The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 14, 1900, Image 1

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thf morvtvg news EiUbll.h© •© " " 1 r,corpora td IS* | H ESTIIJ. I',,,,, A FAITHFUL CABINET Ml MBEK* AHC HEADY TO STAID HV TUB PRESIDENT. HE ASKED THEM ALL TO STAY. OM.Y <• BIGOB AM) ROOT APPEAR TO lie IX DOUBT. rj|,,. T May Make HarrlflrM to llemntn In tlt * * Pre#id*n Fa Official llta#©-> 1,,|) —S n uounrr men t of tli© Pr©l |. nt U ill *ef at Hrnt All ft|ieeula -11 mi n In IH© >nt Cnliln*l—liny M u thr Fint to Itespnud Tliat lit* Would Mick. \s ;i- !**,• on. Nov. 13.—President McKin ]# |. ~j,\ unnoun ©d clearly and force ful. Ti* tt.a member# of the cabinet hie ri, % .p ~1 they should ail remain wllh lufn the four years of hi* coming dm:rii*t ration. H were made known in on ex t<*f. .) • i:h at the cabinet meeting in the 44 I © House to-iav R spouses were in., i> ail of the member* present, and u-h: • t -r was no definite pledge from any f them that they would accept th** |y>itf .1 thus tendered afresh, there was on ii her hand no definite declination To-duv’s proceeding* set forth the wii* f the resident in the matter ani tne member* of the • tbinet of the j s• ry obligations of tendering the r reel .a: >■< at tie rttJ of the term, un !*•*.- • > .have made irrevocable decision iii i c wfl bo for them to omi • in office. It 11 m - - at rest nil speculation end Sb making of the- countr>*s political proph ' tor it i- understood generally tliat there D but i*t>e doubtful factor in trie i.omogt neit> of th* present cabinet. That fa tor is Attorney General Grivgs, ns he hold* hi* present -position at n great financial wcrltii’e. Still Mr Griggs replied in term* of warm appreciation to the complimentary remark* of the Pres- Icnt ar l voiced no intention of retiring rotn hi* present position. Prepared for lll** Ornoioii. T not the first time that the Pres ident li *xpre#>©d to the member* if - c t i t hla pleasure at th* support t i v had given him. He amid as much tn i. general \\t%y w the 4a.- 1 cabinet meeting w.ien the members, sevens! of whom had .*m *-altered by the political campaign, cot together for the first time and ©*ai j. him upon the outcome of the flection. To-*'.<>• the President evidently had pr**- pire-i for the occasion, and in hi* address. • \i* w.-d the work of the administration In past four year*—four of the most ©x . years the country has known in •p decades. It was rather a surprise lo the cabinet member* tnemsclv©* tote how nccuratefy the President had I in his memory th© sequeace of events how cninily he relinquished the per il r*Jit for mice©©# ful stroke** of P y or prudence. und attributed the or to the n;*m:er of hi official in wao** immediate department the r <t*r t n quest!.?n had arisen. p said that if th** result of the recent * t.on wos in indorsement of hi* ad r infra ton. it was no less an indorse i .at of tli© men who had stood by him the time of stress and necessity. The lit for sj'YOiv, he said, lay with the ids of his various department# and he * ild shrink from entering upon un four years* office unless h*- could Mir-d that he would hav# with him majority at least of the men who * ned hi* present official household. He * that he knew that in asking them ■ main wlih him there was scarcely who could do so without aome ©acri • ‘ther of money, lelstm or personal at ion At the -a me time he said * on 11 feel happier if all of them could * a:,fy hi* wish. Ilii) ilm* Ftml to WrufKind. 8 - rotary l|v w.m the flr*? to respond. •:i i for hi* part h** deeply ap it. I the complimentary reference* by hi* chi f. and that he thought niu t ot a member of the cM*l w ii.l . ver such pleasant official i .on.* without r* gret. and even then in ■ 'i*m* of the moat urgent reason*- tlrc-ment. • Mrlc*a Gage. I*>ng. Hitchcock. W.l- Attorney General Or lire# and Post t.i. r Genera! Smith each -jx>k*‘ In turn #’ r much the minv* vein. Secretary • a t*- the only absent member from true*in*, having left for Cuba to look military affairs there, and at the t me lo try to recuperate from his •i i *vrioua lllnep*. Ttie list of r I ..* * efore. %v.i* nil hut >'-mplete * known that S.. rotary Hoot 1# in i‘ i the same position Attorney Gen i Gru'g*. h iding hi* r>o*lt!on it con* * • i rirtce, but willing at the same t' tcrlfl e a good 9eal to comply ’ ? • . x pressed wish of the President - •*t it ic which hid developed Into 1 love f it, then returned to th* r mrr.onplii'i* afT.ilr# of routine bu*- • r * i*t tlie dismission of the salient 1 ' *.f the ITeddent'a me* in* to after which the member* >f< eri-wed expression* of regard. The * land* as one of the most r*mark l .binet iw'iulons on recon!. •*f the members furnished a for**- * his m nual report, but none of the uen> in shap’ for formal pres* ti lt was practically derided that • •romendallon In th* m-ssuge on the * t of the war revenue taxes will ad- small reduction, scaling down • f t-d revenue about IlS.Ofln.CO). Just '■his decrease will be made no* not ' t*rmlnect Considerable attention i devoted to the Nicaraguan > .inn. m* s*age hut the President’* recom > arn no yet clearly formu * *ts and. 11 ' 'TKIIIOI Plft.4l*t*K %w txre. " of an trnu Officer 4% bo Wit* to Hull for Hnnlln. ' V’ rk, Nov. 13.