The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 10, 1900, Image 1

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the morning news ... v nir utf - 1* 1 | H BSTIM. I’reiid^n, REDUCE war taxes \%n MEAN* < OMMITTEE TO l \l\r THE MATTER I P. army must be provided for. Inr M'NT MILITARY’ EmLIH. nIT ro HI EXTC^DED. pm? nr Claims it NV ill Be !mpolhk in liftloof ibr tl*f of thr Army | mil Ihr Philippine Hrbrlllno | ft, rr - Thr Foregoing Mraiurn V ith the Hen|nrllnnmrnl. Blip nnd Men mg on I mini Hills, Mill Keep COHgrfM Hu*). Wagington. Nov 9 Representative Sr r*r * Pj>r* of N#w York, hairman of the Wa and Mean* Committee, the recog ader of the RepuMl< an f‘*rc# or. the fhw *f the l|ou*e, called at the White this morning and ho i a long con cur * . with the Vrr ident relative o the .\ik of the romlnt session of COB * fee > , re nit of to-day's conference. Mr pavi ♦ ,-tated that he will a call for • Republican members of his rom mu’- ?<* meet In this* city the 3>th ln*t o map out a legislative programme for this approaching >hort session Th*-i* ire appeals from various quar ters for a repeal, or at le.isi a reduction, of th- war taxes, aid that subject will be r r sldered by the committee The l*resi lent and Mr I'ay fie agree that the burden of taxation should he lift'd front the "bonder* of the people shcrtvtr It is feasible The most urgent demand i> tnad* for the repeal of the war tax on mortgages r*a; estate transfer* and i-om mervial paper Mr Payne says it is probable that s>me relief in that direction will he rerommend ed hv rht committee, and there Is a pos sibility of some legislation along that line How deep the cut will be Mr Pavne was unable. lo eatlma’e. There t no disposi tion 10 Impose aMitionai taxation egeept -o much a* may le necessary to meet *he legitimate demand* of the govern ment A general reduction tinnot. In the opinion of Mr. Payne, take plat* while the complications exist In the Philippine*. Tle Military Ktshllhment. Home act .on will be necessary during the coming session to provide for continuing the present military establishment Mr I’syne says there'can be n> material re duction in the army unless* then |s * sudden collapse of the rebellion Hi th* Philippines during the neat sixty and neither he nor ihe President regard* ’hat a probable from present Indication*. " he present increa*e In th# army is only provided for until next June, .md it will l- ne essar> to make eoane provision for rmulc.g tbr present force beyond that S* #. iere are several other important me*** % to be considered during the short r* -Son In addition to the annual appro* it ion bills. One of the interesting msw* * to b considered is a g neral re-ap j p ttonment bid, which Mr. Payne aays * old t*e taken up. and a vigorous effort 1 Ih* made to secure its passage These together with the Nicaragua bill and the river and harbor bill, ' h i'liuuml pair ilir prunir, Will. •<< judgment of Mr Payne, furnish im -1 w.rk for the short session. H U'H OI •*!•: lb H ITIFIED. ■tdinlnisfration Think* Filipino Mar Mill Noun Pnd. Washington. No*-. 9.—'Two of the thr*# I** - to-duy*a cabinet session lasted * occupied In a db iiMton of foreign * • rs. necessitated In port by the fact * tiie President Intends to exhaustively on this subject in his forthcoming t age to Congress feretue was mad* io the expression* i iortims of the European pres* that 1 ruied States |o|lcy regarding China * : ! undergo a marked change tmtnedl • after th# election.and It is euthorl • ly annotin* ed that after a most rx iv# review of every **tep of the t'hi lifbciiHy. from Its Inception up to l ’♦•sen i moment, delivered by Bee re- Hay, the cabinet ratified every de ' 1 • -<1 moreover unanimously expressed •lament that the |*>licy so far pur f 1 dnuld be continued wphout change ' logics I conclusion "idlngly, the present b-gatlon guard * 'Kin wdl le maintained .usl such • vet i '•m.iiti to be withdrawn, tu u to the onglnai programme, will :*e t Manila With this addition ’ ' f-Ti e, Gen. McArthur is expected to w 'us * ntii|a gi. against the rebellious -with th* grealegt energy ' ministration officials-' has* *Jjlnk that * a- the result of ‘ tfie* election be* kti wn throughout thr Philippine* • iMaiue to the authority of fh# i Stales w ill I># overcome. I'OVr.ib PKAMHIAMIP. *he Report of lllreelor tirnrrnl \ ellle at Manila. • rgtor., Nov 9 - Recent develop f the postal service In the Philip* ’ reported lv Director General of '"cilia In (.uinmumcattou* Just re* ■> the Poat office Department Re* the cen>or*hip of th* malls, th* General says (Jen. Mi Arthur l> ord w th him on his contention •' 1 > n.*orshlp "hall be rrsorted t* ►‘••cf Hl>*oltite necessity He ay ' been and will be no friction br • po- | and military authorities queadon. He recognises, how* *t ocvaaiona may orlw’ where cen • * 1 tb.'oluffly ne**esary and has ■tructinn* that officers of the rvir. shall in every way astlal military. 11 .