The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 08, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 WELCOMED TO SAVANNAH. <;koik.ia im imo% of 11 %m#iiri R’* OF 4 lM l.l'l 14 At I . AilitrrMM of Urlrumr Hrro Mailt* J4g Fallltfnf. 4 apt Wclwtsa aiml Mrs. J*eilA. Ilrprrif* Ii AfC Ihr I,oi*nl \ mirrnmm, *ns onU !nagh l*r of Ih* onlrtlrrr-lli*|Mnr li> %!!■■ Ulrr It.i %lrr of %lIaaIA. Mr*. Ilnlllr 4lrtnn.h r Homasav llle, I'rrahlrul of llr IH% Ulwtt. I'rralJra 4%rr It* lellberalla Mrecpilot* in |e|e* At*** At Iruiury llttll ut % l|l 111. ;. 1 5 f i r . •iou>ly otend*s). the t r *rr • ..i I. If I-I go t r any in * • f *• *'f f I•* • lug jr. H; . .* juatruetlva *f the *n i , ,*r v• m r.t r f 4h* ileorgl t In\ Is <n . : I*• .*. •,. ri. Confoi- f * vw . .?;) dl order In th* drtttiu* i-m f In. i l’ 30 o link ytwtc ruy if >K It wa* m gathering of s:a fh .i’- I i■ • r t tv e %%omrr. -.r - • t .■•*! s I* Sot or and bta .tlful dr luoiii b fetua and palm* a l f' m aid r*..r* und r e <<! • * a > a* oi f the deleg it*e id. n * u nstfii ’ It**loi *• the cj.l of lh [ r * Idrru fell. Mr L. <i r.|. V* t - in noun *tt that l >ir* <• -r Hor-wtli H F air man. of the Kairmtn <’ t *rt Hand wi-n *d t* gin { i;.• > .1 • ► m*l u-. ri* mem m i*i nil) to Savannah Th** on. i unem*ni w*i i ... o wi: t •*!*;•* . u that b arn* <r h .#t u< n- tlie •trains of th** i; .. thist mule up i < fI r t tart of t.i* ►*>!. tion l • r**t*-*l m? * * the more st rr it t •* I 4*-v l mt ilrt.< *f I>ii Thi Invo aj. ihlh• fl b) Rev. Cuarirt H i.I Strong, r or of St John n Ji wa- st*h ti prwv*r uh thov* who know Mr Sarong •\| * .l Mm n* mak** * i<* qtienf. tender. f •••I wuti reverent for t-. f'onfadwa hi..l It* exponci. > and I ; • ' fulnefor t.i achievement of the |hji ].., at*a; 'i tb. lugh:er- ~f rfj* t' t j**t v rf-pr^*nf “Almighty h -i. .ijr ll* ivnl\ ln W bhtir.l' r< nil our w ~. h .m t wit’i Oil \Vhoe gu) hint . no w :k t n 4roA|* r. Ih* |r**#.. nc, we tws . h Th* , In thi* A*-*nl ly of the In . * '*r ■ f 'h ftoilh And- f,'-i .if T. v i I to gr*e4 the women hegrltu -pi * nl inyr rli, CASH '• KIM I• toml so nniN m hok* . me* t i .u# r •mo ay of the -me they love a:. I ’or ahih t i*> l.Ur, t * . • “It U •. . i but N t leen." Ity Thy gra< #• and by tii I iiiori inn y th it . o ... n- .. cr. ■ e . pyrnhol of wh.itver i htA\- uni noble In our Sojtherti l.nd and l*c* to .> an Incentive ni.ti Inffplrattom •* **t' living II !• 4 ;<J I • . . u,l .. iu.n let *>r tin- South to live worthily of iheir #lfe * I ..rihermor* we h The- to a I and dire, t them In their |‘r*-sni up • r takl-.g row. -rate them to tnetr w rk l,et ktr.dl> \v..r <i% and g*-n* ro s .}* prevail M.ty tiv** children who •I- ran tnr dA*di t>* .is united *s wer* the f tn- a who ie*rforme-l the deeds that by th**lr titiUe. of he.irts ain harul* th* et*ry of the S *uth may be k* pt .**l\* f **fi - oraiion to gen* ration until it t i r* utd •■hall * wrltt.-n *n ,-idinb* marble aid un: erietuthle "We *hK The* o 4J< * I. to renumber an I bl* r* t.u* o.rv; ■' • of I tat >•. : .1 a>i-e Thoee wnom 'Time ha* w* .irt*d in th * race of hours, the soldi**ra wio *n- hv on** and >*ar by year, are |aa-U n iv from thA sc*xie of iheir earthly eufilt t may rot oj.. #* mt -*sng w. . n the r *ll f the Book of Life ahall to i!hl b t o Captain of our sib at lon but friend m - t friend, wife meet husband, and son m* sire, in that larxl whii hall le no tnoro war nor !<%*? i .-n v tin v:r ■ “Into Thy gra l*u *ur .nd : itoer*v prote* tlon w* * >m'T*f *ur-‘ \* s i t th labor oC otir hande JJfl up (tie I -lit of Thy toujit* tifttu ♦- ujH't. us on.i g u t Thy I****- .t' 1 t * *Uys of hf*. lor Christ sak Am* t; Mrs Ha.h \ *-\ id- r ItounstvlJ *•, ? * p p ei*ieiii of the <it. Ision, i*r**si.l*4d over th (klibtmitot4. o' t:.e . 4>i y.-r.iioi aid r* rv graclooi-ly am! w *.| she jh rlorm* t tbi duty. Tii- pr*s; ler.t first lntrudue<J J i*ig 3tobsrt I . who wskomcd the Vision to Suv u.iu. . b* h4f of In* fedefWt \f*raiii- f the city. In the int obi tl* n Mi - lioun tvilfe allu<i*-I pke.iri.tntly to th. I i t iht it was Judk KMIU-ii t who iil grant***! th** first * tvar ter of hi orporwtion to a chapter *.f I>aughtets of the (.’onftikracy it tin Fouth. Between the Intrudu> tion ai *1 J*iig> Fatligani a a I Ires# a chorus voi* e r*iai*ied “Dixie." I lie \ rirrnna' Welcome. Judge t a remark tvr-‘ in hi* usual happy vein, huimr an t pathos, ‘oqu**i. • t wit iI• b* gan b mylnjc. in ro<-poneo to a sugg*st|o4i of Mr Ho ii.suvilli.. that tfpwe wh* had tv -n bravf f on tb Iwttl* field U i fi**|iieml> found themselves v,i pu h. and by a .wilt r> of bright eyes, that he realized till a h eady ! fill* Jude** Kalllgant alluded in t. rms of rinsr. tng l*>iur*n #> 10 the Immortal cause fir ! which the i * €• the h* .ith had fous * and th If! morifll truths #*f law •i. l right for whl h the> b .*1 oi.t.i.P-i In scorn tin rep n.*i t • o?wr . mi often le, that the Southern p*-n>* in renouncing an : bgi.inre to .# tuition t at I k > -trlpt-*'i llu-m of their riK .t- and r fused longer to obev the conipa*• ufuu. whleh th* iu*:l*r h. and ben led v.* ’. ‘rebel *#ni traitor* "Tell n* It* id, "that Bob t I *nd Jefferson lavu were ti.utoit* t the 1.. M Who I d:W ) th* ITI v.*? |die|-‘ The assertion **irrh It* .wn dental. It wait ru>'h an iia*rtK>ii made in th# .Senate €>f the l nlie l rdai**x t*v S nato Hoar th.v ratified th* r and int I. m. r to i ll tr#* •cnator trom M.