The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 17, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 SEABOARD OFFICIALS HERE. MR. fT. join AND MR MrBI I 0% \ TO! N Ol MOV liar) Were Met Here h* f)l* lalaa Atpl. 11. • M*well-Mr t. John | Hte retied In no Investigation of the Hrrenl AMpreM Fire on the Islaad Was l liable to %rrtve at m Mtl*lHn Solution of the Ortln— lAelaj With the i:ie< trleal llre -1 iahll it i Apparatus W oald >u( ileetir %mmlo. Vl ct Pre*--.*ient % A Oetveral Manager E j f • r Seaboard Air Fan* Rail- • win <, ra. J 3 *;erin* endent V. I. M Bee are! Cal'*. 1> E Maxwell, super in tender*; of t o* Fifth Division. with head a* J:* esotivlile. mere m the c ity J rater day. Mr Hi. John we# seen by a repreaer.ta !,?. .*? f Morrdng News to whom aufrri '.hMt hie vlalt to Savannah h **l no particular significance. as hr ami Mr M * iiee were simply on a tour of inn 1 * tb*Hi s of the gyvem and deolrO to ki it In*. I tiavai..ou* Cap* Mexweli met th*-m her* to go oier matters with them that car - eer© dtvßfiun. Cone'darrible satisfaction. Mr St John aa.l. W*J felt by all !* S'* * rd off. ia In the fortunate ending >f ,v r* *nt fire on Hirtchinao'. a Ware* ** • ■ N 1 * m press was damaged. 11* r* ar re-- • .*•1. he aaid. that there had tx* n any fire at nil but thought it lucky that It proved nc *H>r* mrmm The B*a*<*rd. h* declared la mdeOn-d to the city f:r• m . m*no m<jck *d to wrHl and -uc "wef .... in figh:sng the flame*. Th# o>rtg:n of the fire . •tili myster. Mr 41:. Jonn was inter* rted m an *n- to .twrn how It had originated but tli* problem m*aff not solved by hi* inveeugaMa*** He said he thought it remark*hie that the fire should hav h.ok et. oJt wh**re i .-one had treed at m*ork dur ing the *k> and tha theory of a -m uider I rut api*k to him as he most protwbi* o: , tion Tba dn.ay |n pelting the electric*! ;p -parsu* on the is, and in working or der WM aK. investigated by Mr St John who. with Mr. ap an? some ©oura of that forenoon on the Isiatd The vice leakier * altevaa Che am* rrouNe would not occur In the event of ano her fir** He bel>vee the nrrangemevu of the ter- ! minal- ramfter* U an eaay matter to fight a fire and that ftamra under almost snv i rlrr jme areeff could he or.fir #*d to the pier upon which tney rmgnt break out The a.ay of the official* In the city v. brief They left yeatarday afternoon for a uantlnuartot. of their tour. ri.E%AAT BXPRf TRO TO-DAY* Hr Wns Olsen a firrsl •cnd-nfl hj Ilia Erie ml* in Jnckson* llle. Mr W H. Pleasant*. who on Deo. 1 | atari me*, the joritioo of general frelghs ( •ml pnesriiger agent of the O* ean Steam ahlp Company In New York. t expected In Utls city to-day to have a conference | with oflkhli of the company relative to i bis new duties Following are extract* j from the Florida Times-t'nlon and Clti- | xeu of yeeterday. regarding a pleasant Incident of Mr. Plea santa ‘ departure from f ha* 9 "At the Board of Trade r.Mgns last night nearly one hun!re<l prominent men of the city gathered to honor one of thelt fellow workers W H. Flejmititft. late assistant general freight agent of the S.-aboard Air Une. When Mr. Idtiunti ent**r*d the brilliantly-lighted r*> m*. the umi of which ■ had barn tendered the frlen b .nd a.I- | inirera t>f this piomlnent young railway official on the occasion of meeting him for the iust time before he enter-* upon j bis new duties in New York city as gen- j era! freigh* arid int-seng# r agent of th j Oeeun Stearnehlp C mpeny. the scene w te i well nl ult.d to Inspire hmt with |>rld iu reflecting upon his career In Jackson* \ tile. ‘There was a unanimous sentiment that through his effort*, to a large extent. t:w **tabitshm**tit of the wholesale houses here, re*: only Is* am* |K>*..tle. but grew to th* a itlafylng conditions that now x- j ht "Ar **> o’clock the social gathering ! was railed to order, ami <’;pt. Hamer •ddreee* 1 thcait* assembled tn a happy | vein, dwelling on tlie influence