The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 07, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 LESTER A WINNER <'%RHin> ( HITIMM o\l II II %K I N AY I % OTI v BRYAN’S MAJORITY IS 2455. |>|;%|*H II %1 * M MI’IIIM n IT THIdH i.% h \ \ h roll %. 'I Itoii i£ lit for %%% I* 11** Mini Ihr j W rr llHiiu Hun ii I *r> •(*•*•* mill 'I lint I-•• i * 'lulorli* 'I mil I ll*- Niiin ll~lnlrti U*rk**r* W i-rr >n mrniua nml \ #T> Murli In l>i I* lrn - H hllr I linii' of tliv |l**m rr.ii* \\#Tt* I rw hiiil I id**i**t- Mi rn II •*—'!.* I* *>i I'ropl** Thought Tli**> Hail llualiirsa mill l.nlior I tile, liuf !•• fount I'rniril I l*> W rn* Mistaken—Thr I hlnl I'rm ul In •!* flit* llmiurr Illalrlrl. I Mirra aof a------ 2.TH7 l.rakm'a iolp - 1.41 I l.mlrr'a mniorli > In hnlhniu - 1.4*4* %*!•* for llrinM rlrrinra - - .:*. I. IfHr fair HrKlnlrv flirlora - ''*•l ftrynu • mnjorlM In 4 hnlhniu - - I'*** Th* abova figur* t* 11 th* atory f y • Iwilavn rlcotloii *n • f!iirn Tl * projh fr|a*r. of nil Ihr '* • ' v rn* to i iMUUtht Th*' -* . . 1 !’)• •• > | * '*|i*- w wara going to irrv ’•*■ •• in'> f*i M Ktnley will have* to Ink* n bo< k ***.♦. inti lho*e who i wrtl !hat Mr would irlvi* < '*4 Doe ter ihi* race of Li life are con/oundf*l. L#* , t*r ** plurality over Doyle in IV*'., w.i* 1006 and hi* majority over both oandldjtfa SI3 Ilia mitjorftty over Mi loeoken thin >mr I* l. ’.'* I'otir 'nr. W. J Bryn rn*l rtiatlwin county h\ ;* plurality v* r William M Kin l*\v of 'tfu : votun and a majority m-r all opponln#* • candidate** of only 14* Yesterday h- ir tied Chatham county l*v a m*i 1 >r* r y o' j 2.456 votes Th* mm.itdmhie dlfr**!mv e lr ) the result* of the two election* furnish* fond f<r thought and contradicts f*-e| Ing which ha* hem currant heretofor** thnt Savannah wan disposed to become a ltf|uMn an town Apparently the friends of Imperialism j nnd sound tnorwy are not quite •* tiumerman In flftvnnrwh n they we-r* thought tci be. It should be borne in i mind, however, that the. vote cart yesi*r day was over 2.4 km abort of the fs*as!bL vote, the registered vote being over f. while the vote cant wan only 4.215. Many j bufinvaa men did not take the trouble to j go to the ftoll*, being divided in pentl I ?th n:. doubtless, hot ween opposition to > Bryan’* financial views on the one hand and Mr McKinley i Imperialistic policy on the other. The workingmen's vote crime out strong ! It was only nc wnwry to watch the j crowds In line at the various boxes dur ing the entire da>. to aarertain this. The prevartitig impression was that a large peri'cntage. |f not a majority, of the work immu n*a vote was going for losakeci. and probably for McKinley also, and this Idea caused the Dem***rn.Uc leaders many glum looks throughout the k*y. and was also responsible for a general umlensti vn<iiH of Col loader's vote This im pr ow m Is contradicted by the actual ount wlUch showed that the workingmen wen true to llryn and Igsster. The* Leaker people did the twist shouting and their uxjrkers were most in evidence through out the day. Home of the nafote't. how ovtr, had only their own votes, and at track'd ittention out of I1 proportion to their value. I\m n f|nlet f roail. Thv election was a comparatively qulc* nnd >r*lerly c ivt. Although a large crowd hung around the Court House during th eiHtre day. there was very little dUfonki r.d only h few >crsje of avert minor chars- ter The police lout no difficulty r. preser\ing order There was r.impir i tively little <irunkenness, which was oi* of the tuet evidences that no great amount of money was bring spent r>ne of the feature* of the day whs the arrest about 1* of clock of Chairman h M Plenum* of the HrpuhHean I>istrlct Con gr* seuovii Committee and J. E. Whit*- tnan on the charge of using money to buv votes William Callen was arrest**.! at th*- am* time *>n th- charge of procuring voters to vote tlbxf lily The arrests were made by . party of deputy sheriffs from Hneriff Hweetiy a office, th*- warrants ha\ ing lieen sworn out before Magistrate J It Ha ussy, Jr., by Henry Johnson atu) William H\ke<. both colt**d Th*ec men maly atlulavii* that they had he* n in the It* pubh hi. li**sd*iu.irter** In York •treei lane near Itray ton street nnd tha they saw Pleasanta and WhMcnwu di penslng money for vote** I'll** warrants were pit*- *l m the liandr of Hheri . Bweeny, who promptly turned them ov< r to Deputy Sheriffs O'Connor, Hartigun ursl other* Tne* djn*w>e th** mistake of ’ temp(ln to enter the ftrpuoiu in hw<l quarters from th* main door. whkh th**> found barml a* alnsf them Hefor* ih*v ftu*> *-edid in cfTeoting an pntmnrp th* pnrtea on the trsat* had . atj to tile purist** of th** visit nrnl wh*ii the deputies fv*re nthnNlat they found nothin* t indent** that ;♦* l.w was h - Inc in any way. The nrr* in wore mah* however, hut the parties found n< difficulty In giving bond Meady With Their \ ulf. The poll* opened at the preseTth* and time 7.J4 o'clock with a fair crow I on hind, but no excii**mvnt. T I.