The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 13, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 FIRST GENERAL BILL PASSED. m;i %n> to it*r im*m n%u.r of ftimixi* I*ll row*. llill Intrml nrnl An *•* Me tor ihr Prrarn n• •• nf •tm In i r llrrnnla—• *••*.* " "• Nhorf—Mlllrr of Wmntm to Krrp out of Ihr l*wlllr Rfkoola ( liildn n f I In for* Who Full <o |*H > I ••*ir l*ill I•• * Ai .n V*\ 'b' * ' o.i* m ..***- i * J*v , l i V I* • ! * m,.k i* it lot *1 ff four ft*-n in • n fr> .• and on* general. ft Th* £*friai till ja .*'-w l w.i #* fry Mr, f ' . It shor*n* t • lino *t I ui.,.** . i • . itaruMia for the *f *ir r r- I’n Vr th* pr n. n; I* t-e <*• ’ -* run for il.rr month* Mr HteM think? involves entirely t l The Jaw .- I t -1a thocn lo h* i *bi *i-•! or’> • n wtK for four w*>k A number of * mml*te* reports vrre fiihmltfH, thus plx*tt k many m* , 0 fc ir** i on the calendar tor . s* xm 1 reading A tow hil'g w e refi a • -nd * .nt* which v tl! rut th* m In <>rd * f to morrow- . ai...i • •.*? r* ;► t I t lav will onfr>"l r* ! * ■ tro*>r row I rut ’ their p#*ajC‘ We • —i*. ChliritMi Prw •• *.. allo-1 • nv •rf rf t \Y • ’• At .nt Flail ois t'ommi’te* ' r \\ i■***•!♦ •• -iffen.o i ’ 4 ,ti o cl* rk ii room 2- or tf•* * 'upit* I at which tim* r i -*\|e • l t * •*• Mv§ r |V*rt from I the i*b commit to#* Xfr 1* ntt and from : commit * • Th*- tile ;-*—•! were Hy Mi Ki ■ * <*f Klotd—To • h*nt* th. uni' ■ iu.g the duperlow Curl of th. thin. n if By >l. ■ l,u- t-I r of S imi.r - T<i nUh ih> County Court of burner and *l*. *•1. dish th* city Court of ,\ ni.rl u- By ilr Steed .*f Ttl lor—To rniur. ■h. tun* of t*i l.tilnt citation* ol duno'- (.inti* of edmtotMra'or* from tnree month* tn on* . • *•••* lor four week* B' Mi Kintt of Fulton—To imeri.l a* art InciuT'oratln* the Tru*t Company . f Ooorgia H> Mr Hinton of Fulton—To amen I ♦ a t Incorporating the <*up'tl t‘lt> fa ik By Mr M l*ehr.©h of T*lfalr—To t.x tfri time of htsMmff h* iper.or * ourt* ff the (Von* e . It* ti By Mr K nit <4 Fulton-To *mer..l he a t in 'rf>or *ting *h A lr* n an \ Coal Company. Pmrrtatlt.a of tVnr Rrcord.. Mr III*.. i>i Klhcit mtro.lil cl • MU ■* . > *. Mlct* from th'- .olonl.l period Joan Th or i- .li .* id 10 p|*ilol rufahlH pci6 01, |..r lht puipo*.- who*, c .lsry 6 imII he II V.. i**r annum. Tho ; rrror.l* .it** to In* -'Ollcc*. 1 nn*t I'Otnpi **d In b.>k form m*l f*t..lhc I by th* >i it* i th* return* to f* turnci Into th* *t*t* < , :(1 Jr , Tin ic.-ril* to b* proatrid' *r* i o. rmhrs ton th* period l th* , Colonial. R*\olul|onari i*onf*d.rat*. In- . dan M**li *l. and Bpanlh Ann rtran j jr* In wtd h O.orgla troop* *n* *n ****'•• s*itlmi of tlr li’iml**. T .* ft..*-* dM tot rutiuii* uii:ll noon to-,lay marly an hour ft*r the Hotl* I,Mil ndjoi.rni* t. n.d th.u th* for | I ,olm*. w no .1 nit*r lhat th* ****lol j m**rci} i.i.ti I half an hour. Mi. 11*11 lntroiliK*d a hill to an-ml th* law no a* In r*ll*v* In ■ *ur*m** i.impanl** oriuulbl unit.. th* p.*t(ro** of th* rhurrlo* * cr r*ll*m.l* icnonii* at.on* from makina d*po-i * with *ii ft* u- ii*i. paynnht of 1. ... other ~ ... . i * ■ rw• ■i. ilr ivti it, I .milvl I*. K> hy a tfliglou* | th*r. *i*l fotw-irili-.l to **lr. Iti-li with th. i -rjiiwwt noil it t> off*!..l In ill. j Bunt, It piotii l that the futnp.intr* it !• . i which t - .*• >•• 1 I# *.*i 1 .*,, .al* ii ii* ti**i o-icanl** t fur th* mill* purfa-i*. >' lii'trtn* ih>* propitl) of thurenej* ir m i*i inpi"r-. * aor Sa i . tu i* p.lre |eieor.e cot lui: * e J is fr.t.** i r ft i k.:r to lu4V the' weight | l.iirl\ etump* ior ruiuftecJ th*re. | ot T ■ frill iwk* * it n mlfcfr manor to -,I it p.-* km*?' •>. *|* lit*; no •‘Ucli itm k Aim t; . nv\ ul l An* fry Mi llair* U. tn.iki’ * *t a felony to mk*. *• ui- j forfeit or al’e i nere" tfriUl> , at*' and > l i.Nt*. t-jtti#| > ♦•!•■ *1 ;♦ hool nil- ‘ ni.ib t* r ul ■> county mi oil authorities j The olTer.e* in f. be tiMl under sec torn .;i3 of it Code, which ffe-. ribca n , p.aal> if fr*.*in f u; to ten ycara in ih i l* nltentiar). \n •*>ll In\. N* kehl. If h< Mil Of Mr Millet of Mu* o*e. fr *- iimit • . t.‘ tfre .u*M <lai •• ii|ioti flu i | üblle HfroV tn the • will be great** I) rut <lowi Mr Mliler |*ropoeft to 1141 rig* the oiititlltioti wo that the chil dren *.f the.