The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 11, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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12 P. 1. It A mighty throng of happy buyers overflowed every nook and corner last week! It was indeed a very busy store. Every visitor went away delighted. “This is the prettiest store in is the uni versal verdict of the Ladies—and they generally know a good thing. A word about the stockt It is nice, clean and fresh. There is a crispness in the MERCHANDISE THAT IS FOREIGN TO ANTIQUATED SHOPS. WE HAVE NO ASYLUM FOR OLD SOLDIERS-NEWNESS BRISTLES FROM EVERY SHELF AND CORNER. IT PAYS TO TRADE HERE! WE SELL EVERY ITEM AS ADVERTISED. Correspondence Is Invited. Th* *nd Carpet Store U prepared to fvirniah public building*. aohool house*. church** law of!1"**. hotel* • and r**l4*nre*. Eritmaloi will be eneerfuily f\*rnl*a*d aud price* will b* mad* aa low as la con* latent with good merchandl** Ws have a baiutlful atork of Orieo'a.Rug*, thoa* kr.on a* Barak.Af ghon Kborasaan. Fer**h*n Bokhara. Ca tamer e, KurddUtan, Iran. Klrmunar.aft Thaa* rare tiexr.plm of ruga art for Boor purpose* b**id* their eg'er.slv* uaa for decoration* aa Faisals. Hanging* for Halla Librartaa, Stairway*. Studio*. Fri-aa iar.|i from t-B CO and up to till. '* Etna Portrirre*. Tapeatry Screen*. Uaca Curtain*. Fur Rum, Couth Cover*. Ta bia Cover* arl Pillow*. THE SILK STORE OE SAVANNAH. NONE BETTER! NONE HS GOOD! M*rrwr!*ed V *tlca#ta -fl 1 ) 4re#rl**d p*t*!co#ts II t* Meroeri <9 ('*!lcoll 13 9* r.M hlk P*Uieot# MU I'm* Biik Pettlcotli V- Fin* Bilk Petticoat* I* ♦* J*lr.v Day Skirt* CM Many !>*y Kktrt* IS * JUiny Day Hku-t* t Xtlny Day Skirt* *7 SO R*e.dy-msd* Bk.rt* II 49 nr.* Walking Skin Silk Walking Skirt* 17 SO Mlk Walking Skirt* tMOO Black Taffeta. 39c 69c 98c $1.19 $1.49 Whit* Brr.bro|.ieri Flannel* *o Whki Embroidered Flannel* 9c Wt Am Embroidered n*nn*i Il l* Wim Embroidered Flannel* II 49 Freaek All-wool Flannel* 49c All-word Trior* Flannel* Mo. Embroidered French Flannel* tto MnrttlUl B*d Spread* 11.94 Marseille# I!*l Spread* 32 49 Bod Spreads M 49 Marseilles lid Spread* 14 49 T*pr*try T*bl* Cover* 11.4* Taper'ry T*tde Cover* 1..... |1 *4 Tapestry Tabl* Cover* I* W SHELDON TO VISIT SAVANNAH. AUTHOR OF “I SI HIS STKPS" AT isT meant tkmaii chihcii. Hr*. J, A. Smith In Preaeh on l.nral AlM—Hr*. H s. Ilralh anil Hr*. 11. F. Matron Ar* Hold lag Tral Meeting*—Hr*. J. A. Arnrboro to Preach at the Soollislde Itnptlat < hereh— A t hailir of thr Hour ( krrtlrr at tbr Sacred Hrart—Thr Rental of Pews at tbr Fatbrdral to Tabr Flat-* To-night Tbr Week of I‘rarrr at thr Vn Meat' Chelation Aaaorlatlon. ftc*. Charita At. Bneldon, the aulhor preacber. will b* In Savannah n*t Sun day and will preach at Ihr Kim Presby terian Church. Itv. Mr Sheldon has an International reputation at thr result of tha exceptionally Urge sale of hit booh "In Hit Steps" and alto on account of tha Interest that w*t excited in hit ex periment of running the Topeka Capital "at Christ would have dona It". He* Mr Sheldon It the ton of a preset*- er, and was born at Wellavlile, N. T. February 35. Jt*7 With hit father, white gat quit# young, he moved to Dakota, "but raturnad to tha Kail to go to tchoo., be coming t pupil of Phillips Aradttny, And over. Matt, and afterward of Brown University whence he *t graduated In Itm. and of Ihc Andover Theological