The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 17, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 gljr iHorning iXrtno. IHrrtinK Srmm |tuilltiK **>v rati non. ><m hiikh 17. iwri. Rayrttered at the I ro?* i t*dV4ni.ih Till. noKMN<> r*i H*h#l every da> in in* }* • '*'* Mr * •'* t J •übeerlbert in he *r or neir. b> na.l* nt 70 refits a iTi-4 ih J 4 •■O for ix iiviijih.*, *d |S O for c*r e > fir. ini hhhmm* *kh. by null, ni *nrw 4 w • * without liMßlay Itif-f* rr ‘nth- J * - DMllhl, H 00; OH® ym • i* • Tin; uri Kii %ru two touff • rr *, •Mv. ltv 4U.a ihu sday) by nub, otir >*r S f d. Subacrtpttonc payable in Rdvinfe H'- m t by monfy order. ch* k or resist * red letter Currency tent by rnali at eI-k of tender. i Transient advertisements. other tun rpei tal column, local or reading notice* amuermani* and cheap or .ii 1 1J,,1t • 10 cent* a line. Fourteen line of ttaie type—equal to one inch in depth— * h‘ itandard *4 measurement Contra* ‘ r* *e and discounts made known o *j p.l ’lon mi buaine-4 office. Order* for delivery of me Mem ns New* to either residen- * >* r 11-* •* business can be Wade y mall or v phone No .■’*** Any ’■►iilarily in deliv ery should i-e immc-l *••;% repn'ted Letters and telegram* should be ad dressed UOHIM> M.U* Sw ar.nah Ga E4aTK.fl \ Offll'K. 73 f*rk ft w Now Yoik city *. C Faulkner. Manager INDLX 10 m AUNLKIISEMESTS. i ■pwlal Molk*'- Fain!* an<l H*i* I’jlriln*. Savannah Hulldln* rtui p y Company. M I'ot.ilo*#, J F Shuptrlnn Srotamai.. Dm-ltp. n< Turk<-y* JamK J Joyce. In My N*w Mom*- M S Onri- I ner as.- M< ala. Han FrWIK R*p*taurn; What W<* Hava for To-rty. Drayton rary tCtnranv; Ship Notion. Joan M fr>- tnvn ACo Stain and County T**n. 1 0 John Funk. Hutchnr Ship Notice. \Y V. U'iliuni Aannt. Cor.*lgn-n Huin. r. Notl.-aa Coffnna Hanry Solomon A Son; Thr Holidays Ana Apptoartuna lluntnr A Van K.timn. H. llama Just In The 8 W Branch Com pany Orapn-Nuts— Poatum >rral Cintpar.v. Ijq.por Ucewta-W. I*. Bailey. Clerk ot t louir; 1 Skirmlshln* for Clothe*—The Mntrcpol tati Clothing Company Deqtai Notices-Noiion to Debtors and Creditor*. Ulto John Murken. Thlnir* to Wear—The llee Hive. Mineral Water—Hunyadl A Oreat Cnmnwe-Stmt prot*r.on- Dmpolit Adler BiKlwetsnr Baer— Anhautwr-Bunrh Brew ing Aaateiatlon Chnroota—OM Virginia Cheroot* Whiskey Yellow latmi W ntakev; Duf fy* Pure Malt Whiskey. Medical— Dr. WllllamV Pink Pill*; Tutf* Pill*. Ayer - * Fill*: Dydt* Ptnk ham* Vegetable Pill*; Hood * Sur*.parll -I*. Warner'* Safe Cure; P.ilnr Ce.e y Compound. Btiiart'a Qy*pepla Tablet*! Stuart * Caiarrh Tablet*. Cheap Column Advertisement -—-He p Wanted; Employment Wanted. For Rent; For Sale. Dost. Personal; Mtactllaneoua. The at rather. The indication* for Heorglu to-day are tor generally fair weather, wtih light to fresh northeasterly wind* ami for East ern FlorWta. partly cioudy weather, with frevh northeweterly wlntl*. Some of the Republican |tap-r* *r* •■pointing wth pride" to the fart that th" govarrmeni money 1* row coming in faster than evwr before Btrt they regie t to Male that It I* also out the same way. Son*- oppoeltloti ha* sprung up to the candidacy of tiov. Tarner of I lino 1 r vrated State* senator, because h< ila poker. Why. that t* about the rttat qutl lflcatlon for Washington df* that haa ever been alleged lit hi* behalf. It Is ta-lmaled In lejndon that by the time the South Afrlron* ha* been wound up It will he found that It coat 1:0.00* to conquer rach Ro-r. Anti the Briuati laapayer* may be expected to ask themaelvee: "Wat M worth the .-oat?" thf of Kwi'ifky continue to cry -lrud." Nut <>elr b-edT* • r '‘ *'' l ting sack into ebetr oM federal K>b • quirk.y • <k**y ran. If 'hey had Rood>* for thetr chargee. there l rra •w to think they would tight. That they have given up the Idea of a contral lor th* tartraariMp and or* *r*kin the fertera, feeing trough la pretty K oort - Vl " dene* that they know they were beaten IB th* eta-:lon bevor< hope The eapioMoo acd fire in the T-trrant hulldtm: 11 K*w York, eonatltwte.l one of il># grwtfW difaiMfru <M recent year*. MtTwrhri-ii tt li doubtful If the re •fonalblltty for th* catastrophe will ever te flx*d The fire inure aat • blocked In hie Invaatigatlon because tie chief .re ,d***l The him K>ritle* ran* not prove their suspicion* that h crime was committed T.iey have ldemined only where the fire Mirtrd, ami hive no hop* Of more evidence. A Paris dispatch nay* toot the pinna of that French field aim which an American army officer l* alleged to have secured la probably the *mr- gun of me secret sis revealed In the famous Drey fus c*s- That belli*; true, the cable >ay* that Prunes la now no longer making a sorrel of the fun, hut ie permuting .t so he inspected by foreign officers both in Porta and In China, wnere It Is iwinK employed In field operations The color quwwfon la coneidentbly agi tating |he New York Htale Federation of Womens Clubs, now in session at Al bany. A necro woman of the nam* of Jeffrey, a deN-gate from Rochester, has demand**! all the rtirhts of the floor for herself and her race, and insists that she will stand by her demand Mrs. William Tod Heknuth. the president of the con vention. had persistently refused to rec ount** the color'd sister, but the colored sister deckned to rest In obscurity. Home Of the white delegate* have taken Up !h black woman’s cause, and th-re promises to be a lively fight. The outcome, how ever, wtr. probably be that the negro will be excluded. Northern women* like Nortbatn men. are never fond of negroes unless they are some hundreds **i Bides w !g\OB \M 1 OH UII %T f In on t rv* Maori Tel graph . I'Ufiniitiit that thr South ar? Ir fl pt ud* ntly la thr next frr*;dvntial < - t!