-i who full to pay t ieir poll j tax from Januory. lfa.; be barred from th* puMfr j* hooie nut**ire wa lnti*iu >*: this tnomlnff and %\ill require t two-ihlrd** .ole of ioth ho*iee and will then have to *>e eufrm'.iieil to a vrle of th** iteople at t .** next general eleo- j Hon for r •tlffr ation. Th** rorietitutfrjn now mak#* th* public hoole Oi*en **to a!) children" of the ett* between tie Ag< iif * and That part to be arnerxfted p.iragrnp i J of K'hn l of .Article NTH and Ait amended would i* an follow* "There *hiil be thorough nypem of * ntwin s hoo’> f.r trv* eilm'atlon o' cMMrcn in the elementary branches of an Engl.ah education, only u. nearly uni form .i-- pm tlcsblf. the expense of which eh**!! be provided for h> taxation nr otherwise rchoola "hall be free to dll children of tb-* Mate, except the rhillren of ru h elector® who fall from and u.ter ty Mrsi <lay of January, I$G3. to pay the poll t*x retpilred hy the con stitution which pavmem la thereafter hereby md* a prer qultite to parttcip.t tlon o* aiich - hiMren o long aa mill ele tore arc living atd no longer. !;• th*- fund provfrfr and f*r j* ich ►. v io*fr but a* ■ -ar.ite gchoola ahall l>r* provided for the white and colored ra ti ftlowell a Altaearr flrlef. A wrong lmpreafton to have grown out of the t*temcnt made by Treeident pro tern. El Ila of *hc Senate In remgning the chairmanship of the Special Judiciary t'omm.ttee of me Ben a e in which reference was made to the fact thn President llow*dl would !•• out of the city* for a time during the preeem aeaalon of the fVnate Aa a matter of fact. President Howell, to far aa he can now ae. expects to be oway only f>ur day* in attendance on the •nnual meet ing of the Associated Prexa dire t..r* which convenes In Phlcago next week. H* will have Atlanta Monday ntal will re turn before the end of the week. patiiiih s nounmi.r. t mime. Wa Tnrnfri Oxer to the I,aw Joyw er Kilted 111 m It rot her* In •Pass . Columid c’ C.. Nov. 12 —John Tlndal Kit - t' \. <* and with prominent con w l,v ir; ti.. county, wa* arreate*! |n And*ra*i. tr ,y on the charge of crimi nal a: *ulv j -ferred hy h! KS-year-oM daugh er K;ng practically Hdini’a the chary. d' anng he was under the .nflu er * • of whlak\ Ilia ne|ghtM>r* calmly dlaeii**d tr** M'lvtaabl'lty of hanging him <n t but fit- ally deckled lo t irti him r t* rhe Ifsw Hoiiatot) Joyi er of Eaa-rwer. Ihl?* *oun. .* * i rherlfl He ahot ainl killed his hroth- Br-ln-law. AN'aahington Holge**. this morn- Ttiere hoe been had blood b**tween piie men because of some family matter. ‘ The Thorn Comes Forih With Point Forward.'* < The thorn point of distxsc is an ache or pain. But the blood is the feeder of the whole body. Purify it with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Kidneys, liver and stomach will at one** reapond No tiiom in this poml Blood Polsonmftf —/ The turgeon said when tie took, out the brass shell received In wound at ban J an Hfll two weeks tefore that it would have p* itoned me If It had not freer. f*r n.y p 4 ire b <v M l. 1 tnld him It * | • *e Otoaot P. Coons, to <l Sftth L*. t* W ftv'i.ngton Hnrra< ka Vt aahlngton. I>. C. Rhiumatigm My sell and a friend t>nth ? *rm! eevere rheii* tnatlsm. Hood i Saraparllla cured iiotb Me would not be without It " Ws H Lxarik k'> Ho-4 • k.ii* eere *? ul t ; # r>on IrrHftttag •# •rlf *••! •. * •• wo H*.. o • niidHSViUJVA < %H\l\ %P. 'IH n i |*eo||> | here n*| Every thina In Kcndtnea*. Th r >m;i.*vll’e, (fr Nov I.V- The Tfr r, ma v*lie ffrrtfi Carnival to fre I.* and Nov Ift. and I*A, fr assuming ahai*** Broad if* filled fry the tent a f the Midway *pl* Some of ih<m doing business last r*.ght The Kptt .rUi voung prOj.e Mill rv* lunches during the <wrr.lvai in the • ■•rl* r of the Mtt< h*"ll House. Tiftv seven race lsora**** arrived yester day for the ra e th; week Thee* with those Already here ivl thoe*- >et to orne. mill mtk> the largest number of ra< • horse* aver seen In South Jc *rgia The carnival Is l*eing thoroughly adver Used Agents a** out ' overing a.l this •ectton with first- ia- ewiverUaing mat ter. The t'arnlval ivuecti. Miss Tabitfra D*- ren. has announces! hi r maids They *r * Mias