The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 08, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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OHIO. jut ir.tted from Kltjl Pa** ) lt) e Twelfth by plurality of \,,v 7.—Pomploto return# r-mnty, Inclu.llii* I’lnrlo !' 'M tc> s>.*■•; Bryan. , allty. 15.504. In I#* Ms \ i 'V.fTU. Nov 7—Complete return* .• iho>) r.mntv §tvo M'-Km jn 42,127. McKtnlsy'a plu- KKNTI I KY. > ■ < iHlmlnit If n<l tlaklnu I hnritrs. K-.. Nov 7.—The Kentucky - stll. I-In* .-lilroed by hotrt i , tatc capital The Demo ' limlns Klvlrni showln* 110 - ... tr im 4 ■'#► b> *vo-' while li.'mih I itm 'h** elc.dlcn of 1, o. lishpendrt voters ri c Republican* nr#* h. iikltr . ii tho E'.cveiili llatrlci ant . . r.t- hV’e don.- /:k.vv -■* tn Republican an.l Democratic i. . each wailing for - iUHk< -i *he>w-lown. and .n.|bie for Ihe del ty In aecet . result i Nov "■ - A \Wirrn T nlon . 1 benight about Kr -.tucky K ii rr >m ssv#nly-(lvs countls* ir ii- .irly so. .-mhi tries 1.21-1 out Inots In the st no *lvc Hrjart M Kin ley 117.24.'., Re. kh.m I.M.MS, I. Kv Nov 7—To-nikht #-r.Journal. with return* out of I.(M preeln ts In puts Itrvßn's mujortty at 'i>' in. Democrat. for Governor |t ni ijv-rltl.-s art- troth consider ~-c ih# those hitherto rimmed mo-mtlc eandldales but the ! reelects are for the most imrt , • and are exp. 'tf dto Increase i rllles in s per I;| 1 dt.patches the else. , j, over Push Re. i the Ninth 'on*re*slon it dts i milorlly of 2RV is conceded \r i in with returns from nil but , • i ski precincts in Kentucky, me . K irn it put- Uriahs mijoriev ..tut Reck hams at 4 'sis The mis* ■ _■ , , incte are about evesilv divided b iv- Democrats and Republicans ,r. kh-ini nt Democratic hendquar rs t od to-nltrht. Ii . absoiutelv certain that I have t. n- fed Governor bv a matorttv of wit and ln.wo votes Test** f'omhe. bairns in of the Repub state campaign commit tee fold \V still believe Mr Verk.s nas been - • t. I by a majorltv of JtiO Our fla ■ire -how thai McKinley has run ..n s tndlirtd Y* rkce At least Jft" Ite - illota have not yet been I ■ l In . er'aln counties, am) will In sea - the Rt puhll an vote. TV' a o i > rt> th* *l*<* (ton of four Repu It.-an ..ngr. i-mi-n, namely R#v ring. In 'he eventh district Irvine -t th* Fifth, doss In the Third and Hopkins In the ■ ■nth Wa are .ten of the opinion that -.m .1 I*.nth has been elected over Kehoe , the Ninth district silt Tit < 4 HOI.I X 4. the Democrats 44 on Everythin* In Thnl Slate. rhorleston S C . Nov. 7 —The board f st ile canvasser* will not meet and an ■ ounce the oflk-UI count until th* lth iietant. No reports of any dlaturhnnces have ■me from the country districts Tne mo. rats won by n large majority tn -atifort the only county tn wntch there ■ s a It* publican ticket for county of iv. . amendments to the state cotistl * ,n were voted .at yesterday, and *' ri led w ■ u-i little opposlflot hu inn. permitting four .-less to be from t • us making * per cent, v all livable property limn for munt liol honded in.lehted - w.ll d.iublless fall to be encte.| he. , .. of a fatal typokraphlcal error in j.r ,t.s| Joint rcs.dutUtti of the I.eais ore, mid tn the printed ballot. Because this error the proposed ametalment will v. to be re su limit ted to the people two •rs hen ‘e. 'l'll** %!•• In l*iilrt County. jfort S r* Nov. 7 -Th* D*mo t>iin\ t! k*t nh* iff in ...iii 4 <\ urj Th*r* h* oni pr#rin- f r.. h. .r from True precinct will Riv* fh* n thirtx m i- , n**? r>*mN'r(ic K n in coun . * 277 Klliotl. I*m>rrrttl*. for Con i'. . • mill nwjoriiy ov*r B* TjbHoan. roi.oH umi. lilt- Hranll lli'ltni *llrlm* of '•-**- otor Wolraft. rx nv. r. Col . Nov. 7 Hflurni fiom y*- v'o (- o'llon are etowlv romlOK In. i different nturnr anil rareful Ml have Uoi ri-i'elv.-d to *how that at>' idurallty will be ftoni to <1 and may r< a h *.*• The Republl manuKer* pntirl*> the I.egl*!a*wre to ! uflonlat* by a majority of a# on Joint t Ornun. !