The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 07, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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CARNIVAL in all its glory. tmi: hi>wi \n Armicriosti awe urn TO YIAITOM*. Elerllon and KlrrllMi Heturna Krpl Mas, Any •*■■• *‘M—•■*■**- mr,i< ( turulvnl l.mill) Eu i>linri£''<l It* Know Ttmi Even Grenier UrrrH ) ll*- Bxperlrd. Yesterday \Vn Henlly Ihf Hpi-B. Inn Of lb*- larnlval Floral parade AY 111 Take l’le T..-dn> m Noon— l.lnr of Alnrc-li to Hr Fol low r*l. T , arrival spirit has taken firm hold j, running wild In Savannah, anti the 0( nj.ii, it spreading mpldly. Interest in th. great show the Elks have tno 11411- r a< *1 l airoiiK. and talk of ihr carnival la on thousand longtu k. No time ■ iaK , thr attractions "took'' at once, ami th- Elks ate looking lorwarti to a great ru of business through the days their iiXH'W I** r jh. Despite th* fao* that the election • In fu.l blast throughout the (lay and re turn'* were being given out at many pla.-ea in the city at night, n paying busl net"* Mi;* don*- by the carnival. The ground* were vi--lt#-rl by hundred*, and the merry '-rowda made the a unctions that n r , gathered within the enclosure nil the mere attractive by their generour patron ag.- and the Jolly good humor with which ail were viewed. The gat*' to Wonderland di Ia business that was very welcome to Dire* tor General (5. I> Henson ami the Executive Commit tee of the Klk*. Mr. Benson anid he ron etrier-d the receipts ■x client, especially a> iL election kept >i gr it inary away Miinv Savannahian* did not visit the car nival because of th< Interest they felt in the returns from the doubtful state.*. and out-of-town visitors %v#*re not nearly ms nunc roue as they would hove he**n hud it not ber-n that the election de&and>d their ran.lining at home in otrbr to vote. >*arl> All *liow* Itunninu In that it whs really the opening of the carnival, yesterday was more Important than the j.y befor* . w hen there were but very few of the attraction-* ready for ex hibition. Yesterday, however, nearly all of them were in running order, and the many ludles and children who visited the grounds in the* nf ter noon were well re paid for their trouble, and found that a host of amuserm-nt* awaited but th* .r choice By night several more were add ed, and to-dny and to-night will see hut few features that were not shown yester day. Among these will Is- th* wonderful Bp** toy. the high diver, whose prep*iat.on* could not be I'odpleial in litre- for him to make hi* great lap from the top of his lower to th* |K>ol of water below. Mr. Benson was not able to *i**ik for the Interior shows, having received no re ports from them. They, however, a* well as the gate, did well, giving (icrfonnance after performance, nd always drawing large audiences In one evening all the shows cannot be visited, as tlm- will not permit, so that two or three visits to th*- Carnival are necessary for ore to se* everything that is offered for the amuse t*ent of Havannah and its visitor**'s Boston Concert Hand v/an Bf: tin a pleasant (*ature of iht* carnival. If the hard alone were the* attraction within th ground* l wuM b* w I worth the* while of visitor? to att* i>l. Its concerts art* of an excellence tt>ai ple.i*t‘t nil. A number of gavannahidnr have met •he director, Mr. Falrman. anti with all he haa become a favorite, lie Is rccelvl k many compliment a upon the w *lt h of muaU* that in wrapped up in his orsanlxt> lion and with It la tutoring It* audit nc.- 4 Writer* noted llr4 the lowi tnerdftnto arid bHlnt horn*.-a that are repr -sentej Jn the advertising displays of the carnlv il had made great progress with their i-ootti*. nearly all being in retdine sand having their goods shown to a Iranian The rain last ftalurd iy Interfere I with their preparations, and they w• r- forced to wail until Monday to do their w rk. ( harlot nod Itnnniim llaeea. Interesting features of the carnival ire the chariot and running races. Four norse*> abreast pull flit* chariots nl dash at full sie***l around the in k. one char ioteer being • woman, and th* other a man. They repre? ent. re>| M lively. tleor gia and South Carolina <i orgl i wn yesterday’s race. Another of the chariot ruces will be held to-night at 7:10 o'clock. The rut)rung races arc in relays, the cqueetrlenn* s changing hors-s every half mile. The celerity with which they dis mount and mount has much to do with th*‘ time they make, and is dlte of th moot interesting of the features of the running The riders do not Hpare their steodi. blit push them to their speeti, flying around the track at what would seem n dangerous pace. The citle? of Savannah and Atlanta or.- represented by the horsewomen. Yesterday'** race ttsi awarded to Atlanta. %vtio won by a head In 3 minutes and 45 second#. To day’s will be rhldcn at 2 o’clock. To those who watch the chariot and running races, a bit of advice would nut le untimely. The Judges' stand is the best (nint from winch to view the race. . 1 li st and is on the east side of the i.