The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 07, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 A TEXAS WONDER. Hnll'* (irnl One *mal. boll I* of I il - covary cure?* . kl** • i isl* r * si bias. removes gi• • i• ’* et, ‘ Inal emission*. w**.ik ut-J “* ba kv Hmmmui khiti* > aiul t *lJ* ’ i* in * f * rtl4 ‘* !•*.. reguia 4 .*• dren If i.i -.d ,r * l>* •• nt Ia n • •• * * m * u 1 botti. :•> t* n.. cure Any . "V* Ur „ L I W. Hi i "> r " r 1 1 ' '*"* m, m i ' “ Haiti 1,, A,: tKiilt At. 1 rkrtomoon Cos, t'a-annab. 4 a ll.nd This. Cuthhrt <• . April ?. l* r ' Tbi. I. to ■ -rtlfy Hint I war “ft. t.<l with fr.vrl .r,l that I tuok antv *lrt.|‘. > of Hal!'* Orrat IHarovtry an.l It com- P ,-, > cured m. It I* >rth II <W r*i kettle to at!)’ one nodins It J T. BTKVENB. | IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. *E2W AM) VIEW* * TUB I%V l> TWO ?l %TL*. . aVorfli lirorwln roiifrmirr * ** %frrt—l'rumlnrul ItpHfiil* Nan I* Read—'shortage f Lumber I •ri~4i<ild I iiimiil Ml IIM an* %11 te. Man Killed >rr IpnlaohleolM. Trouble of the lnni|n < Igarmak rri fuller Florida This \n the mnth w hen ,M r*n will in** h**r hi. ,ml tr• • j anting •x* r cine** <m That k givM.g v 10- shade tree- wj-| b* pUntt-d in the different •treet pnk-. N-t >• ir tie unc tlm K will b done, arwl it i | • I to make tree {hinting .1 . . "ti Trv n i\ r t link .iff# rl* 1 • n * t■te i the ) people trill ! r Mi ; ! t>*d witt' B *hefw j will b* n* trouli * *il* nt utng if year after y*ur. i;o matter who might In at the lt-d of th* •i• v g *v* rnrii* t The J at #k* have are ad y been set for the tret a 1 to he pant* i 1 hi- month. treurge \\ Ogleali) l Henil. George \V Ostlob.. orvr of t Ih> best know n ami wealthiest rn* n in North Georgia. lle.* a* hi** Thornton i\*nu res idence in Dalton Bunlny ;iftern**w The record of Mr. Oglesby a.- 11 fm.ii; t**r sum a remarkable on*'. Beginning .if the lw*t tom of the ladder and exerci*Hlg th* wtrteteat purify * t Integrity h* gra Imil ly became Identified witii lb* bue ttke < * inter* **!>♦ if th** -♦ • •ion and at tin time of hi* dtath h*l atna.- -*'*l a r able f>rtiin- H w> * a man of gr at •trength in every walk >f 11 f•' awl w ih |>oae<s and of the eateem of every one. He pldep a large number **f rel itiv*e in Ala bama and Booth Grgi . h leave* a w ife amA a aon. Julian It ogl# shy. who l* a chemlat with the Swift Fertiliser Com pany of Atlanta, and who w 1* * til* 1 home only a few days ago to attend hi.* bedMde. North (irornln 4’onferenre. The North Georgia eonf* ren’e of the Merhodlit Kpiux opnl <*Mir h, eouth, wall meet in Atlanta tn annual e* ~ 4n on Nov 21. Out 4*o minister- nnl laymen will be in attendance at* d*h*gate It will be ne of the larg* t and m***t inf convention* or <nf* r* n•* of churchmen ever held In Atlant . The ••onferrnc* iw, the governing b<*iy of the Methodist church In the Northern section of the state. Bishop E K H ndrl< k* will ir* aide over the deliberntlona of the body In its dady sem*i*ns These se*>i>ns will be held in Trinity Church. The con ference w .11 t* here in fe~ *ir>n f*r one week It is probable that three sesstona will he held each day. *>n*- In the morn ing. one in the afternoon an*l one in the evening T >** m>*st important work • hat will come he for** the conf* rence. and the feature of greatest |>ptliar int*i will l*e the 1 "lgmn*nt of ministers for the ensuing yor. Himilm I lulu on a Train. Tgn Hawkins, at: employe of the We t Point Manufacturing Company (Eai g lah i was frightfulh cut . to i the l>r .-1 and sustained severe Injun* s fr m a fall, while John Lumpkin, tn* culore*l i*ort.