The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 11, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 NEW YORK’S DIVORCE MILL. ArTffoniriF.* phorixg into \r- FAIH9 of u\uim *tiuLn Ihrmrt Jtfhrinr Ippruri l* llfrti U oiUr.l liy >rw \rk on • pimtnr* —Km •• of • ••** I'rantl l M*nf Rmrließ All Ovrr the oantrr •* r**n to Kng In mI and Forlo lllfo-lrlmfr'i Ofllrr* Wrrr *rrrlrl. NVw York Nov D authorttteii *r* art 111 vljror©ul> probing mto th matter of tho uUfv I ilvor*o mill" a ht. h wm brought '* pVMu notice by fhe nrro*t yoatrrijav of Attorney Henry Frank U r. Miw Mary H Tompkins. mini Hlr- I-\rde C\ Herrick. It if of.cried that Lawyer KHmtr ar rar*r**l divor* * <■'•>* so that a decree co !Id be obtained on evidence given by A!ia Tompkins and Wilson ai*d that Mrs Herriek was one of the persons who pr<ifited by this evidence, which was got tip for the Zeimer and Wll aor. aper* Inst night In Ihe Tombs In de fault of U.OOO hail. They are still pro testing thetr innocence R*order Goff this evening Issued a war rant for the rer*h of the offices occupied by Zeimer He also 1 -ued a warrant for the arrest of W Waldo Madison. In whose office Zeimer bad aba Madison has not yet been found The raid revealed the fit t that ?t. nrn.‘ n rf fraud reach all over the c untry ami vn to Fftginnd. Porto Rico ar i South Ameri .. documents at<*w|ng that th consptrgrora had han dled thousand of cases within the ia*t three \oart an If at money had been poured into them in a M** iy stream <>n •n average $, wh* pail for *ch decree ami in “fni* .** *s high is s2l9'*. There were photog aphs of grant number of womei , mat y of them in improper posi tion The r id was by Assistant , I>lstrlet Attorneys Unger and Gordon f who w•‘re companled by Detective Her geanta Duft and McNaught. Zeimer e desk was forced open first It romain**! hundreds of letters from m n anil women all over the country regarding the progress of th* ir sul*s In M >dl*on*s demk were a large collection of the siVßs nature along wl*h a thouaard spat hilly prrpare*! blanks of Inquiry Ibmr It \\ ms Worked. Naarly ail of the©** letters were marked with the amount the client had fo ward***!, and Messrs Unger and Gordon took all the papers they could find r'gardh g the cniu* of Hopper and Herii k. on whl h It la ho|el to base the indictment Tn* charges are that the scheme w <a operate i thus. An advertl appeared in the pn |**-re which read: •‘Divorces quickly, desertion, non-sup port. insanity, separation papers, acci den:. breach of promise. Consultation* free. confidential. Attorney Madison. 239 23 roadway." It i said that when a patron lingered an advert Is* ment. be or she was assured , that by agre* ins to collusion, an absolute divorce could be obtained In the case of a woman she was told that a corr>- ppondent would be produced t the ref eree's hearing who would swear to a ' statutory violation with the unsuspect- j !ng husband A mule witness would man b** produce*! to clinch the evidence. When the applicant was n man the man and woman iirrjurer changed plaees. the •nan swearing to the criminal ant with the defendant, and the woman appear ing as a servant or seamstress or cham bermaid wlio was conveniently about to furnish conclusive evidence of the un faithfulness W ILL CLAIM DOIAGBR. Dr. Maraulry Wms lladly Treated at lerptun Harqora. Paria Nov. Ih —Dr. H L. Macaulty of Chicago, who has arrived- In this city from the, tells the representa tive of the Associated Pratt that he in- ! tends to present a claim for SIOO,OOO dam ages against the Portuguese government for imprisonment at I>>ren*o Marques as goon as he can lay hie case before the s'ate department at Washington Dr. Macaulay is very much Incensed at the treatment which he declares Amer ican* rereive*! at Ig>r*nao Marques, be lt.g singled out for arrest among nil the refugees He himself, he add*, was thrown Into prison for six days, final!v being snipped off Rurope via Tries**', without a charge being made against him or being placed on trial. TARIFF ON COTTOW tKKO. Injunction Suita Were drought In Vllaalsalppl. Jackson. Mis* . Nov. lb —The attorney j general has fled a mandamus in chancery to compel the Gulf and Ship Island rvl to adopt the new mileage tariff on cot ton aeed promulgated by the Railroad Commission. This bring* the trouble be tween the other Mississippi railroads and the Railroad <Vmunisslon Into the Federal courts Tha Injunction suits filed by the J Illinois Central and Yasoo. and Mlssts plpp! Valley roads, will be heard in the Federal Court next Tuesday. The attorney general Is understood to bave arranged a plea tnat the Btate Court has bo Jurisdiction aw no Federal ques tion Is involved. GAGB MAY RB9IGVL* rkarlea G. fUivvea, t nntrnllrr, May kuceeed Him a* Neeretury. New York. Nov 10—The