‘.>n aml hold hff UJ fln;iorl vofra for iha purpeno* of m;ik nr au>>h term* i~ would be for h*r lnt**r*#tj- the NVw Y :k t*un. cpeaklnf of Mr l<r>-an t'luluuhtrdly h** Qi> m nr i r**l ■ ontin’c 1 COfUTOI bffß In* ••**'*. and compleu podt.ral ***rvi!.ti In hr rtut* - of thr o. i r ihjtifi < v*nf* i** r v He fOild bamk w; h i • . > | n tiwlr RO’I-I up f* i.f M-t. ivmo • l*o rty, whatever might 1 it* policy ds Iradt rrhip A orii: i?i* : t- ,f ** <*••*- \. f* Hr* .in -• • • ’ * • 1 * evmpaigr.n*' M 't* i♦ 1 ' * }*ini** th<*r i | . Uir It- I- tor®l vdi*** vk-ii ' i'T hr* mlkht far 1 1. or b.iv* un.-ihl and uidor.i. Ti t i uht♦*!:>. a humUhtfinff |n>>3tif>n t.. wh h tu r** * • *tt- fr..ud popb ).„• rht had *■*-, th* r**proM h on th* m~ i ■ * I>r v ; MI*W trot t hart* WOMI t )h r.• r lit* - .’ mi tit .-'-Hi*?! w"l h w and l - r' :m any f !:• - 11 kr. w th VMjorlty of th- r*H* >• • f the rtotiihrrn twt**• wrr*' dt**rmlri-l t k* **p polttt* aliy w ild In lo tf * North. *••• if th* > r* rnatr.* I Mid irat* from th* Vwitui’., *nd th** troo*;* r iho Northern r*r i llation of him ,nd ula T*a-trine* the* surer w* h*i of Hout h m auppori. It i #*vt.Jent from th* foregoing. *nd from other th*ni#t relwiv* to the* South yi rf! 1 n haw* app* arrd i* **n. in H<n that that •fr~a n<*t tn* .111.#* <m m th*‘ South, or. ur.drMani!ng it purpooely mlaaiat*i ' There m nothing funner from tha truth than that tJ j ' Eolith Is noi Id because he deyires to lx - . (olHlrally. In opposition to th*‘ North. Bh** 1 itollti aJlv *u,lil Iwmi'* of the evil with w rs)f*h eh** woukl b* ftt; del If th' Hapubllran party ahotM g**t th** uprv r hand n muni<l>al. .our.ty and af fair e That party in tho Hmithern atat i*. rooipeed airnoat wnolly of n#*gro**> t * great majority f whom are *o ignorant Hint they ught not to have the right to \fi.. Whu negro rui* moan a the Sun .it* find out bv readlmr the hlatory of - arprf-ugi*m in the BiuMb. The Republican airt> la to blame for the Hourth lelng olld poMtleally If it had not put ihe ballot nto the land* of t r*e i.egro l>efore he wap ready for It. t’.e South, doubt lee-, would now tie dlvl led potlUrally Hit the R*-publtran par*y. anxtoue for power an I Indifferent to the ! miarvaiß of the Hk*ulh. xeright to hold tho I South by making the n*-#fro .* |x' heme did not eurre*ti. and now t.w? i . hlef oriran ot that party <ofn;*ialna that i tho Houih ia oolidly I>en>ot'ratio. iof romp a rung It ought to expreee n gret | tnat it* parts purpea* ly ‘ltd the flk>uth a I great wrong It ertainiy >ught not to ,i tack th* .South for trying to protect hareelf egalnit evtla for which it party ; m re*>|K)n*bie T!te Sun >e,-m U> think II I* all rlrht for thf negro*'* to Im* solidly Rtpubllran Why dex* It tu nk it right f r the negro* a to !- politbaliy sulii an! wrong for th? Veldt*-** tu br w>? The Sun t*ay* Mr Bryan did not \ udl the South durtti*' the empalgn bn '•an*** he “rouhl a- uni** * *tiiplut** j>o IM j cal u*rvlllty in the ►tat*-* of th<* old *ec - , >iun ConftHlfra* y." With Juet no good I rmson It might lx* *k*d why Gov. Iloo*-?- lv**lt <nl not vblt the N* W Knglar.d atat* > duritig th** campaign v ii* erta n that overy one of th* m wmil.l j give th*' llepubli* an th ket •• majority? If he had felt that any one of them was in doubt th<* probability la that he would have vtailed It. The It* i* jhii-an * mj*i*fn commute* paid no more attention to the New ling* land etatee than the Democratic . mnuangri* commutes paid to the elate* of tho old Confederacy, and the r a*on In rach <*ae*- 1 was the ini me. The Sun would have it ap pear tnat the dough voted *olidly for M. ir>ftn wimpy because *ne w.nt**l to b* .