The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 13, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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financial and commercial T |ll im'l HU\ EMIMT OK I.IH VI. AM) OlT*lllfc lItHKETK. 1 attire* Market llfKiMitMlrit In h) Idvaaeee lu i urin-n- HIM- firm al 41 I enls. With !•• Vllrr Ihr I ItMIUII HI 4 I' 4 C—Ro*|n I Iriu null I nrhnniii'il—Mui'ki llr in tlonar) on lliirdr-mug of ( nti )| n n c y IlHir*. The Morning N>>l Oflb-e, Monday, Nov 12. t hull't of 21 to 23 points in cot t futures to-day cxertui a marked in f im Ihr rpct market*. wldcti If f. . <1 by mat' r**al advances. The local ~ market advanced '* cent, a; which t!,, in., was s!raily. and the di-maod for eu, | . - fatrl) good Report* of a killing 1 b. Texai had mu h to do with th j .i *> in futures. lurti-ntme market closed Arm at <1 a .. and advanced after thn cloa.hif to 41 , ii nlu which tt wns said was 'Mid j., ,i.g the early hours the market 1. k ml friends. hut they came to the rescue I, r In the day and took lots which •howrit that rut'plles w.-re wanted from f. nt -ourcr" There wu- general tn r, v The rosin maiket closi-d flrtn and nr hang. and. k market contlmied Its Howard ci . uidil It received a slight setback hi hi, advance In the call money ra'e to t , er • nt. Sale* for the day were again at ... the mtillon-stinre point. The reac t...<. u hi pretty generally dlatrihuti I llv 'Ut the list, mi that It was not e, • ■ i .y fell by any particular siock 1i the i hct.on the rise was a’trlbut , j .. discounting f McKinley's elec tt • We'.lc now- It is attributed to dt*- ciic i „ the prosperity to follow the eiec t;on ■ following resume of the morkets t , their tone un i Quotations at th< . using ur-day: t OTTl) A TANARUS: nton market closed steady to-rlai ut advance of > cent above Saturday's do- „ There were salts or. the spot of li;, i’i The spat markets generally resf"aided to the Jump of 21 and 23 points In ci .ii futures, and was consequently buoyant thraugliout the day. The d> maud ceipt- were 3,158 against 7 112 lust year, an t * 'OH year before lasi T le following were the official spot quo at the dose of the market ut (he t'otton Exchange to-day. | This | Last j day. | >ear. flood middling “X 77. !*, 7 S-18 Middling •• !•? Low middling ST* •' 7-1* "Market steady; sales. US. Savannah Keeelpts, Kxforti and Slork,- Receipt* this day s.4'Ji Ke-etpt* thl* day last year 7.P.1 This day year before last 8,804 Rm*elpts since Hept. 1. lb-"' 457.139 Same day 10-t year 401.C62 t'OastwUe exports 1.4*5 Site k on hand this day 5T..292 Same day last year 121373 Receipts und Sue ks at the Ports- Recrlpts thl* day 7.3,331 Itecripis this day list year .... 45,890 Receipts this day year le forc last XI.ABI Total receipts since Sept. 1, 1900 . 2 ISM 75) Same time last year 2363.443 Brrns time year before last 3.270 pm B ock at all port* to-day *W r Block same day last year SC2.'’S9 Tially movements at other port* i iwlv estiai -S'ea l \ . mi'klcna. 9'*c; lv* receipt S. 25.001; gross, 22.311; salea, 1.748 s. 205,290 New Orleans—Uteaely. mkVdllng 98e; ns; .'elpt*. 12 4StT.; gross, 12.495. eaie*. *.330: ork. 222 3*. Mobile-Firm. middling. *c; net nwelptr. 724; gross 1,227. sales, lu stock. 33 395 •'harleston—Flrin. midtiling 9e 4 c; net re- Ipt:’. 1,033: gross. 1.033; stock. 15.972. Wilmington-Firm ; mi.Mling i . net re- Ipts. 1,334: trruae. 1.946. stock 8.119. Norfolk—Hi m. m selling 9>,> net ri nks, 2.370. gross. 2,370; sales, 7K, stock, 13* Baltimore—Nominal; middling 9*sc; net elpt*. 2.’*37; ill")'. 3.4)4; x'o* k 4.245. New fork—Bteadj . mkMimg * 13-lSc; ne celpta, 403; gross, <566. salea. Sen stock Ml. Boston-Quiet; middling ;♦ 9-13-; net ra pt*. 927; grors. 8.44'. I'hlkadeiphla—Ktrm; mliMMng I0 1-14c;nei • elpts, ret; grim*. 50; stock. 3,248, Dally movements ut Interior (owns— tuguetn Steady; middling S'. net re • :ptt. 1.1*15; gro-“. 1,130, -asles, 417. stes k. tt 13V Memphis Firm: middling 9o; net re txr, 8.031; gross. 11039, sales. 3,450, ■t'-k. 104,(72. S’ Louis—Steady; mltklllng 9 3-ltcj ne; •• "tpts, 1.875; gross. 7.722; sales. Ksu; sto k. ;; o*7. • 'iii' Innatl- Quiet; middling. 9 1 ,e; rut re lit*. 735. grost 745; slick. 4.123. Houston—Steady ; middling 9c; net r - pts, 14 555; gross. 14.555, saint. 342, stock. liouitville Firm; middling 9',i'. Extort* of Potion This Pay— 'ialvi slon—To (beat Britain. 7.5; to ' e continem. 3 2>M; coastwlae. 4,(8. NVw Orleuns—Coastwise. 1.559. Savannah—Const* Ise, 1.485. " llnitngtnn—Pesistwise. 7'W. Norfolk—Coastwise, 1.931. New York—To the rontlnent. 35. Total foreign exports from all ports this •*>" To tJreat Hr tain, 7.530. to the con tinent. 3.284. Total foreign export* from all port- thus I r this week; To Cheat Britain, 25.143; France, !,800; to the continent. 7.895 Total foreign exports since Hept l, I*oo To tlreai Britain, 975 189. to France, 181.- ■ to the continent. 373,354. spy is I y * I) ii l 111 v No great interest developed In the sea h ard cotton market during the pist w' k. The dullness in other markets has in arently been reflected also In the rea iHkii.d cotton situation. Wntthei there *lh be a rush by holders to sell later, re n ■ n- to Iw eeti,. but so far ih demand h hi>l been sufftclent to enliven things k me Interior hoolr-s* Is reported. Pr. es about as fohows: • a choice Idast hlorldas 23tati24 1 ' ra choice and fancy F;orlilae.23‘vli24 I ytra choice and fancy Oeorglas 238fliW 1 Dice Oeorglas 228,623 *ra tine Oeorglas 22 Receipts and Stock*— 1899-bfi Receipt* past we* k 4.178 5,191 I'.ximrta past week I 7541 962 Receipt* thl* season 21.7*1 31.341 s *le* past week i 732 4.363 ock on Itand ! 