lg'ui*> Dryden of Tbomasvilie. Mtr Safrle K\J .!, of Mcrrllville. ‘la . Mlsse-* luigentw fltulpa and !ie?sie Boarwell of >l* gs, < fr. Miss Net lie Smith chaperoned a party f yminjc people to at. amateur tlieatrl-al performance at Tift on Krfrbiy evening Tie T.f*'n. Thomavllie and <ulf Bi;*-oa*l ran a spe lal train to the i*ai tg. VIE AA A ATS Hit. n)>nifrs|ol* Alan Nur* fr gIM,iWH* for Beilina l.and to t.rn, Ai *rT. Per s.n •a. Fla Nov 12 Arthtir Mill! Ken. a real estate man of New York, ar rived h<-o* t" lay for tlie pur|M*se of iwish* trig a suit for the turn of SlhO.Ohb adage*! to l*e cl tie a *mm!r one r*n a aale of Imml and pro|erty to Gen. R A. Alger and associate The sale was con**timmate| last year etwl live trmefer of nearlv •* acre** of finely timbered lands. M H Htillivan of this city was the original own <r of lit** pr*M*rt>. aid it seems that riufrlvan had placed tie* sake In the hands of Mr. Mill.ken Suit wits fit Nt entered in tre Clrcu.t fourt. but ufferaartla carri*-*! to th l*\ led f*t afes < "out t t’lerk Marsh of the I’* fr*rtl Court, last Knd> forwarded umnrcilons to Heirolt for the |ur|xai*- of im orlng the de|*tiot of Gen Alg* r itu! th** i a*• will t**- called In the Fed eral Court about Fridav •lllslt.M.h AA Itl.t'lfm, ( ulumltia AAnnts the Hlver anil ftlnr* Imm 4 ■•••• lltee. t’olumi us. G Nov. 12.—Dr. AA’ <’ Hunter, who has been ret ten of Trinity Episcopal <‘hurch fc*r twentv-alx ymrs, ha** sen? hi resign *t‘.cw t* th*- board of vestry.iuii l>r. retires on • o\int f advancing ige and feeble health He\ - t‘, S AVixsl, M K -*lst:nt r*x*tor, will remain in eburge until Itev. liunt<r'a suces**t is selected The lrp*rttn*‘ht cf \V* ter .Asaoc4rtk>n has lnvlle*l the Ki\ **r and H irlor <Vmt mil tee tc* visit (’olumbin and n **ommtt tee will go to Borne n* xt Sunday to urgi ihe no-mfrers to come here direct from that pla* < A AArll-Kuown Hog ieul. Beaufort. S <* N* 12 T*llcr. a valti able dog of the jsvinter breed, for many years a favorite of guests stopping at the r%si frln<) Hotel. kllte*t himself vester la*, morning In jumping over a fence hr im paled himself <iii a sharp stick and u e-| The |V>lnter w i* estwH*ially the pel of a \ eral 4nmerclal travelers ftom Savannah who com* hr re frequently, and they wil. miss him. DAMAGE St IT IHkAIiaAEII. An Ground nf t niird stairs ft onrt* .Vurtsil Irtlnu Appeared. The case of Jerry Monroe against th* l C. & P I*iUroa l u tkh was fl.ed jn ■ • ii •.1 S' v ' j■ - *. • w-*** d:*mi•!•***| > < **terla\ fry Tb* n torneye fir th i lalntlfT, Messrs Garroi*! A Meftdrlm. The < se will probably be frrougM again. po.-*bl> iu another juris diction. Monroe s.isd the roa 1 for for p* r *oral injures, which he claimed to havt te eived. in nn * Ident iaippenit.g in '’atmJcn 'ounty. through the negligent o of the agents and servants of the de fendant (xni|*n jr. The petition file*! in court ehowe*l on its face no reason why the gull should has • teei instituted in the Fnlte*! Btates courts the Jurlsdi lo of w.ilch is limit's) to certain well defined classes of .as- *, rather tiuin in (he state- courts. it is probably h< arise this fact appeared that ounsel dlem.ssrsl the . uf. ft *i rrttitu) ft nit kka titihe. Arrested hy I'ntrolnmn Alurpliv AAlio Also kenl lit Ihe ft lili-ken*. Ia T F Murphy arrested at VN idtak< r and Thirty-eighth gtrectv. a ne gro named OlfTord. who wa** hr.ngltig to the city three live * htckenr In a frag The man ru’d that tnc chickms are hit own. and lhat he was bringing them to town to sell in order to get pair of snoe*. Murphy thought the circumstances In th< i<*e sufffr ient;v suspicious to war rant Gifford's arret. so the man and chicken* at* now at the barracks Detective j .j Murphy lust night r -resteil hi \V* st lito*<l and Sharper Gre**n*, n i ♦ gro, w h*> Is w,.n'frl for the thefi of a *oat senu six w***ks ago. (’ A Jones, colored was arreste| hy Patrolman latnge at the request f An nfr- Patterson w .<> the prisoner vith having threat* * cd to k!l! her. TO ri II I, ft t (II ft ft\ oAK |f ft y. Take I-axatlv* Kramo Quinine Tablets. Ah druggists refund the money if it faiia to cure. E. W Grove's signalur Is on each bog. kit -ad. THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY. NOV EMBER 13. 