Sem inary where he wte graduated In I*** After a trip to England where ha spent several months studying the poorer class es. b* returned to ihla country and ec reptod a pa*lorale nt Wtterbuty, VI. In MM ha accepted a tall lo the Central Con gregational Church al Topeka. Kan. arbors ha hat tines remained. Mr Sheldon flrat became widely known through hit hook "In Hit Bt**>e." publish ed b MW. which hat had an enormous FOYE & ECKSTEIN. SUITS $6.49 $8.49 $12.49 $15.00 $20.00 Flow* ar.d Ribbed Underwear .. I9e OBmelahalr Underwear ISw Online Night HhW* 4o Natural Wool Underwear Me Natural Word Underwear Mm'* Unlaundered Shirt* I for 11 00 Seamle** Half How . ,12Hc Men'a Silk Neckwear Sr Finest Bilk Neckwear |w Fine Gloria Umbrella* 9<: ladle*' Fancy Hosiery flc Warm Underwear 17e Ladle*’ Fin# Corset* ..Me Velvet Stock Collar* Sc KID GLOVES. 75c. SI.OO $1.50 FOYE & ECKSTEIN. rlroulatton and which Is credited by an English paper with having had a tale of 3.090,000 copies The Mme potter says lhat three of Mr. Bheidon'a Iwoks published In Bngiand at a penny, ran through an ag gregate edition of' copies in three weeks. The greateal fame achieved by Mr Sheldon, however, was the result of his attempt to run the Topeka Capital on a Christian basts An effort will be mode to have Mr Shel don speak before the V. M. C. A while he Is In this city, and It Is probable that he will be asked to speak of hla news paper eanerlcncet. Mr Sheldon promised to visit Savannah at the request of Hev. Arthur J. Smith. This will have been hla flrat trip lo this vldnltv. Methodist. The pestor. Rev. Osgood F Cook, will preach loth morning and evening at Orace M'thnditt Church. At II a. m bis theme will be "Not Far From Ihe Kingdom." and at X p. m. he will preach on "Almost Altogether " A service of song will pre cede the sermon at night. The Sunday school will meet at 4 p. m. and the oflt cers and teachers at 5 o'clock. The stew ards will meet at parsonage Monday, p. m Kpworth league will meet Tuesday, • J# p m. and Ihe prayer meeting Wednes day. at p. m At the Seventh Street Methodist Church there will be preaching at 11 o'clock a. m. and nt * p tn. by the pastor, Rev. J. A. Smith. Special sermons based on the lo cal sins of the diy will he delivered The Sunday school wll meet at 4 o'clock; the Junior Kpworth League to-morrow after noon at 4 o'clock; the stewards' meeting to-morrow night at R:3O o'clock. the senior Kpworth League Tuesday night sit a. and the prayer service Thursday night, at the same hour. The usual services at Trinity Church will be he'd at II o'clock a m and at S p. m. conducted by the pastor. Rev Mas eom Anthony. The Sunday school wall meet at 4p. m.; the Kpworth League will meet Wednesday at #l6 p. m.; prayer meeting. Thursday, at I p. m. Tha quar- THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 11. 1000. MRS. GOLDEN ;.a* been a bugy woman Indeed. but ahe ha* tarn equal to th oocaalon, aa ah* La ***i*ted by an abla corpa of trimmers ar,d milliner* The Millinery w* have turned out thl* ****on haa h**n a revelation and many have been th* .wn p!m*r,>ary oommttru Wa era prepared to furnish at wry abort node* Mourning Outfit*. Ir: lading th brat Priestley Silk and Silk Warp Valla and ail other reqjb eltaa Elevator direct to Millinery Parlor Real F rr Collarette* .12 49 Real Fur Coli*r*tte* II 49 Real Fur Col ar-tte* Si *4 Real Fur Collarette* M 9 Real Fur Collarettes | 90 Real Fur Collarette* 12. M E.