The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 12, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 gtyc fflornittfl |ffeto|. Morning Haildiac ►•%no*h i ** MOKDAV, NOV l *IM H 12. IWKI. Registered M (be l'*> Int t in> ' The MoKNLNU XI-H'S is puhilxbed every dav In ft )'W. and is wnsJ 10 •übecrlbera in the *ltj. nr sent by mall. • t 70* a month R ( r six months. end f* on for >. v< mi The MuIIMNO NEWS by mall. six times m w*is taithoul Hun Iny lMur|. thm n }’ .u* month*, V- 00; nn* >.ar I- • Th. MEEKLY NEWS, 2 Iwt a *'fk (Mi* 'a> Thur-day) by oul one year. |! 00 flulircnptlon* payable in advance. Ha mit by postal order. check or registered letter Currency rent by mail at risk f a* riders. Tranaient advertlemente. other that t;.i lal column 10-ol or reeding notlre* emu-cm*-*.!* and rhra| or Man* ■ ■liumn. 10 eenla a line. Fourteen lliu-s ol agate t pe—equal to one Inch scpiare In depth I the standard of measurement Contra'l rate* and dtei-nunt m ide known or. appb i alien a. business oflt'' Orders for .tellvcry of the M.>m!ng New* to either resateeie* or |ice .f l.ustne a mav be mail by p°elal card i‘r through telephone- No 110. Any irregular - Ity In delivery should be Immediately re porter! to the office of publication. letters ted it-legrams should te ad tlressed "MORNING NEWS." Savannah. (In EASTERN OFFICE 23 Park How, New York city. 11. C Faulkner. Manager. I.NDIX 10 KtV ADVERTISEXESTSb Meetings—-Merchants Contributing to Merchants' Fund for Elks' Carnival. Ger nun Fid* illy Society. Special N'Mlers—Suwanea Springs Wa t*r. Original AnniMOn Umr, Andrew Hanley Company: Paints and Hou.-e Painting. Suvannah Building Supply Company. Plano**. Organs, Etc , A It In**- right. Auctioneer; Notice to Sut>erk>i Court Jurorr and Witnesses. Ilusiness Notices—E A- IV. Laundry; Roasted Coffees. Henry Solomon & Son. Malt-Ru trine—Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association. Steamship Schedule—Merchants an 1 Miners' Transportation iMmpany's lines lo Boston and Philadelphia Medical—VVtimer's Safe Cure; Hostet ler's Stianaeh Bitters; Tutt's Pills; *'as torla. Hood's Pills; Dr. Hathaway Com pany; Ayer's Pills. Mothers' Frl ml Cheap Column Advertls* men!*- Help Wanted. Employment Wanted. For Kent; For Sale; Least; Personal; Miscellaneous. The Weather. The Indlcallorvs for Georgia are for rain, with fresh west to northwesterly winds; nod for Eastern Florida, showers, with variable winds. w~ \ H appears that Candidate Woolley re elved one vole In South Carolina. There are some member* of the Geor gia Legislature who would tuek a tem perance amendment on to an oyster law. Mj McKinley will be the flrat Presi dent Irf twenty year* to succeed himself. A lot of precedents und hoodoos were up act In the election of last Tuesday. Chapel attendance Is compulsory upon ximH-rgraduatc* at Yale. According to Prof. Perrin, the official who conduct* the wervlees. almost Invariably (eel# when he approach*-* the “Amen" os if he w* ra about to scrip bar k the ball." No waatier Is the 'Amen ' pronounced than there Is n wild scrimmage to get out of the chapel As n nucleus for his new party, Sena tor Pettigrew of South Dakota might • n llst Senator Wellington of Maryland. Sen ator Muller <f North Carolina. "Coin" Harvey of Chicago and Arkansas, and tJeorgo Frtd William- Massachuselti. Such an aggregation ought to !"> able to work up the finest son of calamity howl*. II |e a waste of time for any person to worry over the future of Mr. Bryan II canes out of the i-om;>algii with an earn ing capacity as great as that of about any man In the country. Already he ha* bad an offer of *bV a y*w to • newsixiper n l>enver. and there ere a number of other positions lhai would pay as will or better which lie could have If hr would accept them If the Georgia Legislature really wlshea to cure absenteeism. H will not bother about reading out the names of the ab sentees. who would care not a baubee about any such proceeding. What It should do Is to withhold the per diem of every member who neglects hi* duly by lemaliiinK away from the state house without permission. To hit them In the pocket Is th only effective way of deal ing with the careless statesmen. Asa result of the recent election, several well-known senator* will tie missed In the new Congress Among them are Wolcoti of Colorado. Thurston of Nebraska. Car ter of Montana. Butler of North Carolina. Pettigrew of Houtb Dakota and Shoup of Idaho. Senator* Caffery of Louisiana. Lindsay of Kentucky ami Sullivan of Mls wisslppl will also retire nest March, thrlr successors having already been chosen by the Legislatures of their respective state*. The British government I# confronted with a bill for IdXi.OOn.W) a* the cost of t ie Moer How to psy It Is a question that will have to receive the nltcniinn of Parliament. It ha* been suggested In financial circle* that a royalty of 10 per rent I.e levied upon thw output of the Housh Vfrl an mines until the wnr debt . • xtlngulshtd. The mine owner*, how ever, are disposed to Insist thot the Brli ttn taxpayers shall bear the burden of the oxpenso. A patiilon urging the vigorous continu ance of the open door policy on the part of till* giiveri men* with respect So China he* been pre|*ired **>' • number of Houtfcern cotton mil; operator* The pe tition la addroesed io Hon John Hay, He reutry of StatA. and recite* th nd vantugea, which mav be expected to an erne to American cotton manufactories and particularly those