The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 06, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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financial and commercial. T ,ll MM Al. 'UHKKT 1% THIS YIYIX I K YTt HELG. m,. Hr HIM ml for Kollon M0.1.-rae hi itar Prim lakril-Thu Imrrlnr >* Ill.poerd to 'take I onrmliini. M> i r m Tarpeatlnr Firm 4(l . ••'•rn* and I nrl.una r,l— Trlr*ro|*lilo Morlt r I. The Mornlnp Nrwi Office. Monday. Nov. 5. local m irkels were practically *•- ... -t to-day. In wm* quarter* there wa , n anie-eiecilon tluilna..-. xxntle in no hrJ . ti wa* there nny urea* .fitpkiy of •f.vtty. The apot cotton market elo*"l u „ • ,1 rf ea*y and uwhankcU with n „. ,pmnd. bu' with traillnit cre.iily re tot ow;n<c to Urn continued hack w.rdnra* of the Interior to make any con ceaalotie. The indlcatlona point to fur ther reluctance on their pari to hold on to their i-oeton. end It m.iv require aev eral day* \et to diacloae what the prohu -01 outcome of the movement la to be. Tlie New York eolton future* market war not active und elored harelv Meady, with pr.cae 1 point higher to 2 point* lower While there aa fair trading in the naval more* markete it w-.ts not of a ruahing nature Spirit* turpenilne cloeed nrm at ♦" een'a with a fair de mand for the offering* Tno ro*ln m>r ket oloaad firm and unchanged The wholeralo markeia otoeerl Meady and ac tive The foilowlng ieume of the dif ferent market* will *hw the tone ami quotation* at the dosing to-day t'OTTO.V Th* cotton market elored quiet and easy and unchanged 10-rtav. with *ale.' on Die rpot of 167 baler There wa* not a greet dlffo tlk.n among buyer* to take coitof ar.d In man' reaped* the develop ing i.- of Ine day did not chong- the pre v!o. ttuatlon Good ml-tdlii.g f oh. hi- around t iellfiytir, with no gieut d* mand at there pricer The Interior ■ oi tlnucd to hold an-l the relueianti to nk. con. • --lon> account a lirgelv for th< r. attic ted volume of husinre* for the day. The following were th- olh* lal .-tail quo tation* at the done of the market at the Coraoii Exchange to-da>. This | Kart | day. i year Good middling 9 3-:*'. 7 5-16 Middling I U-l 7 t-M Low middling * 9-l>. *'• Ml Marker quiet and e.iry. *!*■* 1*77 Savannah Receipt:- F.x|a>ri* and Stork* He. elpir this day Receipt* this day la*i year 6.285 This *lav year t*-fore lari 8.651 Recelpl* sitl.-e Sept 1, 19*81 . . ... 439,451 Same day last year • •• 351.457 Coe*,wire export* s.Bns Foreign export* 1.-jl- Sioek on hand thl* day *4.717 Seme day la*t yenr 106,974 Receipt* and Stork* at the Ports— Reeelpts thl* .ley Receipts ltd* day last year 49 <42 Receipt* thl* day year before last 91.474 Total receipts since Sept 1. li*‘ .I.JfS.fll) Same rime ln*r year 2.091.452 Same time year before In*' .2.<47.4M stock af all port* to-day 51J.277 Stock same day lasi year 904,7X3 Dally Movement at Other Port*— Oalveeton—Quiet. middling. 9. net re eripts. 16.679, gior*. 16 679. sal**, 1.425; stork. 169. >'. New Orleans—Quiet ar.d atendy; mid ding. 9 I-M; net receipts. 1*.131, gross, 18.- 131; sales. 2.66"; s o k *IX 510 Mobile—Steady . mid.l.lug * 15net re. c*|pi. LK6, groe*. 1.104. aales. rock, .'..002 Ohnrieaion— S‘edy-; middling. 9. net re elpt*. 2.4<2. gros*. 2,4<>2. sio k. 21.670. Wllmlngion—Firm middling. 9; net re ceipts. 1.1*6. gr.yss. !.!*'.. *tnrk. 11.*2.5 Norfolk—Steady middling. 9 1-16. net receipts. 1.637. gro..e. 1.637; sales. **7; stock. 31.347 Haliimoi e—Nominal middling net receipts, none. gro*r. 36*. mo k. 2.1*59. New York—Quiet, middling 9 9-16. net receipt*. 100; grew*. 6.332. sale*. 1.470; rtock. 43.466 Boston—Quiet, middling. 9 9-14; net re relpls. 779, gross 2.5-39 Philadelphia—Quid. middling 9 13-16 net receipts. 41, gr. s*. 11. stock. 2.3X1 Pensacola—Net re elpts. 2.54. gros*. 254 Dally Movement* at Interior Towns— Augusta—Firm, middling. 9> 4 net re. relpts. 1.907. gross. 1..V7: sale- 316 slock. 4-',732 Memphis—Steady, middling 8 15-14. nel receipts. 7 632. gross. 7632. sales. l.SOO; stork. 99.614. Si Lout*— Risgdv. middling. 9 1-16; ml receipts, 2.630, gross 7.106. sales, ss>; slock. 51.574 Clm Innail—Quiet, middling. 9',. net re .-qa {.MI g'CH*. *.■: sio k. 6.633 Hn i*ton— Easy; middling. * 15-14. nel rr- elpts. 18.226. gross. 16.226. rales. 217. stock 4 ’..094 Louisville Firm . middling. 9' 4 Exports of Toieon This Day- Galvesion—To Great Britain, 12.004. France. 9.062. continent. 19.812. Mobile —Goaat w lee. 31' Savannah—Continent. 1.572. coasiwlse, 5.606. Wilmington—Coast wise. 7<*> Norfolk—Cosi wise. 1.461 New York—To Great Britain. 2.672. France. 486. continent. 1.696 Pensacola- To Gr it Britain, 2M Total foreign export* from all port* this day: To Great Britain. 14.M0. to France, 9 flio, ro the continent 23'So Total foreign export* from all port* thus tar thl* week To Great Britain. 52.6(4. to France. 9.M0; to the continent 42.*>2 Total foreign export* since Step* 1. 1 Itflh To Great Britain. *73 226 to Ft mce, 157.362. to the continent. 691.14" HI'A I OTTOV The hoil<.m him apparently dropped from j the demand for rr.i Island cotton Con- j umri or* mmillnsc. and doubtless hop* l for ih<> market 10 pork out the Influences to depress 11. There I* Just now consld- [ nuiip Interest a# to the #l*e of the < top. and pniilliik more drUnlli Information, the *|t uaikm proml<* to remain feature- I ITl<e about a* follows Extra dholce Earn Florida# 2*4024 Extra rboiie an 4 fancy Florida* 234fi-'t Extra choice and fancy Georgia* 3>y<E3V Choice Georgia* "'jTie s Extra line Georgia* ~ ipt* and Stork*— KMH ItM Receipt* past werk S.