The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 10, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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HOW IT WAS WORKED I t 'I lit‘l HITTKR KMT HIT l>V BMSCTION TALK. 1 ODELL WIRED TO ROOSEVELT. \v#f\T % TTOR >KI UF.M.HW. DIVU IHI>K> OF IT. luitd l " Ik* t tntont Import nnrr That f*e Ho Made % K Hini flic >tn *r of fbr Greatest i it* in the < nuntry I tale#* It ( *|*l H- Hr *ntd Ihe linporloat rld<*ii<*r should Flrat Mr Proittcrtl* \*w York. Nov 9—ln connection With i nniwrr of Mayor Van Wvck to the ! against him filed with Go\ i M .rlt regarding hts alleged improper ctton with the Amt lie an 1 e Com* In tlie World to-day print# i tole f m purrortin*t to have hern imt by j p Odell. chairman of the Republican ard noir.lret Cf the Republican ■ Cot . rr.tion for gov*; ' to Gov. * . r • r for; ‘ Ti. odo: e r.Ooi>*ntl . | ■ <.oi o New York, i*ri*>|>b * ■ * k, i.. wire \ florney Oi’twinl ImvW ** Ik* K rot to give out to the* reporters t 4 U y k anarn'or at thi# time It mu-i i. ue',<: till aft*r election if ov r Thi* * ild imperil *ur chance* ami *j**t u* Into , , Um wrangle f hav* also wired Iw* x!( * U *H tidal! In *n, letter of Altdrn* > Gciur* I - to Sov. Hoi*r\vlt. dated < 1 t I • in* inifi \iiiiig thi aniWTr of M.iyur Van* \v k the attorney general say* 1 Mayor, by hi* .*n*wer, *hi rl irimr hi* Inrumlwnt v of th* It 1 - " In na** t.ien th owner *f share# of >io k at lh. Atr* llean I< e ComMii> ll* also il* m.ti tiiat Marina the period in which he w.* th* *iwu**r *f such (•*'k the Ana ri < ..I: |.r ( ontpanv h.*l conti a< Is with the ci!\ for the sal.* of Ice to various 'Viurt* m* nt** of the > lly .111*1 fr th* basing >f il<i td oolongiur th* •11 y In my >'in ion the owner *f sto*k in th** • *>n*>n j* interested within t!•• m* *n|ng of the wrl I** • inp.oN ♦ | in w* 'th*u I.kGJ >f th* Greater New York Irirt* 1 in 11 * ontra *t between th** corporation and th* city" %\ unfed I'rurmllntti Pt||rtl. Further on ,11 his letter to th* tTovernor the Attori ey General sv* ' *ln order t Justify the Mayor's re moval I lo not bdlleve that It i> nee# *- .ry to establish .t cnee ag.iitmt hitn upon which he I*olll*l I*** • '*nv! r. | of crime tih *l*r th* provision** **f S- ■ tioti 1 ’*Ai a!>ve r* - ferred to. hut I do I** I v* Him- should h clear an*l *.tl*faci.*r> vMen* , of 111** moral guilt • • • "It is of the litmo-f tni|*orttiii(*e that 4.0 forth* r i*r** * • 'lings shotiM h* taken in this matter unless you ir* *i *■ fi* I th.'t *he h.irg* * can h* siietaln* *1 Th*- Mayot of the gfeniest city in Amerl* a aboukl n t I*** liumil ated by being placed ujkjii uiion * hatg**- whloh c.r gmundlesft or which win not 1•* prov n I*fid* r all thes*- ctr uim*tanr*s and in view f the it t that th* charges tre m.**l ti|Miti inform. 11 ion and belief, .ind * * nMd*r ing th* fit. a *-x|h iis h*ith of that m*\ *• anl the mate involvul in wueh a tt.#n. I h* il* \. that iw*fjr* a 'ommi->um*r l -p -|M|t)tel or any further ,>r • **iing- taken In this matter you should r***|iiir* the p tit loners o place in your |wfi* sston ’i** evldenca which standing alone an*l un ls -1*01•**I would Justify the r*tno\ai of tie ni lyor." lilt. Hit lIIC. i: 111 I*l. % XT. \\ til Fmphiy y.iMHI llaiuda nnl U 111 imi % limit Fitt-hueg. Pa., Nov. i* -Th* t'tmim* rcial (adSrtte #.>> Flans hav* h* * n made hv tli** Am* ri*an lirelge Company f*r the erection in th* F.tiehurK district of th* lamest and n* t complete lridxc hulklinjt and etruciural plant# In the world ft w.ll * iupl* \ d*uut •i.Ohu men und It# election will roet $!, **.- (ffii. Involve*! In th* #< h*tn* Is *h* man afa*anre of steel Imrae?* and hulls 'or u * in riv-r train A l*t alreatly h* * n ’•ptloned for tin* work* and the eons*i u< - •ion of th*- works will be I • gut: within three month* ill fi %i.o u # % >i rulurr Un WMH Fm* %Klnt Mu%im-!