-gtr.t Fur* IFOOup to $!/> 00 ladle*' Kerrey Jacket* It t Ladxw' Kemey Jackets 17 <1' Kerrey Jackets IS 94 Isidles' Kr**y Jackets . .11l 80 Children Reefer Jacket* fI.M Children Reefer Jackets II 49 Children Reefer Jacket* lI.M Black Goods. 25c 46c 49c 63c 69c Ideached Tatde Damask 3c Pleached Tabl* Damask 29c Bleached T*bl* Damask 39e Bleached Table Damask 4tc Bleaohed Table Damask 69c Bleached Table Damask 79c Cream Table Damask Me Cream Table Damask Me Cream Table Damask 49c Cream Table Damask 69c Turkey Red Damask 19c Turkey Red Damask ISc Turkey Red Damask 39c Turkey Red Damask 49c terly conference will be held efter prayer aervloe. Al Wesley Monumental Church there will be services to-day at 11 o'clock a m. and il ip m. conducted by Rev. Kd F Cook, the pastor The Sunday school will meet at 4 p m The ladles' Home Mlesion Holsty wl l meet Tue.-dav at 4 p m. The Kpworth League devotional nesting will be held Tuesday at 1:15 p. m . the prayer meeting end Bible etudy Wedneeday at 6:16 p. m.. and the Junior Kpworth League on Friday al t p m. Rev, W S Heath, city missionary, ta conducting a tent meeting at the corner of Wheaton and Harmon afreets. He t* being aeststed by Hev. H F, Waleon. on evangelist of Virginia, who has recently arrived from llamikon. Va.. where he conducted a series of very successful union meetings Servers will he held each night at #l6 o'clock. Th" public. Irrespective of denomina tional lines. Is Invited tn attend It swill be understood that these services are for Ihe white geopie of the city. There will be services to-day at Isle of Hope, conducted by Hev W. 8. lleath, at 11 o'clock a m The Sunday school will meet at 4 p. tn. Baptist. At the South Ride Baptist Church tha protracted services which have been con ducted for the poet two week*, will con clude with the evening service to-day. The Interest In these meeting has been msl pronounced, end the membership has been revived, strengthens*! and enlarged. The new building, which Includes a met pas tor's home, is nearing completion, and has been used for Iwo w eeks Heaters were pul In yesterday Rev D. 8 Kdenfleld, the pastor. Is greatly encouraged and Ihe future of Ihe church Is bright Rev J A. Scerboro of Slsleshoto wl l preach at U o'clock a. m to-day on "The Poe!lion and Design of Bapttwn In tha Christian System." and at Bpm on M. O. D. Th# M.l Order* Department la now fully orgunlxed and customer* living a a distance can enjoy th* benefit* of our Ik** Ih-tce* and F.r.e Helectkms The etna a* If living in Savannah Prompt Attention to all inquiries All order* received will be attended on the day they are to hand Samples are **nt on application and I>ad:ea would do well to Mate lb* character, the colon* nd the price of the good* required to in jure getting the rtght aelwnlon. Advertised Special* can be aecurwl by quick applica tion for them CAPES $1.19 $1.98 $3.98 $7.49 $9.98 Colton Buck Towel* 4c Linen Buck Towel* l#c Hemmed Linen Towel* ~.lBc Extra Large Towel* ISc Turkey Red Damask 19c Checked Doylies, a dosen Me Damask Napkin*, a doxen Me Heavy Huek Cra*h W*c Pleach Twill Crash 3c Chenille Table Cover* *r Tapestry Table Cover* 93 c White Crochet Quilt* He Japanese Drapery g> 4 e New Swias Draper!