The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 13, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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rim;*: jew n%pri*T*." Mr | roNtkoff'a uinit mu y lluttit* • < hiir*h I'-**• tli flfmi. h it** other enterprise* #n Eighth t r, <*lfthorp© Invetlment Com r . nrty the erection of i known a* Ih© F.tgh? rttreet , The church 1* located ©*© of the -ixiu©fn r'.frht of way. an! lit ion* .... 'n I* eohr©d At tb© rroult of Ute t which they have taken In the i 4 sf the church. Prraldent f* ~,fr and jure tor* I Colilt and D. T i-v>i .ate now full-flcxlg© I tn.inbcrx , x , *llv* board of the church. >1 K?r koff ©!!* the attory on hi merit , 4 .joiher -llre< tor- and -iM-uk*' ot * |hf :x i f - the ' three' Jew BaptUte." . rer.el In thl* wuc. on account of t r©*i which he hid ehown In the hu Mr Krooekoff wne Invited to he t i’ the opwnlng extrcltat. He ao #pf nvitatlon and Invited Director , m n>'COtni*> ! > him. and Mr. Collat . i h\H Invitation. A mooting. after n moderator had i„ nnd the various offl ere fv4* • lection of an ©x* utlve hoard . <t |r: o-tler Pr©tty much all the i 4.i - men ere of the tavigrogatlon had •e t . it n flu hoard, when a member ot ii and mated that a Mr. KrotiftkofT ,< s. i a great Ini* reM In the work of ne ’ • ami had *d.own math ymi'Ni> ny . .1 it nut wa* It far*, the ' lather of r ejn ail " ho therefore motioned * ma" Mr Kr .iir-koff be made ;i member of rhe •xe ui\. board The motion wap unit din dv •arrle l Mr hi HkoiT then *tigg©*r©d to the l>rot • w t.o hul made the motion that an Mr wa* present and wap U a , * the company that It would t* prop i** honor him with election to the loaio :k manner The hint wa pne- taken and Mr. <’oilat was *oon mid- i • n.n iof the board It then o* - . arr* i•* M Krouekoff that*** Mr Mor. r;soii - the on.y other director of the • omi*< ’.at h< might feet alighted un- I© a© | A.t honors! in like m inner and h© a *rlv made a *ugg©Mton to this effe. r * foiggeatkm waa ac epted In gni-1 .nt and Mr MorHaoo wan a I*o made • member of the board Mr < i -koff ravs that he hap ©xamtn *<l if <i>tistr>. but ha# not ascertained a* \ wh<” er or not th<* Jew m -lubera of th* *Krl will b© expected to undergo imm# . -v. The church hull ling Ip a very i- at r . re. and Mr. Kr. u**kofT rotinil era It f the rd eet lmpro\ < merit* hla romp h.ia made on that ('onton of Elgh**• “ti♦ *'. mis sin i \ri:nii:\< k. t Sf % nnnn lilan Who Couldn't fiet a Drink lit Wnhiuu;on on Sunday. A w*.l-know * ettisen, noted especially Mr h. ivoluJ j*o; teilii i gK<l story on If of 'horrible experience" which • h l rr • ntiy *** hi> return to • tii * -in New York H pnt some days th-* metropolis rind had enjoyed the ~ual Llh :ti of that < osmopolltan city, i.e.ivlng N w York Hnturdny night he irrlv. Ii W.iihinfh) Sund.i) motrvng i\ # >r. *nn kisl to meet hi- better half • .ere H hud fixitwl Very In tie comfort n I'ulltn in berth and w * feeling very k\ whet, i re i *iie<| the Capita! Cit\. Tali.i . a i. at it.*- de|*ot in* Htfirt* and • r hi- brother-In law house, where he • * n • e his wif ft auodenly oc irred *• um tha: his brother-in-law was *> 1 !•*r and he felt nt least one rink w > ■> try * put him right th*- v.orld He w .i -ustomed to • • ‘ “r.d Ideas of New York and Sa • nah. hr h thought tha things t :•..! .* fT* t t in \\ t-hlnuton. so he m rk dipb rn tl l.> to the driver: T i know- x\ * e v*.u end I * n get v Tc - w .i- par t bar *m* . on the ••you ar*l 1" in this remark h the *b drive? did not f ill to catch a. tej *1 .at* h* thougt a drlnK be o a ii ifd a* the l*.titlmor< depi* lit r if'* ', hurried, but the place rhev ht was . ,)* and Tie P*'nnsvivnni4 a*d ct r p’.i. f.iml'ur tr th* .ii ' - It U 1 tl \i • dersaesT* of tie quell. irewt'j* ghost, man." ex* !.lme I ’ thirsty Sav.innahUm ‘in mv town ,-.isi . . . . • duyii. tiiul then tnev only doer the f doors. But In this blamed town people don't even vote " arriving at his brother-in-law’s the S* innahinti discovered that hie wife, • her* usual forethought. h.*l a Mtwli • of stdrk' in case of sickness :n*l nditloti at one* tweame so alarming require immediate tratment. He tha? he will ni'v* r stop in Washing • gain on Sunday. MCANI.I 100 %K\\ Ml HHKHH. - * Dm II r•vt If of the* Work of Tw X. • < . %. >S-inlM'rfclil|t (<> in mill **■. contfut between two commit! eeV | M. C. A. iwmbeni to secure new | ♦r* for th** a.*aoclat!on ha been i *l. ami resulted In a victory for the j t ■'* nitttee of Mr. Stephen N. H irr!*, h secured forty-seven np*>lfe itlona. o*her committee, of whlofi Mr. C. G. ' iiul wax the ehairmin. secured for \ appll at lone One hf the stlpulu ti of the contest wus that only thoa •pp nlons should he counted on which iw- • or a part of the membership dues fc • been pud hy Nov to. According to arrangement. Mr. Harris’ Me won four points. s dues were (all on i .