The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 12, 1900, Image 1

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TH r MORNING NEWS Ei ' lk • • Jnccrgioratad l* v | H EHTII*I. President AGREEMENT IS MADE HN%0%9 IN FI-KIN ARHIVB AT AN I NOEM9T AN DING. main points are settled. M I.OTMTIOM roH PK4.CC PRO- I CLUED I'AVOBAULV. Punishment f and Hfniovnl i, | i |i* T From Un it rmlncil I pon-IVnuHnmt Lega ti*n (iuril to H** MHlnfnltinl An IVkln—‘Taku Irn to lit* Haird. *1 hr ll •• It** 11 Inn in Southern ('hi mi I* i iiimliih Much I Hcaalicaa. I? ,j . Nov. 11—The. following is the full **\t of the statement, evidently in spir*d, in the Cologne Gazette ol.Hdur- Un> -to tne understanding reached by the *r* tentative# of the Power* In Pt k‘ --urdlnff the Chine*** *ettlement: •p. .r * triers lief ween the envoy* in pek for the purpose of agreeing upon ihe f .i I uncntals for peace negotiation* with t.,e Chinese plenipotentlart** pro (• .| f.\ jrably In the w hole sera* of im portnt t point*. * A greement h#s been reached be tweei r.* Power*, particularly regarding the j - iment of the main culprit*, the matv!*rln> an 1 prince*, also regarding i:h witnessing of the execution of *uch pum.dur* by representatives of the Power*: dim regarding the principle of paying damage to the several govern* m* r. for the coat of the China ex polUion*. nnd for damage* *u*ta4ned by private persons and m:**ions; also re gardit g tin* j*erian*ivt stationing of suf i; ief.f t: lards for the Pekin legation*: • l*o r*srirdlng the ruxlng of (he Taku fort* and finally, regarding the main tenance of secure and regular communl i atlon get ween Pekin and the seashore. “About a number of other demand* put forth by separate Power*, negotiation* .ire mill pending." TO % HOLISM TM NC i |,| TAMEM. 1 ni|Mrinnl Feature of ( hlnee Negro lint lon • Omitted. \V hington. Nov. 11.—If, a* reported In the Cologne Oagette. the Power* have reached i definite understanding In regard t > China. It* term* a* stated bv that news pap* r omit several feature*, which have o source of discussion among them. I‘rob.ibijr the most Important of these 1* ihe proposition to abolish the fli of t. e Tsjng-li-Yamen. or board of r* .gr. affairs, aid i la- e the dull. * of ixi. under tho aup**rvl*h*n of no ,* '. who he directly responsible 1 the management of it* affair*. Th s :ige iia* licen urgently deslr**) by our ernment. Hhb g came from Minister Conger lo- Mlnlster Wu said to-night that he no* uiy Information beating on the ♦•mentfc of the Imperial family. He not dbpo el to credit the ttatni* nt t t lie court Intended to go to S* in province, lur to th* west from it l* now hi compelled to do a i • tilt of the military operations the allies. MWT TO CHI VI. ln Koiith I Man ( ntndltK Much lliirm. ndon. Nov. 12.—Dr. Morrlaon, wiring e Time* from Pekin Salunlay. nay* 1 Hung Chang ha* not yrt r< i ll<-1 to ..ral Alexleff'r Invitation to resume •uvernment of M m< hurla under Kti-*- pr Unction. Kuerla will require thi ■ * of all official* to lx* submitted to ■>r approval Her pro|*i* are tant n t to military occupation, and evr*\ ' iman realize* that Manchuria la lost t 1 hlna. nailrf alarm It- felt here at the Ii f the Intiurrei'tlon In the routll ■ov I peer No surprise will he caused ‘ ipan Intervener. The trade and rtnati outlmlc !r very gloomy. Ml the Hurslan ttoot>a here.** rur a . neb from Tien Trln to the Tim.* I Nov. It. ‘ are hetmt withdrawn." llieilt <iKTTI'HI HBWTLEM. Olttelala lyirm i Irfted With Rierntlonr at I'm Tina Fa. Petersburg, Nov. 11 —Bus ta la he rn' Increasingly rerthwe on nceount o' Ip strict course of the o iler, | artlc h tv the Hetmans and British. toward ■ t'htnwif 1 -ikn •• rayo the Burre Oaretl'. reap the hatred of foreigner* wh ch m m and Hrltleh are rowlnr " circle. In f*t Petersburg do u I ■ I their dieeatlafactlon over Lie re M oectitlcnt of I’ao Ting Fu olfle'a a. - t< i• 11 w if Hmow I' ■’■Kill t nuaeil liy the Demand* of the l.eroer I’tiavere Inr a Standing. in. Nov. 12— "Serloue ftl tl n ivas a tared In the pence nego’lttlonr lit W riyr the Dally Mull'* corr*H>ond • : Tien Tain, wiring Nov. *. "by Bel- Dei mark. Holland and Spain elam iii hev. n iocua In any Im t <)• ■ Mona. Buraia and France -ii por; fat ihelr claim*, which ate 'I by the Tower*. Belgium I* er lm|iorlunate and Intenrely pro i in." roil 111 MlbUTnO WAV* LI. *' ‘ Oppoara Tunlrhment of Prince I unii and the Emprrr*. me. Nov. 12.—The Trlbuna publlahe* following from lie I’ekln corre i dent: Hung Chung and Prince China have me.! nye that the demand* of th r- for the puntehment of Prince nn.l the withdrawal from power of ! Impress are too humiliating to be Pii l hy the Chinese." HAHCI TIOW OF OFFICIAL*. 1 r,, toantl Impression Made Cpoa Na tives at Pao Tin* Fa. kin, Oct. 10.