The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 18, 1900, Image 1

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THE MORNING NEW* T -.. ~i lv*' - - Incorporated IS** 1 j. H KBTIL.L. President. NO REMAINS FOUND i M i><>ihUß to Horn itqievt i n>.\ roHTEH's n<mv. Flßt ENTIRELY CONSUMED IT. v VOTED ITAHIHOmY FOB 111 It MM. TUB KtWItO. Ti.. l*i'' H#mi '* WIIBfM the Llkelr Tlit ny I .uni itrpi Will ll*' Titkrn 11r ,.,1,,,. ihr KirrMlnn Hl Apiirnv ,,l It. I’lilillr Sriiilmrnt—t or Mn> . , at | |,| Ur-KslnMishmrnt of I nl -tnl ’uni*li# Id oloriMlo. ] ~ , col.. Nov. 17.—1 t4* unllkrly that ■ will be held over lb* rem.%ln o( Porter. Jr.. tha twif-confr s-1 ~ , . of Lou.iw Pmt, who wtu bum , ! u by a mob ot Lake tfta ..cht. In fuel, the coroner can f main* upon which to hold an Inc. tnen remained la*t la*t nlfiht at in. i 1 where the murder was committed „ I. n-newt-d the Are again , ..i:. until very vestige of the negro v i ime<l. The iron rail to which jv r -n - bound will 1 left atan*hng. \l. witness#') the lynching. , nt .n were there, but many of them , the ~n# before the nrewasllgbt ,.l ~) inalned while the negro wa* led 1 irrti.e to carrlape for Inspection •j ,- r * ... uip a unit for burning \\ ill He %n Proaee■■ 11<*n*. INov. 17-No measures have I I . n-.ilrr. l with n view of prose, ut. p n y t m'-ers of 'be mat, that burnel Port r. at I it Is unlikely that any will be i .ken Gov. Thomas refuses to ex pre* an o|>lnlon In regard to the affair Disci t Attorney McAPlster of the Ju dleia: d.strict In which Uncoln county Is pa:t. said that prosecution of the '.ead .r* *ouhi be utterly futile owing to pub lic eei.llrrent. lie condemned the r*- mov il of Porter to Lincoln. Clergymen <>f this city unanimously rle. i precat* the methisl pursued In the lyneh l g but some of them say the negro ,‘iouM hove l-en hanged or ahot. A r v* ment to reinstate rtplial pun t tinwitf in the ftatute* of Colorad-* ha* pcrlved an Impetus from the murdtr >f Iwjise FfOft and the lynching. A hill t . h this object In view Is now being . awn and Its advocates. It Is *ald. will • -ke an aegresstve fight for Its enact rml at the coming **slon of the L g s t.'urc Criminal na ault probably will 1 rc'de a .a; Ital crime. Porter and Arthur Prt f , r and brother, rerpe lively, of the len t , were releaaed from the Jail to e Th y Intend to return to their home. Jiwrence. Kan. MS <ll HI.IIS Wild. St fPBB. What Mrs. Frost Wald About Lfßak- Ing of Preston Porter. Denver. Col . Nov. 17 —"Well, no other fi 'iit-s will suffer from that brute s tr. nee.** ...e were the words of Mrs. Frost to ft when asked for an .gpre skat on the timeni of the negro who conb s* and ■ in* was the murderer of her chid, i' course. I was not consulted as to t punishment to be m ted out and I Pi not know what fate awaited him. 1 ( ,~t car. . Just so he was removed from .••e of the earth. Nothin* can atono I • e death of my baby, and I did not 1 the feeling of revenge which *• t. n peopln sail ought to po-sess ne 1 I ought wa# to save othet* the (wilt iffered. Whatever was don" with !• , brute wr.s ilght-no matter wn&t. •.inly, he <ll<l not tffer what Lu s i ! . nd she was Innocent, while he wa* t l*erhape I would have totw pity I not her mother. No one but a 1 ,i of an outraged and murdered child iun know Just how 1 feel.’ murdere.l child's father. Hubert W !. return**l to Itenver to-day front * cue of the lynching. A great load haw been lifted off us." u ; ; , "and as for me. 1 don’t care who 1 r :. mils me for starting the blage. No father will have to do what I did .tint of that negro, and. I snld If the brute had l<es-n lynched for t • ..(T. nse In Knttsa* my baby would i .. to-day and our hearts would ih* l- "ken." lo Protest tauinst Lynching. ■ r. Col.. Nov. 17.—A moss meeting i '.ceti callisl for tomorrow afternoon • •'e First Haptist Church to protest the work of the Linton molt ond u-usa the question of a restoration ipltal pun aliment. Oov. Thomas has P ttt-tsl to ••kirn# the meeting. —i lilt 1 .Id CMIHIKII hESTITKT. Hi* Majority In the atnte Will lie About 8,000. 1 rat kfort. Kjr.. Nov. 17 -Official re t . ive been res-eived at the aecre 'V of Mate’s office for iOfi of the 113 of the stale. Th# vote (or Pres i* follows. Dryan. 186.412. McKln *)'. 172,422. unoffletal returns from the missing bring Krynn’s plurality In the •town to aleut l.lh). Laitlniitl’s Irs Cabinet. t’bn, Nov. 17—The reconstructetl 1 thlnet held Its Initial meeting at ’ xn "fflce thl* morning urwler the r '<-y of Lord tialisbury. The Bec ot State for the Colonies, Mr. Jot imberlaln. was the oniy alwente*' ■ ct of the meeting was to arrange ness of the coming brief session I Moment. He Will Ant Heslgn. ngton, Nov. 17 —Postmaster Oen r, ith to-night gave an unqualified •o a published report that be In ■'■"d lo resign next month. Venesurlnn Parcels Poet. I •Norton. Nov. 17 —Postmaster Oen mkn has Just concluded a parcels' convaotlon with Venezuela. f Motnim Hclti & * u % IT MEANS BUSINESS. I rokrr'a l*nrllnsr !njunr||tn UHli ItruMrd lu (hr ( rußuilr \tfn lit * t Vl*f l*y InniniMni llnll. Now York. Nov i7 (’rok^r paiird for to-day on board thr !