The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 07, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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SPOT COTTON AT THE ADVANCE KLBCTION 1) % V (II UHF.M FELT l\ i ME MM lb IMBKR ' 4l ,|, r tiler In < ottnn Fairly Good • Ur" II epor led—Spirit* Tur pentine Flrn> nt •<> I ruin, With (lie I ndrrlonr Faa> Rosins llr cliiti* * tt lllt&lt nuil Medium j Grade*— Tltr Lending Cti'lnnsr* I hruuuhitut Ihr tounlry t Instil tor tlir liny. T*>* Mornfn j Ni n Otn,-*. Tuiaday, Nov. ( A n.vllday dullness characterized i mmerclal circle* icvdai ■ The leading t .tnge* throughout the country were I- ,*ed onliig to the election eo that the , . (:> i'ottalata only of t!■ ,o tl ia p .r> The feature of the local ttel.l wr ihr advance of l-l cent In the spot cot t n market, which ruled alcady a the cloae with a fair nrooiini of buMnte* t ported. The spirit* turpi mine maraai Cloaed flitn at 40 centa. hut It was undar eutod that the undertone w.ta ruv mod of the day. and thar factors gold willing y at the quotation. Rosins decline I ,i- lo high* an I medium with the d.-mind 'air ai the decline. The wholesale line' rul'd atea ly. with no quotubh change* report ed. The following resum* of tho different markela will ehow the lone and quota lion.- at llie riming to-day The rpot cotton nvirket closed steadv to-day at an advance of I-hi cent, with eali-e or. the spot of .’>l6 l aler The day’. re> e.p*r were t.strfl balee Trtding wtj no very active at any time though It war c in.-l lered aatlafactorv In v.. w of the elec- i non drawback Good middling fob ruled f, e j jv around 9*i cents. with the demand f.,.i .. thla price, and trading active at Interval* Tic following were the official spot quo tenons at the cloae of tho market at the . cotton Exchange to-day: j Tula Last I I day. j year j Oce*t middling ~ ' J, 4 i? 3-16 i Middling * 1 I ** s | Lost middling -■■ 3H 4 S-B* m , . t at. . i sale* i J.-,,. inna.i Kecrlp’'. Export* nnl Ftork“ R. elpta thle day * Receipt* this das lust year ■ a.JI. Receipt* since Sept 1. 19*® ... 424.35*. Same day Ur* year 3tik.. >J Hto k on hat I this day itt.tsff Same day last year 103,14.; MIA ISLAND t OTT4I9F The lavtiom ha* apparently dropp'd from the demand for eea la.and cotton Con eumers are stilting. at.d doubtless hope for the market to work out the Influences to depress It There is Just now consid erable Interest as to tne six* of the crop, ar.d pending more definite Information, the situation promises to temaln teature les* Price* oltout as follows Extra choice East Florldas Extra choice and farcy K.orUlas 23'>'.i24 Extra Choice und fancy Oeorgtaa 23>yV2M4 Choice Georgias 22 I *®B Extra fine Goorgias £1 * Receipts and 9*o * — MM* Receipt* past week 2.9X6 3 **9 Exports past week i Receipt" this season 1T.*03 36.096’ Sales past week I Til J.Tak Stock on hand . ! 13*31 U.4* j LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. Liverpool. Nov 6 I p m.—Cotton ftpet. fair demand; prices hiithar; America! middling fair 6 11-16.1. good middling. 5 l-32d. mid Iltn 6>*d. low middling, 5 l-l"l eood ordinary. 1 13-I<l. ordinary 4 S-ld The sales of the day were g.Otti hale*. of which 500 were for speculation and. ex port, end includrd T.Ati hales. American. r*c*4p:s 64.000 Including 39.100. American Futures optlisit quiet and closed quiet; American ml.idling low mi*klling clause November. 5 fe*l sellers. Nov.mber-De esmber. 6 04415 "6d. buyer*; Decenil*er- Jenuarv. 5 02115 03d. udiere. January-Feb ruary. 1.01Q1.10d, sellers. Fehruarv-March 6 OOd, buyer*; March-Aprll I62ti 4.33d, buyer*; Aprll-May. 4.61*i4 62d buyers; i May-Jun*. 4 tkVfM Old. value, June-July, 4 59Q4 AVI, sellers; July-August, 4.5A1. buy ers, August- September, 4 53d. buyers. NAVAL STORE* Tuesday. Nov 6 SPIRITS TERPENTINE—The turpen tine market open'd firm to day at 40 rents. with sale*. of SS2 cask*, nnd dosed ilrm an<l unchanged, with furthet sale* of 150 casks Throughout the day buslne.- apparently | •'■ok on a hoi day dullness, owing to the r rollon. otherwise the chances are tfiat the volume would have been n, i h large! I oirlng the early hours the *1 mand was pretty good at quutail ins. wl*h the market Inclined to harden, but later th< tone was lecldadly easy, with factor* genera'ly willing to sell ai the quotation. Factor* \ave a fair a'ouniuauon ot rec eipt*. The re. |pt* for tho day were 1.381'. and the * xoorts 174 ROBINS -The rosin market weak ned to-day. and eloesd t o decline a* lo high* and mediums tirades I K. ‘ iosed oh 5 . enls. M 10c. N V.'and window glass 10*- While the tone was firm. It wa* not dlffl . ult to obtain ample Mipplte* at quota tinn*. It was said the undertone was qTet. There was not a great deal ilolng c:i any time In rosin* The day's re*. ipt* sirs 6,107, and the export- -.l*®. Price* as A 44. C *1 35 I *1 * 1 • 1 35 K > I 4n M * > * .; 1 Mi WO -'MI H II VI * * He elpts Tuesday— Spirits. Ro Ip * 'sntrai Raliron*! B F A W . 