17,2*5, 15,387 con ov ki Ti nea. I he r inse sternly at an Adranee nt SffliKl Point*. - ' Vork. Nov. 12.—The msrket for col ■ v a very excited, very active and de *' y higher to-day. The opening pr- e owe.i rl advance of 11*018 point*, ind inner advanced 84/12 |iolnt* on g neral ' cTlsh conditions Th re were'* few *i' it* of weakness re-ultinj from i olt taking and occaalonal sale* on the Men Ihtory. But as a ru e tlb n*ir was most vigorous, with aneculailo ' b nlng rapidly and Including an '• able t>ropiirtton of buying on Inves 1 - 1 nt account Covering was an Imp rt fe.vlurr. The great strength of th" ' was htrgely dje to killing frost Northern Texas and o:her important <■ * lii the Bnuth. with ."counts from Mlaslsnlptd valley, Indlca'tng that th ■ nage i,y fro-t In that territory '.tat k had la on more serious than at h" * assume I The Bomhern markets generally higher, while account* 1 -m Atuvrtuan eptiining districts, as well MURPHY & CO., INC., Ivimtu of Trul, llutldtnc Savamtah I‘rlVale l,a.etl wirra dir. cl o New York. Chicago and Nw Orlean. COTTOS, RTOI'KO AM (iRAU. Nw York ofiler. No (1 Broadway. Office, in principal cui, iliroußhoul fh, South WrMe for our Al.rket Vlrnual and book coni mining tn.i ruction, for trader, a * f rom ("reign .pinning ><niir- wen- .11 of a btHII-h character. Cotton w.-te r*'|K.rt*U to be m bettei hpe Th nniv. m, n< of O'too In the Hoot It aa, t.,, ri> auet.iinci, u fan, however, quite <e i.-r ---**** : *-itor. i vi. wof pro, . ling ■ i nvent. t.nrnpe laxight freelv th. not l*.tlonn chiefly. Wull ,tre. .1 , South al*.. operat.,l rxteri*lvel> on -.hi' *** lJ *‘- of in., account, in th. noon buying was checked by hcavv eetl in.itt,i rr< dpt, New urlean, and Houston (e*i>eclally at ih. latter) for io morrow The market clo-.-l steady ai a net advance of |ulnt*. T,l CTI %TiU\lt IN I ITI HM. New York. Nov. U'.—r’ott n futures opened steady at the advance and rloeod steady. Price, as follows. ! Open. High L*>w Ctoae. January 1....".] 917 sPi 9.33 8 43” February .... 939 9.5 9.34 914 Mar, h . 93* 9is 933 944 'April .... f 4* J 34 9 44 May j 3.3S 949 935 9t4 J'tne 3.35 , 45 935 915 July 9.3; 94 * 933 | 9.45 August ! 929 9 34 9 24 9 35 September ...j .... t. s tsi Nov.-mtver ... J 32 945 9.36 943 December . .| 953 944 932 912 Liy l.npoot. rOTTM* MAKKBT. I etale bustnis- and price steady. Ameri can middling fair, 5 13-14.1. glad mid d’rng. 4d t d; middling. 5 13-32d: low ntld •l!ing & 7-33<1: gool ordinary. 4 Sl-32d; ordinary. 4 23-32 U. The sales of th. day Were tiaiee. of wived) suo wire for Speculation and export, ad Included 7.2 b) American. Recelfus, 10.000 bales. Includ ing 5.500 American. Futures opened quiet anil stead) anil closed steady; American mid Ring, low middling clause, November. 5 3-1 buyers; Novemlver-December. 5.1505 lSd seller*. Decemle-r-January. 5.121)5 13d si ller*. Jan utry-Feliu*r>. i.iid seller-, February March. 57881 buyer- March-Apri). 5 07.i 3 ted seller*. Apr.l-May. 5 isjt ht/yer- May-June. 5.05*1 *# ili'rs. June-July. s fx:-,.* s<Md sellers; July-August, 5.03d sellers; August-Beptem Ver. 4'"u 1.611 sellers. New Orleans, Nov. 12.—Cotton futures st* ady. November 921 bid March 9.24r>9 27 Decemlwtr 923 J 9.31 April 9 *709.2* January .. 9.221i9 23 May .9.2*1)9.29 February 9.2309 25 | June 9.2909.(1 < OTTOA LETTERS. New York Nov. 12-Murphy A Cos. say: Idverpool advice* were mu -h natter Ihm anticipated, futures theie tietng teij9 point* higher than Saturday • i los. with spot sales SOl*', middling. 5 15-32.1. Cables from that mint reported advance due lo fill ing oft In movement on this side, and fur ther ri'tmns of lOtidnued unf.tvo abb* wisiiher. A.there has lean - m - im provement during the l ast si- k for man ufacturing good We opened with about full response to advan-e In I.lverpool. early sales ladng at an advunce of 15020 laitiits over last night s ulose Covering by short- anil liquliLitlon by longs wer ahout offset luring the early pari of th - session However. Wash lugs on wea’h r deportment predicted heavy frost to-nlgnt over the belt. m| light fro-t In r>tr> m* ■ •union of Florida, also aevirai pint* In Texas reported temperature of s* to 32 degrees. This Influenced new buying o'- der, and the market garnet additional strength as the session jirogresaed. Janu ary advancing lo 9 46.' >l>out 25 pouts over Saturday’s close. There was are a -non of Sylo potut- nlomt n-- on a count of rather liberal es'lmate. f.*r Houston io-morrow but the decline wa only temporary The feeling to-day *■ quite bullish throurrhout Die entire .*- slon. kk-thnate.l |sir te eipts i;.hA, against 5*473. New Orleet ixpex-ts to morrow U.D'O to 15 ht*3. ugilmt 97h la*; year. Houston. 36.'W to *).*). agtlns' 25 50U. Nig Y’ork Nov 12— Hnhlsirdi Bme. * Do. say: Liverpool advan el sharply to day on reiKirts of damatige from th- r - cent feosl In Ihe ilemphls lure' and on the comparatively llarhti r movement f r the past week. Our market opened lirm on these advices, absorbing the ri .illiln.