The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 08, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 A WONDERFUL LETTER, From the 8 at*. Columbia 8 * To Btut tercri: Dr. G W . Randolph .;* *• * r > ha*t cured so nn*i ■ nflrm--I * *mrp* r era n,| fimti-tprn nil ■ for Savaru an tl • dolph h an im • f a oaptgin in I > rr* * , • 1 ’* Cavalry, r .* • "" * M* it* ■ ’ prea-riier, :*i I ft**ru ••• * ' •* ! "l tumerif of titi nn* • rr.* *hol of his own e-i •• ri ri * lui. *hn- *•! • b m* cei*fa ' n v* Dr Hat K ; *, hi < w* < * rr - * I 1 * v ,t during Hu.* * ! • •* i• ’* v% l *h*’ •• • on. t. n r tmr t I. • ' * cured 8* \■*l * ' • at thi S' oftl -i" ■ • ■ • ' .t in : • Kan*to • * * r,t r,.i V\ . . J. • Ir Imi (Jov Bion, of \|* #4f>] ai ’ • is t • tn, ii**wn .. t rm ■ 11 i\ - -i r 1• It <i * i|r% •. / • J< t•■ .l - i m l*h F4hu t ( ith Carollr a. **> utlve Di’i ir mfiit. • fl: ♦ of Stilt** Tr* i urcr < ohimhia, s <*.. Nov -? r*- Df G W Hat Mpr >!llt. . s Pear Sir Being fonul. u with * • th** r* \ • l n?• n rnl | i ' i ■• * inert f-,* i imnumi .1 • ■ • l fiom < -b*er\ a tint)* of i- |*t . >< , c*<v of *ho 'am* I nr*. r • ti at your treatment In v i* * ft; trial of any *>r wiio , -l w.• h ht i: i t ii I • Wry t i►* *f * j \ \V H T if... rin.t M I>. Tr* . i S <* Dr RarV lr’ w<il * ‘ • ■* Mar* Houpp 121 l>* Bm>u ■' unUl Nov If. •if - .1. ,t t 1 i on. | •Mton -ii*l WELCOMED TO SAVANNAH, (Continue I from Tenth Pag**.) M L*aw* 'no at i>f (hi. t not in Iji'iirt would pm if m . iii-%* ?h-‘\ 1*- *v I to b** ri|ff lt %\ tl. ir.l f pr< of it i th.t .< Southern man who i n-l borne' arm 1 In th*- *at of if S- vh. W.l ever |U> • ■, I** fa* court for t rime of fr* .:■ *l >* r. le-t***! Proliant I*;vb in* v inif! "if i him. th**v t-a*hd him uitli # .-, • \ .r <k elms* tl-v * ibjr t••• I film to oil it • foil • i cruel oul tea ft i> h • > iu v- r I him. Tbiv wtr afraid to submit th* qu* ai n to the arbitrament of th* Supreme iV.urr Following C.apt M latws M: Mhii ar q Bran* fa Box ton president of th* Churiei t’hapter. we|c**md •ts to Si vannmh on behalf *>' the 1 • .t member* •' • hr* ord*r n*l of th* i r >f wh. h l* pr** Hint Mr* Sen ton’ll wrlrnn* h couched In few or<li> nit ii a *. none the less happy nnd corthal un i w .1 r*** *dve I Her pofHliarftf with the Pa hint w* phonn hy th* rt|jWu* with tvni n h*t i‘marks of loving W'elcom* were gr****tJ It M|ionf in the VlrlraMf. The response to file al|t*--* of Wel come. on l*ehalf *>f lh <1 Ii vv h m*t I* hy Ml- Alice Baxter, of A tint a. In u •porch that tccir.ed with gra ian and graceful u Iu? i to th* h< • of the ceraaion and th* city ol Ba\ .mnah '’lt Is titling Savannah s 'ter,“ c.iM ! Mis* Itaxter. “that w* come to you who were the tirst to organize in (lemg a an I among the first throughout • s*.th I Is lining too, tliat w assemble where j history b*gtns. with th** landing cf Oglrthor j>* and hi 111 • ol>ni< 11. lory tells how they pitch'd f -ur tent •* : the Muff overlooking the rlvt r me |mu>' Sn the mi let of painon n<iii**-m t* ! wonder how ml thoi<* lit . r*wlnl Into four tents I'r* •nt Savannah will) here elegant homes, It* hast prepared to aclve the riddle. •‘Our patriotism takes on new fire when We think of your city hy t • u h the •torm cent* rln Georgia tint It.g th* Am* an Revolution, a tffv , •*>* w here I hi- Juskl and Jasper fell m l wdicr*. when the Strug*- e wa k o\ •r. th* llrst const It u tion of Georgia was framl ’True to the pitri-ti* spirit in later days, when North and South differ**! as to what constituted** ri i w* r< member It was In flavar i )* that Geor gia's ordlnan< ** f s* - • wa in* 1 The etty'a rc-.*onl !•rlntr the G. nteh'tati 1 nr ma - hel rh.*’ *f li* vo •* v tiin** The storming of K'ort M \ I- 1 t hy Ihr Kedrrals, the i:an 1-to-haid nnflh that followed, a few hutwlred t *<tnf* .1 rat-- eaainst overwh* mlng fir * •* > i t* told In <ngan ’ art hmM llaide* brilliant itr<at before Hfiern r .ii; '.**l tlw city It glv- u jo. to (• . Sa\at nth a lUuf ihu- or l< d* tatt From su h *omplUn- ntury .tS',u-i-*n- to Savannah •tvl her p*o,*i Mi - Itaxter l arned to a •Hat- uaslon * t tiic work Ihnt I• l ing <i*H.* by th* liaugaten* *f th*- Con federacy t! auglw It I • • i rloivii K that It Is lata Iv for th* eslu> atl>nal training of Hie ptoph of II t< thl- training is i * • s-ary no on** hat I enough ft deny. Th* i* '< Im * , t of th* WlnnSa i . If \\ * refei r*l to h-•x* ii j*h: . ttic tl.