The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 17, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 NEWS FROMTHEWATER FRONT l.lnr of Steamer* l'rm Hlro n I'fiafttliilil . The Mniiaon Men inslt i|* < ninpanx lln* Nt %!ndour<l If* Orialnal Intea* • ion of Puffin* •• St cm ate re !!•- Inri n n ml tl** %%••! Indira • Who* l* >•-eaaa r % i 4**t • hr I.lnr-Mmirr* of lilcr***i lo Shipper* mid 'lar nm Havana*’ :r. w i ' n k hrr beck nnd rii. ,l f ** *rt ( w**et f ’Jo and ul ;i: ♦! If |. ' Th# Klwnr m < l. c on j my of NVw York * x.' -o- o :.*bUsh n lII.* oat ©f Severn I mol#* eff* ,< * in 'hk* dl l'* ?:>n • u! >-<ir ast**. for w.t .ut a 'np *• ' it <l* ai .1 ’ that turn talk about the Munsm I .* rtfitv- In* In* t flft rt - tu interest budfi*.*s in* n ii to it*. g*:*i*l talk n it rio * • - • ment of s • -tmshlp In* dnce t • \, . n by rvuiHMi of the f<ivoraM' lr ■. - t- for flk? p- rg of lor Ha ■ i avn* • ♦ j i 1 -* bill, ihruuKii whit h. iy f i-.-. Ikr, Mi<our *g* ment la prowl'd for Am*-'- in hi. f*kg Mr C. W lion ird . v! •• ■ ■ r of tl Munson line, t *.i• • f • ,i .1 j Just -.-m ' • o n I • hr effect f *? * 1 * I thr :Ir| of #.*'b , n.; * 1 ;■ I lieve In lb** fu or* .'.Oiiim.ili <*• .*t x- I port *T \ and h*\< ill n liting to send hrr whi n m bu-it' - lnt^rrst* annoui.*-> f- i< *• .* u *■ for them “It n 11 v r* •!' i! \l urn • sent t:. r* • ju i. f- to Ha\ mnati. Mi l Mr II v.,*: i t ... i to run them for n vu.l ?♦ * y> • of ft* w hi* i would n*'i cover th (*:• . termg mi*] * l<‘nrinK th* w****-. i w .* th* desire to I* I- \ |>" *H. • * 'l no t to th* l*i>di.-ew int* r* t to -*t**?- |.- .* . V fmtd* • virv i... *.o|. or, -i n Th..- • xprrttnrnt >•*! al**nu I-' ■ for • • h v***- Mi an I ir rn*r*' no frrifht v\# fur nirhd T i* ,m - x*r* <•*.l*-d n st* r ballast I • • < *.i rf huK* Ia. sfor* th* linl**l (‘•tils for H tvana It kmr my i- Iryr that n- fr* lht was furnish*-I Ik*. • iim *ur rnori h i .t*- f rvv.r*h <1 It to Tarn pa for sh.pfintit by th* Plant io-* Th*r has han i ootirai* r.mlr* in x |w>rt butlhra to thr irlami* ain* , o ih-n. Imwfvrr. and I lall*-v. th** b-|n* >a m* n arr rrad\ to tak* h*M *f 111i? •t*nl**rt>ri; • Thr l.iru* number of order- I rrcelv*. to charter rtnall ai,.nir v*•**-* ir.n* to- **f wb<-*h roti le bail r< tiv * nb ntly, < . iiMrmo the Indlef that there * a demand for freight room to these |M>r f •‘Much do* ndr in geitii g the new !!?>• on the action the railroads tak* Mr. Howard said "With an export freight rate from the grain fi i of the Wes*, ami thr roal ard lumber regions of i e fknrth. the business <*f this port may i>r immeasurably Increased in short <rd* r Machinery, rice, fettl litlf and many 0 li ar things vx ouai turn * t* the . |n b* s through Savannah Th* efforta to •stab ban a stable government in *• Island ts op**ning the way for buslru- and in- i dustrlal dev**l-im nt, an*l It i n** 1 i th . Interest of this c|t> t• • w it until **fh* r< hav* g no ah* .el t liink <*f * thli-dii.g trar;sporati*n lin* If * former ii j* -i is non a ban* lon **d It is true M*hlb* g,t the line Hava t.uh vva- ff* r* l. I>ut it i not ton late jet for local bu.-lness m* n to act The achoonrr (*- rg** W Anderson, of Mohmond, which it wj (rarest had been l*#t off the coAR-t. haa arrived at Norfolk, rapt. Mundt# arports a thrilling s**rl * of adventures in th** storm that swept the coast last w*-rk. • w*an Handy Hook rnd Norfolk Th* - a< on* t was fwl* ** sweft far out t * -• a Hundreds of tnil*s out eh** lost rudder, and drift*-*! oelp.* -*ly j through th* gab that stru k her three i dvy- after sh* I* ft New* York. **n Nov - I She was loaded with * big *rg . *f * * - | merit, nnd t •* h* av uff j f ibably itx>v , #•1 h**r salvation li k* ■ iinu her *i an even kev. \Vh*ti th* st*rm a halt l the j V**ssel found h*':>*-.f • >!