^' k U* Export* past week *7" &.**'> Receipt* thl* seaion ' 17.W3 2i>.o2i. title* paat week *5l, 2.7.di ■•stock on hand H.t*! n.d# COTTON KITI Ht>. The Market f lmril Barely Steady I Point Hlahrr to II Eower New York Nov, To-4;iy' cotton mar ket waa a ymail one. lth the net result* ► aiwing no special rignHlran-w Th. great er portion of the trade had made it* pre ' “etion arrangement* before Saturday doting and a* the apexrulativr public lb neCal wa* averae to assuming new com mitmenl* (or the preaeut, tuere wa* notb k k in ’ha way o( activity On the nrat tl prices eased off 2 to £ point* In sym f tthy with rather bearish conditions In • tverpool The Irregularity was of short • ration, however, a* later advice* Irtdl -1 'ed a decided improvement abroad In ntiment the course of prices and the -otuma of trading Our mark.t Improved i'tce *nd displayed underlying Armne** 'l* to the noon hour. Eight . ovrrlitg and •me foreign buying were prompted by '-■poets from the South that farmers were "fusing to sell cotton even at higher MURPHY & CO.. INC.. flauni of Triuia liulUllng. Savuui ih I‘rivate leart] wires ilivct to New York Chicago i*ad New Orleans COTTON. STOCK* %MJ OH CIS. New York office. No 61 Hrui lwny Of!lves in prtrctpal cltlea throughout th- Houih Win* for oar .Market Manual and book containing instructions for traders price# while estimate* for the week t- for ward movement Indicated o de icU*l t iper ing off from row on Lxporit t* min bid ding in competition with Annul an spin ners for KblitionMl supplies, hut m *rduu to general accounts were no? securing the cotton as rapidly a? hoper for January worked up to 9.10 hefor< th*- nM*n hour. Then n icatildn of several point* occurred under estimate* for large r<v*tpt# to-morrow Later fluctuations were limited to a bare |K>;nt or *. with trading practically i a standstill. The market t lt****i baraiv steady net 1 point higher t* 1 point# lower. FLt f-TI % I lo\s in PITIHK*. New York Nov &—fVHtnn future* opened steady at the and llne nti closed barely s adv Prices a* follow 1 Opn High Low .Close January 901 . 9.10 | 9.01 906 February .... 9(S 9 *>9 9(C 9 fri •March 9 *j 9 12 9. 0 j 9.u7 April 9 09 9 •*.' 9,7 May 9.n3 9 tf 9.".{ 9 (fl June ‘J lo 9 11 9 10 9 07 July . .... j .... j 9 06 August > *#i 9 *i ft 9> 6 97 September j | ... | .... October i .... .. , j . November . S.9H 9 * j t 7 9.01 I>*i ember 9.01 • 9.06 901 903 MVFIIIMIOI. i OTTOS MMIKRT. Liverpool. Nov r*.—Spot moderate bus* ines-v. pr;c<* higher. Amer.c in middling fair. Vvl. good middling. 5 9-32*1 middling 3 3-lfid. low middling. 4. good ordinary. 4\d. ordinary. p*d Tt;e sale* of the day were l*\om tal*'-*. of which &00 were for speculation and export, and including 1,300 bales American n- cip’* 7.ofd bales, in cluding 3.v*i American Future* opened quiet and closed steady. American middling, low middlt- g clause November s.dd. havers. Nov* mber-De cember g.tiOQ.Vttld, buyer?*. Decent twr-Jan uary ssf*<ild sellers: J ami ary* February 4 61?t4ft2d. buyers February-March 4 Gift 4 CM. buyer**. Mar-'h-Aprll 4 *9*l buyers; Aprtl-May 4-W. buyers; May-June I.JWd buyer*: June-July 4 57d, buyers. July- August 4 36d, sellers. August-September 4 Sid. *e!l r \KW ORI.R\Vt (OTTOI M tIIKF.T. New Orl-atu* Nov r.~Cotton future? Now-mber D2'|KM March 8 HK'd* 87 De emb**r . kaio dl April ** */** January A.Slct/'> 82 May 8 87'd' S'* February ..S.fe3#&.S4 June Ksb'u'.iO i otto\ New York Nov & llubb.trd Proa A Cos. my Liverpool *• dlt-t*ppolntlng In if* anewer to our Improvement of Satur dav. caueina our market to open lower. But it soon became known here and ther.- that the weather predictions would indi ctee frost to-ninht In the Interior of the Atlantic State*, both market * quickly td v a need on the** alvlcee. Thotifh Liver pool lon u portion of the improvement at the clone, a weneral dlj*|M>elion wax shown to even up all before elec tio. The movement In the Atlantic State.- wap light, attributed to the pol icy of holding back on the pjrt of the planter*, waiting lor an advance to the price* paid earlier In the *oeon Un der puch condition* the ioal trader* are diepoped to do nothing, a** on one aide they thick the weather D adding • * the crop, while on the other, the Atlantic movement prevent* any pelltnic New York. N* v Murphy Ar Cos pa' Liverpool clewed 4-4tfK64d higher than Saturday, with ppot wile* fcoo . middling upland*, r. 3444. Our market ruled very dull throughout the entire peenton; total tranpaction* estimated *t alout l|f.ftoft bale* In the abaence of any killing frost new> we opened ah'* point* under the previous aeaaion. th* local* were disposed to but later on price*, gradually im provrd, owing o limited covering by short*, who did not car* to go over t le holiday, particularly a* there *ap some probability of frost new* during the neat twenty-four hour* Light froet wa* re. ported .t several point* throughout the cotton belt, with temperature averaging W to & degree*, but during the afternoon weather advice* were mere favorable, end there wa* le*.