The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 13, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 BETTER QUARTERS NEEDED. HOARD OF KIM ITI4IN IHM IM> ADDITIONAL JM IKiiU- 'At 11. l I*l i:Ji. A IlMolatlua \<l optrl to Transfer Our f IHr 4 liallmm MeliooD lo Ihr hrrv 1 hlr> -eighth * l .%olnol ud to turret n Trn|trr) \\ omlni Mrwelurt* for llir oilier on the AraUrni) i.rouiids. II I’rartftmble. A ( onaniltler %iuolntel to Look Into ilie Matter—Hill Require 1o Months to Insfitll llenlluic Ippar talus lit Thirty •eln hill street School. Al it.< N vernber mooti g of the Board of im u\- •- it.jrhi th** • ' ■■**!!'.■ ... jf•.•., nine * tf :• hool a cmninh tons l-r ih*’ children who are now at tend mjc thw aMr moon ► pools w (lit* i tier--I at kngtlL Tne rumor* \ mgrvtmuu of th* Joint Commute© of th* Board *f i. lu*' i ion and tn* t hat him A- -*d* m trust*h to it plan for r©*huddinw tin burned portloci of the Academy, w 1 * dlf* cussed only Incidentally. i* formal report on the übjt v t b*ing tn<wii to th in* ' n;. Tha icha wl.i It th* mcroN tf of the \ <#ard. or some of mem. m l In * ti.ttt of pruviumg i!or*• ■ atl.-f ••n ry * rocnmodaMone for th* *hlMr<-n now in the afternoon > huol*, and on thl> IM ** Ihe ■ ♦ |.u U, for 4 ■ *f * hr. 4 ■ am of er't.i.* a t•i* 4 § - • a: > 4 *rd s-ru* tor on the Chaii'.am A> ad m> grounds for the other h-hool, w- di ■ u* •-I Chairman L* K<> My* • of th* Com mil tee *r. > Jiooi? rci'oit-d that th* n i ti .• tog .! tha ate heitlflf t i I ' award©*! in a f w l* *f that It w uid Hi if * two month* l*efore the work could *• © cm* . r< 1 Tai means that the i)A%' r hcnil > annul be uwil until Jan uary. a' I* • Mr It I 1 tn i K offer'd th* f> allowing resolution; "Re-adved. That the Thirty- St •• * t S * mhi*i as omi'H ! 1 I t** o utunl •• ia i of ihe Cnatnam school-. 1t... ..oid That s cheap tdruc tur* of ivugh t-o.ird> of alx to eight fronts i* .* ud si the < niiham A nl •my l*t f<r in< a* ammo* tut ion <4 others of th* Chatham whooli*. if this be prac ticable. t*l that i r r uiut&ona be re -11-r ** I ** a < oimmtt' t- ■on sis ting of th* pretd U*Ht . th* .p*nnt4Hwt< fit and Mr I-***- lio M n; in in **f the Caniiiu* on b tIOU IIOUMJ- Mr. I-mn.rk r •oluti* n elt in I ion* SidcraNie dts u l.Mi a* to tiie t !Or the r< ►uikilna of *' .uthim Academy, nil niao a- to th- compel lon of tne Thirty rtgttiii Str** s-.diro . it wa> finally adopl- diet -Mi . niif •! i*\ tiiaku.k' Mi ltenmark a nn nne i o! the committee. Thr >p. liil limit •rn t t* r th' tl j jumtn* lit of the ti -a’d and dt< U**r<l the tne *t*■ t .it * *rn*' 1* iirt t fi. Ther M*vra, li*ta* e- in th wi> of carrying ut the plan suggested t*> Mr. I hi.mark, and tie < ommitt* mny re|nrt that it I?* c*t pra> - ticahlf to put ! into ■!' i uttoi Hupt. Aehfbor*- w a .i p|Mi.ntd a ornmitt* of one (• • ore t-'* it mates from <-ar|H*n ere of ti•- coat ot i’oi "tru llnß nn eight-room I siji'.il 1 fi-i n< .ol | jr|o - It I* undfl-'is- rf t Ml it It Will be n* • :• olniila * • |h • nil-both of the t t> .rfid the \> di my trustee* before cjrectins' >ut !i a tn. ure. The !.• t re.oliiilai ofTerei by Mr Den mark ar 1 adc>pted \,y the lioard, provblunt f* r the tr ir .-ter of on* of the Chatham *<hoola to tn* Thirty-eighth *treet school. L* rigarded a tentative rath* r than cun ciusiv** If it U* found that the proponed move does not meet with favor upon the part of h* patrons of the school the lde may b abandoned. A number of Oiher mait<r!4 of Intarest wer* d.stHinnd of. Th I inline Committc** made an tin favorobj. rep t up* n the petttiuii if Mr (' ft W -d -of the High School asking an increase in salary. Mr S;uhs.v, fr**m the Committee on Ti'itlwok!* reportc i that Holme*' Sixth Reader had be* n dlisMtuted for Harper * Fifth Header in th H- venth tirade Sup* rititendent Aahmor*-, in accordance with a r* solut.on of th* Boar*!, rt*iort • and th riant* * f flv• scholara In th- High Br| a!, ind .f;* r < insidering m> h case on Mj mcr.tH it wu deckled to continue all h\- on the fr*- lit Tin Finince Committee reported tht it had xumilled th*> < and v<*tch<m of the trea-urer and found them correct. Bupt. Ashmore ri ort**l that the st Ur w iy of,the *ho* I hou*e at I*ooler was in bad *>.nditlon, an 1 on motion the prtnd i>al *f th- school w authorised to fa e V • r *-at \ i• pair- made The Miperif>;t*isi**fit ilbd attention to tin furniture for th* Thirty-eighth Street b'- hool. He stated that there wa re nearly enough l**ks. 'it and new, on band to au|*t*ly the nchool ft was de i*t*h *i not to nay fumltun* for th* schol for the present. The reipit *t for an appropriation of I’. > for new’ apparatus <r i repairing for the- II gh Srh*M*| w !• y in*d Supt. Ashmore’s October r. |ort wa t *l ami receiv*- I The members *>f th* lioard In attendance upon the m**ntlns w**r** C**l <••** r- A Mer**-r. pr*d ' i,.. I y, H. A. dan mark. IBnry Blun J II B. V Stovall. Lee Roy Myrs. M F Dunn. F. G. dußignon anil T J Charlton. Tin: \t;\\ \ \imnf It mint of Induration to Ailanne© *in.- 4MM# on Hciitith. The trouble* over Yebull llngr the ’h;- liatn A *re about ended. 'Hi* sub committef' of the Joint t’ommltt©** of th© Trustees of the A ailtmy and th© Beard of Education hnv© agreed u|mhi a modi flwl plan in which .ill the ©-sentlal fea tures of the origin il pro)* t ©xrepiftrift th< cupola or *b©rvutory. ar# maintain'*!. The building In to I*© of brick, with atom* trimming* and f attractive ap pearnne© The i.ew plana arc no. qul© ready to submit to bidders, but It is thought that the estimate# will b© wl hln the means <( th>**- inter* tel. provided the Hoard of Education will .1 Ivan. © $lO -of th© rental*, either In money or by agisting the truftem by Indorwment It mo hoped that the matter would 1> In su< h ah up* that the Hoard of Ktlu .1 non would t*k© euch action a help matters Uat ntjrht but the commit t* © wo© not In |atuition to present the subject in dcrtnll form. owing ot ,# ab aence of positive figures a* to the csi of th** propose*! building. There w.l, h no further delay, however, as the hoard will doubt let* hold a special meet in# to confirm whatever notion It© comm.tie* recommends. Th© proposition to advance money t > a*- ctKt th* <‘hatham Academy Is not n i.