* rio> l\ PORTO HU o. 1 r,|, r "! Wlilirtrsw and Repahlleana Tank H*er*thlua. hltiftmi, Nov. 9 —The Secretary of * r* <nved a dispatch from Gov t ’ ' R°fto i: co. announcing that the iM***d off with entire quiet and ifty*#dght thousand vote- were • •**rl v oil Republican The federal* w st the | **t moment. an*l cast w vo e* Degetan (Repuhltcani was t m commissioner. Every member of ‘•litur |* Republican. The Leg *- .4 tu mett vu Lt.. 3. jlatrannal) IBornin^ T ILKs OP THE IICTORI. Would Hill Man Who said Me Would He Preald*tllnl 4 andldate Near York Nov. >-iUnai.g llanna. chairman of the National Republican Committee, arrived here to-dav from Cleveland. He said to a reporter. "The people of this country were over* whelmirgty In favor of -ourd money, law and order and a emit in nation of that f*>| icy which atands for prosperity. I a:not ism and loyalty' to the hag were strong factor* In this ampaign. and that, to gether with he aid of (hose who ar* gen erally termed wound money Democrats* or Gold remo-rat*s but whom 1 ail Ameri can citisen*, a i combined to bring about this result. Nebraska wa the greatest \lc*m> of all We made a hard ftght In that ?iate. we went for it for all we were worth, and whlia we did our utmost and for the best we did not expe*-t to carry It. I We ba\> carried Kentucky arul we hn%' not yot gl\*en up hof*c of recet\lng her eie< orai vote and we do not proi**se to give up. "MVe have carried the state and we pro- I'ose to tight for it "How aiout rwnpt in *h*- cabinet Ren* ator" wis asked of Mr Hantia "You won't get a word out of me ahmit cabinet position# I have nothing to say about that Tl 1’ none of my atiair " Mr Hanna s attention s;c called to the fat that Senator Ifi*ew h.*l *f* ! the m •urrtM’tUm should be put down in the Philippines at, tn> matter how much money and men it would require to accom plish this *nd and was a*k-l for hie opin ion on the subject lie replied "I think the .nsurrei ion will evaporate almost at once,but if it should not. 1 think w can .ife|y leave th*- nutter In the hands of th*- President "It has been announced that you are a candidate for th*- pre*yk n< v in 19D4 "If I find the man who started that re port I will kill him 1 won t talk about that or allow anyone el-e to do so. It I# too absurd. -Do you mean to say von would decline th*- nomination If it were tendered you?** ••Well, something very like it. Rut I don't wish to discuss that at all It is too foolish." PRESIDENT A\*WEH* !IH\ W He Thanked Him and Extended Ills i .n**l Wishes. Washington. Nov. 9. —President McKin ley to-day answered Mr Brv.m's m*'s*ge of congratulation n following dis patch: • "Executive Man-ion. Wash r.gton. N’o^•. $ HOD—Hon W J Bryan. Lincoln. Neb.: I acknowledge with cordial thank" your mes"age of congratulation and extend to you my good wi*he "William McKnlley " Mr Bra in s mcs i* to the President reached Canton after Mr. McKlnely had started for Washington nnd was forward ed to him hr- SPEAKER lb IJKMOCR ATM*. I, on den Paper Thai Deprecates Mr. tlr* nil’s Enllnre. London. Nov. The Rpeaker. te-mot row will "% "The thing" which are uppermost are that man is the -lave of the dollar Thai seems to 1>- the chief Impression convey ed by th* victory of Mr M K , ' |, y Toe veriest tyro must know ’hat the party Mr t'roker leads in New York must b** far from an ideal party. But what is rather absurdly called Bryanlsm. ami what might better be called the n* w Democracy. does vaguely represent an effort to ralst (h* American reiaibll - to better standard of life,to remind the people of the idealism from which the republic wa# bom to curb the dxngerou? tower of orgjiilyJ capital and to make Bepublk’an Institution* square with th*- principles cf liberty ad equality, and wlot is good In th* politics of Mr Bryan will remain. It is Mr Bry in s per sonal ty is a c.ifld 'date for President which *li!-p|>e.irs. for the simple reason that the aggression of the monnpoll*s is • i-rtain to b*-e*>tn*' rnor* tyrannical an*! more Insolent every' dnv Materialism Is riding mankind ?n the l nlted States a** in Europe." t OM.ItEM |\ M \|>RID, South \ merlean Deleaafra %re Meet- In \\ itli |aln. Madrid. Nov 9 Th*- preliminary ses sion of the Spanish-American Congress i opened to-day. About thirty South Amer ican delegates have arrived a tut the re mainder are expected to-morrow and Sun- ! day Portugal will be represented an*l all th*’ South Amerlc in republics, except Bolivia, ww* .*--epted t*e uivitatiotiN S|Kiin will not have pr* lornin nc, as each state represent*-*! ha** one vot* . The new.•papers here warmly welcome the delegate- Thev declare th- fongres*. Is pa cl lie. that Spain has no egot Ist leal sentiment and desires to be nobody's KUjrdlon It a Id* I that it is not a que tlon of aillan • -but of something grand er She and the* republics onlv wish to draw r|oer their Intellectual and oommor ' dal relation" .