The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 10, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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. | low middling. iJ-Mrl. food orrtl , i 27.33d; ordinary. 4 19-3 M Th* sales ~’f dai were IMM bsl**, of which l.ox, or -|vcultlou gnd export end In , i w al 9.4<W American. Itrcclpir 7,0t0 hub-# liner!' an. t i jrce opened quiet end steady an I .. | steady; American middling. low ’ ..|uf claitee; November. SM. sellers; \ -mber-December, 5 'dd, sellers, De ,Teber-Jenuary. B.Mo 8 o*#. l|#rx, J.tnu- Ml . February. 5 OJfl-5 Md. *llvr, Fvbru „ yj ar h. 5 did, Mllrrt. June-July, 4 guj I etllert, July-August. tod, .cllera; V rus!'September, 4 A<l. elier; March t tLpt wd. aeller*; Apiß-May, 4 6243 t eellers, May-June 4.41114.*2d, sellers. Orleans. Nov. 9.—Cotton futur-r y . bjd 9u* March • >.1144 11 . „ mt>er .o*a* O' April .IW II > " May ' l . . ary .. .tw9.1l Juno UuK.l* COTTON l fc'l'l EttS. York Nov 9—Murphy * Cos. ra> otton Tha Brut kilim* front of lha mi recorded Uet nlfht. conttned pally to flouth Atlantio statee, anl „ portions of Mississippi. However, escaped with th# exception o* th* - rein part of the iitate. The weather t .*itment la predicting continuation of ~ weather, with chwntee of further f to-night. Dallas wire*. cloudy and irmperalura t. Galveston cloud), veraiar* hi Fort Worth cloudy tv. .V. 'in cloudy 54. New Orleene wire* ihary u n. hi tics non for killing fiott Hi Texas to nigh! Th* market pat nelly discounts i fro i soar* yesterday Liverpool to-day *w> up 2 to fund, with spot sales lO.tou ttn-dling s-ild higher, sales at 5 *-53d. 4V* opened on a ranj-e of $ to 12 poinU over la t I.iglll. long* llquldatrd freely during ;lrA two hours of the session, market re acting ten to twelve point* from opening figure* Price* hardened on further repo"* of pro-pect* foe bad weather In Texas during next twenty-four hour*, eleet wws falltuK In Noth Texas, buying was on a I laisl scale, particularly during the af 1-1, a sass-100. uod th* advene* would have 1-ean more substantial, were It net for the fact Uat recent buyer* war* dlt lo take proflts. on th* theory that :,*! news had been about discounted r.i-timaied port receipt* I!.** 1 again*! 52 - iJM Maw Orleans lO.OOu to U. 400 again*' 7.i:t Houston unui to 15.08) against 11 464 WEEKLY COTTON RETORT*. Nsw York. Nov. For the week end ing to-day; Nat rscslpt* at all United Slate* peri* during week 134.021 Net receipt* at all United £Wt<e* noria during some week last year 257.554 •l wtal receipt* 40 thu date 2,510.041 Total receipts to same date last ,s.r W# Ksport* for th* week 3*0.343 Export* for th* same week last >..r m.tu Votsl export* to tht* date l.i**,oJ7 Total exuorta to some date list year *ioek at all V. B port# *10.411 •lock at all U. 8 pons same time latt year *10.545 ■lock at ail Interior town* 642.041 • nok *4 all intsiior town* same ilm* la*i year - 4*4 427 • lock si Liverpool 312,CW Stock at Llverpotsi sam* time last year 7*0.000 fl'ock of American afloat for Orest Britain .. 244.0T0 •lock of American .)float for Great Britain tame tlm* last year ...... 222.t00 Comparative statement of pel receipt* at all the peris during the week ending Friday evening. Nov. 9. 190 u, and during the same week !*t year “ ‘ ; I*oo-01 18al o*lv#aton~. 117.31* *4 744 New Orleans Mill 64.299 Mobile I "to 6.733 Bxvannsh ... ’ 25.245 40,511 t nar'eston j 8 to: 7 924 Wilmington j CM* 14 944 Norfolk lO.sOu 14.K7 Halumnr* '..539 5.227 New York S 3.357 1.2 M ' Isoaton | k> l>d ‘htladelpbpK j 1.044 1.087 ror* lUival ; 1.54* r*ntaroia * I*s Hruntwlck I 4 55* Newport News 2.191' *0 ‘fetal - 296.31* 757.554 Comparative *Jairmen' of net rrreli la aC all th* pons from Sept i, lion, to Fri day evening Mot 9. lk'. and from is* rt I l to Filday, Nov. 10, :*9 11*. elptx Since Sept 1.— * ,I*oo-01. 1435 <P Galvestons*s.4os 7U 615 New Orleans 9*7.lK* 572 745 Mobile i 5*.431 7,i,00l S;ivjnnah .... | 44* 574 395 la' Charlesion 177 Kt 115 915 tVllmlngton 15* M Norfolk | 15*.725 !20.'0 rtuitimpit, .... 7.2211 19.1.7 N N York j 13.6*0 14 114 Boston | 44.4*3 13 440 f itla.lelphlk I 5 *95 * <*l I‘snsacola I 25.55.. 23.401 h.unawlek 28.42.', 30W0 Newport News j 10,951 761 Total .... .'2.510.044 2.259.509 rituck of rollon at all port# Ni 9. 19*1 upd on the same day of the wick L#t year: "oft*- (I9UO-0I ;U9t*-'W New Orlegpg* 210.691 3*597 Mobil* a.O*6 35.394 Galveston 158.1521 197.4^> bavannah 80*32 13176* <7.#rlstoti 13.636 .51405 Wilmington I | 6.442 14.442 Norfolk 23.2*f 4*! 534 Nuta York I *.27 lU6.L* uittor I‘otLs j 8.579 21.670 i'otai .TT. 7 ...| 610 811 85V.545 Movement lto IH. . Orleans Nov .-Secretary Wee i# weekly New Orleans Cotton E ‘dirge statement *how* an lacrva** In • ids movement* into sight comiwred with the neveci tleyi endmn ihl* tide leet yeei round figure* of S2.WO For fhe nine Jett at November the totals show en In -e*s* over loet year of .<**>. Fer the iVrnty tUvi of the .eaaoti tliet have ‘lapsed. the aggregate 4 ahead f the seventy day* of laet year. iFMK** The amount brought into eight during te 1M week has been 414.154. agatnat *4145 for the eeveti days ending Nov. ■' last year. Theae make the total movement for the tnty lots from Kept 1 to date. *.!