The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 08, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 A TEXAS WONDER. Hit ll‘* (•real Diacorrrf. One *mal. botth- of lDil n • •• t I>i f ovary cure* nil K i .#. y .*i i • * r ,rmi * ri , movfii gravt-1 <ut *1 i' * ~m Inal emiaflon*. w*k • t i m*# h laffUina lMii M .ill rr. . f th* kidfit ye and 1 ... i * * * a,, i * mm. !.*•.<r . i If i • - "■ * b- Kiu by n. n • pt * ’• •***• bottle I* IKO I L ! *>•■’ • ’ *** * curt ar, ij>< t* n* s.: .■->n-d *"r E W Hail. ► • -if ii •? ti *i. 1* G I'ox a.".' Si Lout*. M b*nd foi ti tmoflial* hold b\ all 1 all 1 S .oß# -ns Cos , bavanr.l; .. 11-nil THia. rut d* rt Ga April 2 \*P This l to . t;fv tt it 1 Wien aft*- ted :th gr. v* aril that 1 took sixty dn I* ef lit ,< <; • *t l! .ver> and It in* I \ irr.l me* It b worth fl.fOO pci 1 ttj to ary or.c reeding It. J T STEVF.NB IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. acus am* nii.w* nr Tin; daa in TWO *1 %TE*. Nf nuanrap l>-pit*i In Itartim l mint> lli*rrl**i < notify** Pro* • I m*l%—Honlt I |in-*ril of I rllnnr f.ollf—To Make ulnar it llrlgndlcr ticafral*l<|cu(. I'an'ii'e I amllj AotHleil of 11l Death In llir I'hilip lln*—-1 Ire a nil*r • li.ri.ln New*. A ' * Fr\ i farmer : * t*.i>* r*' * ' hi Ja charge) * #*• t. ; *1; . u on ■ n Mr. M. 1 A.r -*w r V -l.rr irr, ! > Fry I**l * .• • Forth ar- wean-hing for him I’ •; I* I* f* r* II? •-'ft' Iry i'* ♦ * * sir?* "ii m l I • i wit. *#*veral children. He wis *> birr* Ia go *1 man ui ll thl All the |*< rile** .*r#- prominent iri t r t • ► r *• -l Doubt* I cllona' fiiillf. A num* r of p* pb* in ll.ill *oi ivy ir* .. f5 - that I Ciua Kdl who wa■ f. i• *.J g .It- . rape* snd * ntm-• I to hiln’ Nm . t by Judge* lUi***l .it J*ffrs*n Hatui*i*ty. \ in no. fnt of th* kr vp ih > *; An 4 * -ti ► WfrltiK Ihr *)• rlfUliHi of ih rapt-t %\ mr*> • I Mm* • . li*M for c .mc film . hu! cin *• F* How l;a Iran . onl*u.i < * an-l r< ntou **l h* li # l* **n rrle.i •* l. Nln nga *•• Extcniive elpoeitla of maigant*-* t y roiusitd have- !♦*• n li-*o\r l in Harto.. eoiitity by lr \V ilmiii. 1-• ; t at ■‘t. I Hiring n ft ■nl n-'** ton *f the* ore* of that e our.ty I *r. W it-cn f unl the* <i<“i*<lila of fnamcan** * t be mu ll larger than waa tt fli* thought and In a to H.t‘ t;*s,| ci t Y* it*> t* lay h • mvk thrre* la a gr it j i.ntlty <*f t • • r*‘ hii I that hlh Iti.■*! il n w I t ik. b vrr.l yrl. The* |.eo;lo of Hiriow u.ty ar** even at the* lorg. q .antii> of ore- Hrvofal a mb•* w < u? In a?Ion. ami it w i themght at t • * that Vi lnit>. but n*w I*r. U itJn r*|o h ~.i • i M W m*. of tin mat* m*-ft valu ibl mb’ rralf*. ami M’vrral I iik** uiin- are* i !•* lnic in Kl.ivrt founty. Thu nun. r I In ln tpmpcrinic -iwl jn<l .olotl n |clj9s ail l very Berrien I. a i.rrai I mini). Narbvlll* South tienrgUi) We n*ler If the people of Herrlen ronnly leal.- think of the imi.'t*nt |e"*ltt<Hi U h .1 < n a factor In tleorala' lire,it eommerce With about flft. . i in l • hip, I I m her 10 all the world, mmieroo• tn ie-niln- Mill. ehli pliiK min. >f Ivi mI of eptrllr ital i.cln. naikinK Ihle ot > .f the an it.ri pr .ilin era of nawil . l i th*' -ti •• Mr* than L ! e*no >!• | |ro tim ing -:r. u ijoamstltv w ♦: H*t ‘ vmaii ar** in mivatlon. y* t |re*iu >n4 on*-i*t*b of th- w.- if inlaid long e'otfi'i Hai‘*nig in-1 '-’dug nor torn ami meal eveoy ihn w r liaising { • anut and “tat* *' * ougli to HUp|iy half the l* . and •at h • cl l\ th** f* i > th*i' e.nt ’HI li*rii n i *a grata) county !A*fV •iliiolt oii-hl he* proud that h# Diet* here* and r dy to •ound Ur pnal a* * very ojitortunity. I'ftim |'reMlne*t tee lir l’.%**n|l*el. Amotig • t umt***r *f lrd* r* biH> '•> |N u r> was a>f by Mr Smith, providing that , in red from a I).. jß.rtio, of th* to** t*• * f*vs p. Mr i |i t * •“ fnrrn l‘t*i ■ p i • prex 1 tiupt >ml il** fatni.y di* b H* *.•*!*• e*ff<rt mad* t- oiu nitgge* i*ve-t \ thing but farming and that th* Voting m* n are*. |h*r for* . le* iving th*- countrv and flocking to the* dtli * Th* %r.w in •** t*‘fplitlon will ifejalr. e ••** iliuiioi •, •Oi'-utlmem 't rit • r i. >i bon <f t Mr Stn th'. I I i-r.01.1e. th.u in. mai ler .halt le- Mibml t• • 1 )• I' p ■ -I• l* lo ? rillßcailot) at the “le l**t n.-M year. Mr l ' ’ tlonal amendment exemptlns * tvlowmrttta and other |ux>pert> of > oil. .<i U .1 *• nuking church p-tt-oiMgi taaetax.itie. FLORIDA. Gainrivtlle Bun. Froinriy owner* in Uainewvllie will have th** .argest to •* pay thite yi ar in tn. nistory of the* town ]*. 7 mill- sur* .•* lOiintv nulls i -u. m>. .ll*tri- t f. hool t x am) .* tmiis fix .:.