of the South from the maintenance ot that policy It Is ex pected that the petition will be signed by practically aU of tho Woulhern cotton . vanutaegorera. THE HRIFT OF litIIKHMIIItT. Th* Springfield (Mass I Republican which supported Mr Bryan, in comment ing on tar result., of the eir -ttop, esvs The drift throughout the civilised world at present I* away from popular to cen tralised form* of governmtnl on the had* of an aggressive, militant rommercl* l*m ' There ts much truth In thi*. In ltd* country the drift t- undoubtedly to ssed* reiitrnhzatloi Amt strange is It may seem, both grout political parties are responsible for thi- condition of if fairs. In every part of the country the dispo sition I* steadily In the direction of great er dependence on lb* government at Washington Wn<n there Is a gri*i4 flood in any state or u groat epidemic the first thought I* to ask asl of the general got i rmeil Tht chief railroad* ~f the country, those Which cross stats line*, are virtually tipper the control of the general government. The Interstate t'ommrr * Commission has supervision ■f them. It I* now proposed to place in terior quartname matters in the hand, of national offl- lul*. and It Is proitanl-* that It will not be very king before th< Marine Hospital gervlee will be In charge of quarantine tl all of lb<- ,Kirta In th* re >n campaign. Mr. llryan pro. loetsl to tie ,| with trust* by preventing them from skiing business outside sif the stale- in which they were Incorporated without flrt getting a license from tn> national government. Could there be a stronger eentrallxlng propoaltlnn than that? One thing follow* another tr the direc tion of c, ntruiiiatton flo gradually ha* •sntrallxatlon bees, gsting mi that the peo ple nardly realize how many of the priv ilege* the elate* formerly po*#e<d have been yields-1 to the eentral gs.vemment And It l<tok* a If this cenlrabz flon will •■on Untie until but little of the authority the state* petr-sp) will he 1 ft ts thsm While It If true that the Its-pub llcan party is the |>arty of rentrnlixatlon. both of the great parties have consented most of the change* which have taken hlarT. Whether this enlargs-ment of the rentral authority will prove to bo best for the coun try In a question that cannot be an swered at tht* Urns AM that an he *al<l I* that people have acquiesces! In tnst gradual growth of centralization Is-suss thetA, have (seen condition* which seemed to moke It necessary that the rentral authority shotils) he enlarged. ITII.I M V. BLACK I.AHItN. Tito labor rttnation on the New Orleans dock* and th* Mtswisstppi river steam boat* Is peculiar and interesting Th negro roustabout* have gone on strike for higher wage*. They have been re-etvlng from rs to *IOO a month, but are slemand ttqr lion to 1131) Th*, steanibostt owners consider this demand unreasonable, have refused to comply with It and are employ ing Italian* to tako the pla-e* of the striker* It l reported that a f tir meas ure of success ha* been obtalnssl with (be Italians, though they httv*- not ytt Iteen long enough at the work to demonstrate thetr entire fitness for It The Italians nr** willing to work for J.V) to |a> i-r month, or about half what the negro*-- are sls-m.tnd- Ing and very much lees than they have heretofore received- The life of the Mississippi roustabout I a particularly hard s-ne. Th- man must he ready tit nil hours, day or night, to roll heavy barrel* of augur, bale* of cotton or Issxe* of bus-on up and down the st*-cp gangways *f the river landing* He must take hi* *l*“ep ns he can get It. and be able to work twelve hours at a rftretcb If necessary. A powerful physique, It I* easy to see, t* Imperative in the rousta bout. This the river negro ba* lie eat* Issur or five tints* it day. his food being fat Ituron. < rn pone, beans, |te;o*. potu .se* and black coffs-e. These he ivmstinis-s In large quantities*. liberal eating being n*>c* esaury to k*-*-|dng up hi- strength The Italian, on th*- other hand, is usually n sparing *-tcr. In hi* own country hi* Iltnt hit* been chiefly fruit* or vegetables. Ill* strength and s-mltiritnce. therefore, arc- not to lie compared with thoae of th* liognu It may be. however, that the Italian will adapt himself to clrcum tttunoi'* on the river anil become meat and corn suiter, as the negro Is, ansi thus b able to “hold hi* Joh.” One matter In sagtnet (lon with the sub stitution of Italian for black Itlwr on tie boat* that la giving some concern to the Shopkes-per* and others In New Orleans I* tho fact that the negro Is a liberal spender, while the lutlktn •* not. Every iloitar that the negro make* he spends The most of tho money may go in crap games, but nt all events It goes and ts thus kept In circulation. The Italian, on the other hansl, I* frugal, siatrlng of ap petite an 1 niggard of purse, lie will make ■I few cent* slay cover all of Ills need*, w hile he hoard* hi* money in anticipation of tho time of hi* return to Italy. The prospe-'t of tho substitution of the clomp laborer from Palerno for the native black | article I*, therefore, not very pleasing to those Interest* along the water front that have profile*! by the black roustabout ! trade. The Philadelphia Ledger asserted a day or two ago that, from the election return*. It did not appear that Mr. Bryan brought any personal support of con-e --j licence to the Democratic ticket. Fold : the lodger “It does not appar that as n candidate he received more titan thir