-r had a long gash ext* 11 ling; from his left t* mple to the right si*i* of his neck, as th* r* cult of a Sunday fig.’it on a Chattahoo chee \alley train The trouble r** *• when several men had a negro pi* king a ImoJo it the car. Lumnkin w. orderc*! to stop the fuss or put th** tn.m off the train N>thing seri >us. how* ver, r* 'ijl***l till th** ren again ionr*l l fh** train The qunrrel was reaum* *l. wn- h*f w-r-i pit • I h* - tw*en Htwkln and Lumpkin Both drew knivc-s and began ut r * * ti *dher and then closet 1 tn on *a h other. Ity want mean Hawkins t-' imhi- 1 in l fll h*- k wmrds out of the* t*aggas'* car door, there by sustaining seri u- injuri* Miorfnur f l.iimhrr < nri. The saw-mill ImluMry of Grsli 1 again being hamper* <1 by the Inability of the rn 2 road a to supply th* demand far cars. This gr#*w to be a *• rfcnj* trouble htrn ytar. and finally ♦ am** near result ing in a pana*. Th*- railroads strained • very energy t m* #*t th*‘ efn*-rk* n.-y and with the de. r • In ill* ili'ii: iikl for lum ber the trouble was finally completely overrun* Th** pi few month- bs# stiown a great Increase In th** demand for lumber, how. \ r and dl f th* lum ber dealers In South Georgia complain that the railroads a-* tot supplying them w4th i ars i> they i,**al them Mr Martin Amorous, president of the l'<np>lis I .urn- i b r Company it M.iyhoro, #.t and own er of a number of railroads in South Georgia. says th*T* Is a gr ’ s arelty f ('Mrs at present, n ilil . pr BaMv from the inrre • . 1 Intiand for lumber Th* Western lumber *l* u r r<- tiff* rlnjr also **nd the trouble is a right * *u one. Gnlil n t II mm tin** llle. A gold mine n a with the yellow metal, has been dis uv< *•< within th* n.-orpora** limits of Ilotfansvld* Mr Warren Shafer a contractor of I.a Orange, w • I.* th* contract for furqilt -• ro*k f r the foun dation of I'nlty cotton mill of that city, fur the past four • •k* lias been *j ;arry irg stone at II . in-vtll*- in th** city Itn Its ami only alMiut tw initulr*l yards front the Allan • and W. -i Point R II road. Is the man who made the p- very. L.ut Tuesday tin* rdt.g al ut P‘ • 1k efter a big Idav t wa - triad Mr Hnaf**r noticed that the ro**k was *u I of . w-liow inetil, which he to*k t>* i>* cdl ll** show ed th#* amen* t*> th* *wt* •** **f the quarry. Messrs II D Kraxtl, G W M r gan and .1 F. Mobley, who sent them at once to the Cross gold mine near Grnntvlile, whet# an a* y was mad* Mr Sims, the mineralogist of tn** Fro mine, pronounced It * very fine qualltv o' gold and fr m the spclmens shown It is thought a very rich vein FLORIDA. l.*akc Cjt\ Citltcn Reporter: Mr R It Thomp- n now hu hi*# ten excel lent gins running on ftill time nnd Is turning out bah after bale of the fl* :*y staple Fur the'convenien *c and economy w| h which cotton is handled this ginnery is a fnirtl er.d an not probably be ex*tiled by any ir. •..* state l*h <*•] tm 11* s||j, m ents. Phosphate shipment* th ough Port Tam pa are atill more limited than they have been The find 1 more difficult to dlvpote cvf their output, owing to th fa * that vea** 1 !* for transp r a*lon are not easily aocur#**l If th#* ve-** is were to be bad the ilugrucnu would bv pUuUful, un i ! there w*>ui*i he much more work g ing on in that section as a rtiault of tht |)ro|i|iel iirml In Montlcelln. rpon th* irri\al of th** H* ib*ar i Air Une train. No 2 at Mon lie*! • .%!••. *la>. * • -ulored woman Mep;>*d fr.*n the c*h i fo t/H platform with ’*• Infant Jn h r arms She fell apparently in • earojn. ' nut ih ver recovered consciousness*. Thre. 1 nh*r t rdldren were with h It w s 1 efAted h* **>’ Ifit wl?- *f Prewiou j Williams, wiio is at w* (k at H gdon, neir j \\ 1 t l arin. I'rnaseolN !• I ppl •• u to *urf|*n |“>rt Irntn *••>•* j cola last w** k were \a u*d at H 1" 'l. *n*l were *1 trJbuteu a follow Liverpool, j ijL,!#; *if m.i livi.ftt. Havre. 93S 927, Hurt, A>f *>. si* . * l *ver, IL. '**• Huh j t. -or. M 'Hi vil***. IT 711. Nassau. earn i , ,nd •. ■ 1. \ *l* *f • t *'l nmnag . : r. 17 irrv*’<i. and four et*amT*lps and f nr and 1* *1 of • t*t.*l tonnage of 'J ■ ♦;.