The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 07, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 Without Cost to You. If you or** suffering:. op have friend* h ffering from kidney, liver. n. dd*T. *r li uhl dle*fM *. 1 r.|. postal irl <mcn 1. m!rg lb*J* pap*T) to \N • r•* .-*<'■ '’ure Ca. Rochester. N Y . and •••*'* bv rf " I rn pftßt g H 4/v Cure, mi *J much \ .11 . ’%•!*' i>rm el-m. abaoluietx fr** LESTER A WINNER. (Continued fr rn Tenth Pune.) emt* fell that r.\lr •wa a> f* one. *1 be heavy vo . ul l h • .inn in lotwe. n U >r-1 2 *'.< I "A**v 1, |ui*N th* m Hinculuit. V tk**n |-|-le %'• • \*r;. Jjidlant . UkUnn 1 li e Iw* • * vot* . h !d**r vai and < oo*ld 1 ..** vet |*> k* l XOte, it *a a ft.* iitvio f T. e In* t 134! a • .*r ■* 1 -uft 11j regular irn - tiuN. 1 *1 • *vrw w ,1-ktiOw bo-ln* a inn. n*y m ‘Ailment of their \ Ii; r tr . ght Republican tike* *<Mt I i t thi mrtwi-t cf th* Leaken > ipport. •Ph <* nurnter *f whom ofletred to iti i * that l> K 1 was ii I i. *• 1 x dlhny 10 *e,iv* the rrui’t* r to the J jaent of *hr manager? Thß hi |..r*nt mate of afTvr* rr and He somewh.u biu * f- " ’ #xir*w*-l that • ■.. R;* do • n.l ife tvoti n nin Ho. lector .1 Vf **> •!*>.• r. * The remit I of fhl* WA-k t* >1 • • eral that t.Y>l r • i* i all th vote* he c<*ikl re?, and th.* o*l heipel to t>rli ,g out large t I•rn*•1 * t - * vote Tne D#m* r .'iM* \v**kr \s conspicuous by t f*wu-r tHor r ;ro ller* as compared with th- ir • t*i*oit‘n?- Nearly al. th. I.* ter *< k*i > w. re v.l unte* rr* and under lb- * f?’*• I*.t llr• * ? I** of Mr Thom# J ftheftall th*> got in xery ytot.-i w k Mr S . fMil ’<v • *tr of the few I non* '.it* ot Hi*' s> **n* who . remain**'! ind* >r*t*d throughout. and who Insisted that the claim* of the opposition were unwartHtitel At 12 o l -’k h* iff*- ] diet**) that Mr 1. *k*n w o t n ’ 1 *lv I, vote*. anl that Pol * majorltv would I" In ex-e* f l.h l.rater*. \ olr I ndrreetlmNted. It i after A * lew k when the I>emn- i* reaaUiel he|r onfld-n .* and h.ym to that tlie day was their- Wv* n tnar they *nlv Ulm*.l to '.► m .j. ntv an outiiie tlicure*. and there w*i** few who counted upon a m h os I.OOh Th wire of the vote w in a rei* oirnrlae to j hf>th tddea, as It wap not thought In th** morning that th* vote would go over o S.TUU It was the unegpe* t* I vote wlih h mov out that uwelled (k)l Lewter'e nia jorltv Th*- voting wan very steady all day tin- i til late In the- ainmoon when it <Jt at ull th. bo*.- except that of the First l)|.*tri. . There war a line f voters at thin hox from 12 o clock to ♦ o clock than** being at on** time •*- many - ♦*' men In line. nd at 5:30 o'clock ther* w . ntUl Imlf that numbtr It wap very evi dent that there should hate been two box** in this district, anil there wa* much gruinbltVHl liecauee of the fallur* to mak*- better prtvi**on for the convenience of th** voter* Th** average voter .*' this lox t> I in Hoe from one-haJf to thr* *-juai ter of an hour There wr* lln. - formal for •• tlm** at the two Fourth District boxes, the one at the A to K t*ox lasilng f.*r some tltn- At the Thlr*l Dietrlrt box t ■ %'oters were hanlled verx *xpe#lltlou*l\. JuiKtce Naught in. who reralvcd th* ti k eta, being pmsiotlly acquainted With ** majority of the voters For .• Mm** the ballots went Into this box at th** rate of ion an hour. At the box for th* Fifth, j Hlxth ft* venth and Eighth Dmtricts the j manager* bd quite time but polled good vote for the country district*. A canvas* of the boxes begun about five minute* previous to closing tim*- showed a total vote of 4.215. Perhaps one or two votes were added liter When the poitw closed at 624 the Le.iktfl people were still very much in evidence about the Court House, and shouting jubilantly, thinking nppHienlly, that they Iwl w*n the victory. Th*lr Joy wa* short-lived. The OfltrtMl i nnnt. The manager* oatmted the ballot* in the room* wh*re they were rcn’elved, thl* work occupying about an hour, aft r which th* <ttiHolldatlon to<*k place In the ! ofTlco of the clerk oi the County CYmimts- I siorsr>. Tne first !ox* s to refiort were tha country box. the Second District and the *evmd half of the Fourth These ; showed a majority of 809 for Coi L. **r. j which was **nic*Yhst larger titan wa* x peoted. The three m lining boxes more than doubled this majority. Th* vote for oongre.--mao wa* as follow* lister** | Dlstrlcta. l.enk* n MaJ y 1 ;yH D-* i 2 492 I*9 303 2 731 171 j 4 (A to K> 4 m 4 t L to Z> 4?* P 4 8,6, 7 and 4 144 198 42 Totals 2.797 Mil 1.999 The vote for the nation,il ticket*, hiking the highest ejcotorul vole on each ticket. was a* f►.lws Diatru t* Item. Hep. Pro Pop. 1 71k 236 2 542 133 2 ... 