—A profound tmpreeelon *’* produced upon tha natives at Pao ' Fu by tha execution there of lb* officiate. Tien Yang, ptovlncl tl urer; Oao. Wei Bhun Kon* and CoL Klu, who w• re condemned bv th* Inter national court-martial r* among i.os# responsible for th** th*Te Th- v were I** head* and and th* !r head* were expired n |*>b*# for a i;i> before burial. It V"i pro’cible, d< -{tt- U* < les that the for eg. dig officials ar*- i lent ca with tho*** referred !• in a dl |w’ h to th* Associated I'res* from TUm Tsln tk*i and Nov *i which raid: "Ting Yung. .< *ing Vioctoy of Chi Id the Tartar g< n* r tl. (jwtd ILng and Col. Wang Chau Mr won* shot t P* Ting Ku by order of th** court-martial" TRIADS GIVING TROUBLE. It e lie 11 ion lit *natli I It‘.mi Ili led to Several Severe llitilr*—Mlmlod itrte* \rr %llalng. Victoria. It. C.. Not It.—New* was re ceived by the Meant!*hip Victoria concern ing the rebellion In South China Th*- Triads have broken out In SI and Marshal Bu, commander-ln-chlef of the lm|M* forces. Is usktng for 2k>,<Bo men to suppress them Th* British iave dispatched Infantry ond artillery to guard the Ko*r Loon fron tier. When the torpedo b> t destroyer Handy was landing men she encountered a force of rebels and threw shells among them as they advanced on San Chuan, routing them and killing fort> A force of Kwnng SI rebel*, marching to |oin the Kw n Sing reU .**. m* anil de feated the imperial trooj • n* *r Kumg nlng nnd capture*) thirty. (treat preparations for bul.dlng. mine laying and drilling of tra p* wvre goln-^ •n in th*- efT*-' te.| provln- . * A battle wa* fougtit at T an Tsou. Jn the Shan Tung Chi !J Urd**r Oct. 17 b*- tween Imp* rial troop* and ltx* r-. <J*n Yuan'* troops murl* and and the Box er* LL(M. Tw* thousand in**ti were left to guard T*mg <*hu. and (Sen. Mid In i harg.- **f the unpertal gave ta*- t!e oufsld* The l*att|*- li-*t*d all day. and resulted in the defeat of til* Box er-. with grt-ii* loss. Their lealer, Caen. reftiiN*d to retreat, and when the flghj w'as loet. fought with 3i* dee era;oe<- n a ravine until all of th* m w. re killed Ml* head w*s taken anal hung on t. e wall* of the city. Six thousand re'els were killed. Consul (loodnow of Shanghai h.* male n nummary of Boxer o itrag-showing Itmt nlnty-thr* American ami British mlMrtonaries w* r** murdered and 17“ other missionaries in Shan Si at. I Chi id nr** miming. I Mil %N* llti: M tltvhti. Natives of Alnkn Arc In Hire Need of bllnnrr. Tacoma. Wash.. Nov. 11.—Mrs. Jane* Smith, just return-d fr. m Cook In et Alaska, say* that fully half of the thous and Indians of that section, com r five tribe*, are slowly dying starva tion. The Influx of white prosr>ectrrs ha j re suit*-.! In the killing oft of much game with the result the Indians are d** prtved of fle*h f*-r foo*l and f ir* for clothing. They dried w.lmon last sum mer. but not enough o a t through the season, and winter tlnds o ..f ihem without enough foml to met un ll I> cember. Mrs Smith, who 1- a wealthy mn rs wife, divided her st*<-k of ptrovisl ns with iir i -ii . : i>• 1 M : 'b. - In*b *' ■ belong so lh ltu slan church, but it i** |nwerlees to help theni. I *‘l* s- |*rv i-- lon* ar* rent hv iam r t **nc “ a\s hundn le will surely die. While liv ing at Gray *• Mar x>r. * !ght years go Mrs Smith then Mr- Martha White M into the **urf and rescue* three shipwrc ked mi Bore from di**w. ng. f r which Congress voted her n n.e ial. NV.4ITIN4. N FI \’i lAf atONN. If He Does Not I ome b Terms Jef fries Will right itnhlln. New York. Nov 11.—A* a result of the challenge Issued Saturday by James J. JefTrk s. off* ring to tight Bob Flixsinunon dus Ruhiln or T tn Sharkey, and a tele groin from F* Sasun mo n.- lining •* match account of enuagamenta lasting until Mny next. Jeffries to-night, made til** following ■•lf KttMinnraon* rlof* not come lo lerm by Wilm- loy I shall arrange lo meet Itnhlln or Sharkey on term* to "<• ngreeil upon I. l my intention to tight ni least orti’e a year. My rhej .. of h.itti groutvie would he Nevada, for there wn eyukl go to .1 tlnlh :rvl in .ueh a cegiteM there would la> n-* doubt as to woo 1 the hitter man Madden. Ruhlln'a managwr. tei graphel to-night 'hat Itnhlln a ll n< once |g>st a forfeit to hind the match. mwv < ini ' : an k. Iteaalta of Ifn.l t i" Ulus I ten'll* In |>ulttn "chnol, St Petersburg. Nov. 11.—Taro hundred ■nvl fifty girls, pupils of the Smolny In stitute. i loar.llnp s -h.ol |ar rnlt'sl e*- ciustvely by the nobility, w< r" taken elrk with evldei" -vmptums of poleon after dinner Frkl-.y • veiling It Ik reportwl that two have di 1 b ! ‘ 'ha' the .ahers have re -ov re.t Tr pr.l- nli I- attributed o faulty ei.k:ng uni* n-l •• 11l M| t\ IIHI, IIBPOMT*. \rn Klelda That Will Vivid I.iHO.OHft Tuna Inmmllf. Hi. Prlemburjr. Nov. 11. The Kii-aisn mlnlaiir of agriculture, M VerllT, afnr vleltlntt the coni lejao*Hia ren nily dlapov erl on the ilinck Sea <oac In the *ov ernment of Kutal.