#* 15e “ RIBBONS. \ 4c. 19c. 23c. FOYE k ECKSTEIN. "Christian Unity." The Sunday school will meet at 4 p m. At the Duffy Street Baptist Chgrch ser vices will be conducted by the pastor. Rev, Robert Van Deventer. Th# subject of the sermon al 11 o'clock a. m. wIU he "Making Jesus King " At #p. m, Ihe ser mon will be the fourth of a series to young men and young women, and Ihe subject will be The Young Man a lover." Tha Senior Baptist Young People's Union devotional meeting at 10 a. m will be led by Mr. Frank Whatley Master Lawton Medlock will lead the Junior Bapttst Young People's Union meeting al J p. tn The Bible school nIK meet at 4p. m. At the First Baptist Church. Pator John D J or. inn having returned from Brunswick where he delivered an addre-g F'rlday nlglit, will conduct services at H o clock and at # p. m. episcopal. At St John's Church. Rev. Charles If. Strong, rector, there will be a morning service and sermon at 11 o dock. Sunday school at 4 p. m amt evening service and sermon at # p. m. Of the of sermons on the Life of Christ on Sunday nights, second of Ihe aeries. "The Temp tations of Christ—the Test of Character." will be debarred to-night. At Christ Church. Rev. Robb White, reotor. ihere will be a service and sermon at 11 o'clock a. m and also at S:IS p. tn. The Sunday school will meet at 4 p m. At St. Paul's Church, Rev. J L. Scully, rector, the services will be as fol lows Flarly celebration at 730 o'clock a. m.; rooming prayer at 11. Sunday School at 4 p. m , and evening prayer at I. Presbyterian. At the Independent Presbyterian Church, the pastor. Rev. Dr. Fair, will conduct public worship at U o'clock and at # p. m. At Ihe morning service the subject will be "Tha Observance of tha Week of Prayer for Young Men." In “Ultra” Shoe* have caught on very quickly and the merit* of thl* elegant footwear have been fully re ogrux*d by crt'lcal purrhaa er* There 1* no other eboe ao good. *o well fitting, ao comfortable a* $3.50. Special* tn the Shoe Store . Ik*He* Overgaiters Aft- Fleece Blned B-!e* 24 Ladle*' Rubber Heel* 3^' Vice Snoe Polish 7c Infanis’ Shoes 24c Children'* I.aca Shoe* 74c Children'. Burton Shoe. 74c Special *ampie lot of leadin' Fine But ton and Lee* Shoe* Ji 00 quality at $1.50. 13 00 Flannelette Wrapper* S9e Flannelette Wrapper* 94c Flannelette Wrapper* 13 19 Flannelett* Wrapper* II 49 Flannelette Waist* 49c Alt Wool Waists 90c Fine Flannel Waists tl 49 Frenrh Flannel Wt*i* 12.49 Froneh Flannel Waist* 1294 French Flannel Waist* 13 49 French Flannel Waist* 13 94 French Flannel Waist* |4 94 Silk Waist* 13 94 Fine 811 k Waist* H 93 Fancy Silks. 39c 69c 98c $1.19 sl*49 Gilt Reception Chair* 53.9 laid I <•' Desk of Oak 13 94 Five-Panel Screen of Oak 12 75 Bent Back Wood Chair* 49c White and Gold Easels S9c Five-Piece Parlor Suit* 113 94 Hat Racks Plate Glass |3 Turkish Couches, {nrge $3.93 Art Square*. 3 yard* 13 94 Sideboards, rich, carved ........11099 Beet Tapestry Brussel* S*Hc Smyrna Run*. x4O 99c China and Jap Mattings Sic Fringed Linen Window Shade* *sc compliance with the request of the Young Men's Christian Association. The Sunday School will meet at 4 p. tn , and the Chinese Mission at the same hour tn the session room. Lutheran. At the Lutheran Church of the Ascen sion there will be preaching at 11 o'clock and at I p. m. by the pastor. Rev. Dr. W. C. Schaeffer. The monthly meeting of the Deaconess Society will be held at Mrs, Adam Kess-I's Monday at t p m The Luther league will meet Tuesday at 6:25 p. m and the