The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 11, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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""'•TTaT do vor I*> WITH YOUR OLD , .smrß I! away In toe oureai* drawer c . 1 trunk • Take It lo Wllenaky'a. cor i Urougnuon .in I Barnard. and get na , „ .e In money or goods; he psy* the I price In town. "WANTED. TO BUY 4 FRESH COWS. y Irc-s .’CI East Liberty street. VANTED. TO BUT FIXTURES FOR . .n grocery; mutt he god and cheap, address P. O. Box 213. WANTED TO IKlMnow $l,OOO "ON 4 i seurky, will pay JO per cent, for l. Address Money, News office. WANT TO BUY AN IRON SAKE. A JeM’.Ww cafe ** Prefer rod. must be a {,, un and good cafe. Addri ... with .igrnm und particulars. John Q. White. j. ivberry. Fla. i-iiT CASH PAID FOB ALT. K!N!>S e( crocus sacks. Apply 312 Biale street. west. 'IF YOU HAVE A FEW HUNDRED tii.ed up In the bank shy be satisfied niih three per e.rc Interest, when wi give you something that Is Jnel na if, which will I>-iy iwoor three times an i .. h? If you have not sufficient money t . pay ail cash, we arrange loan for ihe tnlai.ce without extra charge. Younuns A Dcmniond. "wanted a PARTNER WITH *1 V) $N GROCERY Bt ’SI NESS; FINE OP- I .ftTf-NITY PLEASANT PLACE. AD x kys H . MORNING NEWS. SAVAN- N VH. *IA. WANTED. FIjORIDA PROPERTY; IF > a hole ptopeity to sell or ex. h nge 1 •t> sou. Addri:* Prop rty, Oi.inxv I i.i. "a man thoroughly versed Vn t n—iii<>sa, would like to huy half or v. ..... interest In an established *ai<n, In f i 1,, iMen, f<.r flrst-olos'. trade; not too hid el; must be an.c to stiow up goid budnesa investment. Answers will p, ti .. . a> strictly oontl.tentlai Ad <jr. •> .yiilng full particu.urs), Anheuacr. •S N- as. ItrSINESS FIRMS IN N ICED OK prs t . l I'.okkeep. rs, sten graphrrs. etc., and all persons distrl-ig such positions should wrt.e toe Draughun Business Ex chit - Nashville. Tenn. No charges to n.| ers We pay ST. for each vacancy ref it.-d to us provided we till same. Business conh lent In I WANTED. TRAM ENGINE ~FOR w. i tr.i k, with two trucks, rent or pur. chase; n -o to buy a ?• to 3D H P mut able engine nmt drag saw for eypress or pine; will exchange a planing m. for rltlier the tram or engine Bar th vlars on application. J A. Soarboro, Statesboro, Ga. “EVERYBODY INTERESTED IN REAL tsm- and fia.vlng Investment* to e our advertisements In Ihe Real Estate Col umn. Yottmnns A Desnmond. “WANTED, YOUR OLD MATTRESBEA to renovate. $1; returned same day; most skillful Ixler employed. Telephone 4113. "all PARTIES INTERESTED IN THE purchase of timber for lumber or turpen tine purjssses. will llnd ll to their Inter es to write T. E. Riggs A Cos., (Pula. Fl*. IK YOU WANT GOOD MILK. GET IT from Springfield Dairy, It s rich, pure and wholesome. “(ASH PAID FOR GOOD SECOND hand oat sacks. SU West Bay street. “YOUNR PROPERTY TO SELL AND retoa to collect; If >our property Is not paying what you think it should, see us; we give our personal attention to nit busi ness; you will be pleased with our ser vice. loutnant A Demmond. "IK YOU WANT A PLACE TO DUMP earth, dirt. sand, manure, sic., fro* of charge. Just at city limits, hauling over hard road, write or telephone Brown Era*., corner Anderson and East Broad streets. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP “Teals will he printed in* clas sified ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 30C. poll m:\T-nooio. up-wtalre. 4 rooms piHor floor. 12 Ninth •!ro4. ram FOR RENT,’ ROOMS FURNISHED or unfurnished 115 Oglethorpe avenue, weal. TWO ROOMS. FURNISHED OR IN furnished with use of bath. Apply 144 Lincoln. LARGE. BEAUTIFUL NEWLY FUR i Hh< 1 rooms, all conveniences. No. Ml Birnartl street, facing Pulaski Square. FoR RENT NICELY FURNISHED front ro>nie for gentleman. 101 Charlton, corm r Whitaker. FOR RENT rom for single gentlemen. gas and hot water Apply 421 Barnard Mreet. TO GENTLEMEN FURNISHED rooms, large, small, single or connecting. K* Gaston, east. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH or without board 215 East Jones street. FOR RENT. ROOMS. 205 EAST DUF fy. FOR RENT, PLEASANT ROOM FOR I *ht housekeeping, unfurnished or one furnished. 3 Habersham. I IuSIRARLE ROOMS CAN RE HAD I irnlahed or unfurnished, with or with out board, at 143 Hroughton street. *at. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT AT * southwest coiner Jones and Bull •ets. opposite Christian Association. ‘.'HAH DE SOTO. IK LIBERTY ST., i. four connecting rooms, rent 115. un t vnlshed. Call Tuesday. COMFORTABLY FVRNI S H E D r - ms for genth man or light house-keeu p: I .#t I hist 1 -c r. TWO OR THREE YOUNG GENTLE-- < mi in aet comfortably furnished rooms, ’ h or without board; private family; tal location; ref* mice* exchanged, Ad rest F. 0., care News. H RENT, TWO NEATLY FUR*- t -1 romns. facing sejuare 12 Abereorn •feet. IIIHEK ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUBE -1 I mg, HO per month; hoard and room • to, M |>er week. 404 West State. 1 It RENT, NICELY FURNISHED t'■ ms. for gentlemen. 101 State street, I; I. V FFRNT IS I I KDROP TH ROOM', rv. niece*. 