1900. ••All wrEHIOI * IIII.I.Y'* I* iII.MK. Moth Ihr < racks. Awlih and Jadae, .ft r r Aow Heads lo Flail I MvMerim.s Billy” HmPh and hi* trainer ud advisci Prof J rr.m.e K'-lly, urrtved fron* New Yf-rk yevterday afternoon over the Southern Railway for the twenty tive-ruut.d flgt Smith and Jim Judg* will av* at the Theater to tmtr row night Stmt fri. ks tl.*- I frftl athlete. He is nf h*n uan ' .1 ; w tl* strong feature** pnk compfr-x -• bright. eyt . and el.*st. g-p There win runs r i tli eff* t was. no* tn* cenulfre Myslerlotas Billy" Smith w.i- ••!!! ng. fr it sm* iftun terfeit The A -tral Athlefre Flub, which i* resjsrt.-ibi* fr Hmlth e ifi'-i* tr.vlt* - U skep? '•* i4 'ill * • h** Pul .-ki ilnus*-. w.h* re he is S’cpptna. *n*l frs.k tm o\*-r There aie quite ivjmler nf h.tvantiah people wm> know Smith, r* *m* |. jfsn.a'dy r and nh*-rs by wtght ll** m*t t |cs* a do*en ieojde yo!(*rdiiv win* had ween him in the N‘>rth At ig he*** ws*. Kfrurftv Jenk :ns. w o vouche* fr hi- identity The* * .*r* mar * i **>ple who are anx ious 'o know* wfrv Srr'tb ts known t\ the i*- .isr rttl* of Mvstericrjs Ullly Ills tr'rt r f*r of Jlmmv Kelly, who has t***n with h'm almost hie first flgh* told th** s .’ p-Tier of the M rr.i:*g News how hts charge was christen**! w .i n reared in Boston When be first cowmen. *d t***xlng he was a mere lad. w*-.ghing fr'f. He mad* several flich** in <ni around Hosto- but thev w* re minor affair* with 10-'al hoys and wt rarted no so he w. I ra*‘tfr a) y unknown outsbfr of a few peo ple in his immediate n* ghborhood when he left horn** Sm th was a frov fond of adventure an*l wishing to e** s*ime ling of the world. he started out tu satisfy his longing fditor of the po.i *. N**w of Boston at that im* wr.s ms I’apt who prided V.lmseif on knowing everv twvxftr and athlete in the oountrv and wo when he re i of Billy Hmlth of Bowmr whipping im an-1 so of -•mswhsfs *|se in Trlgo he pcraich*l hB heid and thought hut roiHd nor recall any fighter of that nanv* e\er l>elng in B*tor. Hv when he began to read of vt rry after vt f<#r being won In different lt|< - fry Billy flmlih f B.*s**t: he wx*uki • -minent ujon tu*m and refer fo Bmlh. whom w> ora* In Boeion seemed to know as the 'Mvaterlous HI fry Hmlth." and the name has stuck to Mm and to-day ts known, on more titan one rontineiif. Hmith is a wonderful fighter, having •rgag*d In mre fights tnan anv living boxer save AueTilLm Murphy and tieorge Dixon, and h.ui only been kiae'ked out and that wh* fry Matty Matthew* who thereby wrested th* welterweight 'hamfdor sidp of ihe word from Brnith. In that tight Hrnltl vi- *>mp*lle'l to weigh in at 141 p* und* at the ringw cle which wo* too irvich for him. and he went In weak and overtrained Ht has done everything in his iow*r to get a return match at li& pounds, but AI itthew** has repeatedly refuse*! to meet him HmPh ierform* ! the wonderful feat of knocking out men In cm ring th# -am** righf In H*ow Hr**e* Hall. laawlon Eng in l*k7 The three. Jack Dry am Art.iur Mcrrla mi l Main, the ■ lampi 'ti mlddl** w* tght of the nuvy. wer* all tlgg*r men than Smith Hmtth * opft.*sent. Jim Judge the fp-ran •on miner, is a fighter with a gilt-edged reputation, and fee!* confident that h r an w’htp the "man of myatary" aisl puli d**wn the heavy |ui?*se that is offertd Hi*- manwgcr. Billv Rc he. wu* Bmtth mana ger w en the\ met l>efore, hut Is nov going to pilot the rt tantor lad Jfttdgr* ts • tig tntis- ular f*llow an*l has the ad vr*nt in htght nnd teach on Smith. anl t* a ahlftv fighter with lot* of experience. Ffr has onlv Ins-n knR ke*l out twice in Ida long ring cireer. an*! |s as game a box er a*- *v* r pul.ed ci n glove. Tfrle is he fit*: opis*rtunlty that the oitron* have h id of icelng flrat-*llvision met) box nil*i pet ph- wno have never peer a .-onften* before, have *xpres*.-d their In tention of going to the Theater tis-morrowr night to -•<• them- celebrities. TO AV lift •AI DORfl THE FI AI) CiO f Inf ercat ton Iftueatlon ftrgitcftl Hefore Judge lerrtll Ysatsrdaj. Judge Forrlll heard argiiment* in the ft'ourt of Oi (Unary yeatervlay In a rv whi *h Involve® an Interesting question of law an to tie* l* *l*V>l Of which lie rc ser\*l his di kum. Tli* r<* neeri; o 1* n* dispute %s to the fact# II bi<m Wi hi o * izen of Savuni.oh. died, leaving a xnta'.l • s*ate of a few* thousand tlol'ars Hi;- Widow. Mrs M irmr i Wall was the sol* • fatrlbuiee of en* ftt* nnd fre-ximc his •liniulatratnx fry appoiidmeiM of th ; Court of Or<! 