freight traffic l>*ars to a ommunVty | either to m.tke or unmak** It. and how Mr. FMeasants had so mater ally hd|M and to make Jack*, nvlll** an*i yet had given an administration that was of satisfactory benefit to the rn Iroad as U ha*l to the city It was noticed that t’apt. Gar ner's left hand ippaMwl a bit awkwant In making motions It warn due to a pmsill package he h 1. < on’ uni Ik* gift—a token of apprrelation. In the shaie- of a handsome solitaire ring •‘Mr. Fkwsants came to this city an March 2. IW* . as rate clerk for the then Florida Railway ami Navigation <’m pany. For five years prior to his coming here he was general agent of the Chesa peake and Ohio Hallway, with h.adquar tars at Richttvind. Vi., having previous to • Itai. served an apprenticeship with 80l Muss traffic manager of the Rl.timon*! and Danville. From rate .jerk in the traffic department he advanced by prmto- Hon aucceaalvely to chief clerk, assistant general freight agent and general gretght agent, which las# portion he has held few the fast five yfirt" t %i i> \*t MBAT ■IWr—IWT. Ihr IdiNtiff In i >tltt tin* Nt llnili* the Farmers Sell . The advance In the price of cotton has not started any h*-.vy movement to sa vannah Railroad officials do not n t that farmers are disposing <f their cot ton In an> greater quantity, ti.d the Ist- MIND AND FOOD. Hlntl of Fmiil That %ffec the Mind. •'One of the nv*st remarks.>l* effeics of the food Grape-Nuts la the effect on the mind; It makes one fr*| buoyant. hoi-ful and ekeeefui." says Alice 1,. Glunt of Itroud street. Alto->na. Pa. Ahe continue : "Asa reiwilt of prolonged mental work. I was stricken with paralysis of the right side alwm two years and i half ago For about two yearn I was treated constant > with powerful drugs to sthnuhtte th pfrvt centers, with only jairthi! su es* "About six months ago I was threat ened with narvoua prostration again.whu. u friend advised m* to eat <srap*-Nuts food. I waa entirely skeptical eoncernin* any beneficial results, but finding the food xfy I bought package afbr pa kage. and since beginning the use of Grape-Nut* have taken no modtciitc* *>t nerve tonl*s of any kind, and the effect of this perfect fssl on my health is worn*- thing very remarkable. All hca*Ui<*h*' Insomnia, and a H>ugti and my ajrmptocna of |Hiralysls have disap pear ad. "I am satisfied that all the IHs that 1 have suffered were due to the fact thm 1 Jived Just as thousandr of others who tnlnk they ar well fed. but ar* In a state of lemi*starvation, owing to Imierft* asiml atton of food. The nerve eentar?* cam - t be |roperly nourlahed ami rebuilt except by good fo>i a fid footl that cun is digested and osalmllmed. Grape-Nut* food to the most |*-rfect food 1 have ever seen, ami I know of Its value from i*ractl cal reaoMs.*' This Is another evidence of the fact that <;(;• N ir r.-d contain:- the phoephat* of (Msiasti which unites with albumen to mak' the gray matter In the nerve cen ter* ar.d hi a in. Any hruln workef who viluaa healih, sfretigth and vigor should p*y head to the character of food he uses. [ Qiristense, l Countess p Chefould, > ? Recommend, I c ure I “The Ooinoii,’* ' III, Sep;. 21, I*>oo. i Timer*. Siie Curt Cos.. K Ccntltmcn i- Although in my 80th f l ': year, lam up xnd ar.naci 3fc‘ dipt at B the yri/. lan wtlk two mild with- B out lititue, tn lies, preicr it lo driving. For the put ten yew. 1 hive uud I no medicine except Timer’. Siie H Cure, *nd find tbit it keep, me in ■ good health. 23 Be lore that time 1 1 uttered often with rj headache and pain, in my back and ■ khouidcra. but Knee I have uacd the * Safe Cure, 1 have had neither ache nor 3 cam. It ia certainly a remarkable life S giver, and I cheerfully give it my ft hearty eodonement 1 \ Your, truly, ': Countet, Chrfould.) to a lh*-r# to ihelr d*tf ml: l On to hokl their |Mali:< ; until It hrinK* at leant 10 c*iib a |Ouiul A nt**mf*er of .