*w one. as It was iftone when t Jw trust© h of th© latter purchased th© I'mvl! on 110 t©i. that |*rt of th© iawlrmy building now standing. Th© Board of Edu at lon (iki* *ll to pay aisl paid $10.00) as r ntal to help pay for adding another story to It arftl fitting up for ©’hod purposes. Af ter th© .un-"int w.i* repaid in rants, th*? h ademry gave th entire property to th© Itoard of Education for school purge •se at ih© nominal rental of 91 per annum. TO 111:4.1% ASI'HALT 1t 121*.% IRS. JSfw Snpr rl nleiMlcn t of Asphalt (om> pan* on the I'lrlii. Ths new superintendent for the as; hsl* company arrived yesterday utid repo-ted to Dlrctor Gadwcfen of the public work* that hs would be In readiness to begin work In a day or two. Director Gadwdtn * instructions to ih© superintendent ar. to begin work on Broughton street, west, lifter completing which Bull street will be laker* up, followed by Cofagress sbe t %ttlß DRtKHTIAK % II %IIIT. Ilffeutlnnt Itenerteif I Iraf Ilia Wife anil Thru III* Regiment. l.ucy Welter filrd atilt for a total diver aga*r.-t her hu>ian*b John J. Weber. In t . rfu|Mrk>r Court yaaterday The dlano -1 1 ufe dfe and conduct of the lefen*iant ar. I t hi* want (liar eg aid of the common de -enctee of life are the alleged ground* of divorce i The petition eeta out that the parti** i were married in lk*.i7, during thr* month of October. In th** uprmg of \\**h*r d**- j eert#-*! hli wile to . -t in th* I rrttrd State- Volunic**i • brooming a m* in her j |of Com {Min* K. "f the S* 'n 1 ll**glfnn of fseorgia Infantry It would serin that i * pm**- bdi exjierte. *■ with ht wife, th*- pta* tb * < f *lee**rion h *l b** *oine a habit with him. for \V . r ha t not endured th* palmetto root*, dirt. h*at an*l niuajul t . 'f t r ampul Ikn>i very l‘*. he j f.,r** h** left th* rclm*'.m for i*arl> un* k.iO’vn Ho w n*-v*r < aptured during the time the w.*r h .ii In progrwee or before the mu-ter out of id* regiment. Th* divorce if * on dl* k•!**• ah* f i t that h* jen <*rnc tmi* lr. N w Yurk and hi* wife if#-*, that there hi* condud w* *o b . i that *he had to lev- him Hi* fa \*.rite and favored female companion* w*r** women f di*?olute life ar.l chvr ... '-r. Mr W. I Slater represent* the plain tf in h* r effort u aevurc dlvorco fn*m her husband. A tiumb*r *>f other divorce case** were fibd in tte- off! e of the clerk of the Su p**tlor C*ourt on y***terday. among them thoec of R. T. D le**- Against K.itle Lee. Minn tinvtj* against I>*ivl| Ilitvla, H S Jun*- ac-ur.M In* ey Jonee. L A Heater against Vl*>* lleetr. *nd —— Simmon* MgjinM Kbsab**th Himmorw. t o*i ion i.\ ii %x.i; oi i'i< .nv The Mat Dleeted to I*nr for the linautiig 1 r. The annual *l* lion for officers *f the Savannah tk*tton Kx hange yesterday wnj* rot n exception In furniahlng a paa-int time f*<r member*. There were several ticket* In the Hr Id. and it wa* not long l*e fors Jo* ular m* ml** rn had tnim* t them from moil**.- of the recent campaign. The ticket wa* dubbed th** ’’full •lin* ' r pill row.f irv.l it" * ieetton *at i• and with 1* a guarantee of another pr*>a jeTou- v*- i-on on th* * xcbuingt. Tht- suc *•• ef 111 tl k-t (otlowh Pr***l*b*ni **. A Sh* rron. \a * Pf' -hb nt J P Wit llama. 1 dr* - tor- W \V Wllllnmaon, K I. b> ml wort 11. Weber. C 11. Malone, t’harb* Kill.-. J M Barr.ard, Jr , John Flitiliery J J Clatidry and K Karo*. h"i *iri i t tr* N \t KBcikai W C. Strobe ir. L T lluhl*el| and <* A. (ior kn There were -ev* ral ti kete in the field at.! on on** the you g* r member* of rh# ♦ x-’hang. were repieeentel Mr. J P William* wae the candidate for president, but he telegraphed from New York early in th* day hi* unwllllngne** to accept. If elected which dl*<irg#tniz<d the element working f*r the WKreo of tliat ticket. The flection pi* *<l off pba-antly. rot - withstanding th* dlvlt**on of kt-ntiment that prevailed. Alter ta* return* were arnotincsl Supt Merrlr.ew and M* n Wright Hunter. M M H* kin* an*l \V. O Strobhar. tor* of th (‘hsUlon. who had been k* pt pretty busy bv reason of th- liberal \o** cast, celebrated the conciu*lon of the event by an enjoyable dinner. , , < lit IK.IDT* 11% US4 KNBIJI 1. Muior Mill Nniif ll <* i and ■ of Ilepart nit'nt* In n Prn flay*. Mayor Myers will notify the hrad* of th city departments In a few day a that their budget estimates for the en-uing year must be in th*' hand* of the clerk of Council by I>eo. 1. Tht.- I* one of the rules of Council, as th*- bu.lg. t estimates are n** '*• arv to Council in apportioning the appropriation.** for il* n*ulng year. While It I- e*|>ected that m**t ol the depsrfments will usual a*k for money than they were il*w*d for ih pro nt >• r. then- ar<* n* new or orw- Inal expendllur*-* In eight, and the pmb ability Is that the city budget will be pretty mu< h the .*nm** a** for the pr#*ent .* ir It ts estimated that bou*e drain age will require atioiii p 10.000 to i*ompletf the system, so a* to |*ermlt of general u-e. This, however, will not Include c*4 ilngvtih- in*) n small s**?tlon of Y imacraw, where pumping station** will be required The hr** department, will have to have more money, a* It will have anew - fin* station to man and equip, which w|l neces-arlly Increase Its tunning ex|*cnee* The paving of lietlsn and Farm sir-et* will come *ut of next yeit'n budget, and the .piroprlatlon for paving will pro aMv b** large enough to Include the extent* on of Jefferson and Prayton streets south ward and the paving of a cross street, probably Thlrtv-Hghth s*tre*t. to connect iheso two streets WILL UK KO !!