The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 10, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 HOUSE PASSED FIRST BILL I.R4>IU.iTI Hr. \T I t'T IiKH'IM- I)M ' TO HI *IM * Hvmbrra. Ilrr#'*f*rr, 'VIU Ha Ha*ld In laaonnl-lUla* "• ,l "‘ un llnnnr Hara l.lforl to Hapaa I fha l iuumlln" '•*" Mill PainliUnn fr f ounl, Jma. ■I llr Hrfiipliiltliirlan anla .111. dlolar, I nniinillaa Fiiaarii > Naaa Important Atlanta. N Th ’ rt bill of tle ee lion {'() i rt <tving m vot# It ih . k *tl in** i . * liillOilU'M by Mi Fiedere * *f Nln -on rouniy to charter th loan of vgn- iorpf There were twnt%-flve new bUU tnt>< and t morning several .uti*> - .Soma *f nr important bill** were Wniw juvenile reformatory tun, at red * t aini*o i*wder im enure. Harvard of I>on. *• h;.l to prune <Jowu (he |wn*U*; lit, #***mjro* by Smith of llan '* k providing for the re.overv of damage* ornrnltl l by n;mA..* running at large, rnrierwooti of White. teUtlv to nitork l*w . i tlou Hogan of Lincoln, for biennial -e *ion** t taa LeglMaiurt*. H<-n<lf i-.wi of Forsyth to repeal tne emigrant law Perry of Owlnfiatt. provl linf for a i **rd of pj* •rn to tax rallro.ul.l and *>* tri *tieat roil wav property flow* * utut'.i providing for examination and I‘wo f stationary engineer and Booth of Walton to require fhi|M rlor Court Judge to *|> point jury • omml.**!*n* \'■ from a li.M of ettiaer.* furnished him t*y the Juatlce* of the pear* of the . unty Sever* I im*w Mil* were r* ad a aecotvj time and a*!!! prohat |y come un fof ae to-morrow Will 4ief llnwn to tlute. An effo rt to a djour till wan defeated and the Houee will meat at to* uruaJ hour to-morrow momtnir them‘i tbe Senate will not be in evasion Man. >f tha oommhteea mat thl* afternoon and begir.n <g i.h Monday, the Houee whl ge* down to work in <* ament. Henceforth ;h mtniUr# of tha lion*** will h\** t> give an account of them**|ve All aben lee* will he noted in the Journal and • heir name-* eaj at tlia opening of the •eeaion enrh mo min* Thoae without 1 leave wtil l*e ho recorded and the pur* I poaa for whtrh will he likewiee charged egalnat the mam*er> aaktng for the leave for providential, huatne** or other caum Thu new rule proponed by the Committee on Huiaa wall tend to Inaur* a lamer daily attendant# on the llouae tea* tom* Tha rulf of the ka; Home were adojit ed permanently for the rule* of the Houae w-fth a few ex. -gptlovi* All mot long to aua lend the rule* are required to he flrt a u bin tiled <• tha comraHtea on Rule* be fore they’ are entitled to.conaldaratton b\ the Houee thug making •*on* eenu neoeggary for the prompt cofutdu atlon of any guch motion* The KmlfrMl l*n Mr Henderson of Forsyth Is aeek- I r.g to re|*enl the emigrant lw tn forr tn Georgia Thin is of Interest Juftt at lii* time, be- a use of tha pend' Jng in the t’nttad Htate# run again*! * Regfag" Williams for violation of this lam It ts made a misdemeanor to solicit em igrants from this to other states without ♦; out * • (IN for that purpose, which costs to e.tch countv, and it was under th4e lam that Williams was convicted tn a Bouih Georgia county. An emigrant agent was nearly lynched several years ago for plying his business, and a repeal of the lam may CtUfr mor** •uch outbreaks ■lnveslle Heformalories. Mr Wright of Flo>d has Introduced a measure in the House to provide for the establishment of a Juvenile reformatory tn any county in the state upon the reom mendatlon of the grand Jury 1 hereof M Wright's bill provides that * hlldran under 10 whose parent* do not profwrly provide for them, either through inability or neg lect, shall b* taken into those homes, nnd they shall be opart also to youthful crimp pals under the age of 14 The home Is to be establish**! and main tained on ths county i*oor farm, it being m(lp *p*4 lally Incumbent on the manege, ment to instru'-t the Inmates on the evil effects of whisky on the human system. They to taught useful vovation* and In ev#r>* way *ao trained up as to make intelligent and upright cltiscns Work of Jiidlcisr) I ommlttee. Immediately after tbt Senate adjourns I to-Uv the General Judiciary Com mittee held Its first bustneas meeting and Will report unfi' orablv on the bill of Senator Hell, requir ing person* onvi ted of outraging women to be executed within five days after con viction except in appealed cases. The hill of Mr Builtvan to ao amend the law in regard to the reinstatement of non-suited or dismissed *ult .s to make it appl) to tontiact a wll es statutori cases w.s approved b* the committee, and they will recommend that t do pa** They will also reprt favorably on the hill by Senator Alien to hurry proceed ing* in rase.