The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 12, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 GORMAN ON THE OUTCOME. TIO\ SHOW* TM % Y in %Ri; I’IHIHOI <T. **LI Urlt l .nnuii li % lour” m \ rrj |'iwr fill %rwu•#*•• With " Lamer*— I "r# ml and * rruplln Iry I niMUII^I—W Itoi • • llelng *••,.) mi U4liiM|ilun W III* Neapect l lli** I uinrf of ilm* l*orip >nd °I llir Defeated andtilnlr. htncroi N 1 v 11 - It l# t oo early to t*.k cr • v. f th;nk about rwi mixing tft* I*em*> r ii ty.“ remark**! former 'i' Mom land l and v Whil dIM u*>>U u ■! < ■ !#(#*: cf M Hrvoi •*1 i..• •/* war **m;ng and <!,e ki k ■ **** mid# 1 M <Jorn.r> rhut we rouit have time to rc nwr breatft before making any pre iii'ilone of calculating an to the future v of tne Democratic i ar\ It * r r the time to indulge in ctiminath ► or recrfmination*. but we mum accept in i - uit the * aim an i d#l berate J dg tr>nt of tne voieiw of t.i# ountry aft deep on*Wl< ration of ctietr own jndlv: t uj! In!er#t# We must he verdi‘l a> m evfctcn e that the biurtm** in < re(. of the counirt at wd.Mr . tin* eha rife* of *1 ,ng a. ’thine ani h mis i' Interfere with the |ne. -jt pro(ervsije con dition existing turoug-iout the land A* 1 look at it ttje r*§ *it w . - br< ;g >! about • i owners of great romm< .a: enietnrl*e. and the eiT *>.er* of urg# forreji of work log people, but by the vo*es of a majoritv ot the o.terati'■ ■ of the great ettablixn fi:eni and * • is geccrai :> who<t with the pioir prarlk al bus iness |>e*>f i# in d# Ming t .4 woul l he univis**'urb th* prosperity nf th present by experimenting with it new *.]- ninistra' t mi., i was pledg'd o rever-* •r.ti *•{ i . h it. of th pra taa. bu*- ines* ndiantag*** now #nj>yel the great mas* ,f the rlgh minded an*l mlufrloi p oj i who. un d#r *xitinc . t.-ll?ion■* woti.d not all w themaeives t. j.e wholly In flue re ed ~y I arts tie* Mr iiryan m-d* a remark*ibie <?*m paigti .lid attr.u teil Fug# ,i.l e .thu- - a*tic audiences by hie briilia oia oiv e ->i it t,\f- m inner o apiiealtnu to those who trathered around him It l evident, that a gr* ■ many men i * glee ted to Vote is they shouted, as the Mg M K'.nl*) vote roiled up fr*m pia ■* when th< greatest Bryan d* m m-trati* ns "* re held Now tha th* smoke f battle baa cleared away It si I be li order fr the critics *•> rush forw rd .ud endeavor to | o4nt out the mistakes mai< i> <* rati >n- t'rlti* im at t 1 late day is futil* and at th* am** tlm* it must not i* fohgotnn that out *u*- |Kn# r.s also ir* ♦ h* soma serious blund** a during the in*a- - tart n* ** .ry to men* Hon novi A** 1 have beor© remarked we were tieaten badly by a *ombinitUi of clr:umaian< ■ and condlikor. whi n evidently api*.ii*<l to \< ter - more a to g ly than any of the argument* p s inte i on the stump “The defeat is too overwhelming a- <1 far-rea ting to just fy the cry *>f frau i and corruption and h.tppUy th contest •Sided without any s*i lous dbtoroan e> nr t •tor' to f.*rre which mnv ir> feared might reault f*om th# high stale of cat Itemeni stxl cnthUA!a*m p vail ng at certain periods of the < AmpjU’ti “What Mi lit van’s future Intention* in i> ta- I have no means of kn *wing w and as his stale has gone Kepublh*n and his proapecla of coming to ihe Benaie are somewhat*h*d, he may conclude to retire from ihe center of the p* stage for I lie present and rest content with two gnliant. l*ut unau* > esaful efTort* * rvgrue the presidency from the grasp of the Republican parly. '1 r. Ilnns'o l.usi ( banre. Many influent lil members of ihe I>em ocratlc party in \\ ashlngtoti <-oncur in the opinion that tho result of Tuesday** *le< - tloti must ne.’ussarlly deprive Mr Bryan of any further presidential claim* from the lemo rati* party lie ha* had two successive opportunities to win he covet ed pria and the party has given him hearty aup|*ort There were, however, '■vmdltlonw whi- h s# em#ni t# jiff.-it a cer tain cla-s >f voter* commonly termed ihe •dent vote, which was bc>ofi the control of party uiganlxatlon or party tie* Heif. Interest and ad nr to let wed enough • lona ,*eem** lo have acmafed a sufti- lent number of v>ters to turn tha balance of l**w r in favor of M 'Kinley ms against Mr Bryan The p of the two car.*ll l*t** were not alone considered b> the voters, for had such been the case result might have been different, for it la cotteedAd Mr. liryan |**e*e**e* a •tronger. end. im rhaps. tn*>re captivating personality than hi* sue- • xsfid rival. Af ter iwo trials it l& appirent that the pol- Icltw and ihe prim iples w hlct\ lire behind McKinley are more potent with tiw votera of this country than those which Mr. Bry an represented. klurtea of ll* t'lgtil. Now that the cwiiMMilgn is ov* r and the country Is assur*d of four more years of Bi’ anecdotes of the recent po lit leal struggle will be order. The re sult of the balloting shows that i#ol>tlcal ■lirornost! at.on* are of but ittle value In h m .Jority of Ini'* and a* general rule the opini ns #'f the motive party man agers are of #*v actual Value than ihe vh-ws of entirely d.slnterested parties. It Is not always safe in i>oliticai gatnerlngs to base your'.ations for victory on tne slae of your crowd or ihe enthusiasm displayed by the spectators A Democratic s*t ttor who did some *i - tlve camirntgritiuf in New York. yenns>’- \anla Delaware. Maryland. West Virgins, and abo in tv- Middle West, tass*d through Washlngtt ii a few tl.ty* lefor# diction