%>• IIATTLC. I'nrk Km tension 1 oul<l %ot He 1 lesr ••<l %**> by Thanksgiving Hny. The projeited sham battle in the Bark I f&xteriflon will not take place on Thanks -1 giving day. MaJ. W. Oray*on of the First Battalion of the First Infantry has I lecUled that It would le linposslhlc for the j twirad** ground to •*** cl * a re* I away of the | d<bfis of the IClks' Carnival by the *i,t* I *f Thanksgiving, and It would therefore is* Impracticable for the comiaanie* to an : gage In th© exercise*. MaJ. Grayson has not given up hope, however, of making brittle exercises a f*a | ture <*f *om- .ipt>roachlng holiday. He lie llev* * 1 ? probable that a sham t*altle may h* fought on Gen l#e 's hirtlslay In Jan ! uary, when the trooi*w will turn out f*r their customary parade. At that time h** i hop*!* t*> Interest the Savannah Volunteer Guards at *l have their Uitt ilk>n arrayed against hi* own. th* two t>uttallons act ing a* atta king and resisting forces. j TU mil Km TO-.MIUHT. i The Heaths of Snrnb Williams nnd <f *ktll to He ln<inlre<l Into. Bam Ferre bee. th* negro wlu> was shot Sunday before last by Norman Jackson, ind who has since been at the Georg I i Infirmary, was dl*< harg* l last night. ; The wife of Jackson, who was shot at 1 the same time and who also was taken to the infirmary, died several days ago. An Inquest imo the shooting will lx* held benight by Coroner Goeite, and m* Ferre bee Is th* only one hesfcl© Jackson who *w the sfiootlng. he will b< th* igily wit- I nes*. To-night will l>e held also nn Inquest Into the death of ('onstanttne Skulk*, the j Greek fruit dealer, who was killed by a rock in the hands of Joe M.iynor Hurwlav S evening nt Farm and Buy streets. In | this cue© t number of witnesses wtl! | probably t* -Ufy. . . oM: tnMIMSTMATHI* HKSIO*iEI>.' *nl Anutli.r, nf th.- E.iiitr of John Wohonkq. Uu. A|t|nlnfril. A. Wohnnkn. ■ulmlnii'tnilrtx at lh of John Wuhunka, fllnl h--r mliriuiiion in the Court of Ordinary y.-- ierd.-y, which on ccepie<i Ndtali- Kpa eln wa appointed •dm.ntitralrlx, de oonta non. of the aame estate. Letter* of auardtanehlp upon the estate* jf Wtnnis V. nd Eady H Anderson wer# yrunted to Rebecca Eady. Letters of sruardianahlp were granted n> Arnold T Mn iwell upon the estate of bla minor ,aon. Lewis Read Maxwell. , THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13. 1900. COMMISSIONERS CONDEMN IT. TIIK% Piinroi W.%l\*T PISSAGL OF HOI *i; HILL, M MHF.H 80. Ihr fllll XVlileh PrO|NMa to 'lnk* the f ontrol of the t|it rin eo nor t o leta Prom Them and t*l%e It t the Mate l*ri*oii ( oiiiiui*ltin—lioiml of Trade nnd t ottiin llsriiana** 11 it %•* T iik**n *tmlliir %etl*n—\ll the Protot* i:mliMli**d In l.eiirri to ***• ii a tor mol Hepresrntslh *■. Which Hill He **ent Them Tbb Nor olon Itelie% eil They *ll he >Sf eessf ul. The Board of County fommlnioner' the Savannnh <V>tton B* hang* and tn Savannah Board of Trade od<ld IhcSr emphatic pron to yesterday to those ol ready m.i*i** by t;i grand Jury of h* Sujx’rler t’oart und the Mayor and Alder non No. 30, by thh General Assembly of ta state. Thl is the bill which provides that thi misdemeanor convp t of tn state shall be placetl under the *x uaive direction and control of ’he State Prison Comm la el on. un i that ih . otini\ shall uthe'-e . <*tivl ti- m**r* Iv is ieesee* front the commission. The Crmmls .*•* nr rr, the Hoard of Trade arid the Cot - •**n Bx hange all pla- *-l th* jr r**s<dutlon . i l pr * -.**! an*) *>nd mi ation in th** form • • i* 'i* r * *.# the s • fr f f m t iln i-t i ■ an. ihe Hepr* -ermitl\ * - fr*>m t *.•* * int> Tne meeting of the *otnmi>*4*nen* was held vestrd*y o which m*et- If g tfie following order was p v-*ed: To tne Honorable the Senator of th* First tilMrb't and tin* H ir. ♦ m(i\* ■ fr**nri th* *'ounty of <’hHthiiu in th* tj*-n -eral Asm m !v of Georgia “Th** commis i .ti* r *f Chatham count\ In d f x-olti* io Ju*ig* s reap. . ! fully invok* >our united co-operation and effort t* prevent the passage of th* bill kiown u Hone* lIIIJ No >i. to te* entltbd An n< r ! *•> pla>' tb* convicta under t!.** ' r.tro| aial man>gefn''nt of th* Hri ri l ‘‘omini- i< n of <Georgia, .o provide lor th* *Jir**dHon of the nlr#- *f *p*'| convi* ts ati<l for other p iijms* * ’’First—The eft. t of the bl I will I*e to Increase the costs *f the maintenance of the minors, females and di>- *-**d and *lis al>M convicts either to th** state **r the 'ounty, In th** ♦ luirg* for transp.rtutiof to ih* pla •'C.h >f i 'in. ri;* r ll tnwl In th* maintenance aid guarding of this . la-- of j convict*. "Bec*on*l—The art apf>rove<| lec 2t, IST7 l*m page 71. already *tifet - th* I Prison Commission a general MMwrvißion of the mla*iinanor ..f tie ► it and mtiken it their duty to caus** cadi ! amp where such ,r at work t | be Inspected at lets! quarterly ud io al v Ise with the county aid municipal iu | thorities working the convict* in making j and altering rules fur th* government, contro and management *.f said < mvl* t*. An*l In M-- the county or mm 1-tp.ii an . thorities ami such commission fail t* igr.-. ! upon the m iiiagemcnt. government or control of the same, the Governor shall prescribe rules, and If the authorities hav ( In* charge of the convb !