*, eilmatc that they wll yield !.RStM ton* annual ) - for sixty >i>iir. H* const lera the quality exceiien - . Under llaln a a llralal. Naahvllle. Tern . Nov J 1 rrewldent N. Palter of the Tennegeee Coa.. Iron and Railway Company t.>-ii.l>t denial the glory that lh- control,ln* Interest of hl company had been purchaaed by North ern Papltallaie. Statement* huve been made Identifying rhe Standard oil Com pany and the American Burl and W ire Company with the deal, a.l of which Irr*ident Itaxter denlea lladen-rowrll llaa Katrrle Fever. London. Nov. li.—Qan. Had n-l'owPl., according lo the correrp nd-n, of the Dally Mall, haa contracted enteric fever, but hie condition l not ae-loua. fadoann Will Hot Healn. London Nov 11.—liar! Cadoiran haa eon aented to continue In office aa lord lieu tenant of Ireland. . SAVANNAH, GA.. MONDAY, NOVEMBEK 12, lIMHi. NEEDS OF THE NAVY NOT NT. %H FN014.11 OFFHF-H* TO 1 KdIT % IIMA BOW A 11. SHIPS ARE SHORT OF MEN. übii%n n% it fi.a knoi .n rim Tin: w ill w itci f*r \IN. %luilrl ( rownlu*lil *ll Nay* for tin* N*v( Ten 1 rnra (he Appointment* In (lie Nin 111 Shoillll lie lloulle| New N*v> Personnel Net IHil Not Ini Fur 1( ungrrti lirprin nl for Nt Ite%% *rllng the lleroeM of the I'lu lit H Ith Npnln. Washington. Nov. 11. Th** statement I* ma Its In the report of Ad miral Crowninshield, chief of tlie Navi gation Bureau that th* p * * :U per- li ne 1 oi the navy would form barely •mo fourth of the total estanU* nv* nt nera*- *ary t liAht a i)rai-cU*e Kur |* an Pow er. It barely nuf!b *d for th* Spaia.-h wa , and no long* r can be eonaUtere l, tbe r*j*>rt say*, a* an effective nucleua a out w hi* t% a larger e*tabllahn>*nt could l*e forimil in *a>e of war. The Admiral regard* thf* need of th** navy for of!)cert* and men a* m * t u-g --enl. lie way* that the bureau ran |*o|nt to rainy raw.* where th* eerviee l* toe ing httrmi *i by la* k of <-fIl >-r*. Ttie N*v al Aeaden > 1* suffering for want of In structors. ond the preaeent hitli ?tai 1- arl of training cannot maintained Every bureau In ih* d*pirtmei.t is *hort of ofHcer*. and the, tie report predlcl-. aoon will fall he dm I In th atruggle. first for lea.b r-hije. an I then for KiualUy. with the other *ervlce. The disability of the seagoing * “rps of officer* ha greotly Incr* .i *lnce the Spanish war. and many of the beet oili er* ate being loet a* a reauit of brak ing down Atom overwork. Trie Admiral eevarely critlciee* (he ln . ffectlve effort of Owigree* at the la*t >*-es:on to meet immediate n* ed* fr of- Hcer* by authorlxing the emHoyment of retired officer*, ond he *1- man*l* the ini nvdiate repeal of that *•• t. He claim*' that the retired Itwf, Intended n* h re ward for faithful aenrh-e. otherwl*e be onv a hard*hip and o |Hinl.hmcnt. The personnel act thus far has re*ult <hl in affording lex* officers than were on the active i*t before It* passage There ire now IJI vacancies In t/e list of naval • •fficer* when vacancies con be least f -fordtd Therefore it I* recommended for the next ten year* that appotn'men • •> the i*nvl academy be doubled, th* President and representative* in Congress appointing two instead of one wherever ut ho rises) now*, and in a* Ml t ion enaiora iwlng given the same privilege of ap* |H>intment as representative*. Then, t*> meet further needs, it i* recommended that whenever Congr*-.-* nulhorlst-a an increase of ve**ds to the navy, it also provld*- in the same art for an lncr*aa of oflt *-r* and m* (o man the *hi|m. Not Knougili to Mu it Our hlalpa. ll is iP c are i that It Is now Impossible to man the v* of <ur navy nlretuly *onsru* *1 wi h the pr* -nt f rce, not o mention th<.*a building •• tboris**! Admiral Crown In shield rrg.uds . most iin| mfnmercial.y tliat w- keep al ways u fair representation • n tlie S*Hith Atlnntl* station, Miylng that In no purt of the world are our v***n Is m- r* cordial ly received nnl nowhere can b** traced di rect licneflt* to trade more .*arly than on thin station. As to the North Atlantic station, regret 1* • xpres**-*l fha* th** Im portant drills of the aqua Iron nr - i*orn l*eded to b* .ften lcterrui*ted t> attend ance of the ve*>el* at |<M*al celebrations which tend to demorallx* the elflclency of the per*' nnel. There w*re 2.4a! desertions from the navy and dght>-*<x deaths during the past lls-cal year. The • nilstnient* numtwr k.li3. from t* total number of applicant* of 40.8&4 Over ♦'* per cent, of the men in the navy arc native born, ID |*er cent, are naturalised and a i• r cent, hove declare*! intent lone Ninety-two ; ••* cent, of the landsmen now unth r training are native born. Nrrils of Nnisl tnub-nn. Touching the naval academy, it is ear i * tly urged itait no physical disqtmli fl* aliens of c de:s shall l- waived here after as there has been a marked deterior ation In the past tn years in th* physh and condition of the gradual!ng rad* ts, < wing to nl'*andoment of th* vigorous warding out" ir*acess which has now fallen into disuse. It Is also strongly urged that the two years supplemental % j erlntendent s *■•* mm* n tation that th* course nt *•*♦ shall b abandoned. Final!' ;jm Jlml* for rad**ts up* a lml>*- on shall I**- between the ages of lo and lx. and thru the I'ourae nt the academy shall Is* f*jr years A rni!d reproof upon Cong *s Is c>n tnln* l in the • I eing piragrnph of the re. I*rt. whl h all* attei rl<*n t<* the dl** o r aging eot.ddlon In whw *llsrn u * el **?l r f the r *v\ have he**n b-f* Fy r.f r* *'fl>fng any formal recognition for their h r *!