—Min Hancock, wife ' r.i llinrork. I'nltFit Brito* Arm>. ■ . lonl ai M ir.lla. myd-rUxi*!)* yi-atf-rrlny nflcrnoon In till* Mr*. H.inrork wore valuahlo Jvw —h-n *h* dlpip*vtd ani aluo car •• .n.'.iii/Tahle um of money, Hw * • > .1 Fori Monroe, where her ' Mr: WIIHam Marrye. wife of Col >'e, T>mmn.lunt of the fort, lo •Mr*, Hancock vu lax >ren in a avenue department aiore. H .n ook had written hi* wife to him m Manila, state rooms were se -1 on the transport Kilpatrick, which vheduled to said at Z o'clock jn the navy yard. • Hancock returned to the Qran.l •I this afternon. She said ahe had In Philadelphia vlattlns friend* Satoannal) iTlornimj fJrto£. A RUMORED DEFALCATION. Assignment of brant Bros.. Stock Brokers, l.eil to Report of the Men 11 iitf of IlfttMHNI. New York. Nov 13.—Th* firm of Grant Bros., stock hr- ..**. made an lUMtrnmtn: to-day to K. S olman. and the assign ment was made the basis of a lot of rum ors which. In substance, were to the ef fect that the Mopimge of the firm** busi ness was due to a defalcation. The amount of the defalcation wa* placed at from to 1175.0)0. but up to the present no one connected with the firm will admit or deny the rumors that are flying aroui and. and Just where they started D not known The firm was prominent on the stock ex change man- y ar* ago hut of late ha* been iuu eiv©. Mr S t©<l man -ay* the liabilities will be h-low s',*<*.'*•• and prob ably fi,# than had that -uni. and that of Ist* it,, Grunts hav.* I • *n winding up their affairs. Mr Hte-itmin. when s-cn nt ht* resi den** to-night, was H.-k* 1 for a Matwnent concerning the firm, inasmuch a* the afternoon pnper* laid publls ied columns of the nPPnlr nn-l ha 1 *rtain im putations con- . ruing per>ons. He said: "I shall not make any report until 10 o'clock to-morrow morning awl then 1 will give this report to all tin* n* wrpa |M*i'* at my office f know that certain mputntlon* hav. he*n made agair . .-r --tu.n persuns, but I advise ail to !• care ful and go slow in this matter I shall I** vary careful myself. It t* impossible for me to make any statement to-nigh*. I can* not wnat stat. meins have bt*cn made or published, these do n affect in any way my purf --. t* give ou the s ate* trervt of the firm’s condition to-morrow." Asked If 1* wvre true that he callM on <‘ap: M-’tfiusky o* the de . t!\•• bureau it jollce h**alquarter- In •'onneeilon with the case, Mr. .** irnan said: "I did n<*t ill .ii < ‘ i;>t. M ’ ukv or any othei nirmbr of tb* police d* *.rt riet;t In .nnert;on with t* l- • . ni. l 1 do not think 1 will do so That . ail I cure to sav about it to-night,** Charles K. <!mnt said when he was question*.! that h- would not iv whether 5 rents or P< in w . take* . lie said * l have sat up nights enough over it now 4 , find It s the assignee's business from this time on. not mire" A matt familiar wllh the Ann's business, when asked about the rumorel nduii*pro prlatlon. an i that h* j*erson illy could not say that it existed He hi I ben Inform ed to that cffeei. and the inforniaiiou was of n nature which !••.! him to credit it <.iiki:m: \m* i.unoh iititKivc;. Hrveral Itnrase* fr Defense W ere on the iinnil. New York. Nov. The examination in the case of Iho thr-.- i.u.nor t poth ers and B. D Greeiu. was resumed to day. with the cross examination of Cami bell Fold, an engineer. Hi* testimony was technical in reply to question* concerning the contract* an i epe- ificatlons, and about the making of the mattresres which composed the fascines used in Savannah harbor Improvements. Thomas F. Gaynor. relative of the ac cused contra toin, was next examined Hl# testimony Was b aring on the cutting of the brushwood ind tine making of th mattressea composing the fa- ines wink from the four,-la I ionx at Point Peter. He said that he had*! the:-** government officials t-xpres* !.* niM-lve a I* ing s fls fled with the work. Fr nk f*rl.p. w was n r- order in the siirvt\s mud* l*\ th* engineer corps or the time <‘apt. Farter had harge of th** , • • ii.- * of ih- day. said that th* niattr* *•*••* which wer* sunk at the Jetty were in hb i •ontlnuid to-morrow. mow ai.\ mii> niiKhi.ii rr. \dtlltloii* That Were >latle to f'lrnr inn Ilnuße t rrt Ifi< n te*. New York. Nov. 13 —The hearing In the cas#* of Cornelius L. Alvord, Jr., lute no l | teller In the I'.ret National Hank, who Is charged with having* embezzled IttO.OOO from the Institution where he was em ploy..) wi - c.-.i :i*i ! i .-alay. Norton V. ettltiig clerk f th* First National Hunk. mM that he m d rt up the clearing house proof she. t on Oct. IS, but thill t ie first two figure* of the total were not hi own. Th*- total for that day. the v.l?ti*s. id. n- $7*".705. mt: I nnd 7 had Ik en written over the figures 7 and 8 and one added, making the total appear to be $1.17-\7Af. a difference of $69u.