•*• i*. Now York Nov. ? ~Rt*iort wa* mad im- to-*biv of im ■ blent w hi' O * urr- 'l o the auxiliary orub*T HufTulo * Ih' ‘'•rookivn navy yard. n*l which wl’l n -snU.ite placing ih. whip In h* dry th* k or i••puli'- A .-trong wind iu***d ti. | ‘ ift ilo to -win*: wi; gi*u‘ fu • :!#* prow of th** bat th-idilp Mn-miohiiiicM'*. [ i\ mg ut the •••id f lh** f*oht> K. k A? • rvnult. i hoi- \vj -rove In th- ltuff :•* • unddtp.- Ih-luw th** water, line *••! • hi • .-*nf A li\or v down mid t**in i-'ifiilly •4np|*'*d t<• l k Th* official? th*- yard >:%y that ih aviJent *.- nu! • atrlous ch.ira i* i % ttltmlf f dr filer* •••<> Plelion ••• I hlnmr \rgiilliilliat". Ijotnton. Nov 10—Hr. Monlann. wiring <ih lines, from I’* kin on Nov fc. *•>> "M dealer* and M Pichbn. Who Ku*- • iti and French niini*t4*nd. alone op i*> *1 the Hrillrd projfuml to dnl w 4 * h- qu, ntlon of th- *• -vldiot of th** com* mer. i| trcotle* in i preliminary ir* ty, nd the **x.fdl ni Ain-ri* n proposal '*> •l*mi*- th* ofll ld> n‘d*t whw jut Udb • • ti.*- oti:r.iKrn were lonwnlttwl." Tim %% %vt hkikii:^. lor ni*- r llrldniP ** % |*re!.cir rn Ini* Mere Mrrlfd. Barilo. Nov. The Fnlted d:ae? em hi -y in crowded with application* for r*-!r*a.- .'gainat the (i.rniiin government I by naUv*.of Al*f • -lerr*:ise w o * now American citlx* i-- ind who af-es l 4 a expaMl !*•• • vlaltad tbelf old *m* only to l*e curtly • •well* 1 bv t •• *<• uriiirs ruder th* p •*' lot *-f • • f ■ * *tv •[ Pm.* tjermmy tefn** *to ivcog -1 ’■ hrm a?* entitled to protection. MrKlN|p>*ii I'luriilMt In *Hllo. Columbux, O , Nov. '* -* ‘ii.iirttMi; 1* : Ii | ■ • It. ->ub.i<-an 81.1 bK* 'h -1 ■ tn-4fiy ;h.U M --K;nle> .* ‘ 'n.ilHy In onto n. flgure-l from tin 'om- I • ■-I ronirt.. Ironi ev, rj prwUiel ’ 1 'I'" i<-p<>f-tel to the ll* pu 'li -on ''"'ii- i ■ 71.M* Mo max <> #r m I horn- lliiur,-.. |i eni'frlol utilU *'i*‘ "fli ini ,-ount of :he voir of '.he "tale h.i 'ii •'< mpl" ml • <muramlafH,or ell. N-w York. Nov. > —A moot, ’to m*’ 1 * -®w* recilvnl by (lov. Hmw vfft nt hi" n- In uvMi>r llu> w.i- -41*' torn Ar•■ it - ••It - h:ipp, .le of ManlM. o* follow "‘ onjralulallotw llav< xorkol >hl * Ph-n. M-1 reauii." . The I it mill In it klrrliaa. ■-‘t. .Inhnti. N. 11.. Nov. il— Hetunt’ ir ,,ni II ' election lino 'itoli‘l •>.' .|xt-''h Uliorala n.i on." -fur) Till* r-.uli m ik> - * -vM to D u Dm counti > nm r- .•'Hi;- -*iwl Mr. Belli Styles jjo >s] 440-441445 447 I 111 1 7-OR SALC AT 4LI, If ADINC RtTAILRKS g ENGLAND GRATIFIED. (fonHnucd (rom Fir.i Par,' ) It to h. .overrr l by Ibf Chln.Kf.' ws, .men iior <rou, \o 11 nfor tb.‘ C.*nr. r.. Into pi lo .t f* ,l -■ 1 j-i-ult .1 th, iht o. n.ii. Hu hr*. .* mu-t poi .. i *im u. i ho. •it 11 l.ii K.lll it. ii.ul olliti '■..* took i„rt hi tlir 1....i0i■ . iiiftT**ii*.|. ai 'in ll.iKu* Hi* o*lroriHi.ny .*i*> •. h i ion I i!i * f. r\hi i|i| n tii* i*hi*;i|. "I KnKi-ttil i** niilniMiit Ih.-lr .i**f.iii.i * in .u.-h it" r*' *'*■ I'onillllun ’. ill 1 01 >“• * ■ an) n ln*rmi|ltoii , f iho i**' *<-, lij. 11 uhti h our |ib*i* rlly 4*. i.-n• I" * rho .U|.r. m. cixvlitlon." i jniiiiiiol th jiri llili r "i, that no rnform, no I* ,*f tlir -Hainu.i voinr uni*..*, r nurt'.y .tujln.t rxtrrnal Inn rfi rein i I* ,rt>- lulnuil nv 1-niUli* our drfen.-*, In -urn . I„.. |fi,,ii { no accl'lonl ir..i> h.i|*|wn >r >o<i.l ini' imrilrr* fhol. m.ik. -i .uilty .loui'tful iti majority of hil l S.iilshurv * ■ r li. lli thi* w.irnlns which i* ilrltvi.r** I In 111. miwi Imprt-.H.lvc mitiin r. r* l< rli'i 1 to Hi* t*.i.-lbllily cf I ri’ii ft \u:t%’* ni ui:>!<•* i*vrs. hroliirr. W Itli-li tin- I'-rt, ahoulit Kll in In •c. N. i*. Nov. Tin Plnyunr !m* rwilviil aJilltlonal roplif* from Im.lliii! Dimointr civ inr ik|>n>lon wlih ref-r -to thi future of Hi- U.moorallc party. .1 It \I 1.. m tM.