*ak n pc op *■ were the first a t puli- Mauri e Huttl m**r had a good bun h of white wo:k*r on hand at the M***ntnr of the polls, b i* tut the worker* w*r* dial rtt hi teJ at -h** several Ihnv they did no Irak" .1 vry lm|a>sln<t show There was also a num ber of r*egro votsrn on hand Th* Lak t je*op| 4 • unit first to ihf i* 1 without ,n> o|H n| s.Hon on the |*trt of th** Dun at who did not cotiMr this p- Int worth con testing The result wan that th** ft pm .•' voice whleh went in th** l> x w re nei|y all Republican and Mr le**k*-n hid a very healthy lead In t'ie voting *• the cod of the first hour. After I hi.-, how* scr iMnyi began to even up Many business men and cmH-y.of th* business house* down town stopped • n their way to business to . wet their voles There ms a Impres lon nt a large part of thla vote we fo \1 • *KIn I*v and i somewhat smaller iwrcent.ig.. lor Ia uk- ii. but subsequent r* > It** t owed ihl.® to he an error The managers wer* fooled b> the fact that the l>*‘morratf* i w*4l an the Kepuhth in* w* r*> tickets w ih t Allied irlntiny T a • Intel imprint*! mi th** top th* worker* n both sides seeming * prefer U k-t 5 with Ihl* lmpr nt, T'u* nai l*- t* could catch thl* Imp n through the while ticket and *e lie, were , i* * nipr* 'wn thstlhcn** w*r ail t kef* Thi* save them th* Idea tt. r th** M K Inlev-Leah ef vote was muH he . - • an If really wa. Som-* of it - . r <• ns over their mistake till late In toe day H* publicans Voted Inrly. A? 3* p'iock there were just 1.121 votes in tt.t s;x oxe The Democrat* h4d caught up with th* vote by this j time and were confident that everything j wss all right At 12 o’clock there were j 1 aw votes in the boxes, and the Demo* j ICuf.uaued cO B.xtb Page.) * I\ \ Is | ft, %TIO\ < Mlftbll ltNril of I iigiin-rr btflrrm Hms Kln- Uliril Its Work Here. T lnmrd of *sglneer ofl. r s convened a- Savannah f**r the purpose .f invest!* anting th* claims of the port ar-J deter mining whether ir hot its c rnm*r* lal im- I*itan* e entitlr> It to have 1 f.*P . ban ml to the sea. a Ijouria 1 at noon yet* r d-i The aljourrment s >- taken only after a thorough *ll*- *s> oti f th* da 1 obtain ed by •;*** |xar*l * lf.vesilga* a of the conditions at Savannu/i ■* *lt i".“lon that 1 1 *t■ <, *i|s tf, •h * ii'V a* w **l i•*• the advisability and tnimr ial necessity of •< . j .j.. • r*, n*.it* t v* 1 anvas'ed th *t* 'i*,hly n**l a ' i.I understanding *•" r , t ~ 1 tii*- adjournment fSen Hail ** an I • .apt AbhAVt loft fr their |M.Nts *-f duty, 'it.*- t rd will r-a *-**tt.b|e on Nov 21 f r ih* ]■ •j? 1 - ♦- of furimibt.lng an<l sign iiij; ji p-.rt y i.ich alii then l*e trar.s --1,,1-ted * * <•; luf *f engineer (.‘apt • ,-!!•■'* at**l la*>t night that tire report I *1 th*- hands f th* chief of in- j t.y Nov *, . m. fi. *• t,f th* bvtr<t vkm m |aeparei . wiiliCk 1 g-.v* ot 11 in .••Ivan** *f th* i >ii 1. to* . rtirf *' er:in*ers any lndi- j •. ion *f what tt would be. Thera le *■> r* imsi t* b !i* v* h*w*vrr. ths < rp*rt will iw *titirly favoratde and ?nat 11 alii r* ■onimtrul th* p-oge bv 'ngr* *-f a il Urtying an auproprl# lion ? iftb i-rit t make th* project h >uc • * tirxi vlv* the *i* ii* *i )*-pth **f * hr ■ I from ft* t-ity t tn*- s* a Indeed, It p *ci 41 1 y i .a t* \ the t-- r I t*i 1 lii* f of *n r ♦•* r aid Mi(*mMtfl by t mi. thiougn **• s ret.irv f War to the lilvt-r trial Harbor Commit • • *>f Congr* .* It lx for tun.ii* fur Hnmi* nh that ihee* ilor La m • ■ • nx-mlMi *>t tms *ummittet aa* >.--f*rda> elect*-*! to represent it In th*- i l *-f..i I .* . - kitur* IHNM.It |t t|.\, \>|> Mlts. SMITH (*i vrn by WHi-oiih* %ssr In ll*n | • Ire drat l*rebyferlnn ( hur*ki. A farewell dinner was given to Rev. Ar thur J Smith and Mrs Amith by th*- 'King Mn s Wcicom# AstoclaUon of th*- l lrsi Presbyterian Church at tlm* I>e Hot., tuinquct room le t night Oovt-rs wer.- laid f**r seventeen Mr Hrnith. who wh th- f.r-t host* s of th** Welcome Ashocls t.on, shortly after it was orgaraz*al, wae Hie guot of honor, and o cupioi a seat "Mb .