teen electoral vol<-* The other votes that are put In the Bryan column are from the Southern s'ates which are sl.tmittatid !y the white man's party, and which vote tti*- Ib-mocratlc ticket front n<crsitv. without any regard to the name* of the nominee-.'' The la-tiger'* comment was made when It was thought Nebraska was In the Bryan column. Deducting tlx eight electoral voli-w Of Nebraska M would up. according to the I-edger, that Mr dlryan* personality had really b-en worth ottly five vote* to the ticket. Mr. Wu, the Coins--,, minister at Wash ington, went to a M.trvi.tnd suburban town last week to watch tit. American election methods lie expressed htnie|{ as being pleased with w tint he saw The Pnllnd-I phla Time* comments: “If Mr. Wu wishes to observe the Americans lector t system In it* perfection he should not I confine hi* observations to suburban Mary j land If he will s ome on to Philadelphia I next election we cn ehsav him the real i thing A polling place in tue Fifth word I wtth the police dubbin, away th* opposl tlon voter* and the sdectlon officer, pit ting In only the ballots that rolled them would give him aome new Idea, of West ern civilisation.*' THE MOKNING NEWxS: MONDAY; NOVEMBER 12. 1900. M f.lttt I. A lit HI !> < MITM MILL*. {Several aitrm:4 Have been ma-b by white men In ' narleaion and elsewhere In the South, to uttltxe colored help in Kxi.le fat torle. Thee* exitertm-n - have i ut been nilcnded with encouraging re sult*. Ind-esl. In mat tntan s they have Iteen flat failure- It may that l,lack man ha* discovered the solution of the prob.-m of blu k factory help Ttil* col ored pioneer ts T W Thurston, and he Is superintendent of it silk mill In Fayette ville, N. C. He is said to be a man of ♦flliftlf tor, natural ability and much, strength of character. ll* ba, under him a force of sot er.iigd operatlvea. of Imth sexes, r snrlt gln lie from twetv*- t*> twenty-fly* year*, and he has fora year succeeded in gesilng sffVlcnt service from them. A correspondent of the N*w York Jour nal of tVgmrei • is recsnlly In Fayette ville, and htd n talk with Hup rlnten Is m Thurston ut-n his m- thrds. Thurston declared that If was abeo'.uiely neccsrry to enforce dtscfpltne "By fine*. I sup ruffe et. and She - stm -put.lent. “No vlr." replied Thurdon “by whlppfna He then w<nl eat fo explain that fh-- flog ging, wen- laid on soundly lor Infraction Sif rhe rule,, not only upgt the ,mal' boys but the big one, a, well, and not only upon the males but the feena ea. The larger girl-, he said, seldom had to Is whlpprsl mom thin once, ldght punish ment, Thurston ieeert—l would le tiros* wasted, therefore It r> made severe; something to be remembers*! a long time He will accept no help In the factory be tween the ages of twelve and twenty-one that Is ran absolutely given over to hh> control, hv parent* or guar-bin*, between the hour* of 6 In the morning and 6 in the evening Authority to manage thU labor .1* he see, tit I* legally conferred, so that he i, responsible to no person for how he maimirrfi It. Speaking of hi- use of the lash. Super intendent Thurston said: "No one d**lres more than I do to see th* potltn of my people improved, but I have no false Idea, i* to tho condition of a majority of them. Thev lack #• nee of responsi bility. ond are like chlMrtn Where money I* concerned That must be kept tn view a hen dealing with them. My methods may b*- de-rled by humanitarian*, but I am proving their stteces*. and I believe thnt some .if tho*** boys l -im bringing up here will In turn prove mean* of forward ing the lnditrtai ulvan ,-mei t of the col ored race. Forty year* ago they whipped boya In mills, a* swm*- of the spceesful manufacturer* of to-day can testify from painful <-x|Mr!ew*e, and we are beginning Just so runny years liehlnd ” Flogging as a mean* to the end of Incul cating cure, pertinacity and dexiertty has by no mean* gone soul of practice. It Is employed In probably lh majority of households even to thi* day. It ha* not be* n many year* . c lnc*- It wait common in the (Choate, though in thi* country cor poral punishment tn the schools is now seldom resorted to. In England and Ger many. however, the rod is still wielded itrs*|Hirlngly—a fact that can be testified to by a number of prominent men's sons The chance* at* that many of the "hu mnnttarian*' who wl.i crttlcle*- Su|ierin tertdent Thurston'* methrsl roost severely, ttssg Hielr iwn chlMren. boys girl*, for (allure to apply Ihcmsalva* to and master their lessons nr for breaches of the rule* laid down for their deportment It Is Thurston' - theory that the n*-gro rose Is It* a lot of children. In so far as textile manufacturing t* concerned. Mid that In order to teach them to be mauufiir. ttiring expert* they must l*e brought ttn-ler rigid discipline and forc*‘d to t*erf-arm their dntle* sntlsfnctorl ' After a getter utlon of Thurslon's m* the*ls. *u* h dtas jlc measure, would no doubt be fuun*l ttn ttece**ary. \trr a Mi;iit ih: m ig. Wo fall to es- the wtwlom of the bill IntrnslU' s-d Into the low-r branch of the I/el,lature on Oct. *, which, among Other thing*, gives the F.mtmlwdotter of Agriculture authority to lupeet proprie tary medicine* are I decble which are and which ar*- n-tl In a matter of that kind he I* Just u* likely to make it nil,lake ns he 1* to get at the truth. Medicine* are tom.. thing it trout which there I* a v*ry great sltfference of opinion. What seems to Iwn ellt one i*er*on does not seettt to do