-*r:i|>h c from W.isli ‘Jih'toii Ml). "Thf Demo ratio parly, not nithmn<]|nK It ha. ha t to ourry many i-iiih and th i! ti ha. , th*- dli-ap puintKl m -nil-* mi.lor It- banner mi l nt one iHounio aot.v. director. In th- party, ha. |Milled Hlmut “.no ■*.* vote. To *ay that .th han ornanlaai ion nhoulil !• ahainlon. il or th. il. votr.l (noli of that party .hOilUl lie .liMin nr rctiro.l I* |.mr p Mo.v and will m vrr no-I w ill* miio ,.rnr The i-lrctlon ftMprovrn ttiui th- con nn rol.ll lnt-ri-wt. of th* mtinlry nro para mount Whether tin- m, ! Will MUbin 18. all othi-rv im to Mhnwn Hun Inr** Intarr.i, mul b- r>- a irib .l ami valuo* imnmb *o*l hut til Kovrrnm* nl ni*n | l not fnrito.- ,i.|i. I brlirv r m* a parly .houkl re main ii'int. l-t la -x Hi in* in *i * an I lalrr ho oppo.ltlofl lo th. othat party und—r rotiwrvctlvi I—d orn, bill lint unlor soirt.ii p-raonal poiitl ~. that may be labelled ■ of *>n* man.** j Sterling Morton. Nebraska City, mi> To I** Mivtd th** Democrat b* par*/ m.k.ul ! i. j an* the crime of ml.* 4 * egenailon ulm Popiilifd* an*l free diver Republi in-. After lout U alioubl remove Rrvjii anarchy and oM Which that name poll - .ill> impii- Th'ii p ought t* imm.n *•* I for th* in li*t *ome man wno : - |wm>* held firmly foi honest money. f f.r i tariff for revenue only for * .trl t < >nHtrud!on of the conutltutlon, <*nl for a tun.- I* ntious enforcement of th* law i. tin* rpn-ud by the court? HTOM >1 Ol t ' M.U \ Oil K. It Un* liM|o*ill* for < onaflnu 4 ruft in Knlrr llarlior. New- York. Nov t* —lt wf lmp*' , *nle 1 for coaming -raft •* -nt**r ih* harbor to day on o *. otint *f tin trememlouw r** atul northw*t wind. Mini three shortly after tielng hight*l off tl*' liigh |,ind> Umiiul in. *lropf*l *ni-hr off ehore to hold on untli the abatement of the gal* and .shift of the Wind Tiny were the William J la-rmoml, from Pane a icon la; H I Haxard from Oeorgetown. Sr., and l.aur i 1- Spiagu*. from jtalem. Mum HOOT l< <.01\4. 141 I 1 II %. ***eri*lnr> of War lolettd* ft* look Into the *ifwntloM. W mhlngPin. No\ -tt* . rotary lt--or left to-day for N* w York anil will Mill to murrow for Cuba, lie Intend* to visit Cletifuegus, Santiato anl mil* r i-oln** on tin* * a*t* in an 1 * uitii*-rn * **n>t of t o islami** wl4* h he did not .*• * “f* hi* laat < i ,|i. The nee ret try will le gon* about iwo week*. ll** ‘•.ih not yet luimpleied hit :. port, but lae made a *ltaft of it which will be put Into *ha|*e duilotf hi* voya* Pay iiiaMlrr firaeral’a lleporf. Washington. Nov l#.—Th*- annual repott .f Pay master Mineral K-nuy f tli* navy di l* In |rtr* figures He -how- that lant >ar n* spent |lC4,*-.iu on a -oun: of- on • trui-lion and put. ha** of *hl|*. for r*-|*nr- to *hl|e. sll.TlV , *> to k* **p ship* In .unmlselon itn ludlm: |>a\ . '•<* * ••*• for the marine * ori*. and s.\.!ni fur the naval midtia Tin r* i*i t •t- forth j ?h* flee*l of additional Mon-hem- 4 .*! K**> I Went and Norfolk - - - -.. . llfltubllvana till Waahlaalna. Sruttlo, Waeh . Nov I'n-ler tnotho.l. of hx-kinx up ballot for filth-ini <’olllll In tint aliilo III' popular VOII will not be known before Mon-lay Th- majorltlf" f parted from th< NMtlt riM th* fSl low lug mnjoriilr for lit* "tale: M-’Kinb \ :< 7-v 1 tow 1"■ I'- nm- tal. f r 1 bivi rfior. In 11..- I.ralal iiur-- the H- publican* will Ini ■ 7-'. member. oul of a <oial number of 11. Veit for t*ort*lar* of Mar. Irnll in i|oli“ It I . Nov l-ea-llmr n pi r 1 u to Indoor powll k Worry R Now. national <Hiimlt - to ttllow th-- tt-<‘ *'f ’ll" name for Secretory of War Mr No a hi <l. Itn I mil-. o fir i-l nn * (Tort w II l- mode to wt liltti 10 ac< -pt th. ■ vblii**t appointment It la fill h r- It IPrn . i* entitle.) l<* ", MOTHERHOOD” i" A yfomon ?1!!I FREE - nT tells plain facts that everyone of the Rentier sex /_ . y ought to know. Its common seiic advice saves pam, trouble and anxiety. One or more copies sent uiton request, to one per on or t<> iltfferent ail- /[ dress ~ If tlv readers of this announcement know o mi*l hers, they will do them a grit ayor by having thislKKik sent to them. Address the publishers, Tiixv Till Bo.u>mxi> nEr.t t-.STr*** C*b. stt.