4iu* r>’* ll rhjr.oel that about s:*o In money W’hteji waa on deposit In one of the ks'al i.aiiks at the t*n* f Mr AA'all's *l**afh was never transferred by his adirlninra to herself as hi* distributee and that when she died it still remained in h*’ frank to the < relit of hi e*ti?< Mrs KHxiihe-th Coghl.m h been apiotnfed ad mtniotratrlx of he **i;*?e of Mrs Wall and rt*c ntly Hied an applnatlon for up point mem a* a Ini nistratrlx. !e honh m#n. ujKn th* • ‘tat* -f Mr. Wall. This application war n.a.le for the purpose of administering *he fund ventalnlng In bank to the cretin of Mr Wall's es'wte To this application J. J Wall, a brother of Thomas, filed hl cav#*ai. on the grottn*! thaft the fund should go 10 the heirs of T’lomji* F ill. This ground of caveat 1 has* ! on the contention that as the admlntftrafrix of Thomas AA'all n ea lte never paid tlw ftind over to herself .*s distributee t,e title to It remains In the estn *e and thotlfrl now go to the r*tf of kin. —1 costs 14-vT. K 27 * nival a id. my at Anna rods Mi. $15,- u 220 to run the naval war cole** at Newport R 1 . HfeAvl JO to run the rsv <| • raining station at Newport, R I . aud slo.ail to run the naval training at Han Franchwo. KCZKIIftI AO ft t HE. Art PAY. Your tru<glt will r*lurd your monsy If Faso Ointment fail* to cur# Ringworm Tetter. Old Ulcers and Bore*. Pimple* and Blackheads on the face, am! all skin dis ease*. 5Cc —ad. ftPKTI Ai. NOTH F*. SMITH— Jl liftF Jl IH.l,—svtll fft SMITH—Jt IX.i: J! INdNAHITH f EI.FHHITIES, Wavanuitli Theater TO-M.MtlftOAV MI.HT, AOA. I I s A A A KHAN DAB l\<* fr ami NY. ' Corner Whlmser and Liberty stf. GRAND 801HEE TO-NIGHT from 9 to 12. f|OgKNFELI ‘ 8 < )R<’H FSTRA Admission f*V La*!le free. IfrsjM*. -t fully. ROBT. E. HANKR. Bus. Mgr I AM* II II I v Abstracts of the recorded land of Ha varnish atal Chatham t-our.(y fioin sh# settlement of Georgia to date Mon#y !oarc*l at low Interest on city real estate. BBCKETT A HHCKETT. Wftl*l* i*ait:h. iv%ri:n haagiag. We carry complete a*eortment of latest style papers nnd *■ mfrlov‘only r***st arxlsfte. H* - our goods #nd g* our •tiu>#i- l> - fore giving out your w.rk Our i*rlt*e the ver> ft<*west SAV ANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO.. <'orner Drayton and Uongrews. Phone oM. mPAAL IA A IT ft TlOh#. M! NPuRF- The friondw of Mr* Alarg.irwf MuftoV-rf are jnV.ted to atteml ibe fun**ral of her da igb’er. Men®, from ornrr of HIM #n* Barr.nrd street®, DHt menrlll* ar 3 o‘ck> k thlg afternoon. PALMER Died, it her late re-tdence. 4.4 Park avenue ex** Miss K orne E Palmer, evening at Ift) *\ lo k Th*- friends and w>* o' Mrs Gartift Palmer ind Mr Rfr r• r 1 Palmar * Invited to atten * the funeral .il St. Paul's'opal ft'hurcn thb* nff-*ruoon .i 4 o'clo k lnterr.**f!t a’ Laurel Grove. PHILLIP* --TH# friend Mrs 11 D. Ptlinip# and of her *or AA’ II Philip , are Invited to attend the f <.* ral of the av. r from the Cathedral at 10 o'c.*ck this (Tuesday) morr.'.ng Nfrfr TINGS. AAUKAT UKDNAIIU I.OUGK NO. Ml. F A A. M A regular eommunfc atlon will ha JY h' lat Malot i T#n|*<e tfri** (Tuei d v) * v entng. at o dcs'k *^rv M**mt>er# of sister frMg**# are invll*d o atn nd. ROBT M HITCH. W M. JNf>. B HAiNI2H B-cre tar Jr. BE KALB LODGE NO. , |. O. O. F. A regular meeting r*f the lodge will b# held this evening <• $ 30 o clock ra of efter lodges and visiting brethren cordially Invited to attend C. H CARSON. N. G W W GROBB. Be ftary. MVAAAAH LODGE NO. IKY. H. V. O. ELKS. A regular meeting of this lodge will he held this <Tuesday) evening at I 30 o ■ lock at Flk* Hall. Vlaliirg brothers are cor dially invited to attend J J KIRBY. E R L. J MAXWELL Secretary. MPIU lA l NOTICFJg untr^ Offl e of Bavanrtah Water Work* Savanna!. Ga . Nov. 12. ltf> The water will t>** shut off this cTues* day i morning Nov U. for a few hour# as follows Bay strM to River, We#t Hna<l lo AA>et Boundary >;re**t# l F KINSEY. Rupt SPEC IAL Atmi B. Savannah. Ga.. Nov 2. 