> fall to \ j with sis'h rules then th** Governor, with the commission, shall tnk* such *onvb't. fi*m -hl county or tnuid ipa i an: rub etc . **C. "Third— Provl.lnn I. al-n ma>l. In .did i-t of ihr tot hirinc to th' county or muni'lpdl nuthorlil. . the ib r bodle.l fekiny convtrl, ol .non i. rm. noi eic.etlim two*. "Fourth—Th* county of Chuth.m tins nrKimizc! a and h.i.i provldci rommodlou- quarter, for mindi-mr.o or convict. The amount of dralt ai.. ru .1 and to he dotic In this couhty (or jnl!. r\ , tnd aKrlculturnl puriHMu*. anil the laymy out rd Improving the jnihllc ni, ( >1 th' , county t> .util' lenj ro aiv.. . >n>tant .m -pioymcnt to tne convict, of thl, count) 4io are able phy.l ally to .|. mn-fi work And lh- women and children are cmpl >ye.| upon the county farm In provlv lon. for the rhaln-vnnir at the ttnuille.t expentu- to th" atate mi.l county. "Fifth—The hi | ln>|>..'< s oti the I'rlron t'ntnmlMloti onerou. and 'Xtetixlve ,| u . ties, .nd It may well l~ doubled if th. > | ''*n Im* performed except hy a larxe hit lean of officer, and employe, at H , Kteatly In exceae of any Income deify.d huMtiK Mjch eltort term compulnor) I labor. "Wxth—The public work. In Chatham county that have lan Inaugurated anl ire tn . onternpl uton i;i t greatly re tarded if not d> fcated b.\ the |'ii.*a;o ..f tlilK bill. "There are many other r< av>n that cmi.d t*e urge I lKiilnxt the l l;l appllcald. e.peci.lly m thle county, owing to tit* I extenatve and wide area requtrlriff drain* age and the .and) character of lie public ; road, requiring surfacing. Wf therefore join with Ihe,grand Jur> o*h<r public Indies t n the |>roirst against the ineatir of this bill, and tlut you. both In committee and In tlen etal A Monthly, u.e your het effort • to de feat the hill or except Chatham county ; tr-an its oftcratlon.*. ' Similar resolution* were adopted yester day morning by the Cotton Kxchange and Hoard of Trade. In which practically the '.line disadvantage, to thta and other counties similarly xttuate.l. to l.e expect ed In the event of the bill , enactment Into law ure .tressed. All of these resolution, will be .ent on to tb nator Cann and R, pr.*-enntlv.*s Harden. Well, and lilt- h iht. morning From w-hat can Is* learned of the .ent|- metu obtaining among the advocates of the hill in and out of the tleneral As sembly 11 Would seem that there Is little or no dl* position to make Its O]-. ration | r ,. elude the county of Chatham None of the abuses of which complaint Is made has .v.-r h.-re and all its- argu ment. In favor of the bill are agaln.t the Inclusion of this county In its op. rat Asa matter of fact there hav- been no j scandal* connected with th- eontrol of the convict, by the authorities here while the 'aim- thing cannot he .aid of other places where the state nuthorlli. s directly eupervlar-.l the .-nitre matter (HVE MftMd ru I'.i.hv Merchant. Ill.poa.- ..( Fund, for Fair Knterla Inin ent. A meeting of the .üb-cribers to the mer* chanl.' fund for the lairtsysc of assisting the Klk. In Ihe entertainment of visitor, to the city during carnival week w n held at the He (kato last night. Mr ; Thomas Rallantyne presided Th" tro.s urer. Mr A 11. Palmer, retort el that e ! had cash In hand turned over to him by j the committee, to the amo in of per; a > | There are .till two cmmlttea* to r-pnrl. 1 that on U*v .tre.'t, cast and th. on.- f., r Congrnte, Rryan and St Julian stre. t. With the collections of these t commit te It Is expect.s| that th.- amount w I be conel lerabty Increased Owing to Ihe fact that tt is now too late to get Up any special form of entertain ment tor the fair and as the Kiks have l.*en at cestslderablr expense for the <p t. riatnirx-nt they have fum.slted ..t thel own account. It was <lr i.1.-.l to alstn lon the original plan and simply turn I o money over to the Klks, to ts- it .and :.s they may think best. A resolution was accordingly adopted Instructing the trea urer to turn over to l-Jxalled Ruler John J Ktrhv Ot the Klks MM fuels which h now ha. In hand, together art h t e amount, which he may re-el vs fn-m the coimnl'tee. which have n t y-t r.tortd the merchant, being ea t.fl.d that th money wrlll be put to a p.oper use by the F.ika. _ Order of the American Wine Company of St. Knits, If your grocer don’t k.-ep Cook's Imperial Kxtra l/ty Champagtui. —ad. \\ ILL 1.1-T mi Ll.O\ll>v GO BV. 4 nmrru 4 lul Will >t T'r> lo !*!*— irniiia Thriu T ill* \ rnr. A y#*r K' to-niirht and th*r* were himlrrli* of ln Ba \ ii r.l • it th** lookr>at for the November meteoric ahower. the Th*? Came i.* Cluh l.fl'l rnai** eiUnilvr pr**x*a rat lona for |:i>toffra|>htrij( the *u.irK ae they hoi a r< the heavens. anl had nn *>herva •>r> on th** roof of th* De 8 to. A corr** • f ::fte**n or twenty rh#r\rm opent two n Khtf* rcann.njf th* heaven* for the Leo i i * tha' id v r < ime All over tin- roan • > th*- > ni* or ulmilar preparations ha I ■ n mail*. *i**| t!i turn* disappointment aine to all uiik*- Tle mo*it intere tine a troooml al qu "lon Joet now D wh** h**r the - * . niet*-orfc .fiower whl h wn i *•!, whether I? ha merely been delayed .* >• ar li**)ond the *1 u*ted tim*. and wi.l t k place in it full ry n**xt wrk i’ii* Hftltud*- of th* Harvard C’olli'ire Ob - rv.itory in thin matter le probably tvp i ul *f that taken at mot a*tronomleal j’..orv While lm.nir that the chance** )f the nhower app* nn>f u.e le.-e than a i war ast", i‘r*>f Kick**!in# nd hi* Hs?*i*t •iu- have not by n> means given up ,and thouitn th* rre|>a rat lona which I i.t err made for r*’ rdtnic it are lexj* xui.jdve th in they were a*t in* v h atiil Mitrt' i*nt to take full ad | \ .irit:*ycc of the ton in the p!k>w ; • r occub. No preparations have been made in 8a ' a in,h t. obe* rve ih- phenomen.*. The I tii.