-intn. r.a. THE MORNING NEWS: SATI RDAY, NOVEMBER 10. 1000. HUNTING THE NORTH POLE. h%>\ llßl\rd >KWI OF THE \HC* Tit F.\I’KOITH>\P. iow,- Feeling f.e**ende**ed Between Pur) ui *t s % enirtp-f lie l.atteV is U iiiiei isii hi don* s’ sM.H aa*t •'run • hi • • g r—lteu 1 h si n Ifetuber *f the tirralmn Kspcdl* lion. Edinhutgb. Nov. It now appears that lr. i.''o|w>i'l is th* only mcmlwr of f. party ef arctic s.ientlfi exploration i who arrived .*t 1 lumlce yesterday on the I winder l>Hip> from I>.t,vi* Stra.t Ir Robert Bl*ui of ill** I'nileil States Ideological Survey decided lo aWalt the ! lirst i>pportui|i!v of Im tng landed on the Am* ricun Mdf j s.itiiiH'l \\ frini*-*(h *f luxwion rr* f* rr 1 i. ram-tin it <’ai>* Sabin** I In an Interview to-da\ Ir Kmn gave in* nt*re-tmg d>**i*- regarding the Pi r> n*l Hvt-rdrup • xpedltlon* i.iiu IVarys jmit> ‘ h* sari, "pis-* 1 in winter at Klu.i. oil sound, n* ar th* spot w here Dt Hays Mad Ills ! winter quarters in mil not fnr frftni the scene of the reely disst* r In Felt* niAiy ami March of this t * ar Fort Mag* * • i>ur winter house ut B*lford oti I'vni Island, w* tnrlce visited b' tlw m* mb*Tw of his t x|h*ilWliiii Ueut Peat y rciortv| that u *>ut t**n months prevlotlal;. he had met Sverdrup pi the Kin*- h.lflin north of Smith s -auinl From convert*.*• tions I elicited that sum* feeling hud loeii engendered between ldeut. Peary ond Svi-nlrup. th* fortnei rather i* sen#- mg what b . nsklered ih** laHer * in trusion Into ground which for exploring purpose, f American was iuHineil to re. g. hit* own Sverdrup had largely *u* llml tin- Kll smere Hinterland mapping out a ngiou tint# wa- hitherto a blank on Hi* * harts "I l* Hev<- Sverdrup on th* Fram Is now* wintering In Jones' eouti*i. and my opinion, which is lrk*d hy that **f the Inin I whalel a. i> that It will be imposalbie f*r die Fram to * ome home this year. "Ueut. Pear> ha*l dogs and 'Ti -l. iigi -but having underrated the diftlcul M*- * f the Journey arul not having 1* nut r.Het ■ > of food, most of his 'bo; •ll* , d "1 im eermln that Pear)' I* l now wfnterim: at Fort t’nngA •|*r S‘**ln and myself discovered m* I* in holy r. 'r*l of the Hvenlrup expedition, I'tiri Magnesia, in th* grave of Dr. Svendaden with th** Inserijalon "lile*l, June !. pc*9." which Wii* nearly ’w months lM*f.r** th** arrival of our pirfy.” f. 1141 writ OF I Hl'Lltl Ald JIM. Ilim f ibre l'nrile t lew* the inter* lean Kleetinn. pari* Nov H> The Idbr* Parol** egj* that the leeaon >f th** American • 1* > tlon is “th* growth of militant Imperialism in the I’lilted H*ater. ’ ■*Kr^n<•e, ,, If say.-. * will be the fir-t to suffer, the I 'lilted SI It* * taking it** e ifll *•*! ipl*Otl unity to e*tX** the Frei l An tilles whll* *ire.t Britain atl.irks \l .*.*ti.i ami l'r*nch right? ill N*-wfouiil* land.** TI PI'F.Jf Wild. HF.TINK. l ender of ( iiiinrnnthr Party I* Owl of Polities. Halifax. N S . Nov 9 Sir rharies iup- | M r. baeler of the Conaervatlv** iHrtx in I’anada announ*e*il his Intention to-*lay to retire from public life Conservative members fr**ni i I the |*ro\- ln<•*-** within th* kist two days have of fered to resign in his favor, but he de clined. He urged the several races In Canada to work unitedly tr# mak* the l>omlmon great. siutiiii s i not hit: rinKo. slierllf ltol*l(nu .I**ll m Xnvnsfa Tea. tunlnsl n Mb. Nuvasotg, T x Nov 9 Asa result of f he tragedy Of Wednesday, in which three Ilf li WeC** killed at Anderson. xcitemCnt runs high In that town HherlfT Harrrtt S ott am! . 