1900 bTATF OF GEORGIA, ft'HATH AM COFNTT Emi|\ A I.awion ar.J others having applied fo: tie alteration of the old u#ten‘s Bluff Hoad from a point n. ar where a!d nad enters the Hklda w-nv Shall H *al running easterly five hun dred feat (SCO), wfrh a width of forty feet #•. running n*>rthe;|y at right an gle* to the satd easterly portion of sal-1 new road seventeen hundred fw*t tl.Tfs*). more or lest, with a width of fifty feet <Wh connecting with th** ol<J C'austeti s Bluff rood according to a plat of said altered roftid v attached to sai l application. Bald altered roaftl runnirg entirely and wholly through the land® of the said a pull ant Notice is hereby giver, that satd appllca lion will be finally granted on the 13th day of December next if no auffleiant cauao be shown to th# contrwrv J J DALE. C C C. John LYONS, r r. r. W D. HIMKINB. C C. C. Attest G. REI’BRN BPTI.FB Clark C. C C. What Dr Phillip# of Gainesville. Fla says "Having visited sour place wfrh a view of making Investigations os to itw •luims a* a 'Health Rcotut an*! Sanita rium.' I ch*< state Utat 1 pub dot prepared to find Suwane# SifTtn/s so per fect In all It?* appointments. "Your system of water works ar.l sewr erag* cannot be aurpa**e*l anywhere The health fulne** of frsality la asaureal fry •he drv. porous, sandy soil strut the ate •area of standing water anywher** In ihr vfrMnifty. even after the heaviest rain. Nor w*as I prepared to Aim! such perfect ar rangement fw the otmvavueno# ai*d com fori of your patron* nl for ahe use of the famous mineral water of Butranec Springs, at ail hours, bo.h for bathing and drinking "Hiiwance Hprlngs has only to be vie Red and known to be awredaM. and l pr#ll't that in future you will have, at all seasons of the y#ar, conscantly in creasing nunP**rs *f health and r#crcation." All you can drink for fie m Livingston's. M VV IMOUMI AA AIM 1 The ttraf bale of Ihe eeawon. These nuts arc large and frcali. —also— \m Pecan >nt, grown In ft hal ham connty, and |na( from the frees, Shelled Pecans and Jordan Al monds. ft AI. A C. AA . M FAT. hid** u im i;d City of Savannah. Office Clerk of Coun cil, Nov 13. IW Bids will bs received at this office until Saturday*. Deo 1. at noon, for tha following ammunition, stored at ihe powder magaslne of ihe fry of Sa vannah on th#* <■> wihw roa”.: 13 can - tlairhhU* p-ri .).!<lon >h*il (lo K>-pnuti.) *hell(> to th*> ca->. l‘ lannltpr -hot. Th* right 1.- reserved to reject any or oil b!J By or ler of the Mayor. W. P BAII.EV. Clerh of Connell. KIIWAHZ C AKB t> <he piece where you can aatltfy your appett'e with all the de.lca vies of Ihe >eason. Oyrters from the OL'LF and NOBTHKIvN eaters. Also Osme in season. —OEM cxrE OEO. C. SCHWARZ. Proprietor Open diy and night. Dining room upstairs. TtSH \t *V TO CLEAT C IBPKTS. Th> or.l> wn> So gel your c.irpeta prop erly taken up. cle.n*A an.l laker, c.tre of for tli. summer, is so turn Ihe Job over to the District Mmnyf and Delivery Cos. it'lephone J. or call at ii Montgomery street, und they will make you an esti mate on the cost of the work Prices reasotmbie They also pack, move gn<) store furniture and pianos ' H DUX'K - r nr.l Mtr jm, lllttKltttVt t EE. £ 112-114 Whitaker street. Diamond Back Terrapin Soup with Merchant. - l-unch to-dav Oysters from the Gulf 'tally The finest mewls are larefully prepared. Ptlvate dining niomi. Wuergburgcr Hof Ilrau on draught. Mil ICS. AI bills against the British steamship Thirlby must be presented at our oflee by 12 noon thl day. or payment will be debarred WIIaDEK * CO.. Sicnr. 13, 13M. Agents, CORBIN DOOR CHECKS AND SPRINGS Tnc most effective check on the market. Every one guaranteed. For -sale by PALMER HARDWARE CO. Bay and Jefferson Streets, SAVANNAH. ... GEORGIA. UP-TO-DATE. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West. PHONE 383 KODAKS ami PHOTO. SUPPLIES EYEGLASSES and SPECTACLES SI.OO, that others charge $2.50. Save your life, save a to Hot Springs, by taking FRANK’S REMEDY^ Cures when all remedies fail. LIVINCSTON’S PHARMACIES, Bull and Congress. Branch .VOU Bull st. Phones i’tS. Phones .JB2. PPEft'IAL %OTI< DM. MIL HE!I UOrtfrH ILK. The be |s ihe \Vhe#ler Brand of Bel fast Ginger Ale. made by Wheelar A Cos of Batfast, Ireland, from the eeiebratftsl *roma-' Ppr;r,gs of that city These <• prings are the property of Whe*>r A V> hence no other Glnge.