Commercial Advertiser says: It was pronounced at national Republi can headquarters to-day that the Secre tary of tha Treasury. Lyman J. Gage, will resign from the cabinet and that Cha.rlMi G. Dawes, the controller of the currency, will be appointed to sure et him Mr Gage Is goiing to be preaidant again of the First National Rank at Chicago The announcement was (o*ltlv* and from authoritative source The change will be made before the xptratton ©f the President s first term STADUKI) IN THE HEART. Johnson Hearntrd Evnna* Attentions to Ills W Ife. Columbia. P C., Nov. 10—-At Bennetts vlUe ?o-day, Charlie Johnson, a man over #0 years old. who has a young wife, re pented the attentions paid her by Sherman Evans, and stabbed Evans to the heart Johnson has disappeared At Walhalia Tom Cannon was tried for the m irder of hi* brother. "William, and was acquitted. The killing occurred in July l*fct The plea was ae|f-defense. GALVEWTO* RELIEF FUND. Total .Waliaerlptlons Received to Date Amount to fIJBSJItt. Galveston. Tex . Nov. 10.—John Realy. treasurer of the Galveston relief fund, ir.akea the foil w;ng statement Dona tions received from Oct. 25 to dale. $112.- •s*. of which $4 771 was received through Mayor Jones Previously acknowledged, 91,140,298 Total to dap*. 91.251.719. Trial of tlie ** fork ton. Washington. Nov. 10.—The Navy De partment to-day fixed the 14th lust, for the trial of the torpedo boat Rtorkton. the trial to take place over the new liar re& island course ia Chesapeake bay. POYNTER IS DEFEATF" It r ftililirn ii■ Ifl4*e < arrled Nelraki nml MeKlnles's Mn|rlt* There is Altuut Omaha. Neb. Nov. U> With but twe countses to hear from on the face of unofli tel return*. DlHrlch Republican, hi elected Governor by a plurality of $75 over Gov. Poyn ter The rest of the *.•* ticket is likely to be Republican, but it will lake the off! clal count to determine the result There is no chang*- In the legislative situation, the result depending or. Doug lass county (Omtihti In which the off! ia! count pro*eNl# and only a little way to-day. Chairman Memmmger of the Third r*on grevlonal ll*tr m-nlght rep rt and that Congressman Jonn 8 |{ blrs*n Fus on lit. is ei< c• and by 127 plurality a* show n b, Um otnplott .is ft. I • fr m a 1 counties llis election mu up to to-diy questioned by tne Republicans The majority of Neville Fusi nist. In the Sixth district I* and Htark. Fu slonist. i. the Fourth. 412. T.d* rmlii the representation of Nebraska In Con gress ur.manged. four Fual mists, two i*ituilte anl tw. I>emo rs:s and two Republicans, all of wnom. e*r* ptti g Rhal lenherger, Democrat, in the Fifth diet net who su reeded HutherLnd. Populist, beti g re-elect e<i McKinley's msjortty in N'sbeulu I* KRONEN t AR W HBCL f'nueed Serloos Arrlilrut la> Atlasatn 1 fslrrtls > . Atlanta. Nov. 10 —A broken car eh*el 'aused a serious accident on the river line of the Rapid Transit Comt*any this morn ing and among thoee who were hurt w s <’apt Lacy D. M>rris. th- returning sgent. and hla Injuries may prove fat ii. Uapt Morris was returning to the c.ty from a business trip A piece of broken wheel forced its way up through Ihe floor of the car and struc k him aertws the abdomen, producing a w ilch tne physician regards srith Ihe gravest ap prehension Th* accident to tr.c car c curred near !loll)w>od Cemetery at what I* known . * Hudson Hill, where th<*re is a steep grade Capt Morris was taUlne to Mr (‘olllne. president of Colllra Company. The only other passenger In ths car was a lady One of the car w'heeis s\hl denly broke As the ple'es of Iron flew through the atr, the car liecame urnnan ageahle aid aoon left the track Mr Col lins Jumped up when the car wheel broke, and running to a platform leaped off In to save h*m*e!f front any serious '.r.Jurie*. nltlwnigh he was badly shaken up The car was anew one. and the only r*A-on that ran be assigned for ihe wucwl breaking was * flaw In the metal Capt Morris is a memlwr of the Arm of L D A D. C Morris, renting agents, and he is also secretary and treasurer of the Col lins Brick CYmpany. Business coqpectad with the c*ntpany was wliart carried him out of the city yesterday morning. jtTOHH W AR MAH Lltlim. Wore Efleellve l.nmpe to He I’eed Along the t'osil. Washington. Nov. 10 —Testa are now m progress In this city of storm warning ) lights to be placed on the new signal tow- ! era recently authorised by Congreae to be ‘ established tn the principal hat bore of the country. The object .lmel at la to in crease the carrying capacity of the lights. While the present maximum i* about live or six mile* It la hoped to reach a dis tance of twelve miles at sea with the new oil lamps, end fifteen to eighteen ' miles with the electric light. In ordinary weather Makers of lamps In this country and In Europe