30S Ilarnard street, near Liberty. LY FURNISHED ROOM; PRI ' iml i ; one or two single gentlemen rry, east. It'll: NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, eu.g bath room, tvlth all conven- I rivate family. 222 East St Ju ••an. ■ II.Y FURNISHED ROOM FOR 1 i -<ntl-man with or without hoard, of bath; handy lor car. Ad ' G , care News f LIGHT ROOMS, SOUTHERN furnished, to rent; hot #rd cold IS York. east. F NT, FURNISHED ROMM. ' locality Apply 41k Montgomery •trees. OHALLE FURNISHED ROOMS TO conveniences. IS York, east FURNISHED ROOMS ; 1 and cold enter. 13 York, eas: PUTS pun it i:>’t'. u KENT. FLAT 3 ROOMS. CON • :o il-.wu town business 235 Aber treet, faring Colonial Park. ‘/•AT OF THREE CONNECTING front a nd hack piaxxi. can be seen No. ax, Waldburg street, east ri.ATS FOR RENT. second flat fTrst floor up; three rooms and bath. US Okle thorpe avenue, weal. for' rentT" ddsjrabue “flat li* Si ne atreel. <ast. imth and all convent en.i-t. J E Fulton A Son. FLAT OF- 4 ROOMS AND BATH. |lO month. 418 Liberty, eaat. PARLOR FLAT FOR RENT WATER and batn, $;• 233 Habersham street. FOB - KENT.* MICE FURNISHED flat of two connecting rooms; bath and tcliet on same floor; use of gaa stove. 109 McDonough airect, eaat. FOR RENT. NICE THREE ROOM with private bath room. 116 I-ibcrty street, weal. Prer.dergaat * Ganoid, 6 Bryan slree t, east. TO RENT. THREE-ROOM FIAT, suitable for housekeeping, hot and cold hath. 114 East Liberty. FLAT OF FOUR CONNECTING rooms, both on same floor 618 Margaret street. PARLOR FLAT, A~COUPLE WITH out < hlhlren; all convenience#. Apply 218 Jones street, weat. troll RENT—llllt SKA. *TtHriu^NT-CTrMrTrinTmMrHoui^ No 317 Waldburg aireei. eaat, between Abercnrn and lon coin, first-class order sud condition; everv convenience Right rent to right tenant Estate Salomon Cohen. Weat Broad and Broughton streets. F'oß RENT OR SALE. THAT MAO. nifieent residence on the southeast corner of Gwinnett and Barnard streets. I. D La- Roche. FOR RENT, IT DUFFY STREET, east; possession at once. Apply Oeorge L. Ciarmany. agent. 18 Bryan street, eaat. ri "AM- . u ■ . street, east; Ihese are good houses and location excellent. Apply to C. A Mein tire. 4'i B. anl of Trade HuUdlng FOR RENT. 6-ROOM HOUSE. BlS marok. near Burroughs, f7 50 per month C. Mendel, 664 East Liberty. FOR RENT. DWELLING, 413 HI’NT- Incdon street, cask: all convenience#. Ap p.y K. Weasel#, 611 Pries street. "FOR - RENT HOUSE TlB WEST BROAD slreek; 315 p*r month. J E Fulton A Son. FOR RENT SPLENDID RESIDENCE 218 Hall street, west, near Barnard, In perfect condition, porcelain t*ath tub and til modern Improvements; s3l per month, tl T Fulton * Hon IOR RENT* "DETACHED RESl denre 320 Harris stree*. east; large ywrd; 3 per month. J. F7 F'ulcon & Son FOR RFTNT. FIVE-ROOM TWO sgerv house 1214 Montgomery street; 310 per month J E. Fulton A Son . FOR RENT. SPLENDID RESIDENCE 118 Gwinnett street, east, near Park Fix tension; low rental to desirable tenant. J. FI. Fulton A Son. FOR RENT, DWELLING "NORTH west corner Duffy and Jefferson streets; balh and all mo<l.rn Improvementa; mod erate rental. J. FI. F'ulton A Son. FOR RENT. 318 HALL. EAST." * rooms; hot ar.d cold w.-iter; tmmssllate possession. Apply W. W. Swlnton, M Eighth street, east. "WHOLE OR PARTOf FURNISHED HOUSE; BUST RESIDENCE LOCA TION 108 GASTON. EAST. F'OR RENT, SIX-ROOM COTTAGE IN Meldrlm. <sa.. 6* per month. Apply 424 Barnard street. Yon RENT TWO VERY DESIRABLE r.'eldenees; nine rooms each; every con venience; choice neighborhood: moderate rent. Petrr Reilly. FOR RENT. A SMALL COTTAGE with shop attached; southern part of city; ft, Peur Reilly. F'OR RENT TURK E-STORY RESl dence; nine rooms; with twro-etory out biilUßng In rear. 346 Broughton, east. Peter Reilly. FOR KENT DESIRABLfc RET denee 3IW Ogleihorpe avenue, west, near Rarnard; Immediate possess lorg Apply within. FOR BENT TIIE WHOLE OR PART of 392 Henry street, east. 2 HIOHTH STREET. EAST. LOVELY house with very large lot; tow rental to good tenant. Youmans & Demmond. 1011 BARNARD STREET. NFlWLY pulnted an i In first-class condition, 120 monthly. Youmnns & Itemmond. BARNARD CORNER H ALL j street, three storl-s and txisement; very choice location; house In magnßb'ent con- ! dlllon low- rental to good tenant. You mans A Demmond. Rvk NEW IVITTAUES ON I Twelfth strest, near West Broad, four rooms each; artesian water and sever connection, only 36. the hesl houses In the city for the money. Youmans A Dem mor.d. 526 PARK AVENUE. EAST; NICE new two-story house, with bath, only sl7 monthly; very convenient to Plant Sys tem. Youmans A Demmond. FOR RENT, ill AND 517 “DUFFY, west; six rooms and bath; sl4 per month. W. J. Mlscally, Jr. FOR RKNT~itRICK TENEMENT 397 Gordon, west, $35 per month W. H. Con r.erat. FOR HE NT. lie TATTNALL STREET, single house on slxty-foot lot. Rent cheap Prendergast A Ganahl, 6 Bryan street, east. Tor RENT, SIX-ROOM HOUSE. 1U Jefferson street, cheap rent to good ten ant. Prendergast A Ganahl, 6 Bryan street, east. Full R ENTT” SIX-ROOM COTTAGE, 1013 Montgomery street. Prendergast & Ganahl. 8 Bryan street, east. TSt KENT. NICE SIX-ROOM house. 