The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 11, 1900, Page 14, Image 14

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14 With fh# flr*t breath of winter hn coiim m week crowded with lc*^tlvi• i j an*l • :trartit>ns of varloua kni the Mjcct*? l *- ful convention of ih* l>aughUr of the Confe<l*nicy. brii-tf the .*a iiiitf event. Hs - th* interest of the btisu *—- meer inffs the w* i! frhetlule ess o that the tl 1* tf.vt-s hmv* .irrit*l **a\ wtUi them a pin in* lmr>r"*U*) of tkivannh I.’ruler blur sktee with bracing breiin the Md town Is at it* brat, anti the visitors wera also fiveti a tfhmpre of the t-a. a genuine o> •‘irr r t, arwl a h-h *l.nn r at the eehbrai' tl Thunderbolt. Tli r at Artuorjr Hall Tueeilay evenime most aucoeaeful and the rharrnJmc after- i soon tea at the horn* of Mi. ;m<l Mrs J B. Wood gave the \isitora and the .Savan nah member* ct the society another op portunity of nu-rSinR i*o< -tally The ■lef'ora tlons on both or a'ion* were elaborate, and Wilkins, who det-.gned the ar rang merit of the Armory Hall, h.m b* **n much eompi;mented • n her artistic taste Besides the crimson and white draper!* th# battle lUjr* and the |x>rtraits framed with w r tuha of laurel, of rod <•*.- iua berries and white a**u myrtta flower* w*re Uh* i t - d.i orate the hall At Mrs Wood s* hiiui- n. hotn* the <*onfelera * colors w*te csrr.ed out in crimson salvia and whl* i >-.intliemtitii-. Th** ku* ? were delightfully m**d ind Mrs Weed, Mrs. lU>uii4Wii. ui.d Mrs Sext o were prominent tigures of the o atrtotv The first meeting for the season of the ate Club w. i tie id M< day t the refideru c of tli* gu* >ui* nt. Mis William Hapien. An Intere*ting afternoon was ► pent in arranging th* programme for the w riter, and the m*’-tings promise to be even more deligntful than those of last Winter. H -id* the readings and sl<its ther* ore to N* papers ir*iarvfl by the memls rs on the different plays. The j . i • M: * . A ILM M i secretary; Mr*. Tliomus S M' Mr* James Sullivan. Mrs. Kayrnotid D*m*r*- Mrs Myers. Mrs. Thomas H Wylly, Jr.. Mi~ f-ouls (i. Young. Mrs C N West. Mr A 1 Ouerard. Mrs ('buries G B.irney, Mrs. Nalhaidei I Jack on, Mrs. William Guerard, Miss Ad dK liartmul. Miss Lina. Huger and Mrs* M.b | St'-d bird. Mrs. Nletrli* iKMlnf Cloa* for adults re-opened evening at Armory Hall wlih a informal dance. The ha I a a. ilrromlt 1 for tl*. yoa.i. n ami Horen fell]** orchestra furnished Ihr inspiring music. Among tin- lai ■ r wore Mie C C Martin Mi*. 8 'uag.. Mrs (lay How ard. Jits* Tin.* Hobart*. Ills* Edith St ll m<| . M *s Ai:< fubhol.M ** Mary J • I-r!.. hard. >3l'* Georgia E>lm<ai#t*ai. Mis- Marta et T otuaon. Mis* Nellie Roberts. **' * Burroughs. Ml** Maggie Bchlcy Thompson, Miss Louise Dupont, m - Carrie w i Ham*. M.ta Mamie SUIIwll. Ml** TJaroy. MU* J.hiajn. M * Hoylr. M ** Sander*. Mu* 8m h. Miss i>uerarl. Ml-* Miriam AV.U, Mi - Eimh-o Hr l. MIM KfTle Hloo.l worth. M s* I.uU* pavi*. Mi Mama- Mir tin, vis* Hell Hopklna. Mia* Cora Martin, Mis* Marun i'uj|*r. Mi* Ue*s* t' -ne-r. an<i M'ara C. C. Marlin. Tom Hasel hur*t. Frank Torlay .\iaii-u* Hakrr. i May ton i'ui*. Chariunt Harbour. i.aJ.r Thom oii. Will Harper, Sie\ William*. Fri.iilt lleywaiU, Hobert Waller, Harry ftll llama, futjmond Sullivan, Karl Dasher, Charley William* Edwin Karon Jsar.l Williams. Percy Inabnett. Tim Harj-r Monglti Nichols. Charley Stronif, Edward Bell, Ueoise Coiuwrli. Joliu liorrouahr, Mr. MoWilUam*. Mr S|>rlng t Mr Jolin *on. Mr. Hale*. C. Betjeman Mar,anna rpv. Horace Crane. Charley lalmonMon, Will O’Bynse, Wall. Papy. Sigmund rg Hora e Stillwell. Harry Hreeae, Willie Clarke. Darwin Hull. Will Donnelly. Mr. Moncrlef. Mr. Donion and Mr. John Hop kins • Mtat Roeallr.d Rich of Atlanta wa* the •U( of honor