* and. r< and ( r f< r. ign |K*rt Thro Tin to tSi* Drnlh. I ] I Anthony. >iw flier for th* 1 • Elman hum r 4*ompar>', and a well- Known hi Ir* ••{•<* 1 ■ diigen *f Apalaehl i la. m*t a tragi* *i*.'ith ihout ♦ o’clts'k ! c.iturd ty evening Mr Anthony s htislns. ■ rto* i': iff mill ah ut six miles !' •n* nnl whn th* mill shut down S** l unlay night, Mr Anthony *s was his cus t* n> -iart**l ■ >rte hor-d* k and hai i .*tm• •11 f * tii.h , when t > h'T*. h* arne frtgtn* *•• I anti la galnst * •tump 1 1 th* I* **f th* r**al ttir*wlng Mr A tit 1, p\ to the gr* in i with Mdi f..r. .1 to I leak hH neck. fr *m which *i* *t ; in tint’*- * i lied. Tin* d* cased w 1 . prominent Krnghl of Honor ati'l Wo*.*! n n and w * hutted this afternoon with ?h joint hoioirs *f th* two fraternities 11 <* it % \ 1 iitnr Shipment*. The *igtr shipments for the week whh h *1 *-! Hat unlay uft< rnts*n wer* | {*• rha; th* larg*-I w.* k - .l|:ne!|** m!• fr-*n Tampa this y* ar Th** extra ! ordinary larg** shipment - r* 1* hc*l th** sum t*iil of *. s ***** f dgars. which w* r* stiipfN.i to thirty different elate In th** ft 1 doii This It* in *iiy more than any w*-ek h." shlpje .1 h far The**. . **. a < *snain .<l .* r ling to the regular re* konlt ts < igars. For the H>rres|ondlrig w. * k f laei y* ar th* r** were 1 • -hipp*d which * onialft* and l.b-issi *dgar This Is 312 mss lent than last we**k s hlptn* nt .11 hI it is i dlffer*-i'• "f 1 *lo.flOh • Igars Sin • the llrM dai f January there have l*n ju.1.l *j* **f cigars ship* i****l fr**rn Tampa For th** *'*trres| winding | H rtod of laat year tlier* were 12,4.k> cas*s will* h give.' this year an In ert* as* of • a?* t lamrnin Lera* Troohlr. The situation a* regards- the difficulties l*etw* en the rtg.armakerft* union-# in Tampa. is about the* as on Ba I unlay. It Is p*rbaps. more acute and the lead ers are displayli*k more activity. The f*c tory **f fuesia. Hey & F©., upon which the* lnt#*rnatWuial cottnlcd. lihk <lecUbd to i Ihcr#* to th.* lb lst. fi. l t I•or ge J. Thomiieon, organlxer for the Amcrlcm rsl# rut lot i **f labor arrived In Tampa l|. j H .j>• i |a| NK*nt of the Intern.til .i a • ‘iv’.trni ik* r I'nlon anil w ill #lc\ #te lits tM'-t eiideavon* t* settling til#* matter. At the in*-* n. of thi* Tra*b As- in ly *ha matt* r was |i . i- * and and It t- stld th*t radieal disposition to tak# i hand In the con; eat was manifested Hroldent Flat! of She assembly mM that the Whole matter would l*#* laid l*e|*.re Or- g *tnlzer Thompson. and the International union had no doubt that th# final outcome would be a compete victory fo it The union has. he aald. the moral ard mta t. jial jp|Hrt of th* Federation nf L*t Or and the sempathy of the public. >l-:\ ii \t i: u < oititßCT. U lg|in Hus l ittle liroaad for Ills t In lin of llltBitlll). Bntonton, tla.. Nov. ♦*— Anew a dispatch from Atlanta Hnturdav statcl that the l'ris*>n Commission wil b#* called on t# ilrf. i*l i i• itt.trkabl* habeas corpus |r<- ,cdtng brought up from Wilcox county in the case of V H Wiggins of Putnam county, who w.i sentenced t. fifteen year* lu th** i*enitent!ary for voluntary man slaughter Th#* lefendnnt*s attorneys row* claim that h* w.t not legally s#*nten'ed and that In pacing the -.ntcuce the jielgs of tb*. . otirt. Juiige John C Hart did n*t *t itc what crlm* he w is convicted of. ho d.d not m t. w nat countv the . rim# w * committed In, and the court in which h* was convicted They also allege that when the rase w t affirm* 1 by th* Supreme ’ourt on , • tal tin ■!• rift of Ilia ,-fiuntv did n#u wait f**r th* remittitur of th* court hut on 1# truing that the c ase had n I tho n l • !. nit* *,t try without any authority. Th# Mirnlpg New • • rr# .-i>n*l* nt show ♦ I Judg* J**>.*ph S Turner #f the Prison rommtsston the article In question, and he said: ’ Tli* original sentence wan In correct form Th** * *rk In copying the minute* of the . o irt filial t<> head U with the ~-un! Georgia County.’ but this nml >l**n n |> rt of the clerk ‘.tn hardly \ o miul basis of a claim for Illegality of semen- * l W in; to thi farm • at Wig gins’ r i int, ii .1 that he t 1 loth W Ik* gins anl his Lnidsmen th*t lb* bond nvn would not be rcl*.i-**d until the re mittitur WM- r* e|\ed. lie \\iggill* .41,1< I at his holm and woke him up, and they went together on an early train I toll H I >tf*. IkMiftls-, <l,i N\ .‘i It* v 1’ \ Jc*. up of TUI. li ha f*o* the p • t w.'k !• n 111 ling It* v J i Gil* Splc ill a series of r‘l!* i service* it the baptist i’hurch, Thi w* * k they will le aided by Hev. J 1 < iifonl of A ' Unto f*neuni*lia prevailing to a lim it, i extent iiit* i-g the children of 1 )oug -1., Mi .?"! Mrs N K (*Hhi':ir lost their Infant child this wok with this dls * is. . II It. Davis has two ve ry si k tilldrrn Tin* management of the \\ iycross Air Kin ItallrcM l ls pushing the ounrl-tiun f\ t . we*t of Dougia to Fitzgerald. and will* n • laying i on about (he* first of December. Among th< many local Improvement* (r*v , ii .• up In 1 o itr 1 is ih* iian.lsonn* o t ig* on Wir I street of Mr I- L Hw*it, ; T • <*it> t’**unctl Is i>f>,idng up new “fleets ltd wl l bnv* a ni l intrdu l | fit** general a -efni, v to enlarge the cor* j I -.erate lindls of loougla*. jlWt Bigk ■ mm Whm neglected. almost Invariably ■cj* ■k®■ bi ■■ ■ nr* “ - 2 Bar jSs S| 111 |K ■ i ■ bIS 8 E ilu I lIH §|® ■ mHI mm ■ mm HSB lure. even when slight, weakens ihe whole urinary and genital organism and the whole nervous system. Theordlnaryr methods resorted to for a cum am not only evcru clatlnglypalnfut. but frequently cause disorders aa serious at tb* r I'r Hathaway years aco discarded these old-time barharoua j" methods and perfected a system by which be remove* the stricture, JJ reducing the thickened walla of tha passage to a normal condltoo. There I* no operation The |Eb himself. It It painless and take* no time from business. The rurn jjjri effected It fierniituenl and all complications of the diseased condk Ilona are removed This method of treatment and cure of Btr; £s ,ur *' l * ejelualrely used by Dr. Hathaway. • Dr Hathaway, by a similar method, cures Varicocele without k i 1 operation All Sexual. Crlnary, Nervous, Blood and other diseases t a chronic nature are treated by him by bis exclusive system. 1. jriwTOit hatsawat ■ u which for 30 years has proeed Invariable In Its results. Write to him or call at his office for a free copy of his new 64 page book and eelf-examination symptom blanks, and for free consultation and advice, and. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. ASr. Hathaway * to. tyfßee hour* to II m.I to K and 7to | SaA liiju street, out annah, U“ p. m. Sunday 10 a. cu. to Ip. Ui. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1900. ]®A “MILITANT” the STRAIGHT- FRONT style of THOMSON’S “Glove-Fitting”’ Corset j. unexcelled in quality, durability, com- A r.m um •>•• .u m b. i*.* r .... LfJUf'j .11 M.a. rua .rouaU ■“< botr 1 • / For sale by all dealers throughout the T’mtrd States. A hand- me catalogue •Wv Ma </ V' matleti frtt on application to p t flto. C. Batcheller * C*.. 3*5 B’way, New York. For sale by all leading I>rv Goods Stores. tilt % AN Pit II III; HOM %Nt K. 1.0% s story t bn lilted by n ( atnpniga Portrait. From the I*h)ladHphla Record To *do. O Nov 4 The turning of the 1 uire of W illiam Jennings Hryan to the w *ll ha * flanged the matrimoniai pin - *f John otterhiugh r. 1 M s Mary f'eto It has filfo gotten him • wife, and the . t .ing w • ill hr*night nh uii In on** day. 4 Me r haugh Is W year- ol*K a w slow. r nl Ilf. it -urart'* s*rt.-itor If * - has b**en u..-rdim: with Mr l*ero for the past s* v *ni ■ n tmitithr. nnd th*y w**re *f*s*-l to married. Mrs. Peru has t*eer planning Hi* marriage for the pi r **ight months, aid *'V**rythliu* w lovely. Reecntlj Otterh.iugh w*nt *lown town Hid t fri*ri*l gas** him i plctun* of the I• ti.** ratic candidate fr the pre-idenos VI• • is nn ar i*nt I >**n*>*iat. .1 n) carried lb* |H>rtralt prou*P> t** tu- r*om and give it h |>.