<■ - * rvi -s darb.g the war with Up tin. Tb* m-ort wiys tha th* mvy Ini n * pall hi the unfortunate |*ublie eontrov- r y whl’h l ilaWfrl up n the 1 *re i ) nt’ f-• - mmendatkn that certain tftr r iho. N l*l be promoted, and adds that thus fr th e has been no recognition by (*ongr s. ex tol • .>* wit*) ha rad I tbt wi lory * Manila, and three who served * 1.-ewhere In the war. IIFOIH.A Nl/. 4TION OF Alt MV. Proctor Mp Ilea ii In r Army Will lie M.tNHi to Oo.iHNt Mien. Washington. Nov. 11 Semi tor Proctor of the Senate Crmvnlttee on Military Af fair- and Adjutant General Cort*in of th*- War Department, held an Informal ron* ft-rence with the President yesu-rday re lative tr the legislation to be asked Of c*ongre*s In connection with th* proposed increase of the regular army. T’nder the existing law." said Senator Proctor at the conclusion of the confer ence. "the present atre* gih of the army, c .WO regulars and 3 ‘(s* volunteers, will br reduced on the first *tay of next July io 27.000 regulan Congreas will be asked by the Pres. Jer.t to reorganise the army upon a larger basis My own judgment Is that O ngress will provide a regu*ar army of about 86.000 or 00.000 men with dlacratlon to the President to raise the total to 100,000. I have no ioul* that this legislation will be enacted at the coming session/* i NEW YORK'S DIVORCE MILL Unnmn In the ( sir till) Be Allowed to Plauri* In It I inter Anniel Name of Tliomphins. New York. Nov U Th* district attor nay’s office, watch ha* m ham) the al leged divorce mill of Malson and Zelmer. have tcn tracing the antecedents of Mary H Thotnpktna. who figured In di vorce casus u' a witness and la now un der arrest. The authorities say the woman comes of respectable parentage Her mother Is ►.• id to b<- a woman of excellent charac ter. Mini It i* on account of her mid her an*! a wlster, who is employed in a re **l>onslble pi>sltU>n In one if the large dry g*Kxlh etor* ► of the city, that the police have decides) to \M the woman * real identity remain In the dark She will b allowed to figure lit th** case as Mary Thumpkin*. the nam* under which site •u ept* | • niployinent from Mr Zelmer it has been learned by the police that M Thompklns was a< <me time in the employ of a private detective agency Another Important *)evelopment In Gte .-* is (he Identlfl* tlc*u of Frank Wli st) n. who usually octet) as the man cor r* spot lent itc a oasivioiad counterfeiter Detei’tlve Drummond of the Fntted Siat-s gvt-ret Service thought ho recognise*) In Iho d* - rlptlon of Wilson a man whom th* St*cr*t Service had I'onvtctert of coimterfeitlng He notified the illMrict attorney office of his suspicions and wt ink*d *o g** to the Tom he to *•**• if he ooul*l Identify Wilson. He went to the Tomb?* and picked Wilson out of a crowd of twenty other prisoners as a man w u had been arrested in tioth Philadelphia and Chicago for counterfeiting Wllwm was convicted tn Chicago Drummond said, and served t term In prison Wild G4TUF.It IN MADRID. i The hpaalah-Iwerlesn Congrew anil Its nlHeawee. Mtt*lrld. Nov 11.—-The secret session of •he Spanish-American * Ymgress will be gin to-morrow*. They wilt l*e devoted lo tlie study of various ptop*udt!on.s for the development of the commercial relations between Spain and latln America The press to-day warmly welcomes the delegates In language which Is clrcum e|Mct, showing no hostility toward th** l ull* 1 States, but upholding Ihe necessity of the unity of the lattln family In Am* r lea. At yesterday's session of the t'fmgress S* nor Sb rru. the delegate from Mexico, ••mphntle.illy dlsrbtiin**) th* Ide (hut there w-.s any' inc<>n)p.ilfi*iiity between *te {•resent congress and thaone that would held In Mexico in October of next year for the purpose of discussing customs duties .imone the Am* rieati nations. He express ed the hoi*e that the two congresses would result lri tienefU not only to al) the otioni In the Western hemlspbore, but to ad hutnHi Ity as we I. adding that univer sal b wo dd foil >w> If compulsory arbittaii n for dtffcrancee between twi iions should result. | MKKTINt. OF %N %•<< ifllsTX. 4.h (herliu In I hlcftgo In Wentory of Paraioiia nnd Others. Chi* Nov. 11.