The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 17, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 NO FRANCHISES GRANTED YET. (11l M 11, 111. \ ft* Ml < II HIM I “'M' ON *1 Mill II %11 W %4 V \rrnn Kbell It ••! * otii|<v n% ’• • • llllou •*ti||Mrlrl l>% \% lillf I*I•• If llontl Proper I % o iht*—4 ouwrli Mrn Talk of barging for I nti ihltn mill Uiml i.imrMrr ol ( 011 l |I r | lon ol 1108 il*—fhi 'III llrf to Mr IrtktU I I* ill l M** l 'lrrl* Ing \| I Merk l W lilrh lltr Pwll llr Will ll*- In % ilrd \\ lilir It In IT IVo|>l l (ntloui to secure n Honil fr am hi-* v■ I r t • • ‘omiuii ?• * •* the \Y , .•■{ yesterday aftertioor i. i), k i : in Tj • ( *f the Wr it, in i, i 1 omjMi;\ uihl of M • .1 t-/ ..* ► f t ' •* in liifcput* j ti ]. .;ri* , , i illy tlx same i *uie*. wet. lr -nsti a? u<h '4i!m) I'l• • f i t \\ * it*, -i > * unril deciding to f r • • matter unt I n* xt werk. v’nen at *i n in* i>, w/li | • blv be h* I, ** 1 i> j* * g* i.* ilty Invited to be *r- tot f ■ on \i* • .ni of idniofi n; *l (he number ot I*l*o **f *1 in t f* pr*.-ent w.* In!* nil t * l pr.vaM Hu - <*f the < *nim. * l.,rnd into an open meed** . * ) ol pr. • m war*- idfn<!t*l it I i*T •! ,i ’ f \|*rrf- them.-rlvt A i. .tn * r f r * il*nt and pro|rrt> wn* • * <• .- l. lloifi wer* present ii, |* ’• • *fn|Kny‘‘* i i-j • Air. - um r v*r* Mr. I* I* S \N . Jp ~ I" M N ,,r voul, Mr. D \ I*n s .\l I \ 1- r won. Alt i. '\ .•*. J n .!• I M !/•>• ( turn, Air * *.i ‘ 1 mp n, Mr V\ M David- n. M i V% S I:• * k *ll. aH ; Jo n 1 -u * • Mi * * 1 ter, lusiwi . and hi uv, M . I M Oliver. vs# i nl-o in *tt f -on •* Mi J. h* (Ydiin- vs i •r*i * al \ *i.' ti in h adovcn > > . i*-■ i* it l**n. 1 1 * r* le-mg only lvs or t ■ • • * 1 - fri* ii J - ii alt* i.*l.i The jomiiil i * met .it 4 **Yb* k with j | M .i • ed A f : i ltd in h • inn (.* t< • f i liii 1 * <*l •' i* i•* In %mtmriH * iu,|mii>, *h* •*'!.r o *h" i von nab fil-ui 1.-il*. I>m ml Ho h *. s ni|*.m>. f**t eamiMnr.ition t r rti* * ’ oplif4 l > c ** Utter eoin |if> In rolllnavlllr Mr .1 4- i 'oil. Mr U l> Hlmktn- an l otln* \s*r4‘ i*r* nl in 'tin* tl*n ssl.b th -m t 1, r ill*-** Thrv ss*?*- i t i*l i*f r* t uncll b<*vs *v• i , and it w. . f • n • after lle n*#' (ItU* that tin- mat : -r ha I I'M-en r* fi rt*d to *i apreUl * unmPtev to Snv4 rflKal* n> 1 !* i* > It \s a *■ iU.)Ut b o’* h>* k Whet o! i !*r . | tn th j*t **t raiiw y Irm lil • werr Invlird into th committ* room W ith the member* f I :.*• committo* • r* r4y there tb< crowd til! ! th** i otn vt iy vvitnfortahly. Tim petition of (he Vernon Shell Hoad j Company ns an flret token op. A•* will Im* • remembered tin- company wcurwl an ] amendment IIh chsrjtcr <•’ th* l.* i -of *h* |*milttirn; li lo con*tr i t a tailroa l alonit tn* iin* of It-* r** i*l The j** ililon *tat j- tUt it 1 l* alr<d to * a railr*.tl from ( .\ to White Mi.ifT niil that tn *vnm (lon with It ii i* dimmed to . tire Iran for a ct?y line Three or four roui**** are outlined In the |* titioi bin the on y one j regarded mm f *elhh and to which any j c*or?s>Meratlon is.* Kiv**n >e.-i*rdav fi* m j the While Bluff road on Twelfth etreri t<■ Montgomery street, norm chi Montgom ery to Bay hirea. n*t n Bay to I'rl* • aouth on l*rl* , e to l-XIM avenu** anl thence to the v-iarting point on the White lliufr road. Th* •'ompany prefer, however, *o •omo o th market from Montgomery utrisol. around the market t-> Karnar*l and thnce io Hay. and eoutli frim Bay *vn Abe room to Herr - , etreet lane, arouri'i ( idonla) I’ark to Llneiln etrect. notah in Un* In to Park avenue, aialon Park avenue to Montgomery Mr**ei There was no din<Uialon of tide route, however. After the petition hd Imh'h r* .l h> h** clerk M ivor Mvcra call* *1 ui-on tl• fav - oring It (* cxpi* tf***iii-dves Mi I M Oliver, one **f the attorney* fr th cotnieny, eaki taw? h- lad already e\ j pre*w<l hlrmieif fulls on the MihJ* lit j prsiouh mietlng of the committee, i"* h thought there vere other- ire?ent wf*-> j might hast* manethtitt t* any un i men tione<l Judge N< rwonl Judge Norwooil til* u*.-•-*I the matter f i al*oi>t five minutes m a l* >r concie<* mii.- iier. T situafUm a*, he inl**r!*t**od he t*aul. th*t ther* wen* two j tlone iiefore Council, • a* n aeking for pta* - tically i/w naim- a (reel*, that It wa- mi put ili-hNi* fur Council (< grunt i*** h i** ttt>iif*. anl th* '* for tt.- qii*-:i<*i* de< ld*d wa* whl. !i of th* tvs.. pr**(H*-* i would b* most 1 • netii ?. t.u- j*. * pie of the city und coun: v It vs a- n- - he eaUI. of Coillne or I.* •r. but of the t*4’ii*fi's wliit h would a *ru ♦to th*- i*e**|>:*- and * jh j ills th---* m* : dir* 'fly aPf* - r*d !y the yi *;• *- -*1 |jn* Th* -ou’h* antern a* . tt*n of the coun ty. Judge Norwood na*l. w *.h already pro v-de*i with ample railway facillttc* (in the other harnt (he people b<il hss *•• r of tn ’lts were within n.j i atcommodu t Inn * The omiv had *p.*nt thou*and* *f dollar* In draining It** territory ami in providing tntprosrd roa.P nn.l ill that C now nM*del (.* dev* Up ; targe, and pro!* fbly ilw tw **t ertk*r, ,ft;. eourilv. *- proper rallroui a rommodn’loh!*, wuch h* would *e furnlfhe ’by th* profMfiMsl lm of th* Vcrnof S II H<*id c*in|*an>. Th. conn’s w - r • t'Ully 1* ..rnim: rm*r* hab itable ey *-ry y* ir, h* sull. and with proi*- *r f ■ i lit*.*-- f**r rapid t ran-por'at l**n the e f t.m r*-f* rre.i to wouM l* *pie k > built Tip. To make it powiibli* (o ot*eraic a t*ut‘- Tirb.ui 11* e at a protit it !s generally cmi c *tad s it ** 11 v l;nes in eonju* tlon there with nr. ne. e . ,rv It be* n mated t it the rou*e l>e*ng .onv-t*<l for by tiie Two petitioner* wi the only aval lab' r*nte l*'ft for v 'b ■ -’em all other available afreet* t>* Iv * . up!. .! It s\ * Import unt. therefore. in view V thief it ... , fm ghoirUl *e th** n •—*;•>' of favoring t ni ion **' the •. :i,iv t **t . Vmm iu’ed with rallw y fa* ititk-a rather than oe wh'ch i n!rw*h well provi<le| with urh fa Hit ** Me*s,s n I.r*. r K M. Oliver P T Pare s P H W a* I other* m i*l >tt**nietiti it* r* fereti- ■ to t f ? . Mr. I.