at a heauliful euchre party Thurnday e\Vnln* at the De Solo Hotel. Ml** Te* Rosenheim an* host*** and en tartalned her gue*t delightfully. Card* were played In Ih* large reception room of the hotel amid decoration* of 1-a France rose* and white and pink ,*hry**tnthe tnum*. Daier tn the evening the cafe wa* thrown open to the guests and refresh - tnente were served al luhle* decorated with holly and mlatletete The evening was an Informal on*. and after the game pretty prur* were awarded to the win ner- Miss l.lly Truth and Mlaa Itesste Ultenthal won a gold picture frame and a pair of silver hat pins, wihlle lo Mr l>. I flee : t. I Mt Jake cm 111 l l a card on- a- I ' 1 • r keif. T-i- V,• •!' Include-l Mr. and Mrs D. J Hosenliclm. Mis* Mamie Llngel. Mis* Alma Mendc*. Mis* Janette Meuihard, Mlaa Mamie Snslth, Ml** Lily Traub. Ml** Jeanette Herman. Mb* llessl# Llltenlhai, Mr. Hanry Melnhard. Mr. Arthur Holomot . Mr joaeph Myer* Mr Henry Melnhard. Mr Jake Smith. Mr. Wltcover. Mr. Her bert Kayton. Mr. Oua Kayton and Mr. Mlacally. Capt and Mrs. Gillette took a email party of friend* down the river Thursday afternoon Mr. and Mr.-. John M Egan. Mrs J. G. Van Marter and Ml** Joseph ine Egan were among the guests. Col. George A Mercer returned early In the week from New York much benefltted by hi* two month*' stay at the North Mr aid Mrs Thoroa* Bond left Wed nesday for Florida, where they will spend th* winter. Mr* Arthur M. Olbbe*. who I* now In At.anta, waa the guest of honor yester day afternoon at a whist tairiy given by Mrs Wllmer Moore nt heir beautiful new home on Peachtree street. Mis- Clifford Muunerlyn. who ha* been the guest of Mis* Mary Nellson In El mira. la now apcndlng ten days in New Tork On her return home eh* will be accompanied by Ml** Nelison. Mr. Anton Wright spent the early part of th* week tn Charleaton. B. C. Mts* Eugenia Johnston walled for New York Thursday and will spend a month tu Elisabeth. N J , where Miss Elliabelh aid Mies Edith Johnston r* also visit ing Th- *e ond meeting of the Duplkwie WbtM Club wa* he.d at the home of Mr*. Cecil Gabbett Friday afternoon The Mism- Mini* ale at home Again af ter spending the summer al Cape Cod Mrs. Edwin O. Weed, general president of the Daughter* of ti e Confederacy, left Thursday evening tor Augusts. , Mis* Nan dußtgnon I* the guest of Mr. and Mr*. Henry Wilson Ifbdge In New York. Mrs Uslll* Alexander UounsavlUe, pres ident of the G-orgla division of Ih* Daughters of the t'onfed- racy, who ha* < guest .f I' M •• K o'lock dur. leg the convert on n tumrd yesterday to her home In Rome Mrs lewis ,M ilor.s and Master Grata Malone wrrlved k relay after an abeclice of several months (p ut In th- North and West. Dr. and Mrs W W. Owen* are the guest* of Dr. and Mrs. French In New York Mrs Barron Carter and Utile Mb* Ell'a Carter returned la*t week from ffewanee, Tern... where they spent the summer Mr John linger arrived Thurisday from At.anta and Is at the De Soto Hotel. Mu* Marlon Smart, who has been for tie pj-t eighteen months studying music tn Berlin, arrived In this country on the Marla Theresa Thursday evening Mlse Smart will return to Savannah text Week. Mr. Noble Hard* e returned early to the week from New York. Mr. and Mrs Henry Douch of Wah ngton, I> C . have ent out card* for hie marriage of their daugnler Claris** to j 14 Broughton Street, West. Ladies’ Furnishings. Women’s and Children’s Knit Underwear Heavy, medium and light weight tn Immense assortment to select from. We aHI non# but absolutely reliable qualities. nor non-sbrluknble Underwear t* unrtvnled anywhere. WOMEN’S COMBINATION SUITS. WOMEN'S NATURAL WOOL VFJITS AND PANTSI WOMEN'S SII.K AND WOOL VESTS AND PANTS. CHILDRENS UNION SUITS. CHILDREN'S VESTS AND PANTS, wool end mixed goods. CHILDREN'S SLEEPING DRAWERS, with and without feet. Agents for ARNOLD'S KNIT GOODS These goods are made from th# famous Arnold knit fabric, which never grows stiff or harsh from washing Agents for WOMENS HOHENZOLLERN SANITARY WOOLEN UN DERWEAR. Exceptional value In BOYS' and GIRLS' VISITS and PANTS. 