-olUlly in op|M*ition to the North If th** Sun really thlike It In Ignorant >f itm actual situation. nn*l if it do*-* not think that, it unworthy of reaped. An a matter * f fact t;r* -a pretty big vote i*w*t for Mr M* Klnley in each of the fiouthc*rn atatee, ami among the McKinley voter* were many who .ir* prominent in their redact Ive communi ties. That fact alone la sufficient t< prove that the Sun'* that the South l politically old elmply be auee of a desire to I** in opposition to the North, i* not true. Mil. i HOKI.IK** OBPARTTftK. The <l* pariure f Mr Crokcr of New York for Kurop* by an ex trarntdmat\ * one He called the leaders of Tammany around him and told them that he had been Informed that there was o much vice In New York that the de rent portion of the population was cn*n- j plaining of It Therefore he wanted It 1 Understood that Tammany would do all tt could to remove the evils of which there was complaint He did more than th** Mle practically n.v ord# rs to Tammany official* to put a check on vk* wherever it was found 1 1 was very of Mr Crocker to rive enters of that k nd. but those cttlgens of New York who have pride in their city must feel humllbiud that n man who Is no! In any way . oiwiected officially with the mun c.pal government rive* or lers re (•ltei'i nf the city’s affair* Just as If he w* r* in supreme onrrtrol of It. And as a er of fa* t he is in control |of it He g lves the orders the Mayor ! enirht to give The Mayor, however. Is )no more than h * ch’.cf clerk If hr were j the sort of a man he ought to be he i would resent any such spireh ns Mr. j broker delivered Th* s|ms*c!i was of S course tslrfraphnl lo and when I he arrives m that ci y he will l** looked i upon tk* the r a! ruler of th*' sc oral great* •~t city In the world. In fact, no chief magistrate of .any other city ha* any such . power a* Mr. Croker exercises )|e ran* ; not |v< pot out of office. !>e.-*u*e he holds none ll*’ is a sort of permanent ruler livery department look*- up to him and obeys b * order*. Th chief of police and ih** chief of the nr** deportment do not look to the Mayor for order* They Link to Mr Croker. And it *eem> to be beyond *he power of the people of New York to deftosr Mr. OrtkfT. He is ther master. He his grown rich looking after their affnlrs without a salary. An auto c itafalq ie caused a stamped* in a Now Jersey church the other day. When ft* assembled mourners saw th** thing moving up the atl* wlthoitt vis be means of motive |-w**r. bearing the coffin, they thought Old Nick was In it. nd run germing it* front the lw Me c. The undertaker had failed to notify the people that the catafU<4uu aos moved by on eteotric motor. the MORNING NEWS: SATE It DAY.’ NOVEMBER 17. 190 ft mi: >l \\ IIHITIPH IAM> It * rna lit lereruielitig that the Brlfix i tvernmeilt wtl. ek for another .<.411. ilif war lu Afrba ha* 1 been i very >t>vi one It i r’tlgwttd • net will be fully f*otß•*. and jt may t*e ‘•on.tiderabiy more if the Boer* are ** * tu >oal out for two vr thr <* riMintna longer. In the meantime the Prltleh government muM havi money. It wmb at thfx re* about tlvK*Art(W I/>iMk>n ftnanciere and il • iliate ar** IhMMUig tnat no prt ..f il anal. <** ofTereti in the l usted t+’m tex They pre , .#'iil to he tsbie to fake tv w hole of It. Hut * v nii * r-.r offer o goet term mi in * i n*-l in t?i• • Htate* If a batter offer m male for It In thl* iiiiiiry • in Lax.iot* t alii i . opted tO • I • i tola cmintry at a very low raie of in tereor Indeed, t er i* rm>re money in thi than in ary other country n the world. The r* a— m is plain. Our eapor. •> are row e\ <#ri:i)s' our inp>rfs abour I****’ .• air . A chat r*• w will n<>' t.ike vf r > on.- to a ufe * money at ring ency in Europe. It I* not *, *■r* **r #ily known vet. though the fa t has been published many times, thjf the .xporta of Amer:-an manuf.% - I lured good* are ir.< r*aMrg w*th nmualn* raptdtty. It 1" admitted by EXiropeon ex - f*rt thnt our m nhtiury of pretty rear lv tl kinds It aruperior to th t of L*urop** In*|e,.i w are rapidly nurpassing alt other i atiem in our man uft cum * Tha' be .r.g the .w*e. it is only a question of a i very few years when the greater part of U • wvi.h of the world will be 111 th nun try. Assuming thnt this view la a orre t one a British loan would not ie -uch a denlrahit! Inveatmett*. A? this very time tn* credit of tne l mtei s? it*s is , letter than that of Great Britain. The r-ason of this Is the *ecurl*y 1 beuer The English >k not of eo’irae like the '.l*a tnat our manufa 11*red pro.iucta are h. :og -old In fhtHr markets m eomperfon with the output of ‘heir fl'iorlss. And thev l* c't ilk* ro ha\#‘ 4 known that the> are borrowers from us. Buc.h knowieilg. ter da to lr.iw trade from them aid to reate the Imprewelou t NVw York and n.t lawulon is the r**s. money center >f ' the nommercial world New York max not be the money ‘-enter now. hut It is fast becoming so. rwr not Tir* im*na:ev>:\t%tso"i. Then' 1* r.o pro iblllty tha* th* repre situation of Ifje South In Onngrr*" w l 1 be reduced on account of tho light vote ehe ng in th* preeld*ntlal eto*tl*)n. Some of the ilghtWYighf h*oer of tHe Kepubitren party *ugge*te<| thit the h;i<ta of reproeent.itlon ought to h - the xot * ca*t at the pro-*iilenttal elect:on. Their purpo*.. of copirse. wm to "trike a how at the South. There wan ■ very light \ot < ml In th* South for reaon* which a o well understood, and If the projoe l r J r x Nhould be Ailip**'<l. .sh* w<>u.l lo?e a ni m her of **ongren*nien. It eerme. however, that the plan of the light weight* doe** not meet with favor frtrni the men who really control the He puUli* an party. It la mil.l that i e lT*-*- idont and hie Immediate adyta** re nte against *n y Mich plan. Jle d. o* not *■*■* t|.t the ItetMibilcan party would derive tiny benefit from It and. brelde*. h*> due* not thiitk the plan wt>u.