*’*tr -a:*l that he would giiaran’e* the building nf the road thorn* ttiMlvi h- nor the Vrrun Hltell (•.,d Compai.s would bull*! It Th* tr t hr wa* ivr‘r 1n the name f th* Vernon Sn* P H*>ad Company b ntire of th* |Mvw*r- * onf* r r *i Upon that co*’ans by th* • and le-eauae of the fact that fid* .nr jany po ! ‘'- , **^ r '*l a rit* of way** ssn; euH be tm and svher right** of way ***!l r*st b* obtHlne*! from pr*pertv owi ? The main re,*- for *e*‘tirinr the amend ment to th* ch ifter of t h** contpnny h. t*nid w t-< mu* of the fart that **\ ♦ r of ’ • •• *jv r 1 v *!wn**r w dong the .pr**.o .. r*ute had declined to grunt right* of wiy tirnl had CM*t>o*ed the building *f the roi-l. Mr K d* r *.i ’ that h* ir ! *hr*- |*r**p *’*;ot under *a*r ** *. ra* *n for i-ulMinv* the r< ! nuvnr.c of which could l*e cl ** 1n n -Mm one from I . company. ori* from u party of Philadel phia * .*i'i !.-•*. tin*! one from Not 'bern con* true tlon *<frt>ry Them wotM not be the :|?Vrd dtfTlrulty Ml>out C'Onat rtict ing t"e r* >1 i * u.d th** deairr*l frat *hl* * le grunted v ’hout unreasonable r*n - don* ?• *d Mr lister wa a.-ked a number of que*- I RIMI railroad th** **arnage and ohttmctlot w.. nit ' rt * ta mi** White B iff road In rc-nfequevute thereof ond cond*- tlor.a whlrh m'.tbt e atta-'hed to thegrar.- by Council Alderman Wdli remarked ♦ hit the •'ore of the White Bluff road wa* r.ot tba cot *rn of Ccnincb. hut rr.o* of the other? .‘**>tr,<d to be mu h * fencer ned iConiiAucd on d.xth I‘uga.i 4 %s| WAV 111 •* V| | sxj .ll % 14. S> Irii, 4 liu rn*l With %*null Will, lufent 4• ♦liirdcr. IMacliarg*l An elimination In the #*e * t \ It. S; tn; chars'* by l*#t Marg e with a .nit with Intent to murde w nale v iiiv * ft* r noon in th* cur* f M.i istra'* Naught in, and r ulul n lh” ** e j*elr,g dismissed Mi ual#- w e .-hot about two month** ago in wh it seems to li,i\> n * • c al ft*** lor-all tig • #t the B* • Muu* H *ll, tini rng lh# .rye . w;i * |l- *> •' a l : . i Syfan w> the ,i it had ft ** I th* find h* W i • ar*l taken *0 in* an.i, k- Alt rot bt fur h** had !•*- n pretty wl* h. p* n p 1* • number f m* . w i f j- hail at tire tin • Y* t , r. rn> i. .t the eximl aMon M.irmi* ui. If w.- unable u. y |nsi - > ii s |,* him and ii , u. i x tin* ini **e.i m. • • i Tf gUi • f bl* e. id# w.i • ,j.i ,*n*| two ■* r n.* n wer*- I. i in Hi •m . i the • ve o * l,e H- i,i , • i |.|st<*l ws lireil and M il . w< unu* •! ii i; i ih.i* oth* r fepe. looking , id , | *. b ■ as#- i a hgh r ii • i ik’ i Ma i* was *p e , Il . Mr H. I-. C ling anl By fan . m* dußi*non a st -ph# i.a s|%||. %Ml 4 411 NI t 1%\1.V >llll ll# Ing • ••llrcird, \t \ cry It it piil 1 1 . f r ilr 4 \mr, Th# *••! 'bi of Mat* ami • ouniy fax*-e j.r, . ; r*guiariy un i with about . j am .#:■ *: • i'T.'y ill th#' ©ftp * * Tx i ’oil*. t*. M aiow.m In i* * and *.*;< M; *war. *a> * that.if any** •.i! r r# ■ in;ng up a trifle- mot** promptly thun Is usual. Th*- law pmvnlew iin*‘ tie* book* of the i,*x *x|l<x rr shall !>#■• #'|osed nt later than !>• after whbh date all taxes bear u; I*t •>t and it• subject t the e-ts u - ruing fr*fr. th# r coll# tlon by execution. It i- also th#- is* that towards th* end of the p*-fi*>d during wMch luxes may !**• I'M I*l h#r* 1 u rush a I th#* oltlcv* <1 b> th* final dispoxitlon of •*> m ii.y |s-r-#i > n*v*r to *U 4*>-*luy what fji \ m i any nears put off until to morrow With many of them, of roups*, this #le ■i\ - <1 u* to th f* t ihMt they r# shy 11 * * whi wdi hal with w ii ’h to mw*t their *! w•• **i x i#> th** suit** m#l county, but tiinnv others th** omisM*>n t** |my until w. ll t#wvr*ls the last U- due simply •o t iw* suhll© ni.c a* ' *f th*- trn* rl- *1 thief #*f i•in- Th*-?** t irdy >uff-r front their d#d.iy by having to ‘ i d in ttn- f*t hours until they roach the WllKklW AiiM'lu-r Thing that shouhl urge the pr -rnpi lwym#*nt >f s at* .an*l * ounty t ix**** i?* :.** f• t that only those who have paid th* r tux- for 1 will lu- permitted t in tie* municipal election of l'sd This • 1* ctloti B In J.inimry. roll M U.IXTH %Tt*:w l l l ( TIO\S. Il liiii U s f#r Itetnrns llaie Been Ilf i‘-hril by I In* Ordinary. Judge 1-errlll. of tlu* 4\>urt *>f Ordinary, r* •i\**l yesterday !•*•• blanks for the r. turn of th*- •■lt*di**ns for Justices of the I* a • *>f thi- *4unity, which elections will b h hi. In u* cordan* ** with law. oh the first Saturday in December. In several of the districts ti.eie are anl mab-d c >nteets for election to this minor Judicial and the election clay prom o * to be productive of s**fnu interesting field*© ts. Judge Ferrill has also received the c>ni mlssions of the County <‘ommlesionerr - I* -tod at the last state and coun'v elec tion. Messrs. J J l>ale. Frank S. luith rop. J oh Paulsen, A Vetsburg o*l A Il Moore I'ti !jr the existing law th# • commission rs w*u2<l iak* .*fTV*# on March l. but notice has 1* • n gtvt n of Intention * lntro#iu< . bII terminating th*- term# <>! the pri s tyt commissi *iers on Jan 1. mi l making ihe new terms begin on date No il.*'-- for the induction Into office of th** • • b.m >fclgiers-* b-ct nor of their tak .tig th# *.ith has y# t Im # n s. t It is p 0.% sibl#* that ihi- matter has b#*ii 1# ft until •h- fate of the bill changing th** terms ;UH be# I) l*‘ddd I U 1i.4.