- Ale manufacturer n Ireland haa thos* w.terw but ‘hern elv#s. The Ginger Ale is made from p<ir# Jamaica Glnr*r Root an*! not from R*d Pepper ns other* are one ,s d#4#4#rloua—the other Is u torn®. For Healthfulress and Purify th*' cele. frmte<! Wheeler brand of Uslfast Ginger Ale ia the frer LIP PM AN BROTHERS. Bole Southern Aaentx ftavannah Ga BLUM non NOTIOB. Otv of B.ftv.ftnnah. Office Cjsrk of Cntjn cl’ Nov. 2. 19U) -A vunanr.y having o - eurred among the chimney contractors. In r nndanc* with r#solut!<m of Council adopted Oct. SI. IW I notice ts heieby giver that an aiectlon will b* held at the next regular meeting of Council, to be held on Wednesday, the 14th at $ p m to fUI the unaxplred tenn All applications to h*> fllftsd with the clerk of Council at or before 12 m of the 14'h Inst Bond ol sioo required Names of tw bondsmen must accompany the application. WILLIAM P. BAILEY. of Council. EI.FA Tin\ NOTICE. Cfry of .Savannah. Office Clerk of Coun cil, Nov 2. IMP. A vacancy having *>■ eurred In the office of keeper of the Lau rel Grove Cstn-* ery. noth # is hereby given r*d In acftvrrdance with a resolution of Council adopted f)ct SI. llf> an aiectlon will be held at the next regular meeting of council, to be he and on Wednesday, the 14th tnst . at S p m to fill h- unex pired term All applications lo fre 1110 l with the clerk of ft?ouncit at or frefore 12 m. of the 14th Inst frond of Il.OCrt r*- qulred. Names of two bondsmen must ac company tlie applt atlon WILLIAM P BAILEY. Clerk of Council. HENOY .ftTIMi—M ITTRKMKI HI Oft ftTlftti. Hair. moss, ticking. fiber, feather*. Our stock of r.ew material aid manufa - lur#d pro*lu •* ate up to lat Our reno vating and r* nrakli g h.a delighted many prominent realdents Ask your arqualnl ances. Materials sent us Is pfr ked. steam ed. cleaned and mediated by modem mi chimry Makti k don# by inechanks. We conflre our work to mutineers and t**d diny general.We ee l ticking of a.l kinds, moss. •'.air. cotton, fiber fetihera. or anv article needed n mattress line. NATIONAL M ATTREBB AND RENO VATING CO. Bell Phone 11S6 S3l Drayton atf##t. LEft Y’l (>is<ft)(\r xotice. YOI WILL Mftß • TEX' lER rFAT. Bp pn > Ina your bills on or be fore the mill lust. n. 11. LEft ft' A RRO. Is 1 \ 111 IMII M ! Sir,. SOLO BOX# COftllVftXY, ftftholeaale and Retail Dragalata. ftftholesule Depart nient, 127 Cob greas afreet, west. (ieorgla Phne 144. Retail fttores, 182 Congreta afreet, Meat. Hell I*houe 144. Htill and Charlton streets, under Gaariis* Ar senal. Hell aul taeorgla Phones (12. ASM %\D Cft PRESS LI MUCH FOR X ALE. ISO.rtOrt feej of a.-h. suitable for t(hee|. wrlghts carriage makers, works and interior house fln#h. Also sprees iumber of all sixes V\ • have resume*! cutting our famo'ix brands fry, ress shingles and will soon have .i full l|i.< of them for sale. VALE ROYAL MFC, CO lift)X Dw Kltt lTKI). By the American Bonding and Tru*l Company of*n . We are author lied to execute locally 'immediately up*> application). all borids In Judicial pro •esHng In either rfr s ate or I'nl cM Btates ara! of ad;ntntstratora and guardians DEAR INO A HULL Agents. Telephone J? 4 Provident RulMSng. IbtOlfr. ftl!, HI.IMK. And everything In the building material ;ine. Wc ore headquarter for these good*, with frftrtr. t n and most com 9p)et# stock In tin South Buy Whit* Pine Doors, Baen and Blinds for your new home. ANDREW HANLEY COMPANY'. GRAPHOPHONEB and RECORDS ni MINKS* MtTlt B*. WILSON WHISKY TANARUS fame ! wide the ontinent. $) A BOTTLE Orde r b- phone No. if morf conv* uift iit. ii i. i. inn a. for. ftroughion nn<l Whitaker. ft ft) t II IIOHSE n-.,1* titni<K.-t th). weather At * ro.t . r "" wl . ll p**iar doc tor fill Don - , tlelAy XV. nrve in* lot*- * *’o.ic i n Bvanr..ih to .|-| , rom ami prices are right COHEN-K FI MAN CARRIAGE AM* WAGON CO. Chas* Robes nr 1 filar k* is Silver Services Single Pieces Spoons and Forks Pearls Diamonds Watches One of the larj;e.