on hi* wav home to vole. To arm fronds he remarked that he lw*l reached the conclusion uDer c*nsiderabh experience, that ‘’sfiellbinding * Is not al ways an effective and satisfactory noth**! of campaigning Bn:d he, “at many of th** m-etings w ier<* I spoke. I w* (Intend by the largest and perhaps the most m te ligcir locking set of |**ople I ever at pared before. Tltvre is Just enough vani ty in my nature to have induced me to be lieve that 1 was making a great permmal hit with my audienc*. and at tho same time securing a lot of converts to the cause of Bryanlsm. A.most every sentence I uttered was punctuu I with the most enthusiastic applause and other demonsirations of approval Nat urally l left the feeling tbit my missionary w- rk had no; been in vain When the meeting adjourned. I stroll*! back to my hotel and purposely mingl. I with the crowd with a view of gleaning some )d*M of the real sentiments of mv audience without disclosing my Identity- My pride was rudely Jarred ly bcaiin* auch expressions us the we: •• T wonder if that H nator chsp expect* us to swallow all of that ? y-* raping guff he *.}• giving us to-nighi • I wonder if that H nator ever did a hard day's work in hi* life or knows what U better for the working men than th**v do themselves? Such rot as he talked makes me tired If that fellow had told u# where we coukl k- ? another Job If w*‘ vote the Bri ar. ticket. It would have leen touched . arer home than hi* flowery talk about iN.rvn. •m- issue*, impvriaiism .iixi Ihe r>ghta of the governed to govern.' • At first 1 was inclined/' continued the Senator. *‘|p feel Indignant at these rude >mcn* • s u|“>n wtyal I con sidereal one ot the greatest efforts of my life, but 1 finally concluded to hold my peace and mingle further in the crvwd. The more I listened the hafd*r they me. an I some *f their criticisms were so severe t tat they became amusing rather than ir ritating. Howavcr, 1 managed to fill out all my engagements with the National Ommittss and at Hi#* sam* tim** Mrtraei some amusement an I <#• - vslerable exp**nem e during mv visit - * lions to the several Mats* JudK f K frisu om* of t ie <onrn*n*fr 1 ht anl I nm vinced tliHt in cerxfiln se v -||oii* of h -country * generous campaign fund Judl ousljr <li.trlbute 1 nmona the iub:tfut l* ment on electlm 4iv !** •. >* u m< \ot* than floral oratory gauv ./ *orat*-f b t.U. lainner* arid bra- t it Owe f ll*- Surprlaes. On* of the riurprisee of r .impugn in Mary and p -h,* election of Kepu an - *># gre-imnn from in#* First or K* rn DDirl * For sever#; f'n#r i ion* the !>#mo ran have lontrolted this dk-- trfor so ovnplersiy that until re entiy me Re*juoi #n simply put .i candidate In he fei<i .** . iimii#-i of f#rm lo pr***f rve 'ne p<irt> orgardsiti#>n in 'hat iart of fhi * 11 I 't* bom* cf the diamor | ha k terrnpsn, the ohc;:?et ovster-, th* h fruit and t • famous Miry .and peK h i-irtnuy. r J '• K'hubir an who bus been fortunate • • t.i. by r-vr-* rh< pol.’ti . traditloua • f th#* :.itern .hore Distri t I* William Henry Jn kne a wealthy dcaier in > ellow k lunher ni m re *ent . onvert to the lirpubil * pari*. He is h member of Is r* family of Jackson hoys who arc all rlc *i n the r*, t of judictou* exp#*nli • vr# - *v th#*.. father before them in yH- U>w ptne forest- m North I'urollnt an I v,r • ”f tile br*aber. n few v.-ar* *r*. w i el**, and Governor of Mar via I n t fie I >enw< rn'b #j He *' w.i-i afirrwnrd h eholce rf th* Derm* ratjc tnsneg# rs for % I'ni ed Si it i scna.orsh*.,. •, mc **ed the ,ie J . ve '' 1 ‘ 4 * * de .11#. k (m . iried in the I.* *• isU?ore ami i'.inu J . kson wa- thr own o\i f t4rd and a 'ompromise agree.i ' l h the Irtfr. f'harUs li (Jiij-. n winner of the prlxe fnill within # few year* ago the Ja* k?on* were ihe rru-t flaentlai Ivemo< rat* on the Kitten Shore l'o .r 'cars .go the you* c rot.-fr, ti W.lbur Fla kvon. #n rl rr ed i .-hangs o' |olitl ai a h ar 1 1* • <um- a candidate r r the ip’ on tie U-puoliran ticket. ll* we de'eital. Two >-ars lalrr he was & iai,dbia>e o Hongres-* on rbe *ime ticket. Again to suffered clt.feat. His other brother. Wil liam 11 . became Involved In .< -.ntrov r. y with th* Devmeratl an-ldi'e Welter Smith. n.w iJovcin rof th** tae. ■*nd ## finer p* r-onal Hgtit ei rued • wen <iov Smith and Wi I im J i kson The latter having renounced the D rro ' rntlr part) -• ure*l Ihe It#*, ibh an nom .natioti fC'i i’pngne** t-iis ta! I!.* |r,- ■ xperlence in practical I- Mtl - wtn re gar.lrd by many #.f hi* friends * hr* a nd hear y fr him to mJ ##■•'fu ly arry In it*- ermtest ju-t ended How e'er, tiring a ;ra< l al busin# man. ex eeeoingiiy isypulgr throughout the dls(r. t. h good mixer an>ng all las-en of peo ple a pillar In tne Methods* 1 hui.ti. siml, In a'kilt 100, po>*e-sstd **f a I ng nnd well-hi Ted purs* h plunged int • tho fight and came out a winner One of .its sources f r is a continuing contra, t with ih** Standard Oil ComtNiiiy for lh# mwnufa lure of ye low pinn for oil rafts In hi ; Irhnhrr mill" and Tox factory, he em ploy** several hendrri opeintives iJur- Ur the eon .eat ihe . g*- of > oerelon wa* brought against Mr Ja. k*#n t*y hi* !