•nine of he applications wh.le on Hr Howlands side dues w*re pall HI (■ thirty-five. < contest has been a most spirited c ana. as the numoer of row member* * .1 most **u. i ***wful one. At the nmg of the contest two large ther r ’fir* were get ami after the mercury b**en taken from them placed In th of t.e association. Into the *" ur*ee was put red ink. from <ky to • • t*nug hy one i*gree each new that was brougni in. This showed i nmes ju-t what the relative re "f the two sid* - were and tended • ;■ up the Interest in th** .onteet. i reward for lhie work .* supper will * *ti at the association tne latter part month, go which will be invited of the association's menP*ere that • ured one or more appll-ailons. •AM \l, PKKMON AL. J Peeples of E>tlll *s al the •~r* v er. i itler Wkks of Lyons Is a guest cl Screven. H T Halley of Bemlnole Is a g icet reven. I Waite of Darien Is a gu*at l< ' Si even. Lennon of Ljons Is ieg;ste:el 4 i-f t*:rcven. V I*. Walker of Appleton la a guest 6 • Screven. M Heligman of Columbus |e a guest e Screven. * M Kdwards of Claiton Is register? 1 1 * Pulaski ‘ I> hi of ls registered 1 * Pu.askl. J K Matter of (larnett Is regia* ■ t the Hula-kt H H £crev*t> of Charleaton la regla a* the F’u.aakl. H A. Malone of Albany registered ‘ Pulaski yeaterday. 1 U. and iliignofi left via the Can* **l htght for Atlanta. ’ *1 Baldwin left via the Plant m vestertlay for Newark t 1 v ' C. Walton of Helena wn ref la s’ the Screven yesterday. , *d iussy was a leasxeugcr for Atlan* night over tha Central. J. C. Anderson was a passenger Of the riant Hyitem yesterday for New York. Mr J T Barker of Hocky Fonl reg istered at ihe Ihiitukl yesterday Mr \Y 8. Harri* an 1 wif* of Way* * m* are guests of ttie I’ula^ki Capt and Mra. John U ‘Morrison of Skxitla ar# gues*s of the ft rexen. Mr J H. Lassiter of Hardo* vtlle r g ltero<l at. th< tK'reven yssimsy. Mrs. W. C Oliver of l.yom* was among Uic guests of the ftcrvveu > eater day Mr 4nd Mra A W Osiiln and c hild of f’ort Hoval are guests of the Pu iskl. Mr I! R Weed tf OrlfTln wa- among the arrivals ywterday ai the Pulaski Mr. M l-i stein of Port Hoyal w i am*M>g the arrivals a* tho Screven yesterday. Messrs W. It ' Tlson and J A. c. T son oi Trbtough ari gueet- of the S re i Mr W W Ilanalson of W averi.-s was among the arrivals yesterday a: tne Pu laski Mr A was among the pas>cn- K*rs on th© Central last nglit for At lanta Dr. W A. Duncan was am* ng the pas >’ tigers of the Cmtral >esterday for At lanta. Mrs J J Whitten and Miss Agrir* NYhltteti of Daisy are reg Isten-d at the Sr r even Mr J Bentham Walker of Charle-r n was among the arrlvaJs at the S rev. n yegterday. Mr A J Bndeker Is a pa'seng- r on th*- C ity f Aug u’a which sailed from New York Setuiday. Mr. O. C. Drew. Jr of Houton. T-x Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Florence 8. con fi-rat. I Krjuare. Mersrs John O’Brien and M. J I m •f Isricn wer© among Lho arrivals at the I’ldaskl >e.*?erda> Mrs. Klnsteln and daughter, arid Mis.** Klnsteln ealled from New York Satur day on the City of Augusta Gen G. M Horrel has so far recovered that he was out r.ding last w*ek in New York, and hopes to be able to return to Ba\annah in Dt ember. After . lgl:te n months thro .gii the Ku roiN-an (ontinent. Mr- Johanna Mendel and daughter, Julia, have returned to Savannah, aril arc* residing w*lh their l.iugiiter and sister. No. Sll Duffy, west THE WEATHER. Forecast for Tuesday and Wedne‘kiv Georgia nnd bouth Carulma. lair T?if lay and Wednesday, fresh westerly winls. K intern Florida and Weatern Fiorala Fa r Tuesday and Wednesday; fresh northerly wii.ds. Venter lo> *s weather at Savannah Mm x. mum temperaturo 1:30 p. m. 59 degrees MirHm im temj>erutr© p. m 4 degrees M* in temperature 51 legn-es Normal c* mp* rat tir- 59 degrees Deftcten-y of temperature 5 b*gr.-©s Ai*cumul.P l ex . **• *-inc* . ... Nov 1 3 desrees Accumulate I excess *• Jan I 194 degree© Ham fail oi Inch Normal 07 Inch Kxeese since- Nov 1 3.15 tio-hes Deficiency since Jin i X 17 inches Hlvvr rejiori -The high? of the Savan nah river at Augusta, .it In. in <7sth me ridian tim**i y-st*-r*lHi was 7.0 fe<*? a rim* of 0.1 foot during the preceding :wcrey-four hours. Observations taken at the sam* m* ment of time at all at at lons. Nov 13. 19< rt * p tn.. 75th meridian time •Oi ItAHOR, • T. } V. liatri Boston, clear 42 12 .00 N* York ellv. clear .. v 10 # i iilndrlpbU. ©:* ir 44 It •" \Y©*hlni* r ton t'ity, clear .. 12 L ■ Norfolk, clear j 44 ♦. T iiatlera*, raining j 4a 2s It Wilmington, clear j 4- a w f’liarlott©, char 42 L t# I al*- xfi. clear 40 L .on Omrlcfton, clear MIT Atlanta, clear | 4*) 14 <* August i. . ;©.ir ; 44 L T SavaniiAh, clear ‘ i$ L Ou jHCk*-omil!#, c!©#r o L T Jup4t©r. pi. cloudy . .. &S 10 il Kex West, cloudy fig Ifi T Tiifnpn. cleat a2 L T Mobile, clear 4s fi .00 M rilgrm©ry. cl -ar 4*'> L .00 Yickeburg, clear j4S L On N©w orlrßiif, clear J k) la 00 G#lv#*ton. ©l©gr J I/) L , f 0 Corpu* 4’liriatl. clear .... 