♦* , \ It K IN >E%V % liHK. startling E% Idvare Will lie Present ed In the Mayor. New York. Nov. 9,—Thr Tribune will *ay to-morrow It aas reported yesterday that the evi dence which has been collected lo ui>- jiort the harge- acalnst the police In the intrude against vice in the district ei*c % .if the Row* in * mi omp 4 ete and of such startling character t nit I: wd; au * • gr*at commotion In th* city wn* n it is made public. There if sokl to be lull ln . .... has been protected by the pollc* ami per mit e*l to upread Into many houses in ih*‘ district; how much money his teen !*ald for such protection gnl w o h*v been . onceriKd In Hi*- |*ayments. eviden* e, It 1* said, will not I** presented until for mil .Ainrge* have been sent to the Mayor :.y Bishop IVUter llrpahllcaws i lain* i onrsMin*a. TANARUS p* ka. Kn.. Nov 9- R publicans now dm tip - el* ■ !lOtl Of 4 M \\ heatly t'l c ongress from :he Third District by n plurality of ten without the vot* of the -oldiers now serving In ti*e Philippine* \ hi*di they say will be largely for him Yi s give the Republl* an* a solid dele i, h ion in Congress | rrrrll to Itr EleelrorwfeU. Marysville. <. No> 9—Judge Melhorn 1 thp afternoop overruled ih* motion for a trl.i jil -nn. • 1 Ko*l)n l>rr*ll ,o I-* rl<- tr n Krktay. March l. for i!-r mnr lr of L-n. 1 Aue S I-* 1 - i SAVANNAH, GA.. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, UHH>. WILL BE A CONTEST lir.Pl RLIC'AY* W 11.1. MlKfi PIGIIT FOR HBVrtrKY. DEMOCRATS CARRIED STATE. OI'KIt lAI. (OUT < (NV)T MITE. lIIALn ( H(\(.E REII tT. tomb* Claim* There Have Been Frauds niil aa>a % fhc Staffer Will Re Taken Into the 4 uri*-onr 4 nnnli %er4u*|> Iffrclrd Hr 4 arc lr Work off Flrrilon tlfftclala. Hriiuhllcnna Mon (hr % ofe off Ne braska. I>u1vl!le. Ky . Nov. 9 —With unoffi al returna from every precinct in Kentucky the < "on Tier-Jou rna I puts linan i major ity at 7.*S‘* and Beckham* mi 4 IK*. The county ho.irda cativmod the re turn* In every county In *hr at He to-day anl lUiy counilii out of the 119 front which oft! al return* have been received to-night did not mntrnaly chaVge the inn Jorl:!t*s stated There b no doubt that the full offi *ial return* will vary somewhat from the un official figure* It Is hardly possible that the majorities of 7.636 and 4.110 will he wiped out. howe\**r. uni*.* the linexpect- d shall happen on the • ountle* whi r* the return* are not in. 4 dirts hkrri lo 'lnke \rlloii. Pexmgton Kv.. Nov. 9 —Oaxelaas nark by election officer* nrvv affict the whole vote of this county and already the ro'iru have leen asked to take .i Hon. Asa r* •tilt of the laud of the countv *;*rk to furnish to election officers iiu|4l(Mti‘ firm* for certifying the rr turns. In several nre efttets the only official ertlftcato o' th vote is locked up In ballot Im)x which under the law cannot le opened for sdx month* A mandamus ha* been gint*d dlrectlhir the o|*ntnff of one of the bov.w to-day. Th*- board of election commis sioner* may tr> to invatu the vole. 4 4 Inlnm I’rautl*. I<otiisvllle. Nov. 9 Uflie (‘amN* chair man of th* Republican Campaign 4'omiQlt te. to-night mat n statement concern ing the Kentucky election in which he **\ the . ontmittee ha- discovered great fraud* perpetrated b> the Democrat?* in various s-4asns of the slot* Me enum erate* spe iftc m-w of alleged fraud find conclude* "There |s no question that if the face of the returns fall to show Yerke* cle tlon we can make spec the exposure* that • ill show he ha* been defeated not by r in ijorltv of th*‘ voter** tn Kentu-'ky. but by the fraudulent U*e of the advantage given the Democratic party by the Goebel election taw." *ald Hr Would Conical. t'huirm m Leslie I'nrnba nn nouncrd hU purpose fo>dn y to rofMeflC th** r’<<ion| vote of the ttr and to nw ihM congressional ronUMt are institut**! bv the iHtaird Repifthlt an candidate* in tn* Third. Ninth 411 U Tenth district- Mr Comb* *aM "There * no question that Yi*rkn car ried the prate by a plurality of vole* -**t It will t.k#* the ount to nhow how many ballot* were not count 'd hy the prearrang'd |la up of the l'<mn mu to reduce Verkop vote When it is r* allied that ten vote* to the precinct Kata.- over 18,000 votep In the Mai* It con readtlv be ***n that tHl** number of votep could have been soiled by- the IVtn'vrutlo ’arty lit each precinct without affecting: public ordninn by the open ruilbi nlsm and disregard of apiaramnce* which •'em rolled their a•- tiOO in I*W The theft* of this year air, In my opinion, greater than last \*ar J desire to make no rirtt’loii* cotitett, but If the fart* are now as we believe we will ennteat the eje< coral vo • of the *iatc of Kentucky.*' A* to th* congressmen. Mr. Comb •aid: \\ •- believe Mnpt wp* Ple tH over Rhea In the Third District. that N L Hopkiti l * defeated J H Whit* In the Tenth and that Samuel J Pugh defeated J N K* - hoe in the Ninth We In il* v< that their election will be pbown on the fae of the official return*. bu If the cottMVMPPlofter* fad to count the billot* that were not counted by the officer* of the election, we •hall certainly onteM HKIM I>h UI.T U:ilM Wh %. They Klwcted Ton ( ting reiinten nml the llentorrnla lour. m Omaha. Neb Not 9. AiinoM complete return* giv* McKinley plurality in N>- brawka of over T re Republican Ptate ticket I* apparently ele. t*d by from l.fyrf) to The llepubii* an* elect congressmen in the Finn and Second districts, the fusion Iwt* In the Third. Fourth. Fifth and Sixth dlatrtrta The Ufltlaturf, the return* on whieh are not yet returned, will probably stand Senate, !:4*ohl>> in* I>. fusion**!