The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 07, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 FOGARTY NOT REGISTERED. NAMED KOI! M14.1t ITOII'HIP <>' *V- Gl STA < IT* *• HT. lon Hi> Point In liaised Thai 11 •* linn Nut Hern a * nlrr In I our Year*. m nil If the tmfrtlll Innlnln an the V|i|nlnlMn‘ll l b I'lllil **lll In* *1 n*l <* on Him In ihr '.-lint.— lli* 'Vent llonit* ** 111-I4 I • r. Atlanta N ' * Av . > lnt#r<**ln* *rl sonwna* Mat’ll# In.inl hi* In*, u nlml Klthin ir. jm*t twenty-four hour* against the i tit i •* i 11 an i’li it hOKtriy l” thi* fkol|.-;i.r*hip oT lh** CW> Court of Augus a Th* e„ who art* opposing Mr Fognr M * it.*’ I In**.* notified (lot. Candor I Hi Mr Fogarty is not aqua. Bird vot.*r m*.| ha* i beet. to\ the pi-i four year* ot . iher. lon Is not eligible under t, law I of Georgia. to hold offi, e. The miller ha* undoubted * created a la. ii! nl sensation and I*• /onslder ihiv upael ihe ra. .laiton# of Mr Fogarty i friend*. When the fiolnt was first sprung yesterday noon non. would hvliev.- it, I riuu* Mi Fogarty ha long **'• n artlvr In Richmond county |-. in**' and >•* o treme.y a■ 1 1 \.• in <!•>*• Candler * In-half M’hru he Jailer tn *.li h rit la ■ for Governor, being w. rrtaty of the Ili h mond count* Can,lb • C.ub and spending hi* mom* freely in th nust Du. ft ee in. lo i. ■ .i .>‘i lilted fact Hull .Mr Fugate i * rum •!<* not appear on the t.*t of t gistered voter* lit Kn h mot. 1 .ounty and has not appeared thete within He rwe; four >,ar* Hi-nl Home In Register. Mr Fogarty cal..el on Go* Ca <her yes •erday and was apprlaed of the fact Inal aue.h a J* Int had been made. He left immediately for A.igustu lo pla • hie name ,mi ih* rcgistralkm liet lo quality a* a voter Thtv te|>. however, will not eraahle hlin lo vole tn to-duy# e|. turn and hie opponents eay Gov Candler , an nr>t afford to send lo the bnnate the name of a man wte. nmw a qualified voter merely o make him*. If eligible lo hold office. It I* even Intimated that If Gov Can dler Ignore- thin point, a tight will he made on Fogarty'* nomination In the Senate The mailer ha > tu*ed Col Car mr friend* to f. • i more hopeful and yt p. freely pr-li >ted ihot Mr. Fo garty'* chan. ♦ have gone glimmering although tt I* generally admitted by the I***l politician* tha I he wo* tc\ I'm dler'a first choice, and many sity even now that the Governor will go ahead and appoint him. n.awlth landing the point raised NOMINATION' I ON Fin HKD. May He a Tight on Moore for Sollel lor of lliillocli. Atlanta. Nov *— In egectitlyg *r**|on thia morning ihe Senate confirmed a long l,t of the Governor * appointment* a* j follows Howell Cobb. o he the trustee from \ Athene of the State University. R A Denmark to fill the unexplreil term of Hon John Screven. * trure of the same InatHutlou from the First Dis trict Byron B. Bower, Jr , lo till ihe unex ptred term of Hon. A T Mclntyre, de ceased. as the trustee from Ihe Second District Hon. J L. Willi* a* judge of the CHy Court of Columbus. Hon Max K Land judge of the County Court of tV Iva Hon E T Hickey Judge of ’he County Court of Stewirf lion J It Edwards judge of the County Court of Waiion L. G Harvey, solicitor of the Countv Court of Rrvat for an tin*xpired term and a full term It W Moore soil leor of ihe County Court of Hanro. k G W ftrv at. solicitor of the County Court of Henry * of Berrien R L Cox. solicitor of Ine Couniy Courc of Wan. it Peler Pit er, etui, tier of she City Court of Columbus. Hon T C. Ham, Judge of ihe County Court .