- • I.ater • n Moore *■*;• 1 the' figure ! was - r i" i* <1 over at 1 t figure* 7 and 8 res tore* l in another handwriting. A this fiolnt a\s*lstant Pistrl t T’nited Staten Attorney Halhv.n declare.! the case for the government clewed. and the examination win funner adjourned to Friday next. 101 .il l \ (.HOI) FIGHT. Kid llroutl McGovern All ll* ( <u!il llnn.lle. f'hbaco Nov. 13. Kd ftroid of C|ev*’- land st '< <1 lx to ii s wl h Terry M Govern at Tatt* r.-a I'm t. -nl * t ;*nl *l - McoGvern had i • fl ?ht w. 1 la hand at nto*t stag s. he never Im I an •'PI* nett! who •am k at h m m re stonily and who gave him u mu h in the same time as did t; ** IIt:I * s ’k. fellow wh > fa • and him to-nlgb‘. Hod fought a u nderful flee *. m'Xill? It fie* |y wth M ' Jovern t all stage* an) s r two cl an knock* * w \ ih r I time he landed . bft * n M G vern. se id- i Irg him t' id. down At the .lo** of j the fight Jirre J r.-rbe*t rad s g- j longs to Jim Jeffrie offeilmr *o \ox flm jx round* a< and wlv*- Mm 7.7 i-er tent. *4 the puts . win oi ;or*' wiit Roi mkfi jornuci. Kt-rhaiupln Fltr*miMin* >tt %nx loii* t I’larlif Him. Newport New*. Ya. N v. 13 Bob Fit* slmmon* to-night expressed him e f in the aubject of Champion J-fTre.’ p,o o n;il.-,n to take him rn fra other fight immediately or at the cb> e o th** t *at ri'ni season He rej .|el J ffrtes’ ofT t. 'lll tel! you what I’ll do. I J IT •• Is so j.nxlous to make a fl* t.‘ Kcsslmmo s said. *TT. slake my *prdn: i.i tm r l punkhorat, and wl I back hltu hk in t Jtfllrle*. and I li p*t fZ.'Mi as a forft I.” .Senator Put I* *erloial> 111. St. Paul. Minn.. Nov. 13 —Senator C\ K. Davis' eondWlon 1* very grave. eviHnce* of Bright'* di*eae having been discover ed. His family and friends ure much de pressed Fntnl Mine Fgploslon. Herllr. Nov 11.—Thirteen persona were killed and nineteen other* Injured aerlous -1 ly in a fire-damp explosion In the Pluto coal mine at Wloaa. near Brux. SAVANNAH, GA.. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBEU 14. liHK). THE SOUTH’S DANGER Mini:AT TO Ri:nt CTS BEPItnsBTTA TIO\ l\ t OAG 14EBB. LIVINGSTON GIVES WARNING. *%ia ttr: n % iikahd the effort wii.i, in: ii are. Itr puhllcMn* Will Drsk to tat Pow n It cpreftru tn t ton In the II mic mntl t Mllcgc of 'V'lm**** *tat-* 'I In*i Have lllafrnnrhlaed the Nr gro< Thinks State* Which Have %at Aetcd should l.e* the I'ruu elilse Hour Atlanta. Nov 13-In an Interview given out today, Congrcsrnuin K F livings ton -.y* the fckvath will lose a nutnN-r f wi gr.-s*mer l>ecau#e several of the Southern itate* have disfranchise*! the m-gto. * Befor- leaving Wastiington." h* wild. I learned unoffi tally from Hepubl: an headquarter* Hist it was the purpose o' eider# in tho House and Senate to cut down the representation a* provided under Constitutional Am**ndm nt XIN'. a * t > construe it in the House, of t:.o c states which have mad* thehe !l*fr.m *hl- ment< by statute or state constitute ml smei.d m. nt Whik this is not * :!: lal. 1 urn thoroughly satisfied that matter is under serious consideration, and there is great dinger to those boithetn siatos in the it tempt to do so, w hether suet ♦ ful *r not "If successful, it cuts our pow r in the House of Kcirt scut itlves about one-third, as n* r as l can ,|i>roxlrni(te i.ow in th<* event that the Itcpqh’k-una hav* such i till reducing the rcpr**seiiiatl n of !j.- South in ir-tHrtion as the negro-** ate • li#fraiK'hi*d. what will t* the ffc i • l think I hav oowrtd tmi *;u •living th{’ m> extinmte i-% tiuii ir. wou l I*!*h tin Houihern r-presentation In the House and In the electoral college i la-t ono-third. whi *h would, of cout*** . |. s *• ' ; •* South to power trvl inlluen. e loth in the House and in our national • U-ciion for Prealdem. 1; a word. If i*l the South ern states should do a* the.--* four have done, and if this WII should aid become a low. it woukl |wit lh* South within fh gt,.-r' of t o ludchJi in party of lh. North and th* Ml*l-lie \\ ■ -f pot: l aliy, taunt, r laliy and :n every cc .. w.t> -a I:bout th* hop*- of recovery, ui anew population shouki tak* the p.ace of the colored.'* ll**t A\a> Ip to Stop It. "What you think i* th best wav t tn*e* this danger?" "The only way that T can e© by whi*h we can roe*t this anticipated i .rarer i to let the question of the f a.-c ce n the .-tales which have not disfran ni *d the negroes stand as It is, or, to uvo t trouble, n the revision of J oil n lw* In the Bout hern state#, we whoul i ler clear of viol*nee .a constitutional amend ments relative to this qii<r‘'tk>n. “The right of lh" *M*. t * r _ ulat • ts franchises t* unquedion *1 within t - ** strict ions placed y th s* ii* . Those states that h ive dlsfra and *-l < c groes will hav. to mik * th l • t* • o.i rar the of the Hour*, a <1 th.’ Het ie e which, perhai s. will ..* -o final .f re th*- Supreme Court of tr.e Fr l ed S a r-. "It i* a lar-rra hli g q .