Ladies' Guild Fri day at # p. m Christian. At the Christian Church, Pastor W. F. Watkins will preach at 11 o'clock on "Privilege and Responsibility." and at # p m the second of the series of sermons on "The Story of a Lost Son;" "I*e.ivlng Home." The Christian Endeavor meet tng will be held at 7:15 p. m. Roman Catholic. Service* In Ihe Cathedral of St. John the Baptist on Sunday* will be as follows: First mass at 7 o'clock a. m., children'* mass. In the basement, and followed hv Sunday School nt 9. high mass and sermon nt 11. and vespers and benediction of th> Blessed Sacremcn* at I o'clock p m. Week day services will be: First mass at 6:#o o'clock, second mass, of which the Rlshop will he the celebrant, at 7, and third mass at 7:30. Confessions are heard each Saturday from 430 p. m until 9 o'clock. The rental of the pews of the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist will take place at 4he Cathedral to-n.ght after the vesper service. Tne rental will be under the di rection of Ihe Petv Committee. Messrs. P. E Gleason M. A. O'Byrne and J, W. Golden Charts showing the location and price* of the pews were distributed *mong the members of the congregation last Sunday. At the Barred Heart Chunch services wilt be at follows First mass at 7a. m., Hier wird deutsch gesprochen Dta de jt*. hen Damn werden hoefllchat alngeladen unaer neuea Oabaeuda au be aichtlgen und warden eg da* beat* Vtrkaufalokal In dor Btadt fir.den Bfßiehr. gross** Hager dar beet an Waaren XU den bllllgxten PreAaen, gut*. **ell* Feste Preiae Und die VorlhaU*. 41* hlergabottn warden. Moebel und Tepplcha, Vorhaang* uad Gardlnan.Mattlßg.Ex'.eme Bettatellan uod Oehueh. Bchuhe fu*r Daman, Maadcban uad Xlader, Putxmacheral fartig * s j nach Auftrag Bei-Jetiatofr*. Trauarwaaran. KlaMersteff*. Letr.wand. W*taswatr und L'nterklelder. Hetnden, Cravattan. Strumpfwaaren. Spatter, Fartig* Dare* Anxuege, Jacken und Maentel r*lxwaarer., Bijouterie und Kletnwaarm. Blankets $1.49 $2.49 $3.75 $4.98 $9.98 Indigo Print* only 4# Flannetlette Outtng* Flannelette Outing* *4ie Flannelette Outing* To Fleece Lined Outing* Tc Heavy Cotton Flannel #e Heavy Cotton Flannel To Soft Yard-wide Bleach *!4c Ten Quarter Sheeting* ~.l*e Ten Quarter Bleaching 17c Nte# Pillow Case* 10c Scarlet Twill Flannel 19c Orey Twill Flannel 19c E.derdown Flannel 29c CURTAINS. 59c. to $15.00 FOYE k ECKSTEIN. high mas* at 10. Sunday School at 4 p. m . and vespers and benediction at R. Commencing with Monday. Nov. 13. tha week day masa will be at 7 o'clock In stead of R3O as heretofore Parents are earnestly request..! to see that their chil dren attend Sunday School. Sweden tinrglan. At the Park New Church (Swwdenbor glan), there will be preaching by the pas tor. Rev. Alexander Henry at 11 o'clock a m The subject of the sermon will be "A* They Went Toey Were Cleansed" At the evening service. # p m., the pastor will give the flr-t of a series of lectures t n 'The Last Judgment and the Second Coming of the Lord " Christian Scientist. Services al the First Church of Christ, Scientist, will he held at 11 o'clork a. m The sermon will he on "Soul and Body." The Sunday s hool will meet at 13 noon. The Wednesday night service will be held nt 830 o'clock All services are held at the Metropolitan llall The reading room connected with the work of the church Is now located a: No 19 Perry street, west T. M. C. A. The Week of Prayer which Is appoint ed by the Wnrl Committee of the Young Men e Chrtetlar, Association* and which will be observed by the associations In all parts of the globe will begtii to-day and continue through Saturday evening The Savannah Association wll] this afternoon, at & o clock, hold a special service to which ladles also are Invited, this being the only Sunday in the year at whl-h this I* d<n. Th.