2* Uffc bxs^oriH ? esnahlp Berkahirc' PhlL 174 i™* i*r y 6* As.tma Brem*-n Hr S B Alderskale. Hr. men I.'*® Naval Bturrs Staleroent— Spirit*. Rosin. Block Apiil 1. H" ein s to-lay 1-35" •*.lo* 1- ei is previously 261,3. v baJ.-*U Total since April 1 205.a.5 7*0,677 Export to-duy , Expoits previously 330,4*5 6.,.'.4*15 xpe-ng sinco April 7 . .230.6 M *54 566 k on hand 10-day " B oc k last year |o.4n 14J.3*d I IN %>( I %L. MONEY—The demand keeps Ulrty P " "h the supply. FOREIGN EXCHANGE—Market weak. ' TnmrrUl demand. II 52%. slatv days. * ninety-days. *t 77V francs. Paris • Havre, sixty day*. S.MV &'iss. e;xty > S M Belgian. s w t : morks. tx>' ■ "is-is ninety days, SR 1 . ■"MBSTIC STEADY - *" * - lire buying at 1-I*l discount and ■ns 4.* follows. U!> and under. 1"' i ni. If. to fvi Mo premium, tsu H’”. -• premium. HOT to MOO, IS. premium. ; * to Sl.OQu. t% premium: It,“00 and over, per \| premium. ECrniTlfcß-Tfta market is limited In Itoeki. iRId Ask ** *♦* and Savannah R R 109 110 ta and w*i point i® .. i. pe r rent certificate* 1* A i(u*ta Factory *2 V> 1 Hens’ Hank 11l 121 ' at ham Bank Ito 111 CliAtiMun ii. E. *i. Cos.. A 67 66 MURPHY & CO., INC.. Hoard of Trada Building. Savannah I'rivata teased wires direct to New York, 1 Chicago and New Orleans. COTTOE, STOCKS AND Hlltl V New York office. No. (1 Hruadwuy. Offices in principal cities throughout th# South Wrise for our Market Manual and 1 took containing Instructions fur traders do d<i B .............. K 17 Kaglc nnd Phoenix Mis Cos 105 107 Edison Electric Ilium. Cos 107 10* Enterprise Mfg Cos MU Ciermnnla Hank 130 13! • ■•orals and Alabama St K ait iflroud Common ... .315 217 Oranltevllie Mfg Cos IST. 170 J P Kkic Mfe Cos 1( I<M I.angle) Mfg Cos. 115 130 Men hants’ National Bank .. Ill'; .... National Bank of 9sv.lnn.ih 15u 'tglethorp. guying- ond Trust 110 People's Saving* and leum 100 Southwestern Railroad Cos. 100 110 Savannah (l,i> Light Cos JR* 3.Vj Southern it ink 151 I.V. Savannah Honk and Trust'. 114 Sibley .Mfg Cos . Augusta . 64 66 Savannah Brewing lot! Head*. Bid. Ask Char. Col. A Aug Ist ss. I**' list Atlanta city I. U*32 104 KM Augusta city 4s. 1537 IDS . ... do 4'-,*. 1935 11l •lo 7*. lontl 107 .hi fis. 191.! 133 . ... Ala Hid .* Ind'd, 1926. M 4 N 99 100 Augusta l-'a- lory, * per cent.,1915 112 Bruns*i kui >1 Western 4-. 191- *3 61 c H It A- Banking collateral * 93>, :n C of t> Ist roortg s*. 1945 .. i .v \ no in , c. of •; t.-1 income* 1045 . 441* 4’- 1 . do 2nd income* . Itl 14 •11 3*l Inugnes, 1945 4 1 # By C of C, I.M a. A- A Dlv I 5s 1947 J A- .1 94 05 C of ti tEa'on Branch), is 193* *J. A 1> H City A Suburban I! R Ist 7s l"9'y . . Columhiis City ss. 1009 107 Charleston city Is. 1909 .101 I<f3 Eagie At Phoenix Mills tis. 192' 10* 10K Edison Electric Ihammaiing *s lus Enierpilsr Mfg *. 1902 1c.4 Georgia Railroad Os. 1910. . 114 1154# Q. R IT., 1945. J A J 113 113 lieoigla At Alulwma Ist ss. 194.5 .104 in. Georgia state 3 1 ,5. 193*'. JA J .110 do 3>t*. 1915. M A N 104 . do 4'a. 1915 .11* 119 Macon illy o. 1910. J A J 11* 115 do 4',* 193d. Jail par lot 112 Ocean Seenmshlp se. 133* Its* 105 Savannah city 55., quar January. 1913 .. .110 111 do ss. quar February. I'.**.* 109 110 South Carolina stale 445. 193.1 11* 113 Sibley Mfg Cos 6s. 190! 102 . South Hound 5* 95 99 9 F A \V gen. ml go *s 1994 134 136 do do Ist 5s gold 1934 .115 do Bt. John Dlv Ist 4s. 1934 .. 94 9* New York. Nov. A—Money on call strong at ltn&2s per cent last loan 15 per cent Ruling rate 15 per cent. Prime mer cantile paper per rent Sterling exchange weak, closing firmer with actual business In bankers bills at $4 N’lStM *34 for demand, and 11: 3160 for slxiy day* Posted rates 34.81&4.51ty and 34 6p*ft4 65. -ommer. lal blils 34 794 Silver certlflcale* *44b6s'i<-. Bar silver *4> 4 c. Mexican dol lars 50‘jc Government lionds Irregular, state bonds Inactive; railroad bonds firm MIOI FLL IVEOI 3 M ARKETS. Note—These quotations are revised dally, and are kept ns near a* possible In accord with the prevailing wholesale price* Official quotations are not used when they disagree with the prices whole salers ask. I ountrr nnd Northern Produce. POULTRY.—The murket Is steady. Quo tations: Broilers, 30ft35.’ per pair; half grown, three-fourths grown. 55® 40c. hens. *5*475. roosters. 4* IMe ducks WtOiSc geese 75**041463. EC.GB-Ht-ady at 19. BUTTER—The tone of the market Is firm Quotations Western creamery. 196 344*0. New York state dairy. 19633. . extra Elgin*. 2f4f3c. CHKEEE—Market firm. fancy full cream cheese. 134 c for lo 33-pound average, 26’a30-pound average. 