■< Iv-hol*. M H Hover, solicitor of the County Court of Pul t?kl. W. W Dark. ei r *.,11, Itor of the Clly Court of Ha sin .lore, for an unexpirtd an.l also for .. full l> rm The name of Dee Moore, lo be sol.cllot of Ihe County Court of [lullo. li. was a so •ont It hut at ihe reqn< -! of S. raior Dan lei of Ihe Seventh district wu hell up on the ground that Moore 1* not a Demo. cr*t. but voted . h* i lst ttckel two year* tgo The Governor will he .-ke| to suid in another name, and In ease he does not do s. i light will he nt t.lo on Moore in the Senate. FM 4TT4IIINI V til: N FII % 1,. Prohaiilw Cnmllilnte* Are lleonmlng Hulte Numerous. Atlanta. Nov f -Probable ndldate* for attorney general .ne h, otnlng nu merous It i* conceded tha- IPm J. M Terreh, the pre-ent nliorney general, will run for governor and there are many who wlali to succeed him Judg, John C Ilari ha- bsen mention* 1 f..r the place and whll In the city a f. w day* ago he eaid lo hi* ft let.its he Intend *d to moke the rtce Hewlett \ Hall of Newnan Hoi,. , i A II tlge- of Macon an l Harry Dunsotsl; ot Brunswick sre al. being talktd of The name of Mr Hal! si< hclng fre quently mentioned a th,- .-ipiioi to.'ay and the legislator* have I th it he u b< ■ Ing talkeit of all ovrr ihe slat. There arc several tironim. tr lawyers who have an <>■ for the pls.-e. anl an announcement may foil w in a few week* It I* true that the election I* two years off. but It seem- that It la ihelr Intention lo make known th*!r ratvlida *>• as early n* possible Mr Terrell hv beep Ir off! < tnre I>. and when he retire* he will have fill I th* lAStllon twelve war* KING OF JGRI'StI.EH. The Title Proposeil hy nn Italian Depnly to Solve the Pope* Dilemma. From Ihe Dordon Pad Mall Gare-te Rome. riet. 11 -Depute Hrunaf who has Just returned front ih. Holy Rand, ha* had an Inspiration and think* he ba* solved ihe question hetw.en Cnurch nrd Bute in Italy If. h. sys the P. ntitt l* determined to have temporal pone why should he not turn hi* eye* to the II It Rant) and take the title of King of Je rusalem There all Is full of re U ou r.coll.ctlon* and suggestion* e peclaCl for th* head of ihe Catholic Church. nd whet t quite a* important, prleet rover, - mem would not lie a plant of foreign im Pt *'• •!> but a ert wih of the „..|| To an Ultaiitgenci such a* that ot r.o XIII th elorjuent oepmy ihmk* .lomlniwn In ha ha |..*>d spot should be mu h mote sac ted and I. shirrs' than in Hume l jrt.ul .nl worldli. atid rebellious As for th* hot* No Gripe, Pain Or Irritation of the In totuies-but gentle, prom [it, thorougl lie iitbful cleansing, when you taki Mood's Piits hold by all druggists. H cents Afoollinaris JL "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS." Bottled at and imported from the .Apollinaris Spring. Rhenish Prussia, charged only with its own natural gas. Annual Sales: 25,720,000 Bottles. ke#pcr nr. I ra‘t driver*, w n d*mAr.<l ihf Iotr?i*l ( v u.*l r-- iiialii tho rulin ’ f both r V* ! King. !*•> rw l i.ot 1., fr * trniffl v • . *• Rfstl’T# lfpUM Brii attl ?r |<*n - iht Ih# ronurr Ki>k Of ahmiai re main living; if fhf* \'ll'aii i iinu ha king lom t> me-ini* of a ii* !h* H g* itoin* that havinfp i! pow r h# wilt ■irnp hiß f Ultna to R m** i -*w !*>** * f l * o * for iiii fh* o?nuri* iih*. ** *• **y ■ make It up wtth ltb Tfil Ur ill m :'I. • < 1 notjef from the lloiy S* • t H -air (i...*K ,<.• tl#n|*4ir He *a> ) h* ! .ir* l h >■.,i\ tn *• I,il lU*(• r# XIII • 1 i<’ “ t r|)tl Clair < ittflnm anil l.rowlli. From *ne l.i*erar\ IHgwt Tnlp iju ailoti j* U> hF: mk- \N oi*n**uUiatt ' thl* wt** by laym-i aml ilrr**er* nit > Ur*lv In i.-• growth of th iait Thi * l • lef with the tnvolumury rom|*ar#.