* 4.41 T I IIC I 41 NTH %CT !'r llie linprov eioenl #*f Ihe savan nah Mixer. N#-ar higiuln. Th# • omract f#*r lh#* construction of im provtnunt- in the Hivunnah river, near August i. f**r wht' li bids w. re eulmiitte.l iU,ut ti -nth sine* has l*#*en awar b-l !y t*apt C.Hle * . ngine.-r oftic*r In . .. #*f this irict. t Capt. A J Twlyt' l of \ugusta Capt. Twiggs* bid. vxhn h wa- by fr tle I<west submit*e#l. imounti* t h4#ut 529.00D Six lads f*ir th# i-oif- ru 'tlon of th# im pro\. mem- w# re euhmin-*l t ('apt. i• 1 1 - li*i;e. th* highest of which was practically tw • a high *s the lowest. The next low*>t hbl to that of (’apt. Twiggs was • bout Th b*l of #*.'>• Twiggs. w;th Capt. <lllicite‘s rccomm* mlatloit of Its a*- **Tt itv has been sent to the War Depart ment for approval 1* Is altogether ptob ible that th#- approval sought will lu promptly grant* and 111 1(1. \ I I M O % Mil I . Birr men 4 filled l# Keppnril. anr#le l*r A 4 ’#*. Vtill tix "ini# II Ulnae. Th# 1 firemen w**re c*al'##l out n.-oit 9 o’clock last night to R©ppar*t 8i disks- A Co’-* ml!,, on Henrv str#i. 't *f tb© Plan! Sv**:em Tb© fir* w.n fo lid In th* r*>f of lh© U t **r i m n*l a■* n>aking pr#g#-- when tli© firemen rea* h©d th.# seen#' only -hurt t m© # * i:- -1 i©t -du© tin flam©- Th r.o* . f ti. I-..;’* : r###in wa- 1* .me t off. . Wns that of the sawdust r m Th* wnll# , f th© building being #*f b*lck, (he dam* ~ w*- -mil! Th# fie did not reach the •'Mein room. y,.vot i a*©*! for f.* 1 it. the trill an llt t * - i*o *1 th C - ' k ! * te ll) th# w*l -t and w* # I'fT amo *#'r a:z th# • when i • mil d*s#d down fo ,1 i uht It 1- t• • i in.* - the darn will not # v •-* and |l>‘. TO I VI.K 4l\ 4|l \H%\riML nr. Hr ii ii tier Will %lli#a* Ihe l.eauue if Mimlel|alltlea. ll* ihh (iffier Brunner ho accepted .in invitation to l Ivor nn •litres* nt th# %r ,j r a 1 -nveiidon **f the league #>f .\ ul al ©e. to l*e held at Charleston i .\t mnt: Hi" subject will b* ”T*i* Ir*v*i,( all o' th© In roduction of Epidemic I pi .. th# United Bt it *- ” It is a . i;g! it V q ■ ! out in #.*! word ll m< allf* •(juaramln# I*. liiunrtei ba hi I *• varied *n#l ©x ,© #-x|#er t a .i sar.itatian. moti ~r-. ularly w!*!. r# f* r#*n * to quarantine ir.att# ind is to prnil.t tha ,e will lei. th© muriKq il rcpresantt'lve* about all there is tu tu* :01l on the tub* , *. Ii , not uni.k* y that Dr Brui.- .er will deal with some of the recent Lid" :n w:*h epidemic disease* and net hi* remarx* or thl# subject will oe made In his usual pointed style The beef that mono can buy should >e your aim In > hooting a rn*-di Ine, and mis 1* Hoo*l - fkirsapaiUki. Il cures warn others fad.—ad. THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1000. A MONUMENT CORPORATION. ♦IM. %% . (A. m Utl.Hl> U ILI. N| I.orAT o%n ii> Miu of itfr:% oi#t thin. Meeting of Ihe Society lo Re Meld mt Noon Todn> In flie 4 Ity 4 url Ititom—>lr. < harlfon's % lexis n* •• the Orgnnl#ntiin f no tsaoetn tlon— rl& \>yld lie I’nr I|<re r.fleetl ve— %lre sni*erlpllnns %re Mnilr-Hr. tills Istimore l>es >* Approx e llie suggestion of n "I'oasdrr't !)N)"—llellrses #x Me morial should He In the form of an tn li al I orsytli Park Ktitraacr. A fr * • * I* ?# put the movement for the #wTabi, -hmei,: of s memortsi to OfJ## thorpe ijfxrti a rtiim-**s f* sing will •#• made :o-la>', w n tn*- special m*ting of the doricty * f th# Sons of (he llevolu- j (lon )s ii* i.l Tn- tm etMig w ill ink* place • U* c|o. k in ffc#' (’lty Court rooffl. It w•. ill#si .> |*n*.def.t W. O. Charlton j f*r th- .-[•'• ‘I purtsas© of consibring i tie mo© u met it question. Mr. Char.t#4! tv ill offer the proposlilo© j It will pr*vsi#* for the formation of n w (•oralbrti t.a t*k*- charge of ine m*venl fumls that ar* now h*-.d i*v o* many or- j gt !xa-;- r r#-. rSM i,ration ,n the corpora- ! tlon b*-’ug v.v*|. thus* orgiinlsatlofix sn*l *4fi#*r Imahev* Uaa: might desire t# akl in the proj* t. T*> charter such an orgmlfitkxi would, Mr •' • r l*• <r b# ..* v* s. b* a nc i tr* t;m would w# gh h< avi!y for the #nt of the und.-rtaking ll*- 1* convince*l that there jr many w Ik> would welcome the of>|#>r • unity ti ..ntrlbiate t> a r**n* ral *• * ist might tf csjh niiy emiKwered by the Monument Association to receive money for a fund for an itglefnorpe rn - i;iorial. \ 11 urns societies ami organlrtlne Mr t’harlton thinks, should he ali#*w-<1 to ukl in the movement. He mentioned the ('*>- lonia I !>ain#'s. th* S**i,s of the Revolution, the S ac# of Colonial \>* rs. the city of > ivaniiah on*l th* state of (Georgia m- - • motig t .Tow* entith'd t r*pr'♦♦•ntation In i the otgonixatlon Honorary m* inle tsa,; might b#’ providesd for im*i* r th*- by-i tw> 1 •ml the niovemen; given greater ■# -**pe ty electing members of this * *ass whose tn. w• *i• 1 serve to !d the |*r*je*-t , No* e of the so-det!;s that have thus * f#r display*d Inter# st. Mr. (’barlt.-n be 11* v* could off* ran #*oJ* tlon to such pro|*#Mltlon. Alt would* e,j?j.i \ol ii th* otg.mlzst on, si.*l the ii Huces of -l# #Hllly t aieliig a larg*- sum for t *• #*r. r- . tb>n >f the memorl l would I* greitly fmproved By the enlistment of h- in tf-reet of the various todlf tl it wool I !* repnrs-ntrd tn the n g* t results t-oubl Ik* h* -ompllshc-l At firs• It was Mr. Charlton's Idea the the work hould be turned over to the S*m u# t v of (’o’* • ial 1 Hinv *. but *he hi* since onshb-r**! that th* tit of many would b* far more effective. The hep #xf The Darrns ha - alrt*a#ly been proml***-d th#* Bolts "f th#- lieVi>Uit:oii. an*l It 1 b dl-ve I their !•#►!