13c. l-tirlv 3 egelnblea. IRISH POTATOEB—Northern. *1 9n sack. CABBAGE—SI|7c per head ONIONS —Yellow* In barrel*. 52.00 crates, 6fY; red. 31 99. Ilrendsftills. Hay and Grain. FLOUR—Market steady; patent. 3130. straight, 33 9o fancy. 33 75; family. 33 50. MEAL—Pearl, per barrel. 32 7u; per sack. 3135 city meal, per sack, bolted 31.12414 1.15: water ground. 3115741174; city grits, sacks. 31 20; pearl grits, Hudnuts, per bar rel 32 73; per s.iek. 31 224; sundry brands. 31 174 ft! S* snek CORN Market rtrm white. Job lots, AV, carload lots. 62c. mixed corn. Job lots, •;..*; carload lots. 59c. Itlt'K--Market *t*-dy demand good, tnnry head. *c. fancy. sfc Prime 5 • iond 44if414 Fair 4 ft 44 Common 34 OATS—No 2 mixed, rarloud. 334 c, Job lots. TVqMc; white clip|-d. cars. 37c. Jon. 10c ItBAN—Job lots. 97. c; carload lots. 90c HAY - Market steady; No 1 timothy. '2>,o Job. *74 cars. No. 2, Ssc Jib. 324 cars 'usitr and 4 oflee. SUGAR— t’ut loaf . 6 SI Diamond A 5 64 I Crushed * 341 Confectioners' A5 79 Powdered 109! White Extra C 549 X XXX pow and ,14 Extra C . 46 > Granulated .... 5.1*9] lloldett C 5.14 Cube* 6 14 Yellowrs S OI Mould A 6 9' COFFEE— Vlo* ha 36* Prime No 3 11 c lava 26c ' Hood No 4 .. 106*e I'eaberrv 14 c Falr No .5 .... 104 c Fancy No 1 12 cOrdlnary No 610 e Choice No 2 . llt*e. Common No 7 . 9')e Hardware anil Hnlldlna kopplles. lime, calcium rlasted and CEMENT—Alabama and Georgia lime In fair .lemand and sell at 89 cent* a barrel, ,pedal .al.lned piaster. >1 a> per !>arte!, imlr. lbsc Itoscdale cement. }1 >MI 25. 1 • arload ots. special; Portland cement, re tail 32 23. carload lots 32 oi*<i2 20 I.U.MHiiK F. O. C VESSELS HAVAN• N AH-Mlnimum. yard rlmi*. flO.ibtilJ •. "a! sills 912-504113.00; dtffi ult slies. 91400 FIV\*CIAI.. 1 iXIGHT aT~FREJESt COMPANY. 62 Broadway. N-w York Branches—*s Slate wreet. Boston; 4*C Walnut atreel Philadelpnla CONNE' TED BY PRIVATE WIREB BOND*. TOCkB. GRAIN. COTTON Bought ami sold fur Cash or on Moderate Margins 10 share lot* and upward ‘ ommlsslon. 1-1* Conor our specialty dutall margin* anil large saving on com m sskui Write for *rm We ran Inlef rst you Baod for onr 400-pag* • Oulde to Investors.' giving detailed Information to investors ttid operator* in Blocks. Grain and l otion lasusd gratis and mailed free Statistic* or. Railroad, Industrial r,.1 Mis cellaneous Securities Highest and lowest prices of slocks from ltwr Kxrellert ser vice, t'orreapondence solicited Oul-of town orders given special attention JOHN W. DICKEY, Stock and Mood Broker. ltfltT, 04. Write lor List. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 7. IVMK). • IStJU. fhlp utovk. ttt.ffVi)li.oo; ;iwn tlf#. ' *u v 4 h* n •;*#, -U- v >iL—Markrt . Upiiwn.t (air. na. W>i ViririniA bln V iarf. Sfto. mi< hinry. oli. iaa. 7bI*.! 1 *.! . bolleAl. 7IH- . kfio-'iii*. prime Wimi. 1. wnlei Millie. 13. . Bruit h atrl. IK. drodorMed *tov e leolifit cirun US , empty oil barreia. dfitvftfd, Be*. SHOT- Drop. $1 50. U. B -nil large f: Ti. chiiletl. $i I.* IRON—Marlcat very SwtHje * wire. %2 2i b-c BAKBKI> WIHK-43 per pemnU fßtaig it ei. 17.02^' .1 N l-OWnPIR Ter keis Austin <• rak ithor J* <•; hah krgn S- JA; quarter kt ci*. SI a.-. hamiHon du klDg. iiunrter k* *:* SJ . lni|*>nt mul llAi.irO Mitok*-!* m. b ill'. qu>irt<T **>£•*. IS "*. iiileir r? 1 . ti Irwß per vent , Trul doi t imtke!eei* powl* r. l*poun<l an#. Cl. pr-l*.uind can# i*vv pound llltlt'M uuti \\ SALT—lem*nd f4 t r und tne mark Mfd'iy, arkul lot#. l'K)*pound burlap e.ii’k#. 44. . }•■ -(kouiiol cotton iS . IP pound burlap rm k*. 4* . llb-pmnul cotton sack# 49V|C. 22&-pound buriap sack#. . 12S-pound cotton #a :k, 5 6 . i*o-pound burlap Ne#ck> KV HlDES—Market Arm. <lr> flint. IJV: dry #4llf *# -c; Keen r*iiteg|. k.' W< h>Lr—Nominal, prim* Georgia, of i*ai <1 burr# .*<)! luo.'k wool. 19c. black If**-. iurry, 10v Wax. 55c; tuliow, 34 r Deer tkln*. sdc t-'rnll* nutl \ati. AT PL KB— Nor t bet n va r * l l y. 12 2hft 3 25 OKANGKB—t Fla r tw 00u|3.5<> ritl NES—me i*> 1“> . .‘Ak. to nc, ti> ? 7' 7"# <i* * • k’. Nbf to 6'. 9>s to ion*. ;*4- BAN AN \s $3 2-VA2 00 bunch LEMONB—Market steady at 12 W. ruCOAM’Ti $4 • 1 f4 s* pi . 100 I’KANL‘TB Amp* #o* k fair ilemond market Arm. fancy liand-picked Virginia per pound. sc. bani-pb ke*i Virginia ex tra#. 4S , N C #e44l peanut#. 4*' NETS—Almonds. Tarr.igona. l€c. Ivi n !♦ walnut# French. 12* . Napie# lie: p at.#. 12< . Brazils, I.V. fllbtrrs. 13c: as norted nut#. pound and 25-pound boxe# lie. Cotton llfliuin# and Ties. BAGGING—Market Arm. Jute 2**- pound 9V* r * large lot#. SVjr small lots 2-pound. s\ itx-. 1% -pound, sea iei.*ii bagging 12Sc. diamlard. IS-|oun], arron. larg* lots. 11.40, !*muli lot-. Si HIfMN. Mil in* nnl Lard. HAt'ON-M'ft.’k't firm. D r R side# TV D S bellle#, M*r (Eastern), ae rordmg to averuft' rise; P S bellies. 1% (Western), smoked H side#. &V HAMS—Sugar cured. 