* h, • L e*r"s meaning at *• hov%u what it v a hoi and to •coomplt&h. Credeu t lti i ommftter** llrport. Mm. little Wirt I>tlpoi I the chairman of the Crfl**titlnlii Commit • • min--1 t thi~ |wln h committc* r | ? t showed the following <lele* ( te- u <lll< rt I unc* and enti 1* l t* vote Hnvrimwh Chapter Mf* Mifß it# 1 Hmnch Sexton. Mrt A It Hull Mr Mix WolfT Mrw Kt. My.-?* Mr l: !l Cornwall Mir* Marla C Kr k Mi Viola Kennedy. Mi * Canid. I t i M Georgia Freeman. Mr*. 1 I) Haiti.' Aufuita Chaptor— Ml.*- Hu.*ih <1 Htok*' , Mlot Anna Montgomery. Mu* Sanford (fcirdner, Mrs. W. It Kami kh Mi M.tty llall. Atlanta Chapter Mr. Cn trl< • HI . Mr? A Mcl> Wllion. Mr.-* ' Helen I’lane. Mas Allot llaxu-r. Mrs J. S Halne Mr* W. J Mallard, Mr- K.lm in l Berkeley, Mt? W 1* !*atlll<. M.v Halt- tt Mitchell, Ml**** Oliver h;>.- r Maron Chapin Mr- I > Oh*tn**\. Mlw Kat** a■ < t- v , Mr- Mary l*m.u M Caw Mi - Robert Nialtct cimptei Mi- Amu- Rur ton Mm I- C. Blount, Mr? II M M Matters. Horn* Chapter— Mrs I>. f! II tmllton Mrs. W. W Walters M * l.*ni* ONet.l. yi\tm Mattie H Bh- ibley. Gainesville Chapter Mr. S C Bun lap. Mis Jc.e Boor Oolumbua Chaja* r Mr J. T. Johnson. Attidii Chap •*! -M. M died Uutu. i forxl. Mt T V\ H.-ad Mi A .1 <’o Mrs K Mi'A. Wyatt. M Kate M Thomas, Mitt S II WdlUint- Quitman Chapter Mr J *fi. * 11, \V el Mitt Nonnle Mr Call Carterevfll© O.ap rr Mr. J < in W Akin Spurtn Chapter—Mrs Henry A Clin • Mitt NefTVe Hunt Thomson Char*'** Miss Com r N-:! Aroertrxi* Chani* ’—Mr J. N h • borough Ka ton ton Chapter— Mir? M.ldrol H lit i ford, proxy Griffin Chapter—Mrs James 8 Hoyt - ton Marietta Chapter- Mr-. Fran Kit ' Mr*. Mol He H. Reynold*. Mrs- Alkt I Oober. Mrs Anna T. MontKorwi. Tannflle Chapter— Mr Doill# Hogcr - McCrary Mips Alice Smith. Nor* roue Chapter Mrs. If V. Jotte: Mrs. M HI ha to *n Carrollton * hapno UiM Neill# Man* I— Vllle. Mr- Joseph kinttfbfrry. Thomas\ li t Chapter—Ml-*# Lilli* Flu art. LaFayetttCl ipter-- Mrs. P. D. Fortune Ml** J. S. N: . . The report of the romtfiltt. e was algne I I y Mr.'' I,- -Me Wirt Dupont. chairman. Mrs. Lula 11. c aj*rnan and Mn A M< I* Wllaoti It v i noopted unan tnoualy Tit Teport h( w and that twenty-two of th forty-on* • >>• *i, u. ut, wre represented by ixty-eight de>*atef With tha officer# of the division and alternates this numlw r Is !n ;sed to shout seventy* Heftorrs w* re submitted by the auditing onim tie- % hlch h.l examined at i foun I r*.~t th* books ot th. treasurer, by tin tT.afHirer. Mr* John W \lk* n. -it li. >rr n Kind tic s-eifiary, Mr It T . h* XTrs Hami t* ti M 1.1 ran h, ‘h** giat rar of the and Alston, is prevented by pin ' from stt*tKllng the conv.ntion, i*ut th* •. ret ii y. \$ It C Neely, I- ad a letter fj m i**r and her report wn- t' i b> Mr- Be\*on T j * * .owed during • r four raw chapters In I been ehsrterwl i. t - m* mh> t hip <-f i #* division h i*l b* * < m* v** ** . ■ 7 m ikiJ-K ’>•*' “t • \\ t) i ? 11l “I !• I* v. - gra*if . ♦ •' Mi * l' .>• h in Per report nil it rot - bi*c* o* It • • Ik aid I ' i ti f • n-uing y-ar w i 1 1 1 a i mark***! improvement, *- ♦ u . n. crahusu:-m for the work \* •. i , . i* * r * ( n*d und* r r. * - * • . k !n Ibe after* r >n fv. phi .* i • convert lon ' rider re- I:* in * dir. ’■ I h* att* i t :..| .• in- |e|fgies to th. g:vd whb tl • . mi r,i |* i* a g;fi to th division n -in l fr.-o :r* Mr J*-nn t\ \ik*n, I. I-: ii • - 11 .i k •r * " i . 11. Hivnir. Mi the <*f Jeffer •m Ihiv is %l I III: %• II 11 NOON M HAIOV lalt. n t p Mill* lte|nrt on \ nrlons K||r , * , t. M Ile.un** iviil- r ill*<l the nf ernonn ms .on to order shortly after 3 o’clock. TI I' ness ol the * *ii vs i* pn •*i and l nc \Jik* ?of ir V. b> M # i S C Srnif i orii n quartette Mi Smith sv. n ex- client vole*' and the beautiful .< ad v. n r.iu tangly eting, Reports from the . h ipu tH of the divls -••rt wr* - ii.*dul**l f<r th- *f!. rn.*- n se I* pnr * p;i Ii I moK tnr• r. f• if l l r• h*v%-ver vx i tb ipfi- iroi ii .I iidr.wl t!-a of Mrs hXsin G Weel. Ir-fd*len of tb. I nitrd Iniu.hters of th*- Cotife.iem Mrs \\*d. prefacing her in •* i remarks with n I- w <.m- I’ “ t i.-u *■ r 4 t (* lb* %\ r k ll; •* • • f. doiie in mid, nn earnest it I” il for help in th* work the general **nf* 1* r 11ion is undertiikii.g. the erection ■ n rma in-, • Jeffst n l*avl* and the Southern Confederacy. Mrs. Koi.i ivlld lelivered lier rejiort a-* president of tie dlvld-n IP- ius< of the ninny thing-of inter. *-- anl mom- ni she -ol which th*- convert:i-m will I * . de I up ti to •■•! -l-t r, he would not enter up it ,in extensive report of th* prog mss ♦fat f i I b* .