• id* ! ably a t o/ I ly toward l*hll.idel|. la. she was Mru* k by another beavv blow when b **tght of lio>lie’s Island, and was again blown to fcv* The Merchants' ami Miners’ Tran*r*ort- Uon lan© has i*urt*hMte*t thr* st*amsidn >lud'*on, now at New York an*l w hi h will h* added to the rm*an\ ** e* -vi * as as pesdble after l*eing over hauled ml ren**vatad vrvkii nnh tlmanar. Pun rise*- at 6 13 h. m and sets at 4 *>7 p m High watar at Tvte-e today a* 4 *d a m anl 4 p. n High wa?* • at Hav in nh one hour later. rttaars of the Monti for \nipmhrr. I II M Full moon * "* 0 eve laist quarter 13 * 37 **v< New moon .. 1 17 m • n First fj’mrter 11 3r. motn Moon perigee sth Moon up g e. 17th. A It It I % \l.s % Ml 111 IHHTtKM. \ easels %rrl%*<l 1 ralrnlay. Schooner George Taulano, Jr., M Gee. N rf**,K Master \ easels W rut to Jt*a. Hlejimahip 'itx of Illrm r.gharn. 11* rg. New York dt* amship P.vho (Hr). Nisi*d, p.remen. Schooner D. 1 HuskuM. New York. viilpiiing Memoranda* Pernandlna, F.u , Nov. lA—Arrive.^, For 20 Years Dr. Hat linn n > tins been Lmmn ns the lendlnic |icclalist In the rare of chronic diseases, ‘ Incurable rases,*' arc sent to hint dull? front all J. 3EWIOI HATH\WAY, M D. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D„ DR. HATHAWAY & CO., 25A Bryan Street, - • - Savannah, Ga Office Hcur- 9 to U m., S to t and 7tot p. tn. Sunday ifi a. m to 1 p m. PAINE’S CELERY COMPOUND CURES 0^ Rheumatism Q.I A PERMANENT CURE j Rebuilds the Inflamed, I )iseased Nerve and Muscle Tissues; t '/j&Mf - ikes I\ ih, Pu r e Blood; It Cured Me. mL J udge Charles Zurmuehlen, California, Mo., writes: “I re- I* . commend Paines Celery Com- r ’'SSfi fiound to everybody. It is the \* most wonderful medicine on the wL'. market today, and the best that I ever used. I had rheumatism so that I could not walk and the WIM Compound cured me. Paines Celery Compound also helped my wife’s rheumatism when she had it so bad she could hardly US F ON LY PAINE’ 8 CELERY COM P O UND. b.irk Jaiitu Mir (Bp.uii. I'.tu. Fernainbu* o 1 “ r “ Cl - red t ani*T Mellbrtdg* (Rr>, H* n- | mug on. R< tt* r‘latn. \la Norfolk, schoon ers Agnes I Mn?*on. Hibidtt, New l- rk. Alvlr t J 1-'ren* h, llowding, N**wr Y*rk. Rrlgudp r. Maker, Arroyo, I’orto R c Fort Tampa, Fla . Nov. 16 -Bailed. Meamer Gottfried Bchencker, Faravich, New Orleans narh > on. Nov. 14- Arrived, steamer Nit tu.* Jolim 11. Hrunewt*k. pro*.. *>! t. li-s'oi., • hoofur D. J Sawyer. Kelly, Fhi oi* . >l** Char*-! Steamer Barbara (Hr). Voss. Uver:ol S. 1 ,e-i s aimer Iroquois, Kemble, Jack sonv.ih Apala* he - . Fla Nov 16.—Arrived, s■#-.!tiief M V\ Kelley, Marcurm, N* w < )rle jnt (*arrabell‘. Fla. Nov. 16.—Clearetl. - tioonrr Kmtna l<. Cottlnghan*. GUI, Kingston Key \\ # st, Fla. Nov. 16—Arrived, steamer OilNitt* Smith, Fort Tatipa and s.ti)*-*l for Itavanrt. New York. Nov 16-Balled, steamer Aliimxi-I. lamia 11 tmhurg. Nov. |6 Arrived, steamer Fat 'don Hall, Savannah. Philadelphia. Nov lb Arrived, steamer Berkshire. Savannah Eiverpool. Nov. !•> Arrived, steamer Cits Gl *u< •—icr. Savannah. .\i a l ,* *'. Nov. 15— Bailed, steamer Ardv*. Sa\ itinali. Swan* 1. Nov 15 Bulb'd, steamer Cle matis, Savannah. Fort Royal. S i’.. Nov 16 Arrived, schttoiier Bertha S Walker. Baltimore. Notice t Clarifiers. Flint chart** and all hydrographic infor mation will be furnished m isters of ves sels fife T charge in t’nlted States ly -drogruphlc office in Custom Ht>tse. Caje taln'' tre requested to call at the office It# ports of wrecks and derelicts received for transmission to the Navy Depart msnt. YKMIIIA IN POUT. 9tca mslitpa. Alslabv (Hr). 1.793 tons. Olsen; Idg. for Bremen and Antwerp—J. K. Mima A Co s (Br >. tons. Clough; Idg. § r Havre— Btrachan A Cos. Cunaxa (Bn. 2.648 tons, big for Bar* elona and Genog.—J. F. Minis A s <*•• Id ton (Rr>. 