* prominent rommt*Mon hou*e> laid that the farmer* will not ahow any alacrity to Mil while* th market t a*). jnfinf Ha gave It ii iom wh it kabir (at that firm*r wll not ***|| on an solvartcin* mark <n! ttat i g mar k* t The await tna topn.owt no? h anl the ejdnnera the loweat. H ILL HF. *SO I It Fa PHKMIOFAT. It la Thonulit > •c* , raaor to 'lr. Knoll Will ll** Eli 'tr<l. Tha bHief le prtvalrnt rttnon* riant System |e pie i iat there will be n vice tresl<lefit clectc l when th* annual n*el- Inir In heW In December The ottb'w has 1.e.-n vacant it wa< re**l*n* I totnt nv*nth a*o by Mr H K Knott, who went with a Weetern rallriad. L’olor to the belb f that It la not proper-d to alert .i to Mr Kri4tJ at the annual meeting la given by the r**-rr •iwp'tn nt of the office* at th*i *:en t.i office *ull*l ing on Liberty atreet. Hen.rnl Superin tendent \V. B. Denham haa tak n tae of fi *e* were uaed by Mr Knott. ar.<l it In thought that he will .it’*nU to the lat* vlre president * dull#* a** the general h* ad of the physical operation .f the ey t* m Mr Knott * comparatively *h rt May with the Plant System resulted In :\ ep*-- i elm of re-orgnixil*>n of th** lepa* tm* tit*. *h method of work being re-arrenced. Th* system that was establish* ! by Mr Knott is still observed, end It •* believed t hat this reorgan xatl n was vhat waa ie lre<l when Mr Knott was’ 'le't* 1 tha* It has l*een effe* t-d and * being f*l lowed, nerd for vice presidrn*. It is c in cluded, ha* it.^a;*:>eared Truffle Manager J M C ulp of the Southern Hallway went through yester day on hi* to Brunswick roiND I' ITRBET. Henry lllßi'knl and SfVfffl) Beaten •> Inkiiowa \rro. Henry Beitier • whit# man of M or *0 year*. was found by n pawing pedestrian lying -In the mkldle of President street. opfHJ*4t* thr Court House about S o'clock laat night. vH* bad two deep ami nver* wounds in the head apparently Inflicted with a sharp piece of iron. Hr nan bleeding and suffering great agony. Dr. Dunn who win called, directed e tie man * removal to 8t Jo* ph Inflrmury where hi * %vmind- re. • Ived at t niion It afterward* developed that Ih'- fore twins found on IT *udent street. the man had lain on the corner of York and Drayton streets for some minutes. until he was found by two soldier* from the garrison and helped to hie He ha l struggled on ♦ bit further and again fallen. fleltxer said be lived al 2X> East Broad -treet. He wti**>' to give any fur ther account of the manner In which he re elved his wound* than that he had .een on unknown negro on Mast Day atreet. He claimed) that th* •• Had been no provocation on hi* iart for ihe <t**.tult of which he had been mad th* victim. %t im:*t>: \\ a* ruiMii iu. It ur A Holland'* Mtastrels I'lnted Mklil at the then ter. Husoo A Holland's Colored Mlr.strels en tertained a rather top-heavy audience at he theater last night While the Jokes were a trifle and the song* tnlgh’ have been l**tter, a f**w s|H*.*|al'iw that wete introduced served to render the per formance enjoyable The m i ing can.i itv of the lower floor, which was reitrvctl for vrhttra. wain u overtax'd At to-day’s matinee and night perform ance* “Rupert ot\Herusau." with Howard Jould In the leading role will be the at traction . The play has Im*ii seen here ♦irfore, but never With Mr Gould in ihe cast. Mr. Gould Is on* of the mod ideas ing romantic actor* of ihe *l>. and bid rhnractet l*atln of the g.illan* Ua <sen ’ i* said to Ik* hi?