9 711 142 3 4 (A—K) 871 146 ... 1 4 (J L-Z) ♦ 132 2 6. 6. 7. H. 11l 102 2 Totals 3.346 991 7 The consolidated vote fo: pr*si*len:tai elactore. it* compiled by Mr J. It, Hm . Jr., who took charge of ti 'on*olidat*-d retunis last night. U a* follow Demo* ratio Ticket. For Pnsddcnt William J Bryan. For Vice ITtsident: Adlai K fttevettaon For Presidential Electors. Augustus DuPont 8.332 Fulton Colville 3 . j Waiter W Bheppard 3.1 H 4*. \V, I'ulwichl ; r.j \V. C. Nottingham 3. ..M 14. F M. Uiughlln 3. ' Edgar Mitham 8.881 J. M. fttrlrklnnd 3.351 J. P. Jacfcowuy .8,451 A. O. MoCurry 3.351 j J. J. Klmtoy 3 351 T.‘ E. Massengale .... ... 3. .51 A. E. Cochran 3,Sal Republican TI k*-:. For President Wldlim M Kin ley. For Vice Pr- dtbnt The<ih>r* Roosevelt. F\>r Presidential Elex*tors. J. F. Hanson John Oliver KC Henry Blun. Jr v9‘ J. E. Paterson aid W. B. Reyroour 91k E. N. Flemenco Id** H. I. McKee 91*i T W. Thurman 91* Charles Adatwon 91* I F D* Wolf 916 A. . J Hall ‘b K 11. Vaughn . M*J w. U. cook and; It will be observe! that the two c*nd*~ dates for electors from this district Mr W. W Khepnard nnd Mr Henry liltin. Jr., wer** *adi scratched u few vot* V,< 1 that there had evidently been an error In reporting the vote frMn on** of the boxes by which ten of the Re publican electors ire credit**! with 916 vo> which he U iik- D an ex** of about V old vote* above that to which tm y are entitled While Mr. .ken wa* defeated by C*o! Lester by t largs majorkv. he wi!l have tha aatMNfaetion of knowing tlmt he re ceived 5c2 vote# more than the head of P4* nati nal ti k**t, although it was 359 hah.l and Mr Doyle's vote in 1496. He will eftao t.a .*e ?n*- lUlifaellon of knowing tha* he give the I>emo ratic manager* a good ar* even though their fear wuk unwarranted While he lc<cal Republicans did not have th*- pte, ire of shouting over vic tory at the poll* here, their troubles were forgotten when they rase had tne ! bulletin be.irtls an*l read the rr-jert of the j getuiii * 1 ud* i J* In favor of their i.atiotutl 1 an*l • t i!** elck- * * .** wn**r**. MAJOHITY 4,0t10. ! That Is tti* I etlnint** llhiml on In* roinplrle ll**liri**. The returns from tne iounit* > i of th* First IrtctrM are In*-*m- P et* From t legratns to the Morning ! News and u knowbdg* r*f th* fdluation, | t'*,4 L*s*. f . n*H **• .! :* ' - major | Jt\ at abo.ii i*• cvrni" * •* t* r *'s hav* been re- rived from but tnri counties. Ci atharq, 111 > m an 1 am The?* give t*>l \+ ter s<4nctlt over ma jority. Bullock I.* counted on for msi tnu I Jorlty. jr ti •::% tn* full v.e. of the county. I t tn 1./* to •> majority i*te#k *l for in IJf rty, I i**n til iv le si* r 7*. major it v a* * ording to iat*- reports. Screven gave him r*. i.| n.ij rlts Ft-m *• to s in;ij* r \ l4>k*d for in Burke Tn* return- %vn • will b* r • lv#*l t. *i.i\ may *t. v' ’.* •• fi- in - -rn* what |ii c*> L f* r e fr** n*V k r* h a Uing on hts u uui n,t>.r in t.u* d}trtrt Tt • vot* in M Into dI; , >*. i\, %if H* rnngtoti. wto .irr)v*l ti thr t> i?*“t nlgb from Kmai • uel county s*ibj that dulimorc give lao* t* r 4 1 nwn rity M• la*akci. however te*JV'*la .. I*. I Vot* ill HtCHln Uto, fjg - t*r - majority in Emanuel t- * vp* te j to a* and t . Y* t*rila\ wihCol lister’s -• venfh *oii t*-itl\. *• ♦** 11* r> m* r |.’NitfUcillvf **f tlm 1 Irst ' "iiy**--;oh i, ll trh ' *<f (n f '■ and ' .*i I* .i l.iiu * * Th- m*ir:t> r clv**| by him > studa> w* th* ema ii he lan .\ . r ra *lv*l in Chnth im with th#* x(v |>tk*n oj (. .ii v* or - tg**. when his llotmbli on efit. Mr J. F. D*y.. r - r** i\ *ci IJ7 V)t s h aving \>l. I* st**r M rn- iorit* *•* * nly .si i ‘F • n> lowing Is t • r* r*l of ( hatfuint vot. for C’ol Letter m t .* ■'•ceit coi ••• . t. •* e|.- tl-Or at which ** has been m * uulM.iui. Usteri* Yrar Total lister M ijorlty I*X 4.215 2.71f7 l as* :*•*> 1.7 , Mo iv.d^ rw**!\e >curs rig** %vl * n r |, Bester sue ce<|e! the preaertt j n. t M Norwood as lb. DiciO' ffttli cindtd*'o f... was op |h.* .1 hv It* v Flovt Ft:* •* lb* not* and negro |r*Acher-potltlc bui. who polled 1.322 \**t - in u*4i am In the < *mpilgn of !s> **o| !.•.ter' o|.jHnen* w . (.'apt M .! Doyb* who e vot- w! ♦ in i^*rj Bier** were tu,. opp.sltion nndldatfp. PloaaantM. Rep who pul'e.l 1 :4f, v .(e . and K**mp, Pop. who t* -vivcd f.'s votes, in i y 'l the opp****ltlmy yv.i** re*lu * I t*. a fop ullst *andilat*. Mr Brown, who receive | 37 votes Four year > nc there ws th** tmx-l vigorvHj.t op|h t sttlon that C*d Fester has ever had Mr J F Doyb. the Re publican candidate, receiving 1.770 votes, and Mr. (Forge Miller. Pop., 253 votes. f !