* r * <*hib will let tt go by. T e N ivemt*er ehoo ir jr Htar* are known lti Letnkla, trorn * *i- |-*ci:l<fn of their ; ■.l i pin; in th* *• #i..itin of the | . hi, aiiil th* number he. n in ordinary • ire wou>l iniiK* ft ni .or IflO to ***y* or Ii. The Harvard ot*ervatory noted •me v*. f*r ♦ xifirple. );* i N**v*'m>er. but what whs ex|**** ed i i** ycar. and i hoped | f r to-nifr t. I?* a re -urren* e of the m.ic [ nifi *n: lDp;.iv. *hl* h were *een in 17T*!. -5 and IS*>. when not hui drc l. lut thou enl.H nnd ten> of thou .nuls niiot into tlie • #irth‘i* atmoephere. In 1R33 a comfietent • b.-erver In Hotton • ai*ulate*l the mimlM-r hid .imuuni' l to 24*.*o* i**em-nn n th* •ye to fall a* thick y a* the flakes n a enowsturm. Amateur ui.* *rverj intrrcsied in wat h inx the met tor* may fii, J the conateUatioo f t i*• Lion readi.y l> taking the Great Iqp. r a* i poin*. The two out -Ul** etars of the bowl >f the tiip}M r are ue 1 for pointers to th* Hole Btar. Take •he ot her two “turf* *>f the bowl a* |*>int ! •r* in the Jit* Hon. nil a large ‘f ir i> re • hed, about ten Mm* • Hie diwiance ktwetn ihe two (W>inl •re The , llr w|J I*. found to In* at the nd of the han<i> of *i rather close r*p i • --i till ion **f . *1 k v\ hi*, h is the mo*t >t\ ioiiw i*D- o’ i.ti character of Ist*** The ! \ li.tnc of the meteor- ,s <t ilitle north of the center -f tne sick* The pat hi* of the tn*'te**• h wli. npp>av shorter un one ai*- i*r> • h* s the radiant, thoae clone to the jxdnt !*• in? little more than rt.inhes of light They then proareiuiively iengihen. lid m*i*Mrs half the tr of the visible* tky • way will uimont encircle the lieaveor. TO MILL OI.M ÜBHAITION, I hat at the 4 Ity ttNUNilne to be Ilia of. The old ammunition mch ha a been r. stinif un*lalned ut the city's magaziri* f*r the lust thirty year* Im to be sold as I Junk Mayor Myers yesterday cave n true Mans to notify the dealers in old jron ro this effect. The ammunition is no longer of any value f -r the purposes for v .Ich it was Intended, and the historical j interest which attaches to it is so slight •* to hardly mike it worth preserving ior souvenir purposes. The ammunition iu question Includes 13 of 10~pound Hotchkiss shells. th**re * ♦**nor ten • l.s to f'lich case, *rxl one and • half ciis* s of (tAnistcMv B*me of the l.x***i ar- ad lr*.“f I o the tlovemor of Itory t, som* to the late cr>mman*ler of th** 4'hsthim .Artillery, ('apt John F Wheaton, and >n* l.\ to Haim**r A Dep i -dl, the old ilrm which preceded the Palmer Hardware Ccxnpany. Keeper Gilbert of th*- itowder maga /in**, has made special ffort to trace ih* ilsiory of the old ammunition, but with little success. The records, if there ever •vere any, have l*e. n lost, and those who could gii** the Information have passed away. There is a tradition among some <*f the old veterans that the artillery am munition m question was pari of a lot apttm 1 by the C*Mlfederates front the Fedoral troops when the latter attemot • i to mHkeV crossing of the Havanmth Hver at Bister's ferry during th*- latter l*.rt of th* war. and brought to Savan • tab for safekeeping The Federal guns, w Idi wer. 'apttired at th* sam** time, tr** said to hav* been tumid*-*! into the river. Fart of t lie araniUfilUon Is supposed io have been turned over to the Ghat* ham Artillery, but the c'ompany has no r*ord to this effect. There wer*- four and a half cases <f caliber cartridges at th** magazine, but these wer*- recently turned over to t'.** Savannah 4*adets. The cartrUlg** cases were nddr* ss.**! to #, Col. C. \V. Amler **• n.” at Savannah, but Mr. Gilbert has been nformed that this rol. Anderson "as not a meml*er of the Savannah fam ily of that name, but was colonel of a Northern Some of ihe old shot •nd canister have been given away as relics, but there are about 1,34)0 pounds ieft cn which the agents of the iron com panies will >e allowed to bill M ITII Gil TB %Ml MIMIC. 4 4 ni|nn> II of the (iunrila Mill Kr. ler4n In To-morrov* Machl. Company f* of the Bivannah Volunteer Guards will give a gift and musical en tertainment at the Guards' Hall to-mor row night. Th** proceeds will be !evo:©d to the uniform fund of the c.*mp.*ny Capt. Wright Hunter md his officers and men have been working h<ird the success of the entertainment, and ii is l>e!leved a larg sum wil: be realiz'd from the njl© of tl* k*-ts. Five hun*lred useful and valuahh- pres ent- will l>- given away, ranging In value from SI to $35. The?-© were given th rompuin i le <lisposed of In this man ner The ;; kets have coupons attacr.c !, md if tin- l*o ler of a tl< k*-t Is fortunaie hi-< coupon will draw’ him a i*r.ze. At the meetings of the various military com mands last night invitations to *ttend the i-iitertainment were read, and it Is pro - able that tiler*- wi l be a great many ool itic rs besides the Guards present. Danc ing will follow the musical and other features. Following is the Kxecu'lve (’ommlttO" of the entertainment: Cap! Wilght Hun ter. chairman. Lieut W. L. Pritchard, Sorgt*. Georg** II Kills. 8. Fleishman. Louis 8 llarford. Thomas M. Hoynea. C’orpls NV II Robertson. T. R Heywzid. Jr . Private> K. J Gleason. If. L. G.rt man and B. R. Wever. Filed nn Intervention. Gen. W, W. Gordon, as owner of the lordon Wharf, filrd an Intervention in Ihe libel case of Joseph Lai miry against the British bark Ltssie Curry, in the Fnlted 8 :it*-s Court yesterday. The nark ow’oi Gen. Gordon s&> for dockage at the Gordon Wharf Mr W. W. Gordon, Jr., represents the intervenor. —• ■ I'l.m tn all t formx. 1 prompt ly aiMl permanently cured by Hood'. Br .aparlllo. which neutrattxea acidity of the blood.— ad. November Brldea. would prefer thetr preni from Htemberx * C'i excluwve deaixn* In fine cut Ktlaaa, .liverware, diamund., ate. . —ad. 1 SAW THE FOUNTAIN IN PLAY. GMCAT BLKCTIIIt'AL HPIXTULC LAIT M4.11T AT THE 4 AMMI %L. Llertrlc* Foiln mln W ill lie In \elinn Kvery Mglil—Lsrgr <r*wil Li Nluli t W it* IH*I Ig Ilf ed b* 11—tltlllU* ■ lon t< the firiiuutiii VII Thai !