The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 17, 1900, Image 1

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the morning news iWi. • • Incorporated is* .1 II EBTIL.L. Praidrnt BID 111 SIRE Terrible Vengeance on Mur derer oi Louise Frost. Wiiiili OF A COLORADO MOB Ini, a Applied 6! F,ilto( tit sro Brule’s Victim. NEGRO PLEADED TO BE SHOT Execut’d on Spot Where He Com mitted Fearful Crime. I'orlrr Maintain".! III* Stolid In* dinirru"" I otll I'lnrar. Tlesnn to I I. k III* Iter. W hen Hr < rlrd In Att|£Oi*l> to Hr Hrlr*rd—Moll Wool About It* lloalnr** tjolrtlr ond Ararrrly a Hr|iu* NVns <trm—Nr- B ro Hod tluiraKrd nod Mnrdrrrd ili* - A iiudi flirt. Llmon. Col . Nov. 10.—Chained to a rail road rail art firmly In thr ground on th* rxact spot where hla crime wn commlt i-d. Freston Porter. Jr., or a* he was fa miliarly known. John Port, thl* rvrnlng I *ld a terrible penalty for hi* deed It wa <i 23 o'clock when the father of * r murdered girl touched the match to the tuel which had tarn pl!l aroun.l the • gro and twenty minute* later a last ! nvttlelve *hudder tokt that hi* life wa* rn'inct What agony the doomed negro *uffered whlie the flame* shriveled up bU fleeh rt .:t only be gueasel from the i ntortlona of ht# face and the ertea he c ,ve f 10m itme to lime. Tie executioners, who numbered about . tiaens of Lincoln county, had not the i- semblance of the ordinary rnob. r every act wa* deliberate, and dur ail the prepa rat lone a* well a* ughout the *ufTermgs of the negro. , 1 . • lly an unneeeary wool wa* spoken • mly they *tood in a circle about the until the body wa* entirely eonwime.l. arc then quietly they took aheir way ■ . , to Umon. wlience they dcpariel for - r home* ehortly afterworvl*. Negro Hid not Iteallae 11. I rcston Porter dtd not *eem to realize awful punishment that he wa* W*.- i to undergo. A* he had exhtMte.l .■ .T.-rence ao the enormity of hla crime. ~e arinvil to lack all uiaieratandlng i-; - . terrible con*equence*. For more an hour, while preparation* for hi* ,:ion were In progre*#. he stood mine te: sullen among the avenger* When * i hire wa* reaety. he walked to the i. wl:h n firm tep. pausing a* h? red the circle of broken board*, to in prayer. He wa* allowed to take me He aroao ami placed ha* back 1 Iron *lake and half a dozen men t t and chain* shout hi* body and IIm(a I ' sen* oil wa* applied to the wool. <1 .'ter a brief pause Klchard W. Frost, father of the little Frost gltl, who e mutilated iiody wa* found oni * ago on that aery pol. applied hatch. a moment but a little flickering f rria arose. Then the oil blaaed up fl Hew Into th* air and ihe woo.l .... to crackle. Almost Instantly ih 1 tn.ite.-r* caught hr**. Even though , h Hunt have been scorched, he dll 1 ter a ,-ound. Ilia Ftrat Cry of Ansnlali. flame* crept slowly upward on hi* the spark* flew up In a Houd •moke. Porter turned hi* head ■ fr.ghiful expression changed tya 1 With a sudden convulsive tugging *’h*d hi* head ** far from the Increased flame* a* possible and ' -, .a cry of pain, "Oh, my Ood. let * f men. I've got something more you. Please let me go. Oh. my my rthie screeches these words, the had uttered aloud, came from < -tro. a terrible tugging *t ihe succession of awful groan# and 1 came as the agony wa* at last •' down hi* sullen composure. Not escaped him. but he begged and ■•-I to be shut. *■•*-> ihe rope holding hi* hand* i through. Then arm*, head and ■bra slipped through the chain*. 1 Instant the body stood erect, the * r raised In supplication, while ? Pieces of clothing droped from Peered Chain AA ould Break. dy then fell away from the Art. ad lower than th# feet, •till fagten •P* rail. Thl# wa* not exnecied, • ,r * lew minutes those stolid men Jlatenit&l) MaininQ McVp £ were dt*concer!el; they feared that the only remaining chain would give wav. If this had occurred the partly burned hu man being would hx)e been dashed among them In hla blazing garment*. And not mnny would have cared to capture him again. But the chain held fast. The body was then in auen a position that only ihe legs were in the fire. The ertee of the wretch were redoubled and he again begged to be shot. Fom* wanted to throw' him Into the fire, othe tried to dash oli up'ii him Board* were carried and a large pile made over the prostrate body. They soon were ignited, and the terrible heat and lack of air quickly Teetered the victim uncor.s I ,us, bringing d>-ath a few moments later. Thla terrible ceremony, out upon the rolling prairie, concluded the second trag edy upon that spot, the terrible aveng ing of the first. Through the enitre eff.v.r but lttle was •aid. A* they had calmly prepared for the avenging, *o the people of the east ern part of the state carnal out thetr plan coolly on.l deliberately. There waa no* n hit-h in th.