% will ;r#- when they ne#*t n*xt w* *k I-* tder Into su It an oni.i l gallon uh Mr Charlton wl 1 te* >mm*‘nl. j provl*b*#l the r* ortnn* n*lat o-i s ,td jl *1 bv th* Hons of the It* voUitioi As presblent *f theß*ns f Hovolutlo t, Mr. Charlton teis re *ntly receive.l • .'on- j tributlon of $ ••* anl another • f $• < ward tb*- monument fuel. H lh of tha • •mtrlbutom tr*al*- s|#e,-ial re*iu#s th t their nam*~ MiouM not Im divulg’d, and In compliant©. Mr Charlto. *le ,in *1 to make them known He m*l h *w. vr. j tb it he had mad#- an effort to indue© he gentlemen to r*-# nnalder th s d*l rtnln - tlon b#Uevtn* that th#' corn* i.on if their names with th- movement a- sub scribers w ul 1 l*e t*> It- in-e est. Wl h , svh h contributions mad* t * the fun l held by th** Sons of th* H* v.d itlor. w t out .•Milldtatt**n. too. It 1 ladleved that the a 4anlxa#lon of a otrp'i.r# #••* iatloi t*i take hold of the nutter would b. fi -luwed lmm#*ltauly by a flood of subset'll#- (tut)' Already the fund has grown e yoml J4.UUU. Buperlntendent Ashmore of tlt** publk* stthooln was *ked yesterday for bis oiln loti upot; th- Migg. 'Tjon m id* by Mr M M Park- on* of the teacher- of the High School, f#*r the t#b*ervan e by th#' schools • hioughout the state of a "Fournier's Day." w hen the < hlMr*n tn gtr make con tributions to the (>glthorp#* fun*l Ife replied that he did not approve the sug gestkm b. *-aus* of U b Itig. ns n general pr>posltbut. an unwuse measure to allow • contribution to Ik* token up In school# for any pitrpo. c. "No * iara t* r connected with the early history *f th# colony," sold HuiK*T'int'ni eni Ashmore, "could stand equally with *>g!ethorpe in th* *Hie m an*l apprecfil iloti >f 'he p#*opl. who revere his name. •ml liter# l# •* man to whom I should ir#*fr having a memorial er-'t* •! Yet It is . lang* runs matter to subject . school system to th*- inlligtur# that in.-e from taking up col button If contribu tions shoukii Ih* mi l* by th* . j***vl# to any fund, it slioubl Ik* that f*r th© Ogl •horp*- memorial but the < stabllshmeut f the prcc# del*: would not be th** i*art of wisdom. It w*m I*l be followed in a short tun - by nppltc ittons for th* •'•* rvan - •>f otlw'r "davs," some f them w? so I* - serving. I do not believe that any one could ot*Je**t to an "Oglethorpe Duy" In itself, but other- th it xould b propose*l might not I #' so meritorious. "1* : houbl l*e ©onaidered that The chll dr*n who attend the public schools are the repn-setitafives ff imllles that enter* t rn wide d*verrenc* of vi#w* upon public questions ps##*-hly there would be non*- who woubl not think It well to establish a memorial t<> tgtet lsrpe. and no friction or unpleasantness eoul l be caused in th#' chserv m* 4 * of h special dav f*>r th# 1 Ik iic fft of he fund other than th#- embarrass ment of very p*M*r children who might not be ;b! to afford a * nTrlbuti*>n of even nickle. For th*' ti#\t , '*ln\" propose 1, however ther'* might not be such unanim ity of sentiment, an*! om* % fanrlli#'- might not f.l Incline#! t*> allow th**ir children | to make ccntr but lone t > a cans# *>f whi- b ! they .p-1 not pprov*v Bu*'h. f*#r Instance, might be the case If It were auggeated that a roll*ctlnn be ma#b- for i monument to J* ff#*r-' ti Davis, a name f.n- which I hive the highest respect and admiration. Yet there ,ir** people right here Sav an j nah who r*-gar#i Dnvls #*• n traitor. isl •h#*v wmiM never contribute r*> a fund for a monument to Iks memory The fad ! ure of ehlMren to make such lOttfr bu t|oi>s min it l*e questioned and ?i ff me break out mew Bitch emNirra-sment -houbl be avokle*l and ‘the dead pel I should bury its deed.* "\'Hrl*vus sc hool Uvards throughout !• | country have recognised th* unwisdom of | school i*onflibuthMi* and have pronounced I igalnWt them The project ha- not *e#n I tppr##v#d In Bavannah ar-d a.I apptl n | tlons that have been made of late for wuch ; ,n olMscrvance have been denle#l " Buperinten.lejtt Ashmore also offered • i -tigs* “'lon n*# t the bs-atlon hi I char.a •#r *f tbe ir- [x**“-l m* m-'rlal lie said It ha* .tccurred to him that Bavannah al ien*! v bs moiuVhhe r sh ifts m 1 m-- mortal flgur# l - slid that it would !>*• th# ’* t • r r *nn t< r.iv* the U'b Th ri* m*- i morial In liff# rcnt form In time, he said. rh people ure snr- to corr*c# nn omU ‘ion nnd establish th# that •. *niM stun-i If sivanr; f* the found-t of i># virgin an-l wu*'h memorial should N h m.ignlfl.eivt arch spuinnlng the en | tranc#* t* Forsyth Tark Superintendent Ashmore 1 the first t> offer the suggeeilon of ar ar.-h f that location, and the suggestion may appeal to others Interfiled The con*cnsus of Opinion thus far gathered. how. ever. has been In favor of the removal of the fountain fr?m Chippe wa ftQuare and the establisment of the memorial in its place. There is no better dinn* r wine *han Cook s Imperial Extra Dry Champague | It helps dig os j your tood -sd. MIOVV* A I.D#HUTI\f: C.U>. south (irorgls Ulll Have m Better |*i exporti#n of Next >••*hilily. The big gain In population ma#!# by B*/uTh dtoriu on the last census, as r wn in yesterday's Morning *Nw, i* being generally commefji>| on through out the sia # Asa r*-ult #>f this Increase North Georgia will 10-# f**ve© votes in t suture I s*u:. Georgia will gain a Mm..or number. T ;** <’o©stlug|o© piovMea That the sis counties having tr.*’ largest population shall have three reprt-scntfttlvea each. . (w#nty-#!x nex- largest counties iso • ah, diwl the remum-b r ne *- h. Tlie x count.*-* to%v luivlng t ree repreaenta *l v# a# h ir#- Fulton nathani. lU*di ne ti*l Itlbb. Floyd and Burke. The r— • nt iwijmji pats Thoms* county ahead of Burk* Thorn.*■* having H.O7S, as against J !►’. f*r Hutk* The extra vote remains in South Georgia, however. 1’ .- iw# tr mx coutUi# s whlctl will be entitled to two vote# m the next l.egV lutim nr.* lis r tow. Hurke. (‘arrull, r*obh, (’•'W ta. I>e* :itur, DeKuib. Dooley, # KH>ert. Emanuel. 4!w;nne*t* Hall. Houston. Ja.’k .