35c Our Corset Pepnrttnem Is now complete with sll the new models. Straight Front Comets. Including the CURVE FRONT. DECIDED STRAIGHT FRONT. Also ERECT FORMS. The latest effects In FUR COLLARETTES, BO AS. MUFFS and JACKETS. .Mr. A.vln M McNleh. formerly of this * I, y The wedding will take place nt Saint Pnill's English Lutheran Church Wednesdav evcilng. November twenty irst. and ibis will be followed by a recep tion at the noroe of th# bride's parents on H. street. Ml** EJlxabeth Hakell and Miss Sally Haskell returned early in the week from Columbia, ft. c.. where they were th# ;utsi of Mr and Mr*. Flix^lnimoo*. Gen. and Mr*. W W. Gordon sailed from Liverpool for Now York Wednesday in the Teutonic. Mr*. Henry M Steel* end Master H M. Steele, Jr., returned Tuesday from llaltlmore. where they have been since August. Mr Clarence Andereon left yesterday for New York, where he will spend fortnight. Mr*. Robert Neely end Mias Meaelle Neely of Wavnesboro. have been the guest* of Mr and Mr*. P. W. Meklrnn during lhe past week. Mr*. Robert Fouche of Rome, ha* been the guest of Mrs. Orlando Jackson eti Taylor treet. Mr*. Gilbert Wllklna, who ha* been spending the past two week* In Charlotte N. C..' I* expected horn* Tuesday. Mr* Robert Fleming ha* returned from th* North and Is al her new bom* on Abercorn and Hall streets. Mr* Margaret Branch Sexton, after • visit to Miss Georgia Freeman, lefe yes terday for her home lu Charlotte. N. C. The Oll.i l'odrlda Club will not continue ll* meeting* this winter, owing to the absence of the president and organiser. Mrs. St. J. H. Graham. Mr. and Mr*. De Solo Fltxgerald hare taken (he house. No. 1( Oglethorpe ave nue. east, for the wl: :er. Dr. and Mrs James H Read, after a short stay a: the De Soto Hotel have re lumed to Green Cove Spring*, Fla. Th* Mis**'* Eleanor anil Margaret Fer rlll entertained u few of their Util* friends Tuesday nfiermion al o'clock <••* al the home of their aunt. Mrs N F. Jackson on Hail Street The Miser- Dorot** Fa row, Emma Wall hour. May Thlot, and Kiltie Bell were the little guest*. Mi*. Clarence S Connerat will return home from Columbus. Ga.. on Monday, and will l>e at home to her friend* on Fri day afternoons during November. Her s. r Mrs Rk h..r i Perry Ipt keep of columbu*. Ga . and her daughter. Mr# O. C. Drew. Jr., of Houston, Tex., will accompany Mrs. Connerat. Mr* Salinas of Augusta, has ben spend- Ing the past few days with Mrs. T. 8 Moyne on Liberty street. Mis* Claude Rond, who 1* \ Ist Ing Sir and Mr*. John Screven al their home In the Meadows, will lenv- Wednesday to Join her parent* in Florida Mts. A. E. Movnelo and Mis* Lola Moy ne!o after an almenc* of etghte-n nxinth* are spending few weeks ui Favannan en route m Cube Mts* Movnelo Is the guest of Mr. and Mr*. Edward P Frost. Mr. Geotge Freeman expects to go North this week (or a ehort vacation. Mis* Olive Speer at Atlanta la the guest THE .MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 11. 