- entire proceeding. Not a weapon wu* drawn; therr wa* no angry discussion. Alter the tire had burned low they told each other goodnight and then went home. They did hot nop to dis cus* the affair. Aram Secured by the Woh. The trutn hearing Hie negro in custody of Sheriff Freeman ami hi* deputies ur nvni at I.imon at 5 I.'. p. in The car* were crowded with newspaper reporter* and people who were curious to see the negro cxecu;<'d It AV. Frost, the murdered girl's father, wa* one of Ihe passengers. When the train stopped sixteen men. who had been*,-1 by he Vigilance Committee, en tered the train and demanded the pris oner from the sheriff Their every action was marked by mimnefei and determina tion. The officer protested In the name of the taw, and ask'd the men to allow him to take hla prisoner to the county jail at Hugo, but his protrwts were disre garded. One man rarrial a rope of which had been formed a hangman's noose This was slipped over the negro's neck. It was at first announced that the negro wa* to be executed by hanging. Many. Including the father of the negro* victim, protested that such a death wouid be too easy, and It wa* Anally decided to leave the manner cf execution with the outraged father lie decided upon burning at the slake The train was then allow.d io proceed and at I-ake Station, about three miles from Linton, and near the scene of the negro * crime, the parly left iho train und began preparation* for the deed of vengeance Suggestions of mutilation before burning were made, but Mr. Frost declared against it. Wagnn* were dispatched for w at. .ind upon their return a score of men as-lded In preparing it for the fire When at la-t preparation* were complet'd a forth r delay was made because 11 wa* known many were on their way from Hugo and other part* of the county to take part in the affair. it had been announced that fi.yi o’clock should is- ihe hour for start ing the tire, but It wa* nearly an hour later when the word wa* finally glvn ftnvrrii'ir Would Not Talk. Denver. Col . Nov. HI —When asked hb> opinion regarding the burning of ehe n-- gro murderer. Preston Porter, at Llmon to-night. Gov. Thomas declined to make any statement whatever. Early In the week In an Interview, the Governor v.* quoted as staying that he had nothing to ilo with the mrtler. SherifT Freeman of Lincoln county, after the prisoner was taken from him, re mained on the train and presumably went to hts home at Hugo. He wa* strongly opposed to the lynching and only con sented to take Porter back to Union from Denver under the strange** pres sure from the people of his . ounty. The gceieral sentiment expressed in Den ver approve# the exAriitlon of the negro hut deprecates the meth'vl adopted. onifildl Til I.F.AVE CABINET. Informed President He tonlil Not Iteinnlii After March 4. Washlnxton. Nov. 1* —At the cabinet meeting tq-d.iy Attorney Genera Grl .-gs Informed the President and hi* colleagues that after mature a - Ilh--r.itlon he concluded that It would In' impossible for him to remain a member of Ihe cabinet for th* next four years. The resignation of the Attorney Gen eral will not take effect until Ma-eh 4 next, and It I* thought a' prenent that *1! the other member*, with the |> ex ception of the Secretary of War. wl.l re tain their present position* Secretary Gage announced that h's es. tlrnates complete would show an ex es of receipt* over expenditure* for the pre-sen fiscal year of s*>,ooo,ooo *nd an c-x< ess of receipt* f“ r the fiscal year ending July 1. I|.'. of 13h.00u.U00. Thl* estimate for ihe next fiscal year, however. I* ba-ed up n the theory that the present revenue liw wlll remain In force. Doers Breaking thr Hallway. London. Nov. I.—Th# Boers according to the Cape Town correspondent of the Dally Mall have broken the railway tn twenty places between Bloemfontein and the Orange river, and line wa# cut yes terday between Kimberley and Balmont SAVANNAH, GA.. SATURDAY, NOYEMKEH 17, KKM). TO BE NO REDUCTION *GtTT RCPRKSE STATION IS MIT IX t.HLAT DiM.IR. M'KINLEY NOT A PARTY TO IT. in: DOES SOT W AXT TUB MATTER CONRIDERCO. Piralilnt lfllrp* Thai Even C'on- Frntlve (Ktirna In the North Would IMti’mtnirtuiiu'r Vn> More t lied nee Representation llrmur oof Eraurhtor - ul> thr Eitremlitß Are Heeplua I|i thr %altatloa. Washington. Nov. li-Prethlrnt M Kin ley la oppiwiti u> ny •glrffltit) of r#tl*n ifti Issues in connection with thr forthcom ing apportionment bill. T*:oe so-called ar t teamen. who. for t purpose* of revenge or in the hope of gathering unto themselves th# support of negro voter* n therr immediate baill wi<ks. *r crying out tht t :ie Routh’s representation in Congrese must he rut down. are foinff to be grievously dUap pointed. if they really hope to see their progrenune carried ou:. There it to be nu rtwiuctlon in ihe South'# representation N*dtlrer in h'* present Congr**Mi, in which the R#pti>)e un ha\t h good working majority, nor In the in w rotifrfn. wherein their ma jority will he even gr*iter. will there in* any concert***! movement on the*e The matter will proUobly he *g|:a .