*nclos vre, Just opposite Gwinnett street. It If* from there that the races start and end. and It is there that the equestriennes make < i>lr rapid changes of horses. The cha rioteers and the horsewomen enter with great lest Into the contt *•<*. ;| hd the re sult# are rot known b fore the races an no. There Is honest and faithful compe tition. and hard driving and bard rluing. ... rv* nnd good Steed, are the elements tint tell In the contests, the best exhl l l ion of the qualities sending the rider or fharloteer making It under the wire tlrM Many Threw I nnfettl. Confetti stalls were making oonstant r. j - The Italian cu tom ha taken wed. A WONDERFUL LETTER. From the State, Columbia. 8. C. To Htuttercrs: Ir W. Randolph, tpeclallst. vno has riir‘d ao many confirmed *tamm* r •r* an.l stutterer* ll over the B*mth. left (or Savannah this morning In Han •l"lph U> un UWerentln* personality u "" .. . .min In Ponvat'a famous r ivalry, he later beenutt Methodist puncher. and afterward. having c-ui.rl c uneel fof stuttering by method of 111* • ■wo. established a vono Institute In St (■' ul whfi* thousands nave been *u ■- •'"fully treated. l>r Lun.Mph 1 .11 * been for *.*'•'•■ ra w. l a **' tire Altiermurl Hotel In this * l*> ;, n*l 'l unit that time mtiny person- who hnv<- "■m. to Ittm for treatment h >ve t.e. n ' e-*1 Several of theae calks! at the Stan * to ntuftai their apprarleltnn *f Di • .nil. |ih' treatment. Col. While Jon-. .■' T mmermatt, Gov H.ope of Mlss.s- I and other* who Intve known of hi" 1 1 -have alvett Or. Rnni*>lpb * t roily' I , '*rw of re.etnmeftilatkm. Dr. Tlmtner “ to’* letter follow*: r*nte of South Carolina, executive Department. ■ th . of Slat*Treasurer. Columbia. 8. C.. Nov. J. l'M> ‘ r G. W Randolph Columbia. 8. C. ■ r Sir Itelna famlUur with tie th“- und general prln* Iple" of your tre.r : tor stammering and stuttering and * an ohKervatlon* of the practical *u of :he same. I am prepared to “i.y | " your treatment la well worthy of the of any one who may he ntfl'.etcd * ‘ that unnatural condition Very respectfully your*. W If Tlmmrtman. M D. Slate Treasurer. 8 C. f'r Randolph will he nt the Marti ill *e. 121 East Droughton treet until * N 15. Htuuerei don't fail to *ee b lnl -ad. A Man to the Rescue! Thf W oman in Peril Rarely Finds Help From Her Own Sex. It is in no wise to a woman's disemlit that she is not a professional life-saver. We can only fancy her in the fireman's helmet, in the crew of the life boat, or wielding a policeman's club, at the lox; of some of that fineness which is th<- distinguishiug quality of her sea. The Molly Pitchers ami Grace Darlings art only examples of the sublime self-for getfulness of women in great emer gencies. It’s mnch the same in other ways. Women turn to the strength, skill and judgment of men in the erases of life. One of the most common statements made in the letters grateful women write to Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., is this: "I owe my life to Dr. Pierce." These women have found themselves in great danger. They have appealed without avail to local physicians. They have counseled in vain with women advisers. The best that hail been done for them was just to keep them alloat in the sea of disease with strength visibly failing, in the hope that the man who had strength and skill to save them might lie found. WOMAN’S APPEAL answered. Hundreds of thousands of women have appealed to Dr. Pierce, for relief from womanly ills and not one has ap pealed in vain. The use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription supplemented by the medical advice of Dr Pierce has heeti the means of cure to this vast army of women suffering from diseases pecul iar to the sex. "I wish to tell you the benefit I re ceived from using your remedies.” writes Mrs. Alice Soncrant. of i6i W Harrison Street, Chicago, Ills. "Two years ago I was taken with a severe pain in the left ovary and side. Tried several different remedies, but nothing helped me. I got so trad I could scarcely walk across the floor or do work of any kind. One day an old neighbor lady came in fo see me, and told me to try Dr. lherce’s Favorite Prescription. She laid she knew it would help me. as it had saved her life. When the doctors hail given her up and said they could do nothing for her ahe said she began to take Dr. IHerce’s Favorite Prescription and it cured her. So I got a bottle of the ' Favorite Prescription ’ and one of ‘Golden Medical Discovery.' and began taking them. Before I had taken one bottle of each I was so much lietter I could do all my own work, aud that ia a good deal, as I am the mother of four small chili Iren. Three liottles of the • Favorite Prescription ’ and one of •Golden Medical Discovery' cured me. I have not been sick since then. 1 think Savarnahkans have fallen victims to the attraction lhat lies in throwing a hand ful of the vari-colorcd bits of paper upon a passer-by. Ix-t that passer-by be a pretty girl nnd she will lack no evidence of appro latlon of her witchery, for the confetti will be clinging to furs, wraps and hair in testimony, showing by its polka-dot effect that admiring young men have found pleasure in paying the hom age of lOnfettl to so much beauty. And there is the other wide of the picture, for it* feminine sex is also add I* ted to the confetti throwing, and men who attract the fancy of the young women soon after entering the carnival grounds hove coats and hats thickly covered with spots of many colors. Confetti looks much better than If tastes. The art In throwing (he bits of paper 11* s in cat hing the opportune mo ment. That Is when a mouth H wide open In laughter. Then confetti can do Its most work I (tash of it will tin the mouth, and the recipient of the broadside will have* a time for the next minute in extra ting the bits. The confetti am! .