The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 07, 1900, Image 1

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th?: morning nkwb b) . <* IMf - Inct '|v>rmt4 l*'-* J II KBTIT.I. Pr**id-nt McKinley goes in on a landslide Republicans Swept the Country From Maine to California. ELECTORAL VOTE MAY BE .LARGER THAN IN 1896. At Midnight lie Was Certain of 277 Votes, With a Probability of 284. carried practically all the doubtful states. New York. Indiana. Illinois, Maryland, West Virginia Are All McKinley's. llrpahlli'An Majorities linvr II n Hrdttfrd In Illinois, > rn > (irk, and Suira, lot the Reduollon \Vi \of KeMrlrnl. Tlir ( uugrro In It*publinm l> n *u b * nll i I W orLln* M)oHty->lr. llrjnn Heard n Krw f the Ite tnrna nnd Then Mfllrol Krly— Hesuocralle Lender* GTf Ip thr Ktaltt I.irI > In llr K%en*i >lr. Uryan'a Oirn Preclnet In Llneolii \ oted lien illy lala*l lllui. Nrw York. Nov. 5.-Midnight: It became evident at a vary aarly hour this evening that tha election of MoKlnlay and Roose valt a assured At 5:20 o clock return* from nearly two third? of the election districts of Qrcater New York had been received, indicating beyond question that Bryan and Bteven ton could not expect more than #.OOO or 30.000 plurality in this Democratic strong hold. and unless there was a landslide In the out aide counties beyond sll reasonable expectation, the pivotal state of New \ ork had declared In unmistakable terms, al though by a greatly reduced majority, for the Republican candidates. A* the night progressed It only served to confirm this Judgment. The return* from lUlnole betrayed a like condition. The Republican plurality of IS** are* greatly reduced, but It was mill far too Urge to he overcome. On the other hand the ret urns from fo rt ,na. Michigan, the two Dakota*. Utah nrd Wyoming, as well as Nebraska, aeem rd to indicate strong Republican gains over IK*S Delaware. Maryland and West Virgin In had given decisive Republican pluralities The count in several of the far Western nates wee not limit y so delayed a* to give little indication of the outcome there, but • hey had ceased to have a flet.-rmlning Teet. and before 10 o'rlo'k the Democratic leaders had given up the contest, and It was announced that Mr Bryan had gone .. red and was sound asleep. Ilnrr the States Stand. T a* whole story was easily and briefly •oil. The Republican ticket would hnve . larger electoral vole than four years ago, but In the larger states of the East , Middle West the pluralities had been g- fitly reduced. Mageachusett* hod fol ••!. from 171.00' to •i.WO. New York from (O) to I#.* and Illinois from 142,000 to ‘,00,000 or lea#. How the Slate# Stand. Tha roll call of states at this hour I* apparently aa follows: M Klnlay—Connecticut. *; Dallfomla. 9: aware, 3; Illinois. It: Indiana. 15; lowa. 1 Kansas, lb; Maine. 6; Maryland, 5; Massachusetts. 15 Michigan. 14. Mtnnean. la. 9; New Hampshire. ♦; New Jersey, in, York. *>; North Dskota. 2; Ohio. y, i iregon. : Pennsylvania. 33; Rhode Isl and 4. Vermont. 4; West Virginia, 5; Wis consin, U; Wyoming. 3; Washington. 4 Total. 277. Pryan—Alabama. 11: Arkansaa. *: CM r.-,do 4: Florida. 4; Oeorgla, IS; Mississippi, 9, Mlaaourt. 171 Montana Nevada, 1; North ('arollna, 11; Hosiih 1 nrollna. 9; Tennessee. 12; Texas. U; 1 i h. 3; Virginia. 11 Tola!. IC. reported—ldaho. 3: Kentucky. 12; Ne -1 rs-k*. 5; South Dakota. 4. Total, IS. If nil of the unreported state# should ' rn oiti ns Democratic, a highly tmprob onllngency, ll would not rhonge the tr suit. • latest returns from Nebraska lndl i u Republican plurality. 