52 ♦ Oj l.iJt'Unc, ■ l©ar W L .00 Mimctlil*. l©#r *J AS s 00 cin'-lnntl. cl©#r j 4a 6 .'* Plttaburg. clear | ¥) H .• I’uffalo, pt cloutly 40 l4 Detroit, cloudy SS j 12 j .00 ( hlcago, cloudy j 44 | 10 j .00 Marquette, cl©ar j 22 10 .01 St Paul. *n*wlng j M J S T Davenport, cloudy ) 4*i j L | .00 St. Ixauta. clear I L 2 14 .ta Kamuie. clear ?*2 10 On dklahotiia. cl©ar j 62 fi O) Dodir** <*lty, clear ..( 64 L .to) North I*l*ll©, c 4 #Hr *4 iO H H. Royer, luteal Fort-i Official THOUSANDS BEAR WIT NESS To fhe Value of fhc Pvrantltl Pile t urr. Thousand* of pile sufferera hear witness to the ln-etlmab|e value of the Pyramid Pile Cure and even tbo.*e who have un dergone surgical operations, without cure hav been happily surprised by results from a few weeks treatment with the Pyramid The rel ef from pain and itching 1* al most Instantaneous and the healing oils and astringents contained in the remedy gradually and naturally bring about a complete cure in any form of ptl* *. Itch ing. protruding. Internal or bleeding. Mr. Arch'e Rtrkstt of lonia. Mich.* writes: "I was troubled with pile* so had, I had to quit work for a while I found no relief until I tried the Pyramid pj]e Cure, I used only two applications and It cured m- almost Instantly. 1 can truthfully recommend the Pyramid Pde Cura to any sufferer from* Mr. Bdwwrd Duneilen of Wilkesbarre. Pa . says; "For seven years I wf scarce ly ever free from the itching torment of , piles I bad used ointments and salve* ! without number and oftetuimea got re ! lief from them, but tt took the Pyramid Pile Cure to make a complete cur* and it dki it thoroughly and for eighteen month* 1 have not had tl.e slightest trace of pile* I feel all the more rejoiced be cause aorr.e of my friend* told me I would never be cured unle** I submit ti I to . ungual operation and this I felt I never could do. Mrs Aaron Medron of Savannah. (Jo., write* "Over since the birth of my first I child, si* yeara ago. I nave suffered i greatly from piles and rectal troubles. T I could not bring myself lo bear the thoughts of a surgical operation snd had always been prejudiced against patent medicines. Rut it was simply a eg*# of try some thing "r give up entirely and so having often eem the PyramAl Pile Cure adver tised 1 determined to try it and for two yeers have never ceased to cor.gratulate DgOftf that I did so for I have been en tirely ured of rectal troubles and two package* of Ihe Pyramid removed every trace of the piles This may sound f*r fetched and over-drawn but It ia abeo lutely true.” Th*- Pyramid Pile Cure contains no e*- i atne. opium nor any Injurious drug whatever, and Is absolutely safe, pain less and effective. Druggist* sell full si*wl treatment of this remedy for cents. THE MOUSING NEWS: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13. 11)00. Cigar Dealers Like to have their regular customers smoke Old V lrginia Cheroots because they know that once a man starts smoking them he is "fixed.” and that he will have no more trouble with him trying to satisfy him with different kinds of Five Cent cigars. Three hundred million Old Virgmu Cheroots smoked this yer. Ask vour own deiler. Price, 3 for 5 cents. 1 4 in BRF.VITIR9. To-night’s oir*e at Masonic Temple 1 promises ’.v h- an enjoyabb- affair H****n fell Orchestra will furnish tin* must* . Th*- drill %> ason of the Georgia llus irs was cat* 1 lasr i i*. t. and there w a large represent a-ion of the inllstel i •trcnulh oi the tr**p out Januw Hwaln, th* negro who wrns shot r**ir>dav m**rntrg by F'atrolman T J Far rell while |n a desjwtate fight to e-•'ape, in still . th** feorgla Infirmary In h precivrlous condlticn f FOI Ml IN IRRIANn. Ino specimen* nt Ihc Hint inkr, nt fleas. I'ey the •*rnalfy of llenlh. lVoir the New* York FDra’d London Nov. 10.—8 t. FVitrlck decree an*l tne experience of hundreds of years to the contrary, snake* have been found |in Irelnnd Two spe inter.* of the ring nake have l*e* n found nt Bray Thty i immedl :ely pal t the penalty of death, and the skin* arc k*-pt s gr* it curios i 111 -*• The pt* ** molnttiins the rep ' tiles were Imported from England. l.rarNil nnd Iti-eenl DNrovrrlr* In Ihc 17 me mill lle. Do we w,k*” I'o we dream’* Do the | xur move’ Do thing* fall up and not i down? Do two and two make rtve** Is the world bat and no? round? Whs It Brynn and no* M Klnley who ws cle.-ted’* la Mr Croker i patrol* and a martyr” Has everything been turned topsytur vy in short? | Th discovery that tliere snakes In | Ireland will affect many people .is *lra* grly as any o*h* r portent tha* •* odd 1m Imagined Th* fact that Ireland is <nkclco and has been o rvrr since thal great and holy man 8v Ditrlrk conclude 1 Ms mlr.