-er pentines ore sold in Wonderland hi Mr. rtchutxs booth and al I<M St. Julian street, west. I'loritl I'nrmlc n \2 O’clock. The grand floral parade will lake place to-day The |*a: ole. for wtilrh thlrtv-fha have promt.* ei io enter decorated vehicle?, will form at 12 o'clock promptly on Ogle thorpe avenue, with the right resting on Jefferson street. The line will face Jef f r**or The line of march will be Jeff- r aton t* IJroughton, to Hull, north on Hull until Johnson square Is rounded, south on Hull to (JuMon. to Harnard. to Hall, to th* carnival grounl> ar*>unl the rac.* track and then the disbonding The ear** that has been lavished upon the decoration of some of the vehicles in sure? their very pretty appearance. The pi ties for which the various contestants will strive will be $25. sls and $lO as first, second and third. Hands will be In line and will furnish mush Judges will Is- assembled In the review ing stand tit * >uth end of Wonderland un<-iiu* and will view the decorated vehi cle? as they pas*. The decision will then l ■ made, and the fortunate winners of the prises will be announced. WILL TILT AT W AVrSOM. The Two Liberty Troopa. Je*np and llnrirn. AA 111 He llepreaented. The l.lherfy Independent T.oop, u. <%■ r command of Capl A. Gordon Catsel* of Savannah, which scored such *gnal vic tories recently In the tilt at the Georgia Stan- loir at Valdoata. will *o to Way crom to duplicate Its successes in the tilt to be held at that place .lay after to-mor rou The Independent Troot> wl 1 enter iTTT-.- team", ail of which will leave Wai •hourvtlle to-morrow night. Th*- til* gives prnm.s of Irdng ste-cea*- f„l. ]:, side* lh>- threw leant* from th- Liberty lnde|i*ndent Troop, there will be :from the Liberty Gu.irds, two from tli.- J.wup Troop and one from the M< In t.s*h Dragoon* of Darien. The entire ...sup Troop will rid" through the roun iry from Je*up to Waycroae a dlet-ine of thlrtv-od.l mile* The team prtx> will 1,. IK.I and tin and the Individual prig • will Is. *U> and Jl n on T1 ank-glvliig Day a tilt I* to be held ~ Prunewlck <*l* Casgel* I* maklnv arrangement* for hi* team* to enter aid Is In correeiwodeovo with Dr. Uutl* of Uruuawlck. THE MOKNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7.1000. your ' Favorite Prescription ' is a won derful medicine for women.” Such cures ua that of Mrs. Soncrant arc many, and they speak for the jiower of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription better than the most eloau*nt words of praise. The tea of a medicine is, what Las it done for women ? By that test "Favorite Prescription” invites wom an’s venlict. On the testimony of trustworthy women, "Favorite Pro scription” has saved life when* pbvsi ciaus had given up all hope. It has cured the most stubborn and obstinate forms of womanly disease. It has ban ished pain, restored the appetite, in duced refreshing sleep, given color to the cheeks ami roundness to the form. WOMEN WHO CANNOT Bit CURED. There are few women for whom no perfect cure is possible. The number of sucli women has lieen reduced to a mini- mum by the practical ex perience of Dr. Pierce. Of the hundreds of thousands of women who have ap pealed to Dr. Pierce for counsel in connection with his " Favorite Prescrip tion." only two in every hundred have failed of a perfect and permanent cure. But even this two per cent, of incurables nave gratefully recorded a great improvement in their condition; relief from pain and a restoration to family eniovnients. No sick woman should lie discouraged by her con dition, no matter how long . .landing her ailment mav be, or how utterly all other means and medicines have failed to cure. The great er number of cures effect ed by "Favorite Prescrip tion ” are cures of chronic and complicated diseases which have baffled the skill of local physicians and proved intractable to all other treatment. Dr. Pierre’s Favorite ITescription makes weak women strong and sick women well. It establishes regularity, dries disagreeable and weakening drams, heals inflammation and ulceration, ami cures female weakness. It is the great est preparative for maternity, giving womanly health nnd strength and mak ing baby’s advent practically painless. A GREAT FREE OFFER. Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All corres pondence is held in sacred confidence, and womanly confidences are guarded by strict professional privacy. Address Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. There is no similar offer of free con sultation by letter or free medical advice, which has behind it an institution such as the Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical In stitute, Bulialq, N. Y., to which for over thirty years Dr. I’ierre has been chief consulting physician, assisted by a med ical staff of nearly a score of specialists in the treatment and cure of womanly diseases. " Favorite Prescription" contains no alcohol, neither opium, cocaine, nor anv other narcotic. It is purely a vegetable preparation and cannot disagree with the weakest constitution. Some dealers for the sake of the littie more profit paid by inferior prepara tions, will try and sell the customer a substitute for " Favonte Prescription" as being "just as good.” "Just as good” medicines do not have the cures to their credit which make women hail " Favorite Prescription ’’ a* a " Godsend to women.” Don’t barter the substance for the shadow. IT WIU. SURPRISE YOU to see the great medical work which I>r. Pierce gives free to women. This great work, the People’* Common Sense Med ical Adviser, containing luoß large pages and 700 illustrations is sent free on re ceint of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send ai one-cent stamps for the book in paper-covers, or At stamps fot the volume bound in durable cloth. Ad dress Dr. R. V. lierce, Buffalo, N. Y. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. PEHXO> AI.. ALARM CLOCKS?" WATCHHM. Ska. 9c; solid gold 't-- 1 ■*' '-**. $2 49, ladyV doUbhe-e*ae soli'l gold wit! h, 11.79. original cost, $lB, American isold- II hod w.itch. 3> years' guarantee raw... P.?J. original cost. *ls. diamond ring. 114.23. fair else etotw and *-ry. original cowl 335; C Kffi'is for birthday. welding ami Chrllma present*. so I T ran make 2. Instead of 1. itn*l i-viry urtlrle U Kii.r anteed In black ami white Just aw reiirt eented. 28 East Broughton, llalr. J. w wiry ami Shaving Supply llou*. ; C 111* window for big bargain* In Anger ring* “(-KIIKNT SIDEWALKS; ARTIFICIAL purr cement roping for f. nring, four feel long, 14 Incurs high ami nine Inch*** thick; sidewalk cement, block.*, vartou colors, octagon an<i hexagonal; Rural work and reasonable prim ; refer* to Me**r*. J H. Kallll. M J Solomon*. Wil liam Kehoe and other*. Shop. Whitaker anti Heat atrecta. Charles Hobbs. 565 Hobert* street. ~THE FURNITURE EXCHANGE. 113 Harnord street, buys ami sells all kinds of second-hand furniture for cash. "udhphinuT opium, laudanum. cocaine habit; myself cured; will Infoiur you of harmless, permanent homo cur. Mary S. Baldwin. Box 1212. Chltago. OIL HEATERS. WOOD HEATER, coul heaters, cook stoves anti ranges. Re liable goods C. I" Mill r. a|fl hi ! “ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITALS WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAW Ml IED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOB TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 3DC. 'now about YOUR* WINTER clothing' lei us put It in hap ; * P-r month. Sterling Pressing Club. 11l York w “HAVE YOUR HORSES CLIPPED AND shod by J. F. Furlong IS YOUR IRON SAKE TIRE PROOF? Btiffe) & Freeman have a standing offer of *;.(B0 for every safe of their make that uoes nol preserve l?a eoh’enta. one ■**f■ was In burning debris 113 hours When taken out. the hose had l> la turned on It. When opened, not a page was discol ored, nol a record io-t, nut a dollar de stroyed. If you want security, buy a Ptiffel A Freeman safe C. I*. Miller, agent ' YOU WILL LIKE THE MILK FROM Springfield Dairy; It's rich and pura; try It. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. MAT tressea r*onvnt*d. Ant que furniture re polished. furniture pack'd and shipped In last manner Send me your orders. C. P Miller, agent. _____ OBLSCHIOS NURSERY. OPPOSITE Catholic Cemetery. chrysan'heenums. enmella Japonlcas. arerareas palm*. How ms md floral design- Leave ><nr or.ler with J Oardner. agent. It I’.roußhton. east BTECIAL. AN UNLIMITED SIJPPLT of nice willow rockers; ladles’ e!ie. at *2 J. W. Teetle. Tam now located at *i* west Broughton: rlnr up H* f ' If vnu want to have your fumFure moved or packed for shipment or storage, I guarantee prltea the am n I ‘*o the work that’s given •o me. A . Orlffln. Alt Broughton street, west, mattresses made to order HOW ABOUT TOUR WINTER rlothing- let ue put It In shap. ; *1 per mouth. Starling Pressing Club; I* York, wr. r%\K II All A AHII STREET TO AII. kouthslilrr nn Important Iniltrotmuni, fUvtnnah, c*n , Nov. ft—Editor Morning N-ws: Now the question of changing the lines of the squarrs on Barnard and A her corn streets ha* Ihh finally nettled in the negative, anti If. therefore, no long er an Issue, It *eem* to me It I* In order to call attention to a subject on which 1 think there will he no difference of opin ion, namely, the paving of Barnard street, and ome other north and south street* It may he true that owner* of property In the northern section of the city might object to th.t* action, though it 1* a* much to their interest to have such Improve ment* a* t* that of those who live on them, but after considerable inquiry I .m Ft titled that the southern resident* would Ih* hippy to contrlhuh th*lr pro |ioril< n of the cost of this improvement At pr* nt Bull street is the only paved thoroughfare which is available to per Mine living south of Andn *mi street, and it would seem that the most desirabi* plan b*. to continue the paving of Park avenue west to Barnard street, and also to Jefferson street and Barnard *tr**t sc.ytn to Kortyntecond street While It murht not be wise to pia* • thl* entitc amount at one time upon the profteny owners. It could probably be arranged *< that they could give notes for their part of tlte cost extern ling over several >ar* The city would thus not !