an other any good. It Is all well enough to give the commissioner authority to In spect butter, lard oil and -itch things, be cause It 1, an easy matter to distinguish butter from ob-om irgurlne. olid genuine lard from the mixture* that are offered In the market as lard. Anil there Is no trouble in fln-tlng out when an Illuminat ing oil I* ilungerou*. but who Is t< say whether a medicate I* valuable or not’ Even doctor* disagree as to wholesom- - nt*, of meslictns * and whether or not they posses* any virtue. We have no doubt that the people take too much medicine, but they would fed they were being oppressed if they were stented the privilege of taking whatever medicine they took a fancy to. Beside, the power to aay which medicine, are good and which bad 1* a -langerou, one to Is* exercised, except by u thoroughly s-iltlcalsd physician, and even physicians are not Infallible Home of them even nave prejudice-* It might happen that n man opposed to all patent medicine# might get Into the nfflre of Commissioner of Agri culture, and the proprh lew* of even vttlu. able meellclnes anight have trouble In gei ; lug him to permit the sale of them In the ,:Mc The wl*er plan I, to confine the powers of the csnmissKmer strictly tr. m*t*r* pertnlnlng to agriculture. The I farmer* will Is- he-tter pleased, end It I* I certain the patent medicine people will. i of the eight original members of Pres. ' .dent McKinley'* cabinet only three re main—Secret.trie* Gage, Long an*! Wll son Th* re have three *e*-retar|es of stsMe. ftherman, Day and Hay. two sec re anew of war. Alg-r an-l Boot, two at torney general*. .McKenni and Grig,-; two postmaster genera:*, Gary and Smith, and two secretaries of Interior. DHm and Hitchcock. Whether there wl,| be a re organisation of the cabinet l* a matter of •peculation. Then- |* a strong probabil ity, however, that several member* of the present official household will retire to en gagr in private buslnesa. The Kiiggeattcn that Mr. Bryan will be otne * Preabytarian minister t probable ,t grntultoua one. without any gowl reaaon for the though. At the same time It will s- eoneeted that, with hi* remarkahl* command of language and hi, mastery of elocution, he would be a power tn the pulpit. I'KHMIUU —'Throuith Ooytit Ta!l©yrn<S-P©r!*orl !>n|©ror Wlßiara ( llO.’i'U for to b' diitflhu'H at Ih© r* #* of th* I*-irl Automobllv Club u l>ui. Fmfwror WilMam f % G©imny hni. throunh rour.t TalV >rni lVrt*Mrd, prom sK*,‘Do fur prli to ‘ll*trlbulei at th© tm v of fh Tterjn Automobil© Cl%b In 2W>t. —4A©ti W©|©y Mn l!i foum! th© Pari* I:*portion not up to i ipfoutlont. !!• think* that th© prim i|*l 'lefrrt wan In a J*r,ch fiilr WBS far inferior to our own at Chicago. -Oov. r.rrrc© of Michigan, apcaktng of M* Ilf©, ha© fold th© n©wi|t©ri th they may ©r©ct h monument and rii© hia ©pltai>t H© hip taken no p.rt it‘ th© pr©*nt ini|4,-ii a- in* health required quint and car©ful nurin^ <’oi John M Brook©, th© d©i*Urn©r of ih© Mprrtmac, and. r>n©fju©ntly. f,it her f th© mniUrn t©©l wamhtp. In nearly an having r©**enily ccl©hrat©d th© TPth ant)tv©rsary >f hi© birth tie ©till hfl Jp *h<. profecMOrthip ai th© Virginia Military Inptitut©, to which h© wn (XMnttd at the end of th© -If Sir Michael 111 k* Beach fllla his old iKttitlon tkb Chan f ilor of th© Kxch©- u©r In th© new cabinet, th© unplrirant duty of lnfli©!lna th* extra tax©p to pity ■<r th© South African war will fall upon hint ll© b a total abstainer from the up© f-tol*a©co. po pmoker* may b© warnol to I ok out for aqualla? .Sir M* ha©l, unlike Mr Chamberlain. Ip never to b© ae©n in tb© *mokinir room ot tn© lloiuw Ilia fa vorite piac© la th© tnrmberi' tea room. —Th© Govcrrjor General and j..n ton of Can .<la h ive l©en th© vi tlm. of n awkward contmtcmpe. They ordered th© A. D. C. In waiting to p©nd out h hun dr©d or po invitations Th© card* were w rltt©n. an I on th© afternoon appoint©! th© vie© r©ral hot and hoeifM* were rady to receive ih* ir gueitr Th© hand played, th© t©. irwl < off© M©avn©d away m the urns on th© refrfPhment table; but t.obody cam© By 4 o’clock rfn©thlnjt wa it now n o U wrongs then th© A \). C.'p were Interrog it* and and it dawned upon on© of them that h© had forgotten to pend <ut th© card© —Prof Adolf Harm k. th© r©ctor of th* I’nlverplty of Berlin. iak©p thi* vl* w of miPPlon*: •*Protection should neither I©3 •<k©d by mlPlonarl© 4r given to them in certain land© It muwt be reco*nl*ed that mtpptonariep glv© up their right© a?* ©ubject* of th*ir own coutltrle© Th© ml©- ©ionary ought not to go to region© wh r© hr feel© he rannot r*m-un during tlm* *p of peraeetxlon. If th<* cour-© of political vents make* the pmeerutlon of mip© iTy work Impopslhlc. th© mlionarl©j* mutt withdraw. ©v©n if they lop© all they had gained Plate church©* an ©uch ©houl I ©ever engage In mi- lonary ©ntrrprl©© TtvtP ©houid b© a private undertaking Wtwelonp ©houid leav© no doubt !n th© n.lnd of th© Chine©© that they ar© a pure ly ©pltltual |owrr. They ©heuM r.ever b© ar Identified with wor'.dly pow * r The>* phouid mak© It clear that th*v do not re prepent tn© Interest© of Euro- I*oris or American©, but the tntere©f of the native©.** ■I HHi Hl’ HlT**. —ln Brooklyn—“Do you boll your water before drinking It?' “801 l It! Well, I rue©* not. I'd rjther drink a m*nagciie than it cemetery any day."—Life. —A I*nr©4te —Towtit—lt aeem© Jenkina tiap Just discovered that he ha© a family tree. Browne— Yen; V’© an outgrowth of hi* pin . ••spfut bufdn i plant.