* where property | to be di vided among joint heir- who wish to ap plv to the Judge ut chißibfrs for aothor t'y for such action when court is uot in ae salon and also on the Kills registration bill which entitle* voters who register on* year to participate in Hr lions held dur ing the 'car following. rnosT killed rorro, A* l'r**a|*r'i \on of • Top ( rr|* In *nuth (tforulß, AmwK'Uj, Q* . Nov. >.—A killing froei j t hrouf fout South* eetern itcurgi* thl nvrnn r >* nu end to tender 'f'getAlioc Including colon ond uir cne The t*m- 1 perxtur* dropped to -4 find wan plen tiful The prowpecd of a top rrnp in effectively bluet ed t the nappy holla were hard t roo n and w il drop from the etalk J*r dene here wer* klllol by the frees* whk'h ■** unexpected, .nd considerable loan i>- tiu; tiumim rut: unv flrtileh Hlranthl|i %%rni to lea Be fore He i ontd lelir It Char l eat on. 8 C, Nov 3—A rutted Htatea deputy maraha! ht been given the •lip hy tte lit Utah at<amhl|i Ividem There la a null pending her- again* the •teameti p for having run Into the Aahley river bridge l.uit rpring and wiecked u Tha plaintiff* wished to get ih* matter into ?h Altninalty Court, and paper a were paued for the nelsure >f the ship. When the deputy went to eerv* tha paper* he found the fv viene in the at ream attumig gaMy out to tea UTRKUT I %11 VmiKR ft/ITI*ISD. •••• ln Miilorim n %Verr lilirn Their aioola. Penaa-ola Kla . Nov 0> The atreat a. atrik* lit mu e|ty wraa settle! to-n ght a/i th* nirr w ill return to work 10-inr row morning Th* rnoiurmen w.n the ..ujon> fruit* ini all of the demMiids. Tli n ’ men will .tlso be allowed to tit wtille Cm a are In motion. The #>*• tear, hat be#r* ompi#t*ly tied up tin a yeeterday morning To f t Hi. i Hil.l) i\ ni: day. Taka Hrogio Quinine Tablet# Al- <lruc refund ttw money If It falls to *irt E W Grove • signature la on •a*.ft box. Zb. ad. “Strike r<>r four Alters tnd Your Fires. ” Patriotism is always com mendable. but in every breast there should he not only the desire to be a good citizen, but to be strong, able bodied and well fitted for the battle of life. To do this, pure blood is absolutely neces sary, and Hood's Sarsapa rilla is the one specific ■which cleanses the blood thorough ly. It acts equally well for both sexes and all ages. Humor " H 'ten 1 rttd 4 btood pun fitr 1 ukf MW t StnapsnlU. Jt cur*l mv Jtt/fnor Jtnd Is eictlUnt as a ne**# tome." Jc r if Ei ton. SfAfford Srw.qs. O. 2fccd6 Sauapariltn r f# ;T#f tll th* nw irritatlnfr ant eel r tl-*••• •- h I MVHHUm NKCIIA HKP%IH. U*iratln n f Two Iran' law f mi me %li* liiLni | |. A lary* Nov $ —Another meeting of the tmetre* of the t’nlvereity f ;.<*?- gta wnm hell thit morning in tha etatv libraty. at tvl.tch two rnattera of vital injurrfan e were taken up Ttie hret waa the i.- riaitr for imm^ • itate and tx(idh> rejair* a: the url veielty. and the hu.hHng of anew meat hall al. of which will involve h:> outlay of a froqt I'-ifVin 4 ’ hap call* r Mill appeared .efore the txoard. and g*v a .tear tdttrocnt .ia to the preaent <>n< lit loci >• of the building# at 1 urged the making of immediate r* - latit!* He ahoaaed that only mnv>r re pair* have i>een made from year to ytat •uch n* patrhing the rof retailring the plumbing, ete and the reault la that the roof* of the 4 arto'K* buildings nd the phicnblng therein ar* in auch condHkvn ihni furtnar \ at .iwofk wilt not do New ro*fa and alrr.oat an entire i<ew oysu-m of plumbing ar ntftdcd The tmetre* invltad Chairman Qrantiapd and Chairman Blalo k of e tc ftenate and llouae Appropriation Committee* before them that they mlfß hear Cbwneellor Hill and *e urea full unde rata tiding of th* alt nation but nothing of a definite nature resulted from ht* Informal con feree e The propo*llnvi alreadv generally d|- tiaaad and ra ommenHel bv h<th the Bar Aaao. iatloti of ‘Joorgin and the l*n I varsity fa> ufv of a *wo your* law course was ilao dleeu**ed at length, but It wa* d* o|del to leave the matter in abeyance un til next commencement Ibe rommiltee from tlie faculty and from the board will further x>nfer with the #t#fe berd of *x endnerr ** to he bu*t cotirre to purque and report at that t'me When to addre** the trustee* on tlie uueHtloct to-day Mr. Waahlngtot< sau said that he thought the proposition a good *ne but Just now he oould V't rc l ommerwi Ibnt the two year#* < ouree be prweerlbe| owing to ile poverty of the people of Oeoefti. He IreUevtd In every thing that tended to uplift the lew at a profession, but thought It o hardship <*n the poorer student* of the law to in.ika them bear the -expense of a two years t rtn The m.ter will be taken up again .it the next ommcneemeni THE *1 MID AT Mil hVll.l h. Proceed I tin* of tle l*octste Mr formed Preaby tcrlna* Yesterday. UouUvUlc. Nov. *> The A*.