-t and most com plete stocks in the country. Manu factuied by Sam'l Kirk & Son Cos.. 106 Baltimore St., Hast, Md. DIAMONDS. One Of the handsomest display* ever ween in this recdon. HUNTER & VAN KEUREN, 1 BULL STREET AI.I. the l*(**t novrille* | n k*m* of purct re) - rerene. STERLING SILVER. Arriving, Carload of CAMPELLS JELLIKB. DRRAKRVm*. JAMS, f'ATSI I'S SALAD DRBBBI.NO, WOR('JSBTKRBHIRB a t’CE. sort's, KTC . ETr . BTC. HENRY SOLOMON & SON OLD NEWt*AJ'ERB. arm for 2j cent*, at Buttncsi office Morning Nens. LEOPOLD ADIJCH, JNO. H. DILI., - PrcMd-nt. Caihllr C. 8. EI.LIS. BARRON CAHTEP Vic# l-rrald-nt. Aat. Ca.hlei The Chatham Bank SAVANNAH Will h pl#a#-d to racalv# th- a-onm of Merchant* Hrm*. Individual., liarili. aml s- urpuratlona. Liberal favor* oxtaiMicd. rnatirpMaad ooilactloa faelUtlaa i n „, Ing prompt return* SEPAfIATtSAVINGS DEPARTMENT INTBRIT COMPOUNDED QUARTER LY ON DE:PC>BITB Safety TVpnlt Rome* ,r.l Vault* f. rent. Corrc.poudcnc* aollelted. The Citizens Bank OP savasxah. CAPITAL $500,000. Transacts a Ueaeral kaakln, Vluwlnrsa. Solicit* Acc. 'ot. of Individual, Merchant., Banka and other Corp„. ration*. (Collection* handled with economy and dlapnlch Interest, compounded qnorterl, allowed on depnnlte In oar Sawing. Department. Safety Boxes and Atorag. Vault*. nntSTI.EY A. DENMARK. Pre.ldext M11.1.S R. LANE, Vice President. fiRIIHfiB 1. Pit IT M AN. Costlier. GORDON 1.. GROOVER. Aeat. Cn.hl.., SOUTHERN BIN* of the State of Georgia *f<*trr Surplus and undlvidad profits ... fox DLFOHITOIIY OF THE STATE Of GEORGIA Bu parlor facilities for transacting a General Banking Bu#tru CVHectiofm made on all nolnta ' • banks and frank Accounts of Banks. T&aniors. Merc Casta and others solicited. Safe Deposit Boia for rent Depw-rment of ffarlngs. lnt#r#st paysk* quarterly. Sails Bterltug Exchange on Lovutan (1 and upwards JOHN FIaANNERT Proeldent HORACE A. CRANE, Vice President JAMES BITLLIVAN. Cashlor DIRECTOR® JNO FTaANNEHT WM W GOftnOK B a WVIL w w GORDON J*. H A CRANK JOHN M EOAN LEE ROY MYERB JOMBPH FFJtftT H P SMART CHAHLM ELIJf EDWARD KELLY JOHN J KIRBT MMMI C APITAL, M.Vt.OOO. Account* of bunk*, merchant*, corpor*- tion. and individual- *ollclt*d Satlrg, Department, Interest paid q<Jr terlv. Bafet)- Bc*e* and Storage Vault* for rant. Collection* made on all point* *t r*- -onabl* rate*. Draft* aold on all th* chief citle* of th* i.rld , _ J-.* CorrrepondetfCe invlied. JOSEPH D WEED. Pre-ldent JOHN C ROWLAND. Vic* Pre*id*nt W K. McCAT'LRV. Cashier. THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH. OA. Capital I'tvllvtded proltt* *• *'’ rht* t.ank offer* It* service* to corpo ration*. merchant* anl Individual* Hn i authority to act aa executor, ad m.idßtrntor. guardian, etc. I**lll-* draft* on the principal dll** I" rireal Britain and Ireland and on th* Continent. Inl*r*i paid or oompour.Ard quarterly Oil d*q*M>lt In the Having* D*partment Hof-l. ooxe* for rent. HENRY HU'S. President. CKO XV TIED EM AN. Vice Pro.H**.’ JOHN M HOGAN Cashier. WALTER K HOGAN. A*'i Ca*hl*r ■ 11 No. I( 0. Charter.d IM*. -THE- Mtlills NfllOll Ml OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAU IhUMX* HI'RPT.t'S KW#" UNITED HTATEH DffiPOSITORY. J A U. CARBON. Pre*ldent BBIRNE OOKDOtt. Vic* Pr**)d*ri XX M DAVANT. Cashier. Accounts of baitks mini tn*? charts and corporations r#c#lv*l ur ftf > the ri** ps t favorafr's terms constat tit #l*l safe and cun##r\atlv# iianking IHE GEORGIA STATE BI'ILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 15 YORK RTItEET. WEST - PER CENT, per annum llo*l cO r depo.-dt*. withdrawable on demanA Interest credited quarterly. 6 PER CENT, per annum ho**i a h deposit* of even hundred*. wlthiir able at annual period* GEO XV TIKDEMAN. PreM*m I! H LHVY. Vice Pre*ldent. E XV. BKLL. Hecrctary C. O. ANDERSON, JR . Treasurer The Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Cos, ARE PREPARED To Make Loans On Reasonable Terms fo imir iift For Mir, a Foraalth Newepiper Felder will fold aheet TlxC It l In t <*& crl * r price SIOO It coat originally “ we have no u*e for It nl wart tb* rJO ’ It occupier It will be an Invaluable adjunct to *• newip]r office. Addrnw MORNING NEWS, %mrmnnmh. <•* IF YOU WANT GOOD MATER I 'j ami work, order your lithographed * prlnt*l stationary an<l bNtnk *>'*>** i .Morning Newa, Savannah, Qa,