-ri ttia-b- during the >. r, but w ’ I content 1.. • f with a f-w genera; obs. rn ,t ions ofl the k • a ving matters f .let til fo- on*i>i.f .i-ion ns tiny wr. **i - tit up bv the report•• of th* cminft •* • that had them In litim* dlate charge. Am >tg the thing she spoke of m- m* rit- Irn the . nrn.jtt o p.ratiKt ot the dlvl* -mi wen- th.- restoration of the Soldiers Home th*- *r, tlon of h* Winnl.* Davis M-p. ri-il, i.*.-l* . in raising th* pro- M* ♦ I ne-n itneiit to ft. sklent Davis m<l th** Couie-i. rn -y nd the preservation and ’ • ati n ol dm - iti iv r* uitfve to t• **•<* x ihe S, ith nil of G.Hirgla, pir ticularl). In th* Civil \Nr Mr l{ounstvllle paid a hlvh **mpll rn ot to iiu other officers of the dlvl-don in-l the otfi ers of the various chapters, who. she old. have carried *n the work with vigor and determination, ability an*l bvot.ou It w,i • Iv;, to th*-ni (hit the k" frw •.! ?.p* to which th* division COilkl poilK hail le*>n mad* psnlblc, Heports f the t tin piers. Then began the reports from the chnp b-rs Til- \ were made by Mrs Margaret Itr.ii. h H- m ii. fi>r xi- Savannah Chapter, by Miss Sarah G Stake* for the Augusta Chapter, by Mrs. q. 11. Jen Plane, for the uipter n Atlanta, by Ml - K it. Ay* r fr M. on. Mrs p; c mount. for WnxifK-IH.iM. Miss Mat tic Hh.lbley, for Rem, Mr Sm bis. for Gainesville. Mr .l T Johnson, for Columlius. Mrs T \N Re*l for Athens. Mis N’rfllt Hunt for B|arta Mrs .1 N S- .rl*or,*ugh for Am- r - us. Mr Frit.,!- King f.*t Murletta, and Mr- Jam* s S ftoynton for Griffin Many of the r* |s>rts were of x • ptlonal Interest, and all of them that tin* li. tin, tlv, work wh i th** Daughters >f ihe Cotif. *l* t ,*>• have m d** th.-lr own. is progr*-sing jn Georgia. Through the ,-tforts of some *f th* chaptem a day i now obsei ved in th*- pn -lb schools of their •ounries . n wh, h th* Ilf, and character of Alexander 11. Htephens are studied and omni’-moratU -xerclses, testifying to hi s.-rvlces to his Mate and th* tviif*d**ra y at, held All of the chapters nr*- a-’tlv* i\ ji work for the erecti4i of the Winnie Davis Memorial and th*- reports showed '.‘•at Cos d-d-gut - • h ,1 brought with th*ni to fetavanti.ih g 1.231 for th,s purpose. ThU jiMiourt will be considerably In reus. I witen tlx- other chapters, whose report b,\ not yet l< **m r. crdv* I. ore heard fron- Mr* r. Helen Plano, for the A linta chapter, made a r'|iort of j*peel*l intero*t Mr- Plan* said It a'* well for the de’e gate.** to know thru h* Savannah Cha|v hr. watch 1* the Charter Chapter for th ite. i* il-o the C :rr Chapter of he CMf<deration. The chapter h*re was r ir.inlx* 1 by Mr* I. II Haines, who suc . . -it I fir-• the Il i of .i general onf <1 eratloi i n • • U Mof mvm year- ago h.- sprung .:.**> I vil an I de vote 1 wtanen of the South. tli* IMtUlnn'a Hrsl President. Mrs. Plane was the first president of the division on 1 lem.ilns It hoiro i y |.r. idci a to-d \ lit r talk tth de e gut> s, <(nitintnr ,s it d:l a tutmber of vile ib|f lions culhsl from her lng exfM*lenc**. was uniformly Inter* ting and inetru* th *• Mrs Kina In making ’he report fru th.* Marietta lapter. culU-l spe l,il aitentkvi to th* i • of help from t a, Ir • hroiighmit tin s*. In ilng for th • r.mft d* i ate < w, ter> at l a* point where r* • the Khlic- of ••• hr.tvc o|- diers * f the Mouth. Much h- he n do* *• hut there lemaii s still mu h to do an I help l- urgently tu.*i* l lhiring the m' ‘don Mrs. RouiiMvllh In t ..|u .1 Mrs Kawii. <We* 1. pu *i lent f r , en* iai t enfed ratio Mi - 1 received with applaus*- rtlul wav.iii hnn.lkcrchkfs and h-p old to t!.l w l (iNi)*' In tt n|**ich of graceful acknowledg ment Her lullt ste s dd. hid I it* In proven particularly -t.erou-. twit ' when A CHEMIST SPEAKS Of Predlttesf*d Pood. After hitv ing te t \ an*l ti led every I food ti .i .xi !rn nt ! ir in my own fitml.v iny ctenllon was ittraeicd to tin article h< l rny fl D .•i * * Ii ,i \ Grip Nut: I careful hr ’ -1 th.* i, v, and flnaliv beg in its u.** in my fi-.mi >. with most gratifying result* M nti . \ at tint*- wa- rl. ano nu child and very poorly nourish and ink* I Ii - . imen of Infantile strength ns f mi din -i for My own t*enoml exp-rl i. ■ in• it ii.ip to tn i‘*>r '>tn*' > a i w - trouobd \vi i dysp'j sin that is. I u. I not at bread or any preparation of| NS •at H • ! e.i ’h as * ake or an. ,-r i>. -i r* i* par it ions without a fit of inilgc-4 .0n sour atom.* h, coAtivener* ilia) b udaco* As * • ii a* 1 *| ..t that -ore of food .