* apprehension of fnoat \W opened af 3.01 c ftr January, declined to . then gradually advanced to 9.10 c. then declined, cioelng .ji 3 uVuft.ftt*.' Th* re was proctlc.illy no new fature* In to-day* mirk* i Receipt* were about In iin with enj)Ccttlonf-. Estimated port receipt*. 4k.- •ift. against 43.442; n* w- Orleans expect* to-morrow 17.0 C to against .2**. Houston. 34.440 to 2G.ftoft. again*! 30.500 last year. nit v ooonv New York. Nov. 5 Market ctYndlilon* r**main unaltered but very firm The neariT* of election *on pled with tha smallness of demtnd has caused tempr ary stagnation, but there 1* firm b**.lef *iat by th** end of the week there will be a decided difference and many d*wlswbl h were In prog re#* will le pu?h*d t con clusion No announcement* of future plan- however, wiil !*e made for two or three days. The Jobbing trade Is wlthou feature. NAVAL (ITOHES. Monday. Nov 5 SPIRITS TERPENTINE-Tne turpn i|n mirket open.d lirm to day it 4" cents with sales ol 71% repor'ed. ted closed firm ar.d unchanged, with further sales of ano There was a fair demand ai. l for a time trading was htPk The d* maud was divided between foreign and domestic buyers The day' ■ receipts were 1.191.' tnd th- c*|<ott* *37 ROBINB The rowln matket op. re I firm at yesterday's prices and dosed lirm ml unchanged. The demand w.a m-depfo wi h buyers In lined mat to l ike ~ny on slderable quantities during the day. Th receipts w re 3.3*:. and me siinitt 7.3*1. Price* s follows arc* 31 r. i II *•< D 13 K 1 71 I 4 M 1 *t p 1 4a N .3 1* <j 1 50 W O 3 H I K W W 2*5 Receipts Monday— Fplrlts Ro-ln Central R R I''" PUfANCI IL. HAhThT *T FREESE COMPANY, U Broadway. New York. Biam new—af Bed** 'reet, Boston, kre Walnut Street Philadelphia CONNECTED BY PRIV ATE WIRES BONDS. BTVh tvk. tiRAIN. COTTON Bought arwl sold for Cash or on Moderate Margins in share lo's on<l upward CommlMlnti. 1-1* e.'otior our specially Ptnall margins ar.d larg-- on com mission Write for terms We .an inter nst you Bend for our tub-page "Ould* to Investors." giving detailed information t..' investors snd operators In Rio* ks (.rain and Cotton Issued gril.s sr.d mallei fre. Rial,sites on Raitr.iad. Indtietiia, n.l Mts eellaneott* Securities Highest and low. at prices of stocks from H** Excellent ser vice. Correspondence solicit*-! OUt-of lown orders given siiecaai altennon JOHN W. DICKEY, Mark sail Bond Broker, tCOOTI. fsA. Write let List. THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1900. 8 . F. & W 672 I.l*' S A 1. 362 1.3 j Expott. Momlay— S 8 Bate. Baltimore 227 1.132 S 8 City of Hiimmghatn New York *6' I S 8. Tallah.rseee, N Y * •'■M Bark Alert (Nora Antwerp 5.361 Naval Blorvi, t'talement— , Rpltlie Ro*ln. Slock April 1. I*oo 2.167 1 52.506 Receipt* to-day 1-I*l • 1 Receipts prevloufly 34.;,7*7 *2*!** ( Total lines April l *7,175 775 770 Export* to-Jay *27 7 3*l Export* previously 230 63X <45 l"l Export* *ltwe April 1 23",465 6.52 445 Stock on haml 10-day .16710 123.*i> Sio, k last year • Charlenoti, Nov. 5-Turpenilne market firm, "it I toe In. Heady, unchanged. Wilmington. N C Nov 5 —Spirit* lur (k-nltne *l. idv. JS'shlA . recelp * 55 cak- H. -In atendy. *1 30*1 25. r.*-eipl* S'7 I'rude eurpentlne *iea.l>, E kqi2 I", re . nipt*. 154 Tar firm. *155; receipt*. 251 NeW tirloan*. Nov. 5 Receipt* Rivm 64 barrel*, turpentine 27. Export*. Belfaat 73u barrels rosin FIN 4N( IAL. MONEY—The demand keep* fxlrly up vith the supply FOREIGN EXCHANGE—Mark*! weak Commer ini demand, *l*2S. lx’v da\* *1 7> 1 .. ninety dave. *1 77n. frane*. I'ari* on,l Havre, rixty dnye, 5 214*. Swi*., etxty ki\*. -26 Belgian. 5 243,. mork*. etxiy dnv*. 63 *-14 ninety day*. MV. DflMHBTir STEADY Steady hank- are buying at 1-16 discount and selling ne follow- *25 ntkl under. 10c pre mium *25 to *5" IV premium. *.5" lo *!'*> Jc pi.mlum *10" to *2O". 25c premium *3OO lo *I,OOO. 6* premium; *I.OOO and over 75c per M premium. SECURITIES—Tha market la limited In *cope. kloeW*. Bid Ark Auguse* nnd Savannah R R !** l' n Atlanta and West Point .120 do 4 per cent certificate# .... 106 Augusta Factory *2 AS Cltiiens' Bank I*l 133 Chatham Bank 110 111 Chatham R E & I Cos. A .... 57 56 ,!■> do B 56 57 Eagle nd Phoenix Mfg Cos 105 107 Edison Eieotrlr Ilium Go 107 I'd Enterprise Mfg Cos I°* Germania Bank 130 13! Georgia and Alabama 23 26 Georgia Railroad Common 215 217 Granlteville Mfg Cos 164 170 J P King Mfg Cos 10" KM Langley Mfg Cos. 116 13" Merchant,' National Bank lilt* • . National Bank of Savannah 150 .. Oglethorpe Saving* and Tru*l....lW People # .Saving* and Ivan l>) flouthw-esterii Railroad Cos. ... 106 110 Savannah Ga* Light Cos 24'* 2S'.j Southern Bank 153 155 Savannah Bank and Trust 114 SlMey Mfg Cos.. Augusta *4 66 Savannah Brewing 102 Bond*. Bid. Aek Char . Col. & Aug la* s*. 1600 Atlanta elty 4*. 1*22 I<M 106 Augusta city 4s. 1927 105 ..... do ft,#. 1925 11l .... do 7s. 1903 W 7 do 6*. 1611 122 Al l Mid ss. Ind'd. 1926. M A N 99 100 Augusta Factory. 6 per cent .1915 U 2 Brunswick and Western 4s. 1936 62 84 C R. R A- Banking collateral 5s 92V4 94 C. of G. Ist mortg ss. 1945 F A A 11 121 C. of G. con. ss. 1945. Xf A N 92'a 93'* C. of G Ist Income#. 1945 41S 45‘x do 2nd Income. 13 14 do 3d Incomes. 1945 6>* 7>* jC. of G. (M G. A A Dlv.) 5* 1947, J. A J 4 95 C of G. (Eaton Branch). Se 19K J At D 7 i city A Suburban R R let 7*.. K#S Columbus City he. 1909 1W ! Charleston city 4s, 1900 101 102 Eagle A rhoenlx Mill* 6*. 