— t in - t** Ti. *• w < .ili* and!. •!: l • 1r al • It’* m i|. might burn . I* >*n fioni th mvthoogy of unli<ittlt> tha It w\i* tl.e vulture, and IW< the • agi . pn-yi-d upon the vital * of th*- md I* one n* Sr rath r" #l*oll Judge Faineant. dll * th teen were K>i i *t *i hit t at they We r • rtier Iti ev* ry t *r. ter ■; >f hot o-, etut*ut*i nit* md intgri \ I an the man the> lift behind ih* rn in the t'nion." "How <an I help wlcomln. y<> . who k e#*p all' * th*tr met oii <n t ve th*i tinrn from th- foul taint of dthono * How ran I bit 111 >ou a thr • It* arty welrom* when 1 ki-<*w the*, p j, t ng* yiMita and heart ' Ilk** y<> -r*. tie i■ i. r f tli ConMtr.l > i' k* pt a nle - is the sword of Itohvn la- Judge Flll|tilit i tOtuhl iilv the burial pern# of many a priv ne soldier of the Mouth. who gav. up lit* Ilfo for th* ct’ibv it* loved, lar from ii m. untended and unknown. "They gav* up a.I t at they had," paid Judge 1 uPiganl t ~-ir live and in* > took ir* m th gaunt and withered hand **f d.uth the thank I. guerdon of oblivion." • t apt. )i l.ntes* Wrlrnmt*. Jdr* Itour.ea vllie. at the conclusion of Judge l al. gau' a pddr*- of Welcome ( tr<dud Capt I*. H. M l-aws. comiiuti.l --r of •' t■*!gt Division of S*u. of fori federate Y>*4* ran*. who w*doom#*d the delegates to Savannah on behalf of fhi-• organisation. < ; M lam described the victories of Hie Oonfelent# *<*ldt* r In war an#i m . •■•ter victories in pea when, returning to hi* devastated hom m! i the tr>*ig t!m* * of reconstruction •nd pout: ti. deba i hery. he bulldo*! a new empire on t *• ashes of the old South It w' well tna* te children and th grandchildren and ’hs remote <Aescend* ants of such soldiers a these should be • aught thst the*r fathers w*re numbers of the grandest army and fought for the purest the world has ever seen "A cause which was right," said Oapt iCoidlnucd on Butk Fsgeh I thi l.tMl * M|l tlli:0. I'alktr* lt r thuut fle*|ile*l That They Will Try Other Field*. Two iti'e effoTti* were rti and *v t , .. .• .< r l ifMii, it* but so fir n* it kn**wn nofi.• Of them WM* e * earful One of ie p?*>f- *.: *3. If rry Hirsh white, was wp* fund rrt h.iudHi ands it lo to bar il v of $ w* enteretl ug t.l • * him ll.nh n game w . i tfh* r original nor • i**ver. it wh - w * k I w. b the aid of W . MifeO.-r i- wh c.* J iru h* rr. i *• *>n- , ' M#d of a bather *tr*p fifteen I i vie* long, wn; i h* <k,,jbl*i tn me mid ,l •• , tj 4 .n * „ .1 h .* ir l- of whe h the and .1 im-l tli. ienter II • f ..f e.-urdry % , < . *m- til • ..rr. r*l to b*t i in ma okl not p. k out ta** o.. s p ;H I . ' F toil llifsh, who , . < . • ft ini* re* <*l bv *ft.!‘f vi ,* *r 1 f ikehnbier While ■ ' v frvir.g t p k out the i v two five*, w tfk**l , I ,1 . .1 M ' H ti had dHwippeare*!. but found . ir >l i id rn *rr m*l Th* o'h*r . i • v. .• f hmr k Hr*h !* • .1 . .1.11,1 eOI e ..f tr.e Ia ner . w*r . n . .me.! to be hi 5 e* 1* eto. k 11. trad** r xun- that wh work* I ya-eter iv V .1 ..11 Of *|: . tho igh th • r..| mi .4 it* t > and with *ll h . . of Hw ettethi t’ • * * i- *1 *e! n View of )| |ft I• e•.*. i t.. .*. w . w 1 oi* rating if t . . too !ro*ig 1 r t • 1 • anti that he tin, • i t it He * ■ 1 . . f*: er fl at .1 !• • *•i from hi- <snfr* r* - that every thng t>i ■•* fix- I”, and that they w* re j ? t . 1: ow •■•I ■. w.*i k tn in* ground He 1 1 tbit kibu:<d under i mistaken 1 1. . . | • w • il i I• ‘ . v • 4f \ • .• .t t rll :j| * ffort to Mj :(•• Idm ;f wii * .* ffi< •r w hom he t *1 i that 1 . * 1 > •eight t * t* at- e to i mV- 00 .mj . •• iirniiK. mint He w taken to th*- gate of the ground* I* • * 10 the i .!• k> | r an*l on* of r* . n t i*- iow, mid told If found ;r 1 if i*r* ids u. ii? t would l* arrest •I. Anoth r . nine that wa- trifsl fur a short trt.* * :**riu U S 11. at of Ui* eleetn. - t induoal (c ttkt *.id **f the hatferv ml whtb hi* entire otteiiji. n w . given o the tb k lug of the f. 1 1 •. f r * .| |<* intor of t... natterv went it.rough hi* p* k- t* T •ir. -r b*k;r- w o o|M-rat*d the prize jMi' k, ganif - tin i.iiht before have been tired from ff * ui e.' 1- ! )*■ poll . aid • . u\ej* have etrlhifent f hr mi. t f** 4iklow*i tf run. hi.*l tb*- Jakirs ar IxKinnir.r to realise that * • order* ar* b. :ng enf*r.'*-d, eons*44iient iv ib \ re having lor they hoi**- wU prove more promising lUUK, a large im a r of them iav i g already ’* f• f**e A.. >ta t> att nd tr < ‘ aif*slerato re union. nri > qi ikamtvk-: *; %%*>%. Via* >n lie 'I urnnl I p In the *rn If Wit hour IVrnilf. ."sivam..*l • * •-** tjiinrantlne iH-nsMan ex - l*iri • Nm ! in l u h w ork a laying i ti. ii making ** w*r . onm* • lom* mu.) oiher improvement* requiring the upturn f g of the >d in th*- trert?. can now procet i w*i , ,.ut me fieocNity of seeurlrig *• iHrmtsei-ai of the ranitary hoard, 1 ugli th*- uf in. p* rinlfs ty the fllrector ! publi* V.-orit'* Will Mill he r**quirel Th- only important work In pro*f-e't nt pre-* nt. requiring ny considerable up l irntntt ..f th* foil, 1*; the double.traoklng of P.irnifii -tre* by t:e htaie raiiwav * ni; my. n*,d it;*- av 1 I hardly begin b•- • next n 'iiih, a* twiiie of the materia! ■< ‘ oriv*l 11 vet The pr* |**r at i*n ff •bun .11 ' arm fr. •* -* for paving inav ■• .dn ti* m*lrr | .#rt of next month. a d* i' I ' • lay %\ per pip* In udvaa. •' tb*- roving ll illh t *!li< ■ r I' sal*l >e*terd.a\' ll •' a*:, il .-f N"V J made i< ini !