—Phll.adel i*hia Time© —Reward of Merit.—Nellie—Oraclou©! How do you nmnag' u. knit ©o much in so ©hurt a tlm©'* Ninette—Every tlm* I io ten row© I give my ©elf a chocolate cream.—Chicago Tnburn . —Tle Regular Procedure —First Offiee- Boy Wot*ll y rdoif de bona ralae© yor ewlnrv from t*re© t©r live? Second Office- Boy—W**d. I hdn t fully decided—’cept • lat I’ll take up golf.—Puck. —A Champion Mlp© Pinker!)*— Don't vu think Mr. Tatter, that Mipp Yiui Antler i© a beautiful girl? Young Tatter Yvp. Mi© Clara. But you were no doubt Jopl IxMutifuA ut h©r age.—Detroit Free Prea©. MlPfrcsp— Margaret, what doe© tht policeman want around here po much? Whom doe he ix>m to ©ee? Maid—l !on‘t thlr.k, ma'am, he come© to ae© you: so there’© no occasion for you to worry yourself about him —Boston Transcript —Jon©*—What ponaersed that political orator to make ©u*h wild mlaatatementa? drown- Well, he • 1 uni© that h* wonted to t©et whether or not hi own party rc id© hi© ©peeche©.—lnHanapol!s Journal. —The Doctor—H©re I cart led that pa tient through dewperat© ©lekne©©. only to ill© Wife—-Have him object to your fee? “No. drop dead when he paw my bill!"—Life. —Yeat—l thought you told m© your wife d.dn't known what fe,ir wap? Orlm son beak So Id •!. “Well, my wife h©r*l her ©cream when ©he saw a mouse the other dnv * "Oh. well, that wn©n*t fear; It wp© n©rYu*ne©'i. f> —Chicago New©. —"There are no ©tatue© of w'omcn In the li.dl of Kami " "No; they couldn’t i build a hall big enough for all the fa ! mou women in the country."—Chicago : Record. "I writs you. rlrarest," h* Jottut <lown. Afar from ths not,* an<l th, dust of tow it." Ho her fund Ihouxhta *tr.alcht to th, country fly— While h,'a In a tcyncrap,r th,rc n,*r by. —Chlonao New*. I I lUtE\ r rONHBNT. The Chi. azo Chronicle (Dcm.) say*: "It Is iKis.lblc that th, tinn' may come whan Mr, Crokcr shall b, overthrown In New York city, hut It may be act itown is cert.iln that hi* overthrow w II not be accomplished by any bloodies, per son Ilk. Mr Seth laiw The mail who downs Mr Crokcr ha, trot lo have lot* of rl h. re I hloo.l and no end cf stren i osily. and he must be predated to K et up ver early and slay up very lato whll* the 'downtnx' pm.-caz la In oi>eratlon. Mr Low l,n t that kind of a man." The N.aahvllle American (Demo wy: "Samuel E Mor**, eilitor of the lndltn apoll* Sentinel, sixes It up pretty we I when he say* he does, not expect Mr. Bryan to be the nominee of the liemi cratio party In rH. and that the Demo cratic party cannot win unlr>* it ha, a different raarnz-ineni. that It must nomi nall siac man a* ‘patriotic an.l m <>r ruptible a, Mr Bryan, but of a wholy dtfferrnt temiAament.' " The Memphis t’onwnercla!• Ap|>eal (D,m ) say,; “Senator Gorman thinks that Ih* defeat of th. Democratic party has b an so complete ard c'ushtna that no on •houid try lo think for iwhl'e The bl w ■tuns, of conr*, but common sense would iu(fwl that we throw overtward the nahs as the first movement to,, and sav in* the *hlp." The M.tntxomcry Advertiser (t'em ) po'ilKts that before four more year* have elapsed no man calling himself a Demo oral will have the hardihood to “aiiti a slur" at Cleveland. Love Still Find, a t\,y. Ther, was the agony of despair tn Itl hard Puddle ford's face a, he ,-ood bv th, aid, of th, center table waiting for MBs Maesingham to come down-stair*, any* th, Chicago Times-Hrrabl. After *h, bad put Ih* final louche, on her eyebrow, and aeen thnt ner skirt? hung perfectly straight behind the beau tiful girl tripped llghtljr down and wll.t both hand, heat out to him cried “Oh. Mr Puddieford! llow glad 1 awn to see you! 1 wa, not expecting you at thla hour. Why. what makes you look so *ad"“ , “Ah M!„ Mae-InKhwir," he sighed “I have com.- to say good-bye to you. 1 am g..lng away front hero—fur. fir away, lo try to forget." “What are you rilktfig n stut?" she de manded somewnat mystified. “Have you ,< en th* mottling |xpi r,?“ he replied “The election, you know It ha, gone ait ilnsi me If It went one wav your father w, o gl\ ** m* hi, permission to—to .all here —sometimes—anti—ard—hut If It went the other way I , to remain aMy and ha-silent. Well, he ha, won and 1 have toM "Oh," hc aa.d. "I* that all?" “1* that all?" he echoed. There wa* a quiver atanit hi* chin Halt she oukl not help seeing. "Ah. If yon only knew -onlv guessed—wu.M nils in* ins to me! But I dare not tell you. It would he unspnr:-- manlike for m- to violate the condition# of the igreemcnt. I can only say that 1 am robbed of my dearest nope, of my fond* t—“ “Walt." she Interrupted; “before you any farther Just listen a momen. You and father mad*- a bet. didn't you" 1 won wnat they .all Itie stake, wxsit t I? Who is the staki ho..l<r please?" "Bitikeliolder?" he said. "There Isn't any You aee " “No, I don't. Wherever there I* a bet there ough' to !*e a staki bolder, and If I were in tour place I think I would, see ing there is nonody els.- here to act. ap point myself to that office, and " •She sal*l no more for few illimite* Then, who she could use her lip, for sp<-aklng y.ur;iose, again she said: “That'll *lo. Richard, dear. You Imvu acted In thoroughly sportsmanlike man ner You hnv observed the condition* of the net. WIU you be mine forever, darling'" Cllnelie. on I’enple'a Xloney. The Bank Dresden! (according to the Cleveland Plain Dealer)—How doe, the new system work, Mr. Cashier’ Tho Bunk Cashier—Admirably, *lr. We are constantly adding new features, uni I hrllove that In a short twne It will n.