-st o . Invol - ing mucii more than t • .. .Pniry o server would think or p; •• t. wit Thr* comp’cTo alien,!!Jon l tween the e c tlon.v ihe North and ttie H ji >. I .* q tlon of trade and b.>c,#tt would agtin come to the front; the revenue n w re ceived by the Fast and Mi .lie \Y* -f iron the cotton tra '• and (I er line-, or ir. le existing largely b*tw n ihe s *ioni would all b - .I.Ki rang 1 if n t die n tiinn-d. it would b* ope* mo <• *h- No th against the South nr.d the S u'h g dnst th.* N rth. w ith a I the harmt to btisi ih*- and fra!.- that on e .*la;.*l in r - construct.on dMyf*.’* EIGHTEEN NEW MEMBERS. lira ||r lion iiit-ni of i onicre Will l*rbnlilx Gits Thai Mnn> in ilie I.OH T Washington. Nov. 13. Dirertor of the* Merrlam was .it the While House to-day. He called the attention of the President lo the fact that the figures n the pojxi* latlon of the T*nitcd Siate?. the c-i| of which has lean anrtounc*d. ar*- In such Congress when It meets for any action It nmy desire to tik*- In the direction *f a reapportion men! bill. The re.ipporii* nm* nt f >2l wing the count of th* twelfth ccnsu.' w !| ojmt ative by law In 1903. There prolstbly will j be a eonslder.ib!e Increase l>oth In 'h*. . 1 f * • '■ • i • • * 1 ’ lives under the new ap|x>r:lonmem. Start- , ing wiili a ratio of one to every P).iflO in- j habitants, th*re were sixty-five repre>*n tatlves In the firsl fo-gr* -• T I* ratio under the tenth census reached 151.911, giving n House f Kepr* entat!vef w ith 375 member*. The eleventh census In IWM, guv*' t pop. ul.itlon of d2.622.2r/>, or an Incrense of 12.- 506,000 With this the ratio was Inert i*ed to 173.P>1 people t> • • <*h r pr* < ni.itlvr nr \ ,it this th** House numbers >7. an increase of S2 mtrnisrs The ratio ur.der the tv*w rfnni* t*r *bibly will reach Fcivo With in !n< r.t -t* of 13.- 225 pi 4 show n by the fr* ent <r *u - nd letting majority fra <l.ns of the apportion* rnet.f count for *n sb!iti >nal numb* r, ns has d*e**i the custom, this would make an Intense of eighteen member* in the next House B<--apportionment on this basis w • •’;11 have but f>ur Mat* . would lo.*e reprew ntgtlves. They are Main .iu>l Virginia in the Hast, and Kan* , and Ar kansas in the West. They would lost: on#' member Any ratio smaller than .on which would mive th* m • e|r full represenlation would, it |w thoughf nke und unwleidy nd*lltlon to tho mevnb* rahlp of the House IftßH %l. nr \\ ii !; ; im< kt. They Are F.xperted to Itrvolatlonlse Hirer Transportnflow. New Orisons. Nov. 13 The wh* e-hi k towboat McDoufall and two whale ba k barge, arrived to-day fr m fit. L ul* w.thout a *lngU* mishap or .My The auccew of th expe liner.t a exp*ct cl to revolu: o ilxe river tan p aI n e*r*aclally in grain, and furnl h ken r comp'TMlon to the railro and Th r b rg s are 372 feel long end are eaef y han I 4 while the towt>-t can mike tw** ty ml *** an hour. The fleet drew aeve.n fee:, but fully loaded the boat* will and *w twelve AtiAIYBT THBATI OF PARIB. \ inlrnt Sprrch %lade In SpsnUh- American fonirfM. Madrid. Nov IS.- During the proceed ing* of the Spanish-Amen un Fongrea* to-day. and while the report of the Com mittee on Arbitration was under discus sion. S* nor Conde de Du*tue, professor of I international law tn the Fnlverslty of ( Madrid, delivered a violent speech against the B|*.nieh-Ameiiau treaty of Paris. i. that “peopls ought to protest against the feudalism that exists row in question* of internal lona I order " Senor Grelxard. form*r minister of for eign off a is. qualified this do trine as dangerous tit her commute* # prf>os*>.i the establlsh m* nt *f a Spanish-American bank with branch* a tn ad the large towns of I.attn Amer: o half tha capital i * be supplied l\ Spain f(;l the rest h\ the loitln re- j IHiblics, adv*s-i! the govev r.ment of Sj*aln j to r- iirw railway and other tariffs and j to reform the custom* Hies in order t** : f. it the importatn n of Bpanlah* AmerloHti pr.stucc. and advocated the con o—Ron I Minksh- Amsridan gov of n • u.nis of i iv cut n 1m t. the tlon of hnriior dues and th** establishment of coaling stations and .stations for stores WILL Ml. IIOAOHFD BY r.%IPI.KH.* Ilarones* 4 o Kctlcler Invited t* Imperial t'nnrt. New York. Nov. 13 —A special cable to the Journal and Advertiser from Berlin says: ' Th** KaSer ha* Jus! given further evi dence *.f p|s r*’ ml for Baron von Kc|- t •r. ivho w s assassinated In China, by Inviting the hitter's Ain*rt an widow to corn, to Germany in order that he may • xju -a to her hoi keen sense, not only of h r husband s serx'ice*. but also of the courage niti gallantry which she herself d-i iv. and throughout the t-rr tde si* gt* <*f Ihe 1 gallons. "It i-- xp*** t** I that the Kaiser, l*elde* tfic widow hxrotien with th* •ud r *.f lulse, of Which llie Kmprrwi* Is grand mi>'ress. will offer her a tH*n*Kn and cr ate her a count***# In her uwn right "If is prolaibla that the baroness will nl-< offered the title of la ly In waiting to the Kmpres*. an*! she Is certain to be overvvh* m#-*! by court, government. s.