*urani*> At the Club. IWore atvtlnc for th pier. Mr Crokrr •‘Thl* movement by Tarnmany Hal ajrair.ft vice mom* bunlneM*. We have t. k*n up the fight to purify the rtty In eurneet ami we propose to carry It to a aucoeeeftil *‘Hive you any parttnr Inutructlona to Mix# to the committee of five in the mau it-r of vice cruaade?" Mr. Croker wa* then “Oniy thl*.“ he anpwered “Thla pan w;f formed two month* ***>. We dl l not put It Into rxecut.un before election ba caure we feared the people w iuld ml oti *trua the motive which aotiunel the plan for the bfttermer* of the city." Chief pevery was a*k 1 at poll e head quarter* to-day If he had the letter *ent by IHehop Potter to Mayor Van Wyck i;illins at;ention to an alleged lax ne*s in the police department. He re plied : “I have nothing to nay touching on or appert.lining to that matter.” He made a eimilar unewer when If the investigation and resultant rom plaint* nude by the Tammany romtnlitf* 1 of flv. In the *ear*h after vice would be treated In the ruj‘ton ar> manner. | m%w i*i om: hi tit t. I**l re nt Plilllppf. U \ a., ( nn*r<l l-" of fKNMNNI. Philippi. W Va . Nov. 17 At 9 oVIo k this m*rnliu H;e br k- out in the Valley Hotel hen*, and d* stroy-l n large tiortlon of tlie buelite*- area of the city. The fire 1* *ut>po* and to have originated from a defective flue Ir. the hotel. The loss ni l approximate IHW.OOO. The hoavl- loecr* are < rlrn and Hoturorth. s3>.hht). no Insurance, Mr* I„. B. Heatherly, dwel ling. f.vono. in*ure<S. Repu liciin offlee, I2.nnf insured. I. J Taft'a Htor*- an l twtlMn*r. •.<■€*. injured, l/wl Wl’iwn. lweiiing. C.onu, Insured; .1 M \V< lforil, ofTlcv building. ln*txrel; i: 11. *rln>* A Cos.. <*k>:hln store .nd lv.tiding. $- litiurHl; 4. E. Orant A Hro.. dwrelllng. S3 - Insured: Plain 1 *•*• r. fJno Itwur *inee; M F. Hall. *tor*. IShnn. Insured, Methodist t'hurch, Houth. no insurance; VV. 11. Davts, druggist. %: - 080. no Insurance; J H Knapp, household good* and booa*. f J <X<V Insured; Mr*. J. W Conner, *tore building. t2.S>O. ln*urefl There are many smaller losee* of H.BX; or under. The loose* above the I nets ranee are great. W. G. Key* was the only fire man Injured to any extent. He will re cover. K*t;m**es have been ankd already for new brick structures to replace ihos* burned. The two newspapers destroyed will Issue n*xt we*k a usual, and b** printed In the Democrat office. TWO KILLED, Tllltl&B DJI RKD* IMsastrons t nllUlmt on Alnbanm nn.l % ickshurjc lioeil. Jade eon. Mlae. Nov. 17 —Two men were tneiantly and three othens receive 1 injuries that will probably resuN fatally in u disastrous rear eivi collision that took place on th* Alabama and Vicksburg rvd. one mile w< st of this place, this afternoon. The cast bound pa-eienger timin. running at forty mllm an hour rate, *trti*k in** rear end of a freight train standing on the coal chute track and several cars wrere completely demollsned. Following is a 11s: of the kill'd ar.dr In jured; O. Ruffin, horse trainer. Dallas, Tex., killed inr untly. Orna fiufflugton. torse trainer. Instantly kl.led. ltud Hobson, engineer. Internal Injuries, abdomen crushed, may die. I*. Nel son, horee owner. 1 Mill is. Tex., in ternal tnjurle*. may !te. t Dr. !•: J Jone-, horse’ owner. Milwau kee, will probably die William, Jo'key, Fort I>odge. lowa, bmlses on hand ***l ehest. * The several cars of ra- e horses on the train Ir -barge of their owners and train ers were en route fp>m Vicksburg to the Meridian. Miss., fair. AX AtiRICEMBXT HOPED FO||. If It Is Xot Hen©tied There Wnr He Trouble in Tampa. Tampa. Fla.. Nov. 17.-—Th© articles of Agrcemsnt submitted to th© two cigar makers* unions by th© committee of twelve were voted on <*>-<§*y. Th© mn in c*ie.h factory voted lurlng th© day ate! the ballot will b© continued until noon to-morrow. Th© two str'ppeni* unions m©t to-night nnd ih© hundreds of women discussed their part in the trouble. No conclusion was arrived at and they will meet again to-morrow. If th© agreement Is adopted all will go well, but If not Tampa may witness n real riot Monday morning a* the evidence# appear unmistakable. DAVIS' COXIMTIOA IRPMOVED. Telegram Was Heerlvrd From lira. l.onga(rr©t. 8t raul. Minn . Nov. 17 —Senator Dahls' ccndiilon has slightly Improved, end h* pcs nr© now entertained for his reoov . ry. Among the messages received to-dsv was the following •'Washington, Nov. 17—Mr*. Cushman K. Davis. Please convey to Hcnator Da vis assurances of my profound concern for his condition. In which Mrs. Long* street Joins wlih warm sympathy for you :td the hqK* that he may >< long i*p*rrd to th© radon li© has served with such dls tfngulslwd ability. •James Ingtre©t. Ilrooklyn Has Uft Manila. Waahifigton. Nov. 17 Th© Nvy H© v ,r n• nt iais been advised iat rh* receive from Oen. Mac Arthur the custody and control of the naval station situated at! ftuhlg bay The s*©tior herttofor >een in charge of ths military* Society to G> Possum Hunting. Newton. N. C. Nov. 17 -No contetit were scheduled m the Eaatem field trie.