(i:1 ',< i Grip. Nuts, whi a Iw- to > it • . n i•• • ted i egat to h ov*-i T •• ans‘ has P- n rentarknbl * I formerly • igiml 122 pounds and now in* iK-h UT Am s rong. have more nerve for- • than 1 ever possessfsl, appetite p t fi * r sr>un*l and can endure any im nt * f * ik l kt >w rt.i < in • r the ohiinjp* has com ♦ from ,n*l it is fr->m *>ir tru.v - lervld* m*l wfa , eff‘il f w V iis w *rthy of :>♦ mgh- •* 0n... tion " C is H Prior, C. oC P. Cia •* H, Ml<kUc(own, N. V. HIE MOKNIKG NEWS: THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 8. 19W. ''^ >o f e ®l like this ir> *4l theimorninq if you dhlnk^l Label Whiskev - : . 'A, ou ve *xP cr '* “awful head” lor the “splitting headache?” Young, ■MnMMMMHamnI harsh whiskies cause it. There are no “after effects” with Yellow Label. It’s mellow, old and smooth a gentleman’s drink for sociability. EM All First-floss Places Sell It. OBS WH -r I TDPAT ktm ttw—n this an* r*l- -''Jf''JH 1-1- I ■>!■-*• I • nary whiskey to show the dlflorenee will *end you sample IM>ttle free, oo reewlpt cw I.'cu t<* defray packing etc. Address. , r .jSm CHAS n PFFIFEP *CO. CT Hair, 8t CINCINNATI 0 rr.r* r-.*l • primp . mu Wary. Vjlwriß flfs-rgia cab- r•* true G*orgian fallp mj r-s|K*nd and I am here.** In * r* ret - • b, the monument to be . . >t* and t* .1* ff r * t I'MvD and the CVn -f, i r,-\ : Mr d- llvertwl an it',t* r uddr*-s.- Hh, .ild that of the nrrmmt n-.-l- I more thin s.►"..*** has a . u,,x ii. tai-.d but It i hoj-* t t<* In ii , t*D -urn very largelx. Toe work Is i , .*rr 1* 1 *.,. with jeilous determi I. Wit .-!■ ru w in* n behind the *nterpria f iller, is Impossible During rhe aftervKion a -hart talk war. mad* bv Mrs 1,. II Ram* s. descriptive ■•* *h organism lon of th. - i*rer*i b*m- - of Inight* r of the Confederacy into ; i era! federation An invitation w r- - • vd from bifivtte Mi'bivV Comp **f < •oitf.'.b mte Veterans, Inviting the ofti, * r • and th* division, tne delegates to th*- con vention and the officers ire! delegates of €h* Hax mnnh chapter to n lui he*n *t T oinderholt thl.- afi* rnoon Tne Invlt *- tb-n was accepted with enthusiasm and! tt ink**. thi: rßOfiiiuiiit: of to-d%v. ftiiAtneaa n nil k m *lnl Frnfnres f 1n - tercMt. The third session of the c-ynventlon will t-* called to order In th*- De goto drawing rcoru at 10 o’clo k this morning Miss Wild red Rutherford, the hDtorian of the division and the History Committee will submit their r* ports of the year’s work Tne committee on the Wlnnt#* Davis Me morial will also report progress. The com mlttee will be rumbled to make a good bowing Th** afternoon -eion will be given up in the committee teports and dis ciisskta and action thereon. At 1:15 u rlu- k to-day cars will he In uniting u th** comer of Idb**rty unl lial.ersham street- to mke tne offl- -rs and •b i* K ites of th. convention and th- oftl " t -and delegates cf the Savannah Chap ter to Thunderbolt, where they will he 1 entertained ai luncheon by M Imw ' imp of Confederate Veterans The rc turti to h city will he in ample time to h* Kin the work of the afternoon session at 3 o'clock. From 5 until 7 o'clo* k the delegates and member- of the Savannah Chapter will be entertained at th** resklence of Mr* James 8. at the corner of \Vhlt*- k ? and tlwlnneft street* This re, option 1 p* teralered by members of the Charter v’.iapter. \ At . o'clock to-nlgh# thee will be eg. er. IS* . given by the Children of the Con- 1 f. *l*m y ot the Guards Hall. The chop ler will render an interesting pr.*- . ram me of r- iit at ions and song** To n clud* the evening there will be ;t pr,*- gnimm** of mtisi* M--srs Rlols. Me crdb Hid c.*burr in! .Miss NichoDon will sing nl Mlsw Marion (*ooper will re ■ i**- the Bam Davis. ** To these ex ere Is* .n. at ih.- Guards ll.ill a sp*-rial Invitation D extrnb I th.* two imp;* of Confederate Veterans and ih*- ( , amp of Hons of Veterans of course tho ' delegates tu ihe <livir,.Mi reunion. It- .*ffi ere .mi the mrmb-rs e*f the Bivanmh Chapter of Daughters ur- tirgexl to ,o pr • nt. The general public In *tl*> In vited to attend. It lit KPT ION \T IIIMOHV lltkU Nninnnli t liMpler I nlrrtnlnrd Dele. ka lew to the ton vent lon. At Armory Hail, from * until 10 o'clock last evening, the Ba\ innah Chapter of (•nughtera of the Confederacy received the visiting deleffatea and other Daughters. The room had been beautifully decorated for the occasion, with gr n*r> and palm*, and Conftiletate flags aul bunting. Por traits of Confederate heroes lined the walls. Mrs Sexton, president of the Savannah Onapter. was asslgtid in nveiving by Mrs Kdwin i Weed, Mrs Halite Alexander ltouns/iville and the officer# of the Oeor .a Division. The r* •••ptln furnished an opportunity for the delegates to meet th.