•,- tit against l |att year The movantent glnc* **pt I anowa re felpia at oil United dtetee porte, 8.514.451 eternal Mis.on lost yeer. overland acroaa he Miaelaalppl Ohio ond Fotomae rlv * to Northern mllla and Canada. 7MIIS, •a!net m.OU laal year. Interior etocka In W eat of thuaa held at the rloee of the mtneralal year. 47J.M1. egalnet t:<Uih • year, Pout hern mill taking* 414,440. “a*a lan year, IM 144 year be. *<*re last ’ “reign exports fer the week have been **! agatnet lid.UH laet vear. 'Orthern mill taklnga and Canada dtir ,r 4 Ota (seat seven day* ehow a decrease ® ; t-htl g .ompartti with the correepottd * period lust vear The total taking* American mllla. North amt >nth ami * nadu thus far for the aoaaop. have 744,410. against 'MM' lest year Mtocki at the seaboard and the 2* lead •'4 Southern Interior centers have In* eed during the week 4 404 balsa, •eainat an tncreaae during the correspond "ti period laet aeeeon "srlS’t Visible Supply. New Orleans Nov. f. -Secretary Hea * statement of the world's visible sup- I of cn4|on shows Iho total visible against Sthl.oo last year Of this the '“igl of American cotton la t. 474.544. •calnet 3’M ms laet year ond of all oihor * "da, Including Egypt. Braiil, India. Ole-. t'; irti, against *17.000 last year. ‘ he tot til world e visible supply of col ''*n shows a dwreasa compared with laet fear af IHvi.U!. I*UHfHY * CO., INC.. E°*rd of Trad* Bunding. Savannah Private leased wires direct to New York. Chicago and New Orleans t'OTTOS, not h* A.\t> <; l> New Yorlt office, No. fi Broadway Oflte** tn principal ciilee throughout th* dqulh WrM* for our Market Manual and hook containing instructions for trailers Of lha world a visitsle supply there Is low afloat aiul held In Great Mrttnln and Continental Europe 1.K0.v0l against l.gTD.ttt) last year, in Egypt, 106.><, against I*3,i*w last year, in Indian. 117'K. against lao.tt4> lust year and in the I'nitrd States Halted agginat 1,M1,W laet year. mil uount N*' Vork. Nov. 9 -Market condition* in (try guotla show rnrourageineni. and ! dough buyers an.l seller* have not com together as yet oil the question of prior* It Is evident that there are a good many who ara still willing to buy If they can persuade agents to meet their ideas There to a general turn- uf hopefulness In the trade and n visible improvement pi looked for before very long Prloee re. main flrtn and etocka in cgcellent cottdl- Don. MVt. STORKt. Friday. Nov * SPIRITS TERPENTINE -Tne past week cforaa to-day with a gam of from a half to a cent abova the prevailing price for turpentine last Saturday Sales for the week were s swt rusk* The <!••- maad was goon all along but It remained for the rush on Thurs<lay to start the market upward The cloalng on that <lav was Maadv at *>(,. but |l was understood there war a firm undertone, and that the chances were favorable for a good oust ties* at advancing prices Smng this buy era entered the market which helped to keep the movement steadily upward The receipt# of turpentine for th Meek wer# 7.141 against *B7} last year, and the sports 6,0 t?. against 4.T74 last year The export* sseni to New York 1.16* Pnlbt delphla lit. Baltimore 227, Interior 17, Kot terdani 2,7ki. and London 2 'X*, ROSINS—The feature of the rosin mar ket durtng the past week was the decline of l cents on grades U and heiow Wed nesday at which the market ruled Arm There was a fair demand throughout the week, ami the close ahotse sales of 13.0 M barrel* tYhlle there Is still considerable distilling to ho done, the remaining |(<( of the crop to be marketed Is reported nog to be large The receipts of rosins for the week were 21. Xi. against 21.0*1 last year ami the exports 23.012. against 19 .469 last year. The exports went to New York 2.477. Philadel phia lot'. Balllmoie 2 (14. Interior M*. Brem en 2.000. Rotterdam 3.2 W Hamburg 4.84 U, London 3.41*. and Antwerp 3.291 Quotations-.At the clow of the market to-day the following quotations were bul letined ut the Hoard of Trade Kpirita Turpentine— Firm at h'#4!e; with sales of Mo casks Rosin Arm. sales. l.**7 A. . C 11 *9 I |1 • D I K 1 B J 33 M 1 70 K..> 1 40 N S 10 O , ... 143 W G 23u H 1 ii W W 3*l Hame Week laist Year Spirits Turpentine—Firm at 48Uc; sales <•*3 casks.—Firm; sates, 1.711 barrel* A, B, C I 1 an I II a D I<K K .. 1 30 e 1 tom oi m 1 r 1 mi is n . m G 1 10 W G 270 II 1 Sfl W W 3 0 Spirits ' Kosin fir rljss pagt week 7.77 7.18 22,464 fteme week last >ear 6,472; ?I.o*t Exports laet week *..147 24,012 Sams weak lust year .. .. 4,77* 19,Ms Movement*— New- York 1.16s 2.172 Philadelphia . j 174 |JO Baltimore ! 227 2,114 Interior ..] 97 Bremen .. j ...j 2,u0 RONerdam j ;,7*,-, .1,7*0 Hamburr j ...| 4,Sin Ixm.lon . Ida* 1.613 AntWotp ...j 1.791 Total export# rrr.f' .? .*u Receipts nnt stocks. Receipts shipments and storks from April 1. lift) to date, and to th* corre sponding dale of laet year. 1900-1901. Spirits. Rosin. Stork April 1, KWh 2.197 142.506 Received this week 7.Ml It,Ml Itecelved previously 362 7>. 626.M* Total .272,1.14 791.907 Efior- Forelgn 171.K* 3*9.101 New York 24.632 5!,63u Coastwise and Interior 31,341 213,119 Total 2.G..6U 6*6.81*1 Block on hand this day 3t.m 136.U67 1999-1990. Stock on band April 1. 