- cletv and the (Ksifile with token* of kindly sympathy and regard." I4M It < I II %\ * DHOW NFJ). Tow boat Men Who Itcfnscil to Go tn Mmrnr 'lay ||* Iu .1 i-t -|. Ilavar *, Nov 13 A city -c.ivanger sow wa • wreck* and to-day off Fabanaa and four Culans wa re drowned. T ie captain and engineer of the towboat Teresa, both Spaniards, have h-en arrest 'd on 4'r.arge of Inefficiency, neglect and cowardice, and Capt. Young, captain <f the port, has asked that they be indicted f..r rn it * uaghter The Teresa had two ► xiws In tow. One of them, with fifteen men on board, iwrtat her hawser. The f!*r war? towed Into Havana by the Te resa. \\ hen Cp| Young was informetl from Morro that t* • other scow was in a dan • ions |-1 1 1 .;, h‘* ortlered the Ter**si #*> ro out. The -,-.i was h* avy. The Tere.-a ! started but turruNi back Fapt i on ojen launch, then u. nt to the rw< in . l.ut w* nearly aw mip .l off .Morro Th* s. ow w*-nt on the r k Li-ut Falk arid Ideut GUI. with soldiers of th© Second Artillery, saved , eleven men. I.Oftl) NOSWI.I \ VPOMMiUieS. since rely ltcgr*t •l.'ixlng I'uhlltlirtl (irvnndlsM Iteporf. Nov. H lrl Itob* rf *, in r*- sponsw to an inquiry from the Prince of \Nhi* telegraphed authorizing a de nial of the charge< of cowardice made ‘n •r* In the Sunn.ll Post ufTalr l#nr.l Itoseiyn, in view of Lost Robert** dental, has written to the Prince of regretting tf it fie was misinformed and tendering an a i*ology in the following language. **l owe fo the regiments, whose honor my publK*ktloi) €>' a groundless report i* til *1 in question Hie <)ee|H**t apologv aid th* full* * r'pantiem. I offer tt :.j you. elt. ih i don* l in chief I offer It to th** colon**!* of th* various reginien:*. 1 offer It to every off! *r. non- • *mrniseion *l officer and man; and I sincerely trust it this unqualified apology will be nr. opted In th* spirit In which It Is of f- **•*.'* —i♦ * i %T I.KJBSI *1 It % > P\ K \ % 1.1 K. l*o r cl> i *.*• of l*a’4flc 'lull Btrnnikhlp t *aipaa > . New A'rk. Nov. I.*;. The following ofTl announcement was made this after noon : "The sock of the Pacific Mail Stenm hlp fomiMiny, which was purchase! by the South*'rn Pacific Company (i*eing up wards of a majority of the whole stoke v.t* pure hit sod by the Southern Pacific iVimixmv at Ibm than 50 |er cent, of It* par value. "Th* payment fr thl* stock will ob sorb *hi 1 y about half Bhe prot- .-ds of the sK*tM.ijis# of two Vy**ar 4H per cent gold bonls of the Southern Pacific Company sold fo Bjiever A' Cos." 1)1.1 IdKKfi GtHKfIMiH-filißfT. Mnlirtntn lasglslnttire Aerified the Flection Return*. Montgomery. Ala., Nov. 13—The Legis lature of Alabama m* t in biennial K'ssion sf noon to-day. A Joint session of the two houses was then held nnd after veri fying Hie eb flop returns Hon. W J Ram ford was declared the Governor elect. All thl* was nn unuua! proceeding for the first day of th** session, but owing fo the physical condition of the Governor . t r v. ** pushed through to prevent any ■ mpi.'anon* which m.ght arise from his death, and to insur* a regular succes sion In such event. 1103 U.I3M IN FM %M F. Offting* Ordered In Pari* by the fuiUc **f Orleans. Paris, Nov. 14 I-e Figaro this morning makes the follotting sensational state ment: "A recrudesce of royalUm 1* Immi nent The Duke of Orltsn* ha* ordered meetings In the ward* of Pari* and Che movement will be extended to the depart ment*. when well on foot In the capital. ** Bubonic Plague In Fa>it. Cairo. Nov. 13—Two fre*h catfi of bu bonic plague are reported m Alexandria. PEKIN A FREE PORT ANOTHER IMPORT A\T QI EBTVO* !\ THE %EGOTIATIOXB. WILL PROBABLY BE DEMANDED gI'GGKATIOW rmir.f FROM IIIGIt 4 111 \EftF. t Hit I.F.ft. It May %lao He Hr|tiired That la 4 Mpltiil 4flens* , e the Ilrfrmlaot Me tihrn a llenrltttf |lef*re I'nnHli meat !• lilfletel—Yht* floe# \*t Apply t* the Present fulfsaei-A I Itlneae Itixer Hiiilc \lmt l nnax tlialile by 4 orpea. 4N ashing# on. Nov 13—In a .bit tlon to the point said to be ngr. •.! upon t Ft kin •* a basis for settlement with Fhli a. a* an nounced In cable dispatches. It i* under • tood that several *gber points are llk.'ly to renalva attention when the niat*er I# taken Up With the Chinese envoys. fine of these is e* to making the city of Tskln "an open i*rt " f*r while It i* not or* the weacoast. fuirpos* la to ex tend o It that frev*lotn of *s*mmer ** and Intercourse with for* nrnerw which n*w apHl.s onlv to tb e *p**n porta designat ed by treat lew with China Th© suggestion that till** Action b© taken has been made In high Chinese quarters, and its advlsnbilitv Is urged be us** !**•- kin. s th© rapt til of the Chine-.* em pire, Is th© centre of Influence throughout th© countrv Another fsilirt which may b |.r.i*fi e! Is that capital punlshm nt b bh adirig *r x>t her w i-** shall *t .m' ur In futii;* by Imperial edict alone, but only af rt trifl Much as Is given In clvillx. and ** tri<* t © it •* u-*l having n of*:<e tun|tv • h heard. This do* #nt apple to th- xe cistlons made ns **asary by the Boxer movement. Official dli-atchea hav© !