1000. of Mr and Mrs Gardener Dickltifon on Uwston etreet, east Mit* Matt e d'AnUgrtaC of Augu t* I* tbs guest of Miae Carrie Lou Meklrtm Mr James W Schley who has b -n -pending the rummer in Europe atr.v J is Havsnneh early in the week M Schley Is t.w al Hotwyl. me guest of Mr James T D nt. end will wot return for several wcekr Miss Flora Duncy who n tn* of he Rxvannah guest* at tn* Bial 11*11 in Co himbtn Net w<—k haw relurne-l lionae Mias All e Raster of Allan's. aftr a vlalf to Mr anti Mr* A B Hull, returned home yesterday Miss Jwtn.e Haines, after a delightful visit •*> Jli-s Marg ire! Greew in Fhllt el ph.i Is now In New York Hr- K. I) Mul l rd and MPs E roto e Mi.nfortl of Mawkln-vllkt who have t* , th* guests of Mr and M Rohetl Bn', er return.d home yesterday Mis* Nelly Baldwin will leave to-mor row to apftid a month with her Mst'r Mrs. Walter McCoy In Orange. N. J. Mrs. Rice, the dlrecire-s of the All nt* bran* f. of i!ie Children of lie t'ot.f .1 r acy. Was the gU'-wt of M'S. (‘hjret G Baraev during her stay In dxvannah Mrs Redding of Valdosta I* via tn* Mr*, a. 11 R -tnehert on Jones #tr,*t Msrs Ada Turner and Miss Lucy Lowry of Allama arrlvetl -e-eerday nvirnlng end are the guee.s of Mr tid Mia J.tme farle. Jr . oh Waldbuig alreet Ml*-# Artnantln** ffaumf rs of Gdne j vlle, (la.. la a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gard.ner I>i klneon on Gaston street. Mr lb- Kaussitre Ford r< turned < arty tn the week from Columbia. K C . wuerc h went to attend the S si- Rail. Mtes Mine Remwhert l visiting frtead* In Way cross. Mr*. J Morrison and Miss Morri*.w ar rive.! Thursday on the Kansas City from New York and after spending a few days fn town with friend* will ratutVi to ti.a r home in Eiiabeil. Mia- Julia Uythowoo.l left list week to vlatt friends to Home. Ga Mlse Tess Roaenhetm atid Mbs Ro* Itod Rich. Mr H.tman lioaen.'icim and Mr Wltcover left last ev.nnr for Atian ta. where Mlaa Rich and Mr. Ro.-enha m will receive to-day the congrat .kitlons of their friend* ii|w>n their etigagcmanL The Harmor.lo Club was thrown opn Tu-s-lay evening to the lady friend* of the members, and the election returns were received and bulletined In th.* par lor* of the club. II w.i* an Informal re- ception, and various, ferine of amusement entertained the gueeia durtnr th* evening Among those who were pie.ent were Mr and Mr*. Joseph Fer*t, Mi. and Mr* D. J Rosenheim. Mr aud Mr* B. 11. Levy, Mr. end Mia. Max Solomons. Mr „nd Mr* B s. Levy. Mr. an-l Mr* Arthur Well, Mr and Mrs M. G. Ehrlich, Mr. and Mr., Aaron Ferst, Mr. and Mr* lawn Feral, Jlr and Mrs Ferdinand Neuberger, Mrs Harry Hlrsch of New York. MW Bessie Llllenlhal, Ml** Tee* Rosenheim. Min Mamie Engel. Mis* Lily Traub. Miss Viola Eckstein, Mts* Mamie Smith. Ml** Norm., Eckstein. Mr. Adolf Lelller, Mr Max Lef fler. Mr Walter Llllentha!, Mr H.nry Melnhard. Mr. Slgfrted Fanil, slr Edwin Frank. Mr. Hugo Frank. Mr. Jake Smith The marnage of Mr. Ju x,h Gasan and Mia* Nelly Cohen which will take place Wednesday evening at [he De Soto Hotel will be one of the loading social event* of the week. Th* dance at the Y M H. A on elec tion night wa* an informal and very plea* ant occasion and a few of those who wen preient were Ml*s Ada Ehrlich, Ml Edith Robinxun and her guest. Miss Helen Levy, of Charleston. Miss Lily Traub. Miss Frelda Traub. Mis* Fannie Neuber *er. Mis* Hortenoe Siern. Ml** Ro ullnd lll'-h and Mis* M Gtithman of Atlanta. Ml** Iren* Ihitael, Ml** Ib ulah Putael.snd the Messrs. Wltcover Herman Rosenheim helm. Jerome Eckstein. Joe Myers, Mr. Louis Neuberger. Mr. Mux Neuberger. Mr Roy Lovensleln, and Mr. Edwin Ep stein. Mlsa Miriam Gothman at Atlanta I visiting Mrs Shulhafer. met next week will be the guest of Mr*. I. G. Haas on Gaston street. Mr. and Mrs M. Herman Itnve now moved Into their new residence, No. (fit Gaston, east, where they will receive their friend*. Miss Doerfllnger of Bruiuwltk R visit ing her l*ter. Mr*. W. II laxypold, on Eut Henry alreet. Mias Helen Levy of Charleston, arrived Monday night, and is the guest of Ml** Edith Robinson on Gaston street. Miss yxmle Smith will leave next week lo visit Miss Rich In Atlanta. Mr*. Kngel ntul MR* Mamie Engel have returned from New Yotk. Mr. and