“'•n. Iw*.ir*n*, Eowiales. Meriwether, Monroe Mu-x>g e. s imirr. T.ittnall. Tr*>up, Walton. \Va#hlt:KTon, Wllk#*#. Of tnls number, Klb**ri Emamicl. Laurens, JL-ownde*. Tatnuil an*l Itullock are :.ew rr>m*-rs. thr*** of them twiog in the First (’••ngree.-ional DlMrki. Berrien nnd S rtven count lea narrowly mbsed getting *• thi# list, the forno r having 19. SC and t-'x* latter 19.2&2 pt i it'.oti, only a few hundred each behind the last on th** list, K 2 ‘-rt b# tig tin* only . -cinty in the list to get In with leh-, than J>*n* population. The .'ounil#** which b repr-seritatlve each are Greens. Hanoo* k Harris. J'f f#*n#4>n, Okbthorpc anl Pulaski, all ex •*# pt the latter being In Middle Georgia. MNATION Full THE < I lifts. Winter 4|uarter 4 oulil Probably Be Secured al th** llacerowrar. The old Ten Itroeck race course ptv>p ©rty !eas*| ro Mr 1? G Nr - >n a. *1 the leas#* l*#es n#: expire until August, but an #fll #-r f the **mj*nny owning the property s.ikl y#wu-r*hi% that no objection w• > i*l Im* mix#-1 to the *e© su i- *4tit:g It for * upancy by th#* S* lie nnl Gray circus, which desires n n+ winter quar •rs The circus w-rndd need the ground during January and February whet, it * oult b# given over bv the I** without rti ii* ri : tlamage t* * \ -* ■ •?.♦•*.. # for h top it w-ukkt n !*• plant *! until •t. rth I-'* lt -v \ A geidb-nrum In the h*w Inisltt#' w o knows the Sells i*l (Jiav ggr g.irio>. •li yvsterday that t P on#* *.f t ave *r fifteeii ./irs, which Is ; • drlv li-.e circus. Those in the b iin* #s ,#r* accus tomed to slie up .i s!k>w iy the rdli*ml fH|Uipment that Is required for Its tr n- Prtallon Th gent.niun >,ii>| - # ir- u< g**#*-. lnt winter quarters became tne weather grows to# **4.l for audiences *o gither uiali-r canv.s It*--I s. dav stop# the territory In ’h#* South 1 rot sum -I*utly wi*l- t< a trnlt **f i show trav eling dl th*- winr. without visiting pl i es more than on* • will, ii %\ f. a ( it ii k ii i:\r.v "n x aim j# It Preparing for n Berlea of l.ix#*l> kporta. From present apps-ar.iiu-es It seems that Bivannan will have n Pc-tl-wll team and that the lovers of the gridiron #port wll* enjoy aeveral good games with visiting elavene T’nder the arrangements agreed ui#on Mr Gordon Baunsy will have control of the players or, the field and In practice #n#l this fact a.on*' is assurance that a ; fast eleven aril! *** devel*>pe*l. The man.igemem of the team will he in t i.f noiids of the Bvprt* f’**mmlitee of he ! Y. M 11 A . which will make a . arrange ments for game© to be played Corre spomletice with Javkeonxille has nlreadv been opened and If possible the team from that city will h* brought h'r© Thursdi* week, f**r n gam** Tnanks glvfng Day. Th**r© will he regular prac- U' es every night n# xt week, commencing Tuesday, at th** llussar-* Armory. A thl# will be an a!l-H;ivannah team every b. dy is • HglhM t member- hip itei i large plumber #f # .ind!datea for th- varl ou# |Hieitions U expe*t4Hj to ap{ear. Wll.l, NOT PA \ IWIHIMK %nl Suit lunliixl R’llrf nml llosplfnl !•#• pa rt iii*n f tin# lleeu Filed. NVliey (Joodlng and Mat hen a o*. Goo ling ni#*#l suit in ih City i'urt y* nterd y against ih- Atlantic Line an 1 n* other rallw.ivH comts>-ing th- Plant Bys ' tetn. for The |s tit ion avers that the various rail ways aued have entertsl Into a partner ship n* i tiuii thi 4 partnership rondu *ii< a t • lief ami h*-pital #b*fiartment. In this department A C. (liMxllng held h poll<y of ins trance, conditioned t* |av to his tieirs th** sum ©f 12 04) In cav of his **'.d driPrtl death. The p* tl Honor • ar#. tie heirs *<f A (’ G**ollng 1: Is further charged that Gooding tvas k led In an a* -t lent on lh* Charleston and Bavannah Hallway on (*t 2 !'o* wh |e li** wa.** in th#* p* i formal) # f hi# du y The relief nnd hospital d# pariment h<s r*-fu#* and t#i pay to t*># fieri tuners t e amount <-f t!*' poll-y of Insuranc* he held ind s-tlt has been Institut'd to this payment. i'oi.m i: ii it i in i now hi iiov. I rnm ihe i lrrawfancea #*f ll 4 np ture If Pr#illlx Was Btolen. The polic#* department ha# a buggy' fw which it would iik* very much to find an owner. It 1# n small buggy, quite new. with r#M running g#*ar and a black body. A man was s* en by one of th** drivers for J. IV# l. y # Bon# drawing the buggy in Broughton sir*©: lane, between Montgxwn * rv t#l NY* st llroal atre‘ti. When Hu man x.iw that h‘ wax noticed he ran iwav leaving the buggy. It was taken in • harg** by Patrolman Tullls. who took It to I’e# lc> s stublcs, where t has since been. TO I.INi: ITU NNNI Nl. I*l I’PKH. ; Fxeni Will ll#* the *M. Andrew's io 4lae lltindretl anti Flflleth. Th# #m hundred and flflleth anniver sary supper # f th# St Andrew# Society will Ik* given at the 1> 8 to Friday even ing Nov .* Th# S*K’lety’a annual xup|x r ar* always enjoyable, and ft is expected j 'hat the coming one will in no w|ji* be at* * xceptlon An 1 inovatlon in the way if • tcertalnment P talke*d of, and irrang*-- m nts rna> be m *le to have a Heotd# |dp#*r fr tn N* \v York to attend the iffu r W 11.1. NOT M % KI. THE It \i IL - .lame* ,1. Iti-uium Ant a 4 nnlllati for Maulatrafe In l# Rlatrlet. A tumor t.,at Mt Ja# J. Dcgnan would i be a * andl*t#t* for the magistracy of th© First M.lltia District in opposition to th. present Incumbent. Mr H Wickham, w i set it rest yesterday Mr P# gnan. it enversation with a reporter of the Morn I ing New> xid that he did no: Intend makirir 'he race ax ha lx Thoroughly tat ixfled wtth hix prexent builr.exs N\ 111 Hii> A oar Ulauion#!, Sternberg A Cos xell dlamonda on very small margin of profit They alii redeem purchaxes i ten per cent. • | count on coat. - ad. SAYS A RETRACTION IS DUE. RVA.HfRLIIT tOMIKH IIKMFA THE ftTORV OF Itl't NIHNH.NGI. *ayx Hr Ha llrrn Ularrprrsentrd by I'roprtrtor i.rahaait of Ibr l'ulakl. anl t nlraa the Latter M# trm t Ilia atatrnirnt t oKrerniug Ilia Ac- ! Ilona at the ll*lel He W ill lake Irani M#*aanrra Hr. 4*rnlian Ntanda by Ilia Matement and *axa Hr. 4 ontlrr Hay (<n %head. The xtor>' In 4h Morr.tng News >eter day of the alleg<l mlsdolngx of J. P. Cornier, an evangelist from Kirksvll.e Mo , aroppinf ar the Pulaxki He* isc. which resulted in hla belr.g ordered from tne hotel, cause*! xomethlng of a xensa tlon In church circle# The evangtllxt ha*l preached The night before at the Christian Church on Bolton street and mas # xpect- Ing to deliver an addrerx at the Young Men s Christian A**#xlation. When ih* ministers of tae Ity were notified by prv prletor Graham of the Pulaski of his con duct there. It brought to an end nb* fur ther usefulness in religious work. An ef fort wa n.