-n nan with a j.iant. A* mans iht 1- of ♦ i out *hori icrowf* .lgutn tnl Ue m* -*■ thRK , e. a*. V 1* the hair .ulrt *l* ivni! It i* cut Thl* toin|ari*.n how ever t>* a fat?** one Ad vclop* hair • a perfectly (ormnl mine of horn whkh n..: :,.n* furr .1 I tO l " ■ I M ■ • which me fair than to re. ive from it from below fun her, growth ur.<l > h ** hl<l hrmlN by it. • * • In Ht- nv *of horn a* tn the nail* of the fln*t nt ! tha foe*, there j* iu longer onv *I• 5 “ clrruiatum. Jhi;* mav* o *• *poik. \> o ; produrt which cannot he qui k#nel ami, etrength*•.•! by n-w nourirhment ue' iue the litter cannot enter It On the other nanrt. whn happen* tn 11 t l.vl of gra-* 1 . t* tot.niv illffereflt The \ ml* of rj*>A I* a net work of fin< iu * In whl h *• conet.intly c!rcu:,ttng n- noun moment which tne b.ade irau - from tli* r*a * preeenta. in contr.i t with th* < holy of the a living, vegetating Buhatan c whk'h the condition of it* root, ami wru h dr*M up infalliblv when It la pep.rat**l from U* root, while the hair will remain unaffect ed for thoutand* of year? after It* l*a pUki has withered away We n*-.| cae only one IrraaUtlble prof of hi-. tt** hair on t?i* n#wi- of mimiAlaa Tht • of ihe hair ae long <ia it cxlft* nn pr - dure anew hair when the old hair his fallen 0111 while the root ol m.inv a plant give* existence to one sprout only ini then together with It decline* ami dle.-> The more a hair i* dlnurbwl in lta 11 u • urai grotvth by eocillntifuly Ulitng off ,■ 1 end* tne let* re< tt* papilla, in*- r•*-*I producer of the hair. And*, the papilla, bolt.g constantly in'lte<l to excc*>lv tuo .fuction. waver* Anally m It# ictlvlty. de cays and die* For tht* r#.*on woman with h bald head l* never or seldom ee.\ .i the natural m l very *iow pr - • of the growth of n woman'* hair reaches a dcrtnlte length, after year- it fills out of itself, and anew hair begin* o ap p*’ *r .is nh4i a* th*- papilla ti.i? h,l tiro * to re*t ieif thoroughly and to prepac Itself for the proc* ** of n growth These are the reason* whl h ba*l to the obviously valid con-luelon* that cutting the hair 1* rather Injurious than useful Avery for table Income 1% that r.oW being drawn by Count von Waldeisec. Aell m.rsh/il commanding the German for-e* if. Chins As commanding officer he receive* the equivalent of nhout $5A> a month Americ an m n* >. bosuks S7V h> Ae I m. rshal and al. allow nce of 12 Vt tahlo mone\ from which he must p*\ lor Id* entertainment* and feed hi* staff In addition to all this h# ha* a certain "Uin t*r ration*, the whoU Inlng at the h: of sb*>ut SC • . v -r. STOP* TIIK ot t.ll %Ml WOKKA OFF i iir t orn. loJMtatlve I’.romo Quinine Tablet* cure a old in one day. No cure, no pay. Prl e 2f vent* —ad. 1% UMIOItmi. Pl'Nirßß—Dep.irte-l this l.fe in Marlon rounty. c'rOrudtt. on the 10th of last O tob#r Mr*. Virginia Dunlore widow of the late Rout* Dunlepe Al though n native of Georgia the larger portion of her long l‘.f war spent In the state of her adoption Bhe leaves many friends and relatione tn both state* to mourn h* r loe.- A F Barn ard. M D.. Oeal 1 Banner |dr se copy. m.i ri\t#g. no. a i. a. ti. A regular convocation of ihi< * !iapier will #- hekl thUF A (Wednesday) rvenlt g at M if *oni<- Tempi •nt v •• o'cl***k U/ \7 The M M leg rcc will be con f r rr< <1 VvX-ejl Visiting companion* (rater- 1 f nally Invited to mest with * - / u> By order >f h s couDiNfj. 