► a ! ant ditf. r. 1. u re. ini* inantim* qunrantli.. \ '*—*• 1* from lnf**’l4si or utu . I • (• r f ■ n <4f. 1 detention, though they may n** lx detain*.! quite *0 long after filsin • r *u , tiunng the wummer month* Of the 1 ary•• number of veaeela arriving at the i*.rr this s.-aimn only a romparatlvely mail 1 nl>. r have . .*ni* by my of the • > opy f tb*- r* jK.rt of t^uur'amine Oflicer Fin.. \ far th*- week • r.ding Nov. .1. show. ,1 , tw* I\* arrivfi - for tn* week 4f whi.'h number "dv two w• re lif|*l for dlninf*-- Hon. th* •' ms sing permifi**! to > ome up t the f-lty after lns|M tion. l*elllg do \ *1 in t4.*st n*rs |. * s than a day The qmirantfl'* is being \*-rv efii ,-r.tly • ndinted ,id*r Morin. H i t.ii H. rvb e ■ rntrol, .4nd l*th the city .minorities *n*l the shipping people seem more than plea*. * I with th* iifiministrathat of uftain* un d r government rr glme t lITToV I:\ * lint.H MKKTIMi. annual Ilrpurt* of ottlirr. Will lie #ulint!l (••#! To-ilnv. The annual tn**#lng of the Savannah cV.U'T ! \ ting*- vs ill b. held hi th© ex unnge i. i' iif . rno#n tt 4 3'* o'clock At rh meeting report# will be submitt* #1 qv* ring th** year OT*er.ttong. J F Men n*w I.• ■* been a# work and .lay** ; r©|>,ir!ii*: 1 D r*|Hri© and getting filing# in ©hit© for .the meeting I: I# T.-tixod th*- M*cr*tary’# re|M>rt win hvw a gratifying Increase in th* m* m* rhij> for th** vmr There . |m* it r port ©uhmreted for the fl#. #| year ♦ ixl r i c i’t. 51 The Flnan *#* (Vm> rniifee * v tminud trie **xrhanxe # a**gount* u*• vr • .i-- urlty lslirg • few )gy i txl found ia* rn In #atft#fa<'tory #*#n -*1: on Th* v.iiUhi# report# of stftndlng nmntr* * tv 1 | l*> Mr Merrt hew to ! • euhmltt4 * ** Fr Hdenr Bhearson tr hi-* ; i r . ii ih |*r' i t!radon f in* annual report. Tb ra © • don of officer# for th** new v. ir will b* hek) Nov. 13. U tween t.•• hour* pr* M* rlb©d by the by-law*. I*ll UTM E %\ ft I’ll THE lilt, fit NA. Tlie l.ialil Inelier# *t Fort trrrvr# t|nte fipllnlrn f u larget. Much >f and e *lay ii Fori Bcr©v©n wa* t- n >•-?• rU*\ in target pm #. , ulth :1 • big etght-inca gun#. The practice continued from 11 oVm. k until 4 To * the fturgeflt time y*u l**vor©rl to pra#*- tp-e on n> oix #l*i>, and r#eu!t©d In a trough t.-'t of th© gun** aw *. || .• the marksman.*'hip of th** men tiehind them. Th* target win* . bln k and while wig wnrn u a r and flak* on top ami w ;•# m ala ■ rn© '."iM-l Tb** resxlent# at and iromxl r ■ M.irt* iio tower eva-'uati'd tor * #irt of the ilay. To III*:FOR I % llt % FEINT. Fatlier M#*C nrtky Hum laiterril n Rev \V. A M' Fgnhy. formerly Cath oll frl* - t *t It'S '!!•* ©#e, but who w placi 1 uimler th** Imh by the late Blsho* ||#** ker for ln*u ■•ordination anl general it. ” t>n*lu< t. ha# g*n© • Kent i ky to en ter a Trapolst n**n:t#t©ry, where tt Is un .i-rstocxl i' r * has t. undergo th*- two year©* courst of ipllre p ttcrlbt l there fot penitent memberj of t e priest hood. For a morning nip a bottle of Cook’s Imperial Extra Dry Champagne is th* thing. It tviii make a smntr of you ad. THE MORNING NEW S: THT HSDAY, NOVEMBER S, 1000. BUSINESS MEN NOT WORRIED. H(HT or Till M MTIWJi TO IMVR krklM.n KOI ft MOHK. Were %<* Irara at the I ottow Hxehaniie ftitl In other Rualnean ( • liter* Hrrauir f llryan’n Itefeal Wedaenday'* \ ote. However, tfhnna Xniannah to He n llrm oeratle Tnn n-Ti me Han tome to Heorga (lire tlie Party, Mun> Talk of 111 trip I ini tin lleereiant Itemoerata Who % nteil for l.eaken Mr. Hanna'* .lihe ( IHIMI heetnn ••till Appropriate. one w..d have imngined that H.ivan. na h.*l given - *•’ rra}**r.ty for M K l > Instead of for Bryan, judging by the man ner ir whlHh tb** n- *'*> *>( the Rrpuoii n land tide wrt < r**s ej V i and Thi> wa . dally *<* in l*usireMi <iuart**f* Buelme men g* • • a.;v exi*?* Thidr satisfa that t *e result was n afir.ouiv i. Hv •*1 those who had \oted for Bryan *rn J to be well pieasesl with the result. They had s npF liown th*-ir party f* .il*y by their V4i es and were \ery plea.. I to know that the businst of the countr% won"uffer no dUI ation by r as-n *f a change In tb*- admii^imiration and the firm* of an atta k upon the currency ays tern. T> *• Miiiimem of aatiafamb-n at Mr M K.i k*v s re-ekctlon was almor unantrno . at trie Cotton Kxchange. tr* h.wrl t Tr§<lf and among the wholesale pr* j • \uwnR the retail dialers thr*e were aom* w * de* hired their Soya By to Bryan b.: t;e tnajortty were evtd-n<Sy very web '•"I 'I It .!' . • in.l ' ,'i ' I• * -i ' ■ were. The general sentiment of sat at Mr M Klnley'a stici e# would a*-em some whal surprising In view of the fa t that the total vote with w h the head of the Republican ticket wa rreslit*-*! her* was k?', and that probably half this vot wh- .