*• out of th* money as It could easily use these notes In bank. The Mime arrangement eoul I be made w‘th th street car company, so that It would not b* burdensome to them In quite sure that the majority of the resi dent* on this street woukl gladly Join in a j- Mtum to Council to tak-* th ** tion Im mediately. and the writer w-ill only too glad to add his name. Bouthslder. CHOftK Ah E \ 11. El EH The Elfth Time a White iitrl Hh* lltiu Avay from Her Home. Early yesterday morning a white girl not over 15 year* old, was arrestand taken from one of the resorts of the Ten derloin The girl ha* been reared by adopted parents, but appear* to be Incorrigible, old this ts the fifth time that she has run away from honi*- flhe has no xnt p, ai lit to m:ik* about th* treatment lhit -.• received at h**m**. but appears to have a natural prcdlisotion f**r an evil llf tin account of her youth she was not trnxl In the Recorder's Court, but will be held at the barrack* until it Is seen whether or not an entrance Into a reform atory can bo secured for tier Several gentleman have interested themselves In this matter, and It is more than likely that she will be sent to some Institution where she will bo taken care of. pi: it son 11. WANT. YOU CAN get them cheeper from McOUUe. "MILLER’S" HTOVES AND RANUES rive satisfaction The Mugnetlc. Eoono rilst. Waldorf. King, and other good makes at reasonable prices. *l7 Brough ton. west KENSINGTON f AliM MII.K IS ItN surpassed for rtchg* as; delivery is per fect; phone. 23*6. BEE MILLER FOR OFFICE DESKS, office table*, offl'e mawlng. office shade* 207 Broughton, west WHEN YOt SEE M’OILLIS SIXTY- In -h ’.tiia-eni rugs, you will buy thnm. ; Just can't help It; will sell In any quan my. -FURNITURE MOVED WITH CAKE." la a apecially with McOllll*. “MILLER’S NEW STYLES IN CAR pets, mnretrtr-. ttwedenaa*. window shade*. etc. All work done tn |lrst-cla*s styla. 207 Broughton. we*t F l/IRAI, DESIGNS BULBS. HYA cinths, narcissus, polm*. cut flower* from Oelsehlg’* nursery, ojrposlte Catholic Cem etery. I.cave orders with J. Oardner, agent. 12 Broughton, east M OILLIH’"LACE CURTAINS WILL beautify your porlor “ M OtLLIS IS CHEAP ON RUC.S, NETS lac curtains, hammurki. water cooler* pillow*, plcturea, aioves, h**iri„*u suits, and furniture of every descrlpllor . “SEE THE JEWEL STOVES AND ■ • aJ< i" I W T*- aget t for Insurance gasoline stove. "HOW ABOUT YOUR WINTER clothing? let us put It In shape; $1 p.-r month Sterling Pres-lng Club, Is York, w "|1 4* BUYS NICE RATTAN ROCKERS while they last. Large assortment of rocker*, divans and easy chairs. C. I* Miller, agent _____________ KENWNGToIT” FARM IS OM AN elevation In the country, fre. from city drainage Impnaalble for milk to become contaminated, by Impure odors; If you want pure Jersey milk, phone 2345. De livery prompt; satisfaction guaranteed. M'GILLIH MOVES. PACKS SHIPS and store- plnnoe and furniture; beet work only: no Chcap-John” prices—no "T'heup- John" job* "GOLD FISH AND Ff>ftD.“ WATER grass, bone flour. 2tt-pourKl bag n cent* J Gardner, agent, for the present al 12 Broughton. east. linn FOR WOVEN" WIRE COTS while they last. C. P Miller, agent. 'C 50 TOR ART SQUARES WHILE they last Big assortment, all grades of art square*, ruga, mat*, portieres. C. P. Miller, agent “vt'GILLIS SELI-S SIXTY-INCH RUGS —Smyrna pattern*— for 95 cent,. “advertisements" SET IN CAP ITALS WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS HIFIBD ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD. VKRTIBK.MENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 30C. XI E.DIC *l.. HOW ARE YOUR FEET? IF YOUR feet are troubling you. call on nv- end I will give >ou rell f, I cure Ingrowing nail*, com* and all diseases of th feet without pain; charges reasonatde. 'in give ihe best references In the city; pa tient* treated at residence#; or lere ran be left at Llvlng*ton' drug store. Hull and Congress street*, telephone 293. I.em Davis, surgeon chiropodist. Mi l t- u I3THMMU WANTED. A IIEHTLINtI AND COM |a<eni lumber li sprrtor to take charge of the cut* of ; mill and shlpi>lng of same. u;*o telegraph operetor for iirlvate office, aril to attend company's store, will la required lo give u Isusl; rm-n of family preferred. Address Grow Lumber Com pany, Kramer. Ga. “WANTED. OFFICE BOY; Ml ST BE nrlghi and quick, about 15 years of age. Address In own handwriting. P. O. Box 153. WANTED" YOI’NG MAN IN OFFICE for generul work, who undei - iruls -ti u ography; salary moderate. Address L. ft , Morning N*-w*. HalebmeSi wanted to BELI. OUR good* by sample to Wholesale and ret cl trade; we are ihe largest and only man- Uf.icturere In our line in the wori 1. Übeid! salary peld Address. Cen-lbx Mfg Cos., office. 