11. r. XV. S K>CKVV!:uI Secretary.. %Ml lUIUIU lUILWAV tUII U* I A|-'linu Of M tirU hold, r * Savannah. Ga . Oct 24. i9 Th* nnnunl meeting of lh stockholder* of thl* compon- ml! ho h> I at the ortl, ■•■* of the company In tin 1 rHy of Savannah. Qt . on Wednesday Nov II If** l at 12 O'clock noon, for the election of director* anil ih Irani.i. lion of *uoh other bu*l ne* a* wav . ome before th. meeting W W MACKALL H. . rotary ll’t'/ I \L Mil'll 111. NOTICE TO I IT\ 1111 KT .11 ROM*. The petit juror* who were *imniu., ,1 ' • ~■{ II H< ■ .'• unl.l Monday, Nov. 13. at U> a in It! Old. i of (in* Hon. Tho, M Norwe.,..| Judge WAKIMi R( ."WELL If! Clerk C C . S to i hi. a •>mu or iin roi mi n I. Al. IIIITIIIIT. I am a Candida to for re-elecilor. a* Jus tice of the Peaoe, and reapcufnJy roll, it xoiir vole in.l support .it an election to he he.) Dec I, ISO ii |n Ato-rcorn -tr.-< t R, rpectfully. SAMI’EL REYNOLDS AT nARIIAeRT. rice-fleld Ltmh, Poultry. Duck* Turkey*. Vegetable*. Fruit* I’hone S7S M S GARDNER r S —That *pec|.ally prepared corned beef ready n .w 111 i KM A\ V t All 113 ural 11l AVhlt tk*r street We are now prepared to serve the n. eit meal*. oy*ier and name Caterer* for wedding partie*. german*. banquets and i oilation*. A cent* for Imported AA'uerzhurare ||of Brau. Rhone 710. Ol R CLIBATI Loan money at at* per cant on raal aatate security BECKETT It BECKETT. .Attorney# al Law and Conveyancer#. TBI MOKNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY. NON EMBER 7. 1900. HM .< I \I. NOTH W*. M*i.t 1 %1. Mi l i< i>. b.i iniiuh. <• No\ 2. W STATE OF GIMHGIA. CHATHAM ft iI'NTY--Emily ' Eiwmoii and oiher* ha.vir applied f <>> the alteration of the \ - I ):.uff Bead from a point nar wh**H f I road <*iiter* the Hkida wtij Sh*l !‘ • 1 running easterly (We hun- Ued f * <*• !' n 1 width of f*rty feet GO), tin • running n rtherly at right an gles to t. 1 I • t rly portion of said l ew r- .id se’.ent ii hundred fe**t (1.70*h n.ore <>r with a v\ dth of hf> feet C.<** f.f,. *:n wti; h* M Cnustcn’* Bluff 1 *l rditig t‘* a plat of ld altered f’ id ittfi i t to > .il application Haid altered n and rui.rtlr g * nilr* ’ and wholly tf.rc.iigh the land* <! th* ild applicant Note # I* hereby given that >a and arpll<'a •, t . ,i • tie 1 * 11 • • i • ; 1 1 • I3tn day <.f I*. . ml*r r.ex If n sufficient cause he .'•flown to th f ontrary J .} DALE, err JOHN LY<NH C C C W D HIMKINH C. C. C At test G HEI*BEN BETLEB Clerk C C C aiNCFit PIANOS. Best In Tone, Heat In naralilllty. 1 lit*■ t in Style and Finish. EI.EBIt %TEU TMH WOULD OVER NONE BETTER. NON! SO i.OOf) Two f These Maguiflceni Piiinna in Ike atilil nt AIITION NO VI !M IIER nt C. 11. IMmd.TTt, 22 Conarcaa street, west. TO HE SOLD TO THE HIGHEST IIIODER. SO! \! Mt’SIC HALL, 21*5-21 b Brouqhion t*trt. wet M> , k Comra/* Monda .. Nov 5. Flrat apt-ar.n.f tn tht- city of MISS HAT.RR MAY HARR. A New York Mu.ic Hall Favorlt* And for the hem-rte of th.‘ many vl,ltori> ,o our lovuttlful try ilitr.n# this our Car- j nival Work, and at th<- moat cirnrat rc qiuat of our many palroiu. wo will axatn for the lan time the sreat. the only ,rue and | erfeei JBFFRIEB-\<HBETT FIGHT. Moving I‘iotqre.. 23 Hound* 23 nm tiiiMi 11 iiKD. Dr G W Randolph of St Rout, la re. aarded ae lit. moot wonderful voice doctor on earth We t-.-.- that he cured many Mutt ere r durlnx hi. brief May in Colum hia. S. C Augusta. Atlanta. Birmingham. Montgomery and Mobile papers are loud tn his praise lie Is now at the Marshall Mouse. 121 Broughton street. Bavan• rah, Ga Stutterer, you should call to see at once Hand this to a Stutterer- Golden Rule. THE Ml IMIII I'MF.r %H ATOM Y St IIIHIL. IIII.IT IKY. Harris and Barnard streets, Ormond 11. 