The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 06, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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i %|*T. ( UiTKft I* PR ISO*. 1° Prntcat lII* fnnorrnt'r tit l.mveßttrnrth. ,|, | (M ,| fr*m Philadelphia Time*. ■ rl i # ,MVfnwith, Kan.. Od. SI —“I m put I shall n*v*r be aN* to , Th M- d* pulling tinr it were ,1 , number'd but unninu l oun f h mi.itury prison. -rht of his glory, when men non. Milter and rltlscn. nitlv* s land. worshiped at hla shrin* k \vn - Ol*crlin M. Carter, , #lr et r Corps. Cnitcs Stab ' A’ nnv r>s l* en blot teal from th* t f * work), the gay, thoughtl**ss Vi f . <uspklHJ* and every ready to t;. is losr for* v* r rio knew him in those sunny. , . d**vin by the norm-. “Cap ,, tr• r * luli-g* frth only a frmn of > inri tton. u word of disapproval. i ur** of li 4 t tin. Right t-ro .11. thev w l I t It vu. “Th# r# it no Capt. f arter. ’* r. . glanc** •* this man will almost , v >, • m the assertion Oi l and broken, i , ,| | trlt wrecked all th# ambit Mu th' •! *Urr*d him to union* t it turn i . -yes of th** whole %\ rUI upon him. i* . 1 iir.l only the cold gray .ish# • at# j. f to weigh down th** ph>sb al. mental ni,*i.! bring of this fallen h*-ro of th# Amen an |*-oph i ■ k* stigma of disgrac*. ha* 1,, uj. r..l ta the rough blue <oa! Th* br. rr.i 1 \ >houWera. onee erect atvi f , • t t .#■ wc|. t of the g Id* n v>. aMpii. ur-- now ho|i*w and i ,1 the i'l-rlt t in; p >n garb ta-m* of place tv\.> .Mrs ago lie mlghi w 11 h*. 11.1 pitl h* A polio of the army Hj- t light, well-knit limb*, broad mus , ,u iiitkleome fa* • and fascinat- Jn ti.4l jll 1 nit'* f#r him many friend*. m- v. >* jialotw rival* V* f. if • r riv al, tn g t> * upon him now ( <.' 11.1 '-■♦•l one pang of envy Tie once mM<}i I t. >rm is tna Ull and i* nr i#l th* I * and nows. ii. ben*-ath th* weight #f the *ai> dlegrace upon |r The lips that v*d -1111 ♦ and the eye* that were w.. 4 *. UiiM'.i i#a#w xpr.-- *nly nor row Hid tm '!• h.#b despair. Deep line*, ox Pt. r— v • **t hitter mituish n.w * ir hi* t he# , oral brow The lrwn hair ,s fleck#! with gras a also Is the full (• Th <*k- it ray eye*. wh*Mie w r ki* >*e • hel.J . aptlve *0 many heart*, are now sunken. rv*;l and cruelly melan- hoiv Th* once rtrong. teidy hand ie now weak iml trembling Th#- danhing v.un otll* r a* a • otivl t hat* euddenly grown oM Th- father of hi.- d* id wife. R A Weet#ott. ho* deeerttal him Why ertouM thie man. who ha* nothing t gain and n ich to loae, mill etand hi* etaunchear friend? In* day I -aw Carter ht brother r*l broken t-ii* piece of new* to him With hi* im pi hi* faith in ni in with his old time h#f ful spirit. Carter always be lieved that -ome would rttll he true Even .1- a mighty stream rushed down the hill, those who once had lauded him .hud sound*-! hi* prai.-#c from *v**aii to * en. fled from him S. mmv ha*l gone fn*fore that all hi* 1 1 ith had been ctnier d in “the few.” The man who planned fortresses, who wrote Nmki that have become authori tative on military* mnnoeuvers whose opinion was ever ?on*ulied by the rulerw of fh#* liirul who wit n pride was sent frean our nation to other nation* in*l those who sent him w n confident th*. non*# could '•arp.i*:* 111 .♦ few 'omd equal this min, th;s idol of the people. 1 gardener ’Tis he who tends the lawn wfihfn t‘i*# pn n wj’ T\ glittering sav#ird hn l>* -n taken from h s hand for * vflf. and in its plac<t can be f#*utel a hoe. 7 *n**st : itior. t • he sure, but not the re ill r tlon of th** roit.ite future one would have pr#vlfct*‘d, glancing rkwn the vie to of hi* life Carter's tr.*o dropped to . whit* aster bloomlnc tie r him. h though to **-ek ; phWo*ofhy from Its multiplicity of petal*. ! 1 had Un talking to the man f*r *#>me ' minutes 1 had not n#k*s| him of h.s guHt j or of hi* hope of r*t.<hll*hing his in nocence Tha won!* had risen *pon- j t.menus!v nnd voluntarily fr#m the very depth# of his despairing soul I bad asked him to tell me of his health and how the past fear month* had ifTe#-t#*l it. and thi* was his answer 1 am innocent, hut 1 shall never he able to prove it.** Every thought In hi* life flows from that s-.irr Even the food that he cats. In giving him life, affords the possibility of proving it Rut. Captain Carter.