192* 16 108 Edison Ehcirtc Illuminating 4* 1"5 Enterprise Mfg 6*. 1902 1"S Georgia Railroad <*, 1910 114 1154 G S A F . 1945. J A J 112 113 i Georgia A Alabama Ist .4*. 1944. UM 106 Georgia slate 34*. 193". JA J .110 do 345. 1915. M A N KM do 4‘.s. 191.4 11* 119 ■ .41 icon city 6*. 1910. J. A J 116 118 do 14s. 1926. Jan pa 1 10* 112 i Ocean Steamship s*. 1936 104 106 Savannah ciiy 55.. quar January. 1618 110 111 d<* se. quar. February. 19*9 KM 110 I South Carolina state t 4, 1933 .116 118 ! Sibley Mfg Cos. 6s, 1308 KO ... South Bound 5s 96 99 8 F. A \V gen. ml ge 6e, 1934 .124 126 do do let s*. gold 1934 115 do St. John Dlv Ist 4e. 1934 94 96 New York. No'. s—Money on eal) strong at KkstJ.4 per cent laet loan 16 per rent Ruling rate 1,4 per rent. Prime ttw ran the paprr 4'fi.44 per rent. Sterling exehange w-rsak. eloeln* firmer with actual bußlneaa In hankers bills at 54 838.fi4.834 for demand, and at *4.80 for ixtv day* Posted rate# *4 81*11814 an.l *4 Bfl. ■•ommcrrlal hill* *1 79V Silver eertlfleate* 414',16.44' Bar *ilver cd'.e Mexlean dol lars fti'vc Government hond* Irregular; state hond* Inaetlve. railroad hoods firm STOCKS till HOMS. General Strength Shnssn Thronghnnt the U hule Elat- New York. Nov 8 —There was a very i-den’ speculative spirit manifest In the stock market all day It was repressed at times by the difficulty of securing ac commodation in the ioan market, hut be fore the dax had clos<d the market hurst into great animation f"r following a re. lapse In the call loan rate and the activi ty otttinued up to th close almost whol ly Ignoring t recovery In the money rate to nhoul the top rate of the morning Taking of quick profits by loom trader* nt ide some slignt impree.-dan on price* here and there nut th- last price* were gt neraily very near the top Tim feeimg In Wall street this morning that Friday a Jump In the call loan rate ' had Iteen due (o manipulation that Sat urday's bank statement did not truly rep resent tbe available resources of the nanks. and. in abort that ail of usually ttustworthy Ind.caiion* of a pinch In the money market were misleading and artl flei, It was thl* apirlt that speculator* rushed to buy stocks at the opening They raised price* from l' point* over Sat urdav's level In a large number of prom inent stock* within a few minute* Th-n began the calling of loan* hy some of the hanks Loan* made to-day carry over until Wednesday, and wru-n speculator* im tan to look snout In find new a*i um mouatlone with which to carry their hold ing* of stock over election day. they ran the call loan ran- up rapidly to it. per cent The first loans were made at lb per cent. One broker pia 'd |1 oO.Cfid at that rate, another million at IS, per cent . and tnen demanded 28 peg cant for a million more This *uddmly checked the anima tion of ahe stock market and wa# follnwad b> a perhvl of . oat'empanton A suspicious feature of (he market at this tlm* was the large number of trans action* for cash and the small conce*. * on# Irom the ruling price* at whieh these were quoted The condition In the money mark*' was of course, responsible for this When the rates for money fell a wav to in per cent again, the speculators very promptly availed themeelve* of the re sourrea offered and rushed prices up to the lop level of the day The *treng*h tr. the market was very general and on Ihe whole quite uniform The steel stock', the prominent Industrials and the South ern and gouthwes'em railroad* especially the Atchi*on and T’nlon Pacific were th , id*r* In point of strength wtth gam* tungirg 'm * 10 Jty per hot. There is no doubt that very considerable loan* ou time were e ured la.t week lo gtnt.l against the poMlbillty o; an unsettled money mirkrt wfter the election Th • same feeling prompted the withholding of funde to-day for speculative purpose*, ex cept on the nioar approved coll.Meral It H Die belief In B\ad eerrel that money "kiiiitlonc will relax during the course of the wreek I'nited State* 4a advancer* 4, and the old l* declined 4 per rent cm the last col! Total sale* of bonds par value. *l.- sn am. Th total sale# of stork* to-day were 4L’,"*> sliarv* including Atehlaon prefer ted, 17.592 Baltimore and Ohio 8,i58. Bur lington. 7 28' Manhattan, r, 38". Mrxt, in Cemral 11.150 Xliswurl Paclfl . 7.92' . Mls •ourl Kansas and Texas preferred. 5.53" Northern PaclUc. 7.675. Pennsylvania. 13.- <49. Reading flrt, 5,510; Si Paul. 6.65i'. Southern Pnotflr, 24. : Southern R.rli w IV 8 360; Union Ba Ific .IJS. Steel and " Ire, 12.860, Tobacco. 10,010; Brookl' 11.- Continental Tobacco. 6.755, Kt-.rul Uteri 19 8.49 Sugar. 21.88;, New York Sio. k List Atehlaon ..MSI'. |a. Iflo ... 636, do pref do <k> ptef . 7,46. R A O >4 64 .hash 7'* Can Pacific ... g 7 do pr,f 194 Can South .... 54 Wheel A L E 9*. ** Ari 31 ,1., do 2nd prel 15'. Chi OI W 124 Wi* Central 134 C . R. A Q 1296. Third Avenue 107 Chi Ind A L. 21 Ar*Ma Expiess 131 do do pref 55 Am Express 158 Chi. A E 111 9.1 V. ? Express 48 Chi Nw 16X6. 6V.-F Ex 127 C. R I, p 1091. Am t’Yii Oil IS C. C. C A Si. L 6*4 rlo do pref .... 91 Col South . s .gm Malting .. .44 do Ist pref .. 37 | dry do prt f . 244 do 2nd pref li Am 8 at R *l4 Del A Hudson. 113 rlo do pref . 91*. D L A 44' .176 Am. Hpirlm 14 Den A R G Xk* ,k> ,k> |>ref .... 17 do do pref .71 Am 8 Hoop 244 Krl 124. do do pr*| 744 do Ut pref 36's Am 8 A " Ire. 36'. lit. North pref.l6s do do pief 76\ Hock Coal 16 Am TYn Plate 344 Hock. Valley . 