* !#i; vacant 1. Hou*e, Republicans 51. fu slonletß W lilt l %w >m \T 1.0 111 M IX*. Vl*- Will Moke n Statement to the people in a Ken liny*. lJncoln. Neb Nov S -Mr. Hryan i* in r** rip* of many request* for n at.item* n concerning hi* future plan* and hi* at titude on public qurptlone m view ot Tuelay e result. H** IntlitMted t*-d.v t‘ !• would I'efore long enlighten the public fully, but for the prexni ie bal pr.iate matter* which demanded hi* a - Mr Hryan Mild to-day he rntcht no? ac. company Col Wetmor* n lu- hinting trip In the Osurk mountain Hip health I* good and he doe* in* feel the need of •u h . trip Me al Ihe pad been nwav from IJnenln *o mn h r*c#ntfy he fouh I hi* *>wti imme afforded h.m the be*- op portunity for re*t % Hi m 4 111) M %J(IHI1 V. I tnh I nine 1 rry N*r (•nbiu to the flrtMoernt*. Salt l^ak* - l*tnb Nov 9 - The returns from the ptate, which are now practlea ly cmplete. reduce tle majority I Hut he lp n*l Republican. over King Detnocri . for Congress, to l’*a than *)>' The ie turn* *how that King ran con*'derably abend of the remainder of the lrmocutlc ticket standard oil Mill Rlilnu. New York. Nov 5-Handard 0:1 certlfl* ate* mad* a t.ew hgh water m*ik to day, ibiU fi at u*v. < HIM SR 9 RLUm VtnoH. Telegram Neat ly l>e|ra**e In the Frrnrfc %ml**ekor. fan*. Nov V The Chtne— veltow book, which was distributed It Parliament t - day show* that early In M.i h M pe • casse the French minister of for* Ign af fair urging a omblu* t naval *i*roon Stratton in Mew 04 the .tsuatlon In t’hlna. • opposed by • tnajnt of th- Foweia* lari Salisbury saving that m view of th uncertainty it was preferable to let t e •11 uiiihNt ripen. pointing *hii that the gov ernment of la* rnxwi States had slu t ly *le Jared I? w* .Id tw4 parti*. gMte tn .4 na val dcim>ti>tiatfto. which was ivmtraty to Its policy M cam bon OCI June A imported a conver Nation wnh Reereffary llav, win* -aid Minister <'onger wa* Only m*#ruoie*| to do wiiat was essential lo protect Amerh m Interest.- Mr ton ger dd no dw tre 1 amalgamate hta action wnh that o. ill Kuro|*ean l*osrer Tie most Interesting ih*ialoh In the U#ok to Amer.cau* is th* telegram which M IVlease.- m m 10 the French imbuM <ki* at \\ aahtmrtav and vt* rsburg. f* pt. 13 ms follow* Th* ambassador of ibe Vnlted Htaies at m> re<epth*> yesterday. Was pleased to r * oil that *tm the cocaine nceowm of • flairs in **l4m. Frat.ce, Hus la and tin -I'idled States have -ie**d together in p**r f* 1 agreement. lie licved thut this a* id wJll be maintained and that th* I*i..fed Rtatro will rttire from I** klr. 0© the -Mine .ondtun.s as France and Hu seta 1 told Gen Porter tha. the manifestation n/ rhis continued accord mas calculated to 1 affluen* e the dwflnftlv** resolution** off th* oil/ 1 Powers. Sin'll I* the Opinion "f *en #*< rter. who l*elie\es JalSMt will he thr j first to follow the example.*' OKI-'l< I\IA U F.HK Finn TEfl. leaders *ff Rebellion at Pao Tlg Kta I'm to Heath. Fvkln Nov . via Shanghai. Nov 9 j Four of the .*w*!ing officlala of f’ao Ting ! fti. Including Ting Yang, the anting vice roy of fe t*hl Id. and Oon Kuei Ming were execut'd Nov & unde* the aenleti h Imposed by the tribunal of the allle*. Renewed report* of the Je*th of the Kmpres# Dowager are in circulation but they lack verlfl *ation ind are ike'-redlie.! 4 lilnes.- ’I twrreadered 1/Xi.lon, Nov 9 -A sff**-* >al dlspat* h , from Tien Tsiia, dated Nov 7. •• a\ h a det.-hmen4 of Italian froraw re turning lo Pekin Intercept'd thre* bat j t a lions of t’hineiK' ner kun An listen The latter surrender* 1 without firing a •hot. A l)I\ out v: O%W*IM M \ . %n % llegcd IVofriMilontil I n-Hr lionilrnt I mice 4rret. N**w York. Nov 9 -Henry 7.letn*r, a liwver. and i man kn*wn a* Frank Wil son. a cigar maker. w*ra atrrwef to-day on 4 charge of conspiracy defeat and *jl tru<*t th* end* of juglre. It 1* allegtd thai tn threa separate di \*orce raarri Zietner ha* afk^.i red *P coun pel for the fCainttfr ar.t bal Wllemv who ■ muter a **■> rent •un n #ach iwau. apataaroU wp ifym |ofnci|wt witn-P* for the Hatmtff amt brut tiled that the *tt- I tut cry cauee for the dl%*on *■ Imml fern *mmHted hv the defendant The two in* n wrrr held tn F .'