** I said, “you h ve some ambition, have you not**’* The dull, desperate, gray eve* were rais ed to mine In surprise Th*- word “cap tain" • now foreign to him. The rm ici n'- and form started, the soft hand that had 1 er been used to hard labor relaxed its b Id on the wooden handle of his hoe. *’ *n more the shoulder* became erect, f- r a, moment—ntas’ moment only—the 1 • id was raised In pride, then dropped de -3* tcdl>\ i-vsn more so than before. With deep* > smrn he anwsered: ”Th#*re t* no 'Captain Carter.’ I do not know tm. You have mule s-mne ml*tak#-.‘* In t ■ flash of un uncone- lou* m*ment the i I'M life liad com* kick to him. I*#rhnp* j a vision of hi old command was before him. “You hnv* s>m< ambit lon, “Cap tain Ciriir*”* “Carter?” Why the very i wo-d was once synonymous to ambition, j Tb in all ( f their youth nnd energy. h looked at th* areer of th* man and 1 lot ged f*>r sti'h achievements; old sol- I *ll- • - grown gray In the service, had 1 g meed back at lews brilliant ca m in 1 recalled I-t opportunities— * #ns that might hive made them, *io. equal to "Captain Carter ** I have spok-n to you a* ’Capraln Cor ’ ’ *c * i>* tin Carter.' vou wer* tnd *Cap *, r Carter" v* 1 will ever he,” I Insisted, ci e more that flo.-h of pride and once I! .re p !J. and down U "lng a deeper de- J* t ion W, - he .1 philosopher who told us tha* ■ Memory I- the only friend that grief can *v-r krfbw**’* > I have in nmb'.tlor “ answered th-- >r. vi t. and the thin, sensitive lips n <.?npr* *cd. the eyes flashed w ith a i**flant light and the line* In his once hi r* Nome fnce grew deeper. 'I lavs an ambition to see that aster bloom. an*l ’> pet* it fade lignin. That Is my i ambition/* hot low* Is ugh thftt followed this ‘•'•mint could not have been more a ■ ghid v* risen frm • grave Hollow * •* ! empty laugh It seemed to rise th** echo of a moan f'lpisln Carter do you not think that ' to mtrht have dealt with you more ♦!v iy sending you to a *tranxer land ?“ wilted some minute* for * response • • 1 trait ,f Captain Cirter. ’ and It 1 ‘ralt of "convict No 1,f24 ” to w*lgb 1* tion before deciding if He has • I ihis *uli>ecf m i v ' ng |rt#',fmin hour* and still hn* failed to fln#l the ”*wer. I have often wondered that myself. ‘ snsw#*red, “There r* time* when my '■ t 1 pin and others when It is con ' ivht have forgo|t#>n that 1 ever ex i hnl I been sent where I was not wn mi where I d*l not know but r- tim#'. rare timc. when I ‘‘.in or *lm<st for**t. the present and • myself beyond that wall as 1 was n I 1iv.1.” nrden hrw* was raised and pointed ard the sunny stole of the hill T*-11 me do vou think the courts deail vou J isSly?" I asked ' hitter, sarcastic smile, almost the exprcmtlon of his features, pte d hi* answer. ’‘oe* man ever love the law that ch*s h.n * Whin w*tght carries the word ' * convict? Whot difference doe* It whether or not I see the justice of * "nvlctton? Am I not what the oourt J and call * prejudiced witness?’ A man * vlvefl of his name, deprived of every -1 n * in lif except thought and obedl *nee has right to express an opinion on slab i tubje t'* Huch was th* ev ieiv answ r. But I *l* termineil fe |w-netrate th mask *■( in|if. fercrce m l. if possible, fatliom the r* . feeling of th- convict. “I am ru>i th* c*iurt.“ I answered, neither are you .i witness I <lo not ark for * viden*b. I onb want lo know your f* • ilnga on the subject." “No. I nevet ha 1 a ban* ■ o prove mv j innocen* • ." impulsively cried the prison |* r. “I uas never given an ••pporturnty to < xpbiln th*- figure* in mv i*ook? hut j s’ai t ken fr*mi ihe s*'ene imme*iia‘**l> ” rh*n. a- though he hiMl gon*> too far In revealing his feeling*, he drew back .n*i c\ lalmd l huv* nothing to nothing w.iaaever.” Should*/m- hi- hoe after tna fa.-nion >f a private soldier car rying his gun. he turn* *1 ht? face toward | the sitting sun. and. with court*.ous low, prep.tred to ) v m> pt**-* n. • Even the convicts, men ?en* I ten *d for p tty lir-* nu n w inng the r*l etf*rs *4i the backs cmblamatlc of •he “trusiy.” K*>k with .- orn nt tht? fallen idol Carter fee’s fhi*-. Perhaps l was thi? that*-f ed to unb.t nn • hts mil I When flt.