- sales of list week's buyers, whi h wer • heavy wllliout a check until the eil mat. of the re elpts al New Orbans. and es|>ei -tally llousion. were pi>*b'* and '‘ r rested the buying. A teautlon from the extreme advance then followed, but no disposition was shown to sell ehort The sliorut have covered freely during th uay, and there was some outside buymi’. I hough commission houses a PI" U red io have mainly realising orders. Our local j pad" ate dlspo-fd to buy on ull react o s on the billet that the South wilt hold back lu cotton. DRV GOODS. New York. Nov. 12.-The dry' Roods m.irke* feature h* been the In the price of American Indigo blue joints ! t cents to 44 cents. Two other lines have advanced price# cents and other* are expected shortly. The question 4- Whether n god business will be done Is the advanced prices or whether Iransac tons at okl prices have no' (tiled up buy er* so that they will not be able to tak*' further supplies. Other lines remain quiet and firm. MYII. STORES. Monday. Nov. 12. SPIRITS TURPENTINE.—The tjrpen tin* market opened quiet tosdav t 41 ... ,| w j. ,no s ties reported an.l cbreed irm at 41 rents w.;h sales of 1.3 V) casks During the .ri>- hours there did not s. •in to be mu-h demand and It locke) Ike the market r to suffer for (neiwls But the enrsnre of buyers liter gave a de. Ided Impetus to the mark. " hi; ■ 4b* official price was 41 rent- site*, wer made after thn closing on n basis of 41', sen's with lb* 1 ’em tnd g.-od ui th . pile*. It did not seem * the targe ex porter* had eatt-fled their deroaud., *•• If this is the csa>\ It mn.c be Utter |>r! ** will be witnessed. The day’s receipts were 9*.Y and the exports 3.V.. ROSIN*—The rosin" et close ! Arm and unchanged to-duy, with a goo. de mand for the offerings Both foreign an I domestic exporters were the mark* for supplies, snd •* th# closing it war slated li.xt the mark., • prett, well swept The day's receipt., e'er" 3.56*. and ihe exoorts 1.197 Prices a* follows; A B, C 9’. *0 I *1 6 D 1 36 K 1 9'. £ : 95 M 1 70 p 1 40 N 2 10 o' 1 <5 IV G 310 H. 1 56 W IV 2 82 Receipts Monday— Spirits. Rosin r It M 4 ,! * 8 F. ft W J-’ 4 < 4 ? 8. A. I. * l.* sStr. Kantee 14 3S* Exi'orts Monday— Spirits Rosin p S I II Miller. Baltimore 1.015 *4 jr. Kansas City. N Y 26 94 Naval Stores Statemen:— Spirits Rosin Stock April I. 1960 2,197 112.50. Receipts to-*lay 3,263 FIS A NCI L. JOHN W. DICKEY. Stork and Bond Broker, A VGt ST A, OA. Wrlle lor Lla4. IHE MOWNING NEWS: TUESDAY, NOYEMHKH 13. 1900. ! Receipt* previously 270.*72 6M.97j Total line* April t 274,<T4 TP7.OB* Export* to-tiny MO 1,107 Export* previtu*!> .20.484 Kx4K>rt* *m • April 1 204.0 H €71,733 ! Slock on h*f)l Unlay ........ W.'O' 12H.2-L ! stock la*! year .'•M&! 171.IT'* OurUfion. S C , Nov. 12.-Turpontine i firm at 40c b>*l Roe4n firm an<i unrhMtix***). Wllmiifg(o. N r.. Nov. 12 Spirit* turi'vnfipH firm ni 40t%4i!1c; re olpt*. P> Uohi) **t#*n<ly nt J: ?. Cnid* turtx ntinr firm Ht fi 40 and s2.4*\ receipt*-, ? Tar firm *• $1.56. receipt*. 70. New*. Nov '.2 R* * eipt* Rwin, 516. turpentine. 183. export* none. I’ll IV'I %L. MONEY—The demand keep* fairly up tv It h t if -upplv FOREIGN EXCHANGE—MerkeI tleady. demand. U43v 4 . sixiv day*. $•?!* ninety Hi> , $4.78; franc*. Pari* and Havre, *ixty day*. 6.22^8: Swkm, liity day*. 5 Htlihn, 5.24\ rrmrk*. alxh r s 2:♦ !6. nln :> day*. 93 5-16. DOMESTIC STEADY Steady, hank* nre huylnc at 1-1€ diacount nd ■ aelilmc follow* $25 and under. 10c pre mium. $25 u> S3O. 15c premium. $lO to si>" premium. SIOO to SOOO. 25c premium; to SI,OOO, premium. SI,OOO an 1 over, 7 • per M premium SECURITIES There |* a brt*k dwtund all round and Uxh*. offering*- Mtoeke. Rid A*k A:iii to ar.<l Savannah R R .. :>>’ 4 U 0 Atlanta and Wnt Point ..129 do 6 per cent certificate* 1W Augusta Factory 82 $S Cltisene* Hunk IgSZ Chatham Hank 110 Chatham R K A 1 Cos.. A 57H M* v do do H 66i t 674 Eagle an 1 Phoenix Mfg. Cos 10T. Efllaon Electric Ilium Cos 107 110 Enterprise Mfg Cos .• W3 G* rmanla liar.k 1> Georgia and Alabama 23 20 Georgia Railroad Common 215 217 Granlteville Mfg. Cos 165 170 J lv King Mfr Cos 100 I<M Eunaley Mfg Cos 115 120 Xl* rchania* Natlonai National Hank of Savannah 110 Oglethorpe Having* anil Truat —llO People a Savings and Lain 100 Southw* 1 -atern lia.lroaand Cos Savannah t;<s Light Cos ‘ a Southern Rank 153 las Savannah Hor.k and Truat 114 Sibley Mfg. Cos.. Augusta M $6 Savannah Hrealng ...102 Ronds. Bid. Ask I'hsr Col. A Aug Ist. ss. linn 106 Atlanta city 4s 1933 tor. Augusta city 4s. 1937 105 do 4V,s. 1935 ill ... . do 7s. 1903 107 do 6, 1913 132 Ala. Mai. 5s Ind'd, 1925. M. A N 98 99 Vigusta Facto, y. 6 |icr cant..l*ls.lll 113 Hrunswl.-k and Western 4s, 1W 3 M t' 11 H . Kattkiug lollutcrw) 5a 94 C. of G. Ist niortg ss. 1945 F. A A. f 119 121 t’. of G. on. 5s .945. fd AN 95 9>'i C. of G. Ist Incomes. l:-45 491, 6t)>.. do 2d lnc<>mes 15 15* do 3d Incomes. 1945 7 8 C. of G. tM. G. A A DR.) 5a 1947. J A J % 97 C. oft! (Eaton Branch), 5s 1936 JA D r City A Suburban R. R Ist 7s 109'4 folumhus City sa. I9W 107 Charleston city is. !9ti9 101 103 I aglc A Fhoantx Mills Ss. 1931 ft*! 104 Edison FJcotrl ■ II nm natlrig 4s 105 Knlerprlsu Mfg 4s 1992 .. .103 Georgia Rallrtw.l 4* 1910 115 117 O. 8 A F . 1916. J. A J 112 112 Georgia A Alslwma Isl 6s, IMS 104 (06 Georgia state Jt,s. 1980. J A J ...110 do 3'4s, 1915. M A N lot do 4<*s. 1915 114 119 I Macon city 4s, 1910, JA J 114 111 do 44a. 1934 Jan. |ir 104 113 Ocean Scamshl|> 5s 1934 104 104 Savannah city 55,. qusr. January, 14!4 110 111 do sa. quar. February, 1919 . 