1909 . 3.396 111.396 Received this week 6.472 21.061 Received previously 341,147 67*.0N Total 234,61.'. 910.33] 1C spares- ■ Foreign . .173,1N 141*43 New York .4* 193.323 Coastwise and interior 27.363 196.647 Total 239,496 **1.312 Block on hand 29.119 149.719 Charleston. S ('., Nov. I— l Turpentine market firm, 40c. sates 90 casks iiosln steady, unchanged Wllmli’gton, N t Nov. 9 - Spirit* tur pentine firm. Sl'etUOc. receipts. 64 Rosin st-ady. 31 20711.26, receipts Jtl crude turpsnllre steady. 91.10 and *2 49, reetdids It. Tar Arm.; receipts. 130. New Orlean*. Nov. 9 Receipts rosin 171 barrels, turpentine. J*. financial. MONEY—Th# demand keeps fairly up with the supply BANK CLEARING*—'The hank clear ing* during th* pant week ware 93.002,- 713 30. against |4,9t1.71t.21 for the corre eponding period last year and 93.9*4.219 43 for the corresponding parted af 19*9. Clearing* by Pays gaturday 1 9M.6R9 37 Monday 929.770 71 Tuesday . 634.3*5 01 Wednesday 775.110 OE Thursday 739.858 7* Friday 917.10 43 Total 003.713 90 FOHEION EXCHANGE—Market steady Commercial demand. $4 314,. slaty days, 1179*,: ninety do•. 94 7*. francs. Paris, and ilavrs. slsty days, 6.22*6, dwlas. sisiy days, 526 Beiglgn. 5 34Y. marks, sixty days 99 9-13; ninety dsys, 99 6-I*. DOMESTIC STEADY - Steady bank* ara buying *t 1-1* discount and selling *s follow* 125 end under. 10c pre mium; $23 to 130 lie premium; *SO to 110* 2u> piemium; liflo to $3OO Me premium. 93(0 to |1 080. t* twemlum. 11,000 atvd over, 73c per M premium. HBCURITIBH—The market la active for Central securities at advancing prlcts Stocks. Bid. Ask Auguaa and Savannah H. R 10* >lO r=*=S ——-rr f V- FINANCIAL. JOHN W. DICKEY, • task anti Hand Broker. AL<4bOTA, 41 A. Write foe Ltat. THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 10. 1900. Atlanta and West Point 139 do 6 per cam carlUlcate* 108 Augusta Factory 83 85 Cltlxcn*' Rank 131 133 Chatham Bank >lO )11 Chatham It 7: A I Cos , A 371* 55V> do do B ..... 64)y 57(x F-agle and Fhnents Mfg Cos 7u* <O7 Edison Elect llc Ilium Ca Mf7 190 Emetprise Mfg Cos UK Germania Bank 18" 131 Georgia and Alabama S3 P* Georgia Hatlroad Common 315 *l7 Uranltrvlll* Mfg Cos 165 170 J V King Mfg Cos 100 103 Lxnglej Mfg Cos Til 130 Merchants' National Bonk 113 National Hunk of llavannah 189 Oglethorpe fl.ivlngs and Trust.. -HO .. People's Savings and H* South*-sum Railroad Cos I<* 110 Mavannah Gas Light Cos 84V* 2*', flouihern Bank 15* la* Savannah Bunk and Trust R 4 Sibley Mfg Cos. Augusta *4 5* flavar.nnb Brewing ... .103 Ronds. Bid Ask Char. Col A Aug Ist 6s I*> in* Atlanta city 4t 1932 194 u* August* city 4a. 1927 k 5 do I'xs, 1926 U 1 do 7s. 190C1 . 107 do 6a. 1918 132 . Ala Mid. &s. Ind'd I*3l. M A N 99 lai August# Factory, 6 per cent .1915.113 Brunswick aud Western 4s. Ikof .S2 M CtT R A Banking ,-ollalrral ss. 93 ..... C of O. Ist mortg *s. 1945 F A A 119 in C. of G. con. 5s 14. M * N 944* 9f.'y C of a. Ist Incomes. 1915 *74, 4*>a and„ 3,1 picomes jit, do 3d Incomes. 1945 7 g C of <i IM O. A A Dlv 1 5s 1917. J. A J <45 9* C. of G. (Eaton Branch). 1926 J *r> 97 91 City A Mut,urban K. K lit 7* 19b’ > Columbus Clly se. 1909 ! Charleston city in 1909 I*l ply Eagle A Phoenix Mills is. l2h. 106 )(* Edison Electric lltummailng 6.10* Enterprise Mfg 6s, 19ut .. 703 vieorgla Railroad 6a. 1910 114 113*4 G. 8 * 7'.. 1945. J. **4 J 113 111 Georgia A Alslm Ist do. 1945 .191 lu* Georgia Slate 3>,s. 193f1. JA J 110 do 3>4*. 1915. MAN 101 do IV 1915 1) 7J Macon city 6s, 1910, J. A J u* nx do 4l*. 1936. Jan par 105 112 Ocean fhcamshlp sa, 1926 104 :0s Savannah city 5a.. quar. January, 1918 no 111 do Sr, quar. 7'ebruary, !9u9,.,.109 no South Carolina state t',x. J9W 116 n Sibley Mfg Cos. 6s. IMS 70ft South Bound 8$ 99 700 . F. A W gen ml ge 4a. 1234. IJ4 13* do do Ist 5s gold 1934 . 775 do St John Div. Ist it. 1934... 94 M Week's Hnnk Flenrlng*. Now York. Nov. 9 —Th* total bank clear ing* at th* prltnlpal cities of tha United Stair* for the week ended Nov. 5. were 81.553.939.652. a decrease of * 1 pat cent, a* compared with the corresponding week of Ext year. Outside of New York city th# total clearing* wers f1kiT.682,1/7. a decrease of * per cent New York. Nov * —Money on call steady al Mil per cent. The laat ioau was at 2% par cant. I‘rimc mercantile psper, 4\fU>, per cent. Sterling exchange firm with actual business tn bankers' bill* at 34 64% 54.94% for demand and at It toS*Jt to% for sixty day*; posted rale*. 5181% and 4 85g 4.85% t'ommrrolal bill*. ll.Pkot )% Stiver certificate#, hS%t|63c. Bar sliver, 66% Mexican do liars, She. Government bond* strong, atat* bond* Inaotlve, railroad bond* at rung. STOCK# AM) BOND*. Phenomenally larg# lir-ali#g# and Oinfber Rlae the Kcslorti. New York. Nov, 9.