have entered into the com petition. which la now closed, for euulp ping the 9*> stations contemplated XF.W JERSEY'S POPI'LATIOX. l lgore. far That Slate and for Idaho Show t.nad Increase. Washington. Nov. 10 —Tha pipulatton of the stats of New Jersey. ** announced by the Census Bureau, la I.WC/AO. as against 1M..5H3 In l*9f> Thla la an Increaae ! of *ss.7W. or JO S per cent. Th* population of ths stats of Idaho, as announced by the Census Bureau, la I*l - j 775. as agslnai 54.386 tn 1B Thl# la andn crea.e of 77.387. or 91 7 per cent. Population nf Colorado. Washington. Nov. 10 —The census office announces the population of Colorado to be rjj.wo. against 412.19* In I*9o. Thl* la an Increase .if ir7.W2. or 309 per cent. THEIR TIRE ETTEXIIRB. Residents nf ainnlla Can Xow Stay tint 1 mil Midnight. Washington. Nov. 10 —The previous or der requiring th# resident* of the city of Manila. Philippine Island, to confine themselves to their houses after 11 o'clock p m , has been amended by Qen. May- Arthur, the military Governor. *o as to extend the time to 12 o'clock, midnight. At that hour he sireet* will he rlewred by th# police. 9ah>ona are closed at 10 o'clock, ami the sale of liquor 1# pro hibited after that hour. MMI ■* dl l' OF UANfiRR. Son of Chairman Juan Operated on far Appendicitis. ' Chicago. Nov 10.—J. K Jonea. Jr., aon !of Henator Jame* K. Jones, who was | taken to he hospital Wednesday to un- I dergo an operation for appendicitis, ia I progressing favorably toward recovery : Senator Jonea has had many te.agisms of inquiry, and request* th> announcement that hla aon la practically out of daugar Steamer Olga Pulled Off. f*#n Frattclaco, Nov. 10 The Austrian steamer Olga, with a cargo of sugar from Batavia, which went aahoie on tne ocean beach near idolden Gate during a d'ni# fog yesterday, waa pulled off the beach by tug* yesterday ami towed Into the har. bor. The Olga had to Jettison about a hundred bueketa of sugar before she could , be gotten off the beach. ■• ' / f nuae of Espl..stoii hot Known. Washington. Nov. 10 —Admiral O'Neil, chief of the Naval Ordnance Bureau, haa received Ihe report from Ihe hoord of In quiry which examined Into the recenl ex tension ala magazine at Indian Head, near Washington The board waa unable to locate the cause of Ihe explosion. Murder In lllrntlnghnm. Birmingham. Ala . Nov. 10 —Tbni Fltx patrl k Is dead aid Joseph Ashby and Enoch Castleberry are probably fatally wounded as the result of a quarrel In a saloon here to-day T P. McDonald has been arrested, charged with the murder of Fitspalfb'k. The cause of the quarrel ia not known Coat of Rural Kree Delivery. Washington. Nov 10 —The appropria tion for rural free delivery service which the Postmaster General will ask from Congress for the next fiscal year will h Upward of 52.900.U0u, as It Is propos'd to extend th* service to all parts ef the country. THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 11. IflOO. SPEECH OF LORD SALISBURY. •lift RVQF<HI M REFERENCE* ARE AP I’RUI Ell IN GERMANY. |*a**age Touch tng on the I nlted Wtntes Was Mlrntly I'nsseii 4*vrr. Interest l enters In the llrlrhstss Oprnlsu Next \\ eil nesiia * —lt \AIII Deal With the I'tillrj In China. Urp I'nri f (irrmsii Press t out nirnts lloslllely un American Elec tion. Berlin, Nov 10-I/inl SalKbury'i OulM Halt I, comnn-nt-.! on f,vor4b;y by the German press, e-pecially the i-*s snge anent the Angk>-German agreement, in which, Inferer.tUil.y. Great Britain's pro-German sentlmtnf are divulged. The Rrltlsh premier’s :my reform ref erences like*.*** meet with approval, and the hope is e*|re'ei that the reform wlfl be thorough The par* ge touching upon the United States was passed over silently by a ma jority of the pdjrers. interest In lh* China was is decidedly waning This mav be seen everywhere, in the pres* and in con versa! ion. Interest Jus? now centers in €hw Reichs tag opening next W.dnerday, which will be particularly solemn A* noon in the Kittersaai of tne Berlin civile, previous fhersto. there will he a divine service, both Catholic and Protestant. Th# press generally rails attention to the importance of the forthcoming see -‘**n. whose first part will -leal with the China pcilcj the Umperor** and the gov. •rnmont’s ht:herto unauthoriawd compre measures, inriudtng ihe creation of a Siberia! China armv. which the Üb eril press has been pointing to as uncon stitutional. Fiirthcrmorf the He|eamjr will deal with the Posadowsky-Bueok matter, which will arouse hroted debatos Th<> budg* t and bill* referring to Insurance companies, xwtMlshers* rights, rnmmerce and marine wPI al*r receive a? tent:on The center party will again Introduce a MU providing for the recall of the Jesuits In spite of the North German Oaxette’s semi official statement that the German press regardless of parry, received most favorably the new* of President M'Kin lev s ree|ectk>n. th* truth Is that i large part of the pres* is commenting hostllely and venomously on tha e*?tlon result It is elgTUflrani. for Instance, that the <V|ogne Yolks Zeltung the loading organ of the Center party which domi nates the Reichstag continues the most bitter comment* deploring President Mc- Kinley's re-election as likely to re-engen der In a Washington policy unfriendly to Germany ititot r. ii r art ii* w hftcked tint. f.lnev at I.ant* Hod Hard Voyage on treesnt of Weather. New Tork. Nov 10.