— Herr Most, with his fierceness su>)due*j to gentleness, was the orator here to-nfirtu *f the thirteenth an niversary of th* execution of anarchists Parsons. Hpb s. Fls htr and Engel. The meeting was held in Central Music Hall. The |4mc* anas free of police, men. but two city detectives stood on the edge of the crowd In the lobby. A t* w *ars ago jolice Interference with tlie -pekrs was of o*currenc at fl.c annual eektiratlon. Excapt for the notable Increase In the number of attendant.*' and the softening of th language us* *l. ihe meeting *llfT* id from ih- previous annual gatherings only In that Mrs l#o*-y Parsons wae conspicu ous l*y her at*eence and that a tlg Pnlted St.i ter* ll.*g W.*S di!t*lay r ed with the •*) tLags use l In th* decoration of th#* stage. FILII'IMM AHB NON-FO.M MITTAL. %ierl*nn llli-rtion llna Produced No % lln rent 4 hsngr. Manila. Nov. 11. The results of the *lc* fiiais in the ri'.*l Statea have b*'n guletJy receive#) here. So fir as the Filipino* are concerned no noticeable change in the situation has ensued, nor H any likely to orcur In the immediate future. They nre for the greater part non-committal. News of th) outcome will slowly work Its way througn ♦he country to the armed Insurgents where tty'- assurances of the le;ilers that Mr Bryan would **-r:nlnly be elected must first be overcome. TO ADOPT < ONftAC'K < %*Tfl Inducement* Ire offered to Aiherlan Pen •* nts. St. F’etersburg, Nov. 11.—The Russian general staff recently proposed that tha Siberian |ea*ant* sh<Hil*l adopt the sa k caste and have signified a wil lingness to do ?o It is proposed that the new Cossack* shall be ofTerG) 2 acres of land o ich. siial !m requlrod to serve four y art In the army, and shall belong to the reserves until they i* .#n*- 31 years of lg€*. PRKbm: in politic . 4relibi*li(i|’a Vfnnlfcfo I* Ftrltlng Much 4 nminuit. Berlin. Nov. 11.— Mgr. Stahewskl. arch bishop of Posen, in Trusaian Poland, has Issued a manifesto against a German Cen trist candidate and In favor of a Polish candidate. His course has attracted much attention and th* government will prob ably toke notice of it. ♦. i On the Un) lo Join Ills Vessel. New York. Nov 11 —On hoard the steamer La Chunu*agne. which arrived this morning from Havre, was Capt. Dobrosworsky. commander of the Russian gunboat Giljak Car*. Do brosworsky will cross the continent and go to China He will join the Olljak at Port Arthur with the Russian Chinese squadron. Lise Stock < oMipany Falls. Kansas City. Nov. ll—Th* EJmore Cooper Live Stock Company has filed a petition in bankruptcy. The Labilities are placed at and are moetly (he re sult of the Olllett failure a year ago The assets are placed a: <200.000. Prominent Burra Killed. ''ape Town. Nov. 11.—Among the Boers who were killed In the recant fighting near Belfast, were Gen. Fourta and Command ant Brine ioo. i DEBRIS AND DEATH \\ 1(1.4 K %4.1 J (Nil IIUI>IF* *llll U MI4HF VI 1 %lt KOI I 11. THIRTY-TWO WERE DROWNED. DiNwir.ii of th; amxFH mi Ol' M4)NTI< F.LMb (Inly l our Out uf tli* Thlrfy-sts Who Mere n Hoard Were Vmrd-llrslli llolt Increased In ||ltes af Ne%- rrul Not kinmn t< lie on the 4 *•- sri— Twn Out of Three Women on Hoard I#ml Their Uses. Yarmouth, N S . Nv. 11. -The shore of this cotine \ for (*n mile** < iet and west I* strewn with Hu- wr* < kag<- of tb* hull an*) t'wrgo of tile steamer Pity of Monlloi lrt). w filch foutiik‘r*d Huiuivljv .m l twenty-five l**hu of vlctltn* uf the dis aster have been r* .\.r*'l from th*- snt which it* still raguiK with terrific fury. Many people li.tve •>-?* mhl***l at Rn*'k vllie, near where the first body ram** ashore, and numerous relative* of mein b* rs of th* crew who nearly all b. lung- 1 t piints on this coa?t, have arrived to identify the dead The hodle* were irrnnge*! in a room in t> public bail, and Coroner Fuller, who held an Inqtn-Ht. give an opinion r.f accidental drowning. All th** bodies are terribly laMtcns). The first tssly was found at daylight, w hen the zinc liL-Imm* w hli'h was *ut posed by the survivors of the ls**tt to have I teen ewani|ed. di.*** ov • retl on Ihe Shore. A fe* y.irda distance were the bodies of Mr Kldrtdg* . a pa*.enge*-. H**- on 1 Engineer jVxiie, Mr Frlpp, a erav •L r for Mct2e**'s rt*mw of Hi John. N H . n*l the Uxly of h s* All four had Ilf** belt* around them At short inter vals along (he htuch eleven more httdfe* were found, making fifteen discovered up to noon to-day. They had all evidently com*- ashore In the and were kill ed on striking the beach, not one escap ing The known death roll hits been swelled b thlrty-iwo by dlsxivery of three |* r 'ons who w.