1 r.e Fifty-seventh Congress aeem# to be ibl' an by a substantial working ma jority. gubernatorial tickets have appar * followed the national and Odell Is fed In New York and Yatea In lilt- GREATER NEW YORK. w 3’ork Nov. *.— Following are the ' i returns from the borough of Oreat *' Yew York: McKinley. Bryan -ittan and Bronx 147.0© 175 24: klyn 105 oii p>4.<2l na 10.009 12. b -bond 5.0*5 .* OT.TJS 299 433 ifnan'a plurality In Oregter Naw York ona dlstrlcta miming, la 27.711. *v> thousand, seven hundred and tseen. Satomnnh llofning Xeto §. ty-one district# out of 3.124 districts In New York Man, outside of ilri-a'.er New York, give McKinley 473.081, Bryan, 321.- 724. NEW YORK-REPUBLICAN. New York. Nov. 8 —At 11 o'clock the In dication* ar that Rnslicnt M< Klnl> has tarried New York by a majority over Br>an of about 120,00), fom(>art-d wttii a Republican majority In the knit preai thntial election of 28*.489. The total vote in the city of New York I.* approximately tiP.ouu larger than it wan in lOi and up utaie the incrwae i* about 30.(t) In the clt> Bryan wtiml on: the plurality of which McKinley ha 1 four yHirn auro. ami tock on a plurality for htmweif of .ilout l*| (he xtat* M Klnley barely held th* vote which he hail I*9B, the a*fdd vote going tt Hryan The vote for B. H- Odell. Jr.. Republi can for CJomnor, I.* considerably larger than that for M Kin!ey. In Brok lyn. particularly, the Democratic numinec for Governor. Mr. fltanchfle.d. appears to have been scratched. Tlit election p.*ael off qulMly, both in the city and Mat#. There were no more than the uual number of arrests of nun accused of attempting illegal voting at city prccinciw and where the accuse I made it clear that they were Innocent they were permitted to return to the polling pla< g ami vote without furthei mrdeetailon. N>w York. New. 8 Kx ov. Stone. vice chairman of th* Democratic National Committee, at H:3’ p. in gave out u abtemem In which he **•!!: * A* this hour the returns Indicate that the Republicans ha\* carried N* w York by something llk* 100. OOT Th** Informa tion front other state* ia ao meoirre that 1 am unable t<* give a satisfactory opin ion to th* reaulta.*' New York Nov. #>. —lßl KlectJ n Dlstrlcta out of 3.124 dlstrlcta 1n the state outside (Imter Nw York give McKinley 2fc..H12; llr>an 19.812. Him# in INJ*'. gave Mi'KUtlty 28.794; Hr>*an 18,482. Palmer 392 Ryracuae. N. Y.. Nov. B—City of flyra rui* * omplete, McKinley, 14. >v>. Auburn. N Y., Nov. Compared with IRS'* the Republican lona in Auburn city Is 249 Rochester, N Y . Nov 8 —City *f !Boc heeter complete: .\1 Kinky, 1H.784; Bryan. 147*35. Buffalo, N. Y . Nov 8-The Thlrty aecond District glvea B. B. .Mahan. Republican. 17.732. William If. Ryan. Democrat. Rome. N Y . Nov. 8 —The city of Rome complo. gives McKinley, 2,' I Wi Bryan, i.taa; RepubUcan loss 199. t'tdell for Governor, has 1.989; Stunchfleld. 1.727. Th* rettima wore in fifteen mlnutea aft er the olos*' of the |iotls. Voaing nia cnines were uaad Auburn N Y Nov. 8 —This city <vm plete. gives McKinley. 4.142 lr>an. 2.9 W For <ovsrnor. Odell. 4.047; Stanchfleld, 2.- 923 Oswego. N Y.. Nov. 8 —Bryan carries Oswego by 444 Huffak*. N Y . Nov B.—Buffalo city give* McKinley 24.873. Bryan. 31.89s Near York. Nov 8 Or.e thousand one hundred and fifty-two election dlatrlcta out of 3.124 districts In New York slate out side of Greater New York give McKinley a mj4>rlty of 87.. r ig 7. aa agalnsl 91..0C in One thounaan*! two hundred and sixty election districts out of the 1.532 In the city of New York give Bryan • ma jority of 2T. KT.2 Returns from all hut 322 districts *ut of 3.121 in New York state, outside of Great er New York, give McKinley a iniiortty of 14.**.297 Returns from .*ll but 122 out of the total of 1.