—To-day will prove a memorable one ‘n the history of lha Block Exchange, both by reason of the amount and the great variety of the business done Th* aggregats number of share* of all at ark* traded In footed up no Iras than 1,544,00) share* of Unfed issues and tbe number of different advckx dealt In amounted to 177 Issue*. There were non* of the enormous Indi vidual transactions which showed in the excited trading aval extensive buying of Wedn**d*y. Neither was th*r* the #yn c.nronou* n# vrmtm of Hi* whole market which wa# *0 conapicuuua on 44'ednoedey Including the brief period of reaction after th# Ilr upward ru*h of prlrae To-dav'g market, on the contrary waa exceedingly varied nd Irregular all day and the fu rious activity continued without tctrrwbta alon or abuternont from the opening unit! th* close Different stock* and different group# of stocks were *ucc#lvely brought forward into the advene* and successively yielded to th* preaaur* of proflt-taktng rale*. while • peculators rushed to another group, transferring their |ruAtn from one quarter of the mar ket lo be Invested In unother Nothing could be more characterietlc of a ganutn* bull market In full swing, and the fact that the rotation of the speculation brought It around into the railroad group again before lha day had rlape*d added tn the confident sentiment for th* *d voiice. At lh<* opening and during all tha earlier part of the day the railroad Mooka wer# distinctly under preeaurr Northern I’a r|(c and the whole of the Pacific group. a well aa Pcnnaylvanla, rulad undar laat night* closing level. Hut under Ik* aus talnlui Influence of tha strength In other loin** In tha market, the profit.taklne Including cont timed heavy colling for Ixmtlon aceount. proeeadad without ee rtoua impairment of prior# The loyal traction group and tha mercurial Indus trial*, including Sugar and Paopla'r fta continued yeaierdny'a upward ruah for a lime, and then *uecumbed to tha season of profit-taking Speculative Inlereat ehlfied to the ateel etockn, and ultimately carried moat stocks in that itroup upward from 1 to over 5 polnta. the latter rtgurr for Steel and Wlie, which came late into the move ment. The-deman 1 for theae alurka and thejr tralna were on the whole, the moel -oneptcuoua and w*ll-su*fgln*d of the day The Coal,re advanced aa a group, Read ing itret preferred leading with a gain of IN They were followed by the Or Hr.* ere. Mteaourt Paelllc. Baltimore and Ohio Norfolk and Western, tom, pf the South ern railroad* and during th" laat hour Su gar and the Pacific# generally. The fope raata of the weekly eaah change* of the banka were not altogether raaaauting. hut aa the coll loan rata failed to give any warning Indication of a scarcity pf fundi speculative activity vat continued up to the eloae, hut with rome algna of unaiepd- In*** |n price* The hood market was strong active and broad to a degree rorreapondlng with thot for stock* Total aalee. par value 14*40- Ottn ttnlted State* new a advanced < a and all other laaue* except the registered la <4 prr cent on the laat call The total *alea of atqrks to-day reached I. share*. Including Atehlaon. 51 !#, do praferrad 45 lit; Haltlmnre and Ohio S7.MI; Cbeampeake and Ohio 10 470. Bur llntrtnp. l**/i Ho-i laland It. 171; Erl* tint preferred 10.7 R: l.nutavllb and Naah vllle. ll.fl**; Manhattan. 41.1*0. Metropoli tan. 12 sc* Missouri Pacific. 40 I**. Near York Central. 5.480, Norfolk in* Wepiarn. 11. *6*; Norlhem ParHlr. *2,040, do pre ferred **: Ontario and Waatars 2*.1*0. I’ertnaylvaniH.-4l 1*0; Reading. U Ttn do first peefarred. 111. Bn. do second pre. fererd. 78,50 b; St Louie Southwestern pre ferred IMP fit Pul, 54.810 Southarn Pa etfte 45.541' Southern Railway. ffTVt; do preferred |0>10; Vntor, Mtrtfie. g!.IT., do preferred. 4 <WS: Steel and W're. 1* 270. d' prefaeead 4a: Tin Plata *W: Amrrmen Tobacco. 4fl ft*. Peonktyn, 18.44 c, Colorado Fuel and Iron. 120); Continental Tobacco. So.MO. do preferred 1.210; Federal Steel n rro. do preferred 1* l National Stef). •MO Paelflr Mall 1,880. People'* (Hu TT.- 42S| Preaaed Steel Car. M. Tenneaaee Coal and Iron. 2Tog*. I'nlted State* Leath er. 18.170. do preferred IP Rubber, 8 I*6. Republic Iron (id flttel 8,010. New, York grock List Atchlaou . 151* Uaion I’actn,- .. 66 do praf 77|a, do pref 731* 0 A O. 79 ’ Wutmah 8 Can I'actflc .... 87, Wxtwah pref SI Can .Southern .86 |W. A L. E IF, C. A O , c iV da 3,1 pref ... 3*4* <" C W UVMIs Central. US* c. lt a Q 783 Third Avenur 112 C., 1 A !. 34*1 Adam* Exprea* 194 do pref 19 'Am F.aproas I*l C, A E. HI 9*V, Unite,! htaiaa Ex U C. A N \Y. .. 1*74, Well* Fargo Ex 130 C,8,1, AP. Ill's Am Cotton Oil Ms c..r c A til t. 65*4 do pref 99 Col flouihern t l , tin Mailing . >l* do let pr*t ... F >lo |r*f 34\ do >1 pirf ... 165, Am flm A It .. la'., Del A Hudson Us‘ lo pref 93\ IVI L A W IF lAm Spirt 1* t P A H G 81-'*: da praf IT tht pr*f .. .... T*l An, Steel Hoop k", lirk L\ do pref '.F, du ll pref .. *7'v Am Sand \4' 4F Gt, North praf !** ,1o pref 83', Hocking Coal 17%' Am Tin Flair 39% Hocking 4'allcy 394, do pref 97*4 Illinois Central ltl>> Ant Tobacco 196>, loau Central.., 19.' do pref 139 do pref 13Anaconda M <"0. I*4* K, A W M't llrooklyn B T 69 L E. .1 44’.pref It* 'Col Fuel A Iron l Luke Short Jl* C'ont Tobacco 4* L. A N 79%' do pref Manhattan L 107*6' Federal Steel 47% Mel Bl By I*7 ! do prrf T 9% Mex Cenirol .. I*'. Geo Electric 147 M. A flt L ..o Glucose Sugar B*'i do pref .. ... 95%: do prrf . 