■ %••*!**l to Vrr the K*unlsin-v|iow Will Hemal a All This Wrrk-llnll romla Hr|M*rt'l Brd) \ isllor* to the 4 it > \ eaterda y—llvt \% i I*l llrasla ltrel%e Ihaluty Horiela for 1 heir Health. Tne el**4 trie foun ain was In play in the Elks’ C’orniv tl grounds hist night for the first time. A large crowd was out to ree the thow*. and all guihercd around the fountain when it was put in action. F*r half an hour on two occasions the fmin tain w is in play. .ml all who witnessed Its wonderful display und the gorgeous electric effect# w*re dellghtei. Originally U was the intention to have the fountain one of the feature* of the tartm-il to w h ch a sjecl.*l .tdmisMon fe* would have to be paid, but this was given *\**r and It wn* decided to mak*- the tri umph of hydrostatics and electrh-al in genuity a free *xh lotion, the pttv.lege of observing it to be open to all who entered the grounds. Those who saw th*- two displays last night declared that th* fountain alone Is worth the price of ad mission to tlie grounds. Many Jet. of water shot high Into the air fr *tn th* fountain. Klec.ricsl effects give the Jei ail 4X>lor?* and show the wa ter in ruany shaj>e* and form.* These are rti'ld.y hanging, and the eye has no chance of tiring of one scene lie fore it gives way i a not hef. A serpentine dancer ascend# to the center of the foun tain by an elevator, and. with lights tU ihh.g upon, and around her. th© foun tain continuing in pay ah the while, she exe utes a graceful dance. I'pon her 1 drapery pictures In the most beautiful col ors and C4*n> dnatlons are thrown, and the woman, the .ights, the colors and the * hanging forms oi the w ater make up a I*-- cure that remains in th* m* mory <f the behokier o delight lorfg after the scene has [Nton-d away. llllroNla Heprtr*l Crowds. It**ports from th** railroads yesterday to Ibe management 0 f the carnival pro iaim e| m r** vl-liors than h-id reach* *1 ihe city ■•by day of r*t w*. k, and many of them w* r* in evidence upon the groan*!" All from a distance who have visited the shows unite with Ihe citizen'- in their praise, and for thos* who have not yet arrived, though expecting to visit Savan nah for the carnival, rare entertainment is In prosject I-° *1 people, as well as vis. tors, patron ized the carnival In force Entrance t<* Hie grounds during the afternoon wis fi*e. as it will Ih* every day this week, admission being charged only a: night The withdrawal of the price for admis sion to the grounds attracts many visi tors who spend their tn*>n<-y m>on the shows, loisc night the crowd was merry and free with money, though then* were not as many young m*-n and young wo men In evidence is usual, the military meetings and the attraction at the th****- ter keeping them away from Hie carni val. No Slums Mott ns twii), During the day there was a rumor that srme of the shows on the ground* were moving away. An investigation proved that th© rumor was ai-surd. as not a sin gle one of th© shows had moved. All arc under contract to remain throughout B.t -| unlay, and they will abide by their agr**e cnent The carnival people see nq reason why there should be talk of the with drawai of shows, as all are well plea-ed with th© patronage and expect it to be • van more libera! during the rest of the w**ek. A visit to the grounds disclosed all the shows in full blast iast night, all th** din ar.d confusion that make up a Midway -how being there. Some of the at r.r -j nons seem to tk* with the crow| Iw-t -! ter than others, and do a rushing busi -1 ness. All please the visitors, but to som** more than one visit Is required for one to Im* perfectly satisfied. Til la la Lika* IM>. This will be Elks’ day at the eanilvsl. It Is particularly desired that nil the Klks in the city put in n appears no© to day, even though they have silready vis ited the carnival. They will he confldently expected by the management and th* committeemen. There ore many F.lks In the city, and their |*atroitg-, with the ladles they will have accompanying them, will insure u great crowd at the ground" to-night. Ilow Ihe Hensta \re Fed. Those who pay vists to the shows when the laM perform.*nces, along ohout 11 ;S) or 12 o’clock, ore being given, have an opportunity to witness a feature that is not on th*? programme regularlv. That is th© frding the wild beast*. This Is an interesting siwclacle, though, possibly, not the most refined that could !be imagined The animals rend an*! tear | their food to pieces, and there Is a sug gestion of the old Roman amphitheaters and ferocious animals growling and fight ing over their prey. Anywhere from on** to twenty pound* of raw meat make a meal for th© ani mals. They are fed hut once a day. The popular idea that the blasts are well fed .lust before their trainers enter their ©ages Is a fallacy for by the time the an imals are put through their performan e-* they have hid hours In which to gr *w hungry. It is generally supi*ospi tha* they are ail the more likely to turn upHi their trainers an*) keepers when hungry, but such is not the case. \ The lion*, cougars, leopards, janth-rs’ and other beasts t be found t the car nival know full well when the hour f.