2* Board of Trade Building, .Savan nah. Ga TaLBBMEN WANTED TO CARRY flrst-class side line, easy sales; good per centage. (H-rmanerr trade; evert >dv n-e> 1* a fountain i>*n; reference*. Perry pen Comtsiny. Box 38. Milton, Wli. HA LEHMAN WANTED FOB KLOR- Ida Apply by letter to u* with refer ence; good salary paid to the rlgha man Llppman Hr.* . wholemie druggists, Llpp man block, Savannah, Ga. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy KlJncys Make Impure Blood. All the Hood In ycur body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. * kidneys are your yKJf i putilwrs. they lil iI) ,er out **’* w45, ° or XTy {Tiyi ‘Yjr Impurities In the blood. K\n?L' XT If they are sick or out K|/ * Lu of order, they fail to do their work -N-WyA-j'ljj "l l Pains, schessndrheu / Ul matism come from e “U- * cess ol uric acid tn the v> blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beat-., and makes one feel although they had heart trouble, because, the heart ts over-working in pumping thick, kidney poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the, kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning tn kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mtld and the eitraordmary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-koot, the great kidney remedy Is soon realised. It - lands the highest for Its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and Is sold on Its merits f -fT' bv all druggists In cent and one dollar ?i:-BErrrli*tti.r es. You may have a ■I" 'fTttT" sample bottle by mail non*, or h.-m free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out tf you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer & Cos.. Binghamton. N. Y.< West's. offrr an attractive • *orim*nt of ELECTRIC OOOBH. tn* Puling EI.ECTH It GAMBLE ft, EI.Et Tlt It (UN KH, i:u:< tiiii t.\* i.M.trrt.ii*, EI.Et THlt* El. %AH UtlllTM. Thcac ar*’ except tonally convenient article* in rvrry hou? -t 1 •t , ami make most acceptable gift*. In Solid Silver <ur display is mn*t tempting. ! Include* nil th*- novHie* f lha *lay thing* more useful than new. In China We *ltow i bewildering variety of i IH|mt i it I* remark ibk for their twMUly an.l cxdusiveiiesa We wmjll In- giat) to hiiv** you visit th* store before the rush if the iKilitJay *.iori. THOS. WEST & CO.. No. II Broughton St., W. llEl.l* It tMTn-Fi:H*l,K. ftBTTf-ED Cl HAIRED WOMAN TO rook for two aiwl help nurse, 3UI East Huntingdon. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITALS WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SHIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN C. tidAT* \i wrr.n. AGENTS To IIEI-HESKNT TUB HAL (■more Di’benture Company; eueleet iroii ireel hold. Aiklrcsa It- It. Grier, Ex change Bank. Macon. Go. • vtl'l.ot MEAT ANTE.II. "ToSEIdON VVANTHk BY A Li censed druggist. ix y< irs practical •x --perlenci and a graduate, l of refer ence*. A dill c** K K Itr.ielton. i-are Curry-Arrington Company. Rome, Ga. I-trSITION WANTED BY REGISTER ed pharmacist. Addreas l’oatofflco Box No. 3. Savannah. Ga. \\ 3 ATEII—MIst'EI.I, t N WOI'S. BUSINESS FIRMS IN NEED OK practical bookkeepers, stenographers, etc., and oil persons desiring Hitch |*>*Uione hould write the Draughon Business Kx ehunge. Nashville. Tenn No charge* to ,-mployers. We |aiy 15 for each vacancy reported to us. provided wo fill same Biislios* confidential WANTED, THREE To FIVE THOI'- h in.l acr.-s land for sheep ranch; glvu lo cation and fult pnptlculara; write W. D. Connor, St. George. B. C. “WANTED t’NTIL MARCH 1. NkxT. 2 mules or horses for their feed. Address "K," Morning New*. “IF YOU WANT GOOD MILK. GET IT from Springfield Dairy, It’s rich, pure and whoteaonif. “cash paid for good BECOND hand oat sacks. 112 West Bay street “if you want a place TO DUMP earth, dirt. sand, manure, etc., tree of charge, )ut m city limit-, hauling over hard road, wrlle or ti-lephomo Brown Bros., corner Anderson and East Br,aid atreels. ADVEP.TIHEM KNTrt HBT IN CAP ITALS WILL HE PRINTED IN CLAH HI FI ED ADVERTIBEMENT COLUMN FDR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 30C Frill lII’.XY—BOOM*. Fort RENT. ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping, with all conveniences, ut 33) llaberahum street. “NICELY EERNIHHED 'SOUTH ROOM; all conveniences. 3UB Barnard *tr<et, netr ________ COMFORTABLY EEBNIHHED" ROOM for gentleman, or light housekeeping; bath privilege. 121 East Congre**. Foil Hi:XT-Htll'M. FOR RENT. COMFORTABLE IIOUBB No 217 Waldburg atreal. eat. between Atrercorn andc Uncoln. flrM-cJass order and condition; every convenience Right mil to right tenant Elaie Salomon Cohen. Weal Broad and Broughton streats. FOR KENT THAT DESIRABLE bouse. 128 Ogletbori*- avenue, west. Ap ply a Hull street. west. FOH RENT. DESIRABLE DWELLING with ail modern Improvements: In g>**l repair 306 Jone*. euat. K !o- h & Screv en. FOR RENT. lT W'FFY STREET, east; possession at once. A(rplv George L Garmany. agent. 16 Bryao *tr--et. east. TO RENT. 221 AND -.’