\|r Hmlih, **i>|s>ite the president The tables wer** handsomely dcoorated with flowers The guests x( down at ft ■ lock. n*i th** dinm-r lifted until 11 Fietween the courses u number of ♦ists were responded to Mr L. M White r* p..nd**l to the toast, "Loyalty. Mr Walter K ('obey s|*ok* on \Vbai Hhail We Ih* After Our Castor (Joes. Mr John 'l'agg irt responded to "LJlec- Holt. ' Mi I* \N Itarnweil sitoke on . •*iml Mr Arthur Well* on R*mi * • • nee Mr. White of Nashville, a re * ent corner t** Havannah tol l how lie be • om* a in-ntb**r of th* First l*r*sbyterian >ngr*gat|.*n Mr Noil Coney spoke on Carling * Mr J R Howard, praaglent of the W I come Association, gave u farewell talk to the las or at and Mrs Smith, to which Mr Amith r*-aison<led very feeling l> The occasion w*. a pleasant one. al i hougn 4 murk th** depart lira from th*' city *f who has h**en very rk>sely *nn.-, it*d with the association. The din *er ei iloo a graceful campiiment to Mrs .Smith, who WHS one of til** a**e**cl 1 ti*n 1 s hniiuk rs. It was given by an 1111- known li*a*t a member of tin- First Pres, byterian (vNngregatfton. wr.imu, 4T MIIKKTY € TTY. Mr. r. 11. II lek mill \u+n llnhjr 1.. 11l men .Inlnrd In Happy \% edloek. The marriage of Mr 1* ||. Hick* n>! Mill Ruby L Jllmr". was solcmnlzn] at Liberty City last night In the presence of a larg.- number of friend* nd relatives Hrv. <; 8 Funderburk oflb dated at the service which was pretty and impressive for it* alvnplllclty. The pre| uratUui* for the event consisted of elaborate decoration*. The bride, who la one of the most attractive and accom plished young wtnn of Liberty county, entered die par. or* with her brother, and looked clmrm.HK u. ,% neatly fitting travel ing costume .\*u# from her personal at traction-*, made the more so by a sweet and lovable disposition, the bride Is an accomplished musician, having acquired grar kill In Unit art from the diligent attention >he gave to it. She will l>e miss ed as tin* flower of the family, and HtTHmc the large Irek of friends by whom she whs loved and admired. She Is a sister of Rimes Brothers, merchants of Savan nah Mr. flicks comes of nn old North Caro itna family. being a native of Winston He holds * responsible position with a large tobac. manufacturing concern of tliMt state with which he has been con nected for soma time The wedding was followed by # delight ful sup|*-r, after which the hap<y couple to.k the Riant System train for Columbia and other rltb - which they will visit dur l g their w*l-i i. stroll. They received lh. h* arty eongi atulai lons of a host of frieia!** who w h them a rich stiare of the world s happltiess. - V I'itPd; THii io iiii;i iiimul I'.bJo) eil by Mm Who Went, *nme Over, Others t mlrr, the Fence. That the circus or anything of a simi lar nature offers nn Irresistible attraction ( to th* svmid boy, was demonstrated at the I k* Carnival last i gut. when# number f enterprising youngsters, their fmagitta turns agl“W with pictures of the "wotuler- I nil boxing kangaroo, Baby Bliss, the ele , phauilno Infant" and other natural won* *lcs of the Carnival, which they w re un nbl* to pay to •••*•, got around the obsta ■ s pr. so *d by their financial strln :efc\ by digging holes under the fen-'r n | gaining admission to the ground* In ; ’hat wa> others, whose physical pro , lonions made this m* ins of entrance im till’d the fence. The itt* ntlon of the manager* was call 'd to the-** free visitors, and they have ' ik n *it'iw to s*e that both these mean-* of entrain* are unavailable in the fu lun. KIKIIH OUT % roil) Dr ib. Binding Out They %re Nut Wanted In Savannah. The - ring* nt orders Issued to the police r I th** detective* reiativ* io arresting at] f iklrs that may attempt to operate on the street* her*-. to have discouraged ni'*st of tii*m. nn l many have already pulled up stakes and left for Augusta, while other- hav- expressed their Inten tion of doing likewise. Unrley -Malt and Hop*. and no com, are used In making Ih# famous Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n brands of beer for home and club use There are no others that equal It. Abso lutely pure beer. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1900. ’NEATH PALMS AND SMILAX. <;fx>hgi% niHdiTKAA uy o%n- EKAI I HIM. AMRHVIJh I'lrsf Messlnn of the 4 omrnllon Hill He 4 ailed to Order In the llravvinu It *** nf the He Aoto at |4i 4**4 to* L . 4 redenfliil 4 ommlltee H 111 'lrri In the Gentlemen's Parlor Half no Hour Knrller—The se*ln Hill Me Interesilnn— \ddreaaea **f Urlcowe nod Response*— Hat f the Oflleer* in anvnnnnh—Reception nt Armor) Itnll To.night. 'I tie annual •■onventi*n of the Georg* i Division. I’nited Daugtitera of the t’on f* dev a v will I gin lit th** drawing room of i he lft Soto at 10 o’clo. k this morning The presaieni **i ft:** division. Mrs llilji* Alex.