The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 10, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 fHofnino 2Ccto^. fttorntnc <'• Building SttmnMh Ua K %TI It II % % , NO% I 'IIII.II |t. ItMNi. iU|l(trd a th*- r* * *fT; * • ftivinruh I'. h UOKN’fMi NKV . ; I I fiery J*v m ti • ' ♦■* aid 5* -erred ro fiule riherw in the city, or #nt by mail. #,r 7-- , n>. *• >4 >' if iX inoiW.le. and 4' Oft for < I • • Tiu* MuH.MN‘I S'LWS !•> mill, fix tune** h % *, tw'thoui Humbly tMUf), three m i* I .* x months. $i one >**r I Th* U I' ?7K t-\ MiWS. 2 t*tues n we*k iM.m mo i- ;ivi b> nuti. on* year. fUw fij.i-vr ;4to-..- I Jl) id' afire. Re mit b> postal order, check or retliterH letter Currency rent by mill *t nek of a*ff*l cr ■ Trai ent a 1 vertisemsm* other that • f i:ti • mi hvul or rend * non * jn . it) u ajl • h ip * w * *ioim 10 c* nft a line Fourteen Un* *of afftia tvp*—* qual 10011% tneh *quT In depth i* the •tandnrd of meaf jftmer* Contra ra r a> arxl at* oun* mad*- ki u ■ sj>p>!- , aflun 4* u* i:~ off 1 Orderf' tor *lellvr,. * >♦ Morning Nw to either *•-**!*• * o i*k* *• • business ni.:> I*. in *> i* i* c.ud or through telei'lUH e N*> J 1 * Aft' irraguiar- My tn d.liv.ry -houi i >e immediately re port*d to th* • >f ju* it ion l/'IUlf ,*1 l* I* cr.lfnf iouid be fe*l dri mc I VKMtNIN’tI NG'VH tin B.tHTKHX (iKKUT Park flow New York olti II < * V calk i**i. M tii4K r 1-NDLI 10 MW ADVLKIIStIItMS. Meeting -G* fwgla Chapter No 3 It A M j Hp*. lal Noli*.- Hawaii.* fs|>nnn< Wa ter. Dts>r- S.i-h, Blind*. Andrew Hauler ' rompiny. Saw Spring Hotel. Hua •i*v I Ik. Gann Ja- J Jo><* Han Fritm iv n 1b .*,; John Funk City Mark- . Grand npttiliiK Toai>. M H ; Gardner A Suit lor t’hiqutt*. Mro. Fob Heavy I‘inier watir—Al th* B*** ltiv Keep Your Bovt Wurin—lt It M*v> 6c Hr> Amu-* mn t* Gran*. Hu* *4 Carnival i I nmi’ Meting n: Thomasvllle (it N*v' * 14. Dune*- .tnu H> I*\ at Ta*.U* i, Nuv. 13. * Au tl<ai Hit* Oigoto Piano- ft by Hnvai.nah Auction fin I Comm)-*don Com pall) fir* .y |* f*v Hal*- I*eojvoll Adler, lorg i. Hab*.* t’lt> H veriff H •!* ftallroad S< lodu. Tin- IMk Four. Metropolitan Flothtn*. ,\tauv PhMie*- Tii* M*'tro|Miltton •’< iSny *'oni|>aii). U unk' Yellow I.ilm I WhUkt v Au ’tlon Ha • \i)mlniatr<Mor'> Hal* *v ) I I. ilt *io Au**tloneri. I> um Noti *’• Appliciilion* t Hell ll* il Ketai* Noth'** ii I'ehtore iiml (*r , *lltor* Kltutf Joeaitv W.Himiui lie* **ai***J, CiUtiua Kipm th- <*oirt of Onlinary. Fh*rooe* < M Virginia Fheroole Grp Nut- IViHtuni *\mp.itiv. lt** r Anneu-fr ltti h Av-* latlon M4lif.*: 1 ir. \N ii.iain rink Tutt'r Hit*. Hood'* Haraaparllla. War* • hie Pill*. World H DbpHiHiu y I'rt‘iMrn twin, Ayey - llulr Vigor, I lore ford's A*il Piuieplmt* t'ht ip Column A iv*ril*rtn* *d -ff**lp Wonifd, Kmpioym'm WantieJ. For Hint; For Hale, !>m , l’ r>oiial, Mt* • llsneouf Tl*** W i*Nili*r. Tti* imlinviloim for Gvorgia ar* for fur w ith continued oM we iih* t wi h tr*-h norther!) wind- ainl for Kuitt in Florida f*ir w .iih* l ! viid • o*lr jti -•*uth > m |km tUm, with fa* eh nogth* ri> winds. Kentij'ky i> In ■ omlnji tir* eocvi *• a po lititMi eolot*l Ida- M>riK (hat eh* lk indthor tvkiii-ful nor *d*vattnk It Ip aatontwhlng how many adherent* of **t*leva*ln*l l>tnoia>' .in- rinding their wav into tin- puhlio nrlnte. i m i No ai* r ha* thotiKht the Hon. j ••Colli" llarvey*a opinion! with r* 4p .*t to the leftult ot the worth <|UotlnK. The if>* **e ur* aliout otlfi-n to can ihat alxteen to one will not be in ih' •e*t national r4itfotn of th* l**nu> t.iair* jurt> When f'erlijrriw of South I'akota haw form*d hi • w |>art), h* nn' run for Prealdent on tip tbk**. uni Invite Agul- I. ildo to I* rvrrt P* ond |lac* Th. GeorKta lafkipkature erne fated to be Njuknal at ea h peepion. t> one or more member* who think that their m.i nm Hi Ilf* ip to ii m the railroads. The South Carolina *-nproving elerk that mad* a rn -of that X in the uro poaed ronitltutlonnl amendment must have been monkeying with the “chemical ly pur* XX ” , i letter’s oft; dal inuj*rity In the Flret i- gratify mgl) lara**. It it- an *h rolutely ion-’liMv majority. phoWlnc that In* p*opi ap|>r-eisti tin. aervbvp of their reprcufptrttlv*- in Conart-'-s. In Connecti ut a woman tia- entered suit in a court tn wnun h • tlmaies tie value of h’t hu*l* nl at only %’> ,w; unl >*t. ac cording to the > • imuy ther* ar** ru*>ie women than men in Connti th ut. It might not I** a Jmpl p) a to r<quite *om* G**oigia b*i*lotors to tv- bond to indemnity the for lu lo*p of lime and publtc nuii.v in i•*•* considera tion of fv.*o! bills el :-\ them. 1 , A fine *turl hue be.