*l by •ome Re|ouhlta'*n# itiie*r ui:4 in th* tiex# CiHtgrees There wr tnet* ,ir‘ anxious for their own gonal purtxefv to ally themselves with such agitation Hut tne lie pu hi lean lea i iers—th mn who will Nititroi leirlsiaUofi—will be fotitui ngiint the enactment of a law reducing the rep*, re&antatlon In Con frees of the Southern state*. Prr,lO,nl Oftpuard to If. Th* Prosldrnt hlm'lf Is oppo**d to aflv such movrmrnt. Tho Frnddmt ts an ab.o politician and ho hrllrvrs auch .i itniv-'- menl on th* iwrt of tho Hrpubll an p.irty n.-uld W in,| policy. ll* l honosily |sx.*'l to InjrSliiut Ih" ru.or quest o O' wavlnx thr bloody shirt Ills IntU'iice a* party leader and Fresbk nt w ill b<> urrd quietly against iho enactment of any such legislation. I get thl- from thoae closesi to him. and It non it a In strict accordance with th* altitude h* tus as sumed In the past. The few Republican lenders who tn the stress of the campaign raise i a mlzhty howl about Ihe North Carolina law have. Il will he noticed, had nothing Io jy on tho subject in their •'ommciits u oi the probable programme for th* short scaidon of Congress. Mr. John Da.zell of Pennsylvania, who la th* active h ad of th* 4'ommltlc" on Rule-, will h . ha e th* leki-latioii of th" lious., aid, when , asked about tills qinnilun the other da) ■’There will no att.mpt to p.s- such legislation at this sessi.m of i’ongr* .’ I unaress tins Tun Much to Iln. Thic announcement from Mr. Dal. ‘ll 1* of itself enough to prove tho isscrthm tiMSt ihe iiitluencr of the Demon - ’ll" l•-u•l --ers will lx- against any serious • (for to pan* a reduction '-aw Bui r.o insurance so fur as this session is i-oncrn-d, is really necessary. Tho ehori * •'d. cov' is but three menllia of time aud the pro gramme nianxd out for that session by tho Hepubllcan le.idero will com line every bit of the time. With the appropriation hills the urmy organlxalion hill. Ihe sli p •iilisid) bill, the Nicaragua t ill, in I ether Important np-asun - before Con- j gress, there will bti no lime for tne ugl'a- j tlon of any reduction measure even If ihe llepubllcsns were so in"! n"d. They see. too that even if they tried they could not isjaalbly get such a measure through the Satiate tn a session which will expire on the third of March. Although the Democratic representation is small, the Democrat* could easily lro v*nt Ihe pnosng" of such a bill, even If the Republicans w-rc a unit in It* favor. By the time the new Congress convene* this cry agalnat Southern representation will prolxthly hava exhausted Itself even among the extremist*. Though some may conrinue for ihelr own particular pur iwacs to agitata the question, the Influ ence df ihe men who really shape Re publican legislation will be found against any such movement. N\ liy MeKlnle, Is tsalnal It. President McKinley Is onioo-d to nny ait'-mpi to force such leglslat on through Congress for soveral reasons lie .o s not think I* good policy tm his pari, t > revive bloody sldri secllonallsm, fo - on< - reason. He has a very friendly feeling toward th* South and entert ilna a linger lug hop* that h may be able to -o s’ .ip. thing* as o build up a R.publican party In the South, whtch l* another reason But beyond and above these reasons, the e | on* that. If the •- were no oth-r*. w uld Influence him and other Republican I* d er* against any reduction acheme- th< - conrlctlon that It would he futile, aid t"e apiweclßtlon of the fart that when condi tion* In the South are shown In their true light, public sentiment throughout t a North would ix - favorable to Ih" elect'on law* In force In *nm* of the Koithe n states toward which th* present criticism I* particularly aimed. Where Criticism la Vlnied. In considering the reduction proposition from a purely practical sn>nd|sdnl. Illa well to bear In mind that the grandfather clause which is the particular target of all those latter-day critic*. Is In force in Just on* state In the Houtn; that Is tn Loutslann The North Carolina conatl amendment whtch Is copied after the Louisiana constitution, does not go into effect for two years yet. Even theoa -onatitutlona which go farther In thaw language than do tha conetltutlona or •tatutea of any of the other Southern slates, carry >ln their languag". abso lutely no discrimination on the ground of race, color or previous cuudutoa mt aiv!tu>le It will alao be ** of ilrtnon* a rwi.on that in their practical working# itiere i# not #uch dUcnmlnatkMi To be r:o* diacrunm.ition or color d.errimnatl>m, the prohibitory provtaaooa w.