#*w h> th# Morning New# to Mr. Conder Thursday and get his xlle of the story, but he could not be found U#( night he railed at th# Morning News of fice an*! Insisted on a statement in his behalf It Ml Icl dial he /ia.l called at tli i‘ula#kl House several times during the day end he 1 endeavored to #♦*© Mr. Gra ham hut he#) be# n told each time h* bed called that Mr Graham was out. Ill# tat# ment 1* *# foil w # "I came tn S,vannah over th' C©ntr l of G orgi • Tuesdav morning 1 tmgage I room ii i • Wednesday evening, after I return# and from the Christian Church, where l hil pr .h* l. 1 wa- sitting in bir or. wrltlikg whn young man rd ladv .•m© in. 1 gathered ti * my wd in? ma terial and remove#! to an rlier r>*m i-ut dlscov#• reil that I had left a letter that 1 wis answering, an I returned t get it i*n entering th#- loom 1 found tu verai p - sons in th* ro*>in an*l I appro k h# i the couple that ha! com# In whit#* l wn * lucre, and u-k©#! them If they ha 1 # ci the letter. They were very pdlte and toth of them assist* i in* In a search f.r the missing Mt# i The young mm left me room, an I I thought he h #1 n y letter. 1 Inquire#! hi# name an ! wk- In ftirm*#! It wa Mr !>-••. and that h** l * m|.o># l by th#- h’# .! xtr*l A r Lin#' a train *it spat her I lh#ught 1 would c til the n#'x ‘lay in.l ask him concerning tn letter. Th© i*orler of the hot* 1 Informed in#’ that th#* L.dy wa stcq-pli g n the hotel, un i I sent a note by the b# II ‘-ov saying I would like to see her In regard to the matter Bh* did not argwer the note, but told the Ik 11 boy IO bring lie to the dour of her room. wh©r* h# toll m*. very lady-llke. that #h** <l*d not have th© Liter, and that she knew her *om • -iii i . Iltely and she returned the court#*.-*'. I bellev##! her statement, for it w.i male in stru;ghtforw"arf lady-Ilke manner, and I dismissed th# n ter. "Now- th© propel# tor >f the hotel comes out and r#i*ort a s- undal and tn* - to lm pl.. at#* an lnn*#* ni man In it ll# ©am#- i my room Friday morning imi or*li and me to hove the notel and refused to giv any reason for hi# a Aion. an#l when ask ed f#r an explanation, walked off down he hail. I dres.* s ©#! myself ar-1 w'nr down to the office H*.d inquired for him I was tod he hid gone out. Th*' n* x thing a friend culied my attontlon to th>' nrtlcle in the paper. 1 have called sev eral times to see h.m. taking friends w:th me. but 4he cleik informs me each tim© |he Is not there. I have done all I can ; to find him and ••( a© explana ion. but he refuses in thl# way to see m© l waited in the hotel several hours i> re him. Having fai.##l to get an interview him. I have pace#! th** matter in the hond# of my attorney an*l shall aw •. legal pro *' to get redrew# u th* hand* of th* law f>r thi?# in alculable dam ige done m- ll# '•j#- ik# of m\ com ing r* -omnif*ndc#d to a man In ibi- citv. ! interested in Christian w<rk Tina wo • . letter wrUt**n without solicits .-in bv ; the gt-nerai secretary of th# Young M* n - Christian Association *t Athena. Gi* . i * j the secretary here. t l ing him I was in ! (he city and *>f th* splendid results of j my work ih©r** in tn#' a#-# #* iation und r j th*- Hoard <f Trustee© ! "I have many r# oromend.ittons fr*>m the j loar#l of #l,r#**'iors #f Y M (*. A’s where ! I have w**rk#**i. and other or c.inixauons where 1 have laboig*) in i the v ius©. I have my cr**len{lals. rec ommendation# an 1 w ritten at *1 printed i* ?ttrnonial an*! my conduct Is and his be#>n such that I challenge any on#* i<# t i* re sent testimony of any at in violation 1 of same. "Unless (’harles F Graham retracts by i public statement In th# * durnns #f this paper th* statements h- mad#* In re gard to my condtK’t, my attorn# v# ;>r instructed :o pr*'#-#**l with legal proc©#d ings I am not .- barn#*#! of any note I wrot# and challenge him to produ • •> im* All I i*#k ol th# publh* is ,an Impartial *!©- | i tskMi upon the facts proeented " A Morning New- reporter *jkk#-st©<! t. Mr Cond©r that 'hey gi t th#- Pulaski House and see Mr. Graham about th# matter, but the evangelist an- llne.i | to do so. He s;ii*l he had I .Uready l**en ther#* several tim* s. An ap pointment was mad© with Mr. Conder : however, io call at the Morning N ws In in hour. In th# in#*antjm*- Mr Graham was se#*n at the Pil#kl, and wa- w die evangelist's statement. Mr Grahan. "i)d. in r*ilv. that the nrti< I#- tn th# i Mori 1 Ing News ye t*r#l.iv w•# a c*rr© a [statement of what h.*i actually ha:>pei •and. and ihe card written by Mr ('onbr so far as i' referred to the Incident whi -4. resulted In his dism'##a! fr. m t * h*- contained - #• e anything t .nt was tru* "Asa matter of fact the man did • c.l w.> n t*s •*# th*- rmm of • >* younc I.i i In question." sal#! Mr. Graham "One *' the**# I f#vk from the hands #*f th© I loy and r#ad mys#*!f \Vh! > h w;i< ?