-*oc;ate Reformed Presbyterian synod niet thlv morning with a good attendant The work of to-day .enid*l chiefly in read ing and referring reports Hon !> K Findley presented n communication from lha orphan*** In Hickory Orove. ft 0 . offering to cede the property to the synod The report ot the hoard of director* of the Theological Hv. nun ary in Due West. * p.tkl .1 tribute to Us dev-ased tnaaurer Joseph Wv4ie of t'hester who left the seminary u haquest of IIO.W Tula gift whl tnwhle the b*mrd to secure anew professor A report wus presented from a commit tee appointed to arrange for the cele bration of the .*wntennMl of the synod, which will fe.ur In The afternoon session mas devote*! chief ly to *i S'klrtSD by I>i J. A. Wilaon of ihe United Presbyterlaii Church. North. For a number of >enrt the motter of union bat ween this church and the Asso ciate lteformed Hynes! las been pending Dr. Wilson plead earnestly that there h* no North or South In the church The night session wa* devoted to . con ference on home missions The matt*r of extending the work of the church in the .tome Ural w?* discussed by Hev*. J H MofTall. Oliver Johnson and A H Huger*. The home mission work ha* made encouraging progress hut the board In common with the b*ar>l* f*t other I churches Is hampered for the want of i funds | This m followed by a memorial ser ! vice m memorial of ministers, who had died during the year Only two ' were reported so the synod, one Hev. A. M <>ai#s of Ark.insnc by telegram ysa terday. VKllllll'l F VT VI. STEP. t ar t oupler Mlearii Hl* Fooling and Wee Killed. Augusta. Nov. 9 —After Jumping on and off Ihe fool boards of shifting .nglnee at the Georgia Railroad yard for fifteen year* or more. Smith Johnson, a colored .ar coupler ml*,.d hi* footing on ins from et >1 of u shifter engine In tne yard to-elav. mul met death under 4b* wheel* of the heavy locomotive Johns*,ii had Juwi changed a track switch for Engineer Will Carr, and attempted ■• mount th<- rnglne as it moved forward Engineer t’arr del not sec the unfortun il-. man th, time he fell and he was drag kh! soiiit* fifty fr* bflor* th* * nglri* aiopp+4 Th# body iiMniUil und it | ftuppoMil •Is'.itq # Almost liwtdtiiantoup nr n. hra-l has cuuKhi oti th** trmrk M.OIIU \ k Utl L>\ \% l it.H I tl. nr>Nii • Mnjnrlh \\n %p|rl 4(1,000. AiUnii Nov K—l niffi ul frn th countie* of iftoi'iiii fhuw U\mi Bry .>' miijviity will l*<* (lpproxlmt*tely 44 wn Nine i-oundis went bounty 4 rriNjorhy of ;,±) for .Mc- Kmley Flv ouotiek whloh havr not l***en litoi) from £AVe major 111 ax It* onu are ounted in tti* lU |iub|U'n o.uritii Hi tlie recent ele tk>U. Murray county *nt a tlr Klvtng Mc- Kinley 1* \utci Mini JUr>MU the arm* i uinl>r. TiJornocrailt' voto #.i ttu- ll|fhtet ust in the AMU- In many year* fllr* i nrrU YY I Input (!• Hnlfr. ItchliiK Hilrx), lii* *4tng or Ihoti udms rile.-. Your OrugitlAt #lll r*fun*l your money tf I’aio OlntriH(U (ulln to curt )uci bO cenih.- THE MOKNING NEWS: SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 10. 1900. ronRiTR LKrr at tiik iwt. Hntbrr Ol. lln ul 'hr Hilrl ni U'M U<m4 Allania. No, a— AOftthaala ' m ultra war Irft at thr i>oat In iha reocn I -i r a' I’l-umort Park Iht afttrnooi. > nvt#a|ion. K' row ilia lrft at thr pnrt :;i tha third ra a Thr arathar ■ old 4lri thr ho rtf *oi aa> qiilihly at h.j <||X |I c>f lha nr Trx< k oo<l arathar rlnr ami cuhl Simmar.ra hTr% Harr- Hl* fiirlolir* Nanlr J 3 to . Hull, allh Mr !(.*, I to 1. aacontl. and lorlotm. 7 to &. 'ftlrd. Tima IT* 5 . Sr. ur l Kn r—|-'our rurl halt futloti** lludder. I 5 lo 1. won. whh I.lahiin ig I'larh. 7 to 2. -a. nnd. and Matts lialn, 4 lo 1, tlrltrl Tim* I '4- ! I.liu Ha,. ill' trill* Inltlr, Ilecch. t to 1 ir ailli Mu* ,'hamlr.ra, * in S. • rotil and II 4 t< 1, third Time I -O't Fourth Harr SlHnt f\ra furious* Tha trmh Hoy. 3 t 1 won, wltlr tiladj'a H.. 1* to 1 **. ..tat and CallH'U*. * to * third Tim* I iM’ j Fifth Hi • Hivrn furlona* Jr>.M* Jar hrr A to Sir trot,, with <i*ord l*ri*rr, 10 •ir 1. arr-,,11 1 and Chub, i to l. third Tim* 1 22 I hr lAurdart llarra Nra- Yoik No, 9 -Thrr** favorifaa won at Aqueduct to-day Fir.' H. r ~ HrlltnK *Va ami half fur lona* Hrlle of Orlaatta. * f i. won. win hl> Contrary, - to I m*l ev*ti. racoml. ahrl Ell.