>em cs'rgtlr o|tponenl. A f* w days before th • e.'tlon Mr Jackson *al *1 hU employes an ! In his characteristic manner t ldr#*s**l them in subwfarue i*s follow (k here, hov* I hear n good ileal of talk ah#wit coerrl*n. and mv er.rmiea ar# telling It ill iro uni the d.stru ; tliwt ! have urderftl you all to v. t# fo’ me. aid if you lion t you will ill he tired Now I waiii to tell you frankly I propo*#* to run this mil. after ih election as it h* been run ever since I owrnd it I proi*oae to • nipk> the m t men I in g* t t* attend to my business l don't are what their politics ate if they dgfi t suit ne i will (lishurp- them, and If they pirate m# I •\lii gi\* th-n employmenl 4# long as I un able, at and advance them * .nllng •a their (merit* Now I wnt you * g > * the polls and vote .> you 'hex *#*. of course you know J am < candidate f.r (Ningrt-s . and I woo and like t* win If I < an. but I don't want any man h# re to f#***! that he hu* got t sot# against his , <*>nvlqtions for fear of losing his job. I That s all I've got to say." The result wa- that every man In the i mill voted far Mr Jackson An cviileatc# j of his M*r*oial pipularitv i shown by the fn i that Mr Bryan carried that pr# • in* i by two hundred majority, while Mr. J k sn rati way alo ad of th* lterubll* an Hcket. in the *am precinct, carrying it % v four hundred majorit\ Hl* p rxon il adornments arc not such as to attract universal admiral lon, but he i* known along the Fas • rn Shore as “honest, in lustrlou#* end practical Bill Jackson.” and he take* good-nature*! pride In being able to reach Congress shead of hi* brother** Klthu mcl Wilbur, notwithstanding hi* 1 very recent entiy into a tlve |*olltica. im;vkm ii % \ *a nrt itn. M lint Ki-tinv. It >• #f hehrnska toys He* pee 11 it a It. From thu New York World. Hrnaha. NH>.. Nov. B—James K Boyd, a Democratic ex-Governor of Nebraska was asked to-day about flu* cause of Brian s debar a* and the future of the Demo ratic party He said. The riuiin issue in the campaign was free *!lvcr Much as Mr Bryan tried to avoid keeping It In the foreground, he lost thousands of votes on that Issue alone, and that w;*s wha* defeated him. Four yeara ago he told tin peopv tlMit If the grid standard ol .uln<-d it m*atu frightful disaster. The reverse proved true and. indeed, nearly even prophecy l# proved false “For the Democratic party the duty of the hour demands that H return to Its time-honored principles of honefty ai.d *conomy in public expenditures, a ratff for revenue, sound money, the control of ( mists In a just and conservative manner, slop the absurd cry of imperial am and militarism and. without imrttcuiartslng.** true J* ffersontan principlet~no accorxiing to Mr Bryan's false definition of hem. hut a* defined by Mr Tilden and other true Democrats. 'Having proclaimed there principles a* th** unalterable policy f tht rorty. the Democrats should nominate for Frewident ; statesman a men who will not appeal t* the |*asslone aid prejudlcet of th** shiftless mwl discontented—; man of dig nity and u'taluments and known well roiugh not to be necessary for him to travel all over the country to make speech for himself “ Vo Trace of Ihe 1 .•* Man. Columb.t, H r. Nov 11.-The negro rivlsher who creapej mjsterlous'v from the sheriff of Williamsburg while l*emg brought to this city, has utterly vanished, and the sneriff maintains slirnce. l oncr**int ti t limrleatn. (*olumbui B C., Nov. 11.—The Houth ern Railway hi- deckled fo transport free •>f cost all exhibits to tne cxpnd’lon to open in Charleston next winter. QK K<. IA School of Technology, ATLANTA, GA. Mtchanioal, Elictrloil, Civil and TkxtlU Enfirnirinj. Re#on#l Term l'#*gin* December Slst. ;iK(*nHKMKNT3 FOB KNTItAN* K Hi H API'HENTIt C Algebra to Invo lution. one book in Geometry* one-half of Kngas Grammar APPRENTR F !.AHS 1 S History. Elements of A gebra complete, I book* in Tlaln Ow# retry Remter’v Inorgant#' Chemistry through chapter ? English Grammar and l H History Applicanf* mv enter at any time and must b* at least sixteen year- of ag. V* urtg men will l>* received without ex amination In subjects on which they can furnish certificate* from other college* F*r parti# tdars catalogue etc., address LYMAN HALL. !'r*, Atlanta. Oa THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY. NOVEMBER 12, lUOO. will teach deaf mutes. um III*. PAR THE AT ORt.AMXKD I IMIKP! MUM *1 VIMI M HtMII. I*l% e t ilorel lirnf llules lin ntl' il To gether for It • lim lon IntlrurliiiM. 1 oiinii I ml) tin* V (ilunirer#'(l Im I curb the ln**. Ilrtng I horoug li I > Fnmlllfir Willi the *lgt> Language. *e%ernl Ollier Utiles Are K (•%% m M im Will l*ril.all% .Inin the ( Isa* liulrpenilcnl I’rralu trrlnn *und*% kelmnl Is I nlqge in llnalng %uUi n 4 lass iinil %!• n i less of ( lilnesr. A cli" of <|ef muter; w..- o'ggnlt and yesterday afternoon In the Hmdiy *;h *>! of th# In iependent l*resbyt<etbin Chute The ( lass io-gir.N its cxlsten.-e w.t v memi>er- but there j,r# eevera* m>ri d#- males tui* are known of ill tne city, ni It is believed that no dtffi nlty wilt #* found m %r during th# m to join the claws The cis#-* i- comprised entirely oft# 4 - groes sli fd Ifitny pnj*. Had It not he. t tha* ii* users #!••#%* mute* m the fl: • greatly predominate, an effort would have be#’ll mad# to organise the cTa<* wi'h i meinberahlp of whites. A young lady who l* thoroughly mistress of th- linger lan guage In wht<*h the deaf mute* oonvera hx* a amsd •!•’ of the # lass ani wa large!- iii -( ifrvu t and in I .r* itr.xutioi. - ario si.