* in *. This Is w.;hin a i 4 .ui , ti,. r* then nmn*". in K>aned to any b-enk in the city for. Jktlnalt •* ii" Oraagt • rap X*. K • ’• *" 1 I From our !?W rmant kitowiabc of th* vuft t oal ad iit own of th* w- ve-ntur* th* following gi* f th' w**anoni rop I*• S*t>. .••*• U*\* ; M mat* • * h* •*• I.* jeneiUi), Folk. Sn.OUO* fit* •<hi, j-Orang< . Sn.gQO; Brevard. .I'.OUO; vcatiering. 20.uA; totui. ITc.'AiO boxr*. Uilptdim Ornnit***. Tampa Trlbun* Fight carloala of rr.nge*s went out ove*r t: • S* !>oarl Sa ur kiy They bc n arriving in tin* morn i;>g on the* s. ho M.* r> Marl** Cooper tin*) Fogarty, and the anrocr.- Manager. Ter ra (Via. and Mist • to*- hr ntgal in th#- rr • - Thin li prtfhably the* largest shipment *f the- s* ihoii m * I** by Hi!n-r *>f t:i f >.-t*m leading out of Tumj llfportrel Ml*lna. W. N llaraldsem. a white* man who had br#*n In Pensacola for a w#-#*k or more , has strangely disappeared, having hl grip ti ml f*w arti le*a of vadi* Hat •tldson 'almre! that ho was there ft orn Atlanta for the* purpose of securing a wb in an Important case*, for w #m ii* t.ifl kf-nt s| • 1 lll> t# pe*l >. •>;.! li> it*-*s*d r eally, but It Is alatnd tiial when )>• t a**en he no* under (he* Influe-nc* ol liquor He hat* not aet-n lli *• k-t Friday night. ) filing N|hii IfniMireil. Mr Hobert A French of Pensacola, a ann of 'Jen S G French, both of whom are it- . :ent vi*itor to Atlanta haa been appointed oy Gov. B.oxham a# hi* naval ae'reiar> Mr Krcn h. Jr.. 1* paying tell er in the CHi*n*' National Bank of thlr place and Is well qualified to fill the ap pointment of Gov Bloxham, a* he ha* been a cadet In the naval academy at Ar.napoll* and now rank* as an ensign mi Pensacola naval battalion. Ilia rank on the Governor * *!*ff will b* equal to that of- ok>n*l. \ot<fl4| f Sun's lltnili A *■!*• lal lo the Mvrr.tng N*w fr*n M* i!i ~o. Fi t , MVI A tt b gmm v* - her* yesterday from Aijt. On in. **nt *un < L#.cut William D ! r.i -<. eib *t eon of •**• Senator Samuel ! Ii- o, w.** killed in battle it Luzon. 1 i.. o# th* 271 1 ultimo Th inform- I t.4n na* •• -t i pid *. v\ **v#r ih> • • fi "inr!unlt> \r. . . • k sun | duv mornlr;g. tin i* • >♦*.! ?.*.< dw< iiing. r* in-1 <k of k Ii" i slit: •* Dr I < Blj*ht.{ (it A • and 1 O l* ■- 4hOU( H'*•' B I ilug in I*. i*• k f t .'•*"d* v miut**) nf u.u: I.* •••• J VV Bi>h | **p lost n tr< . j.iding wp *tvw t occtt j pbl by Mr. II All w<e parilniiy iriNurc*!. m m n i l. in uii h • %nr i""u * |rr Hr lil for I.uihfcallna l .tii|lo rr* tlonr). Jtt k Vlii*. Ha , Nov. 7 Th** *vt f- 1 • ’ f * r>ni|Mitl.uis w a too rapbl h’f brl< '.tp-i clerk and coll***'tor for v J N, corner Laur.i and For* '••"If. .ti l h* appropriated money f I mptnycr to hfdp him out in keep • up i I of th*- turn He ar t' * l ' • rd.> and ihiN hi* rxidana . i *>f • • th* ft of e*>m*- fi 4 ;, from codec* ti f. made by aim ■I • ’ cf***- h- r* fmnt T‘h.*rh‘tton. 8 ‘ *• rnx*riH> ago, and Inii g of gfKi4| lit*' -tn 1 f nifdovm* nt with N* w tn * m lf- uij ijii.i k, imluHtrlouH. tnergetk* Til fond fiv r I’riiucktly begot in w.Hi • ft t.f (> I * Mild their fwire W.t ■" 1 wir iii for hi-* -alary <i *re In well it ri t'harle -*n If* ,i\* he i* an 'phfin, hut h*h t younger Mother there w 'tn •• -eiall* g to '"ha 1 Mr N* w ri"ti rr iJ.k* i at 'lie emb* zsiement will i o h over sltn knri ' Tifbonl t ommlaaloner. Wav. r<* - Ga Nov. 7 The t'ourtty I * ird -f l. lu i I r. met in the ordinary •* ft * at the • urt llou.-e yevier*!*) Htal** S o*i I'. mnilv- i.•*r 11. H rllftm wan pf - lit with the Nvirii, nlvi ing with th* in In r* gard to ihe * <lii ottonal Interegtn j • f 11** it'\ T.’ie new i onml don* r. Mr i i. -I B rrv ha *rrrued lib affair- -i f,< will !<• in hi* office at tae c ourt almost 1 • v**ry la> In i** w#ek v% h h will be a gr<at • onv-'M* n*-e to tho***- having buil* 1 t -- witii him H* will t i-i Mr M \ < 1* i k of the Hti|ertor *'ourt. i*l vl l Hi* refore Im* hi the Court llou** moot 1 •f th* 11ru* Mr l>* rrv will • *mii.u* to • t \\ are N0... when- to i |Mi><nw r. aiat oiulu* ts it in* r* intile husl/ieitx. II I* only will look aft* r the |* doflb e in liln alm**iH < 11Iff •emit- ii Way. t". , <ia Nov 7 -Yegtenlav about n -on *m< unkt *wn white man went to the r* -.l*. e t• f Mr. G W Hhuftii nnd .-k* I hlsc daughter. Ml Kathryn, foi wthmg to eat She did not do *4. and i. went away, but shortly relumed and. going into a room, took from her drewwr h* r watc h and hain. and suddenly took id* dejMirture. The mutter re|iorted to the polhe a id on effort ma*l© to ke ate tt thief, hut without kUiveiw. Tllltl I IWOItITI> WON. linml S|Mirl on !#!