527 Huntingdon street, east; rent sl*. Prendergast A Ganahl, 8 Bryan street, east. , ron~HUNT FIGHT roomTiOUSE with four acres of land and store attach ed on Louisville road, near Central Rail road depot. Prendergast A Ganahl. £ Hryan street, east. Tor RENT. LARGE AND AIRY bouse. 124 Harris street, east, one of thr finest locations In the city, Prendergast A Ganahl. * Itry*" street, east FOR RENT. COMFORTABLE HOUSE. 532 State street, east Apply to Mrs llyrnes. 60S East Huntingdon street. HOUSE. ELEVEN ROOMHOUSE - 3 china closet*, four dressing closets; sta ble* 324 McDonough, corner Jefferson street Address M Montgomery, Forest City Mills ___ Tor; RENT SIX-ROOM HOUSE. $lO P-r month. Apply to 555 Huntingdon street, east. TANARUS()R — RENT DESIRABLE HOUSE good locality Apply 415 Anderson street, *t _______________ TOR RENT. NO. 22*' GWINNETT, eaet; possession given Dec. 1. Applv Walt hour A Rivers. Drayton and Bt. Ju lian. FOR RENT NO 90S DUFFY PTRKF.T ea; n< ir Aberrorn street Apply to Wsl thour A Rivers. Drayton and Bt. Julian street*. FOR hunt. SO7 I’ARK AVFNFE west; possession given at once. Apply to Wall hour A- Rivers. Drayton and Bt. Ju lian streets. __ FOR RENT. FINE COMMODIOUS house 75 Habersham; twelve rooms; bath; good yard. $33 W Wolsdge. 24 Bryan. east. FOR RENT. THAT DESIRABLE RER ld*n <. eovlthesst corner Barnard and DutTy streets; all modern convenience*, amt has Just been renovated and painted. Apply T. A. Wank Bay and Wa*t Broad atreet*. THE MORNING NEWS: SEN DAY. NOVEMBER 11. 1000. rR RI-3\T—STOItFIS. 'thS mT*ST* RETAIL store in Savannah; situated No. li> Whti aker street. opr>osite new- Poatoftlce; welt adnpied for any kind of retail trade. Ap ply W, M A W. FI. Coney. FOR RENT. SUITABLE F'OR STORE or office, southeast corner Montgomery and Perry street lane. FOR RENT. STORE 112 DRAYTON stress, near Broughton, formerly occupied by Electric Supply Cos.; nwab-raie rent, good business stand J E. Fulton A Son FOB HF2NT, STORE CORNER PRES- Ident and lLihersham: g<esl stand for gren grocery Apply 126 Habersham. FOR RENT, NEW STORE ON DRAY ton. between Perry and Perry lane. ITendergaat A GannM. S Bryan street, east. FOR RENT. FROM JAN 1. BUILD- Itg 43* Bronghtoti street, west, at present occupied as a blacksmith ami wheelwright shop. Prendergaat A Gsnahl, 6 Ilryn street, eaat. FOR RENT STORE NO 33 CON. gress street west, splendid stand for any kind of business Apply Savannah Dis trict Messenger and Delivery Company. BTORFI FOR RENT. OLD USTAB iishe*l stand, corner two ptihlie thorough Apply "C 11 ." Morning News. STORE AND DWELLING Fon RENT, alao flxiures for sale. Apply on premises, Jefferson and Gaston “for RENT. SPLENDID GROCERY, near Rroukhton afreet, newly fitted and equipped, fine opportunity for vourg man with about 3500 capital W. Wjledge, 24 llrywn eaa4. F'OR RUNT DEHIR A RLE STORE AND dwelling northwest corner Jefferson and Duffy streets; low rent to the right party. J. E. F'ulton A Son. FOR RENT, STORE SUITABLE FOR any buslne-s In a fine location; rent cheap Platshtk A Cos. Til RENT. STORE AND DWELLING. 34 West Houtnlary; lav: stand In Yams cratv Apply to R. 3. Claghorn, 110 Bry an street, cast. STORE FOR RENT. BUSINESS lo cation suitable for restaurant, druggist, shoes, notions, gents furnishing goods, etc., etc.; oecupb and temporarily by Esaw. Apply 3 Ea*t Broughton. FOR rent, storf: near market an excellent stand for .vmvsi any kind of business; 32b Peler Reilly. FOR RENT. STORE AND DWELL Ing; all modern Improvements; southeast corner Burroughs and Waldburg: >26 n month. C. Mendel. 668 East Liberty. FOR HUNT—OFFIfII.a. OFFICE Rui >.\l ToR REbrn liusT ness center, near Court House, low rent. Teler Reilly. roit ItIAT—MIS' I I.MM.Ot <l. TrARGhr^iDuuTrTTrirTTTrTTiTuT; FUR KENT CORNER BROUGHTON AND WEST BROAD BTREETB. FOR MERLY OCCFPIED BY THE SAVAN NAH CARRIAGE AND WAGON CO. H P. SMART. ~FOR RENT. ON TIIE OG EECII EE road, between three and four-mile posts (trolley curs nearly to lwo-ml!e post). End In lots from one acre to one hundred, same can be bought In large or small lots on easy term*. _ C. H Dorset!. FOR RENT. A DESIRABLE FARM ON Thunderbolt road, near Toll Gate; suita ble for dairying. Apply 300 East Taylor street. FOR RENT. UPRIGHT PIANO JN first-class condition: terms reasonable. Address Plano, care Morning News. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN 'CAP ITALS WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR HISS THAN SDC. , i bit * ii.t —to at. gariri IN CAU ITAIjS WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR I-ES3 THAN 30C. ~F< ill SAI-E7a FARM CF TEN ACRES, residence and barn, on Kkldaway roid;,-an be bought very cheap. C. 1L Dorset!, 22 Congress, weal. FOR SALE. AT A GREAT BARGAIN, becauae they must he sold ml once, two lots, each 30x117 on Thirt>-#-venth (for merly Beventh) sued; one of them a cor ner; will be sold rep irately or togelier; this la one of the choicest locations In the southern section. C. 11. lior.