-f * ■nt*-r •*1 to i-’ort venworth prison h*- w . i>stgne*| to keep the prison book- ani latet ti draw m.ijs for the chnrr? for th*- new nddiHon to the peni tentiary No ar*"htt" t no e glne*r in • h*- * mplov of the government, or out f It eiih r could surpass r even equal th work of this nameless convict Tho-. whose position* he nile.l oftttme-< gian< *-1 with wonder an 1 admirali n it h!s work work f>r whi h hr win never be.••- *-rcdled But the strained, overburdened brain o' the convict surcumhM to ttu-ec i.tsks. w hich once would Im , n pl.iv to him His high-strung nerves In gun to tell 01 him Though ever quick In tho concep tion of his work, - f**. hi** vv 1 t ' omlii4 tin physical control of th*- mmd thii* at the little Klip tr 1 fu i tii • n•• mt > . , unconquerable officer of th#- attny woul.i I brw hi* gray head and weep ilk** <1 child I over a broken toy D "u th*- prison phvsl Lsr who flnall> . #leclared that “convict No E?*2l” would ! l.e,onv 1 raving m.tni.u- If allowed to continue ih.t work Physically he w* no longer strong enough to terf -rm man ! ua) labor to bla*r in th* quarries to arry hri k. to lift the heavy stones, to j shovel coal, work in t he laundry .r kit. h en. Htid f* finally and • lied to give him Hie c.tre .f the flowers ard lawns within the prison reservation What an occupation for the o re gr# it •*s officer in the Engineer Corps of the I'nited fltates rmv a man wh-*.• f. % n* reache*! r*ry land in ft- v -i v .. twice wis aiugh abroid aid had mm v *ffen temp ing offer- to *l,y to foreign land*, who overcame almost every physl ,*n*l moral t* mpfotion thrown in h:s path and then to fall from the love of lucre! BETTING ON THE TION How the Odffln Ire Ituliug In N**n \ ork and i hi.-nu. From the New York Herald, N, v n Probably the largest wager of the cam paign was offered and de< lined lust nigh *t the WoJdorf-Astorta. Ja *ob Field offer **d to b*-t with James R. Keene Hui.ijmi against sltfc.uin tiiot McKinley would be electe I Mr Keene refused The wager was then raised to f4So,nm against but was still declined Mr F **l<l was talking w ith Mr Keen** and others about the • hnn# r-s of the ele* - tlon of Bryan Mr Ke*>n** expressed th view that Bryan had # good chance to u in. "I will l*et vou fJAft.AOO against fim.nrsv that McKinley Is el-*td.'* sakl Mr Field “Oh. there nr* no such old? is that.’ IMr Keene repll* ■! I know th**re aren't.” said Mr Field "The odds are bigger, and I will b**t you JlSO.nm against your IIhO.MO that McKin ley will win ' Mr Keene mode no reply. arl one of his frl* nd* whow >s present t**M: "Why you take of t?'' The wager was dcllne*l H N. Sawyer. Jr., of Boston, who of* f-rcd at th** Waldorf-Astoria f**w days ago to wtiger 130.0** against $15,001 that McKinley would carry Illinois by 50.000 votes. hs disappeared Two promln , nt l>emo*rafs alle.i at the hotel yesterday to cover Sawver’s money. They were In formed that he had left the city J J Judge bet $4,000 on McKinley against $l,OOO on Bryan, t'harl* e C. Vin son taking the small end. Mr Judge also !.* t |gn to $lOO with George A Wall on McKinley. He has $lO,OOO to bet on Mc- Kinley at the same odds. Mr. Judg# U*t |V against $lOO that Bryan would have as many electoral votes as in I*!*V Thomas Tucker covering the bet. William B. Lockwood of William B Eockwood A Cos. bet $2,000 even with C I Hudson A Cos that McKinley will carry New* York by UO.DOt) plurality. Boody, Mc- Clellan A Cos bet with Hell A Cos SJ..W> against $5OO on McKinley, and with Coop er. Cramp A Readloston $2,500 to on McKinley Thl* Arm offers $.’0,000. nt oilds of 4 to 1. that M Kinley will be re-ejected I? also Offers $1 ort> even that McKinley will carry New York by 100/no plurality. Five to One on McKinley. From the Philadelphia Record Chicago. 111 . Nov 2 J- K Townsend a stock broker here, has bet SW.OOO to 14 0(10 on McKinley, for n New York man A svndicato took the Pryan end. Chapin & Gay lore. Chicago brokers, have let for a custom* r s7.o**) on McKinley agilnet $1,500 on Bryan ■* ftternherg. Fold A Finn, brokers, hive I l*ct also f>r customer against j2.