>< ro** rat, and the wltala In ticket will haw ationt phi lit Araiaihor .V>unt> ltryan'a dlu %*ill hi- about thouith tlib> win ■ hrialy Picd the plurality fflven tat- and county ticket* The defeat ! itor Wolcott for the Senate I* Ren conceded, hut with aeverol aepl in the fitKlon pirtlee It I* lni|te*lhlc i- dh t with any accuracy who 111* *ue •r wid he. %lIX%F.HfIT%. 'I. Klnle;* Plurality In That fMnle lImMII .MMMNI. ul Nov. 7-The only point un*e- Minnesota **leetion is the con * r the governorship. Kverything zone Republican by fnajoritle* *o i • is no possibility of change x v, thaitman of the Republican* e, figure* R.7.V4 plurality for •Anile Chairman Hoeing, of the '♦•lit Committee, from the figures ** ' • him. foots up 12.uu plurality Hie piesent return* have fa* • i Sant, but hie lu<i is light The vote Rd-cmi to he conskierably in &n.Oou more than that for Bryan. ia % m.%. ‘’"'•"fiaii* |,oi hir*iiu tlt In fh** Li**- I filature. * i 4. Nov. 7 —Complete hut un- | •t'irnf from Ihr lefftflatlve *llf f Hi. M4tf Indicate the ♦♦lotion of i-'ii'i (jni, 46 P*morrit*. 6 Fualoti* ’1 1 nrirnt H**| üb.lrn to ih li< rinntativei*. The Ut Houm- i • Ml. arm 127; l#ecno<*ratP 71. fu n urf*p the r*-g|tr lon of Quay 1 t-i Siir#*ii tfenat* ' of unofii lal return* *lve Mr* T plurality In F'ennylvania. MONT A. """... ri , t , c |., BU i BI „ rr win Hr. rlrrl rinrk. 1 M nt . Nov. 7 —Fuller return*. 1 'n> plurulliy will ho from 15- • ' und fjov TMe lea ' the ' note tlckat i h from <.'■ # • o, 'r lo rpire Tne f.oulel itufr, , '■ ll ' loot | WO Unit*.! Sate* ► na- ll' mor ratio (rom rtfie*n to ikhilv “ J Uut culkit und sUi ui.douulJi> r**otopt Senator William A Clark ami oihrr Ivmocrat or PopuitM lu mi Tfumup C. Oarior not Til DAKOTA* MrKlaUr Hp l#rail That fananf y Hr lti*aii*u. Blom* Kalla. !. Nov 7-Eight h ii). <lrart anl forty -or* precinct* out of th total of 1.150 In * c vjth IVikota give Mr. Klnley n> of 14 lit Thr* Repuhllcan* will • fact from lfi to 115 member* of the Lf*irt*lPturo out of to. tal of 132, riving; thrm h majority In both branches The R'-pubilcan* elect their tm* nomine*# for Cottgreiu* atv! full state ticket. OREGOA. 'l*Ktnle> , Majority Will He Nearly . ItMHMI. Portlnl Ore. Nov 7 - About ore a.f of th* t l \ t*> of ihp st.*• /v Mrrgm has lK*en r i rie l and sh*As Mi'Kin pjt 37.4t1. Itryan JO.tS!. For governor, Frink Republican 28.A3H; Roger*. I>emorrat 22Til. Frinks plura!l iv j7'i l*ate return* from western Wash ington have in re i*cw| Frink's voip an#i it will take a more complete count o le let mine the r* * ill. M< Klnlev s majority In th* Plate will h** close to 10.000 ANK %>*%*. That state Gl%e Bryan n ritirality of ItO.iNlO. Little Rock. Ark. N*>v 7 TompiPlf r*' turns are coming In slowly, but enough i- known to Indicate . plurality of gft.tiflO for Bryan in Arkansas Neither I>em*- • rats nor Repuhllcvn* po Ini their full strength. 1* *<ich of the six districts the Democratic nominees for Congress appear to have run slightly ihe nl of Rr> n ar.d their r ins’e from to W l**T % I Hii INI % Itrpnliliran l> and Congre**- All It • |iul*ll / n Wheeling. W. Va Nov 7 West Vir ginia has gone RepiiVli' *n by from 12.0t)b t# l'.oo major Mv Th** entire state ticket is* eieoted The congress!c>nt 1 delegation is solidly Hepub4ican The Legislature is Republican in l>oth bran >**. -’•* to 2S majority on joint ballot, insuring re-eie tlon of Henator 17. kin VIRGIN V %. llrmArnta Rleeted All the f ongreas mrn. Richmond, Va , Nov 7 Tbe addition*' return* received to-day confirm the re - port sent out last right that the Demo rats carried the state by suit ’AJIfto and c.e* ted their candidates ln every congres sional district HBMMIPIM. 4 ongrrtilonßl Delegation Is All lirmocratlr. Jackson. Mis* . Nov. 7 —The next con gressionai delegation from Mississippi l;! lie wholly Democratic. The state is con ceded to Bryan by 4&.0C0 There Is llt*le doubt hut that the amendmert to th* con - -Htutlon. ch tnglng tha method of distrib uting the common school fund was de feated. fully 2T jer cent, of the voters faidoff to vote on the question NCI ADA. Went for Vlryan aul F.lert# and Dfmo **ritlc C ongressman. Kano. N M Nov 7 -Seventy-four pre cincts out of 163 in Nevada give Bryan 4.577. McKinley. 