-as’ by colored Kepublican- This 1 explained by th** fact that many sound money Democrat* rfuta.iioi away from ' the |k>lis. preferring to vota neither ticket Tbit Mr. M Klnley n* • Ived a mu 1 mailer vote here t an in IHK is attribute t to tb* negro af>r*olntments ma le her*; ar i elsewhere In the South. It is also true tha j tti* majority of Bavannah’s liuuness met ar. op|Kcrd to the Republican |*>llcles 11 th*- matter of colonial rxii-n. lan, tho main t* nan • of a standi tig army and .ne a 1 11 tude towards trusts The party’s attitud n .bs** questions probably accounts mor n ♦ rly for the small vote received by fh head of the ticket an l for the fa 't thai the electoral vote* ran so far behind that of the congressional nominee The laboi people, many of whom voted for 1 weaken nearly ail *snt th*ir vote for Bryan The r**>ult show** pretty dearly that B vannah la still a Democratic stronghold A common expression with regard to tin result on th** |art of business men was that it was the l*est thing which could have happened t* the Democrat taity Tn* tdea generally a Ivanc# 1 was that reorganlzarb*n c*f the party upon th* old lines and W ith some of the form- r I* a I* • who have lcen In the backgr>unl f*r *b * i*st several years ber-guse of their lack of sympathy wi h the party's teiulen i* in certain rllrectiona. again In the fore front, would i*e a n* ' vary and \r . mu hto be desired consequence. Th Morning News editorial on this line v.a generally approved of. CoJ. Dftrr, when seen by a Morning News refiorter. si*i It was n*a worth whii to discuss tk* Republican landslide. He had anticipated Bryan's defeat all along but had not expected that it would le complete As to his own election Col D t.r had little n* *>• H* express#^! 1 wome surprise at the fact that a nuntt"r of prominent business men had f* t * a.I e l to vote against him a.- w.*,l a against th** had of th* national tick* * |' M- L Ik If! ofltol II • 11 "* 1 he was at homo 111. his I • illh I*t having . n of th** tw-it for somv time, mid th* of t i I . , much of a tax upon him The Repub lican workers of the day before w* r* still Im sieging tlie candidate s *>rti • . hut w* r** • va.lcntly g ttlng *;* comfort. It is now asserted t!ut a numlsT f tic • w* 'k ! after putting in th* best jvart of the day hooting for bak'd, turned tall in *• afternoon and vol**l for A matter whU h ia • tuslng * onsi*ler bl** *!iccu--iuj Is the attitude t*> be taken by trie organized Demo ratio party 4*f th 4*ounty tofvanls tin* rons..b ruble numb r of th* * who gave their active and op* support to :he Republican andUlar* Among those who did so nr.* several who have been prominent In local |olltl. e a * Democrats, besides quite a number not so prominent, but who have always a -cried 11 right to vote at lieniocnMic prl murf) ■ It is asserfe.l in com* quarter that measure of *1; ipline wll! be un-b** taken, and that th# se parties will be br 1 e<| from the primaries in futur* Whetn* er the talk will amount to anything re- mam# to Ik* een. Mr T K Mclver. of th * D© B#>to. tell# ii atorv cf Mark Hanna. Hlu#trtlve of Mr. Hanna’# view of the c#wi*litlon of n' * 1# very onr>po# to th#* present -dilation. Mr Bryan hid mud© •* oniderahl© sp{**t ,n New York just previous to the .*|.m iioii .ml lelt:g th*n in th* prime of his el*- qu©n*e. had orous* •• mu-h enthusln-m An anient Democrat who h.ippeeud So kn#>w Mr Hanna |*r|*tty Intimately, m * i© B* nator nt one of the New Y**rk ho tel# shortly before the ©lection. The D©m o. rut aff© t l to b*lleve that Brv in woukl © ©|. #ml, and und*rtook to worry’’ th** Senator about the large and enthusiast le * rowd# that had greeted I , r*-• '' remark# i 8m ttor Hanna -1 i>g t#* Mr. M Ivcr, to hi** I -rmn rr e friend- "You rimiixi me of ti nmn who cam** to dlevi*laml. wh* r** I live He wa# strolling #Twn th© #r. t taking In th*- sight# when h* ranch#*#! a fashion.tide r #trturant. Dleplay*#! in t ho wlmlow w .•* a 1 irg* ill ah of #*ne* |*ecul‘a** ilclli g.-y will h tl • * ountrymaii r uM not make out The lindiord hap|© n#*d toe m to the door, the ciuintryman Inqutr** 1 4 'I big dish. •• Those ar© frog lees' replied the pro prietor. •• ’G<Hn)n©s# sake#.' ©xclaimed the co m- Irvman. ’you folk-* *'*n't * it do you?’ Why of course *• *l* ’ repll*#l ill proprietor. nd we pay g4>l pri • l r them, too.’ *' Tand's alive ' exclaim* and the country, muii. ’you don't e*> >* U :i> th**r© mil lions <*f them things down my whv. 1 i oukl Just get rich catchln’ *m If > u'l Imi v anything for >m The landlord Informed ;!a questioner that he woulil be glad to mk- all th* fr-'. leg# he could bring n a very good pri and ih* countryman ni- nicr*.l off. cm* mevitlng upon the curious wiv of city folks Bcvcral week# Inter h<* © *w .| j. | r i • • i in# .rn* ftlth * smuil tin pail on his nrm atxl Inquired for the proprietor. Paying he had aotn • frog's leg# to seli The inmtiord <am up. and examining th© pall found the oi tom barely covered with the edible ar ticles in question. Recognizing h;# ac •lu imtnce of a few weeks b* f re thi latuEord remarked. T.< k her* my friend. I thought you *oM me ther- w*r** millions of thtftr things down your way^" Ijook here, mister.' replied the coun tryman. "If you lived Jown m: way and aesrd them blamed things veilin' you’d h!nk there was a million of 'em too." And that'a the way " Mr Hanna con ;uded "with you D©mo*rar# To hear you about and rnls* cwln before th© elec , Uvfj, anybody would think there were mill r.* f you. but wl.en M cornea to oMitMir.R th* \ou are not there.” ,M * II mna s wav *.? sixlfig up the case ittmi t-* ti: toe auuatiati tn a Inti** better e%*n than It i-1 iii lkiai There dwl ern to 1- %vhoe w#f* of Democrats in New York when Mr. Bryan passed tlih cti :*a 1 1 noi many daya agw. i >h* 1 • ems to haa neeti out of proportion to the vpia. 111. M.l M. MU hi. % Ma. (••after* anil Fllr 4i|fl4*li*ll y i* ii<t4i nerd a* Numbering Brfre the exodus of the gnfters anl ' ikirs le gnn th**rt w* ** . - *f Ihtn In the •v The tig ;res tr* offlclah having ome from on* of t ‘ ** priraupal “cheeses *f th* h*t He u*ot ui-cussion with a w* l-ktvt'Wn sjortj : imm. and gave the •ovi ot till !nf>'*rrwn*)-f. r*dat|ve to the . ■ t struck town with tie opening f r . turn * Tt remark/d at il* time it the ' p w t.