* eminent i*-it in tn .1 window ft •ail ing on th* street Mrs I’ero ntumwi from down town and mw the ph tus- Hhe Is a Republi- an -*t*l In sympathy with M*Kink‘>. and she i*e om* aroused at the nigrit of the itn t*aign lit hog r ph. Hhe t*rk her i**ar i*r to t isk and a h*at*d argument nue*l. hut l*nh wre firm Mo Peru i* fuv*i t have 4h* picture in the window of tier bony*- usl Otterlmugh lo*>k th* stand as lie waa paying for (tie room te rm Ia right t* uv the window f*.r my purfse* he saw tit. The argument culminated In 1* quarrel and Otterluiugh t**.k his l>H*>tiglng aero-* ttie htreet to th** helgtng houtt of another widow. Mr- t'atli* rir*** l>ug*. H*re he ex plained that to* hai !*** literally thrown )iir of lious** and horn*' "f account f Ills l*lUl*’s Mrs lug offered him symist thy. os her sympMthlf* were with Hryan. He unpa< k<i his trunk me! the picture r*fK*n npi*e.*recl at the window to op*nly defy the w*gn-in who hal l-st her lol*. r and lover at one and the fame operation. Otterhiugh was so plcas*d with hi* newr landlady that he immediately proposed marriage and was accepted on the ajot They w*t* married on Saturday. A M U .11 lilt I \|. 1 lltt t IT. Thought One Is Needed lit South western Georglii. MouNrie, G, Nov. There I* sotn*- talk of having the representatives from the counties comprirlng th* Botitl>r‘n *• r cult, to Introduce n hill establishing anew Judicial circuit, to he established on the same plan as the Stone Mountain circuit was first established Owing to th:s section being opened up j by saw mills and turpentine the litigation has more than doubled, and court docket# ; of the Southern circuit ar** overcrowded Besides there are a gr* at deal of chambers cases In way of Injun- lion* to restrain trespassing on timber. t be heard Our Judge, lion Aug H Hansel 1. is years old, and has b*en on the bench about fifty years, and though he makes an honest *fT*rt It 1* absolutely Impossible for h m t k* •{* up wlfh the l*UHtm'ss Jtitlg** llanwell l* one of the truest ar.d ablest judges that ever gra • *1 the letirh Th*- people of his circuit are not willing for him to retire; In fact. It would be Im |tos*ibie t* get any lawy'er to oppose him. they ad l*\e him a fit her By e>!ab Uahlng u n**w Jiwln- lul circuit lo lost for n short term of >• n> '©mpoted *f a.I th* • of the Southern circuit, except Thomas county, wliit'h I# Judge Mansells home, this would relieve the congested condition >f the liv k*as. and. nt th* same tim*-. would not la* marking off the list of the honored this "<1 ratal old Homan " 'I lie \\ tllle • I till •. From lh<- New York l’rcaa When the Whit* House Is mentioned the mind turns to tile residence of the Presl defit in Washington, forgetful of other White lloukcw, or in Ignorance f the ex islcnee of others The first If not ho most famous White Hour* was the home of a young an*) blooming widow, as Wash Ington Irving styles Mr- Martha Custls. alii George Washington used to go a courting there after be met the short, well-shaped beauty. nee Martha Dand ridg**. at Mr Fhamberlayne's It wa Georges second attack, ami he gave n> on** a chance to c ut him out, as he had previously done in New York when he loved Mi-s I*hliii*se. Aft.-r his marriage he and his widow ih* 1 several months at White House, the broadest ho ideality When Hoberi F. married Mary It in lolph Fuat Is he came Into possession of Arlington hous* opposite Washington, and White House on the I'amunkcy. some 111 mil* • from Klclmioiid Miss Fust I* Inher ited both of the*** magnificent estates from lor father. George Washington Par ke C*iiti*, the adopted son of ihe Immor tal George and the grand* n of his wif* Thus Ixith W ashington and la * , the • st of 8 ut h iners. oc- upled th** Whit* House. In I**2 th** vicissitude* of war made this same White House th* heal quarters of Get M <’ ■•ll in In his dera tions against Ktchmond James lloban of