<vn pul up ot Bryan bv John Leary. Henry Magnus has isken at*>ut IlK.nh" of Bryan ends, at various odd** Other Bryan betters are asking odds of 6 to 1. Joseph Martin ha** plaewl lio.nnn with a broker, subject to th#--e o#lds. Join F Barrett. Board of Trade min interrupted Congressman Urritn**r, the lo cal Republican boss duting a speech ia night, and b**t him sy* even he would be egren In Ms district F.'en money In any amount t 1 * offer* 1 tha MeKlnley will not get in 1111- ! nols On Nebraska the betting Is $1 Y> to r • • I that Bryan carries the state It is U.OO , rn $7‘V) that Cook county goes Repub | lican. WA$ BEATOHBO TO HEALTH. Widow of Stonewall Jackson Re turns t* Her Home. B.ldmorc, Nov. 5-Mr. Mry Ann Jarkion. wwlow of tho O-n Stontnall Jckon. ho h. he.n at th. Church Home an.) Infirmary, on North H roadway and Falrmount avenue, for more than a month, left to-Aiy for h> r home In Charlotte. N C.. In company with a friend. Mr .fa.kwwi came to Ralttmcre for treiiment for neiir*t*ta from which eh. h.u) anffered ere.itiy Sn. ron.ulted I>r. L.rtiu r>ef.or.c Tiffany, who advlaed a aur- Htc.,l Operation The oparallon a* per formed by l>r Tiff any three week, *o to-day. with complete auccea*. and Mr. Jnckann haa not auffored a moment', pain More She la now entirely reatorid to | health. fit. 4ll>nna o, Lex'.ns#on. Va.. Nov 5-Foothill S' v..- and Lee Unlverw- Honford’slcid Phosphate NERVOUSNESS. A tu per lor rettoraliva when the ner vout syetem hJ become impaired by mental of phyweal overwork. THE MORNING NEWS: TI ESDAY, NOYEMREU ii, IlkX). Cigar Dealers Like to have their regular customers smoke Old Virginia Cheroots because they know that once a man starts smoking them he is “fixed.” and that he will have no more trouble with him trying to satisfy him with different kinds of Five Cent cigars. Three hundred million Old Virgmii Cheroots tmoked this yeir. Ask your own dealer. Price, i for s cents. 33 a TIATHIOM Foil I.I.*TEH. Th? 'I ork He lllil for lh* Duly on l.u iiilmt. K*l*lor Morr iin: War* 1 rcrHvril oii* of 'ir k* n t li' tilar? En>‘k?v*l wm* * full IVnvy*ratio H*‘k*i rxifpl tna’ Mr I-* tk♦ I* X.uITU • ?u!?tllutra| Af t*l< loitom for of Col L*M*r Tn* cir cular cal. •* •( unit ton lo .V. 7 of th* .* onal H?rorii a** voilrtK iK-iiri wi ti i>lnglcy Blii ” which InclikV*? “Rico •i*l wool.” tiriki h n.h hive nM<l***l lum f?r to h** li?t It t? true h** arl **vrv member of <'oiiKrf*>? from Georgia, n -iuaiifiK our fwo prnator?. \**4* i rh *uim A w •V I wm? * m**mlHT of the onimin*o frnmth* Nailonal E irn! rn.* i n A?.--.elation that w*nr to \Ya?hinxton. uihl u*nt be fore th** Way? ttinl Mf n? r*ommit4?* of <■*• ►!?••??. of iftlii. h Ho. N>l.-.n Dinielov a.i? hahrinu in th* intertv of tht ium lrmn. .*nl aKo. .nmK duty of $2 por tnonim rv I on lumber an*l r.* on •hin|tl'? ? kioiMid i th** moot ini; of the am*o hitiun at f'ln Innati .* f*-ar day? before r l L*‘?ter nav? m* v.iluabU a.ivi* .* mi.) ??*tance. i*...t heh*\me a? I *lkl. that our lumtHrnuu ehouM have |irue non. wh#*ti t \er\ article they us* -I *u* h •- -•w<. machinery, hoitlny. hirne?e. rha.n? <nd Mle?. in the manufacture of lumbar, wa? prote< i*v| bv ii fluty *t from io .) l r **nt., rw u*rk-*l ami voter! for the 12 duty on liimb* r. .*? .•gainst the ruM •iin 4iimb rnu n. who i* ii*l none of th>* • dutlw and wer** ru?.iing their lumber n'r<>?? the line Into the NorthweM. in*i invtng our yellow pine out of th t mr -ket I w* nt on that commit tee as an avowed free trader, an* I am on** to-day, but nra free trad*- for lumber, and * prof* i live tariff on all the article* I u?e in the manufacture of lumber It *a? amuslnx in Corgnsp when the Plnsr iev bin r im** up* All the member* of Con gr**?? anl senator? from <eorg!a v*te! •No When th* questu*n of a $2 duty on lumber came up Col Lester and ad our repr* m ntativi m fYn*r**>f, a- well a? our iso tFiiftiorv votl “Ye? ’ There wa? one of our member* that did nt vote, he 4i*l he hal sworn never •*> vote for m tariff ani he would not vote at ail Pol tweeter expre*?e<l htm.e;f a? favorable to i )ill pfo<* tinir fie**. When 1 came home I saw Col. John Bcreven and to.*l him he would have no diflb'iilty in getting an in - Tea*e.l tariff on ri.-e. uml gave f,un .i J*t • * r t our (ommitiea that u.n **llll In ?e?- ?i*n in \V.'i?hir/ton. H itching ?u<ti H*— publican* a< Gen. Alger, then B*cretary of Mar Arthur Hill of Michigan, both of them large hoiilcr* of Cati.olian timber They. tg* :her with a fwiriy of Canadian*, u.l largely k)W*ee?t*al in r'aixiilan nni mill? and working night and iuy to kill our bill failing In that, they advo dted sl. and but fr our Southern mem ber? of Fongr* ?? there a ouid !