199', Mo Pacific % Inter Paper % Motile A Ghlo 41 do pref 70', Mi> , K A T4*!i* 11 'Laclede tin* *9% do pref *4*, National Biscuit l*S N. J Central I*7 e do pref . *1 N. Y Central 13f',*Natlonat Lead 31% Nor A Western 40% do pref 94 do praf 79%'National Steel ST I ; Northern Pa,- . Of*' do pref f do pref YtVN Y Air Brake 131 On! A Western 31 ‘North IT Ore By * Nav 43 J'aclflc f*o.,et r9*4 do pref 76 1 do Jal pref 9X Pennsylvania 139*J *do 2d prof 48 Reading I*44*Pacific l*l| 4f% do Ist pref *l% People's Gas % do 3d pref ... W ,Presae<l HleelCarkS BOW S* • do pref 57 do pref 99 Pullman P Cat 191 St L A f> P II **tn BAT 6 do Ist pref . *5 Sugar 19"% do Sd pref . . 99V, do pref 114% Hi L fl W !H'Tepp C A trop 49‘t do pr.f 15% U 8 Leathgr 13% flt. Paul 131H* do pref ... 78% do ptaf 174 t’ 8 Huhher 58% St. P A Omaha 115%' do pref 5* Southern Pacific 40% Western Union *8 flouihern By 14 R I A fl ir% do pref 399, do pref 9l>, Tx. A Pac. , 19%’r CC. A flt L U ftondt r fi Ja.refrcgWiN Y C let* i*t do cou li‘ N J C gen &# l do 3a. reg 110 No f’a 8e ... 70 ilu 3s, cou 110*5 do do 4* 104% do new 4s, res 134% 9* A O is *6 do new 6e. cou IRI4, N Y„ C A fll do old 4a rag 119 j L la Wt U 0 old 4s. you 115 N A W cOn Is ki‘y do ss, reg IIS’. fr# Nav lato K* do frx cou 113% 4" *n ta 104 D of C 3 65* . 12*49 Or*. K L. *9 12T„ Atch gen 4 1) Vdo do cop J* 111% Jo Bdjl 4 11% Read Gan 4s •' C of G. * 91% R G W Isis n% fl.. Ist tnc 14%'81 L. A tr M do 2nd lto:. ... 10% Cn. to Ill's Can. flg. 3ti<4# .107% be L * * F C A O. 14a* >'**% **•" * do do 5a H* 8* P con* If* C A Nw con Ts l*7VfR p . CAP do do fl r i lata 119% Deb to ...,..!17Vj do do 6s .. , 11*% Chi. Term 4* So Pa 4> **% Col. So 4s IJ% Bo By 5* .. 11l PAR O 4s SF-. S Rope A T 6f 7*> Erl# Oen 4* ... 7'.„T. A V I*< ..-Hi V \\ 6 I>. C. do do 2nls ... 75 Ist. 7* lUn l'- 4 .. Gen E'.ac to 17* |WaFah lata 11*% lowa fen lt lUW'aboai. lids F*!% E A N tint. Is 9*4,44*91 phore 4. IL4, M . h A T I'VIB. Can lal* *'* 2,.d % Vfl. Centuries tw% do do la . *4 New York, Now 9 Standard OH. *M?) 4*o Morphy * Co.’# Slwtl t-ette*. New York. No* * -The drallngo to •lock* were *g*ln In Irnmenm volume uror the Opening of bulne# Oil* morn ing Th# sort) price* how*d a good deal of irregularity, th* railway Hat being de pressed apparently In sympathy with she lain dor, matkat where decllneo were com mon bul war* not Indtrectly accounted for by any tit** The** d*ctln* extend ed. in tbe lni*nce of Northern Foci Ac ,ommori to l per cent . bul were limited t fraction*! Agure* In other iflock# Deal ing# in th# railway list were heavies* IB Northern Tactile. Louisville Ood Nash vllle Fennsylvahl* anil Bl Foul Man hattan and Brooklyn Rapid Tr*n*ii were principally Bctlve and were daoli tn at ycx-cTdxy's Ana! level Met ronoliun wa# |e*e *tlv* and wa# Arm N*iloil Tub*. American Hook. Asisrlct" Gnr Foundry, and In fact, pretty n*r *ll principal ln duairlal# People'* G* w strong and Tennemce Cool and Iron and Continental Fuel and Iron wee* notably *t*adv flx cei>, for the lower prl.-eo furniahed by Loudon there was non,ing new upon which fresh ventures in th# market m based I-order: again *o|d heavily of *ll the Intqrnßtlonwl etoeks Mtirt:t.i.sKor markets. Note -Thaae quotation* art ravUad dally, and are kept a* near aa possible In accord with the prevailing w|ie!eale prices omclal quoiailona are not used When that disagree with tha price* whole aalers ask l oanirr and northern I'rod nee. POIT.TRY -The market l* steady Quo ta'lora Brotlere per pair, half grown, IM)**'. three-fourth* grown. Hf Me; hen*. t>7*c. rooefera, gtQMc; duck# WB?sc, geeae, 72c*ftl *IX tooS Steady at 2fli WTTKK—The tone of the market la firm. Quotation*: Wroiern creamery. 180 54S|c New York atate dairy, 18*58*, extrn Elgin*. 2*et2*< PHEKfiR-Marhet firm; fancy full cream cheese, 15'v far 3* to 8-pound average. sBQBfI-pguiwi average. Ife Karl) Vegetables. IRISH POTATO eS-Nariharn. list Mck. CAbBAGE—Mr7c per head ONIONS—YeIIow. In barrel*. K UK crates. Me, red, II fa, lirradttaffa, liar aad 44ra|a. FLOI'K Market steady; patent. It 88. straight, OR, fancy. 88 76. family, g* lo MEAI-—Pearl per barrel. SN; per sack II ; rtly mal. per each, bolted MS. water ground. II U*>l.|7S, rlty grits, sack*. 11.20. pegrl grit*. IJudnula per bar rel 12 75, per sack. 818'x, sundry brand*. ) 17HR1 3* aaek CORN-Market r while. Job let*. gk carlond lot*. e. mixed corn, Jop kda. *le; carload lot*. 18c RlCK—Market *teey. demend good; fancy bead *e: fancy. Btga Prim# I flood -14**111 Pair MN Common IN OATS- No 5 mined carload M'*c; )oh lot. 1308*. white clipped cart. lie; Job. 40c HR AN—Job lata. Me; carload lota Mr HAT-Market ateadyi No ; tmaolhy. IH)e Jab; rare; No. I. Sr Jib, 42*-, care • ■gar and Coflea. SCO A Re Cut loaf SBl| Diamond A I ll Crushed *4’l'onfeciloners AS.* Powdered tdj White Extra C...5.4* XXXX pow'd ..l.liEglfg t - 5 41 1 Uranulalsd I It; de!t|*a C 114 rube* 4 It fellows ( 9t Mould A. >• corrkK t*o-h ...... ..IN' Crime No I II t lava ...Mo liood No. 4 .. 