■ r signed it ©am*- from th© room whi-h M <*ond#-r orcuple 1 au<l It wos couched in terms an*l contained prop# •*it ton# of th# most objectlonahl#' #l-■#. riptbu "The young lady did summon the night erk to her room and d©mar,l that h r friends b#- notified of the ir.ult tl it lui*! ome from Conder When they were told ! of what had happened they were only re strained from administering to him n thrashing by my promise thut I would have him put out #>f th* h# i • at one# When 1 saw him on Thursday morn ng and told him t>iat he would hav#* to leave the house, I explain©#! why ihb I !i*#l become nc©#snry. ll© admin##! tli©n That he sent one rot#* to th#* room of th. voting lady and defended his conduct by living that she had encouraged him t t ik• t!ds stop. Not until I saw th*- card i he has written did I hear <>f hi# making my denial. "This morning I did refuse to have an onversat-on with him. m#-nr*!y savint. ■hat I want*'#! Ills room and telling him t •;et out Of th- bouse ms quick as h* could * "I h'vve nothing to retract." said Mr.Gra horn. "I can biir.g .ihutidant i*r -f to th , ruth of everything that I hav* **.ild abou his man nnd I have no fear of any svp i i# gal or otherwlM-. that he may see tit i ( bke." Mr. Graham came to the Morning New office and waPe • until soitv- time ft# the evangelist sall he would return, bu j the appointment was not ftped If You bliidrr Fin* Cot Glass Inspect the lovtly design* of B/err.berg A Co.’s. Quite ths rage fer wedding gifts —ad. A H!gh-Or:de in*t! ution for La#lies Shorter College, Rome, Ga. Wilts for | aialoguw—4uk A TEXAS WONDER. Hall'* Great INanurry. One im**. bottle of Halls (Jraat Dis covery cures ail kidney and bladder trou tla*. removes gravel, cures diabois*. seoi l.ia# weak and lame b<u.k*. rneuinaiisiii and all irregulariuea of the kldfuys uud bladder in both men and wo men. rcguUtas troubles in chll draa. If i#ui sold by your druggist wd oe *rnt by mad uo receipt of Si. une sma** butt,#- is two moMlis treatment. Ikd will cure any tae above mentioned. Dr. E. W, Hal 1, sol© manufacturer. P O. Box &&. tit EoukS. Mo. tt#*nd for tastlmooteL t*Okd by all druggists and duiomons Cos., (savannah, Ga. Head This. Cuthb©rt. Oa . April 2. I*oo This Is to certify that I was affected with gr'.v*l and thai I took sixty drops of Hakl's Great lM^coverj* - and it com pletely curd me It I* worth SI.OOO pei j bottle to any one m-edlng It. J T STEVENS 4.AVL HURilll.|!Sl ( IIM K. \\ ui. M*ithrw*. 4 #l#r#-l. Arrreted for 4 hen tl ok and (twlmlilug. WlUtatn Matthew* colored. Is held at the barrack* on the charge of chanting and swindling. He was arrested yeei#r iay afternoon by iJetectlve Biark on the osnplatm of Margaret Smith, also colored. According to the woman’s story Mat thew* roomed at her house and probably ’ found out that she had quite a sum of | money In th- imnk This Matthews sske.l borrow uikl gave os security a payable to himself and #lgnel J. F. 4’aes ar. The woman gave him S7 and then went to the Southern bank to ge f the,remainder of her money. There she ask©*! as to the ! value of ti'.# 1 check (hat had been given | her .i *l wa-* reftrrH to the National t>nnk ,-on which It wa# drawn, but she was old that it was worthless, flhe re|#ortd I The matter to the |toll©c and Detectlv#' stark wa# given (he case and m.*d#‘ the arrest. Matthews sal#) that he had been tflven the check by a man In Bouih Uarx>- iina. Jt 111' KOI Ml IIIH I>*A>E. Hut AYllllanis Is kill I Held In Jail on * Fnlnl \\nrr*iit. An Inquest of lunacy' In th*' r*rurt ef | Ordinary y. ter lay investlgai* I th# men# j #% 1 • itiun f ( . M William#. •• whit*- man. who has tie# n con fined at the ; county Jail fur the past two months, on J a fuiq.d warrant, charging a vlol*ubn of | ihe p# -lal law - The Jury found that Williams was men j tally unbalanced anl recommen le I that ! he he turn# il over to his brother, Benja min 8. William*. o be j laced jn Sum© private asylum for treatment. This the [ brother agree#! to do i The way to thD 'level*>rment Is blocked, however, by the fact that th# 1 federal war rant still iMand* an#! that the Jail authorities. It is understood, refuse to re l#sis© Wlllkuns until hli# r#-l*a.-e has n Hr*, ted by a Unit*.l S: t©s # omrnissluiicr | or other competent authority. I’KGITEHH |> I INK Tit IH. Ilsnlua-Corriirnn v*t to \% 111 lie n Llxely One. Inter#'t Increases In the fight between | Corcoran nnd Hanlon to be pulled off at t ye Thea' r nex: Tuesday night. Hanlon is In fine shape and there Is no doubt that tie means to make this the attempt of his .*f#\ He rays he is In love with Savan nah an#l Intend# to remain here. If he whips Corcoran. C.*r < !>n an always be depended on. He ha* appeared In flic ring here a num !mt *f tim- and has always shown that •* Is of th# right stuff. He aays he Is | just a * * onfidi'nt ae ever that h© can put sh© irtmni.ngs t# the oriole, but h* so* knowl*K|g. h that Hanlon is a scientific ’ ,ij ,<l a gm** fighter and he real}*#'* that ii#*!#* i- !**(< of work cut out for him If te Is io win. Itrliig t<# > our (11l 4old. Wa i*a> full value f>r old gold and pav i > or a * •qit In payment for new g***is Sternln a. (’•* 01. The litre# . ,r loads of fire-proof safes now en rout© for Lippman Bros., who! - ul© druggists, Lippman’s Block. ar ex ‘r•- if l to arrive to-day or to-morrow. They ar#* agents for the Barnes Fire n I I Burglar-Proof Saf#. and which no better j -af© Is In existence LipTunan Hr > are the only concern in he >tat#’ thit ©iirrie* a stock of all sixes from mail u> large fire-proof safes, and w* invite your a;tention to this magntfl- J cent stock. They u make a apeclalty of sllver \n nt h*^'“b f>r private dw Tings. When in. want of a fire-proof safe, be sure to call r,n L p:m in Bros —ad. ! #*x er ( mi It#* t lire#!. in one day with one bottle of Bryan’- i fever cure Price 30 cents All druggist j return the rru ney if it falls t> cur* -ad. M#tiiltu \ 4 '*. >V liiiluxx m. Extend Irr* - *u #trop in ard look over th man> bfautlful j things within. —al. Siml White > m Work. Through <>ue of the Ten free -©holarahtp* in The Iniernallonal * 'on #-sp.