Mr*. William Ballard of Da rlen, are the guest* of Capt. and Mrs George Slckel on State street. Mr. and Mrs. Abraham I/-flier will leave for Atlanta next week to be present at th# marriage of their itetee. Mies Lillen thal. and Mr. Hoffman of Brunswick. The marriage will be celebrated at Concordia Club to Atlanta. One of the prettiest turnout* In the floral parade of Wednesday wa* the tandem pony surrey driven by the 10-year-okl son of Mr. George Hchnars The four little occupant* wore Japan#** costumes ami the decoration* of yellow and white chrya- Mme. Emma Roderick, who Is perhaps th- beet known teacher of vocal music for women In New York, hi* reopened her studio for the winter. She has a number of , xcrptlutiaU) ptumislng puptla tutu the South. Gutman’s The lowest price affixed to the best quality, is a rule from which we cannot and will not deviate. This fact is demonstrated in every item of our immense stock and is emphasized by the increasing patronage of the public. ITEMS OF INTEREST TO YOU FOLLOW. VISITORS to the CITY are INVITED to Inspect EVERY DEPARTMENT of OUR STORE. CLOAKS of e\*ry <fe*crliMS‘<n t ** * new mru 1 wtyl i*h LAMES* OXFi'KD JACKET, velvet Special Price $5.50 COLORED DRESS GOODS. No parallel to b. found anywhere to the bona fid* Ltigudu off< red here. U> PIECES ECONOMY SITTINGS New design*, new olors Choice at tu PIECES mixed anriNoa New style t-ffecis. Choice at 39c a yard. SO PI EC Eft ORANHLATED SITTINGH New w.-ave*. n w eckor. Combinatlona very atylleh and wide, at _ 49c a yard. S-4 CHEVIOTS, ai 49c, 75c, SI.OO up BROAD CLOTH In nil M the i**w at 98c, 51.25, 51.48 n yard an<l up $ w t I! fm n SAVANNAH’S 19 UU tin call S. Leading Dry Goods Store. Broughton street, west, \ anthemums and yellow satin ribbon* were most effective. Mr Richard D Wylly, the M-ser*. Min sot, and Mr Stubbs of Darien, who won the golf tournament yestetday afternoon, will return home lo- lay. Mrs Edwin Parsons of New York gave a charming Um* h during the week, at whl ti were present ten of her Savannah friends Among these were Mr* Henry Wilson Hodge. Mrs. H. Snowden Marshall, Mrs Julian Hartrldg-. Mis* Nan Screven. Mis* Una Woodbrldg- and Miss Nan du- Blgnon. Mr*. E. A M Schroder gave an original entertainment Frktay evetdn* at her home on Huntingdon atrwt. It was allied "An Evening In the flail of Curtoa," and prov ed to be very amusing The rooms were adorned with ferns and chrysanthemum*, and after the contest refreshment* were served. The prtae, an embroidered center piece. was won by Mrs. H E IHeeaon, and the other guests were Mr*. II ftrho der. Mr*. G. Schroder. Mr*. J. I’außen, Mrs. C. Seller. Mrs. F Courmey, Mr*. If. E. Dr e/-on. Mr*. J D. Ilelmk'-n. Mr*. J Lube. Mr* H. Baden, hoop, Mrs, F. Ttetjen, Mr# A Smith, Mrs M I-an* Mrs M Brhrotltr, Mr* W O. Turner. Mr*. GorGs. Mr* Savar*se MBs Annie 8,-bmder nnd Mlaa Meta Doscher. Mrs.W C. Schaefer Mrs C. Ger k*n. Mr* 11. Gfk*n Mi*. H. Gails. Mr* J. D B*im-. Mr*. J II Helttnan. hire C. H. Konrtnaii. Mr*. C. H Harms. Mrs K. Siruck. Mr*. F. Haims Mr* 8 L (Jut ten. Mr* J Jnehter, Sir*. S. Ad ams. Mr*. A. Khlers. Mr*. O. Rul ter, Mr* E. Schroder. Mrs. C. Krscken. Mrs J. Izorcb, Mr* D Entle man. Mrs M W.lbrook, Mrs. H. Lang and Mrs M. Hagen. Mrs. George A Gregory and Master Arthur Gregory will return 10-day from ih North, where they spent the eum mer I Mtew Emma Btilloch. who ta vlattlng friends In Virginia, will not return to Sa vannah until January. Mrs George li '.ley Thom** of Athens ts the guest of Mr and Mr*. W. D. Kren son on Whitaker rtr*#. Mrs W. P. Paillto of Atkinta was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. Luclen Jones for convention week. Mr. C H. Bank* has returned from a visit to North Carolina. Mr* George W Lamar has returned