-uaier Koun- *v iile, pill preahle ou r I he r !*ior.!* T i>*( lay will l*e taken up largely w *h hearing reportn of *ommltt*-rs tn parti. * uar of th* -ornrnitfee having in marge the ere<-’Un of t!ie W innie Davis Memo rial, ttie dormitory nruiex to the State Normal School at Athens as u monumt-m t 4tie ‘ Daughters of the Confederacy " The following 1% th** programme <f the busir.• und ''.*al e*•• -u*t.h of fhe kj in full. jo a m-Ifivoriiioti. Rev. Char lea II i Strung Song. “Dixie." chorua of seven teen it i vnai Welcome imprx Confederate veteran**. Judge Robert K.iillgant W*lcotne from Sons of Veterans. Capt l H. M'Usi Welcome from Sa\antah Chapter, IT D. , t'. Mrs Margaret lirarx h Sexton. fieaponpe oh b i*nif of division, Mies Alice Baxter Ke|*ort of Credential Committee, reports of officers, report of Auditing Committee > chapter r* ports (three minutes each). 3 p rn Hong. "Jacket of Gray." Mrs Hmlth Chapter reports, continue! 41 to th p m Reception at Armory Mall tendered by Savannah Chapter to del**- j gates and visiting Daughters of th* Con ; federat y. Mrs Kounsavtlie. president of the divis ion. and a majority of the dcl*-ga:es reached the city over th*- Central Railway last night (ithern hal preceded them _ v - 1 1 fg • ♦ >.A ' I)’’’ 1 j. '’ v 3v ■ Tf* '. - *■ ... MRS. MUKGIIET RHiKCII (EITOI, |rel*lent Havaanah t hapler linu mli t-r of the 4<Mif ederacy. on the various line# entering the **kv, at •trl.**r hour# during the day. Other# will arrive on early train# this morning It 1# expected that betweaa eighty and . hundred delegate# svlll l*c m .itfterxl tin e when the president call# to order tllO flr#t busineaa *e##lon of the convention. The ixjsine#* sermion# will be held In the lrwMtg ro*m of the Pe Hoto. In th** gentlemen’# parlor, adjoining the dTawnng mom. th* (’ommWtee oct Cr#*l**n tlnb* will meet at !♦ •(' o''dock and it l* particularly requested thi all *i* icgat*-w #P!e r and present ibeir credential?* at that hour h 4ie put it h i aim*"-t m variably ha||M'n***l that a delay ha# o> - eurred because of the del* gate# fallur** to pramnt their credent tab* prgnptly at the hour appointed. arvl It Is hoped that fill* will be avoided to-day. The delegate# now in the city and tho*e who will arrive thl* morning will b** the gtieMK, .hiring their #la> In Havannah, *f varlou# mem be m of the Hnvannah Coupler of Daughter# of the Confederacy. Th<*>*' who have already arrived have been nx t i4 l the train# by committee** from the sev eral 4‘or.fedenitc organisation# in the t tty nn! e#4?orted It* the home# of those by whom they will be entertained The drawing room at tha P* Soto, in which the buidtxHt# sessions of the con vention will •*** h* ld, ha* in. n handsomely daeorated with fan*# an-1 palm# and trlllng vine*. ln te reported with viiti*#*'# of pott*l plant# and at Armory Hall, where the re caption of ihl evening will iskt* ila*'*', the *l**- Rations ar. on an eiatmratc sea.*', and the* room, irai*d with vine-* nnd lined with the portraits of Confe*ierate general* and *ther h*r*H“. will, in the blase of th!. evening's illumina tion. a sci ix of rate |ovellne**# and beauty Nixilw# to rav the attracitvei.•-<*.” of ti.e seen# will he enhanced by th** fai r Daugh ter# of Georgia, who will gr*t it with their presen* e. With two except lona, all of the off! *r of the division will h' pre--e4>t it th*- re union. The exception# ar* Ml.**# Ro*a Wood berry, the first vl e preaident. arvl Mr*. II M Branch, registrar Th* ofti i er# who will be In At Tendance are Mr# llnllie Alexander Roun#avl)|e. president Mr#. T O. Chesney. #*i'*>n*l vice presi dent; Mr# R. C Nealy. i< ord ing #♦ i-re tary. Mr# It T Fox h rte#pnr.'l ng secretary; Mr# John \N Akin. trea#ur*r. and Ml## Mildred Rutherford, hi ' ri in Mr*. Neely, the secretary of the division, renchei! the city la#*t night, and Is #4*ne ptng with Mr#. F. V*' M* ldrim on Madi son Square. A meeting of the Kxe uthfe Committe. of the division of the chilrmm .>f the Cor**rcflocal Dtstri t Committees of the Wlr.nle Davl* Memorial wa* held at the De Soto last nigh? The meeting wa* h i ! for the purpose of collecting Information and preparing a report to the division upon this Important pari of the work of tha Daughter* of the Confederacy in j {Continued on Sixth Page;. \ 1 Ml HITOH W tv HF.ftT* AlkßO. From telling Property and IHa ra in a I runtpr'k I pp* for tsle. \t the mstan < of Helen M lowering b *trr known in Savint ah a* Nelly Ms i tfM*n. .1 ••!