* tr-dav A number of the members to whom a 'possum is ft curiosity have ar ranged for a 'possum hunt to-night. The djerby suks will be run Monday. SAVANNAH* CiA., SUNDAY, NOVEMBEK is, 11HK). COMBINE IN LUMBER M t>l IK>TII 4 4>\SOLID \TIO\ MMMI TO BE .% > \OI M ED. MANY SOUTHERN COMPANIES ■ WILL EMTF.It THE IF. 11. WHICH IS W ELI. IT\ IM tID. l*lnntM mn Far llulrrrd Valiir.l at About t>2.*.lk)ii.MHi-Tlir ttrlnmnia nnt Othrr Mrw Vork Flnmirlrr, Will I'm t |, the At*,nr>—lt is Ant,• litr 4 omiMii** Is l’orni***l lu Orilrr •*• Itrcluer KiprnsfS n*l Mot to l*nt I ,* I'rlreu. Roltlmore. Nov. 17—A mo mmol h oon ...ti * f iuitlbrt * ntipjolrs cvlU pi ‘b ■b!)r be .it.roui. 'ft uilhiii a urrk of len • lav*. Four<r*n companies t Irzst ore to be ir, lu,i*sl in the com:*lnait*ai It tb-* plans ,lo not ml* airy anO several other*, mi sing. perha|j*. total of twenty, ore ez|eotel :o lie a.ble.l, A list ot tin- ror pt.ratluno n-sv lnterete<t in the negotia tions, atsl iifr.’luding the largest of them, te u* follows: Atlanta Coast laimher Pnmiatty of Giorgetoan. 8 C.; Hanning Lumber Com party of l-Mentoti, N. C.. Camp Lumber Company of Franklin, Va.; Cape I.iuntv - C r*|tny of Wilmington. N. C ; Gay Manufacturing Company <>f Suffok. Va.; Grectile.if-Johtwon Company of Nor folk. Va.; E. E. Jackson A Cos., of Wash ington. It. C.; Roanok* Itallnoad amt Lumber Company of Norfolk. Va Roper Lumiatr r.miainy of Norfolk. Vti , Buff4t laimoer < >mpany of Lumber Company of Rallintor* . W. 11 Tunis & Utmher LumlHT Com pa fly of Norfolk; V.rginla HawnU.l < omiui y of Norfolk. It Is aald the deal la the result of a meeting held In this city prior to the elec tion Among those who participated In this conference were August Relmont of the New York bunking hrm. Charlee R. Flint. I>r Joseph O. White and Joseph .Tt.erhach of New York, and p ores* nta t.ves of nearly U the comtainlea named ahole. After the conference the party proceeded lo Norfolk, and Irtsta-eted i itv plants of some of the lumlur companies. Conferences have since been h*-ld In N*w Votk at.d tie it* got tat .one live. It I- . practically reached a successful termina tion. Belmont* W 111 Finance It. It gs understood that all the capital nec esssry to secure ehe consoil.bttlon will he forth* cwnlng. and that the Betmonte will flnar.ce the deal, the total value of the vurloun piante being about l2S.oOi.otlh Mr. Auerbach la to uueutl to the legal side of the proposition. The combination Is to control the mar ket for Carol I tat pair, which Is said to Hava been much demoralised by o>mpeti tion between the numerous concern* m the ttade. This class of lumber flgurse extenaively is building mnterlal. being use.l In every way that lumber Is neces sary In the erection of a.i cipsaes of struc tttrse. Acr’ordkig to a prominent lumla-r man. It is not proposed lo advance prices, lull to make money by economizing In the operating cxitere*" nnd also not to In crease the export of lumber. Gossip about the deal was frequent In trade rlrclra to-day. Kx-Senator Tunis of the Tunis Lumb-r Comptny. which has Ps mills at Norfolk. retuni<-l from New York, but declined to discus* details of the combine. He edmlt'nd. however, that negotiation* are In progress. Gov Smith of this s’zts t heavily Intsrestol Ir. the Hurry Lumber Company. He la also Inure*!e! m the Surry Su.*s*’X and Southampton Railroad, which penetrates the timber I*o*l* o ft he former company It Is a narrow-cuuge line, twenty-eight miles In length, nnd would doubtless be included In the deal. ItnilVt ATTMKF.fI Altllt AtoAia. Twelve of the Former and Four of lH" I.ntter Were Killed. Casas Grande, Mex., Nov. 17.—1n an At tack net the Mormon colony at Pnac.he -o, twelve Indiana on 1 rour Mormons were killed, several were wounded on both sides. A and of Apaches attempted to stam pede a bunch of cattle belonging to the M irmon set:let* The alarm was aoun.k and and the Apache* were driven off. leaving a number of tl.el. dead on the fle.d Couriers the eetilement haatene*! to Casns Grand* for aid. It being fetred that the Indians might return and ren-w the attack. A squadron of cavalry and fifty infantry were Immediately started from the Juarez post. The Oovemor of Chihuahua, also ordered out a force of Rurales. . It sst first l*elieved that the rablem were from the San Carlo* reservation. In Arizona, but this Is not at all certain, and some of the off! -tat* are Inclined to the belief that the parly was composed of Chlrl -ahua Apaches, who tied Into Mex ico several yearn ago. when the I’nlted spates govermnent rountled up the Apache*. —■ * | CZAR PAMBO A GOtI DAY. Another Fa* oroide Bulletin Issued on His Health. fit. Petersburg. Nov. 17.