> seconding all the effort# tna e ly th* superintendent did by th# pasi <r Rev Dr. James Y. Fair. A.I fiv- * t tin* member* of ihe cla** ii*- played an engerness ind an Interast at the first meeting Those ,n charge of lb** * herd and ihe wre greatly • n-our rtg t mi I they believe tn* lu w t* uur* of the 000 l will 1“ proiluctivc of mu* n good. D la thought probabit that it ail! t*#> the rallying |olni on P in lay after noons for a I olor#*d deaf ni'*w of *itfi* r x who feel u # - re for in*irudion of a rdtgious characlcr. The Sunday S* !tool 1* unique in having i .>* of nil *- that w*a* establish#*! inn#* or f#u. year* ago it will be still more |*t. u.tar with 1‘- cl;-* of d* if m il*'* there being no other school In the city with either *( ti* departments. Great inter* *i in th# bran* of work u* shown. ,n*l with Ihe Chinamen ; great *l#-a ha* already .r# n a inpllshed Dr Fair was Inter# vted in ooservlng the progress of tK* l.\> in L.I ganixa t.ou All * .lowed thrms# !* #w thoroughly cap of underc;hng and th#ir •; n Isegurig* is |erfn*t|y intelligible to thur ,nstns ;ress. ns is hers to th#*m Tne fuptls inve al: attend#**! t r i# etaf* institution tf Cave springs for h** deaf ond dumb. anl their tmmiiig there i\ • of the s,*pro'.e| sor* They npU#> only One nsrvl in naiktm' *h#‘mselve uiHf#*mt#o| They are <■'.*: t* t# id fiuentiy. uslt.g t.ietr * .giis when des.r i.t: t> read aioud.’’ The c.aea of mm# - r‘ It#**! th** Dord’ • Prayer In their sign language, using their finger* m in.ivon. and fr*m rhlf cxvlhl t*on Dr Fair went to the Chinese where he h-aid the Ir*l 9 Prayer recked in that tongue. IHvA I M OF li. 11. MUHIAI V. lie Wns *% W r 11-K (#*%% n Viigtislmi. Ollier ViiKiiMtn \r%%a. Augusta. Nov 11 li. B .M*>renus, man ager for th#* Cable I'iano Cos. **tl .'# n y nvday nt hi* home, I#l7 Greene sireei, of heart disease. Mr wn* native of New Y**rk. >0 year* old, and leaves .# wife nud c||||drer The funeral w 1 i la* hi k! Tueiwlay after Ihe arrival of bis two sons from New Yurk Mr John v B#* >r for nearly half a * enturv tax #a||eof !tirhm*<tid coun ty Is critically II! at his home Mr Fvm.* 11 egg • who w - paral>x*l yratarday is sill, due, hut hu* never re aalr('#)nscfourn< -s. and hi- death Is an ticipated at any hour. HIM.IT) 111 Fit \ t Alt II film:. One Vrnro Raardered Another—*Kenl- Inx Wn* Found Bend. Macon. Oa.. Nov. li. Coats was kllicd by Flewellen Smith, loth negroes over .% game f cards. Th#* knife was left in in* .r>osf (*f ('oats. He vv i cut in the stein ? h. back and breast, and died )i a few minutes after the cutting r*mith e '-w*! n> the swamps. J J K. stlnt m-l ihir.,--. lie'll, unmnr ri. I wn, f. in * ■l. a.l In l~vl iti| mi>rnln nt h- rfi-l.irn •• of hl brother. Drnr,. Kf-dtlnu Mr K-itlnir win in Savannah, an.l h* many fi!-n<U s.irrr WHKIIK l \ M I 111 It hrtiHßßf Mi.n-rlnu. I)..a|i|irarurr in tarn linn.. Columbia. S. C . Nov. 11 -No tiarr b-rn 10in,.1 of Mi Arthur M 'lhrr, young man nt o illnapprarr l ivtii|n <frlv ln homo fiaan Briton. Nrnhtrry roumy. i ir night of Octobtr Hr ha.l rol.l ,a>l -11111 ***•• *lay. an,l ha.l M-veral hundtnl .1,1. Ur. rn hlr |,.r-on It ruin-.I .luring m. nlKht hi .1 nil trn. k, w*r oblltrratr<l Th<- hori*,, with tin- biia.v In whk-h Mr, M, r nrr wa* riding made It. way to his home. THE KiaUKHMAVft Kit IK Mia. Illrd* of thr Ufa U hlrh l*rry I pnn thr ahnala Thr, Ortray. Krom th,- London S.irctunr ul * U thr hsharman*. trlrnd. hr thr hast of hurt " Is an aphorism of tho Corniah lUhrrfolk Now a "hu. r’* tr p.t.u.l M.iilonrd on somr romintnl nt rm manor, ovcrlookinif thr tlshlna a rutin I to rats* thr hur and cry t thr upt r aoh of shoals ol pllrnaid*. lli- Is .rlrctr-I bs cau-r of his kaenneso of -tahi and, ,-isiot, of character, .hr w,| Judgment an-t kr.owl **lßr ol •*' •'v of tl.h, • A aull th- r for-. Is l-tac—l h> thr fiahr rman, l-o h to ts la-lorn ar. I utility on a l %. | |t„. nn! trusty mrmb. r of ht own rraft N.m only KUlla but sa:ii--ls. snay-. ( r cormo(anta.) ond oth .-a birds f.'dl ,w sbo tla ui htiilnao in.l pilchard*, in Ia - *v. warn Ink -f thrlr prr* nc No apr.-ta. I, Is more im isant to thr I V,. ~f a t orotah oanertnan than mil f , ,i„ti< iwt.-h of water over which the ciit Sati nets are dlvlntt from thr hrlaht of a huiulrr-t with the velocity of a th n dt-rbolt. Hr know- that that ■’color' t,r token* mllllors of ptlcharda, th- , ipture o( which will huoirr bread and butte for all ihr sta eedltur winter Wluu u iarirr slioil has Ix-rn lncto*r<l It Is ihe custom to anchor the srinr on,l to take out of It every day as mauy pilchard, a. can t,> ronvrnl-rttly salted Th- hr dr, lik* a human txlnfs. take on* of thr nrt dalle aa many ar they rrqulr- and w .ro It ha* hern rtnptird by Ihe rrp>at",l drain are th- first to become ~wat, of th, fa t and dr|*art. "No ln# no tins; no feather* .time, no t,.iles I*r>r7th." I :h --naixlm of the tlsh'rman li ls.|lr.<aant t- know th<t th- itu.l I , • much lialehtej lo Ihr llah- rnt n us th- naharinan 1. to the a.,11 Whrr, v r llsh are cut up for t> alt there Is alw y s a supply of heaila. tall, hone-, and entrails, and thcer the ictiils Immediately loutce ti|>on and flyht over and, with an rye to these r-llca. they patiently foll-w llih ni boats for tnllea A flsbrrmun who leaves his |,o*i with fl*h rn laird unpr-t ■■ t I and on.-overed Is n* tht -upt a>l n*r -nary lo find that the aul have ixnn- to thr lOih luslon that It w. lnt t<hd f r them, ticca .tonally th- practice of laklux what they want wlth-ti a kin* hods to unpleasant results. Th* 01.,,r day th* Larwl’s End fishermen ~>rd a hi* twit . • (*,. # ... %#, <1 i*** n i >*i| i > airy pll# ,a>i i# from th#* *ct*ie I> (hi ricir ID# bards were ur..uint un 1 tr • 'Afi re rniuy wr •"t b* hlral in ’•#* *>n t** of h* Th***#’ Hu #* I ran. !