*♦ F'iilllgaf.f gefeed u tempu ra* r*‘St* ainiiig onl* r ye,-t rday mornli g. Ir**9.t; ;g Jhn N *'-. as truster for Jatob W Gill, and Ju >b W. **eil from .-eding or otnarwise *ii.xjostng of the prop erty in Crawford ward. hek;gtng to :ne I*4aint iff 1* l -*et out in Ft;* i**4itiori that in t>o i-.aii.t ff b urrow* I fr.*tn Ja ol* \V' (Ji# :h sum of • -i . upon which she latterly defaulted in the interest that mi* *ti* Tne* was o < iaipe |n the • r er. t by vm 1 r defendant per rnltt*ni to *e|j the pi 1 * rty .t publl*- out r> in a.x* u<h default wt matfe he •.4 g entitle*! to c*u - si* r In this con tiin v. that the w *.■..• d* N :ud become du* nd to *f*m.uii its payment. There w- 14 fur h-r cla j * b\ whic h th<- d*-- ler.*lant. u.*>n th* tilt **f th* property. | -//ud **• -ntit4**t t> 1 # ,\* .n |er cent .*- trust* • H f*-- five making the sale ili** plaintiff m u njtin tion proceed- ! • t.k *is prof* •.****| a nn . , *mn he prlnci|ai4 sum *bi*-, th* * rnixl interest • • all .-x;H-ns-- in* tirre. 1 in making th** loan, but h- >ner i an ••mphatlc protest • k ilnse IM-lng tn.itb* t* j* in the sum of ; I H!‘. ; lm*d ax trust* , x fe* s. It I** ursjn lhi refusal that the case | j befor* Jiidgtr Falllgant turn.** The plain tfr i.nm- that tiie ~t 1 <-ul'ttton for trus- | 1* • h f‘* r- Is ill* gal .ixl vd*l, as being m ] rn* re evasion of th* law which proiitblts j il.- coll*< tlon of attortc-N s fe->. as a pen *!> for non-* a\met 1 f Ir.terest uf>on a *1- 4t when it bt cum*-- *lii< IVm ft** showing mi l** In the f*et|tlin Judg* Falligant gr * t* i the tcfniorar> restraining ord* r |*ry.-*| for. and a rule to xh**w *‘A(ise requiring the defendants j to a) |m nr before him Nov J 7. atxl show * 1 use wily the restraining order shoulc. not Im* merged into ■ temporary Injun*' j IxjH The plaintiff Is represented by Mr Il L. Oolddig STIII I.T IMILW U tAJOINKI). ' I|r. Ilrnr% UliJpcli to Its ( cm (lrmsstion <if lb Property. H t.ry A mb-at filed m rft'lMtm for a t*ni porar > restraining orler ai 1 ptnptr.irj and p* rtnanent Injur e tlofi agsmst th* Sm vnnrali, Thuftdertyolt nn*l Die of Hpe R.UIWrtV Company in ?h* Sujwlof Court yesterday. Judg* I'alligafM gr ’ I*.l the restraining order. Ii prohibits the defendant from proreeillng further with proceed ing# against certain land of the plaintiff jdtuated within the corpoiate lim its of the (own of Warsaw whl 'h the de fendant I# pro * ding to condemn for the purpose of erttntdishlng a lln* of railway theretirv it l# ulb cd in 4ic |*eti ton that the pr*i<Med rundemiMtlin would serve almost entirely to *l-#troy the Nolue of the plaintiff'- pr*>t\rty. ** it wvtbl take away fr rn him tb* thlr*v fe;. t * trrst the bluff, that 1# of th* greatest value, not j- r the *\ • .tlon of the com pin'.' pln .in*i ihat, on the contrary, i < m get along v. rv w*l| without It If i?. ch treed t- it th* rondmna tton I lmpr*>jH*r m ii b ual and without authority of law to support it. After granting the )#ni.r#rv restrain ing order. Judge Falllganl fixed the hear- Ing u|wn th*- application f*r a temj*orary Injimctlon f**r Non 10, when th* defend ant a* directe| t, show cause why the re. ?>training r*i**r #hotj;d not !•> continue I in fore* until the fli*,il disposition of the . ic* . Mr B R. Richards represent* the complainant. A< ( IDENTN IN A Ml Nt 11. Illcyeles nnl n Rnnftftftft) lltrncfed Ittcntton n Hull Street. Two accident* in quick at the interti'dlon of Hull and Liberty street* at about 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon furnished interest for 4n* onlooker*, but no amusement fur (hose who were con cern**! First, a white man hik! ** tx-gro came into violent collision on their bi cycle’*. the wheel* being bad.) (<ni.i4>n<il. Neither of the rulers was seriously in jur*#!. Within a minute after the collision, n ha k hort* Mart*#! from the llh*-rty street or.tran e of ‘he De iAotsi Tie nnim.l kihed around the corner to run out Bull -treat but slipped in turning and fell. The impetus of hi# rapid motion carried the horse along for many feet upon the j iv*-m*nt. him! a school girl who wm# re (tirnli g horn** i#i her bicycle, narrowly es aped being struck by the animal .<* he #H*n|9*-i along the asphalt Two young men dragged her from harm # way just in time The hov* struggled to nj# feet *ind '*itlfiued bis career. l>eing *topp>d on Madison Rquare. Perfectly healthy people have pure, rich hi *od Hood’s Sa’saparilla purlfl*s and en- , riches the hlr-od And make* people j healthy—ad. 1 i Hotels and restaurant*, call and get my price* on mat* of all kind* Can imv# you money. Frank Dl*ter, 23 City M*rk*t —ad A High-Grade Institution for I.adle*—, Shorter College, Rome, Ga. Write for | catalogue.