-ii'niad* in th*' mov* - m nt to build u m*<iuni**ni to ogbitiorp* Interept In the matter ha* tseen atlrr* I tip. Cotv erted action, tu>w 1* all that p f.*d*d to clown the movement wuh suc ceaa. It 1 1 .V pbtiMiie to turn to a > oniem p.atwa, of golf, football, ThMikegivnti:, turkey and rraniierry miu . attl rhrypun themiime NotwlthstandinK the sleetlen 1 over, there U Mill wtnciliiiiK left to live for. Ithlierd t'ii>k r Ip tulUacd to have been the heavbx .lo'-iion lo*. r In the country lII* 1.-4. an .-a I*l In ha%* bn-ti In tti - n#lghl>orh*Mp| of ia>ul* Worms.— was cm* ->f th* l.tra4t winners ills fri*-nda think h* t k. dowu -onp tuh a like ■**.• ll* i.*i v. ,i. i( r* of larg< puiiip at ruur*p ranfc.f g from 2 to 1 to 7 to 5 Sev eral very • otnfort *i 1* iortunep were won and lost in New York, in Wall street, where moat **t ih* bettinp was done, fi** < aleuiation h that 'e.era! niillioits of dol lars change*! hands ou tha tvuK IIKUIII. VM* ITION TANARUS.% Ik, The talk about reorganizing the pen rati* 1 art * will not amotiut to anything hat Is. at thl* time Indeed. It would b mist ike to call a conference for tiiat purpo.' e. Nothing could b* a*-comf*ilahe*t *n*l much harm to th* | i tv mignt 1 dan* Those who ar* most prominent in < ailing for n-organtsatHm want a 1 ham to tell ih* s* who fought the r* *nt h.i**ie \ that whgt they pre*lb*ted h* > cotn* to I >**. tn! t lioe ** who hoi*- the brunt of th* recent contest would reply t*wt ? * < * tie was lost h* au* th*ie who did m*? approv. th* platform either .-kull,d *>l and s* f* i in Hi. <• • • tn* Tbeiefoi* !io?hln-.' ■ ■lib! I n mipli* 1 I t 4 t f r* i • It i ! I- noth’• I 1 fiat e\en Ih -* who w r* ;* mint < 1 ;n th* re* ** t un an do pot igi* 1 ? li* •.'l■ • * of defeat Mr Oa hitig *f M mbippl, *ondemrs • i*mu r\* ryt.pi ih platform contain*.l Mr \ iki . who w* Foatmaetei tienera! 'in M <T* %. ** and • .binet > thai Mr Hr van *wf fleeted Mr M K . A* , or Ufa. • if v tew lhe?**for© th* countrv do. mi t parti uUriy admire M Klnb'yli-m hut >• • *0 Bfv.inrrr. Mr croket • \ • .' t’ .e i*i-?o-1 fallacy defeated M l - u nd h<‘ .* right Uov Thomas, ,f 'oe u.K th:::ka tha* M F:yar* :? ill . • y 4 • ■..* 1 1* mo ra* ,i. .da foi IreiM'l v. fou. -at hem** H* * • hi.- .*dni;ruiion tor M to blind ills jiidgUM iit. ft’liwtrtnau J*h * ia: riot >*d i;Ot ov* r his it the result, but It* ha.- recov ered sufficiently to say that he thlnka 1>• 1110 iHtic defeat was *iu* to a fear tiiat .. .•in * In tl? kuftliM !*.* world Ki*dO' ffton**, *f MUsotiil. who (lianas:* *ft tile • ani p.itirii In tin* Kant. *kei* not wh* an> lie* • dty for rcorganlaattoii. The f icgoii k ar* sample ojkniun.*. an I th*> allow beyond .ft shadow of a douht tloil a coiif# ten. e at th s tlm* Would only t• suit in forcing the tw*) rations of th* party forth* r <iAart Th* wiser plan Is t wait until ih*- feeling engendered by de ft at lm (liMppearnl Then th* I* d* r*- will b* abb to tulk ultnl>. and with a letter under standing of the situation It • # m.- prefty *l** to s.iv .ti tins tim that th* K in is t t> platforn. will not I-* ri aftirtued In Its • util* . a* th** Fhbag* platform was Ther** r* things In It ttmt ftv never hum ar in i plat(M tn of the ?# mo r üb* platform again They nviy ap l> ar In th* platform of some i*aity S* 11a i*r l** ((igiew - prMabl> Ami h may b* ..aisbler* I 'Mam that K*-Jov. Altgebl will n ft• 1 wilt* aofstlur pUitfonm for th* Ufni'i* j* par t> His viws if* not too • <ittettalried ly th* great body of In*mo* l trots Mr wid alwa>- ha%* warm pin* in t * affecilatis of Dsmo* lat * be >au . uf hi obllity al Ml hone-ty. but h*. ft.II! not put at tip* front acaai not •v< 11 If h* admits thiii silver -•Hi* Ills party will <g give him a tlilr<l .-I,.!)•• It* -bl- llxe next H- mo. r itb plat f.nni is likely to dllfer in several import ant t* trtl tilat s from those h he has made his record. ♦ i \ It It IM a I IM Ml | lll\*4o\*M |*| %\|l Th* **i f*tru tlon **( a brblg* across the river to connect lus city with liptchln- M*n < Island, as migge-ird |>y the M an- It k News. Is apparently th. thing n* * - sary to b* don** to round out the greai work Accomplished by the Seaboard Air Fin in transforming tin- Island horn an uprightly ami piaulb ally barren waste in t* a great and busy terminal The m* at* f *jui> k an*l • *sy travel between th* FI and in*i th** cltv ai now \ft anted Tha |> . its plying bn* k an*l forth *l* not m* **t I I. demand, a brblg* would meet it, and provide for the growth of trwffb. wh|*n 1- * for >*ai * *rn* With th* b’.iid mud* easy of a* •*. |V of hfilg* many Intor.sts wmld l*e he*dited. .