1.596 tone. H.imwty; Idg for Manchester -Btrachan A Cos. Georgs Farwell, 7v4 tons, Flckett; disc I *a*go Master. • parts of the country by physicians who have had demonstrated t them the in variability of his cure- To him no case Is “hopch •!• " Ills method of treatment Is h.s ow n. It is t system w lit* h has been developed ai.d |terfectl during hi: long >**trs fa live, constant practice lr Hathaway has conllned himself to the treatment pf chronic diseases- those of tn* Blood, the Nerves and the Genital and ITlnarv organs His * ure of \ arlo - ceb and Stricture without operation, by mon of a pa nless home treatment, are the marvel * f the me 1: al *rofesi,n. Men who have lom the vigor of nature or w in !tiled 1 ntagkvn are brought back by hint to a perfect state of h*aiih and energy. He invF's all those who have any f*rtn of *’hi til *ll-*r to call at 1 his "Til *. or write him. for free consulta , tl* n and ex lmtnat.oti an*! advice He will 1! > * til ft*, tn plain w rapper his n* w ; >'4 pag b*>ok an*! self-examination **yrn;- ' tom blanks to anyone who writes to him < In confidence. THE MOKNING NEWS: SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 17. 1000. Florida. fto ton-, Allen; disc cargo riant Hyatt m. Hotii**wH>d (Hr). 1 I'M tons. Ilowl.ind, I*!.; for H r<*elona Wild* rtv Cos Ihirworth (Hr). 1.521 tons. (inlbraitli; Id for Bremen W. W, Whsti 1 1 Iw (Relg), 1,893 tons. Byor, Mr for Ant werp Antwerp N H <*o Juno (Nor). 1 >7 tone. ldg. for Revel. Barnard A Cos. laiura (Hr.), 1.m4 ton*, Yu!*; Msr. for Bre mii -Htr.ichan A (’. Moortiy (Hri. 1r7.; ton*. Lourb*. Idg. for Bremen —Barnard & Cos. Ormeshy (Br). 1.H26 ton* Robinson: Id.* for Bremen \V W. Wilson; Ht guentm (Itr). 2.17) ton*. Btabb; J Idg for Liverpool.—A. F. ('hurt-Rill. | siiipa. Harvest Queen (Itr). I.;* 13 ton Forsyth. Id*?, for Rio. Muster IlnrWa. Colin An her iNor), 629 ton*. Martin** n. rid. for i-onkn Chr. G. laihl v *• Bravo (Nor), it/1 tout*. Andieass* n. l<lf n. a.— Chr. O. I>hl A Cos. Cosmo (Bn, ' tons. Mullgraft; Mr n p.—lMtachan a- Cos. Consigns (*. la toil (I til). 551 tons Am (•roMMii. to kl n. e Hi radian A <*o Elsa (<l*r), Lift* tons. Hprtngcr; Idg. n.- —<Btra* -ban A (*• Julia. 715* tons. Sweeny; dear* I .Master. Jumes A Wright. WC ton*. English; idg for Philadelphia Master. Unit Curry (Itr). 4'*i tons, laindry; db cargo. —Mn :••! Dnrenso 429 tons, Ca.nov t; to Id n Kateve A Cos. Nlnl (Aunt). *d) tons. Hertoiozal. Mg n. * Htrachuti A Cos. Prince George (Nor) 47* ton*. Hans n; tr> Id. n a.—-Paterson-itownlriK Cos Kaeavig (Nor). M3 ton*. Olsen. Mr n. . Paterson-Downing Cos kc* boon era. T W. Dunn 605 tons. lion*!. Ids lum ber Master. Ttioa 1/ James. 376 done, Plei ■ ’ 1 lumber M ister Woodward Abrahams, ?76 tons. Marshall, Mli lumber Master Hen Tatilane. Jr.. 3V. tons, to Id. lumber ! Master. At Quarantine. Bark Oasrlle (Hr). Ureen. from Rio *b Janeiro. — I TELEGRAPHIC MARKETS. (Continued from Nln4h Page.) j.inall .b ar in- es heaviness in oullb market*. lawrish Argentine shipment* and cr op newi*. ab**n ■• of om*i*le sun**: ’ and lignt exfiott tra-le; clos* l weak V'/\\ net tie. line; Mir li. *>% May. v>% No j vember. 77Vi !> < ember. 77V Corn- #*|s*t easy . No 2 46. i* r n market declined for a time In the b* ir i nop report ami more lioeral vountry offei- U'gs. raliie*! on a- ire of Nov err * r aborts at Chicago, but finally yielded to the wheat decile May. 41\c. November. 4(i, ■. December. 42 V Oat* Hpot quiet. No. 2 2> optpai* were very slow all lu> apd a stude ff w ith other market*. Tallow firm Petroleum quiet. Rosin steady. Turpentine stsidy. ItP . st*-a*ly Sugar Raw firm fair refining 3“V hid; centrifugal. 96 test 4V . hi I Molasses sugar. 3S*'.,bkl; refined steady. Reef steady; rut m*:* quiet laird * any; Western steamed $7 6fl, No vent’***!'