*♦ no duty on lumber to-lay. him! the Canadian? would )?• aupplying our Nor*hern market? with *1 the lower gra*ie of iumter If any one want? to know the value of Col Leeter to thi? dl?trlct let thorn meet him In Washington whn anvthing aff***'ting the inrere?r? of hi* conatutu ni? come? up H I* Smart Nov 5. 1900. FEW Mll.l U.K IliHik? SOLD. linnt Syntein Ulna ppnln 4 e*f tn tli* |*ullii*'n It 'N|Minf'. “The riant Syetem i very much *ur prl?ed.” ?:iv? Col. B. W. Wrenn. p?en ger ir*fh*' manager, “ after the do. man*! of tho commercial traveler* and bum.ii i men for Interchangeable mileage, very few mileage tl ket* hive been Mdd For the | ?t ten or fifteen Near? thoae tick* t* hove been asked for. nnl now tnat they are off* red for ?aie. th*' number told hi> ro pii*• for prmtinc them. The Hunt S\ ?teni nf umliv ex pc* te*i when they were put on ?a>. that the commer cial travelers nd bu?ineaa men generally, would show tnelr appreciation of th* great eotv ♦*salon mad*- by the I’lanf System ly hiivif.g large numitcr* of them It i* now feared that trie r*-ult of the action of th<* liana Syetem in p.a tng in ter* hongeibte mil* age ticket* on *ale. avail be used by thorn* who arc oi-posed to in terchangeable mileage a* an argunien: againiit the mor. getter *1 u*e of them Th- euhject grill b* di*eu?Md a the D cembe* meeting of lr* S>utne at#rn Pas senger A?*o> lation. and tin,*?? it can le h**wn that more t! k* have been ?o!d by I>ec 1. they will probably be with drawn.. If thi? I* done, the romm* rciul traveler* and bueinec** men will have no on** o Ham*- but themselves, and the withdraw'*! ©f the ticket? i? now wi’h then). Vnllman Hlnlna Cars. Commen'ing Dr 1. the Plant Svstam will run Pullman dining cr? between Sa vannah and New York on train* S5 and 12 Train 32 leave? Savannah for New York daily at 12 %' p m Central'* Special keliedule. The Ccntril Road will, during the con tinuance of the Elks' Carnival, run the "Shoofly" tram which leaven Savannah each day at * p m . all th* way tu Mil len. instead of stopping at Dover i? here tofore The train will leave Millen nx morning in tim* to reach Savannah at 7 Ift o'clock Thi* schedule will not be run on Sunday* The Savannah friend* of Mr H. F. Carey, traveling passenger agent at Ma con for the Southern Railway, ire Inter* eated in the receipt of card? amounting th** wedding of Ml?* Cornell of Macon and himself on Nov. 14 i.%%% p iurttviTiTiTitmL Validity l Material Men’s Lira* %4- larked la City Court. A demurrer to a suit wa? filed In tha office of the Clerk of the City Court on yesterday that attack* the constitution ality of the law establishing lien? In fa vor of material men and sub-contractor* again** the property Into wffji 'h their ma terial or the work done in pursuance of their tub-contract? na* gone The suit In which the point Is mada is that of Edward |veH*s Hone against Tl j Herb and Mr? Mary H Owen* and the dexnurrtr la flltd by Ucfin, A, P. ! Hardee an 1 R R Richard*, attornev? for Mr? Owen? They contend that the 1 act approved IV lk!<‘ I? null and void. a violating both the ror.-tltutb’ii f ! Gtorgfa and th*' constitution of th* I'ntted Suite? It i■ < ,lmal that th* 1 iw is viola tlv* of ■ the •'onMttullon in that it impair? •),* oii ilgation of %timracts md .*k-* nr*p< rs* ■ without due proce?? f -iw Thi* tmiut raised Iw an Interesting one and ,f (bridal !n favftU* of th* demur i ant will verthrow . the present law of the slate on a very 1 important subject MM %L rt.HMIN 11.. Mr C J UlUott of Perry s M ils is a guest of the Pulaski. Mr R M Martin Hinesvlllfi i? i Guest of Ihe Pul I>ki Mr R L Minn of perry a Mills is a guest of ihe Pulaski Mr c I, Rowland of Waynesb ro u a gl|e? of lh Pu!i?kt Mr M H English of !liggst *>n Is a guest of the Pulaski Mr George L Habl of Ja ksonvllie ? i guest of the Dt Hoio Mr. <\ W Chase of G lne-\illa Fla . i* i giiesi of the Da oots> Mr H L Hltnmons of M i’oti 1? regi? fered at th<* le H*>|.> Mr R C |,.ft via the Central yesterday for Augusta Mr .1 J Uihutn? left v a the Cent al yesterday for August j Mr VN li Ties left via ihe Southern yesterday for New York Mr M L. Blanton Jr . of Atlanta Is registered a? the Pid.tskl Mr? Ous Wllkowski ha? rone to Mil ledgevllle. Atlanta and Mi on Mr E G White left via the Dint System yepterday for New Y**rk Mi !