13t|12V LAI4L>— Pur©. In tierces, IV?; In 50- pound tins nnd kO-|>ounl rubs. txgmpound in tierces. 6X40; 50-pound tins and SO-pound tubs. (P f c Dried ami Evaporated Fruit*. ATBLES—E\aporaievJ. 7417 V. sun-drird. 34’U'3' . APRlCOTS.—Evaporated. 10' po’fn-l nectarineis. 15 RAISINS—L L $2 10. imprrLil cabinets 12 7* 10090 50-pound boxe#. |K>und PE ACHEB Evaporated, pealed. unpf a led. B\o9c. PEAKS—Evaporated. *V . mim f.u,4m:oi a. riSH-Mackeral. hulf-barreia. No. 1. IS 00; No 2 |7 uo. No. 3 15.75. kilt. No 1. $1 20. No 2. Si 10. No 3. &>. Codfish. l-p.-unl hrii k." t>‘*4 . 2-pound brick#. €r Smoked herring. ier box. 17fflkc Dutch herring, in keg#. Si.lo. new muliei#. half, barrel#. 53.75. SYRUP—Market quiet; Georgia and Florida syrup, buying at 2SGc; selling at 32tfS5c. #ugar nouse at luftl&c. HONEY—Fair demand, strained, in bar . rels. 5,Vu>V gallon High uine basis. SI 27 ( K4> FREECHT#. COTTON—Savannah to Boston, par cwt Mo, lo New 3'ork par cwt,, 30r; to Philadelphia, per hale. 31; Baltimore. 31 FOREIGN DlßECT—Bremen. 40c; Llv errool. 40c. Hamburg 460, Oenoa, &00. Barcelona, v .* hester. 45c; Havre. 43c; Antwerp. 55*' DUMBER - By Sail—Freights dull; to Baltimore an 1 eastaard 34 50 to 3600 per M . Including I'or Hand LI MBER—By St* im—Savannah lo Bal timore. 35 00, to !'. K It , or B and O dock* 35 su. to Philadelphia IH*jc per cwt. (4 pounds to foot); to New York 34 ,V> per il. 37 15 to dock, lightered to Boston. 36.50 NAVAL STORES—The market Is firm medium )* vessel*. Rosin—Cork, for orders. 3s 6d per Parrel of Mil pound*, and 5 per cent, primage. Spirits, 4s 9d per 40 gallon* gross, and 5 per cent primage Large vessels, rosin 3s; spirits. 4s 3 Steam. 11c per 10) pounds on rosin. 21‘c on spirit*. Savannah to Boston, and 9Hc on rosin and 19c on spirit* to New York M.41114F, IMKLLIIiKM E. Matter* of Interest lo Shipping Men Generally. The Savannah River SteatnVi Com pany, which was recently organised to establish a line betivren Savannah. Au gusta and way landings, will begin oiier aUnite In a few day* Thay have the steamer I) Murchison, and It Is said In tend to pm on another boat later, for which they arc now negotiating The new • otnpeny comprise* several former employe* of (he Southern Tran-portatlon Company, the Gibson line, and It la .-aid will tight It for business The officers are President,-A H Haddor Secretary ar.d Treasurer-M Curry Manager—Percy H Haddon Master of the Murchison—W A Rous* Engineer— K L Brannon The Standard Oil Company's steamship Atlas arrived yesierdav from Philadelphia with cargo of oil* She docked at th# Standards wharf, foot of Price street Part of the cargo I* for Savannah nnd ihe Balance for Jacksonville, whence tha Atlas will g<> after dUcharglng here f*TATI*T *• ol THE PORT. Ortohrr Arrival* and Tonnage—te•• .el. nn.l 1 heir Rl.i. The Morninie News give* to-day the to tal number of vessels arriving at thia port during the lart month, with the rlga. nationality and net tonmgr The numuer does not Include the arrival, at quaran tine or Tybe* but only thoae vea.l which have arrived at the wharves, and have discharged cargoes, or are In tal lael or loading It does not Include river or Inland coaet eteame-s nor does It In clude vessels under inn tons Th* arrivals, wltn the rigs and nationality, are a* fol low* ~ S S Bk Btn* S ha Tot I American I 55 60 2 4*7 Ms IS S7t T 4 SU British n* a Italian .. |... 109 ...| 1.000 Norweg'n .| Mm .2 | 312 Swedish ..( 1.19* ! ! l.m Belgian ... 2** I.M Spanish ! I 4** •• 1 429 German ..| ? S*T ! 2 *Af Danish ■■ *!• I I*l Toial iMO.m IE9M fc> 13.*71 lJft.W Various *j ITT* Grand Tor I*l M 7 Ainer an . 34 4 1 2* tt British ....| 2J| 2 | , 3 Italian ...| I 2 1 1 Norweg’n 1 • ... | I • Sg* edtah 1' Belgian ..! 1! | j Spanish ..I. i 1 1 1 German . I I J Danish ...I I 1' I -I 2 Total —J K] S] I] DX Various ... —| & Gnd Tot .{ 1 —t 11'* Various Ton# American brig 570 Norwegian #hlp ... lOM American ship . 1.47* Italian brig .. . A*i Austrtai brig 221 Total * 77' The tug Msn William* arrived \ester <| • v from Pah * Greek She will !> • hauled out on the marine rillsav l*>r te pairs. l*M##rngrrs •*% Mishulilp*. Fasscnger- by eleam*hlp Glty f Aug s t,* f.r New York ye#i>-Frank W Mendum. Capt T. S*‘i**ve Mrs. 14 P But-. Mr# T G. Arn it Ml AinoM Mr# E J Miller. J Frleenb*rg * G \Y rr* n II Hammerman Jo: W Krederli k# John O'Neill. Dan O N ill. Mi#* Minnie O'Neill and four inter medi ate. Passengers by steamship Mtllng to Baltimore veeltrday— C. O. Eaton J M Adam# Mrs. Alim.*. II Stevens. E L Benton Sssßsah Uiusaar. gun rises at 6 24 a. m and sets al *.(>4 p m High at Tybee (o-dav at 712 a m and 7W p m High water at Savan na Ii one hour later I'baae# of Ihe Moon for Ana ember. D H. M Full moon k 5 0 eve Last quarter . I.' * 37 eve New moon 22 1 17 morn First quarter . 