1 w fri* nds are hobllng the jail igains! i crowd *f irmed clilgens ; umbering about 1W All im-nass is re ported suspend*d t And4*rson and .irmM men are hurrying th**r* from th* <oun try rtcrlous trouble l feare*). D.iuulii. 'lr. Ixtußlar. <Ju. Nov. :< -*The aurprkHflC o,rit of 1111 roirun for Douel.i. w.m the tr.arrlnw bin niaht >f Mir. 7' T Inting.T, i.. Rev F. J Burlier. The revival net* loot* atll! -'onlln-tr ~t Dl l’..u<tlr rhur- h. lie |n,pti,.| pt-Sr’i it,K of Rev- J. I‘i Ollleplo and J I iixfor.l New member. have been otil-.l lo Ihe - luir'h. T-• first ir.-e*e of the *eson atrU'lc loUßi.* l.iat nlshi I- u -.m 0- Inle u- o’l-lovk ihti* mornidß K lltor J.imoi. M I'-e- inoi ia-1 the m.*- fortune lo 10. hlr p< k* tbook In Douffla-- vomainlnk ulioul 17.10 Haller lleat-br* linalan.l. S iuthamplon. Nrv 10 —rjen. Hir ltr<lir lluller --h the Dunves.iit I'a.ilo fr.m I’apo Town, r.n- b -l the .piny at troutlutmmon l.iwi .-mi Ins .11 >sn n'oliek It- von iiree -*d hy I oml Wol*el> and hi. aiaff. as well as an tnmiena* art- mbly of towns fih..- l!c. ltru**l Hh r,mlii-*/lt mi nl, Homersrt Ky.. Nov 9. -Oeorge Wll. pre.blent, itivl II (I Hall, --ashler of ,fhe Honteisei Bank'tie Conipany, were arts*' .1 to-day. Ilitll WHS .trresred tin the ,-hnrifr of eml>.-sxlliia SlS.**** and Wait on in.- rbnnfe of false swenrlnu In m-iklii* ihe Imnk ttitemeni fleuh gave hall IN THE WORLD OF TRADE. lion Market* Are Kneournalna but !*|int t nihm Ilna Not %d%aa*ed on tpproHeh of Frost. New York Nov I— R Cl. J>un A Cos ‘a Weekly Review of Trade to-morrow will e* v Iron tnarketr are In an en- mi rag mg .on dli.on No violent speculation le threat enNl but.ln numerous InMan- e* tatter de mand ha* caused small advances The moiit notable change thus tar is In pig iron which Is eagerly sought at all mar kets. luge *.ontrc s bring placed. X to SO cent . ton above the bottom i*olnt recent ly quoted Hin t cotton has not advanced as expect ed on the approach of fro/t Actual dam age has not cerne and bthef in a current lleld of W.Fb.OOh bales is s:ranger Hritlah egporis of yarns and doth in October showed a lose, miking :he total for the vear very heavy. rttiMfln ports send out wheat freely, and even In Argentina trio outlook fr the crop is less discouraging although the qualitv In Some *llstri' ts will he inferior Specula* llvg selling her*’ for foreign J'count m* ts evfry advance, and exports *r** behind Ust years Western re elpts are fatrl' large but the movement of corn in*o sight 4vd cut of the cpuotrv Is extremely light A heavy etit in the price of refined sugar | ov all the Drge inter***? brings standard arsi date i o ji <■ w|* 1 w it.,* 1 ■ - >•' 00 |' i h te..,il ludustri# * *liW • t. lA< ts the el*s 'on Failure-* for tlie week were >l In •* • ' I mti'l States against 15* last year aiel H > ill (*au.ida against il last j-.r I %\ II VU TIIT IT Will MOW I iherti Imleprsdent" * nrrlrd Off First Friar. W ay* roaa. Us . Nov l The Liberty In* >le|*en*lent Troop, twenty-flv* strong, un der command of Fapt A tl>rd*n Cass*-I, reached the city !*•• night, and th* Llb rty Guards, iff torn men, • onimanded ly t'npt J IV lluch* h, arrived on the sain*? ti aln The teams selected from the different loops for the tilt which occurred at 1 o'clock the raornlnw. were a- f>|l<w- Liaerty Inh*|Hml* nt Tioop-. Flr**t Team (*ajt. ’asaeis. la**tns. iS*r*lott and 4 a** -Hs ft'-igte W. A reining Jr. J R W.dte. seon*l t.n> Privates A • Wvnn It F Gordon H M T\t S F flordon. tV.rp! l Norman; hi*d im fit tgi \N Harden* T V imvls If W. Cordon. E I* llrii'lry. J o. Itog**r> IVayiH* Light Troop First Team IJeut. Ml’llki* Hirsts D Prie* II W Sur ren<*y, frniery Il<> ** rsm, Forpl H J \\ estb* rr> LiHrl> Guard First T* am Berfs J t Chapman, 11 C Martin PHvain B !t Martin. R II Horne. W L Martin; second team Gorpl O C Darsev Prl cat - h J Hugh* - T F Pbapmun, T \ Hughe- M ft Horn* The Wavne Light Troop *ll*l not arrive • I rim* to tak** |mirt in tin tilt and 1 tie Llhe/*y Gyiinls and l.ll*ertv Indepetideni wrrt Hie only eflltb * The tlrst team of tli** Liberty Itidepefi'l tits won the prtse of #l<4*. Till- sam* t 1111 \\6n the first prize for lilting In Bruns wick tost June, and th* tiist at th. ! 