— ad. J MONUMENT FUND OVER 52'500. IN IT* THH Kb 111 % ISIONa IT iHUIHT4 TO A (iKAFROi s MH Jasper I p*>thnl 4tnin 11 tee Vlas a Fund *f St.l-T with tle tlutrihnr|- Nndna* anil least 4 • m|mi 11 y—>‘This May He lamed Over t* the t *!•- •ilal llunipi, Win* Want It fur a Monument Fund—Hr. sholter Is Wllllas tn t uaitiiiir Hl Al.thio with Other F and—w*mis uf the He* nlulluu llatr Sen— ral llundreil Itollars t* Devote t Hie yiouu ineat—Talk as to the l.oeaftnn f the Monument. A fund of more than 12 now ic hand for a monument to Oglethorpe W th such a start. n* reason is clear 10 with whom a repre-* ntatsve of the Morn ing News diacuh***d th*- matter yestenlay why the movement should not be carried on and the fund increased to proportions (bst would admtt *f the establishment of a handsome 10 th** founder of Savannah and th* colony of Georgia. The fund is in three dlvn-iona. but no reason is known why they could not t combined and devoted singly to tn*- achievement of the de*re that moved all who hrtvs contribute*!—the er* * tlon of 1 monument to < horjM* No obj*H-tlon to the combination fias bven offered nr ! it is bellaved that an effort will b** mi l* to effect It. The most considerable of the thr*-* funds is one of 11.127 tha* is on the book.** of the Oglethorpe Having- a.*l Tru t Com puny to the * red It of th** Jwspcr Festival Association. William (Jarrard, chairman The •!*• posit w* made In IfttM. Aug 27. by Col Charles H nlm-ted treasurer w hen the f*ind amounted t< I'm 22 Interest It m accumulated and brough: ;t to the propor tions nunxil Col. Olni*‘(vl had the money in hie car*- for sever *1 \eurs. during whx h tlm* i> had borne Int* r*s< When :urc-d over t him there wax something more than S-V** the exact amoiuit not being r* *rlol Th* money was a residue frxicn the •* 17 ♦n that whs expended upon th* *•!• brat ion in IXIk of th* unveiling if h- Jue|M*r Monumen*. Col. Wlltiuvn Gar rard was the ciiatrmm of the geD*-r*i] xonmltteo that th* eDbration. w’hinii was ixdd on Feb 22. 23 and 24 On Nov 22. 107. a inaeting was held for the organixailon of the no\ernrnt f the celebration of (he unveiling of th* monument. The Jasper Munuir.ein A-m> lation was r**presentd b> Chairman P W M* ldrim. and the various civic wvb ties aru) assixi.itlona of the city were al! repres**4ii*d The meeting t*x>k hol.l of the projMieal for a great demonstration with deepens interest, urxl Col. Garrard was mad*> chairman of the general com mittee. Afrsr the celebration something mor than s#n> wns left from the sub script lorte Five hun*lre*| dollars tv# se: apart to start n fund for it monument to Gen. James Oglethorpe, the lialanre to be * x- IMiided to the extent necessary tn putting finishing touches on the Jasper monument any parr r.-m.lining after this expenditure to he added t** the fund of sV>' It wa.* in this way that ?h* movement w. Mari.-t (.arrar.l iM day that th mmrmrn! for tti- of l’i*‘ monument to OgleUiorpe rhoutd he <ar rtr.l on Au Oglethorpe Monument a.m>- elation w*e 1 bartered at the tlm.- It m, determined to have ,he money left over from the Jaaj>*r relebrntlon revert to a fund for the erection of one to Oglethorpe Thla a.-. lation might be awakened from u condition and tniplred wHt the activity n -h .aeii at tt* organization Mr. J J Wilder, president of th. t oloul.ij I>iin>es of Geortrln. would like th, fund held by the Jaeper commit,ee turn ed over to her aorlety. it determined some ~me ago to undertake the erection of a monument to Ogletbori— The 10.m*,. then decided they would like to h ive the residue left from the Jasper celebration Formal action upon this matter mil le taken by the society wnhtn it few days requesting the Jasper . to Mir, the money over Col. Garrard has -rit ten Mrs Wilder that he will rail th. eommltlee together to pass ii|>on the np pltratton whenever It is made. No reason Is patent to Col Garrard why there abould not lw eonthirn I tlon of all aval uhle funds for th. I erei tlon of .1 memorial to r>g..horp<- C.d Garrard believes rnionlal Park no Ogle thorpe avenue Is the most appropriate place for a monument to Oglethorpe, he Ir.g he l>e!lrves. peculiarly because of Its having hen a colonial cemetery and toe a te.l on an avenue l>eo r ing the name of the man the motitmt. nt i- to me. morialite. The suggesti..n that the mon ument he placed on Ray street Is nol Indorsed n> Garrard, who ,ay, the future may die. !o*e some rea..Ht shy the ,-p.n ■■ on Rav street should h. utilized M- 8 f Shutter was a-k.