<) bo Juwt to *h • South—at leant, that 1* what the Wash ington llf>ptttch'> wry. N*u doubt t e t-nj.ill fmlttirlann of the Re;>t)blican pa t y hoped to make themielve* coftaplctloue by advocating the idan. Wh* n they cant o* get notlc*d In ny other way they at - tack the South. Thev hop o get ,- 1 t tie cheap notoriety in that way. A* i metier of fact, the real Dad r< of the Republican party *lo not wan to make th* ra e igeu** any more p *m n nt th.*n it In. They are hegb iung t> un derstood that there la Ju*l a much r.c: prejudice la the North a th r,- I.** in tue South, and that attack' on th* sou h only a**rve to make thia far mor* cle.r ly under.nt.>o*l. Kven now b;a k ni n a u not api>olnte*l to offlv** of tnu>o< the North. The reanon it iha’ the North ern people would not aubml to -u h a,-- polntnw nla. And xet the blacks have . very good • la Im to offl** s In tne N* rt i under liepubiican admlnUtration*' Trey caot many thousands of vot*a In Ohio, NVw York an 1 *otne of the other North- I ern ►tales. But. a Mr. B.yan p Int h! out lurlng the campaign, th** only cf flcea they g* t ar* Janitorshipr . No the South’e representation In Ton* grew* will not be cut down. It Is r;0 bual neee of the Republican party wteth r she i ca t h**r full vote in the pre.ld* ntl it lec ! tlon or not Her p*opV have a ilxh: to refrain from voting If they want to. The recent cable report that two snake* hd been found in Ireland has aroused tin* wrath of Irishmen in Chica go. They declare that no snake could possibly exist in Ireland, and that If two were found ther. they were carried there by Englishmen for the purpose of cad ng rrprou h upon the country. It is pro ifos-d th.ii a monster mas* meeting shall U held n Chicago for th purpoa* of de nouncing tlw nak story Hid the lin* giishnicn who. >f n must have originated It On* thing that ie lacking .n the report, by th* way. is a statement of h* rendition of th* person* who found th* illeged anakes. Even In Ireland it Is tangible to "see snakes" sometime*, whether any or* actually pre*-nt or not It would be interesting to know whether It was high or low tide in the Jug when the rep’ lea were dl* *overed. It is extremely difficult to goes* S*hit i |>*-tlt Jury win W> in a a-* of termin ii damage*. In n re nt inst.m* * i New York Jury awarded liimivr* of six rants in n a** where the pla.nCfT nad had both I legs cut off by a c.r in another • * i tuv or two later In th* *amo city, where th* plaint iff hod 10-t on* leg by •i car. th* verdict n h |l;v<w <>n t/ie *ame day a Penney l% an , i Jury gave i romp alfiant s3*s£4l damages i>et\fg# he nad been pushed off u * ir nd *uataln* l Joit* iin Inara It Is only about a year old. The other day It w* shown a picture of ; a bulking ami a black amt-tan. Placing its finger on th* bull the child *nt>! •’bow-wow" In th* deepest guitural tone.* tha* It cmshl command. and then tr ins* | ferring the finger to the other Jog w re located the ••bow wow” in an Infantile tenor Bti'h discrimination of character*- tics at so tender an ng> marks the child l to hr a great pckikuui in the years of | sts maturity. Anew dis .p.r ot com* 1 living has ans- Ao n New York She is . Mrs Ftied ; <1 r, who fwis redis-e*! her figure from :: ul*ncy to more aesthetic proportion* ! a* ng only hay and out*, of sagpethlng .** l: )m h**r theory that meats .*.l be hewed a. i only raw fuoda *m< ( > king, she *a►, takes the lift* out of f“*| mvkJ makes it inrtt for human mMttnpti n Any food that Is repugnant .1. 1 tafural state 1- polsaiioua and mu id lot la* partaken • Hhe points to ■ e h, i:h a l at rang t n .f horses, whb’h cst i.iy uncooked fc*<sl *- **n t.lust ration ot m* correctness of her theory Furtner m<r* * • •b' ItttES, tha matter <•( economy .* 4 | re* C'Rtmend the u.** >f un> >oked 1* si* ha- h rself liv 1 and proape rad ujen food costing only f* 4 pe*r vr* ♦k. The adoption fun ooked food sh“ , (niu-H would prove th*- • dit ton c*f the servant problem. Without no king, there w i.d of course t* no need for 4fd ir*iig‘-' on wou.d fly away a- a sum mer *loud 1 'for** the .-un Asa logical M<iuel to her theory, Mr- Frlrdland* r w i probably prc.--ntly t* advocating rdurn to bare f**et ai.d fig I* ave>. A bticop' eons’ab'-e in a Pennsylvania town th* t ier -lay rapture*! practically !cd*h ind* and a smart ro :s r from ois- of IN- big dtps. The felb*w. It is behaved ,and l*eld up r.o less than four victims In i, night. When tb >n-able nabbed liim. however, he began quoting law-; and in Jive minutes he had not only convince i Ihe minion of the law • iat the arrest w* i lefral and outrage *us bu* had secure.! an apology for the temporary detention A rheatnral manager Is to have offered Mr. Brjah • r *> h. year 10 act •* the adv .ui e agent of certain attract Dons which he prosw**4 to put upon the road. A lot of fly-up-the-ereek enter prto-r max be axpadted to gam ephemeral notoriety by offering Mr Bryan employ ment a? salaries. Meanwhile the gen tleman will continue ou tho even and dig tufted tenor of his way. l'EHxo> IL. —The Gram) Duke of Hesse is an artist nd hk art Is rather peculiar one for <t nvr. He does the m<4* 1 beautiful ent* -rol lery and Is moe’ skillful In his tr rangenieni of colors. ll*- i* so very fond of music, dancing and acting, an 1 though he both bunts and shoots he cures fr lee?