3.507. For Congress. Newiand*. Democrat, 4.7*1. Farrington. R* 5.K33 At this rate Hryan will have a majority of 2.#VO and New lands about 1,900. NEW JBflftF.V. state Shows An Far a MrKtoify riu rality of 53,f120. New York. Nov. 7.—With six counties Incomplete the latest returns from New Jersey show that McKinley's plurality is 53.9 W. Th** Republican plurs.ity in Is 6 was 97,692. H l?!i U HI KETTI. It <-pti hi I ran* i nrrted It for President anil tiavarnnr. Boston. Nov. 7 —The vote of Massachu setts. return# hiving been received from every city and town, b as follows: Mc- Kinley, IlC.; Bryan, 15*.£>07. Governor. Crane. 213.533; Paine. 121. NORTH DAKOTA. Republican l*lnrallty Will Vie Utoaf | II,If Ml. Fargo, N. D . Nov. 7 —The Hepuhlloan plurality In North Dakota will he 10.0 b) to 12.000. There Is no question about th election of all the state ticket and the con gressmen at large and there have been large H*puh|lcan legislative gain*. In th* NEVER TOO LATE To Try (iooil Tlitnit. I om S3 yar* oM and for foriy yrar? of that timo I hav Iwm a ,-hron|r catarrh aufferar. mv, Mr. Jamra Gl<-tth,nK of AUr* jn.ny City; with every ohiruc* of weather my hiad af t throat would be xtufTod up with catarrhal mucu*. 1 .ould not breathe naturally through lho nortrlln for month* together and much of the time I suffered front > alarrh of the atomach. Fin,illy my hearing l*>san to fall and 1 readied romething mu,t he done 1 tried Inhaler* ami cpraya atal *alve which Rave me temporary relief ami my l>hylc.nn advised m>- t.. spray or douche with peroxide of hydrogen But the ca tarrh would speedily return In a few days and 1 became thoroughly discourage.! I had always been prejudiced against patent medicine?, l ut ns every thin* else had fall.d I fell justified in at least mak ing a trial Our *OO4 old fam.ty phylclan, Dr Ramedell. laughed at me a lutlr. but *all ir I wa* determined to try patent mdl rlna'a he would advlae me to begin with ( flm.irt e Catarrh Tablet* hecauee he knew wliot they contained and he had heard of e. vrral rematkahle euree reaullln* from their uae, and furthermore that they wer. perfectly rate containing no cocaine or opiate*. The next day I bought 5O-rent ho* at a drug Mor*. carrul it In my pocket and four or five llm a day I would toke a t iblet. In lee* than a we.-k I felt a marked Improvement which continued until at thi* 1 am . ntlrely free from any trace of catarrh Aly head I* clar. my throat free from Irritation, mv hearing 1 ae good li ever war and I feel that 1 cannot *v ! enough in pralee of fltuari a Catarrh Tab l let*. „ „ The*" Tablet* contain extract of Buca- Ivptu* bark. Oualaeol. blood root and olh er valuable antl-epite* combined In plea*- ant kabl'' f° rm - * n<l 11 * t, “ ,0 **' that Stuart * Catarih Tablet* are far u -..ertor In convenience, eufety end effective no* io the antiquated treatment by Inhal ~r- *pray* and douche* They are "Old by dru*it everywhere I in the United State. od Canada, THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 8, 1000. Forewarned, Fo rearmed. The liability to ,hsea*c is greatly Ir-sened when the blood is in pood con dition, and the circulation healthy and vigorous. For then all refuse matter Is promptly carried out of the system ; otherwise it would rapidly accumulate fermentation would take place, the Mood become polluted and the consti tution so weakened that a simple malady might result seriously. A healthy, active circulation mean* good digestion and strong, healthy nerves. Asa Mood purifier and tonic S. S. S. has no equal. It is the safest and best remedy for old people and children because it contains no minerals, but is madecxclusmdy of roots and herhs. No other r,medy :•■> thoroughly and effectually cleanses the blood of im _ffc> eSSa psi r t ie * . At the same time it builds up the weak and de farSb bilituted. .and reno vates the entire sys tem. It cures permanently all manner of blocnl and skin troubles. Mr. E. E. Kelly, of Urban*. O write*: ** I bad Ecsama on my hands and far* for fivft years. It would bmak out iu littla white nuatulra. crust a would form and dropoff, leaving the skin red and inflam ed. The doctors did me no good. I used all the medicated aoapa and salves without benefit. H. B B. cured me. and my akin i aa clear and smooth aa any one's.” Mrs. ITenry (Siegfried, of Cape May. N. J., iiavi t hat twenty-one bottles of 8. S. 8. curetf her of Cancer of the bresist Doc tors and friends thought her caen hope less. Richard T. Gardner, Florence, 8. C., suffered for years with Boils. Two bot tles of 8. 8. 8. put his blood in good con dition and the lioiU disappeared. Send for our free hook, and write our physicians about your case. Medical advice free. IME SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. OIL s’.ate Judiciary the returns show the elec ton of a Republican to the supreme bench. %tl*NOt 111. Democrat* llw%e Eleclcil Twelve f (hr * oairrikmrn. Kansas City. Nov. 7 The result o !-* vote in the Kansas Pity Is m slight He luhlj< an ciln over that of M Kin ley's plurality is l.ffl* and Flory, the nnml nee lor governor, received 4 plurality f 1.544 M Klnley's plurality In IJD* w;n 1 .MB. Th.- I,* hm eleu(*.l con*re#- men ln iwelvo Mleeourl #llancie an<l i a- Kei>ubll<-an* ln two with the Thin**, it, an#l Konrieenih to he hear.l from. There ie claim#-#! by I>emocra,e. HIIOIIE IM.4U. I.lttle Klitr McKinley * IMaral -11, <>( 13A14. Provlrtence. K- ! . Nov 7 -Oorreeled un- return* from Rho4* lel*n4 irtve M K nley 3J.MI. Bry*n 19.W7. Maloney 1 • i \4'to;i-y 1 a plurality for M- Ktnlej of 13.*74 In a total vote of 5A.677 Hla plu rality four year* a*n 23.97a. KANSAS. 4ieKlnley Mae a IMarallly #f About XhJMMI Topeka. Kane . Nov. 7 -Practlcally ro*n |.|#-te returns -how thnt McKinley has 4 piurallly of 23.0,#, In Kan.-as. anl that t ,** Republican stale tn-kel te su, - ■ ssful h, n plurality of probably 6,000 less. 1 h*- luKtslaiure will be Republican In both branche*. H4HI LUO. McKinley's PluralHy There la About 1 1.1 4M. Raltlmore, Nov. 7—With ecattererl pre cinct. In various I-Oiintle* *f the elate to hear from. Maryland plurality for M- Klnley and Rooaevelt In yesterday eon net a 14.1 K. With a probability that th official count will swell the total to 15,'Mi or more. ■Till. McKinley** Majority * Far la About 1..V10. Hall I.ake. Flah. Nov 7 —At in o lock to-night returns are lit from about litre Quarters of the prectn-ta itt the state McKinley's majority I* t.WK: V ells. Ke puhllcan, for Governor, has a majority oI i.t.a, and Sutherland. It,'publican, for C on* gress. leads King b\ I.tWI The l-egtalature Is It. publican by a mi jorlty of U on Joint ba lot. HtAHO. I’rohable That the l.eaialature Util H- I'uNltin. Hols.', Idaho Nov 7 -The latest returns Indicate that Nn I’erces county Is very close, and that the fuslonlste hove part or all of the legislative delegation. Thai county was very strongly Kepubllcan In ÜBX, and was rolled ,ut tats year. Latan county also strongly Republican hereto, fore. Is very close It seems altogether probable the Legis lature mil be fusion IOWA. [teeMolnes. la Nov. 7.—Semi-official re turns ftom M of the b counties in the stat* give Republican* >s*> !