©©n rec lv©d here from the viceroy# of he #. uthern provipc. s of China, who thus far ha © been most friendly to for. brn r. stat ing that they were who* k*l by the exe cution of the .*ttng vlcetos of f"il I I. and also stating that they fsirsl that this would have a -*rlo s ©ff* t In tlo • localities hitherto favorably dl-po*©! ft A Y Of It AT TT I I DE I# !U lh. Views of l.outlon Paper# on the f bl ues© situation. London. Nov 14 Th© Igmdoit morning papers are again agitated concerning th© stability of th© concern of flower# in Chi nn The attlto* *# of Germany and the Fntted Blares meet with disapproval. he former because Count von has sent a column to destroy th© Ming tombs. hii act which is regarded aw needle##ly vindb-tlve. and the latter because it threaten# to break up the dancert. The Dally Chronic •* comments upon the Ainerlran attitud* a** "feeble com pro mise it is impossible to a cct#." Th© Morning Post says "It would le unreasonable for the Uni ted States to break up ih© concert !©- cause they b not deslr© Indemnity Th© powers would pr<M bly h- willing to ©n sbb r America’s ohj©. lions If, however, th Fr f ©*i Slates hav. in view sonv- ro w combina lm of Powers. It w>ull h*> ncc easary for Great Britain and Germany to agree ur*on n common jiollcy to be pur sued in the a oM n* ** of general gr©< - m©nt." The Standard, which dl tisse* #hw sub ject with a mere reference, says: "American opinion on the Milne## prob lem I* too unreri tin to I©* considered se riously." lr. Morrison, wiring to th© Times on Huixluy. expr*a*f* the opinion that China Will "readily a<* **!© to all ftie term* of the conjoint n*te except the ex© utlon of th© princes snd officials whbh It will he Impossible to fulfil while tlie court I# In th© bonds >f th©*©. very offl *‘Considerable <tiii elty I- fdt fit Tien Tsln." says the Shanghai corr©siunde.nt of the Tknes, “a** to th© whereabouts *,f th© Ji|*anese forces, which, though not leaving th© country, nr- dlnapi** .ring from Pekin and TP n T-ln, it I- not known whither." Heferrltig editorially to the pre**m stag© of th© negotiations, the Tim* s say “Th* United accepted the tier man not© demanding the punishment <f Prince Tuan stsl the other gutity officials; and It will not 1© harder to secure tn© punishment of elev* u offb lals than of the thn * who © turn*■* R* re indi cated by the state deportment There fore. It la difficult to s< how America could Justify In her own eyes u refusal to Join with the 4ther Powers In -?ej** needful to secure this result.'' TIIOI ft 4 A lift OF C4MtPft#:ft. \mx Inal Inn Mndc Alnio#t I ni|*i#l lle lq ItiiMinn llofHea. London. Nov. 13 The Globe thl# after n**on publishes a letter from a B* Iglan gentleman who has hern traveling to Pe kin via th© trans-Siberian Railroad. H© descril*©#. under date of H- pt 6. what he saw In th© Amur rv©r. His account surpasses In horror those previously pub lished. "Th© scenes I lave witnessed during the three days since th© *t©.irn©r left Illagovetchenxk,** he say . "are hornhle .beyond ti© powers of rlpt.on It is lh© Closing t:ibl**n of n ft iful human tragedy. Tso thousand Were dellberat*dy dr*wn*d at Morxo, two thousand at Rat>e. and right tho.isan*! around Biagovet chensk. a total of twelve thousand corpses encumbering the river, among wht'h wrre thousand* of women and children. Navigation was ail bu: impos •ibis. "Last week a boot hsd to plough her way through a tar.g.ed and rrvsng.ed mats of corpses lathed together by thslr long hair. Th© banks ware literally covered with corpses. In the curves of tbs stream were dork, putrid, smelling masses of hu man flesh and boos, surging and swoylng in the steamer's wake and wash. The cap tain vainly ordered full speed ah*n I. Tlie sight snd *m©ll w*lll h© ever with ii*. From Blasovetchansk to Algun. fort> five kilometers, numervu* vl lag**** stiald* l tha bank with a thriving Industrious pof*- ulatUan of over That of Algun was ?0 x No n© will exrr know the num ber of those who perished by shot, swotd and stream. Not n village* l# left Th© el leme of death was around us. the Muok litg ruin# of A <in on the rlgtit with broken down, crumtdlng walls and shat fried roofless hou r ’* % i.i iimf i:irM>iTH. Th© Pnnltlvr ttalls %re Hers Ing 4o 4• ol Pur |#**. Pekin. No\ 11. via Hiinugtial. Nov 13. \n*ithrr small German cxie*lltlon go-*** North to-morrow. In spit** of the t• t that these punitive rails are sti*nglx criticised hsie, ns ***r\ing no gx**vl pur |Ki#e. Reports of the a- ntii f the l*iw.ig©r I’.rnpr* a are persist ©nt, though there is no **ff)< ial confirmation *f thecn. comtiiun cat.*t> with th** . urt b* lug \*ri irr* gu!nr Thero I* a growing Is-licf. how v**r, that sis© will t**vr return to Pekin. R 11.11 D JIMI 4 111 % EftE. Ilnsslnns 4 nplurt* an %raenl \4 III* ftnmll l.oas. !enVn. Nov. 13 A spe.-ini dtspwti'h from Tien TMn. dnl*d Nov 10. mvk *x foi>*c of Hunk lans ho© captured • arsenal northeast rf Yang Tsun. with trifling loss, ki.liiu nn hurwlf and Chinese and captur ing a quantity of arm# and trensttrs. t htiia M o*| I reel Mono it* nt. It* i in. Nov 13 4 © rit ff!o 1 dis patch from Pekin it# ! N’o\. 