••* I*ail fw ifl^i With the me* there waa a treated a * ruing wcarii.n who give* the<> <*f Mary II Tommklna She wap committed to the hou*** of detent on, where *he will be held a* e wltnee* I The woman I* t*obl by the detedlvea In the • or to ie h professional o-reppOfd itit ' According to the <} tcctlve*. t**raonp mi* m certalti divot • action* and in thl* way caeep were tri* • I and *ett!e*l without ; • J. >jJ a-1-rulait* Icon Klim nr Ihi'tn until ihn tmiKlln* d<i ii i>f 11<* i!tw. Thf poltrr look min . utl.xly Mr*. Herrick, who ** *'< i h- r hu hnnd tor divnr' 1 -. Th, trrul wit MMilr nft * wairaivi l by Rnunlw t tofT, al thf waiuf - both. In Hrooiilyn (HtMtbHH II T'fcMt* l*t TIKI. hta,<* atat**M,tit I 'row th, *,nnt, Vrnni Irw llam|*hlre. t'on ord N H . Nov 9 Senator 4*nan dler to-eight iPtued signed defena# agMiret the criticism* of Railroad <!ommi*- Honer Henry M l*utney. Senator t’han • Her give* a full account of hi* |er*lPtent effort* to *C. lire It; c'ongrepp anew *t*. I ration that International blmetaliism t* .1* druble He give* • opie* *f two never i*efore male public une |* the | let nr of Ide 17. l!ei from the .ommltte* of the Senate caiwu*. eigiuat by Senator* Hoar. *tiai dler, t*epr an*l Carter an* taken by Senator Wot ott th* airman of t;e mm mlttec. to Mr. McKinley at Canton Mr Mi Kmley'p letter tn reply i* dated |>e - N, and *av I am anxious to bring about an inter national agree in* nt ml ar r\ out. if vo slble. the pledge of our platform tn that i*eha!f IOM M \M 4 Oltt. %MX BTIOV lllplioi* rotter*' % lewa With M. M nr.; to l.nlinr Kalla. Washington. Nov 9 Hl*hop Henry <!. j Potter of New York teetlfled to-dav be i fore the Itniowtrlal Commlaalon lie paid I he had more confidence in voluntary ot* j gafiliation to meet evil* that griw out r.f the *wcuhop ayptem than In legi*Ui!lan lb- advocated a permanent communion to rnellnte between c.tpltnllata and or ganfiatton* He w * disinclined to favor cofnpu.aory arbitradon laibor. he *a*i. .• not well rewur.led voluntarily bv any one. Thnt was the keynote of the dtbor t|Ues f i ion. M HI H\F.I. 1 riit*-p<i Met anil \oted to Hcplnce It Imnirrllafrb. South Itend Ind Nov 9 Fire, which j started a'ut S o'clock ibis afternoon In tlie gvmn.pium of the Pnlveralty of Notre lam completely •le-troyed the structure Two alarm* ln. but all the fire, men coubi do wns to |*mir t oljoinilig structures The bulMlnc M a *f *ief and brick and w< ft* of to* l**-et ollege xymnaeiums In th* 1 workl. While the flame* were still raffing th* university trustees held a wedon and \<te*| to ■•- plate the structure another gym nasium Portion *f n I<*ml > Knuml. N*w York Nov 9 A portion of a man's body was four. ! in the ruin* of the T*tr i rant A Cos. building to-day The find con* ■deled of a head, trunk one hand and a foot The iiody i* to Is that ; -)f Patrick ffenie*sv of Hoboktn. N J who was emtdoyed at a portet for Kp pens. Smith A Wlefnann t’o. coffee deal -1 era, and whu haw been r. ported PUTTING ON SCREWS 'll IT TWI-T THK '!H*r 1-0 l i in r it* mom r-r. ONE CENT A POUND INCREASE. 9tE(NN %N NI %L kill TO PH hilts OF Paeker* 4 lalar The? Have Brea 'rlliii* llrportl 9|rafa af a I•• The Frier of aflte, itoweacr. tta* Not Wee n I in* reward-—4 laimrtl That the Idxßnre Was .Inatlfled h? 4 A|- •I 14 loti a and 4 omlrk Nflrr .|er4lo Un Onl) € o-l Mcitleit*'e. Chl ig' Noy 9 A flat increa-e of one % cent a pound was put up on b* rf. pork arid milttrm f*-d.y by Chi ago pa kers In one year ttr gykititonal cent will yield to th* Chicago packer#, basing tha sail mat** upon lost year a bustneas the fol lowing sum- Dr res*.| beef. ir.,4naw dressed poi k ♦ i.*l pork ptsiuct9. Ou NW,- <9i. mutton, ft <*•••*. Total a.Mitton ;n Unconi* - U*.nlk,(W Tin- Chruni 1* to-morrow w.ll tgv K#aii*rs of mea> w*re mmsp into a pane bx tn# un* xi**-te*l r.**- hi prices In th# .njjuetnt'-nt of price# to the consum ers choice cut of t**-#f liove gone up as much as 5 cents. |e*rk tenderloin jumped t* •!*• sum* extent atsi mutton i'hOf> w• nt up 7 cents The odvan r !*y Hi* i#i k*r." is mot* tmn P* i*r catit on h# price of th* *Kn before election Th** a*l 'on * by the rr:.*ier ts th# * onsuni* r wiii averog# % per cent The fsackera claim they have l***n sell ing dreasej meat# at a loss fH M-veral years In "lx month# 9he prlt% of meat stuff", has g*n# up pet 1 po*mds. In the |*rlc* of i tl*. hogs and sh**v. Repr aenfottves of th# pa- k#rs In * harga of th* dt#"a**l meat de|tarim*n' #*> tha advan* * ** JU'tlhe I Hy tbe #enlitions of trnl# and imp* on the b**l of the election lr but a coincidence Ul M <Ml|> mi. DF.4 IhlON. N% kwt the Xpert a tor Bmtm of Mr- Klaley’e F'.lrrflaii Ixmdcn. Nov 9 The Bpc tutor will sa\ to-morrow The whole world ha# be#n Interested this lime in the ele#tkgi of an Ameruan President, and justly, for It concerns th# wtiol* world W# do not H \n true, b* Iteve t bat Mr Hryart. If ele#te*i, could have pur tw#k fh# clock and compelled the Airerlrans to atter and excius v* tv to th*ir •kisufii' affairs Circumstances ar* Stronger than the teaching of the founders of ihe public, and % rich pe,r>.|a of seated on the Atlanta .ivl Pax Iffc with th# growing n* 'easily f,r ommarea with the far East, must infor fere wrttti the |K>lllin> of AsL and thcr*- fore it: ih* politic* of the nations wh*i re trying to cat up Asia The Artier I at p*v pie have baeti consulted himl ac#j*4 (heir new |*osttlog ns a world wide I*w#- ready Cwr th* < oiisv|uent a. rifft!