10\c Peabero 14 c Talr No. I M*c fancy No, J.... 11 Ordinary No. # V# e fhole* No 5 ...lllgc Common No 7 V Hardware sad Rnlldlag lapplle* UUU, CAI/JIL’M. PUASTXH AND mClle Southern Railway. Trains Arrive and I>part fta aiin.ih on biin Meridian Tima—Ope iluur eiow.r Than Oily Time. Schedule In Effect Sunday Juft*' 10. Iks' READ I* >l' N,i ’ TO Til fTHAiyj' SHAD I P No M N M Ram' a t*~ Noil Ns 49 fi All-ni l*Lv dav innah 7 7Ar * laatn 119 pm tEasirrn Time 1 431 pm 4 21*m Ar Black vlll* Lv 3 uusm, I 07put 3 flip at • h'u m ,Ar Ooluaibt* M un it Sam lcpin ahem Ar .. Charlotte l.v * Nlpm t liViui 11 (tonsil 23pm Ai BfkasMf* Id 7 M)pn I Itou s u "I Ar ..." Not 13K I-' I • n 13 alum I M|isa Ar i- ‘ I v . 1 1 . 1 Warn t Stall Ar ... Hi hataal l.v. II 01pm II nip u t eOam tlpni Ar I. nhbur* " l.v 3 . Ipni 2 *(Vim ,4 Man , pi. Ai . Chariotle*v|l|* l.v )99pm't2 Mpot 7 33am * e.uu Ar W.islilngton l.v 'll '6lm • Vpm 0 ll,im ll x.pni At H.ltlmcre l-v) 8 2 Turn 8 2T|n 11 lAtm 2 Mini Ar l*ti<ledet|ihu Lvji 3 50..01, 'H>m 8 08pm :i.vai Ar N w York . . !,v| 12 Iom 3 *pm I 9"|Mi 3 U/pm Ai Burton I ' 3*9pm;W loom No 3* fy THE NDHrH ANfrwi ttT No 13 (Central Ttnw I 12 Aiaui yv~ '. ' Savannah .7..7.7 Ar I 1 Ihiui (Eatte n Time 1 * Jhsm c ' umb'a Id 1 --am tOeni Lv SSkrlanhurg U ; • I3|m 13 10pm l.v Aeh-vllle Idfll 1 (d|>m 4 i*fpm Ar ... Ilul |ff(a|S . Lv tl *f>ani 7 30tn Ar Ku'will* l.v * Mam j 101 m Ar Lwsingmn L* 10 JftP'U T tt-im Ar . ’. Cincinnati /. Ltr)| 1 uOpm * Pipnv Ar Hi l.* ile . Id * 1 warn 7 Mal Ar IdgtofMs I.' t arn All train* arriva and defsirt from thel'lani gyatrm Slkllon THROUfMI CAR SERVICE. AiTt' TRAINS 98 ANHM DAILY. NKW YORK AND FUYKIDA KXPBKHS Y astl huled limited trams. arHk Pullman lugwlng Rom fclseT*ln ('■ r* between Haven, ngb nd New Yprk t enne is at Wqshlnittm with Coinntai Expree* for Boston Pullman db-ejHng Car* batween CbaUdte and Richmond end Chariotl. aiat Not folk Du,lug Cats Horv# aU meal* b'tnien savannah ami lv aehlngion TRAIN* 43 AND 3*- DAM.Y, THE I'NITKD STATES FABT MAIt. l.ellnuled limited ualna. cgfryipg Puilnun Prlug Room Sleeptaa Cure Snvanstth Alttl New >.tk Dining Cabs eer e all meet* hetweap Savenrseh amt V sshlrgton Al.n Pullaies Draalng ILtoiw Hlerpliu Cam heiween Seveanah and Cincinnati til rough Astl*vU|e and 'The Lend of the Sky For vompl*'* Infurtnatloti ato rt 9. i-h*dulee et- afrl* ** U GROOVER IVkat Agent. I*t3n System Station JAM) S FREEMAN. V V aial T. A . itl Hull Street Telephoner Belt XV Georgia MY < 8. H HARDWJCK. Assistant General I’se.-engei Agent Alania Oa CEMENT- Atobama and Georgia time In fair demand and sail at 10 real* a barrel: xpeclai airlneg plaster III" tot harrsl. J.alr Oh oc R, seats I* seraswl. n 20411 35. - artoad lot* special; rorltoad earnin' r*. toil 1:35. carload lots 33,jgt2k), LUMBER r a M ViCAAKLH UAVAN NAll—Minimum. >ard siaa# BivM*llo Vat sill*. 812 56411**0 difficult *!*•*. >14.00 fflt eo ship starch, fit uutf ll.P' sawn Ha*. * o>4r* to. hewn ties 35ti*A OIL - Merkel steady demand fair. ,1* na! a.vfliwv . 44'asi Virgmia hla.k. Nflli. laid !A tap -w. maohtarry. It 92*C, IHs.a‘l ofl. raw. 76V9C hot led. 764*i . kerosene prime white lie. water while, t*e, Pratt * astral. 19a: 4*ltorte! atve gaaoita* druo.a lllto. *mp‘> aflt barrel*, dallverad, *so • HOT—Drop. II to. • B and large. *1 76. chiliad. 11.T*. I RON- Marker vary steady, 6 wodv *% NAll-fl- Cul. 6. *9 bat* Wirt. 12*5 hw-c BARHEI) V4lHJs—*6 50 par |to pounds, seralgb: gamds, HU**, auger toouae moawt ***. !pBUr. GUN POIA'DEIt— Par kas Austin cage-k ahor. *4.(9' hM Wsga *3 35. quarter kegs. II 26 chemplop dusking, quarter kegt 13 28. I tupont and Haserd amokaleas half keg* 111 19 quarter kegs $5 75, l-pouet*l cat, I*tar* II.Ou, ■ 15 per cent.. Trot* dorf saaokaisss twwder 1-pound cans. >l. 10-pound cans to.' pounu. kail. Hide* and Wool. ■ ALT—Demand la fair and the mark-a eSesdy; carload lots. 10u-puund bur4o|, socks, toe. Ito-pound .-otton le k 4k. tia-poond burlap saiks. 4I 1 .:: HO-iwusxl cotton sacks. 49'yc; Li-pow* burlap #■ ka toe. IM-pnund • olluo sack. '4v. av-poui. 1 buriap socks. 15 If IDEA Market firm, dry mm 13%e: dry aatt. pi. graeit aaited. *c W'tKJlx-N'onilnal. prgne Uaoegla. free of sand bun* and hkack wool. lie. b!e< k Me; barry lto. W'ax, SSc; tallow, 2V-'. Deer skin* to psails and beta. ARPLKB-Northern variety 12 2MM 3* ORANHKS-fPla * mi to PKIINfCfI -Bn In Mkt Joc; oka lo 00c. 5%C; 40* to 70s. 7c. 709 lo 80s. 5%c, 80s to Out. 9C. 80s lo IdOs, S'xd. BANANAS—U 35492. W hunch IJCMONH--Market steady al *3 s*. Cf HOANUTH—*4 oO*p4 to per 100. PKANUTB— Ampt* siwk. fair ,!mand. market flrai; fancy hand-pckcl 4’lrg9nta. iwr pound Bc, band-picked. Virginia ex tras, *%e, N 47. Seed peanut#, 4c NUTfI Almosidß, Tarragutia. |r. IvKas 16c. walnuts French. 13. Naples, 12e: peegs'*. 13c, Brasil*. 16c. fllberia, 13c, a*, sorted nuts. sv-puuiai Sisi 35-puund bages lie follow nasslai and Ties. BAGGING- Market Arm: jale. $%- iMsund. o%c: large lota. OVsc. small lots 2 lanind. >%419r; 1%-paun4L *%*|B%c, art Island bagging. Ify, TIICB Biandard. 4i-pound. arrow, fare* lot*. (1 40. small iota *1 to Berea. Hama and toted HAUIJN Market firm. D fl C. R altjee, I%c; D H oeillvr. 0% ißastern), Re cording to average ats*. D 8 he ilia* B',. fWeetetnt smoked c 14 aid#* *%c HAMfI flugar .aired. tto|tPv LARD-Pur*. In tierce*. B%r; in 80- poond 1 In* and so-t-ouad tub*. Mac. compound In tierces la-pound tins, and 80-pound lube *>y •tried aad K<as*rale4 Frails. Al'l'LEfl fcv#pu''*4 7R7'.c, sun-dried *%•#. A FRfFOTfl—Evaporated, 10c pound, neciarinaa to>- RAISINfI—L L.. *2 10. Imperial egbtoets $2 75. loos* to-ponod boxes 1%, pound i's-A< HER Evaimialel. peslkd, J7%e. unpealed, 5%R9r. PEAKS Evaporated •%.