-r* nol known t** have U• n alxgirtf It is a coincidence that tin* ship fvter Stewart, was wr. k* I ..ff this sh.r* a few y*rw ago in the month of July nnd u l***o* load of men < tine in where the Montireiio's U*at was found. Half of Ihe men were <)• -id before the boai touch***! the land aid many believe th** same was true of ttxxH- in the Montlcellos hot The fury of the surf b appalling in this region %*ldllan lo Deafh Mat. The body of O N. Coleman, another commercial traveler, who was not pre viously known to have been on hoard the Montlicllo, has been washed ashor* and Identlfie*) He represented I# vl Rmthrs A Cos.. Jewelers. Hamilton Ont.. and car ried samples In trunks worth <***••• One trunk ba*# b* en found \Yre* Huge *f ill kinds th** sli*re. i**i**>, barrels, pb es of ship's loa(? and parts of the superstriictur*- of the st*om*r Noro V* *f mor** than thre* women hav ing Iveen on board the M*aitl<el.o can I**- obtained They w*r* placed In the flrd boat. 4>ne of (hem. Stewardess Smith. In one of the four survivors, and sh** Is too 111 to give n statement. Elsie M I* >nald w i drowned In th- surf and her body watt recovered. The thir*! wa# i color* *1 woman nam#l Lawr*nce and her Imly (van se**n In the breakers this afternoon. h*g could not iw reached. Horn** difficulty lias been encountered In firxlmg tlie total io**** of life as u tmm her of passenger * join* .I the • 110 a St John with.wit first regietaring wt the hooking office. They bought their ticket* on lMrd. A revised list f the rn mbers of th* crew pr.pare.l at the office of the Yar mouth Hufiiushlp Compiny here shows tliat the officers and crew number*-*) 2#. of whom three were ivd Th* total number of pe* pie who were or hoard Is now placed nt y. The four survivors are f’apt Smith a pa*semr.*r; Third Officer Fleming, cjuar termaster Wilson n l fftewrordess Smith The three men *nv*d agree that the rau-e of the disaster yvas briefly; The P'*tt*n*T was pourd**! for hours by s a and gale, sprang n leak m*l fllle*!. be com** unmanag* able, broke apart and found*rod The **. , p not r*m*-mb*-red to have bean so heavy on this censt for many years t DON CARLOS NKI'I DI \TKK fT. ll* Protests Ignlaat the Present Movement In spuln. Madrid. Nov* 11. —• The M.idr *1 paper# publish a letter from Don Cat be, ad dress* and to the (*arlist Gen M** re, in which the Pretender protests a itnnt h** present movement as 'Vnnimn o In structions. •* and characterise* th* ait or* of the rising a* "men without, con nrienc#-*." "I shall never abandon my right? " says Carlo*, "but a* th same tm* I do i o to ruin Hctiln I canror f tn*- danger to the Integrity *f h- r r*rrlt rr from prol*ng**l insurrection. b*-iue it would exciie the amultlon*' f th** Pow ers. whi< h ar** attenllvily f**l| w ng eve- ts in Hpiin. The p.ittlank movement j, veritable tr*. .n i *h* part of a f* w Impatient and uicl e dpllne I in* n." IdsM Kllll In n \\ rt-rk. Ihrls Nov. 12 Eight person** were killed and fifteen w*und**d In a collision between n suhurbnn train and an ex press yesterday morning at Chrdsy-Je- Tho suburban train was entering the station to allow the express to pass and the accident occurred ihen. the su burban train being telescoped Tho wreckage was complete and the Une was blocked for hours French Transport Went Down. Victoria. H. C.. Nov. 11 The Jsfkanese steamer Ysmagucht Mam collided with the French transport Carson* In the Iniartd ra of Japan, the*tort trying to crons her hows. The French vessel foundered All on boird the transport were saved except three ml D?wjoHer> who were drowned. Vlnrd Fight nt Ph!!lp||o!ls. Pretorl.i. Nov IE- The Brt’ish have r*- occupied rhlilppopdis srter four hou s' fighting Gen. Trench trill talcs command ot ths Johannesburg district. Italian Criminals Pardoned. Rome Nov. I).—'To-day being the birth day of King Victor Emmanuel. Ill# M J estv signed a deexse. pardoning m-n> etkmlasla MINE WORKERS WILL MEET. They Want to (rrnni** to llstr an \nnunl Scale t nnfermre With lltfhraelle tt*era(*irs Itxli imqs'lls. Nov 11 The meeting of ti*- national egtsutlve boanl >f th*# pnlted Mine V*rk rs *f America, which is to !*• held to-morrow, will !•• the last to be hel.l by th* lH*r*l before the nitkmai conven tion in January Matters of grave im portance will be r<tf4l* red an l the |*il *y ( Im* atlopt***) by the convention will he outlined Foremost among thee* matters is the condition In th*- anthracite field While th*- miners were vlctorlou- In the great strike which has Just been ►ettld. this was simply a preliminary skirmsh. and a great deal of work remain* to b* *ksv* It is announced. The primary cotut!d**ration Is t* g**t the • *fH*rotors in th)- anthiacite districts t* m***t tin* represent alive? *>f the I'n|t ! Mine Workers In annual scale cotiferwnc* At each of thes* coltferenees th* price *f inlniTig (lie |M*wder iu stion snl a niun her of other vexing problems, i lw#t have cotifronted the organisation for a nunil#*r of years will b* tlx**l and an agreement for a yur enteird Into The *ond question th ltiq**rtn*e to l#e taken up is the admission of West Virginia and l**wa t* tl)- *'m|#*tltive fid 1 Both stales have Ih n clamoring for *d mittance tr a year an*) some friction was apparent t th- last convention la-* inf low a was not admit*cl The memo* re of the executive council will hear report* fr*an the organisers *n the states named and If the condition# ar# regarded as favorable, it i*' highly ptoba l‘ that both will be taken into the fold None of the off! mis Is |r*paie| to say whether <>r not an •al\an • tn wagt'e will la" ask#i) Ki.M iHK PLANT Bl IINFD. Norfolk Street Hallway f ampany Is IIimII) t rl||lel. Norfik. Va . Nov. 11 The .'ttr sheds and electric p.arit f the Norfolk Railway an*) Ught Company In Huntersville, a suburb of Norfolk, were totally destroy ed b> fire early this morning. Fifty-two ar* an*l the electrical machinery were dewtroyed. Th** loss Is • iln>Mt*i at |lsi>.