Fhut leston. S C, re ceived a prise of s'* f r the l* sign of the W'htl* House iii W ishlngtoti. which he stole from Ir*lnd the design t>eiig al most an xact copy of the residence of lhe residence of the Inikeof Leinster, the premier duke, marquis and Karl of the FmeraUl Is * In the old rccorls It w . styled "Pi•sider.fs House." “The Palace" atul the "Pr* 1 hvitiil Monslou " Th** ttam* White lloum* whs applied in the eai|> pari of the century, not i>* ,u*c th** struc ture was white, for ill Southern * *uses were while In those days, but because W ashington’s home was Ihe White House a I b* wa the first President. There is to be still an ther While House Grant Ilwmilton. chief f the art dei*.irt merit of Judge, is peculiar in many things III* latest fad is the building of a house ( Ih Las hough! forty or fifty acre* t ■ Huntington. 1.. J . and I* putting up a . hoip** i*stterfic<J aft* r the White House j In Washington. Ill* principal atudio will I-** a duplicate of the room that Is oceu- ; ltwd by the I’rwl lent 1 risked him tins other day. jokingly. If he really was *l**- ing this, and his reply was ' Yes The Judge in its day ha* made Presidents. an l r w J arn going to huild a house in whl* it ' my (**ii will diract the making of more l'r* >. lents.** Many |*ople wonder how an art K-f >sn go into such extravagance I i- arn upon inquiry that in England. France nnd Atneri* a the 1 cling artist* on funny j i np* r - receive -alarles nearly half as i large an thnt which we i*ay the Fercsident I of til* Flitted State*. THE WEATHER? Forecast f*-r Wctlnesdny and Thursday: CJe*YTg. i fioudy WrdnemWiy; probably shower h in northern and eastern imrtlons. Thurs 1 y fair, light northeatrly wln*ls Last**rn Florida H bowers Wednesday i(il pr • ihlv Thun*Uy, light to fresh: port h* a-1 et ly wi r .*l W* Mem Florida: Fair Weslnesdny nn*l Thurslay; light easterly winds. S*nh t'nrrtllna; CT>udy Wednes*lay, pr** hi;* \ - ;owers Thursday fair, light to fresh north* isterly win*ls. Yesterday * Wewther at Siivannah— Maximum temperature. 4 p m. *!*grees Minimum t*-nfM*rature. 7 a. tn. f*t degrro* M* l* n|H-raluro 6J degrees Nor mill t**mj*erature €1 degree* Kx **s.* of 1 degieo Accumulated ex era* since Nov. 1 3o degrees A* cumulated excess since Jan 1 .226 degree* Rainfall a) Inch Normal Ok Inch Excess since Nov. 1 2.(6 inches Ihdlclency since Jan. 1 597 inches Kiv**r Report—The hlght of the Savan nah river at Augusta at h n. m 75th nv*. Hdlin time, yesterday, was 9A feet, a foil •*f ii 1 fret during the preceding twenty four hour*. * thserv.itlon* taken nt the same moment <*f tun* at dl stations. Nov. 6, 1900, 8 **) j* in , 75th meridian time. Name of Statlrm. J T V Bain • • m \ t ST New York city, clear ~..j fs j 14 .00 Philadelphbu ptljr. ckly. . K | L | .00 Washington city. pi. eldy 46 j L | .no Norfolk, ptly cldy j 62 | L .00 I hit? eras, clear 1 66 j * l <3O Wilmington, cloudy ...... j 6k | 6 .00 • 'har.otte. cloudy 66 calm .00 Hal*4gh. cloudy j 64 | L .00 Charleston, cloudr ( 64 f* 14 i .00 Atlanta, ptly * kly | 64 | 6 | .00 Augusta, cloudy j (ft i L j .no Savannah, ptly. <?!dy | 62 | 6 j .00 Jacksunville, cloudy 6S L , .m Jupiter, ptly chty. j 74 | 12 J .00 Key West, olouily 71 j 6 .on Tampa, cloudy |6B | L no Mobile, clear J 66 | L | .00 Montgomery, clear j 64 | L | .■ Vicksburg clear j 66 j L .00 New Orleans, clear j 7o j L ! .00 Galveston, clear ~| 7*> j L .00 *orpus f’hristi, clear ....| 72 | 12 j .<lO INlestlre. clear 70 ; L j <io Memphla. * dear td | 6 j .00 Cincinnati, ptly. cldv | 62 | L ; ot> I’ittrhurg. ptly. cldy \ 52 j L | .00 Buffalo, raining j 41 j L j .in Detroit, raining 40 j | .04 Chicago, mining 1 40 | 12 : .12 Murquette, cloudy 1 St | L on St. I* ml. cloudy | k | L T Davenport, cloudy j 42 j L T St. Louis clear J 64 J fi *•> Kansas City. cl>ar } 66 1 8 I .no Oklahoma, clear | 64 | n4 I Keige fity. clear | 64 j L |.