> *• liny at I’leil man I Park. Ailonia. Nov 7 Three favorites paenT'd under the wire flr*i at 1* edmont Bark to liy. It iM-iitg ladl C day the ejort wax good Tr k g•* I. weather clear. Sum maries Unit mile. Sleter A lie* won. with Lady Ha.t Inga aecond, j *i.d G dden C third. Tim* 1 M S* >nd Ba* * Four ml a i.olf furlongx \ irglc d‘Or won. with AnHtheat* eecomft. Mi l Sw.t Dream thir*l Time 1•* Thud ltd Five and a half furlong* Bet tie B vv*n, with HI Awa\ .-econd. anl Mae tgni third. Time 1 !* Fourth ll.i t "n mil* and nn eighth j. s|# .1 at i ih* won. with l.emiag iwon i. rod Zonne thlr*l. Time 2 h>7 Fifth !<*•* Four m*i half furlong Toni B iney won, with Henry’* xe* rot and Ulady a M third. Tim* 1.-Ol'a liner Nraalln nt %|nrlnrt. N* w York. Nov 7 Only two favorite* wire mi ■ • e*ful at Aquwlu t to-day. but three wi*ll b.. k* and e< ond . hoires gave the player* • L t **f the ar;um* n: with the book. R Summnrie**; Fir- t H i • S litiig. five .md n half fur ;,a.- Jurg* lairvin 2 t* 1. won. with' !'. an:*■v-'nr * . *i l i and 2 to 1. •e**>ml. m i |v* . J> to 1. third. Time l hr S.s md 11 1. * Five and ha!f furlong** I>la. 4 to 1. won. wlh M Addle. 2 • 1 .nl 1 to - t*econd. and fll.ole Bun. k to 1, ih!t l Time I.‘* 4-. V Thlnl H Selling, on.* mile and aev 4il?> N ,rd Sir Fbriun. 7• 2. won. with Bre*- it; Itntor. 2 to 1 and l t* '*. ** • ond. and o|* a. ato 1. third Time 1:17 3-j. Fourth Ha*- One and on*••-Mxieetuh mil* FI ret Whip. .1 t* In. with Al - ik*. 12 t* l nnd l to l. n . *md nnd Marl o* it. 7t* 1. third Time 1 P* 2-U. I if?* itai. s* 1 mg. -lx furlong* Mai n. 11 to f. won. with The <i*. lcn Brin * . n to '* and 1 t* .* •• • ond in*l Queen Cartti i * Ito 1. third Imt iHI *-■• b. , * St 11 ng i furkmgi Ani n. and• >. • v*n. won. with Ble*l rt<d. 1 to •< i-• • nd. nnd Yorkshire lloy. . t l. third Time 11* 1-t*. I.NTIIM %*n H b K :tt>l I.T*. 4*tn* unitl. Nov 7 Heault* t Latofiia R LIUU '*• 11 7 to 2. w*i with Fbi* r,-. *>- • - oi .1 n<l O m<*n. f to 1. third Time ID. S* Mid Kate oiu* mil* Albert F. Ivw.y 1 to 1. won with Tuxcnro*!. 3 to 1 .ih l nnl Ib rnando. 11 lo j. third Time 1 ;U*4. Third lt.i-*e -One ml C m l *ev* ntv yard*. 1 ~ I 7a ri t won. with Kherkwirt. 7 t i z. • >i il, and Bran h. s to 1, third Time 1 i*; Foiirc Ba*e—one mil*. xeUlng Ymi*' 1. 13 to w *n with \V tl Wc-k’h. F* to 1. m 4*d. .it.-I Pr.tit)barg. 12 to Ihlrd. Time |:42‘ v . Fifth Hi** Seven furlong*, yelling. Grnndon, 2 to 1, won with I>l \la k. 10 to !. m *• *1 and W urranted. 7 to third. Time 12**?. Sixth lino*- < >n<* mile, celling. J J TANARUS., 2 to 1. won. with Chile .1 . i to 1. *eoon*l, a?HI F *1 Cox. *•* to 1. thlrl Time 1 lit Lord NVolxeJey, when he free from hi- *lutle-' .v tTommander-in-Chlef of the army. w*ll at op* * bfg.n prepara tion* f r an extensive tour through Can ada 11• ha* lik had * wiah to go over the x tn of hi- old exploit* on th** H*d iiv< r xp*dltlon. II W" Dll A llfi URINARY and 11L If ¥ UIIO genital . rhronl • nature am those which Dr. Hathaway tm:,ti exclusively. For 10 years he has confined Ms practle lo this Hass of com J plaints In men and women, and the uniformity of hit cures has won for him world wide fame. Men who have W youth's v Igor at a made strong and whole again by this thoroughly constitu tional treatment of Dr. Hathaway's. No medicine with ttmpl. temporary tonl - effect can cure you. you need a treatment which will goto tho foundation of yoor trouble and wipe It out, menially, nervously and physically. All lorms of Chronic Diseases. Including Varicocele, Stricture. Blood Foisooiti*. Kidney and Vrlnary Complaints, etc., an cured by Ur Hathaway's system ef treatment. ' lie win he glad to base you write him or call at his office for treo a ; consultation, examination and advice He will also send free, post • | paid in a plain wrapper, his new m pigs book—"Ma: Iluesi, Vigor. 1 j Health’ —to anyone, man or woman, who suffers from any chronic . disease or weakness. J, NtWTON HATHAWAY, M. D* Office Hours— 9 to II m., 2 to 5 ond 7 Or. Hathaway A Cos. to I p. m. Sundays 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. ISA Hr; ai, street,/ Savannah. Ga. THE MORNING NEWS: THI KSDAY. NOVEMBER 8, 1000. Pear I lire THF- BATFItkON TR.UtKOV. ITe Narrow nnd llunilllaflon of the Family of One of the Harderer*. Walter M A l t* r. m the New York J>urnal. in jal m IMiernnn f**r Jem i lit**x'hleler death, ha • no hope now f "• 'tiring Ihr aid and hit* fid* nd* 111- fath r • underlining him I" -•!,g Into exile Bit>. ti e in.: m* nt tic*' i Mip|g>xe| never to • lie in wom u lax tle*| In the h*nrts • ( the pariohV two Fvert they *k* rwt pity him. l* I* in i Ih* bi.u k t s.litod* mental ml moral.! that roil'd In- Ima/lref. Ill* father’x liotiae I f*i* . ne Wlk ini. rn ide the w.i th *f th** tlpriT pnrents .*i *1 where he .♦ u*• 1 l. authority ► ' 1 - | rageou.*.