&22 iia.ricta In Greater New York give Bryan a majority of 27.331. INDIANA-REPUBLICAN. Indianap.>ll*. Ind.. Nnv —At 10 o'clock to-night th* rmiim# w*r* mr.-.lne In rery slowly, and from lh<- m*i<g> r mports t*- •■aivwi up to thi*- hour. Imlluatlona po n: in a Republican majority In Indiana A very hvy ballot was cast In tin - state. A*lt> from the clash In flay county, where or.o fell dead with twenty bul lets In hi? body, the election ha# ;?# -I oft without Incident. IV IV. T Durbin, th- Republican gu. bernalortal candidate. I* running very close to the national ticket Ten prcc-lncts In Marlon county flrullan apolls! show net anln of 251 for Mc- Kinley over IMb The some ratio. If main tained, wool I give McKinley the county b> M*. Democratic congressmen have loan elect*d in the Itecond an I Third districts wlnle It- Hindi, at . i I . : ;. t - were suc --ful li) the Sixth. Klghth. T'lilh. Eleventh and Ihlrtcneih dlstrl t*. Richmond lnd . Nov. Rtchniotwl and Waynes cousty trill McKinley a plu rality of 2,0*9- lndunaiKills, Nov. 6.—At mhlnight the following ?tatnient was Issued by the Indianapolis Sentinel (Democratic). "The returns up to this hour are verv meager and th, result In Indiana Is In doubt, but If the pe rentage of Republican g.un Indicated bj the latest rei>orts Is tha state will give McKlnlty approximately the same plurality aa In 1595." Ths Indianapolis Journal (Republican) at midnight claimed tha state Mr McKinley by an Increased plurality over IS9C A ronservgflr* ew'knate a: 12: a. m.. places McKinley* piarallty In Indiana at SAVANNAH. GA„ WEDNESDAY. NOVKMHEII 7. eM>. JM.oiO. Kntire state iml Mark'n oounty Republican ticket elected. ILLINOIS-REPUBLICAN. Chirago, Nov. •• The total \ -f. of the city was M Kli • y P : : Rrynn 172 5:4 Woo' I**y. Deo# 1,112.' Barker, lit*. Ma loney. .I*s. Kill*. !0. (’hlfafo Nov • Four l.undr-d and twenty precinct* out of 1,127 It Oh a • give AD* hub r. Democvat for iSoveriM* •it 7vi. Vate . Republican. o>.t*4 riUrnfO Nov f. Nine huilr<! m l s*• > - ty precinct- out of 1.127 glv. M Klnl*> 1 1.2 m. Bryan 144.16*. Woolk y 2 <44. lube. 4,231 Oh lea go. Nov.®.—At 9 p. m Olmlrman Howe of the Rcjnibll an Si,it* Cent n Committee claimed that HHmd* ha ! *n carried by McKinley h\ it lea*i Kx-t'* autre *man Hlnnrhf* n. who wts at Democratic stale h- adquarters. * on ceded the stale to Nb Kirb y by not in *r • than 4*"M' out claimed that itdv •e* show- 1 that Al diuler, Ivm'vi t •* *ai - dld..i for g<\rriwr. was o vi*'l by aiowt Chicago Nov. ft Return!- re •i\ * and from 173 of th congressional dhirlrt* that the 1 trfii v li, ana hnve elected an I th* l> m 'r.ii MiH of t h** southern rilrftrtct* have l>een h>-tird from rhk.igo Nov 7. I:3<> n m -Complete returns from Ufi*en counti* - in th*- elite uni partial returns from the other* in cluding sc fail vote of Cht g- in ’<*U county dull'- it* i |*. iri <' for M Ku. that will probably exceed 90 .<>*' Chairman Wut>*> of th* i*in< a*. Stale Central Committ* ** at ho r (•*'’. *-d*l the Mat* to M'K .nh y by Returns ai*o Indi- ate the ei*-, t: ii .f the fuH Republican suite ticket hi majorltl*** considerably tin*ler th* presidential Ug ur-x. t;,*- scratching *4i the seat*- t* k* t betr.g confined almost entirely to <\*k county, whcr* Mr Alaehuler's person 1 1 popularity t*.