*uli tune to apply to all |x>ron* who, In the eyee of the law. are •'oiorrd. NoKher the lui iai.a irovliton nor the North Carolina provision will ofemir to #uch univer#.*! exclusion. A* a #op to the aendmant of the extremist * they may be nil,mot I to uao* their power to unneat a few legally elected Democrats whow mm(i ar* con tested by Hepubllcana. and in thi* w.iy cm down the Democratic rep>r<A#entAtion In the lower hou*o of OoigrtMt from notn* of thsh* atstr#. THE l*ME?iiniAT ! ATTITI Dlu. l>oe* hot Want to Anm*r in Rad KcrllUM In the botlfh. (Hy A Prwf.) Wsshlnfton, Nov. Hi The o(4nlon * irnuwtnK puWir men who are In th* vnfidftic* of the I’reeldo tit that lia wth op(H**e any movement banking to a reduction of th* roticre#eton! r**pre#enta llon of tin* H(>uthern etate* , ac , ount of the > tinigfM* of the dinfraiß-Msement o. ru'Kro voter* The !‘reident I# said to bo o|*j*oiei| to reviving ill feeiing which he think* would t*e ths result of a Ikll thus touch ing tin- South’* ftuttrag' l . He h*-M bevn toll from many anurcaa re rentiy chat un ini|ortani element of Awtiiem htiKine*# man, manufacturer* and other#, I# it iieart with the ftepubll- at.#, and that Hie iiul vie of a future rev - oiuUoti Mxuihnt i xiiUtif political methods in the Routh lut# been securely eHtaldiah f'd and eiiould not U* diuHliwted by loikl*- wtti'ii that would be regarded by the 8ou(h ur i*e< t iotial. on I* •mm of the President s sttitudr there ii gr4>wlng opinion tiuct iegtslation look.i k to tlie reduction of the Southern representation will not l pressed by par ty 1 sail ere in Congress. In thl# connection it Is suggested tlmt any action taken with reference to ths euffrsgs of the South in advance of the ad"f>:ion of a definite policy in ths Philip pint m might thr*w nom* etnlarra##ment in the tviiy of proper disposition of the c’.tlxeiiship right# of the h’tllrrtncß*. atxl moreover, it 1# felt that the govtrrun.nt luis its much *r it ran d*sl with now without gettittg into a contention oxer do mestic affair#. ATTACK ON THE EMPEROR. % Uonmn In m i powd of Ji|*fH*lor* Threw m llnntl 4'kopprr at Him •out Mi#(l ll#r 'lurk. Breslau, Nov. IS.—Emptror WilHam wa# ih# objsct of an AUempCAKi to day. which. h*>w*‘ver. fuM. A# u# wa* driving in n optn oarrliqt# *, (hr CulraPAlar Ftarrack*. Accompanied by tiic hereditary Prince of B’x#-Mfcini u*n. * woman In the cround hurled # hand hopper at tle cnrriAKc. The rnpldiiy withs hi ti the vehicle was p*#eln* saved i if* oc< upanm. The chopper, however, struck tlu carriAk*'- The woman wa* Im me< Ihßely arr#etel The woman's name is fk'hnapke KFt. t u|>le<l h pitc# In tho* front rank of ih# s|M*i'tators. on ih# side furthest from •he Emperor. A crowd of who witne##.*d the outrrtK* threw themseive# on th** Empe ror'# NKhAikinL H*t the prompt Interven tion of tne raved the %voriiMii from injury. Tii* assailant I# a trek •woman of fire#*au A t*rovl#>nrtl melk*al examina tion of ti>* prhw*er h# l-**n inal . .lie) she h.-< been pronouncet! insane. \\ hli*- Kiniwror Wiiiiam w. • ret urn In j| fr*m Hie barm'-ks to the r.illrond station he was cheered liy immense crowla >f p**opie who were leathered alonft the route. roMIITI(l\ OF THE (XAR. He l'n*#*fl n Mtlsfaetsrr Day and Wmm IMn* Well. Ijonlon. Nov. 17—It Is contrary to the etiquette of the Russian court to pu)lish bulletins, but a# by marriav# Em|*eror Nicholas i# a Krand?-*n of Queen VI iioria, thi# etiquette i# relaxed. NothinK. h>w tver. ,ater than the bulletin issued vester day momlnx haa necn allowed to l*ecomo public*. "Hi# Majesty h# parsed a satisfactory day. L#t ••venimr hts temperaturo wiw> 108.4; pulse 72. "Hi# Majesty s)c|at fairly well tlurinir the n{bi The tetuperatura this morintur is 100 6; pulse, to. "Generol oondirkm very aatUrfactory'." Thl# show f that the disease Is follow In* the norma, course of a mild attack; and, in It# event of there iMdrix no relapse r oompllc.ition, the fever ahoukl aubslda liy •he end of tiie mor th. s Hut even then the ir real eat car# mu at l# exer l#ed for anotic T month. .Tin- advScra r#*eived at < 'o|*enh/ixn and other Kuroiamn courts are a favoruMe character It I# exported tht%’ the Cxnrm'itch. the Grand Duke Michael, will start to-morrow (Sunday) for 8?. Petersburg. News of the attack upon Emperor Will iam has been withheld from tb- Cxar f>r fear of the effect U|KM) Idm in lik en foehlefi condition. \FJ.IPI !H %IIK 111% Fkt UT. Mob Tried to* Get Him Out of Jell In Orler In l.xnrh Him. Charlorte. N C . Nov. 16 —A n*>b which mterwled to J>mch a negro at AlFmarle •yesterday morning only succeeded In lib erating the prl# ner after tearing down part of the )*!! wall. On letng refused entranc* the mob hat tered 1 wn a aection of the jaJl wall. #mashsl the negro's ell door and dragged htm out and puahed him through the hole in the wall. A# soon as the negro hit the ground he. ran *rul e.