29 11 3S morn Moon perigee. sth Moon apogee. 17th Uilih %Lft AM) DEPART! (IF* Vsaarla Arrived Yesterday. Steamship Naeoochee. Smith New Y’ork —iVeiir Steamship Comp*n> Ste#*rrnhlp Atla# Ruhelll. Philadelphia —Standard Oil Company. Y faarla C leared Yesterday. Steamship Alders fate fßr), Will • Bremen—W YV Wilson Steamship Asama (Br > Bement. Bre men OeorgUa Export and Import Com pany Schooner Oscar C Schmidt. Petersen. Philadelphia traarla \\ ••Ml to 4#a. Steamship City of Augusta. Pigeett. Near Y'ork St* .unship Tvtrchester James Balti more Bark Marla Laura (liai ). Flanga. Vigo Bark Pyhla (Nor.) Haßorren. Ham burg. Shipping Memoranda. Charleston. S C. Nov 6 —Arrived, steamer* Carlh. Ingram Jacksonville and pioceeded to Boston. Seminole, lirjrfr' Ronton. via New York and proceeded to Ja. k son villa. Key Wait, Fla, Nov a—Arriv'd steamer Olivette. Bmlth. Port Tampa, *nl sailed for Havana. schooner Harry Bcr wtnd. Wallace Philadelphia ftpoken off Kay Waal by pilot-ion Jewett, Mexican steamer Contests, Phila delphia. to Vera Crux Baltimore. Nov. 4—Arrived, ateamer Itasca. Savannah Stiled, aleamer D H Millar. Savannah. Liverpool. Nov 4—Artlved. oieamar Arvodam. Savannah, for Manchester. Hremen. Nov. I—Arrived. at* amer Newby. Savannah Pensacola. Fla. Nov &—Arrived steamships l.lonor* iSi an I. Buetlnxa Cletifuegaa, Pena*c4s. Blmmnnt, (Talves ton; S.vntonderlno (Span I. Btlolo. Oalvre ton. put In for coal Hailed, steamship* Llngfl'ld (Br > Bart lett. Havre and Dover; Pugt.arrK Span I. Rluaco which put In from Galveston for coal; ehtp Regent (Br ) Henderson. Liver pool; bark Imperator (Nor.). Oregeraan. Bur no* Ayre*. Cleared, rteamer Nordpol (Nor) Stoltx. Leghorn and Oenoa ehlp Kurvtflcg (Br), New(on. Bahia Ilk*non. Vnllrr to Mariner*. Pilot chart* and all hydrographic Infor mation will he furnished master* of vaa aola free of charge In I’nlted Stalea hy drographic office In Custom llouee Cay tain* ore requested lo call at the office Report* of wrecka and derelicts received for transmission lo the Navy Depart man:. Foreign F.mporf*. Per British steamship Aldersgaie. for Bremen—2.oni ions phosphite rock. 12b t/jo 1 tu>x cotton bolls; 19 parrels house hold goods. 32.040. 7.7251 hales codon. 3374.- 733. UOOO barrcla rosin. 12,M0 42 —Cargo va rious Per Brlllsh steamship Asa mu for Hre men— 11.900 hales cotton>. 2,240 sarkn cottonseed meal. ISO'S'. lio barrels roetr 32.463; 150 barrels rosin oil |SA. :.- Off tons phosphate rock M 0,407 —Cargo various. roastsvlae Klsnrla Ter steamship City of Augusta for New York—l.lW2 lailes upland cotton 224 baba sea Island cotton Mu barrels cottonseed oil, 41st bates domesllca 74 tiorrels ros|n, jt,;, barrels lurpenllne. 156.314 feel lumoei. M 2 bundles hides. 217 hales sweepings 1.500 packages box material. 1,70) fruit, 3 bar rels fish. 43 isees cigars. 1 43s boxes or ange- H battels vegetaMes, 14* crateo vrgi lablae. 40 bales moes. 3 l>ales tohao > 50 empty barrels, 42 hatful* rosin oil. 139 barrels flour. .112 pa keg'- merchandise Per steamship Dorchester for Baltimore —252 bales upland cotton, b 0 tor rals rosin. MB socks clay. 31 cases palmetto fiber. 210 rases canned goods 534 boxes oranges. 33 packages frull. 10 barrels vegetables. 34 crates veg •tables. 22! packages merchandise, 212.502 feet lumber Per schooner Oscar C. Schmldl. for Philadelphia—379 *•*. feet yellow pine lum ber.—Cargo by Jhn A Calhoun. KiLL:n it tmk pmii.ippitrb. gun of Ri-lrnalor Pascti of Florida boat Ilia Life. Washington. Nov-. 4 —Oen. MsoArlhur rahlea the following casualties Manila. Nov 4. 1900 -Ad Jut an- Oeneral. Washington Killed, Ip m Monday, Oct. 29. near Cuartero. William D Pas co. (second lieutenantt Company K. Right eenth Infantry. Lem Meador Addison Enstx Mo • Arthur ■’ Lieut Pasco was a son of ex-flenator Samuel Pasco of Florida, and now a mem ber of ine Nicaragua £anal Commission II IiOKhV ITKH AMT I* HEAD. He Mae With Eleventh (aval fr la the IMilllpplne*. Washington. Nov 4 —The following dis patch has bean received at the War De partment •Manila Nov 4 —Adjutant Oaneral, Washington 9* an ley M Stuart, assistant surgeon Eleventh Volunteer Cavalry, dtevl at a33 o clock this morning Santa Crux Luion, fractur'd skull, thrown front horse Mac Arthur Surgeon Stuart was appoint'd from Washington D f. —A Spanish psper nssarts that two de seendants of Columbus—Manuel and Ma rla Columbo—brother and slater, are at present inmate* of the Aavlum for the Homeless tn the city of Cadis. Strange as the siory appears. It Is stated that a few < years ago the two old people were dis covered begging for bread In the street* Inf the Sranleh city It Is also said that documents In their possession Incontmtu- PQ prove luo*r descent. Southern Railway. Trains Atm* sad KepAXt Savannah on NUh Meridian Time O n II ir Slower Than City Time. Schedule* In Effect Sunday, June 10. 