*(*•1 11 iMcturefujUe f* at till* w**ull Ih* ad*b*d to th* sights of th* city, outside of Its husln* us* s, it is s f** to **y th* bridge would Immediately (w-oortm *n* of th* favorite pleasuj** pr<meiiad*a. The high bluff on th** city sub of the river, and the l> f the several ptr*-ts, *ilh*r of which might Is* uj*ed for th** liridg* u|*|'ia* lend tl)* in-* .ft* to th* scheme The eonstru tlon of a bridge, say from ti< fool of Whitaker *tfe t, would Ih fr e fri>li (iu)> ol the* difficul ties w hi* h commonly attend similar en terprise*- It would l* a> t -o ar -1 ana* th* southern 01 Wiiitak-r str*i. **tvd of tiie brkfge tiiat the structure would not In th* b ast Interf* t# with th* traffic on Uay a|r**ct. KUher of twoplaim (nigh* lie followed The H*v*d of the stn*et (night Ih maintained In the bridge, or If a high* r altitude weie deemed more desirable. Inclines might he run at right angles with the buds*, one of them Fad ing towards Barnard at net on th** wet and the other towards th** City Exchange on Ihe a*t. That would Ih* a question for th4> engineer t and the author!tie* to d* Ub An engineer w*ll Informed with resp*. t to such work t* l * t!i* Morning N* •' that a suitable sP el bridge. uch .ts in cOD templitlon t)u|d *ot'struled at n ; wry r*a ma.* • •■-* inM*l* of fJVOUW— mid that not . great length of Utn*. would b- r* (pitta and lor th* completkNi of Ih** work The carrying through of such a bridge s- ‘heme wouhl m-vin a great deal to Si ftunnali. A s* *N)<* braise, aroes Hack Ktver would alm**-t **rtlnl\ follow th** on at rue Hot. of tlx- one und r illscusslon. rd would o|s n up for *l* v* l*tm nt and tittd** with this *tty a rich sect lon ol *oiinlry ou the South Carolina side To stall the l*al! 1 )ttg it (night l*e a goo 1 I*l* a for ti.- ft *1 • > Ccun. II t*cvffr lit advan • to the prop cftois of a ‘*ri*lg** across tli*- river at th tt> * \ *r\ advan tage which th* ‘Gy an giv* If the mat ter should F taken up promptly and dealt with li* a I iuJ. |ftr*i spirit**! manner. It Is i.ol Ih > on*l lb* rang* of (M>ss)btlit)*’s that tb* hrllg> will U 1 oittlt and (hit • street Iji ■ t* 44ms •*ti*i p*d -Jrlatis aid Is trafteislitg it almost i *t -**m* of (b* ohl fogies t4\ *MJ * *eb*l In I Übaing th* sutprist out of Halt *yf Fmm* tt MTndb *'( North Forks. N l . won a wife in • Im on Pic s|. > t|on Miss l>ota JMulips Had th* lit van * r*t of tlx wager, all* I s* on as Ih result U.U* set * t!i*d beyond vloubt. l-dnm. tt mad** her pa> up by going with hint to n Justb* and ruairvtng hn* H*)w ver. f-m-* Kmtnett at.l iH.ra Im I Ixen -vv*. tin an for s**m • time, th* chain es . iP Uait tiay WOU *1 | have married ea*-h otliei anyway i;. 1 | wag evidently only bluffing when eh agr*(i to the bet. I'ndi r a polit y o f impetinlism it F *0 he expected that < ffilo w II Jo-* ix avt > 11 I population, through natives of that UU ‘ wlr*- IV .ivl i oflicwn li) U>* totanlM. THE MORNING NEWS: SATT KDAY; NOVEMBER 10. 1900. *lll tl'hiun AMI OKKI* *■:- •in*.**:*. Mr M Kmli-* I* fwtnu iol4 *h-i )>* h** • innr, in 1. ni l up . whim Itepuhlh *n party In ih<> South—lhs* ihr ir nuiiy Snolhrrn nrn "f InSiirno* who npprova mt> of thn lnadlna tlo ir,n- of th- 11-. puMUnr>' m l w*i f ' woulil h w iling to .iflilPii IH *hal 1 jrty II u • r wnr. |,.1 .1 tn Snlfrtl ofh< ■' in thr H'tu I: It 1. |,■oii.ii lc ih.i' M M'-Kinl-y hasn't *or> mi It II *> 1 .* lit n*r nfT. • fM*krr IP ..noot, , corilns to roll lion, havr unothrr trriH anti, hrn* < t |. no j|.imjrr.nt rr r< n why hf rhoitM im r inti him.. II to I- wortl<l ,h.ti th ■ wl-h*.. of tigr > .!h r -.*rrkrr* In thr Bo'tih Hut I hr- inrrrr .-'*<l .nough In hi, party to win It) hull ! II tip In ihr So'Ul If ... 1 ■ 1 ,rt. in 1 ,tt'*r In 1 .i>on tmonie whll* Rr-ir'ihll* ran, lim Ih'-r* i fc another ytrw of I.* rju'toh I wll worth rttniHtrlne |t la this Uho I- IlkflV to h- Ih* P’Oin nnt • anti Ut> lot 'h- next p r ild nllll nomthatioi. t ' thi Rrpultllc in itl> Will Sit Hi* l ha ■ iMidj r It .0 II . • lam that Mr McKlnlry wouM ... a!! 01 >:> .fl t*r. w to g—. hltr. the nomira' ot .Mr H .nr* hf rfona moo' lor Mr M'r mart I will bv |o,alhl" f th*- latter *v * i t* *it> for dim Jn win*, way *'**).d Mr M* Klnley im* tier Mi Hanna inor* a idmce than by ►*i iiiiii: tb bguiea !*r him from the ftouth to the i *tlotnil convention? The F*d* r*l oitt*s .i* great h**lps In Intluetx lng ih* •• .b l-K it. If 4lx-r*-for* Mr. Ilanmi Rhoubl * . ,4). lid * * tii six ■ ee*l .