—After a protra -t ’d voyage due to the violent weather of Friday and Saturday the American line steamer St 1-oula reached her dock late thl# afternoon She left Cherb.urx on Nov .1 with 44u cabin and 108 steerage pac gengers The steamer brought William Pnwn and I'gYtiek Robhe of the American fi*h- Ing achoetier Marat).ill Adams which le I Hostiw Bept SI with a crew of twon y three men Brown and Roche left the achoonrr In a yawl to troll and at nwd night b>al track of the aehoner In a heavy fog They had no water or provlsp na on board the yawl and for two days suffered great privations On Oct. 12 they wen picked up by the Orange Prince from Marcus Hook to Bouthampton and return ed to New York on the PI Isiula CHAMPION OF THE SOtTH. Georgetown Wrests the Palm From Ike V. M. I. Richmond Vs . Nov 10 -By a aeore of 15 to 1 Oeorgotiiwn College wrested the palm of yfetory from the Virgln'a Mili tary lnatltute teim here this afternoon and with It the title of champion# of the South. The oontest wn- aulrlted ami waa a clean, srlentlflc exhibition o # footha'l. The features of the Virginia Mlll'arv In etltute play wvre the gain- of Kirk, tls brilliant runs of Miller and Mct'ahe. and tha splendid tackling of Tucker For Georgetown. Devlin and Buck.ey were moat conspicuous for good playing The attendance at the gam., wn* disap pointing. but waa brilliant In Its represen tation of Richmond aoclety. HR VAN AS A MINISTER. Report That Me Was to o Into Pres bytrrien Pnlplt. Fort Worth. Tex., Nov. 10 —Cbl. R. M. Wlnna was seen by the Associated Press reporter to-night regarding a statement made hy a Chicago paper that he was authority for the report that Mr. Rryan would become a Presbyterian mlnlater. Col. Wmnn would neither affirm nor deny tha* the statement came from him. Senator tlnnnn to Take a Heat. New York. Nov 10 —Senator Hanna left for Cleveland and Mr Manley started for Maine thla evening Senator Hanna aald he was going to take a long rest. He added, speaking of the rumorrd retire ment of Secretary Gage, that he had not heard of any contemplated change In the cabinet, and would not dlarua* It. tiagr Makes n Denial. Washington, Nov. 10 —Seereaarv Gage denied emphatically to-day that he con templated resigning from the cabinet be fore th expiration of President McKtn- I lev a first term A* to hi* future move ments. he said he had not ma-le up hie : mind what he would do after March 4. next. Ambassador I hoate'a liond Time. I/ondoo. Nov 10—Joseph H Choate, the I’nlted States ambassador, la spend ing the week-end with I-ord Salisbury at Hatfield House the Premier'# country sent In Herefordshire. At the conclusion of hla alay there he will go to Dalmeny Park. Edinburgh, on a visit to Ivord Rose bery. Tendered tn tailed Stales. Chicago Nov 10—Chicago hu officially | tendered Its $34,000,000 drainage channel to ] the I’nlted States government The sani j tary district trustee* have mmora;i #1 the chief engineer of Ihe governn-ent through the Deep Waterway Commission i now In the city, and that official hody w| 1 transmit th* memorial to Congress In December. Fur Inland Water Huntr. Raleigh. N. C.. Nov, 10—The survey of a ship canal for the Inland water route through the North Carolina sounds haa been completed The route ta from Nor folk to Beaufort through Creaton, Pam lico anJ Albemarle sound* and Scupper nong river. I.lriit. Commander Moruan Dead, Boston. Maas . Nov. 10.—Lieutenant Commander Stokely Morgan, t’, S. N. retired, who had the distinction of firing the first gun at the Spanish fleet In the battle of Manila b iy, died ar Ins home tn Roxbury 40-dny. Death was due to paral ysis. He was 41 years of age. German Expedition < ustly. Rorim. Nov. 10—The estimates of the cnt of ths German-China expedition, presented to-day to the federal council I provide# for U2.0u0.00 marks and a force Mg officer* and 18,7*9 man. <.ENTRY'S AHOAV IN TIIOI RLE. How AAltb Alslinin* Authorities at llwrtsborn Aesterday. Columbus, Oi.. Nov 10.