- service proml-ew to be a very enjoyable one. the speaker being Rev. Arthur J. Smith and the music heilng furnished by the Wesley Monumental choir, one of the very best In the city. The service will last less than an hour. Services to be held during the week will be for mm only and will commence al * o'clock The Education. Bible and Ovm naslum classes during th* week will not meet until after throe services which srtll be ebout 9ts or o'clock Tha marker al these service* will be Mr. W. B. i m Calico Comfortables *, Calico Comfortable* *. Calico Comfortable* Calico Comfortable* Satin* Comfortable* j*. Satin* Comfortable* jl u Satin* Comfortable* |".g Saline Comfortable* | w Ratine Comfortable* e Satin* Comfortable* cat Eiderdown Comforter* t. * Dlderdown Comforter* Wt 9 Eiderdown Comforter* H u Eiderdown Comforter* p? \ Dress Goods. 17c 33c 49c 69c 98c Infanta' Silk Cap* Infanta' Silk Cap* Mo Infants' Silk Cap* 790 Infants' Silk Cap* 99c Infanta' Kbit Bacquos 29° Infants' Knit Sacquee Mo Infant*' Knit Sacquea !3e Infants' Knit Sacquea *•* Infanta’ Wool Mlttena 3° Infant*' Wool Bootee* IS® Infant*' Fur Set.* *•* Infanta' Long Cloaks Infanta' Short Cloaks Infants' Flannel Sncquaa Stubbs, who Is well known to ell the Christian young men of th# city a"®, whose ability aa a speaker ahould at trie* many. CIIARLESTOVS CATHEDRAL. It la tafluiahed While Savannah • ts Completed. Fldltoc Morning New# Bayard T*.'*’ r tha celebraxed author and traveler, in pa * of hla delightful sketches, writes of l!,# awe and emotion with which one is aS'* ed upon entering a groat cathedral Th* manifest troth of this *tatctn was doubt lets* moat forcebly etnphvsieJ on Inst Sunday morning <Oct. 21 1 'l' occasion of the dedication of St John the Baptist, an edifice inspiring In Its deur. almost classic in Its beauty. n4 Indeed a fitting tribute to tho honor and glory of God, The pomp and ceremony, striking tures of Catholic worship, were, In th--m --eelvet, beautiful and Impressive, a * &• that once seen could not soon be forgot ten. which brings lo mind also o '.ke ceremony which took place hep- rroro than twenty years ago. and further on hack In the history of South Caro.:na. there are many who can recall th'jn stance (a most notable one), of the (1- catlon of St. Flnber'e of Cherleston. • church which, from an architectural *hd artistic standpoint, was of surpassing merit. This church was destroyed by * conflagration which swept iway en entire portion of Charleston, and by some uc fortunate circumstance I* ha* never beet replaced. However, an effort had been made in this direction several year# *g" money was subscribed, the ruins and and brls of the old building were cleared away, and builders put to work. In the course of time the Hvlng counter!* 1 * of the aid building began take shape, after the lapse of mt*" then a quarter of a century Th# work progressed favorably enough for a time, when suddenly, the sound '>• ths hammer ceased and work eai sue Continued on Page Eighteen.