> L gnated with th*- auctioneer s m - Jam * M A . -• -and his two daugh ter- a'*- v *.t:i wav *-♦ to return Th* y r‘ gt:ng o n far-*ff town on th-- I.* ,fb- •’< a . t * v a>. Tf.ey will not n.ifn* it. Their despair is ti m*?f | * Ih* * tt • r < ontempl for the w *-*-*l * rim n l ix ft* ni*et blighting .g* nd* #.* kn* \v H ha made of them *p* Id epi v • ini' All Cat nr soil quo:* * without a i*l d**r .linns M Mil t< r :* r *.. b* idvh * s* Id** eon. wileii >u#p. ion fll on him: If you ne Innocent you w tild tatter go • I kitou anything of • • r.m* v. i w ild hs-ttrr t“U you kn* w If >ou iTf guilty r ik*- thf* pixnd aid h ow out your hr.line." Surely n condition !lk* this i * r.rnn and •x- *lig ii u town tb*‘ M* r*-t of n* t a .-Ingle peooivig* wnx n-vr t*oi ie-i Ho wax of a fumy hig.iiv ♦ • * • no* i Tiny wer* kind. rh.rtlable, leaned. They h.t i a'i th* qiKi.lti* - thut mak* xo nty ha; py in th* ir p * '•! * lie w lar v not .-n *• f litem. Nomine explained him. In oth* r frightful mysteries of this ort, t!io minister, th* p i* t. tin p,'dl**-uph* . ; the man of m l* .■-•. t**ve interven*d ' divine (li.irilv. ron.-*dattons, formulas of i xperioaents In *■ immal ►■••"lology. at t* mpt** hi • xpliiiitttion \\ ltr M M!i * t*-r pr.iv *k* " nut even an aliominabie < u rloslty. Then* is nothing to divert the at- | trillion from tin thought of dimming him i like th*> plagu . fits ng* 1 father, b* nt With grief, anil | the two young womn that Baterson a*l ndr* i fr tin ir - iarni **f inanne and their beaut If ul qualities, are too rlc*.— ly lel.itnl to lilm t to I** under the bain* of that ir rt )• *mul*le hatr* I now They euffer u* I* i the reflection of It. and— worf<- Mill—they share it themselves. ills ashO iat s in the criim of Jennie H'*ss* hleterdeath ar- shunned as well. Kerr .1 wife has not called on him since lie has been In prison, and his brother i* t * d* fend him. *b - i>< rit‘l>, In sheer fra ternal devotion Kerr * brother 1* w for mer Judge of B.i* r."**n. William r.ati* wife*—they had hern marrlol for six weeks may not endure th** mention of his nun*. Alexander Cainplndl ha* not foun*l a lawy*r. Th** Itar -la t th* si- font in* ni- . they • not belong to humanity ' And th* four men, thus exlkd from everything, began to r* diz* their utter helplessness hirshlv y.sttday They had i.*lat first, "Oh, w* shall tinl a way out of all this But 'll* prijM nera in their l** n refused yestrda> to shak*- hamls with them, paying: ‘Oh. lio. w. are h* re only for theft and mur der." M< Allßter and the others may make no rjefens*- again*! the charge of murder, and place tl ms elves thus In the way of state prison for thirty years, and nothing gra\ - *r But th* r pro-* utors n l th** **ourt mav i*t t* rmlt them to make *u**h a plea Tliev may Ih* for • I to plead "not guilty" or 'guilty" simple IIIININ I I \ 111 %Ml xW(M>\x. Old-Time Novellafa* I’nvorlle Nfllle lloun .H**lll*• li*-nrl of Now. From ihe New orb-an* Times-Democrat "Now that reader* have become so con foundedly exac ting In matters of techni cal detail," sail a New Orleans fhvdetail who conf* sses t** u w* ikn* -s for lie tion, ' our no*leri nvel write rs ar* deprived of a good *b*iil of mate rial that was us* .1 with gt. it • ff* t ■>* their pr**l -"or- This is ftartlcularly tru* of a little cata logue of diseas* that figure c otispi uou*- ly in what w* arc accustomed to rt'fer to as 'standard ft* tlan nooning tin* fiction that was admired by our f ithor.x and grandfather*, and that n< w com*** in 'sets' • spec ially suitable for < liti-uiuia pr* * cuts At the head of th** list wis a mvxt* - thus malady known a 'hran fever.’ I tin fever ws a great favorite with the early novelets, anl has k. ft many a plot ftom getting Into m tight snarl It \v is supjMvsed t result from anv severe mental strain, and might be brought on by terror. Joy. rermu>*. ov* work, mi-- p*-nse, rag** or grl* Ibo von see how hand) It wis 1* could strike down the villain, temporarily disable th* heroine (r • !t** 4n sympOlhv fur the | ir i*u Virtuous hero 1 "The nUI-llme ‘standard’ novel* will av erage about thfe* cas* * of brain fever t" th** volume Th* anther never went Into nnv details, but generally announced th maladv a teliii.g l!n.x to a chapter for exanipb lie was too Imp . vv air* *l> t* sslng .n *h delirium of bi ntt fever," Vex* morning the s* oundr** awoke tavirig. It* ad *rain fever.’ Th dist-as* I- '** w. || etahllshcd in fiction that many people still believe that It oc curs in real life, which, by the way, is i fine tribute to genius. \ not her valuahh 'property effect* of the old-time novelist w. th* >woon. You w*|!l fnwl**i* swooning all through the famous romances of fifty year* ag. and the typical beautiful heroine of • good, rattling tat* of adventur* spent at I*# -1 U t r cent of h< r time in that * on ii ion. Th** heroin* t i worjh noth - I t ■t n n tin book who '"Woon.d The h<ltl. ..fter being wnumled in a duel or umd up by s**nu *i* * and of daring, quite frequently faint* I from exhaustion, and the villain slmvh •preyed hi** hand to his brow and fell r* to the ground, but It all cam* to the -,mt* thing and was * very con venicnf pie* e of literary moc*hinef*y "The people in m***l* rn *reallstlc* novels fa tit very seldom: in fact, aim t as in frequently • they faint tn actual )lf Ii I lat ticing nudldne for a quarter of a o n- fury I have seen human beings under al ii o-t every stress t nt could be imagine*! but I have never yet seen any one lose h louse.* through emotion only." KART lllfi: i %'II*AMJ*I*C. 'I lie flimrry Orator’s I II*!• NN hen I lie luillrnrr Wri*t Aleep. From the N* tv York Bust. The BepubtW an Flub sends *'spell hind er down •* the Bowery and over on Bast arepatgn, to teach the B*putll an faith md gather up the .titering voles that Tammany fall* t* secur*. And night after night, on the Bowery, the riff-raff *>f rti * street fibs put the whHe-bearded r. ant-flt-srmr, and setl.e itw If to rat* h an hour’s sleep, while the orators •a Ik of the flag aml national greatnei-s if iht speaker Is a "wordfislnter" sn*l m***lul;ite lux voi* * ording to elocu tmiuiry usage, the Bowery listeners sre tt*rtt; hut if he make great noise m l demand the constant Mention of his h* aiN-re. they are Irritated anl are likely * S4> filing* that bring down the re i. ik of \ii** o'd !>**rg iix-st-arms. A a.rn. stolid. r**uiwl-voW**hl Be|ublb an t-iM. at tb. flower) headquarter* last i. *;d. arid i’ tums-d out that he was the tight mm in the right place. The long t all, that one* held a s-aloon and rear t it bail, was - rnfortab.y filled with i*w ry type* l'r. n.iven, tllrly, with !*!**le.| hair ind ti * r.*l clothe- ihe mU dieti • see(Tied to have been picked up from railroad < n:inkmer;t * amp of tramp There wer* negroes and drunken Atrc r ne* m *s * atonal Jew. nnd half *z- i 1 Italians, t it mroit were Irish Firet th* * aim utismillng orator llkenM Mr. to the w* man who stopped a ower.v •ar n*l filled It with eleven chlb dren nd lot-* If Th* *ai*lu*tor appear ed t .i-k it these were all her children. •* t if it were h pirrik and the woman ar-w “ted Thex** .-ir* ell my children, and they ain't no picnic.” Bryan, said the orator, b* th** woman of the parable, and in issue*" are th* hildren. Winn ih** orator bn*! finished with fads *•'•1 irgum-nfh. b# pr*M'*-*dc-d to a*ldr*ss tl • orchestra on "our great ne.***, surpax*. Ing the dreams of th** greatest phlloso l*i. of <ii*tt ti • <• tt f wrought out by th* f • ir• -t f tn.:nhoo<l and woman h**o*l that have been lefelo|iel by the cul ture of centuries We are the final prod uct of :h** age".'* d< a red th*- speaker ’ Th*f* is no tar in th** lirnum* nt too high for the aspiration of the humtilext child tn the land." The speaker Im lieved that mi Is and fac. torles. running on full time, were Indi cations of national prosperity, but that "when you stop the mills of the country, you mik** m* n mod " Hold to the right view, and "from every hamlet hidden in the countless hill* of this l td* n wl 1 • ome tn** voice *f thanksgiving for the pros perity that will not be denied." Bryan, th** seemed convinced. Is a thistle, "blown ftom nowhere, good for nothing, aid desfinfd to be blown back into *'othiugb'se Also, the I‘emo. i.iii c.tndl ■i •• w is •I * dared to in* composed of the 1 iu mlcnl • 1* ments that produce the hur ri an* But the speaker could not stny. I must go to speak to another meeting t*>nigh.’’ he s nd. "hut w** must r# mem l*er t tot w- are the heirs of all the ages." Win he .os* and. and the chairman broke lnt ih* sil* nee with n voire pit hed in another ke\ the sleepers stirred and some men left the hall. A weazened little m n stood tip n*ar the back, blinking his •>• h-*d • > of the crus of "Hit down!" ' I ihm • 1 tn thoM it ill furt Im r ba k But dat guy out. <lon r let lum Interrupt 1* m* *Hi wa> the i*lvice to the ser*. c- mi ii-iirm'* from all parts of th*' hall, and a~ tlie < loe* y-buttoned “spellbinder" :i ;rri* I away to his next meeting, the • unfits*d llti.e man wf** bundled ou also, *ii*l advised not to dime !>ock 110 4 TOO I (.IA TO l.l\ E. Homely I otittßsfer Wanted to Join the inu**|i. From th** Bhlladelphia Ke or*l. rhlc .go. HI . <ct. .•>* IvOUls M f on. IS y*ar> .. I tried to end his lifo bectuse he I** ante < onvln. e*i that be w*h horn ly. unattractive. and Itecause his ♦-1 -*tw mad.