1900. READ !*. *\\ N To 111 1 1 V i Rl M* ' P No It Nti .14 —— (C* mral Tin* and No ii N- U U Sdpni U -Mam Lv'"...”.'.’.”.!.'..'. • Snvuiu a'h Ar .o.tu i spm j (Kwstern Time ) 4 2lpm 4 rs.tiav Ar 11l • kvlil* I.' 3 *>wni • *7pul .n vr Oolumhia Lv 9 lOpm St-am Ar .. . * haiiotto 1* lu* * ‘a*' l 11 4tptn i; —pvtn.Ar (irewnnl*ur. l.v 7 10pm IXjui }'* *•" 'Ar ... .7! Nt*. folk I*' " '’I”" spm Ar'. . .. . .. Da , v 111* i. t •;* 1 • • 6 mini i, x pin Ar .... ... Ktchm-nd' l.v lSuipm •■*l'> 1 Obatn i• P m .\r LynchVurg i. JJJMI 6 36pm Ar i h.t: lo i evill* I. 1 Oliim.fJ 54pm 7 36am S 60pm Ar . Wtsahlngton .. i tm I **, * • I6am II Mpm Ar Haliiinore .. l.v s 33*tm ■* 27pm ***• - .**.iin Ar PhUadcqvhia l.v .4Nmt, 6 tt*"' 2 03pm t3mi Ar New York l.v 12 t"m J 2i.p n • A'pm i U'l'iu Ar icoion .. I*' .. cxqim 10 low in ” o3 TO THE Nitßl It AND WEST. 1 Nolj II (Cantral Tima * _______ j* U Stain Lv i Savannah Aril 6 MM* (Haste- n Tun. I AVain l.v Columbia I-' 1 -* m seatn l.v Spartanburg ■ 12 P lev Ah- VIII* 1-v ; vf 11 I *pm At Rot Spring* * ' ll 45am 7 2i)pm Ar Knoxville ' : • 1 0*m Ai b I V ' 7 fell til Ai Cm.lnn.itl . ... - . • I*' • ••’pm Ar si 1... .is .... ~-•** •MW Ar Uoulx villa . I ' All Irani* arrive ai.J ,1- part Irom ilia Riant System S alion. THRO Hill tAR SI.HVIi 1 I PC TRAINS .U AND 34 laAll.V NE4\ Vt lUK AND lI.OKIDA KXPHi AS Vend buled iimi , ,*.i trains, with Pullman Dig*lng Ro m Sleeping Cs * nan and New York I’onnects at Washington with 4*olonlai la|>r< ~* <*u It- -l*w' Pullman Sleeping t'ara between Ch.irl.altO *u*l Rt< hm.'iHl and t'harloli# **nd Nor fvx.k Dining Cats serve all meals between Su* xnn.ib and Waehlngton TRAINS 36 AND DAILY THE UNITED HT Allis EAST Mill \ I Ula I limited trains, earning Pullmnn Drawing Room Sleepin. * a* . vve. n- n na'i and New York Dining Cara aervr all meals Iwiwean Savanna > an l V\ a I nut n Also Pullman Drawing ll.svm S4***'Pli.g Cars between .--avaniiAb and t’ii nna t, through Asheville and The Land of lb# Bk* For compl* re Information lo rotes schedules etc, apply to O GROOVER Ticket Agent. Plant System Stai on JAMES FREEMAN, C P id T. A.. 141 Hull sli.ei Telephone* H* 11, *SO| Oeorgta *5O B H 11 ARfivVICK Asl'n4 General Passenger Areni Miami. G.i \\ \Y< HO*x E% IK HF.CiI AW 111 trrrßf lim List of Altraetlnn* I* Preaeated Wep rsM Ga . Nov * —The fourth an eiual exhibit of the YYayrros# Fair Amu elation opened 10-day under the most fav orahle condition# The crowd# ire here and more are arriving on even craln The dire* tors confidently expect tne big gvst time ever seen in South (ieorgli noi even excepting tne State Fair Nearly Hi tha exhibit- from Vaidost • have h#en brought co Waycroa* In a4Vlittn ’• these all the principal feature-* of th* Goiumhu# Street Carnlvat are her# There are certainly more new and novel attractions in town than were look**d at all pr*\iotis fairs ri>Rihtn*d Tli‘ Ferris wheel is up, and so is the big swing Fine cattle, hogs and hor#ee are numerous Th* trained animal cxnowiilon and Mliwa> Flaisance aie drawing cards Th* inter state shoi>t. under the auspice* of the Waycross Gun Club, started **ff t * : this morning Sum* good scores were made Th* shoot will continue to-morrow and next day on Wednesday there will he three hotly contested race# n trot. pace and run Several stables of noted horses are here, and as many of them have records away down, some fine finishes can he expected The music by ihe Wuycros* Concert band is a most pleasing part of ihe fair A mag nificent pyroiechnlc. display to-nigM will attract hundreds of sightseers to the ground* On Thursday Rev Bam Jones will deliver * free open air lecture on ihe grfrund* at Jb a m This will be McDon ough Day and thousands of the employees of the Southern Pine Company and Halley's mill* ai M- Donaid snd Gray Bros' mill* at Leliaton and Grave mill will be here Thursday's programme will be tniereiMiftg from beginning to nl. with firework* at night F'rlday will be another big day Piant System employe# will take thing#, a* that 1* W B Denham Day Th*- grand till and tournament, on Friday. In which • ight learns from Georgia's crack caval ry companies will contest for primes . Ttw* racing n Friday will surprise anything ever before seen In Waycross. while everything else will be on a most gorgeous scale. Fireworks at night will wind up the greatest fair yet given by the Waycross F'air Associa tion Thomas* Hie dews holes. Thomasvtlle. (ia . Nov. 4.