-rtrv there Is one **? the ept*M f -\ ts of Irish history It h * been s*t | down In c*n- of the siortet most su'- tn* t and most famous chapiers in all ! modern literature. h chapter In n book on natural history, headed "St ake.- in Ireland," wild containing only the?>* mem orable words: ■ There are no snakes In Ireland." The Fame fact lias l>ern established in song, in story and In hnglolog.% Who doe* not remember the poem containing these lines? There * not a mile |n Ireland's isle where the dirty vertrln musters. Where'er he put h:*- dear forefoot be murdered tlwm in clusters. The toad* went hop, tlie frogs went hop. •lap. Into the WMler, And the snnk*■ comtnftte*! u ide to save themselves from slaughter. According to a fame us leg* nd thee ws on* sn*k* *o old and so running that he survived all th< re*t of hi- s|e fo tnnnv years despite e\-e? i effort sf the *aint At last h*- litter **or. dve*l n n t able plan He had a strong ehed ma-te with nine bolts upon It. Then be wiiked out carelessly to the lair i t the reptile anl Informed him ftbls It will b rem**m herel was in the days w* on animals n t nrlv un>iorstoo.l what was tol l them but ! a I built nn # elegant winter house for his fntkeshlp. And the snake believed hla I smooth words nnd followed Ii :i to exnm [ Ine the house But when he aw th- nine lolts he grew alarmed and was for mak ing off, ••Nav." said Pt Patrick. *' *tls n td’e warm house I've made for y©. nnd 'tin a good f; lend I am to ve " '•Thank ye kliv- Bt * itrlck." - ,wer* I 'he n.ikc "blit it t o wm.aH for me." •Too small?*’ cried he * lint, with well affected surprise. "Ft! *- !l you what me l*o> l*;* ***** you a gallon of that tf you will oil- get in It you will And plenty of to m " Now the snake was thlrstv tha? *lay f.r'! the thought of loing the ho*y man out Of \ gallon of por'-e was Joyoj' to him H<. w ling himself up a** big n* h#. could. In he got. .1 hi* n l’ltle hit ; of ii* tail "There, now." mv* be "I’ve wen ih© gallon, ye see, fo** the house 1 tcs> m *1! f.r mV; I ant get In he end of inry what does the alnt do but slam down the heavy 11*1 of the In went the serpent s tall like a rt *h Btralghtw*iy the saint fastening the nine Ik#Hs •Oh raurdtr' vfnl H- 1-itrlrk'' ' frl-.l thf I o-t th- b*( (ur. nd I*n i-v the tsalion llk " rnortrd Hi. Putrtck "W .it un -111 ‘lo-morro* ■' n-l with tht h- hvH ~.. ,-h-M th- Uk- Mw Awll to thl* d> th- wrprnt lie. -r> -t th- b .t --ion. ot th- uk<\ Ht- MruwlM m*k- th* wgvfe upon the surface An 1 many a ! m „„ tn lh< n-iKhborh., •! will hW '"* :hal hr,|,i Ml plt-ntf vr '- mn * ! "u to-morrow >.■ I- It to-morrow ' Hut to-morrow hVI n-vtr .rrlv-.t Pto lh ;!•; I* It iwnlhl- ’h,t mfc* hi, •-. 40t foul • moan* of in th! c-nturr. hon vr, th nlarm ha* hern r.lar.l that *nk ir-l'i—an-l in th- U> of S,lnt* | i,, .he v-ar ;l an Ir.*.h rn'-tni nam-i Cteland .tetrmln-<l n | r*pr!m-nl II- wl.hrrt to a*-krtatn w.i-'lior the Itmate o*l Iretan.t in th-m*elv-e deatrnreive •<’ tne I .rrpent *pe-le*. He therefore purchneej . . ■ /.■ i, ..f tt < nun ,f * Entrlleh nk( 1" <"*ovent OaMen Market. i lx>rlon Thew he turned looee )n h! at Bath*c;.tel. In the county of Wown A wee., later or.e of them M. kit <,> at Mile ro*, alwut three mil-* di* i !*<>*• . . . The pereon who ktti.,l It ha! ro ..In, of ,t, nature but fanciest It to be a -urlouj *rt of eel Dr. J. U Drum morel. .1 famous Irteh naf irwllat. w ,-onultr.l A aoon a* he aaw the botty he tleolarrd It *ll a •r.ake. Th- hlea that a "rale live earptnt tiH<l been killea wilhlti u horr dlManre of me very burial place of 8t Patrick ralset ~n ektraordtn try aenaath-n i.non* the peaaantry. The mo*t ab*ut.l rumor* wer* urcuiwte.l en,l eremite,! alike uy the rouit try glenf ami laity, fate pileat uec.areu that the appearance of the an ike forboded the approech of the m:llenlum. Another eaw In It a type of th- approach of cholera imo hue. A third warned hla flock thal fh© snake for**ha<lowd the beginning of th© ©ml." Mor© 1 .!■ *j al mltisl© 1 person?- sub • ■rib*'*! .1 *tm 1 of money to be put-1 out ill rewaid* for any other ©neke* th€i mmlw b* .l. jtfrc.) *.| hi the diFiii* Tort* othei I < pill ? were in fa *t Killed ■*ooll * f t*rwi ar*l within a f*'© mile© of the garden, w-nere thex had been ltberafe*!. The i. miming two wer# never clesrlv ©• ouiued tor. but no siouba cbe> astro frit viciim© to tnelr hunters. Again tn the orear IR9 sn.ake* re ported to h#v# b**en found In Ire.and Thre yearn previous an American show man named \Vtlron had arrived ihete w dh u menagerl© of living ai.*mal Among Hi* nt wer© n lot of snakes one nlgM Mi Wilson got drunk at th© \tlia of Ar m tgh. Ttpr>Kja?y. and In h spirit of niiachld I t loom' hi© ©ntlre show. For h week there mi an apronr In the n©tgh i-trhuod Wild beast© of ail © rls W-I© •>i;tiiiii*ws©ly caught or slain But noth* II g wa ©een of the den of snake* Mean w hile Mi \\ Um>n \v nt to prltk>n for two >• ars rtiMtden > reprta in gan to rise ef the strange dlsappeimn e of |m*hj>v nnt ptgs. M*ny suspicion© character.