*i it< ywton, t lo 1. Ihtrd Tinu* i is i-:. Sr. olid Har*- Srllinr on* mil- and *v rfH ja i da. It tin *alf. 11 to 1". won. with l*illl* Pal 6 lo 1 and a to i. ar'ond nvl Th* Ooldrn f'rlttrr. 7 to 1. thir l Tim- I ill l- Third Haca—Hrllin*. oti- tmla and *, • rtity yard* Horhaatar. 9 lo !. won. with Haul- i.ray, 13 to l and -van r-rond . and T-mplar 30 to 1. fhlrd Tint- 149 4 3 Kontah liar-—on* mil" and \nty ,*nlri Char*ntu* to 1. wron with Urry nrid. 5 to l and 3 lo I, arrond. and Her b,ri to 1 tnlrd Time l.tu Fifth Ha - H.dilirS t* furkmar Minor Italy, 3 to 1. with Nnn|*ar-M 3 to 1 and 3 lo 1, e-rond. *nd V—ta*uuaa. I to 7 third, dchooin.aem. 7 to 1. fourth Tim* 1.59 2-3. Y*latur dlaquaiin*,! for foul* In* flrhoolutaitar Sixth Haca—Mila and aav-nty vardr harawlml 7 to 1, won. with Ariel* T to 3 and t> to l. acor,d. and treon F*r (ueon. e to I. third. Time 1 93, filter HftulU at I atunit Ctnclnrmtl Nov 9—ReeuMs at Idatoma nra* Rac—Hlx and a half fuflongv, wall ing Rice. to 1. won. with Zaxa 3to 1, second, aid Kieanor Hulmtre. 13 to 1. third Time 1 SfDiul Hfttp Five an<l a hi 1 f furlongs Kthal Wheat. 2 to . won with School for iiamta!. 7 lo t. aecoiitl. and ObU, 7 to 1. third Time J CfP 4 Third Race- One mile and n eighth, •ailing CeNlc Hard 3 to 3. won with Sir Oattan 1 to 1. eecond. and Colbert. lf to 1, third Time 1M Fourth Raoo—Seven furk>ng. selling HarmenrSa ft to 1. won. with Earl Fonao, * io 1, *con4 and Miss Rtdwopd, & to 1. third Time 1 27*# Fifth Rat* -Six furlongs Alek Pe.iraon even, son with Jo> Battle. 12 i> 1. sec ond. and Duces Tecum. # 4 t*> 1. third Time 1.14 (sixth Race Hlx ami a half furlong* e||tng nilardlst, 7to 1. soi . with Pair Deceiver * to 7 second, anil Lady Kent. 7to 6. thlrl Tlm 121 HAN MILL FOR I’ll ARLKfTOh. lie k I’artorj Orawnlsed NHtli < npllal Mock of s2l*s t*hfrlest>f 8 C. Nov P—Orders were given to-day for the machinery for anew cotton twill to b*' built here under the Royal Rag awl Yarn Manufacturing Com pany Tha factory will he built between Meeting and K ng streets. Juet north of lie Kn-ton Mom# The building will be |du lv am and three-storl# high There will *e 5.0 m spindle# ami i looms Ti%e t ompany wtl! make a coarse yarn from which If will shivs bugs The capital stock of the company most of which has already been paid m is fSSft.flDO The offi cers arw (le>r*i* A Wagetier. president; J M Mgntous, \ ice president; Oeorge Luna, secretary and treasurer, all of whom are leading hud nee* men of this city A LAW UNTO HIMSELF, Hrrrr Man Mu.t 11. Thai, to Mrtaln Ml. Health and lltgeaG.ia. Thar* are thousand* of people In this world who cat no meat from on* year's end to another, and certain iliac* tribe* In Afrl u and Poltntela arc a.moat ex clusively meat eateix, but while there ara thousand* of thaa, there are million, who live upon a inland diet of meat, veg it.hlea end Rialn* and If number* I* a merlon It would se,m that a mixed diet I* the be** for the human famll) The fart that you wMt find many veg*- tartan* who appear healthy and vigorous, and. meat *tcn rqually *o, and any num ber of lobuat apertmena who eat both meat and vecei.bler and anythin? ela* that ram,* their way all go** to chow that lha old *aw la the true one. that •very man inu*t he a law to hlmtelf a* to what he wliall eat and diink To repair the waste of tlaue In brain worker*. w*.l a* to replace the mue!e and sinew of the laborer, .an only be done through the prove** of dlgeatton. Kvery nerve, inna le. alnew. every drop of blood 1* eat reded from th* fowl w* eat and digest In the*, day. of huMle and worry, and artlflcial habit* of life. *c*rc#ly one per ron In a thousand can lay claim to a per 1* 1 digestion. dyapepata I* a national af file: lon and Smart'* Uyapepala Tablet* a national blea.inf. Mot a*e, of |io-,r digestion are canard j by fal.ure of he tiomarh to aerrete sufll. I clent gastric Julr*. or too little hydro chlorle acid and lack of peptone* and all of three Important essential* to perfect digestion are found In Stuart'* Dyspepsia Table** In convenient palatable form line or Iwo