-eit, 22 Con gress. West. ~KO R SALE ON TH e - og K ECH EF. road, between three and four-mile posts (trolley car* nearly to two-milo i>oti. land In lot* from one acre to one hundred same can be bought In Urge or small lots on easy terms. C. H Dorset!. “FOR SALE, A LOT FOR TWO HUN dred ilollars. easy terms, on Ninth etreet, near East Brood, no city taxation. C. H. Dorset!. FOR BAI-E. IrOTS ON NINTH STREET near East Broad; no city taxes, at S2OO each; twenty-five dollars cash, and easy monthly payment*. C. H. I*>rett. FOR SALE, LOTS ON NINTH. NEAR East Broad at 430 each; will soon be advanced to $225. when a lot haa been paid for 1 can arrange to get a home built. C. H Dorset! FOR SALE. THOSE LOTS ON NINTH street, near East Brond; hava only been sold to flrat-class parties, who will make good neighbors; and none others ran buy. The term* are very easy, and they are cheaper than any other# In the vicinity. C. H. Dorset! $l,OlO FOR THAT - GREAT - INVEST - ment lot. northeast corner Lavtnla and Ogeechee road; site, 50x175: don't let It allpl Platshek A Cos. *2O ~BUILDING I-OTR. 140x110 EACH, near West Savannah, at s3o each; terms five dollar* cash; two dollars month; no Interest; catch on quick! or they wilt be sold! Platshek A Cos. 613 TENTH STR EET W EST. I >OT $0x130; Urge four-room house, pump In yard; can bul'rt mote Improvement* on tame: price $475; terms $75 cash; balance > 0 month, grand bargain! Platshek A Cos ss*o WILL BUY THOSE THREE two.story frame tenements. ard ones ore, with dwelling rooms above, on the north east comer of Bismarck and Ogeechee road; will rent SOO month; open to bid! Platshek A Cos FOR SALE. "ON THE SOUTHEAST eorner Hlsmarck and Ogeechee real, two splendid two-story bay-front house#; $1,500 for the pair; rents S2O month. P ■ A Cos. "FOR SALE ms PARK AVENUE, west, |o 40x105; elegant house; look at It ami give us bid. Platshek A Cos.. 110 Bryan, east. — FOR SALE. 106 HULL. WKSfT 2- story hrl k resldenee; larse lot; In line location. $4,750 and easy terms. Italshek A Cos. FOR SALE, 50* TO 610 PRESIDENT, east, lot 00x90; rent* st month; $3,750; great bargain! Platshek A Cos. FUR SALK 337 TO s4l WHI TAKER sireet, $ splendid 3-*tory brk-k tenements, always rented; price $0,500, line Invest ment. PUtehek A Cos. "YOB SALE. 419 TO 133 YORK, EAST, and 139 Price, lot *ox9o, room to build more houses on lane; rents $45 month; price $3,500; grand opportunity! Platshek A Cos. _ _ EOR SALE. TWO 3-BTOKY BRICK tenements on Jones sireet. between llab •rsharo and Pries- pent* S4O year; S€,WO tor the pair. PUtshek A Cos. unit SILE-ltetl. F*T%TE. "TTTk^TaT.f^^^^iustok’uTTamu tens me m, aoufheast corner Duffv *u*d i u.lcr on large lot. houses In line con dition. only >3.60(1. gTund chance! Plat shek A- Cos. Fbii SALS. WS l l XE"3 - pfory bii*'k 7- ixl 24 Fo**t renin Wft) year. y .OiX) fi>r ine i.*ir riatnhek Cos. IW IIAKHIB EAUT WKI.I. liriLT tn6-itory frlok *lwelllnr. lot onjm to bulk! more Improvement*. only 12.200. great *nap' A: ’o lu)laTv).N. \VK.<i, KLKOANT 3- Morv brt* k r*illrncr. all c*>mfriT. lariro lv>?. |*rl. o |3.5h0; don't l**t M flip! l*uish* k & i'o. •; imoitjiiTON. hast. Vommodi ou* S , v*.*tory fran** dtvl brick hou** on krg*' lot; Juat the thin* for a bvirtllng hou*#v only s2.<yo; •*• u* k A c'o. I>rFFY HAST COMFOHTABUE n>*:<‘rv frame dwrlllnx In lire |*>nt *B*n dtilor.. ha* wo-*tory outhoutr. on a Urge lot, r* utA 12.' |*rioe grand bargain! JMat*hek A Cos. m AND 121 FA KM STRIIITT WITH large jot. can build T* more houAc* on II; prtt e open to bid! A C® FOR ROT r- ON KLFVKNTH *trccf. ** feet went of Hornard. ha- w>uth front, get on to thla snap! l'latshek A Cos. fl.Voi( LOT StatUfe ON PARK AVF nuo, e,nt, IviKn 1 tray ton and Aber rorn Plat.-Ink A Cos. 11.100 WILL Bt’Y <*N r. OF THE FlN eit kda on Whitaker street, nent to the * orner of Sixth. ei*e 3T>xH>. **thera thrre. but none eo che#|>; *<** us qutvk. Plat §h k A Cos. FOR KIiKUANT LT 30a 120 ON Hrady Mreet. brtweon Whitaker and Bar nard; *outh front. Pigtshek A Cos. J o~FfH THAT BrtArTIFI’L * Ti:n lot *outhwetl *4'rner Lincoln and Ninth, buy h*re nnd make your ranii v grow! Plnt*hek A Cos. FOB THAT CHOICE IT NOIIHI rs( corner Ninth and I •lire; *lie . r *2x?tf. all Cvmveidoncen here. Isrhr. water. hou*t* drainage, buy this and treble your money* liairhek A Cos. IC** FOR A .NY* OF THOSE CHOICE bylldlng lots on Ninth street, between I*rl e and Hast Proud, get in now before prlc - arv ailvaneed g-* nnd eer* the j*ret t>* Iwwises being built there; will build you on* for *ma!l eaah payment. Plat !hek A Cos.. IF Hryan. east. ONE OF THE BEST PAYING PIECES of Yamaoraw' proi*erty on the market I D. Lji Roche. TWO IjOTB MATPAB AVENCIO. mar Hull street and enieill dwelling. sl teen hundrel dollar*. One of the best lo oat lone In Havannah, also lirge l.n on Avvler*on *tre©t, east; price ch up I 1). Liltnche. FOR. SALE."NICE FIVE-ROOM COT tage 5 acres laud, opiewute hotel at Guy ton. cheap. I. D. Lallocba THREE FAKMK. PARTLY CIJSARED. b.ilani-e In ttmler. on beautlfus pawdiotd, eight miles. 1. D. Lalto.he. l EIGHTH STREET, WIJ4T. EKillT rooni dwelling, with large yard, fifteen huiKlred dollars. I. D- I-alto he ELEVEN CHOICE LOTS IN COI#- IlnsvlCe. four of which nr.- corners, on y $6,100. if sold at once; this Is an i>||or tunlty not often ottered. Youmans A Demmond. TWO NEW HOUSES" RENTING F>H #9; room to build two more, only s>■'. have Just sold four of them. Youmans A Demmond. 