*r their feast approaches, and they then Ue *nie thoroughly aroused, f*icing their cages frantically ami k>*ki' g for ih© com ing of those* who bring them their fo *1 They seize upon It with hungry teeth Wfh**n it is thrust through the bar*, and soon the animals have© away with It and relapsed into the ti>rild He* p that j follows their Ailing thcmsalve# to reple tion. When a lion or on© of th© other beasts gets off hi* feed a llv® fowl Is thrown him This is as a sort of appetizer, but it in Interesting to not© th© animal's a< tlons One would think Hint he* would at once ©at th© fowl, hut this Is not th© case. Instead, after catching and killing it, th© beast picks U as ©ban as th© most (articular cook might, expending p.'rharx* half an hour in tn© process. All th© down Is removed from the carcass before the animal decide® to eat it The remedy Is effective. th©r© being something stout the meat of the fowl killed by the animal him se.f that restore© Ills appetite and enables him to get back to hi* old trick of eating twenty |K>unds of m*at a day. A Peanut llant. **Our Ladles’ Aid Society" will give a peanut bunt Wednesday afternoon In th© Bishop’s yard, beginning at 3:3u o'clock. The net for which tickets have already been sold will b© drawn tor also on Wednesday afternoon.—d If Awn Are In Doubt. Our oervkce® are yours, in making aj>pro pr l*! © l©* GH *f fi * *<f. • dings or other presentation pun>o*ea. Our prices always lowest and quality highest. Sternberg A Cos —ad. School Nappllrs. Just received a Is.-gt and assorted sup ply of achool bags and school supplies, all at cut rates: from 10 cents up. also, usual large stock of all the school book*, now used in Chatham county, at Kstlll s News Depot, 46 BaU street, tiavaunab, Ga.—ad. ALLEGES 4.HOWS NK4I.I4*KNf K. R. R. Itlle> Wants A|.V4MM Damage* From F. A W. Hsllns) , R R. Riley filed suit In tht Superior f'ourt yesterday against the Bavarnah. Florida and Western Railway. 4k'Kin;; Judgment for damages In th© -urn of $!&.- ou* The plAlntlff base* his claim for damage' upon |*r*onal injuries re eve i. as h© allege.- by reason of th** giq* neg l.gence of the company * eirpoyiz Th© fietiiion recites that at 9 o'clock ou h© moinlngf of April 9 la-t th© pla ntlf? prepare*! to cross the t rm< ks of the com pany at th© Flrty-firri street crossing, which he claim* Is crossing establish'd by the omiuny for the convenience o. the public. As he reached the crooning a long freight train was pooslng on the south ern track, and he waned un II It had passe*) and the cross n*. apparently, wa© clear. A* the last car of the freight train passed h© stepped upon the nutiior.i track and then upon the northern track, and as he did ©o wh* struck by tb© ?©n d*-r of a pusher engine, tha* cam- up in the oiqxvbt© direction from that In which the ir.-ight tram had been going. Hecau*© of Ihe length of th** freight train, it had been impossible for him to see the engine, and w'hatever nulse it male was drowned by the gieater no!*© produced by th** passage of the heavily I..uied care of the train Th© * mplo>'© of the company In charge of th© engine neithe r diminished its speed n*r rang its bell, nor blew It* whistle, and he had no means of knowing that danger was Im minent until he had been struck by Uie t**ndtr ©nd hurled from the track. He was knocked several feet and fell, bleeding and senseless from the force of the blow He received painful and serious internal Injuries, which caused him to |*e confined to his bed for a period of twelve week*, from the effects of which In ha* never recovered and which he be lieve* and asserts to b© permanent Th© plaintiff allege* gross negligence tn the employ©* of the company by reason of •he fact th*it the ©peed of h© engine was not checked a* it auprosched the crossing, by reason of the further fact that n*> signal of it* approach wa* given, be ause no lookout for pass'.ng pedes trian* was being maintained and, finally. If*-cause th© engine was running at the time at a dangerous and excessive speed, approximating thirty-five mil©* an hour, within the corpora © limit* of th© city. To indicate th© measure of damages the plaintiff bios* Shat at th© tlm- of 1,,# <i. -Id*ni he was 27 year* old. and had a reasonable exiectanc) of life of 36 v* ar*. ll© was earning tin average of I** month H al.ege* that because >f Ih© injuries then received bis earning capacity has be* n Impurited n*l perhaps *b*strted In exiens©s Incurred by reason of ht* injuries! and th© consequent illness, the plaintiff show* that be expended $2Sk Th© remained of th© sls 000. at which h© fix©* ds damage*, he claims for the impairment of hi* earning capacity and as punish ment to th© company for th© alleged gross negligence of It© servants and agents. Rllev t* represented by Messrs. Alexander Hi Hitch. MIBB FLOHRIE E. PALMER DEAD. slip \\ 111 lie Bnrled This Afternoon From tit. Pn uI '• 4 hon-h. Ml** Florrle K. Palmer dle*l at 10 o’clock last night at th© home of her mother. Mr*. Carrie Talmer. No. 411 Park avenue, east. Mia* Palmer had been In bad haillh for about a year. The month* of September and October she ©pent In Summerville, 8 C . hoping that the cha- g** would be of help. Bh® returned to Bivannah th® laet of October, seem.nely slightly b®ne ffted. but the Improv* mervt was no: |*®r manent. and *h© gradually grew wor e until the ©nd cam®. Ml** l‘alm©r was a devoted member of St. Pauls Episcopal Church, and was until her health failed her. a member of the choir there. Besides her mother, *h® ha. a brother. Mr. Htchard Pa.mer, who is itt present out of th© city, but who ks expected Ui* k this morning. The funeral will take place at Bt. Paul a Church at 4 o'clock thi* afternoon The burial will be made al Laurel Grove Cem etery. ♦ * % DEATH OF FORMER BA\ AN N %ll AN. Mr. Win. 11. Phillips Died Friday in Itnrkensaek. V J. Mr. Wm. 11. Phillips, formerly a resi dent of Savannah, died Friday at th© home of hi* brother in Ha* kcn&ack, N J. The body ha* been brought to thi* city, and the funeral will take place to day at 10 o’clock from the Cathedral < f fli. John th© Baptist. The Interment will t*> made tn th© Cathedral Cemetery Mr. Phillip* was the son of Mrs. 11. D Phillip® of this city. H© left Savannah about six years ago. and was engaged In business In both Jacksonville, and Miami, before h© went to Hackensack. ~ i • FI VI. OF JOHV 11. MeCOXXELL. To T.ltr Filler From Hl* Mother*. He.ldenee To-morrow Morning. The funeral of Ihe late John If. McCon nell will l ike |J iro from the residence of hi. mother. Mr*. John Brannon. 