368. do do ptef .... 13 til Central ...1194 Am Tolar co 976. la Central 188, do do pref m do do pref 41 |Am M;n Cos 478. E. E A 44' 354 Brook R T .. 616, rlo do pref log Cos: F A I 404 L Shore 2KM. 'Aon TVh.icco . *9B, LA N 77 do do pref ... 814 Man L a; 4 , . r Met Ri Ry 1804 do do pref *3l, Mex Central 13'. Gen Electric . 1424 Minn A St. L . 68 Glthoee Sugar .54 do do pref ... 974 do do pref ....MU Mo Pa ulk ... 57 lnt'n'l Paper .. 21 M. A Ohio . .41 do do pref .. . 664 M. K AT. 1"\ latclede Ga* t do do pref . 22*. Not. lllseult .... 3*4 N. J Central 1354 do do pref 898. N. Y Central U3 Nat la>a.l 31 N A ">*tern 378. do rlo pref 91 do do pref 764 Nat Steel 304 North Pacific 588. rlo rlo pref 89 do do pref 734 N. Y Air Brake 123 Ont A West 224 N. Ame rican 18*. Ore Ry A N 42 P. r oast 86 do do pref 7* do let pref 6| IVnneylvnnla 133*. do 2nd pref . 6< Reading .... I*4 p Mill 41 rto Ist pref 6*4 People’s Gas 94'. do 2nd pref 284;P. Wrtl Car ... 48 H. G 44>*irn 5" do do pref Six. do do pref 9rt Pull. Pal Car 188 81 L A 8 F 13 Brand RAT S do do 1.1 pref. 68 Sugar isr, do do 2nd pref. 37 j do pref 116 Bt L. 8w ... 14*4,Tenn C A 1 864 do do pref 124 U. 8 Leather. 124 Bt. Paul 117 do do pref do do pref . 173 |U. 8 Rubber 32 St. P. A O .112 do do pref . 9>4 8 Pacific 5*4 W Union 8(14 8. Railway 134'R I A S> U* 4 do rto pref 7*4 do <V> pref 684 T A Pacific m. per A St L 52 Ronda I' ft 2a ref |M. A G 4s 5 reg 1014 Mo . K. A Tex do .-OOP tO|t, 2nd* fcp,; do la. reg iit<>4 rto 4s do Xa, coup...J<9, N Y'. C. lets lib*, rto new, 4*. iN J c gen 5* .1344 reg 1344 N Tar 1 fie. 3s do new 4*. j do 4* . 1034 coup 1314 N Y . C A 81 rto old 4e reg 1154, Louis 4a 107 do old 4 coup 115*4 N. A W .on 4e 98 do B*. reg Oregon Niv do B*. coup...lliq I*l* • K 9 D of C. 3 61a 1314 * l ° *6 lnß Rl hls.ll. gen |G 8 L 6s , 1274 4* .... am do con 8* 1144 do adjt 4* 634 Reading Gen 4* 88 C. of Ga . eon Rlo G W let*. 954 5s 93 St. L A I. M do Ist Inc | con. 8* K tt\ f M.t) 44- 4 St L A San F rto 2nd Inc j General t. .. ,128 (hid) 13 St Paul one 17,4 Can Pou 2nd* K '.SI P C A Pac C. AO. 4'ya 10.4 Ist* 11*4 do ae .... 1184 do he !14 C. A N. eon 7* 1.74 Seal. Pac. 4e 82 do 8 F. D 8 .lUSiSoulhtro Rv 8* 110' 4 Chla Term l 91 jP 14- and T 6* 6S 7 . Col B<mi 4- s;% Tex A P. lei* HI D. A Rlo a. 4a. 99 j do 2nd* .. 7" Erb Gen 4.- 71* 4 Union Pae. 4e H 6 F. W A D. C |" aiuish I*l* .. 118*. Ist 73 | do 2nd* !"3 Gen Ele- 5e 118 Went Short 4* 112 low. Cent. Ist* 112 ;Wie Cent Is'# *7 I„ A N. uni 4* 9> (V* Centuries *'4 New Y'erk Nov 5 —Standard oil 6200 623 tturpliy A Stork I.Hlfr, Nr% York. Nov &.—Murphy A Cos eay Th rleadng* In the atock marke' upon the opening Of tuirlne** were ep lon *llv active. anil vtviniM which extended to fully op# point w#r# r#-nrtl All quarter* of th# market receded * i* r amount of attention. wtih particular iirruglh 411*1 anim *t|on laltif rhown by th# liwludrtal* Federal Steel Cnntlnen i<l TohaerO American So el and Wire and Sugar refining all advanced rbaip.v Manual'an wae * conepkuour feature o' the lor*l traction group hut uia’e nl aim* api>carcd il> In Metropolitan .rd in Brookl>n ftapi I Tranelt In the tail way ll*-* Ihe * oneplcuoue feature# * re Pnlon Pacific common. Pouthirn Rillwav preferred. Baltimore and Ohio. p. nne.l vanla and Burlington l/>ndon furnlafte i a higher rang, of prl<er f..r our Mo k and active deilinge wre retort-d In Pie American quarter of the Len-lnn mark- • Foreign hourer nought heavily here upon opening of huelne*. The upward move ment of price# wae plainly a retlecrion of Ihe growth of confidence In Hepuhlicao euccee. to-morrow The lat* t advice regarding the political alluatloo received from every quarter were practically un.n tmoua In retting forth the .rowing chant ee for Republican vlnorv Aelde from poUtl-e. little or nothing wae dia cueeed or received attention. g|ai 1.t.1. Idt.ul a at 111 hll. N< *e -Three quota'lon* ar# revlaed dally, and art. kept ne near a* poeMble In . , ord with tb prevailing wholeaalc price* omrUl quotation* re not ueed when they disagree with th price* whole eriler* ark f'oaantry atad Northern Pmilnet. POI'LTRY —The market le *te*dy Quo ta'lon* Broiler 3*fSßc per pair. hlf grown. *M*•; thre*-fourth grown kin Me; henr. f74< rootr*. tOtJVF. duck* jtit)7sr. geeee, 7'fMl ft ' EGOS Steady at 1* HI TTEH -Th> ton* of th* market Is Arm Quotation* Western cr imery 1M) HVje New York elate dairy. IMiac. extra Elgin#, rdf EESB— Market Arm. fancy full cream cheer# lSiy for Jo to 12-pound average 2AV>- pound average lie | jirh tefeetahlre IRISH POTATOES—Northern. 1 . ear k CABBAGE-'MMc per head ONlON’S—Yellow In barrel*. 17 on crate*. *oc. red. 11.10 BreedeluMe. Hay and Grain. FLOCK-Market steady; patent. | *>. atralght. tt-SO; fancy, IS 75; family. 15 im MEAL-Pearl, per barrel. 12 70. per *< k $t.25. city meal, per *a<k. bolted |1 12i*tl 1.15, water ground. II 1561 17>*. city grit# acka, 11.20. pearl grit*. Hudnuta, per bar- Southern Railway. Trail'.* Arrive and Deport Savannah on h'th Mirldltn Ttnn—Oi n Hour Slower Than City Tlar. Scheduler In Effect Sunday. June 10, 1800. MfcAD DOWN Tii THE k.aST ■ ' M P "Roll NO .*,, tCVniral" Time > N... lo N" aJ 12 ICpr., .Vain Lv 1. ~ Savannah At i 1 lUim. ■i #o® (Kai-trrn Ttma.) |j i * *lpn, 4 .