* member* of the Savannah Chapter and each other. n opportun ty that was taken idvantage of mo-t pleasantly. During the evening dainty refreshments were served Roaenfeid’a orehestra fur rtished the music for the occasion. ( 01.. U>TKIH M \JOIIITV. n|n ( otinllea Give If lin %pprnlmate- I y ft.INMI. Complete returns have not been recelv .from all of the counties of the First Congressional District, hut there are • cough to ahow that tae estimates of Col Lester** majority reported in the M*rn ii g News were tu aily correct Blx coun ii. s give h m lpproxlmaiely 30)0 majority. Klllngliam’s majority Is dose to 2 1 *- The | other c ounties to he heard from aie ! lirnantiel. Liberty ami Mclntosh. There It . \pe-'tc<t. will bring his majority up to i ojH or pretty close to It. lltirLe I.mnc I.eater #l7l. Waynesboro. On Nov. 7 Purke*# vot? m.k* > L ster’s ma> rltv in the county *7l I.taken received U*> Two dlstrh ts. the Seventy-third nr I Sixty-sixth, in which lister's majority nnhs t;i. war** thrown out. on a count of Irregularities The In mo. rdi elector* received in the coun ty tit J; H* pub i ar. 11*5; Prohitlonlst, 3. IlMlloeli'o f Mhciii 1 t nu it t. Statesboro, (In . Nov. 7. -The official vote of Bulloch county was Ml Lester reedv .l 752; Le iken. ISI. I’.ryati re jn In e l four vote* less than Cos la*-t*r I.cater 7f* \ ti*iid In Talfntill. Hddsvl I* t*- . N*v 7 Tattnall gave Bryan 127 majority. Lester's majority over Lea ken w.- 7'.. ( 11 1 I UFA IUI>. Charles P|*,irks. white, was arredel pbout 11 o'clock y * sterday fnorn:i>,-, arged with sti aling u ba-k * of grape* ft m L i Smith. * fruit p* Mb Smith tire! ui the fleeing thief befor* he could ite gath red In by Detietlve ffhea, an I iuite a ctowd was attracted to the s in by the shot. Rev. H W. Jonea % chaplain of the l cited State* training ship Monongahela. viti| ot old Point, has Just he* n honored with the degree of Doctor of Divinity from Wake College. North Carolina Th** gtee was conferred on him he a use h a l:aplain of the only Southern named -hip to k art In the Santiago en gagement, the battleship Texas. % bird nimiißVKii. % C st That lines Hunting; nnd Is \of Afraid nf tlie (inn. From the San Francisco Chronicle. In ommen among f it> is Wtutzy. the r ~f Mmz. for Wuziy goes a-hur ting. H does r,ot hunt ns ail x-ats do. hut. In- M*iHl, g-,.-s with hunrer nnd gun und r* tileve- game, ihe a, omp Dhment ,omme pi- fix from heredity and partly from loo?, pari.nt and careful training While *n Ir and a several years ago I inv a , hee*ah. or hunting leopanl. that had leen train'd to bring dowi gam* .-t th* command f ii master Thl r,|K n**l a held of p *i bilUDs in training animals "f the cat k nl. and ihe qu- tlon immediately arose re garding the domestic it. If a wild itnl mal could h** tarn,-I an I train*l why r*ti!d not one that w, tim lb* ta ght to <lo is* well? After experiment ing for several years on these lines In a disconnect* and way, I found that It w*hi ! take long continued and patient effort to s i* <1 I be ime the post****.-*or of n beautiful Australian tiger cut. who re>i>ond*. , l to th* name of Mutr. Milts was affectionat* aid f gxe*l -tis|Kw*ltion. and I bum training her to hunt while *he was a kitten It was a most dim ult undertaking, nnd when I hud reached a point in her edu .- floti when* she woukl follow tne a short dt*’ from the house and pick up bud that were shot she be, ame trie mother of three kittens Two of the-* were c. n-tgn. *-i to a bucket of waim water at blrlh. hut the third was so beautifully marked that he was saved Home one remarked that he was “a wuny little it," and Wuxxy’’ h* was named Th** coming of family duties effectually stopped the further education of Mulx. and the effort was transferred to Wutiy. Wuxxy’s father was %vi lentiy n disrepu table old fellow, but the son’s markings vv• r even more jverfect than those of his mother, ami now he Is a miniature tiger in all but disposition, f r a n,re lovable and loving cat it would l*e difficult to find The nomadic Instincts of his father, eomhln* I with the training -f hi-*.mother. m **l. Wuxxy nn Meal subject for ext**-ri m illation and a* soon as he coulxl play 1 began tea-riling him to retrieve. Patience is th** paramount M**u In train ing a cat. A scolding wilt undo the work of days and a blow will ruui any eot. A cat will be a companion, hut never a slave. If vou teach it anything it will do it he.tius* It wants to—Clever liectiuse |t ha** to All this I ha>l learned In the s. liool of experience before I began teaching Wuxxy. and the result Is that r.ow. .it th** age of one year, he has never been scolded or sCru*k, and is utterly without fear. This digression may give an ld* . of what It means to teach a • After Wuxxy had learn to retrieve h< was laughs to follow* at request—not com - mand—and then to come (o shoukfer. A and c i taught to come to heel, but Wuxzv preferr#**! my shoulder, anl would, climb • here m l remain, perch***! there during Che long walks Now came the m<*st im lortant on*l most d,*lk ate part of his edu cation. He would retrieve an*! would fol U,w ivould, he stand fire'* Wouk! h* ettieve birds” Reginning with a small rifb*. which jnade but sound. 