of these tablet* taken after inwal* lnur# perfect duration and aaalm- Hatton of th* food. Catharic pill* ~nd laxative medicine* ■hove no effr -t whatever In tiKUfeellon. ,nd to call *ui h remedies a cure for dya l*p*lu I* far-fetched and absurd Stuarl'a Dyspepsia Tablet* contain pep. I sin free from animal matter, dlaataae and , other digestive*. and noi only digest all wholesome f.sxi but tend to Increw-e the How of gastrl Juice* pnd by giving th* weak atom* h a much needed real I ring about a healthy condition of the dlgeallve | organ* and a norma! appetite N*rvou* thln-h.o,s|. !. run-down people thoukl twar In mind that drugs and atlm. j nlant* cannot furnish good bloo.l strong ntit* |e* and stead, nerve*, these .tune 1 only from wholesome fowl thoroughly digested; a fifty-rent box of Atuart * Tah i let*, taken after m-als for a few week*, will do you more real good man drug*, tlmulants and dtetthg combined Htnart'e I>y*pep*ta Tablet* 1* probably me safest, most popular and ucc***fui digestive on the markei *M *,<! b> drug ctsts every where 11 the i-nitcl tttate*. 1 ,'anada and (.teat Hrttatn _________ si-fa ■VI NOTH IP. THIS WAV TO t l.lltV I VHl'llTw. The only way o get your carpet* prop erly taken Up, cleanest and taken care of fur itie summer i* to (urn th* jot* over to tne Idatrlet Odetaenger and Delivery Cos, telephoto 2. or call at U Montgomery .1 .i .l -i make jftHl an agii mattt on the coat of the work l-rket , reasonable They also fwck, move *n.t 1 store furniture and piano*. C. ii., diipt. and Mgr, NEVER TOO LATE Tw Tlj a #—<! Thin, 1 am U yrara od ar.'l for forty y-Art of that t rn* 1 have t>-*ri a chronF ratarn, •uffrrrr aaya Mr Jam-* Otaaitinj of Allr y.’iatiy city; wrlih < vrry -lianr of wawth-r my liriid and throat ttuiiM br atuff-.l in with catarrhal miu-u* I could not brrath* natunally throuh tha nodrlla for month* to*th-r and w*u>-h ■>f thr 'tmr I auff-red U, m catarrh of thr •lomacti Etnally mv htartng b-aan to tall uni 1 rulls-d K>mrthln( moat on dona 1 triad Inl.alar* atal rjuay* and *alvr hi h ruvr rur trm|>orary rellrf arul my ptiyati ~n advl**d in* to rpray or douchr with |rro*tdr of hydroflm Uut tha ca tarrh would atwcdUy rrturn in a faw day* arl 1 hrranio tiiort u*llly !i ouragad I had n way* b*f. i>rludlcad *in*t IMttrnt m*dlc|nc* tmt a* ecary thtna al*a had failed i f!t Ju*tir*d tn at laaat tnak tna * trial Our cod aid family phyatclan. Dr Ramrdali. laitahad at i.t a llttl*. hut *ald If 1 war d-tarmlh-J t try patwt mrdt h- would adviar m* ta br*4n with HtuarC* Catarrh Tablrt* hrraua- h- kn*w what thay rantalnad and h* had h-ard of •tvrral ramarhablr cur** r*olttn* from 'hair u*r and furthrrmor- that thay war* r>rrfrct!y aafr containing no rooalna or oplatas Th- naxt day I bnuirh' a wean* boa at a dru* ator*. carrirrl It In my jockat and four or ftv- ttm— a day I would twk- a tahtat; In ia than a w**k l felt a markad lmi>royamrnt which continued unfit at tht* ttm* 1 am anttraly fr— from any trace of catarrh My head t clear my throat fr*e from Irritation my h*a*li* t* • amil a- It -ver wa* and I f—t that 1 cannot *av enottah in prat** of Htuari'e Patarrh Tah la'a Thee- TaW-te contain extra*! of lyptti* bark Oualacol Mood root and oth er valuable antl-aepitr* .omWnd tn pleaa ant 'ablet form, and tt t* -afe to ay that Smart', ,’atarth Tablet* are far au [drlor tn lytnv-nlencc -afety and effective nee* to tha aittlntiated treannant hy tdhal ere, -vraye and douchce They are eold by druaclet* everywrhere In the t’nt'rd State* and Oanada FI*A KRAt. l4VirtTt#M. OANlßl**—PHanda and acquaintance, of Mr Thomn* Dant-le and Mr and Mr* Tnomaa l>ntal*. Jr , arc invited to at ■and th* funeral of John. Infant eon of th* Uttar, thla afternoon at 4 o'clock from their rc*ldcnce, da Dtaylon atrect. aiKK.TIN4J*. 