**> Immo rare 17v dk, plurality. *7.11# The other thir teen counties at the same rallo will In i. the Republican plurality to slight ly ni ire than lOO.ixn Every Republican Candidas for Congress Is elected. Jones' County Republican. U;lie Rock Ark . Nov 7 —pen M Fore, man. Republican, carried Hempstead county. th„ home of Jiemocratlc National Chairman James K. Jones, over Congress man T C Mcßae. liemorrat Foreman made- gain? In other counties and Mcßae's usual large majority will be considerably reduced. NORTH < AMOLIKA. Rul. |gh, N C., Nov 7 —North ,'arollna gives Bryan a majority of not less than .W.otsi The next delegation from this state will contain seven Democrats and two RepuMlcans. In tne t>*m*-raur primary. F M Simmon* wss chosen l'nlte.l fttatc ftrrmtnr over Oeii Julian 8 Carr, by y> .v majority. OK I. IHOH %. Guthrie. OkU . Nov 7 —Secretary B*n of the H-pubii. an • >m* mitres made the following Mstemant to rtfght Urr.l- Flyn I* r4lff(4 by 5100 ma jority We have tilted a majority In loth branch** of the Legislature." DKUW l Hi:. dVilmlngton. Del . Nov 7 ceived hi* afternoon deftmtalv determined the political division of the next Dela ware Legislature It 1* Republican in each branch, and will probably elect two I'nliad State* Senator* of that party U VOMINU. Cheyenne Wyo . Nov. 7 —Return* from IT4 precincts out of jot* in Wyoming give h majority of J.OU* for McKlalty and 4.100 lor Kvpufor Coogroa. The Kepnbllnn le|p|tlve Holt*?, wiih the exception of one I* •looted \\ t%ll\iTo\. dpokxine. \V t*h Nov 7 The l it* r re turn* ititihfit* that h. tne *o - lowing majoritl** 1 I‘hHm our ly. 7’ Ok*nog,n Ifirt; lxmgla* 4<W; Al*fiu> 2UM. Bp>kAn* \VI I tnn t*tvene Kerry Kl'Hi* .*•*. Oji* fU*|r| tttf. J j % I. % It % M %. MontgY’>niery Ala .Nov 7 -The v© * wa** ligh in Al.l* m * Th Rrpub In h <ive carried • count I* i en ral thing the n*gr©e* did not \*v I>mc* ratio mijority will it lum t-. lot lil%M N*w Orleine. Nov 7 In N*w OiiFani 2 2 !• \ot** w* re t'art out >f a registra tion of 41 Hr\an s majority #p u.4*vi Bryan s majority in t;• eltv in I *t**t prohtM\ lull h* in \ • l • t\%rt th t t. New Haven. CVnn . Nov 7 Th*' revised .'tton return# f*r CMnnectlctit. with t very (<>n ind dtfirlct in th ’.ti* *r.* from. gl\ti th* urate •* .'1 Kiiile) by * plurality of 28.41 * Mrlihilrii t arried at I Ht T>wil9. Nov 7 lleturn.N fmnv aI f -n ■ pre i'-* !* |n the r|tv >f Pt 1 i> rivt li’v an Tt* ?*. Mt'Kinl*>. . r Th* lr*i.i* crate teotv*l every • arwiid.tte "it their tty t.4'k*-t m tm:. Portlarwl Mr Nov 7 Fl*ruiee (n*tn Xl4 citing. end |kr I.MI tig g!\** M* Kin ’ey hi j. Bry tn iU73K In 1V; /am* towne giv*' M Klnley 7*>.|4y,n 1 4 KIIMOA P Whit* fttver Junction Vt Nn\ 7 Two hjn!r*s| uid rw-nts hi* > n*l town* giv* M K nlc\ ftrv ii 12 Kd. M Klnley*g phiralfty 2# 142 TKMRMKK Ngghvill*. Tenn N.t\ 7 The ?• ■ i vote c;et in Tennfr* e w:il ( l 2* f** r ‘'•nt uni*r that of IK*. Ml ,| BtMin ar ri*e th*** tv 2-' to yta.- M2W ll\M*Mllltr MinchNttr .V II Nov 7 -Th* n*r**iK li .111 majority in th* :t. on both the iii*rniitnnl and national 11 k* i %vt|i t. nt.ono. hßtlßt.l % Atlanta Nov 7 • Hr> in'* m ijorltj n * Georgia l ghom HrIATIIhH FOR I4> I’KH lint thr (nnnh Otrr HeKlnle? 11l >lm |nr If % . Darien. Ga Nov 7 In tht* cminfv laepter recelvexl 252 voi. shh! iken 2! * givlncr n mJortt> of .. M Ksn ley'e majority m the county in The Vn(r in %\nrr ( mint a. Waycro*#. G . Nov. 7.-Very Utile in f er*it w4§ m.ii.lf* in th r|e Mm in Ware county, and only about .toper cent *>f the r'<r;iiered vote wai Out of I.W) reglfiarrd voter*, only kw net their alk'te f*‘ ih preid#ivcy Of three Bry an received $73 and M< Kir.lev W Two yeir* ago majodry aat 431 Thi* year It I* 477 M ir*tn. the Hepub. *lcan congre**|onal car.dilate, received 101 vole*. Vofr In JefTerami I ounh. !>Hit*vlile. Oa Nov 7-The .*. n-..lidor- and reiurna It* J fT county *ho* v ,,. for Mr lirvan rxl 12h voir* for Mr 3! . Klnlay. giving Mr. Krvnn a majority of 270 vote*. Muinigff’i OMelal \ <•>. Goliimbu*. Ga. Nov 7 The official \. i of Mua ogeo county i*. Bryan. 1.85. M Kin lev IfJ For Oongree*. Adam*H), 1.255. freeman, 280 viibtifu nrßr.uiß. \% onderfnl I hlmii 4hfiw n ly bmn? •f Thrf l rlntlnal*. In an article In Beamon'* Magazine on the H- lenllflc Burglar." J. I‘ (‘oughiuti give* *ome Intereatn *< [Nirin-ulini .