from * vRR to h-r daughter. Mrs. Ger many. In New York. Mis* Julia four,iff of Juckvoovllle has been spending the week with Mr. and Mr*. Marcus Poker on Oglethorpe avenue. MR* Eula Denton of Gainesville. Fla., Is visiting Ml** Roberta Park. Ms Wilder of Macon and Mlaa Suber* Miss Mary Cox ha* returned from Co lumbus. O# Mrs J.i, keon and Master Walter Jack son of Augusta are the guest* of Dr. and Mr*. Morrison. Mrs W O Charlton and Mlaa Lucille Charlton have relumed home from Jack sonville, Fla Mr. O. W. Wylly and Ml*# Nona Wylly left I**l week for their horns tn Fori Real. Fla. ' Ml** Madge Rice of Columbia. S C.. I* visiting friends in th* city. Master Arthur Wright Ml MMlan enter tained Friday afternoon In celebration of his fifth blrttvtay. Those present were Mtsees Emily Reenellleu. Ruby George and Elsie MacMillan. and Maaiert Vaughn Arroand. Frank Re*selileu. Wal. ter Jones. Wllhe Mrl-eod. Ouasta. Ptgman, Robert Vincent and Clarence lllllbrath. Mr*. E. C. Rlount of Waynesboro hat been visiting Mrs. Gilbert Tarver during the week. Mr*. M C. Row# has returned to Brunswick, after visiting Mr. and Mr* Alvin Rowe. Mrs M A. I’hllllpa. Mr*. J. T. Calla T BEE HIVE, N. SCHUTZ, St. Julian and Whitaker Streets. Will Save You Honey on Every Purchase. Your neighbors trade here —why shouldn't you? It’s to your interest to do so. New Heavy Men’s Underwear. New Heavy Ladies’ Underwear. New Heavy Children’s Underwear. New Heavy Socks. New Heavy Stockings. New Heavy Skirts. New Heavy Gloves. New Heavy Blankets. New Heavy Quilts. CHEAPER THAN YOU CAN BUY THEM ELSEWHERE. LADIES’ READY-TO-WEAR SUITS. W'o carry an Immenr* *to. k. all new. all elyilsb. the best I-Hrht gray, tan COAT SUITS Elegantly finished In most Improved manner. Special, SIO.OO MILLINERY. Beauty of Headgear was Never Before So Beautiful as It present* lire If la this department to-day TU* productive genius of mrl lnery e>gara e I* Illustrated In every artcle dlp a>el her- Every Item of the splendki collection bear* the unml* takablc stamp of perfection and Our k>w price* preclude ml attempts at competition. We suit all financial con ditions, as follows Children’s School Hats, neat, stylish, durable 79c Walking, Riding and Shopping Hats, at. ,98c to $5.00 TRIMMED HATS. Onni p* , otra#n* of mllllnrrv p*rf*e tion Wf ftinriwi *• SI.OO, $3.00. $5.00, $7.50, SIO.OO. right along up to 30.00, and finer kinds if you wish. TRIMMINGS Bird*. Ostrich Tip*. Plume*. Feahers. ak of Dam* Fa Melon'* latest sugges tion*. in great quantity, at prices that mark thin deparrmsnt a* the cheap est ml ill m- ry pirlor in the city ReypeiifuUy, GI'TMAN'S Oil VO 24-in Peau de Soie,value $2, now Sl*49 OILIVO Extra heavy Satin Luxor, full w’idth, ?1 39 kind tor 1.00 EXTRAORDINARY VAU'Eff ars offered In Mack an-l colored Taffeta Bl.ks. way and MR* Louise OnUaway of Mx-on are visiting Mr and Mrs. J. W Heftcr nan. MRs Nelly Abrams R (he guest of friend* In Atlanta. Ml#* Elots* Ilarr has relumed from a visit o Columbia. 8. C. Mr* E. J. Miller ban gone North for a few week*. Mrs Werner 8. Byck of Atlanta I* vla tlng her father at No. 14 Jones street. w*t: Mr*. A. B Howe of Master A B Rowe, Jr., have returned from Thomasvllie Mra. Charles Harper of Rome ts vßltlng Mr. and Mrs. M S. Baker. 51 f John B. Uaudry of Augusta has been spending the past week with re}*- t Ives. Mr and Mrs. R. R TRon of Gonwdt. 