. 77 €5; r* fin-*1 quiet. Pork steady. Coffee—Bi*>t Rio quiet: No 7. Invoice. 7V . mild quiet. OonKvva. I'ldllU*'' T.** m.*rk*s for coffee future* open.d stal Siib) point* higher m Havr* and H un burg cables, causing covering w in creasing publb- speculation Th* mark- r eased off lat**r in ahsitice of Brasilian a- Idea, and an absence of apo mi vers; i closed easy at a net l e * of jtflu t- in ". Total sabs 22.0 b) nags including Novem ber. •> 4Ts*; December. €.;• vi*; Mar h. j 6.7S#t-* l ’ c Butter firm, creamery. I9QT?c; stats dairy, lfflttc. Cheese nominal; large Remember. 10\c; sma.l. lie. Eggs firm, state and Pennsylvania. 22$ Western. 21tJ2^. Potaeces quiet; Jerseys, fl hOOI.J7S; New York. $1 2SfTI I-ong Island, f! 80f| 1.75; Jersey swseta. |! fs-fi2 00. Peanuts ate.d> . fancy hJixl-plcked, sc; other dotacsUc, 40. si*ii*l v . br p Island. p*t Ift). ! J r' u !•- to Div* !5 '*l deady; cotton by st* am. 2,'** 1 . t OTTO* UKn OIL. New York. Nov. I*. I'otton eed nil win iv* ak and lower, r f!* 11 r g lee Ines In h g pr 1.. # and in j. I|b*-rsl off rln< *f ru u i.y ar: l diUUi> deliveries without le rnanl. Prins cru le. b. rr*ds. :Dp2 l^c,, prims sumrne ye.low. 2 V*. off - irnrn. > * . -w . pr m • winter .l*w ' i" t rim with*', J7u;tHc. p ime HP ill, .V. t Hit IUO V Alt HIT*. ri.i ii No., b Wheat was weak *O d.iy 1* —l? :k with ** ri*• * los? of Corn < I •*-• *! v hi ! .■* )*i* 4 c lower. Pro- V lalotls Wet*‘ i 12* • -!own. • Ti 1* .mIIi * fu; nr.-s ta- ged as follows <;•* ! g Highest I.< wvßi.Cloii.K Wheat. N . Nov . 71% 71% 71% 71% lec . .7: bi? 2% 7-*> 4 Tm-fiTP* 71*4 171% . 72 Corn. No m Nov .. TANARUS.) 39\ :?* 39% D b -* r.VnL.% )l.i> r* '*<.:•. j 16 36 < ats. No . Nov ..21% 2121% 21% : 21 % 2!\ rb . Miv 21 21% 23% 23% M*s* Pork. i*er bh|.— Nov .110 }i * o sia ir. iioso J 111 11 .0 11 v;. 11 67% 11 70 Miry 11 7*. 11 II 7* 11 70 1 Lard, p*r ino !iw Nov . 7 17% 7 20 7 15 720 1 u*c 6 :*.. 7 n;% 6 95 . 97% Jan .. 6 i)2% 6 Kl 6 ft* May . 6Ti 697% 6 :•) 692% Bhort Bibs. ter %n lbs— N-v . 7 12% 7 2 7 12% 720 • Jan 6 3*) 6 35 6 2f, Uil May 6 32% 6 37% 6 .1) 6 32% Cash quotations w*re as follows; Flour. | dull ais I * v. N • T spring wheat. 7u ! 72 . No. 2 red. 71*/*i74 , *o; No 2 csirn. 39%*-. IN* 2 >* il -w. g* N * 2 white * .1* XtiJ 7* . No 3 w hite, 24%fr 21% ; fair t* -hoice malting barley. . ■■ N • 1 tlax •• I. $1 7**; No. 1 North u, 0.-ru, sl7l. prime timothy *e- !. $4 4 2** mess poik. | r bbl . $10.501110 €2% lard per lft) lbs., $7 30fr7.25; *h>rt rib:* .-.* (100-. ), $* ■> rT 2’*; dry awaited shoul ders (box* *h. s%,tis\c; short clear rides (tM>xed). s6.*sd<7 a>; w hisky, haste of hlgu wit * s. $1 27; clover contract grade. 10**0. IT* %ltt#l MK\ Ia UURK €•! Aft. Ilow (lie llnh nt Idherty f'lty Played the Purl uf t cat*r. Thr mswer f th* defendant In the eae **f Mr Marion bu< against tiie W- t * rn l 1 don 'l‘cltgraph (’om; iny was fl c l y* stenlay in th-* City Court. Mr. l,u is g .-uing t)ie .ompany fo* $! *■• ilamiß's. alleged 50 have been in curr** 1 by him hi rca *OO cf the conduct ** f the . omi*uny'* sp*nt at Liberty City, 111- petition rt lie- that h-- wae n-pre nting cral flew Bp 'i* r at Liberty Cit when the recent troubles b. :w.m th*' white p'-ople and the tag roe* ar*>e In that s< ctlon. He* action for dan ,a•* Is !• .-*1 n th fact that the agent of the oompitn sh*wc 1 ora* of his teb r ans t. a member of trie mob and th.t the mob. In •11 * I by what he Li I wntt.n, i hr**uten* and him vigorously and prornl ed him H s**rts of ill luck In ease the o►- J.ctlonabb- me*sagts—objectionable, at anv r • to tin meml>er ot Ihe ni *>— we • trot b*tro>ed a* once. Tin inswt-r. ftled by ‘Mes-rs dußlgnon A b • pin n count* 1 for the defendant rep: i*dti * - oi'r* -r two of the tn*- s w * h Mr. I#u' is did actually xt. d on the mg in question. Halford to (to t Pliallpplnrs. Washington. Nov. 16— MaJ. w Halford, paymaster I'. S. A., lias been relieved from duty at Atlanta. Ha. and ordered to “proceed to the Philippine** f*r duty, via Han Francis o. MaJ. Halford will be rehevol * Atlanta bv MaJ P*-rre C. Steven**, 1 liltlonal paymaster U. S V., now on duty In Porto Rico. Itrn nsix let* '1 Municipal Ticket. Brunsolck. G . Nov. 16.