.TON* street, east; these are good houses and loeatlon excellent. Apf>lf to C A Mcln tlre. 4** B-ianl of Trade Building UIIAHIIIXti. GENTLEMAN CAN 81-kT'RK SINGLE room with good board at li Welt Una mu gtreat. % Glove=Fitting Shoes. Every pair we sell fits like a *lo?e—if von let os do the fittind. We Invite yonr attention to two special;: Bart 4 Packard's lamons “Korrect Stiape” lor gentlemen si; “Uueen Quality" tor ladles $3. No better values on eartb, and we have them tn every ma- . . tcrtal (tom Calfskin to Patent Kid. Do Your l’ockctbook \ a Kindness by Your Shoes Here. 4rrl!fe^ roll HWAiT— vrOHEfl. stTmuT ani* uwr.i.i.iNd. I t u " * 1 irxt m Tm i • row Apply t, It. S ' .tKiiiMii, It" Dry- I in nr.mi, iM-t. roll 111 AT- AIIM I: I I. AM.ol H. I.Alim: AA'AUEIUII'NE and OKt’ICK | Knit KENT. I'OHNEH IIIIOIHIHTON | AND WENT IIUd.AD STHEETB. FI lit- j MKUI.V IMDItIMFID IY TIIE BAVAN NAIt CARUIAfiK AND IVAUON CO. If iv hmaiit. KOII KENT. <>N TIIF3 O(IEFk'HF;K mud, bftvH'n llirrr amt four-mite p.u.ti litolt.-v nr, nearly 10 two mil.- |m.-d Im.l m to, m from oni urre I>’ one hutnir,‘.l. unr .an l>. boiixhl In triu-• or Mn.ill loi, on ea.y lerma. r* It Imraeli. AHVHKTIMKMI'VSTB HI-:T IN DAI' l I'AI.S Wild, hi: I’ltlNTKlt IN Cl.Ai* sikiivd advehtihi:mi:nt coi.i mn FOR TWO DENTS A AA'oltl> NO AD VEUTISI MEXT TAKEN KOII I.KHS THAN RK - I'llH Al l'.—Hi: AI. IATATK. adveutißf;mf:n’i*h hi:i - in dap itai.s wild, hi: phintkd in ddah HII II 1 * \D\ I KI'ISEMENT OOL.DMN roll TWO CI.NTS A WORD NO Alt VEKTIHI MIm.NT TAKEN FOR L.EBH THAN SUC ‘ F'Olt HAI.K. <>N THF: <K)BKF*IIKE road, bat ween Ihr.e an.l four-mile I"*!- 1 iirulley e.ira nearly lo two-mlle, lan.l in l,a. fiotn on.* acre lo on.* hinnlre*! .ime ran be ttouKlu In l.iru* or amall Wi on ..i->* lerma. C. II iHir.etl, "FOR BAI.K, A DiT FOR TWO lUlN dreil dollars, easy term*, on Ntntti .1 r.e, near East llruud. no city taxation. C. H. FOR SAKE."LOTH ON NINTH STREET near East tlroad; ru. city taxea, al each; lw.niy-tlv* dollars cash, and easy monthly paymenla. C. 11. iNjrsstt. FOR HAI.K, IATIS ON NINTH, SKAIt Eaat ltroad. a, D‘ each: will noon t>. advanced lo K 36; when a lot has l>n paid for I ran arran*s to R.t a horns butM. C. H Dorsstt. FOR HAI.E THOSE I.DTB ON NINTH street, near Ernst Brood, lurv. only been .old ,n tlmt-claaa pi it Is.. v'*>o will mk. ood net*hbor, and nons other ran buy. The terms ar. vsry easy, and they ars cheaper than any othsr tn the vicinity. C. II Doraett. ‘ RESIDENCES AND HDM.DINO IX7TB for ante all over the city. Itobsrl H. Ttem real esUls dealer. No. I York street, west. ' ADVEHTISI-Ml NTs BET IN CAP ITAI.S Wild. HE PRINTED IN CDAS Stl'tKl' ADA'KKTIRKMENT COI.EMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTtHF.MENT TAKEN FOR I.EHS THAN 30C ________ FUR MALE—Mist BI.I.AtaDt a. HOV HEM. THE COI.UH KING! TltV It when your favorite remedy falls, al Ssc bottle added to a gill of honey makes a splendid mixture for Intants and chilclren, BENZOIN HALM. MAKES THE SKIN like velvet, for *nle by dtuggl <t or at lien ry nnd Alter™™ Per*** Drug Stores, Whitaker and Taylor str.-ete ' FOR HALE. ONE SECOND-HAND Mb IIOKHE POWER ENGINE AND ROIL- Ell. IN A NO 1 ORDER. JOHN KOURKE Hr HONS “WEEKLY " NEWSPAPER IN BIG. |m>*|H-rnuH town. ga*l Inveetment; special r.-asoti* for selling, and will sell cheap. If sold right away Addre-a G C. H.. cars Morning News. Savannah. Ga. FIRE PROOF BAKES -WB CARRY A tine line of lire proof safes In ato> k al al! time* The |turtles can *ee exactly wimt they are getting Our prlcee nre as low a* manufacturers ecii It. with freight adl ed Parties Interested, who wlh a g<al Are proof safe will and. well to Instiect our stock. lJppman Bros, Llppman Wock. ogenrw for manufo-turer*. ‘ TURPENTINE LOCATION FOR rale. I* crop* first year boxes; 12.00> acre* round limiter, at 31 50 (ter acre. *’> per thousand Itoxe* for leased tlmte-r; plenty of timber to be got. In five milt a of rati, road. will give possession new or al end of eea*on Address Round Tlrnbt-r, rata Morning New*. ~Springfield dahiy ib noted for having rich, pure milk; try II; you will be pleased. 'ADVERTtHEMENTB BET IN OAP ITALH WILL BE PRINTED IN CLArt El El ED ADVERTIBEMENT CGLEMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LEBH TRAN 30C. MIST Dll fill MD. IA >HT. ON MONDAY MORNING, n<-iir Cattl. Park, a black and white set ter bitch; name of J T. Shuptrlne on cr>l lar A lltieral reward will be paid If re turned to corner of Congre** aial Jeffer son street*. 1/ >ST, hwTe-hpbckled hound pupty; 5 months old. Reward If left Ba varumh Brewing Comtainy. 11l 4 HtXfCF.u. ITALS WILL BE PRINTED IN C|,AH SII’IED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO All VERTIHKMBNT TAKEN FOR LKBS TH A N 3DC. Pl.t XIIIIXH. MODERN PLUMBING. IT WIIJ, BE to your interest to let me give you an es timate on your plumbing, nw or old work; repair work a specialty, a I *m a practical plumber. No guc* work to eestanger your life. Wlggin*. phone W. Georgia or Bell. MIiCKI.I.AMKOt *. WE GIVE YOU EITHER IH>MBSTIC or gloss tinl-h: perfect work. Forest Cny Isiuodry, Park av* nue. GET YOUR WKDDINO PRESENTS at Koch A Sylvan'*. 46 Whitaker. They are le-aullful and cheap “l V* .ID THE RUSH LET ME II WE your sign work for Elks" fair at once. Wm. Taylor, ltd Barnard. WE CLEAN CLOTHE* BY THE RE sou trie antiseptic proceea. Try u* N.w York Steaiu Dye Works, Whitaker and State. NEW DOMESTIC. WITH 1 ILL bearing*, on easy terms; try one; buy one; deal with your people. Penton * Hon. FOR FISHING TACKLE, NETS. ETC.. tro lo (’ornwfil it Chipmtn. ~BTKKJal>.'