•*! tor .uivi #1 over. ‘Hi. tti.i tbeir me*. • i# * n*!#* ; p** *c ( . y i**{• .fi# At thong t h* n^n ermefi but w 4 thi .##* >r.;-hrr. , -i on na hlng ib x #**ie of lh# Iwnq i* t *i n.: 'ait a /• ore ** t* .* -t- ti* •*'# !>ot tom of th# IxMi Hm-i'-i, th i wing* n h#*;*i#Mi *li*tr* - Tf * h(l •i# n •o gui' ti that they could not fi The moral# of gui-* arc often aa uum'l#- fa *:or> .*■* thefr rr i r.* r> aid th# > to’ M>il without lam# loth fr**m friend.h and nrt* ?.*- A thr'fiy doi. for ii > iruf, whi h 4# * **o ** of rivuv *• .♦*• a## a AKOVl#*m f#-*i lr fu’-UTe. >oo-i ■ 1.. i ist it le *■ -i#*r • m #.i ! v, o** t n to k# * p tn#in Gu!i.<#* ••M-fn-hk)' # I i tor the rL-fn- f pr< p rtv #u i !, -i. foi• ly thi. hi al* ogeth# r git : concoct (i |. in by w-hl *h th#* •’ n< • ma.r ■'conveyed’* from * *• 'eg to th*rn# Iv*# A Tz* n thieve* |>l* ;*•• •D # •nt r k.-* ! * . | * f thHlr number ##ix*' • lf>n# In th- f •f day Mil l In d* : of t e .wn*’ f Natural • r# ; .*•>•, .*• n*l fwieuee til.* r* # ling gul with fierce brk to th. v#ry ##U* of ih* lff and th#i re •urn * In thlumph with tb** hone in 1i- rr -th Al-i# f< h H f* * Sinks' He find* when h# #*’• t * b ,i 41i u,# other i-# tie* have <i#prt#l in oti.i an> wi*h th# # • | *in-r gun# A fi#h rm in hr* w th# t k' *n of n f? m wharf at S#*ru.rn ' •> * n * I nr av • and a j*x>r did lon ;rrwn dut* ly 4 ft off fi latching the ‘ and jil e* ix# •># m#*gre but mvor ■ in*r#‘ I I w.ia herf. and eue had a right to |#i k h r 'on* 4 *n ;>• • But xr* * % 11 wo* rh| •v#*.h !f tn the rid lady #■ *k* r. poun upon hrr prlxe. thiaklng ot.berw.* tl r iHHifiiel down behi! 1 h* r ?#*> *# to mike her rl--h creep and then, while her mil flan # **•# met! to >-#> l’U •#*• ,Mi Gull don't tke my Hill# * • . Ihr *nam !#?#• thief gave n yell of bTlxloti and # t' #1 it ofT Ja kdaw# low potato, did Iv*v- Ing no great rgvereii#'*- for h* 1 gii b i Vmm i* #in’ i t t*.k i cm w . n t' ) n#v. the op|Krrunity. Gull# seeing Ihe mo# k robb# ? with the atol# n prej rty In beak#, wax vr> Indignant, u#* languaK' for pubM # Bon, t* prlve th*m of th#ir ,!!-gf#:w-- gein?* • rnl then fight amotig ’ ri-* , l\*x f • *r the largest poig'c*##. tjannet*. !ik"* gull#, oc* - iMonaby tail victim" to tnelr aniNtitr? Winter a s#<or of ti#* c* n•• "ii f bird* shod or exni •<1 - near tha *r.or* of WhUmi-. I H# . i*vtwen ' p Cornwall and the D *i#l l-nd. and heg.i - I. u-u.ll, to dive alter ncni o*r gup to a gt’t height, than w . • */.ug h‘ •* 1 #lowr w *d ** > that the w • might -trlkt* th#* utoicr fide *f their v ingr find give the ~ , 1 and velocity, l ‘ir’ally cloeing th. wing# b*frtr* the ir*m*-‘#iou# plunge.Ttiero wa# a heavv t:roun * #• a breaking on th# *bor#, which the g.u.n* ta. ti their eager* n# >- ti f# l ii th* in#l-a!le, failed t ik# .?;! ■> ;* -unt. I* .‘u!iur the fixhe#right In * o ih#* mi rf, they I *r#l> dived, and m they ro.*#* • the gttrfi #* with th*lr prey It* their rr.outh. w#*re itrm n #u l almoni 'uti r ckl by i Mg wave Befor*- they -ould r#*- , -v*r th*;r h; at'h a further ond yet an other wav# ihundet l ipf.n th#*m. and a# fb#v were HtruM.i* I (ta* it tie tn-uvy of the young ildhermn w # were attract ed to th* #f>*i by th* novel *p 'vtw-'le Gull- have rhorier wing# than g.inn te. but th# are not I# h adept in the uee of them. Both th# l tullful bla k-wtnst# I #l#<'-i## and *he common gull# are ex'cl ient fiMrv. a# #ver> one mu*i corf* who hi# witn#s>#4-1 thei* em* nt# In #i till* of w in#l W ith their a ing# bending l* r fo the violence of the gale, hut without the eight# - .i tunl b‘*l thev **-i! a ftlV to w indw ard, tfien w# #p around in h grand Mtrve Hni up Mgain. • n apparently lire* h rlclen*-. in ti##' t#etb of the bl*#t until ne l# romp* 1‘ 1 to b* Uve ih it ih. *tom# I# m,*lv their nNgvthl k iiiu' in - omporivon xx 11ti gannet# *n l g J- ar** |ceff 'tlve an i '!ume>* on the wing 'I . r fiignt .# abort and u#ua ly iK#t far aoov# tue xurfM'. of th* water, iitd th. way in which they r t i out tiielr long fie*k# Itt front give* them an ut # ainiy a !u *'.i\in*'. When In • it* -* -v tit# v have -me dltfirultv in r tting # ut • in. and only the #urfAce for aeveral yards*. io th# tun#* • f i* sounding Mtia k** with their w nc . ir * hey able to rise into t:e * ir. I’o <- #om# tlmei t ike lvni u<* of ihl.i in tial dim# 'lity io form nt tlie b| *l. ly pin ing It with .1- tior leg >n a I v#l piece of ground. nd int*- r pnHlmr their own chlevou# bodies :..*tw *en it and th * * i. Hh.ig - hcw #'ver if tinrr.oles*e*i • ike earn iuu to uhj***t i m • v# - to th!e indig nity a'.way- alighting' cm abrupt rock whl**h they . an eunily an.| gra • fu.lj Jump off again Shag** dive after the fi hes which form their food, but only from the aurface of th# water. When they dive, iKiwi-ver, they remain below h minute or more, .timing to the top only o get fr >*h air nr for onvenlen • -f #w* lowing Fl h## ure not oonetructed entirely with is i*w to He omfon *f h duig . a 1 therefore, the birila have con.!l#r.ible trouble in Inducing auch rreiitur** a- role# un*l #elr t#* ini'- #lown their thinai*. Th*' xolee retain tin ir Main* s a long n they ire ltd* bill .! I t KUCCUOIb to vlg TuUk •halting and Mting. ani are url-d up nd wallow ##l; lh# eel* #inu.i* tile ne* k# of their iptort with mu h mor fervor than nff#- tlon. ail! the * url taken ou. of th*m and are per#u led to pa# ui Id#. A# j age wal ,*>w thrlr vbtual* whole, and have no foot rub- to tmaxur** the ti#he they ►# xe. MUTHtUn# happens tbit tlie mea' e too large to be Mowed away, and a long and gi. u#ji# , Mttra# of twl#lng xtr *tch ing. and (tapping ha- to lie re-ort#*d t<# before comfort i* attained. lltch arnntorM. From the Ntw York World. Of lb# iw#niy*foui vrv rich m#n In ib l ulled Htat## S# . 