* North fMalte. ptly cMy. ..j 64 | L t am If ! Forecast official. FAYORITKA MAR A BAD DAY. Only One l*n*el Hie Judges* Aland Firaf nt tqnstfnrt. New York. Nov, —Favorites had a bad •lav at th*- Aqueduct track. McAddi* be ing the only otio to pass the Judges In front Three second choices and two out siders were the other winners Bumm.i rles: First Pace- Five and a half furlong* Marlb.rt. won. with Geld I wine second, m l llultzilop* ,*thle thirds Timel:<*l-;. S. ti l lia * Five furlongs Fundi* won. with Ivina Drown second, and Kath * third Time 1:02 1-5. Third H.i * Selling, on* mile anl a six teenth Kxeelsls won. with Rare Perfume s* ond. and Double Dummy third Time Fourth Hare—felling, one mile and ev • r,tv var*ls borough won. with Hello of ni l* ans * coful, and Sir Fltchugh third Time 1:17*4, FlfUi Ha* <• Five and a half furlongs M Ad'll* won, with Little Daisy second, ai I billionaire third. Time I:<*> Sixth Uii *• one mile and seventy yards. Withers won, with Kmnlk.nnle second, and Pitc her thlr*l. Time 1.47 1-5. It lie** Iteanlts nl l.ntonin. Cincinnati, Nov H.— Hesulfs at La ton la: First lb * Slx furlongs, selling Allm to w. i with l-a*!y Kent aicond. and Zaza thlnl. Time I.l*', S on l Ha* • Five and a half furlongs. Prim** won. with bar Lira \! . second, and H* bool for H* ;indal thir.l Time I:o7** Third Harx* one mile an*) ftfly ysi H .Ilnj: L>rd Z* nt won. t'horus Itov sec on*l. and Sir Oatlan third Tim*- 1:44. Fourth Hu • tine mil* Mr Drown won, with IMrnt* belle stvoud. and The bush third Time i*l Fifth Ha • Five furlongs. Jim Winn w ci. with Itengal second, and Mosketo thir.l Time 102 Sixth Race- Six furlongs, selling Fairy Is.l won. with Karl Fonso second, and lh.r*.**hoe Tobacco third. Time 1:14 Tlie Knees In %tlanfa. Atlanta Nov. €.—Results n* Piedmont Park: First Ki •* Seven-eighth mile. birdie Min won with Miss Chambers second, in i LU in It* **d third Time \ ,v. ( r • , * * a i.. |*t ie •* •* i 1 a I • entcrfleM thlnl Time 1:10 Thlnl Ra * one mile Mike llaverty won with Cov.ngion. Kv . sr'ond. and K *-*r)r Howard third Time I;5 Fourth Knee S*x and a naif furlongs Chub won. with Zonne second, and Two An hies ’bird Time 1.31 Vi Fifth Race— Six and a half furlong* Ecus won with Rosy Morn second, and Lady Hnsttngs thlnl. Time 1.00. \\ us 4 olwiabla'e ••nmr*. New York. Nov. Football. Columbia. $. lTinvtTv>, 5. II IS HE! it IF IT DON’T CURE. p| teffl ?ui Hi 2 'll Will sell you Smith’s Chill and Fever Tonic, and if it does not cure they will gladly refund the amount you paid for it. Look for the Red Triangle on each pack age. ttflK. B A Galloway, Gen ral M* r handlse, Maitland. F. * Ocl. 16. 19U0 To Whom It May Concern: 1 have been selling Hmlth’l Chill an*l Fever T*u i for the past y* r and have also used it in my own family, and have found i ij io all that is claimed for it Yours tru*y, B A GALLOWAY LIVINGSTONS DIIIG STORES BULL and CONCRESS and 309 BULL ST , PHOMi 19.1 anti iS2. L U I Of HOP! R T AND C. 8 a R'T si lit.m Uh Tor lala of Hope. Montgomery, Thund*r boli. Cattle I'ark and U*t Lad. Dally except Suuda>*. Subject to canng* without notice. ISLE UK HOPS*. uv !.*r 1 or H -- of Hoi.# 6 Su am from ietun j tuu am for BoltM 7 10 am from Tenth • 600 am for Tenth 510 am from Tenth | 7W am for Tenth 915 am from Bolton Bto am for Tenth 10 90 am from Tenth 110 *■) nm for Tenth 12 0U n'n from Tenth jll oam for Holtoa 1 16 pm from BoiSoti 11 SO am for Tenth 190 pm from Tenth , 2U>t in for Tenth 990 pm from T* nth . 2 4- j>ni for Bolii n 49" pm from Tantn . iuu im for Tenth lID pm from T* tth I 449 pm for Tenth * SO pa* from Tenth I * 'll f.,r Tenth 7 90 pm from T*nlh 7 uo pm for Tenth 990 pm from Tenth | b‘O pm for Tenth 9 90 pm from T* n’h s# ( pm tor Tenth 10 9u pm from Tenth JlO 0* pm for T*-nrh |ll 00 pm for Tenth MONTGOMERY. !,* < ltv for M 1 T~ Mo*nwm**v' 890 am from Tenth 715 am for Tenth 290 pm from Tenth 116 pm for Tenth C9O pm from Tx-nth 600 pm for Tenth CATTLE BARIC n> r,>l 1 ' Biik i.