-enped In the dark ness The negro mas accused of poisoning Dr. Love* who died sevo-tal months ago. WA HR IST* FOR UXt IIBR6. 4I Men Implleeted In Making May \%ith a >frn. Orsensboro. N. C., Nov. 16 —Judge Thom a* J. Shaw, of the Superior Court at Rutherford ton. hat Issued bench war rants for eix men alleged to have beer, implicated in a rec* nt lynching. The grand Jury had failed to return true hills The crime was .committed eomc weeks ego. e negro being lyru hwl for killing e white Roan Mb wa afiUafe u A VICE IS SHIELDED nisHoi* romriri dkmmiation OF MW % Oil K I*ol, It K. CALLS ON THE MAYOR TO ACT. MIMSTUH IMRI LTEO Id TWO *O - k ornmiA. The |tt#liip Makr* Strong Protest itfttint the V*,vll Coon ol It ton# oi the l ast Side Where flslldren Are the \ lettma of the \ le|on— rloilnal AoplHFuraa of %ut lioriltca t* at l-'aii It—v|m or %an W *rk Prowlar* t errectiun of l',ril*. New Yorli Nox W. Klshop Henry <* Potter, biftlM>p o*f the Dpi• <if>aHan dW cne •f New York 10-duy writ h leit r Mayor VnW v* k in rrf-'ien e t< vtfe in thl# cllv and tap dally on th* K*im Hi le Thl# letter I# the one promised utnn week# ago wh. n the ht*' p publicly *n ncMuiero! that one *f hi# reel* r- h id been gr*.slv insti|p<] hit th** commanding of fielnis of a certain pollt'e #taUnn. i*l that he to take up the matter in a manner which the head* r the police for*#* would f* el Ai the pre#en: writing there r* three mm*ement otti. t. i ageittißt vt. . h it u display##! on me great Hast H‘|. Th. . ■ire n quietly condtu t # I Invv#rtg,iUon T>l*f rl4 t Attorney in *. oni.** tin with Anthony <*orn*t-'k S*cletv ft>r llif Htipotvytii -r* of Vic*', Tammany'# appoint* rnent of a cosninltte*- to inv• ##ig *te pr #ent' • ondHiona jn*i Mlahop potter 4 uo <!• Itiehop Potter, in tile letter to \la% or Van Wyck, ft ret call# attention to trie work that 1# lining |one at tn pro *i thfdia,, l.> Siamtm #tr< -t in er,leavening the Fkut Side tenement district, in which It i# lov-ated. and #a># u ha# been recent r.ited a* an important factor in promoting the virtue and g, order of the com. munlty in which It minister*. He con tinue*: Police In f olllalon. "In vlsw of the* fn •*# ft would #eern that it ha* h vaii.l < liilm upott tin *>ni paihy. ro-opemtUHi. and at |. ,irt courte o. t<i*ldvration of thi#e who ofh tally represent otir city government mid the guaph*inhip of drreftcy and good moral# I urge here no other claim for It. IVr #os] element, *. far ss he or I nm ooncerned. la of the very smallest con #eluence Hus tne thing that I* of con- Mqusice, *ir. I# that wnen it minister of religion and a reald nt In a mrticu lr neighborhood, whnss calling and char •cter, exuerbnce and truthfuinee# nr Alike widely and ibm.dgntly r ognl* I. gov* to the heatnjuarter* of Up- pcdice In hi* district to <i|f*e.i to them for h* pro taction of the young, the innocent and th** defenseless agalnat the lepr.Mi# harps. *. wln> are hired a# runner# hihl (outers fr Uie lowest and moat li fumou# den# of vice, he i# met not only with contempt nrd deriaton, hut with the coar*. m tumdy and obloquy TFir ii;>uop g<M-e on to #ay: Want* Aulkorlfle* to ici. *'! nm not, I he to #>. unmindfui of flic* f< t that the cxUt<! .• of vi e In a gr*-.t city la. print: illy, an Inevita.d* •'ondltkm of Ilf** of e i Fi ,i community. I m not cirmanding vice ehail ! i tumped >ut* by the jmllii r any oilier civil authority Thin la H task which would demand f,,r lie aehlevemsnt race of ango.s and not of men But i ajgip.ich you. Mr. to i*ro#ic*t with all my |>owei ag dtiM a <andltton *>f thing# tn which v‘ l# not only to.erntcd. hut -hh M. J and etwouraged by th*#e whose #w.m duty It l# to repr* # md *ll* *otirage it and in the name of unsullied youth find Innocence. J protest ms my p<ople hgv < fuirgid m# # # do, sgHlmtt the habitual in •Hit. th* fHxrslatent mens c. the unuttet •b|y defiling (*untNo*t#, to whhh iv by day, be.auwo of th % luce complicity f tbo poll*e of New York with the iowiM frma of vice Hid