109 110 South Carolina stale 445. 1933 lIT 119 Sibley Mfg Cos. 6s. 1903 102 ... South Bound 5a 9* 100 9. F A W. g. n, mi'll, 4s. 1934 134 134 do do Ist ss. gold 1934 ...... US ..... do St John Dlv. Ist 4s. 1931.... 94 kl New York. Nov. 13 Money on call t 5 per cent.; lost loan 4 per cent. Prime mer antlte pat*r, 441)3’. per cent Sterling exchange coster w-jth actual buslnctw in banker's l.tlls at 14 84’, for V*rn m.l and at 51 *s>i, for sixty .lavs, Postid rah 14.41 Mrs 4 , commercial Mils 54 V,34,an, Silver certlfl.vnes 44‘, silver 444 . Mexl.-an dollars SO4C Government bonds 1 Irregular; state 1 totals Inactive; railroad I bond* strong. irrorKx %n noM>. inf"* for the n Million Shares. Nw York. Nov. 12—The flr*-t decisive setback (o Iho upward course of prli e which has been In full swing In the stock market since Wtdnealay morning lasi, occurred to-d.iy. anti conservative circle In Wall street breathe easier as a conse quence. The headlong pace at which the speculation has proceeded tats been the caus of tinea sin cbk lest some untoward event should precipitate a violent decline with disastrous results. To-slay'a tale reaction was largely due to manipulation by professional bears, snd them were Indications that some of the large bull Interests were acquiescent In the movement. A prolonged and ex tensive odvanoe.tueh as that of the Ine: rWeek. attracts a following of weak spec ulators. whose liability lo fright anil forced liquidation on a very slight reac tion arc a menace and an obstruction to the more powerful bull speculator*. This latter class some times wink at a bear atiaek in order to shake off ihla undestr able followinf There wes an enorrac-u --amount of profl’-taking accomplished during the early hour- of the day hy pro fevtonal "peculator*. who began to feel doubts over the continuance of the heavy buying demand for stocks Interests which had thus sold out were willing to -erg lower prices In order to buy ba.-k Stock* Tlt stiffening of the oil-money rate air the most effective factor "i Induc ing inc late reaction Hktll'ul specula tors have k- pi a watchful eye on this Index of irmey conditions to detect the first tlgnal of danger that thr borrowings for speculative purposes were over-run rdng the available resources of the money market It la not Ilk ly thu* there was xny actual preasure upon speculative bor r'wers to-day, but the effect upon specu lative een’lmsnt of the rise In the money rate to R per cent. wa conclusive. The sensitiveness of opinion to this Indication and *h• success of the professional altaek upon the market, after the many fail ures of lust Week, warrant th** supposi tion that the eager rush to buy stocks tins at list hegun to show signs of satie ty The signs were not riser this morrlng when orders to buy came Into the market In seemingly undlmnlshed volume, hut hy noonday the activity had sensibly fallen off and the later recovery In prices had a somewhat artificial appearance, the rise hlfting from one stock to another, glvljig the market a spotsy upoesranee tnd leaving the points of strength rome wha* Isolated. Pennsylvania which has been reaction ary for several days past, was the leader of th" recovery nt an extreme advance of p, points Flat It bad a large following among other railroad stocks, which roev from 1 lo I>* points The ear |,er advance In the steel slocks hsd run as high os 5 point* In Tennessee Coal and Iron and frm 2 to 2V* In the leading in duatrlals and apeclalltlea. Including the local traction stocks Rumors have been current during the day of hostile Intentions between the Steel and Wire and Federal Steel Companies, and t)ee -locks most severely In Ihe late break Federal Steel re., -ting J 4 and Steel and M ire 3V The setting on reaction woe prevtpttaie, but nut In a large volume as the buying on the al\ n.. Many t>f Ihe Industrials suffered lo ihe extent of be tween 1 and 34 fsante 111 tha r tilt vails Ihe losses from Ihe best ran between 1 and 14 In the principal stic ks an.l In P. nnsylv inn n.iehe.l 14 Covering by shorts arrested the decline, hut tlie c!eating was tiuaetlle.l and with s|>ei-utailve opinion very uncertain. Pa in, Mall was reactionary throughout the day and American Lins* and till preferred lost 54 The bo* 1 market was very active and pr - advan rd strong!' but reacted to some e\tcn - In sympathy with stocks - , ;r v.l ~ pi. 999 Units 1 Slates refunding ?*. When !su“d, tlecMn e.l the Sand al-l I and Ihe 5s 4 |’r ont on the last call. The new 4s ad var.i cd 4 The total sales ,*f sto*k. to-day were 1.444 Ito shares Including Atchison 33 550; do preferred, 37 349. Baltimore and Ohio. 34.111; Cheat* tpeitke and Ob o. 7.5.V1; Bur lington. 33..V.C Rock Islatwl. 22.245; Louis ville and Nashville. 13.09'. Manhattan. 31- MetropolP in Btr. * Railway. 11075; Missouri Padflt . 13* ). New York Cen tral 20 120, Norfolk and MVstcrn 29.550. Northern Pacific. mviO: do (.referrtsl T.Tkt. Ontario and Western, 14.710, Penn sylvania 87.4.'>n. Reading tlrst preferred. 39,210. 9t [gulls and 8 aithwestern, knot do preferred, *99>: 8t Paul, 29.110; Houth •rn Pa IH . 143 540 tk.uth.rn Railway. 24 950, do preferred. 14,650; Texas and Parinc, 7 70.1; t’nlon Pacific. e> 13": do (.referreil, 12"h' Wheeling and T.ike Krte. 10,102, do n l preferred 14,190 American 9 leg. 19.40,. and preferred. 