- .*•, covered by Insurance. The street *r ystem is badly crippled to-day A fuse from a car In the bam 1* supfused to h ive started the fire. Tit*- fir* in* n respmded to the alarm and saved the local distributing depot of the Standard Oil Company, w hl* h adjoins th*' sited*. FLI It TH It WOHKF'KV NTH IK SC. Those In Dallfis Will tlefuse to to •* Work To-day. Houston. Tax.. Nov 11.—A notice was given out at India* to-night saying that all electrical workers In Dallas will strike to-morrow night. The notice was signed by several leaders of the Electrical Work er** I'nkxi. It Is also said that all the linemen of ihe South western Telephone 4'ompany are going out on strike to-morrow in sym jMthy with the strike of * l graph <*era tors In the southern rltlw* of the state The strike Is now on nt Houston. Han An toni**, Unive*tn nnd \V.•***. and grows out of grievances of the otwrattve* at Han An tonio and Waco. WANTED si IT WITHDR t\VN. FurNgnl llnsliand T’rted to Kill Ills Wife at*l Who! Himself. Bucyrus. 0., Nov. ll —Mrs. Amos Dice fil* and suit for divorce In court here yes terday and at an early hour till- morning li#r hiisbind lieat down her bedroom loor an ax and deman*le*l that *h wlth ilrav. her suit. She r‘fu**) t*> do so. and h** opened fire on her with a revolver, one of th*- thr** shot* taking effe t tn her brcaF. Im e then aho: him *lf ari l also cut his throat with a rsz*r. but er* fought likn **ff until he dr pi*d dead from loi# of Morel Mrs. Die® Is now In u i rlllcsl condition. NRKLV6 niUBTHKR 19 DF-AD. Neely's IHmtilnll Made Him a Ravlsg Naslsr Muncle. In<l.. Nov. ll.—Cyru* O Neely, u yer of •*!• <* une*pe.-*e4iy In Ihe Ru*l Ill'll inn Hoxplml for the Innnnc nl Richmond ililx The cleeMmed In a brother of Chnrien K W Neely. nw In jail in N'.*v York, charud with pnelal fraud* In Cuba. A year ago hln mind b c.irru miiinlly nffe-ie.l. the trouble lieliie ntlrlbuted to hi* lon* nervlce In work, and hi* brother** downfall made him a ravin* tnanmr Nflll. C***HTTKO M il inr.. I'ulled I'l.iol on *1 reel and Mini Him.elf lo Henlh. rimrlotie. N C.. Nov. U.— J' D. Neal, a narlvo of liil*lnna, but who had been living al Rulherfordion, N. C , wn- walk .ii* throuxh the ri*ldenilal part of Iha' town. Ihl* nflernoof.. when he drew a pielol -Mi.l ahol hlmneif, fnllln* (lead on tb#* • I reel. Worry over biMinen* trouble* i* . il.| lo have been fhe mu*e of hi* (Ulrlde. HK.tYY KXSIMTh OK I IITTIII. Tlio.e of Offober More Tbnn fliwable Ttioae of llrlnlier. I'till. Waatilnmon, Nov II - The monthly *'a'*(nini of Ihe export' of <V>mewtlc product*, lee it# tl by the bureau of *iatl- Or. ehowe that durlna October rollon ex port* were p. IVi, 1"7 an tnrreaae of |.l_’ obi'fi over iar* year. Other Hem* of exjiort* decreased sev eral million*. Ilia Klre In \ew York. New York Nov IJ —Four alarm* were ent out al 2 o’clock lh4 moriHnic for a fire in Ihe building al M and &f> Waller street, ihe yrouml floor of whl>*h I* oc cupied by I> ami K 1.. Mayer. Importer* and dealer* In rollon bacalng The fire I* In the three upper stone,. The Are I* under control, lx—*. t75,M)i. Death of Thomits u. Hood. Philadelphia. Nov 11—Thoma* C. Hood, senior member of th* well-known whole sale dry meal* firm of Hood. Foulkrod A Cos., died here to-day. He mi TO year* of n*. Th* title of the firm for many y art up to 1100 waa Hood. Bonbrlght A 00. _ Porto Rlean nmclal Rralfm. Elln, 111., Nov. 11 John A. Russell of Elfin, who I* home on a vacation, haa Riven In hla realfnallon a* attorney centra! of Porto Rico on account of per sonal bueinoaa* DAIt.Y I' A Y FAR. % i I NT* A r-OPV WT FKI V TI.MKd-A WKKK.U A TEAR SUPPOSED SUICIDE UIMI Hint # IIHM'PI \K%N4K OF (•Kont.K v 111 111;. A WEALTHY ORANGE GROWER. TIMM t.HT TO H%\ I IMtOU NIX) HIM XI-I.F IN LAKF IIUUI I.L li*kc %%• 9nircl*'l hut No Mgrts ►€ (lie IIihI) Wrrr I omiml Note In lira %>•( I'tickr ( %Vns \*l •! r••*.pt to ura U If**—lt l.#*f( %ll ll.