11 Con- Kr<*! etrcct. earl, at 10 o'clock, tomor row mornlnu. The body will reach Ihe city from Brooklyn, where Mr McConmll <lliml on laat Saturday, thi. evening. Mr. McConnell, who win 31 yea', o<| left Savannah worn little mote than a 1 nt, atwl ha. been living In Brooklyn ever alnce. Death reeulted from con*umi>:lon. which tlreatl .lleea.e h,t*l twen working It* ravage* upon hi* con*t:tutlon for the pa*t eevvral year* *1 ml > While tou Work. Through one of the ten free scholarship. In Th* International Correspondence School* of 8< ranton. Pa., wnlch th. Mo n lns New* Will present to you If you secure one of ilia ten largest numbeia of vole* by Nov. . 10. you can keep on earning a living al your present work, , n j „ (ho same tune, oy ai home t n ( m „ usually devoted io recreallon or reat, fl, yourself lor a professional position at a good salary. You can easily become one of the win ners of this contest, by devoting your at tention io collecting Voting Coii;..n, a,<j keeping at It. No one has a belter cnance than you Get every vote you can and have all your triend* save theirs for you. See the window display of ,e XI books and drawing outfits to be given away by the Morning News in Its educational con teat., at Chas Marks' shoe store. 17 Hroughton Street, west. hell V onr Oold. Sternberg & Cos. will buy your old gold at full price for cash or in trade —ad M lt Cared Me.— "Oraybeard broke up rheumatism on me.” says Mr Chas Thomas, the Jew eler on Whitaker street. "And nut me In better health thaw I have enjoyed In a long time," Take Oraybeard Pill* f or that dltry feellr.g—Lost appetjte and follow It up with a bottle of"TTraybeard It Is all you need Respess Drag Cos., sole prop. Sa vannah. Ga.—ad ' Glorious Class,rare. The mos■ beautiful selections of cut glassware (at hiemberg g Co.'*) ever seen In Savannah—ad. A *Hh*Or de lnsUrailon for Ladles Shorter*, Rome, Qa. YVrtU for catalogue—ad. ALL KINDS "LAP ROBES" HORSE BLANKETS —and— HOODS. Congress and Whitaker Sk LEO FRANK. Hogan’s Our trade for the pa*t week ha* b* ! phenomenal, showing that low- p r . and goo*i value will always do the v. To show our appreciation for such eral patronage we will fa riy siu u- r ! th© gool* to-day. !<•**! th* follow < quotations and know that we mean busi ness 10 yard* Fruit of Loom. 4-4. for 6.4: on y, 10 yard* to customer. 10 yards Good 4-4 Bleach for 80c. Full Hz*- 55c She. t for 38c. 10 yards Good 5c Calico for 3*V. 10 yards Best 4-4 B* 1 eland 80c. 7c and Rc. quality Outing to go at Bc, Entire line of 12tyc Outing for 10c Good full width Sheeting, bleached, cheap at 25c AI! of our 10c Light Outings for 10c 11L.%< K GOODS. Henrietta*. 45-inch wide, 30c; worth Henrietta*. 3t'-lnch wl*l©. 35c; worth Henrietta*. 36-Inch wide. 35* ; worth 4*. Black Storm Serge. 45-lnch. *piec*!vl value, only 88c. Cheviot Serge, already sponged, now ,-*, CC LORICD 4.04)1)4. Alßwrool Ladle*' Cloth. 38-Inch. 48c;wort *9 cent* All color* Henrietta* 3ft-lnch. 25c wortj 35 cent*. Six leading shad©* Henriettas. 4 in i, 38c; worth s**\ Fancy Plai lM for children’* dre , | shirt waist*, from lo- to 3V. SILK*. Black Taffeln 40-; worth 60c. Fancy Silk*. In whlm de.-tgns. 43r \ ‘ Full line of {Taffeta* In al! the lea shade*. 78c. Pretty lin© of Waist patterns, 4 a U In ©a<-h. for $2 75 MPKCItL MALE IN GOOD TABLE DAMASK. Good half-bleached Damask 25c; wor-i I 35 cent*. Got>l half-bleach**l Damask 38c; w. r a ! 45 cents. 72-inch good German Damask 75c; * r j $1 00. •0-lnch good bk acbe.l Linen 4$ u 1 ♦3O cents. •0-lnch T'hlon Damask 27 I yc; worth 72-Inch extra heavy Bleached 71 \\> y SIOO. 72-Inch extra heavy Bleach'd $1.00; w i $1 25 EXTRAORDINARY VAUK IN TtHI.K N \PKINS. Fancy Tama*k ard I luck H©ms* * *d Towels st ©xceed'nzlv low pr|c<* Full line Hemstti '!.©d TaK© Bet A rood Llnrn T*-w* l nl a* s.z* i , Nil VS FI It N l**ll\44W. Single nnd douhb-breasted IP © Flannel Shirts SI.4W. worth $1.50 This i* n i*l r. Men's Red Flannel Undeiweat at -a suit; cheap nt s3<o. A fio-c©nt Cotton Flannel Drawers this week at 37*-rC * Just received full line Neckwear In order to union i our Immenv* n1 Iwivlsim** stork of Ladies' Wrap- !' /, etc., w© have decided to let th- m > re gardless of profit 4'om© early and c©! tb© pick Don’t forget that our *• * • Mattings and Rug Department Is in * ’ blast nt price* that will cause you t Daniel Hogan, Th© corner Broughton nnd Barnard •<. | A lain BROUGHTON STREH; RHl'l.'ll M< gHUANNAII rittfrirLß TO-NIOIIT. DUNNE A• RVI.KY pr#s< , nl S' IMATHEWS • &• BULGER tn all tar can. l ncl ■•*■ In* Waiter Joins “ Bi Jol# DrWlit. In J lo w inu.l. i.l coin oj. In thr*-# fxploslons tv Oen A>l# author of tha .Of v?\ book* Artt#, Enbla* tn / f<l*n*. ate. Mnthaw* n>t i< llulxar. Waltar Jones Jo- - f ) •to DaWltl, Norma Whal- U I lay. Philip H. Rytay.Dalajr \ *•/. / Oahrua, Tony Hart. 11a an A , . / Merrill. A.llyn Ealaa. an.l . Aa Wlwimn'. Haranadars I ' " —J PrlO -fl. 7 . '. 60c and 5Sa. SAVANNAH the* ter. FRIDAY NIGHT. NOV I*. RUSCO & HOLLAND'S (Successors to lilohard* A Prlnfls)* BIG Minstrel Festival! HEADED BY BILLY KERSANDS. PrlCM—n.oo. 76c 1 and 10c. For thl n*afement entire balcony r, ‘ eervad for colored pa iron.. Ba.t* on x.le Wedneaday. > . m IK Y< H V\ VN T M ■ ■' , end work, order your lliho.jrai.hed a"o printed alatlonery ami blank buofca Irvin Alornln* Newx, davannah, Ga.