—The Good Oovernment Club to-night nominated fdr Mayor. N Emanuel and for Aldermen. J K dußlgnon. R H Everett. C. Me* Garvey and A. E. Went This ticket will elected without o|*| aiitlon In Decem ber WEATHER A TONIC TC TRADE. t 01.1 l HAS < ir. %ti:i % liltl*K IIK- M %Ml FOIt t I.OTIIIM*. Ilrnniril \il im* •- In f ttn Hum l'ro**l n *limnltiM •* s*uth**rn K*rnil**—lt *i 11 rM*l lt*tnriim %rr 1 im orablr—4 rrral Our f th* Frw ilml %rr brNggiiiH-lroii iintl M*rl ** • 111 111 l Tbrlr Own—t Noiiilil** tdvnnrr In t nttin. New York, Nov. 16 ffra*l*tre*' s to morrow- will -* v The to: i rflect of •■♦** ot.ftb v c M weather Is ag ill. t*- ♦ iflr<l to bv rci* rts from pra :i • llv a.: m irk* *f i b c*b *len*a'r.*l f r w i t -i** '. r.g * 1 f.svw-ar This in turn l** reft* ct 1 In Increa*.. l re urdern fr*<fn W* stern. Northwestern aml Bout hern jobber* *i*i a jM*r* ej’lfle ni provrment In t*>r* of v* u> ! ****ale tr<l- *r •he East, which hop* - ?o ir:l l;w • O’e. in the tes'ilfs fiowlng from the exist itk: good conaumptlve demand The renew* I advance In cotton another result of cold weather, hae pr< v 1 a sum ulus to Boutharn trad* and also mad* cotton g<*>ls ag* n g .tisl manufacturn s rather indltfcrent to new buslti- offered at o 1 rste* Wlmi* looked like an Improvement in woo! demai>*l and p ♦•* s* *ms to have received .* terntHirurv k **tb *k ftotn th* failure of a irgt wo< b*n mill cont* ti n ltal!w.i> returns oontlntie favorib’e: the demand for Iron i.d ft-*-! is exp.nlbg and ytrlces r** har*bning. Kiior is • x* 1 • *knall> we|| * ri;|* o\e|, nn be ol mining operation Have In pri tlcilly resune*! and prices f*>r that prod uct seem asMir*d New r* •.••■is o' •xp r tra*le .ire piewented nJ the exec - *f outward trade b- assuming ph W. il j*ror*rrtlor, • The market for * ereals l- <irat l g one. with pri*-** ctsatjge few mi o li il* importance, but -t* k spe'l tln, ih*<id> quieter than f lat* is- tr t g a \ ■ un dent In tae Reflection of th* '* • nortnoue ou-lne.*-> In this In- i-* f* n l in in j*r*- * ;*'iii*l bank <•!<* ring> t i b.- 1899. Iron nnl vifi*| Mnrlift. Tne strength of pri* ev \* • • ill most m m ifexr in Iron and st**l, tlcmard for w • ontinueg large t*h for <’rude nn 1 in - i.**n l materia e The Hon of h bl I t I mol In advaip'lcg pri.*-* i- claimed to fiav*- h** k i *teni.UMl. l’lg iron hc* a’** t* *'ii affctesl by • fforts t* adv.iiic To * eir.r pig. but though not t- < tlv • a“t we* k. I’ very strong and .1 the \Y*st. while firmer ami ten 1! * ui*- ward at the H.juth. AmoiiK the textiles, cotton Is notable for l 4 rent adv an* ** cn the week, du** to kill rig frost having termlnired fur* her growth Estimates of the crop average .ibout |0.2&0.<V) bales, but the advance has i****n arrested toward the close by rumors hat lOUtson will issue a *stm.’c -■f consumption. Arg* ruine w h*nt crop damage has flg ir* and Inrgelv among %** supfmrtlnx influ ence* of th*- wheat market, but liquida tion by tir**l bulls i.s ben a restraining •.nfluenc* !/iie rejMrts Indicate th*' ‘lane age mentlone*l is sltgnt. CVish <*om, a*- tier* totor** has continued quite strongv on sma.ll stocks and go*l demand. EoHur* : f**r the we* k in the Unite*! S’ates number 227. ns ag rat 181 la>t week, 191* a year ago. 229 In 1898; 225 in IM*7 and In IMW TIIRKK nVUIUTIA W(\. ( roml In %tltintu lilt the llnnk mnki'M n llnnl lllow. Atlanta. Nov. 18.