\lr M Kinky tt F pietiy **rlain that * g-sl many r.e grot. siiuki Ih! ap|olnied t* F*d* ral offi'■* aln th*- S**uih If lie should not b* . it F doubtful If Mr M*. Kinky would **• *-rt him—lf tn behalf of any other can U i it* I’.ijl If lie shouldn't It I *v no ni. an- . .riilfi that he would und* rtakt to build up .1 whir** l(* publican party In ih Soulh t*y *m*olnt lug only white men to the |riix tpal Federal offl • s H* uav f.. i so grateful to tlw-s wno alrtady hokl th** 'pi**4)tm* n* - tH • • he w ill *■ aiitnue them In 44111 c* 1 Wh*ii be wi I do It) the mat let Is a qu* lion ud*out which tixie Is Ilk* ly to Im a good *l* al of s|v,iultttion aml very llitle Information until th* ttnx* *un* s lor him li tct. There ms to Ih- r*.son f*i thinkiag. however, that doe.ftd’t Intend to (Tiak- troubl*- fot th** South lui iu ♦ Home of tlx- H olbein st.ib - hav* disfranchise! Ih* negro It 10 noticeable that (here seem* to U verv little sentlttsot *t th* North in fuvo *?f reducing the r* pt*--* titalbHi *f th* - state- whbh hav pra<| l ally ilia franchise I the and gm. Inb **** li h 4i N iittni' nt *!e vekrps th* it* publican l-adeis will n t tak* any siepa ho-ill* to the Houlti. Tn* Itepuhli vin paity get t**thl!g fr an the South now and It might not something If ih* wa> w* np n**l f*r the S*4Uth i*> *ll - bl* *>( |iOiitica. #|UeMb*H- T h*- di frali -hls*meiti of th* negro o|H*ns the w.fty. I'IH >IIH V t s| )•* %it ail V* HKI'OHT. Th*- annual report of the jifi■ sklent f th*- I'otton F.x I)ange, a synopsis of whb h w* publish'd y* sterdav. makes an ex* • l .* nt showing f*.r Hits \mw\ Notwlthwtaixl- Ing th* (act that the coitim crop wa" a -hort on** Havannah's cotton receipts were only a few thoiirandw 4*# bales smaller than thos* tjf the previous year. Asa matter of ?a> t Savannah wa • more for tunate than anv other on* of th* *>tto I tor is Mr Sh**.ir-oii I- not diniurb.-d In the b ast by the opinion held in s.*m*- quar ters ttiat there will -o.#!) Ih* 44 vr> heavy falling ff In the re*adpts **f otton ut tit*- i**>ri No douht he !; of tlx opinion that tb*- tn* reas* in the out|N>t f cotton will ke p |h< • ftvifth th* in< c*f th* taking" tt“ - "iton mlh' of the South. There is oni* ihbu: (hat l* inentkifis with feelings of sattsfai ttn. anti thi* Is that (he advantages *d (his |*rt for han dUng col ton it* >u|H*tlor tnat oftioti buyers* and cx|s>rt*rs are (aiming her* from other font-, lie tlisl.** very Itt• l- l* 4i*mpiatn of in (he harlwt fa* Ulth*. but, at (he *■ time tun* lx* rouliws that de*|e • r water would Is- of gnat advantage to tlx- port t’iuuiixrce Is growing and It 4iught t* • I tit v • ill#* deeper water whbh th** new harbor prJ* * • woukl give Mr. Slxaitson U4*l" nothing disturbing in tlx* i* nl talk ab*u dhu*ritnlnatloti In favor tf S’* w Orleans in th* matter of Uisuntu e 1 at* s. On (he tontrat v. 11s lx* liotikta out. Savannah has sum*- things In h*‘i favor which nr* of Mich < on- t(U* nee (hat they p* rmlt of bringing . ottoii b* r* from N* w Ul ena t* rrltctrv Tlx* r* iort covers the* year pretty thor oughly from th* vtand|oint of tlx* *otton huslu* *• •. amt insplrisi *onii*it‘t • in S.ivan nail's future as . commercial ciy. I*. t<*r Nichols 1 colored brother who emigrated irom tlx- doiMli to the* 0! Delaware, where he though' |x*opl* of Ida *otor woubl b* better appreciated H sctlbd 441 th* town of Milford IVur wa: well with his |*oUtb al rights, among ftvhb h he couti'*-d the tight i to get all th** money for his volt* that he * oubl l-a*l Tue*day e*>m* poittk al workers appro 4 lied l’* t* r nnd inv U*d him t* vote for their favor!;* How much will you give tn* " asked Peter We are not buying votes,** replietl th* work* is. '\oii at* to volt* to r-av* your country, for th* sake of p.anotFm. W’ua; P* t*-r t*l übput In - ou n -and voting for patrxxiem would not ivftok well in print, lx wanted motu > lor In* VOte, and sa!*t RO llt 00l tfffOlM* ~ry of th* Miow wn t*> mu* ii for v n 1 Dclav. ar* |H>iitbai workers, not with )).i tid ing they live mi th* Mate of A'bh* k < 1 rubbing Peter by th© houklers th y marched him down to ihr MlsiNllion river an*! chin-kid him overboard, and say th< diepat *h. “they would hav*- diowmd him If it 1)4*1 not In n foi many of th * ftvhlte pc-opb wlio were ther. “ Thousands of theatre goers in this s . • I ti*ii 4 *f tlx- country will ngr t tlx* pi rmuiient r* tir*n.*i)t 0/ Hobtixl BttA from the * tag**. It hui- Im*h *iu(hotlia (lv * v -1 ite*l that lx* -an n* v* t .1 1 igaln Ills txalth Is ruined, find tht* ar*- fears for In life. His wtf*- and p**pular i ol- II g lady. lsa<lor Hush, who b**.ln.| nil engagements us b>ng as then was hv**' **i Mr Heetl’s recovary, tt-s * i:t* r.| vau dcvllic. H-ictofor* Of rnun conruinr prvsitioitw lit Souxh Anxil .mv* 1 generally is -ii mi *-*| by imflvt-s of the stabs to which Ih* v wer. accredited. N‘*w a * hang< | 10 b* made In th** lykrm, and tuitlvi tidnunx .ll- to In* U!