—Gentry's Dog and Pony Show g4\r a jerformane* at Hurtsbor^, Ala . Friday, without a I'fern*a. Deptity Sheriff W R -Arrant was sent c vn from geale to look after the ms tier. I i*>n hi* arrival, tha showr peo ple offered to r*v the license, but the authorities at fh *de ruled that as the law had t>**e*n already vlo.atrd, the parties would have to stand tnefr trial. The show l**cpie proposed to the officer to accovn pin • him on <h right tram to Beale, w her* th* y wr*u!l sidetrack their ahow and stand trial next day When the train neared the sidetrack at Beale, the officer s.ivs he stepped otM on th* r*ar pin*form expecting the train to stop and put the show cars cn the aiding lie says seven men followed him to the platform, seised him suddenly, took his p**-'©! and then hurled him from the train, after which they gave signal for the train to proceed The deputy was dazed and badly bruised He finally made hi* wav to the iome of RherifT Bellamy Several warranse were sworn out asatnst the show men and Sheriff Bellamy and Arrant went to Opelika to-day where the show Is exhibiting Arrant testified to two of his assailants, one being J. W Gentry, one of the proprietors, ar.d the other Edward Myers, an employe At first Gentry denied his identify, but Anally owned up He gavs bond for SBOO and was released HhcrifT Bellamy brought Myers to Co lumbus to-night, en route to Reule Rus s-11 county authorities are Intensely in dignant over the alleged open defiance of the law by the show men They w!H push tha prosecution for assault with in tent to murder and for resisting an officer in addition to the first charge. They hop* to catch the other five men implicated, but who eluded the nfficer at Opelika to day. FOUND DEAD IN RED. Smldrn Death of lira. Mar* Deaton at Rlrkley. iVaycross, Oa . Nov. 10-Mrs Mary Denton, wife of Ifon William M Denton. rx-representatlve of Ware county, die/1 some time duting last night at the home of her hutharwi In R.ckley Mr Proton was surprised on calling his companion early this morning to And that sh* was cold in the embrace of death About two years ago Mrs Denton fell and hurt herself Internally while on her way to or from the Holiness camp meet ing at Indian Spring From this she suf f* red a great deal. The |*aat summer she fell again as she w-s* entering her home and broke her arm This was followed by a long spell of fever She was mill feeblo from the effect* of the dts ase. but no one expected her death so soon. Mrs Denton wr.s ho\it 82 years of age and a faithful Christian woman. Bhe was a sister of Mr R fl Hargroves, of Wares boro, Mr*. C. W Hilliard, Dlnaroore. FWi ; Mrs Thomas Sweat. Plant City. Fla ; Mrs J. L Morgan. Wlregrass. G.v, and aunt of Mrs J O Clough of this city Her body wfl! be hurled to-morrow In the family burying gr.wind near lllck ley by the wide of her mother. HIIIIJI NOT ADD TO Ft Tin. l-nnlslans Veterans Refneed to Give tn Davis Monnnient. Nsw Orleans, lav, Nov. 10 - Some bitter ness among ihe Cbnfeilerate ve>erin< cropped out to-day when the Army of Norihcm Virginia, Camp No. 1. which Is lh* firxf org.mlxed ramp of the t’nped Confeslerate Vetmana not only repudlat ed the action o( their delegatee to th lam Confederate reunion In I-oui*vtl|r In voting tZ*> for the erection of a motiemept over the grave of Jefferson I’m vis. declar ing that the delegntea hiid no authority to pledge the ramp to thla purpose, but retuacsl to give any money to the Jeffer s.ii Davis monument and announced that If It had any money to give to Confeder ate monuments. It mould give It to ere 8- Ing one to Gen. Beauregard. CHINESE CASES CONCDt'DED. How Taaw a Itlglitfnl Resident of the tailed State*. Jgckaonvllle. Fla. Nov. UX—The last of the cases for violation of the Chinese exclusion act were disposed of to-day. In the United Stair* Court Judge Locke dis missed the cant against lew Taaw as his attorney* presented certificate* ahowlng he was a rightful resident of the United State#. United State# Marshal Horr telegraph ed the Treasury Department to-day that the other three prisoner* were ready for deportation and were being hekl by him awaiting orders The marshal expect# to receive his order# and expect# to leave for California with hla prisoner* to-mor row night. RIG SAW-MILL 11l R \ED. An Aged Invalid Segeo Was Horned to Death. Macon. Oa., Nov. 10—Belt# Brothers' big sawmill was burned thla morning at Ashbum. It was the second largest mil on the Georgia Southern lioad. It la Im possible yet to .otlmate the lona or to ac count for the fire. "Old Lady l>umas." an age! and In valid negrrsa, waa burned to death 'hla morning while alone In a room on Tatt nall street. She got too close to Ihe fir* and her clothing Ignited. The Fast Macon Method!