-*n<lei c Schools of S ranton. !*u.. which the Mo n ing News will pr©s#*r.t to you If you sa**ure one of tb© ten Urge*! number# of v by Nov. 20. WOO. >ou can keep on earning a living a* > our P r ' >ent work, and at the same time. ’> e:udy at home in tim usuady devoted !*• r*-creaiion or r*wt, fij for a profess#orul poaiuon at a ! gmxi salary. You n ©asllv become one of the win ners of tr.i nt* i. by devoting your t tituion to c*>ll* tiru Voting Cos ip# ns aid keeping at H No on#- ha.-* a b.- ter * ngn# than you. Get ©very vote you can. and have ah your Bin is save their* fur you th* wli i v di.-pia> of text books ind drawing outfits to b* given away by j he M( nunc News sn Us educational con ; #sl. #it Chas Marks' shoe store, 17 ; Broughton s?re#*t. w#*st. s i—■ "It t iir*l He." "fJr*y>M>ar'l l>mkc up rh-umatlum on mi," fay? Mr ' has Ttiomn*. the Ji-,. , ier on Whitaker ‘tri-ot. "Anil nut rii> In tvrter h- i th than 1 have enjoyed in a I .tur lin>. " Take 4ir.yl.earl I’llln for that dluv feeling- ! appetite, and follow It up lth a h ttl. if ti'n> lM>an| It |, ,11 you n* ed It* - i-e. I’mik Cos.. *o!e props., Sa vannah, Ga - ai "Oravlieard I i family m-dlclne with ur." ’•*•’ > l lomlnent t uilneaa m.u, yM . ■.rdai ' M wit. takea It. and 1 notice h is enJ. Jin. •"■'ter hca'th than for '■ir... itildren keep well by taking Oraybeanl may b„ brained at all dru B - ore* nr r te to ua for ,t. Reape,, Dru* , ole pr-. p Savannah, <>a —ad. 'chool Nnppliea. •1u.4 Mrelvad a It.we and a.aortad , up . <ly of arhool bar# and aehool auppllaa. ill t cut rate, from 10 ctnu up. alao. .•ua! 1 4-ve e-oi k of all ihe aehool book*. “Y 1 ‘ 'inty, at Ratllla ' * aU # u ##‘* Ktuiub. IFSfI CERTAINTY THAT Smith’s Chill Tnnir A TRADE MARK WILL CURE Dengue, Typhoid. Intermittent. Malaria. OAnil All Forms of Fevers. ALL. DR!’(JOISTS SELL IT ON A OUARANTKE —Manufartured by— COLUMBIA DRUG CO., SAVANNAH, OA tHii inn Mil'S . BROUGHTON STREET: %tt WIST LEGAL NOTIiES "^TrErdtTrrx^^pTrYrTLop^^T^ Noth i- hereby giv* n (hat I h tv* t application to the ('ourt of Ordinary f * Chatham county, for leave to aell ar; divided one-third lntere*t In the gou* • one-half of lot number twenty-eight, ON* U war*|. formerly known h* lY*n*l*-r: ville ir the city *>f Savannah, wbh prove men tw thereon, belong Ing to ee- .•*’ of Annie and Julia Collin*, minor*, for • purpose ot providing nmtntenan •** support for wid minor*. an*l that a;! ' der will !*• grant**! it I>ecemler i IKB. of said cour - . unl*** objection* <r* llled thereto. JOHN T. COLLINS Ouard tf "TsEORUIaT CHATHAM C< U.\ Notice I* hereby given that I has. r application to the Court f ordlnar Chatham county, for leave to *cll an divided one-aeventh interest in the . • ern half of lot number twenty-*- O'Neill ward, formerly known a- Ih gaatvUle. In the city of Savannah improvement* thereivn. b lo glr.g to •** of Margaret Collin*, dec*■**•!, for payment of debt* and *il*trlbution. that raid order will be gr in'ed at D* r her term. of a *1 court, unices Jection* are hied thereto. JOHN T COLLINS ~~ Admlnwtriror. OROIA. CHATHAM Whereas. T. M Cunningham, has : I * Cwtn **f OfditMirr for Itttiri -ory a* a*l mini* t rat or on tli* * ’ of Mary S. lairtmr. ib-ceneed. Th* therefore, to dli* ami altnonl*h *ll x\ m it mas- concern to le- and ap**ar r* -aid court ft* make objc turn (If an have! on or before th* II?wt M*>:'ia> iti Febrtmry, n- xt. orherwiae * *1 i> • •’ le grant*l. Wltne**. the Hon llamptd L. Ferrill, Ordinary for Chatham r ' . thirl th 4 3l*t *lay of October I>* FRANK K. KEiLHAOH Clerk Ct. Onl y . c Cos OKOHGIA. CHATHAM COUNTV- Whert-a*. Philip M. Huaaell. Jr., h plied to C**urt cf Ordinary fw letter- t ml**ory n* guardian of the property nf Nellie S H.irUv, formerly * min**: The** nr . therefore, io cl:** and *!- monish oil wh* ni it may concern '*> an*l appear be for** */ti*l court t* m *k- *>h Jection on or b fr* the fir-t M-n • December next, otherwise said |* tt*: " lie gran*ed. W tness. the Honorable Hampton Ferrill, Ordinary' for Chatham C this the 7ih !.>' of N>v**mbcr. IK>‘ FRANK E. KEILB AH Clerk Ct OrtVy. C ' M CHICHCITIR f CNOtliM m m Pennyroyal pills ■ —v. OrliUal i.*t (Nlr G** l,f F'.S K * , •* >’> * ~Mr-. •• t >( u, riiiciit.Ti:K"> kx.i.l'H k . i ...1 wuiii-. i-■ ' ■>, I r*ll Lr *• •tbrr *s, W : Dutfrr->• -**Hull*• • •■*! ** 1 / fr tl.n. H*if f y**f !*.**•* •* * 1 *• I’Rrll ularv n set •• Relief fbr L*Mw*"•* • L p la m Wall. !.• f••!*■*• * ' 1 gi Dri,u<*t (1 klmkf Lt* Meettee thta i er-r %teiUaa <—*•■ I*lll l *■ ' bj L. S. Braelc ** *• * britftMl. **• *> -*• raimMSßih These tiny Capsule* are SJP' "i* to Balsam of Copaiba, Cubebs o ,'!niectionsand(ll!>l I IU CURE IN 48 HOURS (CWJ t • tame di:. inconvenience. JOHN G. BUTLER. -DEALERS IN— Pninli*. Oita and Gla.n, Bo*h. • Blind* and Huilderi' Huik l " P! n n De*.*ratlve Wall Paper. Fr* ln a 1 niesti*- Cements, Lime PlwU: 1 Sole Agent for A beg tine Cold Wat* irt X* Congress *ir*e w*** and If St J vtreet, west. STOPPED THE COUGH. Prather'* Tar and Cherry Coufb Cure 25c. DONNELLY DRUG CO. tMUKUR.M'I. r .ii l -f HATL'RDAY MATINKK 2!’ M V ' S ' KVENINO S.). NOV. 17, MR. HOWARD GOULD —in— “ Rupert of Heiitzau,’ ••itual to - 'Tha orlaonar ot Zend* *• Danlal production <pratn ) ' rn.anta) ccmplat* In * m<*nlflc>nt entirety. Praia on rale Thuraday. PRlCER—Matinee. *1 A). 7V. WC, -*I Night. fI.MI, Jl.uo, 7V. Me, ZM.