*l heavily in favor of tie D. neurotic nominees, so much no In WILLIAM M#K IB LEY—THE N K\T PBBBHOKNT. fn r. that It is probable theft the ooun'v waa carried for th** Democratic Mate tl* kst. Returns so far also that the Republics mi have Ins? two and possible • htec ('ongrcasni'Mi m <*hi‘*go. th** m st sensational defeat beiiig tt a <*f \N tl am Lirlmsr, <m of the m*M piominent m m 1 *rs of ihe Cook County Republican or ganisation. In the Becotid district It is practically assured fhai the next which wi 1 elect a Cu t *1 Platen senator to auc< **hl Henat -r H 1 y M Cullom. w ill b# Repubil* an on Joint ballot. KENTUCKY IN DOUBT. lulvtU,‘. Kv . Nov 6 Al 1. o. l- k nlKlil holh iH-morratl,- Rrpubltran committ**s - '.atm the state, though th* y furnish no figures in support **f tlulr cl ilms The IgMiUville new-papers uak claims according to th* way they support ed the Ikmocrati or Hrpubll an t k**’s in th* campaign Just ciosed M Kinley a majority In 110 out of 300 pr*cin-ts in Louisville nd the .aunty Is 1.060. In the same |*reclnem. the majority of Yerkes. R.•puhih Yin candMate for Governor, over Becknam. Democrat* Is 4.4i The Demo crats are claiming gain* out tn the state. Louisville. Ky., Nov 6.— Boyle county complete gives Bryan 1.564. M Kinley 1 ftij Incomplete rsiurn** from thlrty-th e* count lea outside of liOulsvill# (.ive I> k ham for governor K.a<** majority ov r Yerkes. Bryan le running a llitle ahead of Beckham In tlie same counties W> out of 3>t precincts In Louis\iil* a *1 county give McKinley n majority o er B yjn *f turf, The seme precincts give Yerkes for governor a majority of 1/40 evtr Beck ham Frankfort Kv. Nov. 6.— City of Frank fort gives McKinley 9*3 Bryan *ft. Yerkes for governor. 975. Beckham ft 7. Three hundred ard slxty-flve* pre- ln ts /Continued on Fifth Page.) WHAT LEADERS SAY miiMimr i iaimi 2m vote* ••I 111. row MeKIN 1.174 . STONE GAVE IT UP EARLY. I*lll NIDI vr tl. KIM.n IICIKD Hti ll ION %I' 4AN ION. Bryan's Friends nt l im-ln I nrele McKinley* s t.lection t linlrmtin lliilirdi’k %s*crl* There Will lie I *7 lt*pulli-niiM lii the Inuirr ttonae ol I imgrro Hejoietng liver?- %vhrre Imoiiu Ihe lle|Mttllen. Ilrynn line Mnle No lliileinenl. New York. Nov •> At 12:0 o'chx'k Ihlt morning Nil tonal Comm tH ee men Manley. |i;ih and Oibbe held a confer ♦•nee at the .*n<'lunion of winch th* following atate nieyi v\s > iv r. Hit: “On 1 ■:*■ return* recalved at Repuhlican n. -Ujuarur- up to this hour the tlepublb •an Nat ion Committee claim to have . 'V|m| M* Ktr.lejr and RtKwrvfll by an !'*iortal vote of jk with th* |n**ibility ~f 3l vole*, in nddMtor. inaking a t>.al of "A. Th. '• \ alo coneisi of the 13 vote* tn Kentucky ai.d ft In N*l>r.i*k* The .. we -urely claim for McKlnlev and H*x>*-vlt are California. Connecticut, Delaware. Mmols, Indiana. Maryland, low .1. Kansas. Maine, Massachusetts. Michigan. Minnesota, New Hampshire. New Jersey. New York. North Dakota, Ohio. oiegn. Pennsylvania. Rhode Isl and. Bouih Dakota, f’tah, Vermont. Watii. dig to n. West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming. ** The i*.>mmitteemen then closed their desks and* left for lh** right. GOV. ft TON E G A YK I P. Itflurn* lliownl %I*K lnley*s Flection Too t ooelanlvely. New York. Nov. 6. —Bx-dov Htone at mKlnigtit made the following announ- a ment; "I give up. "Tha returns telegraphed thee-- head (pimrieen from N* w York. New Jersey and ConnerUeut sh*w that these states hav* g*ne Re;*iiNlcar> H* urns from Mr -and West Ylrgß.la are Incompleto My Information from the M,*l )<*> an 1 Western slates Is so indefinite that 1 can not form an opuilon as to the teaul As I *k not know the fac*s I will wait lief ore 1 say finally wtiat I think is the result." Mr. Htone then rioM'd the Democratic I, allot ml htMUiquarters In New York for the night. The h*aduurt*Ts In the East of the Iwtnocretic National Committee wer • tilled with long Us ance tel- phones and te.egraph instrument* t -mgnt A *per;al telephone connected with the Democrat ic State Commi t t tn the St. James build ing, a block away where John A Mason, •e< reiary of the state committee, and sv. ersl clerks, received returns from up the state from Executive chairman James K McGuire In Syracuac. C. C. Hughes, of the ! Anti-tmjH tial' t i ** u. * y vice hair man <>f tin- t *-*. * .