< II Hardaway of Coiumtuia reg ! Ist ered at the Pulaski yetterdiy Mr. T J Chan I.* r of All**y was among yesterday's arrival? at the Puliski Mr E W Billing? left via ihe plant Svatem yesterday f r Eike City. FI Dr and Mrs F Wahl r*t me* 1 list ! nirht on th* Na*ooch#e fr-m New York I Mr \V B Myers and Mis? Rub \l • e I of J iCkonvlUe are guegts of the I'ula-ki Mis* Mary Wright of Thomasvlll* D | visiting Mrs C fl Williams. *m Iklton street. Mrs. II H Purse will be among the pa?- i sengers of the City of Augusta (©-day for New York. Mr Gus Wlikowskl. traveling sa!e?mm for A E Well k Cos has leen 111 for the last few days. MtfJ Thom** flcraven wbl sail on l> City of Augusta today f**r a short visit to New York Miss Kt'dse Barr has returned to the •iiy after a pt'-asant visit to frl?!? in c*>lumbia. B C. Mrs Cha Marks, who t?en quite li* at a hospital in Allans ha* suffb lent lv re.'overe.) to leave the Institution, and expect* to be at home in Savannah within tne next two weeks Mr. J 11. Pdhemus, traveling passen ger agent of the Plant System, with headquarter* In Savannah, will |*-ave for Charleston this morning on a |4*a?ant mission. Wednesday morning at 5 o'do k he wj;| be married to Mis? Alice Kogh Ht Hi Mary’s Church After n few <’a.a trip he will return to Savannah with Mr*. Polhcmu# # € IT% UIIE\ ITIEB. The pill of the late John F Sullivan we? probated In so * mn form In th* Court of Ordinary yeatarday. In the City Court Judgment was tnktlfe 1 yesterday by the American Linseed Com lany against the Forest City Varnish Company for $2Sn ll There will be a meeting of the Ladles* Auxiliary of the Yotfng Men's Christian Absolution at 11 o'clock this morning a ? tho parlors of the as?ociatlon Important matters will le discussed and a large at tsr.danre k* desired A meeting of (he Winnie Davis Chapter of Children of the Confederacy will le held In the Guards' HaN. at 4 o'clork this afternoon. The meeting will be th* last opportunity given for the rehearsal of the programme to be rendered by h* chil dren f*r the entertainment of in? l>augh teis of the Confederacy, and Miss Addle Barnard, the directress. Is particularly and urgently anxious that every nv mb* r of the chapter should te present There are other important matters to be con sidered. TIIE PHISBIUITfJ BISHOP*. Nuftlunmrnt* 'lnd*- for f omlng Meth odist f'oafferenres. Trent on N J Nov s—The Board of Bishop? of the Met*w>d Ist L I •* .-pal Church of the Enlted Stxie? concluded their semi-annual meeting in this city to-rnght The only business of public Importance transacted was the selecting of the blsh itftn to preside at the different confer - cnce? throughout the I'nited Ftates dur ing the next six month? The following assignments were made Atlanta Conb rer.c*-, At’or t i I>ec f, Bishop Ninde Oeorela conference. Tallapoosa. Oi. Dec. 3b— Bishop Ninde Savannah Confetence. Wa\n??T>oro Gi Dec IS—Bishop Ninde rtoutn Carol in • conference. Darlington. H C.. I>ec 12—Bishop Fltggerald. Florida conference. Tampa. Fla , Jan. 17. Bishop Mai!alieu Fr John's River conference Si Augus tine Fla . Jan 24 Plfhop Milixlleu Virginia conferen-e. lUanceveife, W. Va., March 14. Bishop Fowler. CT'ffTOMf* RRf'OltD liltoKFA. I'hlllppinr Mreelpte for October Were si>ns.4nni Mem loan. Washington. Nov. s—The War Depart ment to-day made public the following cablegram from Judge Taft, president <*f the Philippine Commlsaion: “Manila. Nov. 4 Root, Washington Oc tober customs tl.UM.Ufl* Mexican. Increaso over the previous month SMKfIOO Total reveune (2,5,000. brtak* record "TaJt,” THE WEATHER. I‘*ir< >• i- f*r Tu* ’Jay m*l \\’•ln**?*l y Georgia r*l South t'atolinn Fair Tue? • la\ ar *1 \\ .i a . light west to .<*rth winds Ed t* in Fl**i!• 4 • I-air Tue?*!av an*l \\ < In* *-I vr t *hl. w It'd M • • n Florida Fair Tuemla> 'da> pr-' \ ? :-wers. Ilgfit • rt‘i to • If 1 wii ls. Y* - i.h\ W* it her t Savannah. Mix: muni t*m|eriture S 10 p m ? 7i* df greo Mu* tin urn ti’itijM t ature 7•? n.’ 11l and degree? M*.i’i temp* r itura* Mt* 4ti'i* Normal tempo ware 'l legre* ? Ex ot temi* taturc J.t>i. ,? A utmiio! .1 • x . mu. • Nov 1 . Jftlestft > \- UH !!('• *1 I \ ' *u Jan 1 ~ SadegruftS Itainfall isHnch Normal *e in. ii Ki'*‘m sin •• Wit 1 2liKhti l)t‘|lCit'iii‘\ Fill.