1 Strong c ornelll h* ad master. Gresk. j UHln and Fngllsh Rev B. P. Johnaotl, - A. M. (Princeton), Ittely of Si Mat thews' Military Aeademy. History. Geography and Modern lornguages; John Sielxt r. A. H , Mathematics and Chem istry. Sl’tSt lAI. NOTICE. ji st in < in FD One carload of Moyers' line work of Syracuse. N Y' . open and top buggies, the most complete line ever brought to this city Wo defy competition on this work I ask Ihe public one and all who are In Ihe market for end and side-spring <asy-rid ing vehicles, that they .an he found at my repository. Also a full line of deliv ery wagons, open and lop: milk and baker wagons You make no mistake by .ailing at once and make your selection. MARK API’RKS REPOSITORY. S.’t Broughton street west Kelly's Rubber Tina, the only reliable tire on the market HtIL.MKr.V CAFE, Llberiy and Whitaker The fiehlomihle cafe of Savannan Within a Mock of the De Boto Every • hlng in season Fat gam- Fre*h oys ler* I'tlvale pint*.*—dinner* Rhone i*Alvin ami mum: I’aistiao. We handle nothing but ahe VERY BEST grew). > of PAINTS and OILS, and employ the very beet painter* to he had Al ow ua to make Wd on painting >our SAVANNAH BPILPINC, BCPPI.Y CO, Corner Congr re* and Drayton. Phone ill. THE IIHATRI IV WAKE. you are eaf. n-n you get your meat* al my Malta to! * i) Mark* I You get tho lust there I* To-day. Prime Beef. Veil *nl Mutton, l.amb. Man nee*. Corned Beef. etc. Both Rhone* 567 JOHN FL'NK AMI AMI EYI'IIKM I.IAIIIEK FOR SALE. lsn.oon f*et of a*n. *ultahla for wheel wright* carriage maker*, car work* and inteilor heune Uriah. Aio . ipteu lumber of all etr.e- A"e hi\ re* i < itung our famous brand* of cypr *t t-h.nglc* it-,I will eon have a full tine of them f,>r sale. VALE ROYAL MFG CO THE AA A A HI LEA A ( AH PETS. The only way to get your carpet* prop erly taken up. cleaned unrt taken care of for the nmittyr l* to turn the job over to the District Messenger and Delivery Cos., telephone 2. or call al .ill Montgomery .-treet. and they wtl, ntaki you an *tl. mam on me com of the work Price# r.*cnable They also pack, move ant ■■tore furniture and piano* C. H MEDLOCK. Bupt and Mgr WE lilt A All SELL HEAL ESTATE, NaCLtl.aU loan* on um* at & i>er cent, and lOtiect rent*. Represent The Travel. <re Insurance Go.. Occident and liability department* KepreMnt Ih* New York V'r. lerwr.ttrw Fire In< agenev R<-pre<nt the Greenwich Fire In* Cos Keprenoet the Phoenix Mutual Lite In* Cos. All bu*l nee# enlruoted lo u- will be apprecimwl, nd will receive prompt and careful at tention. No. 2/ ttav street, ea*t. Tele phone m. .W. C. EHil'P A CU. We never tire telling you that Humboldt Ci gars are “as good as currency.” Old smok ers knowthis; newones should learn it. Superior to All. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West. PHONE 383 THE ONLY Exclusive Family Liquor Store IN THE CITY. TRY OUR FAMOUS Bell’s Pure Rye Whiskey. Full Quarts 75c; four bottles, containing full Gallon, $3.00. RFISiNRFR A flfl - NonA^ ll * ULLOIItULn Ot' UUl| FULL LINK OF CLARBT WINES. SPECIAL NOTICF3S. I I I' \ GHENT W 4TF.H. Baltimore, Md. April 2. lfßfi. Mr A Hanley: Dear Sir—The Suwanee water I ordered H/ntr time ago has done the work 1 am all tight now It ts a great water; the on ly disagreeable feature is that method of transportation That jrtaay cost me Jit 76. that ts pretty high I want to order an other • irboy with this stipulation that you ship the same by the Savannah boat If you <an send me one carboy of the water by water I will accept same other wis* I cannot take it Tnat /ast expe rience was cnougn fr me The freight charges on that water cost me It 90 by rail By boat the same is only ® cents. There is a line of stesmers that ply be tween here and Savannah, so ship me one t S twanee w /ter by this lire The empty carboy ! wdu return to you Ret me hear from you as soon as possible. Very truly yours tSicncd) J GOOGIN, No 4"7 W Fayette .i . Baltimore. 