—Another favor able bulletin on the subject of the Czar* health was Issued this afternoon: "Idvadla, Nov. 17. 11 a. m.—The Em peror passed a day yesterday. He slept about an hour. His Majesty's tem perature during the day was 100.5; pulse, 72. ”I*s#t night the Emperor slept sufficient ly well Tempr-mure this morning. 100.5; pulse. 70 Hl* Majesty’s gen-ral rondltlon is good. Ills lilneta Is taking the regu lar eburse.” • AA ill Remain at Valla. fit. Petersburg. Nov 17.—A dl-patch to the Nvo* Vremcya from film er p I. in the Crimea, say* th'- departure of the cab inet minister* from Yalta to 8t Peters burg has been faxstpohod. BBEVtI lI’CCUZIS HAY*. lot General Manager for the Grand Trunk Syalrui. Montreal. Nov. 17—Official announce ment was road* thl* afterr.oon by Blr 7harl*o Rivera Wilson, president of the ’.rand Trunk Railway fiywtem, that ieorga B lAeove. formerly traffic man tger. had bean appointed general cnan ,er of the system to succeed Charka M llaya. who Is going to Ban Francisco ai president of Lhe BotMbaro J’aclOa, joi\t \4>ti: or Ila%r II vnv I* rl llni ffr IVnrr Nr*o llntlon* lu 4 hlua . Tfirl*. Nov 17.—At a oun-il of th* mlivUtriß to-day M D*k *<*. tl:* French Mlnl*<ar of KorHim Affali* Amvoun*'# l Mat lh** miniat k m at Tckin ha I trAn*mli t**'l to their rMptftlve governmenti a nun>)er of artlolaa of a note, m I that they v*otu mpUted a l!ln|? *.x |Ol ia to thof already reached .a* a b.%*. f r Pm *e netiolUtlon*. A <iir*,M! h from Oen Vojrrtn. c*m maivler of th** Fr#n<*h foroi* n h im. *ald the F*reii.h column, returning Irom l’.a Tit k l’u had ocfU|4'>l th** lm> tumtv* a hixlrcd Routhwr* of l'rnch anil Hn* !,in force*, ihe dl! ittc)i aald. occupi*d the tom * ?Ji u.ied at the *ime Hatance e.*t of Feklii- Th© l*rt*nch eommaivler al*N ar.njun M • Itat a Tartar maritlial m l t ’ dn*e * tti ei ha) *•#*!! condemiied to death by <*n International . ommt**lon for havtv k pa U< ip.ited |n the m re Th* t**nfilithHl>* *r- quieter in the vi* initv of Fa** ling Fu, though Home l<Axerj* wer* rtl.l thrre. It4)||||i:il4k PON H IIKPIHI.H . Hnailnn Hnrniuilrrrd Them Roilb mI Mnnrliurln. Ft. Petersburg. Nov. 17.—Th© Ruiwian (roojv* are en<'OunterlriK n robber republh' lying ©outh of Kirin. Minehurta in the mount.unou* im.Mn of the Hunaarl. The president of thi* congree* of banditti la .1 certain OhaLlengue. A> 'onllng to gerterai *taff dt*ptrh©*. Lieut ('ol. Duroff. with two eoni|Mtue* of infantry, and *otni and a liatf of kh wivile reronnrater.nit recently. Apillded with t'haidengue and iwo haltai louiß of C'hineae regular•tr>ie*. who were ol**!atiiic with him l*ieut. Col. lur*fT ci;4ur*i two gur.M in the evigagement. 4i**n. Foh. few dayn Uter, with n mix* .i !tiitwlan foree. engage I 3,*4ii o Chaldengu* © follotvere In th** *am i*l ♦*• In which Isleitt. iV)I Duioff fought the bamllta. Gen. Foh nlao to*k two guc*. Gen Ronuenk-ipf. with *om© Cva aok*. had a ?han fight Nov 11 twenty verm* from Kirin, on the Kirin’Mukden r ad with the Chine*© troop* were killed twenty wourwled. A reconnol*Nanre d©veiop©d the fa*'l that MogeAßohen U lnclo*©l with a ©torv* wail eighteen f*et high and th*t the inner city ai*o it* walled. PGSM AIID HI UG \t AI.DEnSEE* Wnnt© f'hlne*e Troop* Withdrawn From Ylelnlty of Alllea. Pekin* Nov. ir. The comma Oder-in chief of the international force*, fount von Walder*e\ received Prince fWng and Li Hung Chang, th© Chine*© pear* rom* minion©r*. to-day ai the Imperial palace. Von \Vai<lar©*A demand'd that the Chi need troop* b© withdrawn from lh© vicini ty #f the territory oreuplrd by the Hilled force*, adding that if thl* wae done th© d.*pat oh of military ©xpedl’lona by the allies would be discontinued PA 1 MENT OF THE tkOBMHITY. Df|tatlr Appointed to Aaeertaln Dm mage to Hlmloiw. t'anton. Nov. 17.—The American consul here ha* l**n notlffed that the board of rrronatrurtlon hs lH*en ortlaied to pay HO.OfiO a* the flr*t Inatalment In eettl mrr.* t>f Anwrltwii claim* All the conmila ere preying for lielem* nlty for th© de*troy'* ml©aiona. A *i© - cll dejwity ha* l>een a|*p°*htegi for ©a<-h dintrtet to ©je.Unat© the .iamag© done. th Oilnre apfiarently reoitsing fht *©ttle ment of the claim* J© the only method of ridding Canton of foreign gunboat* A fire he* occurreil here, which 4le ©troyiMl betweefi 200 end g 0 hotjsea. UMDBIIft VHE I MIEH ARRMT. Hard Hoad Ahead f the High Anti tlk 4tttctala. Ix>rdon. Nov. 17.