* for active oua*k*oc pursuits than those which -ire more or kr** artistic. —King Alfonso tan no longer be colled the “*Ktle King, ae he has grown very much of late ami has become robus: and ;ab for his age. He hi* lo*t his former deil o** appeorwnce and is no longer .1 timid child He U fuli of fun und life •nd lias developed a very sarong will of nia own During tho weeks he spend* wKh hw mother on*l sisters at fit Sebas tian he has a course of sc.* iwiths. whirl* ire aiivßy* of great benefit t* him He j. 4 * good swimmer and his healthy tlte t.i hlgn spirits show how entirely he has got over tne weaktu ss ot his In fancy. Th* King le.els a very regular ilf* He ris*H at 7.15 and Rake* exactly one hour ttnl .* parter to dress ami have ; his breakfast A: R M lessons lieg.n. which last until Ift, when there 1* a pause. From 11 o’clock until 12 lessons are con tlnued when HW* Majesty has m slight iuneneon anl relax at lot* until the midday meal. From 2 to 4 o', lock Is devoted to military dn.l and lyronsMlcs, nd from l to *> tixv King studies, T* to 7 state husl *.*•"** is Iniisi. rei with the Queen Itenem nd the minlsterti. at 7 o'clock he has dinner and at 9 the King goes 10 bed During the holidays there ar** still a f w |. *w*ts <lrrie, hut the greater part of tne time is rt>ent In the open o’.r. Illlts. Il l BITS. —Natural rous***pence Is my dinner never coming?** roared me K.r.gof Mbpw ■ij "Your pulaean: ilghnenn will remem ber, " murmured the ..av* with hltt face In the du>t, ht you ordered one of ih>w merperger boys Inll.inai>oli* Frew#. Mr". rannaford~"Yee, it Is a rctilly hix.M •'•* school Thirty |e learning Lum and <*r****k. Babylonian art. an.l prs'hla tori** gr i l sunis Mre. Ph k—"But do u think they wdl oe us* fui,’’ ’T’#s*ful* Think h*v**n. we hnvun’t come down ro that yet.“—Life. —And Do It Flrlt. —Askit—“What is your of the Golden Rule? Does It mean. ‘Do unto other* ns you would like’ to be done by?’ ” Itlxness- **No; my Interpreffntlon Is: “Do unto others as you w**nld be likely’ to toe ion* by. Phi.- adelphia Press. —UaI Scores.—“ That Mies Oldham np* pears :o live completely in the past, fiu -h * quaint body! lb ally she seems to hove b***sti out of the eighteenth <**i* tury and et Into this on** wfthoiM •XHisent Ye*. I noticed It th* other lax dhe tij-ked m* If I though T.* Man Witu tu** Hoe* would last a.-* a perm n*-nt a*l*'n to our Uterature.“—Chi ago Times-Herakf i I HHKM i OH MI.NT. The Nw Ytwk Evcninf find ) sava: “Our Washington m.ikrp th* pofltlVA statement. u|on au thority which Justifies a confident pis-l c tkn. that the Itepobiicar s t|] n t c ry out the much-mooted ehma of cut'in; down Southern repicremation In Con gi e j?t, atil by con a* queue* in h* ec toral cobt-ge also, when th apo tlon ntent of ha el upon tin* new oen>us alia.l l*e made This t* go*l m w There never m* any reason t< believe t!m' a k.islbic and J a? met and of reducing representation cou.d h d* - vised and executed. To refuse Sm!th em state it* full numter of Mm n • imply because c* mpar.itlvslv ( w v t* am* a i for them would never <lo, while it would lmpooib ' 1 to .its a or how many io not vote beet us • they arc not allowed lo do so. and how mtnv h jusv they do not care to take any trouble In th* nutter.’* Ldsruseing the value of cotton :-eed. tha \>s York C mmercial says: M A comb ai thing connect** I with the find 1 the fa t that our cotton oil finds Its way *o om* imrtu of I!uio|k* aiel. in the coutsc f tlm* neai a- ra hack again and ful* l is a tir*t-r.*t*- irticle of o'lve oI \\ • .io iKii know that the South and sire* to he unite "O m m \* to monop‘lire ii ?h* good things within Its reach, bu 1* te-mi to us that there Is something out .f Jo nt pom< w here in there not being a lively olive oil Industry in the South.'* The Bprinsfl*|d (Mass.) Re* u d’Can fin.l i say- * Mark Twain lias com *l* k from several \ear* of Ilf** in K r a i capitals a“ much of a born Demo rn ,o *ver With what Mating contempt Id h**. in his Lotos Club speech refer ’•> tor daughters of the Koy • Crown •There's a specialised kind*of Insanity for you,* he exclaimed. Ills Ingrained Miftsl siPll river flat boat scorn of aristocracy i* one of the things about our gre*'e*t hum orist thot makes us love him " The Uoutsvtlle Courier-Jour na (De*n.) a.iys: “Now. if Rough R der Teddv w I cow-punch the bovine t’nlted Mate* s< m. ate a gieai many people who hove I een saving campaign things bun inag im. k them ail back." # Opportunity. Opportunity had been In hiding at the outskirts f the town for many days, •ays the Philadelphia Inquirer. ”1 mum enema*- rr<at can* in pawing ihit the towr; *akl b. “for every ae “ ••mi i>owr* asd of a desire to capture m* There cjutv' it last, a dark, gloomy disagreeable lay “This is my han<*e.