1/>T* ON SEVENTH STREET, IEAST, only $150; If yoq see them, you will bay, you can hold them a while and sell at btg profit Youmans A Demmond. LOW in b est 'kava-nna"il $: - each; fourteen houses have Just be-n built th.-rs; more to flsliow. Youmans A I teen mend. 7:N<j V KSTIONABLY TTfB _ FINEST m<-l7*rn iip-to-drue nn<l rrmfortAb # n Savannah; vood location; lot #0 f**M front, the price Is *w. Yournetts Sc I>em mond. Fork Horsra AntT"store, rrtn. ncr Price. I'rcsldcnt and State Ptreete, renting monthly. If *oM n\ onr<*; will pay handsomely. Youmjn* A Dem mond. FOITr S'! ORY DWBJiaLINO x it r*nse<l In flat; etone. al5O two-Morv r- sl denre. comer lf>it>erehyim. nn<] York; l*nn4s| for ¥*• rncmthly; K.dK>; thac't twelve |r cent, irrocs. Yournnne Sc Dem mond. TH MRH IB AN ACTIVE DEMAND for real estate; are look for advanoe In value*; moral; Bay now. Youmans A Demmond. THE < vmvWALL" PROPERTY, southwest <rner Barnard and Liberty streets, at much less than Its actual value. Youmans A Demmond. WHEN YOU PUT YOUR MONEY IN Improved property you have the safest and best Investment, and. besides, get larger returns Ir-en anything else with equal security. Youmans A Demmond. SOUTHWEST CORNER C. ASTON and Jefferson, an excellent business loca tion; make an offer Youmans A Iten mond. — LOVELY LOT ON EIGHTH STREET, between Aberrorn snd Uncoln. 53 feet front; only 41,500; dirt cheap. Youmans A Demmond. . i 11:M :it, - LOTS IN “BROWNSVILLE, well-located. MxlrtO each; only 1300. You marti A Demmond. 415 HENRY, BAST; A MARVEL "OF convenience and dreom of loveliness You mans A Demmond. 115 N'fNTH. EAST liIOHT IN~TiIE heart of the beautiful southern section, a nice home and cheap, at 43000. ea*y terms. Youmana A Ditnmond. THE SEILER ON BHVENTH. Lincoln and Alwrcorn streets, the most beautiful and picturesque part of Savan nah. they are the deepest lots, and only over In that ae-tlon with lanes, call for particulars. Youmans A Demmond FOURTEEN HOUSES RENTING for sst monthly; only 47.000. Youmans A Demmond ' THULE-KOURTHR OF THE GREAT fortunes can be traced to Judicious real estate Investments; we are here to assist you. Yourmhi A Demmond. six new three-stkry RoUBES alt rented. 1100 monthly, $14,000 Youmans A Demmond. NORTHWEST CORNER HENRY AND Abercorn; two houses, submit offer; SI,OOO. Youmans A Demmond. “NORTHEAST CORNER ABERCORN and Gast'-n, no leiter location, will |>ay twelve per cent, gross on price aske-l. Youmans A Demmond. "ONE OF THE LARGEST MILL plants In South. In ludlng railroad, with aevesi locomotives, cars. etc., and thous ands of acres fine limiter lands all valued at $384.000; can sell for s3‘3>.oW), life-ttme 0,-e portunlty. Youmans A Demmond. TWO CHOICEST LOTS ON BULL street, south; can !>e told low If taken at once. Youmans A Demmond. LOVELY It 1 *ME AT PINKC.Ia cheap; If you w in! a suburban home, see us. Youmim A D- mnwnd. 2il DUFFY' STBI.LT. BAST. A NICK, well-located home, great bargain, only $2,750. Youmans A Demroond. 1307 WEST BROAD STREET; TWO story houte. Wt-ii-bulit, only Jl.Crti; will pay handsomely, Y-mman? A Demmond LOVELY HOME. NINTH STREET, west, near Well* Square, almost new, can sell for only SI.MO. If ‘taken this week Youmans A Demmond. FOR *ll.l—lll M raTITC. TIIH PR ENI >K If Thirty-first etreut ir .ovely and cheap; w.* sold tw iii-f k. If >u nr** thinking of buyb c i .!.* t full to ,-* these. Youman* A I>emtnoiHl KKMKMUKH. THAT IF YOt? haven't ail * a to buy pr<i|H*rt| from u*. a email Mmo.itt I- only i.e uesgry; w* >r rnng* t a •* w.ih<mt rhaigc. a liiimit' n.l IF YOt WANT YOLK PROPERTY sold or r'-ntud s* e up. we n*Jle*| r nt* a*d mat tg< esigtr. our rerol tn that line cannot b lounur.i A l em m> nd KOI *A 1 \ PEHIRARLK 1 \KM containing one hundred and five (HJS) ;i*rc* land, about forty ftDi stores under fen. *•; moalcrn frame d*welllng, 7 room*, with *er\.int.*' hour*, nldble*, barn*, and other out u>.;>* i >nvi i lent. *x client ni r. .nd a g M t aring orchard of j.. * . * P ir* pliim*. grapes, and other fruits; shunted tn Kullooh county, 33 miles from Havannah, In a fin** farming *<■ t ton and e|**e to Bnvannah and State*U*n> Railroad, w.ll il or • \ -hatu-e f*r city properly Apply tai)( A F Royd, 1W Liberty street w -. Bavaniuih. Ga. for hal : a moii:l HOME Al-M one bay mare cheap, come at once. Ninth •*-1 reet. w* -t FOR SAL!: o.N TKRMfi. MOD. rrn ten i-*m h , n-* . all ro<>ms eonnnd and n I separate three large hall*, bath rtwtn. ele., Henry *trert r*t Apply mi Laurn > Bludk) 21 Rroughton. wsst. HKbtlH NCE ANI m iLHING LOT.S for *al* nil over thn idly. Robert 11. Tatetn. real ile lealer. No. York street, •.ve+i A1 >\* KRTIPFM FV TS SET IN >\P ITAIeS WILL I f l * PRINTED IN CLV* RIFIED YDVBI riHI M KNI COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LEStf THAN 30C FOR * ALE—HIM lal.l \MJit 9. 