* his f.i*iol fenturrs the obj rt of their ridi* tile. The boy also say* he w m ordered from Hie house because he was i*o*lsome a * other boys, and for this reason he and l*V 1 to <*utninM suicide. He purchH ed a Nvttle • ont.iinlng car *oli a *i.l ir*l told hie mother he was about to throw off hi earthly troubles and Join ilio angels above. Before he could raise the viil In hi 111*- Mrs M*>* n seized It *n 1 cktilrv.i him in the house until s policeman •- rived and to.k him in charge. When l e w.i arraigned before Justice Hahba h this morning he said: "My sister* arc ill very pretty, ind I am so lonely I am not like other boy**, i I my sister* always make fun of me Th* \ told me I w i" i>t as handsome a** -ome other iv>\ s t ,ey knew and for that n i-on th* v w* •• all cruel to me." Assistant ‘*itv Brc secutor Murray t o’< ihe toy in hand and questioned him closely. Ih you really be i* ve you ar*' so un attractive that you wi h to die?" h“ wax a k**i Ye*." was the reply. "I ain't like other boys." "Did you really mean to kill yours* If with th*- • arbollc acid**" “Genalnlv.” he answered. "Are you rot afraid !*• die?" • • N’* sir is iuse then I can Join the angels, anl I will be Just like them." .1 i-tico Fabbnth was puzzled and con jinu*hl further hearing until Monday. Vtixs blit l.l) M Hill HD BOM. w York JHster-ln-loiw Head French Inn Its Cinotl Effect. From the Bhlladelphia Record. Baris. Nov. 4.—Helen Gould of New York, has the reputation here of having Mhdtird ner high-flying bro*her-ln-lavv. < ount Boni and t'astellane. Miss Goukl st t;.lied up Ihe French Civil Code, nnd It w 7r she w ho persuade? her brother George to t ike formal action to have himself i mod tru."tee for his slmer. or "conoell j eh lire." ns It is call**! in Gallic law \ Gould family council was held, .it which Helen Gould presided. The debts, extravagance un*l foilles of the Fastel hiii-s were discussed In their bear log a upon the . <•!*!* of Jay Gould, of which t . brothers and ".stere are executors nn l trustees Then Helen Gould quote*! the following ft m Chapter 111 Book I, of th* Fret h Ode U civil Procedure ‘J*.. uB n: tft Cf*n bo prohibit tl from going to inw. compromising borrowing or receiving ipital. giving l.s*'htirge there fur. conveying *r mortgaging their prop er* y without the assistance of counsel, who shall ls' appointed to them by the Tribunal." • a*:**.;*rdenounces Americans for !>•- ng too gos|py and too fond of perso t ial xe*isa*!onallfm but finds consolation for *h* financial stoppsgs in the public at ri lon he has attracted, and In the f 4 ict hat extreme aristocrats like Pr'r -e Hen ri d'Orlenns the Prince de Pagan, ftadl- the Count de Dion and young Breseps have been put in the care of ".Judicial counsels." MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Matters of Interest to Shipping Men Generally. There Is <omp alnt by towboat * aptalne and others about the large numter of small boais which cross from Hut* >.n mjti * Island at nlgnt. and cannot ee n from passing raft In t:m** lo av< id •.an ger Lights would be a great help to those whose duty It is to k **; off small craft and would also Insure better pro tection to those who run ihe risk in cross ing in the dark. It Is the programme for the five reve nue cutters i.ow in |ort to pr eer| to-day for Havana, where they are to en er the revenue cutler service. Sail tonnage for long voyage continues In demand l>ut sultahl* a’e.-seis Case oil tonnage lo Ih** far East is I s-* urgently sought, md lower b d-* at** >ub mtited by shlpjvers Tonnag*- fo. S>uth Amorl • and W est Indlcf* tx itl mo<lc n demand Coaetwice lumber tales a e well sustained upon the basis of fj..'*', Br .ns wlck to New York. A knoll In the river near Seaboard slip No. 3 Is being dredged out by txmtractors t*iixriiiccr In vtrsni*llp* Passengers arrived here l ist night f o>n Philadelphia on*htp AJleghany K H* phei "on. Mrs Htephens.-'O. 8 Holeto H Coo|>er. J IV Henry. Mrs I Fr*emin end child. J. Thomas, Mi*. Thorn (Jeorge Lowry. It K (Jay*He. Jo *pu Archer. John Bumllin. Mvauuah Aliusnsr. Hun rises at 6 23 a. m and sets at 3: 3 p. m. High water a* Tyhee to-day at R 20 a m and R 44 p m High water at Savan nah one hour later. •*liN*s of (be .Moon for November. D. H. M Full moon 6 6 0 eve Last quarter 13 * 37 eve. New moon 22 1 1* morn First quarter 29 11 35 mon* Moon t>* rlgee. sth. Moon p>gre, 17th. 4itn i \ iv UVD DSFAKTUIIU Vessels Arrived Yesterday. An unknown foreign steamsliip arrived la t r Tv-liee nil an hor** I In the road ■an p Allei roiit r Phi odcl phla.