#• In Mr Inf ob. Darien. Nov. 6—Very lift!* interest was manifested In the ele ’lon her* ijthough a fairly good white vote y\a* polled Mc- Intosh Im nomiiMlly u Republican county, but the negroc* were not enthusiastic an I hundred* who wm * register* and di i not vot* M KlryJev and It oosevelt fmve r**- '•elved a majoii’y of votr S*rnn of the R publican tickets had leak**n's name scratched and Better's substituted. The vote for congressman may !>*• close. Dsrkr'fl IlHinn* Incomplete. Waynesboro, Nov. 6.—Th** election here proceede*! quietly Burke g-** s Demo cratic. In the vote for Fongres-man. Ds ter. Iwr> mttc. carries this prrclnct by about 450 mujorky. Republican, polled .ilmhii 2.V) votes. IgtWtOftvilte casts III# entire vot*- of the Plxtv-firM Distrt t for Dester. Fill it a tin in Ulifi l.rster 300. Guyton. G * . Nov. 6 -The of!l :al re turns are . cxnlng in slow* A wif** esti mate is that 400 votes htive been poll*d in Kfllngham county tester has receiv*sl a# Past '•*. nf.l Da ken at>ut 100 Is ahead of McKinley, three to one in Fftingram Democrat* t\ In In l.tlierty. Walthourvllb . Ga Nov ._The On* Thousand l*uur Hundr**! and Fifty eighth iistri-t ; '• lit \an 29. McKinley 19. Lester 31. Bcaken 16 The Democrat} have no: voted near their full strength. I.ester’* Minority In llrynn 1121. Pembroke Nov. • —('ongr* -(atonal vot* for Bryan county: Beater Benken I*9. Very small vot** (-t I,enter \\ o In ScfTYMI. Bvlvnnia Nov S.-Dder e arned Rrrcv en by majority Bryan** majority 100. I’I.F.nHD MtipiT %T 1. M. ( . 4. Ileltirns Received 1 p to MidntKht nml Displayed tn a I.nrare t rmxd. Quite a largo crowd gnthen-d the Young Men’s Christian Association to sre the election returns, which were received h> a -;>,• | y%ln the Poatai Te le graph Company. The bulletin* were In terspersed with a number of views iilur tru ing the history f the Y M. C. A., showing aeveral of th*- handsomest build ing* of the country. n*l the different de partments of Ih* wrk *f whi* h also some statist lea' figures w ere given, show ing particularly b* \niut of th*- •du ttonal branch Ka h h i ' hour th* Uuht** were turned on and r* f* *hrm nts were scrv* l The crowd wo-< largely t-oQiposts! of Bry an sympathix* t uul gav%* \*-ii t their enthusiasm when* ver they had the oppor tunity. which wa not ofien. but ther*- was nlro a tatt :jrlnkling of .\i* iviiiU*y it -. who itMilc themselves heard Toward the I it*'-r pi l of the evening, a . the bulletin• t**g in to be more itid trier rmpnn*:* us •*> the gei .-ral r* -lilt. the crowd !►•. an l*> i* ■*->*-r id til at mUlnlcht. when tlic bn. tit:* wr* st*, ml. there were only a few persons left. The enterftiinm t t * is particularly en joyed i> the ladle*-, of wrem there were a great motjy In attendance. The t ’.ih: w - ho \a g I* * son* iti r-a 1 - ural history, and Ihr Imohrr asked • Now. is there nybo*ly here can tell me what a Z' r*i la'*" Tommy—"Y*a. I an." Tt-iher *‘\V* li. Tommy. wh*t I a zebra ?*’ Tommy- 'Tl* ae, sir. u z* bra I* a donkey with u fooibiill euii un!"— Tit-Bti y§sj best friends turn their heads aside. A bad breath means a bad liver. Ayer’s Pills arc liver pills. They cure constipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, sick headache. 25c. All druggists. | ttjni f>ur istt.iue. b*u>t s tosunfbt I Mown or rich h #*k ? Th# <•# BUCKINGHAM’S DfE UCSr. THE MOUNIKG NEWS: WEDN ESDAY. NOVEMBEK 7,19 no. 7! ad way’s II Pills i Purely vegetable, mild n*l reliable Regulate the I .tv *t did Digestive organs Th* safest and modicllM? ti the world i far the CURE ! *if nil <1 border* .f #h S’omach. Blver, • Bowel*. Kidney* C adder. Nervous Ins ' ease*. 1/tp of App'-tltc. II- uda he. Const!* j ji.ition. < ttive t Indignation, Hlllous • e*‘ F ver Infl immatioii of the Bow • la, Ptb*s and nil d* ring*tn nt -of the internal Vlacer. PERI'Ft'T DIGKHTION will be i 'rrnf :,‘hrd la taking RADWAY R BIBBS By so tlolng DYSPEPSIA, Si k He.idac h#. Foul Stomach. BlHooaneas win h*. w ,id'd .<• th* fo**#| that is eaten . ■ rrrii, ,ou ■ n*Mir'hlr.g prop*rtlea for , tie support *.*f tl < natural of the body Pm e. per bax Sod by all druggist*, or sent b> mall *n receipt f price 11ADWAY & cn Kim st . New York. 'NEATH PALWS AND SMILAX. C ntinuol fr m TANARUS nth Page * ;e<rgla \ i iimU > of r i*n from he * *hf |f* • limmil ' • Wa r* made, nnd M c .