1 1•• then arc only five who: # term# # lr# n#xt M r- - h W trn i• Af I# hind; Hew all. f New Jersey; Klklnr. of W# t Virginia. M M.l lan. of M f ug .n, an i Wulcult, of i oOraoo. All of th# #x pt Wul- o t expert to r’- furn, >#t of th# fi># Wolcott I# the onlv #n* who measure# up fully to a reaiafiolb* trie il of what a United Stale# Senator #houM be. • There r.. five rich men in tlu* Siai# fi m the Nt wL; gland at*# Hale Pro - tor, I#'lg\ w etntore am) Aldrich. Th* • I?.* men of #u h p r#<>n! qUdllfiraMlooa iii i o on#* ever think* of them m* rt* ildi men- Hal#. Proctor and New York ha# tw * rich men to represent i* f.iuh of ability, blit only one. !>#r# w-. W'ith :h# quail float out* which In other iroum .iaiu'4 * would tnakrt h fit and tru# r#rr#- ##n*ative. New J#r#ev ha# two million- Kran. If>* 1 *< a# ia# .rlcheat man in th# Herat#. Neither In vv * V i there ar** Kiklm and Kcotf. both ttir.llon alree and both representaH 1 ## of th# ti# w -1> u qulred p.iwer of prlvll#*g- In the last Plate of th * Mkldle #Ytlautic gmuuc In the Middle West ihe rich B*naor* uro I la# On in i Fork#r, of Ohio; Fulr iMnk#. In.Pai u‘# muPI mil lrtnalr#; th very rich M Mlllan of Mi higun. He ri h Spooner an 1 it;# rich Qua rlc*. ot Wp *n #lt Of thee* afx, thr#*' or# of n tvp*' re mote from th# tru# jjenaio. ,al at.ind ir*l— MeMlllan nnd Knlrlmnk Quarle# and f4poon**r r# mort creditabl# r#rr*'- entatlvee of Wiacon#ln'p people rintli of Wvotnlng. t* tatr fienator a w*• 1' a# a rich man. at. I \Vtil''<>!t. of Uolo i ndo. would U' a credit to any Htat# J ti*# till fiti'wart. of N#*va*lsi. are of th* of fensive typ#. like Hanna and Aldrich Headache Rlllousnct*. sour stomach, constipa tion and all llrcr Ills are- <urcl hy Hood r s Piifs Th* non-irritating cathartic. Pnc* 2 r, cent* of all dnigglit* or by mail ot C.I. Uood and Cos.. Lowell. Masa. ivikino* and Bart, #f California, are loth very ri# li, an#! ihe latter l#> Senator solely l>. uuae of tti riche*. llkeFalrbaiike and S "tt ar.d M Mlluin and Wetiuor** The • ni- D to * • r#ain cxi#nt true of Addi tion Foster, of Ua#hlng'on All of th# *• men are It# public earn* in fad a aril in i. name ex* *pt Jones, of Neva da. who If thr#-fourth# Republican, one f- irth I'# . I>t and four-fourth* Jon* in*- **i • f Democrat* from the iim I- not altogether to the credit of the •a' I* * i j; i*# ..nly one Her. a tor from t ;ie North, from whlcn * otn# ell the rich .Senator#— Itawilne, of Ftah. It im# very i,far having another—copper-king Clark, of M wbi . held he retained hi?- pur • aa## 1 Slilt w-uld li.iv* inffi h#kl up. *n i jur y th# ••x?r#rn* example of Senatorial rtffft era tlon T - m m Of the fifty-# irbt Heatot< from the North tlKdawato. I'#nnivd*aiili, lliH.inn.i Ai.d Ftah f*av# only one * tcb>, tw. y-four ar* m#n worth fr#m i*tf a mldDn k lar- to atiout Of the twin >- •• . f nriHii are men who either w i, l not t# or ought ..*t to b* ft* nator* under a profu r rysteni of |>opular repre >*i ’atlon, Mill- <ta are men who hax# .i-’hleve#! or might have #chi#v#*l th#' Senate without r#*gar| io tiielr wealth til tie .- • ten ix iiab Proctor. lo>tg.- Sj.oon#r. *j ■ * *■* rl# ,?d Wolcott—are men n; toiiti*- tlon wi’;t whom tlie word# “rl h nur at*- na t. wily never ue*l. A tablet marking th# #lte of th# hou?< in which Samuel F. B More# made hi* r.ome for many yean* anl died ha# been p * . and on a • • lory tiU‘i #s-► block tn T .rt> - * nd - e#i. New York It wn* form- ri> ot. th* hour# i*elf, which wn #< down t* make way for the larger building. "TOP* THE < AM) WORKS OFF Till; COLO. Taxntive Brotno (Julnine Tablet* cure a <d*l in one day No cure, no pay. Price Zo tents —ad. IT \IR 11, l\ \ IT ATIONS. JOY* E—The relative# and filonj** of Mr ar.d Mrs J vV, Joyce *re invite] ' i attend the funeral of their nf , y ** n •am* t Joeeph, ff#>m No. ui East Brosd -treet, at 10.i“) o'clock thi* morning. MFRKEN.—The relative# and friends of Mr. and Mrs John Murken and family *re Invited to attend the funrrnl of th** form# r from hU Is*** residence on the Thunderbolt toad at 3 o'clock thi*; after noon M AUSOLIA An 1 Hl* I. O. O. F. A regular meeting of thi# encampment will be held thk* evening The member# ate earnently Invited t attend. Tho Royal Purple Degoc will be con* ftrred. C. A VETTER. Chief P.itrlar h. JAB. VAN UEHBCHOT, Scribe. AOTIf K. Merchant* contributing to Merchant*' Fund for i!lk* Ciirnlva! ar- reque*te*l to t.i*i at th* D* Soto m x3u gf. m. Mon day, Nov. ID By order of J J M* fk N FGH. President. A. B. PALM Kit. Scc'y and Tr - t.KH'HN I'M I DMll, 1 MM I ETA . The regular monthly meeting of th# German Friendly Society will b# held thi# (Monday) in K. of P Hull ut 8;IS o'clock A KEFSKL. President. A HELLER Secretary. fil'FkT AL Norm %, Noth b TO MTKHIOH ROII# AMI WITMCIsm. All Jurors and w ltncsees who were t appear In court on thi* (MondAy) rii*>rning nr# hereby discharged until Monday t!,#* l!t!i Inst. By Order of Hl* Honor Judge F.tlligant. JAMES K P. PARR. Clerk B. C., C. C. AT (II It Al ( Tl\ ROOMS. W**dnc# lay. Nov. H, we will sell on# fln* fITiO.IX) I’prlght Plano, In use only u month; 3 #• 'ond-h.and I’ and 2 Or gan#. and other musl- .1 instrument* Ta ll#* Silverware, Oil Stove*. Iron and Brass Bedstead" (new), 2 C#n##r Table#, 2T* p-uirs Lace Curtain*. 