* beat effort. The u ! exceptlonnll> compel*Jit. us Is always •he case with anything with which Mr Daniel Frohman s name Is Identified. THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, NOVEMBEK 17, 1900. l KCKHB < 111 Ml. Father fivrenr* 4>it Writ of llnb*n 4 nrpm Aaalnat l.lssle* .Irnklii*. A petition for a writ of haben* cgtrfiii* was* sworn out before Judge Fenill. in the Four* of Ordinary yesterday, by M.i* Jor Blue. In this case "Major" is a name find not a tit I** The writ l* dlr< 'ted to lizzie Jenkins, who, Blue alleges, i.s ille gally detaining one of his children. The petition recite-* that I’.iut is the father and natural guardian of Annie Blue, a minor child, H years old. and a.t such tw- is * milled to her custody. He charges that th* Jenkins w*omin out iin* and the child from her mother, the wife of the petitioner, with the understanding that the child should he restored to her par ent* a* somii a* a |*>*i .xi of lllnesa, through which the defendant was then passing, had been terminates!. It Is further charged that the defendant now * ifiimw to hold the child by reason of the authority vested In h**r bv Blue an I his wife, and refuses to deliver her to them It Is alleged that no such authority wa* ever given an*! that the detention is wholly ilk-gal. Judge Ferrfß set the h * ring In the case for next Mond>. when the defendant Is directed to produce th- child In court and when the question a** to the right to her custody will be determine*! The j. iitti er in the cwc l represented by Mr. Wil liam Pease HMIAIV) STILL 1\ w\ \ i\MH, Family of Millard Com Heard From and Fspertrd tn \rrhe. The remains of Mr Millard Cox. the un fortunate artist who died in the B*van nuh llosfdtal. a few 'la>w ago. ar- still ar the undertaking establishment of Mr W. T. Dixon, awaiting the arrival of Mr Cox'* mother or some other member of the family from Atlanta Mrs Cox has been heard from and was expected las? night Mr. Cox had l*e**n in Sivnnnah som time, and bad isilnted the nortrolis of a number cf piominent flavaflnahians. ID was a man i*f culture and education, ns well as an artDt of co -t lerabte talent. It is not known whether th liody will l*e liurled here or taken hack to Atlanta DE ATH OF Mlts. >•. F. IIH A I.S. Iler Funeral From Wraley Monniuea iii I 4 liurcli Tll Afternoon. Mrs M F Baals, wire of Hav. M F Beals, of Raldavllle. a former re* <u t of this city, die*! a Reldvllle right bafo-e last, sifter an nine** f -everal m nth The remains were hroiwh? t> Favann h yesterday, accompanied by Rev Mr. Ib-als. and were t k**n to the home of Mr It. 11. Bostick. No. 111 Henry n’r-e’, west The funeral will i• ko pace from Was lev Monumental Ci.ii*c a' ?o\ . k thl* afternoon It* \ and Mrs. were lv>th well known In 9av nnah, th* Ir f> i. m*r home M *• Melh * '*t minister, a member •f th* South Geo r gti Conference and 1* stationed at K id \j,l Mrs Beals was 43 years obi and leaves, ho*4de<t her husband, one •laughter A Strong Fortification. Fortify the body against disease by Tutt’s Liver Pills, an abso lute cure for sick headache, dys pepsia, sour stomach, malaria, constipation, jaundice, bilious ness and all kindred troubles. “The Fly-Wheel of Life” D.-.Tutt; Your Liver Pills arc the fly-wheel of life. I shall ever be grateful for the accident th,at brought them to my notice. I feel as if I had anew lease of life. J. Fairleigh, Platte Cannon, CoL Tutt’s Liver Pills k Princess I Carmyniski Recommand, Cure Chicago, lIL, July 30, 100. Tamer*! Sale Cure Cos, Gentlemen:—l am pleoaed to uy a few words of praise for Timtr'i Safe | Cure, as 1 find it a took with excellent ' qualities. Then the system is exhatated by being overtaxed or run down, with a sense of general debility, I know of nothing which acts so promptly and latidoetortiy on the entire system as the Safe Cure. It stimulates the appetite, and in duces sleep, and when anyone can eat ce sleep well, the health will soon be restored. It ii well worthy the praise of aIL Yours very truly, 6sUx&.. y/.