*•? ii i)hii of suggested action ww- out llital. bill no postllvi- and d* finite uetcr tnliuitlan was mn bed rhei. wet** present at th meeting, he skl* Mr- and the other of ’l r- of tl • llvlslon. • number of the ! : —: r . *•*#, ■' r ,P 5- Mils Y| %It I k*3 h IIM %N 4 19. Vice Prealdent XstflmiHli ( ItaptrT. Dniiuhters f ( snfsilrrscy, halrmen for the congressional dlatrtcta. i The *nirnif tconsist* *)f Mr*. B. 11. Haim . from the First Dfatrict. Mis* Au i n. It* titling, from the Third; Mr.-* Imltor. Mitchell, fr >m the Fifth; Ml*e Martha Smith, from the Seventh; Mrs Sibley, from the Kghth; Mrs. Dunlap, from the Ninth; Mrs. Thomas p. Branch, from the Tenth, and Mrs. Chapman, from the Elev enth This work of erecting nm mortal to tho local Daughter of the Confederacy, ha* lrogi-**•<! mot! favorably sine* It has in en undertaken by th* tn* mbera of the Byy! 'TaPNakft \ *'i aT-jT. J** ... . OTi. fziMr W jM*:' -1 yiltk. I.FTTH . YY HIT lt IHIYT, i keeretary Mviuumli < hinder, D. C. Georgia Division, and th#' committee wi!| And It possible to nuk. a rct>ort that w*ill , p* 'l.) genera! satlsfa* t .on The bu-iness h sslot;p of the convention i .no of>en to the j üblic and those who feel an Intent; in the work the Daughters represent n the South are cordially in vited lo attend them. T .ere will Ih* inter etlng tn#.'hes it intrvals during the •Wg whatever of dullness might otherwise mar them. FYKlft* \T Till. ( %II A IAMB. Two of the tiPiitrT Placed Tnekage (.iiiiiea at tile (.rounds l ast Muht. Tiu- ikir.* that ti * p*d to town for tha E k*. C.irr.ival have **n veil qulot a- a who’** net , v. - ~*r lav wh< n two of them twgan their nan* ,* in h* f’arnlval grounds, where they did a good bit' ne s Hoili of the game l ore • f the nature of n lottery, or prize package order. The flr**t or principal game !. playe*) by me ms of buggy whije- which are *4l for fifty nt each and wr • h e* rv • p untr s for a number of sroitlt laox#*- arrange*! on ira k behind the manager of th* ame. Tha se Ijoxes. when s* le* ted by the pur chaser of the w hip, are Opt-n* and by the manager, who then pr * * e>:s t* bug tin with the player a* to th* .•mount { v l( V \ ill Is* paid. At time* ha K iw , high a* 12 buts be j.,,) *ij u-df)* • :or h e heal ' tna najorll> Of i payer- get nothing but tn. pi. .tionab.e -ati:*faction * f knowing that ttny *re "sucker* The <4her gam* i *>n th** or*ler, t'tout tn this c.iee th*- prizes arc various ,itl 1. Of fan v brl*-a-hrri A number ~f ,*iOf*d env* lojir— ar** |!.i **d In • box,! anal uix)n f *ivnicnt of 25 *• tts th* player t uH**w*d to Mb ct tl* If th envelop* . **ti Atm u num.H*r he .* given an article having th** corresponding numt-er on tt. imt tn th** majority of * ;•#* there Is no number In the envelope It r* umlersto* 1 that the*** men were ; given the privileges of th* grounds with ; the ufxb-r landing that they were not to pUv game# in which the stake was more tbwn 2' cents. The men connected wlih the legit ma*e .'ir idlonf are none too well pi* *- •! with e*e rivals, and may take -om** ete| to have them put out of the grounds. —One of Mr Whistler's art students at the schools In Paris the other lay asked master very erioudy if he t u UgtJf that she might paint Nature* ex.n tly s be bi\\x her. Mr. Whist tr very prompt ly fep.l* I: "Theta Is tK> * I'th!) r* ason why yOil should not |a.iit Nature exactly •i- you se. her. ong. my letr lady, as you do not • Natara s&actly a- you pstut burr* MONOTONOUSLY REPUBLICAN. KDK4 TIO> HETIItX* WMtE 13. m:44imi tu. one \% tv. hi moeratß Hnl Little * tin wee to Ex - erclae Their Throat*. !•• the He l>ii t* 11 eii it Worked l% erlliMe—The llr>nn 1.0 ndsllde Appeared to Have (tone the other Way-All the Ihtuhfful *tatea deported In the Mepiihlican Column and Even Ne braska Seemed to Have (•***“ luuliiti llnnu-The Mamina New* Excelled til Past Iteeurd* for Prompt nnd lull Reports. Th** Democrats, who turned out to the bulletin Uiard* last n>ght to get th* re ' ?urt of the Bryan f *ndf!id*. were not ! .**) i oily dl.ififolnteil after all The Bry. in kit ids itdr occur r-d all right, only the **!* wa* away from Bryan and no! !n ho dlrcci.,*). The re:urns l***gan coming I iv early, und k|.t uj to h late hour, but th*> ware so motiotonou*iy Republb .in I th at t?ie Detnorratn lost Interest early m the evening and th* .-nou?* that were j heard ii front of th* Morning News ofTl *• md other pl.< -s where (!• bulletins were | l*ing rec ved. were ill from Republican throats, chiefly of the dusky variety. The Morning New* • lipsed nil of its P**t records in furnishing full and com plete return* of the election. Report* tp received by dir* t wire* from the Western Fnlon and the A-**ociatsl Pre*.