‘vem Ar HU kvllle l.v 1 I ■'7p"i * il'|wi. i> loani ,Ar C'.luuitv.a l.v 1 26*m;1l " * ttpai Mtm .\r hai Idfl • Mp* * JJ" U Hpni .. -rni \t iii,. (boro La l ■ ■•' ■ ‘ J|Ar Norfolk . .> 1 ' i . \, l .Uk la 0 o|*n 1 '‘ " ii \. Richtreond l.v 1* OOjwn f 4want .1 4<|4ti *Ar l.xn. M.rg~ 1. J*m 6 JOfim Ar Chariot tcavlllo l.v ; lcm|U Mpn * *oam 0 .>|im Ar Woohlnglon . .. l.v 1116 am > Wt'ni * 16am II ,t|>n, Ar Bel union. l.v i> 2i,in * 27pm I H in Ar Philadelphia l.v | 1 Watnj 4 06pm J 02pm A 23am Ar New V,.rh l.v UMtm *•" * *opn 2 <|>m Ar Hoatnn l.v , 6 H'n I" •**• TtSSTfI TO Tin: N.iHTII AND WIiHT. I NoW II (Canir.t Time.) inSTS Lv” ''■amtimah ArU 6 10am (t£*s<erii Tiitw ) 6 Aiam Lv Columbia .. Lv I** l,n twain l.v Hparlnit.urc L, V|l ( 16i>m 12 U'pni ;I.v A-h- villa . ... L.v 2 itpii * Ar Hoi Sprln* I ■' 11 Wam 7 *>pni|Ar Knoxville ... >•' 'Sam * Ar Leslnslon L' ! ' ,m 7 46am |Ar . Ctneiniutl I-' * "*l ,m A 00pm Ar St L.,.u|. I.< * OOnm 7 tnam Ar l.mtavllle Lv ( I MB All Iran,, arrive and depart from the l'lam Hv.lrm Siallon. THHOCOH CAI 4 SK It VICE. HTC TRAINS U AND 34 DAIUY. NKU YOllk AND FIatHIDA BXrRKSB Veeil hilled train*, with Cullman I)r. Ui| Itamm Hl.epUiti Car* let*' -n Hav.ut nali and New York Cot,ncta at YY'astilnalon with Colonial K*|r.* lor lt,*t*ai Cullman Steeplntr Cara heinveen Charlotte anil Richmond and Charlotte and Nor folk Dlnmv v'ara aerve all meal, between Savannah and lAaahtngton TltAlNp’r AND i DAII.Y THEDNITKI) STATES H AST MAID V.atlhuled limited tralne. rarrvlna Pnllmnn Diawln* Room Sleeping Car* between Sm*i nah and New Y'nrk IHnlna Car* aerve all meal* leiweert Savannati and Waehln*ton. Alao Pullman Drawing Room fMeeptna Car* helwt,n Savannah ami Clnc.nnatl. through Asheville and 'The Land of tire Sky " For enmplete Information a* to rote*, echedule*. etc., apply to O OHOOVER Ticket Agent. Clanl SyMem Station JAMES FREEMAN. C P and T. A . 141 Rull street Tetephonea-Hell. IM; Georgia AW 8 H Hardwick A**l*ant General P**enger Arrcnt. Atlanta. Ga rH $: 7S: j*r mmr k. nundry bmnd* fl ITHft ?n park CORN-Market firm whti*. lob lota. AS.' rarioad iota. ti*r. mtxod corn. Job l*a tffc. c arload lot*. fiSr RlCK—'Markat itMdy demand iroivt. fancy h*Jid Xr . fanry. Prlmo . . <#o*l Fvilr 4 <NH common OATS No 3 rnixrd oarkvid * . Job lof* Mr. white car*. 217* J*t>. 40c. RfIAN Job lota W*c . carload fa'v HAY Market Mad\ . No 1 tlmofhv. IUV *7*l rara. No 2 W-- jib. R 24 cara kuaar mid fofffr. IU*OAR Cut loaf A 31 Diamond A 3 M Cruphed Ad I’onfr* ilonm A2* 79 fl XXXX pftWO *v.l4 Kx’ra C S4A Granulated ..... 5 **|i;old*n C h 14 pttbef < HTeiJowa 5 01 Mould A • COFFIt*- \lo ha Prime No 3 11 r lava Mu lood No 4 M%<* ppab#*rry 14 r Fair No h lftV^r Fancy No r Ordinary No a lft r ( hoica No 2 IP*Common No 7 Hardware and llulldln* *tipi>llra. LIME CALTIUM PLASTER AND CEMENT— Ala lama and G**oria lime In fair d<mand and *el| at cent* a barrel j*pecial calcined planter. $1 Aft per tairrcl. hair, U|V ftopedak ctmcni. 41‘Jftd.25 cat Mad lota, up* lal. Portland cement, re tail. 12 35. carload loin. 12 30 M'MRKK F O B. VESSELS BA VAN NAII Minimum, yard slxea. 31050011 *>. .at etllr. SL 'Aauon. dim.-uli rlaer. 11l > tjltton, rhlp nock. 816-OOti I860; *an Her. HOOgl.EO; hewn aier, .15038 c. oils-Market steady. demand fair, rig 450 50< Wen Vliglnla bla V. Mfil.v. lard. 55. nealrfool. iMOIOr. mai hlnery. IH jjl ' . Ilnaced oil. raw. 78V. bollsd. i* l \ c . keroaent. prim- white. 13c. water while. Hi , rratt'r antral. Me. deodorised stove gaaollne. drums. 11V4C. empty oil Parrel*. 4H|vtr4, lir SHOT-Prop. II 50. R R and large 11 75. chilled. *1 75. IRON-Market very rlcady, Swede. S>V NAILS-rut, 12 00 bane, wire, 12 25 haeo RAHBKIt WIME-R Hi per HR pound* Mraight good*. 230 • . sugar house- mola **-. 158121* tit s IXiWDER—Per keg. Austin "rack shot |l id. h 111 kegr. 32 25. quarter kegs. 11.25. rhamikon ducking, quatter kegs 82.25, Dupont and Hanoi ranoki lese. half kegs. 81135, quarter kegr. 35 7a. 1-puural canisters. tl <10; lerr 25 per cent . Trol dorf amok* less powder. 1-pound cans, 11, 10-pound cans, la* pound Salt, Hide* and Wool. HALT-Demand Ir fair and the mark< steady, carload lota. impound burlap yaks tic. im-pound notion rack, 15 1111 pound burlap racks. 4*Vc; HO-pound cotton rarkt. 49V< 225-pound burlap racks 54c. 125-pound cotton rack. Me, xm-|ioun-l burlap sucks. Mr HlDES—Market Arm. dry flint, US': dry salt. ..uC, green Bolted, 3e. WOOL—Nominal; prime tieorgla. free of rand burrr and black wool. 19c. Mack !. , burry, 10c. Wax. 25c. lallotv. 354* Deer skins. 20c. Frails and Hats, APrLER— Northern variety. 82-2502 25 ORANGES—(FIa I 13.ftt03.5n. PRI NKS—4te to Mat 10c, Mat to Hoc. *Vc. 40a lit Hi . 7 •* In V*. i>V, (ga IO *. He. 90s lo ion*. 414 c BANANAS -II 2502 00 bunch LEMONS Market needy at 82 50 OOCOANPTS- 84U0f14 60 per ion I’EANIITS-Arnptt- nock, fair demand market Atm. fancy hund-pa ked Virginia (ter pound. sc. hand-picked Virginia ex trar H*. . N C stol peanuts 4' Nt'TS Aim'rule Tarragona. I*< . Ivl.-as 14c, walnuts, French. 12c Naitler. l*c. pe at * Mr. Praxlla. 13c. flltterlr. Ur. as sorterl nuir, MVpound and 25-pcund Itoxcr 12c. tiillon Uaaaing and Ties BAiKsl Nt 4—Market firm: Jute ty. pound. tae, largo lots. i|c small lor*. 2-pnund. * ',*> . l\-pound. KtyStVsc. sea Island bagging. 12tyc TlEH—Standard. 