6 400. American llnop 9371, Ste. I and Wire 70.150: do pre ferred. lo.SO' Tin Plate. 7.249: American Tobacco. 44.125; Anaconda. 7.*e4*i; Brooklyn Trtnwll, 49.146, Colorado Fuel, 7.15". Con Tohnc o. 34,175. do preferred. 1.910; Federal Hteel, 50 590; do preferred. 9.013. Paper. 7.000; Nallonal Hteel. 9 475. pe fl Mall. 2t! 37": Pes.ple's Gas. 79 535. Pr'sse.l Hteel Car 4.750; Hugar 7" 750 Tennessee Ooal. 24 410; Lea'her, 109 110; do i -eferred. 967 Rubb.*r. 15 37"; Western I’nlcn, VDO; Republic Iron and Steel. MSS New York S'oek List. At hlson l'. Psclfl *7', Jo pref 77‘1 do 1 ref 7‘4 B A O gov* Wabash 94 Par.. Pacific ... Sa j do |>rcf 21 Can 8 ,ulh sgl||*Vheel. A L. E 05, C A Olilo . rjVv do do 2nd pref 2H . <’hl. G 1 West.. Uv"'!*. Contra. ... 14 c.. B Ay. .iajv,|Thirrt av# lL'*j *'hl.. Ind. A I, 34 I Adams Ex ....140 do do pref . 3;ij Ain Kx|>reae ...Is.', Chi. A 13. Hi.. 9, iF 8- )-3xpres~. 49 Chi A Nw. .14; M.-F. Ex 129 C.. It. J. g p aij; Atn Col. Oil 34%; C. c. C. AHt Lu> | < * ,> **■’ IT' f••• 93 Col Hotith Am. Matting ... 54 do ;st pief ii jdo do |>ref ... 34 do 21-1 pngf., 17 Ant. 8. A It 49 I “el & Hii'aod'.'.ft ' to dw pr. f ... 914 l>. L A M . 179 |Am Spirits ... 3 I*eu. A R G... 'ltk' d ’ do ptef . 17 do do prsf 731* ' m 8 H00p... S3S Ei4c | d.> do p-ef ... 74 do Li p;ef ... 2744 Am H A Wire 4*o* *b Notrtn ir-f.l#>lk ' s ‘* •*" pref ... 9.4 Htn-k C. al 174 , ' rn- ’*" ,n Plat*.. II", Hock Valey yi, do and . pr. r .. (r 111. Centra; . 123'; Am To’we-o Li Centra .2%, do ,!o isef ...IS. .10 40 |trer . l-.wi '<C>... 4F L. E A W.-st.. ayi t Brook R. T ... 49 do do pref ... 14 Col F A 1 41 L Share 2d' *-*> Toliaeco ... 244 L, A N *’o do pref.. 89', Man. I. b,74*' 1,1 Steel 49 Mat. Hi Ry- ...14). W> do pef 75', Mex Cenl'tl . : tpf'ec Electric .11* Minn. A St. L. K (Glucoae Sugar .. 59 do do pref . .too do do i>ref ....104 Mo Paclflc ... Paiwr ... 254* il A Oho 4" do do pref .... 74 21.. K AT |i .Lac cd* Gas ... 724 do do pref ... jg-j Nat. tilscub ... 39 N.-J. Central..ls6** kdo pref .. 94 N. Y. Cent al .1274 • s '** , l*cg,l 334 N. A Western 414' '•> do |>ref . 94 do do |>"ef ... ;*4 Km t. SteH 274 N. Pacific 414 do and,. pr* f ... *3 .h. do pref 74 N Y. A. Brake 134 unt. A M eat... ,4 iN. American ... 144; Ore. Ry. A *L. 53 |P. C..jsi 4" •la ,k. pref ... 7a do li pref .. 85 ..1404! - ,H * Heading 19>| P 2lall ...514 do Ist pr.-f ... 914 People's Gaa ...])>, do 2tal pref ,3i P. Sl*-el Car.... 554 M. O. Western. 61 j d*> do pref . ..57 do do p-ef ... > Pull Pa Car ..1:4 Si. L A 8 F. 134’ 8 AT 64 do do Ist pref. 74, Bu ®*r l‘>4 ,lu Jo 3*d |*ref. 2941 do pref 117 81 L.. Sw 14 l siTenn C. A 1... 7>*V do do pef .. 34 .ft' 8 lewther... 154 Htl Paul 1234 Jo do pref .... 774 do pref ..,.,..171 I'. 8 Rubber... 3-v St P. a 0.. 117 do *lo pref .. '7 8. Paclflc ... .. 41V W. I nvar 55 8 lullway . .44 t. A S 174 do pr f fl I -5o do pref .... 64 T. A Pacific.... 19 P. C. C A SI. L. 4 Bonds. U. S. 2s, ref reg.!6s Texas 2n*ls -71 tl** cou|* 105 do <J*> 4 94V do 3s. leg. N. Y. Ceil, .he •5o 3e, coup . . ,1094'N. J. C. gen. 5..1244 <lo new 4s, reg 1364 Nor l'ac. 2*. . 7o *sv* new 4s. c0u.1344 do 4s PM4 do old 4s, reg.ll3', X. Y., Chi. A St. do okl cou . 1154 Louis 4. —lo*4 do s*. reg. . .112’. N. A W. con. 4s. 99 do . coup .113 , Ore. Nav. 1i5...10 D. of C. 3 tor .1244 do 6* 1694 Ale. gen. 4s 1004 do 6a 1374 Ate. adj 4s M <k> con. is. ..J144 Can. Sou. Itsl' 10) .Read Gen. 4s, . 894 C. of G.. * 95 Rio Gd. W. Isis 99 , do Ist Inc. .... H 4 Bt. L A Iron M do 2nd. Inc. .. ha couaoi 3* 1114 Ches A O. 44a 101 81. L A San F. ,1o f 1194 Oer, 6 125 C. A Nw ,-on 7*l-774 St P console ..1711* C A Nw 8 F St Paul. Chi. A Deb. 2s H 74 Pacific lts ...1184 Chi. Ter. 4s, .- 95 i do do se. ....1194 Col Sou. 4s. 84 Sou. Pac. 4 934 Denver A Rl*> Sou Rv 2s 1124 c.rande 4*.. .I*6 8 R snd T4s 72 Erie Orn 4*. *s*t r*x A Psc. l*ts.li2H Fort W, A Den. I tfc> 2nd* 9C C.*y -Ist 7* Union Psc. 4, ..lIA4 Gen. Ele 55.. 123 1 Wsb. lsts 116 lowa Cen Ist- .1114 *k> 2nd W, la A Nslb 'W. She s 4s. 1194 Vnlfls-I 1" ®H Mis Cen. lsts.. KV* Mis . Kansas A iVIr. Cen •* M A O. 4e. .. *64 New York. Nov 12-Standard Oil TWf 705. llm-phy A Co.'a llwk Letter. New York Nov. 12—Trad..ig In the stock meruit waa resumed this with no hlng particular In the way of novelty In ny o* the news bearing upon the Anaic-lal sliualion. The vnormoti activity which prevailed throughout last week's market •'. however, repeated this morning. As was the ease then. Intereet sue well dlverslfled throughout the entire market Ho active was the early trading that In a large number of stocks It ws impossible to Ax the exact opening quotations which were In consequence bracketed An of some weight :n the dealing* this morning was the f- t that London again furnished a much higher range of price* for our stock- and continued to buy heavily here. The lo*| tra-dlons were comparatively dull, but were Arm People'- Oas w.a< very strong among the pc- ".lltlee, Pselflo Mall being somewhat reactionary. lomdon continue! trading long alter the official close To tal sale* to-day 1.672.3*5 shares. MIfICRLL4 >6COlg MtHKKTft. Note.—These quotations are revlaed daily, and are kept as near ae possible In accord with tne prevailing wholesale prkes. Official quotations are not used when they disagree with the prices whole salers ask I miiilry and horlhrra I'rmlnrr. POULTRY.