-*, til by the Deli Telephone Company's long'dissnnre lino* it required thr* **p era tors to r-eelve the bulletin, two meg aphones w* re kept busy announ mg the return* to too crowd* which waited In the street tielow. whllo two men were k-pi busy writing the bulletin* which were i.itr-r <itiHik*yeiJ by the etereopflcon on the anva* Just acroa* she street. Tne crowd did not have to wait for tin n* w- The return* were furnl*h*.| in •iuun , My •nd rapidly. If the quality of th- new* wa* not wi\ at the crowd wanted tti- Morn ing New* could not !•*■ held r< . From ulmost th.* ver> *1 rat ti • tenor of the new* was unfavorable i> I >em r.ul* hope* A few sc.ittf rll g ffirniMS* .>.g at th** first give arn* slight Denu> r<itl encouragement, hut su- h hopes as were engendered by were soon dlatdpated bv the ma-‘ of report all favorable to the Republican Occ-irionally a report from *mf Such rn state hep*d to break the mohotony Republican > i -but these only .Aim* at rare in terval*, Texas, with its tremendous- ma jority for Bryan cf 175.<W. furnishxsl the | only broad ray of llgh-t which plerc* 1 thf* lemtr ratlc gloom. ut. even that was an ticipated It wa* the doubtful state* which the crowd wanted to hear from, and they w.rv not long kept In waiting. New York did not remain In the doubtful col umn long a* the number of pre lu. t- r - {sirted In. r* iyol it w i *< en that th* te wa* a wide and rapidly growing dl- iwirlty between the vote* of M Kinley and Hry in outside of Greater N**w York, which tte ; figure- for the cliy gave no hop* of over | When Mr. Croker's s*lm.*te of only 15,nw Democratic majority for (r*^it • r New 5 ork came 1* w m rtys|y*xl almost with dl*gii*i. There had been some slight hopes of a Bryan wave in Illinois, but It wuis soon ** * n that state wa* traveling the same road with N#*w York Ohio of fered no encouragement, neither did any of the other large Western state* Th*'i the report* from th* really doubt ful *t a tee began to com* In aij*l It wa* found thnt mies of th* d.*utilN were on the part of the i>*mocrats. Maryland. Kentucky and even Nebraska. Bryan's own *!.tte. w< re dnlmefl with an air of confidence and certainty by the Republi can manager*, only combated by doubt ful assertion* on tne part of th- I*mo • rats < akfornia, Oregon and ton. and both the I>ak*taB, were pla.d •>quar*d> in the Republican column. In diana still hold out iMii** hope of doubt, hut with intimation* that li inclined to ward the Republican* West Virginia was report, and squarely In the Repub.lean <ok min. About the meanest piece of m>tt< flash- j '’** upon the bulletin hoard was that Itry nn'* own precinct. where he voted yester .lay morning. In Nebraska. had (tor. for M.'Kinley by nearly 2 lo 1. After that anything could be believed about N. braskn ami no one vat surprised to em it veering more ami mot. cowards Re publicanism. 1 lie Republican mob got tired of cheering after nwhlle and oeas.-d w.ieting Ha lung power on anything Imt heavy mujorltlea. FI yen this got tiresome ajier awhile and the crowd dwindled run Ully after II o clock At midnight, when the bulletin* ceased. only a m-ore or more" °f persistent Inquirers after facts re mained and even they seemed willing to tine untrrrined Democrat was found I ,te who vowel by all that wan good ;n .| holy I t -me 111. U- . - :l „ that the returns were all wrong ,nd that this morning's paper would -how th worthiesanestt of the early returns with a complete reversal of the Drat verdict It bad I teen Just the sam- r en Cleveland defeated Harrison he declared \|| th-- reports on the night ..f the election favorable to Harrison ami nobody don: t •d th. tr correctness, until thev got hold of the Morning Newa ih- next morning and found that Cleveland had lieen elected af '• r all The asm. tbli K , i , , this time, he declared He could just feel It • ommg In his bone* it wasn’t possible that llrvan could he defeat.d Not only In front of the Morning X.-w --■ >m-e. but at other places throughout the city, there were anxious cr>>. s awaiting and receiving news of the resid e of ,h* election Hepon* w.-re reeeiv.d tit the Tento -nt -hi Hass ns. Oglethorpe and llarmonle Cluhs. the Y M f A and V. M II A and at a number of other place It was a sad.l. ne<l and chastened crowd that return..i from all of thee. • At the Tomochlchl Club a delightful sup. |ier was served during the evening ad the members, who were In large numbers, found this about the most pi, , t> . ant feature of the eniertatnnien . He|s-rts were furnished the subscriber* of both the Georgia and the It. It T. 1.