* l'ro)irrl) (ft llrr—Nu 4 Nnip Known fur llunie'a UtrriiMM 4*tton. 4>rkinlt> Fla . Nov. 1! • Icput\ Sheriff \Vhl#Vli*n ta* Ih • u * alle*l to l.ak*- lloar I •* tnv*stu*t*’ Ih*' m>-t* rt* j Mil t'h* •*( Gt*)irg* A Hum* * wealthy ur.uig* grov **r of that sl) incitt. Hum* I* ft his hot)>® *m Friday in ii*alt|i and spirits for hU ora g* grov** I*- l*t#*H f *r tin- harvesting *f hla frulr. Hr dkl not return to thr hous® at noon or at night A *arl irvtotrd bis hat an I vest ot Itic grour i nat the lake. Just wh#*u nrtghlwr k**|- 1.1 r*>wtM*at Thr b>t. will) th* other part oi th** l.ik* with tvtry in di aiion * f ls\ iitg drift**) there in th* v* m |*** k* i was fount) a i.ot% hastily written with a p-n -tl. to his w ie # telling h**r wit*r* w*uM find tontf Irgul paper - niul giving Information about worm bus in* *■ matter It lose*! by sa/ that all !*• had h* ift to Mr. l*l to to-iifi a *111U:* nt * arch of th# lake failed to find th* lasly. MINI I MINI M: MIKHMI. Numrr*iu #lil|i|tUtH lllasalrr# OS) tb# 4 sin t It* 4 oast. Tacoma, Wash . Nov. 11—Oriental s4- vlc# received by to-day's steamer sto w that four to six minion (‘hinesr north of |*'kln ore in *laiiK*-r f starving. ther • rn|w having !hh-h i total failure. On# million plruls of trihiit** rice were to oo >llt|Nitrhi < *i fr**D Shanghai nnd *lu#(rilrat*'*! among t #*® uingry h*r*l- fr*wn Tln Tsin an<l I ' kilt, but th* mlilt.try of* ficers nt HhnngiMii hav* g|v i order* that no lice stH*ui*l !**• f**-ru *ut of Onirtl Thin* TVr* Is gi'M4 #l.iiger that .in immensi* swarm of robbnn* will ne a*nt out of the f.un.n* district as usually hap pens Many shlpHng disaster* hafipnel Uat m#nth on the At9t*c. coast. The H* tmi*r Mateunaye caught fir* and sank tn 1 aa#hl t*a> H* r oisscngeia wr re cud. Th# steamship tlokuxh u Maru was wrecgel on the <M4 ** t t !#* G la,hi mi Isiando, !o?h v**s**• I and cargo b* omlng a i*un os*. Th** • (*amer isanagl Mint sank aftar striking a sunken ro#*k near ( uko ml sltte* ii of her imtseenger* were io*t. The Japan* e* thlrd-clas* coaat defense vessel Katsur.igi **f 1 6r(w tons went •• < • near tiahim* aixl l*efor* she ioull b* towed off W IN wr-ck-d by * *#-ver* gal®. A arulser whs sent to -lid bet and *c *'♦*•**!**j in taking **ff tier crew. New? ha* I* * n i* *•)> *1 at Yokohama thai eleven It* lari n**-sin tri**# we # miird*r#d by bandits in \|* g la Hat month. I*L % N OF ('OTTO* 9IMNNKH4. Hie> ltutre llatereil u t mllitnllow In Reduce Kxpenses. Charlotte. N. C., Nov. II —^The great majority of th** yarn mills of the South have entered ini** the plan of controlling the rab* of their products by specially a|>- f*olnt#hl agents Mills representing an ag gregwte of i: 7 pr* *lu* ing -pindl* , hav^ signified t li* ii Hgr* * Ricfit to the now fa mous concent rati n plan pro|ose*i by th# MHH'iai commit!*e arxl Indorsed by th# inaril of governors of the liouthern Cot ten Spinners* Association. The rdijeci of (tie plan la that the selling I of B*utherfi r*tt->n yarns be placed In th# hand* * fa limit* I number of Northern <imn)isi*:on merchant#- ten or eight —with it view to the reduction of selling coats ond th#' prevention f inoculation In the product tff Southern yarn mills by th# middle men or ■ mmlukin raerchanti. The far t that mill tn* n re -nre-*-nrtmg *o a funnier of spindle# have divert their assent, practically Insures *he siio • •* of ih® plans of the Southern Cotton j Spinners* Association. Kl# € %9K M 49 AO •TANDISiCL •laffaer's flslm for Illy the Million# s.ii.i t lie T*k late. San Francisco. Nov th# | claim of Jo oh J. Haffner of Wew York to a share of the Hyth# estate, Ihe a'tor* iH*ys here who were connected with th# lit Uat km In the celebrated case ray that Maffner lias no tandlng. even If hi# claim Is a valid one The final distribution *A i h** estate has been made and no one ca change it. The Biyth# case was In the Probate Court for fifte* n >* nrs b#fcr# a final set rl. m* nr ws reach and. and the millions were award**! t* I'lon i< *- Blythe, nowr Mrs A. A Moore. Jr. !mm**Uit>iy fo!- li'wlng th** or*ler of dlltiitniiior), whl *h was c< nftrmwl by th** Superior Court, tha legatee divided her Inheritance with her attorney# Over $2 <>"'o v. m livMkd be tween th*- law verb 9SN.4TOM DAN IV (ONIHTION. Appeared Rtrongrr %ftrr a (ioif Nlalit's Meat. fit. Paul, Minn Nov. 11.—Dr. A. J. Stone, Senator Davis' melic.l attendant* to-night Iraued the follow!* g hulMln: "Alter a good night. Senator Davis aaemed strong* r this nor nit g He la rather more restless this evening, but temp* ratur* i>uK art twth ok). Temperature. B 2 6 pulse. ’O'." HH \ % N WILL <•< TO FLORIDA. W 111 % l#li III® 4'oustit, 4i(n ernor Elect Jetitiina®. Jacksonville, Fl#.. Nov. 11 -Democrat!# Gov.-elect Wildam S. Jennings has Infor mation from hi# cousin, William J. Bryan, that he will visit him at his home in Brooksvli;#, Fla . and he present at the in auguration at Tallahassee oo th# flret Tuesday In January. Band of Cwrllata Caught. Barcelona. Nov. U.—Th# government troop# hav# captured a band of fifty Carl lists near Villa Franca del Paoades, & mi Im west of Barcelona. They sela#d a quantity of arms and ammunition.