-tmwin - the wonderful nen hanleal hkill and lal ■ r*e d)*pUw-d by tht* i la** of criminal! l *. “The rew burglar l* e**entUlly an •x --|K*r- *aid rapt M<H'Tuaky. chief of <1 tectlvea of New York, to the wrltet a few weeki* ago In hie office at police h-wd quarter*. Mulberry at real, lie ha- dev. oped amazingly In cleveme** md lng< n ulty. Frequently he ha* Invented either ns the re*uit of Mj-kb n ln*|lratSon, or of careful and laltorloua dud) .ippliatie*— and tool* that, wete they aMdcablc to legitimate bualne**. w.uld !♦ worth fo: tun* * a* patent* " It I* to the hi taking open *f tha* the bur alar ha* turned hi* tno t craf'y attention. It I* the only feature of hit work that prevent* exceptlonal diffi- .- tie*, and the *;ife, 1* of court-* . ln\ ria bly the objective point of a burglary !•* get to the l- comparative!) e • tark. but to g**t ln*lde fat make- h ill upon all hi* resource*. When Mh* w* r*- \+* well inai than they are now na> v a burglar need a |e l-fllled ah Ik* a col l chlael and an ordinary jimmy'' with *u< - c***, but to-day iho hfv that *an In h> *uch meal - l* hardly likely l> yield enough to make the operation pav ing. With Ihe improvement In ing came the development of aaf -brek ing. The burglar upd gun-powdtr. dyna mlie find other explosive* with a large mearure of puree*#, and even now ihlc methMl. depplte lie. obvimi* nojeetion>.. in •tin largely i,ei by rrlmliiala. but liO! hy the n,o!t * xji* rt The t• • liy levr burglar found an explosion rub and alarming. be*kle* l*emg in Ite* 17 dan gtTouc. and consequent y tie looked ahead for a better a.l quiet et rneane of accom plishing the r*m* end. Her* It may te remarked tnat in any app.Un* • u*d t*v a criminal. cpt*U.> by a burglar, the great de*k|* rntjm muM always be it* sim plicity. A tool that ir not portable and eatjly worked I* u*lem or almo*t u**- lew* for hi* purpose The mo*t modern and mo*# • -ompl-te of -.ill *afe-cra'klr.g appliance* 'onbt* of a horteahoe. or. more correctly, magnet* shaped piece of the b* i*t steel, pierce*l i* the apex and both end* for *tout ► n w It I* so made as to slip down ba k of the sptndl* of a combination io< k and has what rn migh’ call Its so narrow • hat the knob of the handle overlap-* iwh leg* of the magnet It |* slipped Info position in i moment. fh *cr* w re turned a little u • time, alternately agalnat the body of the safe, forcing out A CLEAR HEAD; good digestion; sound sleep; a fine appetite and a ripe old age, are some of the results of the use of Tutt s Liver 2’iHs. A single dose will convince you of tlveir wonderful effects and virtue. A Known Fact^ An absolute cure for sick head ache, dyspepsia, malaria, sour stomach.dizziness, constipation bilious fever, piles, torpid liver and all kindred diseases. Tutt’s Liver Pills Hats and Hearty at 97 Ii S' - ■ .1I f | 2 A -O- -H 1 i Though nearini? the century v mark, Mr. John . Attrid^e 'dg I?——1 preserves health and vigor by m & V ,| using DUFFY'S PURE I MALT WHISKEY. The ABBV ''Jc ** I 1 standard of purity and excel* • ' Lj Icncc for nearly half a century. • . 'Vi‘„ T\ “Three or four tablespoon \ ■? ,uk " Ul Jl! '' kttps h,m g^' 1 well ainl strong. Read what lie lias to sa\ of the world's **j .1.., \ strong and \ ignrous. I never w* ■ dnnk- Y vv Vs o* *hikcy a medicine of the bei kind. _. > \x ' I hve nut ukt-n a doe of medicine out , bide of Huffy'* Pure Malt Whiskey for JOHN . ATTKIlvih, s 'rr Old. twenty-five years, and may it do for oval - erta Vlg a U ■a a| ■ ■ other old people what It is doin for me. Duffy s r*urs Walt Whiskey A Form of Food Already Digested. j IS THE TRUE ELIXIR OF LIFE. •t Aids Digest tun.Stimulate/# and r.nriches the Hhmd.lnvltjorate.* the Hraln, lluild Ncrxv ItMIM, IMU Up the Heart and Prolongs Life. J * ff you srr 1!’ write vrl’l rml you nothing lor advice. IPO| PlU'UUi* Una. Brt >m lull!