4'a*o Fair In \aldo-*a last w*dk The fair closer it* fourth annual exhibit It< -night, and while t!•* manager?* arc tfijble to soy now how rh. v .m* out financially. I Is bil*v.d they are out abend ♦ I TnllnliN*>er %*•• 1010. Ta Ila hnsse. Fla. Nov Tlie 8 its Treasurer h.*s r*mltcd to tire severa •ovmtk s entli led Disn'in th* amount a due them from the £>roceeda f *nd ihV-triftiins of tax sale • ertlficiitc* fa* <h* month>of n- ib*r. Fannie Graham wife of Phil Graham was found d**n t on h*-r <l*Mistp thl* morning with tier throai cut Th* ml lowing facts were brought u* .* an In quest They had not lived together fo" -one* time; Phil visited the woman l-t right and at 4 o'* U* k this h* lit her throat She vva* dead in tvv ihlliuloi. and Phil fbd A verdl* t was render* t In accordance with th*- facts Sheriff Pearce Is after Phil The census bulletin sent out from Wash ington give the {v>filiation <f ToJlah.i* btiO|leas than it raily is. n*l th* (M; t’ouncll lia 4 * taken the matter up. ii-g *’ounciimn J A T I! METROPOLITAN :: CLOTHING ALWAYS PLEASES. One Trial Is Sufficient. •n.- j No matter whether competition is dull or lively among dealers, we always keep it on edge among our makers. Put one against another until we get the best clothes men can make. The best clothes we sell are aljjeays here for other makers to see and beat. The best man gets our business, CA i C. HA just as the best store gets yours. - - " •sJVJ Overcoats. A superb showing of the fashionable Raglan Over coats in Oxford Gray, Blue and Black; heavy, rich ma terials, excellent tailoring, SIO.OO to $27.50 Box Coats, either in short, medium or long lengths, $5.00 to 5.W.00. Men s Shirts. The first batch of the new French percale patterns are in—different from any you have seen. $3. Mostly light grounds with colored stripes. The Percale is the best made in France —in the world. And Percale is prettier and better for stiff-bosomed shirts than any other cloth. Men's Shirts at sl.oo—a splendid line of broad and narrow stripes, fast colors and hand-made button holes. One • I Price t rie acid eentsr. ot\Ut# ot lime ‘ L’ric cid avt'aL Thorng Gravel. kidnev mtgia kidney brigio Kidney otigtn z Do Not Wait until Cranulsr Deposits Develop Into GRAVEL STONES Just as soon as you notice a sediment In your water on standing, take the j /\ | *SOI Vt" T WARNER'S SAFE CURE FREE SAMPLE !*,rn |<3>t|l f->r ■"■’mi''.* n !' ARM K.' Vl'.. 'l RS ,'O. It. 11,.1f ■ N V A''Hltor. till. p|> 1 tvluo writing:. Itaiidadph and I. M. Llvelv to Inv stlgMt • the matter A roll) wave swept down upon this Sec tion last night the mercury drofgdng *0 (>rty. him! the weather is stMl *ii te chilly. I I .and ho- 1 count r> club, w hli h has hi u ln<or|Hra*ed l*\ letter** patent from Gie Secretary of Stale The capital et*w*k i p,ii and n cli*| house and gam* y. rounds w ill Ih established and maintain ed. < I.HWK OF \\ lit IIOM FA 111 One of the first I or (*hrs la the ilsgle lts. Way cross Ga . Nov. !♦ -Th** gr at* •! fair ev*r l*el*| in H*uth lieo.gla cam* to i mi*■< * -sful Hmk* to-night. nnl thousarwls of visitors w*-r* in siundiii" This was \V It Denham Day. and Plant Hysiran • niplev* fr*m oil over th*' iln* came In to pee the rliow There has leen no dearth . . aura* n**i>- for *:<l and young In fae# n* v r saw s. many shows it one time and .at no other fair have w** had such crowds. At leaM !.