*|<4*l(lled lo ih* M-rvicc. It is h lleved Unit th* bang* will result it) an Increase in Gviuiau imiK with douth 1 Amorica, Thw I>mdon HtatUr predicts a gnat boom In shipbuilding in (he Inlted fltak-s wheih* • r the <hh atibubly bill is pa-ed by Con* gre< or not This expanoloo. it say s will le du** pr imarily to * heap materials, such as Iron and ttetl, In which the United Htai* nw have m advantage over all •11 *-r •*. ,ntrx ,u:<i • i.darlly to (ii© de mand for an Iran • rd o**tn commerce, particular ' lor th* exportation of coal, which promise* to develop amazingly In th*- near future The high prices and comparative -vir p of • *m! in Europe ar* • auHtig gloomy foretiodlngs on th* • •th* r ui< of (uf* 'mt in. im J activity on this side More women voted last Tuesday for a I’rfM Jent than ever F for* In the hi toty v( this wintry. It Is * Mima ted that tt.W) of t.')m voted in Co-uj'lo. ll.'b) in l'( . 11 M#f in ldiiio and ',i in W yorntng It Is r< markable fact, u reforted from each of the state- ram*-I tha* the women st their vote* again** w."*mei holding ©flic* A Denver di f* .t* h \ > that it wa.* th* vote* of tho women that tarried t'olo rado fer Pryan Ji. that state about t I u cert of th* -total v wa.- cast by worn* 3. We ship "’.ortlv sex whether Pres drru M Kr. •'dll 'do t *' :r. ♦h* mu ter ©f .*,d>oint.!.g • *•)•> o tu.|ortas. office* to t.x (k><* doux (taut hern men hv ag pressed toe hrliel th il h* will not. i , i:ic*4(in \i„ Qtx*n Yidorlti l tn* shortest m*n -ii-h in Europe. Ming but l fe* t 11 In* le f in hlglit Hh' weigh- Hs) pounds William Dean H*w*dls t trie novelist, will .f-M*| the wlnt* 1 In N'-w Orknne, , where, it |s said, lx* w*il lay the sevtc (*>r hi- mu *■ ory Tn*- Emp'ior 4f Japan P votes m*>t *? tip leisure to P * i iur* If* is one *-f e most widely r* *l m*n in th* F isl and has. rnnr* **v t* b j**-r.*l verv dub upon irons!.**- ftjuccti Victoria :.*s given her permis sion to Hir WUltam M ict’orma*- to accept on*! wen th* Kal.*er Wltxim romm**m>- 1 at.on Medal iHniftvxl o|Mn l).ifi ty t.i <i*-in>aii| J-ImiM i,*r ;•> t*- ognMton of •* r vices fend* 1 4*1 In tl)* war of IK7*-71 Itell countv m th*- *Nstrk’t js 1.0 It puoix an. 11 gain of j over tlx IMS’, ele * tlon Mootgotnerv • ounty F o’H**ar> b**m* ntul has given an li.< i a-*d It* ll* an mxjorli) as have most ull of thoi*c W I*o have been report**) The iie|rs *f th* late Gardiner <. llublMirrl 4>f Washtt*g(on. founder ar*l preskb-nt of t!k N.iiPnal t•• <gi aphic rf*- clety, .ire t* *rct ii building m w.Th ingtoii for tiie us* *f in** aocn*ty a*- *i fiicnH*riai t< Mi Hui* >ard. Tie •-<M 1 mat'd coej Is ♦!**'• Tlx- It*-v Jain*-' Gray former!v Pr*’ft byt* rum minuaier In Pretoria has been ap|roi(iic<l by laird llohertu n ting libra rian *f the library ?h*-r It m.iv n*t Ih getx-rillv rememF-f* l that the rever -nd a 1> w weeks before the outbreak *f <xstlli x? pa db lv den*tut•• e*l Kmgertsm from tils pulpit and had to fl* to Durbiiu In *nseftpien'e M Daniel Oairie. Ore* k inUlUasaF' r* -sling In Paris, h i litMltuted a prlz* on the lilies laid down by Mr. Nob* I. though hi** offer |s lor Fi*n. amen only. • x -pt in m l*ftiJ Kxiwiitlon year. wn*-n it Ix-.-om* - universal lie has get nskftc a sum 10 Ih aw.r*t4 , *| every three years in iierpettiitv to th*-fthw-oveter. hventor or i’toducer uf the Itl**-! noteworthy UP u **r obj* f for th*- Iwix-flt of humani:-- The pri* is to i>e never l*n*s than !<■<*■ francs, and may be double tha; sum. iiid. Jack on— “N**. I i4'\r I ik*- the news tNi|M-r beam I've got h family of grown up daughters, you know “ Friend—“Pa per* 14*0 full of rime?'' Ja * kson—“No; too full of Pat gait) sales " Tit-Hits, Mt>* Putting—-Y*Mir Jok**** always re mind me 41 f h ball. Utti*-wK—And why of a ball pray ? Ajisa l : U|tii)R iiet-ause there js never *iny point to them—Chicago New-* Not Yet latbelled—Hoy ua |M>litb'aF j ‘dinner factory* W n.inis g**e* with tbiv pi-tur Ilryan er McKul* ’ F pro prietor taft* r ex imtn itloo>v"I durmo ! Ask th* artist “-New York W**kly. tTairnlng Acquaintance rhlmml- - “lkitw Mrt’orker *b* heavy weight— m* • ou-b usftsl t* r go t*-r M*hooi wtd'ni “ ■ Hillle “Daft ain't nut bin' in*- bnnlder h.xl I l*ree front t**f k :o* k* and out hy’m on. t.* I —Brooklyn Fif* —<’ft>nsld*rate—“Hrfdgei, I think It s hardly the thing for you to entertain • onipan:- In tlx- klidi. n " “Don't ye w*rry, iimm rfhure mi' *r >l woubln’t b* .ifth* r ifeprolvin' yi* *V th* par!* r.'*—Phil adelphia Evening Dilllletln. When It Wid (V>m t)ff Mr Wickwlrt* —**l liotbe that Bryan arxl Rooaevelt's trains pi"' and eat it ot her n and \ or g* Mrs W b kwire "<>oi>lness N*t *n (he "ai)i track I hope?