*. • '.mij tmuan i w *>> iug *1 -< from w hslrvrr mils' ' jlMajAfK # I OVER 7.000 DOCTORS WHO THINK AS DR. MORSE \ / DOES. PRESCRIBE DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY. \ J \ k * ** * I X. v ~‘ f v vv X 1*“ If WT" g* I • r* t -if • pU - r ulhi v !, writ** ti w* will send frw* on* rf nur ■ l\ il H |t< ut < urn* < ownh * f Vtni •. TV hist, t. Th*v or* unique and u*fuL DUFFY M M.T WMISKF.Y CO., Pochester, N. Y. noeuvi oil. th* mHitiist i: I with it. tif nurse, the spindle. In s.xty tuioivls tin- spindle ran he forcer) fr*m the strongest lo k A chisel that tits The aperture m ule bv re moving the spindle is then Inserted, and with or.c sh irp blow (ruin a noSeles* leaden hammer the wo*rk* <f to* lock re scattered int** li# sal* A ordinary pb *•* of 1 Hf*iit w ire is now cuffl* lent to dinar* range the tumbler** and, in** handle being turned. b if- *> oi* n to th* hand- of the burglar According to 1 *• i* * tlv* -Sergeant Thnm-i < A : tn . wrv ha** -}••*►? Im v lifetime in he defer five *erv < of New •*r K. n* known device *-an equal this lnne*c looking pier* of iron junk An addition al advantage lbs n ’i. fact that if can he carrier) in Th*- pocket of an ordinary emit Just imagine th* massive. Impos ing and expensive contrivances of the safe manufacturer* yielding s * readily to < tool the mak>ng of which, In the biirc .u tn I dues rn" rod over ;A cents On.* Ml h.iH Cmly Invented ft bv sitting d*wn before h** InteM ind most improved pattern of safe .n*t studying it" construc tion * keely Ii struck him it on e that the in. k w is the most vulnerah’e part of i *f aid from th* Mrhi *.f That idea gr**w the completed invention. luis lain*! • Free hnmn. nickname*! ••French I/Mib "* burg *r and house thief !**> hHb an Invention to hi- < redit of whi* it Kdison might (> p oud If tny on* criminal In th** f’nit* l St at mi b.- said to h ive mad* htirzlary • **• i* * ** it i** laird He invent**! a * ife-<lrllllng appit* hi. . that is aim t perfect In It w*\ It* onh weak featur* iw-ing lie bulk and rite numlsr of pirt> of which it - oiidM- This drill Lund use 1 him If in many role beries. but. not watlsfled wllb his earn li •* in that manner, he ha*l several of the inurnment# made, which h snnal out on rovalty t** other bank burglars less inventive than hlm-*if. This instrument * i* one of many le*lgn-d by Lnnd for sufe-cta* king, at.d It w*~ whi serving a term In Sing Sing for It* u*e that he made the Invention of which I have already si*oken. It wh * to him that our prison system owes th*- lever lock now In use in every jail in me I'nittwi States By means of i ksk tl*- mere shifting of t |*v*r In the wttrdqp * **fl: *■ .• irately w. ais. Instanta*e<Nirijf. evety *-i. d.*a In the entire *-tabllshnient Lut.d gave hi* invention ft*** .\ to th*- wuthorMle.- Hal it Ir-en Invented under ordinary • irAim stances it wuu and *eriainl> hav** brought fortune to Its maker. L*> k manufa -Hirers have years leen ftzhtlng. with mot* >r b - sn- .-ess, the wke|etn key n*l th* prof* *•.onal l*> k li A* r The |.m k r*f ItHlsy is infinitely more complicated than that of fifteen or * ha Impro in bn k* only *•tn to call f**rth a Ki*ter legr**- **f ski.l ind iev# rn* f* from the h>* k>plck< r* t *n> professional h**tif thi f. at I* **f. bnight the bK-km ikers to a standstill. Ills hum* i- Ibnrv Klein. sn*l it w.i- while 'aiflned in Sing Sing prison that ha Invent**! and manufM tur el a set of key* of most *l*. i te work* ms i f-hip and Ingenious <-onstru*-tlon The police are n*w in possession of the set nni regatd It with won l-r and -olmira il*ai hi* t .e m N- • tni.*t. |. k picklrg out fit ever made It <-t*nslst- of e*-\era dis tinct shafts with words, removaub or ex tei*l.*h|* at will by turning n ser**w They can Insfantly le *..nv rt*d Into pivot or hobow k*vs md the d*- and number of the ward* can bo all* red into h large variety of >m id nations. Taking him a.together, th* m**<i-rn bur glar. lumk-br* nk-r mul swell cracksman 1* a *hr* wd. Inventive fe|kw, skillful In hi* unlawful profession. ll*- wouUI sk aje *t'*r*- fr*|u-ntly than he *)**•* it not ?*r fTiat kirk In h.s ir • *f*• r which ►tump* marly every criminal It is not went h* do* s when * kualiy mmltting a crime as how he ..Lmluct* himself uf terward that frequently giv*-s the police the .