. Cheeks Tiepoalt Slips and wsnsral hank stntinnery the Mornln* News does In a superior style And no bal k It matters not how senotl. should be without our nthorraph cheek books. MANUFACTURING PLANTS— W> make a *p*clulty of doing cut work i well an lithograph work for all manu facturing plants, not only In Georgia, but in Alabama Florida and thr Carolina*, t’nder thia head Is embraced Guano Fac tories Pl#>w Works. Turpentine I'kiqts. B.:wr Mills. Foundriea. Firewerlas, Machine Shops. In fa<*t all kinds of enterprises of this character. COMMERCIAL WORK- A business mnn. no matter where he does business, enn't afford to he without net stationery. If h* <V>ew nothlnar but sell eicjr* he ouirht lo hove It The Morning iNews makes a spe laity of doing Jobe ,for country merrhonte And It takes i .’(pleasure In sending samples with prices ’((from which selections may be made COUNTY RECORDS- 'Record Rooks for counties. Tn* Rooks, , OIBHnI Stationery for towns and cities. I-ega 1 Blanks and form* of every diftcrip -1 Roll we are equipped to do quick!* ard )rheap and well LITHOGRAPHING— | J.lthographlng Is a branch of the business to which especial attention Is devoted le l the largest eetuhllshment In the stste and I* opernted by the best artists In the , country We cheerfully furnish estimates , and submit samples of lithograph work. When writing to us address the Horning News Job De partment. Donut think that you are consuming our time by 1 asking us questions and writing for estimates. Whether we 1 get your order or not, we shall be glad to offer the best wc i have. Morning News .lob Department, SAVANNAH, CA. LINDSAY & MORGAN’S SPECIALTIES; Buck’s Stoves and Ranges. Read’s Odorless Refrigerators. Perfection Mattresses. Imperial Furniture Polish. Carpet Size Rugs. Wide Portieres. Vestibule Lace. P• S. —Read our large ad. McDonough & ballantyne, w iron Founders, Machinists, •*•"•*■•**••, at.Bnla riarrr. ol IKKoy. - ’ •r, ..a **.,, *. ro^l ,„ „„ JpSfß. 1.. Mi|„. Mll| TELEPHONE NO. 123. CORBETT GOT TW KNTV DAYS, \ Irllme nr Sunday's Shooting Still In till- Grnraln liittrinnry. There were thirty-seven prisoner* In th* Recorder's Court jrttterdiy morning. Xormm Jackson, who arrested the •lay before for ehootlng S.irah William*, n<S Him Ferrebee. was not trl<l, and prolnb.y will not h#- until the result* of tin- wounds of his victims can In* known. Ferrebee and the worn in arc still at the ' ieorgla Infirmary, where they were takisi Immediately utter the shooting. They were reported last night to lie doing very well. I'iul Corbe l t>-e rro with whom Offl *r < mister line bad a desperate tight 8... ird.iy night in tils effort to arrest him. r. i tried end given n aentenre ,f sls or twenty days on the Nang Officer Con stantine. wno nad been arrested Saturday nigta, on tho charge of assault with in tent to murder. wa* dlarhnrged The other cnees were of little Interest The two whit* fakirs nrrriHMl Surltv afternoon by Detective Stark. anl Ik’ r* found with a compleee outfit of ekln >amr>. kno<-k-out drop*, and other t r > ■ pbornalla of their profession. were no l tried. “It Carrl !*." “Orayheard broke up rheumatism on me." Bays Mr. Cha a. Thomas. *hs Jew eler on Whitaker gtreet. "And put me In better nealth than 1 bare enjoyed In a lone time." Take Gray beard Ptlla for that dli*T feetln*— Lost appetite, and follow It up with a bottle of Oraybeard. It te all yoa need. Reepee* Drug Cos., sole propa. Savannah. U.t —ad —John Sherman came of a tall and long lived race. Hie grandmother wee tlx f*t tall, one of the tallest women In Ohio, and lived to gee talc score ad one