-* wer* arrested, but tli * depredation© alill coitttmic I. At one Ih> m farmer ' lad r*©>' teal that n* liHti #©©n th© devil In th© snaps of a ►••rjM nt making awa> with a pig m *raes * field Hitullai ©lories foj *w© i thick aiwl fast. Th# peopla ©f Armaugh In-gan to lw*ive 1 rant th# n©tgtiix>ri 001 had been given up to the power© of evil I'riyers and exorcisms were tried without aval Th* bis* p waa apt>eahd to tn vain. At l ist Mr. Wilson s drunken exploit was re cade*l to iiwiw-rv py a writer In the Ereeinan'ci Journal Tlie mastery was < ©ate*} up Hiiikls for tb*- e^tertninatioii of the monsters were ogin/ed h> Gp i-easaniry. Cobra*. b*s an*l othx'r feptllcH were all/* ox en and, pur sued an 1 killed. Bui It took many yar U f.r thal portion o' imdand ie- r*-l | the 1 1 1 gill vxMidilku In which Bt. !*B’rl<k had left It. fai tr %uot r roi*o*R. Their Opera lion noid \ nine©— Error* ilfide t> Novelist© and Dramatists. From Lhu fLondon Mail NVhon Mr. Gnm-ly tn<uie one of the cha rafters In A Debt of Honor*’ die tv,thin a few niinm* ■* from the eff#otn of taking an over.lose of f!hk>ral. hr commit ted © gr<-at phyelologh'al blunder. A person w,th an ordinarily eound heart almost every ones heart is n little un sound in somt nipsct-could take a dox* t*n oven I user and not die for many hours; in fa<-f, hr w.ild proi*i>iy be found ll\e next morning, only it.would )*♦ lrn;**©©! bio to tons* tins Chloral, morphine, opium, sulgiHM yl—all th© anaesthetic* and soporifics and hypnotics- take time is Well h© quantity to kill. An author or *• dramatist who wlskars haste In lls putchlng hhs < |karactr* must use prus d- add (hydroryantc add). It u t*ie •k'udllest drug in :he FhsrmacopcM D ls*th in rapidity of effect an I tn ©niMll neas of th© dose. ami. a*ting dl r©dtly o? t)** respiratory organs, kids painlessly and with awful suddenness In h v*ry f©w moment v When you s©e the villain of a play "ad minister a cup of {waison )w' h i!" to hla unsuspecting victim, and that victim drops deud with th# rip In hla hand, ms If he hail received a bullet In the brain, you may writ© th© s'llhor of th© phty down un ignoramus, no iwsson will do that. Strychnine runs prune! • < id very close In deadlines*, both for time and quantity, but acting on ihe n#-rvr center* It rau*es a terrlhie painful at.d by no mean** Instan taneous end It Is. of v>urae. a vegetable polderived frem a nut. ot bean, the nux vomica. Where** prussic add is a chemically prej*nre*l artificial p.oduct. Roth these deadly drugs are vert* readily defected, not only from their physiologi cal *-ff -tw, but a so bv means >f * hemlral analysts In fact mwfdavs. so f*r ha* chemical science that *e-ret poisoning Is an absolute impossibility—at any rat* by means of drugs It 1* not *n many yer* ago that the detection of ar senic war con*birred e*msfhlng of * feat, depending principal v upon microscopical examination, and therefore oar* dable ex cept in the casa of larg** overdoses, when sufficient un.4slmnieu *ailc|ea remain. el for rewgnltton Nowodsya ;i forty thousandth par? of a grain in he human body can be Identified with absolute cer tainty and the utmost *c by chemical analysis, by tests, The most d*f|lc,lt drug to be deleted chemically t* atropin the active principle of belladonna which is of course, * derivative of the deadly nlghtshad* it la. howevi-r. very fortunately, unmistakable Irt It* physiological effects, and. although ll Is difficult to recognlae it chemi ally. H Is by no m-an* tmr-jedbie. in old times many of the vegetable releoni# were un detectable. tapeds 11 y belladonna dlgttali* tfrom the foxglove, o very and dl\ drug), and strephsnthus (from th# seed of dand*. ion.) "ihe Ust nimol le one of th** fa mous ft.iufh Amtrlrtn polmms that figure so large.y In romanre, and I* the adlve princlpl*- tn most arrow and dart |s>lsone. which purpose strychnine is olso largely used Indian and l*onth American poisona have for so .ong had jch a hold of p|c*urenque ues surrounding them that |t is almost an a t of vandalism to shatter their !a‘m to distinction. In these utldtartan days they are ail s heduled ir the Hr Kish I' larmiioopocia sod when you read of "a* ebsettre Indian poison'' you may con sole yourself with the reflection tha* there ere plenty of people io whom Its defec tion would offer no diffl uitle- whatever. The only form of po.snn tvhlch you can •** ii pon your friends with any chance th*- analyst no: being aWe to stale with absolute certainty in whnf form It war administered j art animal one nd rot a drug—either a bac-ertoioglcal toxin, which you will find costly either to pro duce or fo puretjaee. and difficult to ad minlrter or oome of tho ptomaine*, the potaon* that exist in pueral and iwitrefying fl*h end mea* Thee* you will not he able to get nv sen* person to take, owing to the * ffmalve sm**l! and iaate >f any food in which the*- or* present. Ho that as .urri.h" stated, secret poisoning may now is reckor ed a of the paat. one of the lost arts. Hut to return to drugs. Ail drug# vary in their action on different people There sro, os It U put rather more ecienya- catty, personal Id •osynctaalew in th© ac toon of a.I drug* Thus very commonly used tt© Ha i'. mi 111, nuakes evorythltig kn-k >©. a> r. 11 * 1 Mibjt w ;u. tin** f the ittiigi m, 1 ad> in* .