\ *'* ie Bark 6 90 *m from Holton | 7 00 am for Holton 7 *0 am from Holton ] I Ot) am for Bolton 1 00 pm from Holton | 1 ft pm for Holton Ift pm from Holton on pm for Holton 7 00 pm from Bolton | 7 ft ; m for Bolton II 00 pm from Holton oft pm for Holton ili( .NbLiikUL.l Car leaves Dolton street Junction 5 30 a. m and ovary thiny uunutaa thereafter until 11 *> p m. Car lenvea Thunderbolt *t •00 * m. and every thirty mlnut*e thereafter until 12:00 midnight, for Dolton street Jm :• tlon FRKIGHT AND I’AKCEL CAR This car carries trailer for passenger* on all trips and leaves west side of city market for Isle of lf#pe, Thun lerboit and all points at St 00 u ra.. 1 <xi p. m . I 00 p. m. Reaves Isle of Hope for Thunderbolt. City Market and nil Intermediate points at 600 am 11 00 a m.. 24h n IC. • WLiT L.-ND CAH. Car loaves weal **le of city market for West Knd f:00 ik m and every to mlnut**a thereafter during tba day until 11 3o p. in. leaves West Fnd at 1:31 n m and ev ery 10 minute* thereafter during tba day until 12:00 o'clock mldnlrbt. IT M ROFTOV Hn M trr ATTRACTIVE PRICES -AT- Head Quarters THIS WEEK. A NEW OPEN BTOCK ■ Basis worth $25; this sale- 517.85 Heavy Japanned Breatl Boxes, worth 35c, this sale 19c. Heavy Wire Potato Mash ers, worth lUc, while they last 3c each. G. W. ALLEX & CO., Mst#* nnd IlMrnnril Streets. BRENNAN BROS., anOLESALB Fruit, Produce, Grain, Etc. >tAY STREET, WW. IS.pb.HIH, Bone IVfeal For Chloken Feed .md FerillUer, NITRATE OF SODA Invaluable for "home-mixed - fertlllrer The cheapest and m n c 'n-ent.-ated on the market Send for particulara. HtT.on to. on n i.u. brat, Errr. SEED OATS AND RYE T. J. DAVIS, Thone ££ JJA Hay street, west. Don’t Forget! Election Returns AT the: FAIR GROUNDS Full returns, direct wire, free to all, thrown on screen, with grand stcreopticon exhibition com bined. ELKS GREAT FAIR, TUESDAY' EVENING. NOV. 6. KNOWN BY ALL NATIONS. ''tst/rAs /jem/tantf ■£//! 7nc*icucr>, ‘(jaA/rrruti Twice the price could buy no better. LIPPMAN BROS., Savannah Agents. TORTURE! BESIDES thpdnngpm and dia figrurpmpnta of Blood Dla paaps, the BarniriK nod Itch ing Skin Eraptiona are among the moat acute tortures. The strongest systems soon collapse unde- such agonies. p P n (Lippman’s Greet X a F, F, Remedy) is s safe and certain curafor •▼err Skin Disease, whether tor taring, disfiguring, humiliating. Itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, pimply or iotchy—in fact, from pimples to the most distressing sccemns—and erery humor of the blood, whether simple, scrofulous or hereditary. P P P Puf,fics th * Moo*. Fs Fs Fs builds up the weak , and debilitated, gives strength to weakened nerves, expels diseases, and in sures health and happiness where oicknees and despair once shot ©ut the light of life. Sold by all Druggists. , a bottle; aix bottles, | v s. LIPPMAN BROTHERS, g sole Proprietors. Urruaa Umkb, AAVA.NNAH, UA. S"lt has justly won it? laurels.” S Pish, Game, Hot and Cold Meats, etc., arc given a most delicious flavor by using Lea & Perrins’ SAUCE f This t.gntluie It Mi •! THE ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE C^Lcu Xt&~ BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. JOHN' DISC* Vs miss, Agent*. See f* - * ssr /; c r*£iff WOU are especially invit -1 ed to exam lers Dress '1 ranks, mao' 'veneer lumber,leather !■■’ —linen lined, ladies " r * {!■ g<-nt9. Regular pri '“T . J '* <3* i our price only sl2. Made at our own fact r.. -TTWirmWUliy 420 to 426 Bay street. ca-t. Retail Show and Salesroom 314 and 3lf Broughton, West. sin mm mm, m. and. u-b.x. McDOAOI'GH & bALLANTYiXE, V Iron Founders, Machinists fit lL I, tsetlerasaJsere, ■*.*!• elarere al eiaiiua- Bltlffg; err •.! PwrtHkle riainw, Verslewt sad -lap ■etM K UtI!? Z’Q : t#f * ■•Ill Mill **4 t'aaa. aka files, I’ellere, ala. | TELEPHONE NO. 123. ■ . ORDER BLANK BOOKS FROM TH E MORNING NEWS. SAVANNA* Er iff j 2f. r \ ’ iti 13* q|■