13 g( © th© text * f th*' conjoint nob of the l'ow er to Ciiltni. condrmng th* I on*lot Times' dts|xatc|i. bt* and F* kin, Nov li. Among th** addltUnal stlpula lt a th© not# r<(| ili*# China lo e*ct explst >iy monuments tn every fr©lm *r Int© n.i lioi nl bur il Kreiin I wh* re giav* h *v© leeit profan***!. 114 111.1 ft 44 I 111 Till: ROE MB. Hoodie Heporl* ftl* Irntlsliea In ftrv rrnl District#. London. Nov. 13 Under date of Jo* hnnvtcaburg. Nov 12, I<ord Rolierts tele graphs to th<- war office as folbiws: "Bundle r©|ort** #kfTHl#h‘s with small fto riles of lloers in th** llarrtsmtlh. R©Hs tini Vredo dlslii*t# r** ently. To© com mandoen aiqear to b© noting ltul*|*end©nt- Iv nl with no object except to give as much annoyance a# possible to th© Rrlt- Ish Our casualties in these skirmish©# were two killed and seven w'ounded "Douglas# arrived t Veniersdorp. Nov. 11 from Zesrust, capturing during the march twenty-on© prisoners mid a quan tity of cattle snd sheep Veixtersdorp, which ha* ben t* depot of supplies for the Bo©rs. will now Im* cleared out." WILL III! MM) FOR ROBRfI, ll<llnud Heady t Pwrcba#© l*art of lirrninii ftfrlca. lywidot). Nov. 14 Holland exiressed n tvlllttign©#©. s iya th© It* rlln correspond ent of the Dally Express, "to rmrehase on I** half of Mr Kruger fr tli© exiled Boers, a por lon of Gertivin S*Mthwrrt Africa." THE TH 4 \ft4 41.1. MTBT PAY. Will Have to Hear a share of ftoafh 4frlcati fi nr. London. Nov. 13. Hlr Michael III* ks llesch, c him cel lor of the exchequer, speak ing thl* evening In Bristol, sai l It woo'd not >© hi* privilege In th next budget to relieve the taxpayer#. lie wished he could •*.*>' that he was not shout to In crease th* budget, hut, th* government's expenditure had h*ii enormous, rspectal ly in China and South Africa, lie declared emphatically, howm'er, that the wealth .f the Tranux t il wou *l lisvs to bear part of the Hotith Afrl in exi#naes. "Of coijese." said Hir Michael, "we must not >q*o.l Ih* future of th© Transvaal hv attempting to Impose U|*Hl !t a great er burden than ii *ouk! r**anonably Iwnr. That would l*i cut ring our own throats Th# 1 refora 4h© British taxjmyers must n. *-wirlly bear a large part of the cost of the war." If* nl ii emphasised the fnri that th© maintenance nt a strong army and navy would involve further considerable ex penditure. RIG HI HDE\ OF THF. W IH. Effort May Me Mod© to ftalll© It Trsmusiil Min©#. London. Nov. II Th© early calling of Far!lament with tho object of securing for the government further borrowing powers to meet i he ex|©macs of th© Booth African an#! Ch'neae situations ha© caused much comment In the money market. l! > und©r*toid that the government hi* lr idy borrow**d ix.nno.tioo from th© Bank of England ami further operation# of this kind would be Imprudent and would disorganls© th© money market. It is quite lmiossible to foretell what amount the chancellor of Die exchequer will find tt necessary to borrow. The gen eral Idea t* that the figure will be some where between (TI.OOO.ViO and ffd.OYi.OOO. A strong feeling Is expressed against plac ing any portion of the loan in the United States. One suggestion In the mark t \© t©rdgy wa* that an Issue might he'made or a Transvaal loan f-r Ifl.flWJlO nr f diYr).*!)) with th© Interest guaranteed by the Brit ish government. It t* evlden* that Hlr Ml hxel |||eks Reach has no easy task before him. In h|H *(*ei n at BriatOl h© ©aid ihel he hnd desired to resign, bir had b en p rsuad ed to remiln In office s uih African rapltallata are piotestine avatn## tb* • ltd vrftißi tk ■ . t 4Mf the war wide British taxpiyers r* **#i ly anxious to Pave the min* s tear th#* burden. JI DM I 41. SEPARATION. Marital Trouble of Prln©© ami Prln ('**•* of 4 nhalt. London. Nov. 13 —The World of thl# city say* a Judicial separation between Frtacc and Princess Arlber# of Anhalt, is an accomp.lshsd fact. Tht pa par adds that the deeds were signed snd the other formalities completed during the stay In Berlin of Prince Chriatian of Bchieswig- Holsteln. father of the Princes# There will not be any divorce. Prince Arlbert not objecting to the course proposed by ms wife. DAILY < A YEAR. CKN r* A COPY WEEKLY 2 A TJAR LABORERS AT OUTS Ml <ll BITTER A Eftft MITTW r4’4 THE 'I 44 II < i\ I IM.i .M ft. TWO CONVENTIONS GATHERED. K MI.II Ift OF 141*011 \4 il 4 M.LI'. 11l BTII.I. KKIT I V, Both Faction** Gathered in lllrniini hnm, Ala.. 4r* < lulatlnu to lie tli© Irani Ton *rnlloii f Ilia* organ- I*mtton —Hmlh lloillra 44 er© iHllrd to Order an*l AVael* I* l *n *1 **•< Ing Busin©##— I'srinin# ftn > • < oiirt* De rided In ID# I'ax nr. Itivniingiiani. Ain . Nov 13 Two con vention#, tmth claiming to b© th© General mldy of th* Kr ght* *f I-l-*r of the United Rlate# snd Canada, are in seMtlon In thb city, as the iutc*<tne of th© sidlt which has o- xirrcd In thi ranks of th© order. Th© Fir*-.