2 Outeki# Show t'oae* (plnte glass), 1 Millinery Case and Cashier's Desk. SPECIAL, Fin*' lot of Ladies' Trimmed Pattern Hut# (Imported style*), fir.#* Ribbon# and Baby Cap# ALL GOODS SOLD POSITIVELY WITHOUT RESERVE A. WINHRIGHT, Auctioneer. M Haa am/, t |PB 1* the place where you can satisfy your appetite with all the delica cies of the season. Oysters from the CIULF snd NORTHERN water# Also Game* in season. —OEM CAFE OEO. C SCHWARZ. Proprietor Open day and bight. Dining room uprlairs. in SPLI’MA. KIOAIA AM) LI AF. K TRIM ULF.k. Dr E. H. Nichols of Basannah. Ga , writes: “It give* me great pleasure in recom mending *OUI Suwanee Springs' for kid n* y. liver and dyspeptic troubles. Its lo cation and lovely climate, coupled with the genial, okl-fashloncd ho*|dtaltty of It# m.n.age-. makes it to in< on* of the mu#? attractive spot# for re*: and recuperation Ih the South. The ne w- h<ft l ami im [rovr.l I. little* will mi’fl a f,'lt,ami I ahull not h.altnt** in .andliiK my ,l**bllll.i(e4 patient - to your heaUh-gIN ing woicra wh,-n I know ih<-y will rr-turn with nr# vigor ani Improved health." All you can drink for ar hi IdvlnK.ton'a, TUB H II TU < I.L A \ C ARI'KTA. The only way ao a;ei your earpeta prop erly taken up. leini'l ami laken care ol for lh<- aumnn-r. I- ao turn the Joh over io ihe District Meaeenser and Delivery Cos., telephone 2. or ail at 32 Montgomery .irrei, and ahey will make yon an ea<t moie on Ihe eoet of the work Price# reaaonoble. Thi > nl.o pack, move ami ,;ore furniture and piano,. C H MCD LOCK Bupa anl Mgr HOKHAAA-a f'IKK, 112-114 Whllaker Diamond Back Terrapin Boup w-Uh Men ham,' Lunch to-day Oyier from Ihe Oulf .laily. The huex meat* ur* carefully prepared, 1-rtvaie dlnlna r,x>m* Wuerzburg. r liof II:au on draught. IliiMi* I \l < in i> By the American Bonding nod Trul Comamny of Baltimore We n*r author lal io execute locally (Immediately ufai arpllcatlont. all hor.da In Ju,ll,'lal pr ,- , , ~llnge in either the atate or Unced A-nte* I'ourt*. ami of administrator* and guardian* DBA RING HULL Agent*. Telephone S-4 Provident Building. PAIATA AAII HOI M: PAIVInc. Wo handle nothing hut fhe VERT I BhJfIT grad.-, of PAINT? and OlLfi. and - rhe very best painter* to be had. | Allow u* to mike bid on painting your house. SAVANNAH BPILDINO St PPLY CO.. Corner Congreaa and Drayton. Phone 619. ni mm;** ytiTii r-J*. SOLOMONS ROASTED COFFEES We Roast Hourly. RIO. LAGI AIK A, JAVA, MOCHA. An> of Hirer lilrnrtrU m dealrrcL HENRY SOLOMON & SON For Quality Offlrr ;il)7 Hull Mrr#l. o||iieltr thr Dr Soto. Trlr|lt*Mr 7INI. SFR4 i a no nt BS FHeSLHYi: VOIR SIGHT By wearing glasses that not alone en able you to see. but correct e ery defect that may exiat There I* no gu#s.*>work ;n our methods. We have the latest and mohi approved rien:iili api aratus for accurate e>e test ing We make no char* fur consulta tloo 0! txamlnatlon. and should you need the services of a physician we will frank ly tell you eu. Our <ry sta I ltn*e* or# p-rfect In every respect, being ground under our own su pervision. They an not be compared In v.Uue to th# kind ofF ied us chi ip by th so-called optl lans or j**w< lers who han dle tnfeiior g asses a a side line. DR M SCHWAB A* SON. Exclusive Opticians* Bull street. N. R—Oculist prescriptions filled Min# day receivtd. Repairing dotir at short notice. lit A ONLY lift. IIOT GINGER AL!:. Th# best i# th# W heeler Brand of Be f*t Ginger Ah . made by AVh‘lci Sc Cos., of JMfast, Ireland, from th‘ celebrated Crom* Siiring* of that city. These springs are th# propers > of S; Cos h#*n e no other Ginger Al#* manufacturer in Ireland hs# those waters l>ui them s Ives Th- W’heelcr Ginger Ale l# mad# front pur** Jamaica Ginger JRku and not from R#d Pepper, a* others nr#, one .s deleterious— th# other i# a tunic. For Heslthfulness and Purity th# cele brated Wheeler brand of Belfast Ginger Al# lw th# best. UI’FMAN BROTHERS. Rile Southern Agent*. Savannah, Ga. ELECTION noth f. city of Savannah, office Clerk of Coun #ll. Nov 2. WOO.—A vacancy having o* - curred aimorf the chimney contractors, in accordance with resolution f Council adopted Oct. 31, lk*, notice t hereby given that an election will b' held at the next regular meeting of Coun il. to be held on Wednesday, lh# 14th Inst . at S p. m . to fill the Unexplied term All application* to h. file<i with ih#* clerk of Connell nv or before 12 m. of th# 14th in*<. Bond of SSOO required. Names of two Itondsmen musl acconi|Mtny th# application. WILLIAM P RAfLEY. Clerk of Council. 1:1 I ION NOTH K. City of Savannah. Office f'lerk of Coun •ell. Nov. 2. vacancy having oc curred In thi* office of keeper of the Lau rel Grove Cfwietery. notice Is hereby given ami In accordance with a resolution of Council adopted Oct 21. 