'Md. All you can drink for 5c at Livingston s itvr DISCOUNT NOTICS. IOC WILL SAVE TEN PER CENT. By •>!• yuwr tllb an st ts. fare the 15th last u. H LEVY A UKO KMUHT'B PHARMACY, OPEN ALL NIGHT. Beef. Win* and Iron 75e Hooch Sail (guaranteed) 10c K R C. 41-> Talcum Powder, berated &c Palmer* Toilet Waltro 600 Empty Capsule*, ion for *c T. P. Dyspepsia Tablet* Free Imported CaMil* Soap 50- ln*#ct Powder. PD A Cos . 40c Trusses •Or *° J**o# Syringe*, Fountain . TSc to S3 00 Thermometer (Fever) She to S3 oo W'e lead In everyihlntf In our line. KNIGHTS PHARMACY. Go. Phone U Bell Phone U II in WBATHHI AMD THE DOCTOR. Wet weather caure* wet feet. wet feet caur-e had cold*, and many other dl eaeee. toelher with complication* W'hen thle ore lire, reti.l at once for a competent donor and hate your preacrlptlon* tilled at 'hr Maeonlr Temple Pharmacy. For K ouri doctors and good drug? co-opera tin* uiaurce quick recovery, and the patient la mode glad Send your Sunday orders for erram and eheri*e' eirlv to Inmre prompt delivery. Georgia ’phone 553. A\v TIME OF NIGHT. You can get your preerriptlonr filled any time ot day or night at Park Avenue Pharmacy Phone Ut*> PARK AVENUE PHARMACY J I. ftRANAN Proprietor Corner Park ave md Barnard t WIMtl FOR WHISK). Send your order to Robert Rentier. cor ner of Liberty and Drayton. Savannah, Ga . for the best Whisky In the market. You will he served right. Only the beet brands handled. No charge tor Jug* ROBERT REMLER Phone IPEK l \l. NOTICE. Furniture upholetrreu and made good a* n.n Mattre**** made of the heat mitt and hair. DAVID CLARK 141 Jefferson street. j> h_f have received the finest line of curt tin goods and upholstery material l • . CUV T ill RED REAR T Cincinnati B<er Is the popular beer now It eeems to be made Just right Ask for It wherever you go. JUNG BREWING COMPANY. WM BHICKEN, Manager. Phone 91V ir IT** NICE. WE HAVE IT. Large dteonmcni Whitman* Candle* Just received. Mayonnaise Dresung. Chile Sauce. To mato Chutney. Anchovy Taate New Georgia Syrup and new Mackerel Phone HARDEE A MARSHALL HOAD* EXECITKO. By the American Bonding and True! Company of Baltimore W*e are author ized to ear ute locally (Immediately upnti application), all bonds In Judicial pro ceedings In either the siate or United States Courts, and of administrator* and guardian* DEARINO A HULL. Agents. Telephone 324. Provident Building. SPECIAL NOTH MS. READ Til I*" Mesara. Sloat Bros. Cos., Savannah. Ga. Gestlenen-I have been a great sufferer from Indigestion and suffer a great deal. Heard of yonr Vege table Bittern through a traveling salesman In Bnltlinorr. I procured a bottle and find tt gives me great relief. I certainly recommend It tn ■nr one suffering front Indigestion. Yours respectfully, CIS AS. A. CRANDALL. Annapolis, Md. 6CHWAHZ CAFF. ts the place where you cm satisfy your appetite with all the delica cies of the season. Oysters from the Ot’LF and NORTHERN waters Aleo Game In season -OEM CAFE GEO. C SCHWARZ. Proprietor Open day and night. Dining room upstairs ESTABLISHED IMS. SOLOMONS COMPANY, Wholesale and Itelail Druggists. Wholesale Department. IST Con gress street, west. Georgia Phone 144. Retail Stores, 133 Congress street, .vest. Bell Phone 144. Hull and Charlton streets, nnder Guards' Ar senal. Hell and Georgia Phones lia. 11l Ml\ \ ||NG—VI All it EMEff BEK. OV AT I NO. Hair, moes, ticking. fiber, feathers. Our stock of new material and manufac tured products are tfp io dale. Our r, no. rating and remaking has delighted many prominent residents Ask your acquaint ances. Materials sent us is picked; steam ed. cleaned and medraird by modem inn. j chlnery. Making done by merhanks. We confine our work to mattresses and bed ding generally. We veil inking of nl kinds, moss, hslr, cotton, fiber, feather*, or any arlPle needed In mattress line. NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RENO VATING ro Bell Phone 1136 331 Drayton a'reet. ELECTION NOTICE. Clly of Savannah. Office Clerk of Conn | ell, Nov 2. 