- • a perfect as human Ingenuity can make tt Every employe 1, now carefully searched and farced lo tak* u Turkish Uuh before leaving the premises The President—But why glv.. them Turkish hath*? The (’ashler—lt suggests the sweatbox, sir. After the day force have gone to their hiffnes, carefully guarded by* detec tives. the night force comes on and veri ties the figures of the day force "Hut couldn't tnere be collusion between the two forces?” "There could lie no sympathy between them, air They belong to rival college fraternities.'' "And h*> about the detective,?” "We have the detectives of one agency watch the detectives of itlyei other agency "Good Idea. You spoke about using the X-ray machine." “Ye*, wo have a skilled operator al ways on hand tn the main room. u*l at a moment's notice he will ho prepared to tell ue th* content* of th* 1 pockets of etcry susplclous-looktrig person whim w. think wa have reaaon to suspect." “Very good, Indeed. Didn't 1 see a work man putting in some tlectrlc wires to day?" "Y’es. we have connected a powerful battery with the choirs set aside for tne use of the government bank examiners. We think that we will be ,ib!" to f ivor them with a shock sufficiently strung to keep them awake." "And what is your own opinion. Mr. Cashier? Do you think these safeguards are sufficient?" "They will certainly reduce the defalca tions to u minimum, sir. lint It Is quit* Impossible to foresee everything." "Too true." Ill* Theory . Sometime* children show an Instinctive sense of the liner relation* of moral obli gations that Is surprising. *ay* the Lo* Angeles Times. Tne subtle analyst* I* glv ! en at the most unexpected moments and under circumstances that we hail never anticipated, especially from them. On such occasion* we arc more than Inclined to believe with Wordsworth, that "Our b rth Is but u sleep and a forget ting"—and vital the little ones have yet aome of the truer impression* left over from the other skis of existence. An example of till* kind was brought to notice the other day, when a iioy was reciting hla with reference to th* duty a child owed reap* tv ly to his .parent* When h* 1 came lo the fsirt of the Ten Commandment* that say*; "lion*.. th> father and ©y mother." he paused a little, and then said; "Hut yu must honor your mother more than your father." "Why. how ts that. Harold?” inquires) his teacher "Oh. ’cause your father Is related to you only by marriage, hut your mother I* related lo you by• hoenatlon." The tnntesslnu. From lbs t'hloaao Timesdleml.t Where I'etrr guarded heaven's gate A woman iwm* 1 on* day. And meekly knocked and meekly *IJ: "Oh. let me In. I pray!" And many a fairer one than ahe The good old eamt had sighed to see Forever turned away. "And why." h* asked, "should I unbar The gale to let you In? I* ther** upop your heart no scar, And ltd you never sin’ Nuy. look me fairly in the face And hurry up and plead your caxe— I'm wfiltlng—cemi— lexm!" "Ah. yes! 1 must conies* I sinned, Tite one without replied; To keep from paining other, I Well, ofien, Hlr—l bed! But prny do not coeelemn me yet, 1 have oomr virtues I would *et Up on the other side! "I didn't hate mv husband's folks. Nor run them down. ' said she, "I let him love hi* mother, and fir kind lo her. and he Could talk to other women who Were young and blithe and comely, too. Without offending me. “I never, never mode him wait A dismal hour or two; "When he and I agreed to meet I got there!—And I threw No slur* nor ever tried to taint The name* of pure—" "Ah." said the saint “Come mi. you angel, you!" Artistic Heuac In hnme. The lady retainer had been detailed lo procure the name, of prominent person* In antendancc at a performance of grand opera, say* the Chicago Journal. “I beg your pardon, madam." she said, approaching one of tne o< uparttff of a private box; "but will you oblige me by giving me your name 1 'Mr* Archibald Jo Neese " replied the lady "Pardon me." .-a and the reporter. "I dl l no* quite iwtrh the last name " "Jo Seize'' • May I *k you how to p*l! Itf ' Certainly J-n-n-e-g- Jo Neese," haugh tily answered the occuiun* of the ho*, and the reporter retired to fan herself. ITEM* OF IHBIIIAT. —A firm In Lyons, France takrz ad vantage of Ihe shortening of cotton fiber* under • non-mcrcerlxed treatment by caustic p.aa*h to produce In llk wi !* certain |**culiar and very rluh .-mtwssed effects. The ellk'-n web* have vtion thread* at itxrd illzttMM, wnt *h. when the chemical sotuiton I, applied, shrink, while the silk, keeping It* original length. I* gathered tri tiny fold*. In this way the most diversified pattern, are pro duced. —Several Austrian manufacturer, hove formed an association for insurance against strike*, to United -State*, Foeteul Hossfeld, at Trieste. It I, the obj-i ttof the association to indemnify Its *evert member* for all loose* sus t lined by Diem from unjust strlk* • wlik-h may br' Ik out in their establishment*.. E i h mem tier ** to pay n w eekly pr< mltim equal to Horn 3 to t |*r cent, ol the amount of hi* pay roll When a strike occurs, a committee will he appointed to Investigate all the circumstance*, and tf the cause of the strike should be found just no Indemnity ohall b* paid. Aim -1 lar insurance association, although on a .