*’ “Of * outer- not That att* mpt will not b* mail* until Tues lay.“ 1 nditina|M)lis l'less In >bl Missouri—t*ol Wppah—“l be lieve In votin' early an' often, wih." Pol | lle*|e\—“l don't, suh It's 100 much troubl* to vot• ♦ arly. an* it's wpst* o* time t vot* often. 1 preft-r (*> chuck In .1 good Mg bund o' Miilot** ill to on *- an’ hev vet duty over with -Judg. A S4* la) Economist—'*l>ls pr>sjerit> is all ffetitious!*' sobl Meandering Mlk* "Wnot makes you t'ink it?" asked Pkni (ilng IV U “Be* a use <ie> keep 011 off* j in' us roast t mk\\ an* nler J* -am* a*- dev did last N*v* mcer If we was progr*'•(ii. 1 ii- w< >rt *le li.ind-Oftits would includ* t r ajin 411* • hatn|M4gii*- by dls tlm*.’ ' \N u.-hlng ton Star • • ( I HHIAT ( OilMI'A r. The )tltimore Sun (Dem i says “The last four years witnessed undreamed of • v* ins in Aii)*rl at* history, what the n*\ tour may bring forth is not even to b. ot)J*vt)r and, hut It is to Ih- ixqxd that re l*etn in** at bi uc will not I*.- (li*- s*qu*d to Tu sday's congr -s|onnl **l* i-tlon.* " The Charlestt>n Post (Dean > says “tti Hanna is proposed as the next Prcsxtant by sum* Western folk. They should know that unvaried . ustoin precludes on. man from sft-rving more than two terms ai th* presidency. At the conclusion of McKin ley*- t'ond i-rm Hamt.i will not Ih igf bl©." The (Sri-enville <B. <\) News tD*in says “It was practically the Houth ver sus the North, with two or Three lit 4 l* ’rotten boroughs* up m the Northwest where the silver kings control things This s not 1 icjtlr.fthlc mat*- of affair-. But w hat ar* we going to do uliout lt?“ The M icon Telegraph tl>em ) says; “In j three out of four election riots in North ern sta • s neg Toes prectptt ih| the trotitvle in it) Delaware iiud *n Polormh* \\ have rrmnrk.-d lef,>rc something about Thad Htcvrnu* chickens -.vwdtf Uuuic lu rvust kitli ua." J **Banc wed h) a Hid,** Althoagti e llartiett Davis was horn in ah. owns a tug farm In Indi ana so* fay from t!hlciig*>, and only tw.mty miles from the Wabaeh river, says the Kanis City Star. Iler husband. Mr Will Devi*- f! manager. • a native of Indiana .itsl so is her l *->ear-old .-on. The • ontrulto hrrsslf is Iloo ser enough t*> have wept once upon hear ing the popular song. "On the flanks of the Wabash.'* The weeping happened down In Tepo#. toetar W aco, a or so ago a * "I was tn k train p'k," raid Mrs. Davie, “and I'1! wfer forget how i se.*re.| me The englnt/c,oX.our train had run hi* engine square n*n h*‘ r. jr of an other train I thought, of course, that I was killed, or if not killed at least fata’- ly injured. Aval I thought about my teeth. Oh. my ter-ih* I am*always afraid th it something Is going to happen to them I need my teeth hi ringing you know (By the way. J* h Bartlett Davis has very even and beautiful teeth.l “Nobolv tn our *or w.i hur* and every body laughed at my f trs The car stood on th* .dins for a Fnr while and pre*ty soon In came , hit I* boy and began to sing I had never heard the .song be for* but jt wa about Ixmging to m*c m\ mo*her Jn the donrw*\ * and the Wa bash.' the d*-ar old Waba h I brok* down .nd -’rie I And after that ! called the litJe boy to me and had him sit down hi the teat beside rre And we had a long talk ! talked ‘good* to him. and I thought io ntys<*lf thtu *e would grow jp a i iw h betua matt he u.-e of tlx** talk I h<ri given him I Ilk. to talk o people thin way. Jam apt to stop in the streei and talk t* *lrurikon nv*n in the tesrfu! stage ral try to reform them, lut I al wav- g. i th- worst of It. “After I had tin shed inv long* talk with file Utile bov I f* !t lettir and I gtiew* he • too. hvtjiu*. I .*ni|t!e*! out my whole purs* in?' hi** hands When the child left fh. . ir I wa*- In n “ort of glow of rlght eou4. *s- and MclYonald and others of the Hop tom <n company, who ware in the *nr. laughed at me, but I didn't . nr. I knew that I had sturfed on.- Ilf- light. “I’r.-tty sam I heard a boyish voice outsid*- .i\ ng “‘Oh. look in the wlnhr That** In r. look a! her Say. *he was easy. l,o**k at my money, oh. it w.i* a cinch' I wish I'd known another song. I cud hive got gp much more * “I looked out of the window It was my little w,*ct-voiced boy* I had been buncoed by t kl*l. Such ar* th* trials of thus* w h would I*** r* formers " U lio llft.l lII.