— J. J. Gar .lan, agent A essels Went to Neat. Bark Norrskenett (Swr l), Nordquist, Rotterdam. S* uoofier John CJ. R hmrt lt, No. bury. Phllalelplila. S boon* r Oscar C. Schmidt. Peters a Philadelphia. s blp|ilna Meniornndn. Key \V. si. Fla . Nov. 7 —Arrive! steamers Concho, New York, aid sailed for Galveston; Olivette, Smlih. Ha van*, and sailed for Port Tampa; schooner H t -ti Darling, Thompson. Nassau. Charleston. Nov. 7 Arrived schoner yn ht Adele. Miller, New York, b med South America Sailed, steamer Madeline (Br.). Rismux sen. Coor is Manchester, Nov. 6,—-Arrive 1, s*earner Ardov.i, S.ivannah Algiers. Nov. 1— Arrived. at* amer S- aw fell, Pensacola for Venice. Notice to Mariners. Pilot charts and all hydrographic infor mation will be furnished masters of \* • sels free of charge in Fnlted Stat* s hy drographic <fh* , e in Custom House ( at tains nr** requested to call at. the ofh * Reports of wreck* and derelicts receive! far tran.>-mi slon to the Navy Depart mnt. THE WEATHER. Forecast for Thursday .in*! Friday: Georgia Fair Thursday and Friday, cooler Thuis*!ay In northern portion; fresh south to west winds. Lartorn Florsla—Fair Thursday and l’rldov. light variable wind-* Western Klorkta Fair Thursday ail Friday; light northerly winds. South Carolina—Fair Thurwlay an.i Fri day; cooler In northwestern r*orti*>n; fr* h southerly wlnda be*'oming w.-t. rly Yeaterday’s Weather at Savannah: Maximum temperature 3 00 I* m 77 degree* Minimum temp*r*tur© 7.>t a m 54 degrees Mean temferature 66degrees Normal temperature 61 d* gr* • * Kx*-ex* of temperature. .... .*l* gr**-* Accumulated excess since Nov. 1 40*legre*s A *'iimtiiat*d excess since Jan 1 231 degrees Rainfall .<*> Inch Normal **s inch Exce xn.n.'e Nov 1 2 17 In* he** Deficiency since Jan. 1 6 of inches lUver Report .—The hight of th* Savan nah river at Augusta, at Si m . iT.rn meildlan time), yesterday whs R.i feet, a fall of 13 foot during th* pre* < ling tvv n ty-four hours. observations taken at the sam- mom* m of time nf all stations. Nov. 7. 1900, R p m.. 75tli merldlnn time. NUM ** f r 1 i•• T V Boston, clear J 60 ; 12 90 Now York city, cl-ar 3 .u) Philadelphia, piiy ckly f*x 12 , .*st W ixhlngton city, ply edjr .‘a* L Nd folk, clear 3u j lo .00 Ila tt eras, clear €* it T Wiimmgtou, clear I 66 6 .no Gharloue. clear 6*> , 6 . KiiiilKti, . l*ar 6>> ; L j .00 ! Charleston, clear 6ft S .<n Atlanta, cloudy ; n O) Augttstw. clear 62 Savannah, clear 6< J, jn J tcksonvllle, clear ....... I 70 L t< Jupiter, ptly cltly 72 L .00 Key West, clear 76 6 im Tampa, ptljr cldy ?0 L .€0 Mobile. * *ar jr ; L . Montgomery, char *d B j <** Vicksburg. * lenr ♦<*’. L ( w N* w Orleans, clear 7< L Galveston, clear 70 j L .(* Corpus Chrlsti, clear 72 6 .* Palest Ink, clear j 72 L .(> Memphis, clear 6< J .*• Cincinnati, ptly cldy 44 L do Pittsburg, cloud)- 41 \ 4 tij Biiffak*. cloudy 42 6 j .*4 Ifetroll. cloudy 42 10 .00 Chicago, cloudy 36 12 .*2 Marquette, nowing 2ft 12 .2X St Biul ptly < Iy j >, 'P Davenport, cloudy 1* k ,c St. luis. clomty 32 10 .00 Kansas City, ejear 4ft ft T Oklahoma, clear 3ft j 12 ,*d Dodge City, clear 54 L .00 North Blatte. clear 46 L <■> H B. Boyer. I/x’n! Forecast Official. —Farmers who susialned I >?s by reason of a break in the lev* * . near Portage. Wls . are preparing to sue that ity ond Caledonia for damage.-, a t*st case will be brought against th* latter place, and If U shall Iks successful many more will follow. % A TONIC Horsf jrd s Acid Phosphate Half a teaspoon in half a gtaos of water, refreshes and invigorates the entire system. A wholesome tonic.# Gaaaia# bun hub. Houroan'i on wrapper. Did You Ever Know any one who smoked the same kind of Five Cent cigar any length of time? Five Cent cigar smokers are always dissatisfied —always trying something new—or something differ ent, as there always seems to be some thing w rong about the cigars they have been smoking. Ask your dealer for Old Virginia Cheroots They are always good. • Three hundred million smoked this >er. Price, 3 for 5 cents. Learn a Profession Without Going Away to College or Leaving Home or Quilling Work. WHAT YOU NEED tor complrt# ucc*ot In Ilf# I, on# of 4h# T#n Fr## Soholnruhlpg In T>> • Corrrsiiondenc# Schools of Scranton, I'a which 111# MOR'.. j ING NEWS will present to 4he ten peraons having the most votes by N> I ! a tlhrr all th# Volin* Coupons you can nnd w.n on# of th# i'rn Fr## B#hol ir- a rhlp- nam'd b#low. Through one of tt#m you can qualify for a GOOD a. * art.d position, and not losa a day from work or leave your home while elu .. - j tng. | 1 MKCHANfCAf. ENGINEERING. 2. ELECTRICAL, ENGINEERING tlncluding Complete Electrical Outfit ) S ARCHITECTCRF 4 CIVIL ENGINEERING. h. SANITARY PLI'MBINO. HEAT ING ANTi VENTILATION. HOW TO VOTE. Cm out the attached Voting Cou pon, and mail.or bring It to the bu.