■-m.tller ta ale, L said to have Iteen organ ix***i In Germany. Both the Austrian and German associations, it ippear*. say, Consul Hossfeld, recognize In principle the Just nr-, of strikes, which Is. In Germany, at least, an Important concession to labor. —An electrolytic method for drilling *nd slotting metals has rc.enlly been devised by t’owper Coles, the distinguished Eng lish metallurgist Ills system, which I* particularly applicable to Iron, consist, ill al.owing a Jet of an electrolyte, such a* dlltilo sul|*hur!c add or a .-.Aullon of . ommon salt, to fall on the object to he drilled, and use* the nozzle from which the Jet flow* as th*' (tlMt. whl'*- the plate or ptec** that ts drilled I* ihe anode. The plate i mM to l*e laptdly Worn sway In * manner similar to the anode In tho electrolytic lath, and both drilling anil slotting can Is accomplished quite rapidly. In Ihe most recent form* of the apparatus the nozzle ts plaid near the plate, being separated only by an India rubber waslur which determine* the alar and shat**- of the holt The cat hod*- Is formed of oesmall needle point on which the powder from the bob' collect,. —The hollow bone* of birds. *y* a welt er in Popular Science Monthly, are fre quently cited a* beautiful Instance* of providential ntc, htink’s in building the strongest and largest poe-lble limb wlt.n the hast expenditure of material, and this I, largely true. And yet birds, like ducks, tvhlch cleave Ihe air with the speed of an express train, have the long tuies fllied with marrow or saturmed with (ut. while the lumlierir.g hornbtll that fairly hurtle* over the trertop* has one of the most completely pneumatic ski le lons Imaginable, permeated with ntr to th*' very toe tips; and the ungainly pe'.l --.111 Is neuriy w*-i| off Btill It Is bu' fair to say that the frigate bird ami tur key buxxurds. creature* which are most at tuse when on the wing, have extremely light mid hollow bone*, but compirhig one niM with another the |>.tramount Im |s*runce of a pneumatic slp'leton to ii bird Is not a* evident as (tail of a pneu matic tire to a bicycle. —"A Good-Health Party." the very lat eg!, I* suggested by a Western woman who ha* the courage of her hygienic con victions. It would begin otieration*. he say*, by so stationing Ihe polling place* that every voter would latve to walk IBs mills to deposit hi* taillo. or her*, for this would b; a woman's suffrage t arty, the ballot being granted to every woman who could show a waist measurement of fiom JS to X. Inches! Every candidate would t*e required to prove that he took a cold , ,nutig* 1 bath every morning, an.l the can dntete for President would have to be th*- healthiest man ut the United Htute*— a man who hud never used tobacco or tasted alcohol; who neyer drank lea or ' offw or water at meuL. who had 1! sound natural teeth who always went to tied at tv o'clock, who hud studied foods md always ate for nourishment and never for fun! w ho abh<trr*d l*e;,>er. vinegar and mustard aiut believed that ice-cream should he eaten hot." —The Greek government has Just signed a contract for ihe coasttaicilon of a rail way 372 mil*-* long between Piraeus, thi' port of Athetui, to Demerli. in Thessaly, on the Turkish tiord.-r. says the Balti more Hu: I will l ike the traveler from Athens through AMlea and lloeotta to Thela-S and th. nee thnaigh Phokia and the country of Aehltle* aero** the othry* Mountatn*. Branch line* will convey the "indent of antiquity toChalkl*. tn Euboea, and to Lamia In one day the tourist m <>• v.*lt phu mud. famous by the ilolng* of Themlatoeles, Pericles, Epxminondas, Her cules and othir more or le,* veritable worthies. It ts thought that the new line will largely Increase the tr ale lietw.en Turkey and Greece and will esiMa-lally have i great Influence upon the mall train, 1 hetw*.n Europe, India nnd Il>e Far En9t. u* It |* generally accepted that the mail would then I* l conducted via Athens Instead of Brindisi. Thi- distance between Port Said and Piraeus Is 373 miles shorter than that from Port Slid to Rrlndlvl. The saving In time for mall vin Piraeus would lie S3 hour* for Huditpeot. 24 for Vienna 12 for Munich, a) for Berlin TO for Warsaw" St Petersburg and Moscow, and it for Brussel*. Th l Hutchinson tKsn.) New* say* that -very morning at the usual hour Mis* Mary Screggln* open- Ihe school house In i Rt no nt .'..i -!ts tit her desk all d*y long, while not :i pupil come* to receive Instruction It stems that all Uu> families living In Dls trtet No 79 ar.' Catholics and send thilr children toa i-i-arby paroc.ilnl school \) *, Scroggins*ha* the usual contract with tits school officer*, md she will continue in open and occupy her lonely school room through all the winter month* la*t year •he had no pupils at all during the tlrst four months of the term, and only two pupils during the remaining three months —Many ludicrous misunderstandings oc curred in the taking of the census One question * Indicated by the i mark "length of reat.l nee." which wa* ss.. t isl to show how long the ticoplc living In various localities at the tim* <*f the ce't au# had baen there. When* the retain came in It wa* found that many of these ! qurrle* were answered In figure* in thi* ivuy: 20x10. 15x!i.\ etc. The enume:ator had gon.- atoand with a foot rule and had measured I’m length of the rettldence* ~f the i eoplu they eounteil -Theoretical Inalcht Into tiw> mysteries of electricity is iii iklaK proffer*. The development of th.