* I.iiml liiugh. “There's another * a-e of the man who laugh- last.” remarked a practical joker th*- other day. |M>intlng to a turnip pat. a tn front of a ptlvute residence, says the Washington Hi at “I don't und i *tand whe;e the 1 njgh corn* - in ' i.ltnbte l th* list, n* r “Of ccnirs* you don’t, but I do. and th f laush Is on tn- I thought Iw #* (daylns a jok* mi my friend who o cuple- th** Bouse, but he ha** the turnl|>s and I have to buy min* Horn*- tini ago h wan*e| gr.i - an.l clover r*-ed o plant in fnnt of his lions, and 1 1 k• many other |eo;l rt h* thought th* agricultural .lep irttnect supply would rnuk* a tietler showing than liny h 1 * oiibl bu> In a -tote 1 volun teered to get the *eed. and I conclude! I would put up a Job on him “ “And couldn’t he t*ll ih* difference be tw. en seed for turnips and ► e| f.#r grass?” Interruptisl th* heater. “lie thought there war s -m* thing atm it the #e-d tha’ w s not *'.\aeil> right but not being a farmer h w - not certain 1 told him the .—ted had lie. n r light from the Philippine ond .he exp i* i t* -*■*• something in ih* gra - lln * - dllf* • sit from an> h** ever had seen Ho n alter the se and had sprout*-1 and the l’.itl -heave** 4how<-) themselves m\ frleiul’s auaptclonr w.-re aroused, and h. made in quiries almut the n* Ichborhood Non* *f Ills ntdghlmr- coukl tell what was growing on Ills jmrklng and I |>c*slktel in telling bint what a beautiful gross plot h* woul l h.\r som* .lay Th. 1 tine finally .ante when tne turnips . ould b - sc.-n. und my friend enjoyed th** Jok*.“ “And. of coin vs. you enjoyed It the jk*i was asked. “2 ot much.” he ans were I ' (ot I ant HOW' hll)tng gome of the tumifM at b a-t twice a week when 1 might Just as well have hud them In mv own yard. ' 11.- I'urgdl to ( ..nut Tlm-iii. Great men often tiav. not only the qual lt\ of absent-mlndednes-, but a sort of simplicity of Intelligence which might )• • allied foolishness in p'-op;* known t* Ih* k-4 gifted ih.::: *h? .*. -* * - .**• v*oth'- t’ompanfon Hit William Vernon Hat court. who was .‘harn-ellor t*f the ox • hequor in the*- ministv in Ftigiand. un<| who Uyon*l question u highly gifted man and able -tat> -man. •eds a story of this kind of vlmplh ity ot his own >x|*ngc. ll** ha*l susiH.t*.| for some time that a man servant in his *pijdoy h <1 been steal- Ihc money from him At last he resolved to set * trap for th** man Taking a handful *f gold *oli,s. he laid them down on his writing desk an*! w-nt out Pres •'titl\ h sent Ids - rvant to th* to fetch som* article. When John Int.J re turned he w* nt promptly to Ills room to v. If th. oing ha*l been touched On tin* table In th*- plu* where he had left them. w*t* g.d*l * *lns. Hut w-r* • here t.s many as he had left? He did not know tor he had neglected to count th.-m b. fon ti. laid them down. “By this incident, you see said Sir William, in P iling ctw story, ’■that I w .*-* born to l* chain* l!or of th* t'XCh;inT!" This Is a hiimoroiiN conclusion of the matter, more worthy the recital of an Amen* an than that ot m Kiiglistiniuii Tile Morn! mu After the Flection. As viewed by Mr Itooley tF. I*. Dunn.-t Th* tn* :mn' afth.-r lln-tlon, ti* Hlnnlss) t th* slug Pile an* Dctoley to th’ In i r pump an' J.iwn D K*vK* Mlar to tli lb can an' th' ol flag (haltin' over all • us if th' wind Is good an* tli* man in • liai ge has got up in tltn to hist u |*oo . i-l man. th’ fun'ruls don't dop for lII*- tious. cr th’ chr'stcnln's or th’ woldlnV i•• Invlbr. 1 think li ilk* s !v y. imagtii* thl counthr> I-- *m thing b* sides ot hunk Iv l.iial occ\ |Ht*l l*< beln s Y** a sort of at autymoldll that'll run ilowrn onl*>► >.* chatut it wltii y. 'cc partic lar kind Iv g’as Don’t >*■ exph-t. Hunits v that anny ttiKstp |v nnjee - will dlirop fr n hHln t* e hop ycVr wool on tl\* inoriHn* Iv th’ slventh l\ Novcm**. r if Hryah Is Hlcti. an’ don’t y kive Jawnnv M Henna think Hint if M.t* k gets in Ju*T. have to put a athrlp t\ oilcloth on t dun -sill to keep pluthyemts fr'm shovin' thrvasuiy notes unlher th* lur< No. Mr; I us- I t* think t'ut was so. w.nist. in tli •i*ys when I pat hr nixed i lot hr \ Now I know dllf'rent. \%imte.l His Meiisur.*, The Wichita tKaii.l I agh **a\s that at a rec.'tit spiritualistic meeting the spirit *-f F.IIJah <*r - was .ill,d for ll ijah Grosser had *li* and tin :, m an etrl\ day. bill was rein* ml** i*.| f*.r hi: tmtm ti * rtt. nr* six feet five tie In \ %>! ~ m ti, 4 . darkness said in w.- Kl.jah Ar. you tn heaven?** asked un old timer Y*-. ' c;*m. the answer “Ale voti un angel. l,lg ■ "Yes “ The question* r piu-. l, evld* nil\ having exhott'H.-d his fund of queotloii and then sifdlcti|y tn.)tifYral: “Whit |u you mensuoP from dp to tip. Mger' Horsford s Acid Phosphate tint r Good Digestion. Taken regularly after meal,, rrmovci the acriM of diauea*. oppreauoD anJ “ailgone" feeling of the stomach. Genuine brxrs name on vripptr. Keep Your Boys Warm. Wo Will Have ON SALE TO-DAk fiL .. 