* Ja i, 1 • itu*he> Rla * t l<*■ i• 11 Tlu bight of the Bov n nth tiver * \ custa m s h in . 17 *• i tni'iitiian iin*'* v. -i rday. wiio 12 1 fe! n r -• of " t during tte pi* cdtng 4vft• ntv fut n.'ur- i i iak n t th* ram* mom*m of t<tu* at a I ? i ,n* Nov ,’i, l^s■ , . .x jx rn 7. tit n. i tdtan mn* Name o Siit’Uw T V Rain Hu*(. i\ . loud 5A 12 N* w York * ii\ pt|> j Sdy ,4 mi I hil.idelpbiu i lear 12 NN’asi r gtoi rlty . 1,-nr - L on Norfolk , ir L OP II 1 Hera l> r lt ••** Wllmlng *n < • ir *?• L *•• charkxi. . r r.t L |{ i!.*lgh. cleat 2 L ci a ; : (on ri at f/> sf an Auatita, pdv t idy fl 2 12 <■ \ut i • a 1 r *>4 L Savannah • j* L u 0 In kninvil ♦ ptly I'Ulv w 1, *'irt Jupiter, ptly eldy 74 22 K> v \N'i ,-r . *ii- t; pi 10 Timm clear ii |. *?* Mold'* r .tiidy tv. L m Mot *i.‘t: • v • ■ r •* L **• Vi *V> L ou New *r ♦ (i.► . I udv .* I Oil Galv. siott. Sou*ly *'.v L tin Corpus ChrlsM cloudy 70 S to F tl* *•'in* loudy (i*. I, *• M mphl 'ear m* 12 <n Clnctnnf tl * ienr V! 1 10 (i I’ll teburg. *bir ... "* |o ?i Buffalo, cloudy u 24 ot Detroit, clear . 41 12 I T Chi* (go, c|r-.’ir ill |o (11 Moiquelle < tdv . lt 04 Hi Patti. *iear * 40 | L 00 Davenport, clear 4*. i 4 n> Ht Imiil* clear .a L j .<lO K iev.l? City 1 |.*ar . 40 L Oklanoitii, dear 04 I X (?i I*dge City, bar 62 ! no North Plat'*\ c• ar ...j f.j l <• If P Ibiver. le>cal Foreo?t *m i! 811.1 l 41M.1 M)KK IRNEKT. ‘ Charged \N llli Theft nf Horse and Husk* From Newport New*. Raltimrre, Nov 5 Ocorge Klinger, a w'hite-haired man of about years, was irr* *l ta-dav. charged with the for* any of a hi4ndMme bay horse ar.d sivlish bug gy which. It I? ttelleved, he stole at New port New?. Va From information receiv ed bv the detective department Klinger is believed to l*o 4b* who has been ?4‘(llng horse* throughout Virginia for the put* two months. an*l h<- I? said • o have ■ t ired ii RichTivmd Norfolk md a number of small town? by repre renting hirn*e|f us a 1 atent rne!|.dne agent, hiring horne? and vehicle? .* livery stables, then failing t( return them I ril()|'4)M |> II(ll li: MItNIIONKD. % New Lin.* !■ 4 li(*n for llnllrond In McsrHuun. Washing'ton. Nov. f Tin Ni* imguan gov*rnni**it has temporarily utaandonwl th* con*true*ton of the pro(>oflM*d railroad from Han I’bublo. on Ivike N4 iragua. to It imo. near Blu* fldd? on the Kittmt river, a* *(rling to Fulled state? Consul Soriby it San Juan del Norte Re hay? it rrltv appears that the purpose of th- govern ment pi to tuilbt n line from Managua t< Lnhu. about thlrtv-*eveti rnlle? in leng'n, forming a connecting link between the two dlvision.* of the pr#*ent government railway v i*n and obviating fhe present <'*4iy ami vexatious system of transfer ring by st* amer across Iwk*- Managua. *T%MJANf oil. 4(i|Ni I I*. srock 4 ertlllcafe? t p to 412N, the lllllheat Ever l|noted. New York. Nov. k #iandard OH Com pany cerflflcatea mode anew p is l>4ay They touche*! or 12 t*o n a higher ihan tho previous hlg •-t prl •* ev# r quoted ||Klaflon? for Ihe I'ublle. fill-ago. Nov. 6—Judge N all of the gtat* Clr' Uit Court. 10-dny *i?<’l*ll that Boat<l of Trade qmdation? must be given to the puhil* without dk?< rim I not loti Tli' 4 temporary Injunction again-* the lirar*l of Trade rcstra.ning it from withiKildlnt; its market quotations from the Centra; . Grain and St.s k I2xehange. i.- mad*- per is t ual. f* 51 ffk jG Jk never any e*. vuIBLCI the Lluod i polluted and the <ivitem thoroughly con taimnatcl hy this deadly virulent fwa—jn Then u v.n- or ulcer appear, on Kim. part ol the body ; it may b- email am) liarmlets looking at firet, hut as the can cerous cell, form and are deposited by the blood near the sore, it inerteeee in lxc and severity, with sharp shooting pains No matter how often the tore it rrmovnl by the turgeon'e knife or fleeb destroying plasters, another come, and it worse The real disease is in the blood, and the treatment must licgin there. The poisoned blood must be invigorated and purified, and when this is done canceroua cells ran no longer form and the wire will heal naturally and permanently. Mr,. Karsh M Keealiaa, w Wtrvlw.T A>- in im 1 awdls jTA Trnn am o old. anl fur three •.<■• • •!■!. r. I w.'h • rB er.|. 