*:■ Na (il **nmlt t*- . aid athe* w • s * -*• *t AIOV St.*ne * .1 1 M i tl iti'l ll gl|M o • patch ft \u>ruHtu M givitu B* in 1 rruUc gain >f ■* |* ’ t H* als.* :* ad ii fnnn* tut it ,sitch H ‘ ! *i .- | \v* re i'u! itng th*' llepub.. n*ab . .• •:• ! i Jnvernor loiter ;*\ *• .pp and lo • di | coo rate* *!. .*<t said | ‘VN. haven't g t u.l lit* return'* in yet Iwil ' oij na.M tell l*v •at l ■ i'4‘ii '* ! Then h gt nuitiie r of *l|ipat I which he fruwt <•! .it and f*Ule*l up ll * |*lt til hw deck j Norman 1' Mu k leiegrnp '* •! ft***o Buf falo that that . .t\ wou 1 k *• M Kind ' j ,i ig.iinat 12.* In IMM V Hi'' r | turn* *e* an to - ow an |n< i*.i**- f*•' Br\ nn lit the Cl|> ill'll- was much e.ttb-tv I but this whp damp to* I b> a Chi ; * *t ( - jtatch Itidlcaiiruc over 4(W indjority for M Klnb \ When bulletin iftrr butlHin *h*mtng Kepubla an gain* !*• * in t** *-m in | Oov Hione I* ft ilu r.siin A- he v\ i * g* l ins * it eom** ora- -k* ! 'lVha i do ' -*u Ih k ’’ r This 1* i.* linn 1 r i like K. wn the answer I don't th nk JONI *N HIM I II NOT fttlHIT ll'. M IO O'eloel* l.t MmIU Me Mill I Inlinetl i rimnrr Chirngo. Nov • At 1 <( 'l* k to-nu'd Chairman Jones of tie brmotrtiil* Na tional CointnlU* * * I cannot pr>l ct th** result. The re limn* nr** m Insufficient *< ir**clud** all posallrillty f * Kod u*T if ilgur* from N**w York nd; • that i H**pul , - - 1 ( that the\ nr** claiming M irylund m l Ohk. for th** r* **n that w. do i a >•' know- how the vote -? ind- Th*- lull r*- |urns w ill l*e l *e ill Mittinc lit I lh* \ may make some surprising changes from tho pi ••***)( apikarcnt stand." While Senator Jm# was inlkhig a hill- I* tin ann*tii-e*i that M ( Klnl* > had ctir rlad Bryan’s prcdnrt in Unr ln by |u3 votes. The Henator was almo t constantly at th** l-ng dlstMO'*** talephon** talking with Mr Bryan ml *>:ler not able D rno crats He told those pr --nt that h*- w it sold 1 -rest 1* nt that tb* Democratl* ticket had triuniphid. IIEAHO HF.TI llNft AT CANTON. President Had Direct Wires lo 111 Itttpnrlnnl Points. Canton, O . Nov ft -I*rsld#nt McKinley r****ived th* election 1* turf - to-night it hs lom* surrounded by a large number of his old friends and neighbors. t Inline many ladies who came .is the gue f Mrs McKinley lo shart with her th* In terest and excitement of fth * utm.nating event of the campaign IWrec* wires ('onneird h* house with the Itepubliran national headquarters at N*w York and f*hh*ag<. with Henator Ilnnnn af the t nlon <*hin F|cvcfan*l, and with th horn** of tkv Hooecveit nt oyster Bay. so that the president was In constant telegraphic touch hi* n• —>- clotee ofl th* ticket and with the cam paign leaders. The pr*-sklent made his headquarters In his library, where most of th* gentlemen guests congregated, while Virt. McKinley ent* rt,ilne*i the ladies in the jsirior The President was In hit tisuai ttol humor, stMiWlng no anxiety over the r ilt. HOIAK WILL m: JU6FI BLICA.N. riialrman llabcork Claims More Titan lftT Members. Chicago. Nov. ft—At 11:18 o’clock to night Chalmn Babcock o i the Repubil (Continued on Seventh Pag*.*.) ( MAN KILLED IN DENVER. Merle*** Trim lilr He tween the Holier nutl M|r*lnl llepnlle*—4ever**l Ollier I I* i'llimi Clght* l**n\l (V 1 N-v I'wo men b u*l and hair wouivbd ne *f wdiom wiii prdw* *l> du- w* the r*-i*ilt *f t* 101 l which *- .*ied ear.) u-tn\ between tha me mb* r* fie p.