80 V R EM. THE COL Gil KING! TRY R when your favorite run dy fails, a? 2 c bottle e lilud to n gill of hon* v nak -a splendid mix un* for Infants and children RENZO IN HALM MAKES THE SKIN like velvet, for - il© by dtu;glet or at ll*n r> and Abercrti Per**** Trug Stores Whitaker ami Taylor streets HOW S THAT OLD GOLD TICKER’ la it still troubling voti*’ Tke ir to Wl lenky'p and if R’s repairing he'll tell you p<\. If he repair* It and It don’t go, well, heti* r pell It for old gold; and get one of hie fire watehe* they never fall to tell you th* proper time. Brough ton nnd Rarnard. F"R SALE. ONE LARGE. SOUND BAY MARE. 7 YEARS OLD. ONE SMALL GENTLE I AltlFT HORSE t YEARS OLD; FOR SALE CHE VP. CALL QUICK COHEN-KUI.MAN <’A It 111 AGE and WAGON COMTANT. BROUGH TON ANT> WITT RROAD STREETS FOR SALE. TWO GREEN GROCERIES and grocery store; good trade. Address Goodluck, News office. BOrLERJt EIGHT CYLINDER ItOllr er*. 38 Inches In dlnmeter. 38 feet long: ondlilon good; one smoke stack 4 feet lln diam< ter, *t feet nigh; one engine 75 horse jciwer The Cypres# Lumlier | company. hlcotn. Fla. HORSES. HOJiSUS FOR #•!*■ mirtirto. nt Toi( & I Tufdy, Nov. 10, (Nirlp9l of ! pi. „1 w>fk hr,■•*; imy • I t n Ko*l worker will <l* well tonlt nl Ulp COMPLETE J<H Til INTI VO OPT fit, fin** f*ot |Hwrr thirty font# tvp*. 1> Ad<)rrs F . P. O. Ilex J&l. U K F AI.U. NEW BROADWAY range with hoi wter attaTment. Ap ply 305 West Duffy street. LADY'S WHEEL FOR SALE. AP ply 515 State street, east. For SALE. OUR SKILLFUL LABOR on your mattresses, |i. male over nice and soft. Telephone 4113 SECOND-HAND SHOW CASES AND counters for sale cheap Hair, Jewelry arid Shaving Supply House. BARBER CHAIKA AND~ SHAVING outfits for sals at a CvgaAiy. Hair. Jew dry and Hhnvlug Supply Ilotiae, hViR SALE. LADY'S BICYCLE; GOOD order; SIOOO cash. Quick, 3)6 Jones street, esst. FOR SALE. I, <• SMITH HAMMER LESS SHOTGUN FOIt $31.00; IN PER FECT CONDITION AIiI.RESS L. C.. CARE SIOHNING NEWS OFFICE ~GOOD MILK COW FOR SALK AP ply 307 Ixw h *tr*-t. "FOR SALE, GREEN GROCERY AND butcher shop; flrt-claa# flxtiin-s. etc.; Ilcenao until February; an old establiehe,! tra<l; a rare barg iln on account party leaving town. Address Butcher Shop, care New*. 'UNREDEEMED PLEDGES FOR sale; headquarter# for Smith A Wesson ami Colt's revolvers, sewing machine# of all make*, guns, watches. Jewelry, ete. At Uncle Ike's pawn shop, comer Con gress and Jefferson street. JUST ARRIVED AND FOR SALE. AT Y'ovmglove A Hippie's -tatdes. one carload of the choicest mules ever brought to this market, also one carload of good her-ex COWS FOR SALE. MILKERS AND springers. Call at 471 We Boundary street. FOR - SALE ONE FINE MILK COW. one cheap springer. J P. Brown, Eighth street and Water# road. RING UP W T LYNCH. GEORGIA •phone 123*. for your oak. trine and Itght wood; prompt delivery. FOR SALE. 2.509 BOX HEADS. ALSO one Worthington -4- am pump Apply old Baltimore Wharf FOR SATE ONE ELEVATOR dre.lge. together with auxiliary decdg-. For pnrtleular* address TANARUS, 8 Tdwller. Chief Engineer Plant System, Savannah, Ga. TOR SALE. GOOD SPRING WAGON; suitable for baker; pair shafts and pole 409 Broughton, west. roit SALE, HANDSOME SWELL turnout, horse Kentucky stock, slz and half year* okl To he seen 42! A her corn FIFTY" DOLLARS TOR A GOOD draft hort", a bargain. J O. Bnwau. Bui! aid Best. FOR SALE, IS.hbi 2-BUHHEI. V'ROCUS saek*. Apply 312 State atreet, west. CANE MILL. TWO HORSES FOR *ale cheap. Nearly new O M. Ryal*. FOR SALE. ONE TEN-TON ABSOHP tIon ice machine, us# i *•<> year*, in nr*t ila#* condition; complet*, c*.*p? steam boiler and tank; 253 lee car#* 14x14x36 Ad dress Kelley Coal and lea Cos.. Atlanta. Ga. SPRINGFIELD HAfKT IS NOTED for having rich, pure milk; try It; you wtll be pleaxed TURPENTINE LOCATION FOB •ale, 1$ crop* flr-t year box<-; nryyi * re* round llmhcr, at II 5i per acre; $* i>er thousand boxe- for lasted t mien; pie ty of limber to he got: in five m'l** of rail road; wtll give poie**len new or at end of >eaou Addoa* Round Timber, raia Ylornlng Newt FIRE PROOF SAFES—WE CARRY A line line of fire proof safes In-stock at all times. The parties can *ee exactly what they are getting Our prlcea ore *• low a# manufacturers sell it. with freight add ed IVirtlea Intertmied, who wish a good fire proof **fe. trill do well to ln*pect our stock. I-Ippinan Fro# , Llppman block, agent* for manufacturers. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITAIJi WILL BE PRINTED IN <"LAS BIFIBD ADVBRTISEMF.NT CO IAM N FOR TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AJ9- VERTISEMKNT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN OC. roil * \|.E—Vliac EI.L%hOt 9. FINE Ttlt I* r NTInTT T7>caTToN with fine body of round timber, for rale cheap for ca.di only. Hog Cl, Iron (Tty, Ga. FOR SALK TYPEWRITERS AND supplies, rib bons !>*>• up $> ••> to $15.00. Terry A Rrln.**n. Augu*tn, Ga MMH AMD FOI Ml. UST O.N FRIDAY SMALL ROX. matke*! J H Ko h. Jew* .er Reward *f left at WM Duffy street LOST. SPALDING BICYCLE. NOV 3. s3' reward tf returned to &1.1 Liberty, ea.