19M> —A vacancy having or curred among the rhlmner ronlru ors tn acc, nlance with resolution of Connell adopted Oct. 31. lNm notice Is hereby given that an election will b> held at the next regular meeting of Council, to he held on Wednesday, the 141 h Inst . at k p m to fill the unexplred l/rm All applications to be filed with the ,-lerk of Coun. l t „r before |2 m of the 14th Inst Bond of ISut) requited Names of two bondsmen must accompany the application WILLIAM r BAILEY*. Clerk of Council. ELECTIOA NOTICE. City of Savannah. OfT ■* Clerk of Coun cil. Nov 2. ißfti —a vacancy having oc curred In the office of keeper of the Lau rel Orove Cemetery, notice I* hereby given and 111 acoorvlince with a resolution of Council adopted Oct 31. 19(0. an election will li held at the next regular meeting of Council, to he he.d on AVedne*day. the llth ln*t , tl In tn to nil the unex plred term All application* lo be nied wlih the clerk of Council at or he fop u m of the 14th !nt Bond of 11. mo re quired Name* of two bond*men mu*t ac company the application william p bailey. Clerk of Council HIV O.ALV THU BEST GINGER ALE. Tha bet I* the Wheeler Brand of Bel fa*t Ginger Ale. made by Wheeler A Cos , of Bel fail. Iteiand from the ceebrated Cromae Spring* of that city. There rprlng* are the property of A < o. hence no other Ginger Ale manufacturer In Ireland h** hoe water* out ihem eelve* The Wheeler Ginger Ale I* made from pure Jamaica Ginger Root and n-d from Red Pepper, a* other* are. on* 1* deleter**)*—th. other I* a ionic For Healthfulne** ard Purltv the cele. hrated Wheeler brand of Betfart Ginger Ale l the best. LI PPM AN BROTHERS. Sole Boutiiern Agents, Savannah, Ga. Bunwn KOTittaa. A Good Place For a Home. I have poehlve orders to sell 4 lots between Bull and Drayton 7 lots between Drayton and Aherrern All fronting norih on Fortieth street toll Tenth eireelt Far* ruining both ways pass these lots New puhbr r, .-tool conve nt r.lly near, water main and house drain age nearby My instructions are 10 meet the market In prlco and terms If you ever expect to ala lot upon w hi, h lo bul.ii a nous* this is your chance Ther. are only eleven left, and no more like them. r II DORFETT 22 Congreai. Weet jw Royal Music Hall. § HARVARD BEER ALWAYS. UNEQUALLED Oppofile Ih# T>* Boto Offlc# 907 Bull Rir*#t. Telephone 700 European Novelties. Our recent purchases of foreign good* aflords buyers an opportunity of selecting from the latest and choice.l novelties shown In Paris ar.d other European cen ters There are many exclusive and at tractive designs from which to 'hox without chance of duplication. All of as sured quality and value. THEUS BROS. CREENE & CO, IM Whitaker See our display at the Carnival grounds New picture*. New Goods, fan and see us Y'ou will be welcome The Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Cos ARE PREPARED To Make Loans On Reasonable Terms. io Wm f Ml lor sale, a Foroalth Newspaper Ko.dti will fold sheet it- Ii Is In guod ordet Price LOO It coat ongtrally L.IOQ. but va have ou uev for II and want the room t occupies. It will bear Invaluable adjunct la any newspaper uSat. Add: ess MOPING NEWS, ■srisssb, Os. THE GEORGIA STATE B l ILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. IS YORK STREET, WEST. ff PER CENT, per annum allowed on ** deposits, withdrawable on demand. Interest credited qiarttrly. 