6KOHU.A CMAPTtH AO. Sn. A. *. A epaclal convocation of tht* rhapier will tw h#kl thtaF^ I (Saturday) cxcnltiK al Mx sonic Temple at I*n o'.'to. k Uf )ol The M M ttefrea will be IA *4l conferred. I\X—l l*ltmg companions fratar- 1 f natty Invited to m—t with * 4 ua By order of h s roi*riNO. h. r. TV s ROOKTVEI.I, Se,-r-tary tpwui. NOTicn*. HOT HllkttlltAT CAKE* AND PI BP, MAPI-E NV BIT. Wa have Just received a lot of flneet Maple Syrup ever put up It'a pure **p syrup, and It'a worth a •rial of people who know what good *yrup Is It Is put up tn <Juart cans at S)c ~ gaieui can* at TSr i > tr 1-R.klon <-on* at fI.H guart Bottia* at ***> Huckwhewt S*lf-Raising per twekage 10c. 15<- and 26c -*t- JOIIN T EVANS ft CO S. i o!!!'e>< ar.d Barnard atraets 2 Four* 3(. UOOtt DlimitH* We are nerving Ihe equel of any WV meal for Jkc We aerse only th* best, ami on order You can hoard with u cheaper than you can live at home Our meal ticket* entitle you to the beet tn our Place BAN FRANCISCO HKSTAI RA.VT lit Draylun *tr**t it* ai.i. aiCTTiJcr) Auvv I am Mill aupplylng my cuatotnars with th* very beet meat* to be had To-stay Prime Reef, Mutton and Vo*l lAmb Pork. Matehlea* t'twned Beef et. JOHN F’l’NK, Both Phone* M 7. City Market, vmi onennn t-oav. I expect to snow the people ot Savannah tr day the prettle.l meat market In th* io,ith. My formal opening wttl be Ihle afternoon at 4 o'clock Everybody I* cor. dtally Invited M 8 GARDNER. phone k!o 411 and 4U Whliaker atreet CiNB, . van., ~\*ti Fin* freah fat venlapn, plump wild tur key*. large, tender mallard dock*. A tin* lot of ea. h received and ready for you now JAM J. JOYCE. Phone* I<B. P S Sweet bread, brain*, grandma Muaage special corned beef. Try for the !>#*! coffee everywhere, then come to me. ! pride nvy*elf upon keeping the beet-*- the vrry b*l HKKH4RKT I vrr, 1 12-114 Whitaker Diamond Hak Terrapin Soup with Merchant*' I.unch to-day (tyeter# from the Gulf dally. Tho tltiest meais are .artfully prepared Private dining loom* Wueraburg* r Hof Brau on draught KOTICB. Neither the tna-ter nor conlgnee* of the Hrlilah Meamehlp Edenhrldgc. Atifle ■ on. matter will be reapotialble (or any debts contra ted by the -rew of raid ve. •cl J h MINIS A CO, Cutu.gne, s Savannah, C.a Nov. f I*o <n 14 t t-lkATk Lain money at ata per .lant. oa reel ettwt* aecurity. UECKETT A BECKETT. Attorney* at Lm end Conveyan-crw SAA ANA Alt U4Vt |M> ACADEMI, Corner Whltaaer and I-iberit ata. UKAND SOIMEM TO-NIGHT from t U> 12 BOSENFIIIJ> ORCHESTRA AdmUaton r/V- Ladle* free Reap*.-t. ft;',l> V 't'T r HANKS Rua Mgr v t it pak i mill it v Mr* < ole. “Jl* (treat weal hat juat hnlshed a beautllul tailor ni ..y. suit fur t'hlqulta She make* a specialty of evantng gown*, Tailor mode gown* silk Hoed. New DctaarU fit. CORBIN 000 R CHECKS AND SPRINGS The most -ffective cneck on the market. Every one guaranteed. For sale by PALMER HARDWARE CO. Bay and Jefferson Streets, SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. —a •,•*-*- w i ■ *— *a -w— *rr ** —•- * 7—aejßSCWaKS^dXmaawmSß KODAKS and PHOTO. SUPPLIES EYEGLASSES and SPECTACLES SI.OO, that others charge $2.50. Save your life, save a trip to Hot Springs, by taking FRANK’S REMEDIES- Curas when all remedies fall. LIVINGSTON’S PHARMACIES, Bull and Congress. * Branch .404 Bull St. Phones 293. Phones M 2. arnAi. totiiw J. B R,d, M. l>.'n, ,a . July 1, M wrSta* ”1 have known the ban-ftnlal affatca of Suwana* Water for rhaumattam and *mi for many y-ar* I manltun theae <**> dt* -I,r, !.-,tea 1 hav% had oooaalon to oh arvs the aexl on of tht wwtar on them The action of tha watar drank In )ars* quantltta* t* peculiar Aft— at* <w t'Sh' dav* drtrfVlnx of th* wst— freely tha dIa •SS a*m* to be vary much a*ravsta.i *nd pain* *r lntenaa at th* aameAlm* the *or;ton from th* kidney* 1* ettftrm ou*ly in-rea***! Tht* !at far four or ftv* days, and th-n with tha sent* traai tuant of drltvktns ot th* arsitr contlsuad tmproveiwatu start* in The* of 41*- *,.** *eam* to ha moat h.aflt*d in which thla eondttloat nX Incraaaed palna I* moat a—% are Th* oai,*- or tht* t* to me -vl dsnt The .xmetant drtnklnf of th* water It, tars* quanfttla* render* *ol\*bt* th* Irrttatlns matartiil whloh Is th* cauae of these trouhl** In this condition th* solu ble m-tetltl I* rapidly carried off by the kidney* and th* ays'em I* freed from tht* poisonous matter Th* Improvement In many of theae rw 1* permanent, m oth er*. rsllef continue* until the system a*win b-eome* chartred with morbid material 1 hop* the ror.tlmi-d ua* of th# water al home a* a heveraf* will be sufficient to prevent thl* of and —a*, " All you can drink for S- at Uvtnfston'* SCHWAHZ CUT 1* the place where you ear aatlafy your appetite with all th* de!Ka c.e* of Ihe seaaon Oyater* from the aULE and NORTHERN water* Alao Game in *ea*on -OEM CAFE - GE<>. C SCHWARZ. Proprietor Open day and night Dining room upslaira. UTABLIIHCD I*4*. WOI.OMONS rOVtPA*IY. Wholes.U and Retail Hragglete. Wholesale Department. IST Coa greae etreet, weel. t.eergla Phone 144. Retail Stare*. ISA Caagree* etreet, west. Bell Phan* 144. Balt and ( hnrltm. atreale, under lisa HP A. ssaal Ball and Georgia Pbnne* A* RBROVATIkO—MATTIIEiaiCS RET OVATIIVU. Hair. man*, licking fiber, feather*. Our atoek of new material and manufac tured product* ar* up to dat*. Our reno vating and remaking h* delighted many promlneiti realdenl* Ask your acquaint ance* Material* *ent us I* picked, steam ed, cleaned and medt.