**#. *n*l will in the future share in the gei*ril mix tn* nt of nations lu>4** ni of at at di >g • ideally nnd **|flslil) al*s*f they wilt govern llaw.iit and Porto Rico, they wl I keep th*- i’hllippin*- mid they will quire :* mu* h of th* wtki as i> e-sen ttal to th# developm* nt *f their jns* r on I trade. V\ heartily welcome the do dsion.” •14%V %L\OHI) DID III# UMillh. 4 liltrge Mad# I hat He 4 hana#t the 4 Irarlng Htise Mteete. New York Nov. 9 The furth* r sxaml tMllcifl 111 the case f Corrsetlus L Alvor I Jr. th* former nt# tiller of the Firs* Nuimml Bank, who t* <••-tt*ed of emb x gltng of the bank # fun*# wt* . n tlnu-d to-day before United Bat* Com missioner Hh4#ki*. J**<m J Garrison, a I*rk In the. tKtt# teller s <l*|'inm lit furnlsh'*d the only sensational testimony of the He dl te 11> accuse*! Alvotd of changing tha • tearing liouee sheet# anl a sore tH a t h saw hlin lo #* ll# sav* thnt he work*-1 tn the mm* * jg*- wl*h Alvord and wis ••bout twenty-five t< tlUriy f**t *wy fnmi turn I *wrlbtng fS*- examtnaflon of the ii*.irtng hous* #.heeta hy Hsrtk Ex aminer Ilanna on Oct l he said: "1 wa# about twenty-live f*t iwsy a*l when th# sheet tu given to Alvord I -a* him turn his (*a k to the next him and make some mark# on the sheet H • then went Into his cage and mad# s-*m# tn.rk# and than handed <he sheet* to Mr Mann * ’* Th*- hearing w.ia adjourn'd until Tub day next. IT P WINTER l> HKW FORK. _ tkrrninnirirr Went Dn and West Wind lll#it Ifnrd. N*w York, N’ox f.—The first tou h of ".inter weather rnm* to town to-day In fit- trail of h w*m winl. whl*-h at il • * clock this morn tig a.*- blowing at lb* raie *f 72 mile# an nour. It mad# a sluice way of lower Broadway. n*l the narrow down town *r*ct lifting off hat# and playing a thousand and one prank*' with th# unwary |nde*trian# ih*i rounded #or n* rs IncautioiDlv At (he top of the *ky sciß|*eis window# rattle*! and papers hies around at g lively raie A# th# day advanced th# wind h<onv stronger until a lung In ilk* afternoon i; nad reached * velocity of • miles 1 p to 10 o’rlo* k to-night III) I**#" of life had l*c#n reported dn New Y**rk or Brooklyn, but stort* -of d;image to build lug# In the cltla# and suburbs were num e r**u# ll****ki ill stock Market. New* York Sms 9 Th*- reernt boom In the stcK-k rn rket has created an unu*uai ly strong demand for H♦• k Exchange se.iis and MY.o* w # offered to-day for a sent on the Exrh-tng* Th # *• FT fin higher than hit* ever *efo*-*- l#ci offered • ~ Nineteen U * fi- lr*%ne*|. London. Noy ’•.—Detail* of the !*■*• of •he Penii collier <*tty of Vienna, which #ank In the ehanml yesterday wh'le tnnind from Hwansea tf*r Rottawlam, fter • ollision with an unknown vessel, shorn that nineteen *f h*r rr#e w#r* drown#d • even Killed In # ollision. I idffeflba h. Ilssse. Noy • Two express trains tame intttrifoillltion to-slay between thjs pla *e and Frankfurt-on-the-Main A ga- reservoir exploded. #*ttlng fir* to fh# wre kage, ami seven p#rs*>ns were buiul to dvalb snO fout injured. BILOXI SWEPT BY FIRE. T hnsanrte id Dttars of Pr*t*rrty Were Wiped Owl of Existence tn the Mississippi Town New Orleans. Noy 9 lllloxl Mis*, sit t’Xted rm the Mt#*!#*!pp! stHind. elghtx miles fren* New Or bans was swept bv *i 1 terrific fire this morning, which d#: troy el , 'ipwiaei# of lt buildings arsl render* i ot p* gl>‘ h*gne|es- Biloxi is a town of #x#n thousand r+" pi# and a well known summer ri- *rt f*t Mtosissippiaus .u*l Louts tan t ans. and am I ur ree**rt for Northern people. It has a small hr# dwpartm#r't a l mtains many h'* an t ih* 1 nre implj burn -d until li had nothing fnrh#t to f* *t *n It broke out shortly after mmight in salqon near th# Louisville ami Naahvllle I drpot. w here a gnog ot negro# were playing dice, and after d*-tryl g th# *l* poi nwetx through t> th# twiich, * dis tance of several square* No llvrs w i*- kL but many of the po**r#r pstqdc U*# all their fx>-rsston* Th# ‘Niholl' Ghiir it school and convent two newep* per office* end several fin# bri k store* w ere among the loitldings de#4roy and The total lo* ts exmsied wt t • with losers w#r* •• follow-* D T Dtillfns. dry gooii* h ft,w ' °r lesns Hotel. f54.W* U.itholtr convent, church and sctiool lasee* A ,%0 grocers, Wwr. WtlVtwm Kennedy, drug store cm n#l l I- twelv* of per-pertx owned b> F Theobald * fieri 12* hii, V fk'hwan A On . Waverly nstfagm p txn •tnkm* nim.l be%tt:n. Hat 4al. Le l.altala Who led thr Hrltlah %% a# Killed lawsioi) Kov 9 -larnl Roberts, tele graphing frm Johannesburg under *itc of Nv A. glxee detail." of fh# *l* feat of the Boer* peer Hothnvllb and aM* to ihe fa.