dim**, they *re sub ject. And. |i the name of these little one# these weak and dcf. nao-l. ones. <*hr*> tian and Hebrew alike, of many r-vee* and tongues, but of bom*-# in which Ood 1# f**ired, ami Ills hi w reverence*| and virtue nnl decency honored and egempll tied. 1 call upon you, #lr. t gave th*se people who are In n very red way rom mmed to your charge, from a living pell, defiling, deadly, damning, to whbh rh* crtmlnal supinenesit of the constituted authorities •* t for the defense of .!. cency and go*s| rder. threatens to doom them " Hi shop Porter, in conclusion, as vs he ha n* methods to suggest for ths bettering of the condition#, the#, are In th hands of th** M ty'or. Mayor \*n W>ck*s Reply. Mayor Van Wyck taf oti #• replied t o the Bishop by Inter, in which h* said h* had p. the nisltop’ * i ommunl at ion to th district Attorney, and tnen e.*y# '*l wish here to assure you titat I wJ.i 0 R Riven to right the wrongs and to do awa v wIMt the c ndiilon# of which you rnm Plain, and to ## two a h#rry and efli lent 1 cooperation by the t-n .. .fepartmei i with all who are working io do away with public violations of *w and derem v "I stand ready at all time t as Is* and eo-o|erat' with you in thl** matt r. * ' Mij•p Vin Wyck attrr t * < attorney r*nj!iest* him to Bishop I otter and the poll*, do# at meet In the movement. In a latter o h* Board of Poll. •• Commissioner* the Mayor enclose* <* copy of the Bishop's letter and directs the commissioners t * < n ,• non duct a aaareblnf Hive* tt mu ion n, ~ conduct of the two poll.# . fTn la!#, who the Bishop wiys insulted the 1* fym it Tanunw m % 1 ommlftee Meets. The committee of five by Mr Croker to suppress v. * , held Its firwt m ating In Tnmmm> Hall to-day John Keliar, one of th. com mi i tee. Invited every cltig.n f New York to lay hefon them nny evHlence that will help to sup press Ihe dive* . r prow publl odicial# guilty of ronnlvan with rlminil v|c "Hpare no war Mi. Croker onler to th* rctmn tte chief of Police Itovery In* men out to Close the dives He ic lar- Ihe 'vtri will f be cioeed tight Detect Ives t.erdght ar rested nine women on i-'ortv .. .*nd #tre* between Third and Hlx h avenue*. siml he ked them up ( haraea of Krandulenf Votes. Havana. Nov 16.—The Cuban constituti onal convention which me* to-dsy in the Marti Theater discussed ths report of the '-otnmltie# on credentials regnrdtog the status of the delegate# from the province of Havana Charge# were made that fraudulent votes were cast in ihe elec tion of these delegatee. I H.KO %1 rv OIIT TO I MIMHK. I.orol It nsfbrry *• lildrrs* as H**etor of (iliuso* I niorraip. Olastfow Nov Tt * Enr| of R.v*e bery wws installed *• lord rector of ila*- gow Pniverslty t**-day. Hl# r toriel w-I.IrcBS, *m the sur ject of "The BUtlsh l!mpir wa* sllrrlng ap peal io (lie raw tn icslix* It# responsi bilities and ti> prepare i* fight f*r It# cx- Istsuce. Never .*l III* leirdsh.p, *ll*l the ampin *>■• urgcntlv require Ihe e r#n- U'His #up|sirt of It* su*Jo*• i # b eau e then* wu# * 41-1*0“I,ion anruad t* hl lengc tauh it?* naval and it- cummer* Dl supremacy. The t wenil.Hli * • niury he b'iared, w*mi4 U- a or keet* nt and almiMit Met * Internal mat a>m pet It |cm. nnre, probably, In th* arte of po*a> e ev*n than in the art# of war. Therefore, he added, it WaS nr* comry fr ureiertake perltMlioai sun Hading to rmiodr; h Mate ma :4ne> at 4 edu sttonal mcth.sls l I# t>rne more btainc lk- and thor*Migii a# warrior#, merchant* nvwl stte#mcn. and io ;*nk IhonHAgnix to th# ti iin n. *l llret rat* mm for the at rug, k aheatl. a# on (hot depend#*! it** future of empire and the it% lie thought ilei •H* itow anllquany| methods of training ha I si tnofi-t r #u io*l in .xmitner *l4ll dl#i*ter anl (lie time ii 4 arrlv.*l to ic. *i Ul>r the edixcatiotial i| par at ii* la>ni Bosebery .4--M*rtc! that but for ihe am*.l Incl.l. in of th. ac.*#ptat*'# of a leerg* tb.* empire might ha\e been In •ab uiald greater Ha l i * colder PIH. when he pihc lirsi minister tun left the Ifous* of Ciirnin n# Me w i>4 innot* abl> luive retail, hi# s. Ity an*! authori ty. anil h would have pr \. r.n<i *i sup pre*s*l the rot kle** budget of Americw T'wnsend iiibi *l (h-otge 111 to listen to r*•##•>§ itptodu # n pr**.*fittlv * of Anivil>a Into lorll.irmtit and preserved the thirteen colonics to the lltitidi crown M bat Might llase Hern. ' !# if fanciful io l#ril fr a mocnent on what might have haig'-ened?" contin ued I#rd lloeehery "The reform bill of 1*1.12 would probably have been i##*d much catlicr, for the new bloo#! of Amec J< o would have iur*t the old vt:###l# ot i hi* constitution It would have provided \ self-adjusting system of t *-t>rfei>tation. such a now prevail? in tiie I'nlted Bta*e#, wbcrebx Uie Increaslr g p4pulnti<ai Is pro portlonstel.v tepi nt**4 And. laet, v*. !