- tflUKl.ttSKOtt FISH Ma kartL balf-harrgi* No I. No * 17.00, No I.? 4 75; >ll. No I *l, No I. II W; No. J, XL- tJodflati, l.pound hrleka. (V; J-pound brick*. c Smoked herring, pgr to*. 17gyifc. Liuleh herring in kega. |l.lO. new multei*. half barrel* |3 TB SVHI.F Market quiet, Georgia And Florida ayrup. baying at SM/Jk . soiling at 11*1 iw , sugar l ouse at lu*lse JIONEY Fair demand, elialued. in bar rels M/*> gallon High wine, lias la, 11.77 * oceak r nniidrri. COTTON— Savannah to Honor per cwt J&C. to New lark, per sen , Bus. ip Phtlad> lohla, per bale. 11. Bettlmore. II FOmCION DIRECT -Htemeri *oc. Ll*, erpovl, 40c, lioutlturg. 4|e; Genoa 40 Hare 10t.., ate , M-n. heeler, 45c Havre. < . Antwerp. |gc LVMBKH By Soil—Freight* steady; to BeUltnore and caatward. MU to 84.7 t per M . including Portland. LUMUIBK-By gu ant—Savannah u> Hah tlmora. to So to I* ft It. or H and O docks 15 SO; to Philadelphia, IOH per cwt (4 pound* la foot i. |o New York L*o per M, 17 55 to dock, lightered to Uoeton. ku NAVAL STORE* The market la firm medium else vessel* Kotin- Cork, (or orders. 1* (and tier barrel of tIO pound.- and 1 |>er eeat primage Spirit*, 4* Id per 44 gallon* gtoe*. and 5 per rent, primage I.ergs vriteelt, ro*ln. 4*. spirits, 4a i Mirant He prr Ito pounds on roaln. Zl'oe on spirit*. Savannah to Boston. and Se' oa roaln and lJe on gpirlta to New York. aitll. MMOVIIintH, *TC. New York Nov. —Floor market was steadier and moderately scltv*. Rye flour eaay. UorniMßi quiet Ry quiet Harley dull Barley malt dull Wheat-aßsot Arm, No ] red 7t4c . op tkait open ad Urptec op IcetgUaa oaMes and wera later atrengthenert by small B-'uih ■vast receipt* and obeouc* nf selling pres sure Argentina news t.mflu<ed but the hull reput la apparently recrlva.l most efcdlt Tha ctuoe was *lc.|> at %h%. uel advance March ,'Asnl 82%, . May . -used S3>a*. Nov • U|l,er , luacd 75- ,, * Oar, 79v corn—ton, 1 vbsv . No I. 48c, option* mar ket firm and higher on the atreuglh In wheat, local covering and uix xp.-ct. and small country offerings. L'iusacl steady at t*c tret advance May closed 43c, I*e,etn her, 13%. Oils -Nput stead) , No 3, 25%c, opliotts quid, isut steady. Oaef flnti t'ut meats quiet, pl.kled bellies 9%fJ Hr. do shoulder*. 6c. do ham*. >,)'.- Lard ratter, 44'eMern steamed. 97 27%. Novciubar closed 17.27% nominai. refined agay, conttn.rit 17 80. fork easy, family. Hi.rUbl*DO, short Clear lit/lie. rusts. 512(K5313.35 Tallow firmer i'cTtuituip ea*) , trill,Ml New York 17 V,. Phuadeltihlo and ilalllmorf. J 7 IP. do In hulk. *1.76. Ko*)n fluiei Turiwntlnc quiet Rk-e Arm Spelter market quiet, domestic. MUf) 4 15 Uoff##—Spot Rio easy; No 7 Invoice. 5%, : mild quiet Cordova. s%*n>%< flugar quiet, fair reelnlng, 5%c. renin fug*, A. text. 4Sc Cordova. 9>/pyl3%c. sugat quiet, (air refining. 3%, , centrifu gal 56-test 4%r, molasses sugar. 5%c: re- Anad dull Th* market Cor coffee futures opened *t*ady, with prka* s*llo point* lower and contlntiexl weak all day under general aejkng and th* IndlfTrrrncar of th* bulla. Foreign market new*. *ta4l*t!rs and th* *pt sltiMilnn were all boartsh, leading lo liquidation and over saiea Trading was < .*np*railvoly light and of a profraalonal character The market wa* closed l*adv at a net In## of 5 point* Total sale* 17.95) bags, Includtng Novem b#r al 9* F. December, 37 05, January. 17 of,, February. 17 10 Rutter drove,; creamery. 16924 c atat* datr, 15t3.' Cheeee quia*: large white, lT^lfiaa^e; email White, UO^UIIe hlggs nrm; atats and Pemisrlvanla 7249 95c: Waatem, regular packing, at mark. 15*121e. I'Ota toe a quirt, Jarseyr it kl.97*j; New York fl 2fl 62% Lor Island. IttofftTG: Jersey aw eel a 1' bi •, Peantila quiet, fancy handpicked 4%fjc. other druneeflc, 6c f'abhag* quiet : lawg Island, per I*9. II to •2 38 Cor ton by steam to Liverpool. IN' t'OTTOH 9i09.1l Ofl.. N*w York, Nov 9—Cottonseed oil wa* stead tar on scarcity of spot offering* and general improvement. In demand Prime crude barrel* B>d|2o%< nomtnol: prime sumtoer yellow. 88IF, off summer yellow. 13hix%<■. prim* wfVtt** y*ll<#w. ututr . prim* wide# rfgtsc. prim* meat, 3260n CM It AMO 94ARKFT9. f'ktrago, Nov 9 —Wheat was fairly t*. t)v* ltd Arm lo- lay under th* influence of • go# i shipping dnnand and dimlmahlng domwrtto fwrelpti, December cloving. ‘A) %c over yesterday, Corn closed %Q%e higher. *nd oat* %c higher. Provlslotw •howad |tlt|g change gt 'be close Th* leadtpa falurer ranged gs fo low fipan lllghMl Lowes' Closing. Wheat No - Nov .. 73% 73% 71% 73% Dec ... 73%E724k T5M)73% 72813% 73% Jan 74% 74% 72% 74%Tt% Corn No *- Nov ... .81% 3*i 37% W, De. 35', *B% 35%38% 35% Mi v .. 36% 36% 26% 26% QwAS 9)0 J Nov 21% De-. 238923% 21% 2*8?7% Ate v ;. % 36 33% 24 Meos pork, per bgrraf— Nov 10 to 110 to |U) IT', 810 17% Jan 11 fit 11 to 11 12% 11 12% Lard per 100 pounds— Nov • 88. 6 97% 4 93% 6 92% I tor . 6D% t) 9 77% 6 77% Jan 6 67% 4 67% 6 to 6 !