50 .. Bous* Overcoats, sizes 3 to 14 years, odds and ends, one or two of a kind at 31 50. J3 00 ?>3.50 and $3.00. They are worth just double '-J .—f* the amount we ask for them. V I o (5 a VJ ALSO 50 Good Wool Suits. T ®V j same sizes, at §>l.7*s 100 pairs of Wool Knee HTj/ Pants at 45 cents. V Hu Also a few dozen of Mothers’ % Jal Friend Waists, former price $1; to-day 50 cents. li H. LEVY & BRO: Ocean SieainsDlD Ga -FOR- New York, Boston -AND THE EAST. FiiMirpa-F* I .übltt a •oiiimixlatlom* Ah th** comfort)* **f a nx*d*tn hotel. Electric I'ghtc Fix Ncidh <| tabl* Tlck*dx Include iii' ib and Ih rths aboard chip lares irom Savaaoili. TO XKW VORK FIRST t AUI.V, I llllST i'AHIN KOlNl) TRII* M.. IN ■ TKIIAJKI>IATK t’AIIIN *l. INTKHMK- I'IATK < AIIIN KOt Nil TRII’, fcl ■ S I'MKKAf JK. |lo ; To BOSTON—KIHBT 'ABIN. I’IKST OARIN’ KOI'NIi THU*. *.;■• !N --TKKMKDIATK > AIIIN. n*. INTKHMK I'IATK CABIN ROL'ND TKII* t-- STKKRAOK. *ll T.. 'l'ist' • - j .*:: •- -*; rtf t!j - !!n** <*r ap|>olnted n -all from J*avanniih. tVut* l t'.ftithj nx ridian fitn©. up lollowi* Ml INMII T4> \i;\\ V4MIK. K ANSAS i TTY * *. I l her. SATFB- I>.\ V Nov l* * it) p m. TAFFAIIASSEI: ttap( Ackin*. TUES DAY, Nov. 13. y.ii a m. UTTY or AFIJFSIA rapt. Daggett. Tl IF BSD AY Nov 15. 11:30 .*. m CITY OF ItntMINOHAM. Fapt Berg FRIDAY Nov hi. 1. 3* p m N Art )4 XT IKE rtapt SmPh. SATURDAY. Nov 17. 1 t* m KANSAS CITY r.ipt. Fisher. TFKS DAY. Nov it* 3.30 p ni. TAFFAHASSKE. r.*pi. A-klns, TIIUUS DAY. Nov. ?: 4:30 j. to CITY OF AF*sl* ST A. • apt Dagceti. SATFRDAY Nov 24. b.m p. m NAF(itw*|lKlUx|X Smith. TUESDAY. Nov. 27. x 30 p tn. CITY OF Bl KM! NOHA M. Capt. Her*. THURSDAY Nov. 20 Hon m KANSAS rrrv Ciftpt. Fkflher. THUBS DAY Nov. 2?. )O;00 ii m NOTICE-Stf-nnifthlp ft“t of Birming ham will not ■ arrv i>;iffM*ngeri4 m:\\ \ l U lu ||r)ft | oft. CITY tIF MACON. Cupt. Savagr, WED- N l !SD A Y Nfi\ H, Jm . o-x. CITY OF MACON. C.p:. Savage, MON DAY. Nov !.* ].* 0i n<>on. CITY OF MACON. Capt Savage. ITU I'AY. N v. 2?>. at 12 flO CITY Of M.\ ON. C.tpi. Savage, WED NI'SDAY. Nov*. 2®, ’2:"4> noon. This *'omi*an> r* -• rv* the light to cluing© It- >.illig j without nolle* md without llaM hv or act ountablltiy th* ;* - for Hulling* Nvv Yoik for Sivatmoli Tu**- do\*. Thunolayn and Saturday# .* p ni M G lIKKWFi:. City Tick©! and Fa#- rciigvi Ag* id. 107 Bull Mi* *t. Hav mnal* <1.4 1 K NV SMITH, Contracting Freight Agent, Sa v uiuiiid. t;a It. t *. TBEXKVANT. Agent. Savannah. Ga WAI-TKR HAWKINS. General Agent Traffic D* pT. 221 W Bav #!ri*t, J,i kou viHe. r:. K II HINTtiN. Traffl M *tiag* r, S*- VJtlOHh. 47.* ** • EE I’KVHK. Manager. N* w B©r . ‘ N. rfh riva l . N u York. N Y EOUCATIONIL VilllNS CONIESI How to Voto. rm out Ml.- icheil Vorinr Coupon an.l m.i.l or l.r'ns ' o ih- bi'.nei offlrr of Ih- Morning N.... S..v nn.ili. r*n l-.xh <'onnon miirt h,io of he p rson for whom you -|.h to vot. VOTING COUPON. Name St. 8V..1 No Toon _X>Ui NKWHpAJHCtte for li at liuitncts uuk* JJvtnUig Sup* II IS MET fill IF IT DON’T CUR!; ,iSf§ I five,. fX; %£!i mm Ch|| LLs ■4 *'* tf* :1i p | * U ill sell you Smith's Chill and Fever Tonic, and ii it does not cure they will gladly refund the amount you paid for it. Look for the Red Triangle on each pack age. hill*'' B A Guffou.iv, 4J©n# r.! Me rchandise. Maitland. a. Oc 1* w To Whom 1 1 May CcMx . rn: I have* (h . n-- hug Smith’-* ”alll aixl I > vi-r Tout© fer (ii© pa#( • *-*r un*l hav* .**%> u#ed ii n niv *un family. and hav* found ii to !•* a*l that I* c!aim-*J for it. Vour truiy. It A GAFIaOWAY unKSiors im sfosts. BULL and CONCRESS and 309 BULL ST . RHONE* J 9.1 and ,2. KeidionlsSliiefSlfipioiilli Steamship Links To Baltimore & Philadelphia TL-ki t on Suit- u> AJI f*olntf* North Wwii Hitick*;*- liu'ludr mroL • | '- J t t rili: Haviinntib to Hultimon unl Pi Av'i olUl)oltttioiltf and culdM um tiualtd The >*tv.iit)!hl|)fli of (bin company a a P‘ to b/.!| from tfa * annuli a- full * (Ontrul StundMid Time): to ii%i/rMionr. D H MILDER, Oi|i. Pelcr.*. SATt'R KAY. Nov. l*i 7 j> m. ITASCA, Copt. ill)lu|w. TUESDAY No ]J, 11 a in r l> II Mll.l.Kit. Uiipi Pi-tem. HA i DAY. Nov. lu. 7 |> in. . ITASCA, C;,.,| Itllltip*. TUESDAY, 13. II n. in UOHUMK3TEH. * - api Jami*. Til- <'■' IiAY. Nov If. 1 in STATE OK TEXAS Capt. EldrWe SATURDAY. Nov li. 3 p. ni I II I’MII. ttIEMMII A. BERKBMIKK. U|l. Ry*il, TUESDAY. Nov 13, * p in ALLEGHANY. (Mnl. Koolvr, SATUR DAY. Nov. IT. S p m T:< ki*l iifflri- No Hi Hull atri-ft. .1 J. UARoI.AN A.:- til NEW CO VU COHEN. Trav Af Savannah. IJa. \V U TURNEIt. <i 1* A A D STBBUINS A T M J •• WHITNEY. Traill. Mnnac'r Gm-rul 081- on. (laltlnior . >M STOPPED THE COUOH. Prather'* Tar and Cherry Couch Cure 25c. DONNELLY DRUG CO.