45-pourd arrow largo lota. II 40. small Ms. tl 5 Baron. Mama anil Lard. BACON—Mirk't Arm I> BCR sides. Ttyr; D B bellies. *Sc (Eaeterni. ac cording tn average rise. D B helllea. 3V*c (Western), smoked r K sld*. Ma ll A MB—Sugar cured. 1241124*.' leAßD—Pure, in tierces. *V . In <A isiund tin* and sr.-pound tub*. B%r , compound In fierce*. tyc. Bbpound tins, yttd *n-pomd tubs. V/^r. ISrled and Esaporaled Frails. APPLEB—Evaporatad. ?#Ttye. sun-dried jty®*c A PKlCOTß.—Evsporatrd. lftc pound, nectarine* 10c RAIEINA—L. L 12 10. imperial cabinets J 2.75. loose. DtLpound bo***. 5%* pound PEACHEA—EvaporSted. pealed. ITtyc unite iled. sty4l*c PEARS—Evaporated *V NIBCELLAVEOI tt. FISH— Mackerel, half-harreli. No 1. !'. No 3 57 on No 3. 15 74 kit*. No 1. II 20; No 2. $1 U No S, 15- Cod Ash l-l'.uud bricks. *V 2-pound brick*. *c Smoked herring per bo* 17411 V Duleh herring In kegs. 31 RV new mullet*, half, barrels. 53 75 BYRl'P—Market quiet. Oeorgla and Florida syrup, buying at 7W130c; selling at 32®Re; sugar house at |OSISc HONEY—Fair demand, strained. In bar rels Ydjattc gallon High wins* basts. 51 V ocean rntantm. COTTON-Bavannth to lioapon, per cwt . 3Tr. to New York per rw* . 3V. to Phlladtdphia. |*er bale sl. Itaitlmor**, $| PORERIN erpool. 4*n . II imhiirc 44c. < •*not WV . Harrelona. dfk*. ManrheMer. 45* llavr*’. 42 Antwerp. &v LI MBER By Kail -Freiabf!* dull. t> KalMvnoie and enetward. |l *Vi to s*> per M tnuheiina Portland LI MHER liv nv—Havannah to Rtl tlmote, !%<■. it* I* R R. or H *nl f dock* j:re. to Philadel|hla. lA*b< l*‘r cwt (4 pound* lo foot t, to New York, per M. 57 25 to dork. lt*h*ere.| to Boat on fx St* NAVAL HT*Ri:S The market i* Arm medium ei*e vceaeln Roam ‘ofk, for order*. .H M i * r barrel of ."MO |MMindM. and b |>er cent prlma*- Hplrlb. ‘.xl per 4ft gallon* irroea. ami * f per rent prltnaac Lame vctteelF. roaln. . *pirlte. 4e 2 Steam, lie |* r 10f* round* on r4>*in. M 1 on ppirlt*. Kvannah to Bnuton. and on rofln and l!*c on aplrlt* to New York. (iR %IW. I'HOVIIIOUtt. KIT. New York. Nov 5 -Flour market firm 4y bold, but rather *pii#". hut without noteworthv ctmngee Rye flour mor* • live tom meal firm Rye steady Bariev dull, barley malt dull Wheal Hpot firm No 2 r*‘d 7*^ 4 c; o, t'.one were generally firm and big bar to day. stimulated by large decrease* In world's ehlpmetil and th quantity ai jm wtr*-. Mgh* r cable* .fort Ign huvtng and d* niftnd from 'horn The' finally •** I off •* ttlfl** under local realising; an*l • io?>*d steady at V rua advattc* . Mar* t* |uau**l. K2 7 *,* Mav W f . ; November, 7S*4''• D* t#ml*er. 7*Sc. (’orn -Rpot fftmtia: No 2 4tc; options stronger and fnlrlv active no small ooun trs offering*, higher c#ble. local • over mg and fairly large clearance*. ft*||y easel off under dn> pplntlng exports. Mini cosed nUnii ft* dy net o*L met*. May • los#*| 12V. I>ecemter closed 42%c. Oats—opot strong. No. 2. j|*tions quiet, hut *teadv Reef steady cut me#ts steady Lrd firm. Western steamed $7 7.5. Oc tober closed IT to. refined firm, continent. 17 fi Pork steaijy, fU.kOHJR hort clear, |14.2*ff17 00. meae, sl2.2ftUU.iO. TalUvw Manly Petroleum dull Tur|*erttlne quiet Hugar—Quiet. fair r hntng. *V; cen rrlfugal M test, 4V- motasaes -uwiir 3%c; refined dull. * ‘offee Hpot Rm steady; No 7. invoice, mV' mild quiet; t’or-lovn. Fu tures opened Nlesdir at an advance of l points and ruled generally firm hut very quiet, following Miaiiler WOfkl s visible in crease than predicted Then Improved ' point - further on sotn** positions on local covering with gffienß speculMtlon very fame, and later phases of th* marker easier The market closed steady with pKtattone 10 points higher Total xnlet. 14 ftW hgy. including Novemrser a* 7.38 c. March, at 7 4oi>7 4Au May. at 7 to* Rutter firm, creamery. I§ti23c; state dairy IVdTIr Ch*ese dull; large white. 10%r; tmu l while lie Kggs ft rm. state .ind Pennsylvania. 21W 24c; Western regular packing, at mirk. 174121 c. p**fa nes quiet. Jersey*, ti ftO*/1 .T7ty; New York, tl JMil 24; Jng Islam!. |1 bOQI.Ii: Jersey sweets. $1 Stiff? fit pcam# quler fancy hand-ph kd. 4\f< sc; other *lomeatic, 4* steady. Long Idat.d. pr Us) $1 AA62 2f* Cotton bv steam to IJverpooi. 38c. OTTOi aBE li Oil.. New York Nov 5 Cotton seed oil dull arid rather w-!ik under local selling pres sure Prime crude barrels 2t*!yU3- nom Inal, prime sunirnt r yt How SpriMVy, off summer yellow 22. . prime winter yellow M!4<* . prim* white 37 . prime moil 535 *i CIIICAOO MVIIKET*. Chlca*o Nov 5 Wh. it was <t A. oily hut higher c.n cables and bullah statis tics. December closing QO-s” over Batur dny Corn closted ',3V and <l* a*h ide higher Provision* at the clona welt- 2tys !*•. imitrovol The leading future* ranged a* follow tiptn llirhs-et I>jwcet Closing Wheat No - Nov 72 TO* 73 Dec 74®74ty 7 *’a 73T * 7 47 P; Jan, . .75 75®75ty 74ty 7414 Com No. 7 Nov .. ;%C|3' l , 3*5,H"4 s 2* 3s'- Dor ... 5& 1 ' f3W *.’*4<W IMS tstyU% May .. 55V,vt3C ; . .SSSt:<■'-%* 354* 3*ttyit Oats No 5- . Nov 31 %s 3lty 2 -s 21V- D*c 22 22Vs 32 22®22V* May 223*4124 24® 24'.* 2J , 24 24 Mess pork, per barrel— Nov SH S5 51" W $1 ty 51" 2.. Jan 11 20 11 22H 11 25 II Lard, (t t 100 itountl*— Nov . 7 7Si 7 07ty 7 OC'4 7 OJ'd flee . g 55 tj ft *55 5 *.% Jan 5 73 5 775* 5 75 5 7.'* Bhort ribs. I**r lt jounde— Nov JT'y * 27V- r, a 5 25 Jan . * 0254 * * *b° ® Cash quotation* wen as follows Flour, quiet and unchanged. No 3 spring wheat ■44(74'. No 2 red. V . So 2 ' orn 31"* 3 19V . No 2 yellow 39 1 ,*f)394r. No. 2 white o*l*. 