*! Church haa devised a plan for Inducing mother* t> attend church. A room will be oreo-el adjoining th# church where recalcitrant children may be taken for correction. (IIU MHI S POLITICS. Four Opposing Connell and n Goo Goo Ticket In the Field. Oolumbue, Oa., Nov. 10—While thla Is off year In local politic*, no Mayor to be elected, the situation has suddenly grown Interesting Thl* morning the Good Gov ernment Club announced full aldrmnntc ticket. Local paper* to-morrow will con ta n announ ••anenta of four optmalng Council and full antl-goo goo ticket will be In the field early In the week. Manufactory for Athena. Athena. Oa , Nov. 10— Athena secures a Urge manufacturing Industry through the Intsreeis of the Athenaeum Club. Presi dent MT. O. Michael of the club Is In New York and wired to Athen yesterday that parlies with whom he had been tn ctorre spondenee had derided to locate their manufactory here. It will be the only mill of It* kind 1n the South, and will man ufacture exclusively ladles' musiln under wear and g.iods nf that description. It will,employ 300 hands Hapld Transit In Canada. Montreal. Nov. 10 —Lornd Strathcona'* special Ira n on the Canadian Pacific from Montreal to Ottawa to-day made the distance of 112 mile# In 110 minutes, leaving here al 8:27 a. m.. and reaching Ottaka al W 37. Th# run waa mode In a heavy snow storm and deducting ten mtnutmi for stoppage and slow downs, the actual running time waa 100 minute* for the 112 mile*. Aged lincln* Xian Dead . I<rxlngton. Ky.. Nov. B Ferguson, aged tki. the noted race horae starter, died at a hoapltal here to-night, after a tong lllnens. He became a race ■tarter n 1831. and served on every track on live country. A FAMOUS SEACAPTAIN Tells h]ow Peruna Restored His H eQ itb- Captain R. E Tull, well known tn Che*p*ke Bay and all alone oir a*. tanllo coaal. ia a man of aplandld phyatqua and now eecollont health. H* u Ml s a 1,0 a fnend of Peruna. / fiawl X Among th, many thing* whieh h, ha* aald about th, world-fom . < / 7X \ tarrh rettwdv, Peruna. may he citwl th, following l*M*r wrUt,n from N T / l —h Ti \ folk Vo .to th, rruna. M-d.eln, Company, of Columbu*. Ohio / I aA “ \ “Aft,r angering for year* with eatnrrhnl nad bronehlnl Iron j J \ hie, I nmm n.lvUed hy m friend tn oa, Prraaa. and aftrr th, D / dr'gg V \of on, hottl, Iwa r,11,T,d of or tronhl*. I fait, plenanre ■, / Y, y \ feel II I, 111 j duty to reromn,ud thl* remedy to nil fellow-nul. / /^’ \ 9$ 1 frrer*. Braid,, b.lag an nhanlnlr core for ralnrrb II la on, of J the **• *• Tt LL. 4 Tho Ilf* of th, *,a onptaln eapwlally eapo.M him to catarrhal ailment,. Pay and night h. Is ,*poe,d to the fiercest K.lcs and storm* No clasa of men appreciate more the value of Peruna. It not only cure* them when a cold haa btcams thoroughly settled In the head, throat or lungs, hut a propm* us, of Peruno prevents them from taking those colds Captain Tull haa commanded aome of the Inreest vcaarla that" er.* the Atlan tic. anil la peraonally known to thous and* of people who have met him on board of vessels. Ho u now captain of the big Chesapeake Hay steamer Nor folk. Chronic catarrh often makes Ita ap proach In dlstrulac. Before a person know* it he may become a victim of ehrcatlc catarrh. Peruna has been endorsed by over 50,000 prominent citizens of the United States, including the following prominent persons: Senior QuesaJa, ot the Cuban Legation, of Washington. D. C. Booker T. Washington, of Tuskegee, Ala. Helva A. Lockwood, 619 "F” street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Senator Stephen R. Mallory, of Pensaola, Florida. Ex>Chlef Justice William C. Chambers, of Washington, D. C. Congressman M. W. Ogden, from Benton, La. Governor Joseph J. Johnston, of Hontgom ery, Ala. Major General Joseph Wheeler, of Wheeler, Alabama. Governor G. W. Atkinson, of West Virginia FIFTY TO ONE SHOT A WINNHH. The Last Satnrday'a Haring an the Metropolitan Tracks. New York. Nov. 10.—The last Salur day'a racing In the Metropolitan district waa well attended The report began with a big upset. Magic Light winning at SA to 1. while 1(4) to 1 was quoted in places. He brat the o<Ms-on favorite I’reeitdigltaior by a neck. Summaries First Race—About seven furlongs. Magic Light, 50 to 1. won. with Brea'Mig ttator, 1 to I and out. second, and Rl naklo, ( to 1, third. Time l 28 2-5. Second Race—Five and a half furlongs The Musketeer, < to 1. won with Ashe*. 7 to 2 and 7 to 5, second, and The Rhymer. 5 to 1. third. Time 1:10 1-5. Third Race—One mile and seventy yards, selling. Knight of the Garter, 7 to 5. won, with Double Dummy. 8 to 1 and 8 to 5. second, and Trillo, 8 to 5. third. Time 1 48 t-5. Fourth Race—One mile *nd seventy yards, selling. Carbuncle, Bto 5. won. with Annoy. 7 to 1 and 2 to 1. second, and rhlllpplnc, 7 to 2. third. Time 1:48 t-5 Fifth Race—Six furlongs, selling. Queen Carnival. 11 to 5. won. with Pigeon Post. 3 to 1 and even, second, and Lone Fisher man, 18 to 5. third. Time 1:17 1-5. Sixth Race—One mile and seventy yards. Intrusive. Bto 5, won. with Cha rentua. 