- I 'Princess Carmyniski.) FREE SAMPLE. Eaod poitai fo* f** o ta Wrfio* bm*9 Cur* Cos. # Roc*a*tOf, K. V Jr\M jw#**r. city HRF.vrnet. TANARUS:• yr 'oral of th* Chatham Artillery monthly dmct will br- given Friday at too Chuthom Artillery Hall. There w**rc about a dozan arrests by the fH>;ica up to midnight la*t night, but no om* of th* casgs was of a m>re than paatdng Interest. Jo** Grc*i. ccdrtrivl was nrrc*te*l last night, charged w*un firing a pistol tn the Duffy *9trc*-f Obi I low s' Hall, and also With * lulling nral striking another ne gro named Turner. The chemical engine at the central ata (l*it was alk*d to York and Barnard ye*- tord.iy afternoon *m account of a chim ney fir** at the house of William ILuch. T er* waa no damace. The F;pworth loCague of Trinity Church tn-ld Its monthly **xdal last night at the Sunday school room of the church. I*he nAh) wg* well attended and a pleasant dm** wn." enjoye*J by all prestmt. On the first Sunday In I ►•Member will he begun at the ijiwion Merrvrjal. u*wler the Huspim of the Second Presny terian | Church, a aeries of revival sermon* that will be eondurtal by Bev. J. II Pn:ton of M irletta. and continue fur ten days. In the <\>urt of Ordinary * yesterday Judge Ferrlil grnnte.l letters dismiaaH*rv to Henry Blun. admlmeirator of the e-iat** of M II Meyer Mr. Meyer was for merly a com miss loner of Chatham coun ty and a well known man in hla time. He hu* been dead some years. The ‘ Address, sand Proceedings of the National F> Karat hum! Association" have i>ua rwtlvel by the library that Is con ducted for the teachers of the public e'hool* of Bnvarnah. The volume** rc | cHved cover all the meetings of the as la non since D9O. They will form a j Naiugble addition to the library. The youthful members of the Naval Re >erve Fife and Drum Corns wen* enter tain* l by rapt. Henry Kolshorn. at his i • -bleu e on Henry street, on Thursday \* ninx The hoys went from the carni val grounds lo the residence of <*aj>t. Kolshorn. where they were made welcome ar*l enjoyed themselves to their heart's ; content. Mr \Y E Peeples, a merchant of |>t|l|, 9 C.. after spending a few days In Ba i \ ui.ih with his wife and mother, on hiistnets and taking In the Elks Carnival, while getting out of a carriage at the de jmu yesterday morning broke one of the mall iKMies In his left foot. He was nt mi * token to the Savannah Hospital by Dr Morrison and had the foot put in plas ter of Paris and was later sent to hiw home. The Local t'nlon. Endeavor, mi it- last riv eting, presented to Rev. .%rthur J Fmith a luindsdme silver paper cutter, to remind Mr. Smith when he shall have gone ficm this city of the pleasant reia . i.v tha? have existed between himself Mid the union. Mr Bmlth Is tile president of the or *cr. and ha always taken an active in ■ crest m f lt. iMrticulariy in the local br *n< hes. Th* presentation of the me in* •: to waa made by Mr. E T Burdell. •he president of the union. Mr. Smith r - j-j ended feelingly. 1 1 Is ' m-tfu. if *o dense and numerous i ciow>l of darkles ever fo,lowed a |>a i .is t!) i* which was mixed up among. ire tsbil. foHt)tvrd and marched along •b* the and Holland minstrcks yea * rd.> ifternoon. The drum iiiaj>r was m rack-si-' * k, and the darkies went l| I \\ n**v r h* gave one of hts p**rform . .** Just about everything in the way *f train**, x • hi (< r- as well as |>edestrians, J hiul to h* .*! up until the mob had j*a * l 'I here w.i.- tn attraction about the colored rnii: rei- that admiring members the race could not resist. * T W t i 111 LD\*T STAY SUHKR. <ts*lil|*> Snow. Discharged by fleeord '•r. Again Arrested for IVeing Drunk. Holdlc Snow, the white woman who c aim- to hr a fortune teller, hut who Is I known principally through her weakness for drink, and her frequent apnearinci j in police circles on that account, was I before Recorder II art ridge again yester 'day morning on the customary charge.Re • *‘oi(lrr Hart ridge sentenced her to thirty | ‘lays on the gang, but rescinded the sen lence upon the woman’s promise to g t ut of Savannah for good on this proin ir eh* was released, but (tad enjoyed her free*torn but g few hours when she I w.s again arrested by Patrolman Ling** who found her In a state ot helidvs* In ' ; jJLicatiou Ptatao.tiL. Mr. 1* Clark of Atlanta is at the Ber ix Mr H F. Ixrtrr of Wayenosa is a (ru> of the Pula,kl Mr J. r Holmes of Macon Ii a (w of the Pukiekl Mr W P Smith of Hampton is a *ur of the Puisfkl Mr Wm. Si John of Atlanta Is a *a of the l>e Soto Mr R H Knox of Darien ts re*lstei at theY’uiatki Mr S J J.nes of Ktnesland Is a *ru of the Screven Mr VV. T Sandlin of Jasper Is retstc ed at the Pulakl Mr J A White of Atlanta is regirtc M at the Screven Mr J E Bre of Jaekmnvtlle ts rex tered at th- Pulaski Mr, W J'oprelt of Screven Is t guest of the Screven. Mr t.