27c; No 3 White. fair to choice malting barlev Mfi> . No 1 17a* s*ed 51 73; No 1 Northwestern. 51 vl. prime nmorbv s*.d 54 I"sf4 30 mtss pork per barrel. 511 25, lard, per 10" pounds IT 10®7 Uty. abort ribs side- (loosel. I', <c't i? an. dry s t’ted Shoulders ( tvsit* -. short clear sties (bnxedl. M s>i4 7.4. .vhtckv basis of high wine*, 51.27. clover. CtK.VU*: gtuQv Vtf.Wti Uiuw. Plant System of Railways. Train- operated by f'?h lltrt thoa-* One hour slower than city tlma. In cfT* *1 Od 1. 19* All If • i.v l.v H v immh Iwdv Ar Suvannah !• m*Mi tin Hm\ annah | i (Man am .Uay rWS . |K4 la am . [l3 10 n*a *’ pni ind Florwi* f 7 ou pm Bt ?w rn ht ritiuah 2 41 am • ‘ ■ i hari- i"n 7 u* am . i' 1 in i Ka.<i. H i m * • I ami wit H rn , ■• .! ii and fital iltimert leaving ; for K#y W. t an-1 H\ in* M.a.lys, j Tiim - <ia > and Hal u lays. It "0 p fit Cull f Ink. t or .j fur further mfoc mafion J II'Mt’H T V A WAHL CLACK (l v Ti kd Agent. I. H*u HniH I ‘bona n ft 4V Will NN I'li rf, r Trafflt M-tn* ager, H rji WGEORCIA yk by co. y rff#*clv Fcpt. 10. IfkW. Trains rrlv t and u* from Cvnirai Htatlon. W*m| Hrvad. fo*H of l.ilxwty street Vth Meridian o n r* hour slower than cltv Him* . , - MV * Arrlv. B “ vn,,h Mwannoh: lAmtu-t 1, Mao at. Atlanta.| " 46am,, outma land all Intrrmedlal* p.,tntaj I Align, ta 61. n0n. Atlanta.l I A Ih.-t.a, Mon'g .merr. Co s. OR'm Inrnhtia, Mirm nrtom Am |-( Warn (er tcu.. Kufanla and Troy ( u>lttn trover \, ..mru...taD.a, rTiauT r- Onvton Dinner Trait ~t4 atpm •Dully tßxcept Sunday RETVVI KN SAVANNAH AND TTRER. 7fh m*-rtdi in or Hivimnah rlty ttmr. I.l'. A V K SAVANNAH M,day only ti. „ m Dally cicvpt Monday jJo . m Dally 3an p av. LEAVE TYIIKB Monday or 1, 7li m Dally Monday to 36 *. nt. Dally f. V, p m Connection* made at terminal point. With oil train* Noithwaai. Weat and Hi>il(hwiwt J Hle.-f.irig car* on night train* between Savannah and Auguata. Ma on. Atlanta •n! lift filingharn Parlor <ar . on d„y train* betwwn Ha. yarn ah Ma. on .ml Atlanta, hor rn*n|.|eta tnformarlon. a vt,edula. apply to W O RRDWDIt. r-it, Tl . k „, p •nge* Agent. 107 Hull atr. at c n HAV| N ) TT rI ,K r*'**"* Ticket A.ent. r n m Hit' J ZS r “ ''’""■•"iter And. V If lIINTON. Traffic Man tv#r THEc and KLINE. <]an fhipertatendeO^ Mfinsh da. Double Daily Service Th* ahort lln. to Norfolk. Wu.hinatan. ttleiulol' New Yorh and ! No 44 No Lv Savannah. M A L. Hylt* 6pm ~ Ar Columhla. H A. L Hy; t ntprn 4 Mam ~ H A L >- I" 27pm 11 6oam Ar Durtvum. S A L. Ry | 7 Pram 4 Upm a- J w!i^l r *A “ * LR| 4 Ikm 4 Upm Ar Richmond. R A. L Hy| h loam 4 Mxo Ar WuAblngion I'anna. , | tiam I 10,.m Ar Hnltlmnr* IVnna ;io rdain 11 pm Ar Philadelphia. I'enna |I2 27pm JMm Ar New York I'enna .. | J o.lpm l lien* I No 44 No M~ I.V Savannah S A L Ry|U Kpmltl Mpm Ar Porlamouth. H A L ltrl 7 <am| 6 Mpm Steamer* leava Norfolk dally, egcapt Sunday, for llaltlmora. Chlladelphla and New York, and dally for Waahington. The abort tin* to Montgomery Mobil* and New Orteuna, leaving Savannah at 726 a m . arriving at Montgomery 740 p m , at which point doe* connection la made whb the LAN R R. arriving at Mobile 306 a. m. and New Orleana 740 a m The abort line to Kemandlna. Ja knon vllle. Tampa and other Florida potnta. ; No 27 , No *T T.v Savannah. S:"X. I. fty| 6 .Warn 2 07ptn Ar Fernandlnn, S A L. Hy t Jo.m (Apia Ar Jarkaonvllle, H A LUI 3 loam 7 40pm Ar Tampa. 8 A. L Ry j f> JOpm t Mam • * wJ- Magnltt ■ r. 4 Cullman hulTet (leeping car aervlee lo WueMngion. lialtlmore, Phila delphia and New York; alao to Jachaoa vllle and Tampa Dining car* from Savannah to Htmlß and Richmond to New York. HufT'i loirlor cara .Savannah lo Mont gomery For additional Information apply *o Ticket Offlco, Rull and Hryan atroalu Phone 23 410.1NH1 MIIHK AT 5 TO I. In oiler tf *.-,.(hmi Bon on Ttryaja fr I’la.-e—4. % e it on 12(1,1100 In Raw Tark. From the New York Bun Moore A Hchley of th* New York Block Exchange placed In sis bets vaaterday flo.iLO. at odds of & to I. that McKinley Ttrlll be elected. This makes 425,000 that the Arm ha* wagered at 5 to 1 upon Mc- Kinley within two days. One of the bet* of 52.000 to 54*0 was made with J. L Mc- Cormick The Identity at the other takers was not disclosed In th.- outside broker age crowd Lout* Hainaman Iwtl 525 to SIU) with b Fader that McKinley will win. J J judge sold that he had 12.000 to be! on McKinley at i*ld* of 44* to 5. A prominent New York Stock Exchange hnuae ha l liutsst yesterday to bet at even money that M Klnley carries New York state by I2ti<s<t plurality. A customer of F W Bavin (k Cos. aiin.iuncrd that hu was prepared to wager a round sum at even money that Bryan carries Greater New York In the rurh market there woe a funny Incident In the afternoon, when a man rushed Into the crowd and yelled: 1 | htv* Ran to let even on Bryan " There was a scrimmage to get at him and hat* dew and riba were punched la the melee. I mean on Bryan for a place." the man gasped and than as the rrowtl mettad fiutn him h gave a Kooaewit smile. "Omybrtird la a f tmlly m dl Ine with ns." said a promltotu buploes. man yaa> "My wife takea It, and I sottea an U enjoying better beallb than for yearn. The cbhdran keep well by taking SL" Onyb-ard may be obtained at oil d—tg storaa or wrlta to ua for It. Kcspoas Drug Cos, gulp pr i>s.. oavw.uab. Ua. *4. 9