2 to 1 and 3 to 5, second, and Allske. 7 to 2, third. Time 1:17 1-5 TXVO Xlon 10 WEEKS OF RACING, Atlanta Jockey Clal, Haa Arranged to Cnntlnne the Sport. Atlanta, Nov. 10 —Seldenbach won her first rare of the meet at Piedmont Park to-day and received a rousing welcome from the grandstand as she led ths bunch to the wire In the fourth rac*. „ To-day ended the first two weeks of tha Atlanta Jockey Club meet and was ex pected to close It. but arrangements have been made to continue the sport for two more weeks. Track faat; weather clear Summaries: First Race—Selling five and a half fur longs. Bettlc B . t to 1. son. with Glad Hand, 8 to 1. second, and Eous, 6 to 1, third. Time 1:12. Second Race Selling, five furlongs Scorpuiette. 6 to 5. won. with Gotembo. 8 to 1. second, ami Lillian Hoffman. 12 to 1, third. Time 1.08. Third Race—B, Ilhig, one mile Dutch Comedian. 9 to 5. won. with Lillian Reed 6 to 2, second, and Statlna, 7 to 2 thud 1:415,. Fourth Race—One mile and a furlong Seldenbach. 7 to 2. won, with loind Ho, even, second and Covington. Ky.. third Time 2:10. Fifth Race—Selling, six furlongs. Ignis. 3 to 1. won. with 1-ady Hastings. 10 to 1, second, ar.d Miss Chamber*, t to 1. third Time 1:21!* 1 Race Results at loitonla. Clnelnnatl. Nov 10-Hesu'tsat Latonta First Race-Six furlongs, selling. Suave, t to 1, won, P: lardtst, t 'o I. second, and The Tory, IS to 1. third Time 1 IS. Second Race—One mile, selling Brunch. 18 to 5, won. with The Sluggard, 8 to 1, second, and Lord Zenl. 2 to 1, third. Time 1:111* Third Race-one mile Isabel. 7 to 10. won. with Dolly Wagner, 30 to 1, second, and Little Tim. 7 to 1. third. Time 1 44 fourth Raoe—On# mile and an eighth. Ita onaet may be gradual. It* develop ment insldiou*. and at laat the victim And* himself In the clutrhea of a tenu cloua disease. A slight cold, a tendency to sr.eese, a pufflneea tn the none, stringy mucous m the throat, alight cough or wheegmesa— any one of these symptoms should he rtgarded as a warning What can he cured In the heglntng In a week or two. by Peruna. If al lowed to become chronic, may require month* of faithful treatment. Peruna I* the remedy for such case,; almost every Inly know* that by hear say and thousands know It by blessed experience. You had better take Peruna now. for by and by you may be obliged to take It a long time In order to get well. handicap. Hohul, to l, wot*, with Ida Ledford, 7 to 1, second. and Woodtrce, 4 to 1. third. Time I:S4J*. Fifth Race—Two mllM. selling. Jaek Telling. 1 to ], won. with Enghurst. s to 1. second, and Colbert. 3 to 1. third. Time 1 11. Slicth Race—Sl* furlongs. selling J J. T.. 2 to 1, won. with Lake Fonno. 10 to 1, so-ond. nnd ITlnces* Thyra, J to 2, third Time 1:14‘4- LIBERTV GI'ARDS WON. 4 harcb Items and Other News From %Va> rrM*. Waycroar, Oa., Nov. 10.—In yesterday s dispatches It was etated that the price of SIOO In tho tilting tournament ai awarde<l to tho Liberty Independent Troop. It should have been the Liberty Quarda. Tho contest was very aharp between these two military organisations. amor,*; the oldest in the state. The Quard* came out victorious, how ever. They were In command at Capt. J W. Hughes The ladles of the Episcopal Church are making extensive preparations for the hasnar to be held here the latter part of this month, the object being to raise funds* for building anew church. Dog thieves got in their work In Way cross yeaterday. Some valuable dogs were stolen, among them Charles Hohen steln'a setter Rastus. and J. A Miller s pointer Ned. The thieves could ndt die caught up with. Last night nn unknown negro attempt ed to enter the house occupied by R. Benson, the fish and oyster vender. He was tn the act of raising the sash when Benson’s daughter. Mrs. Harry Smith, saw him, and screamed, and the burglar fled. It Is supposed he intended to rob the fish man. The race horses have all been shipped to Thomasvlllt. where they have heen entered In the carnival races. Trainer Hughes left for time city last night. In one of the races Thursday one of the Jockeys received a deep cut across the face, made by a whip wielded by a felkiw Jockey. In order to prevent htm getting ahead he threw hts whip back and cut him In ihe face. CtStALTIKS IN PHILIPPINES. Grs. Mae Arthur Slakes Report of Osr I.oases. Washington. Nov. io.