“ said Opportunity, “for few p.*opUf will be abr‘Md thw day.** o. with tremUir.g cautious footsteps he started along tlx*- path which Fate hsl and < -reed he must travel. Ere long h*- spied the coming towarl him. His head w *s bowed ami he was mutt*Ti;R to himself “Such went her! The pleasant days haxe ft. and axd the * tormy season ts upon us and now I shnll n**ver find Opportunity for whom I have so long bean seeking He will rurelv n*vqr xnnture out in this lieaatly weather. Woe is m**’ Woe Is me!" And while Is- w* thus encaged in be moaning affairs Opportunity slipped by unseen A little farther doom the street Oppor tunity discovered the optimist also com- Uif to mct him. The Optinust’s head was i>ot bowed ‘*n the centrary. he was gaa .ng t h*- heavens 1 exultantly ex ■ lalmi ng "Ah. behind yon iark clouds the sun Is still shining S an*, non 1* will dry m sts •nd pen*”!:i*r* voinkr dark veil, and then —ah then opfurtunltx will c*>me out In to th* welcome sunlight ond I will find him " While he wus thus communing Opportunity rhi**d ] •**' unobserved and went on !*is way rejoj' lug. “Ah ha.** he laughed. "I am saved I did not much fear the per* mist, hut I *r e exported to g* * by the Optimist so easily Now I an br*athe freely agwin," and m> *• y*ng he turned n corner and r*n plumb Into rh*- arm- of the Alert man who had pbd him of ir off and w.i> laying for h m Tlie wulinltern anil the |,etler. f*ne day the subaltern received an 111 sjteHed and dirty-thumbed * mmun.rn tlon warning him tha* a burglary was to be attempted on hi* Inamorata's house says London M A l’ Tne writer went | on to state that Ip* attemp’ would !**• j made on such and such a right, and that , the marauders would cr*>* In a boat from the oppnepe shore Finally, the writer ex - plain*d this action on the ground that he wished f* r revet:ge on lil l4 faithless "|wls and that he fane e l Mr was ' sweet on Mbs “ Th* aubaliarvi swallowed the l alt. and with a mind inflamed with vision** of beauty In Itstresa and prodig ious feats of Strength, raaolved to tel. no on*-, hut to a t on his ow n Initiative. The fateful night arrived—wet nd gloomy n*i the subaltern lay cold and shivering In the bushaa by the bank At lant a light fltekere I from the opDoaltn Side Prevent!Y the muffled b*at of omrn was heard and a boat shot out of the gloom and ran on shorw Two dark tlgur*s leaped out and with a ytll the subaltern closed with them A desperate atruirgl* ensued. l>* the younger an.l more active of the rotda*rs leak him h blow on the head, and th* subaHem knew no more • 111 he *.ime to his ser:se* In the mag rate's dining room and found the father m-Uw >f Ills dreams regard’ng him with marked disfavor and a Mack eye Alas’ the r<4 b* rs r-xlsted only In the fertile brain of a practical Joker of the mesa, w'ho was aware that the great man was dmmg with some friends semap the water and would he rowed back by his coach man On. e (gain the course of true love • .‘id not run smooth, and the subaltern was forever forbl Men the magnate's house. Sweet lltetry. From the law Angeles Herald. leep In a dreamy, ancient wood Where once a mighty temple stood In grandeur mid the fertile lands. A ruin centurte** okl now stands. It** crumbled walls neath mosses green S> thickly burletJ scarce ’tie se'n. It* column* fallen to decay; Its grandeur long since |xwwd away. Amid this wreck, triumphant still OVr Time, which thus hath worked Its wiu I’por liTs temple, carved Hi stone. An ancient l*lil stands alone; Sits pensive on Its granite throne. With lichen* thickly overgrown. On either side *hc forest dank. W th tangled brake afid creepers rink* tiny seeking t‘> Intrude I pon the idol's solitude Above twines many l* ify limb To form for him Below C*cn at 11 1 grufUfc base. A p*v! fling** bjl-'k the Idol s fa*e. And from nr**en pads uikui it spread The stately lotus rears its head. There. In Its dreamy solitude. \ thousand years the g*sl hath stood A thousand years, each Summer through. The lotus' heart hath proven true; Hath hre thed the fragrance of Its love To please that stony face above. While **an is that Im u* In the grove That loyal flow* r wdl i*rove its love. Though va’n Its ffnr to >egulle. It aye w II strive t* win the >mtle, A fate true love hah often known— To weske Its sweegliejM on a s'one. —Arthur J Burdick. % Swarm of lllaek Eyes. Mr Carter. the American itrttfM. Is a very observant w nwn, says th HitUrt. [.hli FV)t One <lv during her went Umien engiuienwnt, tn rim: - tits* with fame actor* and actr**#er. .he ,-a.d. Your | (mi it ie-oile In Tndon mint be ver> nu.iTeliu me. t>nrih men and women of them seem to ilo a (treat ileal of fight ing among themael* •-* " ■ Oh. I ilon't know , replia-l the I nelleh n.on. Whwt— vou think *o?" "Well, In my ahurt w-.i k from the Htran I to t'hor t| Crone roa<t thla morn ing 1 met more ie "plb— l*->or p-opla from their drw**—wi h Mack eye* and eyoa hound til' than l *hould **-.