- Phone Comp dibs, him! very excellent re ports they were, it la safe to say that mv. r la-tore have the results of a na tional elec I loti been distributed so widely and so promptly In the city of Savannah. The telephone companies vied with •.n other In furnishing returns to thill .ale serlbers. Th* Hell com; any had the ad -11 .mag.- of Its long-dplance. line-, .md a\, an excellent service. The Georgia ■enpany wu- not liehtnd In entriprl- an.i kept its subrcrlbent up lo the latest bul letin. ■ > - Henry Vignaud. who has been the first secretary of the f'rdted States emha.y In l'arl for ov. r twenty-live yi-nrs. wl I -non publish a book on the discovery of Am.-rl ca, with parti uiar attention to the origin of Columbus' detetmltmllon. Weak Digestion. Indigestion nnd Dyspepsia have wi* i.,,) many lives. People who are w ak ml miserable shoul.l know (hat health w ,uu| return if the digestion were m.i.le i orm 1 This is Just the .-ondltion Hostetler’.-, Stomach Hitter* brings about It cure* Constipation. Rtllousness. Nervoo-ncss Hlver and Kidney Troubles, and produce* sound sleep It will make you well See that our Private Revenue Stamp < overs the neck of the iiotlle. A Foe to HOSTETTER’S Stomach STOMACH Troubles. BITTERS. : \tni* on feWn} them in the "Ifyatr-Mel Patent if AT TIIF TMFYTHH. ItrntmiK ( ompiiuy Played Succesm ftilly \uulni Flection Itetnrn*. Th** Flks’ Carnival and the el**ctlon re turns Interfered seriously with the hus- ItKft of th#* ltraunig Company at the Theater last night. There was a small auds n to see ’ The secret Enemy” last night, but it w;s a very ajj*recl.tlve nn\ The play was pri*sfn:<*l In on excellent manner and the specialties were strjng. Smmi<* Brown ms king th* biggest hit, but t fie other specialist ate med to be glad thut he did. for Sammie is very |g>p ulr with the company. This afternoon "The Iron Master.” a play which the greu English actors, the Kendalls, made famous, will la* the bill and to-night ”Th* S**cal Highwaymen** will be presented. The latter play was one of the great successes of New York a few years back nnd wa played by Itichord Me.nafield and the Holland broth ers with gn at success. Inncs* Bund In two concerts. Saturday matinee <nd night. Is th* rex: attra non iftcr the Bmunlg engig-ment. Blttl*- needs to be said of Innes and his bind In the way of Introduction or even com mendation. They are ki >wn to everv mu. siian in the country. Inner is a world beater In arranging programmes, and a-* a result he frequently “catches on” where his worthy rivals meet disaster It is s trick of programme-making. him self. In a recent Interview, attribute I much of his success on the road to hi* programmes, lie rutd the details of the programme were hi* first corwern after the looking of his "road** dates by th*- bustness d* partment. ’ The f!m“ class of places which were listened to by nearly a million paying auditors during the re cant Atlantic City * ->•• n Is pretty apt to please the majority of patrons.” said the genial bandm ister. ‘TI Mdes till*, w - *bail give the operatic feature, which caught on so promptly down there. For this |>urpuec I hove brought along .-lx rnagnllb ei vocalists, h* ;ln! I*> that. gnat artist. Albert! '1 h-* poo;da -•■• med to like ur fjiectaciiiar H* < trie anvil acme, ao we shall also give thaf ” Next weak will be op net by the James- Kidder Company in ’’\ Midsummer Night’s Dream,” M i.*io\ night. W hile * by rending It. there are also many who r.r** r.ot. and there are very few who have seen It performed. The difficult!* -of giv ing It ad**f|uate stage representation are so great that It e attempted only at rare intervals. The present production Is due to th** enterprise of Messrs. Wag* nh il and Kemi>er. who of late years have *1 tie *o much to main rain • popular Interest in the plays of Bhakesp arc. To the gr* at majority of play-goers tfe forthcoming performance will be the happiest kind of a surprise, for It will be so utterly dif ferent to anything they have ever seen In a theater. The simpb st definition of the play t* to say that It consists of nothing but the sighs of love-struck youths nnd mal lens and the healing of their troubles by the fairies and elves of the forest It picture* such scenes as those of a romantic tem perament can form In their imagination, by gazing Into the burning embers of their own fireside*, or from the reverb*# Inspired by the violin in the hands of a gr*et master. Those who can lend them selves to such menial abandon awaken, of course, to th* futility of the day dream as it were, yet they arc none the less re freshed thereby .n body and soul. At a special matinee Monday the com* puny will appear bi A Modern Hi. An* ihctiy," and ‘Tygmali n nnd