- tn# s office of th# Morning News, Savannah. Ga. Each Coupon must bear th# name of the person for whom you wish to vote. TELEGRAPHIC MARKETS. (Continued from Ninth Pag# )_ im a - • c.ieh quotation# w#r# a# follow#: flour, ■ Ind m. I m.'■h.ingr-l. No aprin* h.n. . No •: red. t . No. 2 corn. , No 2 vellow. ~• No- - “•"*■ * ' ■ No J wht.#. . No. .t whltr. fair to ‘'no!' • malting barley. I . No t flax ##ed. II No 1 North western II 7S: prim# timothy “#—t !• l • , in* . t*rk. |***r tvirrid. $11.2.*. tar*l. per ton |>ound#. V <&'■>’ ••-#. #hor rt:* #1 to# tioo.ei p\ vvrn: . dry sailed #nou'.d> r#. lUtsedl. M(W| short clear sides, (boxed). p:,o‘mt'.T'i, wtiieky. f*.i*l of high in#s. $1.27, clover, rarntra I grot''#, SIO.OO. Tt:# tti. hop of I.tverpoot lio# lerued a n> • * .:•• of rule for contirmatlon. ll# *l#|r that girl should refrain from th# m# of |*.i k i nr In It # hatr. a# th# pres *n* ■* of r>i ti pin# frequently results tn I i# Hldi 4*'. linger.* t* tf.g lacerated dur-. It's th# "living on oT har ts." II IS ABSOLUTELY FREE iE : IT DON’T CURE. i c b,| i % I ./W Cr rsf tt \ mm Am,* g-ULi: m ]p Will sell vou Smith’s Chill and Fever Tonic, and if it does not cure they will gladly refund the amount you paid for it. Look for the Red Triangle on each pack age. Office B. A Galloway, General M* r har.dlse, M 1111.10*1. Fla, Oct. IS. 1500 To Whom 11 May Concern; I have tw*#n e* ttr.g Hmlth'a e'hill and Fever Tonic tor Ih# past year and have also used it in my own family, and have found tl to do all that Is claimed for It Yours truly. 11 A GALLOWAY. IIWSION'S OK STORES, BUIL and CONCRESS and 309 BULL ST , PHONES 21.) and ,)J. JOHN G. HI TLER. -Di.AX.fclK IN— Faints, Oils and Glass Hash, Doors Blinds and Bu.ldcrs Supplir. Plain tnd D , eor .. tive Wall Paper. Foreign and Demesne Cements. Dim*. Plaster and Hair Bole Agent foe Ahestlne Cold Water Paint ID Congress afreet, west, and IP Bt. Julian "•reel. west. 6 CHEMISTRY 7. COMMERCIAL BRANCHES. S MECHANICAL DRAWING, llncluding Complete Drafting Outfit) ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING. (Including Complete Drafting Outfit j 10. ORNAMENTAL DESIGN. | 'lncluding Complete Designing Outfit.) VOTING COUPON. Name St. and No Town IT. 11 Of HOPI R'T MO & 8l AT m 111:111 u: tho rate atahim eKauf.l rat raf rafa'.t tor Isle <>f Hof a*. Montsoim ry, Thtimlit •git. C*uk Park and Watt Bod. I'.iftv . x.-f-pt Sundays Subject „ 1 without noil-.■ ISLE UK HOI’K* l* v - City for lof H J.v, of 1 f<>!■ ~ t> 3) 11m from Trn’h AO9 am for It .Hon 7 .10 am from Tenth | Ai> am for Tenth 1 ** am from Tenth 7no am for T.nth 515 am from Itoiton *on amf or Tenth lo .10 am from Tenth in lit am for Tenth 12 00 n'n from Tenth 11 00 am for Bolton 1 15 pm from Holton 11 3: am f. r Tenth 230 pm from Tenth 2topm f. r Tenth 3so pm from Tenth 24a pm for It. I ton 4 :>i pm from Tenth 3 01'mi for Tenth 33i pin 110 m Tenth 400 pm for Tenth 6 3<> pm from Tenth Ato pm for Tei in 780 pin from Tenth 7to pm for Ten h *3O pm from Tenth 800 pm forTemh *3O pm from T. nth 9 it) pm for Ter ’h lw 30 pm from Tenth lo on pm for Tenth MONTYSO.WBRY Lvcity f..r Uongfry Lv. Mot tg 1 r> 880 am from TVnth |"t uTatin for Tenth 330 pm from Tenth Ir. pm for Tenth A3O pm from Tenth j 6 tin pm for Tenth CATTLE PARK Lv city for Cat. Park Lv. Cattle I'.rs A3l am from Holton 7Oh am for Bolton 73D am from Holton 800 am for Bolton Ino pm from Holton 130 pm for Bolton 230 pm from Holton Ju pm for 1: it at 7 !•' pm from Holton 788 pm for Belton 5 W pm from Holton | 8 so pm for ft lt 11 TIfCNDERHOLT. Car leavoit Holton street Jur.-’ "n 1* 1 a m and every thirty minutes : wreaft' until !l:3hi. in Car leaves Thunilerholt at 6 hi a m • ■* itery thirty minutes thereafter u"' 12 hi mMnhtht. for Holton street Jut e tlon. FREIGHT AND PARCEiTc.XR This rur carries trailer for pa *‘ r ’ on all trips and leaves west sl<l> ■'( v market for Isle of Hope. T ami all Intermediate points at ;• 11 nl -1 00 p. m . 5 rti p m leaves Isle of Hope for Thund- rb t. City Market and all Intermedia!" f * at 6:00 a. m . 11:00 a m , 2:40 p. tn WEST END i’AH. Car leavas neat side of city market !‘ ir West End Ohio 11. m and every 1 thereafter during the day until 11 ’■ m Leave* West End at A.3) a. m " 1 ' ’ ery 40 minutes thereafter during t:: >D’ ■mill 12:00 o'clock midnight 11. .M LOFTON. C.en Mr Bone Meal For Chicken Feed and Fertiliser. NITRATE OF SODA Invaluable for "home-mixed" fert !•*' The chraiy-st and most concentra 1 01 the market. Bend for particulars HAY, OR Aik, COW FEED, lilts' ,7r< • SEED OATS AND RYE T. J. DAVIS. •phone 223 118 Bay atre. : * r STOPPED THE COUGH. Prather's Tar and Cherry toufh Cure 25c. DONNELLY DRUG CO. xr TOU WANT GOOD MATERIA and work, order your lithographed •** printed stationery and blank book* f'o - News, Savannah. Go.