-aied by modern ma chinery Mtkltta dot.* by mechanic*. W* confine our work to mattreaae* and bed ding generally. W# sell ticking of all kind* tnoe* hair, cotton, fiber, feather*, or any artl-le needed in mettre** line NATIONAL. MATTRKMg AND RENO- V ATI NO CO Bell Phone ll* Ml Drayton atreet. mV IIM.V THE Htl nlVIKit ALP. The best I* the Wheeler Brand of Bel faat Ginger Ale. made by Wheeler A Cos., of Bel(**i. Ireland, from the celebrated Cromac Springe of that city. Thee* tprint* are the property of Wheeler A Cos hence no other Ginger Ale manufacturer In Ireland ha* those water* but them selve* Th* " heeler timctr Ale le mad* from pure Jamaica Glnfer Root and not from Red Pepper a* others *re. on* , deleterious—the other I* e tonh- Fnr Healthfulnee* *nl Purdy the cele brated Wheeler brand of Belfaai Ginger Ale I* ihe beat 1.l PPM AN It ROTH EB9. Sole Southern Agent*. Savannah. G* thk bept hkh-. If you want th* Aneit roam*, ot (teak*, or lamb, phone 1171, Beati A liavl*. mail* T and I market They adll supply you Rest pork re*t Poultry Brain* Trip# pal|tf t tria. BEffTAI It *T AHU 03 STER HOISR 43 Bull Street. Blue Point*. Lit lls Neck Clam*, received try every ateamrr. Native OiMer* In all Gyles Chops and meak* and game In season Everything the lie*!. Just received, freh lot live lohmert. M D ABRAMS Prop I’. I —Hot lunch from ll to 1 gvtry etay. WE M V AMO BELL HEAL tITATk, Negotlat* loans on earns at 1 pat cent and .olMvt rants Itaprcsar.t Th* Travel, era Insurance Cos . Occident and liability dapartmams. Repre**nt the New York Under*rltera Plra In* agen-y Hepraaani the Greenwich Kira In*. Cos Bepreveot the Phoenix Mutual Life In* Cos. All busl n*> entruated to u* wll, he appreciated, •ad will receive prompt snd caraful at* ttntlon. No SI Bey street east. Tele phone its u i ripp a ca umilin, BASH, UI.IMtg. And eeeeythlwg tn th. bulhllng mnterlal line. We are headquarters for these good* with the largest and mwi com plete stock in the South Huy White Pine Doors, B.ih and Hlind* (or >our new home , ANDREW HANLEY OOMi’ANY. GRAPHOPHONEB and RECORDS • ISIMIU bUTICUS. The Early Cup. Tne cup which cheer* and take* the cobweba out of the brain*, tne eup which atrenxth •n and tone* tha nerve* ts mad* from Fifth Avenue Coffee. it It the most perfect coffee on th# market Rich, aromatic, delightful Come* pulverised, (round or whole.a* wnt*d On# pound. 3S>- three pound*, Cno Nothing superior U, or can be •old IS. I .MM. Cor Br- us hi on and Whl'akat Silver Services Single Pieces Spoons and Forks Pearls Diamonds Watches One of the Ur jest and most com plete stocks in the country. Manu factured by Sam'l Kick St Son Cos.. 106 Baltimore St., East, Md. aPBPI 41. N'tTlf nt. LEVY'S Dlkt OUST NOTICE. YOI WILL I4VFI TEN PER CENT. By paying your bill* na ar be fore the 15th Inst. n H. LEVY ft mio. K. LECTIO A MSTtre. City of Beiannah. office Clerk of Coun cil. Nov. S, IRA A vacancy hsvlng oc curred among the chimney contractor*. In accordance with resolution of Council adopted Oct 11. IPIO. notice I* hereby given that an aiectlon will b- held at the nsgi regular meeting of Council, to be held on Wedneaday. the lllh Inst., at I p m . to All the imegplred term All applications to he filed with the clerk of Counrtl at or before 11 m •( tha 14th Inst Bond of IRSi required Name, at two bondamen must accompany the application WILLIAM P BAILKY. Clark of Council. Kt.BtTlOf MITKE. City of Savannah. Office Clerk ot Coun cil. Nov. I, imp—A vacancy having oc curred In the office of keeper of the lau rel Grove Cemetery, notice Is hereby given and In sioordanr. with a resolution of Council adopted Oct. It, IPX>. an tiedlon will be held at tha nest regular meeting of Council, to It* held on Wednesday, the llth inn . at p m to nil th. ones, plred term All application* to b died with the clerk of Council at or before lj m of tbs Hth insi Bond of ll ann re quired Nam** of two bondsmsn must ac company tha application WILLIAM P BAILEY. Clerk of Council a*ti BED OVMMBS t.l *mtn t nit BALE. lld.OOh feet of ash auitahle lor wheel wrights isrrlsg* makers, car works and interior nous* flni*h Also cypress lumber of oil *tse* \\ c have resumed culling our famous brand* ot cypress shingles and Will MOO havr a full line of thtm for —la VALE ROYAL MEG. CO UOMJS ESfct I TED. By the American Bonding and Trust Company of Baltimore W* are author ised to esecuts locally timmedlately up.