•• people were In attendance to-day and ftlinost like nuinler y**-terday. fllackshear was her** In full force ami •* wcr all the other Surrounding towns and cmlu I*-?* The races In the .sft* rsoon wer* k • and exciting The I?h jm< ♦ threr-quur* 1 and 1' * | * 1 > i \ had *' •11 trtee ' Mtdwfi* PluPan.M has l**-ri going t.l week day aul night Th* largest and mail-*t men on earth attract#*! large ■ Mwd f sfM-.'| a tors *is *ll*l all the oth”f liOIVS, w hile tin* Ferris w he* I w ie llb • roily patronis'd # Th* agricultural cxiiltMt wa- nut gou*l as it should hwve hen w hile farm nutmal sh**w w *s shot t |* p ral Hall was jr igequ - ly decorate*! Th** f\**iiwir's 1 NSf>aitmef.t was exceptional!) fin*, while the educa ■ nal exhibit >f the \\'a\'*i*Ss public p hrtnlp Was a credit 10 prof Pound, th** teachers and pupils Our merchants ictid I ;ed > unsid*i abb -pace in Floral llall* Among th* most k>**autlfil exhUilt- being (tiose of th<* SatllU* Manttfacitiring Gotti* lnny, the .Murphy-T\ hitman fotnlUny, tho -urprlse st*r Knight s music store and many others Hon l/m Johnson 11 n* I Dr .1 M. HpetKH*. Jr . h(**l well urrangesj displays of the products of their f trms Thes*- geh j Gcmen .*re practical farmers in addtFou to bring c***kl business men Thfv cultl. vote their farne* syst* main ally and Intel* j liyently. and their exhibits show wh it ire county soli is cbpsble of priodiit-lng. Taken n whole, the fair of PTo was \ -uccesp hi every parti* ular. and a great deal *f credit 1s dtie th*- ladle* who work'd s faithfully and wrei| -UMHNAn r>*uito*ti "1* ti I** l t w*tnf Rif,' ( '!!•> < e R '.’h.Aifr N \ <Vn !♦*!- Right .lf* *:- I -u(T*rc I gr*AUv (!h lildw irAUM* t t phv'i<*l*n9 but tIA• r WMlolnr* JM •*! rl<N *<*.! A frUrl o< rr 'r In ibr Am* MMn* ,u*. t>|l ‘ f *)• fl'.tn.i * Stft <• *r I lfr •■:, .. i *tt*r <•’!’. tna r -." -f M (In In tA l'i|. '.Binrn n- I * M.iV, 1 .• - • '•;* if it .i'ii ••" 10 '!•* ' * t| . JlWlfl- . 11. ' H>' I li" ' I" ,*.,:i.l lli.ri *1(0. f.vlbg ih.:. 11 - . ii" .m I 1.1 ••I* my was pcruiurn 1 now h*:.AV. II I. , Von 1 n Hill). Roc'v iii*Kii,li Tit)iHi II ' JENKINS Mi an-orfling th, milll . I .11 Tr.i*iwii'- r,n ,<• r-iilt,l a, ii.ii.ii,, f lrM RAee-llj? Trot [mf,, l. Avr •'1)1,1"* l*'l ItrM. Mil* Kin* n-fiui.l Thru 41 imf fli olid Ma>s - Frr* tor oil tr*t. pur.*e \W sevihv enities FflF |N)g*-rs w u jiHlxfe tlapkhlre third Third Race R itihiri: lialt-mib* '• *#•*. tlfov pc*vtn! Gv Plonetta third *th*-re haVe Iteeri tnor* trailers pavers and tunnrrii entered In ihe flees Gils year than ev*r hefotvc I %VA)rr*ia \*ti >ie*. ivfbs*' On . N**\ !* T f h* public vh'*dv of M dyer.o- 8* ite‘w B**utlteru IS!v loehHh gcho-il. logrihet .with t|* > i h’Ol* of Rkt* att. nd Ih* fair It* a body to-day Bam Jobes spok* •. u largA, crowd 1* the * >pers Mbufh night f|l wubjeot HA* ' • 'h.ask* let j ’ Mr Kea ton fb 'lSiib* rrv f#*ji *yWeef*r of 4 tutfßHi county Aft* l of his porkdlnoi, kMiiinlnr about w*> in , % t*ii shortly rtfter laiardlnr the Jacks*>nvill train igt night Whilf in the (up griMinds \>sNt*l.i\ Mr T M go eat hfld Ml* ptwiets pl k*.l !**•- Inga ioeketfi4*k f’iHti ash ■ ■■Ap 1 ■ . 1 Ituniae* III* )*• \*#4r• .ThoiWisl'lilf d.i V*>v y-|{ r* Ral fftOr has hsgftli w. rk *ai hi* big“- rate anl hack* * flciofy. In thtw dtjv T)te mdtttlffsrV ot th* * arfjivrtl./md r.t • * which afe trw Im.held in ihte ify on th II If- shd Iff of Nftivembef. Aate cl-r will \t* mnra hv-**a on the ,|rtck than * rrt se#ti In kouth Geurgln hefdr* The tfad*e' dl#(lav for the . arnlml promise! lb 1*• quite a ffcttdr* it will tn orr'.lhe jpontfei of N|v 4H The floeni Iffflili- iOI the will |*e . !)