1. rm < 1 t ,u<--* on tierw my Ja whielithe do tors Ml 5f aatd tvs. iuriirahle, and that 1 could liot Iter more £ ; .dj j ~ • hautU months lacre<.t /vUf’ff!' Ivßr < lthrif lutcuicn as tm ' ' .3k and ll a: 4; -i u;. all ' ' AliSXwedSE I . • c. 2 -ii imm .V Op'' ingot mveon<utton mom ®flJTPt’t'" • ” mendrda.s. s Alt-rUV ing a few bottle, ih- sore —e teaan lo heal, tothe surprise <>f the phyateians. and tn a short itme made a eonlpletecttfe. 1 have fstoed In flesh, my appetite Is splendid, steeots refreshing—to fact, ui enjoying perfect health." overcomes this de- S” * %K * ' strucwvc poison and -stige it from the avsteni, makes new, rich blood, strengthens the body and builds up the general health If you have a suspicious sore, or have in herited any blood tauit, send for our free hook ou Cancer, and write to our medical dej<artment for any informali tt or advice swtcil; e make no chnrt'e for thi* ser vice Your letter trill recciv * prompt and careful attention, and will bo held in strictest confidence IHE SWIFT SPtCIfIC CO., ATLANTA, BA. CASTOR IA ' n. v- v< V>tvW\ A for Infants and Children. CuMoriii i. i hariul.-xs niili*>tilHlc lor Ct(4r Oil, Pare goric, Iro|* anil Nootliinj; Syrup*. ll Im PleUHallt. I) 4'ontaliiH neither Opium, >lor|ihtne nor other Mureotin Hllhntnil.'f*. It li”4tro>* 11 orm* and allav* r'V‘ri*luie*H. It iiire* Biiirrlnia mid Hind Colic, li reltcvcH Teetli tiiK Tr,>lll>h-* and ,-ure* <’,in*tipation. It regulate* tho StomiK Ii and Howclm, 1215 in” healthy and natural Mie.-p. Tin- Chtldrojl’N Panacea Tlie Mother’* Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought yy Bears the Signature ot In Use For Over 30 Years. ECKSTEIN’S MORE POPULAR STORE THAN EVER. 13 and 15 Broughton Street, west. Wf cordially invito all visitors to the city to call and inspect our complete stock of Dry Goods, Silks, Dress Goods, Linens and Fancy Goods which we offer this week at Special Cut Prices. Indigo blue Calicoes, fast colors, the very best 4zC Aard-wide lileachings at less than case price .5C Heavy Canton Flannel, unequalcd value | Q Ladies' Seamless Black Hose, guaranteed fast color. IOC New line Wool Dress Goods, grand value at 40c, for OEn this week Auw Ladies’ Fleece-lined Rililied Vests and Pants, OCn special value, at /jC Fancy Silks, for waists, fully worth 50c, at 29c Black Peau de Soie, the kind that others sell at sl, fjffn oar price QjjQ New Flannel Shirt Waists, all the newest shades <T I Ift worth $2, at vli*T)l New Smyrna Hugs, great value at $3. for this ft (ft week, only /. I New Rainy-Day Skirts, sold everywhere else for ft 4 Q $3.50, our price lt*TQ Ladies' new Black Coats, real value 55.50 3,98 Blankets, all-wool, 11-4, a value seldom offered J QQ anywhere 4iUJ See our new lines of ladies’ and children's Jackets, Golf Capes, Fur Collars. Novelties in Belts. Stock Collars, Ruffles, Jabots, Fancy Gilt and Trimming Braids, which we are offering at especially low prices. ■H hs mm nn ■ tin mm GUSTAVE ECKSTEIN & GO. Learn a Profession Without Going Away to College or Leaving Home or Quifting Work. WHAT YOU NEED for complete sucres* In life I, one of 4hc Ten Fr. e ft Imlnrshlpa In Tha International Correspondence Bchools of fl< ranton. Da . which the MORN ING NEWS will present to 4h ten persons having (he moat vote* by Nov. *>. I*oo. Gather all th# Voting Coupon* you can, nnd win on# of the Ten Free Scholar ship* named below Through one of them you can qualify for a GOOD sal aried potlllon, and not loaa a day from work or l<> iv your home while study ing 1 MECHANICAL engineering. I. ELECTRICAL engineering. (Including Com plat* Electrical Outfit.) I ARCHITECTURE 4. CIVIL ENGINEERING. A. SANITARY PU MB I NO. HEAT ING AND VENTILATION HOW TO VOTE. Cut out the attached Voting Cou pon. and mail or bring It to the business nfltce of the Morning New, Savannah. G*. Each Coupon must bear the name of the person for whom you wish to vote. IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL AND WORK ORDER YOUR LITHO GRAPHED AND PRINTED STATIONERY AND BLANK BOOKS FROM THE MORNING NEWS SAVANNAH# GA. 1 CHEMISTRY 7 COMMERCIAL BRANCHES. * MECHANICAL DRAWING (Including Complete Drafting outfit.) t ARCHITKi TI’RAI. DRAWING flnGtidlng C.,mi<t*t* D-tfilng outfit.) 1 ORNAMENTAL DESIGN 1 'lncluding CoraH-t# Dealgning Outfit.) VOTING COUPON. Name Ht. and No Town 7