-*, sppllcallon), ail bonds lit Judicial pro ceedings In eliner the male or Unites! fftates Courts, and of admlnlstraiora and guardians DEAR TNG A HULL, Agents Telephone S3* Provident Building I I.OtsHt The finest tine ot Mantels. Tiling and Orates In th<* city Price* rock botiom Save money by **eit>g our good* before purchasing elsewhere SAVANNAH BUILDING Bttpp|,Y CO , Corner Congress and Drayton. „ 'Rhone ot*. UMUPOLD ADI-ER. JNO ft DlLutv Frwldent. Caahiw ' C ■ *l-I*lß BARRON C*ARTE Vic. Praold.nt Asst ciS,™ The Chatham Bank W 111 l>* |>!*a*#d to racstv* th* r co r of Mop hant* Firm*. Individual* Ham,.* end Corporation# Liberal favor* exlaudad fnaurpaa##,! oollaetioa field [fee tn , , Ins prompt ratutna SEPARATE SAVIN6SDEPARTHENT INTEREST COMPOt'NDBtJ uI’ARTI , I.Y ON DEPOfflTa Hafaty Oepoalt Box** *,ot v*q.f, rant. Correxpondenc* aollcited The Citizens Bank OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL 5 500.000. Transact* tic a era I u,.ui 0| • balnea*. Soiled* Arronnt* of Indlvldn. . Merchant*. Banka and other Carye. ration*. Collection, handled with ant.,, rrenomy and dispatch. Intereal. rewtpnnadad qaarfeti, allowed on deposit* In onr Saving. Dr|inrlmpNi. D#|oalt Boar# and at on*, \ nulta. URINTLRT DRNMARK, Pre.ldrat, Ml 1.1.S B. I.AIE, Vice Frealdrnt. (iKOHtiR c. rnnr-MAtt. m*hier. OORDON l. liHOOYCn. Aaal. Cash,., SOUTHERN RANI of Iht State of tieorgla. Capital |j. M Surplus and undivided profti* ty , DEPOSITORY OF THE STATE Of UKOROIA Superior facilities for tranaactlnf a Gwr*i Barklrui Bu*. )ti Coll.ctlon* mad* on al. M>tnt* _*cc< aalLls'TJTrousF and, AdSttlintt of Rank* iiir.ker* 14 - at, and othar* aollclied Safe Deposit Bot> for rent Department of Interest pa-an;, quarterly Sails Siarling Eachanse on Londot ,| and upward* JOHN FI.ANNERY rr—tdenr HOB ACT; a CRANE Vice Preetder JAMES M U.IVAN t'sahtor DIRECTORS JNO PEANNERY WM W OORD >N r. A WMt, W W OORDON ]• If A fRANE JOHN M 8)0AN l-EE ROT MYERS JOSEPH FERST 11 T SMART t tUAI/Bt REUS EDWARD KEI.LT JOHN J KIRBY Suit Hi Ml 1 A PIT AL, *350.000 Account* of hank* merchant* eorpor, tlon* and Individual* sollrlted Sartrir* Pepar'ineni. tnterat paid quar terly Hafety Bex#* and Storas# Vault* frt rent t'ollecilona mad* on all point* at r*- aonahle rat**. Draft* *Ol,l on all |h* chief rttle* of th* world Correnpondenc* invited. JOSEPH I> WF-ED I’rattdent JOHN C ROWLAND, Vice President W r, MeCAI’LKY, I’aahler THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH, oa •-apltal Undivided profit* R This bank offer* tt* sarvlcr* to ,nv ration* merchant* ami Individual* Has xuthorltv lo oct ax execute* ad ministrator guardian etc. laeue* draft* on th* principal cltle* i Ureal Britain and Ireland and on th* ; Continent Inter**' raid nr comoounded ,|<iarterl* on daposll* In th* Havtnff* Deportmem Safely boxee for rent HENRY BI.l'N. President OKO. W TIEDKMAN. Vic* Pre*llrn s JOHN M IIOOAN. Cashier WALTER F IIOOAN. Aas't Cathie- No. ltd*-. Chartare.l IS* - THE- Mill! KM H or SAVANNAH CAPITAL. *MO.W SURPLUS )•* UNITED STATES DEPOSITOST J. A. O CARSON. I ■resident REIItNE OORDON. Vice Prr*.d*n W M DAVANT Cashier. Amount* of iMiik* and banker* f"‘ ohanis and rorporattons receive,) up s the moat favorable term* en*lt*m aafe and con*#r,atlve banking THE GEORGIA STATE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION U YORK STREET. WSfIT. PICK CENT. pr annum allowed ■ daporlta. withdrawable on datrun-l Interest credited quarterly. 6- PER CENT, par annum alloaM •* dcpoalu of avan hundred*. withdraw at annual period*. OEO XV TIKDESIAN, Preatdrnt It H I.RVY, Vic# rrealdent K IV URL!. Secretary C O. ANDERSON. JR . Trrainirrr The Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Cos. ARE PREPARED To Make Loans On Reasonable Terms. !l mm Pu&listiers. Kor alc, a Eor*aUb New*paper I\m' r. will fold ahret J7* It la In gooi or ier prlc# fiw It cnat originally Il.V* l '“ l k. have no no# for It and want the ■ ® m It orciitda# It will be an tnvaluahl# adjunct lo ny pewepaiier office. IlMrrw MORNING NEWS, haranoafc. **■ t. 1 . i- o-a-t=' j - -'*** ~ 11L.D NEWSPAPERS. W> for a en*. *' iiualoeaa Office Morning Nen