—A new* agency dle potch from Shanghai *ny* Princ© Tuan 1* under arie*t at Nlghsla. province of Shan SI, that Gov. Yu Helen ha* been arreeted at Plnan. near Sian Fu. and that Hheng. the dlralor of t* legraph* and rallronda, ha* memorialised lh* throne denouncing Yu Helen. The dispatch add* that an edict 1* ex pected condemning Yu HMen to death. Hire Shipment* *fnppel. Shanghai. Nov 17—The viceroy* of th© Yang t*e region have stopped the ship ments of lh© trlbtlM of rice to Btan Fu. being afraid that lh# allies would it©r- C*P< them. The court, It Is evident, will proceed to Chen Tu. French Design* Are PVwred. Hong Kong, Nov. 17 —Th© Chin©#© offi cial* aver that n cert sin power ha© de manded leave to piece troops upon a hill overlooking Canton. No foreign author ity A-ontlrm* the aeaertton. but th© Can lotumv continue to fe;tr French designs upon tl© city. KILLF.D 11% Ml* •OX-i-LAW. Hon. W. F. Mattox ha* %hot Down Aear Flhrrton. fin Elhvrton. ('<• . Nov. 17.—At Hranlmont, twvlva roil*** baton Elbarton, this aflsr noon. Hon YV. K. Mastox was *ho arol kills.! by his son -In4a w, J. H. Jones.. Jr. No particulars have a.n ohta.neff except that they were shootlnx at earh otlter Col Mattox was about <77 years of ae, anti ha.- I*>nfc bt-en one of the moat prom inent men In his sertlott of the state. TWII 1 1.1.10 w Fin Kit FABBS. But FrosA Has Believed Apprehra • lon In Mlaalaalppl. Jackson. Mias., • Nov. IT.—The State Bonn! of Health bar received official no tire of two caa of yellow fever anitl on Hoard of Health has receive*! official no- Lincoln county, about sixty miles from this eity. The fatal can# was that of L F. Middleton Pr H A, Gant. pre-ldenA of the hoard, returned to-nlzht front a trip of lnve*tl- Cation, but was unable to trace the source of Infection Owing to the fact that saverol he ivy frosts have occurred throughout the etate, no apprehension Is felt. TIIRF.K AIBHII AYS KILLED. 8010 Men AlnHr an Attack and 100 of Them Wets Slain. iMnr.lla. Nov. 17.—Two hundred bolomsn with fifty rifles, attacked Buaaon. Island of Banay. Oct. to. The Americans lost thras man ktllaA-Lleut. H. M Koor.ts. Sergeant Kltch acd CorpL Burns—all of Com par, y F, Forty-fourth infantry. The enemy loot one hundred killed, twenty-one wounded and twenty prisoners SENSATION IN PARIS 4 ill XT I*l7 4 IIHXI I.IFH MI4T %MI Kll 1.1. I HIM U 11*13. PARTIES WERE PROMINENT. Mil; WA* <4>Ml>. PIIOM % MlX'© A IT AM I MIMI. Ilnd Ttirrr Onh In 4 Him n* n I-rjiul lilt ler 4 smut hiial 4 ll*l ll* ••* %‘ynrled—Hr Whb .Is iilimi* nml ki>|H %% Nl*h I pun Hrr %lo%enrti|H <— 11l llr 4 onnl iinl III* VI Ife llrtuiig lu I'ronilnrnl I'antllle*. rrl*. Nov 17 (’mint k (*Amull©r thl* afternoon *urjmeel In * f* , t‘i* deC'ornuiliT. vlaHlrtg the .ipnrimetite >f n genliemnn on <h- l<m b* lTov©n< * Tli© * m m©i ih© o *on ih© wav and flrnl thr**© *!• nt hrr Bh© diesl >n her aay to th© h- -j :t ! Th© Oount w * arr©* * I the family |* a prominent one. Th© Fount * hro:h©r in ah rm> anl th© Fount l© us*.| known in t - nich*?* r.irl*lnn ooclety. He l 4 >*.r* of *!• Hl* wife w-•* 31 ytntr* *M She w* fi m©rly M.l- <©n©v.©v* Him iu b* Yin nny. A *ult fsr *©|Mr.ailA ws© pending! between the Fount and F >uiteaa. The ©hooting of lh* .mm. the Fount nni hi* wife vm < promim-fit >y known The Fotitvt©aa w.- . va * >m.i r of iMiUßual Nauay. and eh** w.ih often ©eett at tii#A th* at* r*. ra •* iwitm and th©r rciiort© freqil©tit-A) by tin elite of Fill* Hh© wa© a daughter Fotutl !*• VS*iiiuty, whoa© family )* hlgltly r -.•* • t**l She waa vnnrrl©l to Fount Fhgrle* si*- Fornti lifr fourt•-©n >ear* .ig*. and m<e cd*il dr©n ar- the r©*tilt of th© unlor., the eld e*t of whom ia 13 >nr* of age MnrrlMue \\ m * lliha|ipy. The nktirrigg© proved an unnappy one and acting up A th© advi> © of h©r fat: ©r ih© aeparateti from her hugband four >-©ai ago and h.ul *in © lived in a private horn© at Aul©ull R©< ©ntly a de cree WH r©nd©r©d giving her po*c**k>n of the 'hl It©n. The oonm tk©n ingan ki typlonag© and ll*B*over©l that the . .un !©*► frequently vblted M Leroux. >n© >f h r former a imiter*. Oount •!© claimed that a wm mail tilted ty tn© ''tuple, lu|( the b**n In for mat lon I* that VI L*rrsiix a* to.i i* th* . gal advl*©r of the count©**. It I* *tjt©.| that her * Y©*t©rday th© count watched M le roux'* h me, but the Fount©** did not pay a vl*|t to h*r advlm-r To-day rinding her larwlau before M Leioux’* door, the Fount •©crated |iim*lf on th© Piatrwav. and w ren th© Fount©** descend* <f. without ; word, fired three time*, each hot taking effect Ilia wife never roga n©d ©oymu'lou*- n*a* after th© ehtvnlng. dying In the am bulanc© whb h waa Mirnmonel to take her to the hospital The (Toutit wh* exceedingly calm upon •urrenderlng hitnrelf, paying *T did It. I am her huetumd " ll© wa* th© flr*t to give aid to hi* wlf© *fter *h© fell, and <*k©d thnt rr!©t be sent for. lie aexerted that he did not Intend to kill her. but wantl to cr*at© a ftogndal. WARRiXTI UKIIE DHURD, Vint Urn 1 ork 4smin It 11 n g llmu© Are Mill Wide Open. New York. Nov 17 >Dl*tr ©• Attorn© Gardiner, to w hom Mayor Van Wvc ~ U|wxi th© re'Hpt of Dl*ho;i Pott©r'* antl vlc© leit©r, directed a communlcal on re queuing that etepA U t*k n by the 1H •rl *• attorney'* ofTV © t Mippre*’* the vii-tous coniltiotai exHtlng on the Fa.