8. e., have been visiting friend* In the city. Mr*. H. B. McMaater of Waynesboro •pent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Horace Crane on Jones street. Mr. H. W. Wltcover and Mr. William MReally gava a breakfast at Bannon I-edge Monday tn compliment to MRs Rosalind Rich of Atlanta and Mr Her man Roaenhe.m. The other guests were Mr and Mrs. Rich of Alßnta. Mr nnd Mrs. D. J Rosenheim. Ms* Lilly Traub. Mis* Mamie Kngel. Miss Rosenheim. Mr. Herbert Kayton and Mr. Joseph Rosen heim. MR# Hattie Penny of Wilmington, N C R visiting MR* Ella McKenalo at 113 Tlilrty-flr*t atreet. west. Mis* Hobertlne Murphy who has spent a delightful summer and fall tn th# North, will sail from New York next Tueedev Miss Murphy will reside with her mother this winter at l't Harris street, east. Mlsa Sadie Rcbatsman of Macon. Ga.. la visiting the Moses Derby on Henry etreet. east. Mis* Rena Fa'llgent gave a supper party Thursday evening to a number of the visiting delegate* Mlaa Lizzie Dußose baa returned home, after spending the summer tn Alabama and In North Georgia. MRs Florrle Banka ha* a* her guest MRs May Blukeney of Monro*. N. C. Mr*. Mary M -Kenxle ha* Issued card* to th* marriage of her daughter, Ella, to Mr M. M Parker of Wilmington. N. C. of Bah bridge are vßltlng MRs Annie Ldtirl* Shaw. Mrs H. Holey ha* sent out Invitation* for th# marriage of her daughter Ida. and Mr. David A. Byck. which will take place Oil Wednesday. Nov. *l, at the residence ol th* brides’ mother on Jones street. —Carmen Bylva, th* literary queen of Houmanla. ta passionately fond of Sowers and says she is really unable to roat com fortably anywhere without having flow era about her. —Henri Houssay*. th* French acade mician and Napoleonic authority, has pur -haaed for the Paris Rabremach*. the French military associating, the exact spot of ground where the Old Guard made ns last stand at Waterloo, and upoo It M. Gererae. tho sculptor. Is to erect a monument. Scrotal* the Chose Eczema, catarrh, hip disease, white swelling, and even consumption hare the|r origin tn *crofulou# conditions With the slightest taint of scrofula In th* blood, mere I* no rafety. The remedy for (hit disease to nil It* furms R Hood s Sarsa parilla, which goes to the root of th# trouble and expels *d Impurities and dm e**e germ* from th* blood. Tho best family cathartic 1* Hood's Pllla. —ad. We Never Tire In Our Efforts to Secure the Best Values to Otter You, Rl'aaiAN BLOI'BE BCITR Gray*, black. Oxford Special, SIB.OO A K.MH'KKR REVIVAL la F.aalietiman'e Coup la Reselling Discarded Knoctcera. Naw York, Nov 1 —lt R th* mod# the*# days to fasten n knocker on one * front dor. whether that door opens to th* dark and sinuous corridor of a city flat or the spacious hall of a big country house. Fur thermore. the knocker that hangs over th* threshold must be a thing of beauty, or curiosity, or In*trln*lc value a* an an tique. and It I* strictly against the rule Th# Taro Popular Styles. to hang a Roman knocker on the door. If It t* Dutch, or a colonial ring and disk of bra.-* on a French door, or worse yet. a big beautiful bronze Venttlan knocker on a fair white door of the Wah lngiooUa period. Be well advised In ad vance and Just learn a bit about knock er* before yeu drop Into an antique shop and Impulsively buy the first odd. or love ly. or masalve ornament that catches your fancy. Nowaday* the dealer* tn brle-a-hrac no l only buy up knocker* from all part* of th* country, but Import thorn a* well, an i one can easily pyy. a* did a wealthy es tate owner al Lenox, Mass., a* much as taw for ihe gorgeous old bit of bronxe that ornaments the door of his Italian vil la whFh overlooks the Stockbrkige Bowl. This was an exceptionally fine ap clmen. ‘ P LORftfmnff bOm W*OCK?S said to have been designed by the great Benvenuto himself for the Venetian pah ace whence It was sold to the rich Amer ican. It Is a muesli e piece of bronse showing In Us design the dolphins and tragic masque that are t characteristic of all ih* beat old Venetian knocker*. Tine bronxe knocker* from Italy ara new difficult to find, so ctngety doe* the Italian government guard