6 PER CENT p*r auiium a.,owJ on deiHislis of even iundr*d. wlliidraw able at annual periods. OE ( . W TILDLJIAN. President. B. H. LEVY. Vice President. E W BELL, Secretary. C. O AV DTP BOV ,jp. Treasurer. OLD NEWSPAPERS. Jh for A van la. at Dual r.att OSo* Jkomtng Newsy BYCK’S Sole Agents, 25 Broughton Slreel, Mcst, corner Wbitaker si. LEOPOLD ADLBh. JNO. R DILL N President. Cashier C B ELLIS. BARRON CART HR, Vice President. Asst. Cashier The Chatham Bank SAVANNAH Will be pleased to receive the aco. it>u of Merchants. Firms, Individuals. Bar.** and Corporation* Liberal favors extended. Unsurpassed collection facimia*. trine Ing prompt returns SEPArtATEaAVIMGSDEPAITMEH iNTLHR'T (UMFOINDBD <tlAHlLs. LY ON DKPOSIT, ®*fety Deposit Boxes and Vaults cent Correspondene* solicited The Citizens Bank <>F SAVANNAH. CAPITAL $500,000. Transacts u General Bsskti, Rusl n*sa. Sollrit. Aeeonnt. Of Indteidn.,, Merchants, tlaoL. sod other t rations. Collect Inns handled with strt,, rronnint and dls|iatch Interest, compounded qoas-trrlv. nllowe/l on deposits In nor kaving. Drpnrtinmt. Nnlct, Boxes and Ntorsg. 4 anils. BRANTLEY 4. DENMARK. Prc.ldeat. .MILLS 11. L4NE, Vice Fresldent C.KttHGB t . FREEM4N. ( oahlcr. GORDON L. t.HOOVER, Aaat. Cashier. SOUTHERN BANK of ms a tut* of Goorglo. Capital ...LflO.tM and undivided profit# Rolo>. Dfci-OdJXoBY Ol Ihb 6 TATE OF OEORQIA. Superior facituioa lor transacting a <t* i si i>4iiin| UuAincia. Oiittlioni rr.Mat wn iffi hank* find uxnluMra, Accounts oi iiMiaOs, fiankais. . and others sultAlod. Safe Deposit Boxes tor rent. • l’rpartmem of Saving*, Interest payable quarterly Sella Ster-iDg Exchange on London A and upwards. JOHN FRANNKRY. President. HORACE A CRANE, Vice President JAJIEMn.t IVAN r-nehler ... ... DIRECTORS JN<_i. E LANNEKY. Vli W GORDON E. A WEIL W W GORI/ON Jr. CRANE. JOHN M EGAN I.EF ROY MYERS. JOSEPH FFPfT H P SMART CHARLES ERI.I& edw Ann keli.y tohv j kirrt Sill Hi lift CAPITAL, *3.90,000 Arcounle of banka, marcharte. corpora- Ilona and Individuals solicited. Su\lnga Department, lutcraat P*M quarterly. Safety Box** end Slorag* Vault* for rent. Collection* mad* oo all points at rea sonable rates. Drafts aold on ail the chief elite* of the world. Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH D WEED. President. JOHN C. ROWLAND. Vic* Presume w r. McCauley. c**hi*r THE GERMANIA BANK savannah, ua. Capital Undlvid.d profit* This bank oiler* it* aervlca* lo corpora tion*. merchant* and individuals lias au.horny to act a* axecutor, *o* ndnlatrator, guardian ate Dam* draft* on ih* principal cl l-e Great Britain and Ireland and on toe Continent Inter' * paid or compounded quanwry on dep sir* In the Savings D*pirra*nt Pafetr Boxes for rent. HENRY BI.ON. prealdent GKO. W TIE DEM AN. Vice Praam* JOHN M HOGAN, Caahler WALTER F. HOGAN. A'T r*#hl*r No M4O. Charter*!. I*4 —THE— fcflilS Mil HI OF SAVANNAH. CAPI TAL. U>.. 0a SURPLUS. VM** united States deposit'R>, J A. G. CARBON. BEIRNE GORDON, Vic* Preaidcrt. W M DAVANT. Caahler Account* of bank* and barker*, tn-r hant# and eorpomtlon* received up the no* favorebl* trim -oralftent Safe and eoneerva lv* harking Tltll.Y WO.NDERFI L water A aubtlltut# for oil. palni ‘ wash. Fire-proof and wearher-P ' w excellent disinfectant Can be appt any atre to any kind of aurfae* kind of brush. ANDREW’ HANLE fiolo Aganta