*n wing of th© #tb r. headed by J*>hn M IV*rs*on* #if N* w Yorlt as grand master arrive*! hr© at noon and was met t\ Andrea* J o‘K**©f© f thl# city, a member of the National Executive Hoard The fa tlen h* .!•* I by John W Hayes arrived©r*sa>. ml this morning the conventlofi * 'tiii •i of -1* ’• :a*es f this faction, ha* < u.led to or.Pr In Magnolia Hall by Grand Via r Workman 1 D. Chamberlain of tViomdo. who delivered his annual addrt* I r* uinD t v •.rgsnira* lion a i** rff.ct. i if;, wi:. th** conven tion settled down t work Th*‘ FanMns ? ■.••tl*n tn* * thl* afternoon in Kngliieers' Mali snd was all* I to or der l>v Grand Master VV • ikumn Fiir-una, wlio als* d*llv* and i.s .tlimit 1 **Mi n. ( *minlti. • xir- ippirtt**i tel an a*l- Jotirnuutit tak* u until to-uio rmorn ing. Ther© 1# much bittern©## between the mo faction# and tlie convention may b* prolonged. In dls usslnc th© trouble before the m* * lng \lr Parsons s d*l. "44 * hav© com© to hold th© annual con vention of th© Knights of labor, accord ing to th- i I;• *rurn*-nt of the last na tional convention h I*l l> N*ivember of last year th the city of Boston. 44’e nr© th** ! gal and constitiitkti *1 *th< • re **f tho Knight© **f Labor. tnd at* * ntltJ**d to tho toiipjMirt <f lh* or*li Mr. Fat-on# ban In his to. **d* n th© co|y of an nd©r **f > ! irt , ant* <1 in 4Yashington a few divn uso r* training J4n 4V llayet*. #♦*, r iary slid t • isurer of th© flay©# faction. fr> in a©**toting or removing the books an i pip * of 'h© order B©vice was secured on Mr. Moves, who was absent from ih© city, by a special order of ih© court d©< i llng thal valid ser vice could l>© secured by leaving cop/ of the order <*f th© court romitaiidliii; his Ktisniitm to the complaint at th* 4Va h* ingrton office. TO < 444 AM KK4TI CTVl'ft VOTE.* Durbin 44 ill tlarlD Ifonnr H-|ul#l llon fr Taylor. Frankfort, Ky . N*v. 13 Th© State Election Board will meet D©> . 3 to ran vttf# the returns and oftb*iUy declare th© re-nlt of the ©fiction in this state. While th© Refftlbl *aru hav* f* concealed th© ©lection of Beckham as tfoaremor and announ*#d that ther© will b© no contest, !#><h Republican# and Dem ocrat# will le* presented ly (<©mse| at the canvaoa of th vote. Every idiase of lb© election will le* watched by both sides at; mutters may arl#* . which will have a fi*'jriig on the contests for Congressmen in two disirlcte the Third and the Ninth. Gov. Beckham will bo Inaugurated Dec. 11. It 1# said one of the flrst <fffi lal paper# Gov-©lect Durbin of Indian* will hav© to consider when b takes ofll © will b** a requisition from Gov fb*ek tin for the re turn of ex-Gov. Taylor and ex-H*cr©tary of Stui© Fitilev- to this elate for trial, leading Republican# claim t<* have an surances from Indiana Republican lead ers that Mr Durbin will follow the 4re cedent set by Gov Mount in th* #** *<##©# and will rcfUt*© to honor the requisition. .Slant Give I |* the Returns. fixing ton Ky., Nov. 13.—Circuit Judgo Barker granted a m indimus in the ow te#le| election <’ % *© * *iwl officers of e|©v©f| prsrlncts will b** require*! to appear tn th** count rv clerk's* offi* • lo*mormw to open th*- t*oxes, nn*l deliver tn* returns to the clerk The election commissioners meet Thurft*l*y f*ir further canvassing of th© vote Th** return# were locked up in box©# through t mlsi.ik** of the officers. WORK 4SF M4ftßi:i> BIHGL4H. Entered Fofter Hesltfeaee and 41- nio#t Killed Mr#. Potter. Chicago. Nov. 1.3 Tr© hme rf Or In 4V Potter, at m L.ake Hho-e Drive, wav entire*! by a ma>k©d burgl.r early to day. Mrs Potter was awtken**l a t l © burg lar. with a cloth saturated with eh loo form, tut fieitdlng over her, ani scream ed for help, but before th< other mem tiers of the household arouse I by bsr er*©-*. cow'd *om© l*> her a— tun ’* l i© struck hr wPh a |m. o hr *a koitckUs. ulmoet re dering jer uncon scious, and ©leaped. Th* bl w . t a d *u gash in ilrs. Pott* r a h* and. out for % time if was l*r***i t at thD an*! 'ho it rvou* shock would ftsu'.t se 1 .tisly, but to!av Mrs l*otter is reu rt** 1a- reeling comfortably. 1 s: winter the !* tern Ifino w*o entered by torch- llml-r , who **e ure4 Ilf, goo In diamonds and Jewelry ••! **•*• capcxl wlthou: leaving * • fii Th:s utne, however, nothing was "fit.ili;©*! I'nglnnd*# New < Mblurf. Indon. Nov. 14.—K'bert 4YlUiam Han hury has been appo nted president of ths It*sir-1 of Agrl ulturo and the Marquis of I Londonderry will reiolii th* portfolio of the Postmasirr General. It is expected that both ippoinfmenL will lie officially announced to-duy, thus completing the rcorganixation of the cabinet. June# Taken to Hie Tomb#. Net York. Nov. 13.—Charles Jones, valet of the late William M Rict. wo# removed from Bellevue Hospital in an ambulance to-day to the Tomb#. He has been in the hospf'a* since hts a .tempi to commit suicide. Republican Majority Close. Sait Lake. Utah. Nov. 13.—Late returns on the congressional vote In ths state have brought the major!:y of Sutherland, Republican, over King. Democrat, down to 180. The vote has not yet been efflclaUg declared.