|t, f,r. aid a of deputy •rtfT.H nt ii ling pi a • a Twenty *ae*-. ond and I vnritner at real r. In th* down t*wti district A o it <|ep. v aherlff woe i*h. t a I P M.mtiy kill* I. nilhb wart flgtvey. white it f|r ml p ,i’i mat . ill* *1 late tn Ihe ltll)vhU at a lospltal 1 •!> .i Ihi I ol w.i* tat tn 1 en vT t <W*> iroub*- between tie p;i * W-| it intent tii tin sherlfT'a **f n• which bd liren pr•• diet-!. b*l te KUO and -n*- man dead .tad Itv seriously wo unde I wa* th* n**ull l**ift. .ti hundr* and ► p t.i 1 |*olb ien hal t* i'ti sworn in f• i th* d*\ usl ibout Id*** apecl.ll ilepliric■; A! 7O * lock H|h**'al I*o llcemen Charles I t'nr|*nu* and ' NV ( were sent t* Sfnn I and la*rr|mer s', reels to supervise it*, opining **f tit*- P 11s in *lltrl<*t 2. precinct 4 Sv. ral s|s a I deputies w*-i* (riders bod b** n |sM'd by the fir** and Istlii e board •* refuse to r* eognlit*' the au * horlt v of the deputb s .it 1 to rr* h! any who in any way mterfei* 1 with th* p** i . i ndt r th< • Inatructlot OH ■ |h lifer orde .and llo* and puti*t retire l‘* feet front th*- pilling phi* * tiitpi*tt .1 .!•*k■** n • dte*l. re-dsled and. drawing a r, volver. !** to shod one hullet stun k **l|l|.itt(-r arm Ili<l #* S**c*g*l tris rout I**di*s*nan (Ire* tl * am* !• the r*- ue of Ills tnpanion. striking Jacks* * nn the h*ml i id arm. fr-n iurlng his skull ami br*-ak mg his arm The blow broke the officer oak club Shooting by the depufle* U* im g* * . t il while th*- st-* ,1 |oll * %vh wen armed only with dul*** w*r* t a dlsa*l vantage At thin m *nt nt ‘‘t\ lel* iiv * ■ (*harl* A licit. colored, fell dead ’ the fit*! shot \ score of shots w* re flr*d b\ th depu ties aii*i In *. tlv* Cgrlterry urid Stew art llarvey.white, a gpe**lai d**|Ut> and Hlch in i 11 a 11 tin • i • ■ >-*>r • i wan * Clm ■ f n*-r Bribe tight shMt!*b*r aihl th** l.msr in iis left atm It is not kmwn whose bul lets wounded them *4pec4ai l*o|ic*nian Oreett was shot in the hack Nona of these was fatally wounds*! Although Troop C. olomdo National Guard, a-sewhl#*! ♦* .rly ai the armory and rema!n**l under arms thouighout the ht\ aml II w.a un*l*rs‘*sl to hnve |ie*ft Ihe rder of Gov. Thitiso. the (Jo\*rir this afternoon positively denle*l having i*- sue*l such *r* PH**, ant Ihe officers .f the troop rwftis* and t*t siv by whoso <a|erH tin* t root ai were a sseinhle*! Mayor M* Murray, chairman •# tha Holiest Iflle (km le ague, this evening fTereii a reward *d l&.OOU ba the arrest and wivb tk>n *f the men who killed Charles Allen. VOTING Unti l || DCftTNOYKn. 4 r*md of Neg roes Smashed It Krly In Ihe Hay. Wilmington. liel.. Nov l-A riot oc cur red In th# Third Hist riot of Wllming ton which resulted in th# destruction of the pdllng place. The district has a lirge negro vote, and g* th* officer* were marly half an hour late in **i*iilng the poll#. About a hun dred negroes assembled In line waiting to vote As Ih** *i*orH Opened they saw a white man. jArn.-s McHugh, who hal g*l ten In ahead of th*m. attempting to vote. This Infuriat'd them. ami. rushing In, they assaulted Me Hugh o> *1 the Insp* dor. Jam* • Dugan, cutting t*th s#rl*ualy. Bo ll* * man Hherry was also rut In attempt ing to r** order. The n* gr M-s fi**stroyel the pdllng booth atl the registration books disappeared in the melee A RIOT IN mil. %. Several Heads Rroken and Some Hard Heelers Arrested. Philadelphia. Nov. € Shortly before noon n small stxed riot br.k*• out in the k’ourteenth Division **f the Fourth ward wh*re Congt tsoenaitt M*'A leer resi*les A nutnlisr of negroes enters*! the pdllng place and attempted to vote. Their votes toting refused, they drew revolvers and n numler of shot* were fired •‘Faddy" Mclirkli*. a pugilist of some note, judge of the division, and said to *e an adherent of ('ongressman McAleer, was biily Injured aUnil the bal by being struck arlth s revolver and wlh Hush MfH'ioskey. another MoAleer fol lower, wcis arrested Three of the negro.