1 gradually to tlie lis , barge until he would sit on my left shoulder while I llred a shot from the right. The next lesson was to combine th* sound of the gun with the Men of retriev ing and on tiring I threw th.- bill with which he was a customed to play and he qub’klv associated the gun nnd th* ball Then rhe hall was displaced by a dead bird, a linnet or sparrow freshly killed, and it took hut a few lessons (o*h him to retrieve the bird ns readily us the ball. The next lesson consisted In hanging the bird to o limb and dropping It os the gun was fired He smn learned to watch the motion of h* gun and ins keen eyes detected the bird before th. “hot Ills eagerru-sa .nl expression ot expectancy scarcely pressed before he was off f-*e the fallen bird. Having sufficiently Inculcated into his mind the ?-epience of events, ! now put his leisons In practl h! operation and took him on his first hum. lie followed me readily for about a quarter of n mlhv nd then showed a *leslre to r< turn home Call ing him to shoulder, I shot a linnet. He watched the motion of the gun with evi dences of delight and a* the bird fell he spring to the ground, nnd brought the bleeding trophy to my feet. This w.i* suf ficient ler the first day, ind we returned home, where he received the bird a* hi* *h*re of the day’s sport. Kverv day for n week T continued to take him further and further from unfit 1 felt that his education was about complete A tramp of three mile?* and hack had no terrors for him, and his bright golden brown eve- wer oft. n first to discover the hidden bird 1 have n t yet succeeded In * aching him that nil birds are nor game, nor have I succeeded In getting him t* retrieve rabbits aid squirrel- Like all of his kind, he has an antlpAthv for water and will noi \entine In after birds that fall In *treim The detail> of our most recent hunting trip me typical of his wotk. and will erve t> show* f want extent Wuzzy's educa tion has been carried. I started out one evening aid gave a peculiar w histle, wrhl *h the cat teamed to recoznlz. is hi* particular call He came sleepily around the corner of the house, ns If half-in Ined to r-sent Interferenc* with his nap. but when he sow the gun hi* resentment pissed and he Nva* alt life and aeM n !!.* frlsketl nhotit like a dog. running up ami town ms clothing climbing ire.-, and * amperlng along the top of f< nces for a few hundred yard*, when he settled l**wn to business and her* in casting alKuit f r gim* Kspylng a dove on a dead limb, he crouched and began lashing his long tail In perfect tiger motion Thus he lay until I sighted the bird, flushed it nnd brought |r down, when he was off. swifter than a <1 g. and grasping the fluttering dove almost ns so* n as it loti* hr i the ground Before l had the dove s rung c.n mv gmv* caribr. he was crouching again, and it took m * several minutes to dis cover that the object of his solhltule nn.h • little Nvten hopping about among the bushes I had some difficulty In convinc ing Wuxzv that ihe wren was tcv> small for us and he gave me several reproach ful lo ks afier we had left H hehm 1. I was ilrs to sight the next bird, and flush* and and dropped a meadow lark w hile the cat was looking in another direction. Instantly on the sound of the gun Wuzzy was alert, and noting the aim of the gun. h* was off like a shot after the bird, which he found by circling like a true hunter. Thus the hunt progressed until we reached a spring about thr**e miles fr.m home. Just at sundown, the time when doves delight to drink, and then am* what I consider the brightest achievement of the cal. Hiding behind a zciub oak. I called Wuxxy to nhouider. Ills bright eyes were constantly watching and when dove *|>- pertred flying swiftly toward the spring, the rat wa- trembang with excitement until ihe bird allght**d for its evening drink, then h* Uun Id from my shoulder to a pearhy rock and stood lashing his tail a* which th** frightened bird flushed and swiftly wring* !is way to fall by a shot Retrieving the Mr*!, he waited patiently until ihe next appeared, and the perform ance w “ rf**atd. until approaching dark, nss drove us hom* I have shot ovc r many hunting d*gs that woul*l tr>’ ‘to find* wh n ?hr was fir***!, whether the bad fell or not—Wuxxy never thi- m ’.l Two dov.