against the exportation of treasures, but beautiful copies are made in this country and sold at a high price, and one of the most pop ular and charming patterns la that of a Fompriian knocker, showing s woman'* head In high relief on a bronse disk and below this a ring that strike* upon a nail head when let fall. Another fashion In door decoration Is to fasten a brass or bronse ribbon scroll Ju*t above th* knock er. whereupon In Latin or old English or mediaeval German a welcoming sentiment R engraved. Next after Italian knocker* those moot highly prize! .me from Flanders and have been ruthlessly lent from the door# of old abbeys or convents. These ara gorgeous iff dr* of wrought Iron and one of the finest spcxiimens to thR country decorates the front door of Baltimore, FURS. Electric Seal Boas $1.60 bkuok Boas.very handsooe, FUR COLLARETTES A large aasertment at lowest prices. BLACK GOODS. In black good, we rv ognlxe no com pctKor*. Wo have many exclusive make* and weaves in stock, and our price* are th# lowest ♦ ■-Inch Heavy Black Biorm Berg*. V.-'n-'h Black English Henrietta. J'.-m. h Black Figured Mohair. 4&-tnch Black Brocade Hultßrgs, Choice of the above styles at 25c a yard. tn-Mvh Cheviot Rerge*. ♦Finch Bilk Flnlsn Henrietta, at 49c a yard. M-inch Pebbled Chav lor. shrunk and sponged. Regular price 11Now STRAIGHT FRONT CORSETS tn all of the most approved kind*. A full large assort meal of each kind la offered you at extremely low pries*. REMEMBER, w# try on enraets and IH them perfectly to your figure. Ex perienced ladies in attendance. The Finnish knockt-re are • little too ponderous for any but the blirreet hesr lest doors uml with the revival of colon*: style* the el.-Rant bra** knockers frora Holland and Kngtand are mowt In kee;4r.. One shrewd Knjrltrhman hounht up. fco the price of scrap Iron, all the knocked In a street In the Bkwmabui* district cf I-onden. a district when- e wealth sri fashion have departed He sent his col livtlon to America and s->l-1 them off at once se knockers of historical value. Bom had been used, he averred, on houe-s where Charlie Dick-no lived, another hal ornamented Doctor Johnson's door, anoth er hod wakened the echoes In Dick Steel i or the lovely Gunning* home and the price he received were flatteringly profi table. These literary knockers, as they wer* called, may or may not have been used by these famous to k. but they were beau ties nevertheless and feichad a bigger sum than any save the genuine brass colonial knockers that are even now sometime* picked up tn Virginia and New Englind. Latest and strongest of door ornaments R the double knocker. A lion’s mouth grip* a ring and (hi* Is fasicnsd on the ouudde of the door, while on tho Inside of the wood panel* R a replies of thl*. and the strange idea Is an adaptation of a custom In old European cities when street* were narrow and door# opened *ut w*rd*. Then it wa* necessary for a person about to Rau* from hla house to tap thrice with hi* inside krocher and wirn pedeatrlana to get out of the way of the opening door, else u mighty blow wou.l be delivered at aome unfortunate o*-' r ‘ by and a duel or a acuflle anaue. M. A —The tramp question In the United ataim haa been a moat aerloua one ever plaice the Introduction of railroad*. It *• estimated that no lea* than 10.0 W are car ried nightly on trains and that 10 000 more are waiting to **ea! a ride at the •"> time One of the eaatern roada haa taken a Arm aland In the matter and haa equip ped a fpedal police force for the pun*'** of preventing treepamlng. Soma of the farmer*, however, do not approve of tme action, aa they obtain much of their ex tra help in harvest time from the driftlb* population. PURE FOOD IS NBTKWARY ifc MAINTAINING HEALTH. EAT-WELL.