—The voting contest for queen of ihe carnival has re sulted in the elect lon of Miss Tabttha Dtiren Tho young lady received 1.74 b vole*. The next nighoM vote poll'd was 909 There were 3.139 votes ess I which, at lb cents each, yielded a neat sum to aug ment the carnival fund W M Htnson of Quincy. Fla and Mis* Ballt* E Hinson of Waycro**, aver' mar ried by Judge Massey, about ounrlse. yea terday morning in this city The young people are cooslns. aid on this account there was serious rsppoeltlon to Ihe nnr rioge hence the manner in which It oc curred Mrs J P. Arnold died suddenly Kundoy night at her home, near thl* city. AT ETCYf Llt AL (19 I MHIftT. Cihorlallnn issued hr Ihe Pope to Ihe lllsliop*. Rome. Nov. 4 —The Pope has addressed to the Bishops an encyclical letter, dated Nov. 1, on tha Redeemer The pontiff says he rejolee* at the aasemb.age of Catholics from all parts of the world tn Rome It the holy year, which he add*, demon strates that the peoples ara marching to ward Christ. He exhorts the world to seek the Redeemer, whl'h. the pontiff points out. la the road to truth and life, adding “As Christ's coming to the world re formed society, the latter In turning to Christ, will become belter and he saved by following His doctrines and divine law. hy discountenancing revolt against the constituted powers end avo.dsng con f If th peoplee acted so. th* encyclical continues, they would all love one another as brothers and obey peacefully their su periors Neglect of Clod, the pontiff fur. ther says, has led tn so many disorders (hat the peoples are becoming oppres-ed with Incessant fears and anguish He con cludes with urging the Rlshops to make known to the entire world that the Re. d"mer and Saviour of mankind alone can bring salvation and peace HI ThfA IT Ft 1,1, ACCORD. Her .laswsr to loglo-f.ermau Tote of Agreement. St Petersburg Nov 4—The text of the Russian reply to Hie Anglo-German agreement note Is published The first point, providing for open port* ou the rivers of th* Chinee* llltoral, la favorably received, a* It does not alter ex isting tr*4|e The second point Is all Ihe snore In hxr-, monv with Russia s Intentions, a* the In tegrity of the celestial empire Is the f ini amenta! prlnelpl* of Ih* Russian policy As regards the possibility of a violation of this principle. In Ihe third *tUc|. Rursls refer* lo her note of May 7* and repeat* her declaration that sich viola tion would compel Russia to nrtollfy, is circumstances might require, tbt alti tude sbe baa taken. LADIES^ A safe and powerful remedy for functional troubles, delay, (tain, and irrepularities, is APIOLINE (CHAPOTgAUT) . Sucrvtftfully pr*M rilsc.l hy s|Xiiali#li for I>i riir ol Worn#ll Pruf fi.n* **? all DfU|p|fiht .*r hjr mail, i O. I 11, N Y. EUMI MG CONTEST. How to Voto Gut ut th** •tlarhed Votifi* Goupon and mail or brlnft it to th*> bu-in* 4 ## office of ih- MorntitK Nrw Savannah. On Ha•*h Goupon mu#t bear th* noma of tha FMr#oti for whom you wl#h t* vot# VOTING COUPON. Noma H? and No Town BLA HOARD’S I t AN 47MIA. POOIJNI 5S ..I the III.OOD CONST IT* I ION Al. WEAKNESS. SCHOI 4 I.A, I:tc. None genuine unless signed Blancah;,' ALL PHUI,HINTS I 1-01 OCRA A CO.. N. V., Agents lor t 5. ga CMICHIiTtP tNailH Pennyroyal pills ■ . OrlpiMal a4 Onl Ukliic P/ W hAI I *•• ••' * e l.aJla*. iilil L 4( t lilt IlidKH’H KNM Ml L* wh ’ )■ MI-. I '* I Aas.l4 MM4am* Ul* •*.,*< IkkMHi alkrr H. fu.i gg, wj Ma ■>!*. fkallmUMiiß aw 4 I walla I / HT Itaaaa r lf*#ias c f aaM |s i I W Jr aitavf t-’ I‘arflraalarw, 1 •tllMaalala \ •• 0 af.4 Ogatlrr fir I 4lra.“ m Isffa i- rt / i ir * Nall I**bh • • '.„Hf *" ail llraiitHs 4 hlehcalar 4 laktl'-tl 4a, ihi $! •< Ma4l* *• ar*. I'UII.* . PA. fai fcf l a. ifßi*ii* <-w wen Uni4ii, r on*mu. Empty Honslicads. Kapt J Malaaava llopahrada fo* Mi* hr C. M. GILBERT & CO. —■ ■■ liiol'iiiu.i WAMKD. V. H KNtiINKKR OKKICK. HT At guatin**. 1**14.. * t '"J KA4* H'uieii prf- Imipolp for r<smi!etlng gun uwl mortar hat terhe .nfi building concrel* lore-houa a mI Fort Taylor. K-- Whm, Kla will tv received hen until 12. noon. Nov. AO, 1!) rt, and tlien publicly op n* <1 Inform mon furnlphe lon applicatiwi C II M Kinr. try, Capt Kr ll All I OK .‘I HOkM CI4. %It a. • In* Hern nn In%rtr rn I•• ••••iiflrr*' *Urcf Ilf W ii* l* Maath* old. From tne New York I'rep. PoughkeepMr, Oct 81 A prodigy h* Jiirt been hr>ught to light in thin rlty in the prrpon of a baby boy. three year* old. who hae been moktfr clg/ir-i and a pipe regular.v ra h rlay *in e he wa* eighteen nV'Othr old The child i aon >f Mr and Mre Mor ria Itelyen of No Wl North ihmilton ptreet Mr. Morrla ta . butcher. Al though the child bar been an inveterate •moker for tne la*t year and a half ne |p enjoying rnhuet health and ip ap fat and hu*ky aa any baby cou*d wihh t> i# * He ta a harulauine t>4by hoy. large for hl age wi'h long golden curia and a face pretlv lea picture One d,y hip father, who an incaaxafU amokcr him pelf, war noi.i.n* tne little fellow on hip knee while puffing ha* after dinner pipe, Morrla. Jr . reached up hie chubby little hand and pulled the pip. d4>wn fdo'Srg