**: Hid© In the “Red light" district, to- i v •©cured fifty warrant*, returnable to morrow 00l tardln*r'* oa*l*tant* *ecured IRQ warrant* when Hup*. M* 'ul agh uhmtt ted hi* ©vl4en< * and affld.ivit again*! th© dloorderly rnort on tin fciaNt Hide. \vhi* h r©*ulted In thr© am i* In Hpeaklng or lh© crueud* . Col. Gardi ner *.ild: "We will *t:irt ©her*- 111* hop Totter *ay* thing* are In trtnh h bo.I way on the Kn*t Hid© and then. If n© •© ©ary, the reform will take In other jKirta of th© city. They ir© m-4rzl pretty badly now on th© Foot bide *lnc© my d*>t©oitve* have turned their attention hi that direct loti The rxioiroom* ond gambling bou*©* were o|*n a* umial to-day, uivlkturM by th© wide a<K©ril©m©n( of the Tam many cnAuide aguinat vice. The only seeming effect of Iht publici ty that ha* been given t. Mr. Froker'* declaration. won that doorke©i©r* In th© best |oti>til*'*l r***jrt* for le ttlng on th© ra< ©* performed their duty In mgiHhlnx more than th© per functory manner that ruled earlier In th© week, .xn'l |Miirona who were not known had to g*> through th© form of watlafylng the guard* before being admftt**! No peraon who htid nv>n y and the wl*h f bet fourxl any real difficulty in placing wager*, however, and th© down-town pool room* wero more thftn ordinarily busy. The down-town gambling h< retry all of which ar© known - “'lay gam . * anl w*hk’h are closed a *hort tlm© aft**r butdn©** In th© trad© • eotera M auapan-iel, were open In the afternoon. In t- © gam bling ©*tabHahment of th© T©- d* t oln. and hotel district. It wa* *ld that t <t was no Idea that a gneral ri sing would he orslyre'l. nnd ln*erf©f©nca by th* pwl e wa* fsot anticipated. OXLY T 4 I* % % Ills IIKRPKCTM. Foret* Hm Entered Into no Xegntla tloitto Wltli Hn>. Washington. Nov 17.-Hcnor Forea. the Nicaraguan minister, wntti to-day as to report* that actual negotiations for anew canal treaty had begun, ©aid there wa** no warrfn: for irurh *tat**m©nt; that no such negotiation* have h©©n begun hare cr mi Managua, nor ar© they a* pres ent contemplated ■ HD call* car He ret ary Hy ihus far hav© been solely for th© purl**© of presenting hi* re*pacta Mr Cm©* dlsmlattra th© r*t*ort that h© Will propooe the oale of a waterway right of way to the United Htate* for $5,(0).- OUO. ami C4*rtaln annual rentals H© say* no such plan ha* aver taken f rm. and what 1 to be 'lon© wMI depend upon the action of Congress, and the *r->*equent negotiations which may h© entered Uf*>n. VIRUIMAH rOXCTITI TIOX. special tesslon of the ALrfUUtxr* Wll| Be Held. Richmond. Va., Nov 17.-Oov Tylar o-day Issued a proclamation calling tha general Assembly to meet In extra ses sion J an. 2J. to make arrangement# for i*odin* a constitutional couveaifcor GIGANTIC RAILROAD DEALS. It <• \ur||icrn I’m’lflt’ uni! '>thrr I inr• \\ ill i*nton I ndar ( imlrul •if Isrrßl Xorlhrrn. N©w York. Nov. 17 Th© Mail and Rx I*ma to-dav prints the fciktwkif Qlg-intlc railroad deals Involving th© Northern Pa‘inc Great Northern and I’ll* |ol T A‘.fl • a .i the '•*.© hat *l. and the Atch ison awl Humbert* T.xctffi* systems •* th© .. her hanl h.i\e Juwt been comjdeted and will *h-rty be announced Thi* statement i* offV laity ma le hv one of the highest exesnitlvs official* of th*’ Northern 1* ilk lltii.ii al. w o a*im hi* ompsny is alvwit to im* under the control of the Great Northern. t< <vrd,ng to I;u* litng iierist)e| p.uii of J.iiuew J Hi.l Tresident lltl) f tl.* ilreat Northern. .1* tuiK in *4mw* harnHMiN with J Tier* ptmf khirgnu. %vhc* r th© chief t.. tor in th- managimrit* of to* Northern To-111 and It is for the pur|wse of putting through the htg mm >|iitloii that th* Northern Tnelflo voting trust h<* N*-n ilpwolve.l * There !• to be no 'rn*olrUttion or Ic.n tug of one prg*rt\ to another, for MeaarK fit!! and Morgan recognise ttiat the laws f certain \V©* ern states would not permit of *u*h a tiling Mt Morgan an.l Mr 1111 l N*tlng with the Deutsche Tank of Hcrlln. which ha* always Im ti i latge own *i of Northern I’aclftc sto-k. la\e IKto led flu r interest- in Northern Taciflc st.© k and have r© * rtly greatly adtled to thr holding* of Northern To* lit* atMirea, ui il they now hiv© a rn.J*rity In the gr*ot pool Thl* D t* i*e turned over to the Great Nor?hern, giving the latter control of it* rival Th*- Great Northern, It i* believed, will pay for th© hug© block of Northern T.iclfli St> k by tl>© Issue of tww Great Northern stock, or by means of pew wH’urrtlt!* yet t* lie determliMd. i;%htiii)l ikk ix tiM./.t t:is%. t iinto©• ntid MetoMlfs of the Reeeal Irirrr Hh*liiiH Ip. Washington. Nov 17.* dMior IMlido. Venesualan charge and affaire*, hoe received details of the recent dlsnsfroua sarth qmke which visited Caracas. Home 100 huiktlng* collapsed, the tower uf the university and several ehtirch spires fell, and the government building* were more or ire* damaged A large part of the (population I* now living in tents. The Ameri'sn ogntU*n w.