-i. list, valuable papers on Sniurday night, b fw. n Adler'* and the market r market anti West Rroa 1 wrest Finder will bo suitably rewarded! by re furring same to Damp William*, 2>t Cuyler street. LIST BLACK. WHITE AND TAN setter dog. bla*k hesd. except innll blase m f.. hi i k b* k iv htta XU had fat * name on diar R. w ird If retume*l to T. G Phl.p**t. 122 flecocid, weat. U ST HILVI7R CH ATTFLAINE, ThifrMav. N v Reward If returned laimall Ptr**t. LOST. ONE Mgr ARE GOLD LOCKET, monogram I*’ a W . diamond In center l.llN-hil r ward If returned to F A. Well. Frank A CVx FOUND IN OCR STORK ON HATVR day night the 3*l in*t., a |w* k tlo.k **on tmnlng h sum of muiev owner cun have same tn* proving property and paying for advertisements Edward Lovell 1 * Hns. IIS Rroughton p‘r< • t, w. r SI II % YEW. Trfrr, strayed to 117 Montgomery str#*et Owner have same by paying bargee inv INDINQ FvlrTl EN CAN GET board In private family. term?* reason able 212 Taylor nrwl, went WANTED o\E BOARDER IN Pit I - family, kvatlon • onvenisnt to busi ness "Home," office SEVERAL YOUNG MEN CAN OB* tain gr*al tioard t $2 71 week, with plenty of milk *t 522 Montgomery street. REFINED PRIVATE FAMILY CAN accommodate couple or two yuug m**n with large south room and loard. Ogle thorpe avenue, Yje.r Bull. Answer ‘‘Home.'* cure Morning News COUPLE GENTLEMEN CAN GET board |n private family l>ia West Broad FI’HNISHED Rra>MS AND FIItST clasa table loabl 311 Jones street, eost EDI (TTIOYAL elass In telegraphy now* forming at Ry an's llustness College Pro\ Ident bulld fhg MME. AJ>EIJC RYAN (NEE FlOEß auii *nnonees that she has resumed her 4 lapses tn Freneh and music (piano); th*>r ough tnatrtp flops latest ami best meth ods. 7d Habersham. EXPERT LACE MAKER DESI RES A few pupils In laee making. Address Ig*’e, • are News. TELEGRAPHY-—JOtN THE EVENING clns 1n telegraphy now forming st Ry an * Business College Provident build ing. ' YOt* CAN fOCi;-' GHAIII’ATKfI AltU runin* $1 to s.'rf) per day. We guarantee to plae* you In position to do likewise Writ* to Southern Institute of Bc*nc* arul Inflrmao'. Columbus. Georgia. “John wiboand. jr.. piano tn strudor; l*eylnner and advanced pupils received Address 24 Harris street, west. gi aian* tgtsti't. \VA NTKI t. R KSP( >N A H TG FMtM wants office manager at Savannah; $1 TO •alary an t rommtsalon, non rash and ref erence required, position permanent. A<4- itr.ox, Manufa nurers, 13*2 Chetry, Phila delphia. 1%. 482 V) PAID ALL MY t'LIFNTH ON every s|oo Inveeted last month; at le-t that amount will he paid on svery Ilka sum Invested now; positively gusrsn t*-ed agalnet loss; liest lutnk ref. ran es. John D. Llufrlo. 175 llrnodway, Naw York. McKinley " and S Per cmrr monthly on your kite money for the next four year*. This I* for speculator# who wont a sure Income weekly inn grain per. illation ) A1 Felxer A Cos., 53 Dmrliora, Chlcagq. BIG "SILVER. COPPER. TIN AND coal mine* In Mexico r# being develop ed by u*. buy stock now at $1 (par) per share end get enormous return* later, no ehnnee like It. No suhserlpGon taken for less than $1li; beat reference#* If desired Mexican Mining and Development Cos., 37-3A University Building, .Milwaukee, Wta 61<d$ain INVESTMENTS-MY BOOK explaining the mini molern and thoroujh |y practical methods for making reason ably sofa amounts of money by security Investments; mailed on request; highest financial and customer refere.noea, Itlch ard Jone##. Broker, 40 Exchange Place. N. York. ADDITIONAI- CAPITAL SUPPLIED Stock companies organised, business sold privately; stock and bond# underwritten, guarantee#) and ro.d on commission; meri torious Invention# financed. Daniels A Company, 6 Wall street. New Y'ork, alao I, i.don. Philadelphia. Atlanta, and Han Francis, o $25 WILL EARN $10; SSO WILL EARN s2>i; slon will earn $lO monthly; anew and safe plan of speculation. Send for par ticulars Equitable Investment Company, lUO Broadway. N Y. AI)V KItTIHLdI ENTS SET IN OAP ITAfJt WILL HE PRINTED IN SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A tt'oßD NO AD- V F.RTI SEMEN T TAKEN FOR XJJSS THAN 30C. rl.t lIHING. MODERN PLUMBING. IT WILL BE to your lnter#HM to lot me glv* you an es timata on your plumbing, new or old work, repair work a specialty, a* I am a practical plumber. No gii'-e* work to endanger your life Wiggins, ’phone WT. Georgia or Bell. tllk IJ.IAM OI a. "TTTpETErTe? W< >H TlV"<^Ff)TPc"; worth 2.V for 15e; worth !6c for 7e; Teata inerts worth 26c for 15c, worth lOr for Sc; nlne-volumn Chambers' Encyck.pedU for $1.50: tent pen* 2W; other gorela In same proportion. At 12 Broughton street, enst. store known as Gardner's Raxaar, S FI XT I' HUS. ELECTRIC AND gas chandelier* etc , at old prl ea 40 and lo per cent discoun* from Hat. no extra charge* for oxidising Electric Supply Cos., 40 Drayton atreet; 'phone 4! MATTRESSES RENOVATED. sl. KE uirned same day; workmanship rtiaran teed; all mattresses nude by machinery. Telephone 4143. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. I'M ready with winter stork of umbrellas, par asol* repaired and recovered, lock* and keys. M. Dotnlnltx. corner Oglethorpe- Rarnard. Georgia 'phone 1069 Norwood's "Satire" For sak at all News Stands io SavanoatL HISCKIeI. YMFOt'g. ’ A " U iJoTT ltTof^'fTni will be the thing the*.