Gaiatea.” MM tl. I’KIIMIt IL. Mr. TANARUS, N*. Riddick of Pavo is r,(l,trrr<l at the Pulaski Mr G. O. P* tteway of Ocala is a guest of the Pulaski Mr. J V K* Sly of Rei isvllle is a guest of the Screven Mr E Mcßae of Dumber City Is a guest of the Pulaski. Mr J. G Patirmore of Cairo Is regis tered at th Pulaski. Mr. chn? S Heard of Augusta Is . guest of the Do Ho:o. Mr. A. D MeCalUim of Pembroke is n guest of the Screven. Mr. J W. Golden left over the Central iat night for Atlanta. Col. P. W Mi ldrim left via the Central !at night for Atlanta. Mr. J YYalter of Tarpon Hprlngs b rcglateied a* the Poltt* ki. Mr. A. J Blocker of Atlanta registered at the Rcreven yesterday. Mr. IB A. M-'Kachern of YY’aycroas l. registered at the Screven. Mr. A. C. Sally left via tha Plant System yesterday for Arcadia. Mrs. C. C. Hari'-en w.* a passenger yes terday of the Central for Macon. Mr. George N Hurt of Atlanta regis tered in the Pe ftoto > steulay. Mr. O. S M*<?ormick of Atlanta regis tered at the Screven yesterday. Mr. IB A. Denmark was a passenger by the Central I* -1 night for Mo on. Mr. H. C Glimor* f Bax. y was amotu’ the guests of the Pulaski yesterday. Mr. W. J. Wh!l*i * of Arp if was among the arrivals at tt.** Pulaski **t.*r)u\ Mr. F. F Stacer of Bvor.s was among the arrivals yesterday at tha Screven. Miss Lob Moynelo - a guest of Mr Frost. No. 214 llunt.c. ln .*tre**f. east Miss Madge Rice of Columbia wa among tha guests of the Pulaski yes ter • i< j* y * Mr. I*. C. Ham*" ■ ait.i.fitr )h“ i.r,—- (enarr* of thr P.ani S> si m ymterilay for Washlnitton Mr,. M A. Phillip, nnd .Mm. J. T. Cnl laway and ber ttuic iatuiM OX LINDSAY & MORGAN’S SPECIALTIES: Buck’s Stoves and Ranges. Read’s Odorless Refrigerators. Perfection Mattresses. Imperial Furniture Polish. Carpet Size Rugs. Wide Portieres. Vestibule Lace. F*. S.-Read our large net. M ■•on are visiting Mrs. J. \\* Hefferiutn on Huuun(lon street. Miss Hyttenberg of ftumter. S C . ia visiting her aunt. Mrs. S. t?tern. 211 Gor don street, west. Dr F. Wahl returned to the city yes terday morning from Canada, {accompa nied by Mrs. Wahl Dr nnd Mrs YY'tdil w* r* married n* :ir Toronto Wednesday. Mr-. Jerome Mongit. will Lave the lat ter part of this week for Charleston, ac < ompanled by Mrs llarry Sturtevanß Ml.* Mongin will hereufter reside with * r sister. Mrs \V'. YV. Smith of tiowt city. Mr Sanfonl II Cohen of Augusta is In the* city in the Interest of the Elks’ Carnival to be given in that city Mr. C<hen Is making arrangements with the shows of the Savannah Carnival to have them go to Augusta upon the conclusion of their engagement In this city. 1 rrn hrkvitikw. The election, ro far as the police were concerned, was on** of the !|u*et*st that h*i> been seen here In years. During th‘ whole -lay ther** was not half * dozen arre ts in th* vicinity of the Court House, and t was ona at rare intervals that the members <>f th# force were calle*| on to separate persons whos* altercations might have id to something more serious. A runaway horse attached to h hack caused quite a commotion nt Blberty and Bui; streets yesterday uftemoon at 2:30 o’clock The animal turned sharply from Biherty str#* t into Bull, nnd so frighten **! a lady bicyclist that she fell off her wheel to *h- sidewalk. This in turn frighten**! the hors** still more so that he too fell, Ht scrambled up and continued his run down Bull to Harris street, thence west ward until he was ruptured by n number of school loy# In the vicinity of Harris and Barnard streets. No damage wu* *lono. Wild, 440 111 TIIF, 4 HATHAB. *nvnnnah Y rtrran* Have Helecteil That Route to Auuustn. The Central Railroad will carry the Cnn fedcrate veterans of Savannah w'ho go to Augusta to attend the reunion of th* Georgia veteran*. Two special sWp ers will be run on the night of Nov n. The round trip ra f e wi | be $2 ♦'Y from Savannah. It Is expected that a con siderable* numlsr wl’l go from this city. Mr. II F. Carey, traveling t#ass>nger agent of the Southern Roal. with head quarters In will b<* married <h*r to-morrow i Mis* Corn* II of that c.ty DIM LI) %M> HE YD lit BBIHTYt. |*lif > M \ - ll*)|# • I Their l.mly Friends Bast Mght. The members of the Y M. H A. nnd their lady friend* hid an enjoyable time it the .isolation quarters last night. The election return# were received by a l * til wire and were bulletined In the gymnasium. The gymnasium was used also f**r lancing for whL h an orchestra had be* n engaged, nml which w as indulg 'd in during the greater part*of the even ing. Other aimihement# were furn.shed In pool and other garnet. Uefre*hmmu were