- orge H Barrett of Mcßae i a •net t ’ the Pulaski Mr W S Bennett of Augusta ts : cue,' of the Pulaski. Mr W H Blltch of Meggett ts regh sere.t at the Pukteki Mr E A Bdenflekt of Stillmore ts reg tet-red at the Screven Mr John C McDonald of Waycroas ts registered at the Pulaski Mr J A Tleon of Tarhoro registers yesierday ot the Pulaski. Mr O D Youngesve of Islington. Kto lea guise of the Pu.ask:. Mr Bsssd Hoffman cf Ctiarleaton ts registered ui the I*utaekl Mr J P McOregor of Mt. Vernon is registere.l at the Screven. Mr Kd l. Humphreys of Atlanta 1“ registered at the S reven Mr R P. Wil iams of Valdoata register ed yesterday at th Pulaski Mr A F Churchill arrived from Nss York yesterday on the Nacooctiee. Mr and Mrs l B Walling snd child of Collins ar- guests of the Pulaski. Messrs Sam fMenftehl an>l B C. Plerc* of Parish are guests of the Screven. Mr J Oskv of Jacksonville was among the guests of the Pulaski yesterday. Mr O P Dstti of Waycross was among the arrivals at the Pulaski yegiervlav Mre H M Comer ami Mis, Comer left via the Central vewterday for Columbu, Measrs B S Alhany and J. O Marshall of Columbia are registered at the De Boto A!r J D. Overstreet of Summit among the arrivals at the Pulaski yester day. Mr and Mrs. Thoe 3 Wvlly of Darien were among yesterday's arrivals at the Pulaski. Ir O G. Alexander and Mr J P Wll Bams of Reldsvllio ars guests of the Screven Mr and Mrs W C Perkins of Hagar. were among the arrivals at the Berever, yesterday. Mr and Mrs T R Blapney of Hagar. were among the guests of the Berevon yesterday. Mr J H Hunkanys and Mr If. W Richardson. Jr, of Garnett are registered a* the Screven. Messrs J. W Warren, M. W. Bar ge ron, J. M Dettby, and s*o sons. J. B Meorr. A W Collins of Stillmore an guests of the Screven. Mr L. Ceeit Berrien of Jacksonville ts In rhe city visiting his daughter. Mr Berrien's many friends were glad to se, him once more on "his native heath." Thrrw m llnrk niiil n Cmr Two email boy 9 bad a quarrel an*. ' flght about a bag of tobacco yeat<Tda> morning at the- Carnival ground* durliu which on* of the pirkantnnlo* threw # rock at the head of th** other The ro*k mieaed Ite InteMed mark, but struck In ••rad • how <**99 in one of the oigw: boot ha. whlito It <!amagM quite badly The n#gro wan arvwMwd but upor hta prom lac to pay for the damage doru •he catke. To \ lalt *Hlrnllnn \rmy. Htaff Captain W T. Honmtt of the sal - vation Army will vixlt the* jx>xt at Fa van nah Nov. 23. 24 and 2f on a trip of tu- Capt - • f the work In thl* dlairtct. He re *er. I. < ime to thlx country* from South l~a. where he *jent ten year* In Stlvati t Army wrrk In the vurlous Bpanifh*Amer- Ican clilea orrit 1 %l. citTgove rn meentT Continued from Seventh Page.) dent ground* to lustlfy me In withhold ing my veto. On ihe contrary, lam con vlnred that my duty to the public r< ■ quire* that, *> fur a* lie. In my poa• t under the law. I *hall prevent wh .t. t my mind. woull <lr*troy the heiuty o Savannah by removing the feature Da aliove all others distinguishes It amori. American cities. The email public squares of Savanna' were provided for In the original plan • ■the city. They have been for over a cen tury and h naif the of lie propl and the adnvratlon of visitors. Traveler from all quarter* of the globe have r* ferred In glow:ng term* of proi* to then They have been universally reooontx a* un.que ornamer.t*. the value of whl< wa* not to he estimated in n pecuniar sense. In the mind* of many, an err waa committed In not the *y tern Into the new *outhern section of th city. It t* too late now to