* days; no • so purs m.m as William Diera. Wext llrosd and Lib erty. I HELL THE BERT ACCIDENT IN surancs policy wot ten. 1 D. Lil.o-ha, agent. WK GIVE YOU EITHER DOMESTIC or gloss finish. purfe%*t W4rk. Forest Chy L*|t*Mlry. Park avenue. GET YOUR WEDDING PRESENTS at K- h A Sylvan *, 4d Whlttk r Thsy arc beautiful and c heap. AVOID i |{|; RUSH LET ME HAVE voir “uni work for Elks* fair at onco. A m. Taslor, 140 Barnard. Till Ri;S(R(TNK ANTISKITIC PR/>- • i* tf m*c satisfa*'tar> to cl uht l ine ofdy New York Steam D% e Work** W hitaker nn l Stale new domestic with ball he.i in* nb • t• • m*; tr> one, huy on*; d‘*tl with your people Peru on A Hon. FOR FISIIINc* TA-'KLI NETS. go to Cornwell A Ctopman. *Th N T Timi 1.1 Y• • n:sLLF aHOIJ'P moving your fuji.Hur* r*layu g your car l*ets or matting P;ry A Menton will re lievo you of all t lit trow hie yi:4. wi: hki*aik rui \AcuiC’ww repair heaters, w* repair range wa ra latr oo*4i V ail <*rl■; promptly niiiii. A C I'ri e a ('•*, • ali i Jef fers* >n streets 'Pbon* u’ HAVE YUI li IBM HE PAINTED with German ready mixed paint, entlrs sail-fa il>n guaranteed A lains Paint Company ”VaMl It. ONK THOUSAND llOjT. gry iieopS.* at lit# Southsrn ilr *crry Com pany, 111 Bernard etreet %VK SELL HFWT II PIPE. FLP pipe, fire 4 lav. flte hri k at lowest prices. A.lnms Paint Company, 1M Cosffrtt, west THE GARDNER RAZOR REDUCED to $! ID. tn* 2.'*** • teiHirs reduced t l7c Ai 13 Broughton at reef. east. kn*wn as Gard ner’* Baxaar ' WANTED. KVEKYItoTtY IN PAVAN nah to patrovuie the ohl rdiahle .Supply House. ♦ Drsy4m afreet, 'phone 42 MATTREHSb RENOVATED. ONE dollar; returned same day. ail work guar anteed. Telephona 4141. PROPERTY BOUGHT AND HOLD OR exchanged by I. D Lsßoahs, 21 B*iy street. * a *t STEP INTO MY STORE AND GET A liool* of fine old L**wo ’♦#. r*-member ft Is ’M. and not soma lher brand; Old Cm* )e fry It. William DHi, Wat Brand and Liberty. 'ra'BGAI N' UABGAINiI IN S,m* Slallenery. a liver novelties, walking canes, pi lure frames, mirror*. Jardinleis* ctKler\ baskets and lots of other good" At 12 Broughton street, east, stora known ax Oanlner'a Baxaar. •phone iR7S ron forest city laurriry They will call for your linen Immediately WATCH AND JEWELRY RDPAIR- Ing given |*er*-onal attenttan. a? Koca A Sylvan's, 4 Whitaker MERCHANTS ATTENTION! ADVER tlslng and signs of all d***criptloa, rlassL cal work at modern prices. See Tsvlor, 140 Barnard street. NEW DOMESTIC HEWING MACHINE, wltti ball hearing*, lock and chain stitch; two machine* In one Penlon A lluv WE ARE DYEING NOW BY THE new oxadye proc.-xa; especially adafaed for ladles' fine rreport and itillor-made dresses; send us your work arwl will Ito pleased. New York Steam Dye Works, •Phone (MS. FOB* H ARDWARE AND *TOOLB. GO to Cornwell A Chliunnn'a. PEItltY * BENTON T>) SfeCFIS *tre# t, west, will m.tve. pack, ship or store your furniture at short notice; also ren ovate your old mattrnisea at IHtle coat. Bell 'phone 1124 YOU WON'T REGRET THE COLD weather If you will let us furnish you with a heater or range: we can sell %ou chea)ter than any* one else, and wtll taka your old stove In exchangw. A. C. Prleo A Cos, State and Jeff cm on streets. 'Phones st. “gyphine is the best WALL FIN- I-h made A dams Paint Cos., B.ivannoh agqnts DM MORI: THAN ONE HUNDBED CENTS In every dollar of your hard-earned hard rash at th* Southern Grocery Company, lit Rarnnrd street 'THE Stock OF GOODS IN THE store. 12 Broughton street, east, known as • ’■ardner's Itaisar. must he sold; parclef wlehbtg can purchase In lot* and price* to atilt. BELL WIRING. HOUSE WIRING and any other kind of wiring at Electrlq Supply Cos.. 40 Drayton street; 'phone (EL —r AhPETS', RUGS AND ART squares cleaned on the floor. Parisian Carpet Cleaner*. Telephone 4143 THE MOST UP-TO-DATE WORK - IB being turned out by Forwit City luundry. •Phone 1675. GOLD WATCHES AND DIAMONDS at all price*. Koch A Sylvan, 46 Whitaker street. PICTORIAL SIGNS. ADVERTISING • Ign*. *lgn of every description. Special decoration* for Elk*' C*mlv*l. Wm. Ty lor. FENTON * SON. WTLL RENOVATE your meehlne *nd guarantee U. Sell new or old machine*. "FOR RANGES AND STOVES. (TO TO Cornwell A ChU'tnan. THE SHOW CASES COUNTERS AND fixtures in the store. 12 Itroughton street, <-*•>. known aa Gardner'* Bazaar, for sale; they must go reDt:cE yotrß t.ivis'a’uxrF.NSK. by investing vour herl-eam-d hartl cash with ths H-aitharn Orocary Company, 114 Barnard etrest WE ARE STILL IN THE PLUMBING bustneas and #*lll do g"*l work at ex treme!* low pr|ce*:'our 15 cent* mantel It ft peach; we havn them from 10 c#tnta up, and will nut them tip for you: give us a call A C. Price A Oo„ ’phonea 5, State and Jefferson street*. STUB LING SILVER NOVELTIES GO ing for lea* than first cost at 12 Broughton street, east, store known at Gardner s Ba zaar. LARGEST ELECTRIC SUPPLY and construction house In Savannah at 40 Draylon street; 'phone 82. PARISIAN CARPET CLEANERS ARE ready to clean your carpet*, lb-11 tele phone 4143. "ADVERTISEMENTS RET IN CAP ITALS WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAW SIFTED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN TOR LESS THAN JOC. Good Positions ECURED •..afliuf Young Men Women ■•*—fl f* .' ,l - practical (oilrse pICHMOMQv • v-V BUSINESS ' COLLEDES.i sotfwQmMvM 3S**n*mai,xMa/ 5