•ti'Sted v#r> lit tne amount *r p.tyap'ivg a reaction <n and ft- lent p r*v * to a rctiiarkadU* tegree .'lom* petxp.r an tak- q ilte a consutemld# • k*e© of I iLku i.a others though such •%*©*•* are r • al. the sym i©tn of #trotuti I** -nltig ©..©) only m small qiaintftv *f 11,.* frug prewnt in e h*isn u**d cvaerinlx D© vjmce> it xa*.! be remeinU*r.. ustxl to cut opium tn larg* . lutii!*© xx nerms a few drops of laud.ii fn o>n©t t tile too large a .1*- f.*r p. .*t - wb‘ iieM-*1 k.)nev# tr for those un ised to the drug The pri • .f tiwx 1 x drugs ns© I m m l elm is a.- r.i- t;g t, !)>>*© wh*> ar u I *■ Ii all.** wt h Me • ibje f Thr© are sexf-rai xv hl ,* • w r*h tl * r weix t In gold 14 in iDirun xx xen #**i * ratal., w.dla H' l •* and 11 ,n Oi l * ai •* q Me com uim pri **s In 1 hat tun * Tne drug w h rh tak©* the f*.i mi f.r cxosttl***-s I* curiously enough, ‘lie car xyhch !• ferh*ps pi> (l)©rI w I#4y known i*y nanie xf !*#rn <4 to th*- general public marne y. musk It* r©tab price ml h*- |< • ©rt m ment is about iJo an ounce iI&Q por jmuii I *i}o*h srx. or txx■ aid , half times the vaMe of pure gold >4 < .irsla fine I* is <> -talc© 1 floni lhe n hK dee n ver.x rare ainniil and I* *. i al ©1 In a fol 1 I* e- that ©n ounce *f t)• mug represents a, pr*x - niuf*!v x*n*- i tno * ;*?* *<i4 * ©ntn a © A - It Is largeix iiued ( u - * i.t, th* and m ind os' - ‘ant ix x*x-el? tn© suppt.x ai al th© pine h.i* t* >‘ii Htt<*dll> **k\.*nUng having riser ft util <5 .•© mi ***n. i ll* p e ent pri*’© in tlx** year* and. ?•* lar ** or e an sa* there is no rt-u*n wn\ i •houhi m t fc,o t'i i*©* or I1U) an oun* - during the n x f. >* .*t -as t • inu* doer is graaiMtly vanlihlhg ff th*- face f the eirth nn:< t tim* i iiiuai: i Hiumu. Twestf-Thrr© Men llehentlt-d In Twrnt) Mlsutr* From the North China Herald. Hepi 19 j The loth Inst was anorhei grand !•> 1 f*>r th© *x© utfoner* of Hoo-fhow Orlg i 1 the date bud •* ..; fix© 1 for the 9li, | but owing to tn*- great influx of sight seers it was postp*nerl wentv*four hours. Althougtx tb*- hmir of rlie execution w*n not made | übli> . ll:>n*uf. 1- of {lexip.i- ha*l ■ ongregaitcd h> i•on in trie ’ ! or Di.igo>n street, which run* due nonh ar -1 s*uth. |m **? the Great l\g la. to th© i execution grouiel An U.* pr.n Ipal prls ! on* are situat**! at the M>"tl e.n ©im! f It . city, tile processixHi ad t pass along If.* Mr*t Bx . o •!•*** the ftr**t ert© f ‘They are < niing *•?• hear*! It front were th** soldiers. iNintv rs and officera jon lurs*b k then hii© Hi*- pii-oiiers, ©;xch borne by two u*l-s These un ! forlunait# m©n wer* nil lied s#rure|> with ! stout ©ordv tn a m*-?t elat>rvrMte fashion. ! Four piecas of rope were used From tkie ankle iruM* a idece ns woun*l spiri|v lound each leg up t< th#* hije. and the ©rime w. *lon round the arms from the handcuffs t* t i© shotki©r' wtth the two remaining pise©*. Th# fnu cords thus* *©. ur#l> tied, um to ea h diub. met above 111© head, where th© Icunti©*) was pass- t throinrh i!?*n A more fiendish way *.f -a cry trig prisoners * ould lutn’ly hnve )*een d#vls**d, as when tb*- coolies lift the * rim Inal the cords tighten, ind b> the ©nd *-f a three-mile walk thex t#\e burled t Hem ?*dve deep In th* IWh. Fa h prisoner wi*a **• *• ,ninnld by some half-al***©n sr*l!crs ard no runners, and a yellow' flag atvr.o ir e*l the crlm* f*r which h© hil to suffer, lie was slowed to weir i roue ©re. srwl In hit Irnk *nntt©l leitr ther© was attxche*! u w ro*len r*©g with an in rip i*n to fa/llltate Identlh ■■■.*•loo after tit tin# off the Follow!© g *h* pt 1-oners -am- sorr.e of ficial- three moglxtrate© wfh thrdr retln ue*x as usual and finally the Bo> f'how *‘Fu.” The writer f 1 a*we| th© ppocee* •kv**. which minis Ms way thnmxh *len©ely packed st rests to Its destination. It •oemed as though all 800-Chow had found Pa xx ax to the Dragon street But * * a - ©mi nd was h hr| fr**ni th© The soldi© rs fi)?mr*i a a*|iiar*- when the exe cution grou| was reached and the •* n 'kmnoi were thrown into a h**aap ilk* so tneny pig** The •*fT4eltN nvamted th© p. vllton. atiin*ling to order as the "Fu" en tered After tl,© eustoniwry n tula tintik the ■•Fu" seated himself In the mi Idle, the magistrates t the left nnd th*- mill ?arv offl -ers to the tight At 4 o’clock the word wis passed that all were In rendl ness, nnd forthwith five