1900 an election will be h#li nt the next regular meeting of Council, to be bed on W'ednesday. th# 14th in*t.. at h p m . io fill ihe unex ptr# 1 term Al: applt -ations lo be filed with the lerk of Council at or twfoie 12 m. of the 14th lust Bond of li.iM) r#- qulr#d. Name# of two bondsmen mut ac company the applbatlon WIJXIAM P BAILEY. Cl rk of Council. HIINOI ATI NG—.M ATTIIESSICJ HEN in iTiku. mo**, licking. tlb*r, (either*. Our "tuck o< now mgaerlal at <1 manufac ture,, product* arc up <o ,:atc. Our reno and remaking hu ,(Flighted mriny ptomlntni rc.idcnia Ak >our acquaint ance*. Materials *ent u is pt, krd, .team ed, ck-arie., and m*‘dt ate.l hy modern ma chinery. Making done n\ mechanic*. \\ <• coniine our work to nnittrcase* and bed ding general,'. Wa ee.l li, king of a:i kind*, mo-9, hair, cotton, hher, feathers, or any artl'le necr,, ,1 ;n mattr.** Une. NATIONAL MATTRKHS AND RENO VATING CO., Bell Phone 3!3k. ijt Drayton street. Lr.n •<* mncoi vr \otic e. yoi UIU WAV 13 TK> PER TEAT. H> pn> tnic your bill, on nr l>r. forr ihr l.'.ili Inal. n. ii. levi a iiiui. Esr ttu.miKo im.v ** * t OMPASY, Übulrailv and llrlnll Drniiilili. Uhnlrnilr Department, 127 fun at reel, mil. i.rurgia I* bn iif 141. Hein II Mtorra, I:t:t C'nnprraa alrert. aarat. Ilfll I'haar 111. n a || , lld Charlton alrreta, nndrr Onarda' 4r ■fttnl. Hell nnd tiniriala I’boara t!3. I*ll 111) t Y Pit tie* 1.1 MIII H Full U.R. feet of rh (tillable for wheel* : Itlna • >rrtaf maker*. .a, „ r k, r,n.| insrrlor hr flnl.-h Alen rvprem lumber o. ail !• \\ # hav* rfdumHt cuittn? 0 "a f *" u>u ' bran,l eyprraa ahlnalr* • n.l will aeon hav. a full lin. of them for VAun royal mto. co 11111 Mn Taj.; nillGII 11, 11M*lo\ I.MlFlf Mlulifat Grade. Farh harrr! rnnialn* vim-lent quantity an.l quality to make it MON FTY-SA VINO! A HANI-EY COMPANY. Bole Aaent. Phone ws. UIU TITI,rr Abalra.M of Ihr recorded land title* of Savannah ami Chatham county from the •entente tu of Ueorm to >Utr. Money •oinrd at low IMereai on city real ealate 1 REcKETT A BECKETT. j LEOPOLD ADLER. JNO H Lt.- ~ President. Qiufhi C. f, ELI.IB, BARRON t'ART n Vice President A*st. c**hl. " Tiie Chatham Bank SAVANNAH Will be pleased to receive the n of Merrh.'nt* Kirme,*, Lan and Corpt.rallcm.. Liberal favor* extended. Unaurpassad mIImRm f*c.,i:ie., lr , lr,g prompt return*. SEPARATh SAVINGS DEPARTMENT INTEREST OOMPOI NDKf) Ql.'AßTfc I.Y ON DEPOSITS. Safety Drtnali Boxe* and Vtu'U tae rent, t'orreipot.deiice solicited The Citizens Bank in' savasrah. CAPITAL $500,000. Iranancta u General UaaWlu,, Ili.Mlnea*. kollrlta Aeeottui* nt Indlvl.loel, Merchant*, nnd other Co r ,,„.’ t aitons. rolleetlona handled with .nfet,, economy nnd dlaimteh Interest, eompouuded qurt.rl, llllswrd on <le|.o*ita | n oar Savin*, Department. Safety li,|„li Boxes mid Storag. V nnlt a. (11l tXTLEY A. DEAN ARK, Pre.ldeal. At 11.1, AM. I-A\E, Aloe President. (iKtIHOH f. KIIKKAt AN, Cnahlrr. OOIIDOA L, tinuOVBR, Aaal. Cashier. SOUTHERN 6101 of the Slate of Georgia. Capital Surplus and undivided profli* . y, DEPOSITORY OK THE STATE or GEORGIA Super,or facilities for transacting a General Bonking riu*!re>i CollecUona mad. on al! DOtllta . , bank* and bankers ' i i' of I! -nk*. Banker*. Mer-t and other* solicited. Safe Deposit (Dim for rent. , Department of Saving*. Interest pay*b. nuarterly. Ee,l Sierllng Exclwnge on London tl and upwards Ji'IIN KIaANNERY. Trerldent HORACE A. CRANE, Vice President JAMES BELLI VAN. CaeMer. DIRECTORS JNO. FLANNERY WM \V. GORDON K A. WEIL W W GORDON J\ H. A CRANE. JOHN M EGAN LEE ROY MYERS: JOSEPH KKRBT H P SMART CHARLES ET.Lifl EDWARD KELLY JOHN J KIRBV iiililiil CAPITAL, sn.w.noo. Account* of bank*, merchant*, corpor*. tlon* and Individual* solicited. Saving* Department, interest paid qutr terly. Safety Boxea and Storage Vault* f r rail Collection* made on all points at rev- Fonabb- rale*. Draft* sold on all th* chief cities of the world , _ A*.,* 'orrej>ondenee Invited. JOSEPH D. WEED. President JOHN C ROWLAND. Vice President. \V. K. McCAVLEY, Cos abler. THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH, OA. Capital 1300.,A> Undivided proht* SOW) Thi* hank offers It* service* lo corpv ratlon-* and Indlvldvtab Ha- authority u> uct a* executor, al minlstrator. cu.clitn. etc. Issue* draft* on the trtnrlpal cities In Great Britain and Irrland and oa the Continent. Intere-a pni.l or ,vmp,vunde,l rpiarterly on deposits In th- Having* Department Hafcu loses for rent. HENRY BEEN President. <IEO w TI Ki 'EM AN. Vice Pre*ldt)t JOHN M HOGAN. Cnshler. \% ALTER E. HOGAN. Ass t Cas-.ler J No. I¥>. Chartered I** -the— WHS KiHl H OF SAVANNAH | CAPITAL, fcunooo. 81'RPLfS IKAOM I NI . El) STATKB DEPOSITORY. J A (I CARSON, President HEIKNB GORDON. Vice President. VV M OAVANT. Cashier Accounts of txinks und bnk'r>, *r | . a ts Mini corporation* received I the mm.t favorable term* consistent with •aff nn.i conservative hanking. THE GEORGIA STATE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 15 YORK STREET. WEST ” PER CENT p*r annum allow” I <n o deposits, withdrawable on dnut I Interest credit, and quarterly. 6" I*ER CENT. ir annum allow e l 03 deposit* of even hundreds, wlth lrsw 1 able at entiual periods. OEO. W. TIKOHMAN, President. H. H. LEVY. Vice President. E W HEEL. Sec retary. C. f> ANDERSON, JR . Treasurer The Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Cos. ARE PREPARED To Make Loans On Reasonable Terms, 10 ~mm wMft For sale, a Forsatlh Newspaper folder: will fold eheet list! It lln geo I order (it 5 .i ! - origins ly I .^ we hate no owe for It and want the room II occupies. It will be en Invaluable adjunct to any newspaper office. Addreww MORNING NEWS, Savannah. OLD NEWSPAPERS. *' for It cents. sS Uurlness Office Morning Newt.