* Injured be yond repair, and tin* Anierbnn ©harg© faffair**. Mr. Russell, i* tein|M>rarlly es t.iMlsned in a summer house TrtwUlent (’astro was in the %'ellow Hons*. -orr©sp*Midiiig with ir Whit© House, at th© time of the disturbance, and Jump©*) from a front window, in juring an ankl© and *'ts?alnlng a shock Tut the department of ata© advlstM Mr Tnlldo that ofi Nov 3. fur days nft©r th© calamity, th© rrcatdrnt practically had recovered Th© tow na around f>ira ca also iwiffered severely, some of them being almost destroyed The cause of the earthquake !• wttrlh nted in Venesueta to v#kw<Ue action **n the Island of Ht Vincent In the West In dies. Th© seismic dlsiuf bailees ©op tin usd for several days after the main shock, aiwl **ause*l great terror am* tig tha pro- XICAH %(•! A IHHTE FIVOIIKO. • t ennl t omniisalnn \% 111 lleemnend It to 4 nngrrto. Washington, Nov 17 - The Isthmian Fnna) < * euinl>©l< n 1* hurrying s.’ong th preparation of th© preliminary statement of the results of Its summer inquiries Irv to the canal poesi hllTies of the Isthmus, and It w • sold to-day that the r©(frt will Im ready for mibtnlssion to Fongr©** <hi the ftrsi day of th© session. Much da tailed w<rk of an ©nglnoerlng character remains to 1© done. The commission n*w has a itrty sta tion* l on the river. In Colombia, taking soundings lo complete the data as to the Tatuima <anal route, and three score men at least are engaged In making boring* on the Nicaraguan route. Tut the data they will collect la not necessary for the us© of Fongress. The r©|*>rf will dismiss nil b?it the Nlc ar.ig ta at <1 T.inama routes from further con© Me rat I on. and it la understood will recommend the form©r route. 1114. 1.l x MOTTMM. • t llnatllr I ••natrnefeil Fitnntlallnn Milks Nix Int'kea. Beaufort, B C., Nov. 17—On# of the three hu*t> 13-Inch tallbre <HiM|>f>ear|nß ooaat tlsfrnse auns. moutitl on Fort Fre-monL at laiiHt'a Entl, near here, has settie.l some six Inches. The xtin and rarrloxe weigh over 1(0 tons and the foundations Mfsai which tliey res was erected under the supervision of troverri rm ttt enxtneers. the work twin* rushed to completion during the recent war with HlMtlri. The task of raising the huge Wca[mn to Its correct pwHlon and strengthening the defective founlti.lon ta now In progress. WILL WteLroMK Kit It.KB. The lioer Deleaalea W ill Meet film at Hnrselllea. I’arls. Nov. 17.—Dr. Leyds and Delegates VYolmarans. Fischer and, Wcssel, reached I-arl* to-day. This evening they held a conference at the Hotei Scribe, where ex. President Kruger will stop. They leave In the morning for Marseilles Mr Kruger. ■ hey say, will land at 10 o'clock in the morning and will In I’arls next Friday. WILL DKI-OIM LATK TOWJU. Kitchener Wsnts to Get Trass, vaalers Out of the Way. Durham Now. 17.—The Natal Mercury reports that land Kitchener haa decided to "depopulate the towns in the Trans vaal, owing to Ihe difficulty of dealing wtth the republicans when hampered by the civilian tvpulatton.’* A llresseentrsita Policy, Ixtndon. Nov. 17.—1 t Is understood here that the statement of the Natak Mercury means that Lord Kitchener will depopu late the small lowna and concentrate their populations In tha large towns, otherwise following out a reconcentrado policy, Boars Badly Catt Ip. Blostnfonteln, Nov. IT.—The Boers heav ily attacked the railroad at Edanburg. Nov. It (Thursday! It Is reported that tha Boers were compketely rut up. One report has M that seventy-live of tha par ty wart killed or wounded. DAILY $1 A YEAR t’ENTH A COPY " I EKI.Y 2 Ti.Mhh A WEKK.It A TEAR WASHINGTON IS GAY 4t*-.TT|>. N! W)\ I u|| l iff. f. \ | HI K. I X4# i| 4>X4.||K*a. PRESIDENT'S NOTED DINNERS. HiViJ IG i X Moil t \ITA9IYV) l\ XllU X IX 11, \HI. Xdtnie In4errs4ing 4 ©rrnitmlra, |*- rluillttu 4lie Inn ••uiirii l4 tin. % r © n lh© T*|U fr Hi© i urri-Hl I<*shni. Sm, © *f Ih© *©••••!'• hrbutsnlfto. % U Mtoliliik4‘l* Modlsi© V* ho Ills©* lrinia f>r 4 u4nmrrt—lniUtnsllun In Mi©rntnn Fa Mill >. W, i ngtCMi. Nov 17 Wuahingtnn is in a whirl of preparation. Wluit with Gia c-n\' i lng of Foitgr©**, th© (’©niennui nivd th© iniuguraUan th©r© is l:ttio leisure for pairtoii work* is In Ihla city. lii© NMt-rnbluic of 4 OiiKre-4 Ir iha sig nal for th© gr©>t wlal <q>©iung that in* augur (• th*- fame i “offinal t parti©||t in shkh the wealth and ruliurv of th© l’nlt**l fin k to tha 4im4lofwil • iptuij Thia nl** nlivg promises to Ik* brlltkmt in th© ©xtrem© a* it Is un d©n*toHl that Tre|<)©t!t M* Klnlry will gt\© fn*** r*m 1< h’a h<'*p|tabi© Instincts as on© of th© runilii of his r©r©nt vic tory. Tha pr©* id©rvtL! family iia** -•( lluh©l alrendy i r©pu'( kn for th© giving of larger litiii©t> tii,*ji hav*- • burnt©rlxad any admitvistrutkin *n*l now, uf ©r th* str'wi of w ir ;imt th© uiwert.infl©s of ilia *aiii|Ml*n. th© Whit* Hour* r in witnssa ;i iu© ' -■'•©ii f m* ©in©rtliMti*‘tHi*. Tha fiimmis Ik-wry din ©r ih sold t have oat ilm l*n sdlt-iu and ihn* given in honor of Trine© Albert and Ilrlgian must hav© ©©m a slmll r am*>unt Kvsfi tliooa ffgrir©* will b© ©©lipwed in th© hospital!