prDoner* were brought within IT# feet of the pavilion, th# first, or th©* left raised tn n kneeling po sition. head pla ©d at the projier angle The ©x* ©iitbuier stood at n dlstan'e of fifteen pa © to the left of the * ulpr t. inal© a hasty H.lvan*** with his sword, as If were eoni *a|-d behind his back, stopped short. took a glance at the prls oner, hastily drew his *w#>rd and. the •okllers firing a bo i'y dlre-ted volley hi th# m an*f<t cut off the man head. A xvll*l shout of npf*robatl n rent th© air from tlie thousands that had gathered otif ild© th© rquAn* Thl** was at on©© stip pres©*-1 by th© scMlers The -e* ©*nd crim inal f#tl*jwe*f himl so It w**nt on till twen ty-thre* lo*il©* lay on tli© ground, fhe whol* gr©ws*mie operation lasilng twen ix minutes The heads were *, ia* * I In )*#gs. to h© <itsp#iched to tli© distil* tx ; where the crime had been • ranmitteJ. J Huniiers rairlsl on a brisk trad© by dip ping chcrnis in the blood. As the heads ■ w©!#’ sdng i#k*-n back ko tfie re.f*e<tlve | y imtns |i*-p e mU ng th* street rushed out and stuck little flags and other emblem* Into the hags ordaining the heads When the lust *©a l h and fallen the offi cials roe from their seats an*l exchange l courtesies. The "Fu" left the scene first, the othei* following #n cording to tank The writer, who wltQesocd th© entire j nr*, ceedlngs, mut hear testimony to the good Scrofula THE OFFSPRING OF HEREDITARY BLOOD TAINT. Scrofula i* hut a nuxlific l form of Blood I'oiKm and Coniumptton. The who i-. tainted l>v either mil tee iu the child the Hie disease I self 111 the form of •wollen ;l*nd*of tlie neeli and '1 throat, catarrh, weak it-#' eye*, offentive inret Xt))- and ahitceasen and of- jjy tentunca white w< inc - aure liL’iu of g. Scrofula. There may ”\JL t* noeatemal aijrnafor 7 ',7 - ,-T X t loii({ time, for the diMnae develops alowly in some rase*, hut the |a>i*on is in the blood ami will break out at the first fivor lble opportunity. S. S. R. curec this was t- K- destructive <liaca*i- hv first jimifying and building up th ? hlorxl and a'.imulatinif nd invigorating the whole aystera. J M fteal*. II) Public ?Th*illt Tr *. <>•: "Tn yrfK" mjr ‘isughler fell and c I her forb*<t From 1 hi* wooicl Ih* fUmt* i r ihe Mde of her face became *w‘lien nnn tnirtect ! aonie of the heat doctor* here ami eUewhere attended her without any I erief.’ We decided : to try B. h . tut! a few bottle* cured her en tirety " ■..;gg* jg# makes new and pure hhxhl to uouruh and t reut-dhen the body, and i* a lejaitisc and tale cun- for Scrofula. It overcomes all forms of blood poison, whether inherited or ocqu red, and no rented/ so thoroughly and effectively cleanses the Mood If yo't have any blood trouble, or your chili) ha* inherited *ontc- blood taint, take S S S ard get the blood in good condition and prevent the disease doing further damage Send for our free book and write our pbyatcians about your eaae We make no charge whatever for medical advice. IME SWIFT SPECIFIC CO- ATLANTA. (UL CASTORIA for Infcnts nnd Children. ( nstorln Its it hitrmli-y** Mibstltutr- for Castor Oil, Pnro gorlr, 1 trope itml Nontlilug Syrups. It is IMr-usuiit. It rtintailis nolthi-r Opinio. Morphine nor other Nit root It* Milisttuioo. It *lo*tro\ • \\ onus nnd nil.ns Ft-vorialinosH. It olirr's lthirrhiou and XX iiul ('olio. tt relieve* Teetli- Ing Trouble* itiul rures 4'oust Ipal ion. Il reg ii lute* tha Stomach anil Hottel*. giving In-altli> ami natural sloop. The I'lilldreu’* l*aiuu-ea Tne Mother’s Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought yy Bears tko Signaturo ol In Use For Over 30 Years. tmi ti'iU'.a ttfß** l *), t wi- **> > qintii. N* tun-. l' PRINTING rpili: l.ithograph and Printing Department of the .Morning I New* I* one of the largest in the Rooth II is equipped to Jo the best w>rk in all branches of printing. It* plant i* modern and ia operated by skilled people . . . BANK BOOKS - Bank of #,I kUuls ! nir •psrtaliy. x tircka I• i‘©it*© t• I 4i?n©rftl Nnk Mill i"h*TV III© M * ti, . Vrx* .|f>©‘ In A sup©) tor sty © Aral no bank It matters • <>i huxv ‘tnall. ©I < ni*l b* witiHiul <*ur lniiograph ©hark bo* Kv MANUFACTURING PLANTS \V© nmk© *a {•©©! ally of lining r|t work ii* v\ •I) a I?tn . r a|>l xx* rk f*r all msrnt f(i< luring i*l*int n-t on \ In G©#rgiA. but Ii AlMl ntn** 1 •>. II nfiff tin 4'r*Hnat* Vti4#r this h*nl is m' ra rcl fluaiio Far • or©* Blow Work© Tarj * min* Bl#u Haw Nllil©, l‘<HiMirl©s Br©\x* l© Machlna Hn* |>s In fn ‘I all kinds of frilrffirlffs of this i 'i df ar, COMMERCIAL WORK- A bus in*** man. r.o rn*tt©r w!i©r© h© ©Vi*-i l>u*ln©ns, can't .iff*rd t* t© tv it bow I x©f ;*iat I an* r>. If h* !• ■*■ nothin* but -©ll *©ggs l© ought to ha\© It Tl© Morning JNaw* milk"* a *(>• !*#!> of dolr.g n©at Job* Ifor rouniry lpl©H*tir© In nhti4*|l© wrlth |m m (froni wlik'h wlntloiu max !