—The War T>e partment to-day received the following casualty list from Gen MacArthur at Ma nilla: Killed. Nov. 1, Troop H. Fourth Cav alry, Sergf William H Rremmer. Nev 3. Battery Q, Sixth Arillllery, Sergt. Ed. ward F. Cleer. Wounded, Nov. 1, Troop H Fourth Cav alry. John H. Hodger*. arm, serious: Nov. f> Company F. Thirty-Fourth Infantry. Thomas A. CUne, buttock, slight; Nov. 4, Company D, Twelfth Infantry. John Price, arm. moderate, Carl Hennings, eye. severe; Oct. IS, Company E. Tenth In fantry. I-awrence E Kelkenny. shoulder, serious; Oct n. Company K Forty-fourrh Infantry IViughton H Kimble, leg above knee, slight; Oct 11. Company D. Twenty slxth Infantry, Joseph Watson, arm. 1 slight. Thomas Ogee, arm. serious. Oet. 10. Company L. Eighteen Infantry, Thom as Noonan, back slight; Sept, U. Com pany A. Nineteenth Infantry, Corot. Richard K, Moffett, head, slight. November VhV"! later catarrh season. Catarrh at the head and eatarrh of the throat are prevalent daring this uionth Ii •he appearaaee of the allghirst symptom of cold Parana should b, taken. Tti laei 11 prevent a long ales, af head and thrust catarrh —hick may laat all winter and perhaps s lifetime. "A stitch In time aavea n'nc " On. bottle of Peruna taken at the onset << catarrh Is worth its weigh. In gold t* any man or woman. There are no sub stitute* far Perun*. Peruna haa bees I>r Hartman'* only remedy for catarrh for the lae. forty veara. Address th* Peruna Medicine Cos. Cs lumbus. 0., for a free copy of their r.ea catarrh book Ex-Governor P. B. 5. Pinchback. of Loui*. iana. Senator W. N. Roach, from North Dakota. Judson W. Lyons. Register of the U. 5. Treasury, of Washington, f>. C. Hon. H. G. Worthington. ex-Minister from Argentine Republic, of Washington, D. C. Congressman Amos J. Cummings, truoi New York. Governor W. fl. Lord, of Oregon. Hon. 5. smithmeyer, architect of the Congressional Library, Washington. D- C- Hal. P. Denton, Chief National Export Ex* position, of Philadelphia, Pa. IT WAS NOT rojUTIEME. • •Made Honest by the Sight of n Illlnp- Idated I mbretla. From the New York Times Here Is a hlehly moral tale which will make goo-1 reading for bolh old snd young. It Is a valuable lilustral on of ih text. "The way of the tranrgr a or herd." It Is a story of a woman and an umbrella. It Is apparent that tho umlr I la hae been the cause of ihe fall fr m strict honesty of many otherwise Irre proachable Individuals. The woman .n : Is .siory, up to the occurrence of this par ticular event, however, had found ihe ;.m --brella to be the source of the display on her part of many excellent virtues and had suffered many things because of Ihem. She had been antpptly treated by women, barely thanked by mm and openly snubbed by Ihe aulo*ra:s of the surfack cars In her efforts to see that ab sent-minded people did not lore their urn brellas. And In some way she seemed al ways to be finding mtIMM umbrella* ard her ooneclenre forbade her leaving them without an aliempi to find ih o*n •re On this paril-ular day she was til ing quietly In one of the parlors of a !>;g New 1 ork shop when quite according to h*r custom she espied beside her an um btr la It was rather dark tn that comer of >he room and she could not see the um brella distinctly, but she put her h >i‘d On It, found that It was silk and with a weary sigh rose to find some ot w-ould take car* of It. Why should she be made the public custodian of un ’ r las ’ Neverthe ess. she started to fl' I ''* colored woman In charge of the room t it eh- had slipped out. She was lr> sear k of a floor wnlker, hut not one in *l-'ht In and out around counter- she walked wearl'y. hut not a floor wnlker to be seen. Then the temptation cam' "What a goo/e you ore!" enld the I valie. "Here you spend your tlm- (rob ing up people to take care of lo t um brellas and I don't believe that once r. thousand years they ever reach their own ers Teke that umbrella home with you and don't be a fool!" The voice was grow ing emphatic I* was prcbably because aha wan tir'd, but. eniw.vj, without n moment'e re- t ance the woman stopped her search end walked out of the shop with the umW'l** wl leh would now be here. She •> k* I <*t with eonecloue carelessness not ventue ln* to *lve glan -e at It. She did IK) 'o Ihle until ehe wae In the car on her way home. Then ehe did look down and *vw In her hande a silk umbrella. In be r ure, but old and ragged, an umbrella which would be a diagram to the pooreet cog* tume Some cmfo had bought a raw umbrella and discarded thla rag Arid > w the Ander muat get rid of It. She hadn't felt like a thief before but now ehe did. How could ehe get fM of If Sh. did not dare throw It in the e rect for that would be conspicuous. She laid It on the aeat, ae far back •< poee.b e, looked no conacloue again and at laei sneaked— tha 1 waa the way ehe felt—out of that oar and actually ran until ahe waa atound the cbr ner and no one could po*lb!y return to her the umbrella ehe had voluntartl' etolen. To Mark Shiloh Hnttlrlteld. Springfield, 111.. Nov. 10.—Gov Tann r f to-dav appointed Sheldon C. Myora o' mrmlier of the bcanl of iDlaalonere to ascertain and mark tho lo ot ttore of IllliKda troop* In the battle at Shiloh. He will succeed Gen. Jtwa A. dfaM'tonnan, deceased.