It in hi* own mouth and drawing peverai long leiffp before hie father realised what had happcn*l He cried ao hor<! for the pipe oi % the day following lhat hut father - mid pmoke Or •duallv the child became confirmed in hie it rang*' hi bit ant gradually the par ent# were compelled to glvo up their pro. teptp agalntt the dally Ripe Then the hov took to cigara Young Morrlp* brother. Reeve#, five veer* old. |e almoet ap remarkable a he having rmoked cigar* and a pipe for rev. era I month*, though th* hubit ha not iifrn go ahaoliiteiy In him He. too. • healthy child nd apparently |p none the wnree for hla pr< tice —John W RreMenthol. the furlon can didate for Oov*riKr fn KartaaP. w • prom inently Irieiitifled with the Tottolobampo gociaUaUo ichvmu a X*.w ago. Plant System of Railways. I r iln* op<*r.. f*-(l by fOth merlill in tun>* Oiu* hour low<*r than city t: m*. Iu Oct. |, Unit All tr >tna l. Si’, .nnah Daily Ar Snvtnmti liftw’t n . s .i\ inii ih | 1 00 am • - tin Wnyoroii !•) i* im lad n 'i iti‘l Klur <J • , 7 •a> pni llct• cii Hu . innah 2 4' am i ton T GO ana 111 i Ki - 1 ’• 10 | n • it IVi t tauipii with I>iv ! ' 1 *i in**r y leaving II in i \l.tn4aytt, t *' iIV IH I •*! |> *4 tl <lO | m <- iiII fit i • >j? .#• r,.i further infor* m u lor I II r 'l,lft Ml T !' \ W \U\ • I v!' ; * t Tl Uet Agent. D. s.,f , Hot#*! | one 71 ll W will \ N r, ,Ia r Tr im* Man# H ivannah tin rr—a 0^ '\GEORCIA S he.)„le*s Effective Sepi (h I*V#. Trains arrive ai arid depart trum Cetnral stall .n. Wal Hroud. foot of l.ibarty street 90th Meridian Time On. hour slower than elty time Arrive Savannah: Havunnah: .Augusta, Macon. Atlanta.| :** 45am Cov M il.slgevllieieg ogxu : an, l all Intermediate pointaj lAugn-taI Augn-ta Mi on. Atlanta,! iAihena, Miarigotuary. Co-| *® ‘Win luinl. .a, Hirminghiim Am |* mam ■irlcue. Eufaula and Troy | **'l*t*i lu.v.u v, . .mini. .la..oti i. aaio • i>ni Guv ~i Omiiro ii,n, it uaptn 'Dally, tExcept Sunday. EK’t W I I N SAVANNAH AND TTBEE. • sth meridian ~r Sivannsh city time LEAVE HAVAN.vAII Moridav only li, ■ m Dally except M*aiday 9:go u m Dally J tki p av LEAVE TYREE Monday only 716 a m Dally except Monday 10 25 a m. Dally 6Ju p m * Ollier lions inad at terminal ia nt With ell train* NoiUiivm*. Wept and Sleeping cars on night tratne between *vani ,h nnd Augutta. 61 a on. Atlanta •ifwi rlirmiri|(hani. Parlor *ar * on day train* between Ha. vannah Mi -ai an 1 Atlanta l-or n plate In forma tlen. a vledul-* ra(s*,i mii l onrit. f j. ,fi, Mtifily (<> W a BREWER. Cltv Tl kel and Paaa. ! *ng*r Agent. 107 Hull alrrai r ?'c n ,.'iM N J TRK Tl 'k' Agant. r ii Vunttiv 1 Tr ""'o Manager. TIIEO D KUNE. Gen Buperlrtendaat. • Hv*rnh Oa. lIMITEO Double Daily Service The abort line to Norfolk. Washington. Haitlmore. I'hUadolphiA, New York and the lUm. , i No M No 44 Lv Havatmah. ft A I. IR !2 3:,pm 11 pni Ar Columbia H A L. Ry I 31,,m, Mam Ar Raleigh. H A . L. Ity II 37pm II 40am Ar Durham. H A L Ry 7 tarn 4 14pm Ar I'eter.i.urg, *A L Ity 4 12am 4 Mptn Ar Richmond, 4 A b By Ii m a 40pm Ar W .sl.lngton, I'anna * 44am 9 Mp m Ar n.illlmore l'nna 10 UBain 11 34pm Ar Philadelphia. Palma.. ,12 27pm 3 Mam Ar New V..rk l enna | l uipra f 12am I No 44 NoTT I.v ftnvaniMh. H A !. Ry;i2 13pm;II Upm Ar Portsmouth H A I. It. ; ommi 4 60pm Hlaamer- leave Norfolk dally, axcayg Sunday for llaltlmote. Philadelphia and New York, and dally for Washington. Tha abort lint, to Montgomery, Mobil* and New Orloans. leaving Bavannwh at 725 a m.. arriving at Montgomery 7:40 p m , at which point close connection I* made with the L. A N. It It. agrtvlng at Mobile 306 a. iu. and New Orleans 7 io a. m. Th* hori line to Fernand log. Jackson villa, Tampa and other Florida polntg No 27 No 3l' I.v Sivannah. B A I. Ryi 6 n*am 307 pm Ar Fernnndlna. B A L. Ryj 9 34am 9 04pm Ar Jacksonville, H A LRyi 9 loam 7 40pm Ar Tampa. H. A L. Ry.. | 6 3>)pm 4 BOam hlagnlflcena Pullman buffel aleaping car servlca to Wastilngton. Raltlmore, Phila delphia and New Y'ork; also to Jackson ville and Tampa, Dining car* from Bsvannah to Haaalat, grid Rlchm-md to New York Ituffct parlor cars Havannah lo Mont gomery Foe additional Information apply o Ticket Office. Bull and Bryan streets. Phone 2* U R Ns ai. F. P. MILLASg F-ealdent Vie* Praaldant 11EXHT /t Bae'y and Traoa NIiAL-liILLARD CO, Builders* Material, Sasb, Doors and Blinds, Faints, Oils, Varnishes, Class and Brushes, EUILDERS’ HARDWARE. Lime, Cement and Piaster, g*s *a4 Whltafea* Street*. UfiWUI, BA BUCK'S W\* Dyspepsia Cni'e fIL 7 Tablets 0 .Lm Wc* •r’Jt •! set oeo VU T rid ges: lift* RJ MS*. ef I*to Me•*s.• kinrtfwl *ti**<Ur* TW Promote the Appetite 17 tv nil Pul Fleah on Thin / Peonle atl Sieo-tsw 4 • stmarii so* •„ .u -.*•.! fen la -*t in IS, S—S ■ t 7tie* Mr fr h i At all <tfwNPto ■ tou auas ■ CO . Oteseaegsee, HI. 9