- (l©s of M©K*nl©y's a©oond t©rm. Th© Pr©sl>l©r>f la In fin© physical condi tion for (tie tint I©- ami pl©imir©s of hla offi©©. Kv©ry morning, in romtMiny with •*niS friend, h* takt* an iiour'ii ©onatl lutlonal tn th© gr> *4uth of tha Whit© If mis©, and with hxil and t-houkl- r thrown hack.*:©fmcar with abuoyaflVjr atnl *p©©d that would put m uiy u > oiingwr man to blush. M -Kitdcj'n working day avaragra flft© ii hours and h© aiqiaara w©M aid© t< ©ndtif- tha strain. Th© pubd rerrptkMia al th© V\ nit© Hou hav© iw©n rrsurn© 1 and a© usual l hi) Treatdftnt braika ail prttloia hand shak ing r© onis By actual count, ha grasps hundreds of hands at ih rata of out p©r sa *nd The offl nl wci Id ha* h©gtin Its rsvo lutionii and most of tha trornln©nt famt l©s sr ©s:ubbshsd tn town. Tfts rrcmbwrs of tha diplomatic oorpw ar© ffrut this yosir to obrerv. th© formolitls of th© regular season and many bos ©.*© of the eml>a#- sirs arui legations ats fouud at horns upon thslr reception days. 4 wniinit l ©rrmiiilra. Th© cententilal celebration, Dsc. 10, pro mise* to bs a ififliliant success. It will la •*f national character. tl© g*rvrnors of # the VarbfiUe sMies art to |Mirt|cl|;s and preparations of an e.ulioiule n.tture ara In progress. Ir aiiguraiior, March the fourth, will dif fer from all other inauguration* of tha ptitot twenty years a M--Kin.ey Is tho first Tresidsnt In Hull time to iucoswl himself, Th© <©r©rnony will b© lacking In tha hcart-b.©iking i.ic:<kntA thal ntromrany tt© departure <*€ .• retiring President's family from th© White House ami ‘lire usual Interest in an s chief -x©-uilvs and cablael will bt missed. To . *ani©n *ai© f r this, however, will b© the ©ass .in I Finn.Ferity with nth la! ©Uquotta with which the second administration ceremonies wl'.l )• conduct'd, and ih© tie- Ughtfuk atotoda; fcKding tqon wh! h old friend* will meet to nmk© noteworthy th# m> lai lecord of th© McKinley regime. Th© great pfSbiog regarding the csr©- moni© of March next is where to hold Hi© uuiug unit lon hall. Tu* Den Mon build ing, which haa (torn ths scene of this furu'iloii for several years, was found up on .McKinley's first Installation, lo be much u*> limited in space for th© throngs that desire to atten*! the ball. Next March ih© spar© will l© ©ven less owing to th© growth of th© hiiredu's business, and It Is imperative thnt more commodious accommodations l>e provided. As there D no other building available, th© one solution of the difficulty seem* to h© ths erection of a special building for iha holding of the hail. Worn© ol Ihe Hehnlanlra. Fhlef Justice Fuller's youngest daugh ter Is amom; thl Reasons debutantes and *h© and Justice M 'Henna's daughter are lik©ly to Ih* th © greatest r*** ipi* nt* of of ficial favor* among th© bud* of th© win ter Misr Fuller, lik© her sisters, has that peculiar charm in which beauty <toas not figure, but which constitutes her a would still 1h seen of m©n, and If aha were banished to the Hahnra lkrssrt, men w*uld spring up as pletitlfully as gmins of sand. She is fatally and Irre sistably attraotlv© aid jh© women admit and wrdl© tlu-y fall to understand. Two of Miss Fuller s sisters have been divorced, hut the last one jo marry made a genuine love match which has resulted most happily. Th© present Mliw Fuller Is highly a urn pi iff)* 1 having spent sev eral years abroad, and she Is. expected to le s sot'*la I success Miss McKenna on the other hand. Is a pronounced beauty *<nd sh© managed (o se© a griod ileal of society last winter, thottgh *h© attended th© Convent at Georgetown Ib-lng a day Set tolar. It was pOßstble for her to i>© present at many of her sisters' teas and receptions, and tli© numier of dances this attractive young lady attended was evidence of her popularity. As usual there I* a long list of huds, and most of them will he on dress pa rods for the first tim© it th© Bachelor's tea that has been Ih© event of Thanksgiving Day for several ystirs. Modiste I* a Wiser. Hoc let y Is loud voiced and open moutii ©<l over th© rumor current in town that a new social evil has been discovered and < •• much in need of the informer's sickle. It has been said, and even printed, that one of the fashionable modiste* hsa learned the art of mixing and a*qulred a fashion in mixed drinks, this accomplishment adding much to the pop ularity of her establishment and being r©- sponslble for numerous extra visits paid by fashionable women who ordinarily re bel st ths frequency of dress fitting ap pointment Th| Is certainly a novelty In the efrernocn refreshment line and may have been suggested to ths dress maker by one fashion frequented Turkish bath on Connecticut avenue where women de light to assemble. While there Is no reg ular cafe connected with the eetabllsb (Contlnued on Fourth Psge.J