■ n the American# Im sme a majority of the #ra*s. the empire would, perhApe.hsvt I# in moved solemnly acroea th* Atlantic and Great Brita.n would have become a historical shrine, th# European out poet of the world *milre Wnai an extranrdln?y revolution it would hev# been The greatest known, without btoodahed th# most sqhliß># transference of power in tlie history of mankind. Our conceptions can scarcely picture the procession acvoa# tlie Atlantic Of the greatest novelelgn ami the greatest fleet ili tin* universe. Mln- Isteis, government# and i*ailament I# porting sodetimly for another hernlapbere Not. .0*- In th* •,#•• of ri t mjvci - O’lgn". emigrating too Braxil un hr Ike .*pur of neo e-ity but under tt* vigorous eno |ra • oof he younger world. America would htn hum onto tho skirt* of lfrrt oiii .in*l pulled her Uo k out of Kuroj#aii •implications. Biu- would have profound< .) affected her foreign poll y in ih** dire**- .tm of j# o< * oihl ter Influm**** on her olo imstic policy woo4*l hav# been warcely .■*# |M*f*nt Probably #lie ssoul*! have si>|M*aee*l ond even contented Irrl.ond. Tlc .or.* lent constitution oof Britain would h ov be* n rendered more comprehensive and more elastic. "On *h* oilier hand, the American y-<ornlfig fr liberty would have taken a different form, would have hi era led with other traditions and flouted into other moulds. Above ail, there w*aild have been no separation, no war of Independence, no war of 1812. and with all the bitter memories the** have left m America. To secure price>• boot) I rouWI Ih- sat Isfled to see a British federal IWllament sitting In Columbia Territory." HEAVY INTERNAL REVENUE. It# reipts of *’Jl.V:tl;,lfr7 fr the \ ear Were ITsceeded Only finer In the t usslri't llistorp Wavhln#rtmi, Not. 14 -The annual re ,sirt of the com mi ted oner of Internal reve nue for the flw*al year end* and Jun* .>•. shows a rxd.eetlon exceeded Imt on* e In the history of the bureau The receipts wer* 1296,316.107, being 610,ai.M7 in excess tf tlie am*uni ntxl fit &31.&34 more titan during th# previous year. Commission* r Wilson estimates that the receipts from all sources of Internal reve- UfiN f*r tn- urr*nt fl#4 ul y* ar will ap proximate 8286.0th.0Q0 An important feature of the report con sists of a mtmiter of imtndmcnti rec*jm i u ten* led •• be mud*? io the war re Venus act Ths rlunar of th* law which rhaps han given more trouble In its administra tion than any other Is that which requires a fax of 10 cent# on a "certifb ate of any description required by Uw not ocher sis. specified In the act." Jf in recommended that this paragraph lie abolished. Kcfeip.s given f,,r withdrawing d<q*o* ■ ita fn>m bank# other liiun aavlngs btutk# #gya th# report, ihou.d la taxed Tho use of r4-#ipta In lien of bank checks In thU I uvanner is cons*andy increasing. "Of I 4/ur#e." says the repoH. "th ls an #v i #ion of the tax. but to evade the tax In i lawful manlier cannot t*e prevented During the year there wtr* fewer Illicit stills destroy*! than In any of the three preceding years, which, says the re port, i- exceoMimgly gratifying, eapecially wl*en • aken in c*m *ctlon with the fact that the *s*i few m nths in some f tne sectlona of the country where lAlici’ spirits hav# been produced, dlstKled #: lr- Its hove brought lietier prices than fur many years RCUTIOW WITH H HI. rotnmltlee Considered Report* Re lation to the Ulnml. Washington. Nov. 16 —The Renats Com mittee on RezSttone with Cuba held a meeting to-day for the purpose of con sidering reports upon the receipts and ex pendLurta in Cuba The committee, after 'Dnalderlng the question for two hours, adjourned to meet again at the call of ihe chairman after Congress haa con vened Th# accounts cLiu4 r or are still \ incomplete. DAILY $" A YEAR. PENTRA COPY WEEKLY : TtMKS-A-WKEK.iI A YEAR OUR STAND IN CHINA I'ltni'lttßT* or OI It (OI H3F. II tN 111 I N Dl 'tONMI, \TRI>. WE TAKE A BUSINESS VIEW. vmrt nr oi rot nt xonNt 11 ern Mill ll* tri'ltot I D. I nlrr.l Nlatrs Is No, ti.'l.'l h, Dsa. • im'-nlnl 4 nnattOorallnna srntl ••>• ••< Is on Our Nl'tr, anil No it || IS Itnslnass N In, of It—No Not ■ Irani, thr Trnt-r Will, thr i lilnrsr. Our I'rrstlar In t Itlio, Is Itrnnln* an tmtiilil <. It. Wash,i,(1011. Nov 10 Tin- Kiatr Da. |i.,rtmri)l has rmi In ml from Miiilso-r • Vxiprr for four ik\> |M*i. IH his last r,|H,rt 11,1X1 Hi" |>ro*rrs ~f ths Mfstti ii"ns nowr *. ;i,k on at Ivhin tM>l*'",. tha mlniso rs taken In ,N>m,i-'tion with H># ilri>rlinrni * ami'l. m.