—Three favorites won *P Piedmont INrk this ifternoon at If e crowl hit th* bookmakers hard. W at r clear; track fast. Bumtnir.e-. Rare ITvc ai l a half furlon . Quaver, 5 to 1. won. l'|i Ret tie It.. 7 t 5 second. nn*l Mark Miles. * to 5. thir l Time 111S Second Race—Belling, five furlong* Ic lla I4rr, 2 to 5, won, with llenry A SB* ter. 6 to 1. second, and E i Win H 'fTmm r, to t, thlr*l Time 1 ‘HA*. Third Ran- Selling, oia mile Wind ward. 2 t* f*. won. with Ei v**n R* I 1> to 1. s* *mil. and Uttle Reggie. 1 to !, thlr<l Ttrn** 1 47\ Fourth Ka e Four and a half fur'.on s May me Smith. 1 • 1. won. wi h ar rard. 4 to l, s* - *l. itiwl C’ ..t* rb* *l, *1 to f. third Tim* • sf Kill) Hi .- - \ nle i to 5. won. with O* o go lat*ar. f to 1. n' on i an l Mo iz* t< tT, Id to l, third. Time 1.34. liner ItcsultM wt >**w|Mrt. Cincinnati, Nov. 18. —Results it New port : First Race—One mil*’. Mix* Redwood. 9 to 2. won. with Poorlan Is 15 t>> l. •*•* - uml. and ldttle land. 7 t* 2, thin! Tim** 1 I.T 4- S*****nd Rjice—Five ard half furlongs Nix. 6 to 1. won. Cies ent (juf'eu. 8 to 1, second, ami ll* rmosite, 10 to 1. third Time r.O9V Third Race—One mile and twenty yards, ('horns Roy. 2 to 1 won. with Chant on. 4 *o 1, second, and Ettholin, 1 3t 5. third. Time 1:42V Fourth Race—Htx furlongs, high weight handicap Propeller, 4 to 1. won, with Guesswork. 7 to 5, second, and Bcvey, 13 t. 3. third Time i \3\ Ff h Race—One mile an I sev* nty y.irh Menace, 6 to 1, won. with Miss Aubrey. 4 to 1. second, ami Ru-sian, 5 to 1. third Time 1 46*4 Sixth Race—Blx furlongs Horseshoe To l acco. 2 to 1. won, with J J T . 4 to 1. xe-ond. and Earl Fonso. 9 to 2. third Time 1:14. TO HIM v\ HKHiM>IHMMTIO\. I.nnu Want* lle*gnl l ln f<r Flulit- Ilnu \a%al tHßcrrs, Washington, Nov. 14. —ll understood , that S* rotary' Eong will renew his re om meivlatlon to the (*ongr -*e for fitting rec ognition of th*- gallantry of officers who Did You Ever Know any one who smoked the same kind of Five Cent cigar any length of time? Five Cent cigar smokers arc always dissatisfied —always trying something new—or something differ ent, as there always seems to be some thing wrong about the cigars they have been smoking. Ask your dealer for Old Virginia Cheroots They arc always good. • Three hundred million smoked this year. Price. 3 for 5 cents ft ■ ■•lag!^ # yoyrfrterMiar vrit h Yellow Labes, I G*>od Rve is soothing—that’s Whisrey Yellow Isabel It’s mellow, old pqr and oily —the ideal stimulant and WHEREVER invigorator.() GOOP LlOhor IT’I I TIP at The and flerence t great “ L LL 1111..41* this and r-P * £ A* narv whiskey, to show the dlfTereoc** w .11 cai r> k-*. a k and Not. sample l*ottle free, on reeolpt w/VL 'y/ f of i-icts. todef ray packing, etc. Address ijKt CHAS. HI. Priirtß A CO., r > v Yf yC 47 mum Bt. # Cincinnati, O. \ V , J l **^*,* distinguished themselves during the bl . ihj>~Am*-r.can War. with probably u h milar recommend.itlon as to those who have performed conspicuous service In China. Hunt It Rilled Im Ilia Aon. Ttiscftlocs.i. AH . Nov It*.—Thomas Booth was kl : e l in C’oker's Heat this tr rnlnjt by hi* 18-year-old s r. The trou i>l uw ov-r th* sol* **f a !><xk in whl h th*- boy was lnt**r* f*d REVIEW OF *ThE MARKETS. fONDITION OF 11. TR ADC 111 HIM. THE I’PI WKF.K. The 9fnt ( otlon Market blvnnre* in He|ionie lo tlie I pwnrd Move meat t of <ntl*ii Future*- Spirit* lii r |*-p 11 nr Easier, the Price ti ler Market ltoiir llclnat 441 Cents. It os Isas I Irm iiiml I ai*hn aiued—‘Ten- ili'iacy of Stocks 1 |iwnr*l Since tl*e llea<*tlon W* I It* ekeil —l.oeal no*, felew rn|ilil(* Markets. Tit*- Mornfrg News office. F:ldav. Nov 16. The feature of h* w. ek In 'he lc.c il was probably th* *tcsily upward i* nl**nc>' of si o* i(dion, which >howcl t gain In response to the ad.ariee* ii th** cotion