—The market Is steady Quo la:lon* Broilers. 3U030c per pair; half grown, 46*69- . three-fourths grown. 6 Hi 4po. hens, 6Mf7ic; roottars. 40064 c; ducks 30074 c: geese. 75.011 Of', KOOS—Fresh candled, 21c; cold storage, ueuo. w(D, Southern Railway. Train- Atrlv. end t'epart ttavannah on P'th Meridian Time—(>no lloui .-low r Than City Time Schedule in liftert Sunday June 10, I>o rtFAI' I'OWN Tti"1 ; ll FIfABT READ IT \ t n..-. c ent 3e: No. 12 Tbpn, 12 A',tit* f.v Bav innuh Ar > loam, 5 10, m iF.astirn Tune i ; j 4 31pm 4 .*am Ar li.s kvllle Lv i hum I (Hpin 6 OOt'iii * hum Ar l obimbla Lv l :u .1 -rm 9 Icptli 9 45mi Ar Cli irhvtte I.v , 9 3 pm 8 'Uni 11 44pm 12 73pm Ar Greensboro .. Lv, 7 lopin • 48a111 "* cum Ar Norfolk . Lv .. , I Wi>ni 12 s!am 1 ipm Ar T Danville I.v Iki .m 4 C " .ne ipm Ar RI hnngui I Lv, IS 11 OOp -i ! Fair ' 3pm Ar ...' .'... L.J hi g .................... l,v 2pm I Jwn 4 15*m inn Ar Chari *i leevllle Lv 2 isi.'in 1. 51 iti 7 lam v .'■"pm Ar , f Wash lug ter Lv II 15ain '■' p U 9 loam II .041111 Ar Halt more .. . I.v v 2 tm s2 pm ■ll 35.111) 353 am Ar I'htl idelphl* Lv 3 50am| 6 95pm 3 0:1pm f, 7.; .m Ar New York Lv 12 loam 3 iipm 8 .'B*l*ll 300 pm Ar Bo Inn Lv ■ uoti.i) l" lowin No 34 TO THL NORTH AM* WFHT~ " No 35 Tim. 1 13 30am I-v Havannah"' ' "Ar ! 5 Vlai Is 1 11 Time > 4 All in Lv t o umbix ... I.v 1 75am 9 I'kim Lv Bpnrl tnb'itg Lv 4 : .pm 13 10pm I.v .. Ash vlile Lv 3.6 pm 3 Ml** Ar.... . I'ol H . L> ' I mi 7 Aipin Ar Kn>xvilie . Lv 8 25ain 310 am Ar le xhigion .... Lv ]h 90*.. 11 7 45am Ar Cincinnati Lv tmpin * Onpm Ar Bt Louis Lv 8 Na n 7 Mum Ar Louisville Lv 7 45am Ail trains arrtv* and depirt from tm-Plant Hvstem Station. THROUGH CAR RKHVICF FTC TRAINS S3 AND 34 DAILY NEW YORK AND FIyORIDA EXTREBS Vest I buled limited train*, with Pullman tbaw-lng It,-an Bleethiig Car* lietwnen Bavan nah and New York Connects ai W>nlugt > 1 with Colonial Kxt re to: lloston Pullman Blia'plng Car- lielween Chari dt" and Richmond and Ct irtotlr aid Noi folk Dining iNirs Serve alt meal* between Savannah ami W'ashlnglou TRAINS 35 AND 33 DAILY. THE UNITED STATES FAST MAIL V.sllhul and limllcd train*, carrying Pullman Drawing Room Bleeping Cars between ah and New Y'ork Dining t ar* erve all meal* between Savannah and Washington Also Pullman Drawing Room Bleeping Car* between Savannah and Cincinnati, through Aehevtlle and ' Tit# Land of the Sky." For complete Information <l* In r*b* echalule*. etc. apply to O GROOVER Ticket Agent Plant System Station. JAMES FREEMAN. 47. P ami T. A . 11l Bull Sired Telephones-Ball. *; Oeorgla. *V 4 8. H HARDWICK. A**lstant tlenersl Passenger Agent. A Haul* Os. BUTTER—Th* ton* of th* market I* firm Quotations Western creamery 190 2489 c. New York *tat dairy. 19023 c. extra Elgin*. 2.'ii24.'. CHEESE Market firm. fsn. y full cream cheese. IJ 1 !' for % to 23-pound average. 2SSJh-pound average 13c. lairly Veg,■ln I. Ie IRISH POTATOES —Northern, |1 90 sack f'ABBAOE—SOT7c per head ONIONS-Yellow In barrel*. (3.40 crate*. 80r; red. (19a Breadstuff*. Ill) and tlraln. FLOUR—Market steady; patent. 11*0. straight, 13 9i, fancy. 13 75. family. (3 8n MEAL—Pearl per barrel. 82 P>; per sack. •1.26; city meal, per neck, bolted tl 12v*0 1.15; water ground. $1 1501 1784; city gnta sacks. 51.20, pearl grits, lludnuis, per bar rel (2.75; per suck, tl 23'j, sundry brand- tl 17V4il 30 sack. CORN—Market firm while, lob lots, &r carload lot*. 63c; mixed corn. Job lots. 32c; carload lot*. 59c. RlCE—Market steedy. demand good, fancy head. 8c; fancy. 5H<- ITimo * * lor*l 4Y964A* Fair 4 ® 4 ' Common OATS No. 2 mixed, carload, 33*v. Job lot*, 3>yl4' . white clipped, cers. 37c; Job. ♦Oi BRAN Job lot*, 95c. carload lole, 90 HAY—Market steady; No 1 timothy, I2>*.' Jvb. 87', car*; No 2. *s*- Jib, 13'4 cars 9u|*r aad 1 offer, SUOAR- Cut loaf 6 (t|Diamond A 3 *1 Crush' and 8 34| Tonfertloners' A 5 79 Powder* and 8 09| White Extra C.. 5 49 XXXX pow and... 6.14 Extra C 5 48 Granulated .... s.!Rolden C 5 14 Cubes 6 14 Yellows 8 01 Mould A 3| COFFEE— Mo, ha .**c iprlme No 3 It c leva 18c dkawt No. 4 ... Hl*c Peaberry 14 c'Falr No 4 UP*c Fancy No. 1....13 cjOrdlnery No. 6 .10 e Choice No. 2....lH4c|Uommon No 7 *>e<- Hnrdnare and Building Rappltee. LIME. CALCIUM. PLASTER AND CEMENT—Alabama and Georgia lime In fair demand and sell ut 80 cents a barrel, •pedal .wldned plaster, tl *> per barrel, hair. 406- ltoeedele cement, tl knit 25. carload lots, epwlal. Portland cement, re lull (2.25: carload lot*. (21002.30 LI MBER F. O B. VESSELS SAVAN NAH Minimum, yard !*• * (1460011 00. car stile tl2 sis.il3 OD. dim ult slse*. (14 0u 01800. ship slor'k. (160001800, sawn tie*. (8 0008.50; hewn 4lcs. 35038 c. OlL—Market steady, demand fair; itlg -45.050c; West Virginia bl* It. WtYic, ianl 58 . neattfoot. *>U7<* , maehlnery. 16 „25r; llnsei-d oil. raw, 78V,c. boiled, 73H.-. kerosene, prime white, 12-. weler while. 13c Pratt * astral. 14c; deudorlxed wlove gasoline, drum*. HVc; empty oil barrel*, delivered, 86c BtiuT—Drop. (1 50. B B. and large (1.75; cnliled. 1174. I R< >N—Market very steedy; Swede. 6V4 NAlUb'.ul (2 60 liee. wire. (2 25 base BARBED v iit E (3 ;•) per i<mi pound* Mraigh: '>••■**. -IVlOc; sugar house mola* *e. 15030 c GI N POWDER—Per keg. Austin crack shot. (4.00. hall keg*. (2 25; qusrier keg*. (1.25. I hamplon ducking, quarter keg* (2 ii. Duponi and llaurd aniokeless. half keg*. (11.35; qua. ter kege. (.75, 1-puund ,an later*. OO. less 25 tier cent ; Trol dorf* powder. 