| If hR offer jof a subscription of tI.OQO sas cot, li p. , | u|ai other irenllemen making subs. |tv lions He replletl that it r,S not that there sas nol u single string lied to nis offer He Is silling, he said, to have lt remained stih other funds, provided the general fund Is to then he directed to sard the nrcomphshment of the end ee has In vies Colonial Hark Is not regarded by Mr Shotter as the best location for the pr s pective monument He said he believe* It out-of-the-way. and tha' th. ere t|nu ..f tile monument there would menu that II soiild he seldom seen Th. matter of It. location, however, would be no object ion ! ,0 him. and those having the r In charge when a fund has m.y decide for themselves as to that lutnt Chippewa riquare. however, was sug by Mr. Shotter an the h,-st p|„ . lor thr monument He believes It | lake Ih. place now on by the f.itm taln. The only eeiuare on Hull street Without a monument wo ill then b. pto vld.,l with ot.e ,st..l the memorial wou. 1 In located ufun the most promlneiii thor oughfare In the City. Th, Interat - of Bull an.) (tglethorfw avenue was alao men Hones I b> Mr Sbott.-r s a de.-lrj 1. location for such u monutnent, provided It might be of such dimensions and hat. art.r a, lo make It suited to th. surround. Ings The fund started by the Sons of the Revolution c th. third of thi dlvlglon of the general movement for u rnonuni, ,t it Is understood that the eff..rt of the Co kwttal I tames I, for the asd tin.. ,f m,. Hons of the Revolution In Ih. tr tin.l, rink- Ing The Few,a have several hundred d..l lars to ilevotr lo this w.g-k , Counsel for n combination by all Inter ested in the project nnd the consolidation of the .Jlsim. t futal* s-.-ins si-. Work Ing together, far more could be accornttllsh.-d bv those who have taken the matt.-r ..f : the monument up. If nrganlnlions that have sought the honor of establishing me monument are willing to sink tha, for the sue,ess of the endeavor and enter Into general movement. It seems ths: the re. surreotton of the effort to m.moriallge th.. f. under of the colony will result In the rearing of a shaft or oilier suitable mon t.ment In due course of time COM! TO LITHKRAIV nVll). * -nvnnnnh's Drleaates tn the llsral sou t onv.-nf lon. Rev Dr W. C. Bchaeffer left last nigh, over the Central for Haruhton. snere he goes to attend the annual mee tne 1 ’h- Lutheran Bynod of Geo gtv of which he Is president He was accom. anted by Mr Adam Kesael tha lay de .gst, frem tha Lutheran Church of the Ascen,l n. Rev M. J Eptlng of Bt. Paul s Church w.l; also attend the Synod. The sluing, of this body will begin to day and wi.l ,aet ■ for probably a wo k. DoErTnjßßYiir TaK time to aee the label Nars the Then you are sure you have JgftJi the real AtBg&NB .jw *c < yiTj I*l4 K 1*414 KF.T OHUFeRFD 1ICU). Ta*'iil* -■<‘vt*n l*rlan**r the drrordrr Vritrrilar Moraln*. KDotlon t v** meant work for the police \*-s(erlav anl taenty-neven were brouirhi In tx*fore daylight, ami yex t* ri xy m- wr* *slven . hearing be fore th- K*’rord*-r Hamit*.l a oher the white hoy arrested the nlirhi before ar tlx Klkx' Carnival xroufKli*. an l rhnrr*d with .iitetnntinK to ll k o min'a pockrti* wan ordered h**l<l *i tn* barr.i -k.<* T x other two whit*- men arri-te*l. one a* a euM'l. lou* character. m*l lh* other for refiihina to leave the i-.irk when orders*! to do no by n offl* • r were dUcharKcd The other prtdonen* were generally h. with minor offer.w** UILL \ 4 l.ntiinxiiixiic M**ntnu *f the Knight* *if IlHinon. Savannah con- lave of the Knights of bunion held a m*' ilnr InKt ntirht at York itiri ir*l atreetn. the purpoae leinit to r iv* Deputies W 11. Gage an*! L. H. Pirtilio. who nre here the purpose of .. • nim: t.e charter of the 4xml conclave \ft*-r of the regular buslne** ~f • tn* f,*r *ne crux lav** decide*! to ao ept an invitation extemle*! by the Kx • iti\ •’ommitio- of the Sivannah IsOkj** Kik- io pti tic;|Kte w ith other frater iiu t-rdero of he ,14 > in the fefltlvitieft i.l Fraternity nlirht, Nov 15. a: the cam - \ tl Th** Kt-lxhte wrill meet hi their hall and mir h to the fair ground* In a body. ,r ■ • m%D2*; no m 4 ii shqi i;vr. The I ate Domlnl*k ltr**H Did Not l.eaxe ftl.tHMi t* (.**nii n*. No of wan ma le the Ger man Volunteer* by the lute Dominick Hr itvn. who was *4 member of the com pany. rapt. Henry Kolehorn. formerly In command of the Gormans in vest ig.* fed the matter at the Court Hnue. flr.dtng mot th* will made ro euch provlalon. Cap? KoJahorn 'ier'.are tiiat E M CMQfI him.-elf told him that he had 11.000. a be queat frotn Domin. k Brown, that lie wna r ady to pity over (o the German Volun teers. I.iav Visile* tiiKiioiii llh Central €• f Cm*tritln Itnilu ii) Ae**tint ( lifts federnti* \eleran* M**tinln nn<l Kllt' ( nrnival Nov. 14-Ki. I non. *me r.