% Iw-glnning to i. *• 1 01 4tt 1 t t th* y would shake the place very shortly Tt - j*orting man ■ t * rued his tUscua ofi of fakirs and their ways. He said ' c rn* t one of th# c .fr. rs the day bef.vre nr. i r •ft sfKTiH of if * v**r\ latent things 1 1 •! r:. 1 remarked that the ~>tl,t. man himself b .ut the warm- ’ In that particular ottq.ii-* tnVnt tbet • *• br.-a.l * if> *f f*a varui th can pioiu * ircl t* have him ren ). ’ pral.-a* for ih wa - madher an m*ierti Hngii,- 1 1- a rnr* . for thoK- wh** know* him. He .-aid ibis |*artl - . i” f t fer, a ter r* ounting his wom ami ibrow ig •• w wain. int** th** p>l.*e f**r ti t allowing him *• wrk his graft. ir.-w him a bn* 1 **f t that he didn't quit* g**r. ' I** mui- spiel said th*- Kt after, "baa g. n* f w*.rth of slush.” Tic sporting man -i*l h* saw he was qag • It. but l wasn’t ->lng to call t uwt II tr.*- * -**k wise, but n- *tr i’ 5 tun -1 !••> • a Hat more about -P. ‘ arai iinab 1 * other #lecided ho a■ nd reveal n •: . • just f*>r the ik* of no * ■ r H* was then t l ir at lush i : . jewelry, atxl ttt #h* ’’main spi-S'' w mt.d it (#* dlsli uroutxl itnor.c tt 4 > Kar.g t• |* 1 h* m throw a front with it. running s-u;■ -i h gam** as tf ferlng a . i*i • between a tin collar but t**n and #t s,*> bb or mixing * gH>l watch if* with kr vf bra *• and slllng th#* -u< k*r a sp*clmen of th*- latter variety Th** grafter toM his it# w aequalntance that i-* Mi|*i -I they wttiiid avo t* s# .-k olh r pastures xr*-en They kMp an accurate r* ■ >rd of 4-verythlng that h* #lolng in th# way .f crtrniv . . * i**w - atxl fairs, and ther* is olwavs anti- fathering *>f *u V • r t.* whi.'h they .n rurn their p. ullar tab-nt. provided they do not. aw here In S.-vani tti. ni*** t n •:*.! that would cer tain. y fr>* z* the f. • # t.oi i* i.t i < ovtwrrrtcKS. (.rntlemcß Appointed I#> l*rrsldent (•ordnn for n 1 #*sr. Jamc* I* of the Fa vsnmih <o!l Club has nnotinr#vi to the m* ml -I- I‘r*--I l*nt l -irt i* Gordon's p j*#*int rn*'t t #*f the **taoting committees f>r ihc en*ult;K y* ar. it follow-*: Kst-cutlve 'omntlfie , Meevrs. II M Ttul'ar. # halr n .1 \ <;. <*.ir.-i . Will lam W Wll llam*on. .? M pang nn*i II i*. O tinning irn. Memb rsMii • , <>mfnl*tee. M* j*rs U um NN U j|llnfn.‘-*n. chairman; C. < ii I W *; Harrison, It A Crawfor#! W K ‘i *!y fi< #1 R. M Buller, Jr ; House • •rnrnlf # l \ M#*.*-prr* .1 A. i. i'srei-n, chalr *■. *4 arle- Kiiis, Aden Bund. W. el I'.ifflt A M Mrs. r. A (.i•te-, Mrs Cornelius Moses and Mias KlUatteth Butler. T. e golf *duh - rtrst iftir was a pleas n.t hi 1 prohtatd** *n*\ bringing it a land: me cl d* fco -n vmignlhren! ours#* and mir y members. The members r fli'l Jiiiivib.illv, too. raining a fair k ow of tl>* *n<l the l>eneflt of tb. e\* !•*• ,i*i.l ndaxation that *Hm* from th#dr l.idulgtn*** in the i#i*tlme. S r*o' of the hiemlMfs have become ex • r , having r. -ot-ls Ih lw fifty for th#' lit r r h *!-*.h of t . . *tirse I ♦ • *; r g >**r th*' officers of the luh nr*- . 4 follow * 1 *re> i. nt-—C.,I. Bciriie <iorloo. \<• Ir* dd* nt- Mr It M Butler. S* retary \lr Jam* * 1* M**nihew. Tr* .Mirer - Mr It M Hull T .• ‘lr* i C .mmlttee for the r on. ■ of M-'■ r > John Malloeh. J M. lung, • * \\ Stus-y, R. I*. Cannon and H#*nry Bltin. Jr Sirurdiy there will be a tournament it the links bet wren teams of five, r* i*- enth g the Savannah and L>nr l°n ‘iolf ('l'i! H.-th cl libs will | ut for " ,r 'l * •ir l - t |dayr< and the tourna m.-iit will an Interesting exposition #>f the ctme which Is gaining ko mtirh pop u.arlty In th#* Fotith. Play will begin it .1 '*'• ’°* k * “ permit th> mat. h to In ■ - oti* lul' l l*.'f#re *!.rkn’s '•!* in. 'lit. I OHK\> llooiolliJd l>. 'lay lie n 1 wsiis Ib 11l With the f'lfy, I-*.n Cohen, book dealer a? Bull n*i l'erry streets. Is likely to hive little tilt with the city .mihor|tle Recently Mr. Coh**n Usplayed his enterph ** by t*r*ct ir.g n row #>f N-ok ehelv. s along the front •*f bis I*l toe for the display of a \jrl-d o'orirm ni of h*k which h* bad a .pilred at private *ale. He did not take the trouble to g • a p**rmlt from the M ivor'a ofll * relying upon his own knowledge #af the city ordinance arrjjlr *•*l whib* .o’tirg as o' Caim 11 Y* and nkiy Clerk >f Council W. IV ltd 1* a img by Instructions of the Max or td*!r* •* 1 it t *o Mr. Cohen Informing him that th* * k *<helv#s wa>ul*l h #v*- in r *ih\ 1 ns they had 1-een erect'd without the formality of obtaining a p r n * from Council. ll** referred Mr Cohn to th* s* * ’ion of MacDotiell'a ode whl- h pr- nuts m* r h ti i-t to use two arul a half fe*a of th* al**walk imm* Ikit* ly in front *f th*ir pi* for the display f oo s but n**t f r p rmnn**it impmv* ment**. th# L latt. r not being |*ermltted by th* o di r nam e Mr i h**t said hls h*x>kshelves ac* i- perman* t t lmpov# ment* and ur* m* rely Int**nd##l f*-r Hie display of hia .••oh ll had rra*l i h#* or\linan< e re* ferr* 1 hi *a!d. and P shed that I > . iw . ntirely within hls rights In ereet | r.i* • bvksh* without th. formality ..r **■< uring a permit. lit l*M< %THH I ••r ill .!%<•. vtrQnnde Captured a Mian With 1/eaC Pipe ii ti<l ll#* 'liewril Piphl. Auhur Turner, colortd. was arrrste I | i„, t night \ patrolman M Quade on the chart- • f havlr g a lot of lead pip* *up j* *.