oon*ldcr au a proposition, but It I* not too late t preserve the old park* unmarred. The have In recent years been beautified, th are capable of being made more beaut I ful. They are peculiarly tne propertj and charge of the public ami the public' wi*hes tn respect to them should be heed ed. The hußlne** lntere*t* of Savannah di not require, and have not demanded such a sacrifice a* this resolution pro pose*. The principal argument of tho - In favor of the change Is that more dire, communication north and south It need, etl. that traffic on Drayton and Jeffersot streets Is too heavy and more avenue must be provided Admitting that such I true, the add (Iona) thoroughfares are hand tn East Broad. Price. Lincoln Montgomery and West Broad street* Ot three of these street*. East Broad. Prir. onl West Bread, there are no rquari The heaviest of the city 1* to an from the railroad depot* and freight rta Ilona, located on Ease and West Brona stress* The r---'ng o *Ss*s fwn oughfarc* would provide n. trten.,3 cf reaching the entire e.intern, western ami routhern sections oI the city that cju' I 110 l puesiliiy la COllg.-sicU I.J lia„ (i 111 a half century to come. If ihey nro con •i■ ri*l tuu unis*, u *l, thereiore, mo n pensive, to pave. Price. I.lneoln are Montgomery streets nre at hard. Price street posse* through no square*, Is nnr rower and less coa ly to Improve, It I four blocks from Drnytor. street, th nearest paved street, and woukl fumta a decidedly more valuable avenue to th* public In reaching the eastern and south eastern portion* of the city than woul Ahereorn street, which directly parallel Drayton street, being but o feet to th in of It. Islncoln street also present Itself. It ha* but one barrier, t'olon c Park. It could be txived from Bay *tr<— V nue, nlso paved. and there wout then be the rholre of ualng At ercorn or Habersham street. both <■ which are paved from Oglethorpe avenu to t.lberty street, whore Lincoln tre. would be renehe*! again and furnish ad rert pa veil eommunleatkifi from Ba- Street to the city l mil*. Th. dlstsm 'rum Lincoln to Al* ■ r *rn or llabersh*' street l* less than Jld feet, so I! ranno: I urged that there I* any material loss o time or Inconveniences en”*>' >** th* •outs* I •*r LOW BIST. STRAIGHT FRONT & LONG HIP I special Shade-Work LINDSAY & MORGAN'S SPECIALTY. Even*body knows who has ever had a shade that they make you think—if they do not work right. When we put them up you won’t have to think. Wc have the inly expert shade man in the city. He does nothing but make shades and hang; them. Also Draperies and Lace Curtains. Want to do your work. Send for us. Two Specials for This Week. 50 Daghestan WiltQn Hugs, regular price $9.00; Of] our price VUiUu 100 Brussels Rugs, regular price $2.00; fij Q F this week uliZvi Go visit all the other stores, then come to us. and we will surprise you with the completeness of our FURNITURE AND CARPET stock and the prices. Remember, “Not how cheap,” but “How good,’’ is our motto. KNOWN BY ALL NATIONB. ■£/a/i’ 7/vtic<Jcrr, t xinforru. < Twice the price could buy no better. LIPPMAN HR OS., Savannah Agents. McDonough & ballantyne, W iron Founders, Machinists, m g tlnrLftmlf rmakr Marlon. r% anil I'ortalil*- I m*. inr. \rrflcal anil To| Hnnnlnu m Mill*, Viuiir 'fill nml I'nn, Mia flln, I'ti llr> •. rI r. TELEPHONE NO. 123. OFFICIAL. Montgomery street, south of l.'beriy tree*, l* entlre'y free rrom square*. 1 wide avenue and w.iul 1 afford ale plate relief to the Jefferson atr.ei traffic. With there Rtreeta awaiting Imp-ove nent. any one of which Is prefeta le *o Vbereorn or Barnard * rest ( r p.irto-ei f trafll* , I ran ***e no rta on to desuoy h* symmetry of the plan cf the old *>r ■on of the city. To my nil and the p.av !. of Kart ard \\v*t Bm l atreeta <aouM ntt*v.*r the tequirement* of hust les* generally far better than th* ;a - ng of any three o r four Intermediate lireet*. and would also -!