-ts alreadx known th# f**;i*wtnK “Col io* Galals wa* heavllx engag* I for live hours with Ih* ftoer- Knox reinforced le* Galais and comp*### x de ! f. iled the Bi*er# DeWst and Hteyn. | with the Boers left in great h ist* ond wer# pursue"l -*fi# miles to the south- I #a#f Tli* enemy broke up LDto small 1 parties ws# among Ihe killed Hteyn's secretary. lieVUliers. was wmwsl #d an*l captured laird Robert# also repot e n num Iter of "moll affair* th* most tin|#*rimit of whl ti was an eagagemaut fought Nm 4 ly Smith Dorr ten south of Dalmanutha which resulted in the Boers being driven ♦<* the east of ths Komntl river HFiAVY FIGHTING WITH BOF’-H*, t hey | s I nrnh - Hirr<- Killed anil Thirty %N owwded RothavlYla, Niv. * There has been heavy fighting since Nov resulting In the defs.ii of th# ftoer#. who lost twenty three killed, thirty wniiid#<i. and one hun dred taken prisoners fteven of their guns were also captured .Tb# Itrlttfli lost three offi er* and four men killed IH FIXING I'MMUMT KHII.I.K. Wra. Klnff Sw i a Hoere Vtellrxe They XVIII Finally Win. Marseille# Nov. '• Mrs KMT has ar rived hers to eWalt th- arrival **f Mr Jinupr, tier grandfather, on th# Dutch cruiser Ge-ideriand In th# *-Mir.-e of an Interview t**-day she "The difficulties surpHUidlng tireat B It -Ihii ar# Mt gr#wt tha' Uv i lloen* ar# cimi -1 vinced lh#j will fin illy *stu th# upp r hand W* ho (he gr#a?et conflience if* t*;# J-i.iiney f the President, sh * i t #i>lfe of ;ds groat ag# and fatlgu**. will ir. ta* i#- ' Eur|- ll# only dn ;*M lo .w.i.- he.* a use h has lr. his pc-session a very *f!V a i.ue means of action." ** T ~ A MINI \KF: 4i| 4 4M%tIMhI4>NKMN. • •111 rials Will Not Talk of Parrhasr of Ness Islands. W ashtngton. Noy 9 Because tli# ces sion of t Im* Islamla of ClhHti ami l ageyeti. *-f th# Phlllpidtte Arehlp* lag** mum t* i .at I fled hy th- H*iwtc of the United Htai#.* tb* official # of the state -l*p;* ifm ni |*o# Itively decline to discuss the tran#f**r which wa# referred t* yesterday by th# Spanish premier Still th# fact Is no* 1 • oncealcd and was ##nt out In the dls iMt bee sisut two months ago, that th* i transfer l#rti arranged *■ far a# tue , • x*'cut!y hraru h *f our government could I effect I* The state department offl- late regard the 'islands a# aieolutely n*. e##.ry to corn files* Amerl an #ov#r#igiitv fn the Phll.p pin#a Lying a* they do to the southw *#i of the main group of island* ari*l in one of th# most Important * , nannl# of coni rminU-ation. |t would l*# in th# eye of th*- department a use! dangeiou* course *o allow them io fall Into Ihe Itarvl *f an other power arvl thus constitute n p#- inavierit men.u-e lo American sovereignty m fh# Philippi****- They were ex* hsi* I from th# orlgliail ceasltgi by the ge**graph 1* al bouiskirles laid down in (he tr#a*j 4ARKCNE IND fi \ Y NOR IIE %ft ING. 4 al. John H nthrrfnrrt, an Xllnntn 4 <iNlrrtp, on thr Nland. N#w York Nov 9 The hearing In iTTp #***•■ of J F \\ T and E II Otyirr and H l iireene. illeg*d co-cn*pfna* or*> wlt*i • apt 41 M. t'artet for their removal l* 1 Georgia for trial, was resume I to-lay Col. John W Billherfmtl. formerly a ••on tractor In Atlanta, was called hv the )#• f#n*e as Die first wlines# ut sh**wr tha* ihe w**rk accomplished by the def* n*lant - t..i up to th* standard and fullx In h with th *pe ife it'oii# det#rm>nlng tin class of work to hr carried out Fol. Rutherford was egcused after hav ir.g t*een n*k'and •(UAsllons. an*l the hearing wa. adjourn#*! ( unill Momlay 4 OI.MsfON IIN THE sill Tlf Ell N. Enginerr Fatally fnfure| and Others Hod ly Hurl. Knoxville Tenn Nov 9. —A fast jm* senger and a double-header freight collid ed IH# morning at Hodge- , n th# Southern Railway, twenty east of Knoxvtlli Eoglne r W 4* ThOfna- wa* I’afally Injurwl Engineer Richard i’ar rott's ;*rm and !#g wav# broken, and b* was oiherwl**# seriously Injured Mail iTrrk* 1 N Thonrcis. VV. || Roberts and L H Harris were also Mfiously Injur#*! The ihree engines were completely demol tahe I'rniiL W Funk Hanaed. Washington. Nov 9 Frank IV Funk wa# hang—t at th# diatrl* t *ail tod for the murder of William Brook- on Jun* I, 1%9A !!•• lolle*l hi* v| *lm •* u m savings, about FJ.Offer. isj also murder ously assaulted the lattvr’s w lie. liu vie- I 1 Uma wars a(%4 p#op!s. DAILY I# A TEAR . CENTS A rtNPY U FKf.r ? TIMEH-A WKKK It A TEAK ENGLAND GRATIFIED S%l.|V|||H% IIN IHI. HK9ILT OP % M Ettti % N I LEI TION, BRITAIN'S RIGHT TO REJOICE. PH1.%11l (I %PiM M.I/ED tIEEUHE If*) 'I % Dl. Ill"* It I >1 %RK 9, Mr I hoste f nngrstxlated Him t pow Making ITi is Little Wpeeeh After* Inslratl of Itrliiri- h# n#elsa. tte( of anttsliiir) *s *|*-r,-h at tke I r*l Major’s Ban <!•#• Un* Mulls* Itlooio* -#>al*l Mors Wer# Forced t |*on Ena la ltd last don Nqy 9 The Lord Mayor’s show ■ w !in- *-l todiy by larg* crowds !t o!isi*.- i ‘the u■(i 11 gilt and stmini feotui*> Th# pio.-. ~.11 moved un through admir ing throng* io the law courts, where tha nn.- . n# ceremony of taking the oath mas ‘ *rri**i *irt Th* new- and old lord tnxvnra w#r# heartily * heer#d There were nn #m ’ Neman, il .ar . but there w#re mounted ii 'ii dad ti Bnti-h uniforms in us# from : itaw to 1970 A mod* I of th# gun of Die British eruls *e Powerful ti > 1 at the Meg# of lady ml’h w* mu *h chcerrd. ns were also irnniid* I men *■-pre ♦ nitng India. r#nada. AustralS'na and Bouth Africa. V\ hai i probably t.