♦ w to his capture. The criminal's c.evernesi and shr**win*-* r *nd and his r* • kk *snes* •*♦ gins oi • th* w Job is over There are. however, some burglars, men known to be guilty of or implb ate \ in *nk ar.d other r*.t* rl who g* um ab jured and unpunished y- *r after year. be. uuse they over up their tr ck so w.l that thy leove n ,e J evidence behind them The*4 men ar** the r*al masters of their profess! .i They ar*- never off their guard, never drunk They only dissipate at rare and dr Intervals and are our g ars Just a* other m**n ar*- merchants. “Oravb'wrd ! a fxinlly m II tna with u . ' so**) a igucnlti'iu u .*m man y ten) ••My UiAa 1. and In :lc* an* U enjoying b*te n than f r years ’i li i tii.drvn ke* p w ii i>} laJuog If Grub ard may be ->r*tain and at ah and g gtorew or writ* to us for it. K**p*ss I/rug Ctt, K/ie Itrvps., U.v.MMkJi. U*. *O, Not How Cheap! BUT How Good! mm &” Morgan's MOTTO. OUR SUCCESS COMES FROM CAREFULNESS In the EBLECTION of our goods, to buy only those tha* will I'LLAHL. both In *t\le and quality. We Itave tried to impress on your mind that no KK tM>B ever enter our store OUR SUCCESS WILL 8E ADVANCED l y your buying youi g#e>ds fr*m u* W* war.t all your trade, as you will l*e> the vainer by giving it to u* and getting th*- beat good* lor the same prlc- that you pay for Inferior guod* eDewhere COME AIMD SEE US at bast, and let us prove to you that our **-ler>tion I* the best In th* city, and that our puces are right , COLD WEATHER I* bound to oine. and you will to* sorry that you have put off getting your hom# fuel up bef *re the rush. We run help you do It, and I*o JT RIGHT. OUR FURNITURE STOCK 1 now complete—-parlor ind Dining Rkiri Library. Hitting Boom and Kitchen can b fitted out with g*d* to suit any on*- * ast* l>a(her Couch#*, B <k ra an 1 I.a * v 4'hairs, China Cloaet*. *. fllh#(<>arl* Dining Table*, flat *’.i k llall Chair# end Bette#*, Folmng H< r* *** h:ii-#-is. Box Couches. FoMlng iu-i|s. Bed Ijouiigas. C'ornh.natlon Book <‘a *•#. Fancy ‘hairs and Docker * of all de m rtptlons. Birdseye and Mahogany Dresser* Wash B'ande, Chiffoniers and Tables. 111 I vro\ |IS AM MAMiKi, ••IIMFFI TIOA M V ITHI A4IA. 111. tit's OlMHtßttg* ItliniltfKH % l oR* I%fII*FRIAL I I M'lTI HK PULIH. Ar* four BPECIALTIBB ttt can't be beat. CARPET DEPARTMENT. We need not *ay much about our sto#*k "f t arpet Kv*rvbdv -ava It Is the beat In town people come and look, go away, but, LIKK TIIL < AT. they • ome ba< k A few of our specialties in this departin'nt are Wide port er** f*r Folding fkatrs. Narrow por *ler#s for Htngle r>oors. Vestibule la'*** sti'i Panel*. Lace from 12*tnch up to 3*. Inches wide. C#*ich Covers. B Inch* - *i'V, carp* t Stz- Bugs. In Wilton an#! | Mnyrna sizes .. follows *x*. 3x9 x!2. -xll (• • N-.where else lit ' ft.wti *an y* u ge* tiem. We are selling a fine 3x12 Smyrna Dug ll>o> W # purchased af a bargain a lot of- imp **fr m a drummer of Daghestan Wll ! ton Bug‘ 3xH feet The regular price of ti **ni is ♦** We are *#• Hng this lot at very much less The goods are Tl.e price for the asking. UPHOLSTERY COODS. And a fin* uphol,,#rar tn do your work Bp< > lal nrl, ? given on material to ihoaa 111 the \V heej, chair c nee a rul lota of thin** that %* •■n’t enumerate. OUR LACE CURTAIN STOCK mut not h. overlook ad #? If I* in full I.Kat Our *'o. kof Man'el I.imhrerjuln# ,in-l Dmperlea I? worthy of notle*. If yo hal a Rleil Carpet Hweepvr you would rever r<ret ihe price laild for It They ore la tor tu.vere PLEASE CIVE US A CALL IN OUR NEW STORE. LINDSAYS MORGAN McDonough ballantyne, V Iron Founders, Machinists MilOU U era ■>■•< ufa rlar.r. ..I -' • tf) -*a faeuUe kaaiiMa. Verlltal ■■# 1, *•■>• t* MJlta, Mill ■■# Paaa. aa <■!■ #*all. era. TELEPHONE NO. .23. IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL AND WORK ORDER YOUR LITH OGRAPHED AND PRINTED STATIONERY AND BLANK BOOKS FROM THE MORNING NEWS. SAVANNAH. GA 7