% flhor' rib*, per lto janindr- XOV. .6 28 6 25 6 30 6 20 Jen 5 55 5 97% 896 595 Gash quotation* w*r •a follow*. Flour, i)itlte>nge<) No 3 spring wheat. 694173- , No. 2 red 72%75%c, No 2 corn 39%t)t0 . No 3 yellow, 394329%.; No 2 oat#. £%h 22%c. So 2 white to-. No. 3 white 24% 364*, . No J ry*. 47%441k guud fee-in,q oarley. 39> . fair 10 choice mailing 81gt53> , No 1 Aax seed. II 77. No. 1 Northwest, etn. 61 79%, prime timothy seed >4 Ibfj 4.20 pies# pork, par aorral, >IO.M4J'O 75. land, per UV, iwuntls >6 97%Q7 <s,. short rib* aider (loss*). >6 toff*.7l. dry salted shoulders. (lautrU), H,g5%- short clear sides, (boxed) l>, OufrO 79, whisky, basts of high wines, >1 27, glover, contract grad*, flo to JOHN G. BUTLER, -DEALER*IN- Patnts. tttla and Ola** Mash poof* Bund* and Hutldera' MtippHea Plain and Daroraflva Wall Paper ForHgn and Do mestic Cement*. Lime. Plsoter end Hair M' Agent for Abostfn* fold Water Paint. At Congress street west and t* Mt Julian street, wrat. Empty Hoflsheads. Empty Molasses MoasbeaSs las "** M C. M. GILBERT k CO. Plant System of Railways. Train* operated by Ktb meridian llioam On* hour slower than tty t!m* In elf set Oct f. 15to XIY trutna ~ Lv Kavanbah IhUly Ar. kovaanah liatwren IR ha v Ml , ‘A ana 63' am 4Y •> p .... ,0 U ana I 1" am Jaeksonvtltr ‘l2 Ml ti n * pm and Ftor'da !7ua pm Katweet, >26"" flav.iuwal) ,2 to *ns 8 ' •" Ch.irl.elen 17 fl) am and i ,al 4 1* tan ne Mens at Port I )'ampa with Psw ,n- liar and Oc ul- ittal steamer# laxvlag lor , x 44. >i and H ‘V*!)a M-today*. S. t r.J, J * 31x00 a. m. rail it Tt ket Off a tor further Infor* mm ion J H. POLIIEML'k T T A WARD CLARK Cl y Ticket .V*o% l'e B-.ia Mpirt I'hon* 7S. p W WttKVK t'a-senger Traffic M*>a ager R-.vannah fla mGL’ORGIA R*YCfty H- hedul* Effeetlv* Rep* ]• ttofl IY"U arrive nl and depart from t.'eiiirai flta>ton. Wan Rigad. (out of Liberty atfget. toth Merklian 'i lm- <>no hour xtower tltajg efty time I-cave ~~~* 6rf|r“ bavannah flavannab' 'Augusta Mxr.ol Atlanta,| * •5 laser, Cov lug,on Mil;edge• ,14* M 99pm and all inter,nodlato itm 4ui ala M -,v> Atlanta Atheiw Mcntgoniery, ITp-j *9 topni lumbu Rlrmtngbam Am- ** skm eriuus Faitauia ghd Troy I *9 ,c.,nr fH.vrr \,. Ofiimo,lotion .17 taaax G <Opm Hay um Dinner Train. * igpm •I'all. iRx ept flvtnday ' ' DKTW’KKN fl , and Tfl(*. 'jilt meridian or Havnnpwl. cf'Y lift* LEAVE fIAYANNAH Monday only 618 * o I,ally uMpt Motcl.y 9b, a m Ixattv 3fk)p, m IJSAVK TYUBE Monday only 716 a m Dally amcept Monday Ulto a. m Dally 6.69 p. ox * onnoettana made at terminal point* With all 'ram* Narthwaat, Waal awd floe I it West ■leaping ears on night train* between Bii'aniian and Augvieia. Meean. Atlanta and Ulmnngnam Parlor ,wr on day train* between (has carual, Ma.oi and Atlanta For complete Information, a, bedqlea, rate* and I'twr-IHMW. aptdr to W G BHEWBR n„ Ticket and Pats, •nger Agant. ltd Mull straal. or w H MeINTYRK, Depot Thkat Agant. J C HAILE. Ganargl Passanger Agent. E. II HINTON lYatft Manager THKO D. KLINE. Geo “"r—nHnltrl. flav mnah. fla. Double Daily Service Th* short Ilm- to Norfolk. WaxbtngtoW, Baltimore Philadelphia. New York and tha >Aal , No. 64 No. 56 Lv flavwaitih HAL Hy|i: 88poqil fgpns Ar tot amid* HAL. Ry 4 Mpmi 4 Mwm Ar JUleigh. fl. A. L Hy.-.RI rfpm| (flam Ar Durham ■ A. L Ry -l f Mn*n| 4 Igpm Ar Pctrrefcur*. fl A L Ry 4 Horn t Mpm Ar Hlcbmond. fl A L. By, 8 Horn 6 fpw> Ar Waobingttm I'snow.. .j 6 Cam, 9 Mpm Ar llolllmure. Penn* !0,*.n,,1l gp* Ar I’hUadelplit* Penns. .. ill rfpm: I toorw Ar New York l>nn* 6 Ogpwil 1 16am No U N* l.v Bavannah B A I. gr it Horn'll km Ar Poriensmrh. fl A L.Ryi T tarn I 50pm flisnmsrt leave Norfolk dolly, sxcept flundoi. for Ualtlmore. Phils, 1* phi* and New York, sad dally for 44aehlngton Th* abort line to Montgomery, Mow # and N*w Urlenna. leaving fl.*i'.n*h *| 1:25 a. in. arriving at Montgomery 7 p m . at which point elgw* c<a,n- tlon t* rnaue with the LAN B K, arriving t 6tot-tie 3to a m and N*w Orlosn* 7 to a m. Th* abort fine to Fernandtn* Jackson ville. Tamp* and othor Florida point* i No. 27 I No. B U Savannah. S A I. Ry * Mia I Wpm Ar Pemandln*. HAL Ry * lien • Mptn Ar Jacksonville. SAL Ry, • Magi 1 40pm Ar Tamp*. U A. U My....| D* m Mir MaeidSeeett Pullman buffet sleeping ear service to Waahingtor. Baltiggora fbil*. delphia and New York 4*o to Jaekaon. villa and Tampa Dining care from Savannah te Hamlet anti Richmond to New YSrk Buffet parlor ears Sayanoak la Moal gomer y. rot additional information apply tm Ticket Ofllcc, Hull and Br>etn ttreat*. Phone S. A NEW TRAIS WEST The u St. Louis Limited" I Big Four -TO TEXAS, KANSAS and MISSOURI, And al! Western and Northwestern States Leave ClodufMll B>' noun Arrive IntUenapolla 13 p m. Arrive St l/oala *;4A pi m. Arrive Chbuigo 1 40 p <a PARLOR CARS. , MODERN COACHES DININU CAR*. < nmieiclloii* for the Waal and Southwest made in t nlon Its pot ai dt IgKil* gad lo -i:| jiolnta In the Nonharaai al Cbleaga. Ask (or tickets via Rig Fuur Rout* For full Information aa to rata*, ale., apply to or address w P DEPPE. A. O P. * T Agent V; ARP BN J LYNCH. Oan I Pass * Tkt Agl., Cincinnati, O. IK YOC WANT .<->!> MATERIAL and work, order your lithographed and printed stationery and blank boyke (fug* Muiii lug ftawf, Ravennah, *, 9