-s were mi -• 1 an-l fl* \\ w.,v ui,l;;rmed. and the rat mad, no ii:fnu*t to follow them, but Immediately return* and to my shoulder Asa eon>*'|u< r ’ to his training. Wuxxy has pi up. of ai* own it cord, certain habit- that are usual y consld* red to be long ♦ -pe. i illv t* th- d**g H obj*. ts to being left at horn*-* w*n any member of the family k* * * visiting nnd will follow to the neighbor's, and if the visit hap p. ns to he a long one he w ill give m*.>t reprnaehful ywl fr* m the front porch until the bint l k* n and th* \, dt cat short. Occa • n>lly. w f,n we have spent the evening at :• j • ighlmr'a, we have be* n follow• *1 by Wuxxy. and we were al ways sure i, find him curbed up at their front door when w, -iarte,l home, NOITIIt-iHA (IIIMai; 111 Il.fll\G*. Itrlgliter Colors mu! %l>re D* ('ora tion I linn In the \rth. From the Don don Telegraph. In the south, as or e might expect from the pir.ili.-l of Kuro| th*- hulkllngs <llh. play brighter r*l.*rs .and more ornate dec orations than In th*- sombre north. Tho line-* of the at h n truight rvl s Iff* but upon th* m I t every e rt of gro tesque animal n.*l nrure that r.<*etrs to the animal s, p,* of f’htn* Irniglnatl n Inside the courts *f the J -ss house th* flgure.s* ..f the Chine-,- •, jronv r** m ro plentifully b* 1* - kd with tinsel *! hraas and color than th* y ,ir- on the Yang-t*.*. No tempi, is without It- Killing but In th** south there a* dgn • *f • mor* fr*-- quent application *f k II* af than In tlie dingy re * .if northern glo m To ie giltl a temple Is a counted a work of hoi n**ss*. which 1- **t down ai the credit -id*- of the account when ih<* dead man’s Is -ei?e,l > the Infernal h< tors atal uik u before Kuong-Ti to b* eubmitt i to the unpleasant Int. troxatloits of the court be low There are opfNortunliles in plenty (or fire insurance of this kind, he-ause the Chinese find It very hard to keep th*ir hands off frerii gilt when it can be turn ed to th* purposes of personal profit At Canton there Di i unous tempi*- thg sides of wriib h are lln* <! with b:a-.s ari l g;ild*M flgtir. s In a sitting p stut**, to 'he number *>f four hundred ond eight, r*ir - -*nting th*‘ various fn arnatons of t o great Bu-hlha. Th** long rows are Im prcstdvo and D wilder Ing. even though they |o not suggest m,r* than a curious gallery of family statutes—something :tk • the busts of a p.trb-ian famly in o'd Rom**—but a common peculiarity Is tha’. while tire bodies have worn their color to a rich bconxe the hands are marly n 1 as bright as new gold. Th- ex plan at on Is thot the adventurous coolie is alw ys appropriating the bands for the secular pun*oses of trade, and consequently 'he priests are continually re pin, Ing them. Such a sa* rilege excises n* s irprls,- In a country where the priests tinm-rh,-* rc ever ready t e* 11 the holiest of hollo-, and where silver Is repl.i *1 by p* wt r and bronxe by lion every day of the w -k. The only reason that a bonze In Yatig- Tse temple gave f. r not *)i-posing of an an*ri<‘nt Incense burner was that If he dl l the fieople would ri*** and kill him Per sonally he had no o( J* lions. He believed in the saving. The Im ig“ maker does not worship Buddha; l> knows too much about the Idol.” Just as th. s** t, tuples are cleaner an l richer In the southern provinces than *1 * - where, save In Hx.—Chuati, o the ir \ ite houses arc of n finer and more u let.a lit la I build. In %Kwang-Tung nmny of them stand <iit by themselve**, like an English firm, with strong wall** surrounding w ll kepi, one-gtorled dw. Ring rooms, and ihe blue brick made at the many brl k fields whl h line the hanks Is far more diii.tbl* and rohesiv#* than th- unbak'd mud that does duty f*r it In so many other parts. The roofs, too. are n.