- riM-tlona r' laili# i„ this siiNjn-i iri ui s ths offl. lal* hrro in cunfirmlnx th" I’, km visa that lha 'wt of ih"" . <*, ultatloira I* in *u<ht. Il raiinnt t>> con", a,MI, 1,0 .v. r. (hat •lis*i<tu„ is "in - li.itnnt <>f ih" xdhii'la ~f iic Garin an nil.Mnry r.x, 'tor i* t'hliia. nml thomth <>ur K"V"i nm* nt I>u not |*roi,ut. t x.. ,:i.-i ihr I'UnlttV" "xpo illtlotrs, wid,-I, it r-, nr l. ~* Inx-nuousl y *" u*al''l I*. . ills" fro -it rr,ks aniixi( tha <’hlni-i". 't f"„i> mo r**sulis Thsrr I no h-maltaii In ni"rii. umi f 'l**iyin* ii*.. Muru|.* .tn impil' MiUia that ih" I’n ’".I Stair: n'vrrnmrm to m.v'.t in Us I’llinrsr mil-: hy w-nt Itn. ir*al arxl imhualnos-lik" ""i, ki'-rations On thn umr.iry It Is | out thal whtlr srn tUllrht is < - ,i li," .i" ..f mir U!>"lfeO in this mazirr. It i- .ii-i-otn|iniit4 hy ina soundosi buvim- - • onatilriitlkms. for iii HnimniliiK purpos, ,f iho Htni" r'rpart* riß'nt now Is to prnvrnt th 'lrstrucl '.oa of i'liiix,. trrrrorUU ini.krtty ii|ixi pra isxta; io maintain iho upon for whn-h our xorammrm all almit haa rn -lon'l"'!. and I" as. un indminlilM for Ita' plot ttiul irmrar.l.s" for Iho futuro, II t* frit Ituil ill's, .tt.j.-'ts run b** S'-nirml wlllaxit Ix'-sktn* ihr lini'hol Inr**. rntrr l into list worn Iho minis'rrs nut LI Hun* t’lian.- ais I I'riii. Chins A.ltloss from Ih" iihmi lufiorntia! Ctif. lirsr aourrs* r. In utmlng that Amort i un irrmtxs ha* lirrn arsally sdvanmd It* Chinn l>> ih* in >d*r*t* and himian rouron ptoiuol by ths I nlird Stairs MOIU: HIIIM TUASI f*OOD. • •Mir %r-om |>ll*tied be PnnltU* Ku peilitlou* In i hlnn. Uvndon. Nov. lt,—*‘Opinlof la Pfrong here." phvp the ffh.mghril correa pOQdagt of U.a I till) Kapron*, wiring >**aerday, "that the KurofM rin commander* am do ing m r liar in than good by im* poniitva i, l|olllloiia, whlr'h, l>v 4ho <!• of •lib**' Mill* th- (tilimM* to iiptrll •he foreign* i. n fMlItiK which It wlil ink#* . century t* r*db .*t*. “II |K perfectly • lr-.r that the and Kmi#rerw IHiwam cure nothin* i>* • iuK* a fw hundred Chinamen ai killed ind lhr* ft Hi#-** rou!(| be for better prv* i ploywl In trying to iurv the rrium <4 Kmprror Kwang ll**u to P<*kln. "Vlca Admiral H*>mour, on board tha Mrttlnh batllc-aln Onuirion and Hflff UitM||ri*. the Urrman - onaul KeiH-rul hare, '►n kwnl the Kuerat Blamarck. hava irrende#! the river with the object of *to|- pin* ranitUnrka to the court and aecur in* th# payment of cufttomM fund* Into (ha for* l*n banka." DK4iHAiaTIX or tdl>MK. Imperial llrcrrr Imprlaona I'rtacg Tuan for l.lfe. Waahlngion. Nov W.-Jllnbtrr Wu haa rrmlval from Dlmclor General Hneng tha following cablegram. which hr* •'ommunl* cared to Burmtary flay to-day: "An Imp# rial drcTf* of Nov. € deprive* Prince Tuan and Prince Chwnug of fhr|f ranka and office* and order* them to ha j l mpri turned, 8*- >ndry Prince lJan to bit j l*prived of hi* rank. !>uk* Iriin and Twig l Men to lie degraded in rink. Kan* Yt lining dead, no penalty can lie :mpoaed ; d(kmi him. ami Chao flhu Chian to ba I degraded, hut retained In office; and Ytt ! Helen to be e*l.# to the fart neat tmund* i ry ” WIN CAN M V I II IIK I'.ttlHCltOM. V\ hat the I'nnlihiiirnl for frlma 'I unit Mttnlflea. London. Nov li A n#’W* agency dle patch from H referring to tha new imperial edict (depriving Prim e* Tuati and Chwang of a!i rank and • ffice#. aid handing them over to the ini p**rlat #*4an court for rloae confinement pending further punishment >. *aya tha punishment of Prince Tuan meaiia tha* hi* eon, tin* heir apportm. can never ta Kmptror. The edict at*o mak#o the e.iriy opening of formul peace neg<4l uon* probable. It ua In It. nntl Ihi- llnllrnnil. I’arta. Nov It.—A dl'intch Hfflvnl hen* from I'nkln aaya the Ruaclana n o n un* •ktnliiK aurvelllarire of the rillmad from Tnku In Yan* T'in and tl.m Count ww Wnklornoo ha* lolor.i|ih—l to thR kiiKlan Mlnlnlor of W ar. . >rnphil oliir rtroriKly of thl* nun ilrtv of which be hid not toon provlonnly notified I fltrvill I K AOllll T l;Mil'll. Mileltla Will llntr In Revlon* 4.000 I'll fro a of Ki Itlrurr. N> York. Nov. 10 I*roceedlnr* In ttiß linynor • unaplracy ooae were practically to-day when the case came up before i omiolaaloner Shield* and the da fcnao mated ih oaae, The matter wo* adjourned until Monday, when Dlatrlet Attorney Krwln of Ooorffla will orewent further evidence The record <4 the caae, conaiaitns of 4'do typewritten pare*, will then be reviewed by C. nur.lMloner Shield*. a t (loadby to Croker. New York, Nov. It,—A bl* crowd of Democrat* thror.*ed the room* of the Democratic Club to-nirht to y mxaV bye to Rh-hard Croker. He will leave OR the Lucania (or London Vo-morrow.