1-pound can*, (1, 10-pound can*. 99c pound. halt, little* and Wool. HALT—Demand Is lair and tha mark'd M' idy; carload lots. If* pound burlap sack*. 44c; }'w-pound cotton sack, 43c IK>-pound bu iep sack*. 4*'ye: HA.pmirwi 1- aacks. 49 , ; 125-pound burlap sacks. 55c; 124-pound cotton sack. He; 230-pound burlap **cks. 85c HIDE**- Market Arm; dry flint. 13Hc: dry sail. grean salted. Bc. WOOL—Nominal: prlmr Georgia, free of sand burrs and M*.-k wool. 19c, Mack 13 ; burry lOc. Wax. 35c; tallow, J'Jc. Deer skins 20c Fruit* and Asli. APPLES—Northern variety, (2 5003.40. ORANGES—(FIa.) t 2 6uol< per box PRUNES—4t to hue. 10c. 50* 10 30c. (He; (9s to 70*. 7c. 791 40 He, 4‘jc. 80s to Hs. 4'.. 99* to 100s, 5He. BANANAS—4! 25(12 99 burn t) LEMONS Marker steady ei (3 59. D0t0AN1'T8—54.3564.50 per 109. PEANUTS- Ampie slock. feo demand, market firm, fancy hand picked Virginia, per pound So; hand-picked, Virginia, eg rrat, 4Vyc. N C. seed peanut*. 4c. NUTS— Almond*. Turraguna. 14c, Ivlca* 14. walnut*. French. 12c. Naples. 13c pe -an*. 13c, Braxlls. 13c; filberts, ljc; ea sorted nut*. >'-pound end 25-pound boxes 12c. Cation imaging and Ties. B AGOlNG—Market Arm; Jute, 214- pound tV>c. large lota. (19c. t-mall lot* 2- pound. 8*,09c. IV,-pound. !'*% . *e (•laud lugging. 12V'. TIES— Bmod*rd. 45-pound, arrow, large lot* (1.44. small lots. 11.59 Itnrun. Ilsni* and-Lard. BACON-Market Arm, D B C. R etdee. 7%r; I>. H nellies. B*c (Eastern), ac cording 10 average )*e; D. S belli**, IV (Westernl; smoked C. H sides, M4c. HAMS—Sugar ruled. 13011 V LARD—Pure. In tierce*. 8V; In 50- pound tin* and 90-pound tub*. *4c. compound In tierce* 6V'; 19-pound tin*, anil 9(v-pound 4)ihe 8V Dried and l.veporslnl Frail*. APPLES—Evaporated. 707Hc; sun-drted. 5 APRlCOTS.—Evapora' •*!. 19c pound, nectarine*. t9c. RAISINS—L L.. (3.10: Imperial cabinet*. (2.75; loose. 60-pound boxes, 8V pound. PEACHES Evaporated, pealed. 174 c. unpealed. BVu9". PEARS— Kvaporaied. IV NIICBI-UlKtit a. FlSH—Mackerel, half-harrele. No. 1. 2$ tsi. No 2. 5, tk'. No 3. 5* . kits No 1. $1 20, No, 2. 31 10. No 5,85 c. Codfish. 1 - pound bricks. #4c; 2-pound bricks. 6. smoked herring, per box. 17031 ts Dutch herring. In kegs. UlO. new mulels, half barrels. 53-7.7 SYRUP-Market quiet, Georgia and Florida syrup, buying al 2903k'. selling al 3211 i's . sugar nuu-e at lOQis* HONEY Fair demand, strained, in bar rels. 55Q0uc gallon. High wines basis, tl 27. < RAY Fit EIGHT*. COTTON— Savannah to Boston, per cat.. 25* . to New York, per cart.. 29c. to Philadelphia, |.er hale. |1; Halllmore. |l. FOREIGN DIRECT Bremen, to. . Llv erpool, 40c. Hamburg, it*-, Genoa, idc. Barcelona, 00c. Manchester, 44c. Havre. 42c; Antwerp, 56c LUMBER -By Sail—Freights steady; lo Baltlmot e and east ward. 14 50 to |i.75 per M including Portland. 1.1 MllElt By St' ,im— Savannah to Bal timore, 55 00. tu P H It . or ll ami O docks 26 2". to Philadelphia. 14*, <■ per ■’Wt (I pounds lo foot), to New York, •65*) per 31. (7.22 to dock; lightered to Boston. 38 56. NAVAL STORES The market Is firm medium else veetsela. Rosin- -fork, for outers la *d per barrel of .*lO pounds, and 5 per cent primage Spirits, ta 9d per 40 gallons gross, and 6 tier cent, primage I-arge vessels, rosin. Is; spirits, ts 3 Steam, lie |a r 100 pounds on rosin; 214 c on spirits. Savannah to lloaton. and 94c on roaln urtd 19c on aptrlis to New York. GRtiv, ntoviainxa. err. New York. Nov. 11—Flour was quite active In a Jobbing way ami held firmer with wheal. Rye flour weak t’orn meal firm, yellow Western, R7c. Rye steady; No 2. Western. Us' Harley quiet; barley mall dull. Wheat Hoot Ilrm; No. 2 red. *!c: op tluns oiiei.i and Arm and higher oti bullish nahb-s and good foteign buying. After a midday reaction under very large world's sblianents a second advance Iteik place. Influenced by lllieral stwisiard clearances export rumors, free covering by early aelins. and Wall atreci buying; dosed firm, %o%c net advance; March closed, 63%c; May. 62%e: November, Jc, Decem ber, Sts. Corn—Spot firm; No. 2,44 r; options were generally Ilrm aral higher all day on stcudy cables, export tlemand, big sea board clearances and light receipts, doe e*l firm. 444i$*e net higher, M iy, t2l*c; l>e cember. 43%e. Date Hpol flrmor. No. 2, 2ic, options dull but flrtnly lirld. T.tllow Arm. Petroleum quiet. Rot-In quiet. Turpentine steady. Rice Arm. Coffee- Bpot Rto easy; No. 7 Invoice, 6%c. mll<l -lull; Cordova. *'-,013%" Huger quiet; fair rc-flnlng. S',c; centrifu gal W-teet, t**c; molasses sugar, 34*c. Beef steady; family. sll 66011.*5 Cut meat* quiet, lard Arm. Weetern steamed. i.SJc. November, 7 i6c. relined Arm; conti nent. 7 4.V'. Pork Arm family. $15.60016 09; short clear. Tie market for coffee futures opened sltady, 10015 points lower, ruled fairly active with a weak undertone, cahlea b lug weak; receipts at Rlu and Bantoa s ill heavy; closed alea-ly with prices ldi 39 points lower Total sales 30,710 bag*. In cluding November, 0.4a-', Ire* ember. O.SUO 4*4c, January, 4.soc; March. 6f17 <6. Hullrr tnrong. creamery, stale dairy, IMiSc Che—a steady; large while, lOtyfllh%c; small do. kiMkllc. I.gga strong, stale and Pennsylvania. 20 <i27c, Western regular, HtfiMc Potatoes quiet. Jerseys. 