futures market. The spo: mar kets getierslly a letter ton* nn I moling w n on n fairly ir--od sc..l . For * part of the week the spirits I r l- ialn* market advanced i:n er pr* tty he ivy buying, but when this oc.i-ed the feeling became <asier, and the result is a decline. The official clos ng io-d iy wa* strad\ at 41c. but after the des-rtg s it* of a round lot were made on a u is of 4 ‘jc The rosin market r*miin*d dim throughout the week, with a go and busi ness doing. Pri* - ware well mitntalnei. Th* tendency f stock*' si* • lie r* a* - tlon was cheeked 'fpiirsdaj bar t- n u*- w*ard .•* t* at-out everything on th* llsi - riea !••,•! lumdous buiinm fi lowlny th* • ieetliHi It wi- •<* te up i.-**i that a reaction would folow. >u -h as wo t,ll really lie bench vial t# th*- nar k* ' \V alk thH - am* t: wan I nsate ri.i 11 > ! • • aid ti w trices arc on an-th r upw ii boun*l. with tne bed-*f p>vn r •> whl -.-ar trim the level the e>- tlon P' >m left tff Money i ul*i *asy :or •*v r;I ■1 i> #8 i helped to* upw 1 ti> •• Th following rwume f th* nor -k i- w show the tone anl quotitlona at the eloping to-day: OTTOA The cotton market showed derided >'rtor h durtng the week Pri os advanc •*l in r-soon sc t-> the hewer tone and t i • * \ |n th* col on futures market. whUh w* nt up throughout th** week. The -ni.tiel for cotton was mob-iute. and a fairly l*sh| huslnces was done. Th*-re s ii.. . i- 1 Mtl ti to lull I rather ttian tnak* -.)iu • us of any kind Sales for the w. k uplands, and* sa islan*!s. ii ml for th*' seas*, n 34.445 uplands, and 9.ts> •*i islands The following were the official spot quo t.itl" u? the close of th** market ai Uk* Cotton Exchange to-day: This j Last I day. j year Good middling 7 3-16 M ddlifkg 7 1-16 L-iv middling ....... 9 6 9-16 Market quiet an*l steady. **a.rt* 279. Ileeelpfs I’hl Week. I Up- 1 Sea R<- -elpts of t*<>tt**n— land , Isl’d. Ib *i| ' past week 27*.434 4.177 S**m- week ia , *t y*r 38.727 f.194 I’.ir'i' ulars of R*ccip4a— Central Railro *1 19.*C4 414 H. F AW 1.4::. 1 S3h CliitrUaton aind Hav a or. ah . 132 River s* earners 219 Carts j sf Reaufort steamers j 12 Heal* ard Air Line 1.757 1.92 ft Exports— Exports Inst week 1 21.556 1 721 Bam** W*ck 11 *t year 36.333 2.271 Movement To Baltimore 153 To N* w York 2.572 836 Hnm*wb*k IF Mum licster ...j 3.0 0 :a Br*n*-: 11.249 Barcelona 4.582 Sto-k on hind and ships .... 71.790 15.5*9 Ham*' <lay lat year 115.649 13.43*? Bavnrunah Receipts Exports and Stark* Received this dv 6.0 k: R* -elvcal sim*- dn\ l ist year 6.718 Same day year before last x.<*o7 HlN'i ipiK past week 29.611 Ham** week |ae year 41.921 Hum* wreek v.*r i*cf*re last f.9 709 R*eelve.) since oept. 1 1899 477,146 R*.elv*-*l w.ime time last year 432.53;; Exports Fist Week. Exports this day. coastwise ],o*) Export* past w *ek. cc*a**tvise 2 9i; Exports past week. *ontinent if,o^l Expr*rts | his? week. France None Export* pa.-t week. Great Brkaln 3’-•** T*ual exports past week Export*- Bin'e Sept. 1. 190 M: i To Great Britain j. | To the continent Total foreign Total coastwise Total exports Exports Ham*- Time Last You To Great Britain 1 To France To the continent * Total foreign I Total const w ise Total exports I BtO'k on nand this day S:o<*k on hand <amr day last year Receipt* rind fttock* at Aii ports He**eiptf4 this day ThU day J,ia year Trm day vo ir before laM .. Receipts p.'?*i week Home days last year .. Year before lirt ... Total receipts since Sept i, Hume time last year Same time year before last Htork at all ports tn-dav Htoi-k earn** day last year I>illv Movement nt Other Ports G; rest on— Strong. mldd insr. it receipts. 17.11 k; gr.-s. 17.118 saV stock. 221.VC. | N*w Orleans—Firm; middling f> r = , ; receipts 9.M5; gro*s. 10.017; snl<- t - I stock, Mobile-Steady; mld*lllng. l>, , , celpts. i 124: grows. 