■ In a month In N. w York The ivmioov mlled. and ene broke the new* gently to Mr* < arter that, with the t.ondon poor. the orhthalmle depannnnt rt the Charing IT * l|.u*ittal. which ,t .n.< be ween >h* fi rttnl at*. Charing fro* roal. I* very popular, ar.d that iv>r l* opie come there to *et free attention. Thar egplolned the n"mler of black eye* he had *en . .. I-.-.. ' .ii They Piled If (>n. “Th v do things t heir own way up In N v Krgoi.l." said the tramp on th i p.irk bench, as he gazed at a big toe jw*. ping through his s4i •*. a<*cf>r llig to the Washington Post * For Instance, up In New Ham| shire 1 w.s crossing a field * l#u 1 took after m- As he was about to pick me up on his horns I d-Mg • I and h** went full lUt nst tree and broke his neck Well, what was donsT* was ask***). “Why, they arrested m* for trespass. On top of that thc> srg* and me with In citing n bull to m.**- rttef Then I was h id for the sror'h of ihc bull, and b**fore they got through with tn* I was In Jail for eleven months Id have got another month if there hadn’t been illp When th lull broke his n- k the farmer's wlf* fainted away, anl they m**ant to tack on thirty days more t.- pay th** f.iuntr for her lest time-while unconscious.** If You arc Tired 7aM§ Hereford s Acid Phosphate It affords immediate relief In mental and pbyaital cxbau.ujn and insomnia. (icsuiM bean uw llunnn'i oa wrapper. Praised by a Preacher From Ih* Kro ltfadltffM. Grand Junction, Joua. No hixher pral can t given Pr. William' Pink Pill" foi Pale Peo ple than ikv many xuiuntarv tes timonials from ministers of the gOs riel which have from all pert a of the country and which have more than supported all Uie rial ms mad* for tula vxcedeut medicine The uioat recent lndoren*ent 1 that coming from Rfv* Enoch lllli. |*e*ior of the M. E Church of Uraud June tlon, lowa, who say : •• lam u firm iwllevsr In the fr cacy f Ir. Williams' Pink rills for Pale People, th" remedy hav ing been u***‘*f In my family with highly xratif mg resulu. For thr*e or lour y • **r* I was a sufferer from general a- bllltv I seemed in be lacking In ' ttallty. was tired out most of the time and sleep gtix'e me no r -*t or refreshment. I was troubled w ith headaohe much of the time and although I wet* not confined to mv l*ed. my Illness ln t apncHated me lor energetic work in my pastorate. *• A slster-Iu law living In Ne braska, who had suffered very much and who has used I>r. Wil liams* Pink Pills with good re sults, recommended them to ins and I lecldeti to try them. 1 bad tak* n but two or three doses of the pills when 2 found that thev were helping me and further u*eof the remedy brought such relief ♦ hat I am glad to offer this publio recommendation of I*r Williams’ rink Pills for Pale People In the Interest of sufferlnr humanity. Hrv. Knock lln.u At all druggists .r direct from T>-. Williams Medicine 1 ontpany, H* S. Y., bOc. j>er box; si ♦>oxes 9Z.70. 1151 Of HOPf RK HID C. 5 l R’f *ctiKiu L£ the rate atabun KaaM raf raf raf.’aa Fur Ile of Hope, Montgomery Thunder bolt. Cattle Park and W*?t End. Lully except Huruia> Subject to cnahrfe without notice. ISLE OF HOPE Lv. City for I. of H L\ lilr of Hope 6 am from T nth ti 00. am for Bolton 730 urn from Tenth ©<a am for T- nth # 3* am from Tenth 7 0U am for Tenth 91 um from Bolton *On ,mf or Tenth 10 30 um from Tenth 10 in ant for Tenth 12 •> n’n from T* nth 11 i.m for BoP on 1 15 pm from B* 1 on 11 3> am for Tenth 2 3o i*n from T*neh 2 Oh pm for Tenth 1 30 pm from Tenih 3 k> pm for l.* l on 4 3d pm from Tenth t h) . m for Tenth 5 JO pm from Tenth 4 i>o pm fur Tenth 6 pm from Tenth ( *i 00 pm fo* Tenth 7 JO jm from Tenth 7 (*• pm lor Truth H 3h pm from Tenth * o pm for Tenth 9 3h pm from Tenth 9 <4j pm tor Tenth 10 30 pro from Tenth |lo um i m for Tenth 11 4> pm f/r Tenth MONTOOMKHV Lv city for M >ng Ty.j Lv. Montgomery 8 3U am from 7 15 am f r Tenth 23" pm from Tenth 115 pm for Tenth <1 Jo pm from Tenth $ opm for Tenth CATTLE I’AKK Lv city for Cat. Lark Lv Cattle Park S .lu am from B lion 7uu am for Motion 7 ail am from Bolton Buu am for H< iron 1W) pm from Boltin 15* pm for Bolton / ;iu pm from Bo.ton 3 i/u prn for Belton 7Oh pm from Boßon 7J) pm for Bolton bou pm from Bolton s;* pm for Bolton THUNDERBOLT. Car leaves B**hoi. tre. junction 5 a. m. and every thirty minutes thereafter until 11 30p. m Car bale.-* Thumb rbolt nt fi • a. m a: • every thirty minut* s thereafter untl: 12:0ft midnight, for Bolton street Junc tion. , FREIGHT AND PAM EL CAR This car carries trailer for patv-engeru on all trips and leaves west side of city market for Is e uf Hop* . Taunderbol; •nd all Intermediate points at t*.oo .i m. 1 *■ p. m.. 500 p m Leave** Isle of Hope f*r Thunderbolt. City Market and all Intermediate p ints at ti 00 u n . 11 00 i tn . 2 D p m. WEST END < AH Car leave** w**st I*l* >f cl y market for West End ti • n m and • cry 4 * minutes thereafter fur nr the * 1.