** matrltl .y In tlw* development t*f th south'* t rn and aouthwoe.ern sectl.n* of the city. Increasing taxable value* and a idl g t the city’s revenue*, w hile Inerea. I g H e j conveniences for the tran.-a n -n of t,u*l j aiss. A* thew atreets are also occ tp,. and *>■ streit car line . the expense ** pgv |-lttg would tie dl-tr.but and !*>tween ihe it ihe streit iar company an.l th* ir p tv I owner* equitably, and the In re *■ and | value* of property would more than com pensate the latter for their outlay. | With these fads before me It doe* not **ecm to me that the claim that It |. ' necessary to d< *. rat. the square to af ford relief to buslnes* tiafflc <o*. I This argument docs not b nr Invest "a .lon. . It 1* stated that some of those owning property abutting on the squares arc will ing and desirous that the proposed change 'mil tvs made and Ii gtu-a Plata ,- * J oul l *< Uit* iu.e ul liielr * hKh if ail ot ttiem of thU ml nr] I 4*i<ul<J 'l***fn it proper to !l>api>rove thin reoltulon The 9<|uures are the property if the entire public ami arc to be regard* and a* wueh. and nor as to any hourlnc hey may have on .1 few private lot*. It * not the prov n > ~( th- dty to n -onec the value of a rcore or two of lota, . hucli a change would enhatiee them, by eprerlatlng thr value of the public prop i*y. nrwl by placing heavier burden* on he general public f u r paving than are ♦ cery. Th lac: must not be loat night f that if th‘ >tr. k et* .ire cut through •!*' pquares m |a\ed. the owners of he lots n butt in ir <>n the equarea will are any share In tn- eg| t fsaa of paving, ven though they ate directly beneAted >• the ltrxrovement. The coat of paving 'her Aer orn t*r Harnard etreet under •ch clrcumptmnce* would conaequefitly heavier on taxt>oyerH generally. It lx aim propoaed to cloae the croa re#-,a on the., squares at the property ,;,f - * w*ru!d mean a complete cion >*: up of *r Julian I'nsidcnt. Me Don* ogh M • on and Wayne atreets at two TiUj would bt tin uncalled Xor OFITC l XL. u of the m*un* of accexf to the |WO|>enlea of a number of citlpn- I r * not com der such a change ax or ax axk*'d for by any but a ®mall nu tiorify of our cltisena. For thexe reason*, and fedling #l*o M '' Isfliti that had a full hoard of a!dertr*u teen present when the resolution w-a* l tr du*d It wculd not have met w.i- *** approv-al of a majority. I have \. * J * resolution and ro’.urn it to your honor ibla body. Very re‘fretfully, 11 ermu n M' er M 1 yr,r There being no further bualnexx 11 •“ ell took a re eaa sublet to tie* cull chair. WM. V. BAILET. Clerk of Council- LIQUOR LICENSE. City of 8.-iv*nrub nmev Clark of Conr, II Savannah, Cla.. Nov. I‘ Tha foUowlnc a ion* to liquor during the year I>ol wer< reid 41 meeting of Council Nov. 11 !>” *nd **' ferred to Committee of the Wti >' WM P. BAII.CV Clerk of Council Abram*. M. D , No. ,1 Bull wtrect lleekminn, tleo.. No. 11l Whitaker tr**L Cottlnxhnm. John, southeast corner Dr*"* ton and Hroughton street*. Cottlnxlum. John. No. 20* Br.'trhtow street, west. Carr. John, aimer Habersham and D*V *trefit*. Dreeson. H. E.. northeast corner Si ** and IVllson street*. Delgr.nn. Daniel, No. <3s Indian -V Dirk*. A J . No Snr. Whll.ik-T sir (leffken. Herman H . northwest rt * Broughton and PCee street*. Orahsm. C. F.. Pulaski House. B'”> street. Hicks R M., No. 23 Congress stre. t we. Immen. John H.. northwest corner Jon and Habersham streets. Klugmnn. A.. No 637 81ms street Luh*. John F.. northwest corner lAher tv and Habersham streets. Mendel, Carl. No. *• Liberty street • **' McCormick. Wm . No. 623 Indian street Mcßride T F.. No. 62S Bay street, east. O’Keefe, J**.. M inager. southwe*! corner Drayton nnd Broughton streets- Sullivan, John. No. 15 Congress street, west. Sullivan, John J., No. Bryan urn*. eaut. Travers. E . No. 31 Bid I street S reien House. Watson * Power*. De Solo Hotel. Ifib - ' street, near Bull street. Wade. John TANARUS., comer Oglethorpe T * sue and li oust on •treat*