-ariy tiled, and tit to rci*t the full fury ,*f tr. il siorrne It is not only the* d* tached house which Is thus superior. All along the l. w r teaches th* villages, which thrive and batten upon the production of sbk. have an *lr of permanent prosperity ,hr H •'** contrasted with h* pitiful piverty of vo much that one ►•♦*■* * l-* wrh. re. strikes . pleasant contrast. In tuelr fes lvals aid Milmin a ranu nts th- > n ak*- •* and effect w hs* h have of In l an gorgeousne-s ul*- u' thetn Ahovo Bamshul. on the southern bank I -aw a municipal procession winding in and ntr of th*- waving • lumps off uthery bam*too that In th di-ixt *\ at nnv rt*-. was a pretty moving pi ure. A bund **f mu stckiiis In scarlet garments led (he way before a wholt* army of tabl*- b**arers wro proclaimed the virtues of the i.lustrlous dead. Above them fh ated tiie h and irds of the mandarins, and in the center was a huge serpent, made up In pantomimic l • ■ a framework supported by • number of unso-n “supers who waggled and twi#’- ei In the orthodox wav Behind came priests and coolies, and in the p ao * of honor w r. mount, and ofTTi.t’s. w,ti : elr r* I umbrellas of *>fli * borne before them. At close quarters all this would have he- n tawdry enough, but. seen In tho \ rUht sunlight, with the Isickgromd of r*l - tnds(one fringed by the most graceful of tropica* tree*. Ii was not < n>y curl >u<- it was almost beautiful. —-“Tlie question of admitting women a* members of the general and t*< cflonal ommliu* s of the Brlri-h A sortition was brought up ai ihe r-* nt in*, ting.' says Seri- ne. and carrir*! by a . nsiderabl* majority.” I Crouching ok In cough there .ASv lurks, like a crouching tiger, the probabilities lla* jfl of consumption. Thethroat and lungs ■•a- **. . a) become rough and r Tftifi * n H amc a from ail coughing and the <p Vx/Ayyi germs of consump tion Hnd an easy entrance. Take no chances with the dangerous foe. MHpV For sixty years BnO* \ there has been a E) W4Mf perfect cure. What E Ia record! Sixry years of curing colds and p? cough of alt kinds. AYtr4 pectoral soothea and heals the wounded throat and lungs. You escape an attack of consumption with all its terrible suffering and uncertain re sulta. There is nothing so bad for the throat and lungs as coughing. A 25c. bottle will cure an ordi nary cough; harder enugha will need a 50c. size; the dollar bottle is cheapest in the tong run. CASTORIA for Infants and Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought ha* horn,- tho Kigna turo or Cha*. 11. Fletohrr, and lian boon made under lilt personal nuperviidon for over UO year*. Allow no one to docoive you In thi. t’ountorfoit*. Imitations and ‘•.Just-aa-good’* are but Experiments, and endanger tho health of Children—Experience against Experiment. The Kind You Have Always Bought y* Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. |,.u. e to*''-,, rr ,*ttt NIW -row C-r-r NOW OPEN! Saveinneih’s Great Elk Carnival —and — Slreei Fair! A WHALE OF CARNIVALS! A Mighty Concourse of Attractions! A Gatlierinn of the Best from One Hundred Other Carnivals ! JUST RECEIVED, Fire-Proof Safes From the most celebrated mnnulacturera, both flreproof and burglar proof safes atid vault doors. We carry an Immensr stock of Fire-proof Safes. Onr stork em braces a very elegnut line from 7HO to 4,(HSi pounds. Inclusive, single and double doors, and a visit to our establishment to In spect these elegnut safes will be a source of much profit and In struction to oar friends. The price will be as low ns any really Fire-proof Nafe can be made, nnd our motto Is Quality and Nafety of the first Import ance. gend or rail on as for farther particulars, catalogue and price*. LIPPMAN BROS., Wholesale Agents for Manufacturers of Fire-Proof Safes. LINDSAY & MORGAN'S SPECIALTIES: Buck’s Stoves and Ranges. Read’s Odorless Refrigerators. Perfection Mattresses. Imperial Furniture Polish. Carpet Size Rugs. Wide Portieres. Vestibule Lace. F*. S.-Read our large ad. ORANGES. Headquarters for FINK FLORIDA ORANGES. FRUITB AND VEGETABLES of aU kinds. SEED RYK, SEED OATS. HAY. CRAIN. FEED. Fl.* .DR. CHEESE. DEANS. Pea*. Rice Straw. etc' W. I). 81111 kins A: Cos. W. ROSS GRAVENER, Manufacturer’s Agent, It All. l\ AY AM, MILL SI'PPLIKS, Provident Bulging, Savannah. Oa. Cy *- yourselfi ff I <fbargra. InflamtuailoM, tit *T# * *ll , FFii*tioaa or ultaralioM LrZff^V.tu °!> niMutrania. Paiuluaa. and not aatno* L.jSuJ M #ot or poiaooout. \\CMW* T {—} *M by Drarvftta, V V r 8 * X I f* T * rT,t ln v^a{wr, X X. I 1 T Mprm. !.*, 1 for 9} or 3 hoffla*. L 7J, i ■■ Circular rrut ub roqnfi BRENNAN BROS* wmollsalb Fruit, Produce, Grain, Etc. BAY STREET. WMS. IlkplHHlU. l*lorOAL MA.MKU. r. 8 ENGINEER OFFICE. 8T AF KUJUIne. FU., Oct. 29. I 9u> Booled pr * IMMialn for completing gun and mrtr bet* i und buildwu: concrete *tor**-houp e nt Fori Tiiylor. Key Wcet. Fla will b rrctlvrd until 12. n-n, Nov. 3b. and then publicly opened InformaHon ftirnlahe 1 oti application. C. H. MoKine try, Copt Egm. ir tou want good material ■ml work, order your lithographed ■* printed etetlonery and blank book* fro Morning Neel, Bavannnb, Ob.