<; SIIaVKB NOVELTH |ns for Icm than flrut coal t 12 HroUfhton •(reel, (.ml. aloie known un Ounlntr'• il#- SJUUa V JHTTIOV THIS DAT. AUCTION SALE TO-B % \ . ui ;B\ l >B % 1 . . T. <II I | of I I *., Ii *.l* at l |* in >i yi< rtl iv W. will twi tlnuc i* ■ ••11 Uil.u • of 11 *d*-itfir*ii**iti, covi * ting f •*. n Kfiki arwi k* r>, La tii *‘ Tailor-mad*" J.h K. i . Hut* und Hwk VS l i It will pi> you HAS' ANN All Al’ ‘TION AN! CUfttMlHHluN * OMPANY. 11l Willtak r stric t Hl* lh 3tl hb*ti>. \ii>iiii D ** rvt HIM I I I. % M.oi a. luiN T TIIOI'BLK YUl T RHKLr ABOUT moving your furtiliurr n iuv ing your :ar p**t* or malting I’srry A Brnton niil r ii*7>vs you <>f ail that trxihl^ i:na\ii.m:i batiiti*hh ih svhat wp art going to oftcr this w*k. I**l us put In tn>‘ for you* •in<l you wilt bis** th* day you wwt ln*rn In; on iq*■t*-lito liathtiib lor only |lu. ns for plutubing. unl ga* fitting our w*rk I* utisxcsllml anu rb prl * i vlll vnakr you f*-p| **•*>•; In fact, you will hardly f1 It at mM A. C PrtOa Ar fo.. corner - ami JiffuraMi, *cor gi m .nul 81l ‘phone* tfc'Si " IIAVK YOU It HOI HK TAINTED with Cernuui rvndy mUtd paint, snttra sat If a 'll**n guaranteed Adam* Taint Company. “VS ANTED.’ ONK TIIOUBANB IIITN gry |wo|il** at th* H>uthsin Grocery Com pai.y, 114 Barnard street “TIfONK 1575 FOR FORF3BT CTTT latuislry They will call for your Uoaa Imm* illatrly. W’ATCII AND JT.WKLRY RPTY'Af R ing given |*rrfnal attenllan. ;' Koch 4L Hyßan's. 4b SVhltoker MKRCIIANTH ATTENTION’ ADVMR tUIng and sign*, of all dsacriptliin, classi cal work at modern prices. Hco Tavlor, 14< Brruird street. *NKW iMiIiKHTIC BBWINfI M ACIYINB with ball tearings. lock nr.d chain stltahl two ni4*him*a In one. Ten ton A Hot LADITeH HAST: YOUR FINE ''HR pm and tailor nwols ilriopM dyed by new ox*dy pnrfv. guaranteed not to shrink or get out of h*4|>e New Yaffc Ivn Work*, Wtiii-iker arsi 4*ta**. 'Thoao ‘Ft tit HARDWARE AND TOOLH, OO to Cornwell * Chlpman’s. “THE .SHOW f AHEM. coi’NTE.itst ANI> fixture* In the store, 12 Broughton street, east, known a* Gurdn. r t, Bazaar, for sale; they must go. ~Til I; HTOCK ftK GOtJltft I N TH W store, 12 Broughton street. en*t. known as OardneEa Basittir. muat !*• eotd. lartlee wtehlng ran purchase In lota and prices to suit. 'WE HELL HEWER PIPE. FLUB pipe, fire day. fire brick al lowest prices. Adama Paint Company, 104 Congraaa, west. PERRY A RENTON. 13f> HTATB street, west, will move, pack, ship or atoru your furniture at short notice; also ren ovate your old mutt reuse* at little "o*l. Hell ‘phone 1121. BUHH FOR THE GAB LAM PH AND mantles; the waving on your gio* hill will pay for In a little while, not *aylng about the comfort they produce At A. (?. Price A Cos., corner Hint" and Jefferson; com plete oulni for 75c. Georgia nnd Bell 'phones *SB THE JtoHT l-P TO DATE R IK IB being turnrxl out by Forest (*lty Laundry. 'Phone 1675. GOLD WATCH EH AND DIA3IONDB at all prices. Koch A Sylvan. 4* Whitaker at red. PICTORIAL BIGNH. ADVERTISING sign*, sign* of every description ttperlal decoration* for Elk*" Carnival. YVm. Tay lor. _____________ PKNTON A HON, Wit.l. BE.NOVATB your machine and guarantee It Hell iew or okl machine*. FOR RANG EH AND HTOVES. OO TO Cornwell A Chlpman. OTPHINE IB THE REST WALL FlN tah made Adama Paint Cos., Savannah agents. IM Congraaa. west. MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED t'ENTH In every dollar of your hard-earned hard cash at the Houlhem Grocery Company, 111 Barnard air-at BBC A. C. PRICE A CO. ABOUT your stoves, heater* and oil stove*. the Peach oil healer la on of our best heat. er nt a low price, they are peaches; we have several ga* range* slightly used, al most new. at lairgiiln twice*. ’Phone 656, corner Biate and Jetfemon. REDPCE TOUR LIVING Pill If— by Investing your hard-earned hard cash with the Bouthern Grocery Company, IM Bernard street. ADVERTISEMENTS BET IN CAP ITALS WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN POM TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTIHBMBNT TAKEN FOB LEB3 THAN 30C Norwood's "Satire" For sale at all News Stands in Savannah. USUAL ItOTIUCL NOTICE TO DHHTORB AND ( RED- I TOR* GEORGIA. CHATHAM COFNTT— Notice Is hereby given to all peraon* hav ing demand* ..gainst Mrs. Eltg.t C. Chis holm, tale of * .Id county, deceased, to pre weni them to roe. properly made out, with in the time pre*crtl~d by law, so a* to show their character and amount; and all |sT*on* hide hied to said dtteeaaad are required to make Immediate payment to me WALTER 8. CHISHOLM. Executor. Savannah. Ga., Oct. and, 1900. "GEORGIA. CHATHAM COD NTT.— Whereas. Ho!-r. U. Iteppard. ha* appltad i<> the Court of Ordinary for Liter- of administration on the estate of Alfred (sometime* called Albert) Evan*, dr- •>.-!. These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may concern, to b *n.l appear before said court, to ot>)*< tlon (If any they have), on or before th* first Monday of December, next, otherwise said letter* wilt be granted. Witness the Honorable Hampton L Fee. rlll. Ordinary for Chatham aunty, ihla the tilth daygpf November. 19C0 FRANK E. KKtt.HACH. yisrA C. 0., C. Cos., iMk 3