- elytron theory hy Robert lamit in a Herman periodical la tlu,l hy Nature. Knghsh publlrnt on: It may now he **id th „ phenomena of nugnrtlHtn have at |„* t U-n mim —fullv reduced lo tho-a- of electricity. We know f r „ n , , h< . wwk „ f rhomnoti and of that an ~|0 . ,r 11. current In a wire conaiats of * ,t r ,.. im „f vary sm.ll particles. called .Maoironw These cotton* or.' form..! by t|„. ...j,,. tli ui> of th. m. t.ilie nloins into a |,.rif*r poalllve or l a -milUv ~. native portion The posllve electrons, under th- Influence of an electromotive force, inivel m one di rection lion* the wire with a velocity of on# ivntlnjf'Jt r j>*r mvou.i ri... *. . wiih iZ" IZ" •>■<■' •< llrc tlon with the same try but wilt, a .mailer Z,'. . T r r " ' ln ,h “ rMn or about nine to N• areordtn* to around fh -le.-tron* revolve around the heavier positive electron, in a mernetirct m. ml. , p| nn et , roun< , the .un and th. ebSrlc eoiveetlon-cur ren* thus prohi <■! are nothin, more ".'.Ter'*" Ami Pro's ' elementary mo!c. j cular urrente calculate. ofThe'e nrV T * ,hl le diameter fhe r orb Tlr- speed , that of XL'T "V r,h '" l "'" l led o conoid fiw*. ° irreemoßt with known The Quakers Are Honest People. Quaker Her.) btcsst purl tier, tmt • P*le. Weak and m . bllltaled |u|>!p f *)®ve not slr-ngt , nor blood It *ct ~ a tonic. It reguiai,. ■ illgestlon, cures *ty strength ami tAne , the nervous nystwn. It t a medicine for wreuk women, it i, purely vegetable medicine and eau 1 * taken bv the most delicate. Kidney Dh ■ coses. Itheumatiim and alt disease, ot ths Blood. Btotnach and nerves soon succuir lo Its wonderful effects upon the hums;, system. Thousand* of people In Georg! < recommend it. Price li on QUAKER FAIN BALM I* Ihe medlcir that the (Junker twtor made all ot ho wonderful quick cures with. It'* a ne* and wonderful medicine for Neurulgl , Toothache. Backache, Rbeumattsi i Bprsins. Pain In Bowels; In fact, all pa n can be relieved by tt. Price 25e and Qt AKER WHITE WONDER SOAP. . medicated sip for the t*ktn. s*q p atM complexion. Pile* id a cake. QUAKER HEALING HALVE, n veg . table ointment, for the cure of tetter, e . zemii and eruptions of the skin. Pr , lbo a box. FOR HALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS Ocean Sienmsfiio Go. -FOR- New York,Boston —AND— THE EAST, rn©urpaH©(*l oablti ac'ommoilaUon© A . Ihe comfort© of © modern hotel. Kleciri: l‘ht©. Unexcelled tabic. Ticket© Incluau meal© and berths aboard ©hip. Passenger Fires irom Savanoili. To NEW Y'OItK—FIRST CABIN. . FIRST CABIN ROUND TRIP, tt!. IN TERM EDI ATE CABIN. 115; INTERME DIATE CABIN ROUND TRIP. t-L STEERAGE. ,10 to Boston—first cabin, t FIlffST i'AIUN ROUND TRIP. S3*. IN TERM EDIATE CABIN. sl7; INTERME DIATE CABIN ROUND TRIP. STEERAGE. sll ?:. The *-xpress steamship* of this line appointed lo -aill from Haeannah, Cet .1 (M)th) meridian time, a.- follows: SAVANNAH To NF.AV BlKk. TALLAHASSEE. Capl. Askln,. TUES DAY. Nov. 13, 9*l a m. CITY OF AUGUSTA. Cxpt Daggett, THURSDAY. Not IS 11 .SO a. m CITY OF lURMINGHAM, ''apt. Be-* FRIDAY. Nov. W. 13 ?.* p. m NACtKH'HEE, Capt. Smith, SATURDAY. Nov. 17, 1:30 p. m. KANSAS CITY. Capt. Fish. r. TCEA* DAY. Nov 7" J: p m. TALLAHASSEE. Opt. Askln*. THL’RS BAY. Nov. 30 p. m CITY OF AUGUSTA. Capt. DageMf. SATURDAY Nov 31. :> p. m NACOOCHHB. C..|t Hmllh, TUESDAY. Nov. 77. X *> p m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Capt. t'-rg. THURSDAY. Nov. 79. lu:(M a. m KANSAS CITY’, Capt. Fisher, THURS DAY. Nov. 39, 10:00 a. m. NOTB’K Steamship City of Birming ham will not carry passenger*. NEW YORK in RIZOTOK. CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage, WED NESDAY. N.iv. It. 13 o)io.iti. CITY OF MACON. Cup 1 H iv.ige. MON DAY. Nov. 19. 1’ OP won. CITY OF MACON Capt. Savage. FRI DAY. Nov. 23. al I3:hi noun. CITY OF MACON. Ctpt. Savage. WED NESDAY. Nov. 29. 11:00 noon. This company reserves the right lo change Its sailing* without noil, and without liahidly or accountability there for. Sailing, New York for Savannah Tues days. Thursdays and Saturday* u p nr W O. HRBWKK. City Tl ket an I l a>- s.atger Agint. 107 Bull street, Sat innah, Ut. I; W SMITH. Contracting Knight Agent. Savannah, Ga. It. G. THKZEVANT. Agent, Savanna Ga. WALTER HAWKINS. Aleneral Agent Traffic Dep t. 221 W. Bay street. Ja k-ou tllle, Fla K. H HINTON. Tram. Manager Si vannah. Go P K LE FEVRK, Manager New Pier 3f.. North river. New York. N. T MercDonlsSisrslroiiwioiiCs Steamship Links To Baltimore & Philadelphia Tickets on Sale to All Points North s> i Wsst. First-class tickets Include mesU • n * l berth Savannah to Halt I more* stul I* ‘ delphla. Accommodations* ixi cuisln* unequaled. The Hr unships of fhi* rompany sre *P* pointed to sail from Savannah as fol ** (Central Standard Time): TO 11%1/n^IORE. ITABKA. Cl pi Hlllupe. TUESDAY, N v 13. 11 n. m , DORCHKfITKR. Cspt James. Til' DAY. Nov. 15. 1 p. m BTATB OK THXAB. Cpt. E 1 ‘ HATI ItT*AY. Nov 17. 3 p in I> II MIL.L.KR, l out. Peter*. T EB* DAY. Nov. 2u, 5 p. m TO PIIILtOKIePHIA. RF.RKHHIRK. rapt. Ryan. TIXMP'T, Nov. 13. 9 p. In. A I.I.ROMANY. Capt. Foster. SAT IV HAY. Nov 17, 3 p. m BBRKBHIRJ?. Ryan, WEDNES DAY. Nov. SI. f. p m. Ticket Office No 112 Hull street J J CAROI.AN. Agent NEWCOMII COHEN. Trav. At 1 / Savannah, On. W. P. TI RNKH, a. P A x A. D STEHIIINB. A. T M J C WHITNEY. Tram. Manager Oeneral OHI- ea. Halt more. Ml in.non tm. Awarded at Harla / Quina \ /LAROCHE WINE CORDIAL j \ Highect for cure of Foorse** / \ of Rlood. Siomtch robl* *sd Gtner*. IH # \ bllltr. lucres*** che appetite, •tresgth’’"* / \ the oervea sad build* up the entire •yten. / Y 9tt r*M nrmaot / \ PARIS / \ R. r**rrn a f*. / 4f*au.