-nt per mil** distance traveled fiom all point* In the state of Georgia tl k* t*< on xale Nov 13. 14. 15. and for 1 ir. n. m heduled to arrive at Augusta f- rer.oon Wth. final limit Nov. lft. 19*0, in ,'lusive. For full particular* apply to any . :i-nt Central of Georgia Railway, or tick et office 107 Bull etreet. and at Central pa.iioniKer station —sd Lite l.aleat Idea*. The aucceeaful bidder wine n bargain. 1 Two beautiful new S'.ng**r piano*, latent. 1 tyU*. mahogany caves, upright, wsll be -old .t Porsrt’ i at 11 o’cka'k. Novem ber the Bth. to th* highest bidder. These pianos are sold regular in music stores at S3&0.00. Singer pianos are guaranteed by the manufa for the mime length of tlm** tiiat all first-class pianos are. Cal! and examine these beautiful piano* and bring your expert judge with you. and you will be deliyhted with their tone,guar antee. oral their style. They will b** *<>l<l at Dorsett's. Congre*s •‘treef, n°ar Whitaker, to the highest bid d.-r. at 11 o'clock. November the Bih. and -.•: xy'i jja| have • *ha nre in many a day tn as rood bargains as you will at that auction. Th** celebrated Knabe. makers of the flr*t grade of pianos extant, buy nnd sell the Sing-r pianos, and so with the leading manufacturers of the t'nited States.—ad. *inl> %\lille !on Work. Through on.- of thr ten free nrhotarghlo ln The Intern. Glottal i orrr upon .tenet S. tioots of 8< rnton. !*.. whl< h the Mo n tng News w ill pr* i*rr.t to you tf you secure ii imh >s of vow* hv Nov 20. 1900. you run keep on eirning living at your present work a rul at t hn -onto lime by at home In tlm" uauaily devoted lo rt-creailon or, nt yourself for a professional position at a go**! salary. You r.n eeslly become one of the win ners of this contest, by .Irvottng your at i, niton to . ullr. line Voting Couf. ns ar.d k.-eptng .tl it- No one has a belter i ttwnce than you. Gel .very vote jou can. and have al: your trtends save th. irs for you. ri...- th* window dl-play of ,te*t i„ lo g, and drawing out Hts to be given away by the M mint News in Its educational con test. ot Cha* Marks' stioe store, 17 brought ti sttret. w*-M ■■ l . ■ , Reef, pork veal. m*gton. at Frank Die ter. City Market. ‘Rhone 923. Bell —<l. k*tl4>ol -tl|.|lles. Just received .1 la.'ge and assorted sup ply of school bars ar.d school supplies; all at cut rates; from 19 cent, up; aaf. usual large stock of alt the school books, now used In Chatham county, at Fstill, News Depot, 46 Bull street, Suvannah. Oft.—ad. -It Cured Me.” ’•Oreybeard broke up rheumatism on me,” says M.-, Chas Thomas, ‘he Jsw elrr on Whitaker etrrrt. "And put me In better health than 1 have enjoyed to a tong time." Take Oraybeard Pills foe that dlggy feettng 1-osi appetite, and follow It up with a bottle of Gray beard. It la all you reed. Rrs|e*i Drug Cos., sots prop*.. Savannah. Gc—ad. Rrairis. ducks, chicken* at Frank Die ter. City Market —at. Tettersne I* thr Name of It If you have any skin disrate such at eczema, salt rheum, ringworm, or tetter, nothing will cure you so quickly or rhor oighly as Tetter ne. It has cured thous ands nnd Wifi . ure you. Numerous trait '■ r e . , mu : Accept no eubati tuir. J. T. Hhui,trite. Manuf r. Savan nah, Ga., will s-nd vou a toz postpaid fog (ec In etan,i tf your druggist doesn't keep tt.—ad. "Orsvbsrl Is a family mrdlctna with tl,. >a.d a ttusloea. man yee terdftr M> wits Laree |„ and i nuilce sn- w enjoying neue. titauh than for yeara. The chhdrsn keep well b> taking Orevbard may be obtained at all drug stores or write to us for It. Rutpusa Drug Cev, sole preps., Savannah, Ga.-ad, “The Elks, M Displayed in our window i n Vici Kid. Box Calf and I’a-. ent Leather, in lace and button, are the admirat: of all Eyes. Such work manship and style have ne - er been placed before the public at the popular pri $3.50 A PAIR. SEE DOR WINDOW FOR ELKS Don’t wait Too long Before you Order that Stove or Range. We can Give yon Inducing Prices now. Wm. & H. H. Lattimore, Congress Street, West. ~k Tf thr c!*ciion brought you coi.D comfort In a GAS Ilf ATER for t ' J •hr irlrk for bath room Saves c >* Pnrumonla MCTTAL GAS LrOHT CO. 7 am! 9 Congress street. _ [IIS' 11 fill OFTTfI THE BENEFIT OK CONFETTI —and— Serpentines, 5c each. BOUD BY N. SCHUTZ. 10* ST JT 'LI AN STREET WEST gaiscMK.vrt. gAVANNAH T n-U -*■ I HI. DHAIXIG DRAMATIC COUP*"* MATINEE TO-DAY 2 P 1 P M.. •THE IRON MASTER Prteas—A4ultr Children. le. TO-NIUHT. 1:30 P M . •A SOCIAL, HIOHWAYMAN." Price*—loc. 20c and 30a.