• df tk fare-T • il*-- • fe.v U Tn* I lam kv*j *tr; It. 1 Tifton i bum .•kvtlle* ahd Gtllf Rallr-Hi.i will e**li round ir P tlohHs to the 'Thomasville carnival •nt at hu fafe Th* Mitch**!! Horn* wr.ll Ik* llkesn q*en Lo guestfFdUrlfig * afnival w*ek tatiAi h ft Sji inf<{ftl* llopt Kv. !> flhor fr Younj writ* instantly'fcill#-i jitid uruldr mt-rirr liali is fatally !hltlr*<| lit P|>rth*<tftl* n t .'*> > C\fH k iu-lifHni by it m*io whom tin* • •ftl *if w**rl* altcmitln* to irroat n-l vHu #ttf-ft)fi th< f|arltnej* t*bs*e have l**n pent oulMn itiroctlhh (I •*|it ll icit ii Untrrnor W m. H* l\a) Minti . tfamyt-i It V*n Hint. ItcpuMi* an. )it k>vt*’ nlrf of ‘(lffi*Hlln)f John I.IM, fupfoeilkt, b> ii plurality which la vnrfcwlPly At from I*4o to I .MO Men’s Neckties. Just in—Four-in-hands of heavy, rich, soft, imported silk, in striking yet neat Persian pxttcrns, SI.OO. The colors are the colors of autUmn—rich, deep, often sombre. But the silk is so fine that they light up wonderfully well. Nobody else has these patterns —the ties are rare as well as luxurious. Men’s Pine Socks and Underwear. Some rich-colored Silk and Cashmere Socks "have just dome. The shades are blue —anew blue, gendarme; rich cardinal, golden tan, mode and grayr-25<* to $1.50 The tJnderwcar.includes fall weight white merino and natural wool; winter weight, white and brown me rino and natural wool- 50c to $11.01). Target I'rwrllee In (•crsiiiiir' Merlin Soy t* Intel**etmg target prac :l* p now tn progress un the huge mill ‘Ar\ target ground*' n*wr Kunerwdorf and JuterbHli whet- the experts ae testing ih*- | * rfarutlng capacity of latest Mauser niotte) <Mi*t the la|Vt lisM guns Hrat are being ictrralui*sl into th arm> As tar pis. •evSVal htmdrcds of pauper i*r|ms tr* *elrtg U*e*l The hulleta when fired ar n rmnpffrattvely hrt dtstanee. t**ar ••un der all h* Softer tn#*r organs and frlgtw fulL mangle the bottles. Moiiquet f#r Mrlvlsle). .Hydnev.’ C 11. Nov ft -At u gathering ~f *u *•* -sful Liberal iindklat* s of Mr.tun it.ulght IJon J K Armstrong i*r* niincfTl Pteskleht Mi-Kocey the grew*- •-F -tfftesrtifcn of it* age Dr Kendwi . rdemlisr-hlffct for Kvdney prr|**>s-*1 three chsers for the terst repuidlc. after which ; tie romttoft) JditiM in elgning "Th* fi tsr I s*pgnglSd Hannei "* ■ —-♦ • -sr- " Innnrr Wants to aureced 4 wllnn. I Gnlengv. Nov f* Gov Tanker has de ekired hihlself a andldat* f**r the Cnlted ; atr*te kbnnt* to ffue *t*# and debitor FnllOro. j rogr#*sttian Jcisef*h G rmnon of Dsn v|’k- mav >b* a '•atHlklat** titer X\ Ark of sg# t . iiifiMfra. 1 Itrasll ln*i Nov S Haf* blowers *n#er • and the Co-|H*ratJv* Mer antlh* s i>re st j llarrpott) iioi night wnl with dynamite 1 for*' Iti fru .junrt. i- th# heavy *nfe. the I nk# i ii of IVfOf* in currency and several I f*entoH Ah* fks. w hich had been cashed fr o|*l roMlefs Killed In I noilmll l.nnir. f’hl* agtu. N'V |n a football game at th#* Ndltakil Perk schaol ground*, to-day. fw ,rl Gillen. uge*l 17 war seriously In jured In a * rithmage an t *lld a f*.*s# tiuurs later VI !• II • til ft I>| 1.1% r To h r.|r**l of catarrh? If you or your friend* hk\ • thl* lls.*t\ you know how It I*. li* symptom* tir# In flanml, throbbing lompl***. rintt ik iiofp**M In -the MW. ho xiachrii, air|c out AppOtUk kill Constant afipoh.trfff of mu .up Fortunately tia cun- Ip not < qu r/- tton of whni vii will irl\f but what you will ink*' If you will lake Moot I*p Ptr*- purilla, th* gmi constitutional remedy, which t lifer onjfhty ntl*he* .tNI vlioMtf’p tnc bloml rou muy exp c to I*- comp let i*J Jr awl jicniianently cur**) Th iftintl bttferi which ir.nxl * Him ipuiJlU rtvakf'* U*e delicate piaeaffcs of tlv mtP'Oti* rrvmbfane. *ooUiep n-l rc litilMp the tlpafee* ltd oliatinafely cures all symptom* of •'htafr!; —ad AND . Plain i < ' ’| v ? Figures. 5