1.424; sales, :v** L 23.946. t'harlewtoo—Firm; mid fling. !* receipts. 1.2; gross. I,£U; stock j T Wil min ft on—Firm. midlllng. !♦ , celpts. 2 i.7 gross. 2.927: stock Norfolk- Hteady, middling *♦ 7.1*. *elpts. 1.31 k. gross.!.3lk. rales 7* 37.197. Baltimore—Nominal; middling !* . 1 receipts. 1.421. gross. 2A47. a.ock. ‘ New York—Hteady; middling, receipts, none, grots,; *a * - :17 stock. 42.236. Boston—Steady; mMdllng, ? I.' receipts 1.010; grose. s 794. Philadelphia—Firm middling !< v , r t 1 ~ Mb *;?. • ■ trick. 4 Newport News—Net receipt* 4‘ . gram*. 4.613; stock, 6'•**.*. Daily Movement* at Irnrlor T \\ Augusta Hteatly. mid Ring. i*\. . celpts. 1.902; gross. 1,141; sales. 22>i t 4‘. 347 Memphis—Steady; mitbllicg. 9 receipts. f.(M7 t gross, 6.6 TV sales, stock. 110.461. St Loub—Steady; mldlmg. o*v: r.s ' celpts. 1.017; 7A33; lies. l.<3i* Cincinnati—Quiet and firm, m: 9\, net receipts. 1.421; gro.- 1.421; *■* H. 960. Houston—Steady; middling. 0 receipia. 17.210. groa.-*, 17.29*. m• * K i '■*' Louisville (weekly)—Firm; tr.iM :? g. ] net receipts, ZJt>, 22-; sle-. •* stock. 4ou. Exports of Cotton This Day Ga* vest on—France. 9.900; com ♦ •-! iOu New Orleans—To Great Brita .. 16.t%-;; coastwise, fc.&d". Mbile—('oaatwiee, 770. Savannah t ’ast w t*e. I onf. Charleston—Cows:wise. Wiimingta. <?onstwls* G. Norfolk --Coaet wise. i.4.A Baltimore—To Great Britain. !*’ c r tinenc. 2. New York—France. contsr • Boston—To Great Britain. 4,4.7 Newport N*-ws—Continent. 2 Total foreign export* from i * • lay—To Great Britain. 2t!x. 1122 X; to th* continent. 10.74D Total foreign extvoris from all J-* far this week—To Great Hr;' to France, 94.370; to tt*- oontliut Total for ign exports since H' * To Great Brtiain. 1,084.639; to I’r u * - 922, to the continent, 713.064. BKA I*l. AMI c ornu. The tendency In the sea Ulun-‘ niarket <lurlng the past week w.* lower prices. Business woe on a modr.* scale with no apparent grea* *le*lre 1 •*>’ quarter to take cotton. Tin r*> ; * show a shrinkage cgainst last y**i' sales are amnit one*third what thev * the corn -’Kinding week l ist ye I’rlees ehout we f*llows: Extra choice East Florida* .. Extta cho e and fancy Florid j *...i rt% < otCf end fancy (feorgi*** - ■.H I Ext*a fine Geo gas ii.** Gmgia* i.omlnuH M xllum fine and *ommon Receipt* and Htorks— |l9i^ Receipts jmi st w-ck 3 Exports nasi w***k Receipts this se.rson } 2&A Sates |ms 1 we*k Bt*'*'k on ha ml l * '*. Charleston. Nov. !*• -S*\ I* Receipts, H7IS b:ig; export*. 3*7?. stock, 2.369. Fully line. 24*j|C C OTTO A 6*l TI II EH. The Close |lnr*-l> 4trnil) With I’ri* Alp to I I tiff. New* York. Nov 16—The market ton to-day was Irregular with • positions working towards hlgl P : on threats of u contemplated com the more remote positions tend ward under various causes, n retried estimate pijp-lng the v Mumptlon of American cotton twites, or 1 .OOn.OUU les-s than com* l * year. Tle opening her*- was • > ndvaiice of 2t13 points on near and a decline of 8 points in 8 • * Cable* were better than look*-I J the gtieial market steadied In ering with some pretty fair s buying. At the best the mark liointe higher to 6 points lower was barely steady. 5 p*)!nts hlx liolnfs net lower Talk of con* mzinipuliit Jon made part!*** v short of the near positions anxious to cover, but public lagg*d and there was more or i at the top prices on the rea* t * The latter was lnrre*G h> 1 that the Fast Indian crop w long wa> toward supplying sptnnii.g demand. Selling pr*> market caution, however. .s of the Southern spot mark a and cents higher and conllii cotton goods market were rep 1 more encouraging. FLtCTt %TIOS! is n Tinr* Now York. Nov. M.-Cotton opnnl Mjr and clo*l bar?!)’ 1 Prirf* • follows: | Ops ft. | Hlh. | I w _' January I t.fc ;# M |* *® : j Febrwir ' • !•!*