*d t<* I* stolen. Turner resist'd r r. t. aiKl will have that charge. In a hilt i ion to the othi r. to answer this morning M Mar. white, wm* arrest'd yesterday aft**rt *n by Patrolman Bing on t‘ e ir** of being heljdrssly lrunk In the -Ir* •• t. lalar wa arreste#! the day l*efore, tut wa r* l# a -I on ton#i and t**kl t < pear at yesterday's court. It s**ems iht ii i ,uj of ► • 'ring up for this osd'tl b* ihought to fortify himself by .t "f® v in.ire," which prove*l to be ni re than he i'Ould carry and led to ht re-ar ^t ipultrn VYiir* n. an elderiv colored mir., p pri'- n*-r brought in li-i ujgit who had been befare the Re'ord*r h, t e morning on pmctl al y the nme hTge that of , runk and disorderly. Win ren was rra-d L which he t>aid. but ha sentence when he pp*ars this morning is likely to be much heavier. Sternberg A to. Hay t>old. v Old gold or any k*id of gold and pay foil \*!ue Ut cash or trade.-pd. CROWDS AT THE CARNIVAL THHOM.WOP tIKRRI -M IKKRt TtMK IN THE illtmi IdfT RIGHT. Illrrrlor (•cnrral Reason la Expect ing tlie Attendance to Keep I p Well Throaghut tlie Tv o W**rl* of the 1 arnltsl—laillei, I hlhtren nn#l \arie Will Utt-nil In the %ft rrntmn. tnt the t*ret t row#!* Will Appear at Niu h t—Flora I Parade \ eaferila* Mud 1111 n|stniel > Deco rated %ehtrlea Entered—The l*rin- W Itinera—The I’rngrn 111 me f#*r To da> . Visitors thr#>ngei the carnival grounds last r.lght A! during the afternoon there were fairly gor*j crowds, hut It remained for the . veiling to bring out tha great mass of sightseer# Director General Ben son egpecta this to l* the history of the • srniul He is l*ok:nr for n generally gcxtd atieialatKa all the while the car nival 1 a lrv progress, bur he Is prepared to •ex the visitors at night far ex#*eci those who ap|*t-ar during the 'afternoon. As n rule, th** afternoons will be given over to tha < hildten and their nurses, though a gtcat many ladles will doubt less pay their visits to the attracii.ji.s at the Mm*- tlm No cause for .-omplaint ooukl b had with the crowd that whs out last n.ght It was In thorough good humor, too. tak ing everything in good part and spending money liberally to sex the many show - that are on th* grounds. All of them *re .n ot*er.tlon. th** finishing tou- 1* a to the arrangements having been ma le. Bpeedy, th* high diver, b* gan hia ex hibitions yesterday afternoon. He Is :n hi# old form and hie wonderful diving f**ut is JtifM aa effective as it was wh % n j ha was her© lam year Speedy a rlivi g U practically on the free I #t of th** en terteinnientM. a * all nn sec him rake his leap and follow him aim >-t to ihe l ink •and water in which he falla. The plung into the lank, however, can be seen only by thus# within the **ncioure. The tunning relay race# be*ween Atlan ta. wearing the gre'-n. and .-auu.n ih Iu th** purple, continue to lnter#**t Th** race yeateniay *• run at z o’clock aid w .* wan by Havsnnah in 3 L Tn#* char.ot race wa# tun In 1 night ai 7A* o’* b*ck and was n feature, the track b#dn< well light#**l by the giar* lighting up the k***n encounter of and steeds. Tlie Tr#ff ra 111 me f#*r T#-da>. To*#lay is known on th** official pro grainnv* as Carnival Day. The third o' th© relay r.ices will be ridden mi 10 o'clock and th© third of the char.ot rac.-# will take place .it r o'clo-k The queens parad© will take place a. 7 30 OVIO k. a. and will l*e a pleasant feature of the day’s entertainm# nt. The children who participate In th* queen's parade will meet at the resldenc-- * f Mr W W . Starr 4n Jotu*## and Whita ker streets at € o'clock Those to |ar ttoi| ate in the oriental features will me#-* at tlie De Soto at the *an? hour Th** tw> divisions will move for th© grounds at \ N o’clock. The committe furnishes al. iiluminatloiis for th** parade. The grand feature will be the review* in the fair grounds, where the para*!** w i 1 form roun t ih© race track, gorgeously illuminated for the event. Only the children participating will be given places in the parade. The pro gramme does not contemplate the appear ance of their parents with them, hut th-- ladies in charge of the event promise to return the children to their homes after all is over or turn them over to their parents at the Carnival grounds. Nee* Features >ugrtril. New features for the carnival are un der consideration One of thee i* a hi yd© parad*. Mr T. J Walker h#s the matter in h ind. and t© undertaking to arrange the parade He has #;pfistiltei) with representative Hike and ha*% met with encouragement. Th© local dealer* in b>- yclea are also interest*), and seem #!is po-ed to help the parade along as \v il •s they may Th** bicycle parade has not been defi nitely arranged Mr Walker wall know to-day. In ail probability, whether it w:,l i* given This will depend upon the amount the Eik*# will be prepared to offer a a prize It is expected that there wt 1 I*© on© prze #>f s.v* far the b#*t decorat**-! wh*'**l in t ie | .