•• were also locke*l up SIGHT M 6% KHbIA WOI URKD. Uer BHi a hots Flre<| In Folltleal right nt llraall, Ind. Mraail. In i.. Nov. 6, In a riot at Caswy ville enr'y to-day one man was kill* * I Kight men wara severely wounded l*oil llcs led to the fight. About fifty men became involved In n polttl ul •iIM-usskan In a salrwg) during th# night Th* rntnocrats ard Repohlf .-ms separated, only lo *-'me together later out** l the snli,.n. Hrn* o e shot • Irav'-n with a shotgun. In an Inst mi many w*-.i-*ns weie br >ught Into a< lion, liver 2) shots wen- fired. GOV-Rf EtT ftlNfblll) Mil fllß. llaliriina'R Newly i liosen Keeutle l>n ng•• roust ? 111. Montgomery, Ala., Nov —Gov,-Fleet VYiillarri J Kumford was suddenly stricken with paralysis at 1 o’clock this afternoon and. is not expected to live through tho mght. He has been HI disposed for several weeks and confined to his room for the past three weeks. Eminent physi lrs frc*m this city have Iwen summoned, but I trie latest reports from the hedsld* say that the di# Ingulshed sufferer can hardly live. In case of the death of Oov. Romford, who has not yet been Inaugurated. Ihe j legal succession would la* thrown m*o a mill'll* as there is no precedent in the history of the state which would govern th<* case. The *>nstitutlon provides that but his term will expire next Tuesday, l.e fore ihe term of the present Governor ex pire* At l o'clock this morning Oov. famfuiJ was still alive. Population of Wyoming. Washington. Nov. f.—The population of the state of Wyoming as officially an nounced by the Often* Bureau to-day. It 92.J41, ss * *mpared with Ci.7a& In IWO This la an Increase of 31,836. or &2.4 per cant. DAII.V. A VKAR ■ I S PH A COPY Wl'l'Kl \ •.' TANARUS: MKS A WKKK II A TRAM BRYAN AND BACON t.HHii.l i \on: (ill PA TO TWO 1.11011 111 H(H It %T 4, LEGISLATURE ELECTS BACON. ST ATI .* Gl\i:* lilt VAN V MAJORITY Ol MNNI, 111 of the ItfUiofrwtl** * *MUirrami#S In ,*orgtn 4% ere It et*r lied—(iror mii %re \f | .it thu-inaftr Over lln* llrpabltegn % l*t*r > —(Klr Oae or Ino onstle* Heat for lr % la*gt-lu I ur*- ICleet*‘*t Srnator llui-iin fr %n*nher Term. AG nit a, N*v k liryan a majority in 1 2*t g. i wib h thoot 40.<k1), which is Jft - i*(i I* - t urn that given Gov Candler on** inontii * • Ti* uuJ*r!<y for Hryan show, an apparent In- re i . over that four year# I*o *>f about I••• But little interest W4M ttfcoiiif*-*t•-d aiul a very llgtia vote wa tallied The G->rgla fUiegstUm to W afhlngton rem nnr sdkliv Demo*'rntic. CofTee roun t* in b">. ,i ii< 'pi went for McKinley, and th- (<***u of Fit/g-riiUl registered a ! heavy IbpuMl- in majority. Hryan itM*)**tiv in Atlanta snowed a large is* r*.i • • lt- , u)ll*uin falling to • arry th* !•'* riu wnrd which went for \1 Kin.*'-v pi t*s; M Klnb v \• (*n over Hryan wae not <inihi..**l* t at)y r* .-elv* and In Atlanta. Broh ibly l*'■* wn oit the street ato g#t the return** whb h wero furnßhed by the three papers. Th* Daily New** issued a fourth extra after •- o'* .