also served. Th# atten*lan* w-as quite large nnd the ev< ning was thoroughly enjoyed by all present. I) I rilO>l OVBRt: %ti\o. lit a* nit y l*a Off **n < mined hj n Too Ulirrnl Inilulurnri- In Food. From Phyatcal Culture. It i* w'il known to h- f(*w ai men • hat many ;*♦* of iiuamty are directly •In** to ovreiUng *ir.l th* I'onHequent ab* ■ orptlon Into the < trcul.ition of toxic mat t* r* from the Ir.i -tlm; tract; nnl melan v>Ha, whether In mild or severe form. In 4< n* rally .!ue lo thU muse. Violent par ox y m of temper. whether in ?hikir*n or .Mult*. nr** often pro|M*riy referable to i Ikkl mate of the Mood from thi* nuto toxemla. o'* Im. indeed, the < x ee<l|n*ly e*. uhe rant aplrlt* of old or y>uni? at time*, j*it nn oiiMTvc fn .ilcohollc polaonlng, •me insilvl! iiia ore made t*m|w>rn My j. >• ami Kooii natured; other* aro made ul> ami unr. t non a bio. In view of thin • million of offnlr* tui't it ralher o wise pliin for ua all to consider rather the **•*■" r Hi* OTganlMA for food than the mer** qu* ir*i of paUt—tichlln#; to aim t- ant (rood InaieAd of ht<J food And enough ■ that la not too BWfa; to have the • * ,r • * : ' ’ whtn we taks ur meal', in brief, to try and treat our bod •O 111 Mill we act from a purtriy fftuaaai yoiui u t vlfiitl In no otiurr N. SCHUTZ. lot ST. JULIAN STREET. WEST, SELLS CONFETTI —and— SERPENTINES 5c each For Ellis’ Charity Fund. way can wr ,pcur, the hli,h<*t nosjthie <lcgr„ of plraHurr on th, avera#,. while by actinic hu wcnelhty may enjoy practical Immunity from (llamee. i ii, more cxercl,, wc tak, un<ler proper conditions, the more we arc e*po*"d to cold and the clearer we keep from nrtw In dothlni: the more we may eat; hence. In order to enjoy the fullest me.i>urc of fable plenrures we must live actively, wear as little clothlnir as Is consl.tent with comfort ai.d do consklcraWe "ruiMTh lne"-sometlme called hardening WMh all this we should take our meals at lime, when the body or brain Is not overtired and when we “have leisure to dljest.“ And. of all things, we should never eat unlesa we are hungry; o eat without an api>etlto Is self-ahuse of the mow stupid son. since It affords no pleasure ,nd 1, productive of disease. CHASED HV Alt HIRIT'T, \o Doolit Ahoat It—A Scotch ( apt,la Narrates This Esctfln,, Kncoanter. From The London Mall. There Is no doufct about It this time Th, sea serpent has really and truly been ,en —and struck. It was seen and struck by Capt. J Bal lard of tha steam trawler fraUr-Oow in of Aberdeen, which has arrived in Frasw burah. after a voyage of storm snd stress The monster was seen a mile or so nort. of Rattray Head, and this Is how Car* liallard described his experience# to a re presentatlve of the Aberdeen Journsl “J. Watt, Chtef Engineer, .filled m up on deck about 4:30 p. m„ saving th,’ • v hale or some extraordinary large animai had been following In cur wake "On reaching the deck I found several of the crew looking over the weather rail On Joining them. I sow a very la-c nl mol of a dark color, which seemed rs'trf •vlth u. hut which was about flf> f** l to windward. I had often sean whah * l ’ l ' I at once sow tho animal was not a hut some s monster, the like of which had never seen In my life. • in's ei pi s’ll in ruj ms*. "As li rose, several portions of the uti '! were visible at one c’lme. It seemed to snake Its way throuah the water. - * "*■ repeated portions of a lark-brown 1 ’ , , "The animal was now uCOtnf orl *"” r mar. We could even see that the skir. *•' covered by some substance like i r "f n coatlnß of hair SreurlnK the furnace r " 10 a stout line, 1 threw It at the min" hut ll fell short. I tried ußatn: this 'lf"' the rake landed aeross the animal * and we suddenly drew the line "The monster raised its body (th " ' I wilt) clean out of Ihe water .t ! ml ■tlreel for the f’ralß-Oowen I plain ' ** the monster rise up until Its held -■ ow 0,1- raff peak, when It lowered •virh a motion aa sudden n* llßhtnlnß ■ rylnir the Raff. Mil. and all down or, ■ • "The utmost const,-Ituitlon amons rrew enaued. and It was a time he we K ot mutters <|uared up The anlrna had then disappeared, and we did no 11 aßaln.’* For Over Fifty Years. Mrs Winslow s Scothlnß Syrup has been used for chlMpn leethlnß. It • 00 ‘ h “ ' * child aof tens Ihe Rums, allajni cures wind colic, sr.d Is Ihe best lW for Diarrhoea. Twenly-flve owl* a h’tti . —ad. Fsnl,llSK , s Pippin rider. This celebrated pure, aprle Juice eH-f made In Ixrnß Island, con be ha l in P or quart bottles, derect from the manufs - turers. with their own stamp, at UiT'"** Urm., IK ug slats. Savannah, Oa.-**