21 0901.27%. N'i York. 11 2RJfI.e2H: Long Island, 1180 ?;1 70: Jersey sweets. It Uru 00 Peanuts quirt, fancy handpicked, r-,7 &o: other domestic. 4c. Cabtiagos quiet; long Island per 100 II SMO2 26. Freights to Liverpool dull; cotton by steam, 26c. tOTTON SBlill OIL. New York, Nov. 12 —Cotton need oil was more active again and Arm at lull prk-aa Hales liu-lud* -I !.<* barrels. November prime summer yellow at 24c Prime crude barrets StrtWM*- nominal. Prim- summer yellow 21>y*34r. off summer yellow 12%.?. Prime winter yellow XMfgic. Prime white 27016 c. pt .me meal 226 30. CHICAGO M VII l\ ITS. Chicago, Nov. 12.—Wheat was easy early on the statistics hut rallied kaler on the Antwerp advance and export en gwgements and dosed Arm, Decern t-er %<• over Saturday. Corn closed HRi, nn-l oaia ‘*c higher. January pork close I 274* 20c; January iard 12Vgc; and January rib* 12%015r improved The leading futures ranged a* follows: opening High—Ul.vwest.Closing Whitl, No. 2 Nov 72% 7114 721* 74% Dec 7-, *274% 74%®14% 7P*r72H 74% Jan 74 T *’f76 74% 7i% Corn. No. 2 Nov 7% '• Dec &%r 36 m *'% *0,01366, May 361*0J- , 17 M%OMH 36% oats, No. 2 Nov 21 V'f2l% 2!Vt!% 21% % Deo 221*022% 23%11236* 221* 23% {ConUuued -a. Ligalu Ij, j Plant System of Railways. Traina l liy <*•(/ mri<llaa Uti hour slower than < tty tuo. In t-lfnt iX ?. 1, UX*r Aii irAtiui !.'• S. irn.ith G*ul> Ar. Kuvaimaii . n Si\ .nin th | 1 W #m ■ N at \\ lyoi' ff ) 10 }a am ** u* :• JacluonvUlo.... .* i* hi n'n ■ '• i<f ...iiti.i t ivr.l(ft, , 7 U) pm H* tw evil a in *h 2 43 am 1 t ■i. irli#t‘n : #* am I- • t ltd l ist '€ 10 pm • hi ii'ii 4.i 4 with Pin* ill-41 *6 1 1 • ti ( 1 iiuera leavtntf Tfi'-r ••! < i !y 1 'ii,. tt 1 1 m • *!i *• t 3i. fui f irthn infor mal ion J. II POUirMl'; T *• A WAM f I. \ r . j v Tl AlTtnte [• B*>to ffnt, Pnone 7JI H W \V It 1 . i' *!* r Tr tfHc Man* •cr. a* 1 uiiiah. I! VCO. / W 1 Jfc'hMiil# Kffectiv* Hep! 10 l'kOO. T i.i,i - wrrlv* it and depart from ‘ tlt itlon. Weal kiiaui. foul Ulberly at roe * 9tHh Met Mian Tim -On* hour alowcr than city lime Antvw >ov.U)rxh Havannah: ' • M•• 1 Allan m 43,ten 1 ... in** MUledneville (i>pm jand all lnlerm*Uate |H*lnta( (Aukusi.i M w mm), Atlanta, f Athens. Montgomery (*o Am* ouam rrl u*. Kufauia aiw! Troy.j onpm I *ov> 1 A . ommodalion 4Aam • 2 taipm (Ju>tou lhmier Train tl bopm •Dally tKv< efi Hunday. HETWEE.N SAVANNAH AND TYPEE 73it marldlan or Savannah city tln# LEAVE HAVANNAH. Monday only 6 a u D.iiiy eactpl Morviay l.3t> a m Dally 3.00 p. m. LEAVE TYDEE Monday only 7.15 n ni I tally racapt Monday 10 36 a m Dally 5.30 j. m. Connarilona made at terminal polnia altfi all traina Northwest. Waal aa! South weal. Sleeping *arr. on night train* Iwtwaan Savannah and Augusta, M i on, Atlanta anil Dlrniirigmiiii I’arlor vara on day traina brtween fta vnnnah, Marot and Atlantn. P’or oongilH<> Informal lan. srhcdulaa, rates nrid i-onnectlona. M|>plv lo W M DHEWfOS. my Ti. ket and IHna* anger Agent, 107 Hull straei or W tl M. I.tTYRi:. Depot Ticket Agent. J 4* HAILE. General Passrnger Agent E II HINTON, Tram. Manager THEO. D KLINE. ti Hti(wrin(wAnt. Savannah, Ga •#%VFBTIBULm (imiTED Double Daily Service The short Him to Norfolk. \Va*idi)gto, Baltimore, Phlliid. Iphl.i, New York and l lie East | No. 44 | No Lv Savannah. HAL Ry 12 35pmm pm Ar Columbia S A L . H> 4 36;an I Mm Ar Raleigh H A L Hy.. 11 37;>m 11 jnam Ar Durham H A LHy 7 20iui, 4 lpm Ar Petersburg. H A J. It, 4 13rn 4 36pm Ar Richmond, H A 1. Hyj 6 Ham ; 40pm Ar Washington. Penna. .. I 46am jfipm Ar Ralllmore. Penn i 10'Aim 11 76pm Ar Philadelphia. IVnna ...llZlfpm] 2 Mam Ar New Yoik I’ennu 333 pm 6 13am < No. 44 No 46 Lv Havannuh. HAL lly'!2 :-rmt|ll a*|im Ar PoruimulHh. 8 A. L.Hy 7 o-ami 6 uprn H'earn- is leave Norfolk dally, except Honda.. tor Riltlmur- Phll.l le phl.i and New York, and dally for Washington. The short line lo Momgomery Mo l e and New Orleans, leaving Haiannah at 7:26 a m. arriving at Montgomery 7 40 p. m . at which point close cor,nectlon It ma-le with Hie L a N. K it . arriving at Mobile 3:06 a. m. and N.-w Oilauns 7.40 a. m. The abort line lo Fernandlna. Jacks'll vtlle. Tampa and other Florida polnta I'M*. H | No. 1 IM Savannah, H A f ft;, iuura J Wpm Ar Kemandlna. HAL- lty .< iiam 9 utpm Ar Jacksonville HA U Hi, 9 loam 7 Ulpm Ar Tampa. 8. A I. Ry....| r. , m t Ham Maenllt ent Pullman buff*-t sleeping car sarvlc* to Washington Baltimore I’hila d. itihla .nd Near York; aiso to Jacknon ville and Taint* l,mint car* from Savannah to Hamlot and Hichmond to New York. Buffet parior cara Savannah to Mont gomery. For additional Information apply to Tlokei Odea. Bull and Bryan sureots. Phone 2* A NEW TRAIN WEST The “St. Louis Limited” -VIA- Big Four -TO TEXAS, KANSAS and MISSOURI, And all Western and Northwestern Hial— Leave Cincinnati 12:30 noon. Arrive Indianapolis 2:2$ p. m. Arrive Ht. ixjuts * 46 p, m. Arrive Chicago 1:10 p.m. PARLOR CARS MODERN rOAfIIFH. DININQ CARS. Coons- ikms for the West an*l Urmlhweat msde In I'n'.on Depot at St. laOul*. and to ail points In the Northwest at Chicago. Ask for tickets via Rig Four Routs. For full Information as to rates, etc., apply to or address W IV DEPPE. A. O P. A T Agmt. WARREN j LYNCH. Oen'l Pass * Tkt Agi . Clnclimatl. O. IF Yor WANT CKK)D MATERIAL and work, order your llthograi-hed ad printed stationery and blank books from Morning News, imvaunah, ua. 9