- k. siul at k deilared McKin ley h winner ludhiitions nr*- that fSeorgli hae gone for Hryan by ai.ono majority. Returns rw • eived to-night are m< agar, hut B can Is# safely stated that th** vote will be a large one. All of the Oeorgtn congressmen will be re-elected They are First district Lea. er. fl* < ond. Griggs. Third, I/**mis, Fourth. Adam*>n. I-'ifth, Livingston, hlxth. Hart ieti. H* venth, How ml. i:ighth. Maddox. Ninth. Tat*. Tenth, Fbnilng, Eleventh, Brantley. B run non. w lio oppose I LHlngston In thia •llstrict, wi* terribly Mi<m**l under, l-'ultoei county giive ftr>an a Idg vote Edgar I .at ham was e;#< te-l elector from this dlsirict. One ur two counties in the state. wnt for McKinley. II At'€l HHMTHt) NWATOR. liunriini \\ mm Pretest, and Hfe Wae Given F.verjr 6 ofe f net. Atlanta, Nov 6. —lion Augustus O Ba con was elerded !*nitef Htatra Kenaior from Georgia this trKirrilng for the term f six years, iwginning 4. next. Maj, Ktniiti cmslvml all the votes caff, the Bojeilists preM-nt voting for him. In the ll*iim* lie rec*lve*l 113 votes. The tw* Houses voterl -efiarately for n* uutor *-! •> ns the low re)itiree, and to-morrow at noon they will meet in joint sees Pm to d* iarr the rewih. and Maj. Ba-'on will Is* lulv de lared elected sen aidr f*r the ensuing term of six years, *e he received today a majority in both Houses The repud wis merHy entered on the journal to-*doy. Th*- election was i*r*e eel*vl with In the House Bnnudliiiely after the reading of *he journal, upon motion of Mr. Fabler of HlMi Mr Hinton hought It might tn- beat t w ilt an hour n- more members might arrive on the |ti*-<nnng trains The members were in high humor to vote, and l sipped Mr Feulera motion by a vole of * to 4 Mr H ill ut Bibb, placed the name of drnator B*on in nomination Mr Jor dan >f Jasper, and Mr Hinton of Futaoci seconded th* nomination, arsl then th#y une in rapid succrspiori from member# from Bike. Monroe. Harris Decatur, Tatt nall. Troup. Charlton. Terrell and about a <tftns-n more **>untl*r Henator Ha *ai returned to the city this morning on the 11:1®, train from Macon. ll*' wbl address the General Assembly in the m>rnliig at II o’clock. f>tXl. AftFII BRIAN IMFII>KNT. Only Ten MeKlaley \ ofee In Geor ulii leg lain I ure. Atlanta. Nov. 6 According to the Oeor g.i legislature Bryan Is President of thi Fnited mates, lie was de la red to to-dav by President llowell of the Renata and Hjg*aker Little of the House. 11 M Franklin of Washington, Intro dured a resolution which authorised tha clerk to call the roll and let all go on record as voting for Bryan as they would be unable to go hum# and vote. The reso lution whs passed like a flash, and Bryan's name was on the lips of every m. rnher of the House except two—Foster of IjOWbOes and HcCoy of Liberty, who voted for McKinley. The vote when counted stood. Bryan 101 McKinley 2 The result was immediately transmitted to the tteriate. and 4 similar vote was taken, which resulted In no voles being jadled against Bryan. Tha count showed Bryan 4t>. M ’Klnley 0 IIIHNTLKI I AHltir.t IRWIN. McKinley llnd a Majority In Town of Fltagertll. Fltsgerahl, . Nov ft —The elergloti ;!.*■***-*I off very quldly here to-day. Mc- Kinley carried Fltsgerald by Ift. majority. Marston. for Congress, ha.- I®S majority. Brantley has corrl**l the county by about . majority, while Hryan end McKinley wlil run about even. All tine May In *amer. Aroerj us (#1 . Nov. 6. - Hon. E. B. Lewis carried the Third Congressional Dls (riet t.. day by handsome vote without opposition A light vote comparatively was cast In Amencus, owing to the fact tput 1,. wis had no opposition, and the Mm e ondHions may have obtained else wrterc in hc district, though the flgurca ar** not obtainable at this hour Avery light Republican vote was cast here, the negroes taking little interest in the pres idential election. Carter Tate Re-elected. Gainesville, Oa M Nov. 6.— The election in this county passed off very quietly, and reports from over the Ninth PistriTf show the same conditions prevailed In all (Continued on Sevan th Pag*)