# mo-i brilliant of all public functions In England, the Ixwd Mayor’s banquet took pla. *- this evening. It W'ili t*. memo i a hi* even to Atnmnns r*x of the fo||*wing remnrksNe ut •ertMlct of land B**l! *l>'iry . who. fn ths i* rrsen'# of >■. gin-tH, inrlading I’mie*) Stales Amlws%adof t toat# the members *f th# British * abinet and many of fh# leading met. *f England. **i*ok# g* follows of the Amert an #l*. tlon. "M. liellev. that the Wise which has won le ifif su## of civißaathui *nd com tner isl hHior We b#l|#\ (ho*# princl pi*?" t lw at the root of al. prosperity and all fwngr##* tn he w*rld. Therefora w# claim ths# tx - hav* ge much tight to rejoice in what hs* taken plac# 41s tha i distinguished gentl* mnn (referring to Mr, , * ’hoat# who sit# by my side." T hi* w. folios ml |>y loud and prolonged ' *• hearing, whl- h mad# the gold plate on ■h* *mk it shelves shiver and the great rafters of the Ouild Hall ring snd ring again lord NallshuD’a Apology. I#*rd Hilisburv's Incursion Into the Ig j 1 If mil tic* .if (he t nltld (Gates waa preewi* and hx an apology, tn the course of w hich he sahl on * I he (dreomstaneof, which hoa arat|f!e| m# moet during tn# last year Is Ihe Very hearty friendly feeling displayed •••tween this * ountry and Die Untied states I hop*- Mr 'boats will forgive me. t( there i an- irregularity in my ex pr ssfon it 1* quite wrong fir a tfeore tarx of fftft*o to nmk* olwervaHons with Ji#*pcct to the internal politics of another I - '<Minify. but, I am soon to give up my "ffl*-#. and In v|*w of this abandonment which 1i close nt h(n*l. I hope Mr t'hoate i will forgive m# f**r •-x pr* eslvig tlie an |ir#m# eaMrf.i-(ton with which sll of ua bay* h *r*t f what m.- recently taken pin**** tn the United Slates ’ Mr t'hoau. replying af *w minutes Ist. ;r tn th* toast of the diplomatic corps. *ledarrd that laord Hollsh*r) had at a ted x* ith such truth, simplicity and taarnett r*o the rr-n't **f th* election, that he •Mr 4’h*V|el V* ..*•!■ I ~..* .(Umnl # t a.j t* It. ahhntigh he would %*niure to eon , urariilat# the n*.h *• kr*| ii|Min the fact that til r#tn.irk- had been made after ln ftr-wj of iw fore pinion tlaughier r In con tinting tiia addr* -n Mr Fhoatti • xpr#*#**! hi# belief that "*o long as Ird .Glidtury and Mr. M K: il#y c*mtlnue o ;01l the reins of government, there wt.'l *• n> (Fanger **f any *tirurbane# of tha honorable nu-l frl*-nMv r#tnii*uis now ex- Isilnir iafttwn th*- United (Gates and r#i Britain " Speech Waa a l*lnnmi Owe, Except in ps references to the United rtiat# 'h* a|-. 1* f the premier east an *xtraonlinar> #lutn over the gorgeous •innqiief low Ing and r**ctly afief ihe colo nel ommxnd iik th* (Tty lm|>erial Volun teers. lord HaTshury startled his hearers, who caught th#* drift of hi* remarks, by -at trill rig th* war fev*r. .11 though prais ing the ennrax* of th# rnddlers. and de • taring that th# pan-lunate admiration of j inllGiiry valor evlntred by the jH(.als-e I inu-t produ-* a ping* of attltud# on the - j ari of the nut** 1* worll when viewing | English ctiaracier. Then, wl h lowered vol r and almosf irernidlng a*xeti:, Ih* went on to speak of ih# price of the victory avul thr ravag#s !of death, dealing rape, ally with the tjneen’s bere.vem#9it In the loss of Prince *hrp#ln Vi* tor Finally, with bent head and hands rlMSfad. he uttered a hope, almost a prayer. #hat Lord Rob ert* might be *pr*>d the sorrow now hncaing over bim by reason of the critical i condition of hi* daughter. Tear* sprang | to in# #y#s of wom#n *nl men moved un omfortahly m their s#ats. Th# silence and solemnity gr* w *ppt #>-ive Wars F’oreed Lsglsnit. Awnklng from self-abstraction, the Pre mi*r reviewed th# events of the Nut j tw-:ve ni'-i ih* Mr Kruger nnd the Ktn i pre-*. -f <*hln he went on to say. had I for* l sir upon Great Hrßain He mom-* • 1 c.#d that th# Itrltbh war office deserve*! g.*et r*dit for the wav in which it had handled th#"** emergencies "Itesplt* nebulom* ind fictitious attacks, we should *• glad tn improve s!l the de. f" IS of 4he war offihe >ontiflUSd nnd our utmost effort# will he do voted : to that task: but I should rather depre • at# nny unne*-* - -ary ex iminatton into what has o <*urrr I You will no# *dd ro the •nthtisiasm of \ ur troops hy so do ing " He dilate*! u*mn he strengthened firs hSween th# mother country arvl ihe col* onfe* during th# year, and poked fun at the delay *'4>i:-#quen| uion the Europoati oncert when Reeling with China ft was not appropriate for him be declared, to *#mm#n* 11 non 1 "foliations while in pro grear, (nit be said hr would mak# an ex option In thi c-e of the Anglo-4l*rmaq ! compact "Ttii- h# remarked, "represents thr feelings of nxjst. If not all the Powers llt#i It i- inuosslble to lay too much • mphada ur*cn the Integrity of China an*l •he open door.* and I think It a matter f great Advantage that the Powers ahouti have #xpr*s**s| themselves tn favor of th*.- fun hi mental principles, for. if they -1 are s< Ideved. the Issue of the China prob lem r>e#d not concern us very anxtoutftv " H maintains*! *arn#stly that the ld.*a of invating china wlh "our scan .* force." or of "approaching the *tupnd*us tu - k of governing China ivxatead of leax ing •Continued on Fifth