• y until 11:3ft p m Leaves We Fnd at ti ?i n m and e/- f’v si ttilmr* ereafter during the lay until 12:ft0 <• mldnlgl t H. LOFTON Gen Mgr uusiiinrioHitpHo Steamship Lines To Baltimore & Phitadalphia Tickets on Sale to All Points North aid W v st First-clis< tickets Include meals and berths Savannah to Baltimore and Phila delphia. Accomtnodatioi sand cuisine unequaled T he steamships of this company are ap pointed to sail fr<*m Savannah as follows (Central Standard Timet to Kti rniußn. STATE OF TEXAS t'ipt. Kdrldge. SATURDAY. Nov. IT. 3 p. m D H MILLER Capt Peters. TUES DAY. N’ov 2*> ?> p m Cap’ Btluips. THURSDAY Nov 72. ti p m DORCHESTER. Ca|W James. SATUR DAY. Nov. 21. 7 p m TO ITili. tDKLPIII %. ALLEGHANS t apt Faster. SATUR DAY. Nov 17. 3 | m BERKSHIRE Cp* Ryan. WEDNES DAY Nov 21 5 p. m ALLEGHANY. Cart Foster, MONDAY. Nov 2ti. 8 t. m. T.caet Oflict* No 112 Bull street. J J. CAR*'LAN Agent NEWCOMB OHEN. Trav Agt. Savannah, Ga. W. V TURNER. G. P A A. D STERN?NS \ T M J C VAH’TNi Y. T idle Manager General Offl e. fa t more. MJ Bone Meal For Chicken F*ed and Fertiliser. NITRATE OF SODA Invaluabl for ‘ ome-mK 1‘ fertiliser Th* oh. ai cm and m -*t • <*ir entrated oa t'.* mark*' Bend '-t j. ua > llAY.tiil \l\. i O\\ I 1.1.D, |t)t %>, |7p< . SEED OATS AND RYE T. J. DAVIS, •Phone 213. 11* Hay afreet, weat. J. D. WEED & CO utuiii. oa. Leather Belting, Steam Packing 4 Hosg Agent* for SKW YO KJ£ BlTß Ui.i.Tl.NO and PACKIXO COMPANY. Empty Hoflsheads. B " 1 "* Molaeoea Uo SS Arade fot •alt hr C. M. GILBERT & CO. m- - • v W \ 'T |L.\ - M Ai&r. f* i Mf _ WW / II r 1 I am a firm believer in Dr. Williams* Pink Pills for Pale People. ENOCH HITX, fktttnr M E Church,<irami Junrtian+la. Ocean Susainshln Go. -KOR- New York,Boston -AND THE EAST. I'n,uri>;is.." l . abln ac. ommodatlons A.l Ih.- i-omlorlf of a ni.oiern hotel. Electrta I'jth's I nrxc. linl tahlr. Tlrketa induda nie.ila and bertha aboard ehlv I’assemer hres irora savannm. TO NEW YORK—FIRST CABIN ID; FIRST CABIN ROUND TRIP DC IN TERMEDIATE CABIN. i&. INTERME DIA l'i; VHiN ROt ND TRIP. JA srEE'KAOE. JlO TO RosrON— FIRST CABIN. E. FIRST CABIN ROUND TRIP. ** IN TERMEDIATE CABIN. 117. INTERME DIATE CABIN ROUND TRIP. !-. steerage:, jii ts The . -1. amahlm of thia line ara ot-. o|r.fe,i to -iil from Savannah. Central (Vr; 1 n,r Tan :;'ne, n> follow* SO D\ 111 TO NF. IOHK CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, Capt. r-t, FRIDAY. Nov 18. I. it p, m. NA < id. HEE Capt. Smith, SATURDAY, Km 17, I ID p m KANSAS CITY. c a pt. Flatter. TIES. DAY. Not Dp 3 Sr* p m. TADI.AHASBEK. Capt. A-ktn*. THURS. DAY. Nov. 4 70 p. m CITY OF \UGUSTA. '"apt. n.i;*4, SATURDAY. Nov ,'t. p. m NACOOCHEE Capt. Smith. TUESDAY, N'..v, T. S:>> p an. CITY OF HI KM INO HAM. Capt. Per*. THURSDAY Nov. *>. !:*• m ■. DAY Nov. 29. 10 <lO n m. TVEEAHASSEV: Capt. Aeklns. SATI'R DA Y. Per. 1. 12 >W m CITY OE AUGUSTA. <Vipt TUESDAY. De,- 4 3.(0 p. m. NAf'OOi 'HEE. Capt. Smith. THURS DAY. Dee K. 4; p m. KANSAS CITY. Capt Flaher. BATI R DAY. iJer. 9. 6:99 p m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, Capt. IW*. MONDAY. r*ep-, jt), V *l9 p. an. TAEEAIIASSEE. c.ipt. A*klns. TUBS. I>A Y. I • 11. 9An p m CITY OF AUGUSTA. Cap. DaM-H. THURSDAY. Dep 13. IpipW a. m SA I TTOCIIEE. <"apt Smith, SATUR DAY. De 15, 1I;J9 a m. KANSAS ITY. Capt. Fisher. TUESDAY, Dee t 2hh p m TAEEAIIASSEE Capt. Askln*. THURS DAY. D‘-> 3 >p p m CITY OF DIRMINGHAM. Capt l>'t. FRUpAY. F- 2V. :i:rt> p m CITY p)F A U'TESTA, Capt Dares'. SATURDAY De- 22, !M p m NACOOCIII !: Capt. Smith. TUESDAY, Dee 25. 7:39 p m K VNSAR CITY Cape Fisher. THURS* I'A V. P* 77 9:hft p. m TAI.EAHASSME, Capt. Asklat*. RATER* "AV Dpi 21. li on P, m NotTp'U S*enm-hlp City of Blrmltif ham wt l a>ot p-arry pa**en*er*. NEW Vtllth TO HORTON. CITY OF M D ON. C pp; S.tyare. M'lN n.W. Nov. 19. 12 on g* on. CITY OF MACON Cap:. Savagr. FW DAT. Soy. 21 at Urdl noon. CITY OF MACON. C'apl Sava*e. WED NESDAY. Nov M. I*:0 noon. CITY OF MACON. Capl. 3avap- MON DAY 7*o4’ *l. 12:0ft noon. CITY OF MACON, ('apt. Savage FRI DAY. Dee 7. 12:90 noon. CITY OF MACON. 4 ipt. Sava*-. WED NESDAY. D<*r. 12, 12:00 nooti CITY OF MACON. Cap> Sava*e MON* ; ■ v' i ■■ .: •>• CITY OF MACON. Capl. Bav*e FRI- D \Y. De.- 21, 12:09 noon. CITY OF MACON. Capl. S*va*r. WBP NKMMT, 1 ••- • X 12 op noon CITY OF MACON. Capl Sitva*e. MON DAY. De •. 31. 12:00 noon. Thl* company rp-serve* *he rl*ht w et|,itiap |ta ailli'*.* without noftee vri without liability or areountablllty there f r Sallln*- New York for Savannah Tu**- plo> • Thurr n•! Saturplnys 8 r m W (! HR RIVER, city Ticket ar I !'*- r.iiap-r A*> . ;. Hff IIpiII etreet. Sav.tnr.ah. Ga R W SMITH. Contractln* Fre'fht Ai:**nt. fiavetinwh, Ga. R O. TKE/.KVANT. Aent. S.pvi ro. Ga WAETKR HAWKINS. General Ar ,n ' Traffle D.p t, 221 W Bay atreet. Jack.-’h* vllle. Fla E H. HINTON. Trafflp- M inaa'r. p s ’' vatinuh. Gu P E EE FRYRK. Manaer N* Per 38. North river. New York. N Y. BRbNNAN BROS. wnolf.salb Pruit, Produce, Grain, Etc* >•3 BAY STKBET. WeAt Ir'tgbeoe***.