*> mad COUNTY RECORDS IIn <r*l Hooks for cchii.M©*, Tax Itonk , .official HtMtionsry foi town* and clM©, Laval Blank** and f ©v©ry d©srrlfw H'*n w. hi© ©quipped to do qul kly #ai*l f litai|i and w*a) LITHOGRAPHING- J.lthearaphln* 1* . brnft-h .f Ihe ho In <•* t'* w nil h * |s‘ct,.| itlMilb fl I* dnVOIr ) It h the lar**t i. .t,i*4i.h*.' nt In the *t,.t* aid I- ut-er.ited hv Ihe tn , arllals In tit" ecHutlr.v Wr cheerfully ftirnDh ertlneite* n,l auhntlt *ant|ilra .f liu,urr*|>h work When writing to us addreaa the Horning News Job Do. partmrnt. Donut think that you are consuming our time bv ■taking ua queatlona and writing fur estimate*. W hether we get your order or not. we .shall be glad to offer the best we have. Morning News .Job Department, SAVANNAH, CA. l*©h*vior of what was the- *r©at©-i crowd x’hln©?© ©vrr *©n in HuM’how • liy. In all etxty 4ght ©x©< uflona liav© lak©n ! •©. him! mor© hi© lo follow Tb* offl cUl© I Lax© iix*-1 hav© mn Idea that th© pr©o©nf Ip th© right tlm© to ahow ih©tr power afl sarik© terror into ii© b#*#r© of ttu vll-do©rH not ys~i arr©*twt B hj© P*.ar* that th© plot *.# fnl*-M*t*.t l At Yang-< how th© priaott# watr# fotnul fn I of *rmi and amniinliloi Tha following occurranc# nhowa •!* ner vo u* t- i*lon aiiioiig th*- p'opl© On Iha* fith. *• Ih© fall of th© i trHli haad. h eo4- dl©r ©ar©!©aaly lt full n e|*©#i Thl* #o t*-irlfl©d th© #-x©* utloner that h© ml*“ and tii* aim A about wap>©d. "They a © • •©nlllg■ ,, Who** Th© tn©M©r* wtio had pt*m4* and l©liv©rar © A g©n©rnl **t#rn; -1. to >k p a © of ©old4©r and Mpectator* allk©. with th© r©*uJt that *©v© a* p©r-oi f©|j in tht* ©anal anr| on© p©rfxi wh* drowrual Th© only military *>fll*©r w t*> remain* and at hln |©>Kt mHiwigcp) however, to r* ©tor© ord©r after a llm© *♦ mupf not l© forgoti©n that prlaofwm mndamiird to d©ath ar** allow© ), aomo Um© (©fore asocutlon. to partaka rf * good f©a*t, win© in abundanc©. .nd no dot jhi onium a* wall. When ©arrl©d along •o rn©©t th©lr t *•# th©y er *lr©dy d© 1 to tn© world ln*©nribi© to {..air I .|4d not )i©ar a acmnd from th©m n#?r dwl any of th©m move <i hmh perceptibly whi.e lying In a h©#p on th© rxecullon groun*l IT'S fl CEBTfIIWTT THAT Smith's Chill Tunic A /D TRADE MARK. WILL CURE Dengue, Typhoid, intermittent, Malaria. And Ail Forms o( Fevers. ALL DKL'OOieT* SEX.D IT ON A OI'AILANTKK t>y— COLUMBIA DRUG CO., SAVANNAH. GA A PERMANENT CURE of th" mnat iilwtlaan <-.M* of Oonnrrlwa aa-i r.lert, In from 3 tu tt Am /.; no other tre.tnrt.nt retjulwd An-! hr ,11 dnfvgt,t, "VVVVVVVVVVS/WWWVWWVWVVV 11. 11 Of HOP! fi f AN!) C l a R 7 si iti lit i.i: the rale afnbim Kaaf l rif r.f ra'*'aa hor Irle o( lhpe. Montxom* ry Thurtder iolt. Cattle Park .u.d West Kni Daily except Huicirtv- dubjcct to cuu<t# without t.oi)<i ini.i; of none. Lv cit > f rl. of II bv Isle of flop#” - 6 it* am f i o>i< Ti nth *i 0) am foi ii^hon 7M> sin from Tenth g (i ir*4 for Tt nth * ii am from '1 efitti j 7 uu am for Tenth UK. am ir rn Bolton *Oi un t or Tenth lo 30 am from Tenth 10 uo am for Tenth I- h*i frm Tenth li uo am lor HoUou t 13 pm i rom Bull on II Siam for Tenth j pm from Tenth , 2 u pm for Tenth i 90 pin from Tenth j 2 lo pm for Holton pm Horn Te dh 3 ut pm fur Tenth o pm from Tenth i UO r*m for 'lXuh ♦ 2u pm from Te th , iOh pm (or Tenth 7 pm troin Tenth • hi pm for Tenth if 30 pm (tom T'-iith h(wpm Hh Tenth i> 3d pm from T nth j 9u pm iar Tenth 10 .TO pm from TANARUS nth 10 00 pm for Tenth ,11 U pm for Tenth MONTGOMEJU * *“ Lv city for Moiig/y.J Lv. Montgomer> * x am from Tenth 7 lit am (or Tenth -3" pm from Tenth 1 13 pm for Tenth 6sj pm from Tenth J COO pm for Tenth CATTLE PARK! Lv city for Cat. Bark, Lv. Cattis rrk r Jo mn from Bolton 7 (iu am for Bolton * jo am from Bolton aoo .mi for Unit on 1 uo pm from Boit >n , I J* pm for Bolton i Mi pm (nan Bolton , 3 w pm for liolion 7 <*r I*l.l from Boiion 7> pm for Bolton a k*) pm from Bolton n stt pm for Bolton THUNDERBOLT.' or lum Holion *tr*e< junction 1U a. ni unu tvuy thirty minute* thereafter until 11:300. m car leave* Thunderbolt l (M a in and awry thirty minute* thereafter ttnili 12 m midnight, (or Holton at reel June- Uon. fRBiOM'i AND PARCEL. CAUL This ear • irrl** trailer for pa**engera on all trip* and leave* writ aide of city market for I* * of Hope, Thund*rl>olt anil all intermediale point* at > <*> a. ra.. 1 (w p. m . S.w p n> I,**vii fate of lion* for Thunderbolt, fit) Market and nil Intermediate point* at 4.09 a. m.. H.o a m . 2:40 p. m. VVKKT KND CAR. Car leave - i rid* of oily market for 1V( at End it tf> a m ami every ♦ minute* thereafter lurlnv the day until 11:*> p. m Leave* \Vrl End at :2 a m. and *v *ey 40 minute* thereafter during ttia day until 1! 9# .■■clock midnight H M LOFTON. Oen Mg' W. ROSS GRAVENER, Manufacturer’s Agent, RAILWAY AND MILL It PPLIKI, provident Building, Savannah, Oa. Empty Hogsheads. Empty Molaaae* Uoaah*a* (aa ■ale by C. M. GILBERT & CO. 7