*ri*l- which, if giv*-n, will IHobabiy b© in the hft ©moon. Bom** talk has been h* anl of -a military parade. On© might be easily arrange*!. H is believe*!. in*l • number of the Elk- hav* l©termined that it would I*#- well to muk** i the effort for some* day next week. Al the |#kiil 4'omman-lw would K>ubt|eaa ent* r. making a pageant that Savanna Man* would gladly wtn**ws and that visitor# would view with great delight It is rw#**- sjble. t#K. thnt th© out-of-i-wn companies of the First Infantry* could Ih* induced t* attend and take part in the parad© Me#• •• 11fuI Nehlrlr# In Mnr. h#*fore th© hour appoint* I for th© Moral |Hira-le to brtfln. crowds began to gather along the line it wa - to follow Tti** cdd©wa.kx were line! with th#v© who were waiting for th** spectacle, and at I idvantageous points of view crowd- hud #4igreg#t#*l The expectant thousands b#* gnn t*> grow :i bit Impitbnt iefor© th* appearance of th© parade, as It -11*1 not -f irt until half an hour uft©r the tint* advertised. The |*amd© was •ch# v dijl©l to line up nt the corner of < rglethorp#* HV*-nu* and Jef. fereon nireets at I.' o'clock On© reason and another conspired ;o - atis# <l* i>. un i il wa# n*t until K? 30 that the par id- was s*t In mollon. Th© rout© was in Jeffer soo t* Broughton, to Bull, around John son Square, to Gaston, to Barnwr-l. to Hall anl to the carnival grounds. Probably the largest crow*) to view the pageant was that on th© v* ran-lu of t -• D© Sot#>. on th- Kbb'walk F-ouf the hole; j and In Madison Square. The Judge- Mrs S K Theua. Mrs. A. Yetsburg and It* v. Charles 11. Strong, were on tn© De 800 veranda. nrd It was from there th* > v.- w *vl the iMr.ule nnd reached their #i# i#tou as to Die moat U*aut!fuliy de orated \. hides. The first prize. £2. was won by t e Elks’ carriage which was N lutlful y 1 . •iratel In white and a delicate green. Tin horses were pure white, and th© harm was 40 wrapped ns to .© tve not a spat *-f bla**k vlslbl#*. In the carnage wire foui charming >oung ladies. Miss May \N lid r f .M-i on. Miss Meilie Conev MFs A uni# Fa.irii* Hliaw atxl Miss ]r©r*- Biiivi rs Ft w would dispute that the Elks car riage was an tit led to the first prize, yet ail agreed that th#* winner of the s* < orxl i prize was not far behind th** winner o{ th© ' first In th© *©auty of the decoration# The second prize was 115. and was won by th© phar-ton hamlaoinely decorated In pink i that was driven by Mis# Sadie Watson and Miss Celia Starr Yellow was the prevailing color In the lecoratlon of ihe vehlcl- wanning ihe third prize. $lO This belong#*! to Mr C. H Gibbes. arai Its occupant# were Master Edward Gibb©#, who held the reins. Mas ter Henry Hull. Mssa-i Harvey Hull and Miss Alice Gordon. Falrvnan's Ban j led the para-le. an-l Us music was enjoyed The 1-1 a! ban*! wa# also in line The float# were few in num ber. many who ha#l promis#*#] to enter ve : hide# having failed to do *#> What there were, however, were almost without ex ception l* decorated Considera ble applauae greeted the handsome#! of tha vehicle# a# they paused the crowd# In fide tha carnival ground# the parade disintegrated. The track wo a fel.owed to the end of Wonderland where p.c* turaa wera mada of each of tha vehicles A Cheat uf Nllver I# a magnificent present; worthy of a , King Btt 2 tarn berg £ Cos. a Oisplfl) ad. JIIIGR U IIX MEET SMITH Jack Collier Wa* Hnrt la a Boat la New Inrk and la Not Fit. Jack Collier will not go up against Mysterious Billy Smith next Wednesday night at the Theater, but a crack-a-Jack bus been secured In hi place. Thla 1# Jim Judge, not Marvin Judge, who is • >metimes confounded with him. who ba# ’-ern waiting tin#) gchlng for a chance at Smith ever since the latter put him out In tne twentieth round of a desperate bat tle two year# ago m fW.inon. !*a when*'#* Judg** hade, lie will be flghilng for hi# lost laur#*le and to get back at Bmith when h© meets him m the rmg to Savan nah. (’oilier got hurt in a bout in New York <md wired that he could no# fill his *la** with Smith in this city. The Austral Athletic Club had any number of good on©# to * hoose from, and Its representa tive #n N* w York was wired to close an igreement wish Judge This was *lon*\ 11 nd Judge ami Smith will cuxm put In th©lr appi-nrance. The fight between Judge and Smith should be a corker. Ther* is no r a on why it sliouM n#ot be. as both are cracks Both have fought Walcott, which Is ©# nmony enough for thm It la true ih*t both were heften. but they gave Walcott a fight When a fighter go©* up against Walcott it may b© known that th*r© la something in him The promoters cl a fight would never let any save a man Who was clever enter Ih© ring with Joe. rm 1 t MR. HARVEY APPOINTED. lie I# Now County Solicitor of flryan County. Am#ng the appointments by the Gov ernor announ'ed tr. yesterday's Morning News was that of Mr L G Harvey. f Savannah, to be county solicitor of Hr*an ounty. Mention was nude of the fact ome tim* since that Mr Harvey waa an applicant for this poattkon. The.e were other applicant# from other I'oun Ds, Bryan, it emu, being short on eligible material for solictors. Mr Harvey had ©trong endorsement, however, from Dmd iiig ittorii*-ys here and Ihe-e evidently ho*l weight with the Governor A- a native of Bryan oountv Mr II ir v* y had th#- inside tta-k on the other .|>- ;4!cant*. He will continue to r#*-i .© Iu Savannah, but will open an ofth* In brokt He has rild**d In fiarennah for a >• tr and a half atxl ha* a number f friends h**re who f#*el Nssur#d that he will till th** |KM*itlon with 1 mill to hltiiMdf an l to ih* advantage of th** county. ttueesr nnd lll*m. That is what you must do when you have catArrh in the head. The way to cur© this Hcod's Bars'*parlda. This medicine soothes and heals the Inflamed surfaces, rebuild# the d* II ate ti.-sues nnd permanently cures atarrh by ©xj*e!l‘ng fi m the blood th; tofulouH taints u|x>n which it depehds. lie sure to get Hood s The non-!rrttatlng cathartic—Hood’s Fills -ad. I*.xt©n#lon of “Mino Fly** Train Br iMcrn i#nnnnh nml Mlllen. Central of Georgia Hallway has ar range#! for the operation of trains Nos 7 and f# between Mlllen and Bavannan. Nov. 5 to I*. dally, exclusive of Sunday. Nov 11. 1900; leaving Mlllen 5 a m . ar riving Savannah 74A a m ; leaving Sa vannah *j p m.. arriving Mlllen 5.45 p. m This for th© accommolatlon of busi ness account of Elks Grand Street Fair and Carnival —ad. % (at-t.liiM Dream. Aladdin, with his won#l#rful lamp, never IF overed n more rad:ant vision than B ernberg A Cos x array of beautiful cut giissware; utilqu© and valuable na w©d- Ung pres©n## ad. 1.4-w Hiitre tn Auguatn \l* Central t t.t*4rgln Hallway Arrnnnt Con fc'derate \ rtrrtut Reunion and Elks* # arnlvnl Nov. 11-IH. IMO. * *n© cent per mile distance travelel from all point# In the state of Georgia, ti* kets on sale Nov. 13. 14. 15, and for i trains scheduled io arrive at Augusta j f©r#*noon Mth. final limit Nov. lA. 1W). in lusive For full particular# apply to any 1 agent Central of Georgia Railway, or tlck t office 107 Bull street, and at Central passenger stath n —ad The l.nteat Idraa. The successful bidder wins a bargain. Tw> beautiful new Singer pianos, latest, styles, mahogany cases, upright, will be ->old at Ixjrsett's at 11 o'clock. Novem ber the *th. to the highest bklder. These pianos are sold regular In music store# ar $350 00. Singer pianos are guaranteed by the manufacturers for the same length of time that all first-class pianos *re. Call and examine th##e beautiful piano# and bring your expert judge with you. and you will b** delighted with their tone.guar antee, and their style. They will he sold at Dorsett's, Congress at re* r. near Whitaker, to the highest bid d* r. at 11 o’clock. November the fhh. am! you will not have chance in many a day to get a# good bargains as you will at that auction Tht* celebrated Kmb\ maker# of the first grade of piano# extant, buy and #©ll the H>ng*r pianos, and no with the leading manufacturer# of the Fnlted States.—ad. #|4#l> NVhltr loti Work. ThrmiKh on* of tho ten free acholartkhlp, tn The Iniernatlon#! Correspondence School' of H‘ renton. I'u.. which the Morn ing New* will l>re*nt to you If you eecure one of the ten larger! number* of votn. I by Nov. V>. I*lo. you can keep on e.imtn* n llvln* t your pr. ent work and at t he minte lime by study at home In time usually devoted lo recreation or re#t, nt yourself for a professional position at a Kuml salary. You can easily become one of the win ners of this . ontesi_ by devonne your h! lentlon lo collecting Noting Cos it'ne mud k. epmg ut It- No one has a better . n*nr.. than you 'lei .very vote >ou can. and have at: your friend- aive theirs for you. fee the wind w display of teg 1 books and drawing "iiiflts to be given away by the Morning News in Its educational con test, at '"has Marks' shoe store. 17 broughton street, west. ■• ■ , Vnppllea. Just received a large and assorted sup. I ply of s hool hags and school supplies, al! at cut rales: from 10 cents up, also. usual Urge siock of all the achool books. I now used In Chatham county, at Esinia News Depot. i ball street. (Savannah. : Ua.— ad. -It Pared Me." "Oraybeird broke up rheumatism on me.” ssys Mr Chaa Thomas, ‘ha Jew- ; eler on Whllaker atreet. And put me In better nealth than 1 have enjoyed In a long lime." Take Greybeard Pills for that dlssy feeling—Los. appetite , ra follow It up with a bottle of Qraybeard. It la all you need. Re.pess Drug Cos., sole props Savannah. Ga ad. A Hlfh-Grade lnstfuiion for Ladles Shorter College, Home, Ga. Writ* for ca talcs .it.—ad. VISITORS ’ Are cordially invited to inspect ( OUR , Manufacturinj; Department of harness and Saddlery. Congress and WhiUker Sts. LEO FRANK. £(7-vtf+7)UHCuc Coi I'ui iii i# > Fltiurk, hav© been Ii tin many of ; the romfortuble homes in i New York. Boston .in.l 1 other cities Mare cleanly i and ecomimU'*! than car- j pets. Plain am) fancy j , floor# laid ami polish* i! complete over old floors, making a so 11*1 ond l>©au-1 tlf til Improvement. Having a number of floor# t#> lay In Buvgnnah’ this month we ©an quote I t'lose figure# CttafogUr | irl e* ma’**** miy Ik 1 id] by ad#lr**##lng J M Adam#, Box 212. F ivan nali. or N <’nines •treet, B ilt.mor* . M i. \M I M i -- ■ - >• < , :■ j P> • : ■ : :.;i 1 ?.• . ; M--- - • i.i •00 This is the Trade Mark of the Best Builders Hard ware : that made by the Yale&Towne Mfg. Cos. Those who contemplate bin ding should send for our artistic brochure "Artist and Artisan:" free. H.H.PEEPLES & SONS, 125 CONGRESS ST., WEST. pfT" ! it i' K liftSßT .ti and ti.- - dent Insurance cori-orat o.i f* r * rial Travelers In th* world. W* m*mU r*hip of over -I..V*. \V* imv- i • serve funl of over 111 • • V. * unti 1 traveler can ifford t > l** w thout lection we give him \\rle the S-* who will ' he#*rfulSy glv • .ill Info t 1 n II l PIXLKY. 11l \V A 111 # • *: Presi lent. S- * A Tt t FISK TACKLE, JOINTED RODS, REELS, ETC., SEINES, GILL